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Theme Of Capacity
Although the book can be said to have a multitude of themes, these are encompassed within the
central idea of Tenacity. Braun received strict parenting from his father, who pushed him to do his
best without promising a reward and encouraged him to look past his window sill. He also gained
perspective on the world through his grandparents, who survived the Holocaust, fleeing to America
in hopes of a better life for them and their children. From childhood and all the way to adulthood,
this different mindset seeded within him was the base for his desire to look beyond his own comfort
and into how he could make an impact on the world. Braun relied on this mindset when he struggled
to maintain a stable job while also pursuing his dream to help
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Carrying Capacity In The United States
The problem is that people don't know how to properly sustain a population at their carrying
capacity. Some places have met their carrying capacity but most places haven't. The places that have
don't know how to make the best of what they have for the amount of population they have to care
for. We also have places that have run out of the resources necessary to sustain a population of their
current size. I am involved in this because the United States has to sustain their current population in
a smart way so that it can sustain it for longer and if it ever reaches carrying capacity. It already
tends to overshoot its resources. What I do or don't do every day can affect how much of the
resources around me I am using or waiting. My ecological
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Capacity Strategy Of Alden Products
| Capacity Strategy of Alden Products, Inc. | Submitted by Varsha Advani (11349) | | | | | Capacity
strategy should embody a mental model of how a firm works in a given industry and geographic
region. There are a series of assumptions and predictions about the log–term behaviour of markets,
technologies, costs and competitor's behaviour. Such a model would include the following factors: *
Predicted growth and variability of demand for the firm's products and services * Costs of building
and operating different sized–facilities * Likely rate and direction of technological evolution *
Expected behaviour of competitors * Anticipated availability, capabilities and costs of external
suppliers The ... Show more content on ...
In terms of sizing of capacity increments taking into account scale considerations, the company
should attain long term economies of scale. This scale refers to the economies that arise from using
one large facility rather than a number of smaller ones. This often results in savings because the
processing capacity is roughly proportional to its interior volume and its cost is more closely related
to the surface area in terms of where the materials and labour hours are concentrated. We also know
that though there is a growth in demand, variability exists across different countries. Greater the
variability, there are chances that there would be a greater amount of underutilized capacity and at
this stage opening a new plant in a different location altogether could make the entire scenario
vulnerable. Drawbacks of not opening a new plant in Southern Europe are as follows: * Loose an
opportunity to tap a lower cost labour market * Reduction in transportation costs had a new plant
come up in Southern Europe * Would not be able to offset the protectionist sentiment in both France
and Italy However, if we do an analysis of the options provided based on the cost and complications,
Land cost | Dfl. 500,000 per hectare | Dfl. 4 million per hectare | Equipment Cost | Cost same for
both |
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Spongebrapswok Analysis
What is your IGN?:SpongeBobRapsGod
How old are you?:13 in a week 14
Current rank:non
Do you have a microphone?:Yes
What country do you live in?:USA
What timezone do you live in?:EST
What languages do you speak fluently?:ENLGISH PASHTO
Do you use Skype?(Don't post it here): Yes
What can you bring to the Staff team?: I am amazingly develop for my age and know such a variety
of sorts of hacks. Numerous players know me, and I am to a great degree dynamic in diversion and
on the TeamSpeak. I am interested in any individual who needs assistance, as helping somebody is
one of my most loved things to do. In the event that you ask anybody my identity, I am certain that
they will let you know I'm an exceptionally decent individual who is to ... Show more content on ...
I am likewise exceptionally dynamic on the server and would quite often be on teamspeak prepared
to individuals in the event that they required it. Additionally I am to a great degree full grown for my
age and know such a large number of sorts of hacks. Numerous players know me, and I am to a
great degree dynamic in amusement and on the TeamSpeak. I am interested in any individual who
needs assistance, as helping somebody is one of my most loved things to do. On the off chance that
you ask anybody my identity, I am certain that they will let you know I'm an exceptionally pleasant
individual who is greatly useful. I am smart to the point that my cerebrum was actually too
enormous for my head when I was pretty much nothing, however that is settled at this point.
Actually, I am in the majority of the distinctions classes at my school and am ensured to be in them
one year from now. I am top dog in band and have been to a field trip for a distinctions class in
which I made it in light of the fact that I was one of the main five understudies in my class. I
likewise have gotten understudy of the month and a declaration of fabulousness. I additionally am a
decent craftsman, and my folks say that my drawing ability skirted an era to me. I am a decent
individual that has
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Carrying Capacity
Carrying Capacity "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do anything about it" (Albert Einstein). In our world today
people are ignorant. Humans use their imagination too much and their brain too little. Also, people
don't do anything to solve their problems because we think nothing could go wrong, we expect
others do fix everything. That is where we're wrong. Today lots of people are saying the world won't
reach a carrying capacity, but I disagree. I think the world will reach its carrying capacity before
2100. This will happen for many reasons: Natural Disasters, Wars, too little ... Show more content
on ...
This means that a lot of people are not getting the stuff they need. The rates of people who don't get
enough to eat is skyrocketing. People are becoming homeless because of competition on jobs and
much more. Everything is getting more expensive and some people can't afford what they need. The
website tells us about how there is enough food on this earth for everyone to get a
good meal. So what's stopping us? Greediness and expensiveness. Today we have one big problem;
Natural Disasters. Everything else is kind of preventable and fixable, but not Natural Disasters, they
are indomitable and inevitable. We have: Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Volcano Eruptions, Earthquakes,
Hurricanes, Monsoons and much more. Global Warming has affected us too. Lots of things effect on
us, but it's not the effect it has, but how it affects our ability to get over it. When a big tornado hits
and kills a lot of people, what do we do? We let it get a hold on us; fear takes over and we scramble
for our only chance hope. We hide. So after a big storm happens and lots of people are killed we still
don't do the big thing. We don't help. Some people like the Red Cross and other Organizations, help
the people in need, but a lot of people still stay in their cushy lives. They don't help them. If we can't
help them over the inevitable, than how can we help them with things we can
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Difficulty Of Measuring Social Carrying Capacity
Difficulty in Measuring Social Carrying Capacity Introduction
The growing interest in sustainable development in the tourism industry has accelerated the experts'
concern about the social and biophysical effects of tourism. In this context, the carrying capacity is
deemed to evaluate how the tourism development sustains local communities and their cultural and
environmental circumstance at a specific tourism site. This evaluation is getting more and more
importance, as the researchers, or perhaps the planners and executors of tourism development fear
the committing resources to specific uses in the modern world of growing scarcity.
Defining Social Carrying Capacity
Social carrying capacity has been defined as "... the maximum visitor density at which recreationists
still feel comfortable and uncrowded" (Weaver & Lawton, 2014). It also involves the reaction of the
local people to the tourist development of the place. Thus, it must be a measure of crowding
tolerance. It implies that if no additional changes or improvements in the tourism facility are made,
the visitor numbers start to decline beyond the density a site can afford. It means that this measure
should never be negative. Mostly the social carrying capacity is influenced by factors such as the
recreational infrastructure, visitor attitudes, and socio–cultural norms (MacLeod & Cooper, 2005).
Difficulty faced in Measuring Social Carrying Capacity
Saveriades (2000) stated that among all the types of carrying
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Capacity Inventory Essay
The capacity inventory was used to interview Kallie Parsons, the department head for the City of
Billings Crime Prevention Center. Mrs. Parsons provided me with the opportunity to run the new
graffiti clean–up program and has offered to help out as much as she is able. Based on her answers
to the capacity inventory it was easy to see why she is employed as a supervisor of a governmental
department that handles several different community service projects for our community. The three
skills she identified as doing best and the skills she believed were good enough for other people to
hire her included, planning work for other people, directing the work of other people, and filling out
forms. She likes teaching people how to plan and direct ... Show more content on ...
This project will involve quite a few volunteers. Some people may have knowledge and skills in
regards to cleaning up graffiti. Others may have great people skills, allowing them to easily get the
word out about this new community service. I have organizational skills, which will help me
coordinate the volunteers, as well as, find the best way to make everything run as smoothly as
possible. There may be others who can give a new perspective on how everything should be
organized, therefore, improving the process even further. The capacity inventory can be used on all
the people on my community project to quickly identify the best people for each and every task.
Although I can see how this may become a cumbersome undertaking. I would probably reserve the
capacity inventory for a few key players or volunteers that I may not know very well. In turn, a
compilation of inventory available in the community can also be used. For instances, supplies will
be needed to clean graffiti off of buildings. Without taking an inventory of available community
resources, important details, such as forming partnerships to obtain supplies at cost or even for free,
could be
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The Heat Capacity Of A Calorimeter
According to the New World Encyclopedia, a calorimeter is an instrument used to measure the
amount of heat absorbed or released by matter through a physical or chemical reaction. The world's
first ice calorimeter was used by Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre–Simon Laplace to determine the heat
produced during various chemical reactions. Their experiments set the foundation for
Thermochemistry. Improvements in technology create room for other types of calorimeters such as
the brand calorimeter, isothermal titration calorimeter and X–ray micro calorimeter.
Following in the steps of Lavoisier and Pierre–Simon, an experiment will be conducted on the heat
capacity of a Styrofoam calorimeter in comparison to a brand calorimeter. Water shall be used first
because of its known specific heat and the experiment will be repeated with HCL (Hydrochloric
Acid) and NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) in hopes to calculating the specific heat of the reaction.
In this experiment, two Styrofoam cups and a brand calorimeter are each used to calculate heat
transfer. The results will be compared to see if the something as simple as a Styrofoam cup can be
used accurately as a calorimeter and produce efficient results. Using hot and cold water, the
Styrofoam cup and brand calorimeter will be used to determine the heat capacity. By using the mass
of the water, specific heat of water and the change in temperature, the heat capacity will be
determined. The brand calorimeter and Styrofoam calorimeter
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Capacity, Process Flow and Bottlenecks
Quinte MRI, Inc. is a small international provider specializing in a variety of medical technologies
including MRI. Quinte MRI's founder, Dr. Syed Haider believes that the residents of smaller
communities deserve the same level of health services as the residents of the larger urban centers.
Quinte MRI is experiencing difficulty in meeting the expectations of 2 scans per hour. As a result,
productivity is declining and they losing the referral of many of their colleagues. The process is
creating a lot of variability and uncertainties that Quinte MRI are dealing with. Solving the issue of
the "bottleneck" will make the operation more effective and manageable. By assuming the role of
David Wright and Kevin Saskiw, I will recommend a ... Show more content on ...
In order to achieve this success, Wright and Saskiw must first identify the bottleneck in the process.
The MRI machine and the time it takes perform a scan is the bottleneck of the process. Each scan
can have different times associated with it depending on the type of scan that will be performed.
This will limit the capacity of the overall process. For example, a scan without contrast will usually
take 30 minutes. A scan that requires contrast will double that time to 60 minutes. According to
exhibit # 2, in order to break even annually, the clinic will have to cover the total operating expenses
of $690,000. That means that the clinic will have to perform 986 scan per year, or approximately 4
scans per day to achieve this goal. Considering that the equipment in the clinic is capable of much
more, this operation should have no problem in reaching and exceeding its goal daily if proper
measures are put into place. Improvements must start at the beginning of the process, as each step in
the process is dependant upon the previous step. One of the goals of the clinic should be in
improving the process flow up to the point that the actual scan will take place. The clinic must also
eliminate much of the variability and uncertainties in the scanning process which is ultimately
making the process difficult to manage. The uncertainties negatively affect work
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Specific Heat Capacity of Water (DCP and CE)
Aim: To determine the specific heat capacity of water by heating water and recording temperatures
at regular intervals.
Hypothesis: (i) P = Q /t (ii) Q = m c ΔT Where, P is the power of the heater Q is the total energy
provided by the heater t is the total time for which the heater was used m is the mass of water c is
the specific heat capacity of water, and ΔT is the change in temperature From (i) and (ii) m cΔT = P
t ΔT = (P/mc) * t This is in the form y = mx + c, where y = ΔT m = (P/mc), and x = t
Therefore, plotting ΔT in the y–axis with t in the x–axis gives us the slope (P/mc), from which we
can find 'c'.
Volume of water = 400 ± 1 cm3? [measured using a ... Show more content on ...
Source: http://hyperphysics.phy–
% discrepancy = (4200–3900)/4200*100
= 7%
Experimental value (J kg–1°C–1)
Confident interval
(J kg–1°C–1)
% Uncertainty
Literature value (J kg–1°C–1)
% Discrepancy
3800 – 4000
The relatively low percentage uncertainty and discrepancy show that the experiment was very
precise and accurate. This means that both random and systematic errors were very low.
However, there is an outlier in the graph, so there was a systematic error for that value of 't'.
According to the hypothesis, the graph was supposed to be a straight line which passes through the
origin. But here, we can see a y–intercept. This means that even when the time was zero, there was a
certain temperature (23.8°C). Here, we know that this is the temperature of the water according to
the surrounding when the heating process had not started. And the value from the graph (23.8°C) is
quite close to the actual observed value during the experiment (26°C). The range of the y–intercept
also includes a value that can be explained with the same explanation.
As mentioned above, the low percentage uncertainty and discrepancy shows that the errors are not
very significant. The errors are listed below along with improvements.
Random errors:
1. Difficulty in measuring temperature – Measuring the temperature while it was rising was a little
tricky as both the time and
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Bank Capacity Planning : Online Capacity Branch Essay
The computerized economy is developing quick and banks are at the cutting edge of this
transformation. Whether a bank is a conventional high–road bank moving more administrations on
the web or is another contestant with a restrictive online nearness, advanced innovation is driving
their business methodology.High–road banks and speculation banks need to put resources into scope
quantification to best center their computerized assets get ready for possibilities and keep all their
channels running easily to ensure the execution and accessibility of administrations to clients. As
clients and organizations in different areas are progressively digitally dynamic, they request the
capacity to associate with banks around the clock, 365 days a year over different channels. For the
advanced client,there is no space for mistake.
Digitization is changing the way people and organizations work and the effect this is having on
banks. Advanced Disturbance, highlights how the coming of the portable gadget has drastically
quickened the pace of progress in the way we bank and how banks connect with clients.
The number of individuals going to branches has dropped by 30% before two years, while nearly
80% of while some 70% of the Karachi banking population now uses some form of online banking
service every month. More consumers are embracing mobile banking via their phone or tablet.
Developments in technology have empowered banks to increase customer
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capacity plan
Capacity planning:
Capacity planning is the process of determining the production capacity needed by an organization
to meet changing demands for its products.[1] In the context of capacity planning, "design capacity"
is the maximum amount of work that an organization is capable of completing in a given period,
"effective capacity" is the maximum amount of work that an organization is capable of completing
in a given period due to constraints such as quality problems, delays, material handling, etc. The
phrase is also used in business computing as a synonym for Capacity Management.
Capacity Planning Classification:
Capacity planning based on the timeline is classified into three main categories long range, medium
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This consideration should extend not just to servers, but to disk arrays, tape equipment, desktop
workstations, and network hardware.
#4: Share plans with suppliers
If you plan to use your capacity–planning products across multiple platforms, it is important to
inform your software suppliers of your plans. During these discussions, make sure that add–on
expenses – the costs for drivers, agents, installation time and labor, copies of licenses, updated
maintenance agreements, and the like – are all identified and agreed upon up front. Reductions in
the costs for license renewals and maintenance agreements can often be negotiated based on all of
the other additional expenses.
#5: Anticipate nonlinear cost ratios
One of my esteemed college professors was fond of saying that indeed we live in a nonlinear world.
This is certainly the case when it comes to capacity upgrades. Some upgrades will be linear in the
sense that doubling the amount of a planned increase in processors, memory, channels, or disk
volumes will double the cost of the upgrade. But if the upgrade approaches the maximum number of
cards, chips, or slots that a device can hold, a relatively modest increase in capacity may end up
costing an immodest amount for additional hardware. This is sometimes referred to as the knee of
the curve, where the previous linear relationship between cost and capacity
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The Values Of Inspiratory Capacity
1. The values of Inspiratory Capacity (IC), Vital Capacity (VC), Functional Residual Capacity
(FRC), and Total Lung Capacity (TLC) were compared to the values of an Adult Female because the
volunteer in the experiment was female as well. The comparison of values showed that the volunteer
had low values of IC and VC but a much higher value of FRC. Factors contributing to these
differences could be due to the volunteer possibly having a smaller lung capacity and lung size
compared to the average female therefore causing the results, or the volunteer did not expire all the
air possible from the lungs and caused skewed results considering the total lung capacity was very
similar to the average female values. The function of Residual Volume ... Show more content on ...
2. FVC stands for Forced Vital Capacity which measures how much gas is expired when a deep
breath is taken and then forcefully exhaled as quickly as possible. FEV1 stands for Forced
Expiratory Volume which determines how much air is expired or breathed outwards during specific
intervals of the forced vital capacity test. The physiological significance of the FEV1 / FVC ratio
can determine the effectiveness of a persons lungs during the turn over of its total volume in one
second. This is important because this ratio can help distinguish between obstructive and restrictive
disorders meaning lung expansion can be determined to be limited or lungs can be hyperinflating
depending on the disorder. 3. A. IRV = 2900, TV = 500, VC = 4400 ERV = ? VC = IRV + ERV + TV
ERV = 4400 – (2900 + 500) ERV = 4400 – 3400 ERV = 1000 ml B. TLC = 6500, IC = 3800, ERV =
1000 RV = ? IC = VT + IRV VC = (IC) + ERV OR VC = VT + IRV + ERV VC = 3800 + 1000 VC =
4800 ml TLC = VC + RV RV = TLC – VC RV = 6500 – 4800 RV = 1700 ml C. TLC = 6000, ERV =
1200, RV = 1200 IC = ? TLC = VC + RV VC = TLC – RV VC = 6000 – 1200 VC = 4800 ml VC =
IRV + VT + ERV VC = (IRV + VT) + ERV VC = IC + ERV IC = VC – ERV IC = 4800 –
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Effective Capacity And Utilisation Capacity Essay
1. Effective capacity And Utilisation Capacity: It is that much amount of the company can perform
during the given time interval due to some constraint like quality issue etc. A. Feb–2014 Factory
Operating Efficiency = 80% Efficiency= Actual Output/Effective Capacity 80%= 241920/ Effective
Capacity Effective Capacity= 302400 Utilisation= Actual Output/Design Capacity Design
Capacity= Days* hours* design per hour = 12* 6 * 1400 = 100800 In Per Week = 100800*4 =
403200 Utilisation= (241920/403200) *100= 60% B. For Feb–2015 Efficiency= (338688/302400)
*100 = 112% Effective Capacity in the Feb–2014 is calculated at 80% of the efficiency, if it had
efficiency more than 80% then also its effective capacity will decrease that will leads to enormous
wastage and sales. Utilisation comes out to be 60% for Feb–2014 Efficiency for the Feb 2015 is
112% 2. Production/ Sales Data SMA MAD WMA MAD Feb–2014 241920 Mar–2014 250084
Apr–2014 258298 May–2014 266562 250101 16461 252558 14004 Jun–2014 274876 258315
16561 260787 14089 Jul–2014 283240 266579 16661 269066 14174 Aug–2014 291004 274893
16111 277395 13609 Sep–2014 298818 283040 15778 285449 13369 Oct–2014 306682 291021
15661 293358 13324 Nov–2014 314596 298835 15761 301187 13409 Dec–2014 322610 306699
15911 309066 13544 Jan–2015 330624 314629 15995 317020 13604 Feb–2015 338688 322610
16078 325014 13674 SMA – Simple Moving
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The Carrying Capacity Of A Tourist Resource
The carrying caapacity studies began during the 1930's (O'Reilly, 1986; Saveriades, 2000), they
were principally developed in the 1960's in the national parks of the United States of America
(McCool and Lime, 2001; Manning et al., 2002).The carrying capacity concept is essentially a
decision making framework informed by the regular measurement of agreed indicators of quality.
The concept of carrying capacity was derived in the early 1960's from range management and was
applied to tourism and hospitality management. It was concluded that carrying capacity is not just
one single notion but an amalgamation of four different carrying capacities which are namely
physical, Ecological psychological and Economical. Ecological carrying capacity relates to the
maximum use of a tourist resource without causing any harm to the environment. Social carrying
capacity relates to the reaction of the local people to the tourist development of the place, which
should never be negative, Psychological carrying capacity relates to the quality of visitors'
satisfaction with a certain tourist destination, which is not to be decreased; Economic carrying
capacity relates to the level of acceptable dependence between the local economy and the level of
the tourist development of a place, which should never become too heavy
"The carrying capacity of any tourist destination, whether it be an historic building, a beach or a
dive site, is not a single figure that can be calculated and fixed. It is a
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Mental Capacity Act
Mental Capacity Act The Mental Capacity Act was passed in 2008 in Parliament so that
Singaporeans can appoint proxy decision–makers before they become mentally incapacitated by
illnesses like dementia or brain damage. The Act, which came into force on 1 March 2010, is
broadly modelled on the UK's own Medical Capacity Act 2005 (Gillespie, 2010) and individuals can
do so through a new statutory mechanism called "Lasting Power of Attorney" or LPA – which
enables adult individuals to prospectively appoint one or more persons they trust, to act and make
decisions in their best interests, in the event that they should lose mental capacity (MCYS 2010).
Many have welcomed it as a timely measure to address the social realities of a fast ageing ... Show
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nutrition, hydration and pain relief? Advance decisions to refuse treatment are not as yet widespread
in medical care, but are undoubtedly encountered more frequently (Cowan 2007). The concept of
what is in the best interest of a person may be new or difficult to appreciate and operationalize.
There will be occasions when the decision–maker might be faced with strong opposition from other
members of the family whose interests may not be aligned. When multiple clients are involved, the
same question arises: who is the primary client, and therein, whose goals should be identified,
clarified, and pursued? This question is especially poignant when differing goals appear to conflict,
as in some cases. There is a need to know whether it is the client's best interests or her rights and
freedoms that ought to be given greater weight and so which ought to act as a constraint on the other
(Herissone–Kelly, 2010). And even when a primary client can be identified, an important
consideration is whether the client's desired decision can be considered when she is mentally ill and
who should be socially responsible for such decision? The holistic approach to the determination of
the best interests of a person who lacks decision–making capacity is further enhanced by the
requirement that decision makers consult with others about care and treatment. (Griffith & Tengnah,
2008). The Act provides a checklist of common factors that must be taken into account before a
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Contrtactual Capacity of Minors
INTRODUCTION Contractual Capacity Contractual Capacity is the legal ability to enter into a
contract. Minors have particular rights and obligations established by the court when it comes to
contracts. Once a person reaches age 18, they are considered a legal adult in every state in the
nation. In addition to minors, other persons are able to avoid contracts. Mentally impaired and
intoxicated people, convicts, and aliens lack the capacity to enter into a contract. A Minor In law, the
term minor (also infant or infancy) is used to refer to a person who is under the age in which one
legally assumes adulthood and is legally granted rights afforded to adults in society. Depending on
the jurisdiction and application, this age may vary, but ... Show more content on ...
It remains a matter of fact, to be determined by reference to the minor's requirements, whether the
goods or services are necessaries. It need hardly be pointed out that this creates a good deal of
difficulty for the supplier who wishes to rebut the minor's plea of infancy with the pled that what he
supplied was a "necessary." Although the concept of enforcing the minor's undertaking to pay for
necessaries was developed "not for the benefit of the tradesman who may trust the infant, but for the
benefit of the infant himself, "it is to be doubted that many adults are encouraged to deal with the
minor solely on account of such elusive tests. The nature of a minor's liability on contracts involving
necessaries remains a matter for debate, and the question is whether the liability is strictly
contractual or arises in quasi–contract. Both views have been espoused in the same case. L.J. said:
"The plaintiff, when he sues the defendant for goods supplied during infancy, is suing him in
contract on the footing that the contract was such as the infant, not withstanding infancy could
make. "Support for this view is found in Roberts v. Gray, a case involving an executory contract for
instruction (thought to be in the class of contracts for necessaries), where damages were awarded for
breach. Fletcher Moulton L.J., on the other hand, held in Nash v. Inman CASE that: An infant, like a
lunatic, is
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Capacity For Empathy
The capacity for empathy allows us to better understand others and to be easier to 'read' their energy.
However, this is a feature that can be harmful, so it is important to know how not to be subject to
other people's emotions and energies.
If you identified yourself as an overly empathetic person, would be good for yourself to take action
that you won't longer be harassed by the things which don't have anything to do with you. It is
important to keep energy for yourself and the people you love and that in their system do not miss
the information, emotion, and energy that you damage and draw strength.
Try to make it through these steps:
When your good mood suddenly changes, when occurs emotions such as fear, pain, sadness, ...
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Imagine a shield around you
When you are in contact with a person who does not suit you or you are in an environment that is
full of bad energy, visualize around you a transparent shield which does not transmit negative energy
and not let other people's negative emotions reach you.
Use the power of water
After a contact with a person who is very negative will be suitable for you to wash down all that
energy from yourself. If you are not able to take a shower, then at least wash your hands. Imagine
how the accumulated negative energy goes far away from you.
Express your emotions
Whatever you feel, it is important to express. Suppressing emotions never brought anything good to
anyone , in contrary, leads only to various diseases. Allow yourself to express concern, fear, anger,
disagreement, or anything else you feel.
Imagine that you are connected to the ground with the pipes through which you send all your
negative energy in the ground, and imagine that you are taking the positive energy from the earth.
This exercise increases the flow of healthy energy in us.
Spend time
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Beck Manufacturing Plant Capacity
Beck Manufacturing & Plant Capacity
Pete Garcia
BUS644: Operations Management
October 26, 2014 Dr.: Gail Hoskyns–Long
Ashford University
Beck Manufacturing & Plant Capacity
In this paper, we will focus on the case study, which discusses about the plant capacity and Beck
Manufacturing. In addition, after reading the case study it becomes evident that we need to help
Beck's Manufacturing, president in making the best decision possible in regards to determining his
facilities capacity. Therefore, we need to note that Beck's Manufacturing is a major producer of
steering gears in the auto industry. Nevertheless, we also need to know how the manufacturing
process is being done, thus allowing us to ... Show more content on ...
Now, let us note that there are 3 machines, thus giving us a total of 2,880 units. In addition, the
Boring represents a 25–reject rate, giving us 58 in units. Nevertheless, if we subtract 2,880 units
produced by all three machines from 58 units, then we will get a new total of 2,822 units.
The Drilling Capacity
The following includes, the Drilling Capacity, which has a run time of 2.5 minutes per piece.
Therefore, this produces a total of 384 units per machine, giving us a total of 960 minutes. In
addition, providing that there are a total of 6 machines, thus giving us a total of 2,304 units. Moving
forward, giving that we know that Drilling has a 75–reject rate, and thus providing us with a total of
162 units. Nevertheless, if we subtract the total amount of units produced from all 6 machines of
2,304 units with the 162 units, this will provide us with a new total of 2,142 units.
The System Capacity In order to find the capacity system, we are able to take the lowest number in
units, of course after the reject rate, which for this case is produced by the grinding with 2,128 units.
Therefore, because we are unable to produce more units due to reaching the capacity mark, or for no
more product to be allowed through in the completed cycle. Thus, the capacity system turns out to
be 2,128 units. "Capacity utilization and machine scheduling also reflect tactical
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Corporate Capacity And Authority
Corporate capacity and authority were essential legal concepts which contained rules for when and
how a company ought to be legally recognised as having validly acted and entered into a binding
contract with third parties. Broadly speaking, the rules which applied to corporate capacity were the
ultra vires doctrine and the doctrine of constructive notice. In regard to the concept of corporate
authority, both the ultra vires doctrine and the doctrine of constructive notice also applied however
their application was curtailed by the Turquand rule. The Turquand rule therefore only applied when
the authority of directors was in question. A definitional overview of the concepts of corporate
capacity and authority will be provided below, along with brief description of the doctrine of
constructive notice and the Turquand rule. The thesis deals with the above concepts and discusses
how the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (the Act) modified the law, particularly, by extending the legal
capacity of a company and extinguishing or modifying the above rules which had previously
restricted a company's ability ... Show more content on ...
For a company to transact with third parties and to enter into valid business dealings there must be a
valid contract concluded in order to create legally binding obligations enforceable between the
company and the third party. For a contract to be valid the company must have the requisite legal
capacity to enter into the contract and the directors or officers representing the company must have
the authority to act on its behalf. Within company law, capacity and authority are interrelated
principles however it is important to note that each is an entirely different and separate legal concept
from the other. Capacity relates to the legal competency and the powers of the company while
authority relates to the power of a company's director or officer to act on behalf of the
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The Concept Of Capacity And Capacity Utilization
1.2 The concept of 'capacity' and 'capacity utilization'
Capacity is very important but least understood concept in manufacturing and business world
(Klammer,1996). Different categories of people in business and manufacturing measure capacity
differently. For example, some financial managers might measure plant capacity in terms of the
equipment installed in the plant while operational supervisors might measure capacity in terms of
worker efficiency. Klein & Summers ,(1996) defined an organization's productive capacity as "the
total level of output or production that it could produce in a given time period". Capacity utilization
is the percentage of the firm's total possible production capacity that is being used. Therefore, an
organization should be most efficient if it is running at 100% capacity utilization. An organization's
full capacity is the minimum point on total cost function, a full input point on the aggregate
production function and a bottleneck point in a general equilibrium system. Full capacity should be
defined as a realizable level of output that can be attained under normal input conditions without
prolonging accepted working ... Show more content on ...
For instance, the existence of excess capacity is often cited as evidence indicating the presence of
monopolistic elements within individual industries. The notion of Capacity utilization is also widely
used in business cycle analysis to characterize the situation of individual industries or whole
economies and to assess the appropriateness of economic policy. It also plays an important role in
econometric models in estimation of the relative significance of the determinants in investment,
imports etc. The concept of 'capacity' relates to output. It is therefore different from concepts
referring to a single factor of production such as the degree of utilization of
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Capacit Capacity
The process analytics simulation that we started in class was an interesting and practical
demonstration and actual application of process flow analysis. The first problem which we
performed in small groups within the class, was laid out very simply as a set of sequential processes,
each with individual characteristics, that are ordered in pre–determined process that when complete,
produces one production unit. The initial concepts demonstrated were those of cycle time,
throughput, capacity, utilization and bottleneck. Cycle time reflects the average time it takes for
units to complete the process once the process gets running. (Leonard, 2007, p. 10). Generally the
cycle time will be determined by the longest process in a sequential flow. Throughput is the amount
of time it takes to complete the first unit. ... Show more content on ...
(Leonard, 2007, p. 11) Utilization is the mathematical calculation of process throughput over
process capacity with the average of the individual process utilization rates being the overall
utilization rate. (Leonard, 2007, p. 18) . The utilization rate was the hardest for the group to grasp
until they effectively understood that the bottleneck, the process that limits the overall capacity of
the system being measured (Leonard, 2007, p. 18), is always the process that is running at 100%
utilization, and all other processes utilization is calculated on the basis of this bottleneck process.
The remainder of problem 1 in the simulation was emphasizing the importance identifying the
bottleneck and calculating the effects of changing the process when you change the bottleneck and
when you change other factors. If you affect the bottleneck than you effect process. If the bottleneck
remains unchanged than the overall efficiency of the process does not
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Aerobic Work Capacity
The direction of our discussion followed the questions very closely. In fact, every member of the
discussion was successfully able to provide some input and some of their own personal experience
in response to every question. We began by discussing the importance of an individual's aerobic
work capacity within athletics, and then we related this importance to its relevance to firefighters.
When I asked the group for personal examples, they were easily able to provide some examples of
how aerobic work capacity has impacted their lives. For example, one member of the group played
basketball for four years in high school. Her head coach constantly emphasized the importance of
their cardiorespiratory fitness, while also educating his players about aerobic work capacity. Aerobic
work capacity can dictate how well an athlete performs, particularly in a high–intensity sport such as
basketball. We spent a fair amount of time going through everyone's personal examples of aerobic
work capacity in their lives, while also remembering to correlate this to the article's discussion of the
importance of aerobic work capacity for a firefighter's performance. We concluded that the article's
findings and results were legitimate and fair. Everyone in the group agreed that aerobic work
capacity is important for firefighters, but also for athletes and workers worldwide. ... Show more
content on ...
Some other professions our group came up with were head coaches and construction workers. Head
coaches need to be able to relay the importance of aerobic work capacity, and how their aerobic
work capacity will affect their performance and playing time. On the other hand, we concluded that
construction workers need to be able to lift heavy object for a sustained period of time, while also
walking and carrying heavy objects throughout the entire
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Energy Markets And Risk : Capacity Assignment
Energy Markets & Risk: Capacity Assignment
Wind is an intermittent energy source; as the wind is not constant, wind turbines do not produce the
same amount of electricity all the time. This causes difficulties as the penetration of wind power
increases, and wind generation become relied upon by the network operator. This report looks at the
impact of wind power on the capacity of a power system to meet demand.
Conventional generation, including coal, gas & nuclear, provides the base load in the UK. These
plants have high reliability, and much of the time spent offline is planned. Wind power however is
reliant on the weather, which is hard to predict average levels more than a couple of days ahead, and
almost impossible for ... Show more content on ...
This dispatchability is important as it allows supply to increase or decrease quickly according to
changes in demand. For example, to ramp up to daily peak load in the evening, or to back up supply
after a fault in another generator.
To ensure that the lights stay on, power system operators need to understand the ability of the
system to meet the demand, known as generation adequacy. Risk indices are used to model the
likelihood that the supply will not meet the demand. Two main measures exist, the Loss of Load
Expectation (LOLE) for the future season, which measures the expected number of time periods that
supply will not meet demand and the Loss of Load Probability (LOLP), used in this report &
generally in the UK, models the likelihood that that the demand at time t will not be met by the
supply at t, the demand at time of annual peak is usually used.
When making decisions on renewable capacity, it can be useful to work out how much conventional
supply can be replaced. Due to the reasons discussed, wind turbines cannot fully replace
conventional generators due to their lack of dispatchability, and their inherent variability. Capacity
Value is a statistical measure of the amount of supply a generator can be relied on to provide, and
makes comparison with conventional generators easier. This report measures the Capacity Value
using the Effective Load
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Auditing And Assessment Of H & M 's Capabilities
Merit 1
TO: The Chief managerial
DATE 11.12.2015
SUBJECT: Auditing and assessment of H&M's capabilities
THE 1st tool that can be used in analysing an industry is Porter's Five Forces.
Porter's Five Forces tool apparatus is straightforward and it comprehends where the force is in a
business. It examinations the qualities of the organizations ' present position furthermore the
qualities of the position the business in moving to.
It is extremely helpful as the business can enhance shortcomings, exploit the qualities and abstain
From settling on wrong choices.
Watchman 's Five Forces accept that there are five strengths that decide focused force inside of
The business. The five strengths are:
Supplier force respects the supplier energy to expand the cost of his item or administration and it
Is driven by the points of interest the supplier has over the business. This can be given by the
interesting of their items and administrations, the expense of supplier switch or the favourable
circumstances this one has over a business. The less the quantity of suppliers of the same items the
higher force they have over the organization.
Buyer power – respects the purchaser 's energy to diminish the cost of the item or administration. It
depends of how vital every purchaser to the organization, what amount is the expense of them is
changing to another organization
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What Is Capacity Planning
Capacity Planning Capacity planning is to be carried out keeping in mind future growth and
expansion plans, market trends, sales forecasting etc. It is a simple task to plan the capacity in case
of stable demand. But in practice the demand will be seldom stable. The fluctuation of demand
creates problems regarding the procurement of resources to meet the customer demand. Capacity
planning is strategic in nature. Capacity is the rate of productive capability of a facility. Production
managers are more concerned about capacity planning because, sufficient capacity is required to
meet the customer demand in time, capacity affects the cost of efficiency of operations, capacity
affects the scheduling system, capacity creation requires an investment. According to Matsson and
Johnsson (2003), the extent of how capable a company is to use its resources to add value is called
Capacity. ... Show more content on ...
Different levels of capacity planning are used at IKEA depending on the time frame of the planning.
Central Mid Term Capacity planning which has a planning horizon of the nearest 1–2 years. Mid
Term Capacity Planning to, for example, plan its capacity of transports, central warehouses and
goods receptions at stores for the nearest 84 weeks. The Capacity need is therefore estimated in
cubic meter, and would be most straight forward to calculate through aggregating forecasted volume
for each article into a total capacity
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Capacity Issues
Capacity issues are something hospitals are facing more and more every day. Patients who have
been admitted wait sometimes for hours up to days for a bed to open up on an inpatient unit. This
delay takes up bed space and resources in the Emergency Department leading to increased delays for
others to be seen. Waiting to be seen is a huge dissatisfier to our clients and can pose a safety risk
when patients are not seen quickly. Situations like the one described above are all too common.
Getting the patient in the right bed is crucial to quality and safe patient care. But what happens when
the "right bed is not available"? Frequently physicians are asked to make assessments and
reassessments as to what the patient needs and to make decisions
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The Mental Capacity Act
This essay will discuss issues that nurses have to consider when caring for a person that either lacks
or have compromised capacity. At the same time, the author will explain important terminology in
the essay such as the meaning of consent, capacity, best interest, Deprivation of liberty, advanced
decisions, risk assessment, including several examples from experience during placement The
author will also discuss the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the Mental Health Act
(1983) and how it protect an adult who is vulnerable and lacks capacity. Likewise, the author will
discuss ranges of nursing interventions, person–centred care, and ethical dilemmas. Due to
confidentiality and according to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2015) the patients in
the essay have been given pseudonyms names. Consent and Capacity Dimond (2009) and NHS
choices (2016) explained consent as the process involving a person giving their approval to accept
or refuse a treatment or interventions, after receiving detailed information from a health care
professional about the risk or benefits of the procedure. In order for consent to be deemed valid, it
needs to be given voluntarily without any influence or pressure from either a family member or
clinician. In addition, the capacity of the person is important when giving consent and the ability to
process the given information and make a decision. Tingle &Cribb (2014) agree, emphasizing that
the autonomy of the person giving
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Lexus and Production Capacity
Submit Files – Week 10 Toyota Production Team Assignment
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Week 10 Toyota Production Team Assignment
Group Category Group Week 10
Group Name Hawks
Team Assignment (W10TA): Planning Production for Toyota North America Lexus RX 350,
Successor in 2007 to the RX 330
Photo courtesy of Toyota Motor Company Assignment Taskings Address the following four
exercises: Exercise 1: Making a Critical Assessment of the Toyota Production System (TPS) Today
a. Demonstrate your team's basic understanding of the TPS by 1)defining in your team's own words
any eight of the terms found at, and 2) applying them to
one or more of your team's own ... Show more content on ...
Each block of 5,000 units of capacity will also cost $5M per year to maintain, even if the capacity is
Assume that the number of units actually sold each year will be the lesser of the demand and the
production capacity. Marketing has provided three vehicle estimated demand scenarios with
associated probabilities as follows:
0.25 a. To maximize profit earned during this period, which production capacity should TMMC in
2000 decide to build – 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, 25,000, or 30,000 cars? Justify your choice.
b. What are the weaknesses or limitations in this analysis? How might they be corrected or reduced?
c. It is now fall 2011. How well has the RX–330/350 actually done in the North American market?
Is its quality rated as high as if it were made in Japan? Do some online research; it's part of
improving your attainment ofInformation Literacy, one of the UMUC MBA Competencies. Exercise
4: Assessment of Toyota's Current Regional Production Strategy
North America, a. After doing necessary
research online or otherwise, document and evaluate the current distribution of Toyota production in
North America. Here be sure
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Evaluation Capacity Analysis
In this portion of the evaluative assignments, there will be an analysis to assess the role and function
of evaluations and processes with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS). ADHS is a
large and complex agency which encompasses many departments, divisions, and offices. As a result,
each component and program collects different data and evaluates their capacities differently.
Therefore, for this evaluation capacity analysis, the program that will be focused on is, the High
Risk Perinatal Program/ Newborn Intensive Care Program (HRPP/NICP) within the Bureau of
Women and Children's Health (BWCH), Office of Children's Health (OCH). This capacity analysis
draws on data collected from previous evaluations, as well as data compiled from conversations
with agency staff. With this data, the paper will discuss forms of data collected, the processes used
to collect data, key players, reporting procedures, a discussion of how data is used within the
agency, and a discussion of previous evaluations undertaken to assess the HRPP/NICP program. The
purpose of the overall ... Show more content on ...
In order to accomplish the program's specified mission, the HRPP/NICP developed goals which
include: (1) early identification of women and children at risk of mortality and morbidity, (2)
education for health professionals, families, and communities, (3) linkage of infant, toddlers, and
pregnant women to risk appropriate services, and (4) establishment of standards of care (ADHS,
2009). As a result, the program has provided a safety net for Arizona families and a method for
ensuring availability and accessibility of risk appropriate care to critically ill newborns and high–
risk pregnant women, regardless of their ability to pay (ADHS,
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Fitness Plus
Students should begin by analyzing the capacity of the facility; however, the analysis is not as
straightforward as it first may seem. There is an issue of how capacity should be measured. Students
should quickly recognize that an overall measure of capacity for the facility isn't much help in
determining if Fitness Plus is capacity constrained. If the service delivery process for each member
were homogeneous, such as a cafeteria or airline flight, then an overall measure of capacity, such as
the number of members serviced over a given period of time, would be an appropriate measure of
capacity. However, the service delivery process at Fitness Plus is a menu–driven process where each
member chooses from a range of services the club ... Show more content on ...
With these issues in mind, the students can develop capacity estimates similar to the following:
1. Aerobics
* Assumption: Aerobics classes begin on the hour and last for 50 minutes.
* Capacity: 1 class per hour for 35 members
2. Cardiovascular
* Assumption: During peak demand times, each piece of equipment is limited to 30 minutes per
* Capacity: With 29 pieces of C–V equipment, 58 members per hour peak capacity
3. Nautilus
* Assumptions: Each member takes 1 minute to complete each exercise. The machines are set up so
members flow through in a sequential manner.
* Capacity: Maximum capacity at a steady state; cycle time 1 minute. 60 members per hour
Over the three–hour peak demand period, the Nautilus area may only process 156 members because
it will take 24 minutes for the first member to complete the entire 24–machine cycle.
These three areas of the club are the major areas of concern due to customer complaints, and they
are where students should concentrate their analysis. The tennis and racquetball areas can service the
following number of members per hour:
Tennis: 12 members/hour for singles 24 members/hour for doubles
Racquetball: 16 members/hour for singles 32 members/hour for doubles
There were no details given in the case to determine the capacity of the free–weight area. So, if we
aggregate the individual capacities into an overall measure, the club can accommodate a peak
capacity of 181 to 209
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Vital Capacity Test
Vital capacity test is the greatest volume of air that can be expelled during a complete, slow, and
unforced expiration following a complete inspiration. The instrument used to perform the vital
capacity test is called the spirometer, which is an instrument that test the capacity of the lungs. A
hand–held spirometers is what providers prefer to use, it comes with a vital capacity chart. Most
spirometers are computerized and printout the test results in minutes. A disposable mouth piece is
can be used for this procedure to prevent disease transmission. In preparing to preform the
procedure the patient should be instructed on the necessary steps and demonstrate how the
spirometer is used. the routine procedure, such as height, weight, and vital
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Summary: The Mental Capacity
MCA (2005) states ensure that the treatment chosen is necessary and it might be necessary to choose
an option that is the least restrictive only if it is in the best interest of the patient. At one point the
doctor wanted to Sara to be admitted into the hospital. According to Jootun and Pryde (2013)
dementia can have a major influence on the individual's ability to make sense of the environment.
The nurse informed the doctor that placing Sara in a completely new environment would only make
the situation worst. It was then decided that it would be best to treat Sara at home. The nurse and
doctor came to a conclusion that a less restrictive option was for the doctor to prescribe Sara with
antibiotics to treat the cellulitis. The Mental Capacity
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The Capacity Utilization At Emc
Review of the capacity's Current Situation
The overall capacity utilization at EMC is at 92% which lies above the 80–85% normal threshold.
The 92% arises from a range of processes for its production. The blanking machine category
accounts for 75% while the plastic molding category accounts for 93%. Packaging, Packing and
Assembly are almost 80%. On the other hand the finishing processes are near 88%.
The departments were operating at an hour shift of forty hours. Departments, on weekly basis often
add overtime to maintain the orders. According to Bill, who manages the plant, a single shift cuts on
additional fixed costs. A second shift would result to extra energy consumption, and more
employees increasing the fixed costs of the company. More funds are needed to employ more
employees and also train them. Employees are also entitled to 15% premium for each shift. The
manager also prefers a capacity utilization of about 85% since the 92% is a little high. The
production of plasti–brack takes places in some process.
To compute the capacity utilization in each process, Capacity utilization= M–Hr Capacity (annual
Hrs)/M–Hrs Production
The following table shows the plasti–brack utilization in the various processes 2000 No. Mchn. M–
Hr Capacity (annual Hrs) M–Hrs Production Utilization
Blanking 2 4000 3529.3 88.2%
Molding 4 8000 6886.8 86.1%
Assembly 8 160'00 15200.3 95.0%
Bulk Pack 1 2000 329.9 see below BULK PACK 17.9% 329.91
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The Effect Of Heat Capacity Of Water
The aim of the experiment is measure the specific heat capacity of water and two metals, aluminum
and copper respectively of different conductivity to heat. Heat is a form of energy associated with
the motion of atoms or molecules and is capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media
by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation. It could
also be defined as the transfer of energy from one body to another as a result of the difference in
temperature or the change in phase.
The specific heat could be defined as the amount of heat energy per one kilogram required to raise
the temperature by a degree kelvin. In this experiment the, there is heating of water and the metals
by, electrical energy been converted into heat energy. A certain voltage is required to give rise to the
temperatures for according to Charles law, voltage is directly proportional to temperature provided
that pressure is constant.
Supplying a thousand grams of energy to water is not the same as supplying a thousand grams of
energy to a metal for they will not rise the same when it all comes down to temperature. What the
difference is between water and a metal is that they are both of different materials, which is they
both would have different boiling and melting point, conductivity and varied structures of and
intermolecular bonds of the substances. To calculate the amount of heat energy require for a
compound or mixture, the mass of the
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Determining the Carrying Capacity of Species
All animals interact with their environment and their ability to grow is limited by the resources
available to them. The maximum number of individuals of a species that a certain environment can
support is called that species' carrying capacity. Biologists can determine the population of a species
based on the carrying capacity by using models. That can indicate whether certain species are
endangered or abundant in the wild. There are numbers of factors that can determine a species'
carrying capacity and models can be used to show the population growth of that species.
Competition is a limiting factor that can determine a species' carrying capacity. When population
increase, individuals start competing for food, shelter, and the most suitable mates. While the
stronger individuals tend to survive, the weaker individuals begin to die off because of insufficient
resources for everyone in the community. Competition can lower birthrates and increase death rates.
When two different species live in the same area, they compete for resources in that environment
and typically one species is eliminated by the other. The population will reach its carrying capacity
when competition reduces the size of the population to what the environment can support. Predation
and herbivory are another limiting factor that can determine a species' carrying capacity. Predation is
when a population feeds on another population for sustenance. In predator–prey relationships, the
predator can decrease
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Swot Analysis Of Grandma's Strengths And Weaknesses
Grandma's Best has many strengths, one of which is supplier diversity. This diversity provides
multiple procurement channels for goods and services. Obtaining a large catalog of suppliers create
scenarios that involve multiple suppliers that compete for Grandma's business. In doing this
Grandma's reduces the overall cost of the product/service. This drives competition between
suppliers, which increases the bottom dollar for the company and ensures that Grandma's is not over
reliant on any one supplier. The relationship that the company has with the brokers is a key asset,
these brokers have the capability of being able to expand on the existing channels of distribution.
The fact that Grandma's Best is financially stable is another positive for the firm. The company's
financial performance and profitability are solid, as production capabilities have expanded with
increased sales creating positive net income. There was an increase in net income of 112.8% from
the previous year, an indication of good financial profitability. Although Grandma's Best owns a
very low market share (.05%), it has seen great compound annual growth for the past three years of
4.62%, which is better than the average United States confectionery market.
There are a few weaknesses we identified: no vision or mission statement, underutilized website,
lack of capacity and lack of technology and information systems. According to Ceil Wloczewski of
Cella Consulting, "mission, vision and values statements are crucial to communicating the who,
what and why for your organization to corporate management, team members and to the users of
your services. It's not enough to feel passionate about the products and services your organization
offers, you and your entire team also have to consciously understand the framework of what drives
the organization. This is essential in order to effectively communicate those drivers to a diverse
group of people. (–things–you–cant–do–without–
mission–vision–and–values–statements/) In today's society social media and a strong online
presence can be key factors in the growth of a company, Grandma's Best is lacking in this area.
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Investment and Debt Capacity
Stock Repurchase
Repurchase of stock can be viewed in each of the following way: investment, financing, shareholder
distribution and control issue.
Repurchase of stock can be a way to use firm's excess debt capacity. By doing so, firm can lower the
cost of equity financing. If debt financing is more flexible and cheap, replace equity financing with
debt financing is a good way to lower the weighted cost of capital. In this sense, such action is a
financing issue because it controls the cost of financing.
On the other hand, repurchase of stock can adjust shareholder distribution. If shareholders consist of
most individual investors, they may require more dividends or other forms of profit sharing. Firm
can repurchase stocks from such ... Show more content on ...
To decide when to sell the property, we analyze the remaining present value of future cash flow of a
hotel at different point of time in its life cycle. We further assume that when the hotel is sold, the
selling price is set so that present value of future cash flow equals the 10% margin.
We assume $50 revenue per room night of a typical 150–room hotel, and one year has 360 days.
Sales level for each year in the life cycle connects to the occupancy rate. From the graph of Exhibit
9, we get different occupancy rate for the whole life cycle. It reaches the peak 100% at year 8, and
after year 10, it declines almost linearly to 10% in year 30.
We can see that if Marriot sells the hotel before opening, the selling price would be $1.63 million at
time 0. After the peak, let's say, year 9, the selling price would be $ 1.55 million at time 9. We can
also see that in fact the max value of PV is at year 4, which has $2.85 million in PV at 15% margin.
Marriot would free up more capital if it sells the hotel before opening, but instead it would lose
more operating profit. If Marriot is in short of capital, it could sell the hotel up–front so that the
freed up capital can be invested in other profitable projects. Selling after the peak is a good choice if
Marriot wants to enjoy the increasing operating profit before the peak. Shareholder value can be
added if the return on freed–up capital exceeds the profit loss from
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Case Study Of Roug Rough Cut Capacity Planning
Consumer demand for a product can be fulfilled entirely in the master production schedule if
supported by production capacity according to production requirements. Master production schedule
can be easily realized if consumer demand is constant, but in fact companies often experience
fluctuations in the demand of consumers who tend to be unstable. Based on research Liske F. (2012)
that capacity planning is done well can meet the demand of existing customers as well as be able to
increase the company's revenue. Based on research Ria Amalia (2012) that consumer demand can be
met by adding machines at work center that is experiencing a shortage of capacity.
PT. XYZ is a plastics company in Indonesia, are often unable to meet consumer demand for
polyethylene plastic products. This resulted in the company can not make a profit in accordance
with what is expected, and also difficult to foster consumer confidence. ... Show more content on ...
RCCP allocate capacity needs for labor departments, individuals, or work center based on workload
data in the past. This technique is used to explain / verification of capacity in each work center
where the comparison between the required engine load with the available capacity in each work
center. This study will use a rough cut capacity planning approach to help resolve the problem of
shortage of production capacity at PT XYZ.
This study aims to determine the work center that is experiencing a shortage of production capacity
and production capacity planning proposed as an alternative work center to optimize production
capacity but with minimal production costs by using Rough Cut Capacity Planning
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Theme Of Capacity

  • 1. Theme Of Capacity Although the book can be said to have a multitude of themes, these are encompassed within the central idea of Tenacity. Braun received strict parenting from his father, who pushed him to do his best without promising a reward and encouraged him to look past his window sill. He also gained perspective on the world through his grandparents, who survived the Holocaust, fleeing to America in hopes of a better life for them and their children. From childhood and all the way to adulthood, this different mindset seeded within him was the base for his desire to look beyond his own comfort and into how he could make an impact on the world. Braun relied on this mindset when he struggled to maintain a stable job while also pursuing his dream to help ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Carrying Capacity In The United States The problem is that people don't know how to properly sustain a population at their carrying capacity. Some places have met their carrying capacity but most places haven't. The places that have don't know how to make the best of what they have for the amount of population they have to care for. We also have places that have run out of the resources necessary to sustain a population of their current size. I am involved in this because the United States has to sustain their current population in a smart way so that it can sustain it for longer and if it ever reaches carrying capacity. It already tends to overshoot its resources. What I do or don't do every day can affect how much of the resources around me I am using or waiting. My ecological ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Capacity Strategy Of Alden Products | Capacity Strategy of Alden Products, Inc. | Submitted by Varsha Advani (11349) | | | | | Capacity strategy should embody a mental model of how a firm works in a given industry and geographic region. There are a series of assumptions and predictions about the log–term behaviour of markets, technologies, costs and competitor's behaviour. Such a model would include the following factors: * Predicted growth and variability of demand for the firm's products and services * Costs of building and operating different sized–facilities * Likely rate and direction of technological evolution * Expected behaviour of competitors * Anticipated availability, capabilities and costs of external suppliers The ... Show more content on ... In terms of sizing of capacity increments taking into account scale considerations, the company should attain long term economies of scale. This scale refers to the economies that arise from using one large facility rather than a number of smaller ones. This often results in savings because the processing capacity is roughly proportional to its interior volume and its cost is more closely related to the surface area in terms of where the materials and labour hours are concentrated. We also know that though there is a growth in demand, variability exists across different countries. Greater the variability, there are chances that there would be a greater amount of underutilized capacity and at this stage opening a new plant in a different location altogether could make the entire scenario vulnerable. Drawbacks of not opening a new plant in Southern Europe are as follows: * Loose an opportunity to tap a lower cost labour market * Reduction in transportation costs had a new plant come up in Southern Europe * Would not be able to offset the protectionist sentiment in both France and Italy However, if we do an analysis of the options provided based on the cost and complications, this is what we get: | EXPANSION AT UNIPLANT | A NEW PLANT IN SOUTHERN EUROPE | Land cost | Dfl. 500,000 per hectare | Dfl. 4 million per hectare | Equipment Cost | Cost same for both | ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Spongebrapswok Analysis What is your IGN?:SpongeBobRapsGod How old are you?:13 in a week 14 Current rank:non Do you have a microphone?:Yes What country do you live in?:USA What timezone do you live in?:EST What languages do you speak fluently?:ENLGISH PASHTO Do you use Skype?(Don't post it here): Yes What can you bring to the Staff team?: I am amazingly develop for my age and know such a variety of sorts of hacks. Numerous players know me, and I am to a great degree dynamic in diversion and on the TeamSpeak. I am interested in any individual who needs assistance, as helping somebody is one of my most loved things to do. In the event that you ask anybody my identity, I am certain that they will let you know I'm an exceptionally decent individual who is to ... Show more content on ... I am likewise exceptionally dynamic on the server and would quite often be on teamspeak prepared to individuals in the event that they required it. Additionally I am to a great degree full grown for my age and know such a large number of sorts of hacks. Numerous players know me, and I am to a great degree dynamic in amusement and on the TeamSpeak. I am interested in any individual who needs assistance, as helping somebody is one of my most loved things to do. On the off chance that you ask anybody my identity, I am certain that they will let you know I'm an exceptionally pleasant individual who is greatly useful. I am smart to the point that my cerebrum was actually too enormous for my head when I was pretty much nothing, however that is settled at this point. Actually, I am in the majority of the distinctions classes at my school and am ensured to be in them one year from now. I am top dog in band and have been to a field trip for a distinctions class in which I made it in light of the fact that I was one of the main five understudies in my class. I likewise have gotten understudy of the month and a declaration of fabulousness. I additionally am a
  • 8. decent craftsman, and my folks say that my drawing ability skirted an era to me. I am a decent individual that has ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Carrying Capacity Carrying Capacity "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it" (Albert Einstein). In our world today people are ignorant. Humans use their imagination too much and their brain too little. Also, people don't do anything to solve their problems because we think nothing could go wrong, we expect others do fix everything. That is where we're wrong. Today lots of people are saying the world won't reach a carrying capacity, but I disagree. I think the world will reach its carrying capacity before 2100. This will happen for many reasons: Natural Disasters, Wars, too little ... Show more content on ... This means that a lot of people are not getting the stuff they need. The rates of people who don't get enough to eat is skyrocketing. People are becoming homeless because of competition on jobs and much more. Everything is getting more expensive and some people can't afford what they need. The website tells us about how there is enough food on this earth for everyone to get a good meal. So what's stopping us? Greediness and expensiveness. Today we have one big problem; Natural Disasters. Everything else is kind of preventable and fixable, but not Natural Disasters, they are indomitable and inevitable. We have: Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Volcano Eruptions, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Monsoons and much more. Global Warming has affected us too. Lots of things effect on us, but it's not the effect it has, but how it affects our ability to get over it. When a big tornado hits and kills a lot of people, what do we do? We let it get a hold on us; fear takes over and we scramble for our only chance hope. We hide. So after a big storm happens and lots of people are killed we still don't do the big thing. We don't help. Some people like the Red Cross and other Organizations, help the people in need, but a lot of people still stay in their cushy lives. They don't help them. If we can't help them over the inevitable, than how can we help them with things we can ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Difficulty Of Measuring Social Carrying Capacity Difficulty in Measuring Social Carrying Capacity Introduction The growing interest in sustainable development in the tourism industry has accelerated the experts' concern about the social and biophysical effects of tourism. In this context, the carrying capacity is deemed to evaluate how the tourism development sustains local communities and their cultural and environmental circumstance at a specific tourism site. This evaluation is getting more and more importance, as the researchers, or perhaps the planners and executors of tourism development fear the committing resources to specific uses in the modern world of growing scarcity. Defining Social Carrying Capacity Social carrying capacity has been defined as "... the maximum visitor density at which recreationists still feel comfortable and uncrowded" (Weaver & Lawton, 2014). It also involves the reaction of the local people to the tourist development of the place. Thus, it must be a measure of crowding tolerance. It implies that if no additional changes or improvements in the tourism facility are made, the visitor numbers start to decline beyond the density a site can afford. It means that this measure should never be negative. Mostly the social carrying capacity is influenced by factors such as the recreational infrastructure, visitor attitudes, and socio–cultural norms (MacLeod & Cooper, 2005). Difficulty faced in Measuring Social Carrying Capacity Saveriades (2000) stated that among all the types of carrying ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Capacity Inventory Essay The capacity inventory was used to interview Kallie Parsons, the department head for the City of Billings Crime Prevention Center. Mrs. Parsons provided me with the opportunity to run the new graffiti clean–up program and has offered to help out as much as she is able. Based on her answers to the capacity inventory it was easy to see why she is employed as a supervisor of a governmental department that handles several different community service projects for our community. The three skills she identified as doing best and the skills she believed were good enough for other people to hire her included, planning work for other people, directing the work of other people, and filling out forms. She likes teaching people how to plan and direct ... Show more content on ... This project will involve quite a few volunteers. Some people may have knowledge and skills in regards to cleaning up graffiti. Others may have great people skills, allowing them to easily get the word out about this new community service. I have organizational skills, which will help me coordinate the volunteers, as well as, find the best way to make everything run as smoothly as possible. There may be others who can give a new perspective on how everything should be organized, therefore, improving the process even further. The capacity inventory can be used on all the people on my community project to quickly identify the best people for each and every task. Although I can see how this may become a cumbersome undertaking. I would probably reserve the capacity inventory for a few key players or volunteers that I may not know very well. In turn, a compilation of inventory available in the community can also be used. For instances, supplies will be needed to clean graffiti off of buildings. Without taking an inventory of available community resources, important details, such as forming partnerships to obtain supplies at cost or even for free, could be ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Heat Capacity Of A Calorimeter Introduction According to the New World Encyclopedia, a calorimeter is an instrument used to measure the amount of heat absorbed or released by matter through a physical or chemical reaction. The world's first ice calorimeter was used by Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre–Simon Laplace to determine the heat produced during various chemical reactions. Their experiments set the foundation for Thermochemistry. Improvements in technology create room for other types of calorimeters such as the brand calorimeter, isothermal titration calorimeter and X–ray micro calorimeter. Following in the steps of Lavoisier and Pierre–Simon, an experiment will be conducted on the heat capacity of a Styrofoam calorimeter in comparison to a brand calorimeter. Water shall be used first because of its known specific heat and the experiment will be repeated with HCL (Hydrochloric Acid) and NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) in hopes to calculating the specific heat of the reaction. In this experiment, two Styrofoam cups and a brand calorimeter are each used to calculate heat transfer. The results will be compared to see if the something as simple as a Styrofoam cup can be used accurately as a calorimeter and produce efficient results. Using hot and cold water, the Styrofoam cup and brand calorimeter will be used to determine the heat capacity. By using the mass of the water, specific heat of water and the change in temperature, the heat capacity will be determined. The brand calorimeter and Styrofoam calorimeter ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Capacity, Process Flow and Bottlenecks Quinte MRI, Inc. is a small international provider specializing in a variety of medical technologies including MRI. Quinte MRI's founder, Dr. Syed Haider believes that the residents of smaller communities deserve the same level of health services as the residents of the larger urban centers. Quinte MRI is experiencing difficulty in meeting the expectations of 2 scans per hour. As a result, productivity is declining and they losing the referral of many of their colleagues. The process is creating a lot of variability and uncertainties that Quinte MRI are dealing with. Solving the issue of the "bottleneck" will make the operation more effective and manageable. By assuming the role of David Wright and Kevin Saskiw, I will recommend a ... Show more content on ... In order to achieve this success, Wright and Saskiw must first identify the bottleneck in the process. The MRI machine and the time it takes perform a scan is the bottleneck of the process. Each scan can have different times associated with it depending on the type of scan that will be performed. This will limit the capacity of the overall process. For example, a scan without contrast will usually take 30 minutes. A scan that requires contrast will double that time to 60 minutes. According to exhibit # 2, in order to break even annually, the clinic will have to cover the total operating expenses of $690,000. That means that the clinic will have to perform 986 scan per year, or approximately 4 scans per day to achieve this goal. Considering that the equipment in the clinic is capable of much more, this operation should have no problem in reaching and exceeding its goal daily if proper measures are put into place. Improvements must start at the beginning of the process, as each step in the process is dependant upon the previous step. One of the goals of the clinic should be in improving the process flow up to the point that the actual scan will take place. The clinic must also eliminate much of the variability and uncertainties in the scanning process which is ultimately making the process difficult to manage. The uncertainties negatively affect work ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Specific Heat Capacity of Water (DCP and CE) Aim: To determine the specific heat capacity of water by heating water and recording temperatures at regular intervals. Hypothesis: (i) P = Q /t (ii) Q = m c ΔT Where, P is the power of the heater Q is the total energy provided by the heater t is the total time for which the heater was used m is the mass of water c is the specific heat capacity of water, and ΔT is the change in temperature From (i) and (ii) m cΔT = P t ΔT = (P/mc) * t This is in the form y = mx + c, where y = ΔT m = (P/mc), and x = t Therefore, plotting ΔT in the y–axis with t in the x–axis gives us the slope (P/mc), from which we can find 'c'. DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING Volume of water = 400 ± 1 cm3? [measured using a ... Show more content on ... Source: http://hyperphysics.phy– Therefore, % discrepancy = (4200–3900)/4200*100 = 7% Experimental value (J kg–1°C–1) Confident interval (J kg–1°C–1) % Uncertainty Literature value (J kg–1°C–1) % Discrepancy 3900 3800 – 4000 3 4200 7 The relatively low percentage uncertainty and discrepancy show that the experiment was very precise and accurate. This means that both random and systematic errors were very low. However, there is an outlier in the graph, so there was a systematic error for that value of 't'. According to the hypothesis, the graph was supposed to be a straight line which passes through the origin. But here, we can see a y–intercept. This means that even when the time was zero, there was a certain temperature (23.8°C). Here, we know that this is the temperature of the water according to the surrounding when the heating process had not started. And the value from the graph (23.8°C) is quite close to the actual observed value during the experiment (26°C). The range of the y–intercept
  • 21. also includes a value that can be explained with the same explanation. ERROR EVALUATION As mentioned above, the low percentage uncertainty and discrepancy shows that the errors are not very significant. The errors are listed below along with improvements. Random errors: 1. Difficulty in measuring temperature – Measuring the temperature while it was rising was a little tricky as both the time and ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Bank Capacity Planning : Online Capacity Branch Essay BANK CAPACITY PLANNING: ONLINE CAPACITY BRANCH The computerized economy is developing quick and banks are at the cutting edge of this transformation. Whether a bank is a conventional high–road bank moving more administrations on the web or is another contestant with a restrictive online nearness, advanced innovation is driving their business methodology.High–road banks and speculation banks need to put resources into scope quantification to best center their computerized assets get ready for possibilities and keep all their channels running easily to ensure the execution and accessibility of administrations to clients. As clients and organizations in different areas are progressively digitally dynamic, they request the capacity to associate with banks around the clock, 365 days a year over different channels. For the advanced client,there is no space for mistake. Digitization is changing the way people and organizations work and the effect this is having on banks. Advanced Disturbance, highlights how the coming of the portable gadget has drastically quickened the pace of progress in the way we bank and how banks connect with clients. The number of individuals going to branches has dropped by 30% before two years, while nearly 80% of while some 70% of the Karachi banking population now uses some form of online banking service every month. More consumers are embracing mobile banking via their phone or tablet. Developments in technology have empowered banks to increase customer ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. capacity plan CAPACITY PLANNING Capacity planning: Capacity planning is the process of determining the production capacity needed by an organization to meet changing demands for its products.[1] In the context of capacity planning, "design capacity" is the maximum amount of work that an organization is capable of completing in a given period, "effective capacity" is the maximum amount of work that an organization is capable of completing in a given period due to constraints such as quality problems, delays, material handling, etc. The phrase is also used in business computing as a synonym for Capacity Management. Capacity Planning Classification: Capacity planning based on the timeline is classified into three main categories long range, medium ... Show more content on ... This consideration should extend not just to servers, but to disk arrays, tape equipment, desktop workstations, and network hardware. #4: Share plans with suppliers If you plan to use your capacity–planning products across multiple platforms, it is important to inform your software suppliers of your plans. During these discussions, make sure that add–on expenses – the costs for drivers, agents, installation time and labor, copies of licenses, updated maintenance agreements, and the like – are all identified and agreed upon up front. Reductions in the costs for license renewals and maintenance agreements can often be negotiated based on all of the other additional expenses. #5: Anticipate nonlinear cost ratios One of my esteemed college professors was fond of saying that indeed we live in a nonlinear world. This is certainly the case when it comes to capacity upgrades. Some upgrades will be linear in the sense that doubling the amount of a planned increase in processors, memory, channels, or disk volumes will double the cost of the upgrade. But if the upgrade approaches the maximum number of cards, chips, or slots that a device can hold, a relatively modest increase in capacity may end up costing an immodest amount for additional hardware. This is sometimes referred to as the knee of the curve, where the previous linear relationship between cost and capacity ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. The Values Of Inspiratory Capacity 1. The values of Inspiratory Capacity (IC), Vital Capacity (VC), Functional Residual Capacity (FRC), and Total Lung Capacity (TLC) were compared to the values of an Adult Female because the volunteer in the experiment was female as well. The comparison of values showed that the volunteer had low values of IC and VC but a much higher value of FRC. Factors contributing to these differences could be due to the volunteer possibly having a smaller lung capacity and lung size compared to the average female therefore causing the results, or the volunteer did not expire all the air possible from the lungs and caused skewed results considering the total lung capacity was very similar to the average female values. The function of Residual Volume ... Show more content on ... 2. FVC stands for Forced Vital Capacity which measures how much gas is expired when a deep breath is taken and then forcefully exhaled as quickly as possible. FEV1 stands for Forced Expiratory Volume which determines how much air is expired or breathed outwards during specific intervals of the forced vital capacity test. The physiological significance of the FEV1 / FVC ratio can determine the effectiveness of a persons lungs during the turn over of its total volume in one second. This is important because this ratio can help distinguish between obstructive and restrictive disorders meaning lung expansion can be determined to be limited or lungs can be hyperinflating depending on the disorder. 3. A. IRV = 2900, TV = 500, VC = 4400 ERV = ? VC = IRV + ERV + TV ERV = 4400 – (2900 + 500) ERV = 4400 – 3400 ERV = 1000 ml B. TLC = 6500, IC = 3800, ERV = 1000 RV = ? IC = VT + IRV VC = (IC) + ERV OR VC = VT + IRV + ERV VC = 3800 + 1000 VC = 4800 ml TLC = VC + RV RV = TLC – VC RV = 6500 – 4800 RV = 1700 ml C. TLC = 6000, ERV = 1200, RV = 1200 IC = ? TLC = VC + RV VC = TLC – RV VC = 6000 – 1200 VC = 4800 ml VC = IRV + VT + ERV VC = (IRV + VT) + ERV VC = IC + ERV IC = VC – ERV IC = 4800 – ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Effective Capacity And Utilisation Capacity Essay 1. Effective capacity And Utilisation Capacity: It is that much amount of the company can perform during the given time interval due to some constraint like quality issue etc. A. Feb–2014 Factory Operating Efficiency = 80% Efficiency= Actual Output/Effective Capacity 80%= 241920/ Effective Capacity Effective Capacity= 302400 Utilisation= Actual Output/Design Capacity Design Capacity= Days* hours* design per hour = 12* 6 * 1400 = 100800 In Per Week = 100800*4 = 403200 Utilisation= (241920/403200) *100= 60% B. For Feb–2015 Efficiency= (338688/302400) *100 = 112% Effective Capacity in the Feb–2014 is calculated at 80% of the efficiency, if it had efficiency more than 80% then also its effective capacity will decrease that will leads to enormous wastage and sales. Utilisation comes out to be 60% for Feb–2014 Efficiency for the Feb 2015 is 112% 2. Production/ Sales Data SMA MAD WMA MAD Feb–2014 241920 Mar–2014 250084 Apr–2014 258298 May–2014 266562 250101 16461 252558 14004 Jun–2014 274876 258315 16561 260787 14089 Jul–2014 283240 266579 16661 269066 14174 Aug–2014 291004 274893 16111 277395 13609 Sep–2014 298818 283040 15778 285449 13369 Oct–2014 306682 291021 15661 293358 13324 Nov–2014 314596 298835 15761 301187 13409 Dec–2014 322610 306699 15911 309066 13544 Jan–2015 330624 314629 15995 317020 13604 Feb–2015 338688 322610 16078 325014 13674 SMA – Simple Moving ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Carrying Capacity Of A Tourist Resource . The carrying caapacity studies began during the 1930's (O'Reilly, 1986; Saveriades, 2000), they were principally developed in the 1960's in the national parks of the United States of America (McCool and Lime, 2001; Manning et al., 2002).The carrying capacity concept is essentially a decision making framework informed by the regular measurement of agreed indicators of quality. The concept of carrying capacity was derived in the early 1960's from range management and was applied to tourism and hospitality management. It was concluded that carrying capacity is not just one single notion but an amalgamation of four different carrying capacities which are namely physical, Ecological psychological and Economical. Ecological carrying capacity relates to the maximum use of a tourist resource without causing any harm to the environment. Social carrying capacity relates to the reaction of the local people to the tourist development of the place, which should never be negative, Psychological carrying capacity relates to the quality of visitors' satisfaction with a certain tourist destination, which is not to be decreased; Economic carrying capacity relates to the level of acceptable dependence between the local economy and the level of the tourist development of a place, which should never become too heavy "The carrying capacity of any tourist destination, whether it be an historic building, a beach or a dive site, is not a single figure that can be calculated and fixed. It is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Mental Capacity Act Mental Capacity Act The Mental Capacity Act was passed in 2008 in Parliament so that Singaporeans can appoint proxy decision–makers before they become mentally incapacitated by illnesses like dementia or brain damage. The Act, which came into force on 1 March 2010, is broadly modelled on the UK's own Medical Capacity Act 2005 (Gillespie, 2010) and individuals can do so through a new statutory mechanism called "Lasting Power of Attorney" or LPA – which enables adult individuals to prospectively appoint one or more persons they trust, to act and make decisions in their best interests, in the event that they should lose mental capacity (MCYS 2010). Many have welcomed it as a timely measure to address the social realities of a fast ageing ... Show more content on ... nutrition, hydration and pain relief? Advance decisions to refuse treatment are not as yet widespread in medical care, but are undoubtedly encountered more frequently (Cowan 2007). The concept of what is in the best interest of a person may be new or difficult to appreciate and operationalize. There will be occasions when the decision–maker might be faced with strong opposition from other members of the family whose interests may not be aligned. When multiple clients are involved, the same question arises: who is the primary client, and therein, whose goals should be identified, clarified, and pursued? This question is especially poignant when differing goals appear to conflict, as in some cases. There is a need to know whether it is the client's best interests or her rights and freedoms that ought to be given greater weight and so which ought to act as a constraint on the other (Herissone–Kelly, 2010). And even when a primary client can be identified, an important consideration is whether the client's desired decision can be considered when she is mentally ill and who should be socially responsible for such decision? The holistic approach to the determination of the best interests of a person who lacks decision–making capacity is further enhanced by the requirement that decision makers consult with others about care and treatment. (Griffith & Tengnah, 2008). The Act provides a checklist of common factors that must be taken into account before a ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Contrtactual Capacity of Minors INTRODUCTION Contractual Capacity Contractual Capacity is the legal ability to enter into a contract. Minors have particular rights and obligations established by the court when it comes to contracts. Once a person reaches age 18, they are considered a legal adult in every state in the nation. In addition to minors, other persons are able to avoid contracts. Mentally impaired and intoxicated people, convicts, and aliens lack the capacity to enter into a contract. A Minor In law, the term minor (also infant or infancy) is used to refer to a person who is under the age in which one legally assumes adulthood and is legally granted rights afforded to adults in society. Depending on the jurisdiction and application, this age may vary, but ... Show more content on ... It remains a matter of fact, to be determined by reference to the minor's requirements, whether the goods or services are necessaries. It need hardly be pointed out that this creates a good deal of difficulty for the supplier who wishes to rebut the minor's plea of infancy with the pled that what he supplied was a "necessary." Although the concept of enforcing the minor's undertaking to pay for necessaries was developed "not for the benefit of the tradesman who may trust the infant, but for the benefit of the infant himself, "it is to be doubted that many adults are encouraged to deal with the minor solely on account of such elusive tests. The nature of a minor's liability on contracts involving necessaries remains a matter for debate, and the question is whether the liability is strictly contractual or arises in quasi–contract. Both views have been espoused in the same case. L.J. said: "The plaintiff, when he sues the defendant for goods supplied during infancy, is suing him in contract on the footing that the contract was such as the infant, not withstanding infancy could make. "Support for this view is found in Roberts v. Gray, a case involving an executory contract for instruction (thought to be in the class of contracts for necessaries), where damages were awarded for breach. Fletcher Moulton L.J., on the other hand, held in Nash v. Inman CASE that: An infant, like a lunatic, is ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Capacity For Empathy The capacity for empathy allows us to better understand others and to be easier to 'read' their energy. However, this is a feature that can be harmful, so it is important to know how not to be subject to other people's emotions and energies. If you identified yourself as an overly empathetic person, would be good for yourself to take action that you won't longer be harassed by the things which don't have anything to do with you. It is important to keep energy for yourself and the people you love and that in their system do not miss the information, emotion, and energy that you damage and draw strength. Try to make it through these steps: Explanation When your good mood suddenly changes, when occurs emotions such as fear, pain, sadness, ... Show more content on ... Imagine a shield around you When you are in contact with a person who does not suit you or you are in an environment that is full of bad energy, visualize around you a transparent shield which does not transmit negative energy and not let other people's negative emotions reach you. Use the power of water After a contact with a person who is very negative will be suitable for you to wash down all that energy from yourself. If you are not able to take a shower, then at least wash your hands. Imagine how the accumulated negative energy goes far away from you. Express your emotions Whatever you feel, it is important to express. Suppressing emotions never brought anything good to anyone , in contrary, leads only to various diseases. Allow yourself to express concern, fear, anger, disagreement, or anything else you feel. 'Grounding' Imagine that you are connected to the ground with the pipes through which you send all your negative energy in the ground, and imagine that you are taking the positive energy from the earth. This exercise increases the flow of healthy energy in us. Spend time
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  • 40. Beck Manufacturing Plant Capacity Beck Manufacturing & Plant Capacity Pete Garcia BUS644: Operations Management October 26, 2014 Dr.: Gail Hoskyns–Long Ashford University Beck Manufacturing & Plant Capacity Introduction In this paper, we will focus on the case study, which discusses about the plant capacity and Beck Manufacturing. In addition, after reading the case study it becomes evident that we need to help Beck's Manufacturing, president in making the best decision possible in regards to determining his facilities capacity. Therefore, we need to note that Beck's Manufacturing is a major producer of steering gears in the auto industry. Nevertheless, we also need to know how the manufacturing process is being done, thus allowing us to ... Show more content on ... Now, let us note that there are 3 machines, thus giving us a total of 2,880 units. In addition, the Boring represents a 25–reject rate, giving us 58 in units. Nevertheless, if we subtract 2,880 units produced by all three machines from 58 units, then we will get a new total of 2,822 units. The Drilling Capacity The following includes, the Drilling Capacity, which has a run time of 2.5 minutes per piece. Therefore, this produces a total of 384 units per machine, giving us a total of 960 minutes. In addition, providing that there are a total of 6 machines, thus giving us a total of 2,304 units. Moving forward, giving that we know that Drilling has a 75–reject rate, and thus providing us with a total of 162 units. Nevertheless, if we subtract the total amount of units produced from all 6 machines of 2,304 units with the 162 units, this will provide us with a new total of 2,142 units. The System Capacity In order to find the capacity system, we are able to take the lowest number in units, of course after the reject rate, which for this case is produced by the grinding with 2,128 units. Therefore, because we are unable to produce more units due to reaching the capacity mark, or for no more product to be allowed through in the completed cycle. Thus, the capacity system turns out to be 2,128 units. "Capacity utilization and machine scheduling also reflect tactical ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Corporate Capacity And Authority Corporate capacity and authority were essential legal concepts which contained rules for when and how a company ought to be legally recognised as having validly acted and entered into a binding contract with third parties. Broadly speaking, the rules which applied to corporate capacity were the ultra vires doctrine and the doctrine of constructive notice. In regard to the concept of corporate authority, both the ultra vires doctrine and the doctrine of constructive notice also applied however their application was curtailed by the Turquand rule. The Turquand rule therefore only applied when the authority of directors was in question. A definitional overview of the concepts of corporate capacity and authority will be provided below, along with brief description of the doctrine of constructive notice and the Turquand rule. The thesis deals with the above concepts and discusses how the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (the Act) modified the law, particularly, by extending the legal capacity of a company and extinguishing or modifying the above rules which had previously restricted a company's ability ... Show more content on ... For a company to transact with third parties and to enter into valid business dealings there must be a valid contract concluded in order to create legally binding obligations enforceable between the company and the third party. For a contract to be valid the company must have the requisite legal capacity to enter into the contract and the directors or officers representing the company must have the authority to act on its behalf. Within company law, capacity and authority are interrelated principles however it is important to note that each is an entirely different and separate legal concept from the other. Capacity relates to the legal competency and the powers of the company while authority relates to the power of a company's director or officer to act on behalf of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Concept Of Capacity And Capacity Utilization 1.2 The concept of 'capacity' and 'capacity utilization' Capacity is very important but least understood concept in manufacturing and business world (Klammer,1996). Different categories of people in business and manufacturing measure capacity differently. For example, some financial managers might measure plant capacity in terms of the equipment installed in the plant while operational supervisors might measure capacity in terms of worker efficiency. Klein & Summers ,(1996) defined an organization's productive capacity as "the total level of output or production that it could produce in a given time period". Capacity utilization is the percentage of the firm's total possible production capacity that is being used. Therefore, an organization should be most efficient if it is running at 100% capacity utilization. An organization's full capacity is the minimum point on total cost function, a full input point on the aggregate production function and a bottleneck point in a general equilibrium system. Full capacity should be defined as a realizable level of output that can be attained under normal input conditions without prolonging accepted working ... Show more content on ... For instance, the existence of excess capacity is often cited as evidence indicating the presence of monopolistic elements within individual industries. The notion of Capacity utilization is also widely used in business cycle analysis to characterize the situation of individual industries or whole economies and to assess the appropriateness of economic policy. It also plays an important role in econometric models in estimation of the relative significance of the determinants in investment, imports etc. The concept of 'capacity' relates to output. It is therefore different from concepts referring to a single factor of production such as the degree of utilization of ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Capacit Capacity The process analytics simulation that we started in class was an interesting and practical demonstration and actual application of process flow analysis. The first problem which we performed in small groups within the class, was laid out very simply as a set of sequential processes, each with individual characteristics, that are ordered in pre–determined process that when complete, produces one production unit. The initial concepts demonstrated were those of cycle time, throughput, capacity, utilization and bottleneck. Cycle time reflects the average time it takes for units to complete the process once the process gets running. (Leonard, 2007, p. 10). Generally the cycle time will be determined by the longest process in a sequential flow. Throughput is the amount of time it takes to complete the first unit. ... Show more content on ... (Leonard, 2007, p. 11) Utilization is the mathematical calculation of process throughput over process capacity with the average of the individual process utilization rates being the overall utilization rate. (Leonard, 2007, p. 18) . The utilization rate was the hardest for the group to grasp until they effectively understood that the bottleneck, the process that limits the overall capacity of the system being measured (Leonard, 2007, p. 18), is always the process that is running at 100% utilization, and all other processes utilization is calculated on the basis of this bottleneck process. The remainder of problem 1 in the simulation was emphasizing the importance identifying the bottleneck and calculating the effects of changing the process when you change the bottleneck and when you change other factors. If you affect the bottleneck than you effect process. If the bottleneck remains unchanged than the overall efficiency of the process does not ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Aerobic Work Capacity The direction of our discussion followed the questions very closely. In fact, every member of the discussion was successfully able to provide some input and some of their own personal experience in response to every question. We began by discussing the importance of an individual's aerobic work capacity within athletics, and then we related this importance to its relevance to firefighters. When I asked the group for personal examples, they were easily able to provide some examples of how aerobic work capacity has impacted their lives. For example, one member of the group played basketball for four years in high school. Her head coach constantly emphasized the importance of their cardiorespiratory fitness, while also educating his players about aerobic work capacity. Aerobic work capacity can dictate how well an athlete performs, particularly in a high–intensity sport such as basketball. We spent a fair amount of time going through everyone's personal examples of aerobic work capacity in their lives, while also remembering to correlate this to the article's discussion of the importance of aerobic work capacity for a firefighter's performance. We concluded that the article's findings and results were legitimate and fair. Everyone in the group agreed that aerobic work capacity is important for firefighters, but also for athletes and workers worldwide. ... Show more content on ... Some other professions our group came up with were head coaches and construction workers. Head coaches need to be able to relay the importance of aerobic work capacity, and how their aerobic work capacity will affect their performance and playing time. On the other hand, we concluded that construction workers need to be able to lift heavy object for a sustained period of time, while also walking and carrying heavy objects throughout the entire ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Energy Markets And Risk : Capacity Assignment Energy Markets & Risk: Capacity Assignment Introduction Wind is an intermittent energy source; as the wind is not constant, wind turbines do not produce the same amount of electricity all the time. This causes difficulties as the penetration of wind power increases, and wind generation become relied upon by the network operator. This report looks at the impact of wind power on the capacity of a power system to meet demand. Conventional generation, including coal, gas & nuclear, provides the base load in the UK. These plants have high reliability, and much of the time spent offline is planned. Wind power however is reliant on the weather, which is hard to predict average levels more than a couple of days ahead, and almost impossible for ... Show more content on ... This dispatchability is important as it allows supply to increase or decrease quickly according to changes in demand. For example, to ramp up to daily peak load in the evening, or to back up supply after a fault in another generator. To ensure that the lights stay on, power system operators need to understand the ability of the system to meet the demand, known as generation adequacy. Risk indices are used to model the likelihood that the supply will not meet the demand. Two main measures exist, the Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE) for the future season, which measures the expected number of time periods that supply will not meet demand and the Loss of Load Probability (LOLP), used in this report & generally in the UK, models the likelihood that that the demand at time t will not be met by the supply at t, the demand at time of annual peak is usually used. When making decisions on renewable capacity, it can be useful to work out how much conventional supply can be replaced. Due to the reasons discussed, wind turbines cannot fully replace conventional generators due to their lack of dispatchability, and their inherent variability. Capacity Value is a statistical measure of the amount of supply a generator can be relied on to provide, and makes comparison with conventional generators easier. This report measures the Capacity Value using the Effective Load ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Auditing And Assessment Of H & M 's Capabilities Merit 1 AUDIT REPORT TO: The Chief managerial H&M LONDON FROM: VOLTA SYKES FINANCIAL MANAGER LONDON DATE 11.12.2015 SUBJECT: Auditing and assessment of H&M's capabilities INTRODUCTION: THE 1st tool that can be used in analysing an industry is Porter's Five Forces. Porter's Five Forces tool apparatus is straightforward and it comprehends where the force is in a business. It examinations the qualities of the organizations ' present position furthermore the qualities of the position the business in moving to. It is extremely helpful as the business can enhance shortcomings, exploit the qualities and abstain From settling on wrong choices. Watchman 's Five Forces accept that there are five strengths that decide focused force inside of The business. The five strengths are: Supplier force respects the supplier energy to expand the cost of his item or administration and it Is driven by the points of interest the supplier has over the business. This can be given by the interesting of their items and administrations, the expense of supplier switch or the favourable circumstances this one has over a business. The less the quantity of suppliers of the same items the higher force they have over the organization. Buyer power – respects the purchaser 's energy to diminish the cost of the item or administration. It depends of how vital every purchaser to the organization, what amount is the expense of them is changing to another organization ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. What Is Capacity Planning Capacity Planning Capacity planning is to be carried out keeping in mind future growth and expansion plans, market trends, sales forecasting etc. It is a simple task to plan the capacity in case of stable demand. But in practice the demand will be seldom stable. The fluctuation of demand creates problems regarding the procurement of resources to meet the customer demand. Capacity planning is strategic in nature. Capacity is the rate of productive capability of a facility. Production managers are more concerned about capacity planning because, sufficient capacity is required to meet the customer demand in time, capacity affects the cost of efficiency of operations, capacity affects the scheduling system, capacity creation requires an investment. According to Matsson and Johnsson (2003), the extent of how capable a company is to use its resources to add value is called Capacity. ... Show more content on ... Different levels of capacity planning are used at IKEA depending on the time frame of the planning. Central Mid Term Capacity planning which has a planning horizon of the nearest 1–2 years. Mid Term Capacity Planning to, for example, plan its capacity of transports, central warehouses and goods receptions at stores for the nearest 84 weeks. The Capacity need is therefore estimated in cubic meter, and would be most straight forward to calculate through aggregating forecasted volume for each article into a total capacity ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Capacity Issues Capacity issues are something hospitals are facing more and more every day. Patients who have been admitted wait sometimes for hours up to days for a bed to open up on an inpatient unit. This delay takes up bed space and resources in the Emergency Department leading to increased delays for others to be seen. Waiting to be seen is a huge dissatisfier to our clients and can pose a safety risk when patients are not seen quickly. Situations like the one described above are all too common. Getting the patient in the right bed is crucial to quality and safe patient care. But what happens when the "right bed is not available"? Frequently physicians are asked to make assessments and reassessments as to what the patient needs and to make decisions ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Mental Capacity Act This essay will discuss issues that nurses have to consider when caring for a person that either lacks or have compromised capacity. At the same time, the author will explain important terminology in the essay such as the meaning of consent, capacity, best interest, Deprivation of liberty, advanced decisions, risk assessment, including several examples from experience during placement The author will also discuss the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the Mental Health Act (1983) and how it protect an adult who is vulnerable and lacks capacity. Likewise, the author will discuss ranges of nursing interventions, person–centred care, and ethical dilemmas. Due to confidentiality and according to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2015) the patients in the essay have been given pseudonyms names. Consent and Capacity Dimond (2009) and NHS choices (2016) explained consent as the process involving a person giving their approval to accept or refuse a treatment or interventions, after receiving detailed information from a health care professional about the risk or benefits of the procedure. In order for consent to be deemed valid, it needs to be given voluntarily without any influence or pressure from either a family member or clinician. In addition, the capacity of the person is important when giving consent and the ability to process the given information and make a decision. Tingle &Cribb (2014) agree, emphasizing that the autonomy of the person giving ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Lexus and Production Capacity Submit Files – Week 10 Toyota Production Team Assignment Top of Form Folder Week 10 Toyota Production Team Assignment Group Category Group Week 10 Group Name Hawks Instructions Team Assignment (W10TA): Planning Production for Toyota North America Lexus RX 350, Successor in 2007 to the RX 330 Photo courtesy of Toyota Motor Company Assignment Taskings Address the following four exercises: Exercise 1: Making a Critical Assessment of the Toyota Production System (TPS) Today a. Demonstrate your team's basic understanding of the TPS by 1)defining in your team's own words any eight of the terms found at, and 2) applying them to one or more of your team's own ... Show more content on ... Each block of 5,000 units of capacity will also cost $5M per year to maintain, even if the capacity is unused. Assume that the number of units actually sold each year will be the lesser of the demand and the production capacity. Marketing has provided three vehicle estimated demand scenarios with associated probabilities as follows: Demand 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Probability Low 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 0.25
  • 61. Moderate 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 0.50 High 20,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 0.25 a. To maximize profit earned during this period, which production capacity should TMMC in 2000 decide to build – 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, 25,000, or 30,000 cars? Justify your choice. b. What are the weaknesses or limitations in this analysis? How might they be corrected or reduced? c. It is now fall 2011. How well has the RX–330/350 actually done in the North American market? Is its quality rated as high as if it were made in Japan? Do some online research; it's part of improving your attainment ofInformation Literacy, one of the UMUC MBA Competencies. Exercise 4: Assessment of Toyota's Current Regional Production Strategy North America, a. After doing necessary research online or otherwise, document and evaluate the current distribution of Toyota production in North America. Here be sure ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Evaluation Capacity Analysis In this portion of the evaluative assignments, there will be an analysis to assess the role and function of evaluations and processes with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS). ADHS is a large and complex agency which encompasses many departments, divisions, and offices. As a result, each component and program collects different data and evaluates their capacities differently. Therefore, for this evaluation capacity analysis, the program that will be focused on is, the High Risk Perinatal Program/ Newborn Intensive Care Program (HRPP/NICP) within the Bureau of Women and Children's Health (BWCH), Office of Children's Health (OCH). This capacity analysis draws on data collected from previous evaluations, as well as data compiled from conversations with agency staff. With this data, the paper will discuss forms of data collected, the processes used to collect data, key players, reporting procedures, a discussion of how data is used within the agency, and a discussion of previous evaluations undertaken to assess the HRPP/NICP program. The purpose of the overall ... Show more content on ... In order to accomplish the program's specified mission, the HRPP/NICP developed goals which include: (1) early identification of women and children at risk of mortality and morbidity, (2) education for health professionals, families, and communities, (3) linkage of infant, toddlers, and pregnant women to risk appropriate services, and (4) establishment of standards of care (ADHS, 2009). As a result, the program has provided a safety net for Arizona families and a method for ensuring availability and accessibility of risk appropriate care to critically ill newborns and high– risk pregnant women, regardless of their ability to pay (ADHS, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Fitness Plus Students should begin by analyzing the capacity of the facility; however, the analysis is not as straightforward as it first may seem. There is an issue of how capacity should be measured. Students should quickly recognize that an overall measure of capacity for the facility isn't much help in determining if Fitness Plus is capacity constrained. If the service delivery process for each member were homogeneous, such as a cafeteria or airline flight, then an overall measure of capacity, such as the number of members serviced over a given period of time, would be an appropriate measure of capacity. However, the service delivery process at Fitness Plus is a menu–driven process where each member chooses from a range of services the club ... Show more content on ... With these issues in mind, the students can develop capacity estimates similar to the following: 1. Aerobics * Assumption: Aerobics classes begin on the hour and last for 50 minutes. * Capacity: 1 class per hour for 35 members 2. Cardiovascular * Assumption: During peak demand times, each piece of equipment is limited to 30 minutes per member. * Capacity: With 29 pieces of C–V equipment, 58 members per hour peak capacity 3. Nautilus * Assumptions: Each member takes 1 minute to complete each exercise. The machines are set up so members flow through in a sequential manner. * Capacity: Maximum capacity at a steady state; cycle time 1 minute. 60 members per hour Over the three–hour peak demand period, the Nautilus area may only process 156 members because it will take 24 minutes for the first member to complete the entire 24–machine cycle. These three areas of the club are the major areas of concern due to customer complaints, and they are where students should concentrate their analysis. The tennis and racquetball areas can service the following number of members per hour: Tennis: 12 members/hour for singles 24 members/hour for doubles Racquetball: 16 members/hour for singles 32 members/hour for doubles There were no details given in the case to determine the capacity of the free–weight area. So, if we aggregate the individual capacities into an overall measure, the club can accommodate a peak capacity of 181 to 209 ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Vital Capacity Test Vital capacity test is the greatest volume of air that can be expelled during a complete, slow, and unforced expiration following a complete inspiration. The instrument used to perform the vital capacity test is called the spirometer, which is an instrument that test the capacity of the lungs. A hand–held spirometers is what providers prefer to use, it comes with a vital capacity chart. Most spirometers are computerized and printout the test results in minutes. A disposable mouth piece is can be used for this procedure to prevent disease transmission. In preparing to preform the procedure the patient should be instructed on the necessary steps and demonstrate how the spirometer is used. the routine procedure, such as height, weight, and vital ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Summary: The Mental Capacity MCA (2005) states ensure that the treatment chosen is necessary and it might be necessary to choose an option that is the least restrictive only if it is in the best interest of the patient. At one point the doctor wanted to Sara to be admitted into the hospital. According to Jootun and Pryde (2013) dementia can have a major influence on the individual's ability to make sense of the environment. The nurse informed the doctor that placing Sara in a completely new environment would only make the situation worst. It was then decided that it would be best to treat Sara at home. The nurse and doctor came to a conclusion that a less restrictive option was for the doctor to prescribe Sara with antibiotics to treat the cellulitis. The Mental Capacity ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Capacity Utilization At Emc Review of the capacity's Current Situation The overall capacity utilization at EMC is at 92% which lies above the 80–85% normal threshold. The 92% arises from a range of processes for its production. The blanking machine category accounts for 75% while the plastic molding category accounts for 93%. Packaging, Packing and Assembly are almost 80%. On the other hand the finishing processes are near 88%. The departments were operating at an hour shift of forty hours. Departments, on weekly basis often add overtime to maintain the orders. According to Bill, who manages the plant, a single shift cuts on additional fixed costs. A second shift would result to extra energy consumption, and more employees increasing the fixed costs of the company. More funds are needed to employ more employees and also train them. Employees are also entitled to 15% premium for each shift. The manager also prefers a capacity utilization of about 85% since the 92% is a little high. The production of plasti–brack takes places in some process. To compute the capacity utilization in each process, Capacity utilization= M–Hr Capacity (annual Hrs)/M–Hrs Production The following table shows the plasti–brack utilization in the various processes 2000 No. Mchn. M– Hr Capacity (annual Hrs) M–Hrs Production Utilization Blanking 2 4000 3529.3 88.2% Molding 4 8000 6886.8 86.1% Assembly 8 160'00 15200.3 95.0% Bulk Pack 1 2000 329.9 see below BULK PACK 17.9% 329.91 ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. The Effect Of Heat Capacity Of Water Introduction The aim of the experiment is measure the specific heat capacity of water and two metals, aluminum and copper respectively of different conductivity to heat. Heat is a form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules and is capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation. It could also be defined as the transfer of energy from one body to another as a result of the difference in temperature or the change in phase. The specific heat could be defined as the amount of heat energy per one kilogram required to raise the temperature by a degree kelvin. In this experiment the, there is heating of water and the metals by, electrical energy been converted into heat energy. A certain voltage is required to give rise to the temperatures for according to Charles law, voltage is directly proportional to temperature provided that pressure is constant. Theory Supplying a thousand grams of energy to water is not the same as supplying a thousand grams of energy to a metal for they will not rise the same when it all comes down to temperature. What the difference is between water and a metal is that they are both of different materials, which is they both would have different boiling and melting point, conductivity and varied structures of and intermolecular bonds of the substances. To calculate the amount of heat energy require for a compound or mixture, the mass of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Determining the Carrying Capacity of Species All animals interact with their environment and their ability to grow is limited by the resources available to them. The maximum number of individuals of a species that a certain environment can support is called that species' carrying capacity. Biologists can determine the population of a species based on the carrying capacity by using models. That can indicate whether certain species are endangered or abundant in the wild. There are numbers of factors that can determine a species' carrying capacity and models can be used to show the population growth of that species. Competition is a limiting factor that can determine a species' carrying capacity. When population increase, individuals start competing for food, shelter, and the most suitable mates. While the stronger individuals tend to survive, the weaker individuals begin to die off because of insufficient resources for everyone in the community. Competition can lower birthrates and increase death rates. When two different species live in the same area, they compete for resources in that environment and typically one species is eliminated by the other. The population will reach its carrying capacity when competition reduces the size of the population to what the environment can support. Predation and herbivory are another limiting factor that can determine a species' carrying capacity. Predation is when a population feeds on another population for sustenance. In predator–prey relationships, the predator can decrease ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Swot Analysis Of Grandma's Strengths And Weaknesses STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES Strengths Grandma's Best has many strengths, one of which is supplier diversity. This diversity provides multiple procurement channels for goods and services. Obtaining a large catalog of suppliers create scenarios that involve multiple suppliers that compete for Grandma's business. In doing this Grandma's reduces the overall cost of the product/service. This drives competition between suppliers, which increases the bottom dollar for the company and ensures that Grandma's is not over reliant on any one supplier. The relationship that the company has with the brokers is a key asset, these brokers have the capability of being able to expand on the existing channels of distribution. The fact that Grandma's Best is financially stable is another positive for the firm. The company's financial performance and profitability are solid, as production capabilities have expanded with increased sales creating positive net income. There was an increase in net income of 112.8% from the previous year, an indication of good financial profitability. Although Grandma's Best owns a very low market share (.05%), it has seen great compound annual growth for the past three years of 4.62%, which is better than the average United States confectionery market. Weaknesses There are a few weaknesses we identified: no vision or mission statement, underutilized website, lack of capacity and lack of technology and information systems. According to Ceil Wloczewski of Cella Consulting, "mission, vision and values statements are crucial to communicating the who, what and why for your organization to corporate management, team members and to the users of your services. It's not enough to feel passionate about the products and services your organization offers, you and your entire team also have to consciously understand the framework of what drives the organization. This is essential in order to effectively communicate those drivers to a diverse group of people. (–things–you–cant–do–without– mission–vision–and–values–statements/) In today's society social media and a strong online presence can be key factors in the growth of a company, Grandma's Best is lacking in this area. ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. Investment and Debt Capacity Stock Repurchase Repurchase of stock can be viewed in each of the following way: investment, financing, shareholder distribution and control issue. Repurchase of stock can be a way to use firm's excess debt capacity. By doing so, firm can lower the cost of equity financing. If debt financing is more flexible and cheap, replace equity financing with debt financing is a good way to lower the weighted cost of capital. In this sense, such action is a financing issue because it controls the cost of financing. On the other hand, repurchase of stock can adjust shareholder distribution. If shareholders consist of most individual investors, they may require more dividends or other forms of profit sharing. Firm can repurchase stocks from such ... Show more content on ... To decide when to sell the property, we analyze the remaining present value of future cash flow of a hotel at different point of time in its life cycle. We further assume that when the hotel is sold, the selling price is set so that present value of future cash flow equals the 10% margin. We assume $50 revenue per room night of a typical 150–room hotel, and one year has 360 days. Sales level for each year in the life cycle connects to the occupancy rate. From the graph of Exhibit 9, we get different occupancy rate for the whole life cycle. It reaches the peak 100% at year 8, and after year 10, it declines almost linearly to 10% in year 30. We can see that if Marriot sells the hotel before opening, the selling price would be $1.63 million at time 0. After the peak, let's say, year 9, the selling price would be $ 1.55 million at time 9. We can also see that in fact the max value of PV is at year 4, which has $2.85 million in PV at 15% margin. Marriot would free up more capital if it sells the hotel before opening, but instead it would lose more operating profit. If Marriot is in short of capital, it could sell the hotel up–front so that the freed up capital can be invested in other profitable projects. Selling after the peak is a good choice if Marriot wants to enjoy the increasing operating profit before the peak. Shareholder value can be added if the return on freed–up capital exceeds the profit loss from ... Get more on ...
  • 80.
  • 81. Case Study Of Roug Rough Cut Capacity Planning 1. INTRODUCTION Consumer demand for a product can be fulfilled entirely in the master production schedule if supported by production capacity according to production requirements. Master production schedule can be easily realized if consumer demand is constant, but in fact companies often experience fluctuations in the demand of consumers who tend to be unstable. Based on research Liske F. (2012) that capacity planning is done well can meet the demand of existing customers as well as be able to increase the company's revenue. Based on research Ria Amalia (2012) that consumer demand can be met by adding machines at work center that is experiencing a shortage of capacity. PT. XYZ is a plastics company in Indonesia, are often unable to meet consumer demand for polyethylene plastic products. This resulted in the company can not make a profit in accordance with what is expected, and also difficult to foster consumer confidence. ... Show more content on ... RCCP allocate capacity needs for labor departments, individuals, or work center based on workload data in the past. This technique is used to explain / verification of capacity in each work center where the comparison between the required engine load with the available capacity in each work center. This study will use a rough cut capacity planning approach to help resolve the problem of shortage of production capacity at PT XYZ. This study aims to determine the work center that is experiencing a shortage of production capacity and production capacity planning proposed as an alternative work center to optimize production capacity but with minimal production costs by using Rough Cut Capacity Planning ... Get more on ...