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The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
1 Introduction pg 4
2 Writing a CLIL Unit for chemistry teachers pg 6
3 Content of the CLIL for chemistry teachers pg 8
4 Conclusions pg 24
5 Bibliografy and sitography pg 25
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
In each school context, in the respect of the actual Italian law, called the ‘’good School’’
and coming out from the consulting of all the Italian community, each school is obliged to
consider different kind of pupils because each of them should reach the plenary success in
the school. The school context remain the place to promote the development of strategic
point of view for the people, it is the major place where a student build its own personality.
Moreover the school must contribute to perform in in student an active citizens, who are
aware about who they are, who are aware on what they had eventually to do to improve
society where they are now leaving, and where it is necessary to close or to make a change
for the new lives that are going to came into the light.
Alumni in the Italian school must know what is civilization, what means living in a
culture where all the individual rights are respected, be educated to the peace, loyalty,
cooperation among people, against each form of racism and peace or kind of ancient
The future citizen will be able to serve the State with honourability, with severe
intransigence and indulgence; this the State claims from its citizenship.( the Italian
Constitution, 1945). Education is important for its citizenship (art 32 of Italian
constitution). It seem to respect the same thoughts and speechs of Malala.’’ I do not care
where I have to sit down in my school. All that I want is education. I have no fear of
anyone.!) Declaration on human right of children and teenegers. Education have to be for
all, sure also for handicapped or inabled people, for whom their rights were recognized
after years of fight. To make it possible schools and the people working inside makes a
pact with their students. It permits that pupils can apprehend all the key competencies (
Petracca, 2015) imposed also by European Community, so that students can grow up with
particular competencies (Pellerey, 2014). In particular all the different kind of pupils called
BES, special educational needs, are to be included in the school ( Index for the inclusion ,
Boith, Ascow 2014) also to fight against the premature leaving school.
Unfortunatly inclusion doesn’t mean to have a person inside the school living overthere
in a complete state of isolation. It means that people must feel inside the school and he
must have the possibility to understand to learning for the own future. The pact guarantee
that education of all alumni have to be pursed on the basis of high quality criteria, that
implies the continuum learning of all school body (teachers, principal, collaborator, staff
etc.), named for year LLP program.(or today as Intercultura, Comenius, Erasmus +). In a
way we have to remember the high social role of teacher in the school because they remain
a reference for all those who are called to save life with a particular regards to the boss (
the principal) of the school who, is actually becamed also the manager of the public school.
To this pact families and pupils are called and have to take part too: in particular students
are at the centre of the school: considered ( like in the Umanesim period) to whom the
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
educative action have to be direct according to the Piaget and Vigotsky’ s theories.(
Mondelli , 2015).
During each cycle and at the end of it teachers have to certifies competencies as the
sum of knowledge and skills, because certification is a passport of what they have learned,
of what they know or what they don’t know and have to improve. Teachers, indeed, are
the scaffolders, the guides to enrich the formal, non formal and informal knowledge of the
novel pupils also with the aim that each pupil can reach the total autonomy and
responsibility, as one of the most important principle of Italian Constitution.
The text ley 107 of 2015, changed POF into PTOF. Ptof explains what that kind of
school offers in terms of teaching, organization, timetable, for a period of three years to all
the alumni studying over there. On the proposal of teacher Advice, PTOF can be changed
not compulsory at the end of the three years, with the introduction of other important
modification or pills, that means adding new subject offers, new particular area of interest
for alumni, new interesting and challenging projects, etc. This for sure is a great escamotage
to attract people in the school. Thus, together with high teaching quality and good
organization in the school, that mean good organizational skills of the principal, in the
school is possible to attract new alumni so that the RAV is considered positively. In
particular is considered positively the presence of foreigners in the schools.
With the effect of the same law, the schools at the last year must teach the characterizing
matter for the final exam in a language, that are English for scientific matter and French for
the others. It means that teachers, during the school years must vehiculate contents of their
matter to their pupils with that language, as it is required on the basis of the actual schools
programs. This methodology goes under the name of CLIL, and it gives alumni the way to
learn specific learning object of that matter, while they are talking in the ‘ CLIL’ language.
Can we estimate how much is efficient this methodology? Can we understand if results in
acquisition new terms of a matter in the vehiculate language is immediate? What are the
problems connected to this approach for dislexys student, because of the high percentage
of them in the school all around the world? When is best use the CLIL methodology?
As the recent literature specifies, we cannot estimate how long pupils need to acquire
new words in their vocabulary, in expecially way when you are working with a different
kind of persons, not only children or teenegers, but also adults that are psychologically
more instable, for the high numbers of pathologies associated with the adult life. That is
why perhaps on the basys of a Bloom theory, the ‘absorbent mind ‘ highly active in children
and almost lost in the adult life, we can mark differently way of learning of adults, children
and teeneagers lives: we are exepected to collect great new words for children, medium
one for tenegeers and a little amount for adults. Apart from rapidity to apprehend new
words, we must consider the kind of word alumni have to learn. For sure, the teacher will
start with more common terms in that language, then it will be possible to teach English
for special purpose, for the difficoulty that is hidden in the matter.
This is probably why children start to be familiar with chemistry world around the
elementary schools. Then the effects will be more visible waiting for the right time and
using facilitating terms to transmit what a person like to transmit in her matter. And then
having patience. Essentialism is one of the goal necessary for teachers and educators to
reach a good result. Synthetic words, synthetic schemes, and so on.
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
2 CLIL unit for the chemical science
TITLE The preview in the chemistry ; carbon,
Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines
Time 4 h
Places Laboratory
Technological instruments PC , LIM, CUPBOARD, CAMERA
Prerequisites To be able to understand simple English
written test both in simple present or
simple past.
To be able to make essays or brief
summary of the text
Way to evaluation: written and oral text,
collective question.
Specific objects related to the content of
the subject
Being able to describe the main functional
group in English language
Being able to recognize and to classify the
different organic groups
Being able to describe the main
characteristic of alcohols, amines and
similar group.
Specific objects as related to the
To be able to make metacognition on
what was learned and on how it was
Being able to produce definitions and to
be able to organize an essential
vocabulary with all the term relalated to
the matter.
Transversal objectives Being able to use to apply the theory with
the practice of the matter ‘’ Chemistry
and materials’’.
Strategies to guarantee apprehension Group work; project work;
Contents The preview in the chemistry ; carbon,
Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines
Materials for the oral comprehension Power point presentation,
Personal images taken from Internet or
specific sites of the matter, audio- video
records avalaible on internet, reading of
specific test such as reviews, written test
with multiple choice.
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
Materials for the written
Descriptive piece on organic chemistry
avalaible on
Chemistry sites in English language
Correction with multiple choices answers
with correction of the false one.
Materials for the written production Esercitations: cruciverba;
Completion activity, creation of a
glossary of the speficic matters.
Materials for the oral production Realization of a video with description in
English language that shows the
reproduction of a scientific experiment in
Intermediate evaluation Validation of the glossary is a good way to
evaluate periodically the apprehension of
the language at the intermediate level
Strategies to reinforce the matter Adding activities to stimulate the reading,
comprehension skills in adjunction to oral
and written production, Hydrocarbon,
Alcohols and Amines
Final product Individual or research group on the main
natural substance containing
Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines
Final evaluation The final evaluation is given by the final
Controls Correction of the activity in the classroom
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
3. Contents of the unit
The preview in the chemistry ; carbon, Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
3. Conclusions
Students during the CLIL Course should assimilate the right terms for their interested field
while they are speaking in that language. Discussion in loci of an experience in English
language, the possibility of making some deduction in this language and moreover to
know how to present the right result to all people, or even sharing opinions, observations,
even though with the presence of BES in the classroom, is a poof that CLIL methodology
is being activated and that is well working.
Infact CLIL (krashen, SD (2003)), that is realized by reducing the TTT to augmentate the
speaking one of alumni, should guarantee the apprehension of terms in the vehiculanting
language and for all the alumni in the classroom. The presence in classroom of BES can
give an help, being a kind of natural reinforce for the assimilation phase. (Dudley, 2008)
With the aim to facilitate the apprehension of pupils and to make it with efficacy,
(apprehension environment) it is necessary to organize pupils so that all of them can
catch essentially the right words. In this sense the DSA can learn and improve languages,
also if some mistake can occur.
The comparison of results, infact, is possible if we consider the cooperative learning as
the best way to facilitate contamination both in terms of knowledge and competencies,
so to respect the actual Italian law that want an e- portfolio for each student as referred
to the EQF framework. For sure, the best didactical methodology is that of learning by
doing, based on the cooperative learning (Comoglio, 1996) both formal that informal
because in that way we can teach collateral objectives- of citizenship and of
competencies-. The right methodologies a teacher should use are role-playing or brain
storming, so to reach the right targets.
Other efforts to reinforce the apprehension of the learning object may come from the TIC,
from the exploration of internet sites dealing with different types of topics to be shared
among alumni ( for example actuality) and all the topic tied to the things we are going to
teach. TIC, guarantee the formative success of all the DA alumni. Moreover it is interesting
that teacher must think to furnish the same notions trough the gamification ( Cajola,
2014), according also to Winnicott Theory. This is an explaination on why people in adult
life or during teenagers and childhood use the ‘games’ to reach the success.
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers
4 Bibliografy and sitografy
Anderson, N., (2008), «Metacognition and good language learners», in Griffiths, C. (ed.),
Lessons from Good Language Learners, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 99-
109. Coyle, D., 2006, «Content and language integrated learning – Motivating learners
and teachers», in The Scottish Language Review, n. 13, pp. 1-18. Coyle
Cajola Chiappetta, L.; (2008), Didattica per l’integrazione , Roma, Anicia edizioni..
Cajola Chiappetta, L., (2014), Didattica del gioco ed integrazione, Roma, Carocci editore,
Comoglio, M (2000 ), Educating while you are playing. To learn and to apply the
cooperative learning, LAS.
Comoglio, M, Cardoso M.A.(1996), to tecah and to apprehend e apprendere in gruppo.
Il Cooperative Learning, Roma
Dudley, (2008), Improving practice and progression through Lesson Study, Handbook for
headteachers, leading teachers and subject leaders Crown copyright 2008 Published by
the Department for Children, Schools and Families
Krashen, S.D.,(2003), Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use, Portsmouth: NH:
Strollo, M. (2015) La Motivazione nel contesto scolastico , Franco angeli editori Milano
Riferimenti normativi
Guidelinesfor the integration of Handicapped Alunni con disabilità, 4 agosto 2009
Gelmini Law,
Guidelines for the new technicals, for the new professional schools and for the new high
scools MIUR 2010.
Law of 8 ottobre 2010, n170, Guidelines for the DSA Alumni MIUR
D.M.27/12/2102, Instruments for BES Alumni and Territorial organization for the
inclusion MIUR
Law 12 /12/2014 Guidelines for the right o study of adopted children and for immigrated
ones. MIUR
Law 21/02/2015 Guidelines for the education of Adults in Center of adult instruction
(Italian CIPIA) MIUR
‘’The Good School ’’, Law 107/2015;
The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers

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  • 2. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers 1
  • 3. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers 2
  • 4. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers Index 1 Introduction pg 4 2 Writing a CLIL Unit for chemistry teachers pg 6 3 Content of the CLIL for chemistry teachers pg 8 4 Conclusions pg 24 5 Bibliografy and sitography pg 25 3
  • 5. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers Introduction In each school context, in the respect of the actual Italian law, called the ‘’good School’’ and coming out from the consulting of all the Italian community, each school is obliged to consider different kind of pupils because each of them should reach the plenary success in the school. The school context remain the place to promote the development of strategic point of view for the people, it is the major place where a student build its own personality. Moreover the school must contribute to perform in in student an active citizens, who are aware about who they are, who are aware on what they had eventually to do to improve society where they are now leaving, and where it is necessary to close or to make a change for the new lives that are going to came into the light. Alumni in the Italian school must know what is civilization, what means living in a culture where all the individual rights are respected, be educated to the peace, loyalty, cooperation among people, against each form of racism and peace or kind of ancient totalitarism. The future citizen will be able to serve the State with honourability, with severe intransigence and indulgence; this the State claims from its citizenship.( the Italian Constitution, 1945). Education is important for its citizenship (art 32 of Italian constitution). It seem to respect the same thoughts and speechs of Malala.’’ I do not care where I have to sit down in my school. All that I want is education. I have no fear of anyone.!) Declaration on human right of children and teenegers. Education have to be for all, sure also for handicapped or inabled people, for whom their rights were recognized after years of fight. To make it possible schools and the people working inside makes a pact with their students. It permits that pupils can apprehend all the key competencies ( Petracca, 2015) imposed also by European Community, so that students can grow up with particular competencies (Pellerey, 2014). In particular all the different kind of pupils called BES, special educational needs, are to be included in the school ( Index for the inclusion , Boith, Ascow 2014) also to fight against the premature leaving school. Unfortunatly inclusion doesn’t mean to have a person inside the school living overthere in a complete state of isolation. It means that people must feel inside the school and he must have the possibility to understand to learning for the own future. The pact guarantee that education of all alumni have to be pursed on the basis of high quality criteria, that implies the continuum learning of all school body (teachers, principal, collaborator, staff etc.), named for year LLP program.(or today as Intercultura, Comenius, Erasmus +). In a way we have to remember the high social role of teacher in the school because they remain a reference for all those who are called to save life with a particular regards to the boss ( the principal) of the school who, is actually becamed also the manager of the public school. To this pact families and pupils are called and have to take part too: in particular students are at the centre of the school: considered ( like in the Umanesim period) to whom the 4
  • 6. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers educative action have to be direct according to the Piaget and Vigotsky’ s theories.( Mondelli , 2015). During each cycle and at the end of it teachers have to certifies competencies as the sum of knowledge and skills, because certification is a passport of what they have learned, of what they know or what they don’t know and have to improve. Teachers, indeed, are the scaffolders, the guides to enrich the formal, non formal and informal knowledge of the novel pupils also with the aim that each pupil can reach the total autonomy and responsibility, as one of the most important principle of Italian Constitution. The text ley 107 of 2015, changed POF into PTOF. Ptof explains what that kind of school offers in terms of teaching, organization, timetable, for a period of three years to all the alumni studying over there. On the proposal of teacher Advice, PTOF can be changed not compulsory at the end of the three years, with the introduction of other important modification or pills, that means adding new subject offers, new particular area of interest for alumni, new interesting and challenging projects, etc. This for sure is a great escamotage to attract people in the school. Thus, together with high teaching quality and good organization in the school, that mean good organizational skills of the principal, in the school is possible to attract new alumni so that the RAV is considered positively. In particular is considered positively the presence of foreigners in the schools. With the effect of the same law, the schools at the last year must teach the characterizing matter for the final exam in a language, that are English for scientific matter and French for the others. It means that teachers, during the school years must vehiculate contents of their matter to their pupils with that language, as it is required on the basis of the actual schools programs. This methodology goes under the name of CLIL, and it gives alumni the way to learn specific learning object of that matter, while they are talking in the ‘ CLIL’ language. Can we estimate how much is efficient this methodology? Can we understand if results in acquisition new terms of a matter in the vehiculate language is immediate? What are the problems connected to this approach for dislexys student, because of the high percentage of them in the school all around the world? When is best use the CLIL methodology? As the recent literature specifies, we cannot estimate how long pupils need to acquire new words in their vocabulary, in expecially way when you are working with a different kind of persons, not only children or teenegers, but also adults that are psychologically more instable, for the high numbers of pathologies associated with the adult life. That is why perhaps on the basys of a Bloom theory, the ‘absorbent mind ‘ highly active in children and almost lost in the adult life, we can mark differently way of learning of adults, children and teeneagers lives: we are exepected to collect great new words for children, medium one for tenegeers and a little amount for adults. Apart from rapidity to apprehend new words, we must consider the kind of word alumni have to learn. For sure, the teacher will start with more common terms in that language, then it will be possible to teach English for special purpose, for the difficoulty that is hidden in the matter. This is probably why children start to be familiar with chemistry world around the elementary schools. Then the effects will be more visible waiting for the right time and using facilitating terms to transmit what a person like to transmit in her matter. And then having patience. Essentialism is one of the goal necessary for teachers and educators to reach a good result. Synthetic words, synthetic schemes, and so on. 5
  • 7. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers 2 CLIL unit for the chemical science TITLE The preview in the chemistry ; carbon, Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines Time 4 h Places Laboratory Technological instruments PC , LIM, CUPBOARD, CAMERA Prerequisites To be able to understand simple English written test both in simple present or simple past. To be able to make essays or brief summary of the text Way to evaluation: written and oral text, collective question. Specific objects related to the content of the subject Being able to describe the main functional group in English language Being able to recognize and to classify the different organic groups Being able to describe the main characteristic of alcohols, amines and similar group. Specific objects as related to the metacognition To be able to make metacognition on what was learned and on how it was learned Being able to produce definitions and to be able to organize an essential vocabulary with all the term relalated to the matter. Transversal objectives Being able to use to apply the theory with the practice of the matter ‘’ Chemistry and materials’’. Strategies to guarantee apprehension Group work; project work; multimediality. Contents The preview in the chemistry ; carbon, Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines Materials for the oral comprehension Power point presentation, Personal images taken from Internet or specific sites of the matter, audio- video records avalaible on internet, reading of specific test such as reviews, written test with multiple choice. 6
  • 8. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers Materials for the written comprehension Descriptive piece on organic chemistry avalaible on Chemistry sites in English language Correction with multiple choices answers with correction of the false one. Materials for the written production Esercitations: cruciverba; Completion activity, creation of a glossary of the speficic matters. Materials for the oral production Realization of a video with description in English language that shows the reproduction of a scientific experiment in chemistry Intermediate evaluation Validation of the glossary is a good way to evaluate periodically the apprehension of the language at the intermediate level Strategies to reinforce the matter Adding activities to stimulate the reading, comprehension skills in adjunction to oral and written production, Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines Final product Individual or research group on the main natural substance containing Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines Final evaluation The final evaluation is given by the final product Controls Correction of the activity in the classroom 7
  • 9. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers 3. Contents of the unit The preview in the chemistry ; carbon, Hydrocarbon, Alcohols and Amines 8
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  • 25. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers 3. Conclusions Students during the CLIL Course should assimilate the right terms for their interested field while they are speaking in that language. Discussion in loci of an experience in English language, the possibility of making some deduction in this language and moreover to know how to present the right result to all people, or even sharing opinions, observations, even though with the presence of BES in the classroom, is a poof that CLIL methodology is being activated and that is well working. Infact CLIL (krashen, SD (2003)), that is realized by reducing the TTT to augmentate the speaking one of alumni, should guarantee the apprehension of terms in the vehiculanting language and for all the alumni in the classroom. The presence in classroom of BES can give an help, being a kind of natural reinforce for the assimilation phase. (Dudley, 2008) With the aim to facilitate the apprehension of pupils and to make it with efficacy, (apprehension environment) it is necessary to organize pupils so that all of them can catch essentially the right words. In this sense the DSA can learn and improve languages, also if some mistake can occur. The comparison of results, infact, is possible if we consider the cooperative learning as the best way to facilitate contamination both in terms of knowledge and competencies, so to respect the actual Italian law that want an e- portfolio for each student as referred to the EQF framework. For sure, the best didactical methodology is that of learning by doing, based on the cooperative learning (Comoglio, 1996) both formal that informal because in that way we can teach collateral objectives- of citizenship and of competencies-. The right methodologies a teacher should use are role-playing or brain storming, so to reach the right targets. Other efforts to reinforce the apprehension of the learning object may come from the TIC, from the exploration of internet sites dealing with different types of topics to be shared among alumni ( for example actuality) and all the topic tied to the things we are going to teach. TIC, guarantee the formative success of all the DA alumni. Moreover it is interesting that teacher must think to furnish the same notions trough the gamification ( Cajola, 2014), according also to Winnicott Theory. This is an explaination on why people in adult life or during teenagers and childhood use the ‘games’ to reach the success. 24
  • 26. The Clil Unit for chemistry teachers 4 Bibliografy and sitografy Anderson, N., (2008), «Metacognition and good language learners», in Griffiths, C. (ed.), Lessons from Good Language Learners, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 99- 109. Coyle, D., 2006, «Content and language integrated learning – Motivating learners and teachers», in The Scottish Language Review, n. 13, pp. 1-18. Coyle Cajola Chiappetta, L.; (2008), Didattica per l’integrazione , Roma, Anicia edizioni.. Cajola Chiappetta, L., (2014), Didattica del gioco ed integrazione, Roma, Carocci editore, Comoglio, M (2000 ), Educating while you are playing. To learn and to apply the cooperative learning, LAS. Comoglio, M, Cardoso M.A.(1996), to tecah and to apprehend e apprendere in gruppo. Il Cooperative Learning, Roma Dudley, (2008), Improving practice and progression through Lesson Study, Handbook for headteachers, leading teachers and subject leaders Crown copyright 2008 Published by the Department for Children, Schools and Families Krashen, S.D.,(2003), Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use, Portsmouth: NH: Heinemann Strollo, M. (2015) La Motivazione nel contesto scolastico , Franco angeli editori Milano Riferimenti normativi Guidelinesfor the integration of Handicapped Alunni con disabilità, 4 agosto 2009 Gelmini Law, Guidelines for the new technicals, for the new professional schools and for the new high scools MIUR 2010. Law of 8 ottobre 2010, n170, Guidelines for the DSA Alumni MIUR D.M.27/12/2102, Instruments for BES Alumni and Territorial organization for the inclusion MIUR Law 12 /12/2014 Guidelines for the right o study of adopted children and for immigrated ones. MIUR Law 21/02/2015 Guidelines for the education of Adults in Center of adult instruction (Italian CIPIA) MIUR ‘’The Good School ’’, Law 107/2015; 25
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