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The 2030 Problem: Caring for Aging 
Baby Boomers 
James R. Knickman and Emily K. Snell 
Objective. To assess the coming challenges of caring for lai^e numbers of frail elderly 
as the Baby B(M>m generation ages. 
Study Setting. A review of economic and demographic data as well as sitntUatiori.s of 
projected socioeconomic and demographic patterns in the year 2030 form the basis of a 
review of the challenges related to caring for seniors that need to he faced by society. 
Study Design.  series of analyses are used to consider the challenges relaled to 
caring for eUU-r-s in the year 2030: (I) meiisures of maciocconomic btirdcn are devel-oped 
and analj'zed. (2) the literatures on uencis in disability, pa^iiient approaches for 
long-term care, healtliy aging, and cultural views of aging are analyzed and syjithesized, 
and (3) simulations of Riture int ome and assets patterns of tlie Baby Boom generation 
are dfelo|M'd. 
Principal Findings. Thf economic burden of aging in 2030 should Ix- no jfieater 
tJuin tlic economic burden iissociated wiili raising laige numl>ers of baby boom diildren 
in the 1960s. The real challenges of caring for tlie elderly in 2030 will involve: (1) making 
sure sCKiety develops payment and insurance systems for long-term care that work In-tier 
than exi.sting ones. (2) taking advantage of advances in medicine and liehavionil healdi 
to keep tlie elderly as healthy and active as possible, (3) changing the way society 
oi-ganizes community services so that care is more accessible, and (4) altering the cul-tural 
view of aging to make sure all ages aie integrated into the fabric of community life. 
Conclusions. To meet tJie long-tenn care needs ol Baby ticKiniers. social and public 
polity changes must begin soon. Meeting the financial and sociiil sei-vice burdens of 
growing luun bet's of elders will not be a daunting task if necessary changes are made now 
rather than when Elaby B<Kimers actually need long-term care. 
Key Words. Long-term care, financing. Baby Boomei-s, community-based delivery 
A major pitblic polio' concem in the long-term care field is the potential 
burden an aging society will place on tlie caie-giving system and ptthiic 
finances. The "2030 problem" involves the challenge of assuring that sttfFicient 
resotirces and an effective service system are available in thirty years, when the 
elderly population is twice what it is today. Mttch of this growtli will be
850 HSR- Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
prompted by the aging of the Baby Boomers, who in 2030 will be aged 66 to 
84—the "young old"—and will number 61 million people, hi addition to the 
Baby Boomers, those bom prior to 194ti—the "oldest old"—^will nttmber 
9 tTiillion people in 2030. 
This paper assesses the economic dimensions of the 2030 problem. The 
first half of the paper reviews the literature and logic that suggest that aging in 
general, and long-term care senices in particular, will represent an overwhehii-ing 
economic burden on society by 2030. Then, a new analysis of burden is 
presented lo surest that aggregate resources should not be a major issue for 
the midcentttry economy. Finally, the paper presents foiu" key challenges tliat 
represent the real ecotiotnic burden of long-term care in tlie twenty-fii"st 
century. These challenges are significant but different from macro cost issues. 
WTiat type of economic btirdcn might be considered ovei"whelming? 
Existing literattire never explicitly dehnes tliis bui the sense is tliat the burden 
might be considered overwhelming if: (a) tax rates need to be raised 
dramatically, (b) economic growth is retarded due to high senice costs tliat 
preclude other social investments, or (c) the general well-being of futtire 
generations of workers is worse tlian that of current workers due to semce costs 
and income transfers. 
Tlie discussion has significant implications for public policy and for 
private actors foctised on developing an effective care sj'stem for the mid-twenty-first 
centttry. Public policy goals related to an aging society must balance the 
need to provide adeqtiate services and transfers with an interest in maintaining 
the economic and social well-being of tlie nonelderly. The economic 
challenges disctissed are such that ptiblic and private progiess Uiat begins in 
the near future will make the future burden substitntially easier to handle. 
Various aspects of economic burden are associated with an aging population: 
social security payments will increase, medical care insurance costs will giow. 
Address correspondence to James R. Knickmaii, Ph.D., Vice President for Research and Evaltia-lion, 
The Robert WtKid Johnson Fntiiidation, Box 2316. Princeton. NJ 08543. Emily Snell, B.A., is 
a Senior Researth ;s.sistant at The Roben Wood Johnson Foundation. The paper was written 
while Dr. Knickman was Regents' I.eclurtT al the L'liiversity of Ciilifoniia (IIC). Berkeley. The 
support and inpiil ot colleagues botli al UC, Berkeley and The Roben Wood Johnson Foundation 
are acknowledged. The opinions and conclusions are the authors aiid aic not meant to reflect 
iliose of the sponsoring insmutions.
Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 851 
the burden associated with uncovered medical expenses such as phat-maceu-ticals 
will become quite serious, atid long-tenn care costs will grow. Mitch of tJie 
logic of the paper applies to each of these financial tesource challenges. 
However, we focas principally on the implications of lotig-temi care services, 
which along with prescription drugs, have had tlie fastest growing co.sLs in ilic 
list cited. 
Every elder has to ptepare for four key "aging shocks": tmcoveted costs 
of prescription dmgs, tlie costs of tnedical care tliat are not paid by Medicare or 
private insurance, the actual costs of private instirance that partially fills in the 
gaps left by Medicare, and the tmcoveted costs of long-tetm care. 
If the lifetime costs of each of these "aging sliocks" are calcttlated, tlie 
long-term care burden Is the worst by far. The typical 65year-old faces presetit 
vahte lifetime costs for uticovered long-term care of $44,(KX). By cotitrast, the 
present value of lifetitne oitt-of-pockct pre.scriptioti dnigs cosLs averages 
Srj.OOO, uncovered medical care cotnes to $16,000, atid uticovered private 
insurance premiums come to $18,000* (Table 1). It sliotild be noted tbat 
because of the United States' apptoacb to ftnancing tJiese senices, agitig 
sbocks represent burdens borne by individuals mote than society. In most 
other countries, tbese items tend to be financed socially. 
Lotig-tetm care includes a broad contiiututn of services that address the 
needs of people who are frail or disabled and reqtiite help witli tbe basic 
activities of evervday livitig. The senices can v"ary ftotn itifonnal care delivered 
by family and friends to the formal services of bome care, assisted living, or 
nursitig homes (see Table 2). 
Long-term cate professionals generally distingtiish two t)'}jes of stipport-ive 
care needs for the frail: assistance witb instruviental activities of daily liing 
(IADLs), sttch as shopping or cleaning, and assistance witb /j/ivvicn/activities of 
daily livitig (ADLs), such as eating, bathing, or moving aroutid.^ Amotig the 
31 uiillion uonitistiuitionalized elderly, 1.8 million have IADLs and 3.3 ttiillion 
have ADLs (Table 3). Of tbe 3.3 million, 1.5 tnillion need help with tliree or 
more ADLs, indicating a very bigb level of need that requires extensive hotne 
Table 1: Expected Lifetime Costs of Significant "Aging Shocks" for a 65-Year- 
Old Today 
• Uiicovt'ied Pifscriptiiin Drugs 
• Uncovered Medical tiare 
• Uncovered hisurancc Premiums 
• Uncovered Lonp-irmi Care 
S! 8.000 
Estimates latt-uluted //y aiil/wrs. See footniitf 1 for iLssumptiom used.
852 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
Table 2: Continuum of Long-term Care Services 
INCRE,ASING SEVERITV Informal Care by Family and Friends 
Volunteer Services 
In-home Supports (e.g., meals) 
Personal Care 
Adult Day Care 
Assisted Living 
Home Healtli Care 
Nursing Home Care 
Hospice Care- 
Table 3: Population Needing Long-term Care 
There are 31.2 million community-dwelling elderly 
with only IADLs* 1.8 million 
with 1-2 .ADLs** 1.8 million 
with .^+ ADU** 1.5 million 
Total w/LTC needs 5.1 million in the community 
There are 1.4 million elderly residing in nursing homes 
Sourri': (kwgplmun University histitulefor Health Care Research and Policy preliminary analysis of data 
from Ihe. National Health Interview Survey and the National Health Interview Survey on Disability, U. 1994-5 
'•'lADLs include problems with light housework, laundry, meal preparation, transportation, 
grocei")' shopping, telephoning, and medical and money management. 
**ADLs include problems willi eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transfers, and condnence. 
care or institutional care. Another 1.4 million elderly are cared for in nursing 
boines ;md most of these elderly have 3 or more ADLs (Georgetown Utiiversity 
Institute for Healtli Care Research and Policy 1994-5). 
These statistics measure the number of elderly vifho are disabled at any 
given point in time. Most elderly who live beyond 75 or S.") years of age become 
frail at some point and need some fotm of assistance, making lifetime risks 
much higher. In feet, 42 percent of people who live to the age of seventy will 
spend time in a nureing home before they die (Murtaitgh et al. 1997). 
The current "long-tenn care system" is built around private providers of 
services—some nonprofit and some for-piofit. When resources expand, new 
services develop quickly, and when resources contract, capacity can also shrink 
quickly. In home health care, for example, annual expenditure giowth rates 
went ftom more than 10 percent in the 1980s and early 1990s to minus 3 
percent between 1998 and 1999 (Levit et al. 2000). Recent policy revisions 
including the Home Health Prospective Payment System and tbe Balanced 
Bttdget Refinement Act, along with projected strong growth in out-of-pocket
Caring for Aging liahy Boomers 853 
spending by indiidtials and families, catise many analysts to believe tliat home 
bealth care .spenditig will rise again in the coming decade (Heffleretal. 2001). 
Of course, expansion and contraction of luirsing bome beds respotid mote 
slowly to market forces because of the dtirable capital aspect of nursing bome 
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that expenditures on 
long-tenn care totaled more than $120 billion in 2(K)0, with 59 percent of all 
expenses covered by the public sector (Congressional Budget Office 1999). 
Oul-f)f-pocket expenses account for almost all of tbe balance, with private 
iustu-cince covenng jiust 1 i>ercent of long-temi caie costs (See Figtue 1). 
Conservative CBO estimates suggest total long-term care expendittires will 
Increase at a rate of 2.6 [X'rcent per year above inflation over tlie next thirty 
years, to $ 154 billion in 2010, $ 195 billion iti 2020, and a staggering $270 billion 
in 203(). The numbers are slightly different if one assumes that lotig-tcmi care 
insurance does not become more common, but the stark upward trend 
The $120 billion in cun-ent expeases underestimates the economic 
resources devoted to long-tenn care, however, because most care is delivered 
informally by family and friends and is not included in economic st;itistics. 
Among the elderly who reqtiire assistance with daily activities, 65 percent rely 
exclusively on families and friends and anotlier 30 percent rely, at least in part, 
Figure 1: Projections of National Long-term Care Expenditures for the Elderly 
375 B Private Long' 
Term Care 
y Out of 
• Medicaid 
I Medicare 
I Total 
2000 2020 2030* 2040* 
Source: "Projections of expenditures for long-term care sen/ices for the elderfy." CBO 1999 
Dollar totals in 2030 and 2040 are not disaggregated by payer due to uncertainty about projections.
854 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
on informal care. It has been estimated that tbe economic value of such 
informal care-giving in the LInited States reaches $200 billion a year—one and 
a half times the amount spent on formal care giving (Amo, Levine, and 
Memmott 1999). 
Ecanomic Burden of Long-term Care: The Dire Case 
The at^tment that caring for an aging society cottld disable tbe Atnerican 
economy has beeti tnade by various commentators, perhaps most forcefully by 
Peter Peterson and otbers in the Concord Coalition (Peterson 1996). Tbeir 
concern focuses on the Iai"ge growth in the ntitnl>er of elderly over the coming 
years, from 3.5 million in 2000 to more than 80 million in 2050 (Figitrc 2). Tliis 
giowtb in elderly could lead to a precipitous drop in the number of workers per 
elderly if current working and retirement patterns do not change (Figure 3). 
Tliese trends cottld be partictilarly troublesome for the long-term care 
system because the lai gcst gtowtb in the over-65 popitlatioti will be among the 
"oldest-old," who are disabled at tbe highest rates. Tbus, the ratio of workers to 
fi-ail elderly could decrease even more dramatically tban the ratio of workers to 
all elderly. 
A second part of tbe argument that long-term care could be a large 
burden focuses on the rapid inflation in expetiditures for long-^term care in 
recent years. Medicare and Medicaid expendimres on mtreing home care were 
$9 billion in 1980, tnore than doubling to $25 billion by 1990, atid doubling 
Eigure 2: Population of Americans Aged 65 and over, in Millions 
e 80 
S 70 
§ 60 
.2 50 ao lati 
0 Aged 85+ 
• Aged 75-84 
~ Aged 65-74 
1950 1970 2000 2015 2030 2050 
Source: (NP-T4) Projections of the Total Resident Population by 5 Year Age Groups, Race, 
and Hispanic Origin wilh Special Age Categories: Middle Series, 1999 to 2100
Caring for Aging Baby Buottiers 855 
Figure .S: Will the Old Overwhelm Us? 
Ratio of all 20-64 
year olds to elderly 
1950 1960 1970 1999 2015 2030 2050 
Source: Population estimates from U.S. Census Bureau 
again to $54 billion by 1999. Mkewise, Medicare and Mrdicaid expcndimics on 
home health care increased from less than $1 billion in 1980 lo $5 billion in 
1990 and to $16.1 billion in 1999, down from a high of $17 bUlkm in 1996 
(Health Gire Financing Administration 2000; Hefller et al. 2001). These 
increases bave not been offset by lower out-ot-pocket payments, altbotigh 
giowlii rates for tbe latter bave been lower and more consistent, with average 
increases of 7 percent for home health care and 3.3 percent for nursing home 
care each year over the last decade (U'vit et al. 2000). Finally, many 
professionals believe that even at cuiTent expenditure levels, tliere is a 
significant amount of unmet need for long-term care among the frail, and no 
foreseeable end in upward pressure on per diem service costs (Allen and Mor 
A final part of ihe argument for concern about long-term care costs comes 
from unsettling survey results reported by Curran, McLanahan, and Knab (in 
review) .suggesting that children who experience divorce may be less willing or 
able to care for tbeir aging parents. Their data indicate tliat die probability of an 
elderly person perceiving an availability of emotional support from bis or her 
children is reduced from 71 percent for those who marry once and remain
856 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
married to 56 percent for those wbo marry and divorce. Remanying after 
divorce provides some additional support, but does not completely offset tlie 
result of the first divorce. Witli the legacies of the divorce boom getting older, 
the percent of the elderly who are divorced or separated is projected to double 
for men and triple for women between now and 2030. It may be the case that 
infonnal care resources will shrink and thus restilt in even more pressure on 
public and private tesources tliat support tlie formal care system. 
A Reassessment of Future Economic Burden 
It is possible to eonstnict a counter-case that is more optimistic about the macro 
burden of iong-tenn care in the twenty-firet century. Most importantly, ihe 
typical analysis of dependency ratios overstates tbe impacts of aging on burden. 
While standard calculations include only tlie 20- to 64-year-old population a.s 
producers, and places al! of tlie 65-and-oIder population in the dependency 
group (because of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare), this approach is 
not appropriate in tbe case of long-term care. 
At the very least, tbe denominator sbottld incltide only people 75 and 
older since tbe 65- to 74r-year-oid age group does not tise large aiiiotmts of long-term 
care. The percentage of elderly older than 85 years wbo are ADL 
impaired or instittidonalized is more than six times the rate of 65- to 74-year-olds 
(Manton, Corder. and Stallard 1997). In fact, if the Baby Boom generation 
is healthier than past generations (as argited later in the paper), it very well 
could be that the young elderly migbt work longer and tbus be considered 
producers. In addition, in considering macroeconomic burden, the otlier 
group of dependents in society—cliildren—sbotild be included in the 
denominator with the elderly, as both groups are dependent on the adult 
Recalculating dependencv- ratios using these new principles (see Table 4) 
indicates improvements rather than deteriorations in the adult to dependency 
ratios, especially when the year 2030 is compared to 1960 wben children were 
present in tlie poptilation in peak numbers. When 20- to 64-year-olds are 
compared to children and individtials 75 or older, the dependency ratio 
actually improves between 1960 and 2030. If the 65- to 74-year-old cohort is 
considered "productive" and enters the numerator, the dependency ratio 
becomes stibstantially more favorable in 2030 than it was in 1960. 
All of these ratios change in unfavorable directions between 2000 and 
2030, but the changes are not substantial.^ Tbe key point is that the United 
States prospered through the 1960s witb dependency ratios less favorable tban
Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 857 
Table 4: Calculating Dependency Ratios 
Ratios 1960 2030 % Change 
20-64/65+ 5.66 2.67 -53% 
(i.e.. The number of 20-64 year olds for every 75+ year old) 
20-64/0-19 & 65+ 1.10 1.15 +4.5% 
20-64/0-19 & 75+ 1,26 1.50 +19% 
20-74/0-19 & 75+ 1.40 1.80 +29% 
Source: Population estimates from U.S. Cetisvs Burmu 
will be experienced in 2030 and liie burden did not overwhelm die economy. 
Richard Leone, among others, has argued this point (Friedland and Summer 
191*9; Leone U)97; Singer and Manton 1998). Many odier countries are yeare 
ahead of the United States in population aging; some will reach the "2030 
burden level" as early as 2010 (Congiessional Budget Office 1994). The United 
States will have more time to prepare than most industrialized nadons and will 
be able to learn from these nations" experiences. 
A second factor that might make Uie burden of long-tenn care less 
striking than expected in 2030 is improvement in the health status of the 
elderly. Recent data from the National Long-Term Care Survey reported by 
Manton and Gu (2001) indicates that the disability rate for all elderly 
dropped hom 26.2 percent in 1982 to 19.7 percent in 1999. This meant that 
diere were more than 100,000 fewer disabled elderly in 1999 than in 1982, 
despite a one-third increase in the population of the elderly. In prior work. 
Singer and Manton (1998) estimated thai a relative rate of disability decline 
of 1.5 percent a year over the next few decades would maintain tiie current 
level of burden each disabled elderly places on economically active 
Americans. This decline is acaially significantly less dian the 2.6 percent 
relative rate of decline experienced between 1994 and 1999. Declines in the 
nursing home population, particularly among the oldest old, have accom-panied 
these disability trends (Bishop 1999). A more mixed, although 
guardedly optimistic, picture of disability Uends bas been offered by other 
demogi-aphei-s (Crimmins 1997; Reynolds et al. 1998; Schoeni, Freedman, 
and Wallace 2001). Schoeni, Freedman, and Wallace's analysis of NHIS 
disability' data reports a 1.1 percent average annual decline in disability 
Ix'tween 1982 and 1996. However, Uiey caution tliat this decline was not 
persistent or consistent through this pteriod, with most of the decline 
occurring in the 1980s. 
/Uthough trends will need to be watched closely over die coming decades, 
declines in disability probably will continue.' This is the two most
858 HSK- Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
salient factors influencing the recent declines in disability—^better-educated 
elderly and better science—will continue to exist in the coming decades 
(Freedman and Martin 1999; 2000). 
The elderly of 2030 will be much better educated, witli a college 
graduation rate twice (and high school drop out rate one-third) that of the 
cuiTent generation of elderiy (U.S. Depailment of Education 1998). Tliis 
bodes well for the future phracal healdi of aging Baby Boomei-s, as there is a 
strong conelation between education level and disability; college graduates 
have a disabilit)- rate about half that of high school dropouts. 
Expected advances in medicine, through prevention, phamiaceuticals, 
and surgical tieatinents, should also reduce the need for long-term care. More 
and more older patients are benefiting from restoradve treatments, such as 
knee leplaceiiienLs and coronaiy angioplasty, once unavailable due to age 
(LubitJi; et al. 2001). Although such advances in medicine tend to increase acute 
health care costs, these treatments can delay entrance into nursing homes and 
other long-term care needs. Better pharmaceutlcals for preventing and treating 
disabling conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and rheumatism will 
continue to decrease the number of elderly who need assistance with LDL.s 
and ADLs (Neer et al. 2001). Because about 60 to 70 percent of nursing home 
residents have dementia-related symptoms (RoTierand Kat7 1993). progress in 
treating or preventing AJzIieiraer's and other dementias associated with later 
life could lead to large reductions in the number of elderly with the most 
intensive long-tenii care needs. This is already happening: Freedman, Aykan, 
and Martin (2001) found that the proportion of noninstitutionalized 
elderly—paiticularly the very elderly—widi severe coguitive impaiiment 
between 1993 and 1998 fell from 6.1 percent to 3.8 percent. 
If as a resuh of further medical advances and social shifts, the di.sahilit)' 
rates continue to decline in the coming years at the same pace tliat Manton 
reported for 1994 to 1999, or an average 0.56 percent a year, the number of 
disabled elderly in the year 2030 would be a remarkably low 1.6 million people, 
or less than three percent of the elderly population. This seems extremely 
unlikely. A more conservative estimate for declines in disability rates would be 
an average annual decline of 0.13 percent between 1994 and 2030. Although 
this decline would be half the 0.26 percent average annual rate of decline 
experienced between 1982 and 1989, about one-third of tlie 0.38 percent 
average annual decline experienced between 1989 and 1994, and significantly 
less than the 0.56 percent average annual decline experienced between 1994 
and 1999, it would still result in a manageable 11 million disaliled elderly in 
2030, 40 percent less than die estimate in 1982 of 18 million disabled elderly.
Caring for Aging Baby Boomeis 859 
Even a moderate decline in disability would have dramatic impacts on the 
economic bttrden of long-term care. 
Tlie optimistic forecasts could be affected by demographic changes that 
are difficult to forecast. Most relevant perhaps are trends in immigration. It is 
possible ihai unexpected giowih in ininiigration cotild increase tlie number 
of elderly in the year 2030, making btudens woi"se. Or, iminigratioti uends 
might also bring lai^er than expected numbers of working-age adults to 
America, thus decreasing dependency ratios. In addition. Wolf (2001) makes 
the case that decteases in disahility rates that are due to higher educational 
attiiinments atiiong the Baby Boom generation will not continue past the year 
The final and most itnponant factor that will affect the macro btirden of 
agitig is the ftitttre of tlic American economy. When the pes.simistic literatute 
oti the but den of an aging society was published, the economy was growitig at 
anemic rates and inflation rates were relatively high. If the economy grows at a 
steady, healthy pace, the overall btirden of long-tenn care will be moderate. 
Social secttrity acttiaries issue three diffctent econotnic sccuari<js for the 
coming century. In their "bad" economic growth scenario, with avei-i^e real 
(iross Domestic Prodtict (GDP) growth a little tnorc than 1 percctit over each 
of the tiext 30 years, long-temi cat e expenses for Uie elderly wottld l>e almost 40 
percent higher as a percent;ige of GDP than in their "great" economic 
scenario, with real GDP growth averaging 2.1 percent. During the 1990s, a 
decade when yearly change in real GDP shifted ftoiti negiUivc numbfi"s to 
above 4 percent, GDP actually averaged al^otit 3 percent real aiiritial growth per 
year. If GDP growth were to continue at 3 percent over the next three decades, 
a rate which few I>elieve is possible, LTC expenditures as a percentage of (iDP 
would acuially decline between 20(M) and 2030. WTiether I'eal GDP growth 
averages 1, 2, or 3 percent will make an enomiotLS difference over a thiity-year 
Taketi togetlier, these three factors—newly calculated dei>endency 
ratios, declines in disability rates, and healthy economic giowih—could work 
together to make the macro burden of long-term care no worse than it is the 
beginning of the twenty-first centtiry. While the future remains tincertaiti, 
tliere seems to be little reason for dire concenis about tbe ftitttre btitden of 
long-tenn care. Our estimates arc tiieant to be broad outlines i-atht-r than 
specific forecasting. Others have eloqtiently discussed the power of and 
caveats to making demographic and economic projections (Lee and Skinner 
860 HSR- Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
Despite the preceding positive analysis of the macroeconomics of aging, there 
remain some stibstantial challenges lo getting ready to meet the long-term care 
needs of Baby Boomers. In fact, fotir types of challenges need to be addressed: 
1. Creating a finance .s)'stem for long-term care that works 
2. Building a viable and affordable community-based delivery system 
3. Investing in healthy aging in order to achieve lower disability rates, and 
4. Rechai^ng the concept of family and the value of seniors in American 
Each of these challenges is considered in the remaining sections of this paper. 
A Workable Long-term Care Financing System 
Current Sources of Financing. Four sources of payments currently finance 
long-term care services for tbe elderl)': Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, 
and out-of-pocket payments (see Figure 4). 
The federal Medicare program pays for approximately 24 percent of all 
long-term care costs (Congressional Budget Office 1999). Medicare's long-term 
coverage, however, focuses mosll)' on home care thai is related to medical 
Figure 4: Expenditures on Long-term Care for the Elderly 
Total Expenditures: 
$123 Billion 
Source: "Projections of expenditures for long-term cace services for the etderly," CBO. 1999
Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 861 
problems, such as broken hips. Services generally are restricted lo people 
receiving rehabilitation for some medical condition. In principle. Medicare 
does not cover custodial long-term care, bui in practice it is an ongoing 
cliallenge for Medicare and providei"s to distingtiish ctistodial caic and 
rehabilitative care. 
Tlie federal/state Medicaid program is perhaps the most important 
player in the long-tetin care financitig system. Medicaid acts as a backstop, 
paying for long-tenn care services for the frailest elders when they are poor. In 
most states, the Medicaid progi-am pays for care for the poor and for elders who 
become poor when long-term care expenses impoverish them. In 1995, 64 
percent of elderly nursing home residents used Medicaid to finance at least 
some of their care (Dey 1997). In many states, a lai^e share of all Medicaid long-term 
care dollars supports frail elders who bad been middle class before 
becoming frail. In New York State, for example, the Medicaid program pays for 
80 percent of all tiursing home costs; clearly, 80 petcent of New York elders are 
not poor before they become frail. 
Most states diiect the lion's share of Medicaid dollars to ntifsing homes as 
opposed to botiie care, ln 1995, almost 85 percent of elderl) Medicaid long-term 
care expenditures were for institutional care and only 10 percent were for 
home care semces (Wiener and Stevenson 1998). This is a restilt of Medicaid's 
nttempt.s to foctis on tbe most frail, who tend to be in ntirsing bomes. Many 
experts feel tbat tliis emphasis on nursitig liotnes means that not enough 
resources are devoted to preventing eldere wbo have some disabilities from 
Incoming more and mote frail (Kane. Kane, iind l.add 1998). Since ciders tend 
to avoid nui"siiig homes as long ius possible, tlie Medicaid empbitsis on nureing 
bomes means that many elders go without commtinity-based services ihat really 
could belp them live better lives. 
Private insurance accotmts for jtist 4 percent of long-term care costs. 
Despite aggressive attenipis by tbe instirance industry to develop a private 
market for long-term care, tbe growtli of this market has proceeded slowly. Pail 
of the reason is tlie nature of the contract between an insuterand an elder. Tlie 
insurer needs to guarantee a senice tliat often will occur twenty or moie years 
iif ter the contract is set Tbe uncertainty leads insurers to keep prices high and 
makes elders nervous about pttrchasing a private insurance policy. In addition, 
tbe "door-to-door" sales apptoacb by individual agents adds to the costs of 
long-tenn care instu"ance. And, tlie relticuince of people to think about 
purcbasing such insurance at youn^r ages makes the payments on an 
iusumnce policy beyond tlie reach of many elders. Finally, tbe av-ailabilily of 
Medicaid as a substitute for private instirance leads many elders to forego
862 HSR: HeaUh Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
insurance premiums and take their chances on remaining healthy (McCall 
etal. 1998). 
Out-of-pocket costs finance about 36 percent of long-term care, but tlie 
burden of these payments is very unevenly distributed. The 42 percent of elders 
who spend some time in a ntu'sing home—one-half of them for two years or 
more—pay most out-of-pocket costs for long-tenii care. 
Barriers to Refonning tJie Financing Syst^em. Why is it so hard to devise a 
financing system to replace the current patchwork payment approach? One 
subtle but CRicial factor is what Washington officials call the "woodwork" 
effect, which is the fear that many elders will demand long-term care services if a 
more hospitable financing system helps them receive care without having to 
use personal savings. It is very diffictilt to judge who really needs formal long-term 
care services, and there may be large amounts of pent up demand 
currendy taken care of by families and friends. Tlie woodwork effect predicts 
that total expenditures cotild grow substantially if public and or ptivate 
insurance expanded (Weissett, Cready, and Pawelak 1988; Kane, Kane, and 
Ladd 1998). Imbedded within the woodwork issue is the real social challenge of 
determining how best to allocate limited resources. 
A second banier to reftHTn is Americans' aversion to taxes and .saving. Any 
expanded public insuiance system would reqtiire new taxes. And private 
insurance would be paid for from private savings, which are in short supply for 
most middle-income elders. One interpretation of the indifference of working-age 
Americans to either save privately or approve taxes to cover future long-term 
care services is that Americans are not adequately aware of the 
implications of these nonactions. Perhaps Americans, more so than other 
societies, are less mincUul of the needs of aging due to a relatively age-sU'atified 
society. The other interpretation, however, is that Americans do not value long-tenn 
care services. This interpretation is lx)lstered by the fact that many 
moderate-income elderly who could benefit from long-tenn care and could 
afford lo pay for some services choose to make do on their own. 
In addition, financing reform has had to compete with various other 
social priorities. In recent years, lawmakers have directed more attention 
toward imcovered pharmaceutical costs. Medical care costs in general are high 
for elders—even with Medicare, elders and their families pay more than a third 
of their health care costs out of their own pockets. The lai^e number of 
uninsured among the noneiderly population continues to be a problem that 
deinaiuls attention. Tlie needs of eldei"s also compete for resources witli other 
problems facing other age groups. Many have concluded tliat elders have done 
rather well with social policy compared with other needy subgroups of our
Caring for Afpng Ha/ty Boomers 863 
population. Child poverty, for example, is higher today than it was three 
decades ago, while poverty among the elderly has decreased significantly. 
Finally, tiix ctiLs and a .sluggish economy could completely eliminate the funds 
needed for any new social programs. 
The re.sult of the patchwork financing system is the "aging shock" 
presented iti Table 1: Uncoveted long-temi care averages $44,(XH) in lifctinic 
costs for the typical elder. Tlie $44,000 figure also tmderestimates the burden 
of long-term care in tliat it represents the expected value for a typical elder. Any 
specific person who fx-comes frail may face higher burdens because the 
expected value averages high costs for those who become frail atid zero costs for 
iliose elders who avoid the need for long-term care services. Conservative 
estimates suggest that an elder should be prepared for more tlian $150,000 in 
costs to cover tlie small l)ut real probability that he or she will spend two oi 
three years in a ntirsing home. And, home care costs can be jtLst as high for a 
fniil elder wanting to live at home. 
Long-term Care Financial ^ahility. In oiher, Knickman. Snell. and 
Hunt (2000) estimate which eldei^s can ;tflbrd a $I.^>O,()(H) long-temi care 
"shock" and how long-term care financial viability will change over the coming 
years as the Baby Booniei's readi old age.' The best way to estimate tfie elderly's 
financial viability is to consider diree subsets of people (Eigure 5): Medicaid 
Bound, EinanciiUIy Independent, and Tweeners.' 
Figure 5; Continuum of Abiiitv' to Absorb Long-term Care Costs and 
Distribution of Population in 2000 and 2030 
2000 2030 
Medicaid Bound 
Very limited means to pay 45.2 % 28.9 % 
Lifetime income atid wealth is 27.7 % 32.9 % 
adequate but cannot handle a LTC 
Financially Independent '^^tcr IQ^C^ 
-r, *, r * 27.1% 3o.2vo 
Three years of long-term care costs 
are adequately handled with income 
and wealth 
Source: Authors'projections using Lewin-VHILong-Term Care Financing Model.
864 HSR Health Seruices Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
The Medicaid Bound: Tbese are individuals who have few financial resources 
available for long-term care and who have no choice but to rely on Medicaid. A 
person is Medicaid Bound if he or she does not bave at least $50,000 in liquid 
assets or citrrent income available for long-term care in the year 2000, or 
$70,000 in the year 2030.** 
The Rnancially Independent: These are individuals who have $ 150,000 or more 
in liquid assets or cuiTent income available for long-term care and wbo can take 
care of tliemselves financially widi or without private insurance, and surely 
without Medicaid. In 2030, $210,000 is the minimum amotint nece.ssary for 
The Tweeners: TTiis is a group whose lifetime income and wealth are adequate 
but who cannot handle a long-term care shock. Individttals with liquidity be-tween 
$50,000 and $150,000 and $70,000 atid $210,000 comprise the Tweeners 
in 2(K)0 and 2030, respectively. 
Estimates calculated ttsing the Lewin Long-Term Care Financing Model 
indicate some good news about the fiiture financial viability of elders.^ (See tbe 
footnote for ati explanatioti of model.) Itt tbe year 2000, an estimated 45 
percent of eldet^s are classified as Medicaid Boutid but this estimated 
percentage drops to 29 percent in the year 2030. By contrast, the share of 
tbe elderly who are financially independent increases fk>m 27 percent in 2000 
to 38 percent in 2030. 
As with all simttlations and forecasts, tlie estimates into the future depend 
on key economic assumptions. The assumptions used follow the principles of 
the middle estimates of the social security forecasting model: economic growth 
averaging 1.3 to 2.0 percent per year and real wage growtli averaging 0.9 
percent per year. Perhaps the most "bullisb" assumption in the sitnulation is 
that the costs of long-term care will increase just 1 percent per year in real 
terms. To meet this forecast, long-term care cost itiflation would need to be 
brought under control. If long-term care costs iticrease at 2.3 percetit above 
inflation, tbe distribution of the population not able, barely able, and able to 
pay for long-term care wottid retnain almost identical to the distribtition today. 
Thits, a relatively modest increase in long-term care inflation fates could 
eliminate the rosy simulation estimates of changes in the Medicaid Bound as 
reported above.^" 
The other interesting forecast that emerges from the simulation exercise 
is that tlie percentage of people iti tlie Tweeners categoty will not shrink, but 
will actually increase fi'om 28 percent to 33 percent. This implies tbat there will 
continue to be a lat^e number of middle class elderly who will spend down to
Caring for A^ng Baby Boomers 865 
Medicaid coverage tmless new financing arrangements help make the 
Tweenei^s more self-reliant. 
How do assumptions about future disability rates affect tlie simulation 
results? In fact, disahility rates only affect the estimates indirectly in that higher 
disahility rates lead to lower income and iisset estimates—particularly for the 
nonelderly—and tiiis increases the number of Medicaid Bound. Disability rates 
do not directly affect the simulation estimates becatise the calculations a.ssess 
who is able to afford long-term care at a point in time whether a person is 
disabled or not. 
Emerging Options to Improve the Financing of Long-term Care 
Despite the size of the economic shock associated with long-term care needs, 
very little polic)' attention is being given to designing new approaches to pay for 
long-term care. The Kaiser P'amily Foundation issued a side-by-«ide comparison 
of key health policy positions advanced by the Gore campaign and the Btish 
catTipaign in early October 2()00. Under the category "long-term care" the 
policybrief reported that the Core campaign had no published proposals while 
tlie Bush cainpaign supported tax dedtictibilit) of private long-tt'tm care 
insurance. The quiet long-teim care issue for the elderly was completely 
eclipsed by attention to prescription drug coverage and the fiiture of social 
security citmng tlie presidential campaign. 
When attention does focus on financing options for long-term care, three 
serious types of options need to be considered: tax deductions for private 
insurance, public pro'ision of long-tenn care insurance, and mandatoiy savings 
starting at younger ages foi" private insurance. 
Tax deductibility for private insurance premiums clearly would expand 
tbe number of people who ptirchase long-term care iasurance. Dedtictibility 
would lowei- the after tax cost of insurance by 15 percent to 40 percent (the 
range of the current mai^ginal tax rates). Unfortunately, tlie largest after-tax 
price breaks would go to the most wealthy people who do not need insurance 
because they can afford to pay for long-temi care from existing resources. 
The vast majority of working age, middle-class people—^wlio comprise the 
Tweeners—wottld experience between a 15 and 25 percent reduction in the 
costs of insurance premiums after tax deductihility. W'hile tliis would be a 
welcome incentive, past experience with lowering the niai^nal cost of 
insurance for middle class families suggests tliat most will not Iiegiu to 
purchase long-term care insurance unless a major portion of the premium is 
paid for. (Bilheimer and Colby 2001)
866 HSR: Health Seruices Research 37:4 ( 2002) 
The most likely option for a public program for insuring long-term 
care would involve a voltmtaiy-type piogi-am based on out-of-pocket 
payments for premiums similar to Part B of Medicare. This type of program 
could offer graduated suhsidies to make long-term care insurance more 
affordable for moderate-income people. In order to make the insurance 
iiffordable for most people, bowever, the subsidies would probably need to 
be large. While this type of program should lead to substantial reductions in 
Medicaid payments for Tweeners, the net public sector costs would likely be 
Public offerings of insurance would avoid many of the marketing 
problems associated with private long-tenn care insurance and would create 
some healthy competition between existing private insurance policies and the 
new public offering. A public long-term insurance program with targeted 
subsidies would likely cause a much bigger expansion of insurance for middle-class 
families than would occur in a comparahly scaled, tax deducdbility 
The third type of financing improvement would follow the logic of 
advocates for privatizing social security: Mandatcny savings in priv-ate invesUnent 
accounts could be required for all individuals starting at an age that vould 
make annual savings afTordahle.^ Then, the annual savings would grow over 
dme in the private invesUnent accounts, and when a person ttinied 65 or 
perhaps 75, a private insurance opdon could be selected. Deborah Lucas 
presents a detailed plan for a mandatory savings approach to private financing. 
Her analysis suggests that saving $40 to $80 a month during working years 
would cover approximately 80 percent of long-tenn care expenses. However, 
the estimated savings rate for prefunding starting at age 55 is almost four times 
that of preftinding stardng at age 35 and would also be quite sensidve to interest 
rates (Lucas 1996). 
More anal)«is of these opdons—and others that might emerge—is 
needed to encourage some consensus about how to improve the financing of 
long-tenn care for the Medicaid Bound and Tweeners. A few important 
principles that should guide reform debates emerge from die analysis 
presented here: 
• Long-term care is an expensive item that most middle-class families are 
not prepared to pay 
• If some type of insurance plan—^whether voluntary or mandatory, 
whether public or private—does not begin to catch bold, the public 
sector is going to see its expenditures grow faster and faster
• ' Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 867 
• The sooner alternatives to the citrrent Medicaid-based financing system 
emerge, the less painfitl die costs of the new systetn will be. 
Perhaps coti.sensus about which option is the best refotiii apptoach for 
long-temi care financing can emerge otily if tliere is consetisus abottt the 
criteria for judgitig options. Unfortunately, the criteria tend to conflict witli one 
another, forcing stark trade-offs. For example, one desirable critetion for 
asse.ssing options is the extent to which itidividttals have free choice to select a 
method of ptepatitig for their po.s,sible long-tenii care needs. Options strong 
on this criterion tend to be weak on another desirable criterion: tbe assurance 
tbat a ftnaticitig approach does not restilt in people becoming a ptiblic btitden 
if they fail to ptepate for long-temi care needs. A third criteri^ju itlso may 
conflict with the other two desirable featttres: the ability to maintain incentives 
to allocate scarce long-term care resources efficiently. At the very least, debates 
about options need to make clear what criteria related to effectiveness are 
iitidei" cotisideration. 
c the Baby Boomers were growing up. the needs of yotmg families were 
a high priotit)' in comtntttiitv' developtneiit, with particular concern for 
family-friendly bousing, parks, and schools. In 2011, these children will start 
utniing 65 in large nutnbers. Many predict that if comtntmities want to be 
sticcessful iti caring for their aging poptilatioti, ibey will have to make 
significant, yet certainly feasible, changes in housing, health care, and hutnan 
In prepating for tbe needs of lat^e ntimbers of elderly, it is crticial to 
think ol tbe challenge as a commtinit)' issite. If the care of the elderly begins 
and ends with entry into a formalized system that takes over when a person is 
almost ttnable to function day to day, society will face lat ge service costs and will 
miss opportttnities to help tbe eldetly function as pioductive, indepetident 
citizens for latter portiotis of tbeir elderly yeare. A cotiimunity's social and 
economic systems need to become attuned to arranging services to meet the 
needs of an aging society iti natttral, infotmal vvav's. 
Most Bafiy Boomers would like to stay in tbeir own homes, or at least in 
their own commttnities, as tbey age. Nearly threes]uarters of all respondents in 
a recent AARP survey felt strongly that they want to stay in their current
868 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 {August 2002) 
residence as long as possible (Bayer and Harper 2000). The image that most 
eiders will move to a retirement village away from their communities is the 
exception rather than the nile. Most people will not have the resources or the 
inclination to move to Florida or its equivalents; commtinities cannot rely on 
"exportitig" to meet the needs of an aging population. 
hi thinking ab<jut community capacit), three stages orcommtinit)- aging 
can guide planning: the healthy-active phase, the slowing-down phase where 
tlie risk of becoming frail or socially isolated increases, and the service-needy 
phase when an elder can no longer continue to live in the community withont 
some active serice in and arotind the home. 
Perhaps the most important challenge of the healthy active phase of 
aging is for a commtmity to leam how to tap the human resources that elders 
represent in the community. This is a phase where elders can be key volunteers 
to impt ove Uie life of many segments of a commtmity. Healthy eldei"s can be 
considered a potendal component of the paid workforce if jobs can be 
stnictured to meet their changing preferences and capabilities. 
The second phiise of aging, when elders begin to slow down and may face 
some challenges in doing tlie every day actixities required of community living, 
represents a subUe challenge for communities. Elders in this phase often need 
assistance witli transportation to remain independent, and commimiUes need 
to take the lead to develop affordable transportation s)^t,cms {U. S. Department 
of Ttanspot tation 1997). Safe and affordable housing options also are a priority 
for community capacity efforts. At this phase of £^ng, many elders want to 
move into smaller housing units that are more aging-friendly but still are 
tiffordable and integrated in the community. It is important to begin 
developing such options on a lar^e scale in the coming 10 to 20 years. In a 
community with five thousand projected elders, for example, a project with 30 
units will not meaningftiUy attack the problem. 
Voluntarism is an imptirtant community need for elders who are mostly 
independent but slowing down (Butler 1997). Volunteers can provide services 
in a manner that makes elders contdntie to feel connected to a community and 
not dependent on a formal care system. And, volunteers often can act as 
preventive medicine, keeping away the effects of social isolation and keeping 
elders as active and engaged as possible. Volunteer capacity does not emerge 
without effort, however. Commttnides need to recruit, train, and support 
Tlie most prevalent form of "voluntarism," of course. Is the care 
provided infonnally by families and friends. Tliese caregivers also need support 
through training programs and respite progi"ains. Many believe that additional
Caring for A^7ig liahy Boomeis 869 
financial assistance for ianiily caregivers is needed as well (Stone and Keigher 
1994). Such eHons to support family care^ving represent an important 
aspect of community capacity lo support elders. 
Wbile communities need to make day-to-day asjsects of community 
life more aging friendly and while volunteers and family caregivers 
represent cnicial "capacit)'" to meet the needs of eldere, a well organized, 
affordable fonnal long-term care system still is essential for every 
community. It is unclear whether such local care systems can emerge 
naturally through niarket forces or whether market failures will emerge to 
block the evolution of care systems that reflect the wants atid needs of 
elders. Clearly, the large financing roles of Medicare and Medicaid give 
the public sector an interest in ensuring that adequate systems of eare 
How many people will require formal services in 2030? As disciLssed 
earlier in the paper, this is an unanswerable question in the year 2002. If effoiis 
at healthy aging are successful and if infbiTiial caregivei"s and volunteers can 
help to meet tlie needs of elders, the total number of frail who need fomial 
.services in a community in 2030 could be quite similar to the number in 2000, 
even though the number of elders will more than dotible. Keeping the ntimber 
of fmil constant at 2000 levels mtist be the goal of every community to keep 
costs affordable. 
However, even if tlie aggregate number of frail elders stays the same or 
grows slowly, fonrial care capacity must be belter stnictured at the commtinity 
level. Importantly, most communities rely too much on nursing homes as the 
source of formal care, at least for Tweeners and tlie Medicaid Bound 
populations. Sixty-seven cents of every public dollar supporting long-term care 
for the elderly is spent on institutional care (Congi'essional Budget Ollfice 
1999), despite the clear preferences of frail eldei^s for semces in the 
Wliy does this mismatch of dollars verstis preferences happen? In part, 
nursing homes are seen as tlie long-term care "safety net" and most public 
dollars are invested using a safety-net mentality: only pay for services when it 
would be socially tinconscionable not to do so. We have not developed social 
consensus alxnil when and for whom commiinity-ba.sed sei"vices should be 
supported widi public dollars; therefbie few public dollai"s are allocated to 
community^based services. 
This oveireliance on nursing homes—what some people call an 
"unbalanced" long-term care system (Kane, Kane, and Ladd 1998)—may 
be changing witli help from the federal cotirt system. Recent court niUngs
870 HSR: Health Sennces Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
support tbe idea tbat the disabled have a right to receive services in 
cotntiitinity settings (Pear 2000). Sucb rtilings are putting pressure on pttblic 
programs to retliitik tlie balance between nursitig home services and 
community-based services. 
Tbe cballetige over the next 10 to 30 years is to develop new 
approaches to delivering community-based care. Home care, using a range of 
tinskilled to highly skilled wotkers, teptesenLs Uie dotiiiiianl t)pe of 
commitnity-based care. But, this service type, relying on a one-on-one model, 
is expetisive atid creates challenges for providers to assure quality. New 
models, such as adult day services and housing-based services that can use 
one cat egiver to assist more than otie elder at a titne, need to become tnore 
prevalent (Feldman 1990). In addition, emergitig technologies might 
increase the ability of one caregiver to meet tbe needs of two or three 
elders tliroitgh enhanced ability to communicate and tnonitor a person's 
needs (Gottleib and Caio 1999). 
One other key challenge in assuring community capacity is to recruit tbe 
required numbers of caregivers working in fonnal settings. Wnh chatigitig 
demographics and a sttong overall labor market, it is becotning increasingly 
difficult for home care agencies and otber providers to find and retain 
qualified caregivers. New iticcntives atid orgatii/ational strticttires will lie 
required to maititain a stable workforce in long-tenn cate settings. 
Finally, every community needs to tliink about what types of 
institutional long-term care shottld be available. Even if community-based 
services expand, tlie most fiTiil among the elderly will sometimes require 
the high level of care that traditionally has been provided by nursing 
homes. It is possible, however, to think about restructuring nursing homes 
to make their living environments and caritig style more attractive to elders 
and their families (Alleti and Mor 1998). Assisted living is einerging as a 
.significant option for many elderly—both disabled and nondisabled. The 
idea of institutional care sbould not be considered as a static model that 
cannot evolve, improve, and become more responsive to the preferences of 
Expansions in community capacity to care for elders need to be paid for 
in some way. In the case of formal services, the financing options discussed 
previously are the source of expanded resources. In the case of community-teased 
(hanges beyond formal services, the give and take of the political 
process will shape how high a priority health-promoting community programs 
become atnong the range of local priorities. And, the willingtiess of seniors 
and tlieir families to allocate private resources to long term care atid related
Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 871 
services will determine the scofje of "caring features" in twenty-first century 
. 1 ' 
Perhaps the most important challenge related to aging poptilations is the 
challenge of liealtliy aging. Healthy aging (or successful or prodtictive aging) is 
the coucept oi keeping senioi>i disability-free and thtis avoiding some of the 
need for long-term care (Rowe and Kahn 1998). Keeping seniors healthy and 
functioning could have sigtiificant economic itnpacLs (Posner 1997). hi 
addition to reducing long-tenn care costs, healthier elderly are more likely u 
be profhictive memters of society. In contiust to the scarce attention being paid 
to improving financing for long-term care, the healthy ^ing challenge has 
generated significant ititerest. 
Both national and cross-national studies indicate that the rate of 
disability in a population can be extremely vaiiable. Studies of elderly 
Americans with high, average, and low levels of phy'sical activit)' have shown 
ranges in the onset of disability of tip to ten years, with mtich lower lifetime 
disability' among exercisers compared to .sedentary people. Right now 
Americans spend 72 percent of their post-65 years free of disability. Our 
goal should be to match the Japanese, who spend 91 percent of their time 
past tlie age of 65 disability-tree. For example, Japanese females at age 65 
have an average life expectancy only 4 months longer than American females 
at age 65, but Japanese elderly women spend jiLst 1.8 years disabled while 
American elderly women spend almost 5.5 years disabled {Waidman and 
Maiiton 1998).'''^ Wliilc researchci-s caution that some of these difiercnces 
could be due to varying cultural perceptions of disability and the reporting of 
disability lo survey researchers, most obsetvers of society believe that 
tliere ate stibstantial dilferences in disability and tliat tliey relate to liiestyle 
Although disability and disease were once thought to be commensurate 
with old age, the examples above, along with many others, have made it 
increasingly clear that lor all but the most genetically programmed diseases, 
lifestyle choices, social factors, and the environment playjust as lai^e or lai^er 
roles that! genetics in influencing healtli in later life. Less Uian a tliiid of the 
biological process of aging is attributed to genetics, and the potency ol genes 
that aifect aging declines even furtlier after age 65 (Finch and Tanzy 1997).
872 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
Thus, society has the ability to promote successful aging and reduce and 
prevent disability among the elderly. 
Ffforts to Avoid Disease and Disability Related to Medicine and Medicare 
Advances in genomics and medicine may represent the most straightforward 
sti-ategy (at least compared to changing behaviors and lifestyles) to reduce 
disease and disability. Tlie budget for die National Institutes of Health more 
than doubled between 1988 and 2000, from $6.6 billion to $18 billion, and 
appi-opriations are projected to reach $27 billion by 2003. More than $2.5 
billion has been spent on the Human C^enome Project since 1988 (Htiman 
Genome Project hiformation 2000). These invesunents should lead to advances 
in earlier detection of disease orgenetic predisposition to disease, more rational 
dnig design, and possibly even gene therapy. Futtire medical interventions 
might transform the initial stages of chronic—such as the onset of 
.Alzheimer's or arthritis—into acute disease events that can be remedied (or 
even prevented through vaccination) after one or two visits to the primary care 
physician (Singer and Manton 1998). Consider Alzheimer's disease alone; an 
estimated 14 million people in the United States could suffer from Alzheimer's 
in 2040 if today's prevalence rates remain constant In recent years, however, 
undei-standing about the neurobiology of the disease has increased as genes 
and proteins that increase siLsceptibilit)' to Alzheimer's have been identified and 
sttidied (Selkoe 1999). This new knowledge is leading lo earlier diagnosis, the 
development of better drugs that treat symptoms, and .some hope that vaccines 
and otlier methods for a! least slowing the onset of Alzheimer's will emerge. 
Better management by the medical care system of a broad range of 
chronic diseases could also reduce the incidence of disability. Society's 
understanding of what the health system needs to do to encourage prevention 
and clinical care management of chronic di.seases has improved tremendously 
in recent years. Despite this, the right fomitila has not emerged for setting 
incentives that will lead to widespread adoption of good clinical care 
management principles among tlie ntimerotis medical providers who care 
for the elderly (Wagner et al. 1999). hicrea.singly, however, public and private 
payers are beginning to demand better clinical caie management approaches 
for the chronically ill. 
Although Medicare has clearly improved the health status of the elderly 
through access to acute medical care (Lubitz et al. 2001), additional interven-tions 
are necessary to improve health care services for the elderly. Mtich more 
must be done to facilitate better clinical care tnanagement of chronic diseases
• V Caring fm- Aging Baby liootmrs 873 
(Wagner etal. 1996) and encourage healthy aging. This cottld include better use 
of clinical preventive services to redtice tlie costs of Medicare {Rtis.seII 1998), 
thotottgh itnplemetitation of chronic disease matiagetnent practices, and 
iticetitives to increase the use of bebavioral interventions tbat could help 
patients quit smoking, better monitor dialx-tes, and promote pbysic;l activity. 
Ahbotigh Medicare acute care costs are positively affected by prevention effotts, 
thetc is liitle payoff to tnedical care providei^s who invest iti preventive efforts. 
This lack of connection between Medicare prevention efforts and savings is a 
current barrier to better integration of ptevention efforts into Medicare. 
Efforts Related to Socioeconomic and Lifestyle Factors 
Altbougb medical advances generate the most excitement, basic social and 
lifestyle factors migbl have the largest long-tenn impact on di.sitbility rates. 
Vatioiis stitdies indicate that havitig income alxne tbe lowest qitintile, having a 
high school education or greater, not smoking, atid exercising are among the 
most impoitanl determinants of healthy ^ n g (Strawbridge et al. 1996; Stitck 
etal. 1999). 
On the positive side, one factor that could lead to healthier aging among 
Baby Boomers compared to the current elderly is the changing life circum-stances 
of childhood and adulthood. It appears that netuobiological circum-suinces 
in old age may Ix' shaped in part by experiences during early, critical 
periods of brain development, and that many changes in function during aging 
show variabilit)' related to these early life experiences. That is, cbildbood 
diseases, titttritional deficiency, poverty, and lack of educatioti might be 
contribtiting to what is now viewed as normal aging. Chikiiiood health 
problems have been linked to a variety of morbidities later in life, including 
arthritis, cardiovascular conditions, and cancet% eveti when socioeconomic 
stattts is cotitioUed for (Blackwell 2001). According to the Batker hypothesis, 
prenatal conditions can have a large effect on health in later life as well, with 
poor ntitrition in u/m?related to increased cardiov-ascular disease, diabetes, and 
other ailtnents in later life (Barker 1995). Matiy elderly alive today mattired 
dtuing the two world wars and tlie long depressioti petiod, wheti tiialnuuitioti 
and vitamin deficiencies were still commoti. The Baby Btx:>m cohort, by 
contrast, grew tip among tiiitcb better bealth. economic, ntttrilional, and 
educational conditions. Because of antibiotics and immttnizatiotis they will 
have been largely utitoucbed by tbe ravages of childhood di.sease. 
Education is also strongly correlated with psychological fitnction, health 
behaviors, and biological conditions (Kubzsansky ei al. 1998). Pei-sons wbo are
874 HSR: Health Sendees Research 37:4 (August 2002) 
not high school graduates are at almost twice the risk for experiencing declines 
in functional abilides in older adtilthood. It is encouraging Oiat nadonal trends 
in educational attainmetit amotig tlie elderly are so posidve, witli future cohorts 
haing completed many more years of sch<:>oling than the current elderly. 
However, even older adults without much formal education can benefit from 
programs and acdvides that keep tlieir mind.s .supple and active. 
Trends in healthy behavions are not as encouraging as the socioeconomic 
stadstics. Nadonal trends iti healthy behavior have been mixed, with stagnadon 
in exercise, in obesity, and decreases in smoking, hi 1997, only one-half 
of all 65- to 74-yearolds and one third of all people aged 75 and older 
engaged in any leisure dme physical acdvity each week. Twenty-four percent of 
people aged 60 and older are obese and current obesity trends among younger 
cohorts indicate that this number will only increase (U.S. Department of 
Healdi and Human Senices 2000). Obe.sit>' is a risk factor in tlie elderly for 
arthrids, lung dysftmcdon, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and 
certain forms of cancer (Kotz, Billington, and Levine 1999). 
Altliotigb many .siLspect diat rising obesity rates will increase ovei'all 
medical costs, it is unknown wbat effect tliis will have on long-tenn care 
expenditures. Analysis of mortality stadsdcs indicates that obesity has a much 
larger effect on life expectancy at younger than older ages, but future 
generadons of elderly are likely to have a much higher rate of obesity than 
current generations. Also, the health implicadons are tmknown for oveiiveight 
elderly who have been overweight for much of their adult lives (Kotz, 
Billington, and Leine 1999). 
Wliai can l>e done to change these tretids? A sophisticated social 
markedng campaign might increase awareness and change atdtudes about 
eadng and exercising. In the past, successful such efforts made progress in 
increasing awareness about caixiiova-scular health risks atid the importance of 
cholesterol monitoring and control of hypertension (Shea and Basch 1990; 
Dustan, Roccella, and Garrison 1996). Better pharmaceudcal agents that help 
cotiti'ol obesity also are likely to be developed in the coming yeai"s. 
Communides need to proide more and better cjpportunities for health 
promodon for older adults. In 1997, only 12 percent of adtilts aged 65 years and 
older participated in one or more organized healdi promotion acdvides (U.S. 
Department of Healtli and Human Senices 2000). Many commtmides also do 
not offer acdxity-friendly environments Uiat encotirage seniors to walk or 
engage in other physical acdvity. 
On a positive note, many researchers have shown that it is possible to 
reach old age in a healdiy condidon; those with healtliy habits have a very good
Caring for Aging Bal)y Boomers 875 
chance of reaching old age without disability (Vita, Terry, Hubert, and Fries 
1998) and without accniitig lai-ge health care costs (Schatifller, D'Agostino, 
and Kannel 1993; Daviglus, et al. 1998). 
Efforts to Nurture Strong Interpersonal Relationships 
,'ltliotigli research has shown that the lack of social relationships is a major risk 
factor for poor health, as significant as smoking or inactivity, few direct 
interventions to work on this issue have emer;ged. Sttidies suggest that mortality 
rates rise sharply at low levels of social connection, with death more than twice 
as likely compared to people with adeqtiate social relationships (Berkman and 
Snne 1979). Good social connections also affect mental hcitlth and cognition 
as well. One study found that persons who had no social ties were twee as likely 
to experience cognitive decline compared to those peisons with five or six 
social ties (Bassuk, Glass, and Berkman 1999). The 1986 General Social Survey 
indicated that twenty percent of the elderly (6.4 million people) are so socially 
isolated their health is at risk. Two million of them have no social network at alt. 
Clearly, these elderly are at high risk for tinhe;ilthy aging. 
Opportunities for healthy aging ctmently are highly related to social and 
economic status. The inequalities that exist in society translate into health 
inequalities. Receiing heiilth insurance for the first time at age 65 will not 
eliminate the impact ofyears without insurance. Poor dental caie as a child leads 
to lifelong increased susceptibility to many types of infection. Recent research 
h;is shown that lifetime differences in social and economic circtimstances aifect 
differences in mortality up to age 89 years (Kubz.sansky et al. 1998). Altbotigh 
research indicates that its a whole the elderly will be- iiuidi ixMtt-r off in 20.S0 than 
(hey are today, closer examination reveals a significant minority of elderly—dis-proportionately 
women and minorities—in 2030 who cotild be left behind. 
The fotirth challenge related to meeting tlie long-term care needs of an aging 
population is qttito intangible and is dependent on culture riither than public 
polic). The idea of eldei^ as an economic burden or as Trail and weak is a 
twentieth-century construct. An interesting book by Thomas Cole traces the 
history of society's views on aging (Cx)le 1992). hi ages when death struck 
randomly and evenly at all ages, people did not ftjctts so tnuch on a birth to death,
876 HSR- Health Smnces Research 37:4 (August 2002) ' 
linear view of life. And, agrarian economies where the young, the middle-aged, 
and the old all play productive roles enhanced tlie sense of the value of all ages. 
So, in past eras life was viewed more as a circle—the Lion King image. 
But, since the Victorian Age and especially during the twentieth century, as 
more people have lived to old age, the linear interpretation of the life cycle 
has become dominant. Tlie past centuiy's improvements in medical and 
economic conditions for older people have been accompanied by cultural 
isolation and a change in the conception of old age. Old age has been 
removed fi^om its once spiritual location in the journey of life to being 
redefined as a medical problem. 
Perhaps it is time to rethink the value of aging and the positive aspects of 
aging and to adopt a cultural view capttired hy the imagery of the "Long Late 
Afternoon of Life." WTiile it is difficult to change "cuUiire" per se and the way 
elders are viewed in society, there are practical steps communities, employers, 
and individuals can begin to take to prepare for a society with greater numbers 
of healthy elders. 
First, it is worth reassessing the responsibilities and assets of elders. All 
ages need roles in life. Accoixiing to Erik Erikson, die hallmark of successful 
late-life deveUipment is the capacity to be generative and to pass on to future 
generations what one has learned from life. Marc Freedman has called the 
elderly "America's one growing resource" and views the aging of the 
population as an opportunity to be seized (Freedman 1999). More than half 
of all elderly volunteer their time. In the past few decades with the creation of 
National Senior Service Corps, the Foster Gixuidparent program, and the Faith 
in Action initiative, more opportunities than ever are available to elderly who 
wunt to contribute to their communities. 
Half a million people age fifty and older have gone back to college (Riley 
1998). Firms arc integrating workforces through programs of "unredrcment" 
or by hiring retirees as temps, consultants, and pait-time workers. Surveys 
surest that the 60-year trend of a decreasing number of elderly working has 
reversed itself as Baby Boomers reconsider dieir financial needs for retirement 
as well as how they want to spend more dian a third of their adult life, hi 2000, 
the percentage of elderly who worked, nearly 13 percent, was higher than it had 
been in 20 years (Walsh 2001). The young elderly (people in their 60s) have 
reported increased ability to work, with a 24 percent drop in the inability to 
work at tliis age; tlie percentage of elderly tinable to work at age 65 in 1982 was 
higher than the percentage utiable to work at age 67 in 1993 (Crimmins, 
Reynolds, and Saito 1999). Most forecasters project this trend to continue as 
more elderl)' work longer for economic, social, aiid personal reasons.
Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 877 
etnployers become more flexible and aware of the needs and benefits of older 
workers, and the labor market remains tight, with a stnaller number of available 
younger workei's. 
Since the sheer size and energy of the Baby Boom generation has led to 
other dratnatic social shifts, sotne expetis see hope that a new itnagery for 
agitig is possible. A growing interest in "age integration"—a ptocess tliat 
takes advantage of the broadened range of accutnufated "life course" 
experiences in society—has occttrred over the last few decades. In an age-integrated 
society, changes made to bting older people into the maitistteatn 
cottld simttltaneously enlarge personal opportunities aud relieve many otlier 
people who ate in their middle yeat^ of the wotk-family "crtttich" 
(Uhlenberg 2000; Riley 1998). 
Actual ph)'sical integratioti between the generations can take place too. 
Although some towns have seen a trend towatd ".senior-only" housing, others 
are exploring options in integrated apartment buildings. Surveys have shown 
that most older people prefer a tnixed-age tieighborhtxid over one restricted to 
people their own age. Some cotnmutiity centers are integrating setiior centers 
with child<are centers, facilitating cross-age interaction and at the same time 
conserving space and resources. 
(Ailtttral change also is possible, in tenns of one-t<>one relationsbips. 
Baby liootners have made an art of enjo)ing and (iiking ptide in everytliitig 
abottt caring for cbildren; some even go so far as managing to altnost "enjoy" 
paying $1^0,000 atmtially for college tuition. Tbe needed ctiltttr;] shift is for 
children and comtnunities to find more enjoyment atid pride iti providing for 
the care of parents and neighbors. 
The sitnple message—and tbe intangible goal—is to recognize tbe give 
and take of all patts of society. Atiyone who has spent time caring for an elderly 
frietid or telative recognizes diat in tlie end, categivers teceive far more tban 
tliey give in the relationship. Everyone benefits when tlie elderly can be 
integrated fully into a caring society. 
1. Based on average life expectancy of 17 additional years at age 65, out-of-pocket 
prescription drug costs of approxitnately $400 a year (with 5 percent annual 
iticreases over inflation), oitt-of-pocket medical care costs of $900 a year, and 
uncovered insurance premiums a>sts of $ I,(MX) a year, and average life long-term 
caie costs.
878 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 {Augu^st 2002) 
2. The ADLs include eating, hathing, dreeing, toileting, transfers, and continence. 
Tlie IADLs include light housework, hmndiy, meal preparation, ti-an-spoiTation, 
grocer)' shopping, telephoning, atid medical and money management. 
3. Acccndiiig to demographic pR>jecd<)iis, the ratio.s continue to moderately worsen 
between 2030 and 2050 as Baby Ikx)niers reach very old ages. 
4. The Lewin-LTC model used in this paper uses relatively conservative assumptions 
ahont declitie.s in disability over the next thitt)' years and asstitncs that tlie average 
ainountof time spent in disahility before death will remain the same even its the age 
of death rises. Thus, disahility will decrease at an averse annual rate, depending on 
age, of between 0..5 and 0.6 percent—miiToring tlie social security tnistees 
assumptions for declines in moiTality—and keeping the percentage of elderly in the 
commtitiit)' who are disahled in 2030 at approximately the same level as in 2000: 
around 5 percent. 
5. In this paper. Lee and Skinner outline the major caveats in making projections of 
health care needs, mortality, and disability, the lack of consenstis in ititerpretation of 
data, the need for stronger modeling strategies, and what would be ncces.s;iry for 
more rohast, long-term predictive power. 
6. All comparisons were done u.sing 2000 dollars, with projected inflation adjustments. 
(Knickman, Snell, and Hunt). 
7. Tim Smeeding coined tlie tetiii "Tweeners" (Smeediiig 1986) and Smeeding and 
Holden have considered tlieir prohlenis in earlier papei's (Smeeding and Holden 
8. The $150,000 amotmt is lused to define a long-tenn shock becatise this amount 
would be needed to support a three-j'ear nursing home stay in many parts of 
the country. To calcttlate "citn^ent income" we include income over a three-year 
period since most nursing home stays are less than three years, but many 
last more than one year. Thus, including only one year of current income 
might have imderstated resources avaiiahle for long-term care. Income includes 
earnings, «>cial sectiritj' income, pen.sions, other annuities, and invesunent 
incomes. If a pei^on is single, it is assumed the long-term care resources 
available include income over three years plus liquid assets. The long-term care 
resources available to a person who is part of a couple is three times income, 
minus $16,000 a year for tlie spouse plus liquid axseLs. minus the half tlie liquid 
assets of $120,000, whichever is smaller. Thtis, lotig temi care resources for a 
couple = .S[M^X (0, incotne-$16.000')] + (liquid assets - [MIN (1/2 liquid 
assets, $120,000)]). 
9. The Long-term Care Financing Model simulates the utilization and financing of 
long-term care services for elderly individuals through 2050 tising natifjnal data. Tlie 
two piincipal components of the model ;u^e the Pension and Retirement Income 
Simulation Model (PRISM) and the Long-tenn Care Fitiancing Model. The PRISM 
simulates future demographic characteristics, labor force paiiicipation, income and 
assets of the elderly. The l^ng-term Care Financing Model sitnulates disability, 
admission to and of instittitional and home and community-based care, and 
methofLs of financing long-term c:ire services. Tlie mode! tises a Monte Ciirlo 
simulation methodology. The current version of the tnodel is the second major
Caring for Aging Baby lioomeis 879 
revision of the niddel that was developed jointly by Lewin-ICF and the Brookings 
Institution in 1986. 
In almost all cases, PRISM tises the Intermediate assumptions from the 
1999 Social St'ctnity Tmstccs' Rejiort. Tiie PRISM mtHlcls iiuonic lioiii social 
security, private and public employee ri-tiremeiit plans, individual Retirement 
Accounts, Keogh accounts, earnings, assets, and the Supplemental Security 
hicoine progi~am. Agpegaie changes in wage levels are iissunicd to increase at 
die raic assumed in ihc Intcmiediatc category' of the 1999 Tmstfcs' Report, ln 
general, average wages are assumed to gi-ow b)' ().^)-1.0 perct-nuigc poiiiLs in 
excess of the inflation rate in each yeai' after 1998. The PRISM simulates 
mortality, disability, childbearing, and changes in marital stattis. Mortalit)' rates 
van' hy age, gender, fiisability stattis, years since fjecoming disabled, anrl race 
(black versus iiuiiblack). 
In the Long-term Citre Finaticing Model, disabled individtiais age fj.5 and 
older are defined as those who are tmable to condtict at least one instnimental 
activity of daily living or unable to conduct at ie:ist any one of five activities of 
daily living. Tlie di.sabilit} prevuleuce rates tised in the model were calculated 
using data ftom tlie 1**94 NationtU l,ong-tenn (^ue Stuvey (NLTCS) while 
assuming that the overall period during which an individual is likely to have a 
disiibilitv will remain suible. Taking an intenuediate view of long-renn disability 
prevaleiue rates, it itssumcs ihat disability will decrease at an average annual 
rate of between 0.5 and 0.6 percent—iiiiiToriiig tfie social sectirity tiiLstees' 
assumptions for declines in mortality—dejKiiding on age. Tiiis rate is approxi-mately 
one-half the 1.2 perceni per year declines in disability estimated by 
Mantcjn based on the 1982 and 1994 NLTCS (/Mecxib, L. B..J. a)rea, and R. 
Foreman, 20()0. "Lotig-tcmi C^re Fin:uicing Model: Model Assumptions 
[Draft]." Tbe I.ewin (iroup.) 
10. Il is very difficult to know how tasl long-ienn care costs will inflate over a tliirty-yeai" 
period. On the otlier hand, if lafxjr becomes more productive in the general 
economy, service costs could inflate at faster rates tliau average l>ecatise productivity' 
gains in the .service sector often lag average gains in the economy. However, over the 
next thirty yeai's it is possible that new lecbnologies and new service sU^ategies could 
improve the efficiency of tlie long-term care secttjr. The assumption oi 1 percent 
iuflaiion aliove average inflaliou seems like a nuxierately—but iioi unreasonably— 
optimistic guess. 
If. Ihe gi(junds for mandatory savings would Ix- based on tbe folfowing type of" 
thinking: (a) people miscalctilate the importance of saving fbr long-term care, and 
(b) if individuals fail to save, tfie costs oflong-temi care become a .social biiitien. This 
logic motivates a wide range of regtilaloiy betiaviov ranging from social security to 
mandatory automobile instirance. 
12. Some have fe:ued Uiat as fife expectancy iticreases, tlie time spent iu poor fieiiltli will 
correspondingly lise. Recent data does not seem to support these fears. Average life 
expectancy at age 8.^ was .six years in 1980, and. by 1997. had incre;tsed by less than 
fbui" months (U.S. (Census Bureau 20(K)). fletlines in disability, however, appear to 
f)e quite significant
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The2030 problem

  • 1. The 2030 Problem: Caring for Aging Baby Boomers James R. Knickman and Emily K. Snell Objective. To assess the coming challenges of caring for lai^e numbers of frail elderly as the Baby B(M>m generation ages. Study Setting. A review of economic and demographic data as well as sitntUatiori.s of projected socioeconomic and demographic patterns in the year 2030 form the basis of a review of the challenges related to caring for seniors that need to he faced by society. Study Design. series of analyses are used to consider the challenges relaled to caring for eUU-r-s in the year 2030: (I) meiisures of maciocconomic btirdcn are devel-oped and analj'zed. (2) the literatures on uencis in disability, pa^iiient approaches for long-term care, healtliy aging, and cultural views of aging are analyzed and syjithesized, and (3) simulations of Riture int ome and assets patterns of tlie Baby Boom generation are dfelo|M'd. Principal Findings. Thf economic burden of aging in 2030 should Ix- no jfieater tJuin tlic economic burden iissociated wiili raising laige numl>ers of baby boom diildren in the 1960s. The real challenges of caring for tlie elderly in 2030 will involve: (1) making sure sCKiety develops payment and insurance systems for long-term care that work In-tier than exi.sting ones. (2) taking advantage of advances in medicine and liehavionil healdi to keep tlie elderly as healthy and active as possible, (3) changing the way society oi-ganizes community services so that care is more accessible, and (4) altering the cul-tural view of aging to make sure all ages aie integrated into the fabric of community life. Conclusions. To meet tJie long-tenn care needs ol Baby ticKiniers. social and public polity changes must begin soon. Meeting the financial and sociiil sei-vice burdens of growing luun bet's of elders will not be a daunting task if necessary changes are made now rather than when Elaby B<Kimers actually need long-term care. Key Words. Long-term care, financing. Baby Boomei-s, community-based delivery system A major pitblic polio' concem in the long-term care field is the potential burden an aging society will place on tlie caie-giving system and ptthiic finances. The "2030 problem" involves the challenge of assuring that sttfFicient resotirces and an effective service system are available in thirty years, when the elderly population is twice what it is today. Mttch of this growtli will be
  • 2. 850 HSR- Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) prompted by the aging of the Baby Boomers, who in 2030 will be aged 66 to 84—the "young old"—and will number 61 million people, hi addition to the Baby Boomers, those bom prior to 194ti—the "oldest old"—^will nttmber 9 tTiillion people in 2030. This paper assesses the economic dimensions of the 2030 problem. The first half of the paper reviews the literature and logic that suggest that aging in general, and long-term care senices in particular, will represent an overwhehii-ing economic burden on society by 2030. Then, a new analysis of burden is presented lo surest that aggregate resources should not be a major issue for the midcentttry economy. Finally, the paper presents foiu" key challenges tliat represent the real ecotiotnic burden of long-term care in tlie twenty-fii"st century. These challenges are significant but different from macro cost issues. WTiat type of economic btirdcn might be considered ovei"whelming? Existing literattire never explicitly dehnes tliis bui the sense is tliat the burden might be considered overwhelming if: (a) tax rates need to be raised dramatically, (b) economic growth is retarded due to high senice costs tliat preclude other social investments, or (c) the general well-being of futtire generations of workers is worse tlian that of current workers due to semce costs and income transfers. Tlie discussion has significant implications for public policy and for private actors foctised on developing an effective care sj'stem for the mid-twenty-first centttry. Public policy goals related to an aging society must balance the need to provide adeqtiate services and transfers with an interest in maintaining the economic and social well-being of tlie nonelderly. The economic challenges disctissed are such that ptiblic and private progiess Uiat begins in the near future will make the future burden substitntially easier to handle. DEFINITIONS AND BACKGROUND Various aspects of economic burden are associated with an aging population: social security payments will increase, medical care insurance costs will giow. Address correspondence to James R. Knickmaii, Ph.D., Vice President for Research and Evaltia-lion, The Robert WtKid Johnson Fntiiidation, Box 2316. Princeton. NJ 08543. Emily Snell, B.A., is a Senior Researth ;s.sistant at The Roben Wood Johnson Foundation. The paper was written while Dr. Knickman was Regents' I.eclurtT al the L'liiversity of Ciilifoniia (IIC). Berkeley. The support and inpiil ot colleagues botli al UC, Berkeley and The Roben Wood Johnson Foundation are acknowledged. The opinions and conclusions are the authors aiid aic not meant to reflect iliose of the sponsoring insmutions.
  • 3. Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 851 the burden associated with uncovered medical expenses such as phat-maceu-ticals will become quite serious, atid long-tenn care costs will grow. Mitch of tJie logic of the paper applies to each of these financial tesource challenges. However, we focas principally on the implications of lotig-temi care services, which along with prescription drugs, have had tlie fastest growing co.sLs in ilic list cited. Every elder has to ptepare for four key "aging shocks": tmcoveted costs of prescription dmgs, tlie costs of tnedical care tliat are not paid by Medicare or private insurance, the actual costs of private instirance that partially fills in the gaps left by Medicare, and the tmcoveted costs of long-tetm care. If the lifetime costs of each of these "aging sliocks" are calcttlated, tlie long-term care burden Is the worst by far. The typical 65year-old faces presetit vahte lifetime costs for uticovered long-term care of $44,(KX). By cotitrast, the present value of lifetitne oitt-of-pockct pre.scriptioti dnigs cosLs averages Srj.OOO, uncovered medical care cotnes to $16,000, atid uticovered private insurance premiums come to $18,000* (Table 1). It sliotild be noted tbat because of the United States' apptoacb to ftnancing tJiese senices, agitig sbocks represent burdens borne by individuals mote than society. In most other countries, tbese items tend to be financed socially. Lotig-tetm care includes a broad contiiututn of services that address the needs of people who are frail or disabled and reqtiite help witli tbe basic activities of evervday livitig. The senices can v"ary ftotn itifonnal care delivered by family and friends to the formal services of bome care, assisted living, or nursitig homes (see Table 2). Long-term cate professionals generally distingtiish two t)'}jes of stipport-ive care needs for the frail: assistance witb instruviental activities of daily liing (IADLs), sttch as shopping or cleaning, and assistance witb /j/ivvicn/activities of daily livitig (ADLs), such as eating, bathing, or moving aroutid.^ Amotig the 31 uiillion uonitistiuitionalized elderly, 1.8 million have IADLs and 3.3 ttiillion have ADLs (Table 3). Of tbe 3.3 million, 1.5 tnillion need help with tliree or more ADLs, indicating a very bigb level of need that requires extensive hotne Table 1: Expected Lifetime Costs of Significant "Aging Shocks" for a 65-Year- Old Today • Uiicovt'ied Pifscriptiiin Drugs • Uncovered Medical tiare • Uncovered hisurancc Premiums • Uncovered Lonp-irmi Care $12,000 $16,0(H) S! 8.000 $44,000 Estimates latt-uluted //y aiil/wrs. See footniitf 1 for iLssumptiom used.
  • 4. 852 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) Table 2: Continuum of Long-term Care Services INCRE,ASING SEVERITV Informal Care by Family and Friends Volunteer Services In-home Supports (e.g., meals) Personal Care Adult Day Care Assisted Living Home Healtli Care Nursing Home Care Hospice Care- Table 3: Population Needing Long-term Care There are 31.2 million community-dwelling elderly with only IADLs* 1.8 million with 1-2 .ADLs** 1.8 million with .^+ ADU** 1.5 million Total w/LTC needs 5.1 million in the community There are 1.4 million elderly residing in nursing homes Sourri': (kwgplmun University histitulefor Health Care Research and Policy preliminary analysis of data from Ihe. National Health Interview Survey and the National Health Interview Survey on Disability, U. 1994-5 '•'lADLs include problems with light housework, laundry, meal preparation, transportation, grocei")' shopping, telephoning, and medical and money management. **ADLs include problems willi eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transfers, and condnence. care or institutional care. Another 1.4 million elderly are cared for in nursing boines ;md most of these elderly have 3 or more ADLs (Georgetown Utiiversity Institute for Healtli Care Research and Policy 1994-5). These statistics measure the number of elderly vifho are disabled at any given point in time. Most elderly who live beyond 75 or S.") years of age become frail at some point and need some fotm of assistance, making lifetime risks much higher. In feet, 42 percent of people who live to the age of seventy will spend time in a nureing home before they die (Murtaitgh et al. 1997). The current "long-tenn care system" is built around private providers of services—some nonprofit and some for-piofit. When resources expand, new services develop quickly, and when resources contract, capacity can also shrink quickly. In home health care, for example, annual expenditure giowth rates went ftom more than 10 percent in the 1980s and early 1990s to minus 3 percent between 1998 and 1999 (Levit et al. 2000). Recent policy revisions including the Home Health Prospective Payment System and tbe Balanced Bttdget Refinement Act, along with projected strong growth in out-of-pocket
  • 5. Caring for Aging liahy Boomers 853 spending by indiidtials and families, catise many analysts to believe tliat home bealth care .spenditig will rise again in the coming decade (Heffleretal. 2001). Of course, expansion and contraction of luirsing bome beds respotid mote slowly to market forces because of the dtirable capital aspect of nursing bome care. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that expenditures on long-tenn care totaled more than $120 billion in 2(K)0, with 59 percent of all expenses covered by the public sector (Congressional Budget Office 1999). Oul-f)f-pocket expenses account for almost all of tbe balance, with private iustu-cince covenng jiust 1 i>ercent of long-temi caie costs (See Figtue 1). Conservative CBO estimates suggest total long-term care expendittires will Increase at a rate of 2.6 [X'rcent per year above inflation over tlie next thirty years, to $ 154 billion in 2010, $ 195 billion iti 2020, and a staggering $270 billion in 203(). The numbers are slightly different if one assumes that lotig-tcmi care insurance does not become more common, but the stark upward trend remains. The $120 billion in cun-ent expeases underestimates the economic resources devoted to long-tenn care, however, because most care is delivered informally by family and friends and is not included in economic st;itistics. Among the elderly who reqtiire assistance with daily activities, 65 percent rely exclusively on families and friends and anotlier 30 percent rely, at least in part, Figure 1: Projections of National Long-term Care Expenditures for the Elderly 375 B Private Long' Term Care Insuranca y Out of Pockst • Medicaid I Medicare I Total 2000 2020 2030* 2040* Source: "Projections of expenditures for long-term care sen/ices for the elderfy." CBO 1999 Dollar totals in 2030 and 2040 are not disaggregated by payer due to uncertainty about projections.
  • 6. 854 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) on informal care. It has been estimated that tbe economic value of such informal care-giving in the LInited States reaches $200 billion a year—one and a half times the amount spent on formal care giving (Amo, Levine, and Memmott 1999). Ecanomic Burden of Long-term Care: The Dire Case The at^tment that caring for an aging society cottld disable tbe Atnerican economy has beeti tnade by various commentators, perhaps most forcefully by Peter Peterson and otbers in the Concord Coalition (Peterson 1996). Tbeir concern focuses on the Iai"ge growth in the ntitnl>er of elderly over the coming years, from 3.5 million in 2000 to more than 80 million in 2050 (Figitrc 2). Tliis giowtb in elderly could lead to a precipitous drop in the number of workers per elderly if current working and retirement patterns do not change (Figure 3). Tliese trends cottld be partictilarly troublesome for the long-term care system because the lai gcst gtowtb in the over-65 popitlatioti will be among the "oldest-old," who are disabled at tbe highest rates. Tbus, the ratio of workers to fi-ail elderly could decrease even more dramatically tban the ratio of workers to all elderly. A second part of tbe argument that long-term care could be a large burden focuses on the rapid inflation in expetiditures for long-^term care in recent years. Medicare and Medicaid expendimres on mtreing home care were $9 billion in 1980, tnore than doubling to $25 billion by 1990, atid doubling Eigure 2: Population of Americans Aged 65 and over, in Millions 90 e 80 o S 70 § 60 .2 50 ao lati s ao 40 30 20 10 0 0 Aged 85+ • Aged 75-84 ~ Aged 65-74 1950 1970 2000 2015 2030 2050 Source: (NP-T4) Projections of the Total Resident Population by 5 Year Age Groups, Race, and Hispanic Origin wilh Special Age Categories: Middle Series, 1999 to 2100
  • 7. Caring for Aging Baby Buottiers 855 Figure .S: Will the Old Overwhelm Us? Ratio of all 20-64 year olds to elderly 1950 1960 1970 1999 2015 2030 2050 Source: Population estimates from U.S. Census Bureau again to $54 billion by 1999. Mkewise, Medicare and Mrdicaid expcndimics on home health care increased from less than $1 billion in 1980 lo $5 billion in 1990 and to $16.1 billion in 1999, down from a high of $17 bUlkm in 1996 (Health Gire Financing Administration 2000; Hefller et al. 2001). These increases bave not been offset by lower out-ot-pocket payments, altbotigh giowlii rates for tbe latter bave been lower and more consistent, with average increases of 7 percent for home health care and 3.3 percent for nursing home care each year over the last decade (U'vit et al. 2000). Finally, many professionals believe that even at cuiTent expenditure levels, tliere is a significant amount of unmet need for long-term care among the frail, and no foreseeable end in upward pressure on per diem service costs (Allen and Mor 1998). A final part of ihe argument for concern about long-term care costs comes from unsettling survey results reported by Curran, McLanahan, and Knab (in review) .suggesting that children who experience divorce may be less willing or able to care for tbeir aging parents. Their data indicate tliat die probability of an elderly person perceiving an availability of emotional support from bis or her children is reduced from 71 percent for those who marry once and remain
  • 8. 856 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) married to 56 percent for those wbo marry and divorce. Remanying after divorce provides some additional support, but does not completely offset tlie result of the first divorce. Witli the legacies of the divorce boom getting older, the percent of the elderly who are divorced or separated is projected to double for men and triple for women between now and 2030. It may be the case that infonnal care resources will shrink and thus restilt in even more pressure on public and private tesources tliat support tlie formal care system. A Reassessment of Future Economic Burden It is possible to eonstnict a counter-case that is more optimistic about the macro burden of iong-tenn care in the twenty-firet century. Most importantly, ihe typical analysis of dependency ratios overstates tbe impacts of aging on burden. While standard calculations include only tlie 20- to 64-year-old population a.s producers, and places al! of tlie 65-and-oIder population in the dependency group (because of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare), this approach is not appropriate in tbe case of long-term care. At the very least, tbe denominator sbottld incltide only people 75 and older since tbe 65- to 74r-year-oid age group does not tise large aiiiotmts of long-term care. The percentage of elderly older than 85 years wbo are ADL impaired or instittidonalized is more than six times the rate of 65- to 74-year-olds (Manton, Corder. and Stallard 1997). In fact, if the Baby Boom generation is healthier than past generations (as argited later in the paper), it very well could be that the young elderly migbt work longer and tbus be considered producers. In addition, in considering macroeconomic burden, the otlier group of dependents in society—cliildren—sbotild be included in the denominator with the elderly, as both groups are dependent on the adult population. Recalculating dependencv- ratios using these new principles (see Table 4) indicates improvements rather than deteriorations in the adult to dependency ratios, especially when the year 2030 is compared to 1960 wben children were present in tlie poptilation in peak numbers. When 20- to 64-year-olds are compared to children and individtials 75 or older, the dependency ratio actually improves between 1960 and 2030. If the 65- to 74-year-old cohort is considered "productive" and enters the numerator, the dependency ratio becomes stibstantially more favorable in 2030 than it was in 1960. All of these ratios change in unfavorable directions between 2000 and 2030, but the changes are not substantial.^ Tbe key point is that the United States prospered through the 1960s witb dependency ratios less favorable tban
  • 9. Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 857 Table 4: Calculating Dependency Ratios Ratios 1960 2030 % Change 20-64/65+ 5.66 2.67 -53% (i.e.. The number of 20-64 year olds for every 75+ year old) 20-64/0-19 & 65+ 1.10 1.15 +4.5% 20-64/0-19 & 75+ 1,26 1.50 +19% 20-74/0-19 & 75+ 1.40 1.80 +29% Source: Population estimates from U.S. Cetisvs Burmu will be experienced in 2030 and liie burden did not overwhelm die economy. Richard Leone, among others, has argued this point (Friedland and Summer 191*9; Leone U)97; Singer and Manton 1998). Many odier countries are yeare ahead of the United States in population aging; some will reach the "2030 burden level" as early as 2010 (Congiessional Budget Office 1994). The United States will have more time to prepare than most industrialized nadons and will be able to learn from these nations" experiences. A second factor that might make Uie burden of long-tenn care less striking than expected in 2030 is improvement in the health status of the elderly. Recent data from the National Long-Term Care Survey reported by Manton and Gu (2001) indicates that the disability rate for all elderly dropped hom 26.2 percent in 1982 to 19.7 percent in 1999. This meant that diere were more than 100,000 fewer disabled elderly in 1999 than in 1982, despite a one-third increase in the population of the elderly. In prior work. Singer and Manton (1998) estimated thai a relative rate of disability decline of 1.5 percent a year over the next few decades would maintain tiie current level of burden each disabled elderly places on economically active Americans. This decline is acaially significantly less dian the 2.6 percent relative rate of decline experienced between 1994 and 1999. Declines in the nursing home population, particularly among the oldest old, have accom-panied these disability trends (Bishop 1999). A more mixed, although guardedly optimistic, picture of disability Uends bas been offered by other demogi-aphei-s (Crimmins 1997; Reynolds et al. 1998; Schoeni, Freedman, and Wallace 2001). Schoeni, Freedman, and Wallace's analysis of NHIS disability' data reports a 1.1 percent average annual decline in disability Ix'tween 1982 and 1996. However, Uiey caution tliat this decline was not persistent or consistent through this pteriod, with most of the decline occurring in the 1980s. /Uthough trends will need to be watched closely over die coming decades, declines in disability probably will continue.' This is the two most
  • 10. 858 HSK- Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) salient factors influencing the recent declines in disability—^better-educated elderly and better science—will continue to exist in the coming decades (Freedman and Martin 1999; 2000). The elderly of 2030 will be much better educated, witli a college graduation rate twice (and high school drop out rate one-third) that of the cuiTent generation of elderiy (U.S. Depailment of Education 1998). Tliis bodes well for the future phracal healdi of aging Baby Boomei-s, as there is a strong conelation between education level and disability; college graduates have a disabilit)- rate about half that of high school dropouts. Expected advances in medicine, through prevention, phamiaceuticals, and surgical tieatinents, should also reduce the need for long-term care. More and more older patients are benefiting from restoradve treatments, such as knee leplaceiiienLs and coronaiy angioplasty, once unavailable due to age (LubitJi; et al. 2001). Although such advances in medicine tend to increase acute health care costs, these treatments can delay entrance into nursing homes and other long-term care needs. Better pharmaceutlcals for preventing and treating disabling conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and rheumatism will continue to decrease the number of elderly who need assistance with LDL.s and ADLs (Neer et al. 2001). Because about 60 to 70 percent of nursing home residents have dementia-related symptoms (RoTierand Kat7 1993). progress in treating or preventing AJzIieiraer's and other dementias associated with later life could lead to large reductions in the number of elderly with the most intensive long-tenii care needs. This is already happening: Freedman, Aykan, and Martin (2001) found that the proportion of noninstitutionalized elderly—paiticularly the very elderly—widi severe coguitive impaiiment between 1993 and 1998 fell from 6.1 percent to 3.8 percent. If as a resuh of further medical advances and social shifts, the di.sahilit)' rates continue to decline in the coming years at the same pace tliat Manton reported for 1994 to 1999, or an average 0.56 percent a year, the number of disabled elderly in the year 2030 would be a remarkably low 1.6 million people, or less than three percent of the elderly population. This seems extremely unlikely. A more conservative estimate for declines in disability rates would be an average annual decline of 0.13 percent between 1994 and 2030. Although this decline would be half the 0.26 percent average annual rate of decline experienced between 1982 and 1989, about one-third of tlie 0.38 percent average annual decline experienced between 1989 and 1994, and significantly less than the 0.56 percent average annual decline experienced between 1994 and 1999, it would still result in a manageable 11 million disaliled elderly in 2030, 40 percent less than die estimate in 1982 of 18 million disabled elderly.
  • 11. Caring for Aging Baby Boomeis 859 Even a moderate decline in disability would have dramatic impacts on the economic bttrden of long-term care. Tlie optimistic forecasts could be affected by demographic changes that are difficult to forecast. Most relevant perhaps are trends in immigration. It is possible ihai unexpected giowih in ininiigration cotild increase tlie number of elderly in the year 2030, making btudens woi"se. Or, iminigratioti uends might also bring lai^er than expected numbers of working-age adults to America, thus decreasing dependency ratios. In addition. Wolf (2001) makes the case that decteases in disahility rates that are due to higher educational attiiinments atiiong the Baby Boom generation will not continue past the year 2050. The final and most itnponant factor that will affect the macro btirden of agitig is the ftitttre of tlic American economy. When the pes.simistic literatute oti the but den of an aging society was published, the economy was growitig at anemic rates and inflation rates were relatively high. If the economy grows at a steady, healthy pace, the overall btirden of long-tenn care will be moderate. Social secttrity acttiaries issue three diffctent econotnic sccuari<js for the coming century. In their "bad" economic growth scenario, with avei-i^e real (iross Domestic Prodtict (GDP) growth a little tnorc than 1 percctit over each of the tiext 30 years, long-temi cat e expenses for Uie elderly wottld l>e almost 40 percent higher as a percent;ige of GDP than in their "great" economic scenario, with real GDP growth averaging 2.1 percent. During the 1990s, a decade when yearly change in real GDP shifted ftoiti negiUivc numbfi"s to above 4 percent, GDP actually averaged al^otit 3 percent real aiiritial growth per year. If GDP growth were to continue at 3 percent over the next three decades, a rate which few I>elieve is possible, LTC expenditures as a percentage of (iDP would acuially decline between 20(M) and 2030. WTiether I'eal GDP growth averages 1, 2, or 3 percent will make an enomiotLS difference over a thiity-year timeframe. Taketi togetlier, these three factors—newly calculated dei>endency ratios, declines in disability rates, and healthy economic giowih—could work together to make the macro burden of long-term care no worse than it is the beginning of the twenty-first centtiry. While the future remains tincertaiti, tliere seems to be little reason for dire concenis about tbe ftitttre btitden of long-tenn care. Our estimates arc tiieant to be broad outlines i-atht-r than specific forecasting. Others have eloqtiently discussed the power of and caveats to making demographic and economic projections (Lee and Skinner 1996).''
  • 12. 860 HSR- Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) THE REAL ECONOMIC CHALLENGES EOR LONG-TERM CARE IN 2030 Despite the preceding positive analysis of the macroeconomics of aging, there remain some stibstantial challenges lo getting ready to meet the long-term care needs of Baby Boomers. In fact, fotir types of challenges need to be addressed: 1. Creating a finance .s)'stem for long-term care that works 2. Building a viable and affordable community-based delivery system 3. Investing in healthy aging in order to achieve lower disability rates, and 4. Rechai^ng the concept of family and the value of seniors in American culture. Each of these challenges is considered in the remaining sections of this paper. A Workable Long-term Care Financing System Current Sources of Financing. Four sources of payments currently finance long-term care services for tbe elderl)': Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, and out-of-pocket payments (see Figure 4). The federal Medicare program pays for approximately 24 percent of all long-term care costs (Congressional Budget Office 1999). Medicare's long-term coverage, however, focuses mosll)' on home care thai is related to medical Figure 4: Expenditures on Long-term Care for the Elderly Private Insurance 4% Medicare 24% Medicaid 36% Total Expenditures: $123 Billion Source: "Projections of expenditures for long-term cace services for the etderly," CBO. 1999
  • 13. Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 861 problems, such as broken hips. Services generally are restricted lo people receiving rehabilitation for some medical condition. In principle. Medicare does not cover custodial long-term care, bui in practice it is an ongoing cliallenge for Medicare and providei"s to distingtiish ctistodial caic and rehabilitative care. Tlie federal/state Medicaid program is perhaps the most important player in the long-tetin care financitig system. Medicaid acts as a backstop, paying for long-tenn care services for the frailest elders when they are poor. In most states, the Medicaid progi-am pays for care for the poor and for elders who become poor when long-term care expenses impoverish them. In 1995, 64 percent of elderly nursing home residents used Medicaid to finance at least some of their care (Dey 1997). In many states, a lai^e share of all Medicaid long-term care dollars supports frail elders who bad been middle class before becoming frail. In New York State, for example, the Medicaid program pays for 80 percent of all tiursing home costs; clearly, 80 petcent of New York elders are not poor before they become frail. Most states diiect the lion's share of Medicaid dollars to ntifsing homes as opposed to botiie care, ln 1995, almost 85 percent of elderl) Medicaid long-term care expenditures were for institutional care and only 10 percent were for home care semces (Wiener and Stevenson 1998). This is a restilt of Medicaid's nttempt.s to foctis on tbe most frail, who tend to be in ntirsing bomes. Many experts feel tbat tliis emphasis on nursitig liotnes means that not enough resources are devoted to preventing eldere wbo have some disabilities from Incoming more and mote frail (Kane. Kane, iind l.add 1998). Since ciders tend to avoid nui"siiig homes as long ius possible, tlie Medicaid empbitsis on nureing bomes means that many elders go without commtinity-based services ihat really could belp them live better lives. Private insurance accotmts for jtist 4 percent of long-term care costs. Despite aggressive attenipis by tbe instirance industry to develop a private market for long-term care, tbe growtli of this market has proceeded slowly. Pail of the reason is tlie nature of the contract between an insuterand an elder. Tlie insurer needs to guarantee a senice tliat often will occur twenty or moie years iif ter the contract is set Tbe uncertainty leads insurers to keep prices high and makes elders nervous about pttrchasing a private insurance policy. In addition, tbe "door-to-door" sales apptoacb by individual agents adds to the costs of long-tenn care instu"ance. And, tlie relticuince of people to think about purcbasing such insurance at youn^r ages makes the payments on an iusumnce policy beyond tlie reach of many elders. Finally, tbe av-ailabilily of Medicaid as a substitute for private instirance leads many elders to forego
  • 14. 862 HSR: HeaUh Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) insurance premiums and take their chances on remaining healthy (McCall etal. 1998). Out-of-pocket costs finance about 36 percent of long-term care, but tlie burden of these payments is very unevenly distributed. The 42 percent of elders who spend some time in a ntu'sing home—one-half of them for two years or more—pay most out-of-pocket costs for long-tenii care. Barriers to Refonning tJie Financing Syst^em. Why is it so hard to devise a financing system to replace the current patchwork payment approach? One subtle but CRicial factor is what Washington officials call the "woodwork" effect, which is the fear that many elders will demand long-term care services if a more hospitable financing system helps them receive care without having to use personal savings. It is very diffictilt to judge who really needs formal long-term care services, and there may be large amounts of pent up demand currendy taken care of by families and friends. Tlie woodwork effect predicts that total expenditures cotild grow substantially if public and or ptivate insurance expanded (Weissett, Cready, and Pawelak 1988; Kane, Kane, and Ladd 1998). Imbedded within the woodwork issue is the real social challenge of determining how best to allocate limited resources. A second banier to reftHTn is Americans' aversion to taxes and .saving. Any expanded public insuiance system would reqtiire new taxes. And private insurance would be paid for from private savings, which are in short supply for most middle-income elders. One interpretation of the indifference of working-age Americans to either save privately or approve taxes to cover future long-term care services is that Americans are not adequately aware of the implications of these nonactions. Perhaps Americans, more so than other societies, are less mincUul of the needs of aging due to a relatively age-sU'atified society. The other interpretation, however, is that Americans do not value long-tenn care services. This interpretation is lx)lstered by the fact that many moderate-income elderly who could benefit from long-tenn care and could afford lo pay for some services choose to make do on their own. In addition, financing reform has had to compete with various other social priorities. In recent years, lawmakers have directed more attention toward imcovered pharmaceutical costs. Medical care costs in general are high for elders—even with Medicare, elders and their families pay more than a third of their health care costs out of their own pockets. The lai^e number of uninsured among the noneiderly population continues to be a problem that deinaiuls attention. Tlie needs of eldei"s also compete for resources witli other problems facing other age groups. Many have concluded tliat elders have done rather well with social policy compared with other needy subgroups of our
  • 15. Caring for Afpng Ha/ty Boomers 863 population. Child poverty, for example, is higher today than it was three decades ago, while poverty among the elderly has decreased significantly. Finally, tiix ctiLs and a .sluggish economy could completely eliminate the funds needed for any new social programs. The re.sult of the patchwork financing system is the "aging shock" presented iti Table 1: Uncoveted long-temi care averages $44,(XH) in lifctinic costs for the typical elder. Tlie $44,000 figure also tmderestimates the burden of long-term care in tliat it represents the expected value for a typical elder. Any specific person who fx-comes frail may face higher burdens because the expected value averages high costs for those who become frail atid zero costs for iliose elders who avoid the need for long-term care services. Conservative estimates suggest that an elder should be prepared for more tlian $150,000 in costs to cover tlie small l)ut real probability that he or she will spend two oi three years in a ntirsing home. And, home care costs can be jtLst as high for a fniil elder wanting to live at home. Long-term Care Financial ^ahility. In oiher, Knickman. Snell. and Hunt (2000) estimate which eldei^s can ;tflbrd a $I.^>O,()(H) long-temi care "shock" and how long-term care financial viability will change over the coming years as the Baby Booniei's readi old age.' The best way to estimate tfie elderly's financial viability is to consider diree subsets of people (Eigure 5): Medicaid Bound, EinanciiUIy Independent, and Tweeners.' Figure 5; Continuum of Abiiitv' to Absorb Long-term Care Costs and Distribution of Population in 2000 and 2030 2000 2030 Medicaid Bound Very limited means to pay 45.2 % 28.9 % forLTC Tweeners Lifetime income atid wealth is 27.7 % 32.9 % adequate but cannot handle a LTC shock Financially Independent '^^tcr IQ^C^ -r, *, r * 27.1% 3o.2vo Three years of long-term care costs are adequately handled with income and wealth Source: Authors'projections using Lewin-VHILong-Term Care Financing Model.
  • 16. 864 HSR Health Seruices Research 37:4 (August 2002) The Medicaid Bound: Tbese are individuals who have few financial resources available for long-term care and who have no choice but to rely on Medicaid. A person is Medicaid Bound if he or she does not bave at least $50,000 in liquid assets or citrrent income available for long-term care in the year 2000, or $70,000 in the year 2030.** The Rnancially Independent: These are individuals who have $ 150,000 or more in liquid assets or cuiTent income available for long-term care and wbo can take care of tliemselves financially widi or without private insurance, and surely without Medicaid. In 2030, $210,000 is the minimum amotint nece.ssary for independence. The Tweeners: TTiis is a group whose lifetime income and wealth are adequate but who cannot handle a long-term care shock. Individttals with liquidity be-tween $50,000 and $150,000 and $70,000 atid $210,000 comprise the Tweeners in 2(K)0 and 2030, respectively. Estimates calculated ttsing the Lewin Long-Term Care Financing Model indicate some good news about the fiiture financial viability of elders.^ (See tbe footnote for ati explanatioti of model.) Itt tbe year 2000, an estimated 45 percent of eldet^s are classified as Medicaid Boutid but this estimated percentage drops to 29 percent in the year 2030. By contrast, the share of tbe elderly who are financially independent increases fk>m 27 percent in 2000 to 38 percent in 2030. As with all simttlations and forecasts, tlie estimates into the future depend on key economic assumptions. The assumptions used follow the principles of the middle estimates of the social security forecasting model: economic growth averaging 1.3 to 2.0 percent per year and real wage growtli averaging 0.9 percent per year. Perhaps the most "bullisb" assumption in the sitnulation is that the costs of long-term care will increase just 1 percent per year in real terms. To meet this forecast, long-term care cost itiflation would need to be brought under control. If long-term care costs iticrease at 2.3 percetit above inflation, tbe distribution of the population not able, barely able, and able to pay for long-term care wottid retnain almost identical to the distribtition today. Thits, a relatively modest increase in long-term care inflation fates could eliminate the rosy simulation estimates of changes in the Medicaid Bound as reported above.^" The other interesting forecast that emerges from the simulation exercise is that tlie percentage of people iti tlie Tweeners categoty will not shrink, but will actually increase fi'om 28 percent to 33 percent. This implies tbat there will continue to be a lat^e number of middle class elderly who will spend down to
  • 17. Caring for A^ng Baby Boomers 865 Medicaid coverage tmless new financing arrangements help make the Tweenei^s more self-reliant. How do assumptions about future disability rates affect tlie simulation results? In fact, disahility rates only affect the estimates indirectly in that higher disahility rates lead to lower income and iisset estimates—particularly for the nonelderly—and tiiis increases the number of Medicaid Bound. Disability rates do not directly affect the simulation estimates becatise the calculations a.ssess who is able to afford long-term care at a point in time whether a person is disabled or not. Emerging Options to Improve the Financing of Long-term Care Despite the size of the economic shock associated with long-term care needs, very little polic)' attention is being given to designing new approaches to pay for long-term care. The Kaiser P'amily Foundation issued a side-by-«ide comparison of key health policy positions advanced by the Gore campaign and the Btish catTipaign in early October 2()00. Under the category "long-term care" the policybrief reported that the Core campaign had no published proposals while tlie Bush cainpaign supported tax dedtictibilit) of private long-tt'tm care insurance. The quiet long-teim care issue for the elderly was completely eclipsed by attention to prescription drug coverage and the fiiture of social security citmng tlie presidential campaign. When attention does focus on financing options for long-term care, three serious types of options need to be considered: tax deductions for private insurance, public pro'ision of long-tenn care insurance, and mandatoiy savings starting at younger ages foi" private insurance. Tax deductibility for private insurance premiums clearly would expand tbe number of people who ptirchase long-term care iasurance. Dedtictibility would lowei- the after tax cost of insurance by 15 percent to 40 percent (the range of the current mai^ginal tax rates). Unfortunately, tlie largest after-tax price breaks would go to the most wealthy people who do not need insurance because they can afford to pay for long-temi care from existing resources. The vast majority of working age, middle-class people—^wlio comprise the Tweeners—wottld experience between a 15 and 25 percent reduction in the costs of insurance premiums after tax deductihility. W'hile tliis would be a welcome incentive, past experience with lowering the niai^nal cost of insurance for middle class families suggests tliat most will not Iiegiu to purchase long-term care insurance unless a major portion of the premium is paid for. (Bilheimer and Colby 2001)
  • 18. 866 HSR: Health Seruices Research 37:4 ( 2002) The most likely option for a public program for insuring long-term care would involve a voltmtaiy-type piogi-am based on out-of-pocket payments for premiums similar to Part B of Medicare. This type of program could offer graduated suhsidies to make long-term care insurance more affordable for moderate-income people. In order to make the insurance iiffordable for most people, bowever, the subsidies would probably need to be large. While this type of program should lead to substantial reductions in Medicaid payments for Tweeners, the net public sector costs would likely be substantial. Public offerings of insurance would avoid many of the marketing problems associated with private long-tenn care insurance and would create some healthy competition between existing private insurance policies and the new public offering. A public long-term insurance program with targeted subsidies would likely cause a much bigger expansion of insurance for middle-class families than would occur in a comparahly scaled, tax deducdbility program. The third type of financing improvement would follow the logic of advocates for privatizing social security: Mandatcny savings in priv-ate invesUnent accounts could be required for all individuals starting at an age that vould make annual savings afTordahle.^ Then, the annual savings would grow over dme in the private invesUnent accounts, and when a person ttinied 65 or perhaps 75, a private insurance opdon could be selected. Deborah Lucas presents a detailed plan for a mandatory savings approach to private financing. Her analysis suggests that saving $40 to $80 a month during working years would cover approximately 80 percent of long-tenn care expenses. However, the estimated savings rate for prefunding starting at age 55 is almost four times that of preftinding stardng at age 35 and would also be quite sensidve to interest rates (Lucas 1996). More anal)«is of these opdons—and others that might emerge—is needed to encourage some consensus about how to improve the financing of long-tenn care for the Medicaid Bound and Tweeners. A few important principles that should guide reform debates emerge from die analysis presented here: • Long-term care is an expensive item that most middle-class families are not prepared to pay • If some type of insurance plan—^whether voluntary or mandatory, whether public or private—does not begin to catch bold, the public sector is going to see its expenditures grow faster and faster
  • 19. • ' Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 867 • The sooner alternatives to the citrrent Medicaid-based financing system emerge, the less painfitl die costs of the new systetn will be. Perhaps coti.sensus about which option is the best refotiii apptoach for long-temi care financing can emerge otily if tliere is consetisus abottt the criteria for judgitig options. Unfortunately, the criteria tend to conflict witli one another, forcing stark trade-offs. For example, one desirable critetion for asse.ssing options is the extent to which itidividttals have free choice to select a method of ptepatitig for their po.s,sible long-tenii care needs. Options strong on this criterion tend to be weak on another desirable criterion: tbe assurance tbat a ftnaticitig approach does not restilt in people becoming a ptiblic btitden if they fail to ptepate for long-temi care needs. A third criteri^ju itlso may conflict with the other two desirable featttres: the ability to maintain incentives to allocate scarce long-term care resources efficiently. At the very least, debates about options need to make clear what criteria related to effectiveness are iitidei" cotisideration. BUILDING A VIABLE AND AFEORDABLE COMMUNITY-BASED DELIVERY SYSTEM c the Baby Boomers were growing up. the needs of yotmg families were a high priotit)' in comtntttiitv' developtneiit, with particular concern for family-friendly bousing, parks, and schools. In 2011, these children will start utniing 65 in large nutnbers. Many predict that if comtntmities want to be sticcessful iti caring for their aging poptilatioti, ibey will have to make significant, yet certainly feasible, changes in housing, health care, and hutnan services. In prepating for tbe needs of lat^e ntimbers of elderly, it is crticial to think ol tbe challenge as a commtinit)' issite. If the care of the elderly begins and ends with entry into a formalized system that takes over when a person is almost ttnable to function day to day, society will face lat ge service costs and will miss opportttnities to help tbe eldetly function as pioductive, indepetident citizens for latter portiotis of tbeir elderly yeare. A cotiimunity's social and economic systems need to become attuned to arranging services to meet the needs of an aging society iti natttral, infotmal vvav's. Most Bafiy Boomers would like to stay in tbeir own homes, or at least in their own commttnities, as tbey age. Nearly threes]uarters of all respondents in a recent AARP survey felt strongly that they want to stay in their current
  • 20. 868 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 {August 2002) residence as long as possible (Bayer and Harper 2000). The image that most eiders will move to a retirement village away from their communities is the exception rather than the nile. Most people will not have the resources or the inclination to move to Florida or its equivalents; commtinities cannot rely on "exportitig" to meet the needs of an aging population. hi thinking ab<jut community capacit), three stages orcommtinit)- aging can guide planning: the healthy-active phase, the slowing-down phase where tlie risk of becoming frail or socially isolated increases, and the service-needy phase when an elder can no longer continue to live in the community withont some active serice in and arotind the home. Perhaps the most important challenge of the healthy active phase of aging is for a commtmity to leam how to tap the human resources that elders represent in the community. This is a phase where elders can be key volunteers to impt ove Uie life of many segments of a commtmity. Healthy eldei"s can be considered a potendal component of the paid workforce if jobs can be stnictured to meet their changing preferences and capabilities. The second phiise of aging, when elders begin to slow down and may face some challenges in doing tlie every day actixities required of community living, represents a subUe challenge for communities. Elders in this phase often need assistance witli transportation to remain independent, and commimiUes need to take the lead to develop affordable transportation s)^t,cms {U. S. Department of Ttanspot tation 1997). Safe and affordable housing options also are a priority for community capacity efforts. At this phase of £^ng, many elders want to move into smaller housing units that are more aging-friendly but still are tiffordable and integrated in the community. It is important to begin developing such options on a lar^e scale in the coming 10 to 20 years. In a community with five thousand projected elders, for example, a project with 30 units will not meaningftiUy attack the problem. Voluntarism is an imptirtant community need for elders who are mostly independent but slowing down (Butler 1997). Volunteers can provide services in a manner that makes elders contdntie to feel connected to a community and not dependent on a formal care system. And, volunteers often can act as preventive medicine, keeping away the effects of social isolation and keeping elders as active and engaged as possible. Volunteer capacity does not emerge without effort, however. Commttnides need to recruit, train, and support volunteers. Tlie most prevalent form of "voluntarism," of course. Is the care provided infonnally by families and friends. Tliese caregivers also need support through training programs and respite progi"ains. Many believe that additional
  • 21. Caring for A^7ig liahy Boomeis 869 financial assistance for ianiily caregivers is needed as well (Stone and Keigher 1994). Such eHons to support family care^ving represent an important aspect of community capacity lo support elders. Wbile communities need to make day-to-day asjsects of community life more aging friendly and while volunteers and family caregivers represent cnicial "capacit)'" to meet the needs of eldere, a well organized, affordable fonnal long-term care system still is essential for every community. It is unclear whether such local care systems can emerge naturally through niarket forces or whether market failures will emerge to block the evolution of care systems that reflect the wants atid needs of elders. Clearly, the large financing roles of Medicare and Medicaid give the public sector an interest in ensuring that adequate systems of eare emerge. How many people will require formal services in 2030? As disciLssed earlier in the paper, this is an unanswerable question in the year 2002. If effoiis at healthy aging are successful and if infbiTiial caregivei"s and volunteers can help to meet tlie needs of elders, the total number of frail who need fomial .services in a community in 2030 could be quite similar to the number in 2000, even though the number of elders will more than dotible. Keeping the ntimber of fmil constant at 2000 levels mtist be the goal of every community to keep costs affordable. However, even if tlie aggregate number of frail elders stays the same or grows slowly, fonrial care capacity must be belter stnictured at the commtinity level. Importantly, most communities rely too much on nursing homes as the source of formal care, at least for Tweeners and tlie Medicaid Bound populations. Sixty-seven cents of every public dollar supporting long-term care for the elderly is spent on institutional care (Congi'essional Budget Ollfice 1999), despite the clear preferences of frail eldei^s for semces in the community. Wliy does this mismatch of dollars verstis preferences happen? In part, nursing homes are seen as tlie long-term care "safety net" and most public dollars are invested using a safety-net mentality: only pay for services when it would be socially tinconscionable not to do so. We have not developed social consensus alxnil when and for whom commiinity-ba.sed sei"vices should be supported widi public dollars; therefbie few public dollai"s are allocated to community^based services. This oveireliance on nursing homes—what some people call an "unbalanced" long-term care system (Kane, Kane, and Ladd 1998)—may be changing witli help from the federal cotirt system. Recent court niUngs
  • 22. 870 HSR: Health Sennces Research 37:4 (August 2002) support tbe idea tbat the disabled have a right to receive services in cotntiitinity settings (Pear 2000). Sucb rtilings are putting pressure on pttblic programs to retliitik tlie balance between nursitig home services and community-based services. Tbe cballetige over the next 10 to 30 years is to develop new approaches to delivering community-based care. Home care, using a range of tinskilled to highly skilled wotkers, teptesenLs Uie dotiiiiianl t)pe of commitnity-based care. But, this service type, relying on a one-on-one model, is expetisive atid creates challenges for providers to assure quality. New models, such as adult day services and housing-based services that can use one cat egiver to assist more than otie elder at a titne, need to become tnore prevalent (Feldman 1990). In addition, emergitig technologies might increase the ability of one caregiver to meet tbe needs of two or three elders tliroitgh enhanced ability to communicate and tnonitor a person's needs (Gottleib and Caio 1999). One other key challenge in assuring community capacity is to recruit tbe required numbers of caregivers working in fonnal settings. Wnh chatigitig demographics and a sttong overall labor market, it is becotning increasingly difficult for home care agencies and otber providers to find and retain qualified caregivers. New iticcntives atid orgatii/ational strticttires will lie required to maititain a stable workforce in long-tenn cate settings. Finally, every community needs to tliink about what types of institutional long-term care shottld be available. Even if community-based services expand, tlie most fiTiil among the elderly will sometimes require the high level of care that traditionally has been provided by nursing homes. It is possible, however, to think about restructuring nursing homes to make their living environments and caritig style more attractive to elders and their families (Alleti and Mor 1998). Assisted living is einerging as a .significant option for many elderly—both disabled and nondisabled. The idea of institutional care sbould not be considered as a static model that cannot evolve, improve, and become more responsive to the preferences of elders. Expansions in community capacity to care for elders need to be paid for in some way. In the case of formal services, the financing options discussed previously are the source of expanded resources. In the case of community-teased (hanges beyond formal services, the give and take of the political process will shape how high a priority health-promoting community programs become atnong the range of local priorities. And, the willingtiess of seniors and tlieir families to allocate private resources to long term care atid related
  • 23. Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 871 services will determine the scofje of "caring features" in twenty-first century communities. INVESTING IN HEALTHY AGING IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE LOWER DISABILITY RATES . 1 ' Perhaps the most important challenge related to aging poptilations is the challenge of liealtliy aging. Healthy aging (or successful or prodtictive aging) is the coucept oi keeping senioi>i disability-free and thtis avoiding some of the need for long-term care (Rowe and Kahn 1998). Keeping seniors healthy and functioning could have sigtiificant economic itnpacLs (Posner 1997). hi addition to reducing long-tenn care costs, healthier elderly are more likely u be profhictive memters of society. In contiust to the scarce attention being paid to improving financing for long-term care, the healthy ^ing challenge has generated significant ititerest. Both national and cross-national studies indicate that the rate of disability in a population can be extremely vaiiable. Studies of elderly Americans with high, average, and low levels of phy'sical activit)' have shown ranges in the onset of disability of tip to ten years, with mtich lower lifetime disability' among exercisers compared to .sedentary people. Right now Americans spend 72 percent of their post-65 years free of disability. Our goal should be to match the Japanese, who spend 91 percent of their time past tlie age of 65 disability-tree. For example, Japanese females at age 65 have an average life expectancy only 4 months longer than American females at age 65, but Japanese elderly women spend jiLst 1.8 years disabled while American elderly women spend almost 5.5 years disabled {Waidman and Maiiton 1998).'''^ Wliilc researchci-s caution that some of these difiercnces could be due to varying cultural perceptions of disability and the reporting of disability lo survey researchers, most obsetvers of society believe that tliere ate stibstantial dilferences in disability and tliat tliey relate to liiestyle choices. Although disability and disease were once thought to be commensurate with old age, the examples above, along with many others, have made it increasingly clear that lor all but the most genetically programmed diseases, lifestyle choices, social factors, and the environment playjust as lai^e or lai^er roles that! genetics in influencing healtli in later life. Less Uian a tliiid of the biological process of aging is attributed to genetics, and the potency ol genes that aifect aging declines even furtlier after age 65 (Finch and Tanzy 1997).
  • 24. 872 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 (August 2002) Thus, society has the ability to promote successful aging and reduce and prevent disability among the elderly. Ffforts to Avoid Disease and Disability Related to Medicine and Medicare Advances in genomics and medicine may represent the most straightforward sti-ategy (at least compared to changing behaviors and lifestyles) to reduce disease and disability. Tlie budget for die National Institutes of Health more than doubled between 1988 and 2000, from $6.6 billion to $18 billion, and appi-opriations are projected to reach $27 billion by 2003. More than $2.5 billion has been spent on the Human C^enome Project since 1988 (Htiman Genome Project hiformation 2000). These invesunents should lead to advances in earlier detection of disease orgenetic predisposition to disease, more rational dnig design, and possibly even gene therapy. Futtire medical interventions might transform the initial stages of chronic—such as the onset of .Alzheimer's or arthritis—into acute disease events that can be remedied (or even prevented through vaccination) after one or two visits to the primary care physician (Singer and Manton 1998). Consider Alzheimer's disease alone; an estimated 14 million people in the United States could suffer from Alzheimer's in 2040 if today's prevalence rates remain constant In recent years, however, undei-standing about the neurobiology of the disease has increased as genes and proteins that increase siLsceptibilit)' to Alzheimer's have been identified and sttidied (Selkoe 1999). This new knowledge is leading lo earlier diagnosis, the development of better drugs that treat symptoms, and .some hope that vaccines and otlier methods for a! least slowing the onset of Alzheimer's will emerge. Better management by the medical care system of a broad range of chronic diseases could also reduce the incidence of disability. Society's understanding of what the health system needs to do to encourage prevention and clinical care management of chronic di.seases has improved tremendously in recent years. Despite this, the right fomitila has not emerged for setting incentives that will lead to widespread adoption of good clinical care management principles among tlie ntimerotis medical providers who care for the elderly (Wagner et al. 1999). hicrea.singly, however, public and private payers are beginning to demand better clinical caie management approaches for the chronically ill. Although Medicare has clearly improved the health status of the elderly through access to acute medical care (Lubitz et al. 2001), additional interven-tions are necessary to improve health care services for the elderly. Mtich more must be done to facilitate better clinical care tnanagement of chronic diseases
  • 25. • V Caring fm- Aging Baby liootmrs 873 (Wagner etal. 1996) and encourage healthy aging. This cottld include better use of clinical preventive services to redtice tlie costs of Medicare {Rtis.seII 1998), thotottgh itnplemetitation of chronic disease matiagetnent practices, and iticetitives to increase the use of bebavioral interventions tbat could help patients quit smoking, better monitor dialx-tes, and promote pbysic;l activity. Ahbotigh Medicare acute care costs are positively affected by prevention effotts, thetc is liitle payoff to tnedical care providei^s who invest iti preventive efforts. This lack of connection between Medicare prevention efforts and savings is a current barrier to better integration of ptevention efforts into Medicare. Efforts Related to Socioeconomic and Lifestyle Factors Altbougb medical advances generate the most excitement, basic social and lifestyle factors migbl have the largest long-tenn impact on di.sitbility rates. Vatioiis stitdies indicate that havitig income alxne tbe lowest qitintile, having a high school education or greater, not smoking, atid exercising are among the most impoitanl determinants of healthy ^ n g (Strawbridge et al. 1996; Stitck etal. 1999). On the positive side, one factor that could lead to healthier aging among Baby Boomers compared to the current elderly is the changing life circum-stances of childhood and adulthood. It appears that netuobiological circum-suinces in old age may Ix' shaped in part by experiences during early, critical periods of brain development, and that many changes in function during aging show variabilit)' related to these early life experiences. That is, cbildbood diseases, titttritional deficiency, poverty, and lack of educatioti might be contribtiting to what is now viewed as normal aging. Chikiiiood health problems have been linked to a variety of morbidities later in life, including arthritis, cardiovascular conditions, and cancet% eveti when socioeconomic stattts is cotitioUed for (Blackwell 2001). According to the Batker hypothesis, prenatal conditions can have a large effect on health in later life as well, with poor ntitrition in u/m?related to increased cardiov-ascular disease, diabetes, and other ailtnents in later life (Barker 1995). Matiy elderly alive today mattired dtuing the two world wars and tlie long depressioti petiod, wheti tiialnuuitioti and vitamin deficiencies were still commoti. The Baby Btx:>m cohort, by contrast, grew tip among tiiitcb better bealth. economic, ntttrilional, and educational conditions. Because of antibiotics and immttnizatiotis they will have been largely utitoucbed by tbe ravages of childhood di.sease. Education is also strongly correlated with psychological fitnction, health behaviors, and biological conditions (Kubzsansky ei al. 1998). Pei-sons wbo are
  • 26. 874 HSR: Health Sendees Research 37:4 (August 2002) not high school graduates are at almost twice the risk for experiencing declines in functional abilides in older adtilthood. It is encouraging Oiat nadonal trends in educational attainmetit amotig tlie elderly are so posidve, witli future cohorts haing completed many more years of sch<:>oling than the current elderly. However, even older adults without much formal education can benefit from programs and acdvides that keep tlieir mind.s .supple and active. Trends in healthy behavions are not as encouraging as the socioeconomic stadstics. Nadonal trends iti healthy behavior have been mixed, with stagnadon in exercise, in obesity, and decreases in smoking, hi 1997, only one-half of all 65- to 74-yearolds and one third of all people aged 75 and older engaged in any leisure dme physical acdvity each week. Twenty-four percent of people aged 60 and older are obese and current obesity trends among younger cohorts indicate that this number will only increase (U.S. Department of Healdi and Human Senices 2000). Obe.sit>' is a risk factor in tlie elderly for arthrids, lung dysftmcdon, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain forms of cancer (Kotz, Billington, and Levine 1999). Altliotigb many .siLspect diat rising obesity rates will increase ovei'all medical costs, it is unknown wbat effect tliis will have on long-tenn care expenditures. Analysis of mortality stadsdcs indicates that obesity has a much larger effect on life expectancy at younger than older ages, but future generadons of elderly are likely to have a much higher rate of obesity than current generations. Also, the health implicadons are tmknown for oveiiveight elderly who have been overweight for much of their adult lives (Kotz, Billington, and Leine 1999). Wliai can l>e done to change these tretids? A sophisticated social markedng campaign might increase awareness and change atdtudes about eadng and exercising. In the past, successful such efforts made progress in increasing awareness about caixiiova-scular health risks atid the importance of cholesterol monitoring and control of hypertension (Shea and Basch 1990; Dustan, Roccella, and Garrison 1996). Better pharmaceudcal agents that help cotiti'ol obesity also are likely to be developed in the coming yeai"s. Communides need to proide more and better cjpportunities for health promodon for older adults. In 1997, only 12 percent of adtilts aged 65 years and older participated in one or more organized healdi promotion acdvides (U.S. Department of Healtli and Human Senices 2000). Many commtmides also do not offer acdxity-friendly environments Uiat encotirage seniors to walk or engage in other physical acdvity. On a positive note, many researchers have shown that it is possible to reach old age in a healdiy condidon; those with healtliy habits have a very good
  • 27. Caring for Aging Bal)y Boomers 875 chance of reaching old age without disability (Vita, Terry, Hubert, and Fries 1998) and without accniitig lai-ge health care costs (Schatifller, D'Agostino, and Kannel 1993; Daviglus, et al. 1998). Efforts to Nurture Strong Interpersonal Relationships ,'ltliotigli research has shown that the lack of social relationships is a major risk factor for poor health, as significant as smoking or inactivity, few direct interventions to work on this issue have emer;ged. Sttidies suggest that mortality rates rise sharply at low levels of social connection, with death more than twice as likely compared to people with adeqtiate social relationships (Berkman and Snne 1979). Good social connections also affect mental hcitlth and cognition as well. One study found that persons who had no social ties were twee as likely to experience cognitive decline compared to those peisons with five or six social ties (Bassuk, Glass, and Berkman 1999). The 1986 General Social Survey indicated that twenty percent of the elderly (6.4 million people) are so socially isolated their health is at risk. Two million of them have no social network at alt. Clearly, these elderly are at high risk for tinhe;ilthy aging. Opportunities for healthy aging ctmently are highly related to social and economic status. The inequalities that exist in society translate into health inequalities. Receiing heiilth insurance for the first time at age 65 will not eliminate the impact ofyears without insurance. Poor dental caie as a child leads to lifelong increased susceptibility to many types of infection. Recent research h;is shown that lifetime differences in social and economic circtimstances aifect differences in mortality up to age 89 years (Kubz.sansky et al. 1998). Altbotigh research indicates that its a whole the elderly will be- iiuidi ixMtt-r off in 20.S0 than (hey are today, closer examination reveals a significant minority of elderly—dis-proportionately women and minorities—in 2030 who cotild be left behind. REGHARGING THE CONGEPT OF FAMILY AND THE VALUE OF SENIORS IN AMERICAN CULTURE The fotirth challenge related to meeting tlie long-term care needs of an aging population is qttito intangible and is dependent on culture riither than public polic). The idea of eldei^ as an economic burden or as Trail and weak is a twentieth-century construct. An interesting book by Thomas Cole traces the history of society's views on aging (Cx)le 1992). hi ages when death struck randomly and evenly at all ages, people did not ftjctts so tnuch on a birth to death,
  • 28. 876 HSR- Health Smnces Research 37:4 (August 2002) ' linear view of life. And, agrarian economies where the young, the middle-aged, and the old all play productive roles enhanced tlie sense of the value of all ages. So, in past eras life was viewed more as a circle—the Lion King image. But, since the Victorian Age and especially during the twentieth century, as more people have lived to old age, the linear interpretation of the life cycle has become dominant. Tlie past centuiy's improvements in medical and economic conditions for older people have been accompanied by cultural isolation and a change in the conception of old age. Old age has been removed fi^om its once spiritual location in the journey of life to being redefined as a medical problem. Perhaps it is time to rethink the value of aging and the positive aspects of aging and to adopt a cultural view capttired hy the imagery of the "Long Late Afternoon of Life." WTiile it is difficult to change "cuUiire" per se and the way elders are viewed in society, there are practical steps communities, employers, and individuals can begin to take to prepare for a society with greater numbers of healthy elders. First, it is worth reassessing the responsibilities and assets of elders. All ages need roles in life. Accoixiing to Erik Erikson, die hallmark of successful late-life deveUipment is the capacity to be generative and to pass on to future generations what one has learned from life. Marc Freedman has called the elderly "America's one growing resource" and views the aging of the population as an opportunity to be seized (Freedman 1999). More than half of all elderly volunteer their time. In the past few decades with the creation of National Senior Service Corps, the Foster Gixuidparent program, and the Faith in Action initiative, more opportunities than ever are available to elderly who wunt to contribute to their communities. Half a million people age fifty and older have gone back to college (Riley 1998). Firms arc integrating workforces through programs of "unredrcment" or by hiring retirees as temps, consultants, and pait-time workers. Surveys surest that the 60-year trend of a decreasing number of elderly working has reversed itself as Baby Boomers reconsider dieir financial needs for retirement as well as how they want to spend more dian a third of their adult life, hi 2000, the percentage of elderly who worked, nearly 13 percent, was higher than it had been in 20 years (Walsh 2001). The young elderly (people in their 60s) have reported increased ability to work, with a 24 percent drop in the inability to work at tliis age; tlie percentage of elderly tinable to work at age 65 in 1982 was higher than the percentage utiable to work at age 67 in 1993 (Crimmins, Reynolds, and Saito 1999). Most forecasters project this trend to continue as more elderl)' work longer for economic, social, aiid personal reasons.
  • 29. Caring for Aging Baby Boomers 877 etnployers become more flexible and aware of the needs and benefits of older workers, and the labor market remains tight, with a stnaller number of available younger workei's. Since the sheer size and energy of the Baby Boom generation has led to other dratnatic social shifts, sotne expetis see hope that a new itnagery for agitig is possible. A growing interest in "age integration"—a ptocess tliat takes advantage of the broadened range of accutnufated "life course" experiences in society—has occttrred over the last few decades. In an age-integrated society, changes made to bting older people into the maitistteatn cottld simttltaneously enlarge personal opportunities aud relieve many otlier people who ate in their middle yeat^ of the wotk-family "crtttich" (Uhlenberg 2000; Riley 1998). Actual ph)'sical integratioti between the generations can take place too. Although some towns have seen a trend towatd ".senior-only" housing, others are exploring options in integrated apartment buildings. Surveys have shown that most older people prefer a tnixed-age tieighborhtxid over one restricted to people their own age. Some cotnmutiity centers are integrating setiior centers with child<are centers, facilitating cross-age interaction and at the same time conserving space and resources. (Ailtttral change also is possible, in tenns of one-t<>one relationsbips. Baby liootners have made an art of enjo)ing and (iiking ptide in everytliitig abottt caring for cbildren; some even go so far as managing to altnost "enjoy" paying $1^0,000 atmtially for college tuition. Tbe needed ctiltttr;] shift is for children and comtnunities to find more enjoyment atid pride iti providing for the care of parents and neighbors. The sitnple message—and tbe intangible goal—is to recognize tbe give and take of all patts of society. Atiyone who has spent time caring for an elderly frietid or telative recognizes diat in tlie end, categivers teceive far more tban tliey give in the relationship. Everyone benefits when tlie elderly can be integrated fully into a caring society. NOTES 1. Based on average life expectancy of 17 additional years at age 65, out-of-pocket prescription drug costs of approxitnately $400 a year (with 5 percent annual iticreases over inflation), oitt-of-pocket medical care costs of $900 a year, and uncovered insurance premiums a>sts of $ I,(MX) a year, and average life long-term caie costs.
  • 30. 878 HSR: Health Services Research 37:4 {Augu^st 2002) 2. The ADLs include eating, hathing, dreeing, toileting, transfers, and continence. Tlie IADLs include light housework, hmndiy, meal preparation, ti-an-spoiTation, grocer)' shopping, telephoning, atid medical and money management. 3. Acccndiiig to demographic pR>jecd<)iis, the ratio.s continue to moderately worsen between 2030 and 2050 as Baby Ikx)niers reach very old ages. 4. The Lewin-LTC model used in this paper uses relatively conservative assumptions ahont declitie.s in disability over the next thitt)' years and asstitncs that tlie average ainountof time spent in disahility before death will remain the same even its the age of death rises. Thus, disahility will decrease at an averse annual rate, depending on age, of between 0..5 and 0.6 percent—miiToring tlie social security tnistees assumptions for declines in moiTality—and keeping the percentage of elderly in the commtitiit)' who are disahled in 2030 at approximately the same level as in 2000: around 5 percent. 5. In this paper. Lee and Skinner outline the major caveats in making projections of health care needs, mortality, and disability, the lack of consenstis in ititerpretation of data, the need for stronger modeling strategies, and what would be ncces.s;iry for more rohast, long-term predictive power. 6. All comparisons were done u.sing 2000 dollars, with projected inflation adjustments. (Knickman, Snell, and Hunt). 7. Tim Smeeding coined tlie tetiii "Tweeners" (Smeediiig 1986) and Smeeding and Holden have considered tlieir prohlenis in earlier papei's (Smeeding and Holden 1990). 8. The $150,000 amotmt is lused to define a long-tenn shock becatise this amount would be needed to support a three-j'ear nursing home stay in many parts of the country. To calcttlate "citn^ent income" we include income over a three-year period since most nursing home stays are less than three years, but many last more than one year. Thus, including only one year of current income might have imderstated resources avaiiahle for long-term care. Income includes earnings, «>cial sectiritj' income, pen.sions, other annuities, and invesunent incomes. If a pei^on is single, it is assumed the long-term care resources available include income over three years plus liquid assets. The long-term care resources available to a person who is part of a couple is three times income, minus $16,000 a year for tlie spouse plus liquid axseLs. minus the half tlie liquid assets of $120,000, whichever is smaller. Thtis, lotig temi care resources for a couple = .S[M^X (0, incotne-$16.000')] + (liquid assets - [MIN (1/2 liquid assets, $120,000)]). 9. The Long-term Care Financing Model simulates the utilization and financing of long-term care services for elderly individuals through 2050 tising natifjnal data. Tlie two piincipal components of the model ;u^e the Pension and Retirement Income Simulation Model (PRISM) and the Long-tenn Care Fitiancing Model. The PRISM simulates future demographic characteristics, labor force paiiicipation, income and assets of the elderly. The l^ng-term Care Financing Model sitnulates disability, admission to and of instittitional and home and community-based care, and methofLs of financing long-term c:ire services. Tlie mode! tises a Monte Ciirlo simulation methodology. The current version of the tnodel is the second major
  • 31. Caring for Aging Baby lioomeis 879 revision of the niddel that was developed jointly by Lewin-ICF and the Brookings Institution in 1986. In almost all cases, PRISM tises the Intermediate assumptions from the 1999 Social St'ctnity Tmstccs' Rejiort. Tiie PRISM mtHlcls iiuonic lioiii social security, private and public employee ri-tiremeiit plans, individual Retirement Accounts, Keogh accounts, earnings, assets, and the Supplemental Security hicoine progi~am. Agpegaie changes in wage levels are iissunicd to increase at die raic assumed in ihc Intcmiediatc category' of the 1999 Tmstfcs' Report, ln general, average wages are assumed to gi-ow b)' ().^)-1.0 perct-nuigc poiiiLs in excess of the inflation rate in each yeai' after 1998. The PRISM simulates mortality, disability, childbearing, and changes in marital stattis. Mortalit)' rates van' hy age, gender, fiisability stattis, years since fjecoming disabled, anrl race (black versus iiuiiblack). In the Long-term Citre Finaticing Model, disabled individtiais age fj.5 and older are defined as those who are tmable to condtict at least one instnimental activity of daily living or unable to conduct at ie:ist any one of five activities of daily living. Tlie di.sabilit} prevuleuce rates tised in the model were calculated using data ftom tlie 1**94 NationtU l,ong-tenn (^ue Stuvey (NLTCS) while assuming that the overall period during which an individual is likely to have a disiibilitv will remain suible. Taking an intenuediate view of long-renn disability prevaleiue rates, it itssumcs ihat disability will decrease at an average annual rate of between 0.5 and 0.6 percent—iiiiiToriiig tfie social sectirity tiiLstees' assumptions for declines in mortality—dejKiiding on age. Tiiis rate is approxi-mately one-half the 1.2 perceni per year declines in disability estimated by Mantcjn based on the 1982 and 1994 NLTCS (/Mecxib, L. B..J. a)rea, and R. Foreman, 20()0. "Lotig-tcmi C^re Fin:uicing Model: Model Assumptions [Draft]." Tbe I.ewin (iroup.) 10. Il is very difficult to know how tasl long-ienn care costs will inflate over a tliirty-yeai" period. On the otlier hand, if lafxjr becomes more productive in the general economy, service costs could inflate at faster rates tliau average l>ecatise productivity' gains in the .service sector often lag average gains in the economy. However, over the next thirty yeai's it is possible that new lecbnologies and new service sU^ategies could improve the efficiency of tlie long-term care secttjr. The assumption oi 1 percent iuflaiion aliove average inflaliou seems like a nuxierately—but iioi unreasonably— optimistic guess. If. Ihe gi(junds for mandatory savings would Ix- based on tbe folfowing type of" thinking: (a) people miscalctilate the importance of saving fbr long-term care, and (b) if individuals fail to save, tfie costs oflong-temi care become a .social biiitien. This logic motivates a wide range of regtilaloiy betiaviov ranging from social security to mandatory automobile instirance. 12. Some have fe:ued Uiat as fife expectancy iticreases, tlie time spent iu poor fieiiltli will correspondingly lise. Recent data does not seem to support these fears. Average life expectancy at age 8.^ was .six years in 1980, and. by 1997. had incre;tsed by less than fbui" months (U.S. (Census Bureau 20(K)). fletlines in disability, however, appear to f)e quite significant
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