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Welcome to generation four, part one of the Wrongway Legacy!
Last time, Robin and Lavender snuck into the 'abandoned' house of Ralph because Robin's
ancestors 'used' to live there. Inside, they found Ralph and Ariel, and it quickly became a hostage
situation. Hex could feel the power shift of two heiresses in the same room as he studied with
Phillip on his magic. Many members of the family got involved, Aphrodite and Austin showed up
late, Hex and Grace showed up, Orlando went to defend his wife and didn't realise Forrest had
followed him. Orlando was killed by Ariel, and Hex managed to banish Ralph and Ariel for a
generation. Shortly afterwards, Forrest celebrated his birthday, Liam passed away from old age,
and the first wave of generation four headed off for college!

Also, I didn't include Ashley and George passing away in the last chapter. I felt it
would have been two deaths too many. However, I am planning to give them both a
send off, soon. :) Onto the current chapter!
Shenene Grove aimed her shot in the silence of the Wrongway's Greek House. Since
redecorating the house, Shenene had found herself with nothing to do while she waited for
the Wrongways to arrive at university.

Aiming her shot with extra care, Shenene went to move her cue. Her concentrating silence
was interrupted by the door bashing open as the first wave of Wrongways entered.
The Wrongways had made quite an impression in their small time on campus. Austin and
Robin had made appearances at all the latest parties, throwing themselves into stereotypical
university life.
Aphrodite had avoided the party scene, and avoided Austin – their friendship had turned into
something more as teenagers, but clearly it hadn't meant as much to Austin, as he was out
flirting most days.

Instead, Aphrodite threw herself into new hobbies – pottery, painting, sports, gardening.
Anything to distract her from Austin's new lifestyle.
Especially as Austin's new lifestyle meant Aphrodite often heard stories about affairs she didn't
want to know about, let alone recognise.

She wanted Austin to herself, and she knew that wasn't likely.
Lavender, meanwhile, had been easing herself into university life slowly, starting by meeting
knew people, such as a guy she had literally bumped into.

Once she was finished blushing, she waved, “Hi, I'm Lavender Wrongway!”

“Mark Davison,” the man said, before pausing and smiling.
“Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?” Mark asked, breaking the silence. Lavender
blushed again.

“No. But I don't expect them to.” Lavender tried to smile, feeling a little embarrassed.

“I'm in a band, girls like musicians, don't they?”
“Girls might,” Lavender laughed, “but I am a woman. A woman who knows not to fall for the 'I
can serenade you with my guitar' line.”

“Well, I can't serenade you with a guitar anyway. I don't play an instrument.”

“So how are you in a band?”
“I'm lead vocals. One day, I'm going to strike it big, and you'll remember this conversation as
my music video plays on your TV.”


“Yes, really,” he grinned, “don't worry, I'll dedicate one of my songs to this moment.”
“What will you call it?” Lavender asked, interested.

“I don't know, doesn't the title of a song usually come last?” Mark shrugged, “Hey, Lavender, I
gotta dash, but how about you come to my concert next week?”

“Next week? Sure, where?”
“Campus Club, next Wednesday, about nine. I'll be the one on stage with a microphone.”
With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Lavender smiling to herself.

After they had interrupted her perfect shot, Shenene sent the Wrongways to the sofa, while
she neglected to clean up the pool table.

“Welcome to Wrong House. Don't ask me why it isn't call Wrongway House, but I'm your
placeholder, Shenene Grove,” Shenene began, grinning, “first thing you should know is, I
redecorated this place, so if you don't like it, I don't care. Placeholder always redecorates.
Secondly, Aphrodite can't stay here.”
“Why not?” Austin demanded, “She's like our best friend!”

“Those are the rules, kid,” Shenene shrugged, “first circle Wrongway and placeholders are
the only students accepted by Wrong House. Some dumb rule made up before we were

“Where will you go, Aphrodite?”

“Same place Robin went,” Aphrodite sighed, “Spare House, the Greek on the other side of
“I'm sorry, Aphrodite,” Shenene frowned, “it's honestly nothing personal. It's just the

“It's no trouble. I had better go pack. Again.”

Shenene still felt awful about having to ask Aphrodite to leave, though everyone insisted
it was fine. She was pretty sure things would lighten up sooner or later.

Things did lighten up at the Greek House as the semester continued, but they had
nothing to do with Aphrodite, or cheering her up. Shenene and Austin discovered there
was a little weak chemistry between them.

Austin, being the fun-loving romance sim he was, decided it would be worthwhile to
spend some 'quality time' with Shenene.
Lavender was extremely tired of it by the end of the week. Afterall, there is only so much
bad kareoke you can take in one sitting.

What made it worse was the fact Lavender knew Austin wasn't serious about the
relationship, if you could call what was happening between Shenene and Austin a
relationship at all.
So Lavender went round, complaining, to the house of Aphrodite and Robin.

“He doesn't even like her that much! Why bother?” She demanded, waving her arms in
the air for emphasis.

“Because that's how he is, Lavender. You know that. He's your cousin.” Aphrodite
explained, raising her eyebrows. She was in complete agreement with Lavender.

“It's a bit of fun, at the end of the day,” Robin laughed, earning a glare, “it's what uni is all
Silence fell over the three women as they contemplated Austin's recent behaviour. There
was nothing any of them could do to stop him.

Aphrodite's focus was on how different things were. Once, she was Austin's 'girlfriend',
the only one he kissed and held. But that was before everything – her parents being
banished, before locking the door to the house for the final time.

She would never go back. She held onto the key, though, on her necklace, as an option.
Aphrodite always wanted the option.
Robin and Lavender got so distracted trying to wake Aphrodite from her thoughts that
they didn't notice Hercules wandering in.

He had moved into the house after everyone else, still irritated that his friends left for
university without him. That's when he noticed Lavender sitting on the sofa. It was the
perfect chance to talk to her once again.
“Lavender,” he called, unsmiling, “it's been awhile, hasn't it?”
“Hercules, you said you weren't going to be home for a few hours.” Aphrodite said,
surprised. Why did he pick now to come home? Why couldn't it wait until after Lavender
had gone?
“It's alright, Aphrodite, I'm now about to head off.” Lavender smiled, reassuringly. She
really didn't want to see Hercules, especially not now when they had a fresh start. He
would drag up the past again.

“How about we talk outside, first?” Hercules asked. His voice was firm, and Lavender
couldn't argue with it.

“Five minutes.” She decided.
“Isn't this house just beautiful?” Hercules asked as he stepped outside with Lavender.
She smiled a little.

“It's very nice. But don't get off subject. What is it you wanted to say?”

Hercules turned to face her.
“If this is about the sort-of relationship moment as teenagers, forget about it.”

“I wanted to tell you why things happened the way they did.”

“I don't care. It's over, isn't it? Dealt with!”

Hercules paused for a moment, and Lavender turned to go inside, “How's life,
“My Dad died recently and you're asking me how life is?” Lavender asked, incredulously.

“Hey, my Dad's gone too. Your family bodyguard or whatever got rid of him before I could
meet him.” Hercules could feel anger building inside of him now.

“Yeah? Our 'bodyguard' raised you, Hercules. Like a Dad. Your real Dad got mine killed.
Still want to meet him?”

“Well, I won't get the chance to now, will I?” Hercules snapped.
“I can't believe you still want to know your father after learning that he is a murderer, a
liar and the causes of our troubles.” Lavender shook her head in disbelief.

“Lavender, you don't understand. You knew who your family was. You knew what they
were like as people.”

“Want to know more about Ralph? Ask your twin! I'm sure she will have plenty of stories
to tell you about that man!” Lavender turned on her heel, and left, feeling frustrated and
Lavender's misery took her to a Downtown bar. Austin drank juice to forget his troubles,
and Lavender was about to try the same.

At some point in the evening, Lavender reached that point where the bartender refuses
to sell them any more drinks. Lavender had passed that stage, and was now sulking in
silence, mind cloudy from the juice.

A familiar face spotted her across the dance floor and wandered over, “Hey Lavender!”
“Need a drinking buddy?” Mark Davison asked, fidgeting a little as he took a seat on the
barstool next to Lavender.

Lavender rolled her eyes, “Dun' need you. Go 'way.”

“Lavender?” Mark raised an eyebrow at Lavender's slurred statement.

“No. Go 'way, Mark. Leave me alone.”
“Someone's in a sour mood,” Mark commented, and Lavender swore violently at him.

“Go away, Mark!” She said again, leaning on the counter.

“You know what? I will. I shouldn't leave you on your own, but you clearly don't want me,
or my help.”

“No help.”

“Exactly. See you around, Lavender.” And with that, Mark got up from his seat and left
Lavender on her own again.
At the Wrongway's house in Rubix, Rose was sending some papers through to the printer,
while her cousins argued lightheartedly.

“You're always so happy! Why is that?” Will Shahan demanded.

“You're so keen on being cool all the time, Will,” Owen Thompson laughed, “it's funny.”

“You two, shut up. I'm trying to print off the final chapter of our Wronglands story,” Rose
smiled, “we can send it to a publisher's tomorrow.”
In the living room, Forrest was hanging out with his best friend and cousin, Meadow

“I'm bored of watching bad movies,” Forrest grinned, “how about we head out tonight or
something? Do something that would shock the older teens!”

“Is that really such a good idea?” Meadow asked, getting up from the sofa.
“Oh, come on! Let's go dance, see a bit of Rubix at night!”

“Forrest, there aren't any clubs in Rubix now. The nearest ones are in the city or the
university campus...”

“So we go to the city! It'll be fun!”

“No. Austin will spot me or something. He'd be disappointed.”

“He would be thrilled!” Forrest argued – he never admitted that he admired his older
cousin's attitude to life, “I'll call a cab.”
Meadow looked unsure, Forrest smiled, “Come on, it'll be fine. We won't have any juice,
we'll just go and soak up the atmosphere.”

“Alright. Let me call the cab, then.” Meadow replied.

“This is not what I was expecting.” Forrest stated, as he stood at the door of the Rhythm
club with Meadow. The bar was a lot quieter than the pair thought it would be.

“ that your sister? Looking juiced up at the bar?”
“We have to help her out,” Meadow decided, “we can't call her a taxi, what if she throws
up in it? They charge more for that. We need to call someone we know.”

“Mum? Austin? Uncle Eli? Take your pick. They are the three coolest people who will
understand a little bit of juice-drinking.”

“We can't call any of them, they'll be so disappointed.” Meadow sighed.

“So we call Hex. He helps out the family, right? He'll probably have nothing to do now
that Ralph is gone for a while.”
“Will she thank us for that in the morning?” Meadow asked.

“Doesn't matter, she can't stay here all night.” Forrest stated.

“Alright. I'll go make the call. Wait here.”
Hex wasted no time breaking the speed limit to get to the bar as quick as possible. He
entered the club just as Forrest released Meadow from a noogie.

“Ouch, Forrest!” Meadow complained.

“Oh, hey Hex!” Forrest grinned, cheekily. Hex rolled his eyes – he knew all about
Forrest's nature.

“Where is she?” He asked, simply.

“At the bar.”
“You know, Lavender, it would break your mother's heart if she saw you like this,” Hex
said with a smile, sitting on the stool next to Lavender, “but, let me guess, it's the student
lifestyle right?”

“No.” Lavender replied, in a small voice.
“Well, you don't have to tell me why you're drinking, but we do have to go home now,”
Hex paused, “come on, my car's outside.”

“I don't wanna go, I'm having too much fun!” Lavender announced with a grin.

“Lavender, I've got to get Forrest and Meadow home, too. You need to work with me.”

“Don't you want your brother and cousin home safe?” Hex questioned, “They want you
home safe, Lavender.”

“Fine, fine, I'll go.”

“Glad to hear it.”
The group didn't get very far before having to pull over, thanks to Lavender feeling ill.
Hex leaned on his car door, tiredly, “I can't believe she threw up in my car!”

“Didn't you expect it?” Meadow asked, trying not to laugh. Hex threw her a look, and
shook his head.

“Don't mean to worry you guys, but I really need to get home,” Forrest reminded them,
“it's already one in the morning.”
Lavender shook her head, “Can't go. Feel ill.”

Hex studied her briefly, “I'm not letting her throw up in my car again.”
“You can both drive, right?” Hex asked, turning to Meadow and Forrest. They both nodded,
silent, “You two need to get home, so take my car.”

“Yay, I get to drive!” Forrest cheered.
“Forrest, your mother and I are friends, we talk quite frequently. There is no way I'm
letting you drive my car,” Hex said, with a sweet smile, “Meadow, you take the keys.”
Once Meadow and Forrest were gone, Hex joined Lavender on the pavement, and sat in
thought while Lavender continued to complain about nausea.

“No taxi would be able to find us. We're in the middle of nowhere,” Hex stated with a
sigh, “and Phillip will be asleep by now.”

“Why did I do this?” Lavender asked, tiredly. She tried to get up and move, but fell down
on the other side of Hex. Lavender laid down, and pulled Hex down with her, “I'm tired.”
“Get some sleep, I'll call Phillip in the morning to come pick us up.” Hex said, as Lavender
moved closer.

“I'm cold.” She murmured. Hex rolled his eyes and reluctantly pulled Lavender closer,
noting the slight smile on her face as she closed her eyes.
“You're lucky you drank too much. I don't do this normally, you know,” Hex's expression
changed into a small smile, “get some sleep, Lavender. You'll be home before you wake
up, okay?”

“Night, Hex.” Lavender yawned.

The morning after Lavender's night at the bar, the
second wave of generation four headed to

Rose, Will and Owen were ready for the challenges
university would bring them, as well as the
countless parties and opportunities for new friends.
Rose, Will and Owen gathered at a table in the dorm's cafeteria.

“So I sent the manuscript. I can't wait to see what they think of the Wronglands!” Rose

“Excuse me a moment, I see a girl I want to flirt with.” Will announced, getting up from
the table.
“Don't worry, Owen, he'll pay attention to the Wronglands when it's available in the
book shop.”

“Yeah, of course.” Owen agreed.

At Wrong House, Lavender was still sleeping after her night out. Hex and Phillip had
managed to drop her off there without waking her up.

Austin and Shenene had moved round the house quietly and left Lavender to sleep.
But Lavender eventually woke up, confused and with a headache.

“What...” Lavender paused, “What did I do last night?”

She tried to remember the previous night, and one image came into her mind.
What? Lavender thought to herself, Hex and me...what were we doing last night?!
Lavender got up, still contemplating what little she remembered of the night before.

“I need to go apologise to Hex,” she decided, “I'm pretty sure it can't have been fun
looking after me last night.”

“From the bar last night to the park? We're just too awesome for words, Meadow.”

“Oh shush. We can still hang out normally, we don't have to be so grown up and go to
bars all the time.”

“True, true! What shall we spend our time doing, then?”

“Wait a second...I don't know that guy over there...”
“Why do you feel the need to know everyone in Rubix?”

“I don't feel the need to, it's just weird seeing someone I don't know.”
“I'm going to go talk to him, Forrest, stay here.”

“Oh great. You get a new friend, I get to stay here, bored.”

“Oh shut up, Forrest.” Meadow laughed.
“He better not steal my best friend,” Forrest decided, and fidgeted by the tree Meadow
had left him by.
“Hey, I've never seen you around before,” Meadow grinned, “I'm Meadow Wheeler.”

“I just moved to town with my Dad,” the boy replied, “I'm Henry Santander.”

“Oh, cool. Never heard of the Santander family in Rubix before.”

“Apparently Dad lived here with my Mum years ago,” Henry shrugged, “Mum didn't move
back with us. Moved to the city instead.”

“Oh? She's not with your Dad anymore?”
“Actually, I don't remember them ever being together, really,” Henry replied, “we used to
live in the hills together, but their arguments got so bad...”

“That's not great, but at least things will be happier now, right?”

“Exactly,” Henry grinned, “I take it your family is pretty much perfect, right?”

“No way,” Meadow chuckled a little, “my brother is my cousin – his Dad is my uncle and
his Mum left town ages ago.”

Henry and Meadow continued talking about their families, without Forrest.
Forrest didn't mind the lack of attention too much. He was too busy having a bunch of
fun on the roundabout.

In the garden behind the Supernatural Court, Hex was basking in the sunshine. After the
strange night by the roadside with Lavender, Hex was very contemplative.

Moments later, he noticed someone was approaching. Hex got up and smiled, “Feeling
Lavender wandered up to Hex's side, smiling, “I wanted to apologise, Hex. I don't
remember a lot of what happened but...”

“Hey, I was the same at uni. We all hit the juice a bit too hard.” Hex chuckled.

“I can't imagine you as a student, really.” Lavender replied.
“I'm telling you, there's a few days of my uni years that I can't remember,” Hex
murmured, “so, no hangover?”

“Just a headache,” Lavender responded, “I won't be doing that again though. I just
wanted to thank you, Hex.”

“You're welcome.”
“I mean it, Hex, thanks. There was no way I was going to get home,” Lavender said, “I'm
going to be late if I stay much longer.”

“I understand. Stop by any time, okay?” Hex answered, as Lavender kissed him lightly
on the cheek.

“I will. See you around.”
Hex felt a little uneasy as Lavender began to wander away, no doubt to the place where
she had parked Austin's car. Something told him he wasn't supposed to get this involved
with the Wrongways.

But surely he was just doing his job?

Hercules was miserable as night fell. No one understood his need to know more about
his real parents. Sure, he'd heard stories, but there wasn't anything to tell him what
kind of person he would have been had he been given the chance to grow up with his
Aphrodite had fallen asleep in her room, still fully-clothed. A key hung on the chain round
her neck. A key that could unlock the house containing the answers Hercules wanted.

Aphrodite met up with Lavender the next morning.

“I'm really worried, Lavender,” Aphrodite said, quickly, before she had even taken her

“What's wrong?”
“The key to Ralph's house is gone!” Aphrodite complained, “It wasn't on my
necklace when I woke up this morning, it's not anywhere...”

“Calm down, I'm sure it'll show up.”

“But I didn't want anyone to be able to go in there. How can I stop them now I don't
have the key?”

“Aphrodite, it'll be-”
Mark Davison sat down at their table, “Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to ask Lavender if
she was feeling better.”

“Huh?” Aphrodite looked questioningly at Lavender.

“Didn't I, er, mention I went out drinking the other night?” Lavender said, in a small voice.

“She wasn't happy to see me that night, for some reason.” Mark shrugged.
“You didn't mention the drinking. At all.” Aphrodite raised an eyebrow.

“I'm not proud of it. I have no idea how Austin gets away with it every night, or
thereabouts,” Lavender replied, “I'm sorry I yelled at you Mark. Let me know if I can
make it up to you.”

“Well, how about you come to my concert, then?”
“Your band got a concert? That's pretty cool.” Lavender grinned.

“Yeah, we're playing next week at the Campus Club. You should come to the
concert,” Mark winked, “consider it repayment for getting rid of me before.”

“Sure, it could be fun.” Lavender replied.

Hercules, meanwhile, was outside Ralph's house, the home he should have grown
up in. He hadn't admitted to Aphrodite that he had taken her key...but it was curiosity
that had caused him to come here.

“I wonder what my room would have looked like if I'd grown up here.” Hercules
whispered to himself.
With a deep breath, Hercules started to move towards the door, ready to explore the
house his twin grew up in.
And this is where I leave you this time!

Join me and the Wrongways again next time!

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The Wrongway Legacy: 4.1

  • 1. Welcome to generation four, part one of the Wrongway Legacy! Last time, Robin and Lavender snuck into the 'abandoned' house of Ralph because Robin's ancestors 'used' to live there. Inside, they found Ralph and Ariel, and it quickly became a hostage situation. Hex could feel the power shift of two heiresses in the same room as he studied with Phillip on his magic. Many members of the family got involved, Aphrodite and Austin showed up late, Hex and Grace showed up, Orlando went to defend his wife and didn't realise Forrest had followed him. Orlando was killed by Ariel, and Hex managed to banish Ralph and Ariel for a generation. Shortly afterwards, Forrest celebrated his birthday, Liam passed away from old age, and the first wave of generation four headed off for college! Also, I didn't include Ashley and George passing away in the last chapter. I felt it would have been two deaths too many. However, I am planning to give them both a send off, soon. :) Onto the current chapter!
  • 2. Shenene Grove aimed her shot in the silence of the Wrongway's Greek House. Since redecorating the house, Shenene had found herself with nothing to do while she waited for the Wrongways to arrive at university. Aiming her shot with extra care, Shenene went to move her cue. Her concentrating silence was interrupted by the door bashing open as the first wave of Wrongways entered.
  • 3. The Wrongways had made quite an impression in their small time on campus. Austin and Robin had made appearances at all the latest parties, throwing themselves into stereotypical university life.
  • 4. Aphrodite had avoided the party scene, and avoided Austin – their friendship had turned into something more as teenagers, but clearly it hadn't meant as much to Austin, as he was out flirting most days. Instead, Aphrodite threw herself into new hobbies – pottery, painting, sports, gardening. Anything to distract her from Austin's new lifestyle.
  • 5. Especially as Austin's new lifestyle meant Aphrodite often heard stories about affairs she didn't want to know about, let alone recognise. She wanted Austin to herself, and she knew that wasn't likely.
  • 6. Lavender, meanwhile, had been easing herself into university life slowly, starting by meeting knew people, such as a guy she had literally bumped into. Once she was finished blushing, she waved, “Hi, I'm Lavender Wrongway!” “Mark Davison,” the man said, before pausing and smiling.
  • 7. “Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?” Mark asked, breaking the silence. Lavender blushed again. “No. But I don't expect them to.” Lavender tried to smile, feeling a little embarrassed. “I'm in a band, girls like musicians, don't they?”
  • 8. “Girls might,” Lavender laughed, “but I am a woman. A woman who knows not to fall for the 'I can serenade you with my guitar' line.” “Well, I can't serenade you with a guitar anyway. I don't play an instrument.” “So how are you in a band?”
  • 9. “I'm lead vocals. One day, I'm going to strike it big, and you'll remember this conversation as my music video plays on your TV.” “Really?” “Yes, really,” he grinned, “don't worry, I'll dedicate one of my songs to this moment.”
  • 10. “What will you call it?” Lavender asked, interested. “I don't know, doesn't the title of a song usually come last?” Mark shrugged, “Hey, Lavender, I gotta dash, but how about you come to my concert next week?” “Next week? Sure, where?”
  • 11. “Campus Club, next Wednesday, about nine. I'll be the one on stage with a microphone.” With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Lavender smiling to herself. ...
  • 12. After they had interrupted her perfect shot, Shenene sent the Wrongways to the sofa, while she neglected to clean up the pool table. “Welcome to Wrong House. Don't ask me why it isn't call Wrongway House, but I'm your placeholder, Shenene Grove,” Shenene began, grinning, “first thing you should know is, I redecorated this place, so if you don't like it, I don't care. Placeholder always redecorates. Secondly, Aphrodite can't stay here.”
  • 13. “Why not?” Austin demanded, “She's like our best friend!” “Those are the rules, kid,” Shenene shrugged, “first circle Wrongway and placeholders are the only students accepted by Wrong House. Some dumb rule made up before we were born.” “Where will you go, Aphrodite?” “Same place Robin went,” Aphrodite sighed, “Spare House, the Greek on the other side of campus.”
  • 14. “I'm sorry, Aphrodite,” Shenene frowned, “it's honestly nothing personal. It's just the rules.” “It's no trouble. I had better go pack. Again.” Shenene still felt awful about having to ask Aphrodite to leave, though everyone insisted it was fine. She was pretty sure things would lighten up sooner or later. ...
  • 15. Things did lighten up at the Greek House as the semester continued, but they had nothing to do with Aphrodite, or cheering her up. Shenene and Austin discovered there was a little weak chemistry between them. Austin, being the fun-loving romance sim he was, decided it would be worthwhile to spend some 'quality time' with Shenene.
  • 16. Lavender was extremely tired of it by the end of the week. Afterall, there is only so much bad kareoke you can take in one sitting. What made it worse was the fact Lavender knew Austin wasn't serious about the relationship, if you could call what was happening between Shenene and Austin a relationship at all.
  • 17. So Lavender went round, complaining, to the house of Aphrodite and Robin. “He doesn't even like her that much! Why bother?” She demanded, waving her arms in the air for emphasis. “Because that's how he is, Lavender. You know that. He's your cousin.” Aphrodite explained, raising her eyebrows. She was in complete agreement with Lavender. “It's a bit of fun, at the end of the day,” Robin laughed, earning a glare, “it's what uni is all about!”
  • 18. Silence fell over the three women as they contemplated Austin's recent behaviour. There was nothing any of them could do to stop him. Aphrodite's focus was on how different things were. Once, she was Austin's 'girlfriend', the only one he kissed and held. But that was before everything – her parents being banished, before locking the door to the house for the final time. She would never go back. She held onto the key, though, on her necklace, as an option. Aphrodite always wanted the option.
  • 19. Robin and Lavender got so distracted trying to wake Aphrodite from her thoughts that they didn't notice Hercules wandering in. He had moved into the house after everyone else, still irritated that his friends left for university without him. That's when he noticed Lavender sitting on the sofa. It was the perfect chance to talk to her once again.
  • 20. “Lavender,” he called, unsmiling, “it's been awhile, hasn't it?”
  • 21. “Hercules, you said you weren't going to be home for a few hours.” Aphrodite said, surprised. Why did he pick now to come home? Why couldn't it wait until after Lavender had gone?
  • 22. “It's alright, Aphrodite, I'm now about to head off.” Lavender smiled, reassuringly. She really didn't want to see Hercules, especially not now when they had a fresh start. He would drag up the past again. “How about we talk outside, first?” Hercules asked. His voice was firm, and Lavender couldn't argue with it. “Five minutes.” She decided.
  • 23. “Isn't this house just beautiful?” Hercules asked as he stepped outside with Lavender. She smiled a little. “It's very nice. But don't get off subject. What is it you wanted to say?” Hercules turned to face her.
  • 24. “If this is about the sort-of relationship moment as teenagers, forget about it.” “I wanted to tell you why things happened the way they did.” “I don't care. It's over, isn't it? Dealt with!” Hercules paused for a moment, and Lavender turned to go inside, “How's life, Lavender?”
  • 25. “My Dad died recently and you're asking me how life is?” Lavender asked, incredulously. “Hey, my Dad's gone too. Your family bodyguard or whatever got rid of him before I could meet him.” Hercules could feel anger building inside of him now. “Yeah? Our 'bodyguard' raised you, Hercules. Like a Dad. Your real Dad got mine killed. Still want to meet him?” “Well, I won't get the chance to now, will I?” Hercules snapped.
  • 26. “I can't believe you still want to know your father after learning that he is a murderer, a liar and the causes of our troubles.” Lavender shook her head in disbelief. “Lavender, you don't understand. You knew who your family was. You knew what they were like as people.” “Want to know more about Ralph? Ask your twin! I'm sure she will have plenty of stories to tell you about that man!” Lavender turned on her heel, and left, feeling frustrated and lonely.
  • 27. Lavender's misery took her to a Downtown bar. Austin drank juice to forget his troubles, and Lavender was about to try the same. At some point in the evening, Lavender reached that point where the bartender refuses to sell them any more drinks. Lavender had passed that stage, and was now sulking in silence, mind cloudy from the juice. A familiar face spotted her across the dance floor and wandered over, “Hey Lavender!”
  • 28. “Need a drinking buddy?” Mark Davison asked, fidgeting a little as he took a seat on the barstool next to Lavender. Lavender rolled her eyes, “Dun' need you. Go 'way.” “Lavender?” Mark raised an eyebrow at Lavender's slurred statement. “No. Go 'way, Mark. Leave me alone.”
  • 29. “Someone's in a sour mood,” Mark commented, and Lavender swore violently at him. “Go away, Mark!” She said again, leaning on the counter. “You know what? I will. I shouldn't leave you on your own, but you clearly don't want me, or my help.” “No help.” “Exactly. See you around, Lavender.” And with that, Mark got up from his seat and left Lavender on her own again.
  • 30. At the Wrongway's house in Rubix, Rose was sending some papers through to the printer, while her cousins argued lightheartedly. “You're always so happy! Why is that?” Will Shahan demanded. “You're so keen on being cool all the time, Will,” Owen Thompson laughed, “it's funny.” “You two, shut up. I'm trying to print off the final chapter of our Wronglands story,” Rose smiled, “we can send it to a publisher's tomorrow.”
  • 31. In the living room, Forrest was hanging out with his best friend and cousin, Meadow Wheeler. “I'm bored of watching bad movies,” Forrest grinned, “how about we head out tonight or something? Do something that would shock the older teens!” “Is that really such a good idea?” Meadow asked, getting up from the sofa.
  • 32. “Oh, come on! Let's go dance, see a bit of Rubix at night!” “Forrest, there aren't any clubs in Rubix now. The nearest ones are in the city or the university campus...” “So we go to the city! It'll be fun!” “No. Austin will spot me or something. He'd be disappointed.” “He would be thrilled!” Forrest argued – he never admitted that he admired his older cousin's attitude to life, “I'll call a cab.”
  • 33. Meadow looked unsure, Forrest smiled, “Come on, it'll be fine. We won't have any juice, we'll just go and soak up the atmosphere.” “Alright. Let me call the cab, then.” Meadow replied. “Hooray!”
  • 34. “This is not what I was expecting.” Forrest stated, as he stood at the door of the Rhythm club with Meadow. The bar was a lot quieter than the pair thought it would be. “ that your sister? Looking juiced up at the bar?”
  • 35. “We have to help her out,” Meadow decided, “we can't call her a taxi, what if she throws up in it? They charge more for that. We need to call someone we know.” “Mum? Austin? Uncle Eli? Take your pick. They are the three coolest people who will understand a little bit of juice-drinking.” “We can't call any of them, they'll be so disappointed.” Meadow sighed. “So we call Hex. He helps out the family, right? He'll probably have nothing to do now that Ralph is gone for a while.”
  • 36. “Will she thank us for that in the morning?” Meadow asked. “Doesn't matter, she can't stay here all night.” Forrest stated. “Alright. I'll go make the call. Wait here.”
  • 37. Hex wasted no time breaking the speed limit to get to the bar as quick as possible. He entered the club just as Forrest released Meadow from a noogie. “Ouch, Forrest!” Meadow complained. “Oh, hey Hex!” Forrest grinned, cheekily. Hex rolled his eyes – he knew all about Forrest's nature. “Where is she?” He asked, simply. “At the bar.”
  • 38. “You know, Lavender, it would break your mother's heart if she saw you like this,” Hex said with a smile, sitting on the stool next to Lavender, “but, let me guess, it's the student lifestyle right?” “No.” Lavender replied, in a small voice.
  • 39. “Well, you don't have to tell me why you're drinking, but we do have to go home now,” Hex paused, “come on, my car's outside.” “I don't wanna go, I'm having too much fun!” Lavender announced with a grin. “Lavender, I've got to get Forrest and Meadow home, too. You need to work with me.” “No.”
  • 40. “Don't you want your brother and cousin home safe?” Hex questioned, “They want you home safe, Lavender.” “Fine, fine, I'll go.” “Glad to hear it.”
  • 41. The group didn't get very far before having to pull over, thanks to Lavender feeling ill. Hex leaned on his car door, tiredly, “I can't believe she threw up in my car!” “Didn't you expect it?” Meadow asked, trying not to laugh. Hex threw her a look, and shook his head. “Don't mean to worry you guys, but I really need to get home,” Forrest reminded them, “it's already one in the morning.”
  • 42. Lavender shook her head, “Can't go. Feel ill.” Hex studied her briefly, “I'm not letting her throw up in my car again.”
  • 43. “You can both drive, right?” Hex asked, turning to Meadow and Forrest. They both nodded, silent, “You two need to get home, so take my car.” “Yay, I get to drive!” Forrest cheered.
  • 44. “Forrest, your mother and I are friends, we talk quite frequently. There is no way I'm letting you drive my car,” Hex said, with a sweet smile, “Meadow, you take the keys.”
  • 45. Once Meadow and Forrest were gone, Hex joined Lavender on the pavement, and sat in thought while Lavender continued to complain about nausea. “No taxi would be able to find us. We're in the middle of nowhere,” Hex stated with a sigh, “and Phillip will be asleep by now.” “Why did I do this?” Lavender asked, tiredly. She tried to get up and move, but fell down on the other side of Hex. Lavender laid down, and pulled Hex down with her, “I'm tired.”
  • 46. “Get some sleep, I'll call Phillip in the morning to come pick us up.” Hex said, as Lavender moved closer. “I'm cold.” She murmured. Hex rolled his eyes and reluctantly pulled Lavender closer, noting the slight smile on her face as she closed her eyes.
  • 47. “You're lucky you drank too much. I don't do this normally, you know,” Hex's expression changed into a small smile, “get some sleep, Lavender. You'll be home before you wake up, okay?” “Night, Hex.” Lavender yawned. ...
  • 48. The morning after Lavender's night at the bar, the second wave of generation four headed to university. Rose, Will and Owen were ready for the challenges university would bring them, as well as the countless parties and opportunities for new friends.
  • 49. Rose, Will and Owen gathered at a table in the dorm's cafeteria. “So I sent the manuscript. I can't wait to see what they think of the Wronglands!” Rose grinned. “Excuse me a moment, I see a girl I want to flirt with.” Will announced, getting up from the table.
  • 50. “Don't worry, Owen, he'll pay attention to the Wronglands when it's available in the book shop.” “Yeah, of course.” Owen agreed. ...
  • 51. At Wrong House, Lavender was still sleeping after her night out. Hex and Phillip had managed to drop her off there without waking her up. Austin and Shenene had moved round the house quietly and left Lavender to sleep.
  • 52. But Lavender eventually woke up, confused and with a headache. “What...” Lavender paused, “What did I do last night?” She tried to remember the previous night, and one image came into her mind.
  • 53. What? Lavender thought to herself, Hex and me...what were we doing last night?!
  • 54. Lavender got up, still contemplating what little she remembered of the night before. “I need to go apologise to Hex,” she decided, “I'm pretty sure it can't have been fun looking after me last night.” ...
  • 55. “From the bar last night to the park? We're just too awesome for words, Meadow.” “Oh shush. We can still hang out normally, we don't have to be so grown up and go to bars all the time.” “True, true! What shall we spend our time doing, then?” “Wait a second...I don't know that guy over there...”
  • 56. “Why do you feel the need to know everyone in Rubix?” “I don't feel the need to, it's just weird seeing someone I don't know.”
  • 57. “I'm going to go talk to him, Forrest, stay here.” “Oh great. You get a new friend, I get to stay here, bored.” “Oh shut up, Forrest.” Meadow laughed.
  • 58. “He better not steal my best friend,” Forrest decided, and fidgeted by the tree Meadow had left him by.
  • 59. “Hey, I've never seen you around before,” Meadow grinned, “I'm Meadow Wheeler.” “I just moved to town with my Dad,” the boy replied, “I'm Henry Santander.” “Oh, cool. Never heard of the Santander family in Rubix before.” “Apparently Dad lived here with my Mum years ago,” Henry shrugged, “Mum didn't move back with us. Moved to the city instead.” “Oh? She's not with your Dad anymore?”
  • 60. “Actually, I don't remember them ever being together, really,” Henry replied, “we used to live in the hills together, but their arguments got so bad...” “That's not great, but at least things will be happier now, right?” “Exactly,” Henry grinned, “I take it your family is pretty much perfect, right?” “No way,” Meadow chuckled a little, “my brother is my cousin – his Dad is my uncle and his Mum left town ages ago.” Henry and Meadow continued talking about their families, without Forrest.
  • 61. Forrest didn't mind the lack of attention too much. He was too busy having a bunch of fun on the roundabout. ...
  • 62. In the garden behind the Supernatural Court, Hex was basking in the sunshine. After the strange night by the roadside with Lavender, Hex was very contemplative. Moments later, he noticed someone was approaching. Hex got up and smiled, “Feeling better?”
  • 63. Lavender wandered up to Hex's side, smiling, “I wanted to apologise, Hex. I don't remember a lot of what happened but...” “Hey, I was the same at uni. We all hit the juice a bit too hard.” Hex chuckled. “I can't imagine you as a student, really.” Lavender replied.
  • 64. “I'm telling you, there's a few days of my uni years that I can't remember,” Hex murmured, “so, no hangover?” “Just a headache,” Lavender responded, “I won't be doing that again though. I just wanted to thank you, Hex.” “You're welcome.”
  • 65. “I mean it, Hex, thanks. There was no way I was going to get home,” Lavender said, “I'm going to be late if I stay much longer.” “I understand. Stop by any time, okay?” Hex answered, as Lavender kissed him lightly on the cheek. “I will. See you around.”
  • 66. Hex felt a little uneasy as Lavender began to wander away, no doubt to the place where she had parked Austin's car. Something told him he wasn't supposed to get this involved with the Wrongways. But surely he was just doing his job? ...
  • 67. Hercules was miserable as night fell. No one understood his need to know more about his real parents. Sure, he'd heard stories, but there wasn't anything to tell him what kind of person he would have been had he been given the chance to grow up with his family.
  • 68. Aphrodite had fallen asleep in her room, still fully-clothed. A key hung on the chain round her neck. A key that could unlock the house containing the answers Hercules wanted. ...
  • 69. Aphrodite met up with Lavender the next morning. “I'm really worried, Lavender,” Aphrodite said, quickly, before she had even taken her seat. “What's wrong?”
  • 70. “The key to Ralph's house is gone!” Aphrodite complained, “It wasn't on my necklace when I woke up this morning, it's not anywhere...” “Calm down, I'm sure it'll show up.” “But I didn't want anyone to be able to go in there. How can I stop them now I don't have the key?” “Aphrodite, it'll be-”
  • 71. Mark Davison sat down at their table, “Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to ask Lavender if she was feeling better.” “Huh?” Aphrodite looked questioningly at Lavender. “Didn't I, er, mention I went out drinking the other night?” Lavender said, in a small voice. “She wasn't happy to see me that night, for some reason.” Mark shrugged.
  • 72. “You didn't mention the drinking. At all.” Aphrodite raised an eyebrow. “I'm not proud of it. I have no idea how Austin gets away with it every night, or thereabouts,” Lavender replied, “I'm sorry I yelled at you Mark. Let me know if I can make it up to you.” “Well, how about you come to my concert, then?”
  • 73. “Your band got a concert? That's pretty cool.” Lavender grinned. “Yeah, we're playing next week at the Campus Club. You should come to the concert,” Mark winked, “consider it repayment for getting rid of me before.” “Sure, it could be fun.” Lavender replied. ...
  • 74. Hercules, meanwhile, was outside Ralph's house, the home he should have grown up in. He hadn't admitted to Aphrodite that he had taken her key...but it was curiosity that had caused him to come here. “I wonder what my room would have looked like if I'd grown up here.” Hercules whispered to himself.
  • 75. With a deep breath, Hercules started to move towards the door, ready to explore the house his twin grew up in. ------------------------- And this is where I leave you this time! Join me and the Wrongways again next time!