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getting more value from your decisions
           … a boardroom fable

    Genesis Management Consulting
                 “improving lives
             through better decisions”
Chapter 1

                        setting the scene

                               Facing disaster

Genesis                                              “improving lives
Management Consulting                            through better decisions”
setting the scene
       The mood in the Boardroom is tense ….

       Brad, the CEO of Marcon Limited, is clearly annoyed and frustrated as he taps
       his fingers impatiently on the table.

       24 hours earlier, the major investor of Marcon had told Brad that if he could
       not turn the company around – and rapidly – he would find someone who

       Brad was facing personal and professional disaster – and his senior team did
       not seem to be helping him at all.

                                                        Brad: CEO:
                                                        annoyed and frustrated
                                                        and facing disaster!

Genesis                                                                            “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                          through better decisions”
setting the scene

Linda, the CFO, who had just delivered the even-worse-than-expected quarterly results is the
focus of attention – although she feels like the messenger that is about to be shot. “I just
measure the results, it’s the operational and sales people who have screwed it up”, she
thought to herself.

Greg, the Head of Operations can see his most important project, the technology-based QUIP
(quality improvement project) is at risk of being canned.

While Maria who leads marketing and sales is facing the prospect of being forced to lay off up
to 20% of her people and slashing her advertising budget.

                                     Brad says: “ I see no other way out. It seems the only way we
                                     can slash our costs is to take these two tough, but necessary
                                     decisions: cancel Quip and strip 20% out of our marketing
                                     and sales area.

                                        Linda : CFO:
                                        it’s not my fault !
facing the facts …
Gail, the Director of Strategy decided it was time to put her point forward.

“The way I see it is this:

“We have made a loss in the last quarter which follows a trend apparent for the last year.
Every quarterly review we manage to convince ourselves that things have reached the
bottom and will start to upturn. It is time we stopped kidding ourselves and admit that if
we do nothing differently, in 3 months time we will be drowning in a sea of red ink.

                        “There are two proposals on the table that have arisen out of the
                        discussions we have had this morning.

                        “The first is cancel QUIP – our manufacturing project aimed at
                        improving quality.

                        “The second is to cut significant costs out of our marketing and
                        sales area.”

                                  Gail: Director of Strategy
                                  facing the facts
the upside and the downside
                 Gail continued:

                 “Combined, these decisions appear to offer the benefit of reducing costs
                 by almost $25 million. But there are significant possible downsides:

                “Firstly if our quality does not improve, our gross margin is going to shrink
                further - to say nothing of our reputation in the market. Scrapping QUIP could
                have that effect.

                “Secondly, cutting back on advertising and our sales force could also impact on
                the top line significantly. And what it would do to morale does not even bear
                thinking about.

“My rough calculation is that if we get these decisions wrong, there
is a potential net downside of $10 million – and frankly a hit like
that would leave us on the verge of bankruptcy.

“I know time is of the essence, but are we really ready to make
these decisions today?”
the value of the decision

             “Thanks Gail, that feels like a sensible summary.
             Could you maybe pull that together into one of
                   those insightful sketches of yours”

Genesis                                                              “improving lives
Management Consulting                                            through better decisions”
Chapter 2

                        decision value

                               the stakes are high!

Genesis                                                   “improving lives
Management Consulting                                 through better decisions”
the possible outcomes of the decision
    “We seem to have been forced into hurrying these two decisions – and
    frankly, I am not sure if the decision process we have taken has been

    “Sorry if this sounds like Decision-Making 101, but any decision can be
    made well or poorly. Both of these options may have two possible results: a
    good outcome or a poor outcome.
    Schematically it could be depicted like this:”

                                                       Good outcome
                          Good decision
                                                       Poor outcome

                                                       Good outcome
                          Poor decision
                                                       Poor outcome
the mathematics of the decision
  Seeing that most of the team were nodding, the Director of Strategy
  pushed on:

  “Now, using some rough estimates, let me throw some stats around:

      •The probability of us having followed a good decision process is about 70%
      •The probability of us having followed a poor process is 30% ….

  Gail could see she was losing Greg with her numbers
  so she moved back to her drawing

                 Greg: Operations Manager
the mathematics of the decision
           Gail apologised:
           “Sorry, that was not a good way of getting my message across.

           “Let me simply apply some rough probabilities to my drawing.

           “For instance, let us say there is a 70% chance of us following a good decision
           process and a 30% possibility of being less thorough and getting the process
           wrong … we can depict that as follows.”

                                                     80%          Good outcome
Probabilities                   Good decision
                     70%          process
                                                     20%          Poor outcome

                                                     5%           Good outcome
                     30%        Poor decision
                                                     95%          Poor outcome
decision value calculation
           Then if we apply my earlier estimates where
           • a good outcome would result in an improvement of $25 million and
           • a poor outcome would result in a deterioration of $10 million,

           and multiply the outcomes by the probabilities then our decision value can be
           estimated to be about + $10,1 million.
                                                                                   Calculation example
                                                                                   70% x 80% x 25m = 14,0m

                                                  80%            Good outcome
                                                                                  + $14,0m
                         Good decision                              + $25m
               70%         process                               Poor outcome
                                                  20%                             - $1,4m
                                                                    - $10m
Decision                                                                                             +
                                                                 Good outcome     + $0,4m
                          Poor decision                             + $25m
               30%                                                                                   +
                            process                              Poor outcome
                                                  95%                             - $2,9m
                                                                    - $10m

                                            Value of decision calculated by     Decision value       =
                                          summation of all possible outcomes      + $10,1m
Chapter 3

                        making it complicated

                                  That is too simplistic

Genesis                                                        “improving lives
Management Consulting                                      through better decisions”
simplistic thinking
The ambitious Maria, who had received a PhD in statistics at MIT before changing
career to a more exciting marketing role (and was blatantly maneuvering for Gail’s
job), was shaking her head.

“Gail, you are over-simplifying the situation. I question your use of discrete
numbers as possible outputs. Plus we should be considering running Monte Carlo
simulations to really get proper estimates.”

                           Maria : Marketing and sales
                           (Wants Gail’s job.)

                    Greg: WTF ?
simplistic thinking
Gail replied:

“Maria, you are theoretically correct and I would love to get into that level of
sophistication. However, I only wish to show how, with a little more effort, we
should be able to be more sure of a favorable outcome.

“In fact I would like to make it even simpler.”

Maria decided she had proven her technical knowledge and so nodded in consent.

                                    Maria : Point made.
                                    Smiles sweetly at Brad, the CEO.
even simpler …
                        Using one of Brads favorite expressions, Gail said:

                        “To get everyone back on the same page, let’s make it even
                        more straightforward. There are two ways this can turn out:

                        “Get it wrong and bust the company”

Genesis                                                                            “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                          through better decisions”
even simpler …
                    “Get it right and save the company, our jobs and all the other
                    people who are depending on us !”

Genesis                                                                          “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                        through better decisions”
Chapter 4

                        the wider consequences

                                  Think broader

Genesis                                               “improving lives
Management Consulting                             through better decisions”
wide-ranging consequences
Linda the CFO, looking slightly disheveled after her earlier discomfort, rejoined the
“I would like to add to that thought. The other day, I was talking to some people
from a company called Genesis, who are experts on decision making. They were
speaking about the wide-ranging impact of decisions beyond just finance and
used this picture to explain their point.”

She pushed a colorful picture of ripples and dropping water into the centre of the
boardroom table.

The decision ring                   “My point is we should consider
  of influence
                                    other possible consequences of
                                    the decision. “

                              Linda : CFO
                              Disheveled, but still engaged
many can be impacted by poor decisions …

         Reputation                  Customers
          Shareholders               Community
was this a good decision?

 “ … and here is a good
 example of a decision that
 may have been financially
 sound, but did they think of
 the consequences?”

Genesis                                            “improving lives
Management Consulting                          through better decisions”
back to order …

                         Brad tried to bring the meeting back to order:

                         “OK Linda. You are absolutely right and it is imperative we
                         bear these consequences in mind.

“But Gail, you really got our attention with your last
few diagrams.

“I think you were about to tell us how we might do a
better job with these decisions.”
Chapter 5

                        improving decision value

                                    Prefers it simple

Genesis                                                     “improving lives
Management Consulting                                   through better decisions”
Gail continues …
                    Gail responded:

                    “Thanks Brad. While Maria and Linda were making their
                    valuable contributions …”

                    Maria visibly flinched at Gail’s delicate sarcasm.

The Director of Strategy, with a slight smile playing on her lips, continued:

“ … I managed to put my schematics onto my iPad3 as a way of demonstrating where
we might improve the value of our decision making. ”

She plugged her Apple into the projector and the image filled the screen.

                        Maria : Marketing and sales
                        not so happy
improving the value of the decision …

                        “I have run a few numbers to test probabilities and outcomes.
                        Without getting into the calculation …”

                        Everyone heard Greg’s sigh of relief

                        “A relatively small amount more effort in the
                        decision process and planning the execution,
                        would give us a dramatic impact in our
                        probability of success.”

          “In fact, the decision value would move from $10,1 million to $13,1 million!”

Genesis                                                                           “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                         through better decisions”
how much ?

                        $ 13,1 m

             $ 10,1 m
                                       “So by putting a little more
                                       effort into our decision process
                                       we can increase the probable
                                       decision value by 30%?”

                                       Brad sounded incredulous.

Genesis                                                   “improving lives
Management Consulting                                 through better decisions”
yes, but how …
                     Brad, becoming animated, encouraged Gail to continue.

                     “That’s interesting theory and I like where you are taking this.
                     But so far you have told us where we might impact on the
                     decision-making. Do you have any ideas about how?”

Gail replied:
“Brad, coincidentally I also met with the Genesis chaps the
other day and still have part of their presentation to me on
my iPad.

“With your indulgence, I would like to flip through some of
their material as I think it answers your question perfectly.”

                               Brad nodded in agreement.

                     Maria : thinks :
                     “Damn, why did I not speak to Genesis”
Chapter 6

                        where things go wrong

                                  What happened?

Genesis                                                “improving lives
Management Consulting                              through better decisions”
there are two key areas

“There are two areas where we must focus: making the decision and executing
the decision.
(Here Gail cleverly was able to show some of the errors that had been made,
without actually accusing anyone of having made mistakes!)

“I first want to take you through what can go wrong, then move to looking at what
can be done in these areas?”

  Making the decision                                 Executing the decision
How to improve the probabilities?
      First understand where things can go wrong in the decision process

   Good decision

What can go wrong?

   Poor decision

       What can go wrong?

       The next 2 pages are taken from “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Decision Makers”

                                                 and show some of the typical pitfalls …..
Research has revealed many areas where we can stray
    from being rational decision-makers:

 Decision process errors
like unclear decision rules
                                                                Data errors
                                                              as in forgetting
                                                           underlying assumptions

                   Uncertainty problems such as miscalculation of risks

                              But even greater challenges are …
…the errors that arise from things buried in the
unconscious of the decision-makers … or at least on
the periphery of their consciousness:

Mental process faults                                         Communication
as in missing the                                                   challenges
inter-relatedness of                                   such as not recognizing
issues                                                  different perspectives

                        Ignoring decision psychology
                           like seeking confirmatory
                                  evidence only
How to improve the probabilities?
          Understand where things can go wrong in the execution

     Why might a good decision process still end up with a poor outcome?

   Unexpected                Bad implementation             Unforeseen event
competitive reaction              “handoff”
so what should we do?

The potential benefits                          We know things can be
   are significant!                                  improved.

        So what are they type of things we should be doing here
                to increase the probability of success?
Chapter 7

                        how to improve

                            Taking and executing decisions

Genesis                                                          “improving lives
Management Consulting                                        through better decisions”
there are two key areas
          Gail continued:
          “Genesis have some great images summarizing, in the form of
          check-lists, how those problems may be overcome and how
          decision taking and execution may be improved.”

Making the decision                             Executing the decision
taking the decision

                                There are 4 broad areas that should be
                                considered when improving the taking of

                                    Tools and technology
                                    Behavior and psychology

Genesis                                                           “improving lives
Management Consulting                                         through better decisions”
how to take the decision
              use this checklist…                                  Detailed check-
                                                                   list in appendix

                all of the     scenario    data    visualisation
                  steps      development   rigor    techniques
  correct                                            tools &            systems
   frame                                           technology           thinking
appropriate                                                               risk
  timing                                                              assessment
   right                                                               aware of
  inputs                                                               heuristics
   role                                            behavior &            role of
  clarity                                          psychology           intuition
               challenge & communication  group         mental
               governance     clarity    dynamics       models
executing the decision

                                  When considering execution of decisions,
                                  the planning of the execution may be as
                                  important as the implementation itself.

                                  Much research shows that decisions, like
                                  strategies, fail in their implementation. What
                                  the research fails to mention is that often the
                                  “seeds of (implementation) destruction” are
                                  sown in the development phase.

Genesis                                                                “improving lives
Management Consulting                                              through better decisions”
how to execute the decision                                  Detailed check-
                   use this checklist …                             list in appendix

      use of real options          key performance    programme            change
     eg limit the downside            indicators      governance         management

implementers in                                                            executive
decision process                                                          sponsorship
   scenario                                                                resources
  assessment                                                              match effort

     contingency               benefits         programme           review decision
       planning                tracking         management              process
Chapter 8

                        review the decisions

                                “Form a task force”

Genesis                                                   “improving lives
Management Consulting                                 through better decisions”
positive reaction
                        Brad had obviously liked what he had seen:

                        “Gail, it seems you and Linda have picked up a lot from these
                        guys. Although my initial reaction was that I am already an
                        expert decision maker (that’s why I am the CEO), I now really
                        believe that as a team we could go about this task a little
                                 Gail replied almost humbly:
                                 “To be honest, I had also believed that there was not a
                                 lot these consultants or coaches or whatever they call
                                 themselves, could do to improve my decisions.

                                 “But on reflection, I realized that decision making is a
                                 skill that can be learnt and continually enhanced and
                                 that can only help me in career and life!”

Genesis                                                                        “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                      through better decisions”
task force required
                          “So Gail, I agree with your initial assessment that we must
                          do something different to survive and we need to do it

                          “But the message I have picked up is that we must review
                          these two decisions in the light of the material we have
                          just seen.

“Would you please compile and lead a task force that rapidly
undertakes that review; and then lead us through a better
decision process within the next week?

“ This is critical to our survival – so get whatever resource you
feel is necessary.”

                  Maria :
                  “I’d better get on that team too ! ”
the task team
       Gail, using her strong emotional intelligence involved both Greg, Linda
       and Maria in the task team.

       Given the short time-frame and the importance of the decision, she also
       called in Genesis to facilitate the process and bring in their technologies
       and expertise.

       Together they developed a short, but intense intervention.

Genesis                                                                              “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                            through better decisions”
the process undertaken by the task team
                        Insights from market and other perspectives

  QUIP decision
                         Decisions                           Decision
                                         Greater rigor
                          reviewed                          execution
                                         and structure
      Sales &           concurrently                        assessed

                        Application of process and tools from Genesis

                                                                        Decision process and
                                                                           best practices
Insights gained using                                                       available at
Chapter 9

                        the critical factors

                                Key insights

Genesis                                            “improving lives
Management Consulting                          through better decisions”
looking back …..
                                    A year later, Gail was interviewed by the prestigious
                                    Wall Street Times and asked what had been the
                                    critical factors that had resulted in Marcon’s

                                    She recalled:
                                    “In that week of intensive review, challenge, digging
                                    and searching for creative answers, there were two
                                    key insights that convinced Brad to change his
                                    decision and put us on the road to success.

    “They may look straightforward, and even obvious, but the key to great decision
    making is identification of those few critical issues among the mountain of
    interesting, but less useful data.”

Genesis                                                                          “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                        through better decisions”
key factor 1: re-framing the decision

                  “We decided to frame the decision differently which resulted in an
                  important shift in focus from internal to internal AND external.”

                            Reduce costs by $25 million
                                      (Internal focus)

                           Increase profit by $25 million
                                       (Internal and
                                      external focus)

Genesis                                                                         “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                       through better decisions”
key factor 2: systemic problem
                          “We discovered a very important systemic problem that
                          linked market dynamics to our manufacturing activities.

                          “Basically, we were losing share as we tried to cover the
                          entire market. Our sales force, unable to meet quotas kept
                          demanding more products. This added cost and complexity
                          to our manufacturing – eventually driving us to try and
                          manage the complexity with better technology – hence the
                          QUIP project.

     “At the same time, marketing this ever increasing product range to wider
     audiences pushed our promotion costs ever higher too.

     “The diagram on the next page gives a little more detail … but you can see the
     vicious cycle that we were propagating!”

Genesis                                                                         “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                       through better decisions”
key factor 2: systemic problem
“We discovered a very important systemic problem that linked market
dynamics to our manufacturing activities.”
   •Marcon competing across all market segments, but competitors have narrower focus
   •Confusing value proposition makes Marcon products harder to sell
   •Sales force push for even more products to achieve quotas
   •Increased product range increases complexity of manufacturing & increases cost and quality problems
   •Quality and product range make it harder to sell and so market share shift to competitors
   •Competitors able to drive down costs and enhance value proposition – further gains in share
   •Meanwhile Marcon launches QUIP to handle manufacturing complexity and reduce quality problems

                                                                                                      Insight gained while
                                                                                                      using EIDOS software
women in decision making
                                              In her closing remarks to the interviewer, Gail made
                                              an important point:

                                              “As a member of ‘Woman in Leadership’, I would like
                                              to emphasize how our balance of men and women in
                                              the task team was incredibly helpful. I do not wish to
                                              be overly-provocative or to stereotype but many
                                              women are far better at seeing the big picture and
                                              how issues inter-relate than men – who tend to be
                                              better at breaking things down into their sub-

 “I believe it was the blend of this different type of thinking that contributed greatly to
 our success. One of the outcomes of our working with Genesis is my agreement to
 cooperate with them to investigate the power of gender balance in a decision team.”

(Note: a real investigation on this theme is commencing in March 2012, if you are interested in taking part, or
receiving the results, drop us a line at )
Chapter 10

                        a happy ending

Genesis                                      “improving lives
Management Consulting                    through better decisions”
happy ending ….
   The review of the decisions resulted in QUIP still being scrapped, but with an
   agreement to cull 40% of the product line that significantly reduced manufacturing
   complexity resulting in both lower unit costs and improved quality.

   The marketing and sales decision was changed. The advertising budget was reduced by
   10% and the sales resource was spread across a narrower target market and so
   ensuring greater focus.

Genesis                                                                          “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                        through better decisions”
even happier ending …
  The company saw a miraculous turnaround with profits
  rebounding substantially.

                         Brad was head-hunted and moved to a new, larger
                         organisation (where it is rumored he has called in Genesis to
                         assist him in improving the decision making competency in
                         the company).

            Gail is the new CEO and has appointed Maria to Director of Strategy.

Genesis                                                                          “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                        through better decisions”
Chapter 11

                        The moral of the story

                             We can improve lives
                           through better decisions

Genesis                                                   “improving lives
Management Consulting                                 through better decisions”
the moral of the story …
           Few Business Schools, Directors Courses or even Universities give specific
                training on taking critical decisions in complex environments.
              Management are expected to learn by trial, error and observation.
                                    That can be expensive!

                                                                                Decision process and
                                                                                   best practices
                                                                                    available at

                                                                              Or click here for sample

   Decision coaching (individuals and teams), training and development can all help to build
                              the competency within your team.

       Contact Simon Gifford at for a no-obligation discussion

Genesis                                                                           “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                         through better decisions”
the story and acknowledgements
Although loosely based on a true story, names and faces have been changed
                      to ensure appropriate privacy.

Marcon is a fictional company – the name arising from a merger of the names
                         of my sons: Marc and Devon

 Thanks to all who contributed advice and input to the development of the
   theme and design – especially: Rhonda Stewart, Heinz Weilert, Karola
     MacArthur, Nic Labuschagne, Judy Martin and Mandy Conidaris.

           Movie rights are up for auction to the highest bidder!

                         Fictional characters

                  Check lists for taking the decision and
                         executing the decision.
                      Calculation of decision value.

Genesis                                                         “improving lives
Management Consulting                                       through better decisions”
How to make the decision
                      check-list (part 1)

    All of the steps         Are all the steps in the decision making process being followed?

    Correct frame            Is the decision framed correctly? (are you asking the right question?)

    Appropriate timing       Is the decision being made at the optimal time (too late, too early) & are you
                             allowing the proper focused time
    Right inputs             Are all the relevant facts, statistics, opinions, etc available

    Role clarity             Are you clear of the roles eg who is advising, who is deciding, who can veto, etc

    Challenge & governance   Has sufficient challenge been brought into the process? Are negative views allowed
                             to be aired?
    Communication clarity    Are the communications within, and after, the decision sufficiently clear

    Group dynamics           Is the leader of the group aware of the group dynamics at play and knowledgeable
                             how to handle them
    Mental models            Have all mental models been sufficiently surfaced? Have the underlying
                             assumptions been tested?

Genesis                                                                                              “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                                            through better decisions”
How to make the decision
                simple check-list (part 2)

  Role of intuition          Have intuitive inputs and judgments been given appropriate weight (too little, too
                             much, ..)
  Aware of heuristics        Are the team members aware of the heuristics their minds may be using to make
                             judgments – and how to combat them where necessary
  Risk assessment            Have the underlying risks been accurately assessed and are there contingency
                             plans in place
  Systems thinking           Is the context of the decision clearly understood – including the inter-relationship
                             of all the factors
  Visualisation techniques   Have visualisation techniques been used to combat complexity ,catalyze creativity
                             and clarify communications
  Data rigor                 Has the data been rigorously analyzed and challenged? Has raw date been
                             converted into new insights?
  Scenario development       Were future scenarios developed that describe the possible futures within which
                             the decision will be enacted? Have strategic options been tested within those
                             different futures?

Genesis                                                                                                  “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                                                through better decisions”
How to execute the decision
                              simple check-list (part 1)

    Use of real options    Has real option thinking been used to better manage risk and increase the upside,
                           or decrease the downside, of the decision?
    Implementers in        Have those people who will be responsible for implementation been involved in
    decision process       the decision process
    Scenario assessment    Is the unfolding context being checked against the possible scenarios that were
                           developed ?
    Contingency planning   Are contingency plans in place and are the indicators being checked to know if
                           they should be actioned?
    Benefits tracking      Is there a benefits tracking system in place to ensure that the expected value is
                           being achieved?
    Programme              Are the individual initiatives arising from the decision being managed within a
    management             coherent programme?

Genesis                                                                                            “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                                          through better decisions”
How to execute the decision
                                 simple check-list (part 2)

    Review decision process   Are decision processes reviewed AFTER implementation to assess the success of
                              the process and learnings incorporated into future decisions?
    Resources match effort    Are sufficient resources available, and being applied, that are appropriate given
                              the importance and value of the decision.
    Executive sponsorship     Has the implementation programme got sufficient, and obvious, senior
                              management support
    Change management         Are the change requirements sufficiently understood and are they being tackled?

    Programme governance      Is the programme being overseen by the appropriate team; and are governance
                              processes in place to allow for flexible implementation
    Key performance           Are the performance indicators (results and leading indicators) clear and being
    indicators                measured and managed?

Genesis                                                                                               “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                                             through better decisions”
decision value calculation
           Then if we apply my earlier estimates where
           • a good outcome would result in an improvement of $25 million and
           • a poor outcome would result in a deterioration of $10 million,

           and multiply the outcomes by the probabilities then our decision value can be
           estimated to be about + $10,1 million.
                                                                                   Calculation example
                                                                                   70% x 80% x 25m = 14,0m

                                                  80%            Good outcome
                                                                                  + $14,0m
                         Good decision                              + $25m
               70%         process                               Poor outcome
                                                  20%                             - $1,4m
                                                                    - $10m
Decision                                                                                             +
                                                                 Good outcome     + $0,4m
                          Poor decision                             + $25m
               30%                                                                                   +
                            process                              Poor outcome
                                                  95%                             - $2,9m
                                                                    - $10m

                                            Value of decision calculated by     Decision value       =
                                          summation of all possible outcomes      + $10,1m
the result of improving the probabilities?
       “Let us say we could improve the probability of undertaking a good decision
       making process by 10% (from 70% to 77%) and we can improve the odds of a
       good decision having a good outcome by 5% (from 80% to 84%).

           “The impact would be a new value of $13,1m – a 30% improvement!”
                                                                              Calculation example
                                                                              77% x 84% x 25m = 16,2m

                                              84%            Good outcome
                                                                              + $16,2m
                      Good decision                             + $25m
             77%        process                              Poor outcome
                                              16%                             - $1,2m
                                                                - $10m
Decision                                                                                          +
                                                             Good outcome     + $0,3m
                      Poor decision                             + $25m
             23%                                                                                  +
                        process                              Poor outcome
                                              95%                             - $2,2m
                                                                - $10m

                                        Value of decision calculated by     Decision value        =
                                      summation of all possible outcomes      + $13,1m
Genesis Management
                          Consulting Limited

           Genesis is a strategy consulting firm with a mission of
               “improving lives through better decisions”

         We do this by building individual and organizational competency through:
                                  • Decision coaching
                                  • Decision consulting
                                  • Decision training
                                  • Decision support

             For queries on in-house presentations or further information, please contact
                              Simon Gifford at
                            or visit our blog at
                              and our web-site at

Genesis                                                                                 “improving lives
Management Consulting                                                               through better decisions”

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The value of a strategic decision

  • 1. getting more value from your decisions … a boardroom fable Genesis Management Consulting Limited “improving lives through better decisions”
  • 2. Chapter 1 setting the scene Brad Facing disaster Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 3. setting the scene The mood in the Boardroom is tense …. Brad, the CEO of Marcon Limited, is clearly annoyed and frustrated as he taps his fingers impatiently on the table. 24 hours earlier, the major investor of Marcon had told Brad that if he could not turn the company around – and rapidly – he would find someone who could. Brad was facing personal and professional disaster – and his senior team did not seem to be helping him at all. Brad: CEO: annoyed and frustrated and facing disaster! Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 4. setting the scene Linda, the CFO, who had just delivered the even-worse-than-expected quarterly results is the focus of attention – although she feels like the messenger that is about to be shot. “I just measure the results, it’s the operational and sales people who have screwed it up”, she thought to herself. Greg, the Head of Operations can see his most important project, the technology-based QUIP (quality improvement project) is at risk of being canned. While Maria who leads marketing and sales is facing the prospect of being forced to lay off up to 20% of her people and slashing her advertising budget. Brad says: “ I see no other way out. It seems the only way we can slash our costs is to take these two tough, but necessary decisions: cancel Quip and strip 20% out of our marketing and sales area. Linda : CFO: it’s not my fault !
  • 5. facing the facts … Gail, the Director of Strategy decided it was time to put her point forward. “The way I see it is this: “We have made a loss in the last quarter which follows a trend apparent for the last year. Every quarterly review we manage to convince ourselves that things have reached the bottom and will start to upturn. It is time we stopped kidding ourselves and admit that if we do nothing differently, in 3 months time we will be drowning in a sea of red ink. “There are two proposals on the table that have arisen out of the discussions we have had this morning. “The first is cancel QUIP – our manufacturing project aimed at improving quality. “The second is to cut significant costs out of our marketing and sales area.” Gail: Director of Strategy facing the facts
  • 6. the upside and the downside Gail continued: “Combined, these decisions appear to offer the benefit of reducing costs by almost $25 million. But there are significant possible downsides: “Firstly if our quality does not improve, our gross margin is going to shrink further - to say nothing of our reputation in the market. Scrapping QUIP could have that effect. “Secondly, cutting back on advertising and our sales force could also impact on the top line significantly. And what it would do to morale does not even bear thinking about. “My rough calculation is that if we get these decisions wrong, there is a potential net downside of $10 million – and frankly a hit like that would leave us on the verge of bankruptcy. “I know time is of the essence, but are we really ready to make these decisions today?”
  • 7. the value of the decision “Thanks Gail, that feels like a sensible summary. Could you maybe pull that together into one of those insightful sketches of yours” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 8. Chapter 2 decision value Gail: the stakes are high! Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 9. the possible outcomes of the decision “We seem to have been forced into hurrying these two decisions – and frankly, I am not sure if the decision process we have taken has been optimal. “Sorry if this sounds like Decision-Making 101, but any decision can be made well or poorly. Both of these options may have two possible results: a good outcome or a poor outcome. Schematically it could be depicted like this:” Good outcome Good decision process Poor outcome Decision Good outcome Poor decision process Poor outcome
  • 10. the mathematics of the decision Seeing that most of the team were nodding, the Director of Strategy pushed on: “Now, using some rough estimates, let me throw some stats around: •The probability of us having followed a good decision process is about 70% •The probability of us having followed a poor process is 30% …. Gail could see she was losing Greg with her numbers so she moved back to her drawing Greg: Operations Manager confused
  • 11. the mathematics of the decision Gail apologised: “Sorry, that was not a good way of getting my message across. “Let me simply apply some rough probabilities to my drawing. “For instance, let us say there is a 70% chance of us following a good decision process and a 30% possibility of being less thorough and getting the process wrong … we can depict that as follows.” 80% Good outcome Probabilities Good decision 70% process 20% Poor outcome Decision 5% Good outcome 30% Poor decision process 95% Poor outcome
  • 12. decision value calculation Then if we apply my earlier estimates where • a good outcome would result in an improvement of $25 million and • a poor outcome would result in a deterioration of $10 million, and multiply the outcomes by the probabilities then our decision value can be estimated to be about + $10,1 million. Calculation example 70% x 80% x 25m = 14,0m 80% Good outcome + $14,0m Good decision + $25m + 70% process Poor outcome 20% - $1,4m - $10m Decision + 5% Good outcome + $0,4m Poor decision + $25m 30% + process Poor outcome 95% - $2,9m - $10m Value of decision calculated by Decision value = summation of all possible outcomes + $10,1m
  • 13. Chapter 3 making it complicated Maria: That is too simplistic Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 14. simplistic thinking The ambitious Maria, who had received a PhD in statistics at MIT before changing career to a more exciting marketing role (and was blatantly maneuvering for Gail’s job), was shaking her head. “Gail, you are over-simplifying the situation. I question your use of discrete numbers as possible outputs. Plus we should be considering running Monte Carlo simulations to really get proper estimates.” Maria : Marketing and sales (Wants Gail’s job.) Greg: WTF ?
  • 15. simplistic thinking Gail replied: “Maria, you are theoretically correct and I would love to get into that level of sophistication. However, I only wish to show how, with a little more effort, we should be able to be more sure of a favorable outcome. “In fact I would like to make it even simpler.” Maria decided she had proven her technical knowledge and so nodded in consent. Maria : Point made. Smiles sweetly at Brad, the CEO.
  • 16. even simpler … Using one of Brads favorite expressions, Gail said: “To get everyone back on the same page, let’s make it even more straightforward. There are two ways this can turn out: “Get it wrong and bust the company” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 17. even simpler … “Get it right and save the company, our jobs and all the other people who are depending on us !” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 18. Chapter 4 the wider consequences Linda: Think broader Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 19. wide-ranging consequences Linda the CFO, looking slightly disheveled after her earlier discomfort, rejoined the discussion. “I would like to add to that thought. The other day, I was talking to some people from a company called Genesis, who are experts on decision making. They were speaking about the wide-ranging impact of decisions beyond just finance and used this picture to explain their point.” She pushed a colorful picture of ripples and dropping water into the centre of the boardroom table. The decision ring “My point is we should consider of influence other possible consequences of the decision. “ Linda : CFO Disheveled, but still engaged
  • 20. many can be impacted by poor decisions … Reputation Customers Employees Shareholders Community
  • 21. was this a good decision? “ … and here is a good example of a decision that may have been financially sound, but did they think of the consequences?” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 22. back to order … Brad tried to bring the meeting back to order: “OK Linda. You are absolutely right and it is imperative we bear these consequences in mind. “But Gail, you really got our attention with your last few diagrams. “I think you were about to tell us how we might do a better job with these decisions.”
  • 23. Chapter 5 improving decision value Greg: Prefers it simple Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 24. Gail continues … Gail responded: “Thanks Brad. While Maria and Linda were making their valuable contributions …” Maria visibly flinched at Gail’s delicate sarcasm. The Director of Strategy, with a slight smile playing on her lips, continued: “ … I managed to put my schematics onto my iPad3 as a way of demonstrating where we might improve the value of our decision making. ” She plugged her Apple into the projector and the image filled the screen. Maria : Marketing and sales not so happy
  • 25. improving the value of the decision … “I have run a few numbers to test probabilities and outcomes. Without getting into the calculation …” Everyone heard Greg’s sigh of relief “A relatively small amount more effort in the decision process and planning the execution, would give us a dramatic impact in our probability of success.” “In fact, the decision value would move from $10,1 million to $13,1 million!” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 26. how much ? $ 13,1 m $ 10,1 m “So by putting a little more effort into our decision process we can increase the probable decision value by 30%?” Brad sounded incredulous. Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 27. yes, but how … Brad, becoming animated, encouraged Gail to continue. “That’s interesting theory and I like where you are taking this. But so far you have told us where we might impact on the decision-making. Do you have any ideas about how?” Gail replied: “Brad, coincidentally I also met with the Genesis chaps the other day and still have part of their presentation to me on my iPad. “With your indulgence, I would like to flip through some of their material as I think it answers your question perfectly.” Brad nodded in agreement. Maria : thinks : “Damn, why did I not speak to Genesis”
  • 28. Chapter 6 where things go wrong What happened? Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 29. there are two key areas “There are two areas where we must focus: making the decision and executing the decision. (Here Gail cleverly was able to show some of the errors that had been made, without actually accusing anyone of having made mistakes!) “I first want to take you through what can go wrong, then move to looking at what can be done in these areas?” Making the decision Executing the decision
  • 30. How to improve the probabilities? First understand where things can go wrong in the decision process Good decision process What can go wrong? Poor decision process What can go wrong? The next 2 pages are taken from “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Decision Makers” and show some of the typical pitfalls …..
  • 31. Research has revealed many areas where we can stray from being rational decision-makers: Decision process errors like unclear decision rules Data errors as in forgetting underlying assumptions Uncertainty problems such as miscalculation of risks But even greater challenges are …
  • 32. …the errors that arise from things buried in the unconscious of the decision-makers … or at least on the periphery of their consciousness: Mental process faults Communication as in missing the challenges inter-relatedness of such as not recognizing issues different perspectives Ignoring decision psychology like seeking confirmatory evidence only
  • 33. How to improve the probabilities? Understand where things can go wrong in the execution Why might a good decision process still end up with a poor outcome? Unexpected Bad implementation Unforeseen event competitive reaction “handoff”
  • 34. so what should we do? The potential benefits We know things can be are significant! improved. So what are they type of things we should be doing here to increase the probability of success?
  • 35. Chapter 7 how to improve Genesis: Taking and executing decisions Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 36. there are two key areas Gail continued: “Genesis have some great images summarizing, in the form of check-lists, how those problems may be overcome and how decision taking and execution may be improved.” Making the decision Executing the decision
  • 37. taking the decision There are 4 broad areas that should be considered when improving the taking of decisions: Process People Tools and technology Behavior and psychology Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 38. how to take the decision use this checklist… Detailed check- list in appendix all of the scenario data visualisation steps development rigor techniques correct tools & systems process frame technology thinking appropriate risk timing assessment right aware of inputs heuristics role behavior & role of people clarity psychology intuition challenge & communication group mental governance clarity dynamics models
  • 39. executing the decision When considering execution of decisions, the planning of the execution may be as important as the implementation itself. Much research shows that decisions, like strategies, fail in their implementation. What the research fails to mention is that often the “seeds of (implementation) destruction” are sown in the development phase. Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 40. how to execute the decision Detailed check- use this checklist … list in appendix use of real options key performance programme change eg limit the downside indicators governance management implementers in executive decision process sponsorship Pre Execution execution scenario resources assessment match effort contingency benefits programme review decision planning tracking management process
  • 41. Chapter 8 review the decisions Brad “Form a task force” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 42. positive reaction Brad had obviously liked what he had seen: “Gail, it seems you and Linda have picked up a lot from these guys. Although my initial reaction was that I am already an expert decision maker (that’s why I am the CEO), I now really believe that as a team we could go about this task a little better.” Gail replied almost humbly: “To be honest, I had also believed that there was not a lot these consultants or coaches or whatever they call themselves, could do to improve my decisions. “But on reflection, I realized that decision making is a skill that can be learnt and continually enhanced and that can only help me in career and life!” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 43. task force required “So Gail, I agree with your initial assessment that we must do something different to survive and we need to do it urgently. “But the message I have picked up is that we must review these two decisions in the light of the material we have just seen. “Would you please compile and lead a task force that rapidly undertakes that review; and then lead us through a better decision process within the next week? “ This is critical to our survival – so get whatever resource you feel is necessary.” Maria : “I’d better get on that team too ! ”
  • 44. the task team Gail, using her strong emotional intelligence involved both Greg, Linda and Maria in the task team. Given the short time-frame and the importance of the decision, she also called in Genesis to facilitate the process and bring in their technologies and expertise. Together they developed a short, but intense intervention. Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 45. the process undertaken by the task team Insights from market and other perspectives QUIP decision Decisions Decision Greater rigor reviewed execution and structure Sales & concurrently assessed marketing decision Application of process and tools from Genesis Decision process and best practices Insights gained using available at THOUGHTstream GenesisMC Decision Shop
  • 46. Chapter 9 the critical factors Gail: Key insights Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 47. looking back ….. A year later, Gail was interviewed by the prestigious Wall Street Times and asked what had been the critical factors that had resulted in Marcon’s success. She recalled: “In that week of intensive review, challenge, digging and searching for creative answers, there were two key insights that convinced Brad to change his decision and put us on the road to success. “They may look straightforward, and even obvious, but the key to great decision making is identification of those few critical issues among the mountain of interesting, but less useful data.” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 48. key factor 1: re-framing the decision “We decided to frame the decision differently which resulted in an important shift in focus from internal to internal AND external.” Reduce costs by $25 million (Internal focus) Increase profit by $25 million (Internal and external focus) Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 49. key factor 2: systemic problem “We discovered a very important systemic problem that linked market dynamics to our manufacturing activities. “Basically, we were losing share as we tried to cover the entire market. Our sales force, unable to meet quotas kept demanding more products. This added cost and complexity to our manufacturing – eventually driving us to try and manage the complexity with better technology – hence the QUIP project. “At the same time, marketing this ever increasing product range to wider audiences pushed our promotion costs ever higher too. “The diagram on the next page gives a little more detail … but you can see the vicious cycle that we were propagating!” Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 50. key factor 2: systemic problem “We discovered a very important systemic problem that linked market dynamics to our manufacturing activities.” •Marcon competing across all market segments, but competitors have narrower focus •Confusing value proposition makes Marcon products harder to sell •Sales force push for even more products to achieve quotas •Increased product range increases complexity of manufacturing & increases cost and quality problems •Quality and product range make it harder to sell and so market share shift to competitors •Competitors able to drive down costs and enhance value proposition – further gains in share •Meanwhile Marcon launches QUIP to handle manufacturing complexity and reduce quality problems Insight gained while using EIDOS software
  • 51. women in decision making In her closing remarks to the interviewer, Gail made an important point: “As a member of ‘Woman in Leadership’, I would like to emphasize how our balance of men and women in the task team was incredibly helpful. I do not wish to be overly-provocative or to stereotype but many women are far better at seeing the big picture and how issues inter-relate than men – who tend to be better at breaking things down into their sub- components. “I believe it was the blend of this different type of thinking that contributed greatly to our success. One of the outcomes of our working with Genesis is my agreement to cooperate with them to investigate the power of gender balance in a decision team.” (Note: a real investigation on this theme is commencing in March 2012, if you are interested in taking part, or receiving the results, drop us a line at )
  • 52. Chapter 10 a happy ending Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 53. happy ending …. The review of the decisions resulted in QUIP still being scrapped, but with an agreement to cull 40% of the product line that significantly reduced manufacturing complexity resulting in both lower unit costs and improved quality. The marketing and sales decision was changed. The advertising budget was reduced by 10% and the sales resource was spread across a narrower target market and so ensuring greater focus. Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 54. even happier ending … The company saw a miraculous turnaround with profits rebounding substantially. Brad was head-hunted and moved to a new, larger organisation (where it is rumored he has called in Genesis to assist him in improving the decision making competency in the company). Gail is the new CEO and has appointed Maria to Director of Strategy. Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 55. Chapter 11 The moral of the story We can improve lives through better decisions Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 56. the moral of the story … Few Business Schools, Directors Courses or even Universities give specific training on taking critical decisions in complex environments. Management are expected to learn by trial, error and observation. That can be expensive! Decision process and best practices available at GenesisMC Decision Shop Or click here for sample Decision coaching (individuals and teams), training and development can all help to build the competency within your team. Contact Simon Gifford at for a no-obligation discussion Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 57. the story and acknowledgements Although loosely based on a true story, names and faces have been changed to ensure appropriate privacy. Marcon is a fictional company – the name arising from a merger of the names of my sons: Marc and Devon Thanks to all who contributed advice and input to the development of the theme and design – especially: Rhonda Stewart, Heinz Weilert, Karola MacArthur, Nic Labuschagne, Judy Martin and Mandy Conidaris. Movie rights are up for auction to the highest bidder! Fictional characters
  • 58. Appendix Check lists for taking the decision and executing the decision. Calculation of decision value. Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 59. How to make the decision check-list (part 1) All of the steps Are all the steps in the decision making process being followed? Correct frame Is the decision framed correctly? (are you asking the right question?) Appropriate timing Is the decision being made at the optimal time (too late, too early) & are you allowing the proper focused time Right inputs Are all the relevant facts, statistics, opinions, etc available Role clarity Are you clear of the roles eg who is advising, who is deciding, who can veto, etc Challenge & governance Has sufficient challenge been brought into the process? Are negative views allowed to be aired? Communication clarity Are the communications within, and after, the decision sufficiently clear Group dynamics Is the leader of the group aware of the group dynamics at play and knowledgeable how to handle them Mental models Have all mental models been sufficiently surfaced? Have the underlying assumptions been tested? Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 60. How to make the decision simple check-list (part 2) Role of intuition Have intuitive inputs and judgments been given appropriate weight (too little, too much, ..) Aware of heuristics Are the team members aware of the heuristics their minds may be using to make judgments – and how to combat them where necessary Risk assessment Have the underlying risks been accurately assessed and are there contingency plans in place Systems thinking Is the context of the decision clearly understood – including the inter-relationship of all the factors Visualisation techniques Have visualisation techniques been used to combat complexity ,catalyze creativity and clarify communications Data rigor Has the data been rigorously analyzed and challenged? Has raw date been converted into new insights? Scenario development Were future scenarios developed that describe the possible futures within which the decision will be enacted? Have strategic options been tested within those different futures? Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 61. How to execute the decision simple check-list (part 1) Use of real options Has real option thinking been used to better manage risk and increase the upside, or decrease the downside, of the decision? Implementers in Have those people who will be responsible for implementation been involved in decision process the decision process Scenario assessment Is the unfolding context being checked against the possible scenarios that were developed ? Contingency planning Are contingency plans in place and are the indicators being checked to know if they should be actioned? Benefits tracking Is there a benefits tracking system in place to ensure that the expected value is being achieved? Programme Are the individual initiatives arising from the decision being managed within a management coherent programme? Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 62. How to execute the decision simple check-list (part 2) Review decision process Are decision processes reviewed AFTER implementation to assess the success of the process and learnings incorporated into future decisions? Resources match effort Are sufficient resources available, and being applied, that are appropriate given the importance and value of the decision. Executive sponsorship Has the implementation programme got sufficient, and obvious, senior management support Change management Are the change requirements sufficiently understood and are they being tackled? Programme governance Is the programme being overseen by the appropriate team; and are governance processes in place to allow for flexible implementation Key performance Are the performance indicators (results and leading indicators) clear and being indicators measured and managed? Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”
  • 63. decision value calculation Then if we apply my earlier estimates where • a good outcome would result in an improvement of $25 million and • a poor outcome would result in a deterioration of $10 million, and multiply the outcomes by the probabilities then our decision value can be estimated to be about + $10,1 million. Calculation example 70% x 80% x 25m = 14,0m 80% Good outcome + $14,0m Good decision + $25m + 70% process Poor outcome 20% - $1,4m - $10m Decision + 5% Good outcome + $0,4m Poor decision + $25m 30% + process Poor outcome 95% - $2,9m - $10m Value of decision calculated by Decision value = summation of all possible outcomes + $10,1m
  • 64. the result of improving the probabilities? “Let us say we could improve the probability of undertaking a good decision making process by 10% (from 70% to 77%) and we can improve the odds of a good decision having a good outcome by 5% (from 80% to 84%). “The impact would be a new value of $13,1m – a 30% improvement!” Calculation example 77% x 84% x 25m = 16,2m 84% Good outcome + $16,2m Good decision + $25m + 77% process Poor outcome 16% - $1,2m - $10m Decision + 5% Good outcome + $0,3m Poor decision + $25m 23% + process Poor outcome 95% - $2,2m - $10m Value of decision calculated by Decision value = summation of all possible outcomes + $13,1m
  • 65. Genesis Management Consulting Limited Genesis is a strategy consulting firm with a mission of “improving lives through better decisions” We do this by building individual and organizational competency through: • Decision coaching • Decision consulting • Decision training • Decision support For queries on in-house presentations or further information, please contact Simon Gifford at or visit our blog at and our web-site at Genesis “improving lives Management Consulting through better decisions”