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The Truth About 
The Original Sin
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© Rbd Rllah bin Hadi RI-Qahtani, 1994 
King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication 
@ RbdH l lahb in Har t iH t -Qahtani ,| 994 
KingF ahdN ationaLl ibraryC ataloging-in-Publication 
Al-QahtaniA, bd AllahH adi 
AI-Qahtani, Abd Allah Hadi 
The truth trutha about boutt the he original originasl sin. 
32 P. P . , ,12X 12 X 17 em. 
ISBN fsBN 9960 - - 27 - - 560 - - 4 
1- Christianity l- 1- Title 
273.341d c 1019/1b 
273.341 de 1013/15 
Legal LegaDl Deposit epos int no. o. 1013/101 3/1 15 
ISBN: 9960-9960 - 27- 27 - 560-560 - 4 
#itt C rLfl+Jl A{eqnr rrrit :Cr,'!rr, ,i.cJr
Truth about the Original Sin 
iJrUl ~ .I--UI ...-.. afubill ~~ .1_..:. II ifuir 
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dtle*iJf gir[t u+ dlf.l4 .r 
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a+I€Il a+b*ll E,rdic, ilc r-rLi<tl l,i-o FISI4 
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to Allah. 
I dedicate this booklet ta I am all hope that he will accept. 
I also dedicate this booklet to 
those who search the truth 
I feel feel indebted to the great Muslim scholar 
Ibn Ihn Taymiyyah for for his marvelous marpelous work, 
by which I was inspired to study the of 
the extendm y thankst o who enabledm e 
to finish this work. I also thank honored 
brothers: Dr. Abdullah Sammandarfo r their aaluables uggestionsa nd conectians. 
If there is good in this utork, is from Allah. 
If there is wrong, from myself. 
Abdullah Al-Box: 54L, Mushait, 
SauihAi rabia. 
Second Edition 
Rabeat he Second, 1 -4L7 
August, L996. 
concept of 
Original Sin in Christianity. 
I extend my thanks to Allah enabled me 
finish also my Abu-Ishi and Dr. Abdurazaq 
Sammandar for valuable suggestions and corrections. 
any work, it from any it is from AI-Kahtany 
P. O. 541, Khamis Mushait, 
Saudi Arabia. 
Rabea the 1417 
TPe TrH!paMyl tPe Or{fi11ll1siJ1 
I. Introduction 
l. lntroduction 
Issues Issues related related to belief might seem to be sensitive to 
handle. However, with the advances in communication and 
the breaking up of cultural barriers, it becomes necessary 
that beliefs be investigated objectively and with an open 
mind. All concerned religious scholars and believers need give a sympathetic ear to alternative positions or offered by people from distant cultures seeking answers to 
resolve or at least clarify various issues of a universal 
nature, especially, if such beliefs are exported to nations side by side with all types of merchandise. governments set quality standards on imports of all types, think it is important to test such common values and beliefs 
as well. In particular, our relation with the Christian has become so close that we both need to acquainted what each party has to contribute to the understanding of 
such pressing issue. 
handle. advancesin the breaking up that beliefs be mind. All concerned to 
a sympathetic beliefs 
offered by ftom resolve or at nature, especially, other 
nations side by As 
govemments types' I 
ftink it as well. Chdstian world 
has become so get with 
what each such Since the concept '.The Since the concept of 'The Original Sin" in Christianity 
forms the like 
the godship of Jesus PBUHII), have emerged, good 
candidate to forms the cornerstone out of which a cluster of beliefs the godship of Jesus (PBUH)(l), crucifixion and salvation 
have emerged, therefore, it singles itself out as a candidate to be studied. 
The methodology that will be followed in this analysis of 
The "The Original Sin" involves two types of evidence. 
"Original Sin" l. PBUH stands for peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (or 
1. PBUH stands for peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (or 
them for plural.) 
them for plural,)
TPe TTY'; uhoul t6e Or{tf1lll1Sin 
fi" rfAnr, A'"r,tt*ttt, @ 
The first is possibilities "The Sin". As matter develo@ by Ibn -a to carry on the study based on all logical 
that would explain the truth of 'The Original 
a of fact, the writer depended on arguments 
developed Taymiyah -a thirteenth century prominent 
Muslim scholar(2). The second type of evidence used to 
2). used to 
study 'oThe from 3) validify of the concept 
in Christianity. 
In 'The Original Sin" depended on drawing evidence 
The Bible(3) itself to reveal the validity of the concept 
doing so, it is ultimately left to the readers whom God 
bestowed with intellect that distinguishes them from 
has ftom 
other creatures, ponder, decide for themselves. 
to analyze, evaluate and then 
2. Ahmad Ibn Taymiyah al-jawab as-sahih liman badala deen al­masseh. 
sahih al-masseh. 
Vol. I. (This copy does not have references to the 
nor to the year of publication) 
publisher 3. Muslims believe that God has revealed (The Torah) to Prophet 
(parts to The New 
Moses of what is called: The Old Testament and (The 
Injeel) Prophet Jesus, parts of what is called The New 
Testament. as guidance to the,thejr ir people. Nevertheless, the 
current numerous versions of the Bible made it difficult to decide 
which is the authenticated one. For more details about this issue 
look at: 
Ezziah Ali Taha. The Methodology of Collecting the 
Bible and the Sunnah: A comparative Study. (Dar AI-Bubutb AI­Elmiyyah, 
to decide 
The Studv. Al-Buhuth Al- 
Elmiyyah, Kuwait. 1987) 
Ahmad Deedat. Is the Bible God's Word? International 
Publishing House, (1982) P.1 
ll. Why is it important to study the 
concept of *The Original Sin' in 
hofessor Moltmarur 'oThe cente point a) 
'The place. 
ArmsEong, (a puzzle heading: "WAS THE 
(PBUH) is 
4. Ahmad crucihction? (Intemational 
Islamic 5. THE PLAIN TRUTH. Crucifixion CD 
II. "The Sin" Christianity? 
- Professor Jurgen Moltmann in his book: 'The Crucified 
God" said: 
"The death of Jesus on the cross is the centre of all 
Christian theology ... all Christian statements about God, 
about creation, about sin and death have their focal in 
the crucified Christ. All Christian statements about history, 
about hope stem from the crucified Christ.(4) 
It is evident that without the concept of 'The Original 
Sin" there would be no need for crucifixion, salvation or 
atonement to take Garner Ted Armstrong, the Executive Vice-President 
and Co-Publisher of the Plain truth Christian Magazine 
from America, which boasts a current, free world-wide 
circulation of 6 million copies a month), attempts to answer 
his own under the RESURRECTION A HOAX?": 
The resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth either the supreme fact of history or a flagrant, 
deliberate fabrication foisted off on the followers of 
4. Ahmad Deedat. Crucifixion or crucifiction? International 
Islamic Publishing House, 1984.) P. 2. 
5. THE PLAIN lRUTH. February 1984. (as reported in Deedat's: 
Crucifixion or Crucifiction? P. 5.
(An Josh McDowel American evangelist) said in his book 
Resurrection Factor": 
"I was forced to the conclusion that the resurrection of 
"The 'nI Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, heartless, 
vicious, hoaxes ever foisted upon the minds of men, or it is 
the most fantastic fact of history.,,(6) 
of lustory."(6) 
With all the controversy presented above among some of 
the prominent American and other evangelists evzurgelists around the 
issue of crucifixion which was thought of to be necessary to 
atone for the Original Sin, we realize reahze the importance of 
investigating such a concept. 
III. lll. How can Gan God be crucified to save 
Christians have exceeded all limits in relating injustice to 
God the Almighty. They have indeed undermined God in 
ways that no other nation has ever done before. In fact, 
they are far away from ftom praising God or glorifying gloriffing Him. 
They claim that when Adam (PBUH) ate from the forbidden 
tree, ffee, God became angry and directed punishment onto him; 
and that punishment continued on Adam's.Adam's offsprings until 
the coming of Jesus PBUH). His crucifixion was to relieve 
(the generations after him from their forefather's sin. 
Christians also claim that all the sons of Adam PBUH) 
6. Josh McDowell. The Resurrection Factor. In Deedat 1984, P. 5.
rf,cr ru$ aloutf u or44*[sn @ 
were imprisoned by Satan, even the prophets of God such as, 
Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, et al. (PBUT). 
On the other hand, let us see what the Qur'an says about 
Qur'an these respected prophets: [6: 84-86] 
theser espectedp rophets:[ 6: 8a-86] 
Yf -:).S' vrr'r.Y ~J r dh."J~J J nJ 45 t+~rg 
W ~J JJ ,F it' ~~..Lu-lA Jfr- I?rl jJ Q.~..lA 
+ l1 I 0l4J-'J :1ls *r-;'i 
Y JtlJ lJ~J ~J'~ ~).) 
elJ5f .JJ.lbJ L./JA) tlufij 
~.lS'J 4JJ)lAJ ~.JtAJ ~JtJ 
4U u-F i-t .l*Jt .5; 
~J 'u...;fjJ .~, Iti~' ~ Jf J'lJJJ ~J 
IbjJ ~JtJ ~'J ~~JJ 
..IlUl 'y,F *ytJll c#l 
b jt u*tt ed': J=ow,t.l 
..:t..J,W, Js- ~ -y.SJ 
.4It'Jt ob uLai xfj 
We know that Abraham's father was a nonbeliever and 
(PBUH) grave 
God did not punish Abraham for his father's sin. Therefore, logically considered, would God hold him 
responsible for his forefather's (Adam's) sin? Furthermore, 
the Christian concept of The Original Sin assumes that 
Adam did not repent. However, God has declared that did repent and was granted forgiveness by Him. what Allah (God) the Almighty says about Adam We gave him Isaac and 
Jacob: all (three) We 
guided: and before him, We 
guided Noah, and among his 
progeny, David, Solomon, 
Job, Joseph, Moses, and 
Aaron: Thus do We reward 
those who do good. 
And Zakariya and John. 
and Jesus and Elias: all in 
the ranks of the righteous. 
no;t he 
glanted This is 
.;$ ot*5 d+.i1t' lrT ild 
Then learnt Adam from 
his Lord certain words and 
his Lord turned towards him; 
yl.-:9 ~WS" ~) ~ r~l ~ 
.~), yIp' JIb .ul ~ 
I-ord him: .{.*-Jl l/ly'l f 4jJ qle
T6e Tmt6abollt t6e origiJUJIsin 
rle rrn{a6out $e or,gi*[siu @ 
for He is Oft-Refurning 
Most Merciful. [Qur'an 2-37] 
lQur'an 37] 
The Christians have gone out of their way to claim that it 
was through the crucifixion, which is one of the grave sins, 
that God has saved Adam (PBUH) and his offsprings from 
hell fire. They also claim that it was through this supposed 
crucifixion that God was able to trick ftick Satan, not 
withstanding the fact that Satan disobeyed God and deserved 
punishment (PBUH) since the time he refused to prostrate to Adam 
and he misled him to commit the sin. In fact, God 
punish had the ability to Satan long before the coming of 
Jesus (PBUH). Thus, one cannot help but to question the 
assumption as to why the sons of Adam are to be held 
accounted for their forefather's mistake.(mistake.(?) 
(PBUlt) As a matter of fact, the life of Jesus pBUm is much 
years shrouded in mystery, except for the three main of his 
ministry. It is not profltable profitable to discuss the many doubts and 
conjectures among the early Christian sects and among 
Muslim The a cardinal point of its docffine scholars. Orthodox Christian Church makes it 
he ofits doctrine that his life was taken on the 
cross, that died and was buried, that on the third day he 
rose in lxxly body with his wounds intact, and walked about and 
conversed, with his disciples, was taken up bodily to heaven. This is necessaryf or theologlcal 
doctrine vicarious and ate and afterwards 
7. Ibn Taymiyah, pp. 216-217. 
necessary for theological 
of blood sacrifice and atonement for sins 
TVe TrH~ about tVe or{tflldlsin 
including the innate Original Sin, which is rejected by 
Islam(8). 8). However, some of the early Christian sects 
rejected the doctrine that Jesus was killed on the cross. 
Deedat in his book (Crucifixion or Crocifiction? pp. 19-38) 
has provided numerous references to the falsity of this 
concept. He draw most of his evidence from the Bible and 
other writings by Christian authorities. 
os presentedi n The issue of crucifixion, as presented in Christianity, 
only strengthens strengthenst the he claims of the Jews that they were behind 
the crucifixion of Jesus (PBUH), that was never true. 
Instead, let's contemplate on what the Qur'an Qur'an says about 
the issue of crucifixion: [Qur'an: 4:155- 159] 
[Qur'an: 159] 
(They have incurred 
divine displeasure): in i n that 
they broke their covenant; 
that they rejected the Signs 
of Allah; that they slew the 
Messengers Messengersin in defiance defianceo of 
right; that they said, "Our 
hearts are the Wrappings", 
Nay, Allah hath set the seal 
on their hearts for their 
blasphemy, and little linle is it 
they believe; 
r}LI flF: F+etio#r .!fi l^..i 
Jft ,r .*rr;1r nal-i1il rr 
gJe ,iltt e+ ,,tr .,ili tqtle 
8. The Holy Qur'pn: commentary. ~t1t ~~J ~~ ~ .oJ 
~}J ~ JJu. ,~~, ~J.iiI, 
8. The Holy Qur' an: English translation of the meanings and 
commentary. Translator note # 663. p.268.
Tk TTY~Ilboyt ~e OT{ljliUJlsin 
That they rejected faith; 
that they uttered against 
Marya false charge; 
Mary a grave (in That they said boast), 
"W'e We killed Christ Jesus the 
son of Mary, the Messenger 
of Allah"; But they killed 
him not, nor crucified him. 
OnIy Only a likeness of that was 
shown to them. And those 
who differ therein are full of 
with no (certain) 
doubts, knowledge. But only 
follow, killed him not.l 
conjecture to for of a 
surety they not.] 
Nuy, Allah raised him up 
Nay, unto himself; and Allah is 
in power, wise;- 
exalted And there is none of the 
people of the book but must 
believe in Him before his 
death; and on the Day of 
Judgment He will be a 
witness against them. 
Utr+ f-:, 
FA;oJr ."r-4: 
t +b.c 
U.t *e g*Jr ul'g ul {pt 
Lf 0y'.5r r3 lrr Jr-.1 .r+;r 
yjJt ,r,1n.9'A 4 *,Fr oy!,.a 
{ +A tr l.l'. cJ-r,,JJ +i l-.4ktl 
oy'*it "f OSJeI till 1l do Cr 
0'!' ~ ~l W::i Li1 ~}J 
AJ 0.;L:i AJ .i»I J~) ("'!.r 
~.ul cJJj ~ ~,pJ o~ 
~ ~ A o,;,A cl-'"' ~ ~ '~l 
0# ,oj ~l t.;' ':i! ~ ~ 
'.Y....f' ~I iJS"J 41 ~, 4.A!) ~ 
r;,-y Al 0rff 4J .irr a'f., ; 
a; -,;lil !J .yu(lt J"i if oJ.l 
g+Jt J-& i"h+lt? H sr, # 
In the Qur'anic versesa bove, there is a catalogueo f 
Qur'arnc verses above, catalogue of 
iniquities of which the Jews were guilty, guilty, and for these 
iniquitiesw e mustu nderstansdo meo f suchw ordsa s: "they 
iniquities we must understand some of such words as: "they
ri,e rru$a6on tio or;gi*fsiu @ 
are under divine displeasure,,(9). Their (the Jew) iniquities 
divine displeasure"(o).Thei(rt he Jew) l. (God's) point raith; 
godly A[ah whenthey 
people fellow-men.(10) 
make woman, it is particularly irreverent to made Qur'-an, p. ltrk (Ezekeil 
8) the Gospel. 
1. that they broke their Covenant; 
2. that they rejected Allah's guidance as 
conveyed by His messengers; 
3. that they killed Allah's messengers and incurred a 
double guilt which included murder and that of deliberate 
defiance of Allah's law; and 
4. they imagined themselves arrogantly self-sufficient, 
which means a blasphemous closing of their hearts 
forever against the admission of Allah's grace. 
then begins another series of iniquities from a different 
of view: 
1. that they rejected faith; 
2. that they made false charges against a woman 
like Mary, who was chosen by Allah to be the mother of 
3. that they boasted of having killed Jesus when they 
were victims of their own self-hallucination; 
4. that they hindered PeOple from Allah's way; and 
5. they by means of usury and fraud they oppressed their 
fellow-men. (10) 
The false charge against Mary was that she was 
unchaste. Such a charge is bad enough to against any 
but be against 
9. They Holy Our'an, translator footnote 659, 266. 
10. Such dealings are prohibited in the Bible. Look at 18:8) Nevertheless, they insist in acting against
rh r*hahut tk-orrtino[sL @ 
Mary tlre the mother of the prophet of Allah, Jesus (PBUH). 
The Jews rejected his message from the beginning by 
ridiculing Allah's through his extraordinary birth The Holy Qur'an 17:27-28). Chastity of women highly 
respected because it such an essential aspect dignity and honor that could brings strong evidence, · eye witnesses, committed an unchaste act. If they failed to do be flogged with eighty lashes and competent witnesses. the verse that matter in The Holy Qur'an 24:4) 
power exfraordinary (See 
Qur'an 27-28). is higttly 
is of their 
nobody doubt, unless he or she 
. four that she 
tf railed so, they will 
debarred from being 
(See talks about this 
Qur'an 4) 
Basilidans rejected 
Several sects of Christianity like the (PBUH) that 
for him. The Docetae 
the issue of crucifixion of Jesus PBUR) and believed some one else was substituted (another never had a real 
sect of Christians) held that Christ apparent or phantom 
physical or natural body, but only an body. The gospel of St. Barnabas supported Christ was substituted on the cross.(11) 
SL the theory that 
substitutedo n cross.{tt) 
th€ (PBUH) was a 
Moreover, the Christians say that Christ god He purposely allowed the 
man and a at the same time. unbelievers to crucify him; so Jesus (god to them) would 
trick tick Satan(l2). rz). They claim that Jesus concealed his 
identity as god, so that Satan would not know him. They 
say that he allowed foes to take spit on his face. (13) According to them, he also allowed his him, beat him up and 
face.(l3)A ccording them 
11. The Holy Qur'an: translator footnote # 663, p. 286. 
12. Ibn Taymiyah, p. 216. 
13. What does the Qur'an say about this? "They did not crucify him nor 
I 1. The Holy Qur'au translalor 12. Ibn Taymiyah, p.13. What does the Qur'an "They did they kill him ..." 
did they kill him ..."
rle rrnri alon 4e 
to crucify him him and put the thorns on his head; and showed 
the fear of death. Then, he started saying: 
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani? 
Which means, "'lMy My God, My God, why have you 
These words according to Christians were spoken so that 
"the the Devil will not know that he was "God" or son of 
God". Satan wants to take his soul to the hell fire as he did 
to Noah, Abraham, Moses and other prophets (PBUT) PBUn and 
believers. Therefore, God will argue against Satan by 
saying, ''For what reason did you take my soulT' Satan 
would reply, "Because of your sin". Then god's human side 
would reply: "I have no sins like other prophets. They had 
sins by which they deserve that their souls be thrown in fire." They (the Christians) also say that in this way God 
was able to establish a pretext to Satan. 
Therefore, it became permissible for to Satan 
and save the children of Adam from Hell-fire. 
forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). 
'For soul?" Thengod's hell 
(evidence) punish god punish Such claims are full of falsity in relating injustice to God 
in the Almighty. Who dares to speak about God such away? 
This has indeed terribly rebuked the knowledge of God, His 
wisdom and in an unprecedented manner. God in the Holy Qur'an: [Qur'an 18:109] 
justice unprecedentedm anner. says 
Qur'an: [Qur'an 109] 
Say:" If the oceanw ere 
ink(wherewithto write out) 
the words of my Lord, 
sooner would the ocean be 
.rt"J(J trl-rrr er.J.l )15J # 
gt K rnr li # r^Jt d d, 
Say: "ocean were 
wherewith to be 
~WSJ 1.)1J.,e ~l ~lS:' j Ji 
~.o.1S" ..l.Q.:j ~ i J.:i ~1..w './-J
TPe rfie TTHtP rruri oboHt nlon tPe tie 
OT{I/;1I/J!S;11 dr rr.+ -Jf g..l 
exhausted than would the 
words of my Lord, even if 
we added another ocean like 
it, for its aid." 
go We will through testing these claims in a logically 
organized manner from several angels. 
If (PBUH) "Eloi, we accept that Jesus was saying: Eloi, 
sabachtani? and he was not telling the truth but to 
lama just deceive Satan, he, then is accused of lying. However, 
Muslims believe that a prophet of God will never lie, since 
all the prophets of God are infallible. The only other 
alternative is that Jesus (PBUH) did not know that he was 
the ttre "son of God" and this is absolutely out of the question., 
Therefore, we are left Ieft with the third and most probable 
option which is that Jesus (PBUH) was a manY4) 
lV. What is the real nature of Christ 
1V. If PBUH)? 
Satan has taken the children of Adam for their father's 
is sin, then there no difference between the human nature of 
Christ and other humans.(15) tt) There are many places in the 
Bible where Jesus (PBUH) said that (or refened referred to himself) 
as the son of man among which: 
a. "'come Come to see, a man who told me everything I ever 
14. Ibn Taymiyah, p.216. 
15. Ibid. p. 218.
rle rruti alort tlt 
Israeln you (Acts V. of Adam's (PBUH) 
be was 
prophets proceeding TPe T11i~ IJbout tPe origiHIJIsin 
did...) (John 4:29) 
b. "Ye men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of 
Nazareth. A MAN approved of God among by miracles 
and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst 
of you, as ye yourselves also know." 2:22) 
In fact, Jesus (PBUH) was never quoted in the Bible as 
saying that he was the son of God. In addition to the fact 
that other prophets of God were referred to in the Bible as 
the sons of God as in; (Psalms 2:7) Where David was 
referred to as the son of God; 
"He said to me, "you are my Son; today I have became 
your father" 
Why is not David (PBUH) considered "a son of God" 
also in the same way as Jesus (PBUH) has been perceived? 
v. What is the fate progeny? 
If they say that generations of people after Christ were 
like those who came after him; how can it that Satan was 
allowed to take hold of the previous generations but not the 
latter ones, although they are equally related to Adam 
(PBUH)? They have also committed greater sins than those 
of the prophets of God before them. How come Satan given the chance to punish the preceding to Jesus 
and relieving tyrants and unbelievers Jesus 
(PBUH) from punishment?
rrte rrrtlnhrn $e orioirrolsn . @ 
Vl. Who gave Satan the AuthorityP 
The into him just. 
just, re&son him practising justice. be granted (PBUH). 
If prevent them incapable (God preventing If prevented Vll. Should $atan be punishedP 
If people persecute If (PBUH) hifir, TPe TmtJnboHt !Pc Orit!il/tl!sin 
VI. gave Authority? 
claim that Satan was allowed to drive the children of 
Adam hell could only have one of the following two 
entailments; either what Satan has done is injustice 
committed by against the offsprings of Adam or what 
ever he has done is a) If such actions were then Satan wouldn't be 
blamed and there would be no reason for Christ to prevent 
from On the contrary, Satan should 
the opportunity to take hold of those before and 
after Jesus b) what Satan had been doing were injustice and God 
did not him from committing thenl before the coming 
of Christ, we are faced with two conclusions; either God 
was forbid) of such injustice or 
He was able to stop it but He did not. so, then there is no 
deference had injustice been in a certain time or 
VII. Satan punished? 
Satan had been excused, before Christ came, to take 
to hell because of their father's sin, then there is no 
need to or even blame him. Satan was not 
excused then there is no need to deceive him by holding him 
responsible for his crimes, because he deserved persecution. 
If Jesus did not establish evidence on Satan 
before crucifixion and he did not crucify him, Satan could
rfu rru$o fumti t 
TPe TTH!p obo1/t !pc Origim/sin 
say the 
say that he did not know that this man represented human side of God; and God had permitted him to take the 
children children of Adam to hell. This (Jesus) was one of them. I 
had no knowledge that you had been incarnated with him. 
Had I known that, I would have glorified him. Therefore, I 
am excused excused in doing that, so do not practise injustice 
against me. 
"Oh my 
God! This is the only human that I have mistakenly taken soul. However, I have the right to take the souls of people 
after him (Christ) as I had it before him, due to either their 
father's sin or their own sins". what the Christians say true, then God would need another to hold Satan 
responsible for what he has done. 
We could assume that Satan might say therein; If is 
pretext Vlll. Was Satan $iven pcrmi$sion to 
VIII. given permission deceiveP 
(PBUH) commitleA and 
If we say that Adam has committed a sin his children have also committed sins through Satan's 
deception, deception, then is it up to God or Satan to punish them for 
their sins? sins? If we think that any reasonable person would say 
that that Satan Satan has the right to deceive the children of Adam, 
then then will he be granted the authority to persecute them all 
without without God's God's permission? Is not this claim borrowed from 
the the Maguses who say that every evil sin and persecution for 
it is carried carried out by the Satan? God has nothing to do with 
these things. He does not persecute anybody for the sins that 
these things. does anybody for sins that
T~ TTlitP about tPe origi11ll1sin 
rie r*4ofun $t orioi*[siu , =@ 
he or she has committed. No doubt that such beliefs found their way into Christianity from Magus. Therefore, 
there is no evidence to support these claims, neither from 
the revealed books nor from anyof any of thedisciples. the disciples. So, the 
Marinates sects of Mazdasim and Christianity is basically a 
combination of Mazdasim and Christianity. Christianity, Their leader 
(Mani) was a Il)4agi-agi-Christian. Christian. Indeed the relationship 
between the two religions is very strong.(16) 
between r6) 
Has Satan persecuted the children of Adam and sent them 
Satrn to hell with or without the permission of God? If they 
believe that it was with the permission of God, then Satan 
does not deserve deserye to be persecuted; if it has not had the 
permission of God, then ttren is it fair to say that God would 
allow Satan to practise such injustice? If these were allowed 
by God to happen at one time, then it would be allowed at 
all times, and vice versa. There is no difference between the 
time before Jesus and the time after him. 
lX. Could not God stop SatanP 
IX. Satan? 
Could God stop Satan and persecute him without this 
scheme (God's incarnation in a human form, in the 
character of Jesus as claimed by Christians to deceive Satan 
and made him think that Jesus was a man), and would it be 
right for God to do so? If the answer is negative, then God 
does not need to plot a scheme to deceive Satan and crucify 
16. Ibid. pp.217-218. 
16.Ibid. pp.2l7-218.
rie rru$ a6ontf u 
"His 'Was 
practise justice mischievous If it not, permitted his no If powerless 
(God forbidden) resftain perception is religions not prevent world X. Did God allow the Grucifixion of JesusP 
How what (PBUH), (according belieQ? (See 
75). If (PBUH) desewe just In 
nearly greatest worst go r7) 
Mury*t fonner kactice. = 
TPe TnttP abollt tPe Ori,flt/JIsill 
Himself or son, Jesus". 
Was it an obligation upon God 
to on Satan by stopping him from his 
acts? were then Satan would be 
pennitted to operate evil doings at all times since there is 
difference between one time and another. the 
Christians claimed that God was incapable of stopping 
Satan, then they would be accusing God of being to restrain Satan. Such a of God 
considered by all as the worst type of disbelief. 
Such a conclusion is similar to the atheists' claim that light 
could the from evil. 
x. crucifixion Jesus? 
about the disbelieving Jews have done to 
Christ by helping the Roman soldiers, as claimed, 
to crucify him to the Christian beliet)? Matthew 26:47-75). Were they obeying or disobeying God 
by doing so? they were obeying God, then the Jews who 
crucified Christ deserve a reward from God for 
their obedience, like any other obeying believers. fact, all Christians agree that the Jews were the 
sinners among men and the creatures of God. 
Not only that, but they also curse them and would on to 
the extend of permitting the shedding of their blood.(17) 
17. Let us look at what Maryam Jameelah (a fOffiler Jewish woman) 
has written about the enmity Christians have against Jews. 
Maryam Jameelah. Islam in Theory and Practice. (H. Farooq =
T6e rie rru6 T11l~a6on about t[tVe te 
They have designated a time to persecute tlre the Jews at the 
last days of their fasting(18) rE) to commemorate the days of 
crucifixion. Moreover, if those Jews were disobedient, 
could not God prevent them from crucifying Christ? IfGod 
If God 
could not, then He would not be able to prevent Satan from 
oppressing the coming generations. If God Godcouldprevent 
could prevent 
people from committing sins and He did not, then He was able 
to stop Satan Satanw with ith no need needf for or such sucha a scheme schemeto to deceive deceiveh him. 
On the other hand, if the act of crucifixion were 
be give approved by God, then it would alright to Satan the 
ability to oppress the children of Adam in the and in the future. 
(PBUH) past 
Therefore, there would have been no need for God to 
deceive Satan.(le) 
comrption purpose = l. 
th"y hansfomred why 
bim 16. 218. 
deceive Satan.(19) 
By now, we have come to realize that there is no doubt 
that any mature person will recognize the corruption that 
has come to Christianity. The here is to explain 
=Associates LTD. Lahore. 1983) p. 1. 
"From a very early age, I wondered what I being Jewish really 
meant. I suppose I first began to wonder when at Easter-time 
Christian classmates at school called me "Christ killer". As soon 
as the Easter season had passed, they were miraculously 
transfonned into friendly play mates for the reminder of the year. 
When I once asked a little Roman Catholic boy in my class Why 
he did this, he said that the priest had told him to." 
18. Fasting was prescribed to the Christians in the Bible as in: 
"When you fast do not look somber as hypocrites do" Matthew 
6:16. Who observes fasting nowadays? 
19. Ibn Taymiyah, p. 218.
some of the discrepancies that they have as excuses for 
themselves in order not to accept believing in Allah, in His 
book (The Qur'an), Qur'an), in His prophet (Mohammed PBUH) and 
in His religion religron (AI-Al-Islam). 
Allafr is just Allah and does not order people to believe in or do 
what not. praise people for anything unfortunate injustice so.before. 
they can God, be to Him, has never asked 
that is beyond their ability. It is 
that Christians continue to attribute unspeakable 
to God. No believer has ever done so, before. 
Xl. How does lslam view manp 
XI. Islam man? 
Every human affirms, being, Islam affinns, stands to benefit 
ftom these and open highway accord. Everybody is and privileges. discrimination. "Nature", "the earth'n, 'the belong each from divine dispensations. The road to felicity is a free 
which anyone may tread of his own 
innately endowed with all these rights 
God has granted them to all without 
earth", ''the heavens" all 
to and every human. 
lndeed, this Indeed, God has done all and even more! He has 
implanted (Fitratr) The tme religion in equip@. 
His own religion Fitrah) into every human birth. 
true innate, with which all humans are 
Behind Ihe the dazzling religious diversity of mankind stands 
an innate religion inseparable This the pnmordial religion, religion. [Qur'an: from human nature. TIlls is 
primordial Ur-religion, the one and only true 
[Qur'an: 3:19]
T6e Tr1i$ Phout t6e Or{l/il1//!sin 
rrter rutfia 6outtf ieo riginas[ in @ 
The religion before Allah is 
Islam (submission to His 
Will): nor did the people of 
the book dissent therefrom 
except through envy of each 
other, after knowledge had 
come to them. But if any 
deny the Signs of Allah, 
Allah is swift in calling 
The Islam Will): peoPle the book except other, after come them. anY 
deny the Signs Allatt accounting. 
U,1..0J gp ~")....,'}-,)f jl drr. 1»1 J..rrsO ~..o;- r.ul rJAr ~1 
dt' ~ IJ ~1 ./y:l;(SJ1 Jt tgi J1Ji i/..~jl, iJt ,-,~lkzt 
crJ ~J~ F.6+tr! ~~,~~~ .d'll goob b .&{ 
rjr 1»1 4J~ luI ~44 ~ 
Ur lr orj Jrr drlli l* 
Everyone possesses it unless acculturation colruption dissuasion have 
indoctrination, misguidance, corruption or taught him otherwise. 
taught (PBUH) "Every newborn child 
Prophet Mohammed said: is born (Islam = surrender to 
Allah). into Judaism' 
Chri stianity or Magianis*. r{20) 
is born on the innate nature complete Allah). Then his parents change him Judaism, 
Christianity or Magianism.,,(20) 
Finally, "the fall of man", no 
Finally, Islam entertains no idea of concept no man to stand in an 
innate, which he can not pull 
himself. innccent. He is born with his 
innocence. Indeed. is a thousand given 
perfection, faculties of and an innate 
sense with which to know the ffue God. In this all men are 
concept of "original sin". It holds innate, necessary predicament out of himself. Man, it holds, is innocent. innocence. Indeed, he is born with a thousand given 
perfection, with faculties of understanding, and an innate 
sense with which to know the true God. In this all men are 
20. Kauthar M. AI-Minawi. The Child's Rights in Islam. 
20. Kauthar M. Al-Minawi. The Child's Rights in Islam. 
Translated by Saifuddin H. Shaheen. (Safir Press, Riyadh. 
Translated by Saifuddin H' Shaheen. (Safir Pressn Riyadh. 
equal, sincei t followsf rom their very f rom creation. T hisi s theb asiso f IslamicU niversalism.(21) 
equal, since it follows from existence, from their 
TItis is the basis of Islamic Universalism.(21) 
Xll. Conclusion 
To summarize, logical arguments Sin" 
as the most important believes like crucifixion we 
conclude by regard to christian beliefs original 
1) The first position assumesth at ever 
He wants with no wisdom, justice. what the determinists 2) The second position justice which is required standards); as it is 3) The third position is free ftom committing His justice differs from Based on the lhree we 
will examine the christians' the 
"Original Sin" and 
21. Isma'il al-Faruqi. Critiqal Towards Islamaization Institute of Islamic Theology, p. 443. 
XII. this book presents some of the possible 
concerning the idea of the "Original Sin" 
belief in Christianity on which 
and salvation have been built. We 
summarizing all the logical possibilities in 
Christian around the idea of "The Original 
assumes that God does what ever 
rationality or Just like 
assumes that God performs 
justice of people (using people's 
the claim of the fatalists. 
assumes that God is all Just and He 
from all forms of injustice. However, 
justice that of His creation. 
three assumptions mentioned above, we 
Christians' belief regarding the idea of the 
the crucifixion of Christ (PBUH) and 
Towards a Critical World Theology. 
of Disciplines. (The International 
ofIslamic Theology, 1989) p. 443.
putting Satan in charge of taking his soul. Therefore, arguments will be advanced to account for these claims. 
arguments has the 
a. If we follow the first assumption, then God right Adam and 
right to give Satan the power over the children of persecute them all without any sin that they committed. So, there is no need to scheme a Satan. 
might have 
committed. pretext for 
b. If we take the second assumption into consideration, 
b. we had 
commanded that the master 
dislikes, just persecute the one 
who It not be 
we know if one realizes that one of his servants commanded another person to commit a sin dislikes, it would be for him to both who commanded and the one who obeyed. would just to empower the unjust commanding one) the commanded one. It is not either to empower unjust commander to transgress against the offsprings commanded one who did not in their If we say that he has the right to enslave them because father had obeyed him, then he should have the the ancestors and the offsprings accountable. is not right to withdraw his right by deceiving him. the right to make them responsible for their father's then he is free to punish them both, the offsprings. 
(the to punish 
the commanded just the 
unjust commander fiansgress of the 
commanded participate father's sin. 
father right to hold 
the ancestors Therefore, it 
is hisrightbydeceivinghim. If has 
the right sins, 
then forefathers and the 
If said human side of 
If it is said that after Satan had taken the Jesus taking Adam's 
Jesus (PBUH), he was then prevented from progeny thereafter. If it were so, this sin of Satan would be 
the least of all his sins, because he had not known that he 
(Jesus (PBUH), according to the Christian believe, was 
thereafter. If it were so, this sin of Satan would be 
tlre least of all his sins, because he had not known that he 
(Jesus (PBUH), according to the Christian believe, was
T~ Tm~ uhoUl tPe Or{ljiJUJIsin 
representing the human side side of God. If If Satan Satan had been given 
the permission to enslave the offsprings of a man, then he 
would have one, thinking that he himself was from thenl, 
but he was not from This him from enslaving took 
Jesus (PBUH) from taking the rest. 
them. 1his mistake would not prevent 
the rest. So, if Satan mistakenly took 
as a son of man, this should not prevent him 
c. The third justice assumption is that the of God is not 
creatures', but rather a characteristic of His 
like that of His justice is that He and 
does not punish committed. Therefore, it children of Adam (PBUH) also 
not right for punish sin, 
justice does not lessen the merits of anyone and 
anybody but for what he or she has 
is not right for God to punish the 
for their father's sin. It is also 
God to the prophets who have no sin, 
prophets 22) 
since all the are infallible and innocent.(22) 
So, if they to die with no sin for which they deserve to be 
can they after they die for their 
punished, how be punished ttrey their 
father's sin even if (Adam pBUH) died insisting And if we also make fhe 
prophets have sins for after death and ttlem, 
people who are not prophets we assume that he PBUH) had 
on his sin, although this is a false assumption. 
another false assumption that the 
which they deserve to be punished 
the empowerment of Satan to punish them, 
after Jesus (PBUH) deserve 
22. Allah says Qur'an, Say Lord 
in the Holy Qur'an, "Say shall I seek for (my) Lord 
Allah. When He is the Cherisher of all things? 
draws the meed of its acts on none but itself: no 
other than things? 
Every soul itselft no 
bearer bearer of burdened can bear the burden of another, your return 
in in the the end end is is towards towards Allah: Allah: IIe He will will tell tell you you the the ruth truth of of the 
things things wherein wherein you you disputes. disputes. [[6:6: 164] 
rie rruti alou rie 
T~ TnttP 0601/t tPe Or{lfiJUJIsin 
punishment. How can we accept justice that poses an 
illogical double standard by allowing the punishment of the 
prophets and punishing those who are subordinate to 
punishment. How can we accept justice that poses an 
illogical double standard by allowing the punishment of the 
prophets and not punishing those who are subordinate to 
The idea of crucifixion theme of the 
The idea of crucifixion as attributed to the the 
""Original Original Sin" Sin" is not incompatible only with human intellect 
and and understanding understanding of ofjustice, justice, but also is contradictory to the 
teachings teachings of of the the Bible itself. Ezekiel (18:20) reads: 
,."The The soul soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will 
not share the father share the 
guilt of the son. righteousnesso f righteous man will 
be credited of the wicked will be 
charged against not share the guilt of the father, nor will the th~ 
guilt of the son. The righteousness of the be credited to him, and the wickedness be 
charged against him." 
My dear the falsity of the 
My dear reader! After trying to explain idea of 'the botlt logical arguments 
and supportive (the Christian Holy 
Book), there idea was not preached 
by Jesus (PBUH) conffadicts with the teachings he 
brought, as is clearly iltustated in quote ftom Ezekiel 
above. If so, then... 
idea of "the Original Sin" by using both and supportive evidence from the Bible Book), there is no doubt that such an preached 
by Jesus (PBUH) since it contradicts brought, as is clearly illustrated the from above. If so, then ... 
where did the ldea of The ori$inal sin come from? 
Where did the idea of The Original Sin come

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The truth about the original sin

  • 1. The Truth About The Original Sin
  • 2. ~~I aI', !hin a;!;, i+!c8| iiflil eJ+b ~~~, a...u, ir";;$Tt liUt ..A' f' VIc ~:,h ~t .-ol t t V/o ddtditr -hjt © Rbd Rllah bin Hadi RI-Qahtani, 1994 King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication @ RbdH l lahb in Har t iH t -Qahtani ,| 994 KingF ahdN ationaLl ibraryC ataloging-in-Publication Al-QahtaniA, bd AllahH adi AI-Qahtani, Abd Allah Hadi The truth trutha about boutt the he original originasl sin. in. 32 P. P . , ,12X 12 X 17 em. cm. ISBN fsBN 9960 - - 27 - - 560 - - 4 1- Christianity l- 1- Title 273.341d c 1019/1b 273.341 de 1013/15 Legal LegaDl Deposit epos int no. o. 1013/101 3/1 15 5 ISBN: 9960-9960 - 27- 27 - 560-560 - 4 4 #itt C rLfl+Jl A{eqnr rrrit :Cr,'!rr, ,i.cJr
  • 3. Truth about the Original Sin iJrUl ~ .I--UI ...-.. afubill ~~ .1_..:. II ifuir ·-- '1'­~ 2 uqt'u The ~:i dtle*iJf gir[t u+ dlf.l4 .r ~'hoWt ~~16~ 41J t~ .~ a+I€Il a+b*ll E,rdic, ilc r-rLi<tl l,i-o FISI4 r rra-tl LJsIt dyj rts r#{, L:SS. r ',tl g4l Ol dl u.-l*r*3 sl aialt li-i O}Lta+ I Jli"t1, aid! ilajlJ:UJl i,-r 6l+:'JJ .r;tCl dJ+J.Jl .ltl sJ€ 1r-,r*ftl I "rr ~~I d 1I,.:b;..s1 O~ ~ ~LAJI 1.loA~ d .:'n·" ;W~~I J~ ~~~Jl..aAlJI ~..u u1Jl""c ,~~, i;£~II~u~4 .:'O·'''J ~L•a• J..,..A-t'lJJUJI~· .i~~_' ••... tl 4iJ1~~....,sJI ~ i ~ a+ ~~ LA t- t4J~ U~ "Ll et+! OfSf uL.....a.a! J.S u1J i~~'" 41JI.J.p-~ ~J ~ Ol ...i!rl5 Olf EJ','.-tg dll .t pg4 FL.,J r rlc ..,5J5f if E-ftf -r-F I 4ilJ rJtrs'liF H.dh .~~lJjJ oJjlJ Jj.:i ':I ~lJ 4lJ~1 ~ ~br:!
  • 4. Dedication Iledlcatlon to Allah. I dedicate this booklet ta I am all hope that he will accept. I also dedicate this booklet to those who search the truth I feel feel indebted to the great Muslim scholar Ibn Ihn Taymiyyah for for his marvelous marpelous work, by which I was inspired to study the of the extendm y thankst o who enabledm e to finish this work. I also thank honored brothers: Dr. Abdullah Sammandarfo r their aaluables uggestionsa nd conectians. If there is good in this utork, is from Allah. If there is wrong, from myself. Abdullah Al-Box: 54L, Mushait, SauihAi rabia. Second Edition Rabeat he Second, 1 -4L7 August, L996. concept of Original Sin in Christianity. I extend my thanks to Allah enabled me finish also my Abu-Ishi and Dr. Abdurazaq Sammandar for valuable suggestions and corrections. any work, it from any it is from AI-Kahtany P. O. 541, Khamis Mushait, Saudi Arabia. Rabea the 1417 1996.
  • 5. TPe TrH!paMyl tPe Or{fi11ll1siJ1 I. Introduction l. lntroduction Issues Issues related related to belief might seem to be sensitive to handle. However, with the advances in communication and the breaking up of cultural barriers, it becomes necessary that beliefs be investigated objectively and with an open mind. All concerned religious scholars and believers need give a sympathetic ear to alternative positions or offered by people from distant cultures seeking answers to resolve or at least clarify various issues of a universal nature, especially, if such beliefs are exported to nations side by side with all types of merchandise. governments set quality standards on imports of all types, think it is important to test such common values and beliefs as well. In particular, our relation with the Christian has become so close that we both need to acquainted what each party has to contribute to the understanding of such pressing issue. handle. advancesin the breaking up that beliefs be mind. All concerned to a sympathetic beliefs offered by ftom resolve or at nature, especially, other nations side by As govemments types' I ftink it as well. Chdstian world has become so get with what each such Since the concept '.The Since the concept of 'The Original Sin" in Christianity forms the like the godship of Jesus PBUHII), have emerged, good candidate to forms the cornerstone out of which a cluster of beliefs the godship of Jesus (PBUH)(l), crucifixion and salvation have emerged, therefore, it singles itself out as a candidate to be studied. The methodology that will be followed in this analysis of The "The Original Sin" involves two types of evidence. "Original Sin" l. PBUH stands for peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (or 1. PBUH stands for peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (or them for plural.) them for plural,)
  • 6. TPe TTY'; uhoul t6e Or{tf1lll1Sin fi" rfAnr, A'"r,tt*ttt, @ The first is possibilities "The Sin". As matter develo@ by Ibn -a to carry on the study based on all logical that would explain the truth of 'The Original a of fact, the writer depended on arguments developed Taymiyah -a thirteenth century prominent Muslim scholar(2). The second type of evidence used to 2). used to study 'oThe from 3) validify of the concept in Christianity. In 'The Original Sin" depended on drawing evidence The Bible(3) itself to reveal the validity of the concept doing so, it is ultimately left to the readers whom God bestowed with intellect that distinguishes them from has ftom other creatures, ponder, decide for themselves. to analyze, evaluate and then 2. Ahmad Ibn Taymiyah al-jawab as-sahih liman badala deen al­masseh. sahih al-masseh. Vol. I. (This copy does not have references to the nor to the year of publication) the publisher 3. Muslims believe that God has revealed (The Torah) to Prophet hophet (parts to The New Moses of what is called: The Old Testament and (The Injeel) Prophet Jesus, parts of what is called The New Testament. as guidance to the,thejr ir people. Nevertheless, the current numerous versions of the Bible made it difficult to decide which is the authenticated one. For more details about this issue look at: Ezziah Ali Taha. The Methodology of Collecting the Bible and the Sunnah: A comparative Study. (Dar AI-Bubutb AI­Elmiyyah, to decide The Studv. Al-Buhuth Al- Elmiyyah, Kuwait. 1987) Ahmad Deedat. Is the Bible God's Word? International Publishing House, (1982) P.1 1
  • 7. ll. Why is it important to study the concept of *The Original Sin' in GhristianityP hofessor Moltmarur 'oThe cente point a) 'The place. ArmsEong, (a puzzle heading: "WAS THE HOAX?'': (PBUH) is Christianitytt). 4. Ahmad crucihction? (Intemational Islamic 5. THE PLAIN TRUTH. Crucifixion CD II. "The Sin" Christianity? - Professor Jurgen Moltmann in his book: 'The Crucified God" said: "The death of Jesus on the cross is the centre of all Christian theology ... all Christian statements about God, about creation, about sin and death have their focal in the crucified Christ. All Christian statements about history, about hope stem from the crucified Christ.(4) It is evident that without the concept of 'The Original Sin" there would be no need for crucifixion, salvation or atonement to take Garner Ted Armstrong, the Executive Vice-President and Co-Publisher of the Plain truth Christian Magazine from America, which boasts a current, free world-wide circulation of 6 million copies a month), attempts to answer his own under the RESURRECTION A HOAX?": The resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth either the supreme fact of history or a flagrant, deliberate fabrication foisted off on the followers of Christianity(S). 4. Ahmad Deedat. Crucifixion or crucifiction? International Islamic Publishing House, 1984.) P. 2. 5. THE PLAIN lRUTH. February 1984. (as reported in Deedat's: Crucifixion or Crucifiction? P. 5.
  • 8. (An Josh McDowel American evangelist) said in his book Resurrection Factor": "I was forced to the conclusion that the resurrection of "The 'nI Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, heartless, vicious, hoaxes ever foisted upon the minds of men, or it is the most fantastic fact of history.,,(6) of lustory."(6) With all the controversy presented above among some of the prominent American and other evangelists evzurgelists around the issue of crucifixion which was thought of to be necessary to atone for the Original Sin, we realize reahze the importance of investigating such a concept. III. lll. How can Gan God be crucified to save humanityf humanity? Christians have exceeded all limits in relating injustice to God the Almighty. They have indeed undermined God in ways that no other nation has ever done before. In fact, they are far away from ftom praising God or glorifying gloriffing Him. They claim that when Adam (PBUH) ate from the forbidden tree, ffee, God became angry and directed punishment onto him; and that punishment continued on Adam's.Adam's offsprings until the coming of Jesus PBUH). His crucifixion was to relieve (the generations after him from their forefather's sin. (PBUI{) Christians also claim that all the sons of Adam PBUH) 6. Josh McDowell. The Resurrection Factor. In Deedat 1984, P. 5.
  • 9. rf,cr ru$ aloutf u or44*[sn @ were imprisoned by Satan, even the prophets of God such as, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, et al. (PBUT). pBUT). On the other hand, let us see what the Qur'an says about Qur'an these respected prophets: [6: 84-86] theser espectedp rophets:[ 6: 8a-86] Yf -:).S' vrr'r.Y ~J r dh."J~J J nJ 45 t+~rg JJ W ~J JJ ,F it' ~~..Lu-lA Jfr- I?rl jJ Q.~..lA to + l1 I 0l4J-'J :1ls *r-;'i Y JtlJ lJ~J ~J'~ ~).) elJ5f .JJ.lbJ L./JA) tlufij ~.lS'J 4JJ)lAJ ~.JtAJ ~JtJ 4U u-F i-t .l*Jt .5; ~J 'u...;fjJ .~, Iti~' ~ Jf J'lJJJ ~J IbjJ ~JtJ ~'J ~~JJ ..IlUl 'y,F *ytJll c#l b jt u*tt ed': J=ow,t.l ..:t..J,W, Js- ~ -y.SJ .4It'Jt ob uLai xfj We know that Abraham's father was a nonbeliever and (PBUH) grave God did not punish Abraham for his father's sin. Therefore, logically considered, would God hold him responsible for his forefather's (Adam's) sin? Furthermore, the Christian concept of The Original Sin assumes that Adam did not repent. However, God has declared that did repent and was granted forgiveness by Him. what Allah (God) the Almighty says about Adam We gave him Isaac and Jacob: all (three) We guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: Thus do We reward those who do good. And Zakariya and John. and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous. no;t he glanted This is (PBUH): .;$ ot*5 d+.i1t' lrT ild Then learnt Adam from his Lord certain words and his Lord turned towards him; yl.-:9 ~WS" ~) ~ r~l ~ .~), yIp' JIb .ul ~ I-ord him: .{.*-Jl l/ly'l f 4jJ qle
  • 10. T6e Tmt6abollt t6e origiJUJIsin rle rrn{a6out $e or,gi*[siu @ for He is Oft-Refurning Returning Most Merciful. [Qur'an 2-37] lQur'an 37] The Christians have gone out of their way to claim that it was through the crucifixion, which is one of the grave sins, that God has saved Adam (PBUH) and his offsprings from hell fire. They also claim that it was through this supposed crucifixion that God was able to trick ftick Satan, not withstanding the fact that Satan disobeyed God and deserved punishment (PBUH) since the time he refused to prostrate to Adam and he misled him to commit the sin. In fact, God punish had the ability to Satan long before the coming of Jesus (PBUH). Thus, one cannot help but to question the assumption as to why the sons of Adam are to be held accounted for their forefather's mistake.(mistake.(?) 7) (PBUlt) As a matter of fact, the life of Jesus pBUm is much years shrouded in mystery, except for the three main of his ministry. It is not profltable profitable to discuss the many doubts and conjectures among the early Christian sects and among Muslim The a cardinal point of its docffine scholars. Orthodox Christian Church makes it he ofits doctrine that his life was taken on the cross, that died and was buried, that on the third day he rose in lxxly body with his wounds intact, and walked about and conversed, with his disciples, was taken up bodily to heaven. This is necessaryf or theologlcal doctrine vicarious and ate and afterwards 7. Ibn Taymiyah, pp. 216-217. necessary for theological of blood sacrifice and atonement for sins 216-217.
  • 11. TVe TrH~ about tVe or{tflldlsin including the innate Original Sin, which is rejected by Islam(8). 8). However, some of the early Christian sects rejected the doctrine that Jesus was killed on the cross. Deedat in his book (Crucifixion or Crocifiction? pp. 19-38) 38) has provided numerous references to the falsity of this concept. He draw most of his evidence from the Bible and other writings by Christian authorities. os presentedi n The issue of crucifixion, as presented in Christianity, only strengthens strengthenst the he claims of the Jews that they were behind the crucifixion of Jesus (PBUH), that was never true. Instead, let's contemplate on what the Qur'an Qur'an says about the issue of crucifixion: [Qur'an: 4:155- 159] [Qur'an: 159] (They have incurred divine displeasure): in i n that they broke their covenant; that they rejected the Signs of Allah; that they slew the Messengers Messengersin in defiance defianceo of f right; that they said, "Our hearts are the Wrappings", Nay, Allah hath set the seal on their hearts for their blasphemy, and little linle is it they believe; r}LI flF: F+etio#r .!fi l^..i Jft ,r .*rr;1r nal-i1il rr gJe ,iltt e+ ,,tr .,ili tqtle 8. The Holy Qur'pn: commentary. ~t1t ~~J ~~ ~ .oJ ~}J ~ JJu. ,~~, ~J.iiI, ~lu'~~~,--!p .~~JiJ?~~~A 8. The Holy Qur' an: English translation of the meanings and commentary. Translator note # 663. p.268.
  • 12. Tk TTY~Ilboyt ~e OT{ljliUJlsin That they rejected faith; that they uttered against Marya false charge; Mary a grave (in That they said boast), "W'e We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah"; But they killed him not, nor crucified him. OnIy Only a likeness of that was shown to them. And those who differ therein are full of with no (certain) doubts, knowledge. But only follow, killed him not.l conjecture to for of a surety they not.] Nuy, Allah raised him up Nay, unto himself; and Allah is in power, wise;- exalted And there is none of the people of the book but must believe in Him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness against them. Utr+ f-:, Li~('"!.~~~;J~~J "1" FA;oJr ."r-4: ..~ t +b.c U.t *e g*Jr ul'g ul {pt Lf 0y'.5r r3 lrr Jr-.1 .r+;r yjJt ,r,1n.9'A 4 *,Fr oy!,.a { +A tr l.l'. cJ-r,,JJ +i l-.4ktl oy'*it "f OSJeI till 1l do Cr 0'!' ~ ~l W::i Li1 ~}J AJ 0.;L:i AJ .i»I J~) ("'!.r ~.ul cJJj ~ ~,pJ o~ ~ ~ A o,;,A cl-'"' ~ ~ '~l 0# ,oj ~l t.;' ':i! ~ ~ .Li* '.Y....f' ~I iJS"J 41 ~, 4.A!) ~ r;,-y Al 0rff 4J .irr a'f., ; t^$t .~ a; -,;lil !J .yu(lt J"i if oJ.l g+Jt J-& i"h+lt? H sr, # .'~ .lJi{-b In the Qur'anic versesa bove, there is a catalogueo f Qur'arnc verses above, catalogue of iniquities of which the Jews were guilty, guilty, and for these iniquitiesw e mustu nderstansdo meo f suchw ordsa s: "they iniquities we must understand some of such words as: "they
  • 13. ri,e rru$a6on tio or;gi*fsiu @ are under divine displeasure,,(9). Their (the Jew) iniquities divine displeasure"(o).Thei(rt he Jew) l. (God's) point raith; godly A[ah whenthey people fellow-men.(10) make woman, it is particularly irreverent to made Qur'-an, p. ltrk (Ezekeil 8) the Gospel. were: 1. that they broke their Covenant; 2. that they rejected Allah's guidance as conveyed by His messengers; 3. that they killed Allah's messengers and incurred a double guilt which included murder and that of deliberate defiance of Allah's law; and 4. they imagined themselves arrogantly self-sufficient, which means a blasphemous closing of their hearts forever against the admission of Allah's grace. then begins another series of iniquities from a different of view: 1. that they rejected faith; 2. that they made false charges against a woman like Mary, who was chosen by Allah to be the mother of Jesus; 3. that they boasted of having killed Jesus when they were victims of their own self-hallucination; 4. that they hindered PeOple from Allah's way; and 5. they by means of usury and fraud they oppressed their fellow-men. (10) The false charge against Mary was that she was unchaste. Such a charge is bad enough to against any but be against 9. They Holy Our'an, translator footnote 659, 266. 10. Such dealings are prohibited in the Bible. Look at 18:8) Nevertheless, they insist in acting against
  • 14. rh r*hahut tk-orrtino[sL @ Mary tlre the mother of the prophet of Allah, Jesus (PBUH). The Jews rejected his message from the beginning by ridiculing Allah's through his extraordinary birth The Holy Qur'an 17:27-28). Chastity of women highly respected because it such an essential aspect dignity and honor that could brings strong evidence, · eye witnesses, committed an unchaste act. If they failed to do be flogged with eighty lashes and competent witnesses. the verse that matter in The Holy Qur'an 24:4) power exfraordinary (See Qur'an 27-28). is higttly is of their nobody doubt, unless he or she . four that she tf railed so, they will debarred from being (See talks about this Qur'an 4) Basilidans rejected Several sects of Christianity like the (PBUH) that for him. The Docetae the issue of crucifixion of Jesus PBUR) and believed some one else was substituted (another never had a real sect of Christians) held that Christ apparent or phantom physical or natural body, but only an body. The gospel of St. Barnabas supported Christ was substituted on the cross.(11) SL the theory that substitutedo n cross.{tt) th€ (PBUH) was a Moreover, the Christians say that Christ god He purposely allowed the man and a at the same time. unbelievers to crucify him; so Jesus (god to them) would trick tick Satan(l2). rz). They claim that Jesus concealed his identity as god, so that Satan would not know him. They say that he allowed foes to take spit on his face. (13) According to them, he also allowed his him, beat him up and face.(l3)A ccording them 11. The Holy Qur'an: translator footnote # 663, p. 286. 12. Ibn Taymiyah, p. 216. 13. What does the Qur'an say about this? "They did not crucify him nor I 1. The Holy Qur'au translalor 12. Ibn Taymiyah, p.13. What does the Qur'an "They did they kill him ..." did they kill him ..."
  • 15. rle rrnri alon 4e to crucify him him and put the thorns on his head; and showed the fear of death. Then, he started saying: "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani? Which means, "'lMy My God, My God, why have you These words according to Christians were spoken so that "the the Devil will not know that he was "God" or son of God". Satan wants to take his soul to the hell fire as he did to Noah, Abraham, Moses and other prophets (PBUT) PBUn and believers. Therefore, God will argue against Satan by saying, ''For what reason did you take my soulT' Satan would reply, "Because of your sin". Then god's human side would reply: "I have no sins like other prophets. They had sins by which they deserve that their souls be thrown in fire." They (the Christians) also say that in this way God was able to establish a pretext to Satan. Therefore, it became permissible for to Satan and save the children of Adam from Hell-fire. forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). 'For soul?" Thengod's hell (evidence) punish god punish Such claims are full of falsity in relating injustice to God in the Almighty. Who dares to speak about God such away? This has indeed terribly rebuked the knowledge of God, His wisdom and in an unprecedented manner. God in the Holy Qur'an: [Qur'an 18:109] justice unprecedentedm anner. says Qur'an: [Qur'an 109] Say:" If the oceanw ere ink(wherewithto write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be .rt"J(J trl-rrr er.J.l )15J # gt K rnr li # r^Jt d d, Say: "ocean were wherewith to be ~WSJ 1.)1J.,e ~l ~lS:' j Ji ~.o.1S" ..l.Q.:j ~ i J.:i ~1..w './-J
  • 16. TPe rfie TTHtP rruri oboHt nlon tPe tie OT{I/;1I/J!S;11 dr rr.+ -Jf g..l exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid." go We will through testing these claims in a logically organized manner from several angels. If (PBUH) "Eloi, we accept that Jesus was saying: Eloi, sabachtani? and he was not telling the truth but to lama just deceive Satan, he, then is accused of lying. However, Muslims believe that a prophet of God will never lie, since all the prophets of God are infallible. The only other alternative is that Jesus (PBUH) did not know that he was the ttre "son of God" and this is absolutely out of the question., Therefore, we are left Ieft with the third and most probable option which is that Jesus (PBUH) was a manY4) man.(tn) lV. What is the real nature of Christ (PBUH)p 1V. If PBUH)? Satan has taken the children of Adam for their father's is sin, then there no difference between the human nature of Christ and other humans.(15) tt) There are many places in the Bible where Jesus (PBUH) said that (or refened referred to himself) as the son of man among which: a. "'come Come to see, a man who told me everything I ever 14. Ibn Taymiyah, p.216. 15. Ibid. p. 218.
  • 17. rle rruti alort tlt Israeln you (Acts V. of Adam's (PBUH) proEenyP peopleafterChristwere be was prophets proceeding TPe T11i~ IJbout tPe origiHIJIsin did...) (John 4:29) b. "Ye men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth. A MAN approved of God among by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know." 2:22) In fact, Jesus (PBUH) was never quoted in the Bible as saying that he was the son of God. In addition to the fact that other prophets of God were referred to in the Bible as the sons of God as in; (Psalms 2:7) Where David was referred to as the son of God; "He said to me, "you are my Son; today I have became your father" Why is not David (PBUH) considered "a son of God" also in the same way as Jesus (PBUH) has been perceived? v. What is the fate progeny? If they say that generations of people after Christ were like those who came after him; how can it that Satan was allowed to take hold of the previous generations but not the latter ones, although they are equally related to Adam (PBUH)? They have also committed greater sins than those of the prophets of God before them. How come Satan given the chance to punish the preceding to Jesus and relieving tyrants and unbelievers Jesus (PBUH) from punishment?
  • 18. rrte rrrtlnhrn $e orioirrolsn . @ Vl. Who gave Satan the AuthorityP The into him just. just, re&son him practising justice. be granted (PBUH). If prevent them incapable (God preventing If prevented Vll. Should $atan be punishedP If people persecute If (PBUH) hifir, TPe TmtJnboHt !Pc Orit!il/tl!sin VI. gave Authority? claim that Satan was allowed to drive the children of Adam hell could only have one of the following two entailments; either what Satan has done is injustice committed by against the offsprings of Adam or what ever he has done is a) If such actions were then Satan wouldn't be blamed and there would be no reason for Christ to prevent from On the contrary, Satan should the opportunity to take hold of those before and after Jesus b) what Satan had been doing were injustice and God did not him from committing thenl before the coming of Christ, we are faced with two conclusions; either God was forbid) of such injustice or He was able to stop it but He did not. so, then there is no deference had injustice been in a certain time or another. VII. Satan punished? Satan had been excused, before Christ came, to take to hell because of their father's sin, then there is no need to or even blame him. Satan was not excused then there is no need to deceive him by holding him responsible for his crimes, because he deserved persecution. If Jesus did not establish evidence on Satan before crucifixion and he did not crucify him, Satan could
  • 19. rfu rru$o fumti t TPe TTH!p obo1/t !pc Origim/sin say the say that he did not know that this man represented human side of God; and God had permitted him to take the children children of Adam to hell. This (Jesus) was one of them. I had no knowledge that you had been incarnated with him. Had I known that, I would have glorified him. Therefore, I am excused excused in doing that, so do not practise injustice against me. "Oh my his God! This is the only human that I have mistakenly taken soul. However, I have the right to take the souls of people after him (Christ) as I had it before him, due to either their father's sin or their own sins". what the Christians say true, then God would need another to hold Satan responsible for what he has done. We could assume that Satan might say therein; If is pretext Vlll. Was Satan $iven pcrmi$sion to VIII. given permission deceiveP (PBUH) commitleA and deceive? If we say that Adam has committed a sin his children have also committed sins through Satan's deception, deception, then is it up to God or Satan to punish them for their sins? sins? If we think that any reasonable person would say that that Satan Satan has the right to deceive the children of Adam, then then will he be granted the authority to persecute them all without without God's God's permission? Is not this claim borrowed from the the Maguses who say that every evil sin and persecution for it is carried carried out by the Satan? God has nothing to do with these things. He does not persecute anybody for the sins that these things. does anybody for sins that
  • 20. T~ TTlitP about tPe origi11ll1sin rie r*4ofun $t orioi*[siu , =@ have he or she has committed. No doubt that such beliefs found their way into Christianity from Magus. Therefore, there is no evidence to support these claims, neither from the revealed books nor from anyof any of thedisciples. the disciples. So, the Marinates sects of Mazdasim and Christianity is basically a combination of Mazdasim and Christianity. Christianity, Their leader (Mani) was a Il)4agi-agi-Christian. Christian. Indeed the relationship between the two religions is very strong.(16) between r6) Has Satan persecuted the children of Adam and sent them Satrn to hell with or without the permission of God? If they believe that it was with the permission of God, then Satan does not deserve deserye to be persecuted; if it has not had the permission of God, then ttren is it fair to say that God would allow Satan to practise such injustice? If these were allowed by God to happen at one time, then it would be allowed at all times, and vice versa. There is no difference between the time before Jesus and the time after him. lX. Could not God stop SatanP IX. Satan? Could God stop Satan and persecute him without this scheme (God's incarnation in a human form, in the character of Jesus as claimed by Christians to deceive Satan and made him think that Jesus was a man), and would it be right for God to do so? If the answer is negative, then God does not need to plot a scheme to deceive Satan and crucify 16. Ibid. pp.217-218. 16.Ibid. pp.2l7-218.
  • 21. rie rru$ a6ontf u "His 'Was practise justice mischievous If it not, permitted his no If powerless (God forbidden) resftain perception is religions not prevent world X. Did God allow the Grucifixion of JesusP How what (PBUH), (according belieQ? (See 75). If (PBUH) desewe just In nearly greatest worst go r7) Mury*t fonner kactice. = TPe TnttP abollt tPe Ori,flt/JIsill Himself or son, Jesus". Was it an obligation upon God to on Satan by stopping him from his acts? were then Satan would be pennitted to operate evil doings at all times since there is difference between one time and another. the Christians claimed that God was incapable of stopping Satan, then they would be accusing God of being to restrain Satan. Such a of God considered by all as the worst type of disbelief. Such a conclusion is similar to the atheists' claim that light could the from evil. x. crucifixion Jesus? about the disbelieving Jews have done to Christ by helping the Roman soldiers, as claimed, to crucify him to the Christian beliet)? Matthew 26:47-75). Were they obeying or disobeying God by doing so? they were obeying God, then the Jews who crucified Christ deserve a reward from God for their obedience, like any other obeying believers. fact, all Christians agree that the Jews were the sinners among men and the creatures of God. Not only that, but they also curse them and would on to the extend of permitting the shedding of their blood.(17) 17. Let us look at what Maryam Jameelah (a fOffiler Jewish woman) has written about the enmity Christians have against Jews. Maryam Jameelah. Islam in Theory and Practice. (H. Farooq =
  • 22. T6e rie rru6 T11l~a6on about t[tVe te origi1Ul1sin They have designated a time to persecute tlre the Jews at the last days of their fasting(18) rE) to commemorate the days of crucifixion. Moreover, if those Jews were disobedient, could not God prevent them from crucifying Christ? IfGod If God could not, then He would not be able to prevent Satan from ftom oppressing the coming generations. If God Godcouldprevent could prevent people from committing sins and He did not, then He was able to stop Satan Satanw with ith no need needf for or such sucha a scheme schemeto to deceive deceiveh him. im. On the other hand, if the act of crucifixion were be give approved by God, then it would alright to Satan the ability to oppress the children of Adam in the and in the future. (PBUH) past Therefore, there would have been no need for God to deceive Satan.(le) comrption purpose = l. time th"y hansfomred why bim 16. 218. deceive Satan.(19) By now, we have come to realize that there is no doubt that any mature person will recognize the corruption that has come to Christianity. The here is to explain =Associates LTD. Lahore. 1983) p. 1. "From a very early age, I wondered what I being Jewish really meant. I suppose I first began to wonder when at Easter-time Christian classmates at school called me "Christ killer". As soon as the Easter season had passed, they were miraculously transfonned into friendly play mates for the reminder of the year. When I once asked a little Roman Catholic boy in my class Why he did this, he said that the priest had told him to." 18. Fasting was prescribed to the Christians in the Bible as in: "When you fast do not look somber as hypocrites do" Matthew 6:16. Who observes fasting nowadays? 19. Ibn Taymiyah, p. 218.
  • 23. some of the discrepancies that they have as excuses for themselves in order not to accept believing in Allah, in His book (The Qur'an), Qur'an), in His prophet (Mohammed PBUH) and and in His religion religron (AI-Al-Islam). Allafr is just Allah and does not order people to believe in or do what not. praise people for anything unfortunate injustice so.before. they can God, be to Him, has never asked that is beyond their ability. It is that Christians continue to attribute unspeakable to God. No believer has ever done so, before. Xl. How does lslam view manp XI. Islam man? Every human affirms, being, Islam affinns, stands to benefit ftom these and open highway accord. Everybody is and privileges. discrimination. "Nature", "the earth'n, 'the belong each from divine dispensations. The road to felicity is a free which anyone may tread of his own innately endowed with all these rights God has granted them to all without earth", ''the heavens" all to and every human. lndeed, this Indeed, God has done all and even more! He has implanted (Fitratr) The tme religion in equip@. His own religion Fitrah) into every human birth. true innate, with which all humans are equipped. Behind Ihe the dazzling religious diversity of mankind stands an innate religion inseparable This the pnmordial religion, religion. [Qur'an: from human nature. TIlls is primordial Ur-religion, the one and only true [Qur'an: 3:19]
  • 24. T6e Tr1i$ Phout t6e Or{l/il1//!sin rrter rutfia 6outtf ieo riginas[ in @ The religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): nor did the people of the book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling accounting. The Islam Will): peoPle the book except other, after come them. anY deny the Signs Allatt accounting. U,1..0J gp ~")....,'}-,)f jl drr. 1»1 J..rrsO ~..o;- r.ul rJAr ~1 1 dt' ~ IJ ~1 ./y:l;(SJ1 Jt tgi J1Ji i/..~jl, iJt ,-,~lkzt I crJ ~J~ F.6+tr! ~~,~~~ .d'll goob b .&{ A~ rjr 1»1 4J~ luI ~44 ~ Ur lr orj Jrr drlli l* ..+tJt .yt....J.1 and Everyone possesses it unless acculturation colruption dissuasion have indoctrination, misguidance, corruption or taught him otherwise. taught (PBUH) "Every newborn child Prophet Mohammed said: is born (Islam = surrender to Allah). into Judaism' Chri stianity or Magianis*. r{20) is born on the innate nature complete Allah). Then his parents change him Judaism, Christianity or Magianism.,,(20) Finally, "the fall of man", no Finally, Islam entertains no idea of concept no man to stand in an innate, which he can not pull himself. innccent. He is born with his innocence. Indeed. is a thousand given perfection, faculties of and an innate sense with which to know the ffue God. In this all men are concept of "original sin". It holds innate, necessary predicament out of himself. Man, it holds, is innocent. innocence. Indeed, he is born with a thousand given perfection, with faculties of understanding, and an innate sense with which to know the true God. In this all men are 20. Kauthar M. AI-Minawi. The Child's Rights in Islam. 20. Kauthar M. Al-Minawi. The Child's Rights in Islam. Translated by Saifuddin H. Shaheen. (Safir Press, Riyadh. 1992.) Translated by Saifuddin H' Shaheen. (Safir Pressn Riyadh. 1992.)
  • 25. equal, sincei t followsf rom their very f rom creation. T hisi s theb asiso f IslamicU niversalism.(21) equal, since it follows from existence, from their TItis is the basis of Islamic Universalism.(21) Xll. Conclusion To summarize, logical arguments Sin" as the most important believes like crucifixion we conclude by regard to christian beliefs original Sin". 1) The first position assumesth at ever He wants with no wisdom, justice. what the determinists 2) The second position justice which is required standards); as it is 3) The third position is free ftom committing His justice differs from Based on the lhree we will examine the christians' the "Original Sin" and 21. Isma'il al-Faruqi. Critiqal Towards Islamaization Institute of Islamic Theology, p. 443. XII. this book presents some of the possible concerning the idea of the "Original Sin" belief in Christianity on which and salvation have been built. We summarizing all the logical possibilities in Christian around the idea of "The Original assumes that God does what ever rationality or Just like say. assumes that God performs justice of people (using people's the claim of the fatalists. assumes that God is all Just and He from all forms of injustice. However, justice that of His creation. three assumptions mentioned above, we Christians' belief regarding the idea of the the crucifixion of Christ (PBUH) and Towards a Critical World Theology. of Disciplines. (The International ofIslamic Theology, 1989) p. 443.
  • 26. three putting Satan in charge of taking his soul. Therefore, arguments will be advanced to account for these claims. arguments has the a. If we follow the first assumption, then God right Adam and right to give Satan the power over the children of persecute them all without any sin that they committed. So, there is no need to scheme a Satan. might have committed. pretext for Satan. b. If we take the second assumption into consideration, b. we had commanded that the master dislikes, just persecute the one who It not be we know if one realizes that one of his servants commanded another person to commit a sin dislikes, it would be for him to both who commanded and the one who obeyed. would just to empower the unjust commanding one) the commanded one. It is not either to empower unjust commander to transgress against the offsprings commanded one who did not in their If we say that he has the right to enslave them because father had obeyed him, then he should have the the ancestors and the offsprings accountable. is not right to withdraw his right by deceiving him. the right to make them responsible for their father's then he is free to punish them both, the offsprings. (the to punish the commanded just the unjust commander fiansgress of the commanded participate father's sin. their father right to hold the ancestors Therefore, it is hisrightbydeceivinghim. If has the right sins, then forefathers and the offsprings. If said human side of If it is said that after Satan had taken the Jesus taking Adam's Jesus (PBUH), he was then prevented from progeny thereafter. If it were so, this sin of Satan would be the least of all his sins, because he had not known that he (Jesus (PBUH), according to the Christian believe, was thereafter. If it were so, this sin of Satan would be tlre least of all his sins, because he had not known that he (Jesus (PBUH), according to the Christian believe, was
  • 27. T~ Tm~ uhoUl tPe Or{ljiJUJIsin representing the human side side of God. If If Satan Satan had been given the permission to enslave the offsprings of a man, then he would have one, thinking that he himself was from thenl, them, but he was not from This him from enslaving took Jesus (PBUH) from taking the rest. them. 1his mistake would not prevent the rest. So, if Satan mistakenly took as a son of man, this should not prevent him c. The third justice assumption is that the of God is not creatures', but rather a characteristic of His like that of His justice is that He and does not punish committed. Therefore, it children of Adam (PBUH) also not right for punish sin, justice does not lessen the merits of anyone and anybody but for what he or she has is not right for God to punish the for their father's sin. It is also God to the prophets who have no sin, prophets 22) since all the are infallible and innocent.(22) So, if they to die with no sin for which they deserve to be can they after they die for their punished, how be punished ttrey their father's sin even if (Adam pBUH) died insisting And if we also make fhe prophets have sins for after death and ttlem, people who are not prophets we assume that he PBUH) had on his sin, although this is a false assumption. another false assumption that the which they deserve to be punished the empowerment of Satan to punish them, after Jesus (PBUH) deserve 22. Allah says Qur'an, Say Lord in the Holy Qur'an, "Say shall I seek for (my) Lord Allah. When He is the Cherisher of all things? draws the meed of its acts on none but itself: no other than things? Every soul itselft no bearer bearer of burdened can bear the burden of another, your return return in in the the end end is is towards towards Allah: Allah: IIe He will will tell tell you you the the ruth truth of of the the things things wherein wherein you you disputes. disputes. [[6:6: 164] 164]
  • 28. rie rruti alou rie T~ TnttP 0601/t tPe Or{lfiJUJIsin punishment. How can we accept justice that poses an illogical double standard by allowing the punishment of the prophets and punishing those who are subordinate to them? punishment. How can we accept justice that poses an illogical double standard by allowing the punishment of the prophets and not punishing those who are subordinate to them? The idea of crucifixion theme of the The idea of crucifixion as attributed to the the ""Original Original Sin" Sin" is not incompatible only with human intellect and and understanding understanding of ofjustice, justice, but also is contradictory to the teachings teachings of of the the Bible itself. Ezekiel (18:20) reads: ,."The The soul soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the father share the guilt of the son. righteousnesso f righteous man will be credited of the wicked will be charged against not share the guilt of the father, nor will the th~ guilt of the son. The righteousness of the be credited to him, and the wickedness be charged against him." My dear the falsity of the My dear reader! After trying to explain idea of 'the botlt logical arguments and supportive (the Christian Holy Book), there idea was not preached by Jesus (PBUH) conffadicts with the teachings he brought, as is clearly iltustated in quote ftom Ezekiel above. If so, then... idea of "the Original Sin" by using both and supportive evidence from the Bible Book), there is no doubt that such an preached by Jesus (PBUH) since it contradicts brought, as is clearly illustrated the from above. If so, then ... where did the ldea of The ori$inal sin come from? Where did the idea of The Original Sin come