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The Sociological Study Of Homosexuality
Tutorial #3
Homosexuality remains one of the most important concepts in the sociological study of sexuality. It has not been proven in any way that
homosexuality is induced by genetic makeup, by an individuals cultural, or societal practices. Homosexuality is defined as: one who has a sexual
attraction towards someone else of the same sex. This topic will be examined with the socio conflict approach, and therefore critical sociology, due to
the inequalities that have arisen in most cultures throughout the existence of the modern world, and the early modern world. Before 1960 homosexuality
was not accepted in any sense in Canada, or the United Sates. Homosexuality was labeled by mental health professionals as a sickness, and a means
for being
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Essay on The Ethics of Homosexuality
"All men are created equal, No matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words," Harvey Milk. A homosexual, as defined by the
dictionary, is someone of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex. Homosexuality is ethical,
and I will provide rational arguments for, and irrational arguments against the topic. A few objections are as follows: It is forbidden in the Bible and
frowned upon by God; It is unnatural; Men and women are needed to reproduce; There are no known examples in nature; and the most common
argument that concerns homosexuality is whether it is a choice or human biology.
My arguments will be ignoring a major element in factoring the morality of homosexuality, more content...
You're going to have to be nice to your boss to be successful at the business. Disregarding your parents' advice, you give time and compassion, later to
discover there's nothing different with African Americans. Again, to make a final decision over the morality of homosexuality, it is essential to
eliminate all of one's prejudices.
A major reason for the fear and objection towards homosexuality is organized religion. Whether we notice it or not, we as humans follow many
everyday concepts from the Bible. Examples would be, to not steal, murder, or commit adultery in marriage. The Bible also states that homosexuality
is unethical and should be avoided as other sins. These are all great to follow, if you conform to the rules of the Bible. Religious back up should not be
used in order to deem something wrong or unethical. It is essential to understand, to deem homosexuality ethical or not, rational decision–making must
occur. One must analyze the pros and cons; if the pros outweigh the cons, homosexuality is ethical, and visa versa. One who explicitly follows an
organized religion must follow the rules of a higher power (God). Getting rid of this obstacle will leave room for autonomous decisions on
homosexuality, and eventually its place in good ethics.
Considering the biological/choice standpoint, one must again not let their beliefs give bias to their opinions. Each and every one of us
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Homosexuality and Christianity Essay
The way people ultimately view homosexuality, whether in religion, politics or modern popular culture, is all determined by traditional or changing
points of view. This essay will discuss mainly liberal and conservative Christian interpretations of the Bible, including many verses that may support or
condemn homosexuality. It will also discuss the political views and laws against same–sex marriage and the social activism in the homosexual
community. This is all about view points and it has many conflicting views and arguments.
Conservative views are often very traditional and interpret most or all Bible passages regarding, or allegedly involving homosexuality as condemning.
They interpret them as an abomination and that it is hated more content...
It could also mean a citizen of the Biblical town of Sodom, one of the two towns, the other being Gomorrah, that was destroyed by God. Sodom,
although was wicked and known for sexual deviation. Many Christians have picked out "clobber" passages or verses in the Bible that are supposed to
undoubtedly condemn homosexuality. However, these fool–proof "clobber" passages have been contested, such as Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie
with mankind, as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be put upon
them." Many conservative Christians interpret this as damning homosexuality indefinitely; many liberal Christians claim it condemns gay ritual sex in
a temple and males having sex in a womans bed. Another verse, Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is
abomination." Again, conservative Christians take this is as condemning evidence but progressive Christians take it as, again, a verse condemning
gay ritual sex in a Pagan temple or men having sex in a woman's bed. In total, there are six "condemning" clobber passages, they are: Genesis 19,
Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, 1 Timothy 1:9–10, Jude 1:7. These are the most famous of all Bible passages
supposedly regarding homosexuality. There are also many other minor passages that are not clear as to what
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Thesis Statements On Homosexuality
Statements on Homosexuality Homosexuality has become accepted by many in our culture today. PBS estimates that there are 9 million members of
the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community (Greve, Joan. "LGBT America: By the Numbers."). This makes up 3.8% of the US
population. Some of these members identify as Christians. So this poses a couple of questions: does the Bible really condemn homosexuality, can you
be a gay Christian, and can two people of the same sex be legitimately married? These are important questions for churches to have answers to as the
LGBT movement is becoming very popular.
Does the Bible really condemn homosexuality? The Bible really does condemn homosexuality. Romans 1: 24–27 says, "And the men likewise gave up
natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves
the due penalty for their error (Holy Bible, NIV)." In this verse, it clearly states that the men who gave up loving women and started having relations
with other men will receive the due penalty for their error. It was not in God's design to have people of the same sex to have relations. 1 Corinthians
6:9–10 says those who practice these kind of acts will not inherit the kingdom of God. These verses prove that the Bible condemns homosexuality.
Can you be a gay Christian? In order to answer this question we need to establish that it is a sin to be gay and that this is what the Bible
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Reflection Paper About Homosexuality
When I was 22 years old, I had a best friend who was gay and Christian. Occasionally, he would ask me to go to church with him but I never would.
I always turned him down thinking it would be a waste of time to go to his church since you cannot be gay and Christian. One day, after having
invited me several times and getting the same rejection, he directly asked me if it was because of his sexual orientation. I contemplated whether I should
tell him the truth or lie. I told him I was not comfortable going to a church that would accept a practicing homosexual. To me theBible is clear that this
is an abomination and if a church not only accepted such a relationship but also condoned the behavior, then I did not want to attend. He
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The first revelation received was that this was my story and I, too, had a heart of stone when it came to this topic; however, God was about to give
me a heart of flesh. In order to do that, I had to let go of everything that I thought I knew. I had no idea that some of the Hebrew words used to condemn
homosexuality were the same words to condemn temple prostitution or that the Greek word used in 1 Corinthians could also mean a type of
clothing. I struggled as I did not want to let go of my preconceived notions of what was right and what was wrong. I had to focus deeply on my
prayer life to make sure that I was staying exactly where God wanted me since this was all new to me. Once I was able to let go of the thinking I
previously had, God allowed a new way of thinking to enter my mind. I was able to see for myself what He intended me to know. Seeing something
different from what you had originally thought it was is an eye–opening experience. I can remember sitting in my prayer room contemplating and
meditating on the scriptures when a sense of peace came over me. It was as if I was learning exactly what I supposed to learn all along. It is a feeling I
cannot describe but one that I hope to never stop experiencing. I am grateful to my friend for forcing me to overcome my naГЇvety to come to a
greater Truth. I had to first admit that I could be wrong, then I had to examine the Scriptures
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Homosexuality : Homosexuality And Identity
Homosexuality has been a questionable topic discussed in the United States for years. Over the years, we have seen a growing studies regarding
homosexuality. Homosexuality is becoming a question of science or morale. So, is homosexuality and identity or a behavior? Identity is defined as
who someone is or the qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person or group different from others. Behavior is defined as the manner of
conducting oneself or the way a person or animal acts or behave. Homosexuality is an identity, because it is something that one defines themselves as.
A person cannot "act" or "perform" homosexual or control themselves as "homosexual". Homosexuality is attraction or relating to, or having a sexual more content...
Although many from an early age, they felt like they were "different" from others people or they felt like outcasts; these people live as a transgender
or asexual style of living. They might feel irregular, like they don't fit in the world where many has heterosexual mind set. Heterosexual is defined as
the sexual attraction to the opposite sex, or "straight" (Merriam–Webster, Intl. Science Vocabulary 1892). Anybody who isn't identified as a
heterosexual, does not fit the heterosexual lifestyle and that goes for homosexual, asexual, transsexual too. A person who afraid of the opposite sex
or lack of social skills I believe should not be labeled as "homosexual" due to their lack of behaviors. Identity and interest have a stronger relationship
than attraction and behaviors; however people tend to grow into labels.
According to Frank Worthen of the Free Ministry Organization, "The majority of homosexuals believe they were born "gay." This assumption often
supply pleasure, ease them from any responsibility to development. However, there is no set evidence or study that people are born a homosexual. A
great number of gay people are ultimately normally genetically. This article also states homosexuality can be a learned behavior. Worthen says
"Behaviors turn into identity once they have been repeated and claimed as part of someone's personality. Although it is not genetic, it is mentally
embedded as an identity. Sexuality is a self–capacity for sexual
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The Effects Of Homosexuality
Homosexuality seems to be a major phenomenon that has been around for centuries, but as the world becomes more modernize there has been a rapid
increase in the number of homosexuals. Homosexuality is something that was alienated because people did not understand and know how to feel
towards it, as it was not normal. In today's society homosexuality has become normalize and many people are accepting of it while some are still not.
Homosexuality has been accepted and protected by some countries while others prohibit it. The most common debate of this issue prevails within the
disagreement of same–sex relationships from the views of society, homosexuals, the Christian church, and scientist's biological theories. Homosexuality
is not something that just affects adults and adolescents, but children also. Many children are claiming to be homosexuals at more content...
So if is raised in an environment where homosexuality is frown up on it is most likely that this individual would not go down the part of
homosexuality because of one's environment where it the cultural, moral, family or peer group environment. However, the factor of child sexual
abuse was a bit challenging because some evidences suggested that it can cause homosexuality while disapprove of this factor. One would say that the
maybe the severity of the trauma on victim and the victims coping skills maybe more of a factor in the developing of sexual orientation. All in all,
personal choice is the biggest factor in homosexuality because every practicing homosexual makes a choice to engage in homosexual fantasy or to
have gay sex, it is not force up on them. Remember that each individual is responsible for one's own destiny but remember that the psychosocial factor
still plays a vital role in
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Homosexuality : Homosexuality And Homosexuality
Kendall Bridges
Mrs. Vest
English 12
10 April 2015
You Wouldn 't Understand, You 're Not Gay
Homosexuality is one of the most sensitive and talked about subjects among society today. Heterosexuals keep their mouths open negatively about
gays. Whereas homosexuals decide to keep their lips sealed on the subject. Most straight individuals are ignorant to the fact and the being gay is all
negative. They make up their own minds to not understand what it is about. They discriminate homosexuals everyday and some degrade homosexual
without even knowing that they are doing so. Homosexuals are denied their right or even have them taken away just because of who they are. What is
homosexuality? Homosexuality is the act of being attracted to the same sex, whether it 's on a sexual, physical, or maybe even an emotional level.
This sensitive topic is always misunderstood. When the world hears they word "gay" they suddenly think the worst. Fists lines a homosexual could
hear is that, Homosexuality is a mental illness, homosexuality is a choice, homosexuals are prone to catching and spreading diseases, an maybe
even hear that God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve. They may even hear that gays and lesbians have more partners
sexually the an individual who is attracted to the opposite sex. It 's been said that gay individuals or couples are not as good of parents as a parent or
parents that are attracted to the opposite sex because they are "introducing" their child
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Homosexuality and Human Rights Essay
Have you ever been treated so unfairly, but knew there was very little you could do to change it? If so, then you know exactly how many of the
homosexuals in the world feel about the right to marry. Many homosexuals feel that this right has been kept just out of reach for them, due to others
who despise them. These individuals believe that being gay is wrong, immoral and disgusting; but this is definitely not the case. Gay marriage should be
allowed in the United States because this decision supports the idea of equal rights, the effectiveness of children with homosexual parents, and this act
would do no harm to society.
As stipulated in the definition of Equal Rights, the bill of rights contains ten amendments. It is inside more content...
Those weren't acceptable answers to women who worked for full equality at the turn of the 19th Century... and they aren't acceptable answers to the
lesbian and gay communities who are working for legal equality–– including marriage equality at the dawn of the new millennium. (27)
Marriage is not the only right that gays want, but also any other rights that they are entitled to. In 2004, the US general accounting office found that
exactly 1, 138 federal benefits are granted to married couples including filing joint tax returns and inheriting each other's Social Security and pension
benefits when one spouse dies (Kafka 25). These rights are crucial when it comes to an emergency. However, as a result of being only partners, not
spouses, homosexuals never have the chance to act on these benefits. The situation we have now is not sufficient by any means.
Furthermore, equal rights have been a problem in the workplace. Many people will not hire a homosexual for illegitimate reasons they claim are
real. Although, there are those who actually do end up making it into the workforce, a number of them still have to face the fight for benefits they
cannot receive because they are not married. Also, some gays are afraid that "coming out" will ruin their chances for a job, so they must ignore their
sexuality and become something they are not (Kafka 16). There seems to be no acceptance or even tolerance for
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Homosexuality And Homosexuality
Homosexuality is the act of developing sexual desire to people of the same sex and even engaging in sexual relations with the people of the same sex.
The theory of utilitarianism which was founded by Jeremy Bentham basically lays its foundations on the theme of morality. It advocates that morality
should only be measured by the contribution to achieve happiness and pleasure amongst all people though the maximization of utility. It is true that
happiness is relative and hence should not be in a quick conclusion that when for example I am happy then my neighbor or partner should be equally
happy too, (Crawford, J. Shakespeare That could be a hypocritical thinking which shouldn't be alive more content...
The reason being that the pedestrian contributed to the happening of the accident by failing to observe the traffic rules of using the zebra closing.
In his psychological argument that homosexuals tend to be more violent than heterosexuals, is a mere fallacy, (John,1977). This is because statistics
show that most sexual violence in the United States is committed by heterosexuals e.g. between fathers and children who are girls. It would be very
immaterial and inconsequential to claim that psychological 'deficits' on one group of people who are also judged by only their behavior without any
concrete scientific research and proof of the same, (Singer, 2006). An example is the notion that most splinters are very fast on track which doesn't
mean that they do their chores faster than an ordinary person.
The sociological debate is the most talked about argument in relation to homosexuality. The issue about the continuity of the society if all people were
gay is a contentious issue. It is true that if all people were gay then there would be no reproduction. What then makes people think that homosexuals are
wholly to be blamed yet there are catholic priests, nuns and even people who have undergone vasectomy voluntarily? The argument against
homosexuality based on the reproductivity is thus biased as the catholic priests also
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Essay about Homosexuality
Homosexuality is said to be a preference for affiliation and sexual activity with a person of the same sex. The potential for homosexual behavior
appears to be a basic part of human sexuality, since many people experience homosexual interest, curiosity, or activity at some point in their lives.
Homosexual behavior has also been observed in most animal species. Many homosexuals prefer to be called gay or, in the case of women, lesbian
because of the exclusively sexual connotation of homosexual. When individuals engage in both heterosexual and homosexual behaviors, they are said
to be bi–sexual.
A wide degree of diversity exists among the types of individuals who identify themselves as homosexuals. The more content...
states. Homosexuality occurs, however, even in societies that strongly condemn it. (Boswell 5, 120–124)
With the advent of modern psychiatry, homosexuality came to be seen more as an illness than a sin. Opinions as to the origin and nature of
homosexuality were once based solely on the study of maladjusted psychiatric patients. Theories formed from such research suggest that disorders in
family relationships, particularly between mother and son, are responsible for homosexual behavior. These theories are not convincing, not only
because they are based on the assumption that homosexuals are psychologically abnormal, but also because many heterosexuals also come from
families in which there are relationship disorders. (Thompson 12, 228) In 1973 homosexuality was removed from the American Psychiatric
Association's official list of mental disorders. Although none of the mental health professions now officially considers homosexuality an illness, there
are still prominent theorists who insist that it is. (Ruse 48) More recent theories to account for homosexuality have included those based on biological
and sociological factors. Chromosomal studies attempting to isolate genetic orientation at birth have been mostly inconclusive. Some social theories
have suggested that homosexual behavior may be an adaptive response to situations. For example, a prison inmate might participate in homosexual
activities while in prison but return to
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Essay about Homosexuality
My frustration with debate about homosexuality stems not so much from the arguments themselves, but the actual method of argument. Often, two
"experts" will approach the topic from two radically different "expert" fields. One may be a New Testament scholar and thus draws out the intricacies
of Romans 1:18–28 and the true meaning of the word "homosexual offender" (i.e. older man sleeping with a young boy) in that case. The other may be
a biologist who appeals to natural logic and reproduction to defend sex as a behavior meant for heterosexuals. Both of them are right within their own
expertise. But they cannot, then, debate, for it would be like Chuck pitching to a batter on another baseball field.
I more content...
He believes that if Paul, as a scholar, were writing today, he would take into account the revealed wisdom of genetic, social/behavioral, and cultural
research. If indeed creation reveals God's workings, as Paul admitted in Romans 1:20, Paul would incorporate creation (even creation under a
microscope) into his call for purity. Also, if cultures may intrinsically know God, then perhaps the prevalence of homosexuality in other cultures also
falls under this creationistic perspective.
He admits that his position leaves him open to accusations of arrogance, for it does not depend on a direct re–revelation from Jesus approving of
homosexuality (38). However, he also has both Jesus and the Holy Spirit to defend his approach. Jesus, indeed, reinterpreted Jewish scripture through
the lens of his own culture's needs, revealing prophecies of the Old Testament as continued and fulfilled through him. The gospels, too, are the
account of a story adapted to a particular audience. But the question remains, did that freedom of cultural interpretation cease when the Word Himself
left this world? Here, Via has the Holy Spirit to call upon. Jesus tells his disciples: "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the
truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to
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Homosexuality And Its Views On Homosexuality
In today's society, it is commonplace for one to have an exceedingly strong opinion on homosexuality. There are many different views on how accepted
homosexuality should be, with opinions varying from extremely accepting, to extremely non–accepting, with many lying somewhere in between. For
those who argue that homosexuality is wrong, there are three main stances that are most commonly taken, a logical stance, a moral stance, and a
religious stance. As views on homosexuality tend to be extremely strong, many who are opposed to the idea tend to stick dogmatically to their
views, and will not be swayed easily. However, upon close examination, these three common ways of reasoning are found to have numerous faults
and, contrary to the belief of those who oppose homosexuality, it is found to be beneficial to society, as opposed to harmful. The first way of
reasoning that may be used against homosexuality is of a logical nature, which by definition means that their argument is based on reasoning
determined by a set of principles that regulate how sound, clear, and convincing an object in question appears to be. One logical argument used to
condemn homosexuality is the idea that it is a faulty choice that people decide upon, as opposed to something that is predetermined. In this line of
reasoning, our sexuality is a choice that we can change if we so desire, with heterosexuality being the "right" choice to make, and any other option
waving from this more favourable outcome is
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Throughout history, homosexuality––a sexual attraction that exists between members of the same sex–– has been defined as a sin, a choice, an
unwanted condition, a result of being frightened by women, and a type of mental illness (Murphy, 1992). The theories surrounding homosexuality can
be classified into three broad categories: (1) pathology, indicating an illness or disease; (2) immaturity, signifying an irregular psychosexual
development; and (3) natural variation, indicating homosexuality occurs naturally (Drescher, 2015). Because of the beliefs and controversy surrounding
homosexuality throughout history, religious practitioners and psychologists developed treatment options to cure those who displayed homosexual
tendencies. The most popular type of psychological treatment developed was conversion therapy. Conversion therapy, also known as reparative
therapy, is used to change someone's gender identity or sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual (Haldeman, 2001). Different types of
treatment options for conversion therapy include psychodynamic, behavioral, hormonal, surgical, and spiritual interventions (Murphy, 1992).
The purpose of this literature review is to analyze and evaluate the research that promotes conversion therapy as an acceptable form of treatment. First,
sociohistorical context that produced different conversion strategies will be discussed. Second, exploration of various claims made about conversion
effectiveness are addressed. Third,
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Kiuana Ingram
Ms. Lemons
English IV Period 6
18 November 2013
Homosexuality Homosexuality is the sexual orientation toward people of the same sex. Female homosexuals are referred to as Lesbians. Years ago,
the term gay has been applied to both homosexual women and men. The potential for homosexual behavior appears to be a basic part of human
sexuality, since many people experience homosexual interest, curiosity, or activity at some point in their lives. Homosexual behavior has also been
observed in most animal species. Many homosexuals prefer to be called gay or, in the case of women, lesbian. When individuals engage in both
heterosexual and homosexual behaviors, they are called bisexual.
Sexual orientation refers to an more content...
Some adolescents experience continuing feelings of same–sex attraction but do not engage in any sexual activity or may engage in heterosexual
behavior for varying lengths of time. Because of the stigma associated with same–sex attractions, many youths experience same–sex attraction for many
years before becoming sexually active with partners of the same sex or disclosing their attractions to others.
The legalization of same–sex marriage has been a battle that has been raging since the late twentieth century. By not allowing same–sex marriage, the
United Sates is creating discrimination against same–sex couples. People of faith are the biggest advocates against same–sex marriages. Seeing that
there are many rights and responsibilities associated with marriage, same–sex couples are denied these and are being discriminated against. Same–sex
couples are denied the right to make decisions regarding their partner's health and medical treatment. The inability to adopt one another's children is
experienced by same–sex couples every day. Although many states have adopted civil unions, they are separate and unequal. Same–sex marriage
should be legalized to create equality and eliminate the injustice involving same–sex couples. Marriage is a basic human right for every individual.
Same sex marriage should be legalized everywhere.
Some conservatives argue that homosexuality is a
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Expectations Of Sexuality In Society
even though sexuality can be considered universal, the sexual behaviors affiliated with it offer different attitudes in various communities. Sexuality is
aligned to sexual attraction where individuals can identify themselves with a broad range of sexuality that is bisexual, gay or being lesbian. Sexuality
can change over time in a person depending on the circumstances surrounding him or her. It may be affected by the social circle and emotional
imbalances that may occur in an individual. Interestingly there exists sexual inequality among many societies in the world. As observed, many
societies encourage men to have multiple sex partners but forbid it in women. Moreover, pre–marital sex is promoted in men, but women are flaunted
if they participate in pre–marital sex. Across the globe, Western Europe has embraced certain norms in sexuality such as homosexuality whereas
African society embraces a negative attitude towards the more content...
The society already depicts the right and wrong behaviors in which men and women should adhere to, thus this already constructed norms and values
maps the right and wrongful practices of sexuality in different communities. The gender norms already prescribe the expectations of sexuality in the
society. For example, female genital mutilation is a rite of passage that detects every girl should undergo so that they can be termed as a woman and
hence eligible for marriage in the society. The circumcision practice is a gender belief or norm that is only aligned to womanhood, but it affects the
sexuality of these women. Other gender practices such as early or polygamous marriages have been the cause of what is termed as unsafe sexuality in
the society. It should be noted that gender and sexuality significantly affect the basis of any society. These gender norms have led to increasing in
disease transmission and illiterate
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Homosexuality And Its Effects On Society
Homosexuality is genetic! How can this statement be true? It is indeed true in the precise fact that Romans 3:23 points out, "for all have sinned and
fall short of the glory of God," Humanity has been cursed with being genetically embedded with sin and a sinful nature. The current worldview is that
homosexuality and multiple sexual orientations come from nature, and not nurture. This viewpoint is correct in that it is human nature to sin and seek
out one's own selfish desire. However, No one is prescribing a remedy for this sin. "Become sober–minded as you ought, and stop sinning; for some
have no knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame." (1 Corinthians 15:34) What the world has done is celebrated this sin and deceive youth through
their much–wanted desire for acceptance and identity. There is a copious amount of research out there, along with world definitions of each
orientation, and a call for acceptance of others' orientations. There is also the other side of the argument and the fundamental truths that come from the
word of God. Various resources are available to help youth leaders, teachers, parents and pastors to have a higher understanding of this cultural issue
and the solutions and treatments available for youth struggling in this area. Spiritual leaders in the home, church, and schools ought to be prepared to
teach on these topics readily, since this world, in which many youth are daily immersed, will readily present its own point of view with utter
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Homosexuality Reflection Paper
Homosexuality has become a vital topic of discussion throughout the modern world. In this paper, I talk about how my own perception regarding
homosexuality has changed over a period of time. Firstly, I will provide an overview of my cultural background and my initial understanding
regarding homosexuality. Secondly, I will elaborate on how my views and perception ofhomosexuality have evolved over time. Lastly, I will analyze
what led to my belief regarding homosexuality at first place and what catalyzed the change in those beliefs eventually. Therefore, this paper is a
reflection on my own evolution of perception regarding homosexuality.
My current view on homosexuality vastly differs from my understanding of homosexuality as a child. My views have slowly changed over the
course of many years through different exposures and learnings. I was born in a South Asian community. I do not recall knowing the term
"homosexuality" as a child. The idea of homosexuality simply did not exist in the perception of people around me. There were only two genders,
male and female. This could be one of the reasons that I never had a negative belief regarding homosexuality as I was never introduced to its
concept as a child, weather, good or bad. The concept closest to homosexuality that I remember encountering as a child was intersex. According to
Intersex Society of North America (2008), "Intersex" is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a
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Homosexuality Essay
No one knows exactly how homosexuality entered into human history. I would imagine that the practices associated with the erotic attraction of people
to one's own gender have been around since the dawn of humanity. The earliest accounts of homosexual behavior seem to be found in ancient pagan
religious practices. At least, the pagans included homosexuality in the worship of various gods. Whether the inclusion in worship was because the
practice was already a part of the society–at–large or if the pagan worship introduced the practice is impossible to determine, although some
understandings of Paul's writings argue for the latter.
Human beings began to worship many gods very early in human history. These early more content...
Male gods could plant seeds and were therefore seen as more productive than the female gods to some. When a man ejaculated his semen into another
man's anus at the shrine, he was depositing more male power to the gods. With the additional strength of the semen of many men, the god could then
insure a bountiful crop, a larger herd, and many children to care for the field. This practice grew into, not only forms of pagan worship, but also a
means of supplying money for the temple. Catamites, boys and men who were exclusively used for passive anal sex, began to serve the temples. One
must wonder whether boys were sometimes forced into this kind of sexual contact due to economic circumstances, much like their female counterparts.
Women often survived only by prostitution since they were allowed no inheritance. Orphan boys may often have found themselves in the same
Regardless, it was very early in human history that both male and female prostitutes were used in temple worship in order to raise funds for the temple,
as well as support themselves.
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece
Greek culture is often promoted as the most accepting of homosexuality. To some extent, this may be true. The Greeks developed a hedonistic attitude
toward the human body and sexuality. Although we may think of hedonism as lustful today, Greek philosophers wrote of
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The Sociological Study Of Homosexuality

  • 1. The Sociological Study Of Homosexuality Tutorial #3 Homosexuality remains one of the most important concepts in the sociological study of sexuality. It has not been proven in any way that homosexuality is induced by genetic makeup, by an individuals cultural, or societal practices. Homosexuality is defined as: one who has a sexual attraction towards someone else of the same sex. This topic will be examined with the socio conflict approach, and therefore critical sociology, due to the inequalities that have arisen in most cultures throughout the existence of the modern world, and the early modern world. Before 1960 homosexuality was not accepted in any sense in Canada, or the United Sates. Homosexuality was labeled by mental health professionals as a sickness, and a means for being Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on The Ethics of Homosexuality "All men are created equal, No matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words," Harvey Milk. A homosexual, as defined by the dictionary, is someone of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex. Homosexuality is ethical, and I will provide rational arguments for, and irrational arguments against the topic. A few objections are as follows: It is forbidden in the Bible and frowned upon by God; It is unnatural; Men and women are needed to reproduce; There are no known examples in nature; and the most common argument that concerns homosexuality is whether it is a choice or human biology. My arguments will be ignoring a major element in factoring the morality of homosexuality, more content... You're going to have to be nice to your boss to be successful at the business. Disregarding your parents' advice, you give time and compassion, later to discover there's nothing different with African Americans. Again, to make a final decision over the morality of homosexuality, it is essential to eliminate all of one's prejudices. A major reason for the fear and objection towards homosexuality is organized religion. Whether we notice it or not, we as humans follow many everyday concepts from the Bible. Examples would be, to not steal, murder, or commit adultery in marriage. The Bible also states that homosexuality is unethical and should be avoided as other sins. These are all great to follow, if you conform to the rules of the Bible. Religious back up should not be used in order to deem something wrong or unethical. It is essential to understand, to deem homosexuality ethical or not, rational decision–making must occur. One must analyze the pros and cons; if the pros outweigh the cons, homosexuality is ethical, and visa versa. One who explicitly follows an organized religion must follow the rules of a higher power (God). Getting rid of this obstacle will leave room for autonomous decisions on homosexuality, and eventually its place in good ethics. Considering the biological/choice standpoint, one must again not let their beliefs give bias to their opinions. Each and every one of us Get more content on
  • 3. Homosexuality and Christianity Essay The way people ultimately view homosexuality, whether in religion, politics or modern popular culture, is all determined by traditional or changing points of view. This essay will discuss mainly liberal and conservative Christian interpretations of the Bible, including many verses that may support or condemn homosexuality. It will also discuss the political views and laws against same–sex marriage and the social activism in the homosexual community. This is all about view points and it has many conflicting views and arguments. Conservative views are often very traditional and interpret most or all Bible passages regarding, or allegedly involving homosexuality as condemning. They interpret them as an abomination and that it is hated more content... It could also mean a citizen of the Biblical town of Sodom, one of the two towns, the other being Gomorrah, that was destroyed by God. Sodom, although was wicked and known for sexual deviation. Many Christians have picked out "clobber" passages or verses in the Bible that are supposed to undoubtedly condemn homosexuality. However, these fool–proof "clobber" passages have been contested, such as Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be put upon them." Many conservative Christians interpret this as damning homosexuality indefinitely; many liberal Christians claim it condemns gay ritual sex in a temple and males having sex in a womans bed. Another verse, Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Again, conservative Christians take this is as condemning evidence but progressive Christians take it as, again, a verse condemning gay ritual sex in a Pagan temple or men having sex in a woman's bed. In total, there are six "condemning" clobber passages, they are: Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, 1 Timothy 1:9–10, Jude 1:7. These are the most famous of all Bible passages supposedly regarding homosexuality. There are also many other minor passages that are not clear as to what Get more content on
  • 4. Thesis Statements On Homosexuality Statements on Homosexuality Homosexuality has become accepted by many in our culture today. PBS estimates that there are 9 million members of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community (Greve, Joan. "LGBT America: By the Numbers."). This makes up 3.8% of the US population. Some of these members identify as Christians. So this poses a couple of questions: does the Bible really condemn homosexuality, can you be a gay Christian, and can two people of the same sex be legitimately married? These are important questions for churches to have answers to as the LGBT movement is becoming very popular. Does the Bible really condemn homosexuality? The Bible really does condemn homosexuality. Romans 1: 24–27 says, "And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error (Holy Bible, NIV)." In this verse, it clearly states that the men who gave up loving women and started having relations with other men will receive the due penalty for their error. It was not in God's design to have people of the same sex to have relations. 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 says those who practice these kind of acts will not inherit the kingdom of God. These verses prove that the Bible condemns homosexuality. Can you be a gay Christian? In order to answer this question we need to establish that it is a sin to be gay and that this is what the Bible Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection Paper About Homosexuality When I was 22 years old, I had a best friend who was gay and Christian. Occasionally, he would ask me to go to church with him but I never would. I always turned him down thinking it would be a waste of time to go to his church since you cannot be gay and Christian. One day, after having invited me several times and getting the same rejection, he directly asked me if it was because of his sexual orientation. I contemplated whether I should tell him the truth or lie. I told him I was not comfortable going to a church that would accept a practicing homosexual. To me theBible is clear that this is an abomination and if a church not only accepted such a relationship but also condoned the behavior, then I did not want to attend. He more content... The first revelation received was that this was my story and I, too, had a heart of stone when it came to this topic; however, God was about to give me a heart of flesh. In order to do that, I had to let go of everything that I thought I knew. I had no idea that some of the Hebrew words used to condemn homosexuality were the same words to condemn temple prostitution or that the Greek word used in 1 Corinthians could also mean a type of clothing. I struggled as I did not want to let go of my preconceived notions of what was right and what was wrong. I had to focus deeply on my prayer life to make sure that I was staying exactly where God wanted me since this was all new to me. Once I was able to let go of the thinking I previously had, God allowed a new way of thinking to enter my mind. I was able to see for myself what He intended me to know. Seeing something different from what you had originally thought it was is an eye–opening experience. I can remember sitting in my prayer room contemplating and meditating on the scriptures when a sense of peace came over me. It was as if I was learning exactly what I supposed to learn all along. It is a feeling I cannot describe but one that I hope to never stop experiencing. I am grateful to my friend for forcing me to overcome my naГЇvety to come to a greater Truth. I had to first admit that I could be wrong, then I had to examine the Scriptures Get more content on
  • 6. Homosexuality : Homosexuality And Identity Homosexuality has been a questionable topic discussed in the United States for years. Over the years, we have seen a growing studies regarding homosexuality. Homosexuality is becoming a question of science or morale. So, is homosexuality and identity or a behavior? Identity is defined as who someone is or the qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person or group different from others. Behavior is defined as the manner of conducting oneself or the way a person or animal acts or behave. Homosexuality is an identity, because it is something that one defines themselves as. A person cannot "act" or "perform" homosexual or control themselves as "homosexual". Homosexuality is attraction or relating to, or having a sexual more content... Although many from an early age, they felt like they were "different" from others people or they felt like outcasts; these people live as a transgender or asexual style of living. They might feel irregular, like they don't fit in the world where many has heterosexual mind set. Heterosexual is defined as the sexual attraction to the opposite sex, or "straight" (Merriam–Webster, Intl. Science Vocabulary 1892). Anybody who isn't identified as a heterosexual, does not fit the heterosexual lifestyle and that goes for homosexual, asexual, transsexual too. A person who afraid of the opposite sex or lack of social skills I believe should not be labeled as "homosexual" due to their lack of behaviors. Identity and interest have a stronger relationship than attraction and behaviors; however people tend to grow into labels. According to Frank Worthen of the Free Ministry Organization, "The majority of homosexuals believe they were born "gay." This assumption often supply pleasure, ease them from any responsibility to development. However, there is no set evidence or study that people are born a homosexual. A great number of gay people are ultimately normally genetically. This article also states homosexuality can be a learned behavior. Worthen says "Behaviors turn into identity once they have been repeated and claimed as part of someone's personality. Although it is not genetic, it is mentally embedded as an identity. Sexuality is a self–capacity for sexual Get more content on
  • 7. The Effects Of Homosexuality Homosexuality seems to be a major phenomenon that has been around for centuries, but as the world becomes more modernize there has been a rapid increase in the number of homosexuals. Homosexuality is something that was alienated because people did not understand and know how to feel towards it, as it was not normal. In today's society homosexuality has become normalize and many people are accepting of it while some are still not. Homosexuality has been accepted and protected by some countries while others prohibit it. The most common debate of this issue prevails within the disagreement of same–sex relationships from the views of society, homosexuals, the Christian church, and scientist's biological theories. Homosexuality is not something that just affects adults and adolescents, but children also. Many children are claiming to be homosexuals at more content... So if is raised in an environment where homosexuality is frown up on it is most likely that this individual would not go down the part of homosexuality because of one's environment where it the cultural, moral, family or peer group environment. However, the factor of child sexual abuse was a bit challenging because some evidences suggested that it can cause homosexuality while disapprove of this factor. One would say that the maybe the severity of the trauma on victim and the victims coping skills maybe more of a factor in the developing of sexual orientation. All in all, personal choice is the biggest factor in homosexuality because every practicing homosexual makes a choice to engage in homosexual fantasy or to have gay sex, it is not force up on them. Remember that each individual is responsible for one's own destiny but remember that the psychosocial factor still plays a vital role in Get more content on
  • 8. Homosexuality : Homosexuality And Homosexuality Kendall Bridges Mrs. Vest English 12 10 April 2015 You Wouldn 't Understand, You 're Not Gay Homosexuality is one of the most sensitive and talked about subjects among society today. Heterosexuals keep their mouths open negatively about gays. Whereas homosexuals decide to keep their lips sealed on the subject. Most straight individuals are ignorant to the fact and the being gay is all negative. They make up their own minds to not understand what it is about. They discriminate homosexuals everyday and some degrade homosexual without even knowing that they are doing so. Homosexuals are denied their right or even have them taken away just because of who they are. What is homosexuality? Homosexuality is the act of being attracted to the same sex, whether it 's on a sexual, physical, or maybe even an emotional level. This sensitive topic is always misunderstood. When the world hears they word "gay" they suddenly think the worst. Fists lines a homosexual could hear is that, Homosexuality is a mental illness, homosexuality is a choice, homosexuals are prone to catching and spreading diseases, an maybe even hear that God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve. They may even hear that gays and lesbians have more partners sexually the an individual who is attracted to the opposite sex. It 's been said that gay individuals or couples are not as good of parents as a parent or parents that are attracted to the opposite sex because they are "introducing" their child Get more content on
  • 9. Homosexuality and Human Rights Essay Have you ever been treated so unfairly, but knew there was very little you could do to change it? If so, then you know exactly how many of the homosexuals in the world feel about the right to marry. Many homosexuals feel that this right has been kept just out of reach for them, due to others who despise them. These individuals believe that being gay is wrong, immoral and disgusting; but this is definitely not the case. Gay marriage should be allowed in the United States because this decision supports the idea of equal rights, the effectiveness of children with homosexual parents, and this act would do no harm to society. As stipulated in the definition of Equal Rights, the bill of rights contains ten amendments. It is inside more content... Those weren't acceptable answers to women who worked for full equality at the turn of the 19th Century... and they aren't acceptable answers to the lesbian and gay communities who are working for legal equality–– including marriage equality at the dawn of the new millennium. (27) Marriage is not the only right that gays want, but also any other rights that they are entitled to. In 2004, the US general accounting office found that exactly 1, 138 federal benefits are granted to married couples including filing joint tax returns and inheriting each other's Social Security and pension benefits when one spouse dies (Kafka 25). These rights are crucial when it comes to an emergency. However, as a result of being only partners, not spouses, homosexuals never have the chance to act on these benefits. The situation we have now is not sufficient by any means. Furthermore, equal rights have been a problem in the workplace. Many people will not hire a homosexual for illegitimate reasons they claim are real. Although, there are those who actually do end up making it into the workforce, a number of them still have to face the fight for benefits they cannot receive because they are not married. Also, some gays are afraid that "coming out" will ruin their chances for a job, so they must ignore their sexuality and become something they are not (Kafka 16). There seems to be no acceptance or even tolerance for Get more content on
  • 10. Homosexuality And Homosexuality HOMOSEXUALITY IN LIGHT OF UTILITARIANISM Homosexuality is the act of developing sexual desire to people of the same sex and even engaging in sexual relations with the people of the same sex. The theory of utilitarianism which was founded by Jeremy Bentham basically lays its foundations on the theme of morality. It advocates that morality should only be measured by the contribution to achieve happiness and pleasure amongst all people though the maximization of utility. It is true that happiness is relative and hence should not be in a quick conclusion that when for example I am happy then my neighbor or partner should be equally happy too, (Crawford, J. Shakespeare That could be a hypocritical thinking which shouldn't be alive more content... The reason being that the pedestrian contributed to the happening of the accident by failing to observe the traffic rules of using the zebra closing. In his psychological argument that homosexuals tend to be more violent than heterosexuals, is a mere fallacy, (John,1977). This is because statistics show that most sexual violence in the United States is committed by heterosexuals e.g. between fathers and children who are girls. It would be very immaterial and inconsequential to claim that psychological 'deficits' on one group of people who are also judged by only their behavior without any concrete scientific research and proof of the same, (Singer, 2006). An example is the notion that most splinters are very fast on track which doesn't mean that they do their chores faster than an ordinary person. The sociological debate is the most talked about argument in relation to homosexuality. The issue about the continuity of the society if all people were gay is a contentious issue. It is true that if all people were gay then there would be no reproduction. What then makes people think that homosexuals are wholly to be blamed yet there are catholic priests, nuns and even people who have undergone vasectomy voluntarily? The argument against homosexuality based on the reproductivity is thus biased as the catholic priests also Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality is said to be a preference for affiliation and sexual activity with a person of the same sex. The potential for homosexual behavior appears to be a basic part of human sexuality, since many people experience homosexual interest, curiosity, or activity at some point in their lives. Homosexual behavior has also been observed in most animal species. Many homosexuals prefer to be called gay or, in the case of women, lesbian because of the exclusively sexual connotation of homosexual. When individuals engage in both heterosexual and homosexual behaviors, they are said to be bi–sexual. A wide degree of diversity exists among the types of individuals who identify themselves as homosexuals. The more content... states. Homosexuality occurs, however, even in societies that strongly condemn it. (Boswell 5, 120–124) With the advent of modern psychiatry, homosexuality came to be seen more as an illness than a sin. Opinions as to the origin and nature of homosexuality were once based solely on the study of maladjusted psychiatric patients. Theories formed from such research suggest that disorders in family relationships, particularly between mother and son, are responsible for homosexual behavior. These theories are not convincing, not only because they are based on the assumption that homosexuals are psychologically abnormal, but also because many heterosexuals also come from families in which there are relationship disorders. (Thompson 12, 228) In 1973 homosexuality was removed from the American Psychiatric Association's official list of mental disorders. Although none of the mental health professions now officially considers homosexuality an illness, there are still prominent theorists who insist that it is. (Ruse 48) More recent theories to account for homosexuality have included those based on biological and sociological factors. Chromosomal studies attempting to isolate genetic orientation at birth have been mostly inconclusive. Some social theories have suggested that homosexual behavior may be an adaptive response to situations. For example, a prison inmate might participate in homosexual activities while in prison but return to Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Homosexuality Homosexuality My frustration with debate about homosexuality stems not so much from the arguments themselves, but the actual method of argument. Often, two "experts" will approach the topic from two radically different "expert" fields. One may be a New Testament scholar and thus draws out the intricacies of Romans 1:18–28 and the true meaning of the word "homosexual offender" (i.e. older man sleeping with a young boy) in that case. The other may be a biologist who appeals to natural logic and reproduction to defend sex as a behavior meant for heterosexuals. Both of them are right within their own expertise. But they cannot, then, debate, for it would be like Chuck pitching to a batter on another baseball field. I more content... He believes that if Paul, as a scholar, were writing today, he would take into account the revealed wisdom of genetic, social/behavioral, and cultural research. If indeed creation reveals God's workings, as Paul admitted in Romans 1:20, Paul would incorporate creation (even creation under a microscope) into his call for purity. Also, if cultures may intrinsically know God, then perhaps the prevalence of homosexuality in other cultures also falls under this creationistic perspective. He admits that his position leaves him open to accusations of arrogance, for it does not depend on a direct re–revelation from Jesus approving of homosexuality (38). However, he also has both Jesus and the Holy Spirit to defend his approach. Jesus, indeed, reinterpreted Jewish scripture through the lens of his own culture's needs, revealing prophecies of the Old Testament as continued and fulfilled through him. The gospels, too, are the account of a story adapted to a particular audience. But the question remains, did that freedom of cultural interpretation cease when the Word Himself left this world? Here, Via has the Holy Spirit to call upon. Jesus tells his disciples: "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to Get more content on
  • 13. Homosexuality And Its Views On Homosexuality In today's society, it is commonplace for one to have an exceedingly strong opinion on homosexuality. There are many different views on how accepted homosexuality should be, with opinions varying from extremely accepting, to extremely non–accepting, with many lying somewhere in between. For those who argue that homosexuality is wrong, there are three main stances that are most commonly taken, a logical stance, a moral stance, and a religious stance. As views on homosexuality tend to be extremely strong, many who are opposed to the idea tend to stick dogmatically to their views, and will not be swayed easily. However, upon close examination, these three common ways of reasoning are found to have numerous faults and, contrary to the belief of those who oppose homosexuality, it is found to be beneficial to society, as opposed to harmful. The first way of reasoning that may be used against homosexuality is of a logical nature, which by definition means that their argument is based on reasoning determined by a set of principles that regulate how sound, clear, and convincing an object in question appears to be. One logical argument used to condemn homosexuality is the idea that it is a faulty choice that people decide upon, as opposed to something that is predetermined. In this line of reasoning, our sexuality is a choice that we can change if we so desire, with heterosexuality being the "right" choice to make, and any other option waving from this more favourable outcome is Get more content on
  • 14. Throughout history, homosexuality––a sexual attraction that exists between members of the same sex–– has been defined as a sin, a choice, an unwanted condition, a result of being frightened by women, and a type of mental illness (Murphy, 1992). The theories surrounding homosexuality can be classified into three broad categories: (1) pathology, indicating an illness or disease; (2) immaturity, signifying an irregular psychosexual development; and (3) natural variation, indicating homosexuality occurs naturally (Drescher, 2015). Because of the beliefs and controversy surrounding homosexuality throughout history, religious practitioners and psychologists developed treatment options to cure those who displayed homosexual tendencies. The most popular type of psychological treatment developed was conversion therapy. Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, is used to change someone's gender identity or sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual (Haldeman, 2001). Different types of treatment options for conversion therapy include psychodynamic, behavioral, hormonal, surgical, and spiritual interventions (Murphy, 1992). The purpose of this literature review is to analyze and evaluate the research that promotes conversion therapy as an acceptable form of treatment. First, sociohistorical context that produced different conversion strategies will be discussed. Second, exploration of various claims made about conversion effectiveness are addressed. Third, Get more content on
  • 15. Homosexuality Kiuana Ingram Ms. Lemons English IV Period 6 18 November 2013 Homosexuality Homosexuality is the sexual orientation toward people of the same sex. Female homosexuals are referred to as Lesbians. Years ago, the term gay has been applied to both homosexual women and men. The potential for homosexual behavior appears to be a basic part of human sexuality, since many people experience homosexual interest, curiosity, or activity at some point in their lives. Homosexual behavior has also been observed in most animal species. Many homosexuals prefer to be called gay or, in the case of women, lesbian. When individuals engage in both heterosexual and homosexual behaviors, they are called bisexual. Sexual orientation refers to an more content... Some adolescents experience continuing feelings of same–sex attraction but do not engage in any sexual activity or may engage in heterosexual behavior for varying lengths of time. Because of the stigma associated with same–sex attractions, many youths experience same–sex attraction for many years before becoming sexually active with partners of the same sex or disclosing their attractions to others. The legalization of same–sex marriage has been a battle that has been raging since the late twentieth century. By not allowing same–sex marriage, the United Sates is creating discrimination against same–sex couples. People of faith are the biggest advocates against same–sex marriages. Seeing that there are many rights and responsibilities associated with marriage, same–sex couples are denied these and are being discriminated against. Same–sex couples are denied the right to make decisions regarding their partner's health and medical treatment. The inability to adopt one another's children is experienced by same–sex couples every day. Although many states have adopted civil unions, they are separate and unequal. Same–sex marriage should be legalized to create equality and eliminate the injustice involving same–sex couples. Marriage is a basic human right for every individual. Same sex marriage should be legalized everywhere. Some conservatives argue that homosexuality is a Get more content on
  • 16. Expectations Of Sexuality In Society even though sexuality can be considered universal, the sexual behaviors affiliated with it offer different attitudes in various communities. Sexuality is aligned to sexual attraction where individuals can identify themselves with a broad range of sexuality that is bisexual, gay or being lesbian. Sexuality can change over time in a person depending on the circumstances surrounding him or her. It may be affected by the social circle and emotional imbalances that may occur in an individual. Interestingly there exists sexual inequality among many societies in the world. As observed, many societies encourage men to have multiple sex partners but forbid it in women. Moreover, pre–marital sex is promoted in men, but women are flaunted if they participate in pre–marital sex. Across the globe, Western Europe has embraced certain norms in sexuality such as homosexuality whereas African society embraces a negative attitude towards the more content... The society already depicts the right and wrong behaviors in which men and women should adhere to, thus this already constructed norms and values maps the right and wrongful practices of sexuality in different communities. The gender norms already prescribe the expectations of sexuality in the society. For example, female genital mutilation is a rite of passage that detects every girl should undergo so that they can be termed as a woman and hence eligible for marriage in the society. The circumcision practice is a gender belief or norm that is only aligned to womanhood, but it affects the sexuality of these women. Other gender practices such as early or polygamous marriages have been the cause of what is termed as unsafe sexuality in the society. It should be noted that gender and sexuality significantly affect the basis of any society. These gender norms have led to increasing in disease transmission and illiterate Get more content on
  • 17. Homosexuality And Its Effects On Society Homosexuality is genetic! How can this statement be true? It is indeed true in the precise fact that Romans 3:23 points out, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Humanity has been cursed with being genetically embedded with sin and a sinful nature. The current worldview is that homosexuality and multiple sexual orientations come from nature, and not nurture. This viewpoint is correct in that it is human nature to sin and seek out one's own selfish desire. However, No one is prescribing a remedy for this sin. "Become sober–minded as you ought, and stop sinning; for some have no knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame." (1 Corinthians 15:34) What the world has done is celebrated this sin and deceive youth through their much–wanted desire for acceptance and identity. There is a copious amount of research out there, along with world definitions of each orientation, and a call for acceptance of others' orientations. There is also the other side of the argument and the fundamental truths that come from the word of God. Various resources are available to help youth leaders, teachers, parents and pastors to have a higher understanding of this cultural issue and the solutions and treatments available for youth struggling in this area. Spiritual leaders in the home, church, and schools ought to be prepared to teach on these topics readily, since this world, in which many youth are daily immersed, will readily present its own point of view with utter Get more content on
  • 18. Homosexuality Reflection Paper Homosexuality has become a vital topic of discussion throughout the modern world. In this paper, I talk about how my own perception regarding homosexuality has changed over a period of time. Firstly, I will provide an overview of my cultural background and my initial understanding regarding homosexuality. Secondly, I will elaborate on how my views and perception ofhomosexuality have evolved over time. Lastly, I will analyze what led to my belief regarding homosexuality at first place and what catalyzed the change in those beliefs eventually. Therefore, this paper is a reflection on my own evolution of perception regarding homosexuality. My current view on homosexuality vastly differs from my understanding of homosexuality as a child. My views have slowly changed over the course of many years through different exposures and learnings. I was born in a South Asian community. I do not recall knowing the term "homosexuality" as a child. The idea of homosexuality simply did not exist in the perception of people around me. There were only two genders, male and female. This could be one of the reasons that I never had a negative belief regarding homosexuality as I was never introduced to its concept as a child, weather, good or bad. The concept closest to homosexuality that I remember encountering as a child was intersex. According to Intersex Society of North America (2008), "Intersex" is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a Get more content on
  • 19. Homosexuality Essay Homosexuality No one knows exactly how homosexuality entered into human history. I would imagine that the practices associated with the erotic attraction of people to one's own gender have been around since the dawn of humanity. The earliest accounts of homosexual behavior seem to be found in ancient pagan religious practices. At least, the pagans included homosexuality in the worship of various gods. Whether the inclusion in worship was because the practice was already a part of the society–at–large or if the pagan worship introduced the practice is impossible to determine, although some understandings of Paul's writings argue for the latter. Human beings began to worship many gods very early in human history. These early more content... Male gods could plant seeds and were therefore seen as more productive than the female gods to some. When a man ejaculated his semen into another man's anus at the shrine, he was depositing more male power to the gods. With the additional strength of the semen of many men, the god could then insure a bountiful crop, a larger herd, and many children to care for the field. This practice grew into, not only forms of pagan worship, but also a means of supplying money for the temple. Catamites, boys and men who were exclusively used for passive anal sex, began to serve the temples. One must wonder whether boys were sometimes forced into this kind of sexual contact due to economic circumstances, much like their female counterparts. Women often survived only by prostitution since they were allowed no inheritance. Orphan boys may often have found themselves in the same predicament. Regardless, it was very early in human history that both male and female prostitutes were used in temple worship in order to raise funds for the temple, as well as support themselves. Homosexuality in Ancient Greece Greek culture is often promoted as the most accepting of homosexuality. To some extent, this may be true. The Greeks developed a hedonistic attitude toward the human body and sexuality. Although we may think of hedonism as lustful today, Greek philosophers wrote of
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