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The Seers vs the Naysayers
December 2015
This Power Point Presentation
shall prove that the foreseers or
visionaries are more blessed than
the late-seers
who are mostly the initial naysayers.
This can change your eyes!
For the better!
Two Kinds of Seers
• There are two kinds of seers: the first seers or foreseers and the late-seers (who are usually the initial naysayers).
• Two kinds of group: “TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE” and “TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE.”
• There are two kinds of people as far as eyes is concerned. First, "TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE" -- those who can "believe
without seeing" it with their two physical eyes first -- those who believe because their third eye, eye of the mind, sees
it. Before the idea or invention becomes a mass production, this group of men acts first, so they become the inventor,
the investors, the owners, ahead of the group who becomes the customers.
• The second group of "seers“ are better be called “Lateseers” because initially they are the “Naysayers” – they refused
to invest their time, trust and money for the idea which was not yet a physical reality. They are those who belong to
the "TO SEE FIRST (with their two physical eyes) IS TO BELIEVE."
• Perhaps because previously they experienced frustration or disappointment of believing too soon, they rejected to
"BELIEVE BEFORE THEY SEE IT WITH THEIR OWN TWO EYES" -- they have stopped believing something, some promise,
some idea, before they become (physical) reality. Not bad. But in some cases, they will be too late to become the
inventor or the owner or investor, and would end up being shown with the prototype or sample in the showroom -- in
others words, because they disbelieved and waited too long, they end up as the customers, while those who believe
early enough while only their mental eye saw it, became the owners or businessmen of the product.
• So, this does not only apply to spiritual things. This too applies to material things.
• The visionary Jacob saw the birthright only with his own mental eyes, no physical proof yet, the birthright being a
future blessing, appreciated it, even coveted it.
• On the other hand, his twin Esau who had the first right to the birthright, did not appreciate it, that is, did not see or
grasp the magnitude of the glory of the wealth the birthright would bring to his descendants, looked after his own
present only, sold the birthright to his twin brother Jacob for a bowl of porridge, and lost it, confining his descendants
to a future of rocky mountains, instead of a land flowing of milk and honey which the descendants of Jacob enjoyed up
to the present.
• Repeatedly, Jesus said, More blessed shall be those who believe even if they did not see it with their eyes or before
they could see it with their two physical eyes.
• The Jacobs -- the visionaries -- shall be more blessed because they will invest first for the promotion of CFRE or CFHRE
(Clean, Free, Renewable Energy) or (Clean, Free, Healing, Renewable Energy).
• I am not saying "Not blessed are the initial disbelievers" – the initial naysayers – the will become hopefully the
lateseers, but more blessed shall be those who see the tremendous implications the Aviso eCar, for example, shall
bring about to him and to his nation and to the world. Those who are too cautious, and do not decide to take the risks,
will be confined to the larger group, named "market"! These are the Esaus. These are the present initial naysayers and
the late-seers.
• Those who are now the seers shall be the next Lucio Tan, the Henry Sy, the Bill Gates, the Steve Jobs in the near future!
Two Kinds of Seers
• There are two kinds of seers: the first seers or foreseers and
the late-seers (who are usually the initial naysayers).
• Two kinds of group: “TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE” and “TO SEE IS TO
• There are two kinds of people as far as eyes is concerned.
First, "TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE" -- those who can "believe
without seeing" it with their two physical eyes first -- those
who believe because their third eye, eye of the mind, sees it.
Before the idea or invention becomes a mass production, this
group of men acts first, so they become the inventor, the
investors, the owners, ahead of the group who becomes the
• The second group of "seers“ are better be called “Lateseers”
because initially they are the “Naysayers” – they refused to
invest their time, trust and money for the idea which was not
yet a physical reality. They are those who belong to the "TO
SEE FIRST (with their two physical eyes) IS TO BELIEVE."
Two Kinds of Seers
• Perhaps because previously they experienced
frustration or disappointment of believing too
soon, they rejected to "BELIEVE BEFORE THEY SEE
stopped believing something, some promise, some
idea, before they become (physical) reality. Not
bad. But in some cases, they will be too late to
become the inventor or the owner or investor, and
would end up being shown with the prototype or
sample in the showroom -- in others words,
because they disbelieved and waited too long, they
end up as the customers, while those who believe
early enough while only their mental eye saw it,
became the owners or businessmen of the product.
• So, this does not only apply to spiritual things. This
too applies to material things.
The seer or visionary relies on his third eye, not on his
two physical eyes
• The visionary Jacob of the Bible, the forefather of the white
nations, saw the birthright only with his own mental eye,
no physical proof yet, the birthright being a future blessing,
appreciated it, even coveted it.
• On the other hand, his twin brother Esau who had the first
right to the birthright, did not appreciate it, that is, did not
see or grasp the magnitude of the glory of the wealth the
birthright would bring to his descendants, looked after his
own present need only, sold the birthright to his twin
brother Jacob for a bowl of porridge, and lost it, confining
his descendants to a future of rocky mountains (Turkey),
instead of “a land flowing of milk and honey” (e.g.,
Canaan, America) which the descendants of Jacob enjoyed
up to the present.
More blessed shall be those who believe without seeing it yet
• Repeatedly, Jesus said, More blessed shall be those who believe even if they did
not see it yet with their eyes or before they could see it with their two physical
• The Jacobs -- the visionaries -- shall be more blessed because they will invest first
for the promotion of, as a classic and most relevant example, CFRE or CFHRE
(Clean, Free, Renewable Energy) or (Clean, Free, Healing, Renewable Energy).
• They are quick and willing to abandon the old dirty energy (gasoline) which is
polluting the planet’s air, waters, foods, soils, etc. and causing many diseases.
• I am not saying "Not blessed are the initial disbelievers" – the initial naysayers – if
the become the late-seers – yeah, the naysayers will become hopefully the
lateseers, but more blessed shall be those who see the tremendous implications
the Aviso eCar, for example, shall bring about to him and to his nation and to the
world’… before it happens… and actively join the small group who makes it
Not being a Risktaker can be disadvantageous
• Those who are too cautious, and do not decide to take the
risks, will be confined to the larger group, named "market"!
These are the Esaus. These are the present initial naysayers
and the late-seers... And the future customers. Not too bad.
• But more blessed are those who are the foreseers --
• Those who are now the seers shall be the next Lucio Tan,
the Henry Sy, the Bill Gates, the Steve Jobs in the near
• And if they also act likewise in their spiritual life, then,
these seers or foreseers shall be the ones who will enter
the Kingdom of God…when it will be installed here on
Earth, and the old Earth becomes the New Earth… the
Paradise Restored!
Famous Examples of the Disadvantage of Lateseers:
• The late Philippine president Manuel Quezon did not see
(foresee) the future of the invention of Agapito Flores.
– The USA (GE) saw it. GE fluorescent.
– Holland (Philips) saw it too. Philips fluorescent.
• Recently, Filipino engineer, Daniel Dingel, invented a water-
fueled car. The Philippines government is still blind.
• We will be more blessed to operate without the
government. Let the government (of naysayers and
lateseers) be phased out and let our clans – our family
system – take over the government and connect it directly
to the Family of the Universe!
• We have already a New Constitution published at and
• Long live a new emerging nation of FORESEERS! A new
nation of visionaries!
• From the standpoint of where we are year
2015 with lots of calamities, illnesses and in
dire poverty), looking back and seeing how
much prosperity have the Americans and the
Dutch peoples enjoyed when employed by GE
America and Dutch Philips, thanks to Agapito's
Fluorescent lamp, WE SEE BY THE EFFECTS
• And because of his stupidity, Filipino families
missed the big and steady income that we
could have used in further harnessing our
natural resources such as land into FOOD
and our human resources (talents) into great
enterprises like Sony and Apple that based
their great corporations from the music and
electronic talents of their founders and
Lack of foresight (vision) pushes the nation into
the canal of poverty
• What happened instead to the Philippines, we
missed it and so our lands are undeveloped,
like our talents... and what we have only is our
physical strength to offer as caregivers, as
slaves, as servants, of hard masters in the
Middle East, etc. and worse, our women have
been using their bodies as entertainers a.k.a.
prostitutes to feed their own husbands and
children left in the Philippines!!!
Visionary Leader is a Must!
• Do you see NOW how important is a visionary
leader? One who can see and create the
future with his mind’s eye and with his heart?
• List the names of our presidents, from Quezon
to Pinoy - who of them has used his/her
mental eye, or third eye in seeing, not ghosts,
but a beautiful future for his/her people?
Iceland vs Philippines
• Take the good example of the leaders of Iceland, who way back
some three decades or four ago -- they decided to stop their use of
dirty energy (gasoline) and dared to rely on energy from the oceans
and geothermal plants -- and what they have achieved? From being
one of the poorest countries of Europe, Iceland is now rated as the
No. 4 best economy!
• And that we have not done despite the fact that in resources we are
by far very rich compared to Iceland. We have the unlimited sun to
give us solar power! We have more winds to help us also power our
machines! We have an unlimited supply of the deuterium in the
Philippine Deep which is far, far better than gasoline!
“There is no barren land, only barren mind”
• We have a volcanic soil that can produce the most delicious fruits to
feed our people and the world! 15 million hectares of the country’s
total land area are still not given to the people, classified as timberland
or forest land or government land, but left as (1) forest (hiding place of
the NPAs who are supported with money and guns by the capitalists to
continue and sustain their divide and rule tactic) and (2) least
productive pasture land where each renter rents an average of 400
hectares, at the rate of mere P1.00 per hectare per year – is that
wisdom? Is that productivity?
• I would suggest that it be better given to our landless families at 5
hectares each, to be its stewards, and apply the technology known as
Permaculture (see Youtube for the videos) which can turn even the
desert into a rose! Yes, it is proven in China, Rwanda, Jordan, Ethiopia,
etc. – the Permaculturists led by John Liu et al have turned – read:
converted! -- huge area of the deserts as huge as New Zealand into
lush and beautiful FOOD FORESTS AND FIELDS!!!
• This reminds me of the verse in the Book of Isaiah (Old Testament,
Holy Bible): And the desert shall bloom like a rose!
• God is empowering His children to restore the beauty of the Earth!
Philippines, a Land of Blind Guiding the Blind
One of the most important things the Filipino voters must do, if they want to get out of the
present misery they are in, is this: be clear of what they want, and insist that candidates for
president and other positions will deliver what they want or else vote them out... or still better,
grind them while they do the election campaign, by requiring them to lay down their platforms
and above all, let them explain in great details how they are going to achieve their platforms.
If they cannot clearly lay down the strategies and clearly explain their plans showing us how
we are going to reach our destinations (goals, visions), then that is a clear proof – a sure sign – of
lack of wisdom and skill – lack of qualifications - that such candidate is blind -- another Manual L.
We are a nation whose people are blind and guided by blind, and both fall into the ditch!
Perfect example of what Jesus spoke about THE BLIND GUIDING THE BLIND.
One of the most important things the Filipino voters must do, if they want to get out of the
present misery they are in, is this: be clear of what they want, and insist that candidates for
president and other positions will deliver what they want or else vote them out... or still better,
grind them while they do the election campaign, by requiring them to lay down their platforms
and above all, let them explain in great details how they are going to achieve their platforms.
If they cannot clearly lay down the strategies and clearly explain their plans showing us how
we are going to reach our destinations (goals, visions), then that is a clear proof – a sure sign – of
lack of wisdom and skill – lack of qualifications - that such candidate is blind -- another Manual L.
We are a nation whose people are blind and guided by blind, and both fall into the ditch!
Perfect example of what Jesus spoke about THE BLIND GUIDING THE BLIND.
Why Filipinos are naïve, stupid and gullible?
Why we are like that? Because we did not listen to Jesus' advice – we did not take
it seriously his important counsel: Be wise as a serpent, and not just blameless as a
dove. It is wisdom that can give us all good kinds of riches that will last while in this
life and that will last when we will be in the other side.
Now, if we did not listen to Jesus Christ, what kind of Christians we are?
I do not think Jesus will punish us, for God is Love, but I do think that WHAT WE
SOWED WE REAP. So if we sowed stupidity or blindness, we are now reaping lots of
bad effects: illnesses, poverty, misery, calamities after calamities, homelessness,
family-lessness, OFWism a.k.a. cruel employment, slavery, you name it!
While other nations are exploiting our natural resources here at home and
raping our human resources abroad!
See the result of claiming to be Christians but not obeying what Christ had told
us, namely: To strive to be wise (not bright, but wise) as a serpent or eagle.
Wisdom, not knowledge!
Our stupid schools give knowledge, not wisdom. So that is why we are in this
mess!!! Our churches are busy controlling their members, so they failed to free them
to become wise men and women. They belong to the blind group.
Mass Media Not Useful
• Mass media is another agency that sees nothing but that
which can make people cowards and fearful. All they can do
is report and report the bad news and increase the fear and
hopelessness of the people. Farther weakening the nation
by creative a negative collective mind.
• Mass media men are therefore creators of a nation who
minds and hearts are full of fear, sorrows, hopelessness,
frustrations, anger, hatred, hostility by one religion against
the other, etc. --- who of you can tell me that a nation of
negative thoughts, emotions and attitudes will prosper?
The Seers (First-seers) vs the Naysayers (Late-seers)

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The Seers (First-seers) vs the Naysayers (Late-seers)

  • 1. The Seers vs the Naysayers (Lateseers) AGAPE FOUNDATION (AGASOFT) December 2015
  • 2. This Power Point Presentation shall prove that the foreseers or visionaries are more blessed than the late-seers who are mostly the initial naysayers.
  • 3. This can change your eyes! For the better!
  • 4. Two Kinds of Seers • There are two kinds of seers: the first seers or foreseers and the late-seers (who are usually the initial naysayers). • Two kinds of group: “TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE” and “TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE.” • There are two kinds of people as far as eyes is concerned. First, "TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE" -- those who can "believe without seeing" it with their two physical eyes first -- those who believe because their third eye, eye of the mind, sees it. Before the idea or invention becomes a mass production, this group of men acts first, so they become the inventor, the investors, the owners, ahead of the group who becomes the customers. • The second group of "seers“ are better be called “Lateseers” because initially they are the “Naysayers” – they refused to invest their time, trust and money for the idea which was not yet a physical reality. They are those who belong to the "TO SEE FIRST (with their two physical eyes) IS TO BELIEVE." • Perhaps because previously they experienced frustration or disappointment of believing too soon, they rejected to "BELIEVE BEFORE THEY SEE IT WITH THEIR OWN TWO EYES" -- they have stopped believing something, some promise, some idea, before they become (physical) reality. Not bad. But in some cases, they will be too late to become the inventor or the owner or investor, and would end up being shown with the prototype or sample in the showroom -- in others words, because they disbelieved and waited too long, they end up as the customers, while those who believe early enough while only their mental eye saw it, became the owners or businessmen of the product. • So, this does not only apply to spiritual things. This too applies to material things. • The visionary Jacob saw the birthright only with his own mental eyes, no physical proof yet, the birthright being a future blessing, appreciated it, even coveted it. • On the other hand, his twin Esau who had the first right to the birthright, did not appreciate it, that is, did not see or grasp the magnitude of the glory of the wealth the birthright would bring to his descendants, looked after his own present only, sold the birthright to his twin brother Jacob for a bowl of porridge, and lost it, confining his descendants to a future of rocky mountains, instead of a land flowing of milk and honey which the descendants of Jacob enjoyed up to the present. • Repeatedly, Jesus said, More blessed shall be those who believe even if they did not see it with their eyes or before they could see it with their two physical eyes. • The Jacobs -- the visionaries -- shall be more blessed because they will invest first for the promotion of CFRE or CFHRE (Clean, Free, Renewable Energy) or (Clean, Free, Healing, Renewable Energy). • I am not saying "Not blessed are the initial disbelievers" – the initial naysayers – the will become hopefully the lateseers, but more blessed shall be those who see the tremendous implications the Aviso eCar, for example, shall bring about to him and to his nation and to the world. Those who are too cautious, and do not decide to take the risks, will be confined to the larger group, named "market"! These are the Esaus. These are the present initial naysayers and the late-seers. • Those who are now the seers shall be the next Lucio Tan, the Henry Sy, the Bill Gates, the Steve Jobs in the near future!
  • 5. Two Kinds of Seers • There are two kinds of seers: the first seers or foreseers and the late-seers (who are usually the initial naysayers). • Two kinds of group: “TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE” and “TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE.” • There are two kinds of people as far as eyes is concerned. First, "TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE" -- those who can "believe without seeing" it with their two physical eyes first -- those who believe because their third eye, eye of the mind, sees it. Before the idea or invention becomes a mass production, this group of men acts first, so they become the inventor, the investors, the owners, ahead of the group who becomes the customers. • The second group of "seers“ are better be called “Lateseers” because initially they are the “Naysayers” – they refused to invest their time, trust and money for the idea which was not yet a physical reality. They are those who belong to the "TO SEE FIRST (with their two physical eyes) IS TO BELIEVE."
  • 6. Two Kinds of Seers • Perhaps because previously they experienced frustration or disappointment of believing too soon, they rejected to "BELIEVE BEFORE THEY SEE IT WITH THEIR OWN TWO EYES" -- they have stopped believing something, some promise, some idea, before they become (physical) reality. Not bad. But in some cases, they will be too late to become the inventor or the owner or investor, and would end up being shown with the prototype or sample in the showroom -- in others words, because they disbelieved and waited too long, they end up as the customers, while those who believe early enough while only their mental eye saw it, became the owners or businessmen of the product. • So, this does not only apply to spiritual things. This too applies to material things.
  • 7. The seer or visionary relies on his third eye, not on his two physical eyes • The visionary Jacob of the Bible, the forefather of the white nations, saw the birthright only with his own mental eye, no physical proof yet, the birthright being a future blessing, appreciated it, even coveted it. • On the other hand, his twin brother Esau who had the first right to the birthright, did not appreciate it, that is, did not see or grasp the magnitude of the glory of the wealth the birthright would bring to his descendants, looked after his own present need only, sold the birthright to his twin brother Jacob for a bowl of porridge, and lost it, confining his descendants to a future of rocky mountains (Turkey), instead of “a land flowing of milk and honey” (e.g., Canaan, America) which the descendants of Jacob enjoyed up to the present.
  • 8. More blessed shall be those who believe without seeing it yet • Repeatedly, Jesus said, More blessed shall be those who believe even if they did not see it yet with their eyes or before they could see it with their two physical eyes. PRESENT APPLICATION • The Jacobs -- the visionaries -- shall be more blessed because they will invest first for the promotion of, as a classic and most relevant example, CFRE or CFHRE (Clean, Free, Renewable Energy) or (Clean, Free, Healing, Renewable Energy). • They are quick and willing to abandon the old dirty energy (gasoline) which is polluting the planet’s air, waters, foods, soils, etc. and causing many diseases. • I am not saying "Not blessed are the initial disbelievers" – the initial naysayers – if the become the late-seers – yeah, the naysayers will become hopefully the lateseers, but more blessed shall be those who see the tremendous implications the Aviso eCar, for example, shall bring about to him and to his nation and to the world’… before it happens… and actively join the small group who makes it happen!
  • 9. Not being a Risktaker can be disadvantageous sometimes! • Those who are too cautious, and do not decide to take the risks, will be confined to the larger group, named "market"! These are the Esaus. These are the present initial naysayers and the late-seers... And the future customers. Not too bad. • But more blessed are those who are the foreseers -- • Those who are now the seers shall be the next Lucio Tan, the Henry Sy, the Bill Gates, the Steve Jobs in the near future! • And if they also act likewise in their spiritual life, then, these seers or foreseers shall be the ones who will enter the Kingdom of God…when it will be installed here on Earth, and the old Earth becomes the New Earth… the Paradise Restored!
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. Famous Examples of the Disadvantage of Lateseers: • The late Philippine president Manuel Quezon did not see (foresee) the future of the invention of Agapito Flores. – The USA (GE) saw it. GE fluorescent. – Holland (Philips) saw it too. Philips fluorescent. • Recently, Filipino engineer, Daniel Dingel, invented a water- fueled car. The Philippines government is still blind. • We will be more blessed to operate without the government. Let the government (of naysayers and lateseers) be phased out and let our clans – our family system – take over the government and connect it directly to the Family of the Universe! • We have already a New Constitution published at and • Long live a new emerging nation of FORESEERS! A new nation of visionaries!
  • 13. MANUEL L. QUEZON, THE STUPID! • From the standpoint of where we are year 2015 with lots of calamities, illnesses and in dire poverty), looking back and seeing how much prosperity have the Americans and the Dutch peoples enjoyed when employed by GE America and Dutch Philips, thanks to Agapito's Fluorescent lamp, WE SEE BY THE EFFECTS THAT WE HAD A VERY BOBO (STUPID) PRESIDENT NAMED MANUEL L. QUEZON!
  • 14. A LEADER’S STUPIDITY ENDS IN MISERY AND POVERTY OF HIS PEOPLE • And because of his stupidity, Filipino families missed the big and steady income that we could have used in further harnessing our natural resources such as land into FOOD FORESTS, FRUIT FORESTS, GARDENS, FIELDS, and our human resources (talents) into great enterprises like Sony and Apple that based their great corporations from the music and electronic talents of their founders and members.
  • 15. Lack of foresight (vision) pushes the nation into the canal of poverty • What happened instead to the Philippines, we missed it and so our lands are undeveloped, like our talents... and what we have only is our physical strength to offer as caregivers, as slaves, as servants, of hard masters in the Middle East, etc. and worse, our women have been using their bodies as entertainers a.k.a. prostitutes to feed their own husbands and children left in the Philippines!!!
  • 16. Visionary Leader is a Must! • Do you see NOW how important is a visionary leader? One who can see and create the future with his mind’s eye and with his heart? • List the names of our presidents, from Quezon to Pinoy - who of them has used his/her mental eye, or third eye in seeing, not ghosts, but a beautiful future for his/her people?
  • 17. Iceland vs Philippines • Take the good example of the leaders of Iceland, who way back some three decades or four ago -- they decided to stop their use of dirty energy (gasoline) and dared to rely on energy from the oceans and geothermal plants -- and what they have achieved? From being one of the poorest countries of Europe, Iceland is now rated as the No. 4 best economy! • And that we have not done despite the fact that in resources we are by far very rich compared to Iceland. We have the unlimited sun to give us solar power! We have more winds to help us also power our machines! We have an unlimited supply of the deuterium in the Philippine Deep which is far, far better than gasoline!
  • 18. “There is no barren land, only barren mind” • We have a volcanic soil that can produce the most delicious fruits to feed our people and the world! 15 million hectares of the country’s total land area are still not given to the people, classified as timberland or forest land or government land, but left as (1) forest (hiding place of the NPAs who are supported with money and guns by the capitalists to continue and sustain their divide and rule tactic) and (2) least productive pasture land where each renter rents an average of 400 hectares, at the rate of mere P1.00 per hectare per year – is that wisdom? Is that productivity? • I would suggest that it be better given to our landless families at 5 hectares each, to be its stewards, and apply the technology known as Permaculture (see Youtube for the videos) which can turn even the desert into a rose! Yes, it is proven in China, Rwanda, Jordan, Ethiopia, etc. – the Permaculturists led by John Liu et al have turned – read: converted! -- huge area of the deserts as huge as New Zealand into lush and beautiful FOOD FORESTS AND FIELDS!!! • This reminds me of the verse in the Book of Isaiah (Old Testament, Holy Bible): And the desert shall bloom like a rose! • God is empowering His children to restore the beauty of the Earth!
  • 19. Philippines, a Land of Blind Guiding the Blind One of the most important things the Filipino voters must do, if they want to get out of the present misery they are in, is this: be clear of what they want, and insist that candidates for president and other positions will deliver what they want or else vote them out... or still better, grind them while they do the election campaign, by requiring them to lay down their platforms and above all, let them explain in great details how they are going to achieve their platforms. If they cannot clearly lay down the strategies and clearly explain their plans showing us how we are going to reach our destinations (goals, visions), then that is a clear proof – a sure sign – of lack of wisdom and skill – lack of qualifications - that such candidate is blind -- another Manual L. Quezon! We are a nation whose people are blind and guided by blind, and both fall into the ditch! Perfect example of what Jesus spoke about THE BLIND GUIDING THE BLIND. *** One of the most important things the Filipino voters must do, if they want to get out of the present misery they are in, is this: be clear of what they want, and insist that candidates for president and other positions will deliver what they want or else vote them out... or still better, grind them while they do the election campaign, by requiring them to lay down their platforms and above all, let them explain in great details how they are going to achieve their platforms. If they cannot clearly lay down the strategies and clearly explain their plans showing us how we are going to reach our destinations (goals, visions), then that is a clear proof – a sure sign – of lack of wisdom and skill – lack of qualifications - that such candidate is blind -- another Manual L. Quezon! We are a nation whose people are blind and guided by blind, and both fall into the ditch! Perfect example of what Jesus spoke about THE BLIND GUIDING THE BLIND.
  • 20. Why Filipinos are naïve, stupid and gullible? Why we are like that? Because we did not listen to Jesus' advice – we did not take it seriously his important counsel: Be wise as a serpent, and not just blameless as a dove. It is wisdom that can give us all good kinds of riches that will last while in this life and that will last when we will be in the other side. Now, if we did not listen to Jesus Christ, what kind of Christians we are? I do not think Jesus will punish us, for God is Love, but I do think that WHAT WE SOWED WE REAP. So if we sowed stupidity or blindness, we are now reaping lots of bad effects: illnesses, poverty, misery, calamities after calamities, homelessness, family-lessness, OFWism a.k.a. cruel employment, slavery, you name it! While other nations are exploiting our natural resources here at home and raping our human resources abroad! See the result of claiming to be Christians but not obeying what Christ had told us, namely: To strive to be wise (not bright, but wise) as a serpent or eagle. Wisdom, not knowledge! Our stupid schools give knowledge, not wisdom. So that is why we are in this mess!!! Our churches are busy controlling their members, so they failed to free them to become wise men and women. They belong to the blind group.
  • 21. Mass Media Not Useful • Mass media is another agency that sees nothing but that which can make people cowards and fearful. All they can do is report and report the bad news and increase the fear and hopelessness of the people. Farther weakening the nation by creative a negative collective mind. • Mass media men are therefore creators of a nation who minds and hearts are full of fear, sorrows, hopelessness, frustrations, anger, hatred, hostility by one religion against the other, etc. --- who of you can tell me that a nation of negative thoughts, emotions and attitudes will prosper?