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The Problem Of Violence Against Women Essay
Other than the struggling woman under domestic violence, the purview of violence stretches long. This work tries to look into all the aspects of
violence against women. From the horrifying domestic violence to the ridiculous political violence, in form of the haphazard laws and amendments.
It goes further to check the role of police in it who are supposed to be the administrators and defenders against any evil. Some of the examples are
shown in Table 1. Table 1. Examples of Violence against Women S No.Life StageExamples 1.Infancy Infanticidepsychological and physical abuse
differential access to food and medical care 2.ChildhoodFemale genital cutting Incest and sexual abuse Psychological abuse Differential access to food,
Medical care and education Prostitution Trafficking Schoolā€“related genderā€“based violence 3.AdolescenceDating and courtship violence Economically
coerced sex Sexual abuse in the workplace, rape, sexual harassment Forced prostitution, trafficking, psychological abuse Forced marriage, dowry abuse,
retribution for the crimes of others Reproductive Intimate partner abuse, marital rape Dowry abuse, honour killings, partner homicide, Psychological
abuse, sexual abuse in the workplace Abuse of women with disabilities, forced prostitution, trafficking 4.Old AgeWidow Abuse Elderly abuse Rape and
neglect 2. Background Some historians believe that the history of violence against women is tied to the history
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Gender Based Violence Against Women Essay
No two societies are the same, but all of them include violence against women. The book, Forsaken Females by A. Parrot and N. Cumming, gives
important insight and a new understanding of the global brutalization of women. Violence against women can be defined as "any gender based
violence that results in, or is likely to result, in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion,
or arbitrary deprivations of such liberty, whether occurring in public or private life" (Parrot & Cummins, page 10). Acts such as genital mutilation and
sexual slavery are happening world wide, even here in the United States. Problems within social structure result in violence against women worldwide.
Gender based violence will continue to be an issue until a complete restoration of social structure occurs. In order to change, we must start with
educating people on the topic of VAW.
In America, girls and women are continuously told to stay safe, not walk alone and are encouraged to carry pepper spray with them. We are told this
because of how our society is, and what it accepts. Violence against women is a socioā€“structural problem and always has to do with social structure.
This is shown through the fact that developing countries, which have greater acceptance within their societies, have less gender violence than
underdeveloped countries. Women are portrayed as less than men, society teaches boys that they are powerful and girls that they are
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Gender-Based Violence Essay
Gender Base Violence
ENG 122
Alfred Penny Jr.
Saint Leo College
Genderā€“based Violence
Genderā€“based violence is understood, explained, or justified in terms of gender roles, gender difference, or gender inequality. Most of the violence is
perpetrated by men against women. Genderā€“based violence is often physical abuse, often involving sexuality, but it may also be psychological. Violence
against women occurs in every segment of society. It doesn't matter what class your in (upper, middle, lower), ethnicity (Black, White, Hispanic, Asian),
culture (Africanā€“American, German, French), or country (Europe, United States). Various forms of violence and coercion are against women. Most of
these crimes against women more content...
Although most of the public attention to sexual harassment has focused on specific relations within workplaces, harassment also takes place in
public places among strangers. This shows how commonly women are subjected to "abuse, harryings, and annoyances" on the basis of their gender,
in spaces that are supposed to be open to everyone states Carol Brooks Gardner who studied public harassment. There are three types of public
harassment outlined by Carol Brooks Gardner. The types are exclusionary (discouraged from entering a specific place), exploitative (when men
following women around and invade their privacy), and evaluative (unwanted evaluations of their bodies, hair, or clothing). Often this behavior is
trivialized as "people are just playing around" or "just trying to be helpful". These types of experiences results in women being fearful of going into
public places. Even though sexual harassment laws have become stricter, most women still do not complain about it for rear that they would be
penalized for complaining. Harassment amounts simply to taking the genderā€“based communication, which is easy for men to fall into the habit of
engaging in behavior that women find offensive and harmful (Sapiro, 397). Sexual harassment has taken on more specific legal
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Sexual Assault Against Women Essay
Sexual Assault against Women
I choose this topic because sexual assault is one of the most offensive crimes committed in our society. Not only is it a threat to the community, but it
has a physically and psychologically effect on the victim in many ways. For the last couple of decades, sexual assault, rape, and child molestation has
become the focal point of public concerns today. According to a 1993 NationalCrime Victimization Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of
Justice, about 500,000 rapes or sexual assaults occur each year (Statistics, March 2010). The Department of Justice states that, "rape crimes have risen
nearly three times as fast as the total crime rate", although other studies have shown statistics that are more content...
She had two children by her rapist, both of who he takes to a Reverend. When her mother dies, this man known as "Pa" marries Celie to a man she will
only refer to as "Mr." (Walker, 1985). This is just a fine example of the recollection of a victim.
The Violence against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994 marked a turning point in our national response to the problems of both sexual assault and
violence. For the first time it considered the ways in which sexual assault and domestic violence were similar: they are both crimes of violence against
women, rooted in historical and cultural traditions and attitudes. VAWA also addressed the ways our laws failed to prosecute and punish perpetrators of
these crimes of violence, while often increasing the trauma experienced by victims. The act included measures designed to protect crime victims' rights
and provide crime victims with compensation, establish hotlines for sexual assault and family violence victims, establish sex offender registration and
community notification, protect women from "date rape," and coordinate law enforcement and social services to deal with crime in a unified manner.
VAWA is a wide
ā€“ranging law which, among other things, mandated research into sexual and domestic violence, funded community efforts against
sexual and domestic violence through grants, proposed changes in the evaluation and determination of evidence, affirmed victims' rights of
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Reaction Paper On Violence Against Women
After taking this class, I have a new and deeper understanding about violence against women. Violence against women is way more complicated and
complex than I originally anticipated. I have learned all about the history of the battered women syndrome, as well as, why victims may never leave
their perpetrators. Firstly, I have learned that "beaten women syndrome" has been a public concern after the violence towards women was unnoticed for
decades (Rothenberg, 2003). Many individuals did not comprehend why the women do not leave their husbands, so they often have a difficult time
showing empathy for them. Members of society came to the conclusion that the reasoning behind this was due to the women's mental state, and
therefore many people began to understand and empathize for those women who experienced traumatic abuse. I have also learned that the government
decided to step up and make laws to demote spousal abuse, which allowed more women to have enough courage to speak up about the abuse they may
have faced (Rothenberg, 2003). I have an understanding that battered women also gained support through an increase of battered women's shelters.
These shelters help victims have a safe and healthy living environment until they can set up a plan to save themselves. Again, these shelters help
women gain enough courage to leave their husbands, and they also support the women who cannot afford to live on their own (Rothenberg, 2003). The
shelters are a temporary solution, but help
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One of the most complicated issues facing health care professionals and governmental agencies today is that of domestic violence. Domestic violence
encompasses any violence that is inflicted upon one family member by another family member. Thus, domestic violence can be described as spouse
abuse, child abuse, sibling abuse, or elder abuse. Most authorities suggest that domestic violence is typically expressed in violence against women and
children. Such acts of violence can involve health care professionals in the treatment of physical injuries, the psychological impact upon the victim, or
the aggressive behavior of the abuser. Often governmental agencies are called upon to investigate such matters to ensure the safety of the victims or to more content...
Its companion offense, gross violation of integrity, protects children and other close relatives. The new offense means that if a man commits certain
criminal acts (e.g., assault, unlawful threat or coercion, sexual or other molestation, or sexual exploitation) against a woman to whom he is or has been
married or with whom he is or has been cohabiting and seriously damages her selfconfidence, the courts can sentence him for gross
violation of the woman's integrity in addition to sentencing him on each traditional crime, such as aggravated assault. In this way, the new legislation
allows the courts to take into account the entire situation of the abused woman and increase the offender's punishment to fit the severity and frequency
of the acts. (p. 19)
Of course, the crime of domestic violence is also prevalent in the United States. In fact, in recent years, many famous individuals have been accused
of abusing their wife. For example, film director John Singleton, former football player and actor Jim Brown, and rock musician Tommy Lee have all
appeared in court to face charges of such crimes.
The most prominent forms of domestic violence are spouse abuse, particularly with the wife as target, and abuse of children. In some cases, both types
are occurring
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Causes Of Violence Against Women
Violence against women was first acknowledged as a violation of fundamental human rights at the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights held in
Vienna. Violence against women cuts across religion, culture, race, class and geographical boundaries. Violence against women consist equally in
every society, it is increasing and spreading like virus. It is so despite the fact that Islam gave women, considerable rights for the first time in the world.
Among the important right to the women given by Islam is divorce. It is within the tenets of Islam to annul the marriage which has gone wrong, as
different from Hindus. Islam and Holy Prophet through his teaching and actions gave women respectable position in the family and society at large.
1.6.21.High Sexual Expectations/Health Problem:
Lack of patience towards each other if one partner has sexual deficiency or hifg sexual expectations is another reason for marital breakdown. If
husband/wife is physically or mentally incapable of performing his marital duties or denies his wife the position of honor, according to Islam he/she
can obtain divorce.
Walwar is a practice prevalent in Balochistan which encourages the selling of girls in marriage. This type of marriage is also practicing in Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa in which girls are sold off bartered to rival parties to settle disputes.
1.6.23.Social Change/Career Orientation:
Women have reached to a higher level of education in the last decades. They do not longer
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Literature Review Of Violence Against Women
Literature Review Women Abuse and Domestic Violence Violence against women is defined by the General Assembly of the United Nations in
Article 1 of the Declaration for the Elimination of Violence against Women, as any act of violence based on belonging to the female sex that has or
may have as a result of physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, as well as threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation
of liberty, whether occurring in public life or in private life. The majority of women experiencingviolence suffer from a variety of health problems, and
their ability to participate in public life decreases. Violence against women affects families and communities of all generations, and reinforces other
types of violence prevailing in society. This act is not confined to a culture, region or country, or to particular groups of women in society. The roots of
violence against women lie in the persistent discrimination against the female sex. In this essay I want to mention some articles made by doctors and
specialists from different regions. They focus on demonstrating what are the main causes that lead to society, especially men, to abuse women?
Š“ā€“zpŠ”Ā±nar Saliha, et al. "Factors Affecting the Views and Experiences of Women Living in the City Centre of Manisa, Turkey, RegardingDomestic
Violence." Dr. Š“ā€“zpŠ”Ā±nar, from Celal Bayar University, Midwery, performs a study with the women living in the Eastern countries Turkey and Manisa.
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Legal Studies on Violence Against Women Essay
Violence against women has been occurring throughout society since the dawn of time. It is hard for the law to stop it going on because the
women are either to scared to come forward or the women feel it is their fault so they deserve the beating. This sort of violence is predominately in
homes and between families. In many ways it would be quite hard for the legal system to stop it because not a lot of people know that it is going on.
However the legal system has done some work to stop violence against women.
First and foremost, the police. Every local area police station has a domestic violence liaison officer whose role is to solely help women who are
experiencing domestic violence. (If the liaison officer is unavailable, the more content...
They do not have to bring criminal charges before the AVO is distributed. Through AVO's, it is apparent that the legal system is responding
appropriately to violence against women.
By far one of the biggest ways in which the legal system has responded to violence against women is by combining with the government to create and
launch the 'Violence Against Women, Australia Says No' campaign. This is a campaign to raise awareness of the issues of domestic violence and
sexual assault in Australia. A 24 hour help line has been set up and there are numerous advertisements, particularly on television, to advertise these
issues and encourage people to report such incidents and receive practical assistance to people wanting to change violent behaviour that they are
Women can also organise for their phone numbers to become unlisted to prevent the perpetrator calling them. The Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (s.85ZE)
states that to make menacing or harassing phone calls is an offence, therefore, if a woman receives an inappropriate phone call she can call the police
or the phone company and press charges against the caller.
The National Committee on Violence Against Women defined it as 'behaviour adopted by the man to control his victim which results in physical,
sexual and/or psychological damage, forced social isolation, or economic deprivation, or behaviour which leaves a woman living in fear' (National
Committee on Violence Against Women 1991). In 1987
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The Effects of Violence on Women Essay
The Effects of Violence on Women Violence affects the lives of millions of women worldwide, in developing, as well as in developed countries. It cuts
across cultural and religious barriers, restricting women from fully participating in society. Violence against women has many forms in which it comes
in, from domestic abuse and rape to child marriages and female circumcision. All are violations of the most fundamental human rights.
Violence can be physical, sexual, verbal/psychological, stalking, as well as other forms of control and abuse of power. Physical violence can include
both physical assaults, which refers to the more content...
Verbal/psychological violence is a form of violence done without touching the victim's body. The assaults are made viciously on the victim by
destroying personal belongings, family heirlooms, or the family pet. The destruction is done on purpose and the psychological impact may be as
devastating as a physical attack. Many of the assaults are forms controlling behaviours. One of the most common examples of psychological violence
against women is intimate partner psychological abuse.
Some examples of psychological/verbal violence done by intimate partners, especially in the developing countries, are restictions or attempts to prevent
contact with other men by becoming angry if girfriend/wife speaks with other men, not being supportive if she tries to be involved in activites outside
the home, attempts to limit her contact with family or friends, following her or keeping track of her whereabouts, calling her names, insulting her or
behaving in a way to put her down or to make her feel bad, and damages or destroys her possenssions or property. (
Sexual violence is defined by anything that is related to physical attacks or abuse such as rape, attempted
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Violence Against Indigenous Women Essay
RECOMMENDATIONS: If government officials are truly interested in assisting Indigenous communities in dealing with the violence in their
communities, they should demonstrate this commitment by developing a national strategy to curb violence against Indigenous women. Special
attention should be paid to the way race, gender, and power intersects in the violence faced by Indigenous women. Furthermore, as specifically
mentioned by Professor Adam Jones of UBC Okanagan, the structural violence of their continuing poverty, discrimination and dispossession from
ancestral territories, as well as the echoing trauma of the residentialā€“school genocide needs to be assessed (Jones). Significantly, to address violence
against Indigenous women successfully, more content...
The genderā€“selective inquiry for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls is unfair, unjust, and is empirically unwarranted, as the Indigenous
men do not have the same type of advocacy. The newly appointed Trudeau government has taken a different approach than the former government by
actually launching the need of an inquiry for missing and murdered Indigenous women. Regardless, the exclusion of Indigenous men for the violence
suffered by Indigenous women not only treats inquiries merely as criminal investigations, but it also plays into many Canadians' racial and gender
biases and ignores the colonial role the Canadian government and Canadians have played in creating the situation. Therefore, the inquiry acts as little
more than a colonial excuse that allows government to avoid its responsibility to all Indigenous people in Canada. By endorsing the current
genderā€“selective inquiry into the violence towards women will inevitably force our Indigenous fathers, sons, and brothers to walk alone. With the most
recent report from the Cree government of Pimicikamak, in Northern Manitoba, there has been a state of emergency declared over 150 suicide attempts
in a two weekā€“span and six suicides since December 2015 due to poverty and inequality, according to leaders in that community. It is clear that
violence is impacting Aboriginal peoples
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Thesis On Violence Against Women
This study sought to determine the perception of the residents on the social acceptability of the various forms and prevalence of violence against
women. The study supposed that when people perceived the various forms of violence against women as socially acceptable, their prevalence tends to
be high.
Studies have shown that violence against women in various forms occur when: men perceived that women are their property (Saroca, 2012), the
society is patriarchal (Rodriguez, L. L. 2012)., violence against women is culturally accepted (Papp, 2010), there is gender inequity (Gomez, A. M.,
Speizer, I. S., & Moracco, K. E., 2011), and when women agree that violence is justified (Yount, K. M., Halim, N., Hynes, M., & Hillman, E. R., 2011;
Alā€“Badayneh, D. M. , 2012; GarcŠ“aā€“Moreno, C., Jansen, H. A. F. M., Ellsberg, M., Heise, L., & Watts, C., 2005. While this is empirically verified in
the national and international level, there is very limited empirical evidence it holds true in a rural setting. This study, a descriptive survey, addressed
this gap by determining the perception of the residents and the prevalence of the various forms of violence against women in a rural
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People in a community will continually do acts of violence when they perceived that the act is approved by the society. When translated into violence
against women, prevalence would be high if the people perceived it to be acceptable. Using the provisions of the Republic Act 9262 otherwise known
as the Antiā€“Violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004, the perception of the people is measured vis a vis the prevalence of acts of
violence reported by women. If the people perceived the acts of violence against women as culturally accepted, it would follow that there is a high
prevalence of violence experienced by
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Violence Against Women ( Vaw ) Essay
Violence against women (VAW) is, aggregately, vicious acts that are basically or solely dedicated against ladies. Some of the time considered a
disdain wrongdoing, this sort of brutality focuses on a speciŠæĀ¬Šƒc bunch with the casualty 's sex as an essential thought process. This sort of viciousness
is sexual orientation based, implying that the demonstrations of savagery are submitted against ladies explicitly on the grounds that they are ladies.
The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women states that: "violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal
power relations between men and women" and that "violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into
a subordinate position compare with men." Brutality against ladies can ŠæĀ¬Šƒt into a few general classes. These incorporate roughness did by "people"
and also "states". A portion of the types of savagery executed by people are assault; aggressive behavior at home; lewd behavior; coercive utilization
of contraceptives; female child murder; preā€“birth sex choice; obstetric roughness and swarm brutality; and additionally unsafe standard or conventional
practices, for example, honor killings, endowment viciousness, and female genital mutilation, marriage by snatching and constrained marriage. A few
types of brutality are executed or excused by the state, for example, war assault; sexual savagery and sexual servitude amid struggle; constrained
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Violence Against Women And Girls Essay
Introduction Violence against women and girls is internationally prevalent. Regardless of class, age, or race, women everywhere are subject to
physical, sexual, psychological, and economic aggression (United Nations, 2015; 1). According to the World Health organization, 1 in 3 women will
experience physical and/or sexual violence by a partner a nonā€“partner. Moreover, studies conducted by the World Health Organization suggest that
exposure to violent behavior can have detrimental impacts that can affect the physical, mental, and emotional health of a woman or girl; some
instances of extreme violence also lead to death. Due to the epidemic of genderā€“based homicides, the term 'femicide' became apparent. The term
'femicide' was coined by a woman named Carol Orlock, but was later defined in 2001 by an expert on violence against women and girls, Diana E. H.
Russell. Femicide, as Diana defines it, is "the killing of females by males because they are female". Presented by the World Health Organization, the
main types and prevalence of femicide are intimate femicide, murders in the name of 'honor', dowryā€“related femicide, and nonā€“intimate femicide
(Garciaā€“Moreno, Guedes and Knerr, 2012; 1ā€“2). Indeed, the forms of femicide existing vary among all cultures internationally, however, in this paper;
I will primarily focus on nonā€“intimate femicide in the region of Ciudad Juarez. Before delving into the complexities surrounding nonā€“intimate
femicide in Juarez, I will first examine the
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Domestic Violence Against Women Essay
The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993) defines violence against women as "any act of genderā€“based
violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion
or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life." (UN General Assembly 1993).
It is violence in private life that comprises domestic violence against women. Also called Intimate Partner Abuse and Family Violence, it is a global
issue that cuts across all geographic, social, cultural and ethnic boundaries. But it was only in the last decade of the 20th century that it got recognition
as a serious public more content...
The life expectancy at birth for the population is 66 years, infant mortality is 62 per 1000 live births and the maternal mortality is 260 deaths per
100,000 live births ( UNDP 2011).
In addition to the globally prevalent forms of domestic violence , women in Pakistan also suffer from forms of violence carried out in the name of
tradition, culture and religion.
Honour killing is an old tradition which involves a male member of the family killing a female relative if she is suspected of tarnishing the family's
honour. In most cases the executor is the husband, the father or a brother( Minallah and Durrani, 2009).
Stove burning is a form of dowry killing prevalent in the province of Punjab, mostly in the urban areas. Married women are burned by the husband
or his family as a punishment for not providing a rich dowry, not producing a son, not allowing the husband another wife or as a result of long
running disputes. Acid throwing, particularly on the face, may be committed to avenge refusal of sexual advances and alleged disloyalty by a wife or
female partner. It is done to punish the wife for bringing dishonor to the husband.
Marriage( Nikaah) to Koran( The holy Book of Muslims) is an old custom where a girl is forced into celibacy to keep the family wealth intact. It is
more prevalent in the Sindh province among the wealthy feudal lords ( waderas).
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Summary Of Ted Talk For Violence Against Women
A Men's Issue The speaker of the TED Talk concerning violence against women is a Man under the name of Jackson Kate. Within his talk he
discusses the culture of our society and how we are producing abusive men at alarming rates. What is causing this dilemma? Is gender violence only a
women's issue? Not in the smallest regard. Men, women and boys are abused emotionally, physically and mentally. The issue lies within the power of
poor leadership and social responsibilities from dominant groups. Gender Socialization has become the normalicy within our culture. Men are taught
how to be manly by learning how to keep their feelings to theirself and asserting their dominance throughout their various learned activities. While in
contrast women are
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The 20th century has seeing many progresses for women across the world. Prehistory showed that women could not vote, educational institution
excluded them, and work outside the home was limited. Women today live longer and are more educated, enjoy more job opportunities, and earn a
little higher salary. However, we still live in a world were society is run by religious laws, customs, and male dominances. These traditions and customs
still limit women mobility and women are still regarded as subordinate to men and violence against women still exists despite having many strives in
the 20th century.
In many countries around the world women still find themselves limited from education, employment, health care, political influences,
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Violence against women can take many shape and form and these acts of violence that women face may be from the hands of a spouse or a total
stranger. There are many forms of violence against women however this paper will be referring to violence against women in the form of rape, sexual
assault, and battering. Even though these acts goes hand ā€“inā€“ hand with emotional, and psychological, financial, and mental abuse, this paper will only
be looking at the physical aspect.
According to Herman & Stewart (1994), "Modern Feminist theory seeks not for a single truth or the meaning of reality. Rather than being concerning
with the truth they inquire instead about the way meaning are negotiated, the control over the meaning by those in authority, and how the meaning is
represented in language and politics" (p.50ā€“51). While there are no single definitions for domestic violence, feminist theory refers to domestic
violence as, "violence emanates from a patriarchal school system which assigns men the responsibility for controlling and managing female
partners and is viewed as a flaw in society"(Nayak & Suchland, 2006, p. 469). Women are also initiators of violence against men and carry out act of
violence as often as men, however male violence is far more damaging and occurs in a far different context, aggression, dominance, and control where
as female may use it as a form of defense.
Today with so many
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Domestic Violence And Violence Against Women
The dictionary definition of domestic violence is, "Violent confrontation between family or household members involving physical harm, sexual
assault, or fear of physical harm". Domestic violence takes place in many forms, including physical assault, threats, sexual abuse, intimidation, etc.
Domestic violence destroys the meaning behind a home and the feeling of a safe environment. No one man, woman, or child deserves to be abused.
The abuser is the one who should take responsibility of the violence occurring, not the victim. The reason I say this is because most of the time the
victim of the relationship is looked down upon and blamed because "they asked for it".
One of the most frequent human rights violations in the world is violence against women. There is a large amount of evidence that women are subjected
to domestic violence significantly more often than men. The situation can become worse if she is economically or socially dependent on the abuser,
which is the case in most situations. Violence against women should not only be considered a human rights violation, but also a form of discrimination
against women.
The United States takes precautions and creates laws against domestic violence for women; however, the social views on domestic violence vary, in
many places outside the West, the concept in general is very poorly understood. This is because in most of these countries, the relation between the
husband and wife is not considered one of equals, but instead one
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The Problem Of Violence Against Women Essay

  • 1. The Problem Of Violence Against Women Essay Other than the struggling woman under domestic violence, the purview of violence stretches long. This work tries to look into all the aspects of violence against women. From the horrifying domestic violence to the ridiculous political violence, in form of the haphazard laws and amendments. It goes further to check the role of police in it who are supposed to be the administrators and defenders against any evil. Some of the examples are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Examples of Violence against Women S No.Life StageExamples 1.Infancy Infanticidepsychological and physical abuse differential access to food and medical care 2.ChildhoodFemale genital cutting Incest and sexual abuse Psychological abuse Differential access to food, Medical care and education Prostitution Trafficking Schoolā€“related genderā€“based violence 3.AdolescenceDating and courtship violence Economically coerced sex Sexual abuse in the workplace, rape, sexual harassment Forced prostitution, trafficking, psychological abuse Forced marriage, dowry abuse, retribution for the crimes of others Reproductive Intimate partner abuse, marital rape Dowry abuse, honour killings, partner homicide, Psychological abuse, sexual abuse in the workplace Abuse of women with disabilities, forced prostitution, trafficking 4.Old AgeWidow Abuse Elderly abuse Rape and neglect 2. Background Some historians believe that the history of violence against women is tied to the history Get more content on
  • 2. Gender Based Violence Against Women Essay No two societies are the same, but all of them include violence against women. The book, Forsaken Females by A. Parrot and N. Cumming, gives important insight and a new understanding of the global brutalization of women. Violence against women can be defined as "any gender based violence that results in, or is likely to result, in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivations of such liberty, whether occurring in public or private life" (Parrot & Cummins, page 10). Acts such as genital mutilation and sexual slavery are happening world wide, even here in the United States. Problems within social structure result in violence against women worldwide. Gender based violence will continue to be an issue until a complete restoration of social structure occurs. In order to change, we must start with educating people on the topic of VAW. In America, girls and women are continuously told to stay safe, not walk alone and are encouraged to carry pepper spray with them. We are told this because of how our society is, and what it accepts. Violence against women is a socioā€“structural problem and always has to do with social structure. This is shown through the fact that developing countries, which have greater acceptance within their societies, have less gender violence than underdeveloped countries. Women are portrayed as less than men, society teaches boys that they are powerful and girls that they are Get more content on
  • 3. Gender-Based Violence Essay Gender Base Violence ENG 122 Alfred Penny Jr. Saint Leo College Genderā€“based Violence Genderā€“based violence is understood, explained, or justified in terms of gender roles, gender difference, or gender inequality. Most of the violence is perpetrated by men against women. Genderā€“based violence is often physical abuse, often involving sexuality, but it may also be psychological. Violence against women occurs in every segment of society. It doesn't matter what class your in (upper, middle, lower), ethnicity (Black, White, Hispanic, Asian), culture (Africanā€“American, German, French), or country (Europe, United States). Various forms of violence and coercion are against women. Most of these crimes against women more content... Although most of the public attention to sexual harassment has focused on specific relations within workplaces, harassment also takes place in public places among strangers. This shows how commonly women are subjected to "abuse, harryings, and annoyances" on the basis of their gender, in spaces that are supposed to be open to everyone states Carol Brooks Gardner who studied public harassment. There are three types of public harassment outlined by Carol Brooks Gardner. The types are exclusionary (discouraged from entering a specific place), exploitative (when men following women around and invade their privacy), and evaluative (unwanted evaluations of their bodies, hair, or clothing). Often this behavior is trivialized as "people are just playing around" or "just trying to be helpful". These types of experiences results in women being fearful of going into public places. Even though sexual harassment laws have become stricter, most women still do not complain about it for rear that they would be penalized for complaining. Harassment amounts simply to taking the genderā€“based communication, which is easy for men to fall into the habit of engaging in behavior that women find offensive and harmful (Sapiro, 397). Sexual harassment has taken on more specific legal
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  • 5. Sexual Assault Against Women Essay Sexual Assault against Women I choose this topic because sexual assault is one of the most offensive crimes committed in our society. Not only is it a threat to the community, but it has a physically and psychologically effect on the victim in many ways. For the last couple of decades, sexual assault, rape, and child molestation has become the focal point of public concerns today. According to a 1993 NationalCrime Victimization Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, about 500,000 rapes or sexual assaults occur each year (Statistics, March 2010). The Department of Justice states that, "rape crimes have risen nearly three times as fast as the total crime rate", although other studies have shown statistics that are more content... She had two children by her rapist, both of who he takes to a Reverend. When her mother dies, this man known as "Pa" marries Celie to a man she will only refer to as "Mr." (Walker, 1985). This is just a fine example of the recollection of a victim. The Violence against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994 marked a turning point in our national response to the problems of both sexual assault and domestic violence. For the first time it considered the ways in which sexual assault and domestic violence were similar: they are both crimes of violence against women, rooted in historical and cultural traditions and attitudes. VAWA also addressed the ways our laws failed to prosecute and punish perpetrators of these crimes of violence, while often increasing the trauma experienced by victims. The act included measures designed to protect crime victims' rights and provide crime victims with compensation, establish hotlines for sexual assault and family violence victims, establish sex offender registration and community notification, protect women from "date rape," and coordinate law enforcement and social services to deal with crime in a unified manner. VAWA is a wide ā€“ranging law which, among other things, mandated research into sexual and domestic violence, funded community efforts against sexual and domestic violence through grants, proposed changes in the evaluation and determination of evidence, affirmed victims' rights of Get more content on
  • 6. Reaction Paper On Violence Against Women After taking this class, I have a new and deeper understanding about violence against women. Violence against women is way more complicated and complex than I originally anticipated. I have learned all about the history of the battered women syndrome, as well as, why victims may never leave their perpetrators. Firstly, I have learned that "beaten women syndrome" has been a public concern after the violence towards women was unnoticed for decades (Rothenberg, 2003). Many individuals did not comprehend why the women do not leave their husbands, so they often have a difficult time showing empathy for them. Members of society came to the conclusion that the reasoning behind this was due to the women's mental state, and therefore many people began to understand and empathize for those women who experienced traumatic abuse. I have also learned that the government decided to step up and make laws to demote spousal abuse, which allowed more women to have enough courage to speak up about the abuse they may have faced (Rothenberg, 2003). I have an understanding that battered women also gained support through an increase of battered women's shelters. These shelters help victims have a safe and healthy living environment until they can set up a plan to save themselves. Again, these shelters help women gain enough courage to leave their husbands, and they also support the women who cannot afford to live on their own (Rothenberg, 2003). The shelters are a temporary solution, but help Get more content on
  • 7. One of the most complicated issues facing health care professionals and governmental agencies today is that of domestic violence. Domestic violence encompasses any violence that is inflicted upon one family member by another family member. Thus, domestic violence can be described as spouse abuse, child abuse, sibling abuse, or elder abuse. Most authorities suggest that domestic violence is typically expressed in violence against women and children. Such acts of violence can involve health care professionals in the treatment of physical injuries, the psychological impact upon the victim, or the aggressive behavior of the abuser. Often governmental agencies are called upon to investigate such matters to ensure the safety of the victims or to more content... Its companion offense, gross violation of integrity, protects children and other close relatives. The new offense means that if a man commits certain criminal acts (e.g., assault, unlawful threat or coercion, sexual or other molestation, or sexual exploitation) against a woman to whom he is or has been married or with whom he is or has been cohabiting and seriously damages her selfconfidence, the courts can sentence him for gross violation of the woman's integrity in addition to sentencing him on each traditional crime, such as aggravated assault. In this way, the new legislation allows the courts to take into account the entire situation of the abused woman and increase the offender's punishment to fit the severity and frequency of the acts. (p. 19) Of course, the crime of domestic violence is also prevalent in the United States. In fact, in recent years, many famous individuals have been accused of abusing their wife. For example, film director John Singleton, former football player and actor Jim Brown, and rock musician Tommy Lee have all appeared in court to face charges of such crimes. The most prominent forms of domestic violence are spouse abuse, particularly with the wife as target, and abuse of children. In some cases, both types are occurring Get more content on
  • 8. Causes Of Violence Against Women Violence against women was first acknowledged as a violation of fundamental human rights at the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna. Violence against women cuts across religion, culture, race, class and geographical boundaries. Violence against women consist equally in every society, it is increasing and spreading like virus. It is so despite the fact that Islam gave women, considerable rights for the first time in the world. Among the important right to the women given by Islam is divorce. It is within the tenets of Islam to annul the marriage which has gone wrong, as different from Hindus. Islam and Holy Prophet through his teaching and actions gave women respectable position in the family and society at large. 1.6.21.High Sexual Expectations/Health Problem: Lack of patience towards each other if one partner has sexual deficiency or hifg sexual expectations is another reason for marital breakdown. If husband/wife is physically or mentally incapable of performing his marital duties or denies his wife the position of honor, according to Islam he/she can obtain divorce. 1.6.22.Walwar/Swara: Walwar is a practice prevalent in Balochistan which encourages the selling of girls in marriage. This type of marriage is also practicing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in which girls are sold off bartered to rival parties to settle disputes. 1.6.23.Social Change/Career Orientation: Women have reached to a higher level of education in the last decades. They do not longer Get more content on
  • 9. Literature Review Of Violence Against Women Literature Review Women Abuse and Domestic Violence Violence against women is defined by the General Assembly of the United Nations in Article 1 of the Declaration for the Elimination of Violence against Women, as any act of violence based on belonging to the female sex that has or may have as a result of physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, as well as threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public life or in private life. The majority of women experiencingviolence suffer from a variety of health problems, and their ability to participate in public life decreases. Violence against women affects families and communities of all generations, and reinforces other types of violence prevailing in society. This act is not confined to a culture, region or country, or to particular groups of women in society. The roots of violence against women lie in the persistent discrimination against the female sex. In this essay I want to mention some articles made by doctors and specialists from different regions. They focus on demonstrating what are the main causes that lead to society, especially men, to abuse women? Š“ā€“zpŠ”Ā±nar Saliha, et al. "Factors Affecting the Views and Experiences of Women Living in the City Centre of Manisa, Turkey, RegardingDomestic Violence." Dr. Š“ā€“zpŠ”Ā±nar, from Celal Bayar University, Midwery, performs a study with the women living in the Eastern countries Turkey and Manisa. Her Get more content on
  • 10. Legal Studies on Violence Against Women Essay Violence against women has been occurring throughout society since the dawn of time. It is hard for the law to stop it going on because the women are either to scared to come forward or the women feel it is their fault so they deserve the beating. This sort of violence is predominately in homes and between families. In many ways it would be quite hard for the legal system to stop it because not a lot of people know that it is going on. However the legal system has done some work to stop violence against women. First and foremost, the police. Every local area police station has a domestic violence liaison officer whose role is to solely help women who are experiencing domestic violence. (If the liaison officer is unavailable, the more content... They do not have to bring criminal charges before the AVO is distributed. Through AVO's, it is apparent that the legal system is responding appropriately to violence against women. By far one of the biggest ways in which the legal system has responded to violence against women is by combining with the government to create and launch the 'Violence Against Women, Australia Says No' campaign. This is a campaign to raise awareness of the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault in Australia. A 24 hour help line has been set up and there are numerous advertisements, particularly on television, to advertise these issues and encourage people to report such incidents and receive practical assistance to people wanting to change violent behaviour that they are experiencing. Women can also organise for their phone numbers to become unlisted to prevent the perpetrator calling them. The Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (s.85ZE) states that to make menacing or harassing phone calls is an offence, therefore, if a woman receives an inappropriate phone call she can call the police or the phone company and press charges against the caller. The National Committee on Violence Against Women defined it as 'behaviour adopted by the man to control his victim which results in physical, sexual and/or psychological damage, forced social isolation, or economic deprivation, or behaviour which leaves a woman living in fear' (National Committee on Violence Against Women 1991). In 1987
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  • 12. The Effects of Violence on Women Essay The Effects of Violence on Women Violence affects the lives of millions of women worldwide, in developing, as well as in developed countries. It cuts across cultural and religious barriers, restricting women from fully participating in society. Violence against women has many forms in which it comes in, from domestic abuse and rape to child marriages and female circumcision. All are violations of the most fundamental human rights. Violence can be physical, sexual, verbal/psychological, stalking, as well as other forms of control and abuse of power. Physical violence can include both physical assaults, which refers to the more content... Verbal/psychological violence is a form of violence done without touching the victim's body. The assaults are made viciously on the victim by destroying personal belongings, family heirlooms, or the family pet. The destruction is done on purpose and the psychological impact may be as devastating as a physical attack. Many of the assaults are forms controlling behaviours. One of the most common examples of psychological violence against women is intimate partner psychological abuse. Some examples of psychological/verbal violence done by intimate partners, especially in the developing countries, are restictions or attempts to prevent contact with other men by becoming angry if girfriend/wife speaks with other men, not being supportive if she tries to be involved in activites outside the home, attempts to limit her contact with family or friends, following her or keeping track of her whereabouts, calling her names, insulting her or behaving in a way to put her down or to make her feel bad, and damages or destroys her possenssions or property. ( /stats.html) Sexual violence is defined by anything that is related to physical attacks or abuse such as rape, attempted Get more content on
  • 13. Violence Against Indigenous Women Essay RECOMMENDATIONS: If government officials are truly interested in assisting Indigenous communities in dealing with the violence in their communities, they should demonstrate this commitment by developing a national strategy to curb violence against Indigenous women. Special attention should be paid to the way race, gender, and power intersects in the violence faced by Indigenous women. Furthermore, as specifically mentioned by Professor Adam Jones of UBC Okanagan, the structural violence of their continuing poverty, discrimination and dispossession from ancestral territories, as well as the echoing trauma of the residentialā€“school genocide needs to be assessed (Jones). Significantly, to address violence against Indigenous women successfully, more content... The genderā€“selective inquiry for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls is unfair, unjust, and is empirically unwarranted, as the Indigenous men do not have the same type of advocacy. The newly appointed Trudeau government has taken a different approach than the former government by actually launching the need of an inquiry for missing and murdered Indigenous women. Regardless, the exclusion of Indigenous men for the violence suffered by Indigenous women not only treats inquiries merely as criminal investigations, but it also plays into many Canadians' racial and gender biases and ignores the colonial role the Canadian government and Canadians have played in creating the situation. Therefore, the inquiry acts as little more than a colonial excuse that allows government to avoid its responsibility to all Indigenous people in Canada. By endorsing the current genderā€“selective inquiry into the violence towards women will inevitably force our Indigenous fathers, sons, and brothers to walk alone. With the most recent report from the Cree government of Pimicikamak, in Northern Manitoba, there has been a state of emergency declared over 150 suicide attempts in a two weekā€“span and six suicides since December 2015 due to poverty and inequality, according to leaders in that community. It is clear that violence is impacting Aboriginal peoples Get more content on
  • 14. Thesis On Violence Against Women Introduction This study sought to determine the perception of the residents on the social acceptability of the various forms and prevalence of violence against women. The study supposed that when people perceived the various forms of violence against women as socially acceptable, their prevalence tends to be high. Studies have shown that violence against women in various forms occur when: men perceived that women are their property (Saroca, 2012), the society is patriarchal (Rodriguez, L. L. 2012)., violence against women is culturally accepted (Papp, 2010), there is gender inequity (Gomez, A. M., Speizer, I. S., & Moracco, K. E., 2011), and when women agree that violence is justified (Yount, K. M., Halim, N., Hynes, M., & Hillman, E. R., 2011; Alā€“Badayneh, D. M. , 2012; GarcŠ“aā€“Moreno, C., Jansen, H. A. F. M., Ellsberg, M., Heise, L., & Watts, C., 2005. While this is empirically verified in the national and international level, there is very limited empirical evidence it holds true in a rural setting. This study, a descriptive survey, addressed this gap by determining the perception of the residents and the prevalence of the various forms of violence against women in a rural more content... People in a community will continually do acts of violence when they perceived that the act is approved by the society. When translated into violence against women, prevalence would be high if the people perceived it to be acceptable. Using the provisions of the Republic Act 9262 otherwise known as the Antiā€“Violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004, the perception of the people is measured vis a vis the prevalence of acts of violence reported by women. If the people perceived the acts of violence against women as culturally accepted, it would follow that there is a high prevalence of violence experienced by Get more content on
  • 15. Violence Against Women ( Vaw ) Essay INTRODUCTION Violence against women (VAW) is, aggregately, vicious acts that are basically or solely dedicated against ladies. Some of the time considered a disdain wrongdoing, this sort of brutality focuses on a speciŠæĀ¬Šƒc bunch with the casualty 's sex as an essential thought process. This sort of viciousness is sexual orientation based, implying that the demonstrations of savagery are submitted against ladies explicitly on the grounds that they are ladies. The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women states that: "violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women" and that "violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compare with men." Brutality against ladies can ŠæĀ¬Šƒt into a few general classes. These incorporate roughness did by "people" and also "states". A portion of the types of savagery executed by people are assault; aggressive behavior at home; lewd behavior; coercive utilization of contraceptives; female child murder; preā€“birth sex choice; obstetric roughness and swarm brutality; and additionally unsafe standard or conventional practices, for example, honor killings, endowment viciousness, and female genital mutilation, marriage by snatching and constrained marriage. A few types of brutality are executed or excused by the state, for example, war assault; sexual savagery and sexual servitude amid struggle; constrained Get more content on
  • 16. Violence Against Women And Girls Essay Introduction Violence against women and girls is internationally prevalent. Regardless of class, age, or race, women everywhere are subject to physical, sexual, psychological, and economic aggression (United Nations, 2015; 1). According to the World Health organization, 1 in 3 women will experience physical and/or sexual violence by a partner a nonā€“partner. Moreover, studies conducted by the World Health Organization suggest that exposure to violent behavior can have detrimental impacts that can affect the physical, mental, and emotional health of a woman or girl; some instances of extreme violence also lead to death. Due to the epidemic of genderā€“based homicides, the term 'femicide' became apparent. The term 'femicide' was coined by a woman named Carol Orlock, but was later defined in 2001 by an expert on violence against women and girls, Diana E. H. Russell. Femicide, as Diana defines it, is "the killing of females by males because they are female". Presented by the World Health Organization, the main types and prevalence of femicide are intimate femicide, murders in the name of 'honor', dowryā€“related femicide, and nonā€“intimate femicide (Garciaā€“Moreno, Guedes and Knerr, 2012; 1ā€“2). Indeed, the forms of femicide existing vary among all cultures internationally, however, in this paper; I will primarily focus on nonā€“intimate femicide in the region of Ciudad Juarez. Before delving into the complexities surrounding nonā€“intimate femicide in Juarez, I will first examine the Get more content on
  • 17. Domestic Violence Against Women Essay The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993) defines violence against women as "any act of genderā€“based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life." (UN General Assembly 1993). It is violence in private life that comprises domestic violence against women. Also called Intimate Partner Abuse and Family Violence, it is a global issue that cuts across all geographic, social, cultural and ethnic boundaries. But it was only in the last decade of the 20th century that it got recognition as a serious public more content... The life expectancy at birth for the population is 66 years, infant mortality is 62 per 1000 live births and the maternal mortality is 260 deaths per 100,000 live births ( UNDP 2011). In addition to the globally prevalent forms of domestic violence , women in Pakistan also suffer from forms of violence carried out in the name of tradition, culture and religion. Honour killing is an old tradition which involves a male member of the family killing a female relative if she is suspected of tarnishing the family's honour. In most cases the executor is the husband, the father or a brother( Minallah and Durrani, 2009). Stove burning is a form of dowry killing prevalent in the province of Punjab, mostly in the urban areas. Married women are burned by the husband or his family as a punishment for not providing a rich dowry, not producing a son, not allowing the husband another wife or as a result of long running disputes. Acid throwing, particularly on the face, may be committed to avenge refusal of sexual advances and alleged disloyalty by a wife or female partner. It is done to punish the wife for bringing dishonor to the husband. Marriage( Nikaah) to Koran( The holy Book of Muslims) is an old custom where a girl is forced into celibacy to keep the family wealth intact. It is more prevalent in the Sindh province among the wealthy feudal lords ( waderas). Get more content on
  • 18. Summary Of Ted Talk For Violence Against Women A Men's Issue The speaker of the TED Talk concerning violence against women is a Man under the name of Jackson Kate. Within his talk he discusses the culture of our society and how we are producing abusive men at alarming rates. What is causing this dilemma? Is gender violence only a women's issue? Not in the smallest regard. Men, women and boys are abused emotionally, physically and mentally. The issue lies within the power of poor leadership and social responsibilities from dominant groups. Gender Socialization has become the normalicy within our culture. Men are taught how to be manly by learning how to keep their feelings to theirself and asserting their dominance throughout their various learned activities. While in contrast women are Get more content on
  • 19. The 20th century has seeing many progresses for women across the world. Prehistory showed that women could not vote, educational institution excluded them, and work outside the home was limited. Women today live longer and are more educated, enjoy more job opportunities, and earn a little higher salary. However, we still live in a world were society is run by religious laws, customs, and male dominances. These traditions and customs still limit women mobility and women are still regarded as subordinate to men and violence against women still exists despite having many strives in the 20th century. In many countries around the world women still find themselves limited from education, employment, health care, political influences, more content... Violence against women can take many shape and form and these acts of violence that women face may be from the hands of a spouse or a total stranger. There are many forms of violence against women however this paper will be referring to violence against women in the form of rape, sexual assault, and battering. Even though these acts goes hand ā€“inā€“ hand with emotional, and psychological, financial, and mental abuse, this paper will only be looking at the physical aspect. According to Herman & Stewart (1994), "Modern Feminist theory seeks not for a single truth or the meaning of reality. Rather than being concerning with the truth they inquire instead about the way meaning are negotiated, the control over the meaning by those in authority, and how the meaning is represented in language and politics" (p.50ā€“51). While there are no single definitions for domestic violence, feminist theory refers to domestic violence as, "violence emanates from a patriarchal school system which assigns men the responsibility for controlling and managing female partners and is viewed as a flaw in society"(Nayak & Suchland, 2006, p. 469). Women are also initiators of violence against men and carry out act of violence as often as men, however male violence is far more damaging and occurs in a far different context, aggression, dominance, and control where as female may use it as a form of defense. Today with so many Get more content on
  • 20. Domestic Violence And Violence Against Women The dictionary definition of domestic violence is, "Violent confrontation between family or household members involving physical harm, sexual assault, or fear of physical harm". Domestic violence takes place in many forms, including physical assault, threats, sexual abuse, intimidation, etc. Domestic violence destroys the meaning behind a home and the feeling of a safe environment. No one man, woman, or child deserves to be abused. The abuser is the one who should take responsibility of the violence occurring, not the victim. The reason I say this is because most of the time the victim of the relationship is looked down upon and blamed because "they asked for it". One of the most frequent human rights violations in the world is violence against women. There is a large amount of evidence that women are subjected to domestic violence significantly more often than men. The situation can become worse if she is economically or socially dependent on the abuser, which is the case in most situations. Violence against women should not only be considered a human rights violation, but also a form of discrimination against women. The United States takes precautions and creates laws against domestic violence for women; however, the social views on domestic violence vary, in many places outside the West, the concept in general is very poorly understood. This is because in most of these countries, the relation between the husband and wife is not considered one of equals, but instead one Get more content on