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The Lives of Others Essay
'Das Leben der Anderen' (The Lives of Others) is a striking example of how a director can convey narrative links within a film by employing various
styles and film techniques. The Lives of Others relies upon these visual means to assist with the telling of the story as much as it relies upon the script.
In this selected sequence of the film, several narrative links are drawn here to form the conclusion of 'Operation Lazlo'. These narrative links are
further cemented by Donnersmarck's use of various lighting styles, diegtic and non–diegtic sound, revealing camera shots and intricate mise–en–scene.
In order to analyse this sequence, the narrative links that are drawn here must be addressed. After Dreyman's long–term friend more
The Stasi offer their insincere apologies and leave, unperturbed by the death surrounding them. At the beginning of the sequence, Dreyman and his
good friend Hauser are shown walking together towards Dreyman's apartment. Here, Donnersmarck uses a medium camera shot in order to establish
the scene. This allows the spectator the ability to take in all aspects of the characters and their surroundings. The main focus is upon the two men, as
there are no immediate points of interest in the background. Aside from rare glimpses of people passing by; the streets of East Germany are utterly
devoid of life. This use of visual screenplay by Donnersmarck can be interpreted as a reference to the Stasi's vice–like grip on the lives of the people
residing in East Germany. Donnersmarck re–emphasises this through–out the film. There is no music within this portion of the sequence, only the
diegetic natural sound of leaves blowing in the wind. Dreyman and Hauser's conversation therefore stands out, and their solemn discussion is
emphasised. The narrative link highlighted here is in regards to the Stasi's search of Dreyman's apartment the night before. Dreyman's girlfriend,
Christa–Maria, was noticeably absent from the apartment and has not been in contact. Dreyman's friends discuss and fear the worst. They suspect that
Christa–Maria has revealed to the Stasi that it was Dreyman who wrote the journal article that created havoc
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Rob Peterson Case Summary
HRM5020 Business Fundamentals A Day in the Life March 1, 2014 Summary of case Shirley Smith is a 58 year old female employee that was a
current cancer patient and over the past few years has been performing mediocre work. The issues that Rob Peterson and the company faces, if they
should fire Ms. Smith, is that cancer is covered under the American's with Disability Act. She is a female which makes her fall under the Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act and the fact that she is 58 years of age so she is covered under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. (Popejoy, 2006)
Emily Lessiker was one of three final candidates for an Auditor 1 position and just informed Rob Peterson that if she is chosen more content...
Plan Two: Mr. Robertson should put Shirley on a 30–90 day performance improvement plan with defined expectations and if her scores do not improve
then they need to inform her that they are going to have to let her go. The goals and objectives for her would be to improve on how she interacts with
co–workers and clients, since her reviews have been poor over the past three years. If they are not met to a satisfactory employee performance level
than management needs to inform her at that time that these consequences of not meeting this level will be grounds of being fired. Analyze the
effects of the employment decisions proposed above from the accounting, financial, or economical standpoint; managerial standpoint and ethical
points of view Accounting, Financial or Economical Standpoint Shirley has been with the company for three years, and if Mr. Peterson decides go
with Plan One the effects from the accounting or financial standpoint is they are down an employee before he can hire a new one. Managerial
Standpoint From a managerial standpoint they are aware of her performance especially since the partner in charge has been complaining about her
ability to do the job for years. (Popejoy, 2006). They are prepared with her trying to retaliate back with possible Acts such as ADA, the Title VII of
the Civil Rights Act and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act but they are not firing her because she had cancer, or she is female and 58 they are
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Essay about What is life?
"What is life?" The question has been asked innumerable times but has been answered to the satisfaction of few. Science is based on the experience
that nature gives intelligent answers to intelligent questions. To senseless questions, nature gives senseless answers – or no answers at all. If nature has
never provided an answer to this question, perhaps something is wrong with the question.
The question is wrong indeed. It has no sense, for life in itself does not exist. No one has seen or measured life. Life is always linked to material
systems; what man sees and measures are living systems of matter. Life is not a thing to be studied; rather, "being alive" is a quality of some physical
A look at the living world reveals more content...
The more complex the system, the more complex its qualities. Organs may be built from cells; from organs may come an individual organism, such as a
human being. Individuals in turn may be combined to form societies or populations, which again have their own rules. At each level of complexity are
new qualities not present in the simpler levels. The study of each level yields new information for the biologist.
The history of biology has been marked by a penetration into ever smaller dimensions. In the sixteenth century, Vesalius was dependent on his unaided
eyesight for his study of the human body. In the following century, the optical microscope led to the discovery of many new details of structure.
Marcello Malpighi observed the capillary vessels that complete the cycle of blood circulation and showed that even such tiny insects as the silkworm
have an intricate internal structure. Anton van Leeuwenhoek described blood cells and the compound eyes of insects. Robert Hooke described the
cellular structure of plants.
As microscopes were improved, more and more details of structure were described. By the nineteenth century, it was becoming clear that all complex
organisms are composed of semi–independent units called cells. The major structural features of cells were established. Bacteria were discovered and
In this century, the electron microscope has taken the scientist down to molecular dimensions, and he has learned to observe with x–rays as
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Changes in Life Essay
In my life, I have been exposed to a challenge called change. Change can occur in many different ways and is dealt with in many different ways. I
have come to the awareness that change can be the deepest of all things. I always thought that change occurred when you moved to a state or when
you lost someone real close to you. Those are a challenge to change, yes, but change doesn't have to occur over a climactic incident. It can just appear
overnight when your brain winds up when it's time to do something different. Even with friends that you used to have and know that move on. For
example, most of my friends from elementary school, I don't even talk to them anymore. For obvious reasons, people will turn down the changes in life. more content...
It's depressing how this works, but it's probably the most reason why people change. It's much like peer pressure which usually ends up in the wrong
direction. For example, I was almost peer pressured to consume alcohol and to do smoking. Fortunately, for me, I escaped that change and didn't
experience it. The people we adore love us so much that they want us to remain the way we are forever. Like how my mother always wanted me to
stay the same little child, but I grew up. Not all people can stay the same for a long time. If the people we love and adore would just accept the
change and go with it, they would understand where the change was coming from. It can be shaky to try to stop change and fight against it,
especially if the person wants to change a lot. When I was ready for high school, I was expected to change almost everything in my life. The reason
that somebody wants to change is usually not their choice, but a feeling that the person feels inside their head. Maybe the change isn't the best change,
but if you dig deeper, the person that you adore isn't really changing. They are just trying to find themselves and the one thing they need the most is the
support of the people who they care about the most. When I was attending college, I was expecting a lot of changing to take place. With the support
of my family and friends, it was no big deal for me.
When the people they care about the most, detach their change as
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Life Is But A Choice Essay
Life Is But A Choice
Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can
imagine life as a long winding road with millions of other roads branching off in many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore
every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that was passed. Everyone must choose his/her own roads
through life regardless of what other people might think. Robert Frost wrote in The Road Not
Taken, " I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference
"(Frost 423). By managing ones time efficiently and making clear rational
choices, more content...
Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so interesting.
Another important choice in life is having a healthy body. The key to achieving a healthy body is diet, exercise, and rest. In the world today, doctors
are constantly reminding us to watch our body fat, cholesterol, and nutritional intake. In addition, eating a well balance diet can greatly reduce risk of
disease and live longer lives.. Also, doctors tell us that smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can be extremely harmful to our health.
Making a choice to exercise is very important also. Doctors tell us that exercising at least thirty minutes a day will reduce the risk of a stroke and
heart disease. Not to mention, exercising is a great way to cope with the stress of everyday life. The most important way to stay healthy is to get
plenty of rest. The body needs a break to the mind and replenish cells in the body so the body can function properly. Without rest, one is more likely
to make mistakes and even have a higher level of stress.
One more important choice in life is spirituality. Everyone has to question what is this world we live in, why are we here on earth, is there life
elsewhere, and is there a god. These questions have been around since man began walking the earth. Over the centuries since the bible was written,
many different schools of thought have been
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My Dream Life Essay
Moving forward with the concepts and lessons I learned in the section Create Your Dream Life, I am slowly and steadily trying to improve my way of
life. I started to notice and evaluate my life situations to comprehend what, when, and how I need to change. I am beginning to increase my
self–perception and cognitive flexibility while balancing my dashboard more effectively. AlthoughCareer Perspectives is opening my eyes to new
possibilities and teaching me new concepts, it is difficult to change in a blink of an eye. While growing and changing, I am reminded that
creating my dream career reflects my dream life; they complement one another. Society has at least two perspectives of passions: It leads us to
perceive that passions will not make us enough money to lead a good life; and on the opposite end of the spectrum, society says "do what you love
and never work a day in your life" or "do what you love, and money will follow." They always leave out the concept of "get great at what you do." I
often mistake passions and interests as one in the same, which confuses me when I am trying to decide my career path. I know I am interested in a
variety of things, but I wasn't sure what exactly I was passionate about. Learning that sometimes our passions have a gravitational pull towards them,
I noticed that some of my answers always seem to repeat themselves. A few years ago, I realized a dilemma within myself: I always say, but I do not
do. Ever since that moment of realization I
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My Perfect Life Essay
Many people think having a perfect life is having a lot of money, doing whatever you want, and having everything you ever wanted. But in my
mind, that isn't the perfect life. The perfect life to me is living life to the fullest creating memories you won't forget and creating friendships that last
forever. Many people think that when something bad happens in life it is the devil trying to get to you, but you have to use that to motivate yourself
to be the greatest you can be. Now here are some of my lifelong lasting memories and stories that motivate me to be the greatest I can be. To start off,
I have had many pets in the 13 years I have been alive. But I have one that meant the world to me. Her name was Kemi, and she was an
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I remember thinking that they had magical powers to fix almost anything, and they always worked like a charm. This has been the greatest gift I
have ever received and I don't know if I would be who I am today if it weren't for those hearts. I have had a lot of memories as a child, but there is
one that sticks out the most. A few years ago my family went to Brevard for vacation. Now, this is a place in the middle of nowhere, I was just
surrounded by woods. But there was this place we went to down there called sliding rock. Now, this is just a waterfall but runs down a hill so it is
like a really long slip and slide. Even though the water was freezing cold, everyone in my family goes in even my dog. This is one of my greatest
memories because that was the perfect day in my mind. A person who has the biggest influence on me in my life is a girl named Rachel... she lives
in Ireland and came over to spend a summer with my family. She opened my eyes to how life was like in different areas of the world. Even though
she only stayed for a summer I formed a lifelong bond and lifelong memories. One of the greatest thing I remember is how she told us there were no
bugs in Ireland. That alone was enough to make my mom want to move. We are going to go visit her this summer. You have to learn to see the good in
the bad and you have to be the one there when people need you most. If you get this down then you will
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Essay on The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such
meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned
above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no
meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than
define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means more content...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the
end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role."
At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may
have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any
life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that
evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide
range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what
is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored.
Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions
created endlessly in
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My Life My Journey Essay
As a very small child I don't remember too much, but the things that I do remember were seen through a child's eyes that has made me the person that
I am today and I will always have those memory's with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and
adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how
they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student.
Its funny how as a child you look at things. As time passes, those same child memories become life experiences as an adult. It is stated that
Environmental assessment is closely related to the impact environment makes more content...
I lost my little brother in 1982 at age 22 in an accident at my parent's home. Robbie was taking down a C.B. antenna and it struck a high power line
that ran into the local General Motors plant. Robbie was killed instantly. As Erickson's stated in his psychosocial development theory, "which
refers to the development within the social environment in which a person lives, primarily focusing on relationships with other people"
(Simanowitz & Pearce. 2003). This had brought back memories of how my relationship was when we were little. I was always kind of upset with
Robbie because he was one of those kids that had that natural athletic ability. Robbie could run faster and throw better, do everything better when
it came to sports, but the real reason I was mad at Robbie most of my childhood life was because every time something went wrong, I always got
the blame and in trouble. Mom would say "You're older you should have known better" Yes she was right most of the time I did know better. I was
the middle child and I was always the one that got into trouble even though Robbie might have done it first. I had a good childhood for the most part, I
can't remember not doing without the things that I really needed as a child. Things like clothes, food, shelter and love from a family. I recall having my
favorite things
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Pro-Life Essay examples
English I
Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or
angering others but it is extremely important that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965–1996 over 515 million babies
have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions ( This is what we need to understand:
abortion kills and we need to know where it came from.
The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of rape. Then other states began to expand the use of
abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, more content...
One way is called Partial Birth Abortion (D&X); it can kill babies up to thirty–two weeks old. The abortionist (murderer in this case) removes all
of the baby from the mother except for the head, he then jab a pair of scissors in the back of the babies skull and then he uses a suction hose to suck out
the babies brain. Then he uses forceps to crush the babies' skull and pull the rest of the babies' body out. Salt poisoning is also used, where salt is
injected and the bay dies of convulsions due to salt poisoning ( If they can say this is not murder, then what is?
Abortion is not painless for the mother either. Over ninety–seven percent of women have reported feeling pain it is often described as intense, severe,
or very severe. Abortion is also not without side effects. Complications such as bleeding, hemorrhaging, menstrual disturbances or inflammation of the
reproductive organs. Sometimes abortion can cause damage to the uterus and make the woman infertile for the rest of her life. (Abortion some
medical facts pamphlet.) Also if you are a women and have had an abortion you increase your chances of having breast cancer by fifty percent.
Abortion has no good results in for the mother or the poor murdered baby. In the end it will always cause physical and emotional pain.
What do religious beliefs have to do with abortion? They have everything to do with
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Reflection Of My Life Essay
One's dream and aspirations to supersede in life must be stronger and greater than limitations set forth by others. The experience that were bestowed
to me during my short life has elevated me to the woman I am today. Please walk with me as I give you the opportunity to see the world from my eyes:
To be the person that I am now, I had to reflect and accept accountability of my past actions. My past is one that many would love to erase from
their memory, a past, which remained dormant, until I found myself. The steps involved in regaining myself encompassed letting go of my anger and
self pity. I had to look within myself and see my self's worth, which lead to my belief that I ran away to college to forget my past. During the years more content...
Put education first and everything else will fall into place." I didn't realize how true these words were, until I came face to face with my past.
My last year in college, changed the whole course of my life. Near the end of my junior year, I befriended a guy, who never would become my
boyfriend. I knew he was infatuated with me, so I lead him on. He ended up stalking me and making several death threats. I never understood the
phrase "in fear of your life", until then. Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) got involved but there wasn't much they could do except file a police
report and wait. This was a very frightening time in my life and consequently I became very disconnected with life. I never provided TPD with my
stalker's name, in fear that he would kill me if I did. I moved to a different apartment complex across town, thinking that it would make all my
problems go away. He ended up finding me and making more serious death threats against me and my family if I didn't leave Tallahassee.
I had a mental breakdown after the last death threat and I left Florida State University my senior year, I went back home to deal with my traumatic
ordeal. I quickly transferred to Florida International University and graduated the following year with my graduating class at Florida State. Graduation
day should have been one of the happiest days of my life, but instead I was terrified
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The Lives Of Others Essay

  • 1. The Lives of Others Essay 'Das Leben der Anderen' (The Lives of Others) is a striking example of how a director can convey narrative links within a film by employing various styles and film techniques. The Lives of Others relies upon these visual means to assist with the telling of the story as much as it relies upon the script. In this selected sequence of the film, several narrative links are drawn here to form the conclusion of 'Operation Lazlo'. These narrative links are further cemented by Donnersmarck's use of various lighting styles, diegtic and non–diegtic sound, revealing camera shots and intricate mise–en–scene. In order to analyse this sequence, the narrative links that are drawn here must be addressed. After Dreyman's long–term friend more content... The Stasi offer their insincere apologies and leave, unperturbed by the death surrounding them. At the beginning of the sequence, Dreyman and his good friend Hauser are shown walking together towards Dreyman's apartment. Here, Donnersmarck uses a medium camera shot in order to establish the scene. This allows the spectator the ability to take in all aspects of the characters and their surroundings. The main focus is upon the two men, as there are no immediate points of interest in the background. Aside from rare glimpses of people passing by; the streets of East Germany are utterly devoid of life. This use of visual screenplay by Donnersmarck can be interpreted as a reference to the Stasi's vice–like grip on the lives of the people residing in East Germany. Donnersmarck re–emphasises this through–out the film. There is no music within this portion of the sequence, only the diegetic natural sound of leaves blowing in the wind. Dreyman and Hauser's conversation therefore stands out, and their solemn discussion is emphasised. The narrative link highlighted here is in regards to the Stasi's search of Dreyman's apartment the night before. Dreyman's girlfriend, Christa–Maria, was noticeably absent from the apartment and has not been in contact. Dreyman's friends discuss and fear the worst. They suspect that Christa–Maria has revealed to the Stasi that it was Dreyman who wrote the journal article that created havoc Get more content on
  • 2. Rob Peterson Case Summary HRM5020 Business Fundamentals A Day in the Life March 1, 2014 Summary of case Shirley Smith is a 58 year old female employee that was a current cancer patient and over the past few years has been performing mediocre work. The issues that Rob Peterson and the company faces, if they should fire Ms. Smith, is that cancer is covered under the American's with Disability Act. She is a female which makes her fall under the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the fact that she is 58 years of age so she is covered under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. (Popejoy, 2006) Emily Lessiker was one of three final candidates for an Auditor 1 position and just informed Rob Peterson that if she is chosen more content... Plan Two: Mr. Robertson should put Shirley on a 30–90 day performance improvement plan with defined expectations and if her scores do not improve then they need to inform her that they are going to have to let her go. The goals and objectives for her would be to improve on how she interacts with co–workers and clients, since her reviews have been poor over the past three years. If they are not met to a satisfactory employee performance level than management needs to inform her at that time that these consequences of not meeting this level will be grounds of being fired. Analyze the effects of the employment decisions proposed above from the accounting, financial, or economical standpoint; managerial standpoint and ethical points of view Accounting, Financial or Economical Standpoint Shirley has been with the company for three years, and if Mr. Peterson decides go with Plan One the effects from the accounting or financial standpoint is they are down an employee before he can hire a new one. Managerial Standpoint From a managerial standpoint they are aware of her performance especially since the partner in charge has been complaining about her ability to do the job for years. (Popejoy, 2006). They are prepared with her trying to retaliate back with possible Acts such as ADA, the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act but they are not firing her because she had cancer, or she is female and 58 they are Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about What is life? "What is life?" The question has been asked innumerable times but has been answered to the satisfaction of few. Science is based on the experience that nature gives intelligent answers to intelligent questions. To senseless questions, nature gives senseless answers – or no answers at all. If nature has never provided an answer to this question, perhaps something is wrong with the question. The question is wrong indeed. It has no sense, for life in itself does not exist. No one has seen or measured life. Life is always linked to material systems; what man sees and measures are living systems of matter. Life is not a thing to be studied; rather, "being alive" is a quality of some physical systems. A look at the living world reveals more content... The more complex the system, the more complex its qualities. Organs may be built from cells; from organs may come an individual organism, such as a human being. Individuals in turn may be combined to form societies or populations, which again have their own rules. At each level of complexity are new qualities not present in the simpler levels. The study of each level yields new information for the biologist. The history of biology has been marked by a penetration into ever smaller dimensions. In the sixteenth century, Vesalius was dependent on his unaided eyesight for his study of the human body. In the following century, the optical microscope led to the discovery of many new details of structure. Marcello Malpighi observed the capillary vessels that complete the cycle of blood circulation and showed that even such tiny insects as the silkworm have an intricate internal structure. Anton van Leeuwenhoek described blood cells and the compound eyes of insects. Robert Hooke described the cellular structure of plants. As microscopes were improved, more and more details of structure were described. By the nineteenth century, it was becoming clear that all complex organisms are composed of semi–independent units called cells. The major structural features of cells were established. Bacteria were discovered and studied. In this century, the electron microscope has taken the scientist down to molecular dimensions, and he has learned to observe with x–rays as
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  • 5. Changes in Life Essay In my life, I have been exposed to a challenge called change. Change can occur in many different ways and is dealt with in many different ways. I have come to the awareness that change can be the deepest of all things. I always thought that change occurred when you moved to a state or when you lost someone real close to you. Those are a challenge to change, yes, but change doesn't have to occur over a climactic incident. It can just appear overnight when your brain winds up when it's time to do something different. Even with friends that you used to have and know that move on. For example, most of my friends from elementary school, I don't even talk to them anymore. For obvious reasons, people will turn down the changes in life. more content... It's depressing how this works, but it's probably the most reason why people change. It's much like peer pressure which usually ends up in the wrong direction. For example, I was almost peer pressured to consume alcohol and to do smoking. Fortunately, for me, I escaped that change and didn't experience it. The people we adore love us so much that they want us to remain the way we are forever. Like how my mother always wanted me to stay the same little child, but I grew up. Not all people can stay the same for a long time. If the people we love and adore would just accept the change and go with it, they would understand where the change was coming from. It can be shaky to try to stop change and fight against it, especially if the person wants to change a lot. When I was ready for high school, I was expected to change almost everything in my life. The reason that somebody wants to change is usually not their choice, but a feeling that the person feels inside their head. Maybe the change isn't the best change, but if you dig deeper, the person that you adore isn't really changing. They are just trying to find themselves and the one thing they need the most is the support of the people who they care about the most. When I was attending college, I was expecting a lot of changing to take place. With the support of my family and friends, it was no big deal for me. When the people they care about the most, detach their change as Get more content on
  • 6. Life Is But A Choice Essay Life Is But A Choice Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can imagine life as a long winding road with millions of other roads branching off in many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that was passed. Everyone must choose his/her own roads through life regardless of what other people might think. Robert Frost wrote in The Road Not Taken, " I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference "(Frost 423). By managing ones time efficiently and making clear rational choices, more content... Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so interesting. Another important choice in life is having a healthy body. The key to achieving a healthy body is diet, exercise, and rest. In the world today, doctors are constantly reminding us to watch our body fat, cholesterol, and nutritional intake. In addition, eating a well balance diet can greatly reduce risk of disease and live longer lives.. Also, doctors tell us that smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can be extremely harmful to our health. Making a choice to exercise is very important also. Doctors tell us that exercising at least thirty minutes a day will reduce the risk of a stroke and heart disease. Not to mention, exercising is a great way to cope with the stress of everyday life. The most important way to stay healthy is to get plenty of rest. The body needs a break to the mind and replenish cells in the body so the body can function properly. Without rest, one is more likely to make mistakes and even have a higher level of stress. One more important choice in life is spirituality. Everyone has to question what is this world we live in, why are we here on earth, is there life elsewhere, and is there a god. These questions have been around since man began walking the earth. Over the centuries since the bible was written, many different schools of thought have been Get more content on
  • 7. My Dream Life Essay Moving forward with the concepts and lessons I learned in the section Create Your Dream Life, I am slowly and steadily trying to improve my way of life. I started to notice and evaluate my life situations to comprehend what, when, and how I need to change. I am beginning to increase my self–perception and cognitive flexibility while balancing my dashboard more effectively. AlthoughCareer Perspectives is opening my eyes to new possibilities and teaching me new concepts, it is difficult to change in a blink of an eye. While growing and changing, I am reminded that creating my dream career reflects my dream life; they complement one another. Society has at least two perspectives of passions: It leads us to perceive that passions will not make us enough money to lead a good life; and on the opposite end of the spectrum, society says "do what you love and never work a day in your life" or "do what you love, and money will follow." They always leave out the concept of "get great at what you do." I often mistake passions and interests as one in the same, which confuses me when I am trying to decide my career path. I know I am interested in a variety of things, but I wasn't sure what exactly I was passionate about. Learning that sometimes our passions have a gravitational pull towards them, I noticed that some of my answers always seem to repeat themselves. A few years ago, I realized a dilemma within myself: I always say, but I do not do. Ever since that moment of realization I Get more content on
  • 8. My Perfect Life Essay Many people think having a perfect life is having a lot of money, doing whatever you want, and having everything you ever wanted. But in my mind, that isn't the perfect life. The perfect life to me is living life to the fullest creating memories you won't forget and creating friendships that last forever. Many people think that when something bad happens in life it is the devil trying to get to you, but you have to use that to motivate yourself to be the greatest you can be. Now here are some of my lifelong lasting memories and stories that motivate me to be the greatest I can be. To start off, I have had many pets in the 13 years I have been alive. But I have one that meant the world to me. Her name was Kemi, and she was an more content... I remember thinking that they had magical powers to fix almost anything, and they always worked like a charm. This has been the greatest gift I have ever received and I don't know if I would be who I am today if it weren't for those hearts. I have had a lot of memories as a child, but there is one that sticks out the most. A few years ago my family went to Brevard for vacation. Now, this is a place in the middle of nowhere, I was just surrounded by woods. But there was this place we went to down there called sliding rock. Now, this is just a waterfall but runs down a hill so it is like a really long slip and slide. Even though the water was freezing cold, everyone in my family goes in even my dog. This is one of my greatest memories because that was the perfect day in my mind. A person who has the biggest influence on me in my life is a girl named Rachel... she lives in Ireland and came over to spend a summer with my family. She opened my eyes to how life was like in different areas of the world. Even though she only stayed for a summer I formed a lifelong bond and lifelong memories. One of the greatest thing I remember is how she told us there were no bugs in Ireland. That alone was enough to make my mom want to move. We are going to go visit her this summer. You have to learn to see the good in the bad and you have to be the one there when people need you most. If you get this down then you will Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on The Meaning of Life The Meaning of Life My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means more content... Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role." At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored. Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in Get more content on
  • 10. My Life My Journey Essay As a very small child I don't remember too much, but the things that I do remember were seen through a child's eyes that has made me the person that I am today and I will always have those memory's with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student. Its funny how as a child you look at things. As time passes, those same child memories become life experiences as an adult. It is stated that Environmental assessment is closely related to the impact environment makes more content... I lost my little brother in 1982 at age 22 in an accident at my parent's home. Robbie was taking down a C.B. antenna and it struck a high power line that ran into the local General Motors plant. Robbie was killed instantly. As Erickson's stated in his psychosocial development theory, "which refers to the development within the social environment in which a person lives, primarily focusing on relationships with other people" (Simanowitz & Pearce. 2003). This had brought back memories of how my relationship was when we were little. I was always kind of upset with Robbie because he was one of those kids that had that natural athletic ability. Robbie could run faster and throw better, do everything better when it came to sports, but the real reason I was mad at Robbie most of my childhood life was because every time something went wrong, I always got the blame and in trouble. Mom would say "You're older you should have known better" Yes she was right most of the time I did know better. I was the middle child and I was always the one that got into trouble even though Robbie might have done it first. I had a good childhood for the most part, I can't remember not doing without the things that I really needed as a child. Things like clothes, food, shelter and love from a family. I recall having my favorite things Get more content on
  • 11. Pro-Life Essay examples Pro–Life English I 1 Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or angering others but it is extremely important that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965–1996 over 515 million babies have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions ( This is what we need to understand: abortion kills and we need to know where it came from. The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of rape. Then other states began to expand the use of abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, more content... One way is called Partial Birth Abortion (D&X); it can kill babies up to thirty–two weeks old. The abortionist (murderer in this case) removes all of the baby from the mother except for the head, he then jab a pair of scissors in the back of the babies skull and then he uses a suction hose to suck out the babies brain. Then he uses forceps to crush the babies' skull and pull the rest of the babies' body out. Salt poisoning is also used, where salt is injected and the bay dies of convulsions due to salt poisoning ( If they can say this is not murder, then what is? Abortion is not painless for the mother either. Over ninety–seven percent of women have reported feeling pain it is often described as intense, severe, or very severe. Abortion is also not without side effects. Complications such as bleeding, hemorrhaging, menstrual disturbances or inflammation of the reproductive organs. Sometimes abortion can cause damage to the uterus and make the woman infertile for the rest of her life. (Abortion some medical facts pamphlet.) Also if you are a women and have had an abortion you increase your chances of having breast cancer by fifty percent. Abortion has no good results in for the mother or the poor murdered baby. In the end it will always cause physical and emotional pain. What do religious beliefs have to do with abortion? They have everything to do with
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  • 13. Reflection Of My Life Essay One's dream and aspirations to supersede in life must be stronger and greater than limitations set forth by others. The experience that were bestowed to me during my short life has elevated me to the woman I am today. Please walk with me as I give you the opportunity to see the world from my eyes: To be the person that I am now, I had to reflect and accept accountability of my past actions. My past is one that many would love to erase from their memory, a past, which remained dormant, until I found myself. The steps involved in regaining myself encompassed letting go of my anger and self pity. I had to look within myself and see my self's worth, which lead to my belief that I ran away to college to forget my past. During the years more content... Put education first and everything else will fall into place." I didn't realize how true these words were, until I came face to face with my past. My last year in college, changed the whole course of my life. Near the end of my junior year, I befriended a guy, who never would become my boyfriend. I knew he was infatuated with me, so I lead him on. He ended up stalking me and making several death threats. I never understood the phrase "in fear of your life", until then. Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) got involved but there wasn't much they could do except file a police report and wait. This was a very frightening time in my life and consequently I became very disconnected with life. I never provided TPD with my stalker's name, in fear that he would kill me if I did. I moved to a different apartment complex across town, thinking that it would make all my problems go away. He ended up finding me and making more serious death threats against me and my family if I didn't leave Tallahassee. I had a mental breakdown after the last death threat and I left Florida State University my senior year, I went back home to deal with my traumatic ordeal. I quickly transferred to Florida International University and graduated the following year with my graduating class at Florida State. Graduation day should have been one of the happiest days of my life, but instead I was terrified Get more content on