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The invite process you are about to
learn is not theory. This is a method that
is working right now and is producing
results. This is meant for beginners and
professionals alike.
Keep in mind that the backbone to this
invite process is just to simply be
yourself. Do not try to present yourself
as someone you are not.
-Myke Metzger
Step 1
➤ Put yourself in the shoes of your prospect. What is their first
impression of you? i.e.; tonality, social media, spelling &
grammar, etc.
➤ You must understand the thoughts going through the prospect’s
mind. Most sales reps are too focused on themselves. Be patient,
and focus on the importance of your prospect.
➤ Plan for the future. Put yourself in a confident mindset that
your new prospect will become a long term connection regardless
of the outcome.
➤ Be sure to have your own professional answer for what it is that
you do for a living. Ex: Internet marketer, high ticket marketing
and sales, marketing representative, affiliate marketer, etc.
➤ Present yourself as someone you would listen to and/or look up
to. You attract who you are.
➤ Choose a mentor that you relate to. Would he/she post the things
that you do on social media? Would their profile picture look like
yours? Would they post statuses similar to your current ones? If
not, change it. Now.
➤ Smile. Dress well. Speak well. Feel well. Always.
➤ Change your voicemail. Confident, professional, and to the point.
➤ Always display confidence in your company, brand, and product. If
you do not stand up for what you believe in and what you’ve
chosen as your vehicle to financial and health freedom, you might
as well be an employee. Don’t be an employee.
➤ Sharp as a Tack.
➤ Enthusiastic as Hell.
➤ An Authority in Your Field.
Never forget these 3 rules and apply
them in every aspect of your life and
your business.
➤ You become what you focus on most. Focus on being a pro.
➤ Write down your goals; reverse engineer where you want to be
and have an exact plan of action to get there.
➤ Get a business card and some marketing materials from your
company website. Six-figure business owners have much more
than a Facebook page and a cell phone.
➤ Be prepared. Study your product and company. Know it better
than you know your number of Instagram followers.
➤ Read. A lot. Here are some great places to start: ‘Business of The
21st Century’ by Robert Kiyosaki - ‘7 Steps to Becoming a Network
Marketing Professional’ by Eric Worre & ‘The Ultimate Sales Machine’
by Chet Holmes
Step 2
➤ Networking Events; Chamber of Commerce Event,,
Local Health & Fitness Events
➤ Craigslist
➤ Facebook Friends; pay attention to what people are talking about
and the needs they have. Facebook is a breeding ground for people
who need solutions.
➤ Facebook Groups; mentor groups, health groups, niche related
markets, etc.
➤ Business Cards; personal or on bulletin boards in local areas
➤ Warm Market; do not annoy people, stay patient.
➤ Warm Market Referrals; if the answer is no, get the referral.
➤ Retirement Homes; leave product with trusted employee for 1 week.
➤ Google Search; “[My local city] Professionals”
➤ Google Search; “[My local city] Fitness Coaches”
➤ Google Search; “[My local city] Physical Therapist”
➤ Connect on LinkedIn; the average income of a professional
on LinkedIn is 100k per year.
➤ Twitter Advanced Search & Mentions; Search YouTube for
more info/guidance.
➤ YouTube; search through comments on health related videos
for potential customers and build relationship.
➤ Church Events; build relationships and trade contact info.
➤ Local Co-Working Office Space; surrounded with like-
minded individuals & entrepreneurs to network with.
➤ Phone Contacts; focus on creating conversation.
➤ Drop Cards; find a designer on - place in targeted
library books i.e.; marketing & health books (natural cures
etc.) Place in gym bathrooms & locker rooms.
➤ Realtors & Auto Salesmen; collect business card and build
relationship based on high ticket sales.
➤ Apparel Advertising; call to action on tee shirt, hat,
sweatshirt, keychain, button, etc. Checkout
➤ Car Windows / Magnets; keep it classy and modern. Again,
checkout - include phone number.
➤ Outgoing Mail & Thank You Cards; include a personalized
stamp, a business card, or drop card in all outgoing mail.
➤ College Campus; many colleges have bathroom
advertisements and bulletin boards for you to tack a flyer.
➤ Personal Website;
➤ Charity Events; built for givers and people who care about
others. Usually clear minded and financially stable people.
➤ Trade Shows; product samples, networking, and trade
business cards.
➤ Physical Therapy Clinics; share the water and/or leave
machine with a trusted employee. Place brochures in waiting
➤ Doctor’s Offices etc; temporary product placement. Sign
waiver form and leave product for a week.
➤ Restaurant Owners; socially connected business people, and
will raise quality of food and beverage. Win Win.
➤ Parent Sporting Events; all parents want health for their
children and time freedom.
➤ Gym & Fitness Facilities; outside tent or indoor presentation.
$10,000 PER MONTH IN
➤ I am Just Like You.
➤ I Care.
➤ I am Trustworthy.
If any of these principles are missing,
you will miss out on leads as a consequence
of them not being able to relate with you.
Step 3
➤ Always focus on building a relationship. It is the key factor in
any sale.
➤ Spend time getting to know the person and who they are. Listen
and evaluate. Ask a lot of questions, be enthusiastic, and repeat
this process until a subject is brought up that relates to the
➤ Realize that you have plenty of time to invite the prospect to hear
about your product and/or business. This is high ticket sales. Be
sure to stay comfortable and keep in mind; it takes days, weeks, or
months to create a full transaction. Not minutes or hours. Spend
the first interaction getting to know your lead, and do not jump
the gun by bringing up your company, product, or yourself.
“When you talk, you are only repeating
what you already know.
But if you listen, you may learn
something new.
-Dalai Lama
➤ When you listen, you are learning valuable information about
your prospect. You will use this later to connect your reason
for communication to their needs.
➤ Take notes and keep your leads organized. Write down
everything you learn about each person you speak with and/
or approach. People appreciate when you remember details
about them or the conversations you have had.
➤ Always test different approaches to find what works best
with your personality and with your particular leads.
➤ In Person > Video Call > Phone Call > Voicemail > Text > Email > Direct Mail
➤ Confidence is EVERYTHING. Without it, you will fail.
Step 4
If you can establish these 3 key factors in your invite, your lead will always do as you
wish. If they do not, it is because you have not properly established one of the above.
➤ Build trust with your lead by
spending at least 1 day or one
interaction learning about them.
Ask questions and do not talk
about yourself or your company/
➤ Eliminate the sale from your
mind and focus on serving the
needs of your potential customer.
Have fun with it. There is no
script to ‘making friends’. Be
yourself, be honest, and be
sincere. Ask yourself “If this
person does not buy from me,
will they still be a new connection
and/or friend?”
“Insert friendly conversation here.
This can take hours, days, or weeks. Continue an ongoing conversation in
your free time until a topic is brought up that relates to your company and
product. Never have an ego, and always remember to keep them as the
subject of the conversation. This is the backbone to your sale.
Keep in mind, when you represent yourself as a professional, people will
expect you to possibly be trying to sell them something. When you don’t,
it will be a pleasant surprise, and the rapport that you have built with
them will be even more valuable.
When you feel that you’ve made a good connection with your new lead,
let them know that you have other priorities (gym, work, family, phone
call, errands, etc) and that you will get in touch with them later. Leave
them hanging and without pitching a single thing. This is called “jabbing”.
(This can be done via phone call, email, text, or any other type of communication)
➤ When it’s 50 degrees in the
Spring, people are jumping
into their bathing suits and
putting the top down on the
➤ When it’s 50 degrees in the
Fall, people are wearing
scarves and gloves, pulling out
their fancy peacoat, and
chugging down Pumpkin Spice
➤ It’s the same weather, why do
people act differently?
➤ It is because of anticipation.
They are simply anticipating
something that they have been
waiting for, because it is different
than what they are used to.
➤ If you can condition your prospect
to anticipate your information,
and as long as you have kept that
information intriguing,
exclusive, and of high value,
they will in fact feel anticipation.
➤ Instead of chasing down a lead,
they will begin to chase you. If
you follow this guide, your lead
will be on the edge of their
The following script works because it
is building anticipation. By leaving
them hanging, and not “pitching”
them or talking about what you
know, it will intrigue and build
curiosity within your new lead.
After all, if you were a rockstar
salesman, you would have sold them
already right? Wrong.
Hey (prospect), great speaking with you yesterday man. Im super sorry
that I didn’t even think about bringing this up… But I'm working on
something very big. I don’t have all of the details yet, but I was thinking
you’d be a great person for this project I’m working on - and I’d like to
keep you in the loop… is that cool?
Prospect: Sure, what is it?
Well, like I said, I don’t have all of the details yet, and I’d like to make
sure that it’s something that would actually legitimately help you out
first. You were serious when you said insert key points from yesterday’s
conversation here, right? (Trying to get out of job, saving up for car, in
student loan debt, seeking to improve health, provide for family, unhappy
Prospect: Yeah absolutely. I’m serious.
Okay great, well look I'm headed to the gym but I’ll keep you in the loop.
I’m going to think about it more, and it could be a great way for us to get
healthy, solve your problem, make a large part time income etc together.
Prospect: Okay great thank you! Talk to you soon. Sounds good. etc.
(Whatever they may say here. End the conversation. Leave them hanging
➤ Why do most people not want
to work at McDonalds?
➤ Is it because of minimum
wage? Is it because of terrible
hours? Is it because of the
lame uniforms?
➤ No, it is because it does not
require any credentials, and
just about anyone can attain a
position there.
➤ Do not treat your business as
a McDonalds. Quality over
➤ When your prospect looks at you as
a new friend or potential
connection that they can relate
with, they do not have that “being
sold” feeling in the back of their
➤ When someone feels that they have
a chance to take advantage of
something that others may not
have access to, they feel exclusive.
People naturally want to feel that
they are better than others.
➤ When you’re at the Big Sean
concert and you don’t have that
VIP access, you’re probably sitting
there with your light beer wishing
you did. Correct?
Simple psychology. I wouldn’t assume that you wear Sketchers do you?
No, you wear the Yeezys’ because few and far between have a pair.
Hey (prospect), how’s it going?
Prospect: Good and you?
Im great, thanks. So hey do you remember what I was telling you about
Prospect: Yeah!
Turns out it’s bigger than I thought. I was speaking with my partner and
shared with him a little bit about what we spoke about yesterday, and he
highly recommended that you fill out an application. We’re bringing on a
handful of new people for this project, and I truly think it’s a great fit for
Prospect: Oh wow okay. Well, what is it?
Glad you asked, we actually have a simple webpage dedicated to helping
answer that question due to us having to answer it quite often. It does a
great job of explaining how we can possibly help you find a solution to
[prospect’s problem].
When would you have 30 minutes or so to see if it’s a project you’d like
to apply for?
Now, a lot of things can happen here…
If the prospect is cooperative, that’s great. DO NOT send them a link
until they have committed to a date and a time that they will have 30
minutes to watch the informational video and fill out an application.
After you’ve confirmed with them for a second time that they will be
looking through the information right then, send them the link and set
a follow up time with them.
If the prospect is not cooperative, DO NOT BE AFRAID to take
away the sale. Remember, confidence is key.
“ Hey man, it’s no worries at all. We receive a lot of applications and I’d just
rather you hear the information directly from the source, that’s all.”
(Then leave the conversation here. Do not send the link. Come up
with an excuse to immediately end the conversation, and let them
know you’ll check in with them later. This builds further trust,
anticipation, and exclusivity. Shoving it down their throat when they
are resistant only confirms that you are simply trying to make a buck.
People want what they can’t have. Repeat the follow up process later
that day or the next day until you get the 30 minute commitment.)
Repeat this process until the prospect commits. Then be sure to write
down the date & time on their lead card. Always keep track of their actions
and where they are throughout the sales process. You never want to forget
what step they are on, you will lose massive rapport by sending a duplicate
link or repeating yourself verbatim.
If the prospect does not commit, that is okay. It’s part of the game. True
high level sales people do not stop here. Simply write down as much
intelligence as possible that you have gathered, and set them aside for when
you have more results or new information to share with them. Repeat this
process 5-7 times and you will find yourself converting 75% of all of your
leads. Consistency is king.
Once the prospect has applied for the position, watched the information, or
reviewed the info you have sent them; keep your communication short
and to the point. Follow up with confidence, and let them know their
application is pending approval, and they will receive a phone call shortly
for a brief interview and to discuss their financial and/or health goals.
➤ Is this Kangen Water? Yes, absolutely. I would never consider
anything else for my health or financial future.
➤ Competition Objection: Well, I see where you’re coming from, but
as a marketing professional, here is what I know; Competition is a
great thing. It is a sign that our product has a market. If we had no
competition, that would be a pretty stupid business model wouldn’t
ya say? Pepsi doesn’t worry about Coca Cola and vice versa, see what
I mean?
➤ Competition Objection #2: Well honestly, competition is a great
thing in business. Enagic has been around for 40 years. Plus, it’s not
like somebody is going to run in front of your potential customer and
sell them a different product. You are in control of your own income,
there are plenty of people in the world that need our product, and
our training system will help you learn how to find them!
➤ Why is this product not sold in stores? Well, that’s a great
question. Most medical grade devices are actually not sold in
stores. Plus it would be a huge liability for our company, who
wishes to uphold their A+ rating with the BBB. Enagic
prefers to support their customers directly, and through their
trusted and loyal distributors. Wouldn’t you agree it’s much
smarter that way?
➤ It’s too expensive. There is no answer for this. You will get
this objection when you have not built enough value in the
prospect’s eyes, and when you have not established the 3
rules; Trust, Anticipation, and Exclusivity. This is why it is
important to spend time in these 3 areas.
DISCLAIMER!This is what has worked for me to personally recruit 243 affiliates and create over 500 personal
customer sales in the marketing industry in 22 months. Results are not typical. To experience success
with this, experiment with your own version of the scripts in this slideshow. Be true to yourself, be
honest, and ethical. Not everyone who uses this method will generate a full time income.
 Kind of like how “most” people who buy treadmills don’t even use them after 2 weeks.
 Kind of like how 97% of the population totally gives up on their new year’s resolution by the 3rd
Monday in January.
THE TRUTH IS: Most people don’t get the results they want in any area of their life because they
give up so damn easily.
Use the information in this training and stay consistent. Review it multiple times per week. It works
for the people who apply it.
Remember, confidence is everything and consistency is king.
➤ Be yourself and be honest. Surprisingly, when you admit that you
don’t know what the hell you’re doing, or that you DO know what
you’re doing, you will build massive rapport with your lead. Be sure
not to come off egotistical.
➤ Do not use exclamation points in these scripts via your texts and
Facebook messages. It comes off as unprofessional and caddy.
Remember, you want to be viewed as sharp as a tack, enthusiastic,
and an authority in your field. Not a novice who has never made a
➤ Make a habit of communicating out loud with everyone you see. The
mailman, your teacher, the tool booth operator, people you walk by
on the sidewalk. When you create the habit of communicating on
a regular basis, you will naturally speak to people out of habit and
find new leads. It will also make it easier for you to pick up the
phone and initiate your next sales call.
➤ Use index cards and folders to keep your leads organized. A
four-folder system works best. Label your folders “Invite,
Expose, Follow Up, Close” - Move your lead cards throughout
the folders as you move them through the sales process. This
will help you stay on task. It will also help you pinpoint any
problem in your business; If your ‘follow up’ folder is packed
with lead cards, then you know your follow up needs some
➤ Do not spam your social media with your company and your
links. There is a reason people ignore billboards and
commercials. Do not decide to become a human billboard.
There are much cooler things to do with your life, do those
➤ Be sure to have an appealing profile photo and cover photo on social
media. Represent yourself as a stud, not a dud. High quality only,
never pixelated or blurry.
➤ Be an INFORMER. Not a “Me-Former”. When posting on social
media and building a reputation for yourself, do not talk about
yourself and what you know. Everybody online is already talking
about how great they are and all of the horse hockey they know.
Don’t do that. Post intriguing information. Draw attention by
posting opinionated QUESTIONS not statements, then let your
audience post their opinions on your post. You want to stir up
action and engagement.
➤ Ex: “Bears or Giants? Go!” or “What do you feel is more unhealthy, regular
soda or diet?”
Write down your own version of these
scripts for each step. As you use them
you will learn what works best for
Evaluate. Adjust. Repeat.
- Myke

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The Perfect Recruiting and Sales Invite

  • 2. “ The invite process you are about to learn is not theory. This is a method that is working right now and is producing results. This is meant for beginners and professionals alike. Keep in mind that the backbone to this invite process is just to simply be yourself. Do not try to present yourself as someone you are not. -Myke Metzger
  • 4. UH. WHAT’S A PROFESSIONAL? ➤ Put yourself in the shoes of your prospect. What is their first impression of you? i.e.; tonality, social media, spelling & grammar, etc. ➤ You must understand the thoughts going through the prospect’s mind. Most sales reps are too focused on themselves. Be patient, and focus on the importance of your prospect. ➤ Plan for the future. Put yourself in a confident mindset that your new prospect will become a long term connection regardless of the outcome. ➤ Be sure to have your own professional answer for what it is that you do for a living. Ex: Internet marketer, high ticket marketing and sales, marketing representative, affiliate marketer, etc.
  • 5. UH. WHAT’S A PROFESSIONAL? ➤ Present yourself as someone you would listen to and/or look up to. You attract who you are. ➤ Choose a mentor that you relate to. Would he/she post the things that you do on social media? Would their profile picture look like yours? Would they post statuses similar to your current ones? If not, change it. Now. ➤ Smile. Dress well. Speak well. Feel well. Always. ➤ Change your voicemail. Confident, professional, and to the point. ➤ Always display confidence in your company, brand, and product. If you do not stand up for what you believe in and what you’ve chosen as your vehicle to financial and health freedom, you might as well be an employee. Don’t be an employee.
  • 6. THE 3 RULES OF A PRO ➤ Sharp as a Tack. ➤ Enthusiastic as Hell. ➤ An Authority in Your Field. Never forget these 3 rules and apply them in every aspect of your life and your business.
  • 7. WHAT IF I'M NOT A PRO YET? ➤ You become what you focus on most. Focus on being a pro. ➤ Write down your goals; reverse engineer where you want to be and have an exact plan of action to get there. ➤ Get a business card and some marketing materials from your company website. Six-figure business owners have much more than a Facebook page and a cell phone. ➤ Be prepared. Study your product and company. Know it better than you know your number of Instagram followers. ➤ Read. A lot. Here are some great places to start: ‘Business of The 21st Century’ by Robert Kiyosaki - ‘7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional’ by Eric Worre & ‘The Ultimate Sales Machine’ by Chet Holmes
  • 9. DUDE, HOW IN THE HELL CAN I FIND LEADS? ➤ Networking Events; Chamber of Commerce Event,, Local Health & Fitness Events ➤ Craigslist ➤ Facebook Friends; pay attention to what people are talking about and the needs they have. Facebook is a breeding ground for people who need solutions. ➤ Facebook Groups; mentor groups, health groups, niche related markets, etc. ➤ Business Cards; personal or on bulletin boards in local areas ➤ Warm Market; do not annoy people, stay patient. ➤ Warm Market Referrals; if the answer is no, get the referral. ➤ Retirement Homes; leave product with trusted employee for 1 week.
  • 10. ➤ Google Search; “[My local city] Professionals” ➤ Google Search; “[My local city] Fitness Coaches” ➤ Google Search; “[My local city] Physical Therapist” ➤ Connect on LinkedIn; the average income of a professional on LinkedIn is 100k per year. ➤ Twitter Advanced Search & Mentions; Search YouTube for more info/guidance. ➤ YouTube; search through comments on health related videos for potential customers and build relationship. ➤ Church Events; build relationships and trade contact info. ➤ Local Co-Working Office Space; surrounded with like- minded individuals & entrepreneurs to network with. ➤ Phone Contacts; focus on creating conversation.
  • 11. ➤ Drop Cards; find a designer on - place in targeted library books i.e.; marketing & health books (natural cures etc.) Place in gym bathrooms & locker rooms. ➤ Realtors & Auto Salesmen; collect business card and build relationship based on high ticket sales. ➤ Apparel Advertising; call to action on tee shirt, hat, sweatshirt, keychain, button, etc. Checkout ➤ Car Windows / Magnets; keep it classy and modern. Again, checkout - include phone number. ➤ Outgoing Mail & Thank You Cards; include a personalized stamp, a business card, or drop card in all outgoing mail. ➤ College Campus; many colleges have bathroom advertisements and bulletin boards for you to tack a flyer. ➤ Personal Website;
  • 12. ➤ Charity Events; built for givers and people who care about others. Usually clear minded and financially stable people. ➤ Trade Shows; product samples, networking, and trade business cards. ➤ Physical Therapy Clinics; share the water and/or leave machine with a trusted employee. Place brochures in waiting room. ➤ Doctor’s Offices etc; temporary product placement. Sign waiver form and leave product for a week. ➤ Restaurant Owners; socially connected business people, and will raise quality of food and beverage. Win Win. ➤ Parent Sporting Events; all parents want health for their children and time freedom. ➤ Gym & Fitness Facilities; outside tent or indoor presentation.
  • 14. THE 3 RULES OF PROSPECTING ➤ I am Just Like You. ➤ I Care. ➤ I am Trustworthy. If any of these principles are missing, you will miss out on leads as a consequence of them not being able to relate with you.
  • 16. COOL… WHAT NOW? ➤ Always focus on building a relationship. It is the key factor in any sale. ➤ Spend time getting to know the person and who they are. Listen and evaluate. Ask a lot of questions, be enthusiastic, and repeat this process until a subject is brought up that relates to the product. ➤ Realize that you have plenty of time to invite the prospect to hear about your product and/or business. This is high ticket sales. Be sure to stay comfortable and keep in mind; it takes days, weeks, or months to create a full transaction. Not minutes or hours. Spend the first interaction getting to know your lead, and do not jump the gun by bringing up your company, product, or yourself.
  • 17. “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new. -Dalai Lama
  • 18. ➤ When you listen, you are learning valuable information about your prospect. You will use this later to connect your reason for communication to their needs. ➤ Take notes and keep your leads organized. Write down everything you learn about each person you speak with and/ or approach. People appreciate when you remember details about them or the conversations you have had. ➤ Always test different approaches to find what works best with your personality and with your particular leads. ➤ In Person > Video Call > Phone Call > Voicemail > Text > Email > Direct Mail ➤ Confidence is EVERYTHING. Without it, you will fail.
  • 20. THERE ARE 3 PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS TO THE INVITE: 1. TRUST 2. ANTICIPATION 3. EXCLUSIVITY If you can establish these 3 key factors in your invite, your lead will always do as you wish. If they do not, it is because you have not properly established one of the above.
  • 21. 1. TRUST ➤ Build trust with your lead by spending at least 1 day or one interaction learning about them. Ask questions and do not talk about yourself or your company/ product. ➤ Eliminate the sale from your mind and focus on serving the needs of your potential customer. Have fun with it. There is no script to ‘making friends’. Be yourself, be honest, and be sincere. Ask yourself “If this person does not buy from me, will they still be a new connection and/or friend?”
  • 22. “Insert friendly conversation here. This can take hours, days, or weeks. Continue an ongoing conversation in your free time until a topic is brought up that relates to your company and product. Never have an ego, and always remember to keep them as the subject of the conversation. This is the backbone to your sale. Keep in mind, when you represent yourself as a professional, people will expect you to possibly be trying to sell them something. When you don’t, it will be a pleasant surprise, and the rapport that you have built with them will be even more valuable. When you feel that you’ve made a good connection with your new lead, let them know that you have other priorities (gym, work, family, phone call, errands, etc) and that you will get in touch with them later. Leave them hanging and without pitching a single thing. This is called “jabbing”. (This can be done via phone call, email, text, or any other type of communication) INITIATE A CONVERSATION
  • 23. 2. ANTICIPATION ➤ When it’s 50 degrees in the Spring, people are jumping into their bathing suits and putting the top down on the convertible. ➤ When it’s 50 degrees in the Fall, people are wearing scarves and gloves, pulling out their fancy peacoat, and chugging down Pumpkin Spice Lattes. ➤ It’s the same weather, why do people act differently?
  • 24. ANTICIPATION CONTINUED… ➤ It is because of anticipation. They are simply anticipating something that they have been waiting for, because it is different than what they are used to. ➤ If you can condition your prospect to anticipate your information, and as long as you have kept that information intriguing, exclusive, and of high value, they will in fact feel anticipation. ➤ Instead of chasing down a lead, they will begin to chase you. If you follow this guide, your lead will be on the edge of their seat.
  • 25. “ The following script works because it is building anticipation. By leaving them hanging, and not “pitching” them or talking about what you know, it will intrigue and build curiosity within your new lead. After all, if you were a rockstar salesman, you would have sold them already right? Wrong.
  • 26. “ Hey (prospect), great speaking with you yesterday man. Im super sorry that I didn’t even think about bringing this up… But I'm working on something very big. I don’t have all of the details yet, but I was thinking you’d be a great person for this project I’m working on - and I’d like to keep you in the loop… is that cool? Prospect: Sure, what is it? Well, like I said, I don’t have all of the details yet, and I’d like to make sure that it’s something that would actually legitimately help you out first. You were serious when you said insert key points from yesterday’s conversation here, right? (Trying to get out of job, saving up for car, in student loan debt, seeking to improve health, provide for family, unhappy etc.) Prospect: Yeah absolutely. I’m serious. Okay great, well look I'm headed to the gym but I’ll keep you in the loop. I’m going to think about it more, and it could be a great way for us to get healthy, solve your problem, make a large part time income etc together. Prospect: Okay great thank you! Talk to you soon. Sounds good. etc. (Whatever they may say here. End the conversation. Leave them hanging again.)
  • 27. 3. EXCLUSIVITY ➤ Why do most people not want to work at McDonalds? ➤ Is it because of minimum wage? Is it because of terrible hours? Is it because of the lame uniforms? ➤ No, it is because it does not require any credentials, and just about anyone can attain a position there. ➤ Do not treat your business as a McDonalds. Quality over Quantity.
  • 28. EXCLUSIVITY CONTINUED… ➤ When your prospect looks at you as a new friend or potential connection that they can relate with, they do not have that “being sold” feeling in the back of their mind. ➤ When someone feels that they have a chance to take advantage of something that others may not have access to, they feel exclusive. People naturally want to feel that they are better than others. ➤ When you’re at the Big Sean concert and you don’t have that VIP access, you’re probably sitting there with your light beer wishing you did. Correct?
  • 29. AS SOON AS YOUR LEAD FEELS THAT “ANYONE CAN DO IT”… THEY WON’T. Simple psychology. I wouldn’t assume that you wear Sketchers do you? No, you wear the Yeezys’ because few and far between have a pair.
  • 30. “ Hey (prospect), how’s it going? Prospect: Good and you? Im great, thanks. So hey do you remember what I was telling you about yesterday? Prospect: Yeah! Turns out it’s bigger than I thought. I was speaking with my partner and shared with him a little bit about what we spoke about yesterday, and he highly recommended that you fill out an application. We’re bringing on a handful of new people for this project, and I truly think it’s a great fit for ya. Prospect: Oh wow okay. Well, what is it? Glad you asked, we actually have a simple webpage dedicated to helping answer that question due to us having to answer it quite often. It does a great job of explaining how we can possibly help you find a solution to [prospect’s problem]. When would you have 30 minutes or so to see if it’s a project you’d like to apply for?
  • 31. “ Now, a lot of things can happen here… If the prospect is cooperative, that’s great. DO NOT send them a link until they have committed to a date and a time that they will have 30 minutes to watch the informational video and fill out an application. After you’ve confirmed with them for a second time that they will be looking through the information right then, send them the link and set a follow up time with them. If the prospect is not cooperative, DO NOT BE AFRAID to take away the sale. Remember, confidence is key. “ Hey man, it’s no worries at all. We receive a lot of applications and I’d just rather you hear the information directly from the source, that’s all.” (Then leave the conversation here. Do not send the link. Come up with an excuse to immediately end the conversation, and let them know you’ll check in with them later. This builds further trust, anticipation, and exclusivity. Shoving it down their throat when they are resistant only confirms that you are simply trying to make a buck. People want what they can’t have. Repeat the follow up process later that day or the next day until you get the 30 minute commitment.)
  • 32. Repeat this process until the prospect commits. Then be sure to write down the date & time on their lead card. Always keep track of their actions and where they are throughout the sales process. You never want to forget what step they are on, you will lose massive rapport by sending a duplicate link or repeating yourself verbatim. If the prospect does not commit, that is okay. It’s part of the game. True high level sales people do not stop here. Simply write down as much intelligence as possible that you have gathered, and set them aside for when you have more results or new information to share with them. Repeat this process 5-7 times and you will find yourself converting 75% of all of your leads. Consistency is king. Once the prospect has applied for the position, watched the information, or reviewed the info you have sent them; keep your communication short and to the point. Follow up with confidence, and let them know their application is pending approval, and they will receive a phone call shortly for a brief interview and to discuss their financial and/or health goals.
  • 33. OBJECTIONS! ➤ Is this Kangen Water? Yes, absolutely. I would never consider anything else for my health or financial future. ➤ Competition Objection: Well, I see where you’re coming from, but as a marketing professional, here is what I know; Competition is a great thing. It is a sign that our product has a market. If we had no competition, that would be a pretty stupid business model wouldn’t ya say? Pepsi doesn’t worry about Coca Cola and vice versa, see what I mean? ➤ Competition Objection #2: Well honestly, competition is a great thing in business. Enagic has been around for 40 years. Plus, it’s not like somebody is going to run in front of your potential customer and sell them a different product. You are in control of your own income, there are plenty of people in the world that need our product, and our training system will help you learn how to find them!
  • 34. OBJECTIONS! ➤ Why is this product not sold in stores? Well, that’s a great question. Most medical grade devices are actually not sold in stores. Plus it would be a huge liability for our company, who wishes to uphold their A+ rating with the BBB. Enagic prefers to support their customers directly, and through their trusted and loyal distributors. Wouldn’t you agree it’s much smarter that way? ➤ It’s too expensive. There is no answer for this. You will get this objection when you have not built enough value in the prospect’s eyes, and when you have not established the 3 rules; Trust, Anticipation, and Exclusivity. This is why it is important to spend time in these 3 areas.
  • 35. DISCLAIMER!This is what has worked for me to personally recruit 243 affiliates and create over 500 personal customer sales in the marketing industry in 22 months. Results are not typical. To experience success with this, experiment with your own version of the scripts in this slideshow. Be true to yourself, be honest, and ethical. Not everyone who uses this method will generate a full time income.  Kind of like how “most” people who buy treadmills don’t even use them after 2 weeks.  Kind of like how 97% of the population totally gives up on their new year’s resolution by the 3rd Monday in January.   THE TRUTH IS: Most people don’t get the results they want in any area of their life because they give up so damn easily. Use the information in this training and stay consistent. Review it multiple times per week. It works for the people who apply it. Remember, confidence is everything and consistency is king.
  • 36. PRO TIPS ➤ Be yourself and be honest. Surprisingly, when you admit that you don’t know what the hell you’re doing, or that you DO know what you’re doing, you will build massive rapport with your lead. Be sure not to come off egotistical. ➤ Do not use exclamation points in these scripts via your texts and Facebook messages. It comes off as unprofessional and caddy. Remember, you want to be viewed as sharp as a tack, enthusiastic, and an authority in your field. Not a novice who has never made a sale. ➤ Make a habit of communicating out loud with everyone you see. The mailman, your teacher, the tool booth operator, people you walk by on the sidewalk. When you create the habit of communicating on a regular basis, you will naturally speak to people out of habit and find new leads. It will also make it easier for you to pick up the phone and initiate your next sales call.
  • 37. PRO TIPS ➤ Use index cards and folders to keep your leads organized. A four-folder system works best. Label your folders “Invite, Expose, Follow Up, Close” - Move your lead cards throughout the folders as you move them through the sales process. This will help you stay on task. It will also help you pinpoint any problem in your business; If your ‘follow up’ folder is packed with lead cards, then you know your follow up needs some work. ➤ Do not spam your social media with your company and your links. There is a reason people ignore billboards and commercials. Do not decide to become a human billboard. There are much cooler things to do with your life, do those instead.
  • 38. PRO TIPS ➤ Be sure to have an appealing profile photo and cover photo on social media. Represent yourself as a stud, not a dud. High quality only, never pixelated or blurry. ➤ Be an INFORMER. Not a “Me-Former”. When posting on social media and building a reputation for yourself, do not talk about yourself and what you know. Everybody online is already talking about how great they are and all of the horse hockey they know. Don’t do that. Post intriguing information. Draw attention by posting opinionated QUESTIONS not statements, then let your audience post their opinions on your post. You want to stir up action and engagement. ➤ Ex: “Bears or Giants? Go!” or “What do you feel is more unhealthy, regular soda or diet?”
  • 39. “ Write down your own version of these scripts for each step. As you use them you will learn what works best for you. Evaluate. Adjust. Repeat.