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                                  A Newsletter Production of the
Special points of interest:
                                  J-9 Joint and Family Services Directorate
  SUPPORTS SCHOOLS              Volume 3, Issue 13                                                        October 30, 2012
 RCA Car Show

 Halloween Safety

 The Best and Worst Hallow-
  een Candy
                               GEORGIA                             Pictured left to Right:
 SPECIAL EVENTS               NATIONAL GUARD                      Kathy Conger - Parent Involvement Coordinator and JROTC
                               DONATES SCHOOL                      Secretary
                                                                   SFC John Roland - Georgia Army National Guard Recruiter
   AWARENESS                   SUPPLIES
                                                                   Dr. Russ Chesser - Principal
 STOP.WALK.TALK               SFC John Roland, recruiter with
                                                                   Dr. April Smith - Assistant Principal
                               the Georgia Army National
                                                                   Alex Apperson - Student
                               Guard and Partner in Education
                                                                   Sgt. Major Russ Beard - JROTC Instructor and Athletic Di-
                               with Worth County High School
                               delivered school supplies for the
                                                                   Georgia York - Math Teacher
                               2012-13 school year.

Inside this issue:

THE GEORGIA               1

RCA Car Show              2

Halloween                 3
The Best and              4
Worst Halloween

Founding Fathers:         4
Button Gwinnett

SPECIAL EVENTS            5

BREAST CANCER             5
AWARENESS                       From the Worth County School System Website at: file:///C:/Users/CHIEFBEAR/
STOP.WALK.TALK            6     Content.Outlook/BH2JP0N7/Worth%20County%20Schools.htm
Page 2

By CW2 Barry Long
                                                        You can imagine my elation when the GA Dept of
                                                        Defense Public Affairs Office and the Flight Control
                                                        Officer for the Georgia Army National Guard’s 78th
                                                        Aviation Troop Command contacted me with news
                                                        that CW3 Hedrick and 1LT Matos would be bringing a
                                                        HH-60M “Mike Model” MEDEVAC Blackhawk to the
                                                        event. The “Mike Model” MEDEVAC is the Army’s
                                                        latest tool for bringing our military personnel safely
                                                        out of life-or-death situations. The life-flight capa-
                                                        bilities on this aircraft provide “better-than-ever”
                                                        capabilities to save Serviceperson’s lives. Although,
                                                        like all such systems, it has its up and downs, it is an
                                                        amazing machine. To see thousands of children,
                                                        young adults and parents experiencing our incredible
                                                        tool for life was amazing.
Every year the Rockdale Career Academy in Con-
yers, GA holds a car show to enhance its footprint
                                                        The children dreamed dreams of flying, the teenagers
in the community, call attention to the out-
                                                        and young adults re-evaluated their futures, and the
standing programs it offers, showcase its Public
                                                        adults variously reminisced about their past history
Safety, Culinary and Automotive Repair Pro-
                                                        (as veterans or kids) when they experienced such a
grams, and to provide non-profit financial sup-
                                                        machine. The local lifesaving helicopter teams came
port to non-funded programs and student needs.
                                                        over from their corporate base and issued “oohs!”
The Rockdale Career Academy is an integral part
                                                        and “aahs!” over the massive and amazing tool
of the Rockdale County School System, providing
                                                        provided to save military and civilian lives.
enhanced college-level skills programs that give
high school students a wider range of opportuni-
                                                        The event was a resounding success, our flight crew
ties for college acceptance, technical school access,
                                                        had fun, and amazing came alive for everyone. Enjoy
and jobs in the community.
                                                        the pictures, they speak louder than words.

Since both of my sons attend RCA this year, and
both are deeply involved in many of the programs
showcased at the Car Show, RCA contacted me for
the second year in a row to gain a cake-topper
showpiece for the show. They requested a heli-
copter. Last year they received a Lakota helicop-
ter for the show. This year, with a fun fair added,
and the local law-enforcement and Fire Depart-
ments also engaged in the program, I decided to
ask for a MEDEVAC Blackhawk.
Page 3

                               By CW2 Jennifer Long                 who we are opening our door to.        come entangled in webbing or
                               CO, A Co, 4/1, GSDF                  This is especially important           extension cords, which are
"What fearful shapes and                                            when the young children are            harmful if ingested. Save the
shadows beset his path,                                                  finished trick-or-treating, and   candy for the kids. Chocolate is
amidst the dim and                                                       only the “big” people are still   toxic for both cats and dogs, and
ghastly glare of a snowy                                                 roaming around.                   candy containing xylitol can also
                                                                           A majority of Halloween         cause them problems. Our furry
night! With what wistful
                                                                         costumes are made of dark         companions will be excited
look did he eye every                                                    material. Make sure your          about the evening, which could
trembling ray of light                                                   child has a flashlight, reflec-   make them bolt when the door
streaming across the                                                     tive material, or glow sticks     opens. Keeping them in another
waste fields from some                                                   to help them be seen. Props       room will ensure they do not get
distant window! How                                                      such as swords should be          lost. If they walk with you, they
                                                                         flexible and not actually have    may be more protective than
often was he appalled by          Our teenage boys are getting      sharp edges. Also, make sure any       usual due to the number of peo-
some shrub covered with        excited about Halloween!             masks or hoods do not impair           ple walking around in the dark.
snow, which, like a            Though they are a little old for     their vision. Take extra care          Always keep them on a leash. If
sheeted spectre, beset his     Trick-or-Treating, they really       when driving, particularly when        they appear stressed, it would be
                               enjoy transforming our home          passing parked cars in a               best to end their trick-or-
very path! How often did       into a haunted house that is a       neighborhood. The kids are ex-         treating activities for the eve-
he shrink with curdling        favorite destination for kids in     cited and possibly already on a        ning.
awe at the sound of his        our neighborhood! If you plan on     sugar rush, so they may not be           Unfortunately there are peo-
own steps on the frosty        participating in Halloween activi-   watching out for you.
crust beneath his feet; and    ties this year, there are some         Speaking of the dreaded sugar
                               suggestions to help make it a safe   rush…Feed your kids a hearty
dread to look over his         and fun evening.                     meal before they go out in search
shoulder, lest he should          Everyone loves jack-o-lanterns!   of treats, and they will be less
behold some uncouth            There are carving kits available     likely to devour the whole bag
being tramping close           that do not use sharp blades and     before they return home! It is
behind him! and how often      are a great choice for kids. You     still a good idea to check the
                               could also have your child draw      treats before allowing them to
was he thrown into             the face they want on the pump-      eat them. Look for signs of tam-
complete dismay by some        kin, and you do the carving for      pering, spoilage, or candy that is     ple out there who do not have
rushing blast, howling         them! There are lots of other        not wrapped. Homemade treats           good intentions. Get on the
among the trees, in the        ways to decorate a pumpkin           should only be accepted from           internet to check the sex of-
idea that it was the           without cutting into it, such as     relatives or extremely close           fender registry for your area,
                               painting the face on, using Mr.      friends.                               and make sure your kids do not
Galloping Hessian on one       Potato Head pieces, or dressing it     Pets are often included in the       go to those houses. Children
of his nightly scourings! “    up in a mask of its own! Illumi-                                            should always trick-or-treat in
                               nating the jack-o-lantern also                                              groups, and be supervised by a
~ Washington Irving            presents many options. If you                                               trusted adult. Caution should
From 'The Legend of Sleep      opt for a candle, make sure the                                             be taken when approaching
Hollow'                        pumpkin will not tip over and is                                            parked cars with someone in-
                               away from drapes or decorations.                                            side. Never allow your child to
                               Glow sticks or battery operated                                             enter a stranger’s home, no
“’Tis now the very             candles also provide a spooky,                                              matter how cool the decorations
                               safe glow.                                                                  are. Many malls and commu-
witching time of night,           Though our house has scary                                               nity centers offer safe alterna-
When churchyards yawn          decorations and sound effects, it                                           tives to door-to-door trick-or-
and hell itself breathes out   is also well-lit. This is not only   festivities, and there are safety      treating. Also make sure your
Contagion to this world.       for the safety of the trick-or-      tips just for them. If they will be    kids know the difference be-
Now could I drink hot          treaters, but for us as well.        in costume as well, try it on them     tween playing tricks and vandal-
                               Think about it…on no other           a few days in advance. You can         ism. If they are caught vandal-
blood                          night would you allow your child     see if they will tolerate it well,     izing someone’s property, make
And do such bitter             to approach a stranger’s dark        and they will be more comfort-         them clean up the mess they
business as the bitter day     home, so don’t make an excep-        able also. Take care around            have made.
Would quake to look on.”       tion. The smallest pirates and       decorations too. Many kittens
                               princesses are not as afraid to      and puppies are burned by can-         Have a safe and Happy
~ Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2,      ring the doorbell on our brightly    dles when curiosity gets the bet-      Halloween!
William Shakespeare            lit porch, and we can also see       ter of them. They can also be-
Volume 3, Issue 13                                                                                                                                                              Page 4

     From the Website: Eat This, Not That, at:                           2 g fat (1.5 g saturated)                                                  Eat This Instead!                       10 g sugars                                                                Tootsie Roll (3 pieces)
                                                                                                                                                    70 calories
     and-worst-halloween-candy                                           4. Worst Classic Fruit Candy                                               1.5 g fat (.5 g saturated)
                                                                         Brach's Airheads (3 pieces)                                                9.5 g sugars
     A cocker spaniel weighs about 24 pounds. You know what else         140 calories
     weighs 24 pounds? The heft of candy the average American            1.5 g fat (1 g saturated)                                                  2. Worst Chewy Candy
     gobbles down each year, and you can bet a big chunk of that falls   19 g sugars                                                                Brach's Milk Maid Caramels (4 pieces)
     within the month of October. It’s as if we think we’re impervious                                                                              160 calories
     to sugar calories so long as we’re disguised as zombies, witches,   Here’s the basic formula for an Airhead: Sugar and filler carbohy-         4.5 g fat (3.5 g saturated)
     or cast members from Glee. Consider these numbers: Three            drates, artificial colors and flavors, and partially hydrogenated          16 g sugars
     miniature Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups fill your belly with more      oils—the source of trans fat. Dum Dums might not be nutritional
     sugar than a glazed doughnut; half a pack of Skittles has more      paragons, but they do have two noteworthy advantages over Air-             Doesn’t Milk “Maid” sound a lot like Milk “Made”? But rest
     sugar than a scoop of Haagen-Dazs Cookies and Cream Ice             heads: 1. No heart-wrecking oils, and 2. They’re made from hard            assured—they’re not the same. This candy contains a couple
     Cream; nine Twizzlers carry as many calories as a Wendy’s           candy. That means they dissolve slowly on your tongue, letting you         milk derivatives (whey and “lipolyzed butter fat”), but it hardly
     Double Stack Burger.                                                enjoy the sweetness over time and preventing you from feverishly           constitutes a dairy product. Plus, 90 percent of the fat is satu-
                                                                         tearing through Airheads.                                                  rated. That’s bad news for your heart. If you enjoy the challenge
     That's scary! So unless you follow the Michael Phelps workout                                                                                  of fighting chewy candy out of your teeth, switch over to Now and
     regimen, you’re going to suffer for your sweet tooth. Make every    Eat This Instead!                                                          Laters and save more than 100 calories per serving.
     swap outlined here just once and you’ll save nearly 400 calories.   Spangler Dum Dum Pops (3 pops)
     Do them multiple times and keep yourself out of the fat-man suit    77 calories                                                                Eat This Instead!
     this Halloween.                                                     0 g fat                                                                    Now and Later (4 pieces)
                                                                         105g sugars                                                                53 calories
     And you haven’t already, pick up a copy of Eat This, Not That                                                                                  .5 g fat (0 g saturated)
     2012! It’s completely updated and on sale now!                      3. Worst Miniature Candy Bars                                              10 g sugars
                                                                         Twix Miniatures (3 pieces)
     5. Worst "Fun Size" Candy Bar                                       150 calories                                                               1. Worst Seasonally Themed Candy
     Butterfinger Bar (fun size bar)                                     7 g fat (4 g saturated)                                                    Reese's Pumpkin
     100 calories                                                        15 g sugars                                                                170 calories
     4 g fat (2 g saturated)                                                                                                                        10 g fat (3 g saturated)
     10 g sugars                                                         Twix has the worst saturated fat profile of any candy in your kid’s        16 g sugars
                                                                         trick-or-treat bag. Think about it like this: Each serving of these bite
     Aren’t food marketers clever? By calling it “fun,” they’ve pulled   -sized candies carries 20 percent of the saturated fat you should          This one should send your gimmick radar into the red zone. If it
     your attention away from the fact that candy bars are flab-         consume in an entire day. Switch to Tootsie Rolls and you’ll cut your      were flavored with pumpkin puree that would be one thing, but
     inducing logs of concentrated fats and sugars. There’s nothing      calories by more than half and trim your total fat intake by a whop-       it’s not. It’s an oversized peanut butter cup shaped in a pumpkin-
     fun about that.                                                     ping 79 percent.                                                           like mold. And what price do you pay for such fanciful novelty?
                                                                                                                                                    Nearly two-thirds more calories than a regular Reese’s peanut
     Eat This Instead!                                                   For more fast and informative nutritional and health tips, follow Eat      butter cup. Let’s face it—half the candy purchased at Halloween
     3 Musketeers (fun size bar)                                         This, Not That! on Twitter.                                                is used to create a festive atmosphere. Stick with Candy Corn
     63 calories                                                                                                                                    and you’ll save yourself the calorie hangover.

                                   Born: circa 1732-1735where he hoped to gain appointment, once
                                   Birthplace:Down      again, to the leadership of the Georgia militia.                                    "A good government implies two things; first, fidelity to
                                   Hatherly, England    The appointment went instead to his rival.                                          the objects of the government; secondly, a knowledge of the
                                   Education:Mercantile.Gwinnett served in the Georgia legislature                                          means, by which those objects can be best attained."
                                   Work: Commander of   where he was involved in drafting a constitution                                    - Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833
                                   Georgia's Continentalfor the new state, but also in strenuous efforts
                                   Battalion, Elected toto destroy the office of McIntosh. The legisla-                                     "Another not unimportant consideration is, that the powers
                                   Continental Congress,ture adjourned in February of 1777 and handed                                       of the general government will be, and indeed must be,
                                   1776; President of the
                                                        control over the Council of Safety. Gwinnett                                        principally employed upon external objects, such as war,
                                   Georgia Council of                                                                                       peace, negotiations with foreign powers, and foreign com-
                                                        succeeded Archibald Bulloch as president of the
                                   Safety, 1777.        council soon afterward. He then lead an abor-                                       merce. In its internal operations it can touch but few ob-
                                   Died: May 19, 1777   tive attempt to invade Florida, in order to se-                                     jects, except to introduce regulations beneficial to the com-
                                                        cure Georgia's southern border. That adven-                                         merce, intercourse, and other relations, between the states,
                                                        ture was thwarted by Lachlan McIntosh and his                                       and to lay taxes for the common good. The powers of the
     Button Gwinnett was born in England around         brother George, and Gwinnett was charged                                            states, on the other hand, extend to all objects, which, in
1735. He came to America, residing briefly in           with malfeasance. He was cleared of wrongdo-                                        the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, and liber-
Charleston, and in 1765 acquired a large tract of       ing as he ran an unsuccessful campaign for Gov-                                     ties, and property of the people, and the internal order,
land in Georgia. Gwinnett enjoyed little success in ernor. Soon afterward, his honor challenged in                                          improvement, and prosperity of the state."
farming or business, but found a footing in the revo- public by McIntosh, he offered a duel. They met                                       - Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833
lutionary politics of his adopted colony. He was        outside of Savanna on May 16, 1777, where
engaged in a long-standing political rivalry with                                                                                           "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be dis-
                                                        both were wounded. McIntosh ultimately sur-
Lachlan McIntosh, a soldier and leader who would vived, Button Gwinnett died three days later at                                            armed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The
attain highest rank in the Georgia militia and in state the age of 42.                                                                      supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by
politics. Gwinnett was respected figure, however. In                                                                                        the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed,
1776 he was appointed commander of Georgia's                                                                                                and constitute a force superior to any band of regular
                                                             Article provided by:                                                           troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United
continental militia (a post that he was forced to  
decline, owing to political faction), and also elected gwinnett.htm                                                                         States."
to attend the Continental Congress. Quite soon                                                                                              - Noah Webster, An Examination into the Leading Principles of
                                                                                                                                            the Federal Constitution, 1787
after he signed the Declaration, he returned home,
Volume 3, Issue 13                                                                                            Page 5

                                             equipment will be provided to you at no        Wednesday 7am - 5:30pm Wednes-
  The Georgia National Guard VIP             cost.                                          day night training 5:30pm - 8pm Thurs-
  Welding Program will conduct inter-                                                       day 7am - 5:30pm
  views next week to select the next         If interested, please register and contact
  class. These interviews will be held       the ladies below though email.                 Each day the students have 4 - 10 min
  November 5 & 6 at the VIP Welding          Register at this link (https://                breaks, two before lunch and two af-
  School, located at 1445 Trae Lane,                        ter.
  Lithia Springs Ga 30122. The 2 year        employmenthelp).                               Lunch is from 11:50am - 12:40pm
  program of instruction has been re-        Please pass on to all who may be inter-
  duced to a special program of 18           ested.                                         If you have additional question contact
  weeks. The School Staff will select the                                                   one of the below. Make sure you get
  top candidates to participate in the       If selected for the course, class will com-    on the roster for an interview.
  class. The Georgia National Guard has      mence on November 26th, 2012. If you
  10 slots. This program is for current      have welding skills already, you will be       LT Eboni Walker,
  serving National Guardsmen only.           tested and accelerated. Job placement
  This is a civilian class, not a military   will be made for all graduates.
  class. This means you are not on or-                                                      LT Jasmine Griggs, jas-
  ders, receive no pay and will not col-     Weekly Schedule                      
  lect per diem. It is, however, an op-      Monday 7am - 5:30pm
  portunity for employment and it is all     Tuesday 7am - 5:30pm                           Lacy Turner,
  free. Yes, I said free. All classes and

The National Breast Cancer               and treatment, there remains much                From the NBCAM Website:
Awareness Month (NBCAM) is a             to be accomplished. Today, we re-
collaboration of national public ser-    main dedicated to educating and        
vice organizations, professional         empowering women to take charge
medical associations, and govern-        of their own breast health.
ment agencies working together to
promote breast cancer awareness,  Although October is designated as
share information on the disease, National Breast Cancer Awareness
and provide greater access to ser-Month, NBCAM is dedicated to rais-
vices.                            ing awareness and educating indi-
                                  viduals about breast cancer
Since its inception more than 25  throughout the year. We encourage
years ago, NBCAM has been at      you to regularly visit these sites to
the forefront of promoting aware- learn more about breast cancer,
ness of breast cancer issues and breast health, and the latest re-
has evolved along with the na-    search developments. Click on any
tional dialogue on breast cancer. of the websites below for more in-
NBCAM recognizes that, although formation.
many great strides have been
made in breast cancer awareness
Serving the Georgia DoD, The U.S. Military, and our Veterans, One Family at a Time.

                                             The J-9 Joint and Family Services Directorate and The Georgia Guard Family


Georgia Department of Defense                  Our directorate services the military community of Georgia, providing those
1388 First Street, Bldg 840 (Finch Bldg)       services, support and information that are vital to their care. Our staff is com-
1000 Halsey Avenue, Bldg 447,                  mitted to providing the best care, in a timely manner, and followed-thru to a
Marietta, GA 30060                             successful conclusion so that Military Personnel, their families, and Veterans in
                                               Georgia will have the resources, help, and information they need to thrive.
Point of Contact:
CW2 Barry D. Long
Human Resources/Systems/ATSO/
Safety Officer

   “Military Personnel,
                                                                 We are on the web:
Families, and Veterans First!”                  

Family Programs (NGB-FP)

Mission: To establish and facilitate
                                           OCTOBER 22, 2012.                       can develop and implement work-          Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation
ongoing communication, involvement,        Held each October, Disability Em-       place policies and practices that        Agency (GVRA)
support, and recognition between Na-       ployment Awareness Month is a           foster employment opportunities          Job Accommodation Network
tional Guard families and the National     national campaign that raises           and increase workplace participation     Cornell University Employment and
Guard in a partnership that promotes       awareness about disability employ-      for people with disabilities, such as:   Disability Institute
the best in both.                          ment issues. The opportunity to
                                           earn a living and be self-supporting
                                                                                       Developing recruiting methods
                                                                                                                            U.S. Department of Labor - Office
                                                                                                                            of Disability Employment Policy
Family Programs Web Sites
                                           is a broadly held goal by Ameri-        and advertising job positions that       What Can You Do? The Campaign - The National Guard
Family Program                             cans. Work is a foundation of stabil-   target people with disabilities          for Disability Employment - The National
                                           ity for individuals and can give
                                           one’s life meaning and pur-
                                                                                        Reviewing job requirements         Office of Special Education and
                                                                                                                            Rehabilitative Services - Disability
Guard Family Youth Program                                                         (e.g. job descriptions, job analyses,
                                           pose. Unfortunately, the rate and                                                Employment 101
                                                                                   tests, or other selection criteria) to
                                           level of employment for people with
Newsletters                                                                        verify that they are consistent with
Air National Guard Family Guide [PDF]      disabilities is staggeringly low. La-                                            The clearly stated goals of the
                                                                                   business necessity, actual job de-
                                           bor force participation is 22% for                                               Americans with Disabilities Act are
                                                                                   mands, and do not disparately im-
                                           people with disabilities as compared                                             equal opportunity, independent
Contact Information
                                                                                   pact people with disabilities
                                           to 69% for people without disabili-                                              living, full participation and eco-
Phone: (888)777-7731
Fax: 703-607-0762
                                           ties.                                        Establishing a structured proc-    nomic self-sufficiency. Bringing
                                           Disability employment is undoubt-       ess for accommodations and provid-       people into the employment main-
                                           edly complex, and a variety of fac-     ing access to a full range of informa-   stream is integral to fully realizing
                                           tors impact successful work out-        tion on accommodation options            these goals.
                                           comes for people with disabilities.
                                           These factors include the nature of         Providing training for managers     About the Author:
                                           disability, education level, prior      and human resource professionals         Mike Galifianakis is the Americans
                                           work experience, family and social
                                           supports, availability and effective-
                                                                                       Establishing centralized accom-
                                                                                                                            with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordi-
                                                                                                                            nator for the State of Georgia. The
                                           ness of vocational rehabilitation       modations funds so that costs are        ADA Coordinator’s Office works
                                           programs, health care coverage,         not a burden on local budgets            with state agencies to promote full
                                           social security benefits and a num-        Providing flextime and telecom-      and equal access to state govern-
                                           ber of other public policy factors      muting options to employees              ment programs, services and ac-
                                           that involve work incentives. How                                                tivities for persons with disabilities.
                                           these factors fit in with structural        Ensuring that electronic and
                                           changes in the economy also mat-        information technology is usable and     Website:
                                           ters.                                   accessible to people with disabilities
                                           While most of these factors are out     Employers can also utilitze disability   22/october-national-disability-
                                           of employers’ control, employers        employment resources, including:         employment-awareness-month

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The October 2012 Issue of the J-9 "FOCAL POINT!" NEWSLETTER

  • 1. CA L POINT! JOINT STAFF, FO GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE A Newsletter Production of the Special points of interest: J-9 Joint and Family Services Directorate  THE GEORGIA GUARD SUPPORTS SCHOOLS Volume 3, Issue 13 October 30, 2012  RCA Car Show  Halloween Safety  The Best and Worst Hallow- een Candy  FOUNDING FATHERS SE- RIES GEORGIA Pictured left to Right:  SPECIAL EVENTS NATIONAL GUARD Kathy Conger - Parent Involvement Coordinator and JROTC DONATES SCHOOL Secretary  BREAST CANCER SFC John Roland - Georgia Army National Guard Recruiter AWARENESS SUPPLIES Dr. Russ Chesser - Principal  STOP.WALK.TALK SFC John Roland, recruiter with Dr. April Smith - Assistant Principal the Georgia Army National Alex Apperson - Student Guard and Partner in Education Sgt. Major Russ Beard - JROTC Instructor and Athletic Di- with Worth County High School rector delivered school supplies for the Georgia York - Math Teacher 2012-13 school year. Inside this issue: THE GEORGIA 1 GUARD SUPPORTS OUR SCHOOLS RCA Car Show 2 Halloween 3 Safety The Best and 4 Worst Halloween Candy Founding Fathers: 4 Button Gwinnett SPECIAL EVENTS 5 BREAST CANCER 5 AWARENESS From the Worth County School System Website at: file:///C:/Users/CHIEFBEAR/ AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/ STOP.WALK.TALK 6 Content.Outlook/BH2JP0N7/Worth%20County%20Schools.htm
  • 2. Page 2 By CW2 Barry Long You can imagine my elation when the GA Dept of Defense Public Affairs Office and the Flight Control Officer for the Georgia Army National Guard’s 78th Aviation Troop Command contacted me with news that CW3 Hedrick and 1LT Matos would be bringing a HH-60M “Mike Model” MEDEVAC Blackhawk to the event. The “Mike Model” MEDEVAC is the Army’s latest tool for bringing our military personnel safely out of life-or-death situations. The life-flight capa- bilities on this aircraft provide “better-than-ever” capabilities to save Serviceperson’s lives. Although, like all such systems, it has its up and downs, it is an amazing machine. To see thousands of children, young adults and parents experiencing our incredible tool for life was amazing. Every year the Rockdale Career Academy in Con- yers, GA holds a car show to enhance its footprint The children dreamed dreams of flying, the teenagers in the community, call attention to the out- and young adults re-evaluated their futures, and the standing programs it offers, showcase its Public adults variously reminisced about their past history Safety, Culinary and Automotive Repair Pro- (as veterans or kids) when they experienced such a grams, and to provide non-profit financial sup- machine. The local lifesaving helicopter teams came port to non-funded programs and student needs. over from their corporate base and issued “oohs!” The Rockdale Career Academy is an integral part and “aahs!” over the massive and amazing tool of the Rockdale County School System, providing provided to save military and civilian lives. enhanced college-level skills programs that give high school students a wider range of opportuni- The event was a resounding success, our flight crew ties for college acceptance, technical school access, had fun, and amazing came alive for everyone. Enjoy and jobs in the community. the pictures, they speak louder than words. Since both of my sons attend RCA this year, and both are deeply involved in many of the programs showcased at the Car Show, RCA contacted me for the second year in a row to gain a cake-topper showpiece for the show. They requested a heli- copter. Last year they received a Lakota helicop- ter for the show. This year, with a fun fair added, and the local law-enforcement and Fire Depart- ments also engaged in the program, I decided to ask for a MEDEVAC Blackhawk.
  • 3. Page 3 By CW2 Jennifer Long who we are opening our door to. come entangled in webbing or CO, A Co, 4/1, GSDF This is especially important extension cords, which are "What fearful shapes and when the young children are harmful if ingested. Save the shadows beset his path, finished trick-or-treating, and candy for the kids. Chocolate is amidst the dim and only the “big” people are still toxic for both cats and dogs, and ghastly glare of a snowy roaming around. candy containing xylitol can also A majority of Halloween cause them problems. Our furry night! With what wistful costumes are made of dark companions will be excited look did he eye every material. Make sure your about the evening, which could trembling ray of light child has a flashlight, reflec- make them bolt when the door streaming across the tive material, or glow sticks opens. Keeping them in another waste fields from some to help them be seen. Props room will ensure they do not get distant window! How such as swords should be lost. If they walk with you, they flexible and not actually have may be more protective than often was he appalled by Our teenage boys are getting sharp edges. Also, make sure any usual due to the number of peo- some shrub covered with excited about Halloween! masks or hoods do not impair ple walking around in the dark. snow, which, like a Though they are a little old for their vision. Take extra care Always keep them on a leash. If sheeted spectre, beset his Trick-or-Treating, they really when driving, particularly when they appear stressed, it would be enjoy transforming our home passing parked cars in a best to end their trick-or- very path! How often did into a haunted house that is a neighborhood. The kids are ex- treating activities for the eve- he shrink with curdling favorite destination for kids in cited and possibly already on a ning. awe at the sound of his our neighborhood! If you plan on sugar rush, so they may not be Unfortunately there are peo- own steps on the frosty participating in Halloween activi- watching out for you. crust beneath his feet; and ties this year, there are some Speaking of the dreaded sugar suggestions to help make it a safe rush…Feed your kids a hearty dread to look over his and fun evening. meal before they go out in search shoulder, lest he should Everyone loves jack-o-lanterns! of treats, and they will be less behold some uncouth There are carving kits available likely to devour the whole bag being tramping close that do not use sharp blades and before they return home! It is behind him! and how often are a great choice for kids. You still a good idea to check the could also have your child draw treats before allowing them to was he thrown into the face they want on the pump- eat them. Look for signs of tam- complete dismay by some kin, and you do the carving for pering, spoilage, or candy that is ple out there who do not have rushing blast, howling them! There are lots of other not wrapped. Homemade treats good intentions. Get on the among the trees, in the ways to decorate a pumpkin should only be accepted from internet to check the sex of- idea that it was the without cutting into it, such as relatives or extremely close fender registry for your area, painting the face on, using Mr. friends. and make sure your kids do not Galloping Hessian on one Potato Head pieces, or dressing it Pets are often included in the go to those houses. Children of his nightly scourings! “ up in a mask of its own! Illumi- should always trick-or-treat in nating the jack-o-lantern also groups, and be supervised by a ~ Washington Irving presents many options. If you trusted adult. Caution should From 'The Legend of Sleep opt for a candle, make sure the be taken when approaching Hollow' pumpkin will not tip over and is parked cars with someone in- away from drapes or decorations. side. Never allow your child to Glow sticks or battery operated enter a stranger’s home, no “’Tis now the very candles also provide a spooky, matter how cool the decorations safe glow. are. Many malls and commu- witching time of night, Though our house has scary nity centers offer safe alterna- When churchyards yawn decorations and sound effects, it tives to door-to-door trick-or- and hell itself breathes out is also well-lit. This is not only festivities, and there are safety treating. Also make sure your Contagion to this world. for the safety of the trick-or- tips just for them. If they will be kids know the difference be- Now could I drink hot treaters, but for us as well. in costume as well, try it on them tween playing tricks and vandal- Think about it…on no other a few days in advance. You can ism. If they are caught vandal- blood night would you allow your child see if they will tolerate it well, izing someone’s property, make And do such bitter to approach a stranger’s dark and they will be more comfort- them clean up the mess they business as the bitter day home, so don’t make an excep- able also. Take care around have made. Would quake to look on.” tion. The smallest pirates and decorations too. Many kittens princesses are not as afraid to and puppies are burned by can- Have a safe and Happy ~ Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2, ring the doorbell on our brightly dles when curiosity gets the bet- Halloween! William Shakespeare lit porch, and we can also see ter of them. They can also be-
  • 4. Volume 3, Issue 13 Page 4 From the Website: Eat This, Not That, at: 2 g fat (1.5 g saturated) Eat This Instead! 10 g sugars Tootsie Roll (3 pieces) 70 calories and-worst-halloween-candy 4. Worst Classic Fruit Candy 1.5 g fat (.5 g saturated) Brach's Airheads (3 pieces) 9.5 g sugars A cocker spaniel weighs about 24 pounds. You know what else 140 calories weighs 24 pounds? The heft of candy the average American 1.5 g fat (1 g saturated) 2. Worst Chewy Candy gobbles down each year, and you can bet a big chunk of that falls 19 g sugars Brach's Milk Maid Caramels (4 pieces) within the month of October. It’s as if we think we’re impervious 160 calories to sugar calories so long as we’re disguised as zombies, witches, Here’s the basic formula for an Airhead: Sugar and filler carbohy- 4.5 g fat (3.5 g saturated) or cast members from Glee. Consider these numbers: Three drates, artificial colors and flavors, and partially hydrogenated 16 g sugars miniature Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups fill your belly with more oils—the source of trans fat. Dum Dums might not be nutritional sugar than a glazed doughnut; half a pack of Skittles has more paragons, but they do have two noteworthy advantages over Air- Doesn’t Milk “Maid” sound a lot like Milk “Made”? But rest sugar than a scoop of Haagen-Dazs Cookies and Cream Ice heads: 1. No heart-wrecking oils, and 2. They’re made from hard assured—they’re not the same. This candy contains a couple Cream; nine Twizzlers carry as many calories as a Wendy’s candy. That means they dissolve slowly on your tongue, letting you milk derivatives (whey and “lipolyzed butter fat”), but it hardly Double Stack Burger. enjoy the sweetness over time and preventing you from feverishly constitutes a dairy product. Plus, 90 percent of the fat is satu- tearing through Airheads. rated. That’s bad news for your heart. If you enjoy the challenge That's scary! So unless you follow the Michael Phelps workout of fighting chewy candy out of your teeth, switch over to Now and regimen, you’re going to suffer for your sweet tooth. Make every Eat This Instead! Laters and save more than 100 calories per serving. swap outlined here just once and you’ll save nearly 400 calories. Spangler Dum Dum Pops (3 pops) Do them multiple times and keep yourself out of the fat-man suit 77 calories Eat This Instead! this Halloween. 0 g fat Now and Later (4 pieces) 105g sugars 53 calories And you haven’t already, pick up a copy of Eat This, Not That .5 g fat (0 g saturated) 2012! It’s completely updated and on sale now! 3. Worst Miniature Candy Bars 10 g sugars Twix Miniatures (3 pieces) 5. Worst "Fun Size" Candy Bar 150 calories 1. Worst Seasonally Themed Candy Butterfinger Bar (fun size bar) 7 g fat (4 g saturated) Reese's Pumpkin 100 calories 15 g sugars 170 calories 4 g fat (2 g saturated) 10 g fat (3 g saturated) 10 g sugars Twix has the worst saturated fat profile of any candy in your kid’s 16 g sugars trick-or-treat bag. Think about it like this: Each serving of these bite Aren’t food marketers clever? By calling it “fun,” they’ve pulled -sized candies carries 20 percent of the saturated fat you should This one should send your gimmick radar into the red zone. If it your attention away from the fact that candy bars are flab- consume in an entire day. Switch to Tootsie Rolls and you’ll cut your were flavored with pumpkin puree that would be one thing, but inducing logs of concentrated fats and sugars. There’s nothing calories by more than half and trim your total fat intake by a whop- it’s not. It’s an oversized peanut butter cup shaped in a pumpkin- fun about that. ping 79 percent. like mold. And what price do you pay for such fanciful novelty? Nearly two-thirds more calories than a regular Reese’s peanut Eat This Instead! For more fast and informative nutritional and health tips, follow Eat butter cup. Let’s face it—half the candy purchased at Halloween 3 Musketeers (fun size bar) This, Not That! on Twitter. is used to create a festive atmosphere. Stick with Candy Corn 63 calories and you’ll save yourself the calorie hangover. Born: circa 1732-1735where he hoped to gain appointment, once Birthplace:Down again, to the leadership of the Georgia militia. "A good government implies two things; first, fidelity to Hatherly, England The appointment went instead to his rival. the objects of the government; secondly, a knowledge of the Education:Mercantile.Gwinnett served in the Georgia legislature means, by which those objects can be best attained." Work: Commander of where he was involved in drafting a constitution - Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833 Georgia's Continentalfor the new state, but also in strenuous efforts Battalion, Elected toto destroy the office of McIntosh. The legisla- "Another not unimportant consideration is, that the powers Continental Congress,ture adjourned in February of 1777 and handed of the general government will be, and indeed must be, 1776; President of the control over the Council of Safety. Gwinnett principally employed upon external objects, such as war, Georgia Council of peace, negotiations with foreign powers, and foreign com- succeeded Archibald Bulloch as president of the Safety, 1777. council soon afterward. He then lead an abor- merce. In its internal operations it can touch but few ob- Died: May 19, 1777 tive attempt to invade Florida, in order to se- jects, except to introduce regulations beneficial to the com- cure Georgia's southern border. That adven- merce, intercourse, and other relations, between the states, ture was thwarted by Lachlan McIntosh and his and to lay taxes for the common good. The powers of the Button Gwinnett was born in England around brother George, and Gwinnett was charged states, on the other hand, extend to all objects, which, in 1735. He came to America, residing briefly in with malfeasance. He was cleared of wrongdo- the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, and liber- Charleston, and in 1765 acquired a large tract of ing as he ran an unsuccessful campaign for Gov- ties, and property of the people, and the internal order, land in Georgia. Gwinnett enjoyed little success in ernor. Soon afterward, his honor challenged in improvement, and prosperity of the state." farming or business, but found a footing in the revo- public by McIntosh, he offered a duel. They met - Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833 lutionary politics of his adopted colony. He was outside of Savanna on May 16, 1777, where engaged in a long-standing political rivalry with "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be dis- both were wounded. McIntosh ultimately sur- Lachlan McIntosh, a soldier and leader who would vived, Button Gwinnett died three days later at armed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The attain highest rank in the Georgia militia and in state the age of 42. supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by politics. Gwinnett was respected figure, however. In the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, 1776 he was appointed commander of Georgia's and constitute a force superior to any band of regular Article provided by: troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United continental militia (a post that he was forced to decline, owing to political faction), and also elected gwinnett.htm States." to attend the Continental Congress. Quite soon - Noah Webster, An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, 1787 after he signed the Declaration, he returned home,
  • 5. Volume 3, Issue 13 Page 5 equipment will be provided to you at no Wednesday 7am - 5:30pm Wednes- The Georgia National Guard VIP cost. day night training 5:30pm - 8pm Thurs- Welding Program will conduct inter- day 7am - 5:30pm views next week to select the next If interested, please register and contact class. These interviews will be held the ladies below though email. Each day the students have 4 - 10 min November 5 & 6 at the VIP Welding Register at this link (https:// breaks, two before lunch and two af- School, located at 1445 Trae Lane, ter. Lithia Springs Ga 30122. The 2 year employmenthelp). Lunch is from 11:50am - 12:40pm program of instruction has been re- Please pass on to all who may be inter- duced to a special program of 18 ested. If you have additional question contact weeks. The School Staff will select the one of the below. Make sure you get top candidates to participate in the If selected for the course, class will com- on the roster for an interview. class. The Georgia National Guard has mence on November 26th, 2012. If you 10 slots. This program is for current have welding skills already, you will be LT Eboni Walker, serving National Guardsmen only. tested and accelerated. Job placement This is a civilian class, not a military will be made for all graduates. class. This means you are not on or- LT Jasmine Griggs, jas- ders, receive no pay and will not col- Weekly Schedule lect per diem. It is, however, an op- Monday 7am - 5:30pm portunity for employment and it is all Tuesday 7am - 5:30pm Lacy Turner, free. Yes, I said free. All classes and The National Breast Cancer and treatment, there remains much From the NBCAM Website: Awareness Month (NBCAM) is a to be accomplished. Today, we re- collaboration of national public ser- main dedicated to educating and vice organizations, professional empowering women to take charge medical associations, and govern- of their own breast health. ment agencies working together to promote breast cancer awareness, Although October is designated as share information on the disease, National Breast Cancer Awareness and provide greater access to ser-Month, NBCAM is dedicated to rais- vices. ing awareness and educating indi- viduals about breast cancer Since its inception more than 25 throughout the year. We encourage years ago, NBCAM has been at you to regularly visit these sites to the forefront of promoting aware- learn more about breast cancer, ness of breast cancer issues and breast health, and the latest re- has evolved along with the na- search developments. Click on any tional dialogue on breast cancer. of the websites below for more in- NBCAM recognizes that, although formation. many great strides have been made in breast cancer awareness
  • 6. Serving the Georgia DoD, The U.S. Military, and our Veterans, One Family at a Time. The J-9 Joint and Family Services Directorate and The Georgia Guard Family Program: J-9 JOINT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIRECTORATE Georgia Department of Defense Our directorate services the military community of Georgia, providing those 1388 First Street, Bldg 840 (Finch Bldg) services, support and information that are vital to their care. Our staff is com- 1000 Halsey Avenue, Bldg 447, mitted to providing the best care, in a timely manner, and followed-thru to a Mailroom Marietta, GA 30060 successful conclusion so that Military Personnel, their families, and Veterans in Georgia will have the resources, help, and information they need to thrive. Point of Contact: CW2 Barry D. Long Human Resources/Systems/ATSO/ Safety Officer “Military Personnel, We are on the web: Families, and Veterans First!” NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU Family Programs (NGB-FP) Mission: To establish and facilitate OCTOBER 22, 2012. can develop and implement work- Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation ongoing communication, involvement, Held each October, Disability Em- place policies and practices that Agency (GVRA) support, and recognition between Na- ployment Awareness Month is a foster employment opportunities Job Accommodation Network tional Guard families and the National national campaign that raises and increase workplace participation Cornell University Employment and Guard in a partnership that promotes awareness about disability employ- for people with disabilities, such as: Disability Institute the best in both. ment issues. The opportunity to earn a living and be self-supporting  Developing recruiting methods U.S. Department of Labor - Office of Disability Employment Policy Family Programs Web Sites is a broadly held goal by Ameri- and advertising job positions that What Can You Do? The Campaign - The National Guard Family Program cans. Work is a foundation of stabil- target people with disabilities for Disability Employment - The National ity for individuals and can give one’s life meaning and pur-  Reviewing job requirements Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services - Disability Guard Family Youth Program (e.g. job descriptions, job analyses, pose. Unfortunately, the rate and Employment 101 tests, or other selection criteria) to level of employment for people with Newsletters verify that they are consistent with Air National Guard Family Guide [PDF] disabilities is staggeringly low. La- The clearly stated goals of the business necessity, actual job de- bor force participation is 22% for Americans with Disabilities Act are mands, and do not disparately im- people with disabilities as compared equal opportunity, independent Contact Information pact people with disabilities to 69% for people without disabili- living, full participation and eco- Phone: (888)777-7731 Fax: 703-607-0762 ties.  Establishing a structured proc- nomic self-sufficiency. Bringing Email: Disability employment is undoubt- ess for accommodations and provid- people into the employment main- edly complex, and a variety of fac- ing access to a full range of informa- stream is integral to fully realizing tors impact successful work out- tion on accommodation options these goals. comes for people with disabilities. These factors include the nature of  Providing training for managers About the Author: disability, education level, prior and human resource professionals Mike Galifianakis is the Americans work experience, family and social supports, availability and effective-  Establishing centralized accom- with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordi- nator for the State of Georgia. The ness of vocational rehabilitation modations funds so that costs are ADA Coordinator’s Office works programs, health care coverage, not a burden on local budgets with state agencies to promote full social security benefits and a num-  Providing flextime and telecom- and equal access to state govern- ber of other public policy factors muting options to employees ment programs, services and ac- that involve work incentives. How tivities for persons with disabilities. these factors fit in with structural  Ensuring that electronic and changes in the economy also mat- information technology is usable and Website: ters. accessible to people with disabilities While most of these factors are out Employers can also utilitze disability 22/october-national-disability- of employers’ control, employers employment resources, including: employment-awareness-month