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In this world, many stories die when men die. Not all people have
the ability to preserve their thoughts in writing for coming
generations to read. The thoughts put down on paper will exist even
after the author’s death. Everyone sees the world in their own way
and has different views and beliefs. To preserve and share my
ideas and experiences with the world, I have put them in the form of
stories, essays, letters and autobiographies. I call this collection
The Ocean of Emotions.
The ups and downs of life and experiences teach us lessons that we were never taught at
school. They stir emotions in us and we act in peculiar ways. Sometimes we open our hearts
and tell what we feel, and sometimes we find an outlet for our feelings and emotions. Firstly, in
my story category, I have let my hand write what is in my heart about people and things and
how I want them to be. Secondly, in the essay section, I have described the values, customs
and facts of the world. Thirdly, there are the letters. I really have never sent a love letter to any
girl in my life. It may be because of customs of my society, but I wrote many out of my deep
emotion of love. Every man on the earth falls in the thing they call love. Only a few people show
it; most hide it. I have shared my personal feelings, such feelings people tend to suppress.
However, I believe one day every secret in the world will be revealed. If it isn’t, what is the use
of keeping it in the heart and letting it die with us? Well, some secrets are top secrets and they
really must be kept to ourselves. Finally, as far autobiographies go, I have tried to express life
stories of inanimate objects. Also, I have written a biography of a little baby who lived only an
hour in this world. I have written these biographies in the first person so I entitled them
Ideas, beliefs, emotions and people change with the passage of time. Ten years from now,
probably I will think differently. So if anybody ever reads this book, he is going to understand
what I thought at the time. Also, some facts about the world never change; they remain the
same. I had read somewhere that “there is time and room for every word.” So I hope my writings
will somehow be of some help, inspiration, instruction, pleasure, and encouragement to all the
readers. Sometimes writers just write about things that they never experienced in life. It is their
imagination which takes them in the world where they have never been and they come up with
strange and extraordinary things. Read and enjoy my thoughts and make your life better, if you
Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Village Akil, Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
If you are reading this book on a computer, you can go to any topic just by clicking on
the topic in the table of contents, or just scroll to get to your favorite topic or section. The
author would appreciate your feedback. See contact information below.
Many thanks to Jennifer and Marco for their selflessness, time, and help. Your kindness
will always be remembered.
I dedicate this work to my students.
Rizwan Ahmed Memon is an English language and computer teacher. He is also the
owner of The REAL Learning Center Larkana. He has a bachelor's degree in Computer
Science. He teaches English and computer skills at TRLCL and as a private tutor. He
writes on different aspects of life and shares his work on his blogs, Facebook, and
No part of this book may be printed or reproduced with someone else’s name. The book
can be shared for educational purposes only.
Copyright © 2013
Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Qasim, a ten-year-old boy, always believed in luck. In last five years, he had won
many competitions at his school, including a marathon, singing competition, and a pie-
eating contest. His father often told him to be optimistic, but also work hard.
One day at his school principal announced that there would be a quiz show.
Hearing that Qasim whispered into his friend’s ear, who was sitting beside him, “And I
will be the winner!” “I hope so.” replied his friend. Thinking that the luck would be on his
side as always, Qasim did not prepare much for the show. His parents were looking
forward to see another prize in his hands. “The quiz show is nearing. Are you preparing
for it?” said his father. Qasim in an annoyed manner replied, “Oh, come on, Dad! Let me
play the video game.” His father said, “What about the quiz?” “I will win. You will see,”
said Qasim. “Well, son you better wake up and smell the coffee. Everything doesn’t
come without hard work,” said his father.
The competition day came and all the students and their parents gathered.
Qasim was nervous, as he was not prepared. The quiz show started and from two
teams the team leader was supposed to answer. Qasim was his team’s leader. The
questioner asked, “Who gave the speech 'I Have a Dream'?” Qasim had not studied his
history book. He remained silent, but his opponent gave the correct answer: Martin
Luther King. On most of the questions, Qasim remained silent, for he had not studied.
The questions were from different subjects from his syllabus. Everybody laughed at
Qasim, and his mom and dad were very disappointed. Qasim lost the quiz program.
At night, Qasim came into his parent’s room and said, “I am sorry.” His father
encouraged him and said, “You work hard. Do not rely only on luck.” His mother further
added, “Look son, life is not a fairy tale that has some magic in it, which will fix
everything. On the contrary, life is all about action. If you rest, you rust.” Qasim gave his
word to the parents and said he would always work hard and would not rely just on luck.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Hoping to catch a big fish, young, innocent Ahmed threw his net into the river with his
little hands. While he was sitting and waiting on the bank for the fish to get into the net, he saw
light across the riverbed coming from the city streets and houses. He had been to the city once.
He had a memory in his mind of a school bus, which he had seen when his father had taken him
to sell the fish there. Ahmed was still thinking about the city, when a fish gave him a start
jumping up and down in the net.
Running like the wind to his boat, he screamed, “Mother, mother, look, I have caught a
big fish!” His mother with a smiling face said, “Bravo son! You will be a good fisherman like your
father.” At the supper time, when Ahmed’s mother gave him meal with fried fish, he asked his
mother, “Mother, have you ever seen a school bus?” “Um, well, I have seen a bus, but I really
haven’t seen a school bus,” replied his mother. “I guess that must be for school children,” Added
his mother. Ahmed said, “I saw one when I had gone to city with father. There were children of
my age in it wearing strange clothes. Father had told me that it was a school bus. Also, he had
told me that school is a place where a man called teacher teaches these boys and girls.
“Really?” said his mother. “Yes, mother.” Ahmed replied. Ahmed kept talking about the city.
While Ahmed was still talking about the city, his mother fell asleep.
The next day, when Ahmed’s father took the basket of fish to sell in the city, Ahmed said
to his father that he wanted to go with him, too. His father said him to seek permission form his
mother. At Ahmed’s constant imploring, his mother gave him the permission. On the way back
to the river, Ahmed said to his father, “Father, why don’t we live in the city? I want to go to
school on that school bus with those children.” The dark was falling and the cattle, making noise
with their bells in their necks, were moving to the town. Ahmed’s father said, “See, son, it is now
getting late. We must move fast to get to the river. We will talk about it at night, when we are in
the boat.” Ahmed’s father in his mind kept thinking about his question.
At night, when the three of them were in the boat having supper, Ahmed’s father said to
Ahmed, “Son, I want to answer your question now. God made this world and he made Adam,
the first human on the earth, from the dust. Eve, the first woman, was Adam’s wife. All of us
humans living in the world are offspring of Adam and Eve. If we all were rich, living in cities,
studying in schools, no one would be doing the work, and the world would become unbalanced.
So, God made some people rich and others poor to keep the balance of the world. If we are
living here on the Indus bank in Akil in a boat, it doesn’t mean we are inferior or we are not
humans. No, we all are humans. The thing is God has chosen us to be poor and play our role as
poor in his world which he runs solo. One can not have all the joys of the world. We here on the
Indus bank are living our life happily. Our source of livelihood is fish, and we are thankful to God
for this.”
Ahmed thought it was the will of God the way the world is and people are, so he never
thought about the city again. He lived happily and enjoyed fishing and playing with other boys
on the river bank.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
It was a sunny day. Robi was so delighted to win the prize in her class for an essay
competition. Her teacher said her that he was sure that one day Robi would become a great
woman. Robi said to her teacher, “God willing, I would become a doctor.” The teacher replied,
“God wills that. I know because He has given you all the abilities which a successful doctor
should have.” Robi came home and showed her mother the prize. Robi’s mother was happy too,
but her father didn’t seem to be happy.
Robi’s father was a drunkard; her mother had to pay for her education. She made both
ends meet by doing needlework. Besides going to school, Robi also helped her mother in
household works and in needlework. Days kept going by and Robi was in class nine then. At
night Robi’s father said to her mother, “Now Robi has grown up.” Her mother said to him, “No,
she is still young, well why do you say so?” He said, “Now Robi won’t go to school any more.”
Her mother said, “No, she has to study still, and she wants to be a doctor.” “A doctor,
impossible!” he said. “Why can’t she be a doctor? She is most clever girl in the class?” said her
mother. Her father said to her mother, “Because the time has come for her to go to her real
home.” “You are thinking about Robi’s marriage? She is still too young,” she said. “Well sooner
or later she has to go. Sooner the better.” said Robi’s father. He further added, “I have already
talked to my old friend. He has a son who works in the fields, and that will be better for her. I
don’t want to talk about it any more that’s it.”
In morning when Robi was getting ready for going to school, her mother said her, “Stay
at home today.” Robi said, “why dear mother?” She said, “Today I have a lot of work and I want
you to help me.” Robi said, “All right if you say so, I am not going.” So on that day her mother
told her that her father was going to get her married. Robi tore into pieces. Her mother said her,
“It is inevitable, neither can I do anything nor you can refuse. If we go against, we will both be in
trouble. So it is better to be quiet and endure.”
Robi’s dreams shattered. She felt a storm inside her, and she wanted to cry as much
loudly as it could break the sky. Weeping and sobbing she slept. In few days, Robi’s father
married her off. Now she was just walking around as if already dead.
True to his nature the man closed one more chapter of injustice with Robi.
I wonder how many other Robis would yet be killed, sold and kidnapped
etcetera! That so called civilized man should know that the woman is also a
human. She breathes the same way as he does. Her heart beats as his, and like
him she has emotions, too.
Let her live her life!
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Man is mortal. Sooner or later, his life will come to an end. After his death his body
is buried underground and his grave is made. The place where graves are is known as
graveyard. Burial practices and beliefs about afterlife vary from culture to culture.
In some religions of the world, such as Islam, people are buried when they die; in
others, like Hinduism, they are cremated. Also, in some other cultures dead bodies are
embalmed. In Islam when the relatives pay a visit to the graves of their deceased ones, they
bring flowers, scatter them on the graves, and pray for their loved ones' peace and rest of the
soul. In Islam people believe that there is another world after the death. It is called the
Hereafter. They believe there will be a day when all the deceased will be made alive and they
will account for what they did in this world to God. That day is known as the Judgment Day.
After the Judgment Day, people who committed sins will be sent to the place known as Hell, a
tragic place to live in full of fire and other tortures. Those who dedicated their lives to God and
did good deeds will be sent to the place called Heaven, a place full of comfort and peace, and
all the glories will be there that the good people will want.
Graveyards stir us to do good deeds and make us realize of the purpose of our lives.
Someday we will die and be buried, too, so we must do what we have to, before it is our time to
leave this world.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Holidays mean the time of rest and relaxation. After long days of hard work, holidays
give you the opportunity to take thoughts and worries away and just relax in peace.
My ideal summer holidays would be on a beach where I can read my favorite novels
under a big umbrella, lying on the long deckchair. Spending a couple of days out near the beach
and plying on it, sunbathing and fishing along with the person I love the most would be my ideal
summer activities. What can be more special than listening to the music of the sea waves, fresh,
clean air and a lovely location with romantic atmosphere? I'd make a little sand-castle on the
beach that children often make when they play. We’d eat there, make our own tea, fry the fish,
and relax and enjoy.
Holidays become memorable days of our lives. The holidays which leave pictures in
our minds are the holidays that we treasure the most. We all must go on holidays once in a
year. In so doing, not only we recover all our energies for the future duties, but also we realize
that our lives are not only work and study.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
In the world all the things that we can see and touch have certain attributes, so
some are valued more and some less. Nobody has ever been invisible except ghosts, but if I
could be invisible, I would try to make this world a better place to live in.
Having a magical power may prove to be more helpful than the technology we
own today. Nowadays, people fear more from other people than real monsters. Poverty,
unemployment, and hunger have led people to commit crimes and suicide. A hungry man
doesn’t see what is right or wrong; he just somehow fills his empty belly. I would try to make
people happy by solving their problems and by fulfilling their little positive wishes. Every day so
many children die of hunger, which is what makes my eyes shed tears. I would provide
sustenance by using the money of those people who got it illegally and who do not spend it for
the welfare of others.
If we all use our little resources for the benefit of humanity, it would be no less
than having a magical power, and in so doing we would be better humans, too.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
A housewife is a woman who is in charge of her house and her children. A
housewife is a responsible woman. She looks after everything around her, which is why she is
much appreciated.
I believe that a housewife works more than other women who have a different job.
Some women look for a maid to help them keep their houses clean because they don't have
enough time or simply find it difficult to do. Also, taking care of their children can be a
demanding job for many. One mother once told me, "A lot goes into juggling the many tasks to
get food in the house, meals on the table, clothes washed, floors wiped, kids off to school, kids
to activities, kids in bed... and make sure they are healthy, happy, and respectful human
beings!" However, if we think about it for a while, we realize that being a mother can be a
satisfying task. A mother feels happy when she looks after her child. Moreover, no other woman
can take a better care of a child than his own mother.
We should take better care of our mothers whether they work indoors or outdoors, as
they cared for us when we were children. Unfortunately, not many people have had the privilege
to know the love of their mothers or their fathers. We should try to appreciate and enjoy every
single moment that we are allowed to spend with them.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
A library is a place where a lot of ideas, thoughts, experiences, sorrows, happiness,
wishes, emotions are found in the form of books. For students and book lovers, libraries provide
a relaxing, quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Libraries have existed for a long time in our world
and will hopefully last well into the future.
Libraries are a rich resource. Readers can borrow books from a library. There are
plenty of them, from those which deal with technology and science to those on literature and
history. Inside a library there are sections dedicated to young and older people. Besides good
atmosphere and books for study, a library has a computer lab where learners can surf the
Internet and can learn online. Readers in a library dive in the books so deeply that they don’t
notice the time, so often they bring their lunch with themselves in boxes. Learners find those
students who study the same subject, and they make up their group which is very helpful for
combined study and sharing the thoughts out in the park.
One should get the most out of a library. Governments should pay proper attention to
the maintenance of libraries because they are the best source of knowledge. An educated
nation can progress faster and faster and can make itself powerful in comparison to others.
Education is the only source of surviving in this world of technology.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Lies are untrue statements that people tell. Lying is somehow part of human’s nature.
People tell lies for a number of reasons depending on the situation.
One common reason for which people often lie is to save themselves from troubles. A
student might lie to his teacher if he didn’t do his homework saying he was ill. Another reason is
to please others, i.e. a white lie. In this case, a person might tell a lie to his unattractive friend to
cheer them up saying they look gorgeous. Their dress is so nice, and the colors look very nice
on them, even though they don’t. Lastly, people tell lies and deceive others in order to gain
some personal benefit.
There can be a lot more reasons other than those mentioned above because different
people go through different situations. However, man should always be honest and tell the truth,
for one day every lie in the world will be revealed. A lie can put a person in a difficult situation.
One may need to tell a lot of lies just to cover up the first. In the long run, lying destroys man’s
character and reputation, while the truth secures respect and a place in others hearts.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Our entrance to this world is our birth, and our exit is our death. All our life
from birth till death is characterized by a series of moments. Some moments bring
happiness, while others bring sorrow. Nonetheless, our breath goes on till the moment
we die. In this series of moments, we get to know some people who become so special
for us that our lives seem to be empty without them.
Life can be easy for some people and hard for others. What makes it easy
is the love and support of friends and family, and what makes it difficult is their
carelessness and hatred. As life goes by, we learn unexpected lessons which we could
never learn at school, and you never know when the exams are. To pass them, we have
to be ready every day, because anything can happen any time.
Sometimes, in the middle of happiness or sorrow, we are left behind by our
loved ones with memories, tears and a longing to be with them. In those moments of
pain and torment, life becomes tough, and our world seems to have just ended; so
many people among us even reach the edge of ending their lives. However, with
patience and optimism, now and then conditions do change.
Before making any choice, we must think it over. This world has so many
heavy burdens and responsibilities that our shoulders cannot bear their weight; we
become weak, and some circumstances change us entirely, and we never remain the
same. It can be our misunderstanding that they ignore us, or they have no respect for
us. Their lives might have become more difficult for some reason, and they might be
unable to say what is going on in their lives.
What is in our hands today might not be there tomorrow. What is not in our
possession today, it might be tomorrow. This series of moments brings us so special
people, and it can take them away without telling, and it may or may not give us the
chance to have them back. So, if you have the privilege, and you have found someone
special, or you may find one in future, or you have lost your special one, the point is that
you have to be true. There is always a way to keep them in your lives, by praying for
them and valuing their each gift and possession that you have. Only true people find
true ones. Have faith, be true and love truly forever.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
June 26, 2013
Dearest Angly,
From the day I saw you, I have tried and wished to write to you, but when I took a
pen and paper, my hand would not move. I don’t know why. I remember when I saw you
for the first time. My eyes stopped blinking and my tongue couldn’t say a word. I just
kept watching. The world around me had disappeared.
Now that we are engaged, we still can’t see each other or talk with each other.
One reason is the conventions of our society, where a boy and girl are not allowed to be
in contact even after they are engaged. However, I don’t really think much of these
traditions in which one cannot do what one wants to.
Though we are apart, a thing called “trust” keeps us together all the time. I have
always missed you. Three years ago I left home and came to the university, and ever
since I have often thought about you. So many girls are around me studying in one
class, but I have always thought about you. In my lonely nights at the hostel, I go up on
the roof and watch the twinkling stars and shining moon. They remind me of you. In my
evenings I have often gone for a walk and seen the sunset, which consoles me with the
knowledge that the days of loneliness and isolation are ending.
After my university, I want to start new life with you. God willing, everything will
be alright.
Yours forever,
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
June 16, 2013
Dearest Angly,
It's raining again tonight and the time is 1:48. Everything is fine here except I feel
your absence more deeply. We could have been together long ago, but some people
have been an obstacle in our way. Some say I don't earn anything; others say I won't be
able to deal with the challenges of life. However, I am doing my best, and I'll show
everyone that I can do anything. Hopefully, God will help me as always.
I have done such extraordinary things in a society where hardly anyone does
something. I am attending university which is my highest achievement. I've learned how
to use the computer and I have been studying English. I consider these my
achievements. How can they say I haven't done anything?
Soon I will graduate from university and get you anyhow, so my lonely days will
cease to exist. I'll work hard to earn enough money to make you happy and fulfill your
wishes. I feel sad most of the time without you. People keep hurting me, but I believe
that if you were here with me, all my worries and wounds would disappear.
Forever yours,
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
Village Akil
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
August 22, 2013
Dear stranger,
I don’t know you, but now that you have found this book, you know me in
someway. This is a message for you. I am writing to tell you that you are precious. Your time is
money. Your life is valuable. Many of us forget the value of ourselves, our time, and our life,
when we fall prey to loneliness, despair, and depression.
These torments are brought about by different people and things. Sometimes
friends are the cause, sometimes family members or relatives are the cause, and sometimes it's
our own mistake. I had read somewhere that “people will always treat you according to their
need and mood.” Through the course of my life, I have realized that it is a truth. I know the
carelessness of friends and family well. I was a little child when my father died, so I know what it
is like when you are in the hands of someone else. No matter how much someone cares for
you, there will be some moments when you realize that your father is your father, and nobody
can take the place of a father.
Selfish, conniving people will always be by your side when you are happy,
wealthy, and successful. They will lose interest in you when they have gained what they wanted,
when they have exploited you enough, or when your success stops fascinating them and
becomes a normal thing. Having met some such friends and relatives, I now have good
understanding of the dishonest, crafty, and deceiving people. I gave everything to some friends,
my time, money, and I even quit my studies for them. But after exploiting my knowledge, time,
everything even my computer, they became strangers.
All the things and experiences cannot be described in this short letter. In nutshell,
you must be aware of your good friends and bad friends. Never let yourself be exploited. Leave
those who have left you. Tell them you don’t need them, if they don’t need you. Nobody can
take better care of you than you yourself. There is plenty of fish in the sea. You will find a lot of
good friends in this big world who will care for you, love you, and value you. So pull yourself out
of these torments. You are innocent and you deserve better than those selfish and stone-
hearted people. Sometimes God keep us in difficulties in order to make us stronger and to give
us more experiences.
All the best!
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
I don’t have a name to tell you! Since I only lived one hour in this world, my
parents couldn’t choose a name for me. I died before they could even decide a name for
me. So I am unnamed!
My mother, who is not educated but innocent, thought I was in her womb for
about nine months. But she was wrong. I was there for seven months, when she was in
labor. An old woman in the village, who looked after pregnant women; came in and said,
“It looks like the baby isn’t ready yet to come out. Don’t worry and take some medicine
to relieve labor pain.” My mother underwent ultrasound test, which clearly showed I was
a seven-month-old fetus. Unfortunately, she was unable to read and she never knew
that. My father, a religious man, couldn’t read as well.
My mother was feeling a great pain due to labor, so she went to another woman,
who helped those pregnant women too. There my mother said her, “It is nine months
that I am carrying the baby.” So, the woman made my mother give birth through an
epidural injection. Then I arrived in this world. I was so weak that I couldn’t cry. I was
only about an hour in this world when my breath stopped. I wish I could have lived here
longer! Oh that my parents were aware enough to help me properly so that I would not
have died so soon. It was not hospital where I was born. No proper care for my mother
and me! Thus I lost my life!
My grandparents and my father concluded saying that it was God’s will. They
didn’t feel much grief over my death. I was buried soon after my breath stopped!
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
I am large, grown up Neem tree, standing on an Indus riverbed in village Akil,
Sindh, Pakistan. I can’t really remember who sowed me and when, but people say I was
sown two or three decades ago by a villager. Beside me is a shallow body of water and
next to it there is Indus River. As I am on up on a riverbed, down it are lovely fields and
some other trees. I am all alone up here.
People often come and rest under me. Specially, cattle herders, people who
graze cattle, like: goatherds, cowherds, shepherds, and buffalo grazers. In addition,
people with their friends come and hang out here under me when it is hot day because
they get fresh air as I am up as if on a hill.
I am strong enough to face the wind and rain. I love sunsets and sunrises. Every
day I start my day with more enthusiasm to provide my service to human beings in the
form of my dense shadow.
Many people in my life have come and gone. One person named Rizwan, has
never left me since he started coming to me. Firstly, he used to come with some friends
and hang out with them by laughing, joking and chatting, but now he comes alone with a
pen and some papers in his pocket. He is quiet and kind. He gently touches me and
sometimes climbs up on me to watch village graveyard and see the world from a
distance. I appreciate his love and company.
I have experienced many aspects of humans’ lives and have learned a lot about
them. I have seen many people in my life from kind and caring people to merciless
hunters and hardworking woodcutters, anglers, and from rich to poor. It is an honor for
me to provide humans a service of my shadow. I don’t know how long I will live still, or
when someone will cut me down. However, I still want to live and benefit human beings.
Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon
I am room number 18 of the Federal hostel at University of Sindh Jamshoro. I am quite
wide and comfortable. I am every year allotted to four new students, so I have chance to meet
different people each year. However, some students live in here for two years as well. I have
two windows one on my front side and other one on my back side. My temperature is lower than
the upstair rooms, since the sun doesn’t shine on me. Wind of Jamshoro town helps me remain
cooler. I can’t really remember when I was built, but you can guess by this that University of
Sindh was there even before the Independence of Pakistan. University of Sindh is the second
oldest university of Asia.
That was my brief introduction. What should I tell you more about myself? Oh yes, I am
cleaned every day except weekends by an old man. I call him “uncle”. I have never asked his
name. However, he is a kind hard-worker employee; he’s been here for a long time. Let me also
tell you about the students who come and live in me. Well, I become friends with them in a very
short time. I cry for some students when they leave me, while for others I feel happy when they
One such student named Rizwan Ahmed Memon, for whom I cried, lived in me in his
second year of university. I knew he was a different guy. On his first day he cleaned me, this is
what some students are not willing to do. In his first week, he was alone in the room, as no other
roommate had showed up. Rizwan was a simple, silent, and hardworking student. Also, he was
a sensitive person. In his loneliness, I had often seen tears falling down from his eyes. He used
to miss his friends and family so. He hardly spent any time with his other roommates and
classmates. He lived in his own world. He was in Computer Science doing his bachelor's
degree. He had kept his computer beside my back side window where he spent several hours
on his chair and table studying. He would open the window and watch the Peepal tree near me,
which reminded him of his village trees. Rizwan would chat with that old uncle, who cleans the
rooms, whenever he saw him. In his free time, he watched movies based on novels and history.
In addition, he loved love stories, and watched many of them. He used to watch those movies
when his other roommates were out. They used to go out for eating while he would just eat at
the hostel canteen. While watching any love story he would cry. In his days of loneliness, I saw
him writing short stories, essays and letters out of homesickness, emotions of loneliness and
being away form his loved ones. From his writings it was obvious he had written some in past as
well, but it was here when he published his first book on the Internet.
Time with him flied. I remember the day when he left me. The new students came in and
said, “From now on this will be our room.” And they didn’t even give him the chance to say me
good-bye. When he left me I felt as if it was just yesterday when he came in me. Even after
leaving me, sometimes he visits me and stands in front of me or goes up on the roof where he
spent his evenings to refresh the past memories. It is his last semester now, in four months he
will graduate and will say good-bye to university forever. I always pray for him and wish him a
happy life after university. Years will pass, and I will miss Rizwan very much.
TRLCL is the center for Computer Science and
Linguistics run by Rizwan Ahmed Memon, where he
adopts entertaining, easy-to-follow, and effective
methods in order to make students learn English
and computer faster.
I help Sindhi learners of English sound like real
natives by reducing their accents, so that they can
convey clearer speeches and avoid unpleasant
Join The REAL Learning Center and learn in a real,
effortless, and entertaining way. Learn language in
a natural way as native speakers do as children.
TRLCL keeps you in touch with real English in the
form of news, audio, videos, lectures, movies,
songs, podcasts and much more so that you have the chance to learn the English that
is spoken on the streets of the USA, the UK, Canada and all other English-speaking
countries. TRLCL teaches through BBC, CBC, VOA and Walt Disney World. TRLCL
focuses on informal and formal English, slang, colloquialisms, phonetics - all the main
parts that are important in various contexts to fully understand native speakers. TRLCL
focuses on different language situations such as business English and academic
English. So join us today to be REAL! That's not all; to make you skillful and competent
in this world of information and technology, TRLCL also provides you with computer
classes where TRLCL changes you from a simple computer user to a web developer
and a software developer. TRLCL provides different courses like CIT, DIT, graphics
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To learn English on your mobile for free, type FOLLOW (space) @TRLCL in your SMS
option and send it to 40404. No charges after activation. Activation charges only Rs.1.
Send it to: 40404
is a book based on the author's personal
experiences. The writings give you the chance to dive into the ocean of
emotions, where you will find inspiration, instruction and pleasure by
exploring life, dreams, friendship, love, pain, failure, success and more.

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The ocean of emotions by rizwan ahmed memon

  • 2. Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Contents ...............................................................................................................................................................................................1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................2 ...........................................................................................................................................................................2 .........................................................................................................................................................................................2 .............................................................................................................................................................................2 ..........................................................................................................................................................................2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................4 ...........................................................................................................................................................4 .............................................................................................................................................................................5 ........................................................................................................................................6 .................................................................................................................................................................................................7 .................................................................................................................................................................................7 .................................................................................................................................................7 .................................................................................................................................................8 ..................................................................................................................................................................................8 .........................................................................................................................................................................................9 ........................................................................................................................................................9 ...........................................................................................................................................................10 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................11 ........................................................................................................................................................................11 .................................................................................................................................................12 .........................................................................................................................................................13 .............................................................................................................................................................................14 .......................................................................................................................14 ......................................................................................................................................15 ................................................................................................................................16 .....................................................................................................................................................................................17 ...............................................................................................................................17
  • 3. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 1 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 In this world, many stories die when men die. Not all people have the ability to preserve their thoughts in writing for coming generations to read. The thoughts put down on paper will exist even after the author’s death. Everyone sees the world in their own way and has different views and beliefs. To preserve and share my ideas and experiences with the world, I have put them in the form of stories, essays, letters and autobiographies. I call this collection The Ocean of Emotions. The ups and downs of life and experiences teach us lessons that we were never taught at school. They stir emotions in us and we act in peculiar ways. Sometimes we open our hearts and tell what we feel, and sometimes we find an outlet for our feelings and emotions. Firstly, in my story category, I have let my hand write what is in my heart about people and things and how I want them to be. Secondly, in the essay section, I have described the values, customs and facts of the world. Thirdly, there are the letters. I really have never sent a love letter to any girl in my life. It may be because of customs of my society, but I wrote many out of my deep emotion of love. Every man on the earth falls in the thing they call love. Only a few people show it; most hide it. I have shared my personal feelings, such feelings people tend to suppress. However, I believe one day every secret in the world will be revealed. If it isn’t, what is the use of keeping it in the heart and letting it die with us? Well, some secrets are top secrets and they really must be kept to ourselves. Finally, as far autobiographies go, I have tried to express life stories of inanimate objects. Also, I have written a biography of a little baby who lived only an hour in this world. I have written these biographies in the first person so I entitled them autobiographies. Ideas, beliefs, emotions and people change with the passage of time. Ten years from now, probably I will think differently. So if anybody ever reads this book, he is going to understand what I thought at the time. Also, some facts about the world never change; they remain the same. I had read somewhere that “there is time and room for every word.” So I hope my writings will somehow be of some help, inspiration, instruction, pleasure, and encouragement to all the readers. Sometimes writers just write about things that they never experienced in life. It is their imagination which takes them in the world where they have never been and they come up with strange and extraordinary things. Read and enjoy my thoughts and make your life better, if you can. Rizwan Ahmed Memon Village Akil, Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan 17-8-2013
  • 4. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 2 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 If you are reading this book on a computer, you can go to any topic just by clicking on the topic in the table of contents, or just scroll to get to your favorite topic or section. The author would appreciate your feedback. See contact information below. Many thanks to Jennifer and Marco for their selflessness, time, and help. Your kindness will always be remembered. I dedicate this work to my students. Rizwan Ahmed Memon is an English language and computer teacher. He is also the owner of The REAL Learning Center Larkana. He has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. He teaches English and computer skills at TRLCL and as a private tutor. He writes on different aspects of life and shares his work on his blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. No part of this book may be printed or reproduced with someone else’s name. The book can be shared for educational purposes only. Copyright © 2013 Rizwan Ahmed Memon
  • 5. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 3 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 0343-3846385 +923433846385
  • 6. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 4 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Qasim, a ten-year-old boy, always believed in luck. In last five years, he had won many competitions at his school, including a marathon, singing competition, and a pie- eating contest. His father often told him to be optimistic, but also work hard. One day at his school principal announced that there would be a quiz show. Hearing that Qasim whispered into his friend’s ear, who was sitting beside him, “And I will be the winner!” “I hope so.” replied his friend. Thinking that the luck would be on his side as always, Qasim did not prepare much for the show. His parents were looking forward to see another prize in his hands. “The quiz show is nearing. Are you preparing for it?” said his father. Qasim in an annoyed manner replied, “Oh, come on, Dad! Let me play the video game.” His father said, “What about the quiz?” “I will win. You will see,” said Qasim. “Well, son you better wake up and smell the coffee. Everything doesn’t come without hard work,” said his father. The competition day came and all the students and their parents gathered. Qasim was nervous, as he was not prepared. The quiz show started and from two teams the team leader was supposed to answer. Qasim was his team’s leader. The questioner asked, “Who gave the speech 'I Have a Dream'?” Qasim had not studied his history book. He remained silent, but his opponent gave the correct answer: Martin Luther King. On most of the questions, Qasim remained silent, for he had not studied. The questions were from different subjects from his syllabus. Everybody laughed at Qasim, and his mom and dad were very disappointed. Qasim lost the quiz program. At night, Qasim came into his parent’s room and said, “I am sorry.” His father encouraged him and said, “You work hard. Do not rely only on luck.” His mother further added, “Look son, life is not a fairy tale that has some magic in it, which will fix everything. On the contrary, life is all about action. If you rest, you rust.” Qasim gave his word to the parents and said he would always work hard and would not rely just on luck.
  • 7. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 5 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Hoping to catch a big fish, young, innocent Ahmed threw his net into the river with his little hands. While he was sitting and waiting on the bank for the fish to get into the net, he saw light across the riverbed coming from the city streets and houses. He had been to the city once. He had a memory in his mind of a school bus, which he had seen when his father had taken him to sell the fish there. Ahmed was still thinking about the city, when a fish gave him a start jumping up and down in the net. Running like the wind to his boat, he screamed, “Mother, mother, look, I have caught a big fish!” His mother with a smiling face said, “Bravo son! You will be a good fisherman like your father.” At the supper time, when Ahmed’s mother gave him meal with fried fish, he asked his mother, “Mother, have you ever seen a school bus?” “Um, well, I have seen a bus, but I really haven’t seen a school bus,” replied his mother. “I guess that must be for school children,” Added his mother. Ahmed said, “I saw one when I had gone to city with father. There were children of my age in it wearing strange clothes. Father had told me that it was a school bus. Also, he had told me that school is a place where a man called teacher teaches these boys and girls. “Really?” said his mother. “Yes, mother.” Ahmed replied. Ahmed kept talking about the city. While Ahmed was still talking about the city, his mother fell asleep. The next day, when Ahmed’s father took the basket of fish to sell in the city, Ahmed said to his father that he wanted to go with him, too. His father said him to seek permission form his mother. At Ahmed’s constant imploring, his mother gave him the permission. On the way back to the river, Ahmed said to his father, “Father, why don’t we live in the city? I want to go to school on that school bus with those children.” The dark was falling and the cattle, making noise with their bells in their necks, were moving to the town. Ahmed’s father said, “See, son, it is now getting late. We must move fast to get to the river. We will talk about it at night, when we are in the boat.” Ahmed’s father in his mind kept thinking about his question. At night, when the three of them were in the boat having supper, Ahmed’s father said to Ahmed, “Son, I want to answer your question now. God made this world and he made Adam, the first human on the earth, from the dust. Eve, the first woman, was Adam’s wife. All of us humans living in the world are offspring of Adam and Eve. If we all were rich, living in cities, studying in schools, no one would be doing the work, and the world would become unbalanced. So, God made some people rich and others poor to keep the balance of the world. If we are living here on the Indus bank in Akil in a boat, it doesn’t mean we are inferior or we are not humans. No, we all are humans. The thing is God has chosen us to be poor and play our role as poor in his world which he runs solo. One can not have all the joys of the world. We here on the Indus bank are living our life happily. Our source of livelihood is fish, and we are thankful to God for this.” Ahmed thought it was the will of God the way the world is and people are, so he never thought about the city again. He lived happily and enjoyed fishing and playing with other boys on the river bank.
  • 8. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 6 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon It was a sunny day. Robi was so delighted to win the prize in her class for an essay competition. Her teacher said her that he was sure that one day Robi would become a great woman. Robi said to her teacher, “God willing, I would become a doctor.” The teacher replied, “God wills that. I know because He has given you all the abilities which a successful doctor should have.” Robi came home and showed her mother the prize. Robi’s mother was happy too, but her father didn’t seem to be happy. Robi’s father was a drunkard; her mother had to pay for her education. She made both ends meet by doing needlework. Besides going to school, Robi also helped her mother in household works and in needlework. Days kept going by and Robi was in class nine then. At night Robi’s father said to her mother, “Now Robi has grown up.” Her mother said to him, “No, she is still young, well why do you say so?” He said, “Now Robi won’t go to school any more.” Her mother said, “No, she has to study still, and she wants to be a doctor.” “A doctor, impossible!” he said. “Why can’t she be a doctor? She is most clever girl in the class?” said her mother. Her father said to her mother, “Because the time has come for her to go to her real home.” “You are thinking about Robi’s marriage? She is still too young,” she said. “Well sooner or later she has to go. Sooner the better.” said Robi’s father. He further added, “I have already talked to my old friend. He has a son who works in the fields, and that will be better for her. I don’t want to talk about it any more that’s it.” In morning when Robi was getting ready for going to school, her mother said her, “Stay at home today.” Robi said, “why dear mother?” She said, “Today I have a lot of work and I want you to help me.” Robi said, “All right if you say so, I am not going.” So on that day her mother told her that her father was going to get her married. Robi tore into pieces. Her mother said her, “It is inevitable, neither can I do anything nor you can refuse. If we go against, we will both be in trouble. So it is better to be quiet and endure.” Robi’s dreams shattered. She felt a storm inside her, and she wanted to cry as much loudly as it could break the sky. Weeping and sobbing she slept. In few days, Robi’s father married her off. Now she was just walking around as if already dead. True to his nature the man closed one more chapter of injustice with Robi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I wonder how many other Robis would yet be killed, sold and kidnapped etcetera! That so called civilized man should know that the woman is also a human. She breathes the same way as he does. Her heart beats as his, and like him she has emotions, too. Let her live her life!
  • 9. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 7 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Man is mortal. Sooner or later, his life will come to an end. After his death his body is buried underground and his grave is made. The place where graves are is known as graveyard. Burial practices and beliefs about afterlife vary from culture to culture. In some religions of the world, such as Islam, people are buried when they die; in others, like Hinduism, they are cremated. Also, in some other cultures dead bodies are embalmed. In Islam when the relatives pay a visit to the graves of their deceased ones, they bring flowers, scatter them on the graves, and pray for their loved ones' peace and rest of the soul. In Islam people believe that there is another world after the death. It is called the Hereafter. They believe there will be a day when all the deceased will be made alive and they will account for what they did in this world to God. That day is known as the Judgment Day. After the Judgment Day, people who committed sins will be sent to the place known as Hell, a tragic place to live in full of fire and other tortures. Those who dedicated their lives to God and did good deeds will be sent to the place called Heaven, a place full of comfort and peace, and all the glories will be there that the good people will want. Graveyards stir us to do good deeds and make us realize of the purpose of our lives. Someday we will die and be buried, too, so we must do what we have to, before it is our time to leave this world. Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Holidays mean the time of rest and relaxation. After long days of hard work, holidays give you the opportunity to take thoughts and worries away and just relax in peace. My ideal summer holidays would be on a beach where I can read my favorite novels under a big umbrella, lying on the long deckchair. Spending a couple of days out near the beach and plying on it, sunbathing and fishing along with the person I love the most would be my ideal summer activities. What can be more special than listening to the music of the sea waves, fresh, clean air and a lovely location with romantic atmosphere? I'd make a little sand-castle on the beach that children often make when they play. We’d eat there, make our own tea, fry the fish, and relax and enjoy. Holidays become memorable days of our lives. The holidays which leave pictures in our minds are the holidays that we treasure the most. We all must go on holidays once in a year. In so doing, not only we recover all our energies for the future duties, but also we realize that our lives are not only work and study.
  • 10. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 8 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon In the world all the things that we can see and touch have certain attributes, so some are valued more and some less. Nobody has ever been invisible except ghosts, but if I could be invisible, I would try to make this world a better place to live in. Having a magical power may prove to be more helpful than the technology we own today. Nowadays, people fear more from other people than real monsters. Poverty, unemployment, and hunger have led people to commit crimes and suicide. A hungry man doesn’t see what is right or wrong; he just somehow fills his empty belly. I would try to make people happy by solving their problems and by fulfilling their little positive wishes. Every day so many children die of hunger, which is what makes my eyes shed tears. I would provide sustenance by using the money of those people who got it illegally and who do not spend it for the welfare of others. If we all use our little resources for the benefit of humanity, it would be no less than having a magical power, and in so doing we would be better humans, too. Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon A housewife is a woman who is in charge of her house and her children. A housewife is a responsible woman. She looks after everything around her, which is why she is much appreciated. I believe that a housewife works more than other women who have a different job. Some women look for a maid to help them keep their houses clean because they don't have enough time or simply find it difficult to do. Also, taking care of their children can be a demanding job for many. One mother once told me, "A lot goes into juggling the many tasks to get food in the house, meals on the table, clothes washed, floors wiped, kids off to school, kids to activities, kids in bed... and make sure they are healthy, happy, and respectful human beings!" However, if we think about it for a while, we realize that being a mother can be a satisfying task. A mother feels happy when she looks after her child. Moreover, no other woman can take a better care of a child than his own mother. We should take better care of our mothers whether they work indoors or outdoors, as they cared for us when we were children. Unfortunately, not many people have had the privilege to know the love of their mothers or their fathers. We should try to appreciate and enjoy every single moment that we are allowed to spend with them.
  • 11. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 9 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon A library is a place where a lot of ideas, thoughts, experiences, sorrows, happiness, wishes, emotions are found in the form of books. For students and book lovers, libraries provide a relaxing, quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Libraries have existed for a long time in our world and will hopefully last well into the future. Libraries are a rich resource. Readers can borrow books from a library. There are plenty of them, from those which deal with technology and science to those on literature and history. Inside a library there are sections dedicated to young and older people. Besides good atmosphere and books for study, a library has a computer lab where learners can surf the Internet and can learn online. Readers in a library dive in the books so deeply that they don’t notice the time, so often they bring their lunch with themselves in boxes. Learners find those students who study the same subject, and they make up their group which is very helpful for combined study and sharing the thoughts out in the park. One should get the most out of a library. Governments should pay proper attention to the maintenance of libraries because they are the best source of knowledge. An educated nation can progress faster and faster and can make itself powerful in comparison to others. Education is the only source of surviving in this world of technology. Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Lies are untrue statements that people tell. Lying is somehow part of human’s nature. People tell lies for a number of reasons depending on the situation. One common reason for which people often lie is to save themselves from troubles. A student might lie to his teacher if he didn’t do his homework saying he was ill. Another reason is to please others, i.e. a white lie. In this case, a person might tell a lie to his unattractive friend to cheer them up saying they look gorgeous. Their dress is so nice, and the colors look very nice on them, even though they don’t. Lastly, people tell lies and deceive others in order to gain some personal benefit. There can be a lot more reasons other than those mentioned above because different people go through different situations. However, man should always be honest and tell the truth, for one day every lie in the world will be revealed. A lie can put a person in a difficult situation. One may need to tell a lot of lies just to cover up the first. In the long run, lying destroys man’s character and reputation, while the truth secures respect and a place in others hearts.
  • 12. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 10 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Our entrance to this world is our birth, and our exit is our death. All our life from birth till death is characterized by a series of moments. Some moments bring happiness, while others bring sorrow. Nonetheless, our breath goes on till the moment we die. In this series of moments, we get to know some people who become so special for us that our lives seem to be empty without them. Life can be easy for some people and hard for others. What makes it easy is the love and support of friends and family, and what makes it difficult is their carelessness and hatred. As life goes by, we learn unexpected lessons which we could never learn at school, and you never know when the exams are. To pass them, we have to be ready every day, because anything can happen any time. Sometimes, in the middle of happiness or sorrow, we are left behind by our loved ones with memories, tears and a longing to be with them. In those moments of pain and torment, life becomes tough, and our world seems to have just ended; so many people among us even reach the edge of ending their lives. However, with patience and optimism, now and then conditions do change. Before making any choice, we must think it over. This world has so many heavy burdens and responsibilities that our shoulders cannot bear their weight; we become weak, and some circumstances change us entirely, and we never remain the same. It can be our misunderstanding that they ignore us, or they have no respect for us. Their lives might have become more difficult for some reason, and they might be unable to say what is going on in their lives. What is in our hands today might not be there tomorrow. What is not in our possession today, it might be tomorrow. This series of moments brings us so special people, and it can take them away without telling, and it may or may not give us the chance to have them back. So, if you have the privilege, and you have found someone special, or you may find one in future, or you have lost your special one, the point is that you have to be true. There is always a way to keep them in your lives, by praying for them and valuing their each gift and possession that you have. Only true people find true ones. Have faith, be true and love truly forever.
  • 13. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 11 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Village Akil Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan June 26, 2013 Dearest Angly, From the day I saw you, I have tried and wished to write to you, but when I took a pen and paper, my hand would not move. I don’t know why. I remember when I saw you for the first time. My eyes stopped blinking and my tongue couldn’t say a word. I just kept watching. The world around me had disappeared. Now that we are engaged, we still can’t see each other or talk with each other. One reason is the conventions of our society, where a boy and girl are not allowed to be in contact even after they are engaged. However, I don’t really think much of these traditions in which one cannot do what one wants to. Though we are apart, a thing called “trust” keeps us together all the time. I have always missed you. Three years ago I left home and came to the university, and ever since I have often thought about you. So many girls are around me studying in one class, but I have always thought about you. In my lonely nights at the hostel, I go up on the roof and watch the twinkling stars and shining moon. They remind me of you. In my evenings I have often gone for a walk and seen the sunset, which consoles me with the knowledge that the days of loneliness and isolation are ending. After my university, I want to start new life with you. God willing, everything will be alright. Yours forever, Rizwan
  • 14. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 12 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Village Akil Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan June 16, 2013 Dearest Angly, It's raining again tonight and the time is 1:48. Everything is fine here except I feel your absence more deeply. We could have been together long ago, but some people have been an obstacle in our way. Some say I don't earn anything; others say I won't be able to deal with the challenges of life. However, I am doing my best, and I'll show everyone that I can do anything. Hopefully, God will help me as always. I have done such extraordinary things in a society where hardly anyone does something. I am attending university which is my highest achievement. I've learned how to use the computer and I have been studying English. I consider these my achievements. How can they say I haven't done anything? Soon I will graduate from university and get you anyhow, so my lonely days will cease to exist. I'll work hard to earn enough money to make you happy and fulfill your wishes. I feel sad most of the time without you. People keep hurting me, but I believe that if you were here with me, all my worries and wounds would disappear. Forever yours, Rizwan
  • 15. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 13 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon Village Akil Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan August 22, 2013 Dear stranger, I don’t know you, but now that you have found this book, you know me in someway. This is a message for you. I am writing to tell you that you are precious. Your time is money. Your life is valuable. Many of us forget the value of ourselves, our time, and our life, when we fall prey to loneliness, despair, and depression. These torments are brought about by different people and things. Sometimes friends are the cause, sometimes family members or relatives are the cause, and sometimes it's our own mistake. I had read somewhere that “people will always treat you according to their need and mood.” Through the course of my life, I have realized that it is a truth. I know the carelessness of friends and family well. I was a little child when my father died, so I know what it is like when you are in the hands of someone else. No matter how much someone cares for you, there will be some moments when you realize that your father is your father, and nobody can take the place of a father. Selfish, conniving people will always be by your side when you are happy, wealthy, and successful. They will lose interest in you when they have gained what they wanted, when they have exploited you enough, or when your success stops fascinating them and becomes a normal thing. Having met some such friends and relatives, I now have good understanding of the dishonest, crafty, and deceiving people. I gave everything to some friends, my time, money, and I even quit my studies for them. But after exploiting my knowledge, time, everything even my computer, they became strangers. All the things and experiences cannot be described in this short letter. In nutshell, you must be aware of your good friends and bad friends. Never let yourself be exploited. Leave those who have left you. Tell them you don’t need them, if they don’t need you. Nobody can take better care of you than you yourself. There is plenty of fish in the sea. You will find a lot of good friends in this big world who will care for you, love you, and value you. So pull yourself out of these torments. You are innocent and you deserve better than those selfish and stone- hearted people. Sometimes God keep us in difficulties in order to make us stronger and to give us more experiences. All the best! Rizwan
  • 16. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 14 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon I don’t have a name to tell you! Since I only lived one hour in this world, my parents couldn’t choose a name for me. I died before they could even decide a name for me. So I am unnamed! My mother, who is not educated but innocent, thought I was in her womb for about nine months. But she was wrong. I was there for seven months, when she was in labor. An old woman in the village, who looked after pregnant women; came in and said, “It looks like the baby isn’t ready yet to come out. Don’t worry and take some medicine to relieve labor pain.” My mother underwent ultrasound test, which clearly showed I was a seven-month-old fetus. Unfortunately, she was unable to read and she never knew that. My father, a religious man, couldn’t read as well. My mother was feeling a great pain due to labor, so she went to another woman, who helped those pregnant women too. There my mother said her, “It is nine months that I am carrying the baby.” So, the woman made my mother give birth through an epidural injection. Then I arrived in this world. I was so weak that I couldn’t cry. I was only about an hour in this world when my breath stopped. I wish I could have lived here longer! Oh that my parents were aware enough to help me properly so that I would not have died so soon. It was not hospital where I was born. No proper care for my mother and me! Thus I lost my life! My grandparents and my father concluded saying that it was God’s will. They didn’t feel much grief over my death. I was buried soon after my breath stopped!
  • 17. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 15 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon I am large, grown up Neem tree, standing on an Indus riverbed in village Akil, Sindh, Pakistan. I can’t really remember who sowed me and when, but people say I was sown two or three decades ago by a villager. Beside me is a shallow body of water and next to it there is Indus River. As I am on up on a riverbed, down it are lovely fields and some other trees. I am all alone up here. People often come and rest under me. Specially, cattle herders, people who graze cattle, like: goatherds, cowherds, shepherds, and buffalo grazers. In addition, people with their friends come and hang out here under me when it is hot day because they get fresh air as I am up as if on a hill. I am strong enough to face the wind and rain. I love sunsets and sunrises. Every day I start my day with more enthusiasm to provide my service to human beings in the form of my dense shadow. Many people in my life have come and gone. One person named Rizwan, has never left me since he started coming to me. Firstly, he used to come with some friends and hang out with them by laughing, joking and chatting, but now he comes alone with a pen and some papers in his pocket. He is quiet and kind. He gently touches me and sometimes climbs up on me to watch village graveyard and see the world from a distance. I appreciate his love and company. I have experienced many aspects of humans’ lives and have learned a lot about them. I have seen many people in my life from kind and caring people to merciless hunters and hardworking woodcutters, anglers, and from rich to poor. It is an honor for me to provide humans a service of my shadow. I don’t know how long I will live still, or when someone will cut me down. However, I still want to live and benefit human beings.
  • 18. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 16 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 Author: Rizwan Ahmed Memon I am room number 18 of the Federal hostel at University of Sindh Jamshoro. I am quite wide and comfortable. I am every year allotted to four new students, so I have chance to meet different people each year. However, some students live in here for two years as well. I have two windows one on my front side and other one on my back side. My temperature is lower than the upstair rooms, since the sun doesn’t shine on me. Wind of Jamshoro town helps me remain cooler. I can’t really remember when I was built, but you can guess by this that University of Sindh was there even before the Independence of Pakistan. University of Sindh is the second oldest university of Asia. That was my brief introduction. What should I tell you more about myself? Oh yes, I am cleaned every day except weekends by an old man. I call him “uncle”. I have never asked his name. However, he is a kind hard-worker employee; he’s been here for a long time. Let me also tell you about the students who come and live in me. Well, I become friends with them in a very short time. I cry for some students when they leave me, while for others I feel happy when they leave. One such student named Rizwan Ahmed Memon, for whom I cried, lived in me in his second year of university. I knew he was a different guy. On his first day he cleaned me, this is what some students are not willing to do. In his first week, he was alone in the room, as no other roommate had showed up. Rizwan was a simple, silent, and hardworking student. Also, he was a sensitive person. In his loneliness, I had often seen tears falling down from his eyes. He used to miss his friends and family so. He hardly spent any time with his other roommates and classmates. He lived in his own world. He was in Computer Science doing his bachelor's degree. He had kept his computer beside my back side window where he spent several hours on his chair and table studying. He would open the window and watch the Peepal tree near me, which reminded him of his village trees. Rizwan would chat with that old uncle, who cleans the rooms, whenever he saw him. In his free time, he watched movies based on novels and history. In addition, he loved love stories, and watched many of them. He used to watch those movies when his other roommates were out. They used to go out for eating while he would just eat at the hostel canteen. While watching any love story he would cry. In his days of loneliness, I saw him writing short stories, essays and letters out of homesickness, emotions of loneliness and being away form his loved ones. From his writings it was obvious he had written some in past as well, but it was here when he published his first book on the Internet. Time with him flied. I remember the day when he left me. The new students came in and said, “From now on this will be our room.” And they didn’t even give him the chance to say me good-bye. When he left me I felt as if it was just yesterday when he came in me. Even after leaving me, sometimes he visits me and stands in front of me or goes up on the roof where he spent his evenings to refresh the past memories. It is his last semester now, in four months he will graduate and will say good-bye to university forever. I always pray for him and wish him a happy life after university. Years will pass, and I will miss Rizwan very much.
  • 19. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 17 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 TRLCL is the center for Computer Science and Linguistics run by Rizwan Ahmed Memon, where he adopts entertaining, easy-to-follow, and effective methods in order to make students learn English and computer faster. I help Sindhi learners of English sound like real natives by reducing their accents, so that they can convey clearer speeches and avoid unpleasant misunderstandings. Join The REAL Learning Center and learn in a real, effortless, and entertaining way. Learn language in a natural way as native speakers do as children. TRLCL keeps you in touch with real English in the form of news, audio, videos, lectures, movies, songs, podcasts and much more so that you have the chance to learn the English that is spoken on the streets of the USA, the UK, Canada and all other English-speaking countries. TRLCL teaches through BBC, CBC, VOA and Walt Disney World. TRLCL focuses on informal and formal English, slang, colloquialisms, phonetics - all the main parts that are important in various contexts to fully understand native speakers. TRLCL focuses on different language situations such as business English and academic English. So join us today to be REAL! That's not all; to make you skillful and competent in this world of information and technology, TRLCL also provides you with computer classes where TRLCL changes you from a simple computer user to a web developer and a software developer. TRLCL provides different courses like CIT, DIT, graphics courses, web development courses and much more. Join us today to gain REAL skills. To learn English on your mobile for free, type FOLLOW (space) @TRLCL in your SMS option and send it to 40404. No charges after activation. Activation charges only Rs.1. Type: FOLLOW @TRLCL Send it to: 40404
  • 20. THE OCEAN OF EMOTIONS COPYRIGHT©2013 RIZWANAHMED THE REAL LEARNING CENTER LARKANA 18 Email: Mobile: 03433846385 is a book based on the author's personal experiences. The writings give you the chance to dive into the ocean of emotions, where you will find inspiration, instruction and pleasure by exploring life, dreams, friendship, love, pain, failure, success and more.