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The Main Goals Of American Foreign Policy
Outline the main goals of American foreign policy. Discuss each goal in detail, and give examples the steps we have taken to achieve these goals in
the past.
The main goals of American foreign policy are security, economic prosperity, and to make the world a better place. One of the highest priorities that
the U.S partakes in is providing it citizens with a sense of security. In the field of security there are three main positions and policies that can be
enacted. A policy of appeasement which in war is avoided by giving in to the hostile powers demands. A policy of preventive war or preemption in
which a nation strikes first when a country fears another nation might retaliate against them, and a policy of deterrence which is sort of a mixture of
appeasement and preemption in which foreign attacks are discouraged by maintaining an elevated level of military strength. security means being
concerned with the actions of other nations and non–state actors. In the past and present the United States in order to prevent or eliminate attacks on the
U.S we have developed vast military power and intelligence gathering mechanisms and organizations such as the CIA, FBI, and Homeland security.
When preoccupied with security policy makers must protect the transportation infrastructure, maintain a constant food supply and protect the energy
supply and maintain cyber security. During the early years of the U.S isolationism was used to protect the U.S, but technology has advanced and
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Argumentative Essay On Us Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy is something the United States takes very seriously. It often carries a lot of controversy. Throughout United States history presidents
have made decisions that have always risen much debate. In 1945 the atomic bomb was dropped in Japan. In 1954 the United States sent troops into
Vietnam. Both major moves in foreign policy. Both heavily debated. Today foreign policy is more modest and put into higher regards when it comes
to lives at stake. President George W. Bush(R) and President Barak Obama (D) have very different point of views when it comes to foreign policy.
Foreign policy is a widely controversial topic throughout all of politics. In 2002 President Bush announced that the United States forces would be
invading Iraq in retaliation to the terror attacks that took place in New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001. This move by Bush would
be seen widely as a poor decision. He would be criticized for misleading United States forces into Iraq. Bush lead his argument claiming that Iraq had
weapons of mass destruction and were a true threat to American safety. Many men and Women would fall fighting in Iraq. Bush would approve the
operative against Saddam more content...
Like stated prior foreign policy is something that spikes much debate between both parties. Both Obama and Bush did what they thought was best
for the United States and its interests. Obama used tactics in which threatened innocent lives, but Bush used tactics that put American lives in
danger. Either way lives were at stake, this is something that is unavoidable when it comes to foreign conflict. Ultimately in order to avoid lives
lost, the United States needs to be completely neutral in all foreign policy conflicts, but because of the United States position in foreign policy we are
to help as help is believed to be needed. As a world power we should protect peace and freedom where it is
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America's Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy, is government's strategy in dealing with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives. America's Foreign Policy is determined
how America, conducts relations with other nations around the world. It is designed to achieve certain goals. It shows the power to protect and project
America's national interests around the world in political, economic, military, and ideological areas. America's Foreign Policy today covers a wide
range of functions and issues. It includes establishing and maintaining diplomatic relations with other countries and international organizations,
peacekeeping functions, such as working with allies to assure regional and international security, furthermore, it covers a range of international more content...
The three most important examples of doctrine during The Cold War and at its end were, Truman Doctrine, Reagan Doctrine, and Bush Doctrine. The
Truman Doctrine was the doctrine that the United States Government provided economic aid in order to contain and prevent spreading communism.
One example of this is when Truman approved 400 million in economic aid to Greece and Turkey. The Truman Doctrine had a theory, the countries
were dominos, of one country falls in communism, the others will fall as well. That is why the U.S. backed South Vietnam against forces wanting a
communist government, keeping containment. The Reagan Doctrine is about how it is focused in Central America, especially in El Salvador, and
Nicaragua because they are closer to the United States. Cuba was sending forces into Central America to take control. Reagan believed that supporting
guerrilla groups fighting to overthrow communist or pro–soviets governments. In 1979, Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Reagan sent $570 millions in aid
and supplies. Therefore, United States was sending indirectly troops, weapons, and money to prevent spread the communism in those regions. Finally,
the Bush Doctrine, is the one that simply says "You're with us, or against us". In other words, if you are against us, then you are a terrorist. Bush
Doctrine states that if you harbor or give aid to terrorist groups,
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Foreign Policy
As we approach the next Presidential election the topic of American foreign policy is once again in the spotlight. In this paper, I will examine four
major objectives of U.S. foreign policy that have persisted throughout the twentieth century and will discuss the effect of each on our nation
’s recent history, with particular focus on key leaders who espoused each objective at various times. In addition, I will relate the effects of
American foreign policy objectives, with special attention to their impact on the American middle class. Most importantly, this paper will discuss
America’s involvement in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War to the anticipated fulfillment of these objectives—democracy,
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Primary objectives of entering the U.S. into the war were not primarily to seek revenge on Germany. Wilson’s more important goal was to
preserve democracy within the U.S. and restore manifest destiny to a war–torn world. Furthermore, the U.S. foreign policy of economic expansion
contributed to the U.S.’ involvement in WWI due to the fact that tensions were built around both global trade and trade routes used prior
to the war. The British propaganda papers played a part in American humanitarianism as the U.S. received word of inhumane treatment by German
soldiers of many European civilians. Although the papers were propaganda, the U.S. felt a moral obligation to help those in need.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose primary objectives were both similar to and different from Wilson’s, entered the U.S. into WWII after
the Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor. His two major concerns for doing this were his obligation to protect American democracy, and to
increase economic expansion, which had ceased to exist in the decade prior to WWII as a result of the Great Depression. Although all four major
foreign policy objectives played a role in the U.S.’ entrance into WWII, I will explore these two policies in depth using speeches of
FDR’s that provide his rationale for U.S. involvement. Roosevelt knew that entrance into the war would help boost the crippled
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American Foreign Policy During World War II
Between the end of the First World War and the start of World War II, American foreign policy gradually changed and evolved in order to fit the
beliefs of the country as a whole and adapt to new international situations. World War I had not been particularly well received by the American
public, with the vast majority of the people condemning U.S. involvement; they believed that the war had only hurt them and that the glorious
country of America should no longer get involved in foreign wars and affairs. In essence, America was disillusioned by the experience of World War
I, and such disillusionment would have a tremendous influence on how the U.S dealt with foreign events and incidents for decades to come. It cannot
be stressed enough how stubborn the general public was in maintaining isolation after the end of the first World War. The diplomatic failures
regarding the League of Nations and recovery had sullied the experience for the American people, and they were content to retreat into their domestic
shell, desperately trying to be blissfully unaware of the events going around them all over the world. A speech by Warren G. Harding in October of
1920 reflected the general American attitude at the time; in it, he lambasted the League of Nations and criticized the fact that it was a blow at
America's constitutional integrity (Doc A). Harding, like the rest of the American people, had turned his back on the world. Fortunately, this mentality
would not last; as World War II
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Essay About American Foreign Policy
The american government has been dealing with various issues and continues to face such troubles. The bulk of these complications have occurred
since the emergence of the nation. Issues concerning foreign policy and the social makeup of the United States have been resonating for centuries. The
only clear solution to establish a better future for America is to learn from our history, and thus resolve our national issues in the aspiration of a better
The foreign policy that the United States has upheld is one primarily composed of continual hostilities against various groups. Cuomo assures this when
he states, "Our foreign policy drifts with no real direction"(278). This precedent issue is primarily attributed to American intervention and its
comparative advantage over military weapons. Taking into consideration that the United States was official formed by Englishmen and that the Indians
were a foreign civilization, this issue has obviously been intrinsic to our nation since its origin. The English had imposed a set of regulations with the
Indians, which reveal their self–interest motives. One of such is that the more content...
This is an embarrassing factor for the most influential nation to uphold, portraying its utmost ignorant nature. The change must begin from within and
thrust outward to form a wave–like vibration that has the capability to resonate throughout this country and reach far beyond established borders.
Influential people have attempted to evoke this vibrance, such as Cuomo and other pioneers of freedom. The indians had respected the Europeans of
their beliefs and lifestyles even when undergoing troublesome affairs with them. This behavior must propagate outward to the extremities of the earth.
This behavior requires a social change. This behavior is a
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American Foreign Policy 1945-2005 Essay
Once the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, it was clear that the U.S. was a major force in international affairs. Since
that time, the U.S. has had some successes and some failures in its international affairs.
Following World War II, the U.S. was in constant struggle against the communist nation of the USSR. Our first major success against the Soviet
Union was the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Had the U.S. not sent U2 reconnaissance flyers over Cuba, our military may have never known of the
missiles planted there. This was a great example of intelligence. And once the U.S. realized this, we were on the brink of World War III, but successful
negotiations ended that threat. Kennedy and Khrushchev agreed more content...
U.S. involvement in Bosnia was another success. The success of our involvement in Bosnia strengthened our NATOalliance as well as our role as a
leader in Europe. We helped create a fair and just cease–fire and then continued to support Bosnia as the new agreement was implemented. Through our
successful Dayton Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina finally came out of a four–year war and gained democracy and human rights. We have been
trying for decades to plant the seeds of democracy all over the world, and in Bosnia, the U.S. did this successfully. We worked together with the UN
and our NATO allies to bring peace to the land once known as Yugoslavia. The U.S. was not overly imposing, but we did not allow for refugees to
take over. We came out having been credited for the further development of democracy, and Bosnia came out free and reformed.
Kosovo was the last real success for U.S. foreign policy. This was the first time that the U.S. worked as part of a coalition force. We worked along
side the other 18 NATO nations. We minimized our losses, both economically and on a human scale. According to Madeline Albright, the U.S.
contributed, "fewer than 15 percent of total troops and less than 15 percent of the nonmilitary costs of helping Kosovo recover from war and build
stability". The U.S. could have struck against Milosevic quicker had it not had to be in
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American Foreign Policy
American Foreign Policy refers to the interests of the United States among the world of Nations. American Foreign Policy also refers to the United
States effort to achieve its national objectives, sometimes at the expense of other nations.
The American foreign policy goal as stated in the Foreign Policy Agenda of the Department of State, are "to build and sustain a more democratic,
secure, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community." [1] The mission statement alone holds the
interests of the US at the top of the agenda. The US also has goals to benefit the entire world community.
The basic goal of American foreign policy is to protect America and Americans. Many threats exist all over the more content...
diplomats and other government officials, whether they work at home or abroad, are the people that make diplomacy work. A basic foreign policy
goal is to see that the people who work to benefit the United States are given the continued support and protection they need. Diplomats stationed in
places where there are conflicts, such as the Middle East, Africa and South America depend on foreign policy to help them do their job and improve
relations and terms with the countries in which they are stationed.
Another basic goal of American Foreign Policy is implementing democratic governments. The US aids democratic nations and helps others create
democratic political systems. With US help, many formerly Communist nations in Europe began to form democratic political systems in the 1990's.
Many critics have stated that America's foreign policy does not change despite a change in the country's leadership. However, the foreign policies
adopted by different presidents have differed in various respects. Certain variations can also be seen between the foreign policies of the Obama and
Bush Administrations. Both the Bush administration and the Obama administration have committed to a foreign policy that ensures the safety of
Obama gave his first major foreign policy speech of his campaign on April 23, 2007 to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, in which he outlined
his foreign policy objectives, stressing five key
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My Role In American Foreign Policy
Growing up I have always felt a desire to help people on a larger, more global scale. As an American citizen, the role the United States (U.S) plays
in global politics has always been relevant and present in my life. Discussions in school and stories on the news about American foreign policy has
fueled my interest to learn more about international politics and American diplomacy. My desire to help people, combined with my interest towards
U.S in global politics, has created my passion towards America's foreign policy and international politics as a whole. In recent years I have attended
various programs related to America in world politics, such as Model United Nations and a World Affair Council program about migration. Through
these more content...
I believe that discussing different views on global issues allows one to learn new concepts while advancing his or her own opinion on these issues.
Programs similar to this one, allow me to better grasp the concepts of the US in world politics and American foreign policy and help me to form my
own opinions and potential solutions through both peer and instructed learning. With plans to study international affairs in college, during this program
I hope to learn more about the different functions and roles in American diplomacy. This program will hopefully teach me more about the ways I can
be involved in international affairs, the foundations to American foreign policy, and America's current involvement in world politics. After this
program, I hope to translate what I have learned at "Summer at Brown" to my future college and professional careers. I can contribute to this program
with my passion for foreign affairs and my own perspective on America's involvement in world politics. Although many people approach international
affairs with legal and economic mindsets, I focus on the cultural, political, and historical elements of international affairs and politics. My particular
emphasis on culture and how it
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America's Foreign Policy Essay
To begin America's foreign policy has changed quite a lot. The first policy we had was the Monroe Doctrine which was established in 1823. The
policy provided precedent and support for U.S. expansion on the American continent. This meant Europe could not interfere in Western
Hemisphere affairs and could not be involved in the expansion. Soon after that we were changing our policies again which lead us to Wilson's 14
points. Basically after we had entered WW1 we wanted to establish peace so we drew up specific recommendations for a comprehensive peace
settlement. As you can see already we are becoming more involved and our policies are allowing us to become a whole and make peace. Then once
again we were getting involved and our policies had to changed again we created the United Nations in 1945. It consisted of the more
The United Nations helps established peace and committing to maintain international peace and security. We at this point we're trying to develop
friendly relations to among nations. We were very involved around the world making sure everything and everybody was at peace. As time went on
we tried to allow the US to expand and get others to join our side. We created the Truman Doctrine. Which was asking for assistance from Greece and
Turkey to forestall communist domination of the two nations. This then changed our policy to allow the United States to support free people who are
resisting communist efforts to help resolve them. We had thought that if we were being involved it was going to better us. But that all changed and
so did our policies on 9/11. We were attacked and so we converted military operations, new security legislation, efforts to block the financing of
terrorism. We soon became involved in a different way we focused more on equality and adding people. We now pay close attention to what everyone
is doing to help keep us safe. Which leads us to the next
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American Foreign Policy
Foreign Policies are influenced and created by two branches, executive and legislative. The U.S. Constitution put this delegation of power into place.
Foreign Policy determines how the U.S. will network with other countries and has been a large factor in our history since implemented. The process of
the policy is not always the simplest; it has caused tensions and angst between Congress and the President through the years. A discrepancy between
the two branches was and is not uncommon, yet the relationship between the two is indefinite. Each division has responsibilities and its own
appointed power over the making of policies and bills. There are checks and balances to the process, where the President can veto a proposal by more content...
He has the power to make treaties and executive agreements with other countries. And recognizes other countries legitimacy through the ambassador
receiving process, which is an important part of policy making. This act is bestowed upon ambassadors by the president and senate to be a symbol of
the US overseas. The importance of the receiving process is to verify foreign credentials, and decide if their form of government will be accepted as
genuine. The United States democracy differs from other countries in that we elect one person to inherit the title of state and government, this type of
democracy is at the benefit of our president. In his role as head of state he is a symbol of what the United States represents and what we stand for as
citizens and as a country. The role has many tasks that can be non–political, such for example hosting White House holiday traditions, offering
condolences after a tragedy such as the Oklahoma bombing, attending funerals for foreign dignitaries, welcoming foreign visitors/diplomats into this
country, swearing in, coronations, and communicating to congress the state of the union (Welch, Gruhl, Rigdon and Thomas 334). The president as
head of state also has pardoning power restoring the right to any citizen. His duties as head of government include leading the political party and being
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Evolution Of American Foreign Policy
American foreign policy is the way in which America interacts with foreign nations and sets standards of interaction for its organizations, corporations
and individual citizens. Its purpose is to protect and project America's national interests around the world. Foreign policy has changed over time
because it is a reflection of national interest. After the Revolutionary War, America's main concern was to maintain independence from European
countries. They were protected by the Atlantic Ocean and its major foreign policy was to limit attempts of further colonization of the western
hemisphere. Then throughout the 19th century, America focused on creating a nation that spanned the continent, while avoiding foreign
entanglements. It remained
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American Foreign Policy
"The most frustrating and complex foreign policy issues in the world," was a statement that was once used by past President Bill Clinton to describe
foreign policy matters with the Balkans. This era of history is a classic example of America's continuous battle between isolationism and
internationalism. Given the circumstances that were occurring throughout the Balkans Region the United States really had no other option but to
intervene. With America's leadership and their power to influence the foreign policy that came to be established has made great changes in the Balkans,
yet it brought burdens to the U.S as well. The Balkans has moved from the likes of war to reconciliation, from fragmentation to operative growth and
from having a more content...
Under the Bill Clinton Administration reformation and foreign policy was beginning to be established with the proper delegations, resources and
policies. According to The History Place President Clinton called for action, "an ultimatum through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
demanding that the Serbs withdraw their artillery from Sarajevo. The Serbs quickly complied and a NATO–imposed cease–fire in Sarajevo was
declared." (Kershaw.) This was just the beginning of foreign development solution for the Balkan region. The Clinton administration pushed
diplomatic regulations that were designed to unify the Serbs and the Croats. However, the Serbs did not take to the policies very well and still
continued to attack towns in the Croatian areas and kill them as well. The Serbs began to disregard all Safe Haven zones that were established
thus force for the UN to call air strikes into the Serbs territory. It was until 1995 that America finally sent active military troop to assist in the war
overseas. With the success of the United States military the Serbs were quickly losing ground and well as soldiers. This forced the Serbs to surrender
as The History Place states, "On November 1, 1995, leaders of the warring factions including Milosevic and Tudjman traveled to the U.S. for peace
talks at Wright–Patterson Air Force base in Ohio." (Kershaw.) As a result foreign policies were declared. One was that the two nations be seceded
from one another as independent states. Two was that democratic methods be used and followed through on in all government activities. Third all
criminals from the war were to be turned in a prosecuted with proper punishment. Also as a result the Dayton Peace Agreement was created as a peace
agreement that was established in Dayton, Ohio
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American Foreign Policy Analysis
A major function of our American government is being able to conduct business with over 200 different countries around the world. Foreign policy is
designed to further goals and assure our safety and defense against other countries around the world. Our foreign policy has changed over the years in
regard to our national interest. By 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt made it into office, foreign affairs were the most important priority in this country.
Roosevelt declared the united states a police force against European influence in Latin nations. After Roosevelts presidency, Woodrow Wilsons office
achieved some great success, but also some great failures. His aggressive industrial reform, changed American during his first term in office. Leading
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American Foreign Policy Essay
Kupchan and Trubowitz, Moravesik, and Zegart, all observe, from different angles, the problems in the way the U.S.'s divided government approaches
foreign policy, ultimately pleading for a change in both the way decisions are made and actions are taken in order to preserve the U.S.'s influence and
role within the international community. Kupchan and Trubowitz argue that foreign policy failures and mistakes are not a result of a lack of resources,
but a result of a divided government whose decisions are only driven by petty rivalries and their own political interests. They highlight the contradicting
foreign policy aims of the democratic and republican parties that cause this divide, arguing that "solvency is the path to security," and that, more
He criticizes the government's unbalanced system that highlights the conservative minority over the majority, preventing the U.S. from ratifying
human rights policies that could lead to greater involvement in the international community. His argument supports that of Kupchan and Trubowitz by,
arguing that the U.S. should ratify human rights policies, despite structural issues, in order to work towards stronger partnerships and create a kind of
universality between
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American Foreign Policy
American foreign policy relates to what is done in foreign countries by the United States of America. The foreign policies include controlling of the
governments of foreign countries or setting some rules in those countries. The foreign policy of America has always been changing all through the US
existence. The changes have stemmed from the dynamics of exogenous and substantial influences of watershed up to the international system and also
the effects and changes of endogenous inside the government of the United States. Outstanding assertions like the policies of Monroe, intercontinental
encounters such as the Second World War, War of the Spanish and Americans, and thecold war and also conflicts that were termed as local including
the Korean War and the Vietnam War considerably shaped the American foreign policy (Kissinger et al., 1969).
The recent occurrences such as the 11th September 2001, epitomized the important exogenous watershed which influenced the American Government's
foreign policy decision– making. Apart from the exogenous dynamics which have made the bulk of judgments in the policy of U.S. foreign matters,
there is also American government endogenous aspects. The elements include the Legislative body, the president, the public opinion Americans, and
the bureaucracy which greatly influence the decision making concerning the foreign policy (Peterson, 1994).
The purpose of this research paper is to review some important literature
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American Foreign Policy 1930-1941
Over the years 1930 through 1941 the goals of American foreign policy generally changed. In the earlier years America dealt with war and fought
with other countries. America was not very smart in learning to stay out of war. Over the years, America became more neutral and attempted to stay
out of war as much as possible. Throughout the years, important figures wrote documents to support America's journey and decisions. In the
beginning of this time period, around 1931, Japan disregarded our international treaty agreements. America did not approve of this and drew a cartoon
criticizing Japan for these actions. This was shown in Document A. The same type of action happened between Europe and America in the year 1932.
Europe could not pay their war debts and America reacted by saying Europe could not agree on anything else. This was shown in Document B.
America could have handled this differently by being neutral and helping rather than being aggressive and saying they could not agree on anything
else. Around the year of 1937, people started more content...
During this speech he stated, "No one can make us fight abroad unless we ourselves are willing to do so. No one will attempt to fight us here if we
arm ourselves as a great nation should be armed." He also stated, "Over 100 million people are opposed to war in this country. If democracy means
anything to us, that is reason enough to stay out." This was a very important speech that made people realize to stay out of the pathways of war. This
information was stated in Document F. Also is the year of 1941, the President of theUnited States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain agreed on
various common principles in the national policies. They chose to base their hopes for a better future for the world. This was a huge action that
showed how we are willing to work with other countries and stay out of war as much as we can now. Document H stated this
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American Imperialism : America 's Foreign Policy
American Imperialism America wanted to expand their foreign policy to help boost their economy. They felt threatened because not only did they
have to compete with countries like Germany and Japan to secure access to Chinese markets. The first foreign policy the U.S. had was the Monroe
Doctrine, which closed the Western Hemisphere to further colonization from European countries. This secured the U.S. foreign trade with Central
America. The American foreign policy warned European nations to stay away from the Western Hemisphere while the U.S. also competed for trade
in the Eastern Hemisphere. America's interest with China's market grew and they became more aggressive to secure their presence in Asia, which
almost brought them to war with Germany. In the 1890's China was split into portions of influence by the European nations so Secretary of State John
Hay recommended the Open Door Policy, which promised access to trade to all major powers in China instead of splitting China into portions. In
1895 Cuba rebelled against Spain to declare their independence. Americans were outraged with the Spanish after they had killed off a quarter of the
Cuban population. Newspapers flooded with propaganda and pressure for the U.S. to intervene and help the Cuban revolution. Americans felt that it
was there duty to help Cuba and freeing them from Spain's control. Not only did they feel it was the humanitarian thing to do but the Cuban rebellion
also damaged American business in Cuba.
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U.S. Foreign Policy Essay
Throughout the course of history, the United States has remained consistent with its national interest by taking many different actions in foreign policy.
There have been both immediate and long term results of these actions. Foreign policy is the United States policy that defines how we deal with other
countries economically and politically. It is made by congress, the president, and the people. Some of the motivations for United States foreign policy
are national security, economics, and idealism. The United States entry intoWorld War Iin 1917 and the escalation of the Vietnam War in 1964 and the
both had great impact on the United States.
A major type of foreign policy in the 1964 was containment. The Vietnam War was fought more content...
The goals of this foreign policy was to end communism containment while starting democracies. For the United States, the war ended in the withdrawal
of American troops and the failure of its foreign policy in Vietnam.
Another major foreign policy action was the entry to World War I. On August 4, 1914 there was an outbreak in Europe. A war started between the
central powers and the allied powers. The central powers consisted of Germany, Austria–Hungry, and the Ottoman Empire. They were also known as
the Triple Alliance. The Allied Powers, also know as the Triple Entente consisted of Britain, France, and Russia. An immediate cause of the war was
the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Some long term causes that started the war were militarism, alliances, imperialism, and
nationalism. America tried to keep themselves isolated from the war in Europe. Before the war, America had an idea of neutrality. Neutrality is when
American lives and property is not threatened. There was great ethnic diversity in the United States which led to a public union about war. The United
States also had the idea of freedom of the seas. This meant the routes for trading were open. The United States had the desire to trade with both the
central and the allied powers. The United States had a great economic interest in the war at this time. There were many different
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The Main Goals Of American Foreign Policy

  • 1. The Main Goals Of American Foreign Policy Outline the main goals of American foreign policy. Discuss each goal in detail, and give examples the steps we have taken to achieve these goals in the past. The main goals of American foreign policy are security, economic prosperity, and to make the world a better place. One of the highest priorities that the U.S partakes in is providing it citizens with a sense of security. In the field of security there are three main positions and policies that can be enacted. A policy of appeasement which in war is avoided by giving in to the hostile powers demands. A policy of preventive war or preemption in which a nation strikes first when a country fears another nation might retaliate against them, and a policy of deterrence which is sort of a mixture of appeasement and preemption in which foreign attacks are discouraged by maintaining an elevated level of military strength. security means being concerned with the actions of other nations and non–state actors. In the past and present the United States in order to prevent or eliminate attacks on the U.S we have developed vast military power and intelligence gathering mechanisms and organizations such as the CIA, FBI, and Homeland security. When preoccupied with security policy makers must protect the transportation infrastructure, maintain a constant food supply and protect the energy supply and maintain cyber security. During the early years of the U.S isolationism was used to protect the U.S, but technology has advanced and Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Us Foreign Policy Foreign Policy is something the United States takes very seriously. It often carries a lot of controversy. Throughout United States history presidents have made decisions that have always risen much debate. In 1945 the atomic bomb was dropped in Japan. In 1954 the United States sent troops into Vietnam. Both major moves in foreign policy. Both heavily debated. Today foreign policy is more modest and put into higher regards when it comes to lives at stake. President George W. Bush(R) and President Barak Obama (D) have very different point of views when it comes to foreign policy. Foreign policy is a widely controversial topic throughout all of politics. In 2002 President Bush announced that the United States forces would be invading Iraq in retaliation to the terror attacks that took place in New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001. This move by Bush would be seen widely as a poor decision. He would be criticized for misleading United States forces into Iraq. Bush lead his argument claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and were a true threat to American safety. Many men and Women would fall fighting in Iraq. Bush would approve the operative against Saddam more content... Like stated prior foreign policy is something that spikes much debate between both parties. Both Obama and Bush did what they thought was best for the United States and its interests. Obama used tactics in which threatened innocent lives, but Bush used tactics that put American lives in danger. Either way lives were at stake, this is something that is unavoidable when it comes to foreign conflict. Ultimately in order to avoid lives lost, the United States needs to be completely neutral in all foreign policy conflicts, but because of the United States position in foreign policy we are to help as help is believed to be needed. As a world power we should protect peace and freedom where it is Get more content on
  • 3. America's Foreign Policy Foreign Policy, is government's strategy in dealing with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives. America's Foreign Policy is determined how America, conducts relations with other nations around the world. It is designed to achieve certain goals. It shows the power to protect and project America's national interests around the world in political, economic, military, and ideological areas. America's Foreign Policy today covers a wide range of functions and issues. It includes establishing and maintaining diplomatic relations with other countries and international organizations, peacekeeping functions, such as working with allies to assure regional and international security, furthermore, it covers a range of international more content... The three most important examples of doctrine during The Cold War and at its end were, Truman Doctrine, Reagan Doctrine, and Bush Doctrine. The Truman Doctrine was the doctrine that the United States Government provided economic aid in order to contain and prevent spreading communism. One example of this is when Truman approved 400 million in economic aid to Greece and Turkey. The Truman Doctrine had a theory, the countries were dominos, of one country falls in communism, the others will fall as well. That is why the U.S. backed South Vietnam against forces wanting a communist government, keeping containment. The Reagan Doctrine is about how it is focused in Central America, especially in El Salvador, and Nicaragua because they are closer to the United States. Cuba was sending forces into Central America to take control. Reagan believed that supporting guerrilla groups fighting to overthrow communist or pro–soviets governments. In 1979, Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Reagan sent $570 millions in aid and supplies. Therefore, United States was sending indirectly troops, weapons, and money to prevent spread the communism in those regions. Finally, the Bush Doctrine, is the one that simply says "You're with us, or against us". In other words, if you are against us, then you are a terrorist. Bush Doctrine states that if you harbor or give aid to terrorist groups, Get more content on
  • 4. Foreign Policy As we approach the next Presidential election the topic of American foreign policy is once again in the spotlight. In this paper, I will examine four major objectives of U.S. foreign policy that have persisted throughout the twentieth century and will discuss the effect of each on our nation ’s recent history, with particular focus on key leaders who espoused each objective at various times. In addition, I will relate the effects of American foreign policy objectives, with special attention to their impact on the American middle class. Most importantly, this paper will discuss America’s involvement in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War to the anticipated fulfillment of these objectives—democracy, more content... Primary objectives of entering the U.S. into the war were not primarily to seek revenge on Germany. Wilson’s more important goal was to preserve democracy within the U.S. and restore manifest destiny to a war–torn world. Furthermore, the U.S. foreign policy of economic expansion contributed to the U.S.’ involvement in WWI due to the fact that tensions were built around both global trade and trade routes used prior to the war. The British propaganda papers played a part in American humanitarianism as the U.S. received word of inhumane treatment by German soldiers of many European civilians. Although the papers were propaganda, the U.S. felt a moral obligation to help those in need. Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose primary objectives were both similar to and different from Wilson’s, entered the U.S. into WWII after the Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor. His two major concerns for doing this were his obligation to protect American democracy, and to increase economic expansion, which had ceased to exist in the decade prior to WWII as a result of the Great Depression. Although all four major foreign policy objectives played a role in the U.S.’ entrance into WWII, I will explore these two policies in depth using speeches of FDR’s that provide his rationale for U.S. involvement. Roosevelt knew that entrance into the war would help boost the crippled Get more content on
  • 5. American Foreign Policy During World War II Between the end of the First World War and the start of World War II, American foreign policy gradually changed and evolved in order to fit the beliefs of the country as a whole and adapt to new international situations. World War I had not been particularly well received by the American public, with the vast majority of the people condemning U.S. involvement; they believed that the war had only hurt them and that the glorious country of America should no longer get involved in foreign wars and affairs. In essence, America was disillusioned by the experience of World War I, and such disillusionment would have a tremendous influence on how the U.S dealt with foreign events and incidents for decades to come. It cannot be stressed enough how stubborn the general public was in maintaining isolation after the end of the first World War. The diplomatic failures regarding the League of Nations and recovery had sullied the experience for the American people, and they were content to retreat into their domestic shell, desperately trying to be blissfully unaware of the events going around them all over the world. A speech by Warren G. Harding in October of 1920 reflected the general American attitude at the time; in it, he lambasted the League of Nations and criticized the fact that it was a blow at America's constitutional integrity (Doc A). Harding, like the rest of the American people, had turned his back on the world. Fortunately, this mentality would not last; as World War II Get more content on
  • 6. Essay About American Foreign Policy The american government has been dealing with various issues and continues to face such troubles. The bulk of these complications have occurred since the emergence of the nation. Issues concerning foreign policy and the social makeup of the United States have been resonating for centuries. The only clear solution to establish a better future for America is to learn from our history, and thus resolve our national issues in the aspiration of a better future. The foreign policy that the United States has upheld is one primarily composed of continual hostilities against various groups. Cuomo assures this when he states, "Our foreign policy drifts with no real direction"(278). This precedent issue is primarily attributed to American intervention and its comparative advantage over military weapons. Taking into consideration that the United States was official formed by Englishmen and that the Indians were a foreign civilization, this issue has obviously been intrinsic to our nation since its origin. The English had imposed a set of regulations with the Indians, which reveal their self–interest motives. One of such is that the more content... This is an embarrassing factor for the most influential nation to uphold, portraying its utmost ignorant nature. The change must begin from within and thrust outward to form a wave–like vibration that has the capability to resonate throughout this country and reach far beyond established borders. Influential people have attempted to evoke this vibrance, such as Cuomo and other pioneers of freedom. The indians had respected the Europeans of their beliefs and lifestyles even when undergoing troublesome affairs with them. This behavior must propagate outward to the extremities of the earth. This behavior requires a social change. This behavior is a Get more content on
  • 7. American Foreign Policy 1945-2005 Essay Once the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, it was clear that the U.S. was a major force in international affairs. Since that time, the U.S. has had some successes and some failures in its international affairs. Following World War II, the U.S. was in constant struggle against the communist nation of the USSR. Our first major success against the Soviet Union was the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Had the U.S. not sent U2 reconnaissance flyers over Cuba, our military may have never known of the missiles planted there. This was a great example of intelligence. And once the U.S. realized this, we were on the brink of World War III, but successful negotiations ended that threat. Kennedy and Khrushchev agreed more content... U.S. involvement in Bosnia was another success. The success of our involvement in Bosnia strengthened our NATOalliance as well as our role as a leader in Europe. We helped create a fair and just cease–fire and then continued to support Bosnia as the new agreement was implemented. Through our successful Dayton Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina finally came out of a four–year war and gained democracy and human rights. We have been trying for decades to plant the seeds of democracy all over the world, and in Bosnia, the U.S. did this successfully. We worked together with the UN and our NATO allies to bring peace to the land once known as Yugoslavia. The U.S. was not overly imposing, but we did not allow for refugees to take over. We came out having been credited for the further development of democracy, and Bosnia came out free and reformed. Kosovo was the last real success for U.S. foreign policy. This was the first time that the U.S. worked as part of a coalition force. We worked along side the other 18 NATO nations. We minimized our losses, both economically and on a human scale. According to Madeline Albright, the U.S. contributed, "fewer than 15 percent of total troops and less than 15 percent of the nonmilitary costs of helping Kosovo recover from war and build stability". The U.S. could have struck against Milosevic quicker had it not had to be in Get more content on
  • 8. American Foreign Policy American Foreign Policy refers to the interests of the United States among the world of Nations. American Foreign Policy also refers to the United States effort to achieve its national objectives, sometimes at the expense of other nations. The American foreign policy goal as stated in the Foreign Policy Agenda of the Department of State, are "to build and sustain a more democratic, secure, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community." [1] The mission statement alone holds the interests of the US at the top of the agenda. The US also has goals to benefit the entire world community. The basic goal of American foreign policy is to protect America and Americans. Many threats exist all over the more content... diplomats and other government officials, whether they work at home or abroad, are the people that make diplomacy work. A basic foreign policy goal is to see that the people who work to benefit the United States are given the continued support and protection they need. Diplomats stationed in places where there are conflicts, such as the Middle East, Africa and South America depend on foreign policy to help them do their job and improve relations and terms with the countries in which they are stationed. Another basic goal of American Foreign Policy is implementing democratic governments. The US aids democratic nations and helps others create democratic political systems. With US help, many formerly Communist nations in Europe began to form democratic political systems in the 1990's. Many critics have stated that America's foreign policy does not change despite a change in the country's leadership. However, the foreign policies adopted by different presidents have differed in various respects. Certain variations can also be seen between the foreign policies of the Obama and Bush Administrations. Both the Bush administration and the Obama administration have committed to a foreign policy that ensures the safety of Americans. Obama gave his first major foreign policy speech of his campaign on April 23, 2007 to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, in which he outlined his foreign policy objectives, stressing five key
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. My Role In American Foreign Policy Growing up I have always felt a desire to help people on a larger, more global scale. As an American citizen, the role the United States (U.S) plays in global politics has always been relevant and present in my life. Discussions in school and stories on the news about American foreign policy has fueled my interest to learn more about international politics and American diplomacy. My desire to help people, combined with my interest towards U.S in global politics, has created my passion towards America's foreign policy and international politics as a whole. In recent years I have attended various programs related to America in world politics, such as Model United Nations and a World Affair Council program about migration. Through these more content... I believe that discussing different views on global issues allows one to learn new concepts while advancing his or her own opinion on these issues. Programs similar to this one, allow me to better grasp the concepts of the US in world politics and American foreign policy and help me to form my own opinions and potential solutions through both peer and instructed learning. With plans to study international affairs in college, during this program I hope to learn more about the different functions and roles in American diplomacy. This program will hopefully teach me more about the ways I can be involved in international affairs, the foundations to American foreign policy, and America's current involvement in world politics. After this program, I hope to translate what I have learned at "Summer at Brown" to my future college and professional careers. I can contribute to this program with my passion for foreign affairs and my own perspective on America's involvement in world politics. Although many people approach international affairs with legal and economic mindsets, I focus on the cultural, political, and historical elements of international affairs and politics. My particular emphasis on culture and how it Get more content on
  • 11. America's Foreign Policy Essay To begin America's foreign policy has changed quite a lot. The first policy we had was the Monroe Doctrine which was established in 1823. The policy provided precedent and support for U.S. expansion on the American continent. This meant Europe could not interfere in Western Hemisphere affairs and could not be involved in the expansion. Soon after that we were changing our policies again which lead us to Wilson's 14 points. Basically after we had entered WW1 we wanted to establish peace so we drew up specific recommendations for a comprehensive peace settlement. As you can see already we are becoming more involved and our policies are allowing us to become a whole and make peace. Then once again we were getting involved and our policies had to changed again we created the United Nations in 1945. It consisted of the more content... The United Nations helps established peace and committing to maintain international peace and security. We at this point we're trying to develop friendly relations to among nations. We were very involved around the world making sure everything and everybody was at peace. As time went on we tried to allow the US to expand and get others to join our side. We created the Truman Doctrine. Which was asking for assistance from Greece and Turkey to forestall communist domination of the two nations. This then changed our policy to allow the United States to support free people who are resisting communist efforts to help resolve them. We had thought that if we were being involved it was going to better us. But that all changed and so did our policies on 9/11. We were attacked and so we converted military operations, new security legislation, efforts to block the financing of terrorism. We soon became involved in a different way we focused more on equality and adding people. We now pay close attention to what everyone is doing to help keep us safe. Which leads us to the next Get more content on
  • 12. American Foreign Policy Foreign Policies are influenced and created by two branches, executive and legislative. The U.S. Constitution put this delegation of power into place. Foreign Policy determines how the U.S. will network with other countries and has been a large factor in our history since implemented. The process of the policy is not always the simplest; it has caused tensions and angst between Congress and the President through the years. A discrepancy between the two branches was and is not uncommon, yet the relationship between the two is indefinite. Each division has responsibilities and its own appointed power over the making of policies and bills. There are checks and balances to the process, where the President can veto a proposal by more content... He has the power to make treaties and executive agreements with other countries. And recognizes other countries legitimacy through the ambassador receiving process, which is an important part of policy making. This act is bestowed upon ambassadors by the president and senate to be a symbol of the US overseas. The importance of the receiving process is to verify foreign credentials, and decide if their form of government will be accepted as genuine. The United States democracy differs from other countries in that we elect one person to inherit the title of state and government, this type of democracy is at the benefit of our president. In his role as head of state he is a symbol of what the United States represents and what we stand for as citizens and as a country. The role has many tasks that can be non–political, such for example hosting White House holiday traditions, offering condolences after a tragedy such as the Oklahoma bombing, attending funerals for foreign dignitaries, welcoming foreign visitors/diplomats into this country, swearing in, coronations, and communicating to congress the state of the union (Welch, Gruhl, Rigdon and Thomas 334). The president as head of state also has pardoning power restoring the right to any citizen. His duties as head of government include leading the political party and being chief Get more content on
  • 13. Evolution Of American Foreign Policy American foreign policy is the way in which America interacts with foreign nations and sets standards of interaction for its organizations, corporations and individual citizens. Its purpose is to protect and project America's national interests around the world. Foreign policy has changed over time because it is a reflection of national interest. After the Revolutionary War, America's main concern was to maintain independence from European countries. They were protected by the Atlantic Ocean and its major foreign policy was to limit attempts of further colonization of the western hemisphere. Then throughout the 19th century, America focused on creating a nation that spanned the continent, while avoiding foreign entanglements. It remained Get more content on
  • 14. American Foreign Policy "The most frustrating and complex foreign policy issues in the world," was a statement that was once used by past President Bill Clinton to describe foreign policy matters with the Balkans. This era of history is a classic example of America's continuous battle between isolationism and internationalism. Given the circumstances that were occurring throughout the Balkans Region the United States really had no other option but to intervene. With America's leadership and their power to influence the foreign policy that came to be established has made great changes in the Balkans, yet it brought burdens to the U.S as well. The Balkans has moved from the likes of war to reconciliation, from fragmentation to operative growth and from having a more content... Under the Bill Clinton Administration reformation and foreign policy was beginning to be established with the proper delegations, resources and policies. According to The History Place President Clinton called for action, "an ultimatum through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) demanding that the Serbs withdraw their artillery from Sarajevo. The Serbs quickly complied and a NATO–imposed cease–fire in Sarajevo was declared." (Kershaw.) This was just the beginning of foreign development solution for the Balkan region. The Clinton administration pushed diplomatic regulations that were designed to unify the Serbs and the Croats. However, the Serbs did not take to the policies very well and still continued to attack towns in the Croatian areas and kill them as well. The Serbs began to disregard all Safe Haven zones that were established thus force for the UN to call air strikes into the Serbs territory. It was until 1995 that America finally sent active military troop to assist in the war overseas. With the success of the United States military the Serbs were quickly losing ground and well as soldiers. This forced the Serbs to surrender as The History Place states, "On November 1, 1995, leaders of the warring factions including Milosevic and Tudjman traveled to the U.S. for peace talks at Wright–Patterson Air Force base in Ohio." (Kershaw.) As a result foreign policies were declared. One was that the two nations be seceded from one another as independent states. Two was that democratic methods be used and followed through on in all government activities. Third all criminals from the war were to be turned in a prosecuted with proper punishment. Also as a result the Dayton Peace Agreement was created as a peace agreement that was established in Dayton, Ohio Get more content on
  • 15. American Foreign Policy Analysis A major function of our American government is being able to conduct business with over 200 different countries around the world. Foreign policy is designed to further goals and assure our safety and defense against other countries around the world. Our foreign policy has changed over the years in regard to our national interest. By 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt made it into office, foreign affairs were the most important priority in this country. Roosevelt declared the united states a police force against European influence in Latin nations. After Roosevelts presidency, Woodrow Wilsons office achieved some great success, but also some great failures. His aggressive industrial reform, changed American during his first term in office. Leading Get more content on
  • 16. American Foreign Policy Essay Kupchan and Trubowitz, Moravesik, and Zegart, all observe, from different angles, the problems in the way the U.S.'s divided government approaches foreign policy, ultimately pleading for a change in both the way decisions are made and actions are taken in order to preserve the U.S.'s influence and role within the international community. Kupchan and Trubowitz argue that foreign policy failures and mistakes are not a result of a lack of resources, but a result of a divided government whose decisions are only driven by petty rivalries and their own political interests. They highlight the contradicting foreign policy aims of the democratic and republican parties that cause this divide, arguing that "solvency is the path to security," and that, more content... He criticizes the government's unbalanced system that highlights the conservative minority over the majority, preventing the U.S. from ratifying human rights policies that could lead to greater involvement in the international community. His argument supports that of Kupchan and Trubowitz by, arguing that the U.S. should ratify human rights policies, despite structural issues, in order to work towards stronger partnerships and create a kind of universality between Get more content on
  • 17. American Foreign Policy American foreign policy relates to what is done in foreign countries by the United States of America. The foreign policies include controlling of the governments of foreign countries or setting some rules in those countries. The foreign policy of America has always been changing all through the US existence. The changes have stemmed from the dynamics of exogenous and substantial influences of watershed up to the international system and also the effects and changes of endogenous inside the government of the United States. Outstanding assertions like the policies of Monroe, intercontinental encounters such as the Second World War, War of the Spanish and Americans, and thecold war and also conflicts that were termed as local including the Korean War and the Vietnam War considerably shaped the American foreign policy (Kissinger et al., 1969). The recent occurrences such as the 11th September 2001, epitomized the important exogenous watershed which influenced the American Government's foreign policy decision– making. Apart from the exogenous dynamics which have made the bulk of judgments in the policy of U.S. foreign matters, there is also American government endogenous aspects. The elements include the Legislative body, the president, the public opinion Americans, and the bureaucracy which greatly influence the decision making concerning the foreign policy (Peterson, 1994). The purpose of this research paper is to review some important literature Get more content on
  • 18. American Foreign Policy 1930-1941 Over the years 1930 through 1941 the goals of American foreign policy generally changed. In the earlier years America dealt with war and fought with other countries. America was not very smart in learning to stay out of war. Over the years, America became more neutral and attempted to stay out of war as much as possible. Throughout the years, important figures wrote documents to support America's journey and decisions. In the beginning of this time period, around 1931, Japan disregarded our international treaty agreements. America did not approve of this and drew a cartoon criticizing Japan for these actions. This was shown in Document A. The same type of action happened between Europe and America in the year 1932. Europe could not pay their war debts and America reacted by saying Europe could not agree on anything else. This was shown in Document B. America could have handled this differently by being neutral and helping rather than being aggressive and saying they could not agree on anything else. Around the year of 1937, people started more content... During this speech he stated, "No one can make us fight abroad unless we ourselves are willing to do so. No one will attempt to fight us here if we arm ourselves as a great nation should be armed." He also stated, "Over 100 million people are opposed to war in this country. If democracy means anything to us, that is reason enough to stay out." This was a very important speech that made people realize to stay out of the pathways of war. This information was stated in Document F. Also is the year of 1941, the President of theUnited States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain agreed on various common principles in the national policies. They chose to base their hopes for a better future for the world. This was a huge action that showed how we are willing to work with other countries and stay out of war as much as we can now. Document H stated this Get more content on
  • 19. American Imperialism : America 's Foreign Policy American Imperialism America wanted to expand their foreign policy to help boost their economy. They felt threatened because not only did they have to compete with countries like Germany and Japan to secure access to Chinese markets. The first foreign policy the U.S. had was the Monroe Doctrine, which closed the Western Hemisphere to further colonization from European countries. This secured the U.S. foreign trade with Central America. The American foreign policy warned European nations to stay away from the Western Hemisphere while the U.S. also competed for trade in the Eastern Hemisphere. America's interest with China's market grew and they became more aggressive to secure their presence in Asia, which almost brought them to war with Germany. In the 1890's China was split into portions of influence by the European nations so Secretary of State John Hay recommended the Open Door Policy, which promised access to trade to all major powers in China instead of splitting China into portions. In 1895 Cuba rebelled against Spain to declare their independence. Americans were outraged with the Spanish after they had killed off a quarter of the Cuban population. Newspapers flooded with propaganda and pressure for the U.S. to intervene and help the Cuban revolution. Americans felt that it was there duty to help Cuba and freeing them from Spain's control. Not only did they feel it was the humanitarian thing to do but the Cuban rebellion also damaged American business in Cuba. Get more content on
  • 20. U.S. Foreign Policy Essay Throughout the course of history, the United States has remained consistent with its national interest by taking many different actions in foreign policy. There have been both immediate and long term results of these actions. Foreign policy is the United States policy that defines how we deal with other countries economically and politically. It is made by congress, the president, and the people. Some of the motivations for United States foreign policy are national security, economics, and idealism. The United States entry intoWorld War Iin 1917 and the escalation of the Vietnam War in 1964 and the both had great impact on the United States. A major type of foreign policy in the 1964 was containment. The Vietnam War was fought more content... The goals of this foreign policy was to end communism containment while starting democracies. For the United States, the war ended in the withdrawal of American troops and the failure of its foreign policy in Vietnam. Another major foreign policy action was the entry to World War I. On August 4, 1914 there was an outbreak in Europe. A war started between the central powers and the allied powers. The central powers consisted of Germany, Austria–Hungry, and the Ottoman Empire. They were also known as the Triple Alliance. The Allied Powers, also know as the Triple Entente consisted of Britain, France, and Russia. An immediate cause of the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Some long term causes that started the war were militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. America tried to keep themselves isolated from the war in Europe. Before the war, America had an idea of neutrality. Neutrality is when American lives and property is not threatened. There was great ethnic diversity in the United States which led to a public union about war. The United States also had the idea of freedom of the seas. This meant the routes for trading were open. The United States had the desire to trade with both the central and the allied powers. The United States had a great economic interest in the war at this time. There were many different Get more content on