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The Life You Save May Be Your Own
Flannery O'Connor
THE old woman and her daughter were sitting on their porch
when Mr. Shiftlet came up their road for the first time. The old
woman slid to the edge of her chair and leaned forward, shading
her eyes from the piercing sunset with her hand. The daughter
could not see far in front of her and continued to play with her
fingers. Although the old woman lived in this desolate spot with
only her daughter and she had never seen Mr. Shiftlet before,
she could tell, even from a distance, that he was a tramp and no
one to be afraid of. His left coat sleeve was folded up to show
there was only half an arm in it and his gaunt figure listed
slightly to the side as if the breeze were pushing him. He had on
a black town suit and a brown felt hat that was turned up in the
front and down in the back and he carried a tin tool box by a
handle. He came on, at an amble, up her road, his face turned
toward the sun which appeared to be balancing itself on the
peak of a small mountain.
The old woman didn't change her position until he was almost
into her yard; then she rose with one hand fisted on her hip. The
daughter, a large girl in a short blue organdy dress, saw him all
at once and jumped up and began to stamp and point and make
excited speechless sounds.
Mr. Shiftlet stopped just inside the yard and set his box on the
ground and tipped his hat at her as if she were not in the least
afflicted; then he turned toward the old woman and swung the
hat all the way off. He had long black slick hair that hung flat
from a part in the middle to beyond the tips of his ears on either
side. His face descended in forehead for more than half its
length and ended suddenly with his features just balanced over a
jutting steeltrap jaw. He seemed to be a young man but he had a
look of composed dissatisfaction as if he understood life
"Good evening," the old woman said. She was about the size of
a cedar fence post and she had a man's gray hat pulled down low
over her head.
The tramp stood looking at her and didn't answer. He turned his
back and faced the sunset. He swung both his whole and his
short arm up slowly so that they indicated an expanse of sky
and his figure formed a crooked cross. The old woman watched
him with her arms folded across her chest as if she were the
owner of the sun, and the daughter watched, her head thrust
forward and her fat helpless hands hanging at the wrists. She
had long pinkgold hair and eyes as blue as a peacock's neck.
He held the pose for almost fifty seconds and then he picked up
his box and came on to the porch and dropped down on the
bottom step. "Lady," he said in a firm nasal voice, "I'd give a
fortune to live where I could see me a sun do that every
"Does it every evening," the old woman said and sat back down.
The daughter sat down too and watched him with a cautious sly
look as if he were a bird that had come up very close. He leaned
to one side, rooting in his pants pocket, and in a second he
brought out a package of chewing gum and offered her a piece.
She took it and unpeeled it and began to chew without taking
her eyes off him. He offered the old woman a piece but she only
raised her upper lip to indicate she had no teeth.
Mr. Shiftlet's pale sharp glance had already passed over
everything in the yardthe pump near the comer of the house and
the big fig tree that three or four chickens were preparing to
roost inand had moved to a shed where he saw the square rusted
back of an automobile. "You ladies drive?" he asked.
"That car ain't run in fifteen year," the old woman said. "The
day my husband died, it quit running."
"Nothing is like it used to be, lady," he said. "The world is
almost rotten."
"That's right," the old woman said. "You from around here?"
"Name Tom T. Shiftlet," he murmured, looking at the tires.
"I'm pleased to meet you," the old woman said. "Name Lucynell
Crater and daughter Lucynell Crater. What you doing around
here, Mr. Shiftlet?"
He judged the car to be about a 1928 or '29 Ford. "'Lady," he
said, and turned and gave her his full attention, "lemme tell you
something. There's one of these doctors in Atlanta that's taken a
knife and cut the human heartthe human heart," he repeated,
leaning forward, "out of a man's chest and held it in his hand,"
and he held his hand out, palm up, as if it were slightly
weighted with the human heart, "and studied it like it was a
dayold chicken, and lady," he said, allowing a long significant
pause in which his head slid forward and his claycolored eyes
brightened, "he don't know no more about it than you or me."
"That's right," the old woman said.
"Why, if he was to take that knife and cut into every corner of
it, he still wouldn't know no more than you or me. What you
want to bet?"
"Nothing," the old woman said wisely. "Where you come from,
Mr. Shiftlet?"
He didn't answer. He reached into his pocket and brought out a
sack of tobacco and a package of cigarette papers and rolled
himself a cigarette, expertly with one hand, and attached it in a
hanging position to his upper lip. Then he took a box of wooden
matches from his pocket and struck one on his shoe. He held the
burning match as if he were studying the mystery of flame while
it traveled dangerously toward his skin. The daughter began to
make loud noises and to point to his hand and shake her finger
at him, but when the flame was just before touching him, he
leaned down with his hand cupped over it as if he were going to
set fire to his nose and lit the cigarette.
He flipped away the dead match and blew a stream of gray into
the evening. A sly look came over his face. "Lady," he said,
"nowadays, people'll do anything anyways. I can tell you my
name is Tom T. Shiftlet and I come from Tarwater, Tennessee,
but you never have seen me before: how you know I ain't lying?
How you know my name ain't Aaron Sparks, lady, and I come
from Singleberry, Georgia, or how you know it's not George
Speeds and I come from Lucy, Alabama, or how you know I
ain't Thompson Bright from Toolafalls, Mississippi?"
"I don't know nothing about you," the old woman muttered,
"Lady," he said, "people don't care how they lie. Maybe the best
I can tell you is, I'm a man; but listen lady," he said and paused
and made his tone more ominous still, "what is a man?"
The old woman began to gum a seed. "What you carry in that tin
box, Mr. Shiftlet?" she asked.
"Tools," he said, put back. "I'm a carpenter."
"Well, if you come out here to work, I'll be able to feed you and
give you a place to sleep but I can't pay. I'll tell you that before
you begin," she said.
There was no answer at once and no particular expression on his
face. He leaned back against the twobyfour that helped support
the porch roof. "Lady," he said slowly, "there's some men that
some things mean more to them than money." The old woman
rocked without comment and the daughter watched the trigger
that moved up and down in his neck. He told the old woman
then that all most people were interested in was money, but he
asked what a man was made for. He asked her if a. man was
made for money, or what. He asked her what she thought she
was made for but she didn't answer, she only sat rocking and
wondered if a onearmed man could put a new roof on her garden
house. He asked a lot of questions that she didn't answer. He
told her that he was twentyeight years old and had lived a
varied life. He had been a gospel singer, a foreman on the
railroad, an assistant in an undertaking parlor, and he had come
over the radio for three months with Uncle Roy and his Red
Creek Wranglers. He said he had fought and bled in the Arm
Service of his country and visited every foreign land and that
everywhere he had seen people that didn't care if they did a
thing one way or another. He said he hadn't been raised
A fat yellow moon appeared in the branches of the fig tree as if
it were going to roost there with the chickens. He said that a
man had to escape to the country to see the world whole and
that he wished he lived in a desolate place like this where he
could see the sun go down every evening like God made it to
"Are you married or are you single?" the old woman asked.
There was a long silence. "Lady," he asked finally, "where
would you find you an innocent woman today'? I wouldn't have
any of this trash I could just pick up."
The daughter was leaning very far down, hanging her head
almost between her knees, watching him through a triangular
door she had made in her overturned hair; and she suddenly fell
in a heap on the floor and began to whimper. Mr. Shiftlet
straightened her out and helped her get back in the chair.
"Is she your baby girl?" he asked.
"My only," the old woman said, "and she's the sweetest girl in
the world. I wouldn't give her up for nothing on earth. She's
smart too. She can sweep the floor, cook, wash, feed the
chickens, and hoe. I wouldn't give her up for a casket of
"No," he said kindly, "don't ever let any man take her away
from you."
"Any man come after her," the old woman said, " 'll have to stay
around the place."
Mr. Shiftlet's eye in the darkness was focused on a part of the
automobile bumper that glittered in the distance. "Lady," he
said, jerking his short arm up as if he could point with it to her
house and yard and pump, "there ain't a broken thing on this
plantation that I couldn't fix for you, onearm jackleg or not. I'm
a man," he said with a sullen dignity, "even if I ain't a whole
one. I got," he said, tapping his knuckles on the floor to
emphasize the immensity of what he was going to say, "a moral
intelligence!" and his face pierced out of the darkness into a
shaft of doorlight and he stared at her as if he were astonished
himself at this impossible truth.
The old woman was not impressed with the phrase. "I told you
you could hang around and work for food," she said, "if you
don't mind sleeping in that car yonder."
"Why listen, Lady," he said with a grin of delight, "the monks
of old slept in their coffins!"
"They wasn't as advanced as we are," the old woman said.
The next morning he began on the roof of the garden house
while Lucynell, the daughter, sat on a rock and watched him
work. He had not been around a week before the change he had
made in the place was apparent. He had patched the front and
back steps, built a new hog pen, restored a fence, and taught
Lucynell, who was completely deaf and had never said a word
in her life, to say the word "bird."
The big rosyfaced girl followed him everywhere, saying
"Burrttddt ddbirrrttdt," and clapping her hands. The old woman
watched from a distance, secretly pleased. She was ravenous for
a soninlaw.
Mr. Shiftlet slept on the hard narrow back seat of the car with
his feet out the side window. He had his razor and a can of
water on a crate that served him as a bedside table and he put up
a piece of mirror against the back glass and kept his coat neatly
on a hanger that he hung over one of the windows.
In the evenings he sat on the steps and talked while the old
woman and Lucynell rocked violently in their chairs on either
side of him. The old woman's three mountains were black
against the dark blue sky and were visited off and on by various
planets and by the moon after it had left the chickens. Mr.
Shiftlet pointed out that the reason he had improved this
plantation was because he had taken a personal interest in it. He
said he was even going to make the automobile run.
He had raised the hood and studied the mechanism and he said
he could tell that the car had been built in the days when cars
were really built. “You take now,” he said, “one man puts in
one bolt and another man puts in another bolt and another man
puts in another bolt so that it's a man for a bolt. That's why you
have to 'pay so much for a car: you’re paying all those men.
Now if you didn't have to pay but one man, you could get you a
cheaper car and one that had had a personal interest taken in it,
and it would be a better car.” The old woman agreed with him
that this was so.
Mr. Shiftlet said that the trouble with the world was that nobody
cared, or stopped and took any trouble. He said he never would
have been able to teach Lucynell to say a word if he hadn't
cared and stopped long enough.
"Teach her to say something else," the old woman said.
"What you want her to say next?" Mr. Shiftlet asked.
The old woman's smile was broad and toothless and suggestive.
"Teach her to say 'sugarpie,'" she said.
Mr. Shiftlet already knew what was on her mind.
The next day he began to tinker with the automobile and that
evening he told her that if she would buy a fan belt, he would be
able to make the car run.
The old woman said she would give him the money. "You see
that girl yonder?" she asked, pointing to Lucynell who was
sitting on the floor a foot away, watching him, her eyes blue
even in the dark. "If it was ever a man wanted to take her away,
I would say, 'No man on earth is going to take that sweet girl of
mine away from me!' but if he was to say, 'Lady, I don't want to
take her away, I want her right here,' I would say, 'Mister, I
don't blame you none. I wouldn't pass up a chance to live in a
permanent place and get the sweetest girl in the world myself.
You ain't no fool,' I would say.”
"How old is she?" Mr. Shiftlet asked casually.
"Fifteen, sixteen," the old woman said. The girl was nearly
thirty but because of her innocence it was impossible to guess.
"It would be a good idea to paint it too," Mr. Shiftlet remarked.
"You don't want it to rust out."
"We'll see about that later," the old woman said.
The next day he walked into town and returned with the parts he
needed and a can of gasoline. Late in the afternoon, terrible
noises issued from the shed and the old woman rushed out of the
house, thinking Lucynell was somewhere having a fit. Lucynell
was sitting on a chicken crate, stamping her feet and screaming,
"Burrddttt! bddurrddtttt!" but her fuss was drowned out by the
car. With a volley of blasts it emerged from the shed, moving in
a fierce and stately way. Mr. Shiftlet was in the driver's seat,
sitting very erect. He had an expression of serious modesty on
his face as if he had just raised the dead.
That night, rocking on the porch, the old woman began her
business at once. "You want you an innocent woman, don't
you?" she asked sympathetically. "You don't want none of this
"No'm, I don't," Mr. Shiftlet said.
"One that can't talk," she continued, "can't sass you back or use
foul language. That's the kind for you to have. Right there," and
she pointed to Lucynell sitting crosslegged in her chair, holding
both feet in her hands.
"That's right," he admitted. "She wouldn't give me any trouble."
"Saturday," the old woman said, "you and her and me can drive
into town and get married."
Mr. Shiftlet eased his position on the steps.
"I can't get married right now," he said. "Everything you want
to do takes money and I ain't got any."
"What you need with money?" she asked.
"It takes money," he said. "Some people'll do anything anyhow
these days, but the way I think, I wouldn't marry no woman that
I couldn't take on a trip like she was somebody. I mean take her
to a hotel and treat her. I wouldn't marry the Duchesser
Windsor," he said firmly, "unless I could take her to a hotel and
give her something good to eat.
"I was raised thataway and there ain't a thing I can do about it.
My old mother taught me how to do."
"Lucynell don't even know what a hotel is," the old woman
muttered. "Listen here, Mr. Shiftlet," she said, sliding forward
in her chair, "you'd be getting a permanent house and a deep
well and the most innocent girl in the world. You don't need no
money. Lemme tell you something: there ain't any place in the
world for a poor disabled friendless drifting man."
The ugly words settled in Mr. Shiftlet's head like a group of
buzzards in the top of a tree. He didn't answer at once. He
rolled himself a cigarette and lit it and then he said in an even
voice, "Lady, a man is divided into two parts, body and spirit."
The old woman clamped her gums together.
"A body and a spirit," he repeated. "The body, lady, is like a
house: it don't go anywhere; but the spirit, lady, is like a
automobile: always on the move, always . . ."
"Listen, Mr. Shiftlet," she said, "my well never goes dry and my
house is always warm in the winter and there's no mortgage on a
thing about this place. You can go to the courthouse and see for
yourself And yonder under that shed is a fine automobile." She
laid the bait carefully. "You can have it painted by Saturday. I'll
pay for the paint."
In the darkness, Mr. Shiftlet's smile stretched like a weary
snake waking up by a fire. After a second he recalled himself
and said, "I'm only saying a man's spirit means more to him
than anything else. I would have to take my wife off for the
week end without no regards at all for cost. I got to follow
where my spirit says to go."
"I'll give you fifteen dollars for a weekend trip," the old woman
said in a crabbed voice. "That's the best I can do."
"That wouldn't hardly pay for more than the gas and the hotel,"
he said. "It wouldn't feed her."
"Seventeenfifty," the old woman said. "That's all I got so it isn't
any use you trying to milk me. You can take a lunch."
Mr. Shiftlet was deeply hurt by the word "milk." He didn't
doubt that she had more money sewed up in her mattress but he
had already told her he was not interested in her money. "I'll
make that do," he said and rose and walked off without treating
with her further.
On Saturday the three of them drove into town in the car that
the paint had barely dried on and Mr. Shiftlet and Lucynell were
married in the Ordinary's office while the old woman witnessed.
As they came out of the courthouse, Mr. Shiftlet began twisting
his neck in his collar. He looked morose and bitter as if he had
been insulted while someone held him. "That didn't satisfy me
none," he said. "That was just something a woman in an office
did, nothing but paper work and blood tests. What do they know
about my blood? If they was to take my heart and cut it out," he
said, "they wouldn't know a thing about me. It didn't satisfy me
at all."
"It satisfied the law," the old woman said sharply.
'The law," Mr. Shiftlet said and spit. "It's the law that don't
satisfy me."
He had painted the car dark green with a yellow band around it
just under the windows. The three of them climbed in the front
seat and the old woman said, "Don't Lucynell look pretty?
Looks like a baby doll." Lucynell was dressed up in a white
dress that her mother had uprooted from a trunk and there was a
Panama hat on her head with a bunch of red wooden cherries on
the brim. Every now and then her placid expression was
changed by a sly isolated little thought like a shoot of green in
the desert. "You got a prize!" the old woman said.
Mr. Shiftlet didn't even look at her.
They drove back to the house to let the old woman off and pick
up the lunch. When they were ready to leave, she stood staring
in the window of the car, with her fingers clenched around the
glass. Tears began to seep sideways out of her eyes and run
along the dirty creases in her face. "I ain't ever been parted with
her for two days before," she said.
Mr. Shiftlet started the motor.
"And I wouldn't let no man have her but you because I seen you
would do right. Goodby, Sugarbaby," she said, clutching at the
sleeve of the white dress. Lucynell looked straight at her and
didn't seem to see her there at all. Mr. Shiftlet eased the car
forward so that she had to move her hands.
The early afternoon was clear and open and surrounded by pale
blue sky. Although the car would go only thirty miles an hour,
Mr. Shiftlet imagined a terrific climb and dip and swerve that
went entirely to his head so that he forgot his morning
bitterness. He had always wanted an automobile but he had
never been able to afford one before. He drove very fast
because he wanted to make Mobile by nightfall.
Occasionally he stopped his thoughts long enough to look at
Lucynell in the seat beside him. She had eaten the lunch as soon
as they were out of the yard and now she was pulling the
cherries off the hat one by one and throwing them out the
window. He became depressed in spite of the car. He had driven
about a hundred miles when he decided that she must be hungry
again and at the next small town they came to, he stopped in
front of an aluminumpainted eating place called The Hot Spot
and took her in and ordered her a plate of ham and grits. The
ride had made her sleepy and as soon as she got up on the stool,
she rested her head on the counter and shut her eyes. There was
no one in The Hot Spot but Mr. Shiftlet and the boy behind the
counter, a pale youth with a greasy rag hung over his shoulder.
Before he could dish up the food, she was snoring gently.
"Give it to her when she wakes up," Mr. Shiftlet said. "I'll pay
for it now."
The boy bent over her and stared at the long pinkgold hair and
the halfshut sleeping eyes. Then he looked up and stared at Mr.
Shiftlet. "She looks like an angel of Gawd," he murmured.
"Hitchhiker," Mr. Shiftlet explained. "I can't wait. I got to make
The boy bent over again and very carefully touched his finger to
a strand of the golden hair and Mr. Shiftlet left.
He was more depressed than ever as he drove on by himself.
The late afternoon had grown hot and sultry and the country had
flattened out. Deep in the sky a storm was preparing very
slowly and without thunder as if it meant to drain every drop of
air from the earth before it broke. There were times when Mr.
Shiftlet preferred not to be alone. He felt too that a man with a
car had a responsibility to others and he kept his eye out for a
hitchhiker. Occasionally he saw a sign that warned: "Drive
carefully. The life you save may be your own."
The narrow road dropped off on either side into dry fields and
here and there a shack or a filling station stood in a clearing.
The sun began to set directly in front of the automobile. It was a
reddening ball that through his windshield was slightly flat on
the bottom and top. He saw a boy in overalls and a gray hat
standing on the edge of the road and he slowed the car down
and stopped in front of him. The boy didn't have his hand raised
to thumb the ride, he was only standing there, but he had a
small cardboard suitcase and his hat was set on his head in a
way to indicate that he had left somewhere for good. "Son," Mr.
Shiftlet said, "I see you want a ride."
The boy didn't say he did or he didn't but he opened the door of
the car and got in, and Mr. Shiftlet started driving again. The
child held the suitcase on his lap and folded his arms on top of
it. He turned his head and looked out the window away from
Mr. Shiftlet. Mr. Shiftlet felt oppressed. "Son," he said after a
minute, "I got the best old mother in the world so I reckon you
only got the second best."
The boy gave him a quick dark glance and then turned his face
back out the window.
"It's nothing so sweet," Mr. Shiftlet continued, "as a boy's
mother. She taught him his first prayers at her knee, she give
him love when no other would, she told him what was right and
what wasn't, and she seen that he done the right thing. Son," he
said, "I never rued a day in my life like the one I rued when I
left that old mother of mine."
The boy shifted in his seat but he didn't look at Mr. Shiftlet. He
unfolded his arms and put one hand on the door handle.
"My mother was a angel of Gawd," Mr. Shiftlet said in a very
strained voice. "He took her from heaven and giver to me and I
left her." His eyes were instantly clouded over with a mist of
tears. The car was barely moving.
The boy turned angrily in the seat. "You go to the devil!" he
cried. "My old woman is a flea bag and yours is a stinking pole
cat!" and with that he flung the door open and jumped out with
his suitcase into the ditch.
Mr. Shiftlet was so shocked that for about a hundred feet he
drove along slowly with the door stiff open. A cloud, the exact
color of the boy's hat and shaped like a turnip, had descended
over the sun, and another, worse looking, crouched behind the
car. Mr. Shiftlet felt that the rottenness of the world was about
to engulf him. He raised his arm and let it fall again to his
breast. "Oh Lord!" he prayed. "Break forth and wash the slime
from this earth!"
The turnip continued slowly to descend. After a few minutes
there was a guffawing peal of thunder from behind and fantastic
raindrops, like tincan tops, crashed over the rear of Mr.
Shiftlet's car. Very quickly he stepped on the gas and with his
stump sticking out the window he raced the galloping shower
into Mobile.
From, Everything That Rises Must Converge
By Flannery O’Connor
The Doctor’s waiting room, which was very small, was almost
full when
the Turpins entered and Mrs. Turpin, who was very large, made
it look
even smaller by her presence. She stood looming at the head of
magazine table set in the center of it, a living demonstration
that the
room was inadequate and ridiculous. Her little bright black eyes
in all the patients as she sized up the seating situation. There
was one
vacant chair and a place on the sofa occupied by a blond child
in a
dirty blue romper who should have been told to move over and
room for the lady. He was five or six, but Mrs. Turpin saw at
once that
no one was going to tell him to move over. He was slumped
down in
the seat, his arms idle at his sides and his eyes idle in his head;
his nose
ran unchecked.
Mrs. Turpin put a firm hand on Claud's shoulder and said in a
that included anyone who wanted to listen, "Claud, you sit in
that chair
there," and gave him a push down into the vacant one. Claud
was florid
and bald and sturdy, somewhat shorter than Mrs. Turpin, but he
down as if he were accustomed to doing what she told him to.
Mrs. Turpin remained standing. The only man in the room
Claud was a lean stringy old fellow with a rusty hand spread out
each knee, whose eyes were closed as if he were asleep or dead
pretending to be so as not to get up and offer her his seat. Her
settled agreeably on a well-dressed grey-haired lady whose eyes
hers and whose expression said: if that child belonged to me, he
have some manners and move over-there's plenty of room there
you and him too.
Claud looked up with a sigh and made as if to rise.
"Sit down," Mrs. Turpin said. "You know you're not supposed to
on that leg. He has an ulcer on his leg," she explained.
Claud lifted his foot onto the magazine table and rolled his
trouser leg
up to reveal a purple swelling on a plump marble white calf.
"My!" the pleasant lady said. "How did you do that?"
"A cow kicked him," Mrs. Turpin said.
"Goodness!" said the lady.
Claud rolled his trouser leg down.
"Maybe the little boy would move over," the lady suggested, but
child did not stir.
"Somebody will be leaving in a minute," Mrs. Turpin said. She
not understand why a doctor-with as much money as they made
charging five dollars a day to just stick their head in the
hospital door
and look at you-couldn't afford a decent-sized waiting room.
This one
was hardly bigger than a garage. The table was cluttered with
looking magazines and at one end of it there was a big green
ashtray full of cigarette butts and cotton wads with little blood
spots on
them. If she had had anything to do with the running of the
place, that
would have been emptied every so often. There were no chairs
the wall at the head of the room. It had a rectangular-shaped
panel in it
that permitted a view of the office where the nurse came and
went and
the secretary listened to the radio. A plastic fern, in a gold pot
sat in the
opening and trailed its fronds down almost to the floor. The
radio was
softly playing gospel music.
Just then the inner door opened and a nurse with the highest
stack of
yellow hair Mrs. Turpin had ever seen put her face in the crack
called for the next patient. The woman sitting beside Claud
grasped the
two arms of her chair and hoisted herself up; she pulled her
dress free
from her legs and lumbered through the door where the nurse
Mrs. Turpin eased into the vacant chair, which held her tight as
corset. "I wish I could reduce," she said, and rolled her eyes and
gave a
comic sigh.
"Oh, you aren't fat," the stylish lady said.
"Ooooo I am too," Mrs. Turpin said. "Claud he eats all he wants
to and
never weighs over one hundred and seventy-five pounds, but me
I just
look at something good to eat and I gain some weight," and her
stomach and shoulders shook with laughter. "You can eat all
you want
to, can't YOU, Claud?" she asked, turning to him.
Claud only grinned.
"Well, as long as you have such a good disposition," the stylish
said, "I don't think it makes a bit of difference what size you
are. You
just can't beat a good disposition."
Next to her was a fat girl of eighteen or nineteen, scowling into
a thick
blue book which Mrs. Turpin saw was entitled Human
The girl raised her head and directed her scowl at Mrs. Turpin
as if she
did not like her looks. She appeared annoyed that anyone should
while she tried to read. The poor girl's face was blue with acne
and Mrs.
Turpin thought how pitiful it was to have a face like that at that
She gave the girl a friendly smile but the girl only scowled the
Mrs. Turpin herself was fat but she had always had good skin,
though she was forty-seven years old, there was not a wrinkle in
face except around her eyes from laughing too much.
Next to the ugly girl was the child, still in exactly the same
position, and
next to him was a thin leathery old woman in a cotton print
dress. She
and Claud had three sacks of chicken feed in their pump house
was in the same print. She had seen from the first that the child
belonged with the old woman. She could tell by the way they
sat- kind
of vacant and white-trashy, as if they would sit there until
Doomsday if
nobody called and told them to get up. And at right angles but
next to
the well-dressed pleasant lady was a lank-faced woman who was
certainly the child's mother. She had on a yellow sweatshirt and
colored slacks, both gritty-looking, and the rims of her lips
stained with snuff. Her dirty yellow hair was tied behind with a
piece of red paper ribbon. Worse than niggers any day, Mrs.
The gospel hymn playing was, "When I looked up and He
down," and Mrs. Turpin, who knew it, supplied the last line
"And wona these days I know I'll we-eara crown.
Without appearing to, Mrs. Turpin always noticed people's feet.
well-dressed lady had on red and grey suede shoes to match her
Mrs. Turpin had on her good black patent -leather pumps. The
ugly girl
had on Girl Scout shoes and heavy socks. The old woman had
tennis shoes and the white-trashy mother had on what appeared
to be
bedroom slippers, black straw with gold braid threaded through
exactly what you would have expected her to have on.
Sometimes at night when she couldn't go to sleep, Mrs. Turpin
occupy herself with the question of who she would have chosen
to be if
she couldn't have been herself. If Jesus had said to her before he
her, "There's only two places available for you. You can either
be a
nigger or white trash," what would she have said? "Please,
please," she would have said, "Just let me wait until there's
place available," and he would have said, "No, you have to go
now", and I have only those two places so make up your mind."
would have wiggled and squirmed and begged and pleaded but it
would have been no use and finally she would have said, "All
make me a nigger then-but that don't mean a trashy one." And
would have made her a near clean respectable Negro woman,
but black.
Next to the child's mother was a redheaded youngish woman,
one of the magazines and working a piece of chewing gum, hell
leather, as Claud would say. Mrs. Turpin could not see the
feet. She was not white trash, just common. Sometimes Mrs.
occupied herself at night naming the classes of people. On the
of the heap were most colored people, not the kind she would
been if she had been one, but most of them; then next to them --
above, just away from -- were the white-trash; then above them
the home-owners, and above them the home-and-land owners, to
which she and Claud belonged, Above she and Claud were
people with
a lot of money and much bigger houses and much more land.
But here
the complexity of it would begin to bear in on her, for some of
people with a lot of money were common and ought to be below
and Claud and some of the people who had good blood had lost
money and had to rent and then there some colored people who
owned their homes and land as well. There was a colored dentist
town who had two red Lincoln’s and a swimming pool and a
farm with
registered whiteface cattle on it. Usually by the time she had
asleep all the classes of people were moiling and roiling around
in her
head, and she would dream they were all crammed in together in
a box
car, being ridden off to be put in a gas oven.
"That's a beautiful clock," she said and nodded to her right. It
was a big
wall clock, the face encased in a brass sunburst.
"Yes, it's very pretty," the stylish lady said agreeably. "And
right on the
dot too," she added, glancing at her watch.
The ugly girl beside her cast an eye upward at the clock,
smirked, then
looked directly at Mrs. Turpin and smirked again. Then she
her eyes to her book. She was obviously the lady's daughter
although they didn't look anything alike as to disposition, they
had the same shape of face and the same blue eyes. On the lady
sparkled pleasantly but in the girl's scared face they appeared
alternately to smolder and to blaze.
What if Jesus had said, "All right, you can be white-trash or a
nigger or
Mrs. Turpin felt an awful pity for the girl, though she thought it
was one
thing to be ugly and another to act ugly.
The woman with the snuff-stained lips turned around in her
chair and
looked up at the clock. Then she turned back and appeared to
look a
little to the side of Mrs. Turpin. There was a cast in one of her
"You want to know where you can get you one of them there
she asked in a loud voice.
No , I already have a nice clock," Mrs. Turpin said. Once
somebody like
her got a leg in the conversation, she would be all over it.
"You can get you one with green stamps," the woman said.
most likely where he got hisn. Save you up enough, you can get
most anythang. I got me some joo’ry.”
Ought to have got you a wash rag and some soap, Mrs. Turpin
"I get contour sheets with mine," the pleasant lady said.
The daughter slammed her book shut. She looked straight in
front of
her, directly through Mrs. Turpin and on through the yellow
and the plate glass window which made the wall behind her. The
eyes seemed lit all of a sudden with a peculiar light, an
unnatural light
like night road signs give. Mrs. Turpin turned her head to see if
was anything going on outside that she should see, but she
could not
see anything. Figures passing cast only a pate shadow through
curtain. There was no reason the girl should single her out for
her ugly
"Miss Finley," the nurse said, cracking the door. The gum-
woman got up and passed in front of her and Claud and went
into the
office. She had on red high-heeled shoes.
Directly across the table, the ugly girl's eyes were fixed on Mrs.
as if she had some very special reason for disliking her.
"This is wonderful weather, isn't it?" the girl's mother said.
“It's good weather for cotton if you can get the niggers to pick
it," Mrs.
Turpin said, "but niggers don't want to pick cotton any more.
You can't
get the white folks to pick it and now you can't get the niggers
they got to be right up there with the white folks."
"They gonna try anyways," the white-trash woman said, leaning
"Do you have one of those cotton-picking machines?" the
lady asked.
"No," Mrs. Turpin said, "they leave half the cotton in the field.
don't have much cotton anyway. If you want to make it farming
you have to have a little of everything. We got a couple of acres
cotton and a few hogs and chickens and just enough white-face
Claud can look after them himself
"One thang I don't want," the white-trash woman said, wiping
mouth with the back of her hand. "Hogs. Nasty stinking things,
gruntin and a-rootin all over the place."
Mrs. Turpin gave her the merest edge of her attention. "Our
hogs are
not dirty and they don't stink," she said. "They're cleaner than
children I've seen. Their feet never touch the ground. We have a
parlor- that's where you raise them on concrete," she explained
to the
pleasant lady, "and Claud scoots them down with the hose every
afternoon and washes off the floor." Cleaner by far than that
child right
there, she thought. Poor nasty little thing. He had not moved
except to
put the thumb of his dirty hand into his mouth.
The woman turned her face away from Mrs. Turpin. "I know I
scoot down no hog with no hose," she said to the wall.
You wouldn't have no hog to scoot down, Mrs. Turpin said to
"A-gruntin and a-rootin and a-groanin," the woman muttered.
"We got a little of everything," Mrs. Turpin said to the pleasant
"It's no use in having more than you can handle yourself with
help like
it is. We found enough niggers to pick our cotton this year but
Claud he
has to go after them and take them home'again in the evening.
can't walk that half a mile. No they can't. I tell you," she said
laughed merrily, "I sure am tired of butter'ing up niggers, but
you got
to love em if you want em to work for you. When they come in
morning, I run out and I say, “How yal this morning?' and when
drives them off to the field I just wave to beat the band and they
wave back." And she waved her hand rapidly to illustrate.
"Like you read out of the same book," the lady said, showing
understood perfectly.
"Child, yes," Mrs. Turpin said. "And when they come in from
the field, I
run out with a bucket of ice water. That's the way it's going to
be from
now on," she said. "You may as well face it."
"One thang I know," the white-trash woman said. "Two thangs I
going to do: love no niggers or scoot down no hog with no
hose." And
she let out a bark of contempt.
The look that Mrs. Turpin and the pleasant lady exchanged
they both understood that you had to have certain things before
could know certain things. But every time Mrs. Turpin
exchanged a
look with the lady, she was aware that the ugly girl's peculiar
eyes were
still on her, and she had trouble bringing her attention back to
"When you got something," she said, "you got to look after it."
when you ain't got a thing but breath and britches, she added to
herself, you can afford to come to town every morning and just
sit on
the Court House coping and spit.
A grotesque revolving shadow passed across the curtain behind
and was thrown palely on the opposite wall. Then a bicycle
down against the outside of the building. The door opened and a
colored boy glided in with a tray from the drug store. It had two
red and white paper cups on it with tops on them. He was a tall,
black boy in discolored white pants and a green nylon shirt. He
chewing gum slowly, as if to music. He set the tray down in the
opening next to the fern and stuck his head through to look for
secretary. She was not in there. He rested his arms on the ledge
waited, his narrow bottom stuck out, swaying slowly to the left
right. He raised a hand over his head and scratched the base of
"You see that button there, boy?" Mrs. Turpin said. "You can
that and she'll come. She's probably in the back somewhere."
"Is thas right?" the boy said agreeably, as if he had never seen
button before. He leaned to the right and put his finger on it.
sometime out," he said and twisted around to face his audience,
elbows behind him on the counter. The nurse appeared and he
back again. She handed him a dollar and he rooted in his pocket
made the change and counted it out to her. She gave him fifteen
for a tip and he went out with the empty tray. The heavy door
swung to
slowly and closed at length with the sound of suction. For a
no one spoke.
"They ought to send all them niggers back to Africa," the white
woman said. “That's wher they come from in first place."
"Oh, I couldn't do without my good colored friends," the
pleasant lady
"There's a heap of things worse than a nigger," Mrs. Turpin
"It's all kinds of them just like it's all kinds of us."
"Yes, and it takes all kinds to make the world go round," the
lady said in
her musical voice.
As she said it, the raw-complexioned girl snapped her teeth
Her lower lip turned downwards and inside out, revealing the
pale pink
inside of her mouth. After a second it rolled back up. It was the
face Mrs. Turpin had ever seen anyone make and for a moment
was certain that the girl had made it at her. She was looking at
her as if
she had known and disliked her all her life-all of Mrs. Turpin's
life, it
seemed too, not just all the girl's life. Why, girl, I don't even
know you,
Mrs. Turpin said silently.
She forced her attention back to the discussion. "It wouldn't be
practical to send them back to Africa," she said. "They wouldn't
to go. They got it too good here."
"Wouldn't be what they wanted-if I had anythang to do with it,"
woman said.
"It wouldn't be a way in the world you could get all the niggers
over there," Mrs. Turpin said. "They'd be hiding out and lying
and turning sick on you and wailing and hollering and raring
pitching. It wouldn't be a way in the world to get them over
"They got over here," the trashy woman said. "Get back like
they got
"It wasn't so many of them then," Mrs. Turpin explained.
The woman looked at Mrs. Turpin as if here was an idiot indeed
Mrs. Turpin was not bothered by the look, considering where it
"Nooo," she said, "they're going to stay here where they can go
to New
York and marry white folks and improve their color. That's what
all want to do, every one of them, improve their color."
"You know what comes of that, don't you?" Claud asked.
"No, Claud, what?" Mrs. Turpin said.
Claud's eyes twinkled. "White-faced niggers," he said with
never a
Everybody in the office laughed except the white-trash and the
girl. The girl gripped the book in her lap with white fingers.
The trashy
woman looked around her from face to face as if she thought
they were
all idiots. The old woman in the feed sack dress continued to
expressionless across the floor at the high-top shoes of the man
opposite her, the one who had been pretending to be asleep
when the
Turpins came in. He was laughing heartily, his hands still
spread out
on his knees. The child had fallen to the side and was lying now
face down in the old woman's lap.
While they recovered from their laughter, the nasal chorus on
the radio
kept the room from silence.
“You go to blank blank
And I'll go to mine
But we'll all blank along
And all along the blank
We'll help each-other out
Smile-ling in any kind of Weath-ther!"
Mrs. Turpin didn't catch every word but she caught enough to
with the spirit of the song and it turned her thoughts sober. To
anybody out that needed it was her philosophy of life. She never
herself when she found somebody in need, whether they were
white or
black, trash or decent. And of all she had to be thankful for, she
most thankful that this was so. If Jesus had said, "You call be
society and have all the money you want and be thin and svelte-
but you can't be a good woman with it," she would have had to
"Well don't make me that then. Make me a good woman and it
matter what else, how fat or how ugly or how poor!" Her heart
rose. He
had not made her a nigger or white-trash or ugly! He had made
herself and given her a little of everything. Jesus, thank you!
she said.
Thank you thank you! Whenever she counted her blessings she
felt as
buoyant as if she weighed one hundred and twenty five pounds
instead of one hundred and eighty.
"What's wrong with your little boy?" the pleasant lady asked the
trashy woman.
"He has a ulcer," the woman said proudly. "He ain’t give me a
peace since he was born. Him and her are just alike," she said,
at the old woman, who was running her leathery fingers through
child's pale hair. "Look like I can't get nothing down them two
but Co'
Cola and candy."
That's all you try to get down em Mrs. Turpin said to herself.
Too lazy
to light the fire. There was nothing you could tell her about
people like
them that she didn't know already. And it was not just that they
have anything. Because if you gave them everything, in two
weeks it
would all be broken or filthy or they would have chopped it up
lightwood. She knew all this from her own experience. Help
them you
must, but help them you couldn't.
All at once the ugly girl turned her lips inside out again. Her
eyes were
fixed like two drills on Mrs. Turpin. This time there was no
that there was something urgent behind them.
Girl, Mrs. Turpin exclaimed silently, I haven't done a thing to
you! The
girl might be confusing her with somebody else. There was no
need to
sit by and let herself be intimidated.
"You must be in college," she said boldly, looking directly at
the girl. "I
see you reading a book there."
The girl continued to state and pointedly did not answer.
Her mother blushed at this rudeness. "The lady asked you a
Mary Grace," she said under her breath.
"I have ears," Mary Grace said.
The poor mother blushed again. "Mary Grace goes to Wellesley
College," she explained. She twisted one of the buttons on her
"In Massachusetts, she added with a grimace. "And in the
summer she
just keeps right on studying. Just reads all the time, a real book
She's done real well at Wellesley; she's taking English and Math
History and Psychology and Social Studies," she rattled on "and
I think
it’s too much. I think she ought to get out and have fun."
The girl looked as if she would like to hurl them all through the
glass window.
"Way up north," Mrs. Turpin murmured and thought, well, it
done much for her manners.
"I'd almost rather to have him sick," the white-trash woman
wrenching the attention back to herself. “He’s so mean when he
Look like some children just take natural to meanness. It's some
bad when they get sick but, he was the opposite. Took sick and
good. He don't give me no trouble now. It's me waitin to see the
doctor," she said.
If I was going to send anybody back to Africa, Mrs. Turpin
thought, it
would be your kind, woman. "Yes, indeed," she said aloud, but
up at the ceiling, "It's a heap of things worse than a nigger."
And dirtier
than a hog, she added to herself
"I think people with bad dispositions are more to be pitied than
anyone on earth," the pleasant lady said in a voice that was
"I thank the Lord he has blessed me with a good one," Mrs.
said. "The day has never dawned that I couldn't find something
laugh at."
"Not since she married me anyways," Claud said with a comical
straight face.
Everybody laughed except the girl and the white trash.
Mrs. Turpin's stomach shook. "He's such a caution,” she said,
"that I
can't help but laugh at him."
The girl made a loud ugly noise through her teeth.
Her mother's mouth grew thin and tight. "I think the worst thing
in the
world," she said, "is an ungrateful person. To have everything
and not
appreciate it. I know a girl," she said, "who has parents who
would give
her anything, a little brother who loves her clearly, who is
getting a
good education, who wears the best clothes, but who can never
say a
kind word to anyone, who never smiles, who just criticizes and
complains all day long."
"Is she too old to paddle?" Claud asked.
The girl's face was almost purple.
"Yes," the lady said, "I'm afraid there's nothing to do but leave
her to
her folly. Some day she’ll wake up and it'll be too late."
"It never hurt anyone to smile," Mrs. Turpin said. "It just makes
feel better all own"
"Of course," the lady said sadly, "but there are just some people
can't tell anything to. They can't take criticism."
"If it's one thing I am," Mrs. Turpin said with feeling, "It's
When I think who all I could have been besides myself and what
all I
got, a little of everything, and a good disposition besides, I just
feel like
shouting, 'Thank you, Jesus, for making everything the way it
is!' It
could have been different!" For one thing, somebody else could
got Claud. At the thought of this, she was flooded with gratitude
and a
terrible pang of joy ran through her. "Oh thank you, Jesus,
Jesus, thank
you!" she cried aloud.
The book struck her directly, over her left eye. It struck almost
at the
same instant that she realized the girl was about to hurl it.
Before she
could utter a sound, the raw face came crashing across the table
toward her, howling. The girl's fingers sank like clamps the soft
flesh of
her neck. She heard the mother cry out and Claud shout,
There was an instant when she was certain that she was about to
be in
an earthquake.
All at once her vision narrowed and she saw everything as if it
happening in a small room far away, or as if she were looking at
through the wrong end of a telescope.
Claud’s face crumpled and fell out of sight. The nurse ran in,
then out,
then again. Then the gangling figure of the doctor rushed out of
inner door. Magazines flew this way and that as the table turned
The girl fell with a thud and Mrs. Turpin's vision suddenly
itself and she saw everything large instead of small. The eyes of
white-trashy woman were staring hugely at the floor. There the
held down on one side by the nurse and on the other by her
was wrenching and turning in their grasp. The doctor was
astride her, trying to hold her arm down. He managed after a
second to
sink a long needle into it.
Mrs. Turpin felt entirely hollow except for her heart which
swung from
side to side as if it were agitated in a great empty drum of flesh.
"Somebody that's not busy call for the ambulance," the doctor
said in
the off-hand voice young doctors adopt for terrible occasions.
Mrs. Turpin could not have moved a finger. The old man who
had been
sitting next to her skipped nimbly into the office and made the
call, for
the secretary still seemed to be gone.
"Claud!" Mrs. Turpin called.
He was not in his chair. She knew she must jump up and find
him but
she felt like someone trying to catch a train in a dream, when
everything moves in slow, motion and the faster you try to run
slower you go.
"Here I am," a suffocated voice, very unlike Claud's said.
He was doubled up in the corner on the floor, pale as paper,
his leg. She wanted to get up and go to him but she could not
Instead, her gaze was drawn slowly downward to the churning
face on
the floor, which she could see over the doctor's shoulder.
The girl's eyes stopped rolling and focused on her. They seemed
much lighter blue than before, as if a door that had been tightly
behind them was now open to admit light and air.
Mrs. Turpin's head cleared and her power of motion returned.
leaned forward until she was looking directly into the fierce
eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that the girl did know her,
her in some intense and personal way, beyond time and place
condition. "What you got to say to me?" she asked hoarsely and
her breath, waiting, as for a revelation.
The girl raised her head. Her gaze locked with Mrs. Turpin's.
"Go back
to hell where you came from, you old wart hog," she whispered.
voice was low but clear. Her eyes burned for a moment as if she
with pleasure that her message had struck its target.
Mrs. Turpin sank back in her chair.
After a moment the girl's eyes closed and she turned her head
to the side.
The doctor rose and handed the nurse the empty syringe. He
over and put both hands for a moment on the mother's
which were shaking. She was sitting on the floor, her lips
together, holding Mary Grace's hand in her lap. The girl's
fingers were
gripped like a baby 's around her thumb. "Go on to the
hospital," he
said. "I’ll call and make the arrangements."
"Now let's see that neck," he said in a jovial voice to Mrs.
Turpin. He began to inspect her neck with his first two fingers.
little moon-shaped lines like pink fish bones were
indented over her windpipe. There was the beginning of an
angry red swelling above her eye. His fingers passed over this
'Lea' me be," she said thickly and shook him off. "See about
Claud. She
kicked him."
"I'll see about him in a minute," he said and felt her pulse. He
was a
thin grey-haired man, given to pleasantries. "Go home and have
yourself a vacation the rest of the day," he said and patted her
on the
Quit your pattin me, Mrs. Turpin growled to herself.
"And put an ice pack over that eye," he said. Then he went and
squatted down beside Claud and looked at his leg. After a
moment he
pulled him up and Claud limped after him into the office.
Until the ambulance came, the only sounds in the room were the
tremulous moans of the girl's mother, who continued to sit on
floor. The white-trash woman did not take her eyes off the girl.
Turpin looked straight ahead at nothing. Presently the
drew up, a long dark shadow, behind the curtain. The attendants
in and set the stretcher down beside the girl and lifted her
onto it and carried her out. The nurse helped the mother gather
up her
things. The shadow of the ambulance moved silently -away and
nurse came back in the office.
"That there girl is going to be a lunatic, ain’t she?" the white-
woman asked the nurse, but the nurse kept on to the back and
answered her.
"Yes, she's going to be a lunatic," the white-trash woman said to
rest of them.
"Po' critter," the old woman murmured. The child's face was
still in her
lap. His eyes looked idly out over her knees. He had not moved
the disturbance except to draw one leg up under him.
“I thank Gawd," the white-trash woman said fervently, "I ain't a
Claud came limping out and the Turpins went home.
As their pick-up truck turned into their own dirt road and made
crest of the hill, Mrs. Turpin gripped the window ledge and
looked out
suspiciously. The land sloped gracefully down through a field
with lavender weeds and at the start of the rise their small
yellow frame
house, with its little flower beds spread out around it like a
apron, sat primly in its accustomed place between two giant
trees. She would not have been startled to see a burnt wound
two blackened chimneys.
Neither of them felt like eating so they put on their house
clothes and
lowered the shade in the bedroom and lay down, Claud with his
leg on
a pillow and herself with a damp washcloth over her eye. The
she was flat on her back, the image of a razor-backed hog with
warts on
its face and horns coming out behind its ears snorted into her
She moaned, a low quiet moan.
"I am not," she said tearfully, "a wart hog. From hell." But the
had no force. The girl's eyes and her words, even the tone of her
low but clear, directed only to her, brooked no repudiation. She
been singled out for the message, though there was trash in the
to whom it might justly have been applied. The full force of this
struck her only now. There was a woman there who was
neglecting her
own child but she had been overlooked. The message had been
to Ruby Turpin, a respectable, hardworking, church-going
woman. The
tears dried. Her eyes began to burn instead with wrath.
She rose on her elbow and the washcloth fell into her hand.
Claud was
lying on his back, snoring. She wanted to tell him what the girl
said. At the same time, she did not wish to put the image of
herself as a
wart hog from hell into his mind.
"Hey, Claud," she muttered and pushed his shoulder.
Claud opened one pale baby blue eye.
She looked into it warily. He did not think about anything.
“Wha, whasit?" he said and closed the eye again.
"Nothing," she said. "Does your leg pain you?"
"Hurts like hell," Claud said
"It'll quit terreckly," she said and lay back down. In a moment
was snoring again. For the rest of the afternoon they lay there.
slept. She scowled at the ceiling. Occasionally she raised her
fist and
made a small stabbing motion over her chest as if she was
her innocence to invisible guests who were like the comforters
of Job,
reasonable-seeming but wrong.
About five-thirty Claud stirred. "Got to go after those niggers,"
sighed, not moving.
She was looking straight up as if there were unintelligible hand
on the ceiling. The protuberance over her eye had turned a
blue. "Listen here," she said.
"Kiss me."
Claud leaned over and kissed her loudly on the mouth. He
pinched her
side and their hands interlocked. Her expression of ferocious
concentration did not change. Claud got up, groaning and
and limped off. She continued to study the ceiling.
She did not get up until she heard the pick-up truck coming
back with
the Negroes. Then she rose and thrust her feet in her brown
which she did not bother to lace, and stumped out onto the back
and got her red plastic bucket. She emptied a tray of ice cubes
into it
and filled it half full of water and went out into the back yard.
Every afternoon after Claud brought the hands in, one of the
helped him put out hay and the rest waited in the back of the
until he was ready to take them home. The truck was parked in
shade under one of the hickory trees.
"Hi yawl this evening," Mrs. Turpin asked grimly, appearing
with the
bucket and the dipper. There were three woman and a boy in the
"Us doin nicely," the oldest woman said. "Hi you doin?" and her
stuck immediately on the dark lump on Mrs. Turpin's forehead.
done fell down, ain't you?" she asked in a solicitous voice. The
woman was dark and almost toothless. She had on an old felt
hat of
Claud's set back on her head. The other two women were
younger and
lighter and they both had new bright green sun hats. One of
them had
hers on her head; the other had taken hers off and the boy was
beneath it.
Mrs. Turpin set the bucket down on the floor of the truck.
"Yawl hep
yourselves," she said. She looked around to make sure Claud
had gone.
"No. I didn't fall down," she said, folding her arms. "It was
worse than that."
"Ain't nothing bad happen to YOU!" the old ,woman said. She
said it as
if they, all knew that Mrs. Turpin was protected in some special
way by
Divine Providence. "You just had you a little fall."
"We were 'in town at the doctor's office for where the cow
kicked Mr.
Turpin," Mrs. Turpin said in a flat tone that indicated they
could leave
off their foolishness. "And there was this girl there. A big fat
girl with
her face all broke out. I could look at that girl and tell she was
but I couldn't tell how. And me and her mama were just talking
going along and all of a sudden WHAM! She throws this big
book she
was reading at me and ...”
"Naw!" the old woman cried out.
"And then she jumps over the table and commences to choke
"Naw!" they all exclaimed, "naw!"
"Hi come she do that?" the old woman asked. "What ail her?"
Mrs. Turpin only glared in front of her.
"Somethin ail her," the old woman said.
"They carried her off in an ambulance," Mrs. Turpin continued,
before she went she was rolling on the floor and they were
trying to
hold her down to give her a shot and she said something to me."
paused. " You know what she said to me?"
"What she say," they asked.
"She said," Mrs. Turpin began, and stopped, her face very dark
heavy. The sun was getting whiter and whiter, blanching the sky
overhead so that the leaves of the hickory tree were black in the
face of
it. She could not bring forth the words. "Something real ugly,"
"She sho shouldn't said nothin ugly, to you," the old woman
said. "You
so sweet. You the sweetest lady I know."
"She pretty too," the one with the hat on said.
"And stout," the other one said. "I never knowed no sweeter
"That's the truth befo' Jesus," the old woman said. "Amen! You
des as
sweet and pretty as you can be."
Mrs. Turpin knew just exactly how much Negro flattery was
worth and
it added to her rage. "She said," she began again and finished
this time
with a fierce rush of breath, "that I was an old wart hog from
There was an astounded silence.
"Where she at?" the youngest woman cried in a piercing voice.
"Lemme see her. I'll kill her!"
"I'll kill her with you!" the other one cried.
"She b’long in the sylum" the old woman said emphatically.
"YOU the
sweetest white lady I know."
"She pretty too," the other two said. "Stout as she can be and
Jesus satisfied with her!"
"Deed he is," the old woman declared.
Idiots! Mrs. Turpin growled to herself. YOU could never say
intelligent to a nigger. YOU could talk at them but not with
them. "Yawl
ain't drunk your water," she said shortly. "Leave the bucket in
truck when you're finished with it. I got more to do than just
around and pass the time of day," and she moved off and into
She stood for a moment in the middle of the kitchen. The dark
protuberance over her eye looked like a miniature tornado cloud
might any moment sweep across the horizon of her brow. Her
lower lip
protruded dangerously. She squared her massive shoulders.
Then she
marched into the front of the house and out the side door and
down the road to the pig parlor. She had the look of a woman
single-handed, weaponless, into battle.
The sun was a deep yellow now like a harvest moon and was
westward very fast over the far tree line as if it meant to catch
the hogs
before she did. The road was rutted and she kicked several
stones out of her path as she strode along. The pig parlor was on
a little
knoll at the end of a lane that ran off from the side of the barn.
It was a
square of concrete as large as a small room, with a board fence
four feet high around it. The concrete floor sloped slightly so
that the
hog wash could drain off into a trench where it was carried to
the field
for fertilizer. Claud was standing on the outside, on the edge of
concrete, hanging onto the top board, hosing down the floor
The hose was connected to the faucet of a water trough nearby.
Mrs. Turpin climbed up beside him and glowered down at the
inside. There were seven long-snouted bristly shoats in it-tan
liver-colored spots-and an old sow a few weeks off from
farrowing. She
was lying on her side grunting. The shoats were running about
themselves like idiot children, their little slit pig eyes searching
floor for anything left. She had read that pigs were the most
animal. She doubted it. They were supposed to be smarter than
There had even been a pig astronaut. He had performed his
assignment perfectly but died of a heart attack afterwards
because they
left him in his electric suit, sitting upright throughout his
when naturally, a hog should be on all fours.
A-gruntin and a-rootin and a-groanin.
"Gimme that hose," she said, yanking it away from Claud. "Go
on and
carry, them niggers home and then get off that leg.”
"You look like you might have swallowed a mad dog," Claud
but he got down and limped off. He paid no attention to her
Until he was out of earshot, Mrs. Turpin stood on the side of the
holding the hose and pointing the stream of water at the hind
of any shoat that looked as if it might try to lie down. When he
had had
time to get over the hill, she turned her head slightly and her
eyes scanned the path. He was nowhere in sight. She turned
back again
and seemed to gather herself up. Her shoulders rose and she
drew in
her breath.
"What do you send me a message like that for?" she said in
a low fierce voice, barely above a whisper but with the force
of a shout in its concentrated fury. "How am I a hog and me
both? How am I saved and from hell too?" Her free fist was
knotted and with the other she gripped the hose, blindly
pointing the stream of water in and out of the eye of the old
sow whose outraged squeal she did not hear.
The pig parlor commanded a view of the back pasture
where their twenty beef cows were gathered around the hay-
bales Claud and the boy had put out. The freshly cut pasture
sloped down to the highway. Across it was their cotton field
and beyond that a dark green dusty wood which they owned
as well. The sun was behind the wood, very red, looking
over the paling of trees like a farmer inspecting his own
"Why me?" she rumbled. "It's no trash around here, black or
that I haven't given to. And break my back to the bone every
working. And do for the church.”
She appeared to be the right size woman to command the arena
her. "How am I a hog? she demanded. "Exactly how am I like
and she jabbed the stream of water at the shoats. "There was
plenty of
trash there. It didn't have to be me.
"If you like trash better, go get yourself some trash then," she
"You could have made me trash. Or a nigger. If trash is what
wanted, why didn't you make me trash?" She shook her fist with
hose in it' and a watery snake appeared momentarily in the air.
could quit working and take it easy and be filthy," she growled.
"Lounge about the sidewalks all day drinking root beer. Dip
snuff and
spit in every puddle and have it all over my face. I could be
“Or you could have made me a nigger. It's too late for me to be
nigger,” she said with deep sarcasm, “but I could act like one.
down in the middle of the road and stop traffic. Roll on the
In the deepening light everything was taking on a mysterious
hue. The
pasture was growing a particular glassy green and the streak of
highway had turned lavender. She braced herself for a final
assault and
this time her voice rolled out over the pasture. “Go on,” she
yelled, “call
me a hog! Call me a hog again. From hell. Call me a wart hog
from hell.
Put that bottom rail on top. There’ll still be a top and bottom!”
A garbled echo returned to her.
A final surge of fury shook her and she roared, "Who do you
think you
The color of everything, field and crimson sky, burned for a
with a transparent intensity. The question carried over the
pasture and
across the highway and the cotton field and returned to her
clearly, like
an answer from beyond the wood.
She opened her mouth but no sound came out of it.
A tiny truck, Claud's, appeared on the highway, heading rapidly
out of
sight. Its gears scraped thinly. It looked like a child's toy. At
moment a bigger truck might smash into it and scatter Claud's
and the
niggers' brains all over the road.
Mrs. Turpin stood there, her gaze fixed on the highway, all
her muscles rigid, until in five or six minutes the truck
returning. She waited until it had had time to turn
into their own road. Then like a monumental statue coming
to life, she bent her head slowly and gazed, as if through the
very heart of mystery, down into the pig parlor at the hogs.
They had settled all in one corner around the old sow who
was grunting softly. A red glow suffused them. They appeared
to pant
with a secret life.
Until the sun slipped finally behind the tree line, Mrs. Turpin
remained there with her gaze bent to them as if she were
some abysmal life-giving knowledge. At last she lifted her head.
was only a purple streak in the sky, cutting through a field of
and leading, like an extension of the highway, into the
dusk. She raised her hands from the side of the pen in a gesture
and profound. A visionary light settled in her eyes. She saw the
as a vast swinging bridge extending upward from the earth
through a
field of living fire. Upon it a vast horde of souls
were tumbling toward heaven. There were whole companies of
trash, clean for the first time in their lives, and bands of black
niggers in
white robes, and battalions of freaks and lunatics shouting and
clapping and leaping like frogs. And bringing up the end of the
procession was a tribe of people whom she recognized at once
as those
who , like herself and Claud, had always had a little of
everything and
the given wit to use it right. She leaned forward to observe them
They were marching behind the others with great dignity,
as they had always been for good order and common sense and
respectable behavior. They, alone were on key. Yet she could
see by
their shocked and altered faces even their virtues were being
away. She lowered hands and gripped the rail of the hog pen,
her eyes
small but fixed unblinkingly on what lay ahead. In a moment the
faded but she remained where she was.
At length she got down and turned off the faucet and in her slow
on the darkening path to the house. In woods around her the
cricket choruses had struck up, but what she heard were the
voices of
the souls climbing upward into the starry field and shouting
A Good Man Is Hard To Find
The grandmother didn't want to go to Florida. She wanted to
visit some of her connections in east Tennes- see and she was
seizing at every chance to change Bailey's mind. Bailey was the
son she lived with, her only boy. He was sitting on the edge of
his chair at the table, bent over the orange sports section of the
Journal. "Now look here, Bailey," she said, "see here, read
this," and she stood with one hand on her thin hip and the other
rattling the newspaper at his bald head. "Here this fellow that
calls himself The Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and
headed toward Florida and you read here what it says he did to
these people. Just you read it. I wouldn't take my children in
any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it. I couldn't
answer to my conscience if I did."
Bailey didn't look up from his reading so she wheeled around
then and faced the children's mother, a young woman in slacks,
whose face was as broad and innocent as a cabbage and was tied
around with a green head-kerchief that had two points on the
top like rabbit's ears. She was sitting on the sofa, feeding the
baby his apricots out of a jar. "The children have been to
Florida before," the old lady said. "You all ought to take them
somewhere else for a change so they would see different parts
of the world and be broad. They never have been to east
The children's mother didn't seem to hear her but the eight-year-
old boy, John Wesley, a stocky child with glasses, said, "If you
don't want to go to Florida, why dontcha stay at home?" He and
the little girl, June Star, were reading the funny papers on the
"She wouldn't stay at home to be queen for a day," June Star
said without raising her yellow head.
"Yes and what would you do if this fellow, The Misfit, caught
you?" the grandmother asked.
"I'd smack his face," John Wesley said.
"She wouldn't stay at home for a million bucks," June Star said.
"Afraid she'd miss something. She has to go everywhere we go."
"All right, Miss," the grandmother said. "Just re- member that
the next time you want me to curl your hair."
June Star said her hair was naturally curly.
The next morning the grandmother was the first one in the car,
ready to go. She had her big black valise that looked like the
head of a hippopotamus in one corner, and underneath it she
was hiding a basket with Pitty Sing, the cat, in it. She didn't
intend for the cat to be left alone in the house for three days
because he would miss her too much and she was afraid he
might brush against one of her gas burners and accidentally
asphyxiate himself. Her son, Bailey, didn't like to arrive at a
motel with a cat.
She sat in the middle of the back seat with John Wesley and
June Star on either side of her. Bailey and the children's mother
and the baby sat in front and they left Atlanta at eight forty-five
with the mileage on the car at 55890. The grandmother wrote
this down because she thought it would be interesting to say
how many miles they had been when they got back. It took them
twenty minutes to reach the outskirts of the city.
The old lady settled herself comfortably, removing her white
cotton gloves and putting them up with her purse on the shelf in
front of the back window. The children's mother still had on
slacks and still had her head tied up in a green kerchief, but the
grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of
white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small
white dot in the print. Her collars and cuffs were white organdy
trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple
spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an
accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at
once that she was a lady.
She said she thought it was going to be a good day for driving,
neither too hot nor too cold, and she cautioned Bailey that the
speed limit was fifty-five miles an hour and that the patrolmen
hid themselves behind billboards and small clumps of trees and
sped out after you before you had a chance to slow down. She
pointed out interesting details of the scenery: Stone Mountain;
the blue granite that in some places came up to both sides of the
highway; the brilliant red clay banks slightly streaked with
purple; and the various crops that made rows of green lace-work
on the ground. The trees were full of silver-white sunlight and
the meanest of them sparkled. The children were reading comic
magazines and their mother and gone back to sleep.
"Let's go through Georgia fast so we won't have to look at it
much," John Wesley said.
"If I were a little boy," said the grandmother, "I wouldn't talk
about my native state that way. Tennessee has the mountains
and Georgia has the hills."
"Tennessee is just a hillbilly dumping ground," John Wesley
said, "and Georgia is a lousy state too."
"You said it," June Star said.
"In my time," said the grandmother, folding her thin veined
fingers, "children were more respectful of their native states and
their parents and everything else. People did right then. Oh look
at the cute little pickaninny!" she said and pointed to a Negro
child standing in the door of a shack. "Wouldn't that make a
picture, now?" she asked and they all turned and looked at the
little Negro out of the back window. He waved
"He didn't have any britches on," June Star said.
"He probably didn't have any," the grandmother explained.
"Little riggers in the country don't have things like we do. If I
could paint, I'd paint that picture," she said.
The children exchanged comic books.
The grandmother offered to hold the baby and the children's
mother passed him over the front seat to her. She set him on her
knee and bounced him and told him about the things they were
passing. She rolled her eyes and screwed up her mouth and
stuck her leathery thin face into his smooth bland one.
Occasionally he gave her a faraway smile. They passed a large
cotton field with five or fix graves fenced in the middle of it,
like a small island. "Look at the graveyard!" the grandmother
said, pointing it out. "That was the old family burying ground.
That belonged to the plantation."
"Where's the plantation?" John Wesley asked.
"Gone With the Wind" said the grandmother. "Ha. Ha."
When the children finished all the comic books they had
brought, they opened the lunch and ate it. The grandmother ate
a peanut butter sandwich and an olive and would not let the
children throw the box and the paper napkins out the window.
When there was nothing else to do they played a game by
choosing a cloud and making the other two guess what shape it
suggested. John Wesley took one the shape of a cow and June
Star guessed a cow and John Wesley said, no, an automobile,
and June Star said he didn't play fair, and they began to slap
each other over the grandmother.
The grandmother said she would tell them a story if they would
keep quiet. When she told a story, she rolled her eyes and
waved her head and was very dramatic. She said once when she
was a maiden lady she had been courted by a Mr. Edgar Atkins
Teagarden from Jasper, Georgia. She said he was a very good-
looking man and a gentleman and that he brought her a
watermelon every Saturday afternoon with his initials cut in it,
E. A. T. Well, one Saturday, she said, Mr. Teagarden brought
the watermelon and there was nobody at home and he left it on
the front porch and returned in his buggy to Jasper, but she
never got the watermelon, she said, because a nigger boy ate it
when he saw the initials, E. A. T. ! This story tickled John
Wesley's funny bone and he giggled and giggled but June Star
didn't think it was any good. She said she wouldn't marry a man
that just brought her a watermelon on Saturday. The
grandmother said she would have done well to marry Mr.
Teagarden because he was a gentle man and had bought Coca-
Cola stock when it first came out and that he had died only a
few years ago, a very wealthy man.
They stopped at The Tower for barbecued sand- wiches. The
Tower was a part stucco and part wood filling station and dance
hall set in a clearing outside of Timothy. A fat man named Red
Sammy Butts ran it and there were signs stuck here and there on
the building and for miles up and down the highway saying,
Red Sammy was lying on the bare ground outside The Tower
with his head under a truck while a gray monkey about a foot
high, chained to a small chinaberry tree, chattered nearby. The
monkey sprang back into the tree and got on the highest limb as
soon as he saw the children jump out of the car and run toward
Inside, The Tower was a long dark room with a counter at one
end and tables at the other and dancing space in the middle.
They all sat down at a board table next to the nickelodeon and
Red Sam's wife, a tall burnt-brown woman with hair and eyes
lighter than her skin, came and took their order. The children's
mother put a dime in the machine and played "The Tennessee
Waltz," and the grandmother said that tune always made her
want to dance. She asked Bailey if he would like to dance but
he only glared at her. He didn't have a naturally sunny
disposition like she did and trips made him nervous. The
grandmother's brown eyes were very bright. She swayed her
head from side to side and pretended she was dancing in her
chair. June Star said play something she could tap to so the
children's mother put in another dime and played a fast number
and June Star stepped out onto the dance floor and did her tap
"Ain't she cute?" Red Sam's wife said, leaning over the counter.
"Would you like to come be my little girl?"
"No I certainly wouldn't," June Star said. "I wouldn't live in a
broken-down place like this for a million bucks!" and she ran
back to the table.
"Ain't she cute?" the woman repeated, stretching her mouth
"Arn't you ashamed?" hissed the grandmother.
Red Sam came in and told his wife to quit lounging on the
counter and hurry up with these people's order. His khaki
trousers reached just to his hip bones and his stomach hung over
them like a sack of meal swaying under his shirt. He came over
and sat down at a table nearby and let out a combination sigh
and yodel. "You can't win," he said. "You can't win," and he
wiped his sweating red face off with a gray handkerchief.
"These days you don't know who to trust," he said. "Ain't that
the truth?"
"People are certainly not nice like they used to be," said the
"Two fellers come in here last week," Red Sammy said, "driving
a Chrysler. It was a old beat-up car but it was a good one and
these boys looked all right to me. Said they worked at the mill
and you know I let them fellers charge the gas they bought?
Now why did I do that?"
"Because you're a good man!" the grandmother said at once.
"Yes'm, I suppose so," Red Sam said as if he were struck with
this answer.
His wife brought the orders, carrying the five plates all at once
without a tray, two in each hand and one balanced on her arm.
"It isn't a soul in this green world of God's that you can trust,"
she said. "And I don't count nobody out of that, not nobody,"
she repeated, looking at Red Sammy.
"Did you read about that criminal, The Misfit, that's escaped?"
asked the grandmother.
"I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't attack this place right
here," said the woman. "If he hears about it being here, I
wouldn't be none surprised to see him. If he hears it's two cent
in the cash register, I wouldn't be a tall surprised if he . . ."
"That'll do," Red Sam said. "Go bring these people their Co'-
Colas," and the woman went off to get the rest of the order.
"A good man is hard to find," Red Sammy said. "Everything is
getting terrible. I remember the day you could go off and leave
your screen door unlatched. Not no more."
He and the grandmother discussed better times. The old lady
said that in her opinion Europe was entirely to blame for the
way things were now. She said the way Europe acted you would
think we were made of money and Red Sam said it was no use
talking about it, she was exactly right. The children ran outside
into the white sunlight and looked at the monkey in the lacy
chinaberry tree. He was busy catching fleas on himself and
biting each one carefully between his teeth as if it were a
They drove off again into the hot afternoon. The grandmother
took cat naps and woke up every few minutes with her own
snoring. Outside of Toombsboro she woke up and recalled an
old plantation that she had visited in this neighborhood once
when she was a young lady. She said the house had six white
columns across the front and that there was an avenue of oaks
leading up to it and two little wooden trellis arbors on either
side in front where you sat down with your suitor after a stroll
in the garden. She recalled exactly which road to turn off to get
to it. She knew that Bailey would not be willing to lose any
time looking at an old house, but the more she talked about it,
the more she wanted to see it once again and find out if the
little twin arbors were still standing. "There was a secret:-panel
in this house," she said craftily, not telling the truth but wishing
that she were, "and the story went that all the family silver was
hidden in it when Sherman came through but it was never found
. . ."
"Hey!" John Wesley said. "Let's go see it! We'll find it! We'll
poke all the woodwork and find it! Who lives there? Where do
you turn off at? Hey Pop, can't we turn off there?"
"We never have seen a house with a secret panel!" June Star
shrieked. "Let's go to the house with the secret panel! Hey Pop,
can't we go see the house with the secret panel!"
"It's not far from here, I know," the grandmother said. "It
wouldn't take over twenty minutes."
Bailey was looking straight ahead. His jaw was as rigid as a
horseshoe. "No," he said.
The children began to yell and scream that they wanted to see
the house with the secret panel. John Wesley kicked the back of
the front seat and June Star hung over her mother's shoulder and
whined desperately into her ear that they never had any fun
even on their vacation, that they could never do what THEY
wanted to do. The baby began to scream and John Wesley
kicked the back of the seat so hard that his father could feel the
blows in his kidney.
"All right!" he shouted and drew the car to a stop at the side of
the road. "Will you all shut up? Will you all just shut up for one
second? If you don't shut up, we won't go anywhere."
"It would be very educational for them," the grandmother
"All right," Bailey said, "but get this: this is the only time we're
going to stop for anything like this. This is the one and only
"The dirt road that you have to turn down is about a mile back,"
the grandmother directed. "I marked it when we passed."
"A dirt road," Bailey groaned.
After they had turned around and were headed toward the dirt
road, the grandmother recalled other points about the house, the
beautiful glass over the front doorway and the candle-lamp in
the hall. John Wesley said that the secret panel was probably in
the fireplace.
"You can't go inside this house," Bailey said. "You don't know
who lives there."
"While you all talk to the people in front, I'll run around behind
and get in a window," John Wesley suggested.
"We'll all stay in the car," his mother said.
They turned onto the dirt road and the car raced roughly along
in a swirl of pink dust. The grandmother recalled the times
when there were no paved roads and thirty miles was a day's
journey. The dirt road was hilly and there were sudden washes
in it and sharp curves on dangerous embankments. All at once
they would be on a hill, looking down over the blue tops of
trees for miles around, then the next minute, they would be in a
red depression with the dust-coated trees looking down on them.
"This place had better turn up in a minute," Bailey said, "or I'm
going to turn around."
The road looked as if no one had traveled on it in months.
"It's not much farther," the grandmother said and just as she
said it, a horrible thought came to her. The thought was so
embarrassing that she turned red in the face and her eyes dilated
and her feet jumped up, upsetting her valise in the corner. The
instant the valise moved, the newspaper top she had over the
basket under it rose with a snarl and Pitty Sing, the cat, sprang
onto Bailey's shoulder.
The children were thrown to the floor and their mother,
clutching the baby, was thrown out the door onto the ground;
the old lady was thrown into the front seat. The car turned over
once and landed right-side-up in a gulch off the side of the road.
Bailey remained in the driver's seat with the cat gray-striped
with a broad white face and an orange nose clinging to his neck
like a caterpillar.
As soon as the children saw they could move their arms and
legs, they scrambled out of the car, shouting, "We've had an
ACCIDENT!" The grandmother was curled up under the
dashboard, hoping she was injured so that Bailey's wrath would
not come down on her all at once. The horrible thought she had
had before the accident was that the house she had remembered
so vividly was not in Georgia but in Tennessee.
Bailey removed the cat from his neck with both hands and flung
it out the window against the side of a pine tree. Then he got
out of the car and started looking for the children's mother. She
was sitting against the side of the red gutted ditch, holding the
screaming baby, but she only had a cut down her face and a
broken shoulder. "We've had an ACCIDENT!" the children
screamed in a frenzy of delight.
"But nobody's killed," June Star said with disappointment as the
grandmother limped out of the car, her hat still pinned to her
head but the broken front brim standing up at a jaunty angle and
the violet spray hanging off the side. They all sat down in the
ditch, except the children, to recover from the shock. They were
all shaking.
"Maybe a car will come along," said the children's mother
"I believe I have injured an organ," said the grandmother,
pressing her side, but no one answered her. Bailey's teeth were
clattering. He had on a yellow sport shirt with bright blue
parrots designed in it and his face was as yellow as the shirt.
The grandmother decided that she would not mention that the
house was in Tennessee.
The road was about ten feet above and they could see only the
tops of the trees on the other side of it. Behind the ditch they
were sitting in there were more woods, tall and dark and deep.
In a few minutes they saw a car some distance away on top of a
hill, coming slowly as if the occupants were watching them. The
grandmother stood up and waved both arms dramatically to
attract their attention. The car continued to come on slowly,
disappeared around a bend and appeared again, moving even
slower, on top of the hill they had gone over. It was a big black
battered hearselike automobile. There were three men in it.
It came to a stop just over them and for some minutes, the
driver looked down with a steady expressionless gaze to where
they were sitting, and didn't speak. Then he turned his head and
muttered something to the other two and they got out. One was
a fat boy in black trousers and a red sweat shirt with a silver
stallion embossed on the front of it. He moved around on the
right side of them and stood staring, his mouth partly open in a
kind of loose grin. The other had on khaki pants and a blue
striped coat and a gray hat pulled down very low, hiding most
of his face. He came around slowly on the left side. Neither
The driver got out of the car and stood by the side of it, looking
down at them. He was an older man than the other two. His hair
was just beginning to gray and he wore silver-rimmed
spectacles that gave him a scholarly look. He had a long creased
face and didn't have on any shirt or undershirt. He had on blue
jeans that were too tight for him and was holding a black hat
and a gun. The two boys also had guns.
"We've had an ACCIDENT!" the children screamed.
The grandmother had the peculiar feeling that the bespectacled
man was someone she knew. His face was as familiar to her as
if she had known him all her life but she could not recall who
he was. He moved away from the car and began to come down
the embankment, placing his feet carefully so that he wouldn't
slip. He had on tan and white shoes and no socks, and his ankles
were red and thin. "Good afternoon," he said. "I see you all had
you a little spill."
"We turned over twice!" said the grandmother.
"Once", he corrected. "We seen it happen. Try their car and see
will it run, Hiram," he said quietly to the boy with the gray hat.
"What you got that gun for?" John Wesley asked. "Whatcha
gonna do with that gun?"
"Lady," the man said to the children's mother, "would you mind
calling them children to sit down by you? Children make me
nervous. I want all you all to sit down right together there
where you're at."
"What are you telling US what to do for?" June Star asked.
Behind them the line of woods gaped like a dark open mouth.
"Come here," said their mother.
"Look here now," Bailey began suddenly, "we're in a
predicament! We're in . . ."
The grandmother shrieked. She scrambled to her feet and stood
staring. "You're The Misfit!" she said. "I recognized you at
"Yes'm," the man said, smiling slightly as if he were pleased in
spite of himself to be known, "but it would have been better for
all of you, lady, if you hadn't of reckernized me."
Bailey turned his head sharply and said something to his mother
that shocked even the children. The old lady began to cry and
The Misfit reddened.
"Lady," he said, "don't you get upset. Sometimes a man says
things he don't mean. I don't reckon he meant to talk to you
"You wouldn't shoot a lady, would you?" the grandmother said
and removed a clean handkerchief from her cuff and began to
slap at her eyes with it.
The Misfit pointed the toe of his shoe into the ground and made
a little hole and then covered it up again. "I would hate to have
to," he said.
"Listen," the grandmother almost screamed, "I know you're a
good man. You don't look a bit like you have common blood. I
know you must come from nice people!"
"Yes mam," he said, "finest people in the world." When he
smiled he showed a row of strong white teeth. "God never made
a finer woman than my mother and my daddy's heart was pure
gold," he said. The boy with the red sweat shirt had come
around behind them and was standing with his gun at his hip.
The Misfit squatted down on the ground. "Watch them children,
Bobby Lee," he said. "You know they make me nervous." He
looked at the six of them huddled together in front of him and
he seemed to be embarrassed as if he couldn't think of anything
to say. "Ain't a cloud in the sky," he remarked, looking up at it.
"Don't see no sun but don't see no cloud neither."
"Yes, it's a beautiful day," said the grandmother. "Listen," she
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  • 1. The Life You Save May Be Your Own Flannery O'Connor THE old woman and her daughter were sitting on their porch when Mr. Shiftlet came up their road for the first time. The old woman slid to the edge of her chair and leaned forward, shading her eyes from the piercing sunset with her hand. The daughter could not see far in front of her and continued to play with her fingers. Although the old woman lived in this desolate spot with only her daughter and she had never seen Mr. Shiftlet before, she could tell, even from a distance, that he was a tramp and no one to be afraid of. His left coat sleeve was folded up to show there was only half an arm in it and his gaunt figure listed slightly to the side as if the breeze were pushing him. He had on a black town suit and a brown felt hat that was turned up in the front and down in the back and he carried a tin tool box by a handle. He came on, at an amble, up her road, his face turned toward the sun which appeared to be balancing itself on the peak of a small mountain. The old woman didn't change her position until he was almost into her yard; then she rose with one hand fisted on her hip. The daughter, a large girl in a short blue organdy dress, saw him all at once and jumped up and began to stamp and point and make excited speechless sounds. Mr. Shiftlet stopped just inside the yard and set his box on the ground and tipped his hat at her as if she were not in the least afflicted; then he turned toward the old woman and swung the hat all the way off. He had long black slick hair that hung flat from a part in the middle to beyond the tips of his ears on either side. His face descended in forehead for more than half its length and ended suddenly with his features just balanced over a jutting steeltrap jaw. He seemed to be a young man but he had a look of composed dissatisfaction as if he understood life thoroughly.
  • 2. "Good evening," the old woman said. She was about the size of a cedar fence post and she had a man's gray hat pulled down low over her head. The tramp stood looking at her and didn't answer. He turned his back and faced the sunset. He swung both his whole and his short arm up slowly so that they indicated an expanse of sky and his figure formed a crooked cross. The old woman watched him with her arms folded across her chest as if she were the owner of the sun, and the daughter watched, her head thrust forward and her fat helpless hands hanging at the wrists. She had long pinkgold hair and eyes as blue as a peacock's neck. He held the pose for almost fifty seconds and then he picked up his box and came on to the porch and dropped down on the bottom step. "Lady," he said in a firm nasal voice, "I'd give a fortune to live where I could see me a sun do that every evening." "Does it every evening," the old woman said and sat back down. The daughter sat down too and watched him with a cautious sly look as if he were a bird that had come up very close. He leaned to one side, rooting in his pants pocket, and in a second he brought out a package of chewing gum and offered her a piece. She took it and unpeeled it and began to chew without taking her eyes off him. He offered the old woman a piece but she only raised her upper lip to indicate she had no teeth. Mr. Shiftlet's pale sharp glance had already passed over everything in the yardthe pump near the comer of the house and the big fig tree that three or four chickens were preparing to roost inand had moved to a shed where he saw the square rusted back of an automobile. "You ladies drive?" he asked. "That car ain't run in fifteen year," the old woman said. "The day my husband died, it quit running." "Nothing is like it used to be, lady," he said. "The world is almost rotten." "That's right," the old woman said. "You from around here?" "Name Tom T. Shiftlet," he murmured, looking at the tires. "I'm pleased to meet you," the old woman said. "Name Lucynell
  • 3. Crater and daughter Lucynell Crater. What you doing around here, Mr. Shiftlet?" He judged the car to be about a 1928 or '29 Ford. "'Lady," he said, and turned and gave her his full attention, "lemme tell you something. There's one of these doctors in Atlanta that's taken a knife and cut the human heartthe human heart," he repeated, leaning forward, "out of a man's chest and held it in his hand," and he held his hand out, palm up, as if it were slightly weighted with the human heart, "and studied it like it was a dayold chicken, and lady," he said, allowing a long significant pause in which his head slid forward and his claycolored eyes brightened, "he don't know no more about it than you or me." "That's right," the old woman said. "Why, if he was to take that knife and cut into every corner of it, he still wouldn't know no more than you or me. What you want to bet?" "Nothing," the old woman said wisely. "Where you come from, Mr. Shiftlet?" He didn't answer. He reached into his pocket and brought out a sack of tobacco and a package of cigarette papers and rolled himself a cigarette, expertly with one hand, and attached it in a hanging position to his upper lip. Then he took a box of wooden matches from his pocket and struck one on his shoe. He held the burning match as if he were studying the mystery of flame while it traveled dangerously toward his skin. The daughter began to make loud noises and to point to his hand and shake her finger at him, but when the flame was just before touching him, he leaned down with his hand cupped over it as if he were going to set fire to his nose and lit the cigarette. He flipped away the dead match and blew a stream of gray into the evening. A sly look came over his face. "Lady," he said, "nowadays, people'll do anything anyways. I can tell you my name is Tom T. Shiftlet and I come from Tarwater, Tennessee, but you never have seen me before: how you know I ain't lying? How you know my name ain't Aaron Sparks, lady, and I come from Singleberry, Georgia, or how you know it's not George
  • 4. Speeds and I come from Lucy, Alabama, or how you know I ain't Thompson Bright from Toolafalls, Mississippi?" "I don't know nothing about you," the old woman muttered, irked. "Lady," he said, "people don't care how they lie. Maybe the best I can tell you is, I'm a man; but listen lady," he said and paused and made his tone more ominous still, "what is a man?" The old woman began to gum a seed. "What you carry in that tin box, Mr. Shiftlet?" she asked. "Tools," he said, put back. "I'm a carpenter." "Well, if you come out here to work, I'll be able to feed you and give you a place to sleep but I can't pay. I'll tell you that before you begin," she said. There was no answer at once and no particular expression on his face. He leaned back against the twobyfour that helped support the porch roof. "Lady," he said slowly, "there's some men that some things mean more to them than money." The old woman rocked without comment and the daughter watched the trigger that moved up and down in his neck. He told the old woman then that all most people were interested in was money, but he asked what a man was made for. He asked her if a. man was made for money, or what. He asked her what she thought she was made for but she didn't answer, she only sat rocking and wondered if a onearmed man could put a new roof on her garden house. He asked a lot of questions that she didn't answer. He told her that he was twentyeight years old and had lived a varied life. He had been a gospel singer, a foreman on the railroad, an assistant in an undertaking parlor, and he had come over the radio for three months with Uncle Roy and his Red Creek Wranglers. He said he had fought and bled in the Arm Service of his country and visited every foreign land and that everywhere he had seen people that didn't care if they did a thing one way or another. He said he hadn't been raised thataway. A fat yellow moon appeared in the branches of the fig tree as if it were going to roost there with the chickens. He said that a
  • 5. man had to escape to the country to see the world whole and that he wished he lived in a desolate place like this where he could see the sun go down every evening like God made it to do. "Are you married or are you single?" the old woman asked. There was a long silence. "Lady," he asked finally, "where would you find you an innocent woman today'? I wouldn't have any of this trash I could just pick up." The daughter was leaning very far down, hanging her head almost between her knees, watching him through a triangular door she had made in her overturned hair; and she suddenly fell in a heap on the floor and began to whimper. Mr. Shiftlet straightened her out and helped her get back in the chair. "Is she your baby girl?" he asked. "My only," the old woman said, "and she's the sweetest girl in the world. I wouldn't give her up for nothing on earth. She's smart too. She can sweep the floor, cook, wash, feed the chickens, and hoe. I wouldn't give her up for a casket of jewels." "No," he said kindly, "don't ever let any man take her away from you." "Any man come after her," the old woman said, " 'll have to stay around the place." Mr. Shiftlet's eye in the darkness was focused on a part of the automobile bumper that glittered in the distance. "Lady," he said, jerking his short arm up as if he could point with it to her house and yard and pump, "there ain't a broken thing on this plantation that I couldn't fix for you, onearm jackleg or not. I'm a man," he said with a sullen dignity, "even if I ain't a whole one. I got," he said, tapping his knuckles on the floor to emphasize the immensity of what he was going to say, "a moral intelligence!" and his face pierced out of the darkness into a shaft of doorlight and he stared at her as if he were astonished himself at this impossible truth. The old woman was not impressed with the phrase. "I told you you could hang around and work for food," she said, "if you
  • 6. don't mind sleeping in that car yonder." "Why listen, Lady," he said with a grin of delight, "the monks of old slept in their coffins!" "They wasn't as advanced as we are," the old woman said. The next morning he began on the roof of the garden house while Lucynell, the daughter, sat on a rock and watched him work. He had not been around a week before the change he had made in the place was apparent. He had patched the front and back steps, built a new hog pen, restored a fence, and taught Lucynell, who was completely deaf and had never said a word in her life, to say the word "bird." The big rosyfaced girl followed him everywhere, saying "Burrttddt ddbirrrttdt," and clapping her hands. The old woman watched from a distance, secretly pleased. She was ravenous for a soninlaw. Mr. Shiftlet slept on the hard narrow back seat of the car with his feet out the side window. He had his razor and a can of water on a crate that served him as a bedside table and he put up a piece of mirror against the back glass and kept his coat neatly on a hanger that he hung over one of the windows. In the evenings he sat on the steps and talked while the old woman and Lucynell rocked violently in their chairs on either side of him. The old woman's three mountains were black against the dark blue sky and were visited off and on by various planets and by the moon after it had left the chickens. Mr. Shiftlet pointed out that the reason he had improved this plantation was because he had taken a personal interest in it. He said he was even going to make the automobile run. He had raised the hood and studied the mechanism and he said he could tell that the car had been built in the days when cars were really built. “You take now,” he said, “one man puts in one bolt and another man puts in another bolt and another man puts in another bolt so that it's a man for a bolt. That's why you have to 'pay so much for a car: you’re paying all those men. Now if you didn't have to pay but one man, you could get you a
  • 7. cheaper car and one that had had a personal interest taken in it, and it would be a better car.” The old woman agreed with him that this was so. Mr. Shiftlet said that the trouble with the world was that nobody cared, or stopped and took any trouble. He said he never would have been able to teach Lucynell to say a word if he hadn't cared and stopped long enough. "Teach her to say something else," the old woman said. "What you want her to say next?" Mr. Shiftlet asked. The old woman's smile was broad and toothless and suggestive. "Teach her to say 'sugarpie,'" she said. Mr. Shiftlet already knew what was on her mind. The next day he began to tinker with the automobile and that evening he told her that if she would buy a fan belt, he would be able to make the car run. The old woman said she would give him the money. "You see that girl yonder?" she asked, pointing to Lucynell who was sitting on the floor a foot away, watching him, her eyes blue even in the dark. "If it was ever a man wanted to take her away, I would say, 'No man on earth is going to take that sweet girl of mine away from me!' but if he was to say, 'Lady, I don't want to take her away, I want her right here,' I would say, 'Mister, I don't blame you none. I wouldn't pass up a chance to live in a permanent place and get the sweetest girl in the world myself. You ain't no fool,' I would say.” "How old is she?" Mr. Shiftlet asked casually. "Fifteen, sixteen," the old woman said. The girl was nearly thirty but because of her innocence it was impossible to guess. "It would be a good idea to paint it too," Mr. Shiftlet remarked. "You don't want it to rust out." "We'll see about that later," the old woman said. The next day he walked into town and returned with the parts he needed and a can of gasoline. Late in the afternoon, terrible noises issued from the shed and the old woman rushed out of the house, thinking Lucynell was somewhere having a fit. Lucynell was sitting on a chicken crate, stamping her feet and screaming,
  • 8. "Burrddttt! bddurrddtttt!" but her fuss was drowned out by the car. With a volley of blasts it emerged from the shed, moving in a fierce and stately way. Mr. Shiftlet was in the driver's seat, sitting very erect. He had an expression of serious modesty on his face as if he had just raised the dead. That night, rocking on the porch, the old woman began her business at once. "You want you an innocent woman, don't you?" she asked sympathetically. "You don't want none of this trash." "No'm, I don't," Mr. Shiftlet said. "One that can't talk," she continued, "can't sass you back or use foul language. That's the kind for you to have. Right there," and she pointed to Lucynell sitting crosslegged in her chair, holding both feet in her hands. "That's right," he admitted. "She wouldn't give me any trouble." "Saturday," the old woman said, "you and her and me can drive into town and get married." Mr. Shiftlet eased his position on the steps. "I can't get married right now," he said. "Everything you want to do takes money and I ain't got any." "What you need with money?" she asked. "It takes money," he said. "Some people'll do anything anyhow these days, but the way I think, I wouldn't marry no woman that I couldn't take on a trip like she was somebody. I mean take her to a hotel and treat her. I wouldn't marry the Duchesser Windsor," he said firmly, "unless I could take her to a hotel and give her something good to eat. "I was raised thataway and there ain't a thing I can do about it. My old mother taught me how to do." "Lucynell don't even know what a hotel is," the old woman muttered. "Listen here, Mr. Shiftlet," she said, sliding forward in her chair, "you'd be getting a permanent house and a deep well and the most innocent girl in the world. You don't need no money. Lemme tell you something: there ain't any place in the world for a poor disabled friendless drifting man." The ugly words settled in Mr. Shiftlet's head like a group of
  • 9. buzzards in the top of a tree. He didn't answer at once. He rolled himself a cigarette and lit it and then he said in an even voice, "Lady, a man is divided into two parts, body and spirit." The old woman clamped her gums together. "A body and a spirit," he repeated. "The body, lady, is like a house: it don't go anywhere; but the spirit, lady, is like a automobile: always on the move, always . . ." "Listen, Mr. Shiftlet," she said, "my well never goes dry and my house is always warm in the winter and there's no mortgage on a thing about this place. You can go to the courthouse and see for yourself And yonder under that shed is a fine automobile." She laid the bait carefully. "You can have it painted by Saturday. I'll pay for the paint." In the darkness, Mr. Shiftlet's smile stretched like a weary snake waking up by a fire. After a second he recalled himself and said, "I'm only saying a man's spirit means more to him than anything else. I would have to take my wife off for the week end without no regards at all for cost. I got to follow where my spirit says to go." "I'll give you fifteen dollars for a weekend trip," the old woman said in a crabbed voice. "That's the best I can do." "That wouldn't hardly pay for more than the gas and the hotel," he said. "It wouldn't feed her." "Seventeenfifty," the old woman said. "That's all I got so it isn't any use you trying to milk me. You can take a lunch." Mr. Shiftlet was deeply hurt by the word "milk." He didn't doubt that she had more money sewed up in her mattress but he had already told her he was not interested in her money. "I'll make that do," he said and rose and walked off without treating with her further. On Saturday the three of them drove into town in the car that the paint had barely dried on and Mr. Shiftlet and Lucynell were married in the Ordinary's office while the old woman witnessed. As they came out of the courthouse, Mr. Shiftlet began twisting his neck in his collar. He looked morose and bitter as if he had been insulted while someone held him. "That didn't satisfy me
  • 10. none," he said. "That was just something a woman in an office did, nothing but paper work and blood tests. What do they know about my blood? If they was to take my heart and cut it out," he said, "they wouldn't know a thing about me. It didn't satisfy me at all." "It satisfied the law," the old woman said sharply. 'The law," Mr. Shiftlet said and spit. "It's the law that don't satisfy me." He had painted the car dark green with a yellow band around it just under the windows. The three of them climbed in the front seat and the old woman said, "Don't Lucynell look pretty? Looks like a baby doll." Lucynell was dressed up in a white dress that her mother had uprooted from a trunk and there was a Panama hat on her head with a bunch of red wooden cherries on the brim. Every now and then her placid expression was changed by a sly isolated little thought like a shoot of green in the desert. "You got a prize!" the old woman said. Mr. Shiftlet didn't even look at her. They drove back to the house to let the old woman off and pick up the lunch. When they were ready to leave, she stood staring in the window of the car, with her fingers clenched around the glass. Tears began to seep sideways out of her eyes and run along the dirty creases in her face. "I ain't ever been parted with her for two days before," she said. Mr. Shiftlet started the motor. "And I wouldn't let no man have her but you because I seen you would do right. Goodby, Sugarbaby," she said, clutching at the sleeve of the white dress. Lucynell looked straight at her and didn't seem to see her there at all. Mr. Shiftlet eased the car forward so that she had to move her hands. The early afternoon was clear and open and surrounded by pale blue sky. Although the car would go only thirty miles an hour, Mr. Shiftlet imagined a terrific climb and dip and swerve that went entirely to his head so that he forgot his morning bitterness. He had always wanted an automobile but he had never been able to afford one before. He drove very fast
  • 11. because he wanted to make Mobile by nightfall. Occasionally he stopped his thoughts long enough to look at Lucynell in the seat beside him. She had eaten the lunch as soon as they were out of the yard and now she was pulling the cherries off the hat one by one and throwing them out the window. He became depressed in spite of the car. He had driven about a hundred miles when he decided that she must be hungry again and at the next small town they came to, he stopped in front of an aluminumpainted eating place called The Hot Spot and took her in and ordered her a plate of ham and grits. The ride had made her sleepy and as soon as she got up on the stool, she rested her head on the counter and shut her eyes. There was no one in The Hot Spot but Mr. Shiftlet and the boy behind the counter, a pale youth with a greasy rag hung over his shoulder. Before he could dish up the food, she was snoring gently. "Give it to her when she wakes up," Mr. Shiftlet said. "I'll pay for it now." The boy bent over her and stared at the long pinkgold hair and the halfshut sleeping eyes. Then he looked up and stared at Mr. Shiftlet. "She looks like an angel of Gawd," he murmured. "Hitchhiker," Mr. Shiftlet explained. "I can't wait. I got to make Tuscaloosa." The boy bent over again and very carefully touched his finger to a strand of the golden hair and Mr. Shiftlet left. He was more depressed than ever as he drove on by himself. The late afternoon had grown hot and sultry and the country had flattened out. Deep in the sky a storm was preparing very slowly and without thunder as if it meant to drain every drop of air from the earth before it broke. There were times when Mr. Shiftlet preferred not to be alone. He felt too that a man with a car had a responsibility to others and he kept his eye out for a hitchhiker. Occasionally he saw a sign that warned: "Drive carefully. The life you save may be your own." The narrow road dropped off on either side into dry fields and here and there a shack or a filling station stood in a clearing. The sun began to set directly in front of the automobile. It was a
  • 12. reddening ball that through his windshield was slightly flat on the bottom and top. He saw a boy in overalls and a gray hat standing on the edge of the road and he slowed the car down and stopped in front of him. The boy didn't have his hand raised to thumb the ride, he was only standing there, but he had a small cardboard suitcase and his hat was set on his head in a way to indicate that he had left somewhere for good. "Son," Mr. Shiftlet said, "I see you want a ride." The boy didn't say he did or he didn't but he opened the door of the car and got in, and Mr. Shiftlet started driving again. The child held the suitcase on his lap and folded his arms on top of it. He turned his head and looked out the window away from Mr. Shiftlet. Mr. Shiftlet felt oppressed. "Son," he said after a minute, "I got the best old mother in the world so I reckon you only got the second best." The boy gave him a quick dark glance and then turned his face back out the window. "It's nothing so sweet," Mr. Shiftlet continued, "as a boy's mother. She taught him his first prayers at her knee, she give him love when no other would, she told him what was right and what wasn't, and she seen that he done the right thing. Son," he said, "I never rued a day in my life like the one I rued when I left that old mother of mine." The boy shifted in his seat but he didn't look at Mr. Shiftlet. He unfolded his arms and put one hand on the door handle. "My mother was a angel of Gawd," Mr. Shiftlet said in a very strained voice. "He took her from heaven and giver to me and I left her." His eyes were instantly clouded over with a mist of tears. The car was barely moving. The boy turned angrily in the seat. "You go to the devil!" he cried. "My old woman is a flea bag and yours is a stinking pole cat!" and with that he flung the door open and jumped out with his suitcase into the ditch. Mr. Shiftlet was so shocked that for about a hundred feet he drove along slowly with the door stiff open. A cloud, the exact color of the boy's hat and shaped like a turnip, had descended
  • 13. over the sun, and another, worse looking, crouched behind the car. Mr. Shiftlet felt that the rottenness of the world was about to engulf him. He raised his arm and let it fall again to his breast. "Oh Lord!" he prayed. "Break forth and wash the slime from this earth!" The turnip continued slowly to descend. After a few minutes there was a guffawing peal of thunder from behind and fantastic raindrops, like tincan tops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car. Very quickly he stepped on the gas and with his stump sticking out the window he raced the galloping shower into Mobile. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 1 Revelation From, Everything That Rises Must Converge By Flannery O’Connor The Doctor’s waiting room, which was very small, was almost full when the Turpins entered and Mrs. Turpin, who was very large, made it look even smaller by her presence. She stood looming at the head of the
  • 14. magazine table set in the center of it, a living demonstration that the room was inadequate and ridiculous. Her little bright black eyes took in all the patients as she sized up the seating situation. There was one vacant chair and a place on the sofa occupied by a blond child in a dirty blue romper who should have been told to move over and make room for the lady. He was five or six, but Mrs. Turpin saw at once that no one was going to tell him to move over. He was slumped down in the seat, his arms idle at his sides and his eyes idle in his head; his nose ran unchecked. Mrs. Turpin put a firm hand on Claud's shoulder and said in a voice that included anyone who wanted to listen, "Claud, you sit in that chair there," and gave him a push down into the vacant one. Claud was florid and bald and sturdy, somewhat shorter than Mrs. Turpin, but he
  • 15. sat down as if he were accustomed to doing what she told him to. Mrs. Turpin remained standing. The only man in the room besides Claud was a lean stringy old fellow with a rusty hand spread out on each knee, whose eyes were closed as if he were asleep or dead or pretending to be so as not to get up and offer her his seat. Her gaze PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 2 settled agreeably on a well-dressed grey-haired lady whose eyes met hers and whose expression said: if that child belonged to me, he would have some manners and move over-there's plenty of room there for you and him too. Claud looked up with a sigh and made as if to rise. "Sit down," Mrs. Turpin said. "You know you're not supposed to
  • 16. stand on that leg. He has an ulcer on his leg," she explained. Claud lifted his foot onto the magazine table and rolled his trouser leg up to reveal a purple swelling on a plump marble white calf. "My!" the pleasant lady said. "How did you do that?" "A cow kicked him," Mrs. Turpin said. "Goodness!" said the lady. Claud rolled his trouser leg down. "Maybe the little boy would move over," the lady suggested, but the child did not stir. "Somebody will be leaving in a minute," Mrs. Turpin said. She could not understand why a doctor-with as much money as they made charging five dollars a day to just stick their head in the hospital door and look at you-couldn't afford a decent-sized waiting room. This one PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05
  • 17. 3 was hardly bigger than a garage. The table was cluttered with limp- looking magazines and at one end of it there was a big green glass ashtray full of cigarette butts and cotton wads with little blood spots on them. If she had had anything to do with the running of the place, that would have been emptied every so often. There were no chairs against the wall at the head of the room. It had a rectangular-shaped panel in it that permitted a view of the office where the nurse came and went and the secretary listened to the radio. A plastic fern, in a gold pot sat in the opening and trailed its fronds down almost to the floor. The radio was softly playing gospel music. Just then the inner door opened and a nurse with the highest stack of yellow hair Mrs. Turpin had ever seen put her face in the crack
  • 18. and called for the next patient. The woman sitting beside Claud grasped the two arms of her chair and hoisted herself up; she pulled her dress free from her legs and lumbered through the door where the nurse had disappeared. Mrs. Turpin eased into the vacant chair, which held her tight as a corset. "I wish I could reduce," she said, and rolled her eyes and gave a comic sigh. "Oh, you aren't fat," the stylish lady said. "Ooooo I am too," Mrs. Turpin said. "Claud he eats all he wants to and never weighs over one hundred and seventy-five pounds, but me I just look at something good to eat and I gain some weight," and her PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 4
  • 19. stomach and shoulders shook with laughter. "You can eat all you want to, can't YOU, Claud?" she asked, turning to him. Claud only grinned. "Well, as long as you have such a good disposition," the stylish lady said, "I don't think it makes a bit of difference what size you are. You just can't beat a good disposition." Next to her was a fat girl of eighteen or nineteen, scowling into a thick blue book which Mrs. Turpin saw was entitled Human Development. The girl raised her head and directed her scowl at Mrs. Turpin as if she did not like her looks. She appeared annoyed that anyone should speak while she tried to read. The poor girl's face was blue with acne and Mrs. Turpin thought how pitiful it was to have a face like that at that age. She gave the girl a friendly smile but the girl only scowled the harder.
  • 20. Mrs. Turpin herself was fat but she had always had good skin, and, though she was forty-seven years old, there was not a wrinkle in her face except around her eyes from laughing too much. Next to the ugly girl was the child, still in exactly the same position, and next to him was a thin leathery old woman in a cotton print dress. She and Claud had three sacks of chicken feed in their pump house that was in the same print. She had seen from the first that the child belonged with the old woman. She could tell by the way they sat- kind of vacant and white-trashy, as if they would sit there until Doomsday if nobody called and told them to get up. And at right angles but next to the well-dressed pleasant lady was a lank-faced woman who was PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 5
  • 21. certainly the child's mother. She had on a yellow sweatshirt and wine- colored slacks, both gritty-looking, and the rims of her lips were stained with snuff. Her dirty yellow hair was tied behind with a little piece of red paper ribbon. Worse than niggers any day, Mrs. Turpin thought. The gospel hymn playing was, "When I looked up and He looked down," and Mrs. Turpin, who knew it, supplied the last line mentally, "And wona these days I know I'll we-eara crown. Without appearing to, Mrs. Turpin always noticed people's feet. The well-dressed lady had on red and grey suede shoes to match her dress. Mrs. Turpin had on her good black patent -leather pumps. The ugly girl had on Girl Scout shoes and heavy socks. The old woman had on tennis shoes and the white-trashy mother had on what appeared
  • 22. to be bedroom slippers, black straw with gold braid threaded through them- exactly what you would have expected her to have on. Sometimes at night when she couldn't go to sleep, Mrs. Turpin would occupy herself with the question of who she would have chosen to be if she couldn't have been herself. If Jesus had said to her before he made her, "There's only two places available for you. You can either be a nigger or white trash," what would she have said? "Please, Jesus, please," she would have said, "Just let me wait until there's another place available," and he would have said, "No, you have to go right now", and I have only those two places so make up your mind." She would have wiggled and squirmed and begged and pleaded but it would have been no use and finally she would have said, "All right,
  • 23. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 6 make me a nigger then-but that don't mean a trashy one." And he would have made her a near clean respectable Negro woman, herself but black. Next to the child's mother was a redheaded youngish woman, reading one of the magazines and working a piece of chewing gum, hell for leather, as Claud would say. Mrs. Turpin could not see the woman's feet. She was not white trash, just common. Sometimes Mrs. Turpin occupied herself at night naming the classes of people. On the bottom of the heap were most colored people, not the kind she would have been if she had been one, but most of them; then next to them -- not above, just away from -- were the white-trash; then above them
  • 24. were the home-owners, and above them the home-and-land owners, to which she and Claud belonged, Above she and Claud were people with a lot of money and much bigger houses and much more land. But here the complexity of it would begin to bear in on her, for some of the people with a lot of money were common and ought to be below she and Claud and some of the people who had good blood had lost their money and had to rent and then there some colored people who owned their homes and land as well. There was a colored dentist in town who had two red Lincoln’s and a swimming pool and a farm with registered whiteface cattle on it. Usually by the time she had fallen asleep all the classes of people were moiling and roiling around in her head, and she would dream they were all crammed in together in a box
  • 25. car, being ridden off to be put in a gas oven. "That's a beautiful clock," she said and nodded to her right. It was a big wall clock, the face encased in a brass sunburst. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 7 "Yes, it's very pretty," the stylish lady said agreeably. "And right on the dot too," she added, glancing at her watch. The ugly girl beside her cast an eye upward at the clock, smirked, then looked directly at Mrs. Turpin and smirked again. Then she returned her eyes to her book. She was obviously the lady's daughter because, although they didn't look anything alike as to disposition, they both had the same shape of face and the same blue eyes. On the lady they sparkled pleasantly but in the girl's scared face they appeared alternately to smolder and to blaze.
  • 26. What if Jesus had said, "All right, you can be white-trash or a nigger or ugly"! Mrs. Turpin felt an awful pity for the girl, though she thought it was one thing to be ugly and another to act ugly. The woman with the snuff-stained lips turned around in her chair and looked up at the clock. Then she turned back and appeared to look a little to the side of Mrs. Turpin. There was a cast in one of her eyes. "You want to know where you can get you one of them there clocks?" she asked in a loud voice. No , I already have a nice clock," Mrs. Turpin said. Once somebody like her got a leg in the conversation, she would be all over it. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 8
  • 27. "You can get you one with green stamps," the woman said. "That's most likely where he got hisn. Save you up enough, you can get you most anythang. I got me some joo’ry.” Ought to have got you a wash rag and some soap, Mrs. Turpin thought. "I get contour sheets with mine," the pleasant lady said. The daughter slammed her book shut. She looked straight in front of her, directly through Mrs. Turpin and on through the yellow curtain and the plate glass window which made the wall behind her. The girl's eyes seemed lit all of a sudden with a peculiar light, an unnatural light like night road signs give. Mrs. Turpin turned her head to see if there was anything going on outside that she should see, but she could not see anything. Figures passing cast only a pate shadow through the curtain. There was no reason the girl should single her out for her ugly
  • 28. looks. "Miss Finley," the nurse said, cracking the door. The gum- chewing woman got up and passed in front of her and Claud and went into the office. She had on red high-heeled shoes. Directly across the table, the ugly girl's eyes were fixed on Mrs. Turpin as if she had some very special reason for disliking her. "This is wonderful weather, isn't it?" the girl's mother said. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 9 “It's good weather for cotton if you can get the niggers to pick it," Mrs. Turpin said, "but niggers don't want to pick cotton any more. You can't get the white folks to pick it and now you can't get the niggers because they got to be right up there with the white folks." "They gonna try anyways," the white-trash woman said, leaning
  • 29. forward. "Do you have one of those cotton-picking machines?" the pleasant lady asked. "No," Mrs. Turpin said, "they leave half the cotton in the field. We don't have much cotton anyway. If you want to make it farming now, you have to have a little of everything. We got a couple of acres of cotton and a few hogs and chickens and just enough white-face that Claud can look after them himself "One thang I don't want," the white-trash woman said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Hogs. Nasty stinking things, a- gruntin and a-rootin all over the place." Mrs. Turpin gave her the merest edge of her attention. "Our hogs are not dirty and they don't stink," she said. "They're cleaner than some
  • 30. children I've seen. Their feet never touch the ground. We have a pig- parlor- that's where you raise them on concrete," she explained to the pleasant lady, "and Claud scoots them down with the hose every afternoon and washes off the floor." Cleaner by far than that child right PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 10 there, she thought. Poor nasty little thing. He had not moved except to put the thumb of his dirty hand into his mouth. The woman turned her face away from Mrs. Turpin. "I know I wouldn't scoot down no hog with no hose," she said to the wall. You wouldn't have no hog to scoot down, Mrs. Turpin said to herself. "A-gruntin and a-rootin and a-groanin," the woman muttered. "We got a little of everything," Mrs. Turpin said to the pleasant lady. "It's no use in having more than you can handle yourself with
  • 31. help like it is. We found enough niggers to pick our cotton this year but Claud he has to go after them and take them home'again in the evening. They can't walk that half a mile. No they can't. I tell you," she said and laughed merrily, "I sure am tired of butter'ing up niggers, but you got to love em if you want em to work for you. When they come in the morning, I run out and I say, “How yal this morning?' and when Claud drives them off to the field I just wave to beat the band and they just wave back." And she waved her hand rapidly to illustrate. "Like you read out of the same book," the lady said, showing she understood perfectly. "Child, yes," Mrs. Turpin said. "And when they come in from the field, I run out with a bucket of ice water. That's the way it's going to be from
  • 32. now on," she said. "You may as well face it." PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 11 "One thang I know," the white-trash woman said. "Two thangs I ain't going to do: love no niggers or scoot down no hog with no hose." And she let out a bark of contempt. The look that Mrs. Turpin and the pleasant lady exchanged indicated they both understood that you had to have certain things before you could know certain things. But every time Mrs. Turpin exchanged a look with the lady, she was aware that the ugly girl's peculiar eyes were still on her, and she had trouble bringing her attention back to the conversation. "When you got something," she said, "you got to look after it." And
  • 33. when you ain't got a thing but breath and britches, she added to herself, you can afford to come to town every morning and just sit on the Court House coping and spit. A grotesque revolving shadow passed across the curtain behind her and was thrown palely on the opposite wall. Then a bicycle clattered down against the outside of the building. The door opened and a colored boy glided in with a tray from the drug store. It had two large red and white paper cups on it with tops on them. He was a tall, very black boy in discolored white pants and a green nylon shirt. He was chewing gum slowly, as if to music. He set the tray down in the office opening next to the fern and stuck his head through to look for the secretary. She was not in there. He rested his arms on the ledge and waited, his narrow bottom stuck out, swaying slowly to the left and
  • 34. right. He raised a hand over his head and scratched the base of his skull. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 12 "You see that button there, boy?" Mrs. Turpin said. "You can punch that and she'll come. She's probably in the back somewhere." "Is thas right?" the boy said agreeably, as if he had never seen the button before. He leaned to the right and put his finger on it. "She sometime out," he said and twisted around to face his audience, his elbows behind him on the counter. The nurse appeared and he twisted back again. She handed him a dollar and he rooted in his pocket and made the change and counted it out to her. She gave him fifteen cents for a tip and he went out with the empty tray. The heavy door swung to
  • 35. slowly and closed at length with the sound of suction. For a moment no one spoke. "They ought to send all them niggers back to Africa," the white trash woman said. “That's wher they come from in first place." "Oh, I couldn't do without my good colored friends," the pleasant lady said. "There's a heap of things worse than a nigger," Mrs. Turpin agreed. "It's all kinds of them just like it's all kinds of us." "Yes, and it takes all kinds to make the world go round," the lady said in her musical voice. As she said it, the raw-complexioned girl snapped her teeth together. Her lower lip turned downwards and inside out, revealing the pale pink PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05
  • 36. 13 inside of her mouth. After a second it rolled back up. It was the ugliest face Mrs. Turpin had ever seen anyone make and for a moment she was certain that the girl had made it at her. She was looking at her as if she had known and disliked her all her life-all of Mrs. Turpin's life, it seemed too, not just all the girl's life. Why, girl, I don't even know you, Mrs. Turpin said silently. She forced her attention back to the discussion. "It wouldn't be practical to send them back to Africa," she said. "They wouldn't want to go. They got it too good here." "Wouldn't be what they wanted-if I had anythang to do with it," the woman said. "It wouldn't be a way in the world you could get all the niggers back over there," Mrs. Turpin said. "They'd be hiding out and lying down
  • 37. and turning sick on you and wailing and hollering and raring and pitching. It wouldn't be a way in the world to get them over there." "They got over here," the trashy woman said. "Get back like they got over." "It wasn't so many of them then," Mrs. Turpin explained. The woman looked at Mrs. Turpin as if here was an idiot indeed but Mrs. Turpin was not bothered by the look, considering where it came from. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 14 "Nooo," she said, "they're going to stay here where they can go to New York and marry white folks and improve their color. That's what they all want to do, every one of them, improve their color."
  • 38. "You know what comes of that, don't you?" Claud asked. "No, Claud, what?" Mrs. Turpin said. Claud's eyes twinkled. "White-faced niggers," he said with never a smile. Everybody in the office laughed except the white-trash and the ugly girl. The girl gripped the book in her lap with white fingers. The trashy woman looked around her from face to face as if she thought they were all idiots. The old woman in the feed sack dress continued to gaze expressionless across the floor at the high-top shoes of the man opposite her, the one who had been pretending to be asleep when the Turpins came in. He was laughing heartily, his hands still spread out on his knees. The child had fallen to the side and was lying now almost face down in the old woman's lap. While they recovered from their laughter, the nasal chorus on the radio
  • 39. kept the room from silence. “You go to blank blank And I'll go to mine But we'll all blank along To-geth-ther, PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 15 And all along the blank We'll help each-other out Smile-ling in any kind of Weath-ther!" Mrs. Turpin didn't catch every word but she caught enough to agree with the spirit of the song and it turned her thoughts sober. To help anybody out that needed it was her philosophy of life. She never spared herself when she found somebody in need, whether they were white or black, trash or decent. And of all she had to be thankful for, she
  • 40. was most thankful that this was so. If Jesus had said, "You call be high society and have all the money you want and be thin and svelte- like, but you can't be a good woman with it," she would have had to say, "Well don't make me that then. Make me a good woman and it don’t matter what else, how fat or how ugly or how poor!" Her heart rose. He had not made her a nigger or white-trash or ugly! He had made her herself and given her a little of everything. Jesus, thank you! she said. Thank you thank you! Whenever she counted her blessings she felt as buoyant as if she weighed one hundred and twenty five pounds instead of one hundred and eighty. "What's wrong with your little boy?" the pleasant lady asked the white- trashy woman. "He has a ulcer," the woman said proudly. "He ain’t give me a
  • 41. minute's peace since he was born. Him and her are just alike," she said, nodding at the old woman, who was running her leathery fingers through the PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 16 child's pale hair. "Look like I can't get nothing down them two but Co' Cola and candy." That's all you try to get down em Mrs. Turpin said to herself. Too lazy to light the fire. There was nothing you could tell her about people like them that she didn't know already. And it was not just that they didn't have anything. Because if you gave them everything, in two weeks it would all be broken or filthy or they would have chopped it up for lightwood. She knew all this from her own experience. Help them you
  • 42. must, but help them you couldn't. All at once the ugly girl turned her lips inside out again. Her eyes were fixed like two drills on Mrs. Turpin. This time there was no mistaking that there was something urgent behind them. Girl, Mrs. Turpin exclaimed silently, I haven't done a thing to you! The girl might be confusing her with somebody else. There was no need to sit by and let herself be intimidated. "You must be in college," she said boldly, looking directly at the girl. "I see you reading a book there." The girl continued to state and pointedly did not answer. Her mother blushed at this rudeness. "The lady asked you a question, Mary Grace," she said under her breath. "I have ears," Mary Grace said. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05
  • 43. 17 The poor mother blushed again. "Mary Grace goes to Wellesley College," she explained. She twisted one of the buttons on her dress. "In Massachusetts, she added with a grimace. "And in the summer she just keeps right on studying. Just reads all the time, a real book worm. She's done real well at Wellesley; she's taking English and Math and History and Psychology and Social Studies," she rattled on "and I think it’s too much. I think she ought to get out and have fun." The girl looked as if she would like to hurl them all through the plate glass window. "Way up north," Mrs. Turpin murmured and thought, well, it hasn’t done much for her manners. "I'd almost rather to have him sick," the white-trash woman said, wrenching the attention back to herself. “He’s so mean when he
  • 44. ain’t. Look like some children just take natural to meanness. It's some gets bad when they get sick but, he was the opposite. Took sick and turned good. He don't give me no trouble now. It's me waitin to see the doctor," she said. If I was going to send anybody back to Africa, Mrs. Turpin thought, it would be your kind, woman. "Yes, indeed," she said aloud, but looking up at the ceiling, "It's a heap of things worse than a nigger." And dirtier than a hog, she added to herself PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 18 "I think people with bad dispositions are more to be pitied than anyone on earth," the pleasant lady said in a voice that was decidedly thin.
  • 45. "I thank the Lord he has blessed me with a good one," Mrs. Turpin said. "The day has never dawned that I couldn't find something to laugh at." "Not since she married me anyways," Claud said with a comical straight face. Everybody laughed except the girl and the white trash. Mrs. Turpin's stomach shook. "He's such a caution,” she said, "that I can't help but laugh at him." The girl made a loud ugly noise through her teeth. Her mother's mouth grew thin and tight. "I think the worst thing in the world," she said, "is an ungrateful person. To have everything and not appreciate it. I know a girl," she said, "who has parents who would give her anything, a little brother who loves her clearly, who is getting a good education, who wears the best clothes, but who can never say a
  • 46. kind word to anyone, who never smiles, who just criticizes and complains all day long." "Is she too old to paddle?" Claud asked. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 19 The girl's face was almost purple. "Yes," the lady said, "I'm afraid there's nothing to do but leave her to her folly. Some day she’ll wake up and it'll be too late." "It never hurt anyone to smile," Mrs. Turpin said. "It just makes you feel better all own" "Of course," the lady said sadly, "but there are just some people you can't tell anything to. They can't take criticism." "If it's one thing I am," Mrs. Turpin said with feeling, "It's grateful. When I think who all I could have been besides myself and what all I got, a little of everything, and a good disposition besides, I just
  • 47. feel like shouting, 'Thank you, Jesus, for making everything the way it is!' It could have been different!" For one thing, somebody else could have got Claud. At the thought of this, she was flooded with gratitude and a terrible pang of joy ran through her. "Oh thank you, Jesus, Jesus, thank you!" she cried aloud. The book struck her directly, over her left eye. It struck almost at the same instant that she realized the girl was about to hurl it. Before she could utter a sound, the raw face came crashing across the table toward her, howling. The girl's fingers sank like clamps the soft flesh of her neck. She heard the mother cry out and Claud shout, "Whoa!" There was an instant when she was certain that she was about to be in an earthquake.
  • 48. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 20 All at once her vision narrowed and she saw everything as if it were happening in a small room far away, or as if she were looking at it through the wrong end of a telescope. Claud’s face crumpled and fell out of sight. The nurse ran in, then out, then again. Then the gangling figure of the doctor rushed out of the inner door. Magazines flew this way and that as the table turned over. The girl fell with a thud and Mrs. Turpin's vision suddenly reversed itself and she saw everything large instead of small. The eyes of the white-trashy woman were staring hugely at the floor. There the girl, held down on one side by the nurse and on the other by her mother, was wrenching and turning in their grasp. The doctor was kneeling
  • 49. astride her, trying to hold her arm down. He managed after a second to sink a long needle into it. Mrs. Turpin felt entirely hollow except for her heart which swung from side to side as if it were agitated in a great empty drum of flesh. "Somebody that's not busy call for the ambulance," the doctor said in the off-hand voice young doctors adopt for terrible occasions. Mrs. Turpin could not have moved a finger. The old man who had been sitting next to her skipped nimbly into the office and made the call, for the secretary still seemed to be gone. "Claud!" Mrs. Turpin called. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 21 He was not in his chair. She knew she must jump up and find him but she felt like someone trying to catch a train in a dream, when
  • 50. everything moves in slow, motion and the faster you try to run the slower you go. "Here I am," a suffocated voice, very unlike Claud's said. He was doubled up in the corner on the floor, pale as paper, holding his leg. She wanted to get up and go to him but she could not move. Instead, her gaze was drawn slowly downward to the churning face on the floor, which she could see over the doctor's shoulder. The girl's eyes stopped rolling and focused on her. They seemed a much lighter blue than before, as if a door that had been tightly closed behind them was now open to admit light and air. Mrs. Turpin's head cleared and her power of motion returned. She leaned forward until she was looking directly into the fierce brilliant eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that the girl did know her, know
  • 51. her in some intense and personal way, beyond time and place and condition. "What you got to say to me?" she asked hoarsely and held her breath, waiting, as for a revelation. The girl raised her head. Her gaze locked with Mrs. Turpin's. "Go back to hell where you came from, you old wart hog," she whispered. Her voice was low but clear. Her eyes burned for a moment as if she saw with pleasure that her message had struck its target. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 22 Mrs. Turpin sank back in her chair. After a moment the girl's eyes closed and she turned her head wearily to the side. The doctor rose and handed the nurse the empty syringe. He leaned over and put both hands for a moment on the mother's
  • 52. shoulders, which were shaking. She was sitting on the floor, her lips pressed together, holding Mary Grace's hand in her lap. The girl's fingers were gripped like a baby 's around her thumb. "Go on to the hospital," he said. "I’ll call and make the arrangements." "Now let's see that neck," he said in a jovial voice to Mrs. Turpin. He began to inspect her neck with his first two fingers. Two little moon-shaped lines like pink fish bones were indented over her windpipe. There was the beginning of an angry red swelling above her eye. His fingers passed over this also. 'Lea' me be," she said thickly and shook him off. "See about Claud. She kicked him." "I'll see about him in a minute," he said and felt her pulse. He was a thin grey-haired man, given to pleasantries. "Go home and have
  • 53. yourself a vacation the rest of the day," he said and patted her on the shoulder. Quit your pattin me, Mrs. Turpin growled to herself. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 23 "And put an ice pack over that eye," he said. Then he went and squatted down beside Claud and looked at his leg. After a moment he pulled him up and Claud limped after him into the office. Until the ambulance came, the only sounds in the room were the tremulous moans of the girl's mother, who continued to sit on the floor. The white-trash woman did not take her eyes off the girl. Mrs. Turpin looked straight ahead at nothing. Presently the ambulance drew up, a long dark shadow, behind the curtain. The attendants came in and set the stretcher down beside the girl and lifted her expertly
  • 54. onto it and carried her out. The nurse helped the mother gather up her things. The shadow of the ambulance moved silently -away and the nurse came back in the office. "That there girl is going to be a lunatic, ain’t she?" the white- trash woman asked the nurse, but the nurse kept on to the back and never answered her. "Yes, she's going to be a lunatic," the white-trash woman said to the rest of them. "Po' critter," the old woman murmured. The child's face was still in her lap. His eyes looked idly out over her knees. He had not moved during the disturbance except to draw one leg up under him. “I thank Gawd," the white-trash woman said fervently, "I ain't a lunatic."
  • 55. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 24 Claud came limping out and the Turpins went home. As their pick-up truck turned into their own dirt road and made the crest of the hill, Mrs. Turpin gripped the window ledge and looked out suspiciously. The land sloped gracefully down through a field dotted with lavender weeds and at the start of the rise their small yellow frame house, with its little flower beds spread out around it like a fancy apron, sat primly in its accustomed place between two giant hickory trees. She would not have been startled to see a burnt wound between two blackened chimneys. Neither of them felt like eating so they put on their house clothes and lowered the shade in the bedroom and lay down, Claud with his leg on a pillow and herself with a damp washcloth over her eye. The
  • 56. instant she was flat on her back, the image of a razor-backed hog with warts on its face and horns coming out behind its ears snorted into her head. She moaned, a low quiet moan. "I am not," she said tearfully, "a wart hog. From hell." But the denial had no force. The girl's eyes and her words, even the tone of her voice, low but clear, directed only to her, brooked no repudiation. She had been singled out for the message, though there was trash in the room to whom it might justly have been applied. The full force of this fact struck her only now. There was a woman there who was neglecting her own child but she had been overlooked. The message had been given to Ruby Turpin, a respectable, hardworking, church-going woman. The tears dried. Her eyes began to burn instead with wrath.
  • 57. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 25 She rose on her elbow and the washcloth fell into her hand. Claud was lying on his back, snoring. She wanted to tell him what the girl had said. At the same time, she did not wish to put the image of herself as a wart hog from hell into his mind. "Hey, Claud," she muttered and pushed his shoulder. Claud opened one pale baby blue eye. She looked into it warily. He did not think about anything. “Wha, whasit?" he said and closed the eye again. "Nothing," she said. "Does your leg pain you?" "Hurts like hell," Claud said "It'll quit terreckly," she said and lay back down. In a moment Claud was snoring again. For the rest of the afternoon they lay there. Claud slept. She scowled at the ceiling. Occasionally she raised her
  • 58. fist and made a small stabbing motion over her chest as if she was defending her innocence to invisible guests who were like the comforters of Job, reasonable-seeming but wrong. About five-thirty Claud stirred. "Got to go after those niggers," he sighed, not moving. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 26 She was looking straight up as if there were unintelligible hand writing on the ceiling. The protuberance over her eye had turned a greenish- blue. "Listen here," she said. "What?" "Kiss me." Claud leaned over and kissed her loudly on the mouth. He pinched her
  • 59. side and their hands interlocked. Her expression of ferocious concentration did not change. Claud got up, groaning and growling, and limped off. She continued to study the ceiling. She did not get up until she heard the pick-up truck coming back with the Negroes. Then she rose and thrust her feet in her brown oxfords, which she did not bother to lace, and stumped out onto the back porch and got her red plastic bucket. She emptied a tray of ice cubes into it and filled it half full of water and went out into the back yard. Every afternoon after Claud brought the hands in, one of the boys helped him put out hay and the rest waited in the back of the truck until he was ready to take them home. The truck was parked in the shade under one of the hickory trees. "Hi yawl this evening," Mrs. Turpin asked grimly, appearing with the bucket and the dipper. There were three woman and a boy in the
  • 60. truck. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 27 "Us doin nicely," the oldest woman said. "Hi you doin?" and her gaze stuck immediately on the dark lump on Mrs. Turpin's forehead. "You done fell down, ain't you?" she asked in a solicitous voice. The old woman was dark and almost toothless. She had on an old felt hat of Claud's set back on her head. The other two women were younger and lighter and they both had new bright green sun hats. One of them had hers on her head; the other had taken hers off and the boy was grinning beneath it. Mrs. Turpin set the bucket down on the floor of the truck. "Yawl hep yourselves," she said. She looked around to make sure Claud had gone.
  • 61. "No. I didn't fall down," she said, folding her arms. "It was something worse than that." "Ain't nothing bad happen to YOU!" the old ,woman said. She said it as if they, all knew that Mrs. Turpin was protected in some special way by Divine Providence. "You just had you a little fall." "We were 'in town at the doctor's office for where the cow kicked Mr. Turpin," Mrs. Turpin said in a flat tone that indicated they could leave off their foolishness. "And there was this girl there. A big fat girl with her face all broke out. I could look at that girl and tell she was peculiar but I couldn't tell how. And me and her mama were just talking and going along and all of a sudden WHAM! She throws this big book she was reading at me and ...” "Naw!" the old woman cried out.
  • 62. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 28 "And then she jumps over the table and commences to choke me." "Naw!" they all exclaimed, "naw!" "Hi come she do that?" the old woman asked. "What ail her?" Mrs. Turpin only glared in front of her. "Somethin ail her," the old woman said. "They carried her off in an ambulance," Mrs. Turpin continued, "but before she went she was rolling on the floor and they were trying to hold her down to give her a shot and she said something to me." She paused. " You know what she said to me?" "What she say," they asked. "She said," Mrs. Turpin began, and stopped, her face very dark and heavy. The sun was getting whiter and whiter, blanching the sky overhead so that the leaves of the hickory tree were black in the
  • 63. face of it. She could not bring forth the words. "Something real ugly," she muttered. "She sho shouldn't said nothin ugly, to you," the old woman said. "You so sweet. You the sweetest lady I know." "She pretty too," the one with the hat on said. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 29 "And stout," the other one said. "I never knowed no sweeter white lady." "That's the truth befo' Jesus," the old woman said. "Amen! You des as sweet and pretty as you can be." Mrs. Turpin knew just exactly how much Negro flattery was worth and it added to her rage. "She said," she began again and finished this time
  • 64. with a fierce rush of breath, "that I was an old wart hog from hell." There was an astounded silence. "Where she at?" the youngest woman cried in a piercing voice. "Lemme see her. I'll kill her!" "I'll kill her with you!" the other one cried. "She b’long in the sylum" the old woman said emphatically. "YOU the sweetest white lady I know." "She pretty too," the other two said. "Stout as she can be and sweet. Jesus satisfied with her!" "Deed he is," the old woman declared. Idiots! Mrs. Turpin growled to herself. YOU could never say anything intelligent to a nigger. YOU could talk at them but not with them. "Yawl PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 30 ain't drunk your water," she said shortly. "Leave the bucket in
  • 65. the truck when you're finished with it. I got more to do than just stand around and pass the time of day," and she moved off and into the house. She stood for a moment in the middle of the kitchen. The dark protuberance over her eye looked like a miniature tornado cloud which might any moment sweep across the horizon of her brow. Her lower lip protruded dangerously. She squared her massive shoulders. Then she marched into the front of the house and out the side door and started down the road to the pig parlor. She had the look of a woman going single-handed, weaponless, into battle. The sun was a deep yellow now like a harvest moon and was riding westward very fast over the far tree line as if it meant to catch the hogs before she did. The road was rutted and she kicked several
  • 66. good-sized stones out of her path as she strode along. The pig parlor was on a little knoll at the end of a lane that ran off from the side of the barn. It was a square of concrete as large as a small room, with a board fence about four feet high around it. The concrete floor sloped slightly so that the hog wash could drain off into a trench where it was carried to the field for fertilizer. Claud was standing on the outside, on the edge of the concrete, hanging onto the top board, hosing down the floor inside. The hose was connected to the faucet of a water trough nearby. Mrs. Turpin climbed up beside him and glowered down at the hogs inside. There were seven long-snouted bristly shoats in it-tan with liver-colored spots-and an old sow a few weeks off from farrowing. She
  • 67. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 31 was lying on her side grunting. The shoats were running about shaking themselves like idiot children, their little slit pig eyes searching the floor for anything left. She had read that pigs were the most intelligent animal. She doubted it. They were supposed to be smarter than dogs. There had even been a pig astronaut. He had performed his assignment perfectly but died of a heart attack afterwards because they left him in his electric suit, sitting upright throughout his examination when naturally, a hog should be on all fours. A-gruntin and a-rootin and a-groanin. "Gimme that hose," she said, yanking it away from Claud. "Go on and carry, them niggers home and then get off that leg.” "You look like you might have swallowed a mad dog," Claud observed,
  • 68. but he got down and limped off. He paid no attention to her humors. Until he was out of earshot, Mrs. Turpin stood on the side of the pen, holding the hose and pointing the stream of water at the hind quarters of any shoat that looked as if it might try to lie down. When he had had time to get over the hill, she turned her head slightly and her wrathful eyes scanned the path. He was nowhere in sight. She turned back again and seemed to gather herself up. Her shoulders rose and she drew in her breath. "What do you send me a message like that for?" she said in a low fierce voice, barely above a whisper but with the force of a shout in its concentrated fury. "How am I a hog and me PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 32 both? How am I saved and from hell too?" Her free fist was
  • 69. knotted and with the other she gripped the hose, blindly pointing the stream of water in and out of the eye of the old sow whose outraged squeal she did not hear. The pig parlor commanded a view of the back pasture where their twenty beef cows were gathered around the hay- bales Claud and the boy had put out. The freshly cut pasture sloped down to the highway. Across it was their cotton field and beyond that a dark green dusty wood which they owned as well. The sun was behind the wood, very red, looking over the paling of trees like a farmer inspecting his own hogs. "Why me?" she rumbled. "It's no trash around here, black or white, that I haven't given to. And break my back to the bone every day working. And do for the church.” She appeared to be the right size woman to command the arena before her. "How am I a hog? she demanded. "Exactly how am I like them?"
  • 70. and she jabbed the stream of water at the shoats. "There was plenty of trash there. It didn't have to be me. "If you like trash better, go get yourself some trash then," she railed. "You could have made me trash. Or a nigger. If trash is what you wanted, why didn't you make me trash?" She shook her fist with the hose in it' and a watery snake appeared momentarily in the air. "I could quit working and take it easy and be filthy," she growled. PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 33 "Lounge about the sidewalks all day drinking root beer. Dip snuff and spit in every puddle and have it all over my face. I could be nasty. “Or you could have made me a nigger. It's too late for me to be a nigger,” she said with deep sarcasm, “but I could act like one.
  • 71. Lay down in the middle of the road and stop traffic. Roll on the ground.’ In the deepening light everything was taking on a mysterious hue. The pasture was growing a particular glassy green and the streak of the highway had turned lavender. She braced herself for a final assault and this time her voice rolled out over the pasture. “Go on,” she yelled, “call me a hog! Call me a hog again. From hell. Call me a wart hog from hell. Put that bottom rail on top. There’ll still be a top and bottom!” A garbled echo returned to her. A final surge of fury shook her and she roared, "Who do you think you are?" The color of everything, field and crimson sky, burned for a moment with a transparent intensity. The question carried over the pasture and across the highway and the cotton field and returned to her
  • 72. clearly, like an answer from beyond the wood. She opened her mouth but no sound came out of it. A tiny truck, Claud's, appeared on the highway, heading rapidly out of sight. Its gears scraped thinly. It looked like a child's toy. At any PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 34 moment a bigger truck might smash into it and scatter Claud's and the niggers' brains all over the road. Mrs. Turpin stood there, her gaze fixed on the highway, all her muscles rigid, until in five or six minutes the truck reappeared, returning. She waited until it had had time to turn into their own road. Then like a monumental statue coming to life, she bent her head slowly and gazed, as if through the very heart of mystery, down into the pig parlor at the hogs.
  • 73. They had settled all in one corner around the old sow who was grunting softly. A red glow suffused them. They appeared to pant with a secret life. Until the sun slipped finally behind the tree line, Mrs. Turpin remained there with her gaze bent to them as if she were absorbing some abysmal life-giving knowledge. At last she lifted her head. There was only a purple streak in the sky, cutting through a field of crimson and leading, like an extension of the highway, into the descending dusk. She raised her hands from the side of the pen in a gesture hieratic and profound. A visionary light settled in her eyes. She saw the streak as a vast swinging bridge extending upward from the earth through a field of living fire. Upon it a vast horde of souls were tumbling toward heaven. There were whole companies of white trash, clean for the first time in their lives, and bands of black
  • 74. niggers in white robes, and battalions of freaks and lunatics shouting and clapping and leaping like frogs. And bringing up the end of the procession was a tribe of people whom she recognized at once as those who , like herself and Claud, had always had a little of everything and PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE 2004–05 35 the given wit to use it right. She leaned forward to observe them closer. They were marching behind the others with great dignity, accountable as they had always been for good order and common sense and respectable behavior. They, alone were on key. Yet she could see by their shocked and altered faces even their virtues were being burned away. She lowered hands and gripped the rail of the hog pen, her eyes small but fixed unblinkingly on what lay ahead. In a moment the
  • 75. vision faded but she remained where she was. At length she got down and turned off the faucet and in her slow way on the darkening path to the house. In woods around her the invisible cricket choruses had struck up, but what she heard were the voices of the souls climbing upward into the starry field and shouting hallelujah. A Good Man Is Hard To Find The grandmother didn't want to go to Florida. She wanted to visit some of her connections in east Tennes- see and she was seizing at every chance to change Bailey's mind. Bailey was the son she lived with, her only boy. He was sitting on the edge of his chair at the table, bent over the orange sports section of the Journal. "Now look here, Bailey," she said, "see here, read this," and she stood with one hand on her thin hip and the other rattling the newspaper at his bald head. "Here this fellow that calls himself The Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and headed toward Florida and you read here what it says he did to these people. Just you read it. I wouldn't take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it. I couldn't answer to my conscience if I did." Bailey didn't look up from his reading so she wheeled around then and faced the children's mother, a young woman in slacks, whose face was as broad and innocent as a cabbage and was tied around with a green head-kerchief that had two points on the top like rabbit's ears. She was sitting on the sofa, feeding the
  • 76. baby his apricots out of a jar. "The children have been to Florida before," the old lady said. "You all ought to take them somewhere else for a change so they would see different parts of the world and be broad. They never have been to east Tennessee." The children's mother didn't seem to hear her but the eight-year- old boy, John Wesley, a stocky child with glasses, said, "If you don't want to go to Florida, why dontcha stay at home?" He and the little girl, June Star, were reading the funny papers on the floor. "She wouldn't stay at home to be queen for a day," June Star said without raising her yellow head. "Yes and what would you do if this fellow, The Misfit, caught you?" the grandmother asked. "I'd smack his face," John Wesley said. "She wouldn't stay at home for a million bucks," June Star said. "Afraid she'd miss something. She has to go everywhere we go." "All right, Miss," the grandmother said. "Just re- member that the next time you want me to curl your hair." June Star said her hair was naturally curly. The next morning the grandmother was the first one in the car, ready to go. She had her big black valise that looked like the head of a hippopotamus in one corner, and underneath it she was hiding a basket with Pitty Sing, the cat, in it. She didn't intend for the cat to be left alone in the house for three days because he would miss her too much and she was afraid he might brush against one of her gas burners and accidentally asphyxiate himself. Her son, Bailey, didn't like to arrive at a motel with a cat. She sat in the middle of the back seat with John Wesley and June Star on either side of her. Bailey and the children's mother and the baby sat in front and they left Atlanta at eight forty-five with the mileage on the car at 55890. The grandmother wrote this down because she thought it would be interesting to say how many miles they had been when they got back. It took them twenty minutes to reach the outskirts of the city.
  • 77. The old lady settled herself comfortably, removing her white cotton gloves and putting them up with her purse on the shelf in front of the back window. The children's mother still had on slacks and still had her head tied up in a green kerchief, but the grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print. Her collars and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady. She said she thought it was going to be a good day for driving, neither too hot nor too cold, and she cautioned Bailey that the speed limit was fifty-five miles an hour and that the patrolmen hid themselves behind billboards and small clumps of trees and sped out after you before you had a chance to slow down. She pointed out interesting details of the scenery: Stone Mountain; the blue granite that in some places came up to both sides of the highway; the brilliant red clay banks slightly streaked with purple; and the various crops that made rows of green lace-work on the ground. The trees were full of silver-white sunlight and the meanest of them sparkled. The children were reading comic magazines and their mother and gone back to sleep. "Let's go through Georgia fast so we won't have to look at it much," John Wesley said. "If I were a little boy," said the grandmother, "I wouldn't talk about my native state that way. Tennessee has the mountains and Georgia has the hills." "Tennessee is just a hillbilly dumping ground," John Wesley said, "and Georgia is a lousy state too." "You said it," June Star said. "In my time," said the grandmother, folding her thin veined fingers, "children were more respectful of their native states and their parents and everything else. People did right then. Oh look at the cute little pickaninny!" she said and pointed to a Negro child standing in the door of a shack. "Wouldn't that make a
  • 78. picture, now?" she asked and they all turned and looked at the little Negro out of the back window. He waved "He didn't have any britches on," June Star said. "He probably didn't have any," the grandmother explained. "Little riggers in the country don't have things like we do. If I could paint, I'd paint that picture," she said. The children exchanged comic books. The grandmother offered to hold the baby and the children's mother passed him over the front seat to her. She set him on her knee and bounced him and told him about the things they were passing. She rolled her eyes and screwed up her mouth and stuck her leathery thin face into his smooth bland one. Occasionally he gave her a faraway smile. They passed a large cotton field with five or fix graves fenced in the middle of it, like a small island. "Look at the graveyard!" the grandmother said, pointing it out. "That was the old family burying ground. That belonged to the plantation." "Where's the plantation?" John Wesley asked. "Gone With the Wind" said the grandmother. "Ha. Ha." When the children finished all the comic books they had brought, they opened the lunch and ate it. The grandmother ate a peanut butter sandwich and an olive and would not let the children throw the box and the paper napkins out the window. When there was nothing else to do they played a game by choosing a cloud and making the other two guess what shape it suggested. John Wesley took one the shape of a cow and June Star guessed a cow and John Wesley said, no, an automobile, and June Star said he didn't play fair, and they began to slap each other over the grandmother. The grandmother said she would tell them a story if they would keep quiet. When she told a story, she rolled her eyes and waved her head and was very dramatic. She said once when she was a maiden lady she had been courted by a Mr. Edgar Atkins Teagarden from Jasper, Georgia. She said he was a very good- looking man and a gentleman and that he brought her a watermelon every Saturday afternoon with his initials cut in it,
  • 79. E. A. T. Well, one Saturday, she said, Mr. Teagarden brought the watermelon and there was nobody at home and he left it on the front porch and returned in his buggy to Jasper, but she never got the watermelon, she said, because a nigger boy ate it when he saw the initials, E. A. T. ! This story tickled John Wesley's funny bone and he giggled and giggled but June Star didn't think it was any good. She said she wouldn't marry a man that just brought her a watermelon on Saturday. The grandmother said she would have done well to marry Mr. Teagarden because he was a gentle man and had bought Coca- Cola stock when it first came out and that he had died only a few years ago, a very wealthy man. They stopped at The Tower for barbecued sand- wiches. The Tower was a part stucco and part wood filling station and dance hall set in a clearing outside of Timothy. A fat man named Red Sammy Butts ran it and there were signs stuck here and there on the building and for miles up and down the highway saying, TRY RED SAMMY'S FAMOUS BARBECUE. NONE LIKE FAMOUS RED SAMMY'S! RED SAM! THE FAT BOY WITH THE HAPPY LAUGH. A VETERAN! RED SAMMY'S YOUR MAN! Red Sammy was lying on the bare ground outside The Tower with his head under a truck while a gray monkey about a foot high, chained to a small chinaberry tree, chattered nearby. The monkey sprang back into the tree and got on the highest limb as soon as he saw the children jump out of the car and run toward him. Inside, The Tower was a long dark room with a counter at one end and tables at the other and dancing space in the middle. They all sat down at a board table next to the nickelodeon and Red Sam's wife, a tall burnt-brown woman with hair and eyes lighter than her skin, came and took their order. The children's mother put a dime in the machine and played "The Tennessee Waltz," and the grandmother said that tune always made her want to dance. She asked Bailey if he would like to dance but he only glared at her. He didn't have a naturally sunny
  • 80. disposition like she did and trips made him nervous. The grandmother's brown eyes were very bright. She swayed her head from side to side and pretended she was dancing in her chair. June Star said play something she could tap to so the children's mother put in another dime and played a fast number and June Star stepped out onto the dance floor and did her tap routine. "Ain't she cute?" Red Sam's wife said, leaning over the counter. "Would you like to come be my little girl?" "No I certainly wouldn't," June Star said. "I wouldn't live in a broken-down place like this for a million bucks!" and she ran back to the table. "Ain't she cute?" the woman repeated, stretching her mouth politely. "Arn't you ashamed?" hissed the grandmother. Red Sam came in and told his wife to quit lounging on the counter and hurry up with these people's order. His khaki trousers reached just to his hip bones and his stomach hung over them like a sack of meal swaying under his shirt. He came over and sat down at a table nearby and let out a combination sigh and yodel. "You can't win," he said. "You can't win," and he wiped his sweating red face off with a gray handkerchief. "These days you don't know who to trust," he said. "Ain't that the truth?" "People are certainly not nice like they used to be," said the grandmother. "Two fellers come in here last week," Red Sammy said, "driving a Chrysler. It was a old beat-up car but it was a good one and these boys looked all right to me. Said they worked at the mill and you know I let them fellers charge the gas they bought? Now why did I do that?" "Because you're a good man!" the grandmother said at once. "Yes'm, I suppose so," Red Sam said as if he were struck with this answer. His wife brought the orders, carrying the five plates all at once without a tray, two in each hand and one balanced on her arm.
  • 81. "It isn't a soul in this green world of God's that you can trust," she said. "And I don't count nobody out of that, not nobody," she repeated, looking at Red Sammy. "Did you read about that criminal, The Misfit, that's escaped?" asked the grandmother. "I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't attack this place right here," said the woman. "If he hears about it being here, I wouldn't be none surprised to see him. If he hears it's two cent in the cash register, I wouldn't be a tall surprised if he . . ." "That'll do," Red Sam said. "Go bring these people their Co'- Colas," and the woman went off to get the rest of the order. "A good man is hard to find," Red Sammy said. "Everything is getting terrible. I remember the day you could go off and leave your screen door unlatched. Not no more." He and the grandmother discussed better times. The old lady said that in her opinion Europe was entirely to blame for the way things were now. She said the way Europe acted you would think we were made of money and Red Sam said it was no use talking about it, she was exactly right. The children ran outside into the white sunlight and looked at the monkey in the lacy chinaberry tree. He was busy catching fleas on himself and biting each one carefully between his teeth as if it were a delicacy. They drove off again into the hot afternoon. The grandmother took cat naps and woke up every few minutes with her own snoring. Outside of Toombsboro she woke up and recalled an old plantation that she had visited in this neighborhood once when she was a young lady. She said the house had six white columns across the front and that there was an avenue of oaks leading up to it and two little wooden trellis arbors on either side in front where you sat down with your suitor after a stroll in the garden. She recalled exactly which road to turn off to get to it. She knew that Bailey would not be willing to lose any time looking at an old house, but the more she talked about it, the more she wanted to see it once again and find out if the little twin arbors were still standing. "There was a secret:-panel
  • 82. in this house," she said craftily, not telling the truth but wishing that she were, "and the story went that all the family silver was hidden in it when Sherman came through but it was never found . . ." "Hey!" John Wesley said. "Let's go see it! We'll find it! We'll poke all the woodwork and find it! Who lives there? Where do you turn off at? Hey Pop, can't we turn off there?" "We never have seen a house with a secret panel!" June Star shrieked. "Let's go to the house with the secret panel! Hey Pop, can't we go see the house with the secret panel!" "It's not far from here, I know," the grandmother said. "It wouldn't take over twenty minutes." Bailey was looking straight ahead. His jaw was as rigid as a horseshoe. "No," he said. The children began to yell and scream that they wanted to see the house with the secret panel. John Wesley kicked the back of the front seat and June Star hung over her mother's shoulder and whined desperately into her ear that they never had any fun even on their vacation, that they could never do what THEY wanted to do. The baby began to scream and John Wesley kicked the back of the seat so hard that his father could feel the blows in his kidney. "All right!" he shouted and drew the car to a stop at the side of the road. "Will you all shut up? Will you all just shut up for one second? If you don't shut up, we won't go anywhere." "It would be very educational for them," the grandmother murmured. "All right," Bailey said, "but get this: this is the only time we're going to stop for anything like this. This is the one and only time." "The dirt road that you have to turn down is about a mile back," the grandmother directed. "I marked it when we passed." "A dirt road," Bailey groaned. After they had turned around and were headed toward the dirt road, the grandmother recalled other points about the house, the beautiful glass over the front doorway and the candle-lamp in
  • 83. the hall. John Wesley said that the secret panel was probably in the fireplace. "You can't go inside this house," Bailey said. "You don't know who lives there." "While you all talk to the people in front, I'll run around behind and get in a window," John Wesley suggested. "We'll all stay in the car," his mother said. They turned onto the dirt road and the car raced roughly along in a swirl of pink dust. The grandmother recalled the times when there were no paved roads and thirty miles was a day's journey. The dirt road was hilly and there were sudden washes in it and sharp curves on dangerous embankments. All at once they would be on a hill, looking down over the blue tops of trees for miles around, then the next minute, they would be in a red depression with the dust-coated trees looking down on them. "This place had better turn up in a minute," Bailey said, "or I'm going to turn around." The road looked as if no one had traveled on it in months. "It's not much farther," the grandmother said and just as she said it, a horrible thought came to her. The thought was so embarrassing that she turned red in the face and her eyes dilated and her feet jumped up, upsetting her valise in the corner. The instant the valise moved, the newspaper top she had over the basket under it rose with a snarl and Pitty Sing, the cat, sprang onto Bailey's shoulder. The children were thrown to the floor and their mother, clutching the baby, was thrown out the door onto the ground; the old lady was thrown into the front seat. The car turned over once and landed right-side-up in a gulch off the side of the road. Bailey remained in the driver's seat with the cat gray-striped with a broad white face and an orange nose clinging to his neck like a caterpillar. As soon as the children saw they could move their arms and legs, they scrambled out of the car, shouting, "We've had an ACCIDENT!" The grandmother was curled up under the dashboard, hoping she was injured so that Bailey's wrath would
  • 84. not come down on her all at once. The horrible thought she had had before the accident was that the house she had remembered so vividly was not in Georgia but in Tennessee. Bailey removed the cat from his neck with both hands and flung it out the window against the side of a pine tree. Then he got out of the car and started looking for the children's mother. She was sitting against the side of the red gutted ditch, holding the screaming baby, but she only had a cut down her face and a broken shoulder. "We've had an ACCIDENT!" the children screamed in a frenzy of delight. "But nobody's killed," June Star said with disappointment as the grandmother limped out of the car, her hat still pinned to her head but the broken front brim standing up at a jaunty angle and the violet spray hanging off the side. They all sat down in the ditch, except the children, to recover from the shock. They were all shaking. "Maybe a car will come along," said the children's mother hoarsely. "I believe I have injured an organ," said the grandmother, pressing her side, but no one answered her. Bailey's teeth were clattering. He had on a yellow sport shirt with bright blue parrots designed in it and his face was as yellow as the shirt. The grandmother decided that she would not mention that the house was in Tennessee. The road was about ten feet above and they could see only the tops of the trees on the other side of it. Behind the ditch they were sitting in there were more woods, tall and dark and deep. In a few minutes they saw a car some distance away on top of a hill, coming slowly as if the occupants were watching them. The grandmother stood up and waved both arms dramatically to attract their attention. The car continued to come on slowly, disappeared around a bend and appeared again, moving even slower, on top of the hill they had gone over. It was a big black battered hearselike automobile. There were three men in it. It came to a stop just over them and for some minutes, the driver looked down with a steady expressionless gaze to where
  • 85. they were sitting, and didn't speak. Then he turned his head and muttered something to the other two and they got out. One was a fat boy in black trousers and a red sweat shirt with a silver stallion embossed on the front of it. He moved around on the right side of them and stood staring, his mouth partly open in a kind of loose grin. The other had on khaki pants and a blue striped coat and a gray hat pulled down very low, hiding most of his face. He came around slowly on the left side. Neither spoke. The driver got out of the car and stood by the side of it, looking down at them. He was an older man than the other two. His hair was just beginning to gray and he wore silver-rimmed spectacles that gave him a scholarly look. He had a long creased face and didn't have on any shirt or undershirt. He had on blue jeans that were too tight for him and was holding a black hat and a gun. The two boys also had guns. "We've had an ACCIDENT!" the children screamed. The grandmother had the peculiar feeling that the bespectacled man was someone she knew. His face was as familiar to her as if she had known him all her life but she could not recall who he was. He moved away from the car and began to come down the embankment, placing his feet carefully so that he wouldn't slip. He had on tan and white shoes and no socks, and his ankles were red and thin. "Good afternoon," he said. "I see you all had you a little spill." "We turned over twice!" said the grandmother. "Once", he corrected. "We seen it happen. Try their car and see will it run, Hiram," he said quietly to the boy with the gray hat. "What you got that gun for?" John Wesley asked. "Whatcha gonna do with that gun?" "Lady," the man said to the children's mother, "would you mind calling them children to sit down by you? Children make me nervous. I want all you all to sit down right together there where you're at." "What are you telling US what to do for?" June Star asked. Behind them the line of woods gaped like a dark open mouth.
  • 86. "Come here," said their mother. "Look here now," Bailey began suddenly, "we're in a predicament! We're in . . ." The grandmother shrieked. She scrambled to her feet and stood staring. "You're The Misfit!" she said. "I recognized you at once!" "Yes'm," the man said, smiling slightly as if he were pleased in spite of himself to be known, "but it would have been better for all of you, lady, if you hadn't of reckernized me." Bailey turned his head sharply and said something to his mother that shocked even the children. The old lady began to cry and The Misfit reddened. "Lady," he said, "don't you get upset. Sometimes a man says things he don't mean. I don't reckon he meant to talk to you thataway." "You wouldn't shoot a lady, would you?" the grandmother said and removed a clean handkerchief from her cuff and began to slap at her eyes with it. The Misfit pointed the toe of his shoe into the ground and made a little hole and then covered it up again. "I would hate to have to," he said. "Listen," the grandmother almost screamed, "I know you're a good man. You don't look a bit like you have common blood. I know you must come from nice people!" "Yes mam," he said, "finest people in the world." When he smiled he showed a row of strong white teeth. "God never made a finer woman than my mother and my daddy's heart was pure gold," he said. The boy with the red sweat shirt had come around behind them and was standing with his gun at his hip. The Misfit squatted down on the ground. "Watch them children, Bobby Lee," he said. "You know they make me nervous." He looked at the six of them huddled together in front of him and he seemed to be embarrassed as if he couldn't think of anything to say. "Ain't a cloud in the sky," he remarked, looking up at it. "Don't see no sun but don't see no cloud neither." "Yes, it's a beautiful day," said the grandmother. "Listen," she