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The Legacy of Rome Essay
Roman Gladiators were a highly trained group of people who fought against other gladiators and animals in the Roman coliseums. Most gladiators
were slaves captured from other countries that Rome fought. Once Rome conquested their lands, the gladiators were taken prisoner and escorted back
to Rome. Once in Rome, they went to the ludus gladiatorius, or Gladiator school, to be trained. Training was supervised by a lanista, or "butcher" who
frequently abused the gladiators both physically and mentally, usually using a whip. Many thought that gladiators were only slaves. However,
criminals, people in debt, and other rule breakers who were sentenced to death were also sent to the ludus gladiatorius. The gladiators were trained
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The largest was The Colosseum in Rome. It sat 45,000 people and was where the emperor would host his personal games which, if you lived in the
time of Nero, he usually won. The Legacy of Rome is great. It was a powerful empire, one of the most powerful in history, its language inspired the
languages of today, and the architecture of Rome is still emulated in the buildings of the modern world. Rome's language was Latin. Latin was so
widely used by everyone in Rome's vast empire that it inspired many modern languages. Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, English, and many
other languages were based off of or were similar to Latin. In fact, Latin had such an impact on the languages of the world that people still learn it
today, 200 years later. Rome also left behind its governmental structure. Rome had twelve tables of written laws for all Romans to obey. While the
modern day United States do not have twelve tables, we do have the constitution, which sets the laws of America which we must all follow. Rome had
three branches of government, the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch. Rome had two consuls, representing its Executive
Branch. America has a President and Vice President. Rome had a senate to make laws; America has the Legislative House and Senate as well.
Romans built roads, Americans have built and are still building roads to expand our infrastructure. The buildings in Rome were big, and were made
out of marble to add to their already
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Essay Ancient Rome
In this report about ancient Rome I will be talking about a lot of different things. One thing is how ancient Rome was different from ancient Greece,
their daily life activities and lifestyles, and also about their religion.
The ancients Romans were very different from the ancient Greek. "The ancient Romans were down–to–earth realists, not idealists."(Donn2) You can
see this in their statues. The Greeks made statues of perfect people. The Romans created real life statues. A good example of this is a Roman emperor
statue because his nose will be huge and the ancient Greek would have never done that. The Romans were fierce soldiers and wonderful builders. They
built roads all over the empire and all led to Rome. The ancient Greeks more content...
Not like the plebeians their house were made quite often of brick with red tile roofs, with room arranged around a central courtyard. The windows and
balconies faced the courtyard, not the street, to keep their home safe from burglars. Real wealthy Romans might have a house with front door,
bedrooms, an office, a kitchen, a dinning room, a garden, a temple, an atrium, a toilet, and a private bath. (Davis132)
The ancient Romans started their day with breakfast. The lower class Romans or plebeians might have a breakfast of dry bread or dipped in wine,
and water. Sometimes olives, cheese or raisins were sprinkled on the bread. "It became a custom to distribute bread daily to the unemployed."(Donn3)
Workmen, on their way to work, grabbed some bread, and ate it on the way.
The upper class Romans or patricians enjoyed fresh meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, bread, and used honey to sweeten food because sugar was
unknown. They had slaves to cook and clean. Slaves cut their food for them, as they didn't use forks or knives, but ate with their fingers. A wet
towel was brought by slaves to clean and wash up after a meal. Early in the morning kids who went to school, on the run, often stopped at a bakery for
a quick meal, or to buy a pancake to eat on their way to school. (Lee3)
Then, they got dressed to go out. The very early Romans wore a toga that looked like a white sheet 9 yards long. Togas were arranged very carefully, in
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The Rise of Rome Essay
The Rise of Rome The Roman Republic began in 509 B.C.E. with the overthrow of the Etruscan monarchy. In 27 B.C.E the Roman Empire began with
Octavian Caesar becoming the emperor, this ended almost 500 years of republican self–government. There is much debate over why Rome became so
powerful so quickly. Many think it had to do with Rome's military strength. Others think that it was because Rome knew of and controlled most of the
trade routes. Still others believed it had to do with the technology that was advanced during the Roman Republic. All of these factors played significant
roles, but which one played the most important role? The military might of Rome was second to none in its prime. Victorious battle after battle did more content...
The technological advancements of Rome were by far some of its greatest achievements. With such implementations and inventions and the great
aqueducts and the better and more advanced weapons and fighting styles the Romans clearly had an edge over their opposition. The ability to provide
fresh drinking water to all of its citizens is an accomplishment itself. The military advancements that the Romans created clearly made the difference in
many battles. In fact, it is argued that as soon as people such as the Visigoths started using this military technology the Romans were doomed.
Technology can definitely help sustain a civilization, but does it help create one? The question still arises and to which one of these things played the
most important role in the rise of Rome. There should not be any argument or question. You can't feed an army without the trade routes to bring in food
and money, but you can't keep the trade routes without and army to defend and capture them. Technology made the key difference in many battles that
strengthened Rome, but these battles would have never taken place if there weren't trade routes to fight over. Nor would this technology have ever
been put to use if there weren't battles to begin with. Each of these three items played an equally important role in the rise of Rome; they also played
an equally important role in sustaining the
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Romanization In Rome
Elchin Huseynov
HIST 200
Lecture B
First Draft
October 4, 2015 What was Romanization and how did it happen? From 6th about century B.C to approximately 6th century A.D the Roman Empire
was the greatest and most flourishing empire of its time and endured. Numerous things the Romans did ascribe to the achievement and life duration of
the Roman Empire. The Romans had another method for administering its subjects and had a to a great degree solid military. They had numerous new
developments that made less demanding to oversee, and empowered amusement. Romans changed the life of people as making prosperity in economic,
cultural and military issues, thereby it made their empire so powerful and fame. The Roman government was the more content...
In this exposition, I should examine certain social and material impressions of Romanization. "Every aspect of life in the world of Late Antiquity was
influenced by Romanization, making it as complex and transcendent as the history of Rome is inimitable. Critically speaking, Romanization must be
understood as a stratified subject; the product of many processes: from expansion, annexation and colonization to amalgamation, exploitation and
urbanization. It was as political as it was commercial. As voluntary and desired as it was imposed and resisted. Moreover, Romanization was as
regionally distinct, as it was imperially ubiquitous" (Huskinson 2000a: 20–21). Romanization didn't imply that the people groups of that district of the
Empire surrendered their local dialect in return for Latin, and by expansion they didn't surrender their local names either. Even though what
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Roman Art Of Ancient Rome
The art of Rome is considered completed art of ancient society. Legitimately argue that, although Roman masters continued the tradition of Hellenic, yet
the art of ancient Rome – an independent phenomenon, determined by the course and the course of historical events, and living conditions, and the
originality of religious beliefs, character traits of the Romans, and other factors. Roman art as a special artistic phenomenon began to study only in the
twentieth century is essentially realized only if all its originality and uniqueness. Yet still many prominent antiquity, believed that history of Roman art
is not written yet, not yet revealed all the complexity of its problems. In the works of the ancient Romans, unlike the Greeks, dominated by the
symbolism and allegory. Accordingly, the plastic images Elliot conceded Romans picturesque place, which is dominated by the illusory nature of space
and form – not only in the frescoes and mosaics, but in reliefs. Sculptures like maenads Scopas or Nike of Samothrace, is not created, but the Romans
belonged unsurpassed sculptural portraits with a very precise transfer of the individual characteristics of the person and character, as well as reliefs,
reliably fixated on historical events. Rome Masters unlike the Greek, who saw reality in its plastic unity, more inclined to analyze, the dismemberment
of the whole into parts, detailed images of the phenomenon. Greeks saw the world as if through all unites and binds together the poetic
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Ancient Rome Research Paper
What did it feel like to be in Ancient Rome? How did the Romans live? Ancient Rome was located on central Italy's Tiber River into an empire that at
its peak encompassed most of continental Europe, Britain, much of western Asia, northern Africa and the Mediterranean islands. Most of the Romans'
lifestyle were Jobs, Armies, War, Food and Religion. Food
–As we all know, the wealthy romans are definitely different to the poor romans. Even if you
didn't know the wealthy would make obvious showings on how rich they are. One way they would show off was by their food. For breakfast, the
wealthy would eat a meal called jentaculum. This meal was eaten around 11:00 a.m. The poor would often eat Bread cheese and possible some meat.
The rich romans would eat their main meal in the late afternoon more content...
The army had fighting techniques and was fit and disciplined. The army was given weapons so they were protected, and it was also used during
wars. The Roman Army was large and needed soldiers. The army was a way for the poorer class to earn a regular wage and to gain some valuable
land at the end of their service. It was a good way for the poor to move up in status. In the Third Punic War, the Romans, led by Scipio the Younger,
captured and destroyed the city of Carthage in 146 B.C., turning Africa into yet another province of the mighty Roman Empire. The Romans had many
wars and battles in order to protect their empire. There were also wars that were fought to gain power. These wars were called the Civil wars. The
Great Roman Civil War lasted for four years until Caesar finally defeated Pompey and became Dictator ofRome. From making dishes and cups, to
crafting jewelry and weapons for the army, craftsmen were important to the empire. Some craftsmen worked in individual shops and learned a specific
craft. Others were slaves, who worked in large workshops that produced items in large quantities such as dishes or
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Rome: Engineering an Empire
Student Name
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Course Title
Rome: Engineering an Empire It is said that Rome was not built in a day. True. It took ambition, lust, murder and the unrivalled power of technology to
make the Roman Empire span across three continents and many centuries. While the contributions of ambition, conquest and other political and
militaristic factors remain important for the Roman Republic to transform into an Empire, none of this could have been possible without the immense
contribution of engineering and technology. In this essay, we shall look into three engineering feats that I believe were crucial in building theRoman
Empire. We shall be making use of the video "Rome: Engineering an Empire" as an aid towards more content...
The aqueducts also gave birth to another landmark in building of early mega–structures: the arches. Through use of arches, aqueducts could be made
taller and longer without using a lot of building materials. The aqueducts enabled expansion of Rome and helped keep the city clean. Through
aqueducts the common Roman citizen had access to running water, a quantum leap in the civic amenities as per many experts. The third most
important engineering feat was the Coliseum. The coliseum was the biggest amphitheatre built in the Roman Empire. Started by Vespasian in 72
AD, on the very site where Nero built a lake in his palace Domus Aurea. The giant amphitheatre where events like gladiator contests, prisoner
executions, mock sea battles and animal huts etc. took place was a gift of the new emperor to the public. In many ways it was the world's first
mega stadium, like the ones of today and could seat about 50,000 spectators. It was also the tallest structure ever built in the Roman Empire. The
stadium even features like retractable roof and was full of comforts for the spectators. All the three engineering marvels are important in history and
progress of not just the Romans, but also the mankind on a whole. All the three still exist today and were brought in by those Roman Emperors who
are remembered in positive light as being good rulers of their times. Their pro public policy was the reason for such inventions and also
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Rise Of Rome Research Paper
The Rise of Ancient Rome Rome's ascension to dominance is a story of legend. Many years after the peak of Greek society and the escapades of
Alexander the Great, a relatively small tribe of Latins laid the foundations for what would become one of the greatest empires the world had ever seen.
Western Asia, the entirety of the Mediterranean, and France, Germany, Spain, Britain and other parts of modern day Europe were united through a
common Roman heritage. Drawing from the civilizations before them, this new city helped define law and politics as we view them today. Indeed the
true legacy of Rome is its contribution towards democratic representation of the people and the revolution of social and political life that models our
current more content...
All law was administered by the ruling Patricians who tended to rule in favor of their own interests. The plebeians rebelled and seceded to a hill
outside the city. There they created their own assembly, Concilium Plebis and demanded the Patricians recognize their newfound authority. The
Patricians were trapped. The plebs composed all the soldiers of the Roman army and without them they were open and exposed to attack. Quickly, the
Patricians gave in to the plebian demands leading to the Law of the Twelve Tables in 450BCE. Plebs now could elect Tribunes to represent their
interests, and hold office in the Senate. "In 367 the plebeians gained the right to be elected consul, and in 366 the first was elected. Thereafter, the
Licinian–Sextian laws demanded that at least one consul be a plebeian" to further cement the rights of commoners (UNRV). In 287BCE the plebs
passed a law requiring any motion passed in the Concilium Plebis to be recognized by the Senate. This was a defining moment in Roman
government: plebs could hold office, pass laws, and advance into higher society. Laws were passed barring senators from having an active role in
commercial endeavors. This lead to the downfall of patrician dominance as many plebs became wealthier and enjoyed greater representation in the
senate. Patrician senators now had to rely on wealthy family members to support their political careers or commit to poverty as
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How Did Rome Influence Today
Rome influenced many things that we use in our daily things today. From art, law and justice, and several prefixes in words in the English language.
Rome was an amazing empire that lasted for years, even when it started to crumble and fall apart. The influence it had on us today impacts the quote
"All Roads Lead To Rome". The quote, to me, means that Rome had thousands of miles of roads, and if you stumbled upon one, and followed it, it
would lead straight to Rome. Rome influenced many things today, one of them being art. After different kinds of Roman art were rediscovered after
years, they still impact many of the modern art we see today. The Romans made realistic statues and frescoes. Along with decorative murals and
mosaics, you can still find many forms of art influenced by the Romans. "The Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo in the 1500s, the ceiling shows
scenes from the Bible. A Roman would feel right at home looking up more content...
Different examples of modern languages like Italian, Spanish, and French have been heavily influenced by the unique Roman language. Many prefixes
for words come from the language of Romans, along with the names of most, if not all, the months. September, The Seventh month. (etc) We also use
the Roman numerals, not all the time though, but often enough to "praise" the Romans for it. (I,V,X,L,C,D,M and many more!) It's hard to imagine
life without the amazing creations that influenced us from the Romans.
As you can see, even though Rome finally collapsed and fell into ruins thousands of years ago, the great civilization still left its mark on modern day
things we do everyday. From modern day art being influenced on Rome, to the idea of Law And Justice. Had Rome not existed thousands of years
ago, we may not have the wonderful ideas and inventions we have in modern day today. Even though it is not here right now, you can look around and
see all the things that Rome had "given" to
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Why Did Rome Fall Essay
For those of you who don't know me, I am Edward Mai. I am here today to tell you about Rome's fall. As all of us know, the Roman Empire, in which
the time before it fell, thought it would last centuries more. Unfortunately, it slowly declined until it finally broke down. But, we will forever
remember how Rome has affected us in our modern society with it's legacies.
The fall of the Roman Empire happened slowly. There were many reasons for why Rome fell. One of the reasons say the empire was too big and
there were not enough soldiers to guard the empire, some of which were not loyal because they did not want to be a part of Rome. Another reason
says that Rome fell because citizens of Rome had to pay heavy taxes for the army, which made the economy weak. The taxes made many citizens go
into poverty. Also, many Romans were unemployed. Small farmers could not keep up, so they tried to find jobs in the city, but there were still not
enough jobs. A third reason to explain why Rome fell is that there was corruption and a decline in spirit of citizenship. Some emperors wasted large
amounts of more content...
One of Rome's legacies was art. This art includes statues and mosaics. These forms of art can be found in many places. Another one of Rome's
legacies were their architectural features. These features included vaults and domes. You can see domes in many buildings, along with vaults. A
different legacy of Rome was their engineering achievements. These achievements included roads (and many others, but I do not think these
contributed as much). Roads are almost everywhere. A fourth legacy of Rome was numbers, a language, and ways to measure time. Sometimes,
Roman numerals are used in place of numbers. English is also heavily based on Latin. The fifth legacy of Rome was their law. Their law covered
many things, such as marriages, inheritances, and contracts between people as well as countless other areas of daily
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Rome : The Capital City Of Italy Essay
Rome is the capital city of Italy, situated in the central–western Italian Peninsula. The historical context of Rome begins at around 753 B.C.E. Rome 's
initial relocation was in a portion of different early ethnicities, such as, Etruscans, Latins, and Sabines, eventually populating the city as the capital of
the Roman Monarchy, Republic, and Empire.
For around 244 years, Rome was represented by a monarchy. Over the 244 year time span, "there were seven rulers to control the kingdom, in
sequential order: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tulles, and Tarquinius Superbus. Tarquinius
Superbus was nullified from the throne in 509 B.C.E., and Rome turned into an oligarchic republic" (
Amid the republic, Rome encountered a period of civil war between the wealthy and the poor. After a centralized armed force was set up, the city
battled against numerous states for the sole purpose of growing its regional standard. Amid the second half of the century, a civil war came to fruition
between military officers Gaius Marius and Sulla, which likewise incited the making of the political collusion between Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius
Crassus, and Pompey the Great, known as the First Triumvirate.
In the wake of acquiring military radiance in Spain, Caesar came back to Rome to strive for the consulship in 59 B.C. From his collusion with Pompey
and Crassus, Caesar got the governorship of three affluent territories in Gaul
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Roman Republic And Early Roman Empire Essay
The later Roman Republic and early Roman Empire controlled most of modern day Europe through Northern Africa to Asia Minor. This time of
complete dominance over much of the known world propelled Rome into a new era of wealth and prosperity that allowed Romans to look past
military expansion. The Roman state now turned towards betterment of society and the "craving for a good education." Education was seen not only
as a tool for the furthering of personal careers, but as a way to improve Rome. Education passed along virtue and the skills necessary to run the
Republic and early Empire. This knowledge began in the home, transferring from father to son through the role of fathers as paterfamilias or head of
household. Fathers were in charge of ensuring the best possible education for their sons in hope that they would further the ideals and goals of a
glorious Rome. Education, through the different steps of the informal Roman education structure and through the influence of the father, furthered the
ideal of Roman virtue and ensured generations of virtuous leaders. Early education was usually obtained through the family especially since there were
"no free public schools." Even where there were publicly funded schools, Romans feared the privilege of education "might be corrupted to serve private
interests." This went against the Roman ideal that looked towards education as a betterment of society, not the individual. Pliny, in 100 AD to the
community of Comum, argued it
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The World Of Antiquity, The Roman Empire Essay
In the world of antiquity, the Roman Empire (A.D. 117) was one of the roots of medieval Europe, where romans were at the top. They ruled this
enormous amount of lands, the center being the city of Rome and the leader being the roman emperor. The empire's extensive political, economic and
social structure became vital to the heritage of the Ancient Civilization. The emergence of sustainable agriculture, primitive technology, scholarly
writing and reading, and metalworking had developed stability, growth, and overall framework of civilization. Roman dominance prevailed for a long
period of time and influenced a great ordeal of cultural diversity amongst nations, introducing the rise of polytheistic and monotheistic religions;
particularly Christianity.
Religion played an important role in the daily lives of Ancient Rome. The official roman religion centered around many different gods, primarily, the
cults of Isis, Mithras, and Roma. These mystery religions were very well–known and prevalent in the western provinces. It connected and addressed
the common spiritual needs of the roman world. The most prominent icon was the statue of Mithras, the sun god. Worshipping Mirthas is the same as
acknowledging roman control. People were expected to follow only these particular religions otherwise emperors classify it as treason and uphold
executions upon them. Romans desired to spread this religious conformity to other parts of the world, intending to expand upon their domain. However,
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The City of Rome Essay
The City of Rome The city of Rome was quite spacious. It had a "population of about 1,000,000" (Arnold, Pg. 266). Within the city of Rome, there
was a variety of ethnic groups. It was a multi–ethnic cosmopolitan city: Italians from various districts as well as people from Greece, Asia Minor,
Syria, Judea, Persia, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, Gaul, Germany, Brittania, and elsewhere" (Arnold, Pg. 266).Rome also had five or six different
religions. "The entire pantheon of Roman gods, numerous Greek deities, some Asian, Persian and Egyptian deities, the goddess Roma, and the ruler
cult" (Arnold, Pg. 266). Rome has three "ports: Ostia, Portus, and Puteoli" (Arnold, Pg. 266). "Rome was the political, economic, and military center more content...
118). "Rome was fifteen miles inland from the Tyrrhenian Sea, along the banks of the Tiber river. Two of the fourteen regions, Circus Maximus and
From Romanum, are well known. The perimeter of the city measured just over thirteen miles" (Arnold Pg. 266). "The forum was the hub of the
political, religious, and economic life of Rome. Here the Senate building was located as well as the Mamertime prison, where prisoners were kept
prior to their executions. The Colosseum had not yet been built (it was completed in A.D. 80).Throughout the city were numerous temples dedicated
to many deities and to the deified Caesars. The palaces of the Caesars were located in the Circus Maximus and crowned the Palatine Hill" (Arnold, Pg.
266). "The Arch of Constantine, which he built to commemorate his military victory in A.D. 312. The Church of St. Peter in Montorio, west of the
Tiber, commemorating the area where he was said to have been crucified upside–down" (Arnold, Pg. 267). A great city such as Rome, did not become
great or as big as it was over night. "ancient Rome was a civilization that grew out of a small agricultural community founded on the Italian Peninsula
as early as the 10th century B.C." As it was mentioned earlier, Rome is located near the sea. It is "located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered
on the city of Rome, it became one of the largest empires in the ancient
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Rome and the Roman Empire Essay
Rome and the Roman Empire
As the story goes, Rome was founded by a pair of feuding brothers who were allegedly raised by wolves. Romulus and Remus. From that point on, the
Roman Empire would play a pivotal role in the development of both Eastern and Western society alike. Its influence can still be noticed. The Empire
bought us such inventions as aqueducts, elevators, and innovations like urban planning. This essay will discuss the evolution of the Roman Empire and
its impact on the Western World.
As the story goes, Rome was founded in 753 B.C by two brothers by the names of Romulus and Remus. The two feuded over leadership and the end
result was Romulus killing Remus and becoming emperor on his own. The city was only more content...
Finally, the extraordinary long battle was over and Rome was free from the Etruscans forever.
It was about time that there was a persisting threat from the Gauls to the north. The Romans were pleased with themselves and having defeated the
Etruscans, that they refused to believe that the barbarians would be too much of a threat. They were sadly mistaken. In 386 B.C the Gauls
ransacked and occupied Rome. The citizens were devastated. They had never suffered a loss of this magnitude, and the empire was still in its
infancy, the citizens decided the only was to win back the city was to go under its infancy. An enigmatic farmer know as Cincinnatus was elected to
this position. He rallied the legions into an extremely formidable force and took back Tome from the Gaulish barbarians. After he had accomplished
this, he returned to his farm to live a simple life.
The first major battle the empire would ever face was that against the Carthaginians led by Hannibal who came over the Alps and invaded Italy. At
this time, the legions were led by a general by the name of Skippio. The majority of the army was made up of citizens who could be called together
when needed. Otherwise know as the militia. The legions defeated Hannibal and pursued him back to Carthage. In 291 B.C it stretched 52,000 miles.
Sulla was a staunch republican who returned form the Social wars in 88 B.C and demanded land for his soldiers. The senate refused to grant
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Rome 's Good Side And Rome
Pofue Yang Mrs. Killian English 8 Rome's Good Side and Rome's Bad Side When people hear or see the word "Rome", many of them think of the
ancient Roman culture. The Roman culture consists of the Roman Gods, myths, their way of life, and arts. The surveyors wrote things such as
"Romans Gods", "Jesus", "Architecture", and "Ancient". But the most surprising thing was that barely any of the surveyors mentioned Rome's
dark side; conquership, enslavement of people, forcing other people to fight for entertainment, and most of all, the struggle for power;. This
research paper is to let all the readers know about Rome's beginning, Rome's conquership, their culture, and the power struggle. Rome started its
development and conquership ever since the beginning of Rome. What many people do not know was that Rome was at first a Kingdom, not a
Republic or an Empire.Rome was founded by a man by the name of Romulus in 753 B.C. Romulus made Rome into a Kingdom, and made himself
the first King of Rome. As Rome started out, Romulus stole women from neighboring countries to populate Rome. As this happens, Rome was
separated between nationalities. Romulus was the King of Rome from 753 B.C. to 716 B.C. Rome's second king was Numa Pompilius. Religion
was established by Numa which will influence the Romans in war, economy, and politics. As religion grew, Numa added 2 more months in a year
(10 years to 12 years) to assist in Religion rituals. Numa was king from 715 B.C. to 673 B.C. Then came the
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Essay about Rome
Imagine an empire so vast and yet powerful, but then it falls like rain. Also imagine the same empire that controls parts of Africa and Eurasia. One may
envision such an empire that is war–like. This empire is known as the Roman Empire. Aside all of the conquests and battles, their art andsocial life are
of extreme significance. Throughout past decades, archeologists have stumbled across many remarkable findings that gives historians a much needed
in–depth look into ancient societies. Spas, glass technology, tax assessors, oils, and other "everyday" items are discovered frequently more
There have been ruins of an ancient Roman city located in Egypt. "The ruins of a city belonging to the Roman Empire built more than approximately
seventeen centuries ago have been found near Dakhla oasis in Egypt's Western Desert. After four years of excavations, an Egyptian–Canadian team
recently uncovered ruins of the city, which is made of terra cotta. The find includes a temple with the name Nero carved in one wall. Dakhla, 340
miles south of Cairo, was a major Egyptian agricultural area during the Roman occupation of Egypt from 30 BCE to 395 CE." (Guardian, section 1,
page 24, col.7 3/6/98)
Speaking of Nero, a fresco find opens a window to the past, which is an amazing discovery. During Nero's reign, two–thirds of Rome burned. There are
no pictorial accounts of the Neronian period, except the fresco. Fresco is the art of painting on fresh plaster with pigments dissolved in water. The
fresco gives one a bird's eye view of a contemporary city, possibly Rome, and provides a unique insight into urban life at the time of the Emperor
Nero. Archaeologists stumbled on the find at the end of a tunnel running under the Colle Oppio, a public park opposite the Colosseum, which is
frequented by drug addicts and prostitutes. Ms. Elisabeta
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Ancient Rome Essay
The story of ancient Rome is a tale of how a small community of shepherds in the central Italy grew to become one of the greatest empires in history,
and then collapsed. According to Roman legend. Rome was founded in 753 B.C. By 275 B.C., it controlled most of the Italian Peninsula. In the A.D.
100's, the Roman Empire covered about half of Europe, much of the Middle East, and the northern coast of Africa. The empire then began to crumble,
party because it was too big for Rome to govern.
The millions of people who lived in the Roman Empire spoke many languages and followed many different customs and religions. But the Roman
Empire bound them together under a common system of law and government. The more content...
At the heart of a Roman city laid the forum– a large open space surrounded by markets, government buildings and temples. Rich and poor gathered
together in the bustling forum and at the baths, theaters, and arenas.
The earliest Romans believed that gods and goddesses had power over agriculture and all aspects of daily life. During the 300's B.C., the Romans
came info increasing contact with Greek ideas. They then began to worship Greek gods and goddesses. They gave them Roman names and built
temples and shrines in their honor.
The government controlled the religion of ancient Rome. Priests were government officials, who were either elected or appointed to office. But by
A.D. 100, many Romans had lost interest in their religion. They became attracted to the religions of the Middle East, which appealed strongly to the
emotions. Christianity, one of the Middle Eastern religions, gained many followers.
The Romans began their day at sunrise. Breakfast was usually a light meal of bread and cheese. Most Romans ate lunch just before midday. For
wealthy Romans, it consisted of meat or fish and olives or fruit. Dinner, the main meal, began in the late afternoon so that it would end before sunset.
Wealthy Romans ate several courses at dinner. Their first course might include eggs, vegetables, and shellfish. The
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Rome, the capital of Italy, is a bustling cosmopolitan city with nearly 3,000 years of influential art, distinguishable architecture, and captivating culture.
Ancient Rome spanned three continents; Europe, Africa, and Asia. With beginnings as a tribe in central Italy and evolving into a republic (ruled by
an oligarchy) and later an empire (ruled by a "temporary" dictator or a emperor) they developed the characteristics of a thriving civilization. The
romans prized societal order or a hierarchal system; the senate, citizens, then slaves. The ancient civilization modeled their religious and intellectual
beliefs (dualism) from Greece and the Persians. The modernly visible ancient ruins like the colosseum or the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
evoke the power and culture of what was then, the Roman Empire and its cities. Ancient Roman cities were built with grand public buildings in the
center, surrounded by blocks of; homes, coliseums, markets, theaters, and municipal water supplies (bath houses). City lifestyle, while lively and
vibrant, could also be described as noisy, congested, and quite expensive. The cities were surrounded by walls for protection and geography purposes.
The homes surrounding the cities center were structures with opened roofs, engineered to catch rain water for drinking purposes, while facing away
from the streets they occupied to reduce the noise. Much of the congestion among citizens occurred in the municipal water supplies that supplied them
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The Legacy Of Rome Essay

  • 1. The Legacy of Rome Essay Roman Gladiators were a highly trained group of people who fought against other gladiators and animals in the Roman coliseums. Most gladiators were slaves captured from other countries that Rome fought. Once Rome conquested their lands, the gladiators were taken prisoner and escorted back to Rome. Once in Rome, they went to the ludus gladiatorius, or Gladiator school, to be trained. Training was supervised by a lanista, or "butcher" who frequently abused the gladiators both physically and mentally, usually using a whip. Many thought that gladiators were only slaves. However, criminals, people in debt, and other rule breakers who were sentenced to death were also sent to the ludus gladiatorius. The gladiators were trained based on more content... The largest was The Colosseum in Rome. It sat 45,000 people and was where the emperor would host his personal games which, if you lived in the time of Nero, he usually won. The Legacy of Rome is great. It was a powerful empire, one of the most powerful in history, its language inspired the languages of today, and the architecture of Rome is still emulated in the buildings of the modern world. Rome's language was Latin. Latin was so widely used by everyone in Rome's vast empire that it inspired many modern languages. Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, English, and many other languages were based off of or were similar to Latin. In fact, Latin had such an impact on the languages of the world that people still learn it today, 200 years later. Rome also left behind its governmental structure. Rome had twelve tables of written laws for all Romans to obey. While the modern day United States do not have twelve tables, we do have the constitution, which sets the laws of America which we must all follow. Rome had three branches of government, the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch. Rome had two consuls, representing its Executive Branch. America has a President and Vice President. Rome had a senate to make laws; America has the Legislative House and Senate as well. Romans built roads, Americans have built and are still building roads to expand our infrastructure. The buildings in Rome were big, and were made out of marble to add to their already Get more content on
  • 2. Essay Ancient Rome In this report about ancient Rome I will be talking about a lot of different things. One thing is how ancient Rome was different from ancient Greece, their daily life activities and lifestyles, and also about their religion. The ancients Romans were very different from the ancient Greek. "The ancient Romans were down–to–earth realists, not idealists."(Donn2) You can see this in their statues. The Greeks made statues of perfect people. The Romans created real life statues. A good example of this is a Roman emperor statue because his nose will be huge and the ancient Greek would have never done that. The Romans were fierce soldiers and wonderful builders. They built roads all over the empire and all led to Rome. The ancient Greeks more content... Not like the plebeians their house were made quite often of brick with red tile roofs, with room arranged around a central courtyard. The windows and balconies faced the courtyard, not the street, to keep their home safe from burglars. Real wealthy Romans might have a house with front door, bedrooms, an office, a kitchen, a dinning room, a garden, a temple, an atrium, a toilet, and a private bath. (Davis132) The ancient Romans started their day with breakfast. The lower class Romans or plebeians might have a breakfast of dry bread or dipped in wine, and water. Sometimes olives, cheese or raisins were sprinkled on the bread. "It became a custom to distribute bread daily to the unemployed."(Donn3) Workmen, on their way to work, grabbed some bread, and ate it on the way. The upper class Romans or patricians enjoyed fresh meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, bread, and used honey to sweeten food because sugar was unknown. They had slaves to cook and clean. Slaves cut their food for them, as they didn't use forks or knives, but ate with their fingers. A wet towel was brought by slaves to clean and wash up after a meal. Early in the morning kids who went to school, on the run, often stopped at a bakery for a quick meal, or to buy a pancake to eat on their way to school. (Lee3) Then, they got dressed to go out. The very early Romans wore a toga that looked like a white sheet 9 yards long. Togas were arranged very carefully, in a Get more content on
  • 3. The Rise of Rome Essay The Rise of Rome The Roman Republic began in 509 B.C.E. with the overthrow of the Etruscan monarchy. In 27 B.C.E the Roman Empire began with Octavian Caesar becoming the emperor, this ended almost 500 years of republican self–government. There is much debate over why Rome became so powerful so quickly. Many think it had to do with Rome's military strength. Others think that it was because Rome knew of and controlled most of the trade routes. Still others believed it had to do with the technology that was advanced during the Roman Republic. All of these factors played significant roles, but which one played the most important role? The military might of Rome was second to none in its prime. Victorious battle after battle did more content... The technological advancements of Rome were by far some of its greatest achievements. With such implementations and inventions and the great aqueducts and the better and more advanced weapons and fighting styles the Romans clearly had an edge over their opposition. The ability to provide fresh drinking water to all of its citizens is an accomplishment itself. The military advancements that the Romans created clearly made the difference in many battles. In fact, it is argued that as soon as people such as the Visigoths started using this military technology the Romans were doomed. Technology can definitely help sustain a civilization, but does it help create one? The question still arises and to which one of these things played the most important role in the rise of Rome. There should not be any argument or question. You can't feed an army without the trade routes to bring in food and money, but you can't keep the trade routes without and army to defend and capture them. Technology made the key difference in many battles that strengthened Rome, but these battles would have never taken place if there weren't trade routes to fight over. Nor would this technology have ever been put to use if there weren't battles to begin with. Each of these three items played an equally important role in the rise of Rome; they also played an equally important role in sustaining the Get more content on
  • 4. Romanization In Rome Elchin Huseynov HIST 200 Lecture B First Draft October 4, 2015 What was Romanization and how did it happen? From 6th about century B.C to approximately 6th century A.D the Roman Empire was the greatest and most flourishing empire of its time and endured. Numerous things the Romans did ascribe to the achievement and life duration of the Roman Empire. The Romans had another method for administering its subjects and had a to a great degree solid military. They had numerous new developments that made less demanding to oversee, and empowered amusement. Romans changed the life of people as making prosperity in economic, cultural and military issues, thereby it made their empire so powerful and fame. The Roman government was the more content... In this exposition, I should examine certain social and material impressions of Romanization. "Every aspect of life in the world of Late Antiquity was influenced by Romanization, making it as complex and transcendent as the history of Rome is inimitable. Critically speaking, Romanization must be understood as a stratified subject; the product of many processes: from expansion, annexation and colonization to amalgamation, exploitation and urbanization. It was as political as it was commercial. As voluntary and desired as it was imposed and resisted. Moreover, Romanization was as regionally distinct, as it was imperially ubiquitous" (Huskinson 2000a: 20–21). Romanization didn't imply that the people groups of that district of the Empire surrendered their local dialect in return for Latin, and by expansion they didn't surrender their local names either. Even though what Get more content on
  • 5. Roman Art Of Ancient Rome The art of Rome is considered completed art of ancient society. Legitimately argue that, although Roman masters continued the tradition of Hellenic, yet the art of ancient Rome – an independent phenomenon, determined by the course and the course of historical events, and living conditions, and the originality of religious beliefs, character traits of the Romans, and other factors. Roman art as a special artistic phenomenon began to study only in the twentieth century is essentially realized only if all its originality and uniqueness. Yet still many prominent antiquity, believed that history of Roman art is not written yet, not yet revealed all the complexity of its problems. In the works of the ancient Romans, unlike the Greeks, dominated by the symbolism and allegory. Accordingly, the plastic images Elliot conceded Romans picturesque place, which is dominated by the illusory nature of space and form – not only in the frescoes and mosaics, but in reliefs. Sculptures like maenads Scopas or Nike of Samothrace, is not created, but the Romans belonged unsurpassed sculptural portraits with a very precise transfer of the individual characteristics of the person and character, as well as reliefs, reliably fixated on historical events. Rome Masters unlike the Greek, who saw reality in its plastic unity, more inclined to analyze, the dismemberment of the whole into parts, detailed images of the phenomenon. Greeks saw the world as if through all unites and binds together the poetic Get more content on
  • 6. Ancient Rome Research Paper What did it feel like to be in Ancient Rome? How did the Romans live? Ancient Rome was located on central Italy's Tiber River into an empire that at its peak encompassed most of continental Europe, Britain, much of western Asia, northern Africa and the Mediterranean islands. Most of the Romans' lifestyle were Jobs, Armies, War, Food and Religion. Food –As we all know, the wealthy romans are definitely different to the poor romans. Even if you didn't know the wealthy would make obvious showings on how rich they are. One way they would show off was by their food. For breakfast, the wealthy would eat a meal called jentaculum. This meal was eaten around 11:00 a.m. The poor would often eat Bread cheese and possible some meat. The rich romans would eat their main meal in the late afternoon more content... The army had fighting techniques and was fit and disciplined. The army was given weapons so they were protected, and it was also used during wars. The Roman Army was large and needed soldiers. The army was a way for the poorer class to earn a regular wage and to gain some valuable land at the end of their service. It was a good way for the poor to move up in status. In the Third Punic War, the Romans, led by Scipio the Younger, captured and destroyed the city of Carthage in 146 B.C., turning Africa into yet another province of the mighty Roman Empire. The Romans had many wars and battles in order to protect their empire. There were also wars that were fought to gain power. These wars were called the Civil wars. The Great Roman Civil War lasted for four years until Caesar finally defeated Pompey and became Dictator ofRome. From making dishes and cups, to crafting jewelry and weapons for the army, craftsmen were important to the empire. Some craftsmen worked in individual shops and learned a specific craft. Others were slaves, who worked in large workshops that produced items in large quantities such as dishes or Get more content on
  • 7. Rome: Engineering an Empire Student Name Professor Name Course Title Date Rome: Engineering an Empire It is said that Rome was not built in a day. True. It took ambition, lust, murder and the unrivalled power of technology to make the Roman Empire span across three continents and many centuries. While the contributions of ambition, conquest and other political and militaristic factors remain important for the Roman Republic to transform into an Empire, none of this could have been possible without the immense contribution of engineering and technology. In this essay, we shall look into three engineering feats that I believe were crucial in building theRoman Empire. We shall be making use of the video "Rome: Engineering an Empire" as an aid towards more content... The aqueducts also gave birth to another landmark in building of early mega–structures: the arches. Through use of arches, aqueducts could be made taller and longer without using a lot of building materials. The aqueducts enabled expansion of Rome and helped keep the city clean. Through aqueducts the common Roman citizen had access to running water, a quantum leap in the civic amenities as per many experts. The third most important engineering feat was the Coliseum. The coliseum was the biggest amphitheatre built in the Roman Empire. Started by Vespasian in 72 AD, on the very site where Nero built a lake in his palace Domus Aurea. The giant amphitheatre where events like gladiator contests, prisoner executions, mock sea battles and animal huts etc. took place was a gift of the new emperor to the public. In many ways it was the world's first mega stadium, like the ones of today and could seat about 50,000 spectators. It was also the tallest structure ever built in the Roman Empire. The stadium even features like retractable roof and was full of comforts for the spectators. All the three engineering marvels are important in history and progress of not just the Romans, but also the mankind on a whole. All the three still exist today and were brought in by those Roman Emperors who are remembered in positive light as being good rulers of their times. Their pro public policy was the reason for such inventions and also Get more content on
  • 8. Rise Of Rome Research Paper The Rise of Ancient Rome Rome's ascension to dominance is a story of legend. Many years after the peak of Greek society and the escapades of Alexander the Great, a relatively small tribe of Latins laid the foundations for what would become one of the greatest empires the world had ever seen. Western Asia, the entirety of the Mediterranean, and France, Germany, Spain, Britain and other parts of modern day Europe were united through a common Roman heritage. Drawing from the civilizations before them, this new city helped define law and politics as we view them today. Indeed the true legacy of Rome is its contribution towards democratic representation of the people and the revolution of social and political life that models our current more content... All law was administered by the ruling Patricians who tended to rule in favor of their own interests. The plebeians rebelled and seceded to a hill outside the city. There they created their own assembly, Concilium Plebis and demanded the Patricians recognize their newfound authority. The Patricians were trapped. The plebs composed all the soldiers of the Roman army and without them they were open and exposed to attack. Quickly, the Patricians gave in to the plebian demands leading to the Law of the Twelve Tables in 450BCE. Plebs now could elect Tribunes to represent their interests, and hold office in the Senate. "In 367 the plebeians gained the right to be elected consul, and in 366 the first was elected. Thereafter, the Licinian–Sextian laws demanded that at least one consul be a plebeian" to further cement the rights of commoners (UNRV). In 287BCE the plebs passed a law requiring any motion passed in the Concilium Plebis to be recognized by the Senate. This was a defining moment in Roman government: plebs could hold office, pass laws, and advance into higher society. Laws were passed barring senators from having an active role in commercial endeavors. This lead to the downfall of patrician dominance as many plebs became wealthier and enjoyed greater representation in the senate. Patrician senators now had to rely on wealthy family members to support their political careers or commit to poverty as Get more content on
  • 9. How Did Rome Influence Today Rome influenced many things that we use in our daily things today. From art, law and justice, and several prefixes in words in the English language. Rome was an amazing empire that lasted for years, even when it started to crumble and fall apart. The influence it had on us today impacts the quote "All Roads Lead To Rome". The quote, to me, means that Rome had thousands of miles of roads, and if you stumbled upon one, and followed it, it would lead straight to Rome. Rome influenced many things today, one of them being art. After different kinds of Roman art were rediscovered after years, they still impact many of the modern art we see today. The Romans made realistic statues and frescoes. Along with decorative murals and mosaics, you can still find many forms of art influenced by the Romans. "The Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo in the 1500s, the ceiling shows scenes from the Bible. A Roman would feel right at home looking up more content... Different examples of modern languages like Italian, Spanish, and French have been heavily influenced by the unique Roman language. Many prefixes for words come from the language of Romans, along with the names of most, if not all, the months. September, The Seventh month. (etc) We also use the Roman numerals, not all the time though, but often enough to "praise" the Romans for it. (I,V,X,L,C,D,M and many more!) It's hard to imagine life without the amazing creations that influenced us from the Romans. As you can see, even though Rome finally collapsed and fell into ruins thousands of years ago, the great civilization still left its mark on modern day things we do everyday. From modern day art being influenced on Rome, to the idea of Law And Justice. Had Rome not existed thousands of years ago, we may not have the wonderful ideas and inventions we have in modern day today. Even though it is not here right now, you can look around and see all the things that Rome had "given" to Get more content on
  • 10. Why Did Rome Fall Essay For those of you who don't know me, I am Edward Mai. I am here today to tell you about Rome's fall. As all of us know, the Roman Empire, in which the time before it fell, thought it would last centuries more. Unfortunately, it slowly declined until it finally broke down. But, we will forever remember how Rome has affected us in our modern society with it's legacies. The fall of the Roman Empire happened slowly. There were many reasons for why Rome fell. One of the reasons say the empire was too big and there were not enough soldiers to guard the empire, some of which were not loyal because they did not want to be a part of Rome. Another reason says that Rome fell because citizens of Rome had to pay heavy taxes for the army, which made the economy weak. The taxes made many citizens go into poverty. Also, many Romans were unemployed. Small farmers could not keep up, so they tried to find jobs in the city, but there were still not enough jobs. A third reason to explain why Rome fell is that there was corruption and a decline in spirit of citizenship. Some emperors wasted large amounts of more content... One of Rome's legacies was art. This art includes statues and mosaics. These forms of art can be found in many places. Another one of Rome's legacies were their architectural features. These features included vaults and domes. You can see domes in many buildings, along with vaults. A different legacy of Rome was their engineering achievements. These achievements included roads (and many others, but I do not think these contributed as much). Roads are almost everywhere. A fourth legacy of Rome was numbers, a language, and ways to measure time. Sometimes, Roman numerals are used in place of numbers. English is also heavily based on Latin. The fifth legacy of Rome was their law. Their law covered many things, such as marriages, inheritances, and contracts between people as well as countless other areas of daily Get more content on
  • 11. Rome : The Capital City Of Italy Essay Rome is the capital city of Italy, situated in the central–western Italian Peninsula. The historical context of Rome begins at around 753 B.C.E. Rome 's initial relocation was in a portion of different early ethnicities, such as, Etruscans, Latins, and Sabines, eventually populating the city as the capital of the Roman Monarchy, Republic, and Empire. For around 244 years, Rome was represented by a monarchy. Over the 244 year time span, "there were seven rulers to control the kingdom, in sequential order: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tulles, and Tarquinius Superbus. Tarquinius Superbus was nullified from the throne in 509 B.C.E., and Rome turned into an oligarchic republic" ( Amid the republic, Rome encountered a period of civil war between the wealthy and the poor. After a centralized armed force was set up, the city battled against numerous states for the sole purpose of growing its regional standard. Amid the second half of the century, a civil war came to fruition between military officers Gaius Marius and Sulla, which likewise incited the making of the political collusion between Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Pompey the Great, known as the First Triumvirate. In the wake of acquiring military radiance in Spain, Caesar came back to Rome to strive for the consulship in 59 B.C. From his collusion with Pompey and Crassus, Caesar got the governorship of three affluent territories in Gaul Get more content on
  • 12. Roman Republic And Early Roman Empire Essay The later Roman Republic and early Roman Empire controlled most of modern day Europe through Northern Africa to Asia Minor. This time of complete dominance over much of the known world propelled Rome into a new era of wealth and prosperity that allowed Romans to look past military expansion. The Roman state now turned towards betterment of society and the "craving for a good education." Education was seen not only as a tool for the furthering of personal careers, but as a way to improve Rome. Education passed along virtue and the skills necessary to run the Republic and early Empire. This knowledge began in the home, transferring from father to son through the role of fathers as paterfamilias or head of household. Fathers were in charge of ensuring the best possible education for their sons in hope that they would further the ideals and goals of a glorious Rome. Education, through the different steps of the informal Roman education structure and through the influence of the father, furthered the ideal of Roman virtue and ensured generations of virtuous leaders. Early education was usually obtained through the family especially since there were "no free public schools." Even where there were publicly funded schools, Romans feared the privilege of education "might be corrupted to serve private interests." This went against the Roman ideal that looked towards education as a betterment of society, not the individual. Pliny, in 100 AD to the community of Comum, argued it Get more content on
  • 13. The World Of Antiquity, The Roman Empire Essay In the world of antiquity, the Roman Empire (A.D. 117) was one of the roots of medieval Europe, where romans were at the top. They ruled this enormous amount of lands, the center being the city of Rome and the leader being the roman emperor. The empire's extensive political, economic and social structure became vital to the heritage of the Ancient Civilization. The emergence of sustainable agriculture, primitive technology, scholarly writing and reading, and metalworking had developed stability, growth, and overall framework of civilization. Roman dominance prevailed for a long period of time and influenced a great ordeal of cultural diversity amongst nations, introducing the rise of polytheistic and monotheistic religions; particularly Christianity. Religion played an important role in the daily lives of Ancient Rome. The official roman religion centered around many different gods, primarily, the cults of Isis, Mithras, and Roma. These mystery religions were very well–known and prevalent in the western provinces. It connected and addressed the common spiritual needs of the roman world. The most prominent icon was the statue of Mithras, the sun god. Worshipping Mirthas is the same as acknowledging roman control. People were expected to follow only these particular religions otherwise emperors classify it as treason and uphold executions upon them. Romans desired to spread this religious conformity to other parts of the world, intending to expand upon their domain. However, Get more content on
  • 14. The City of Rome Essay The City of Rome The city of Rome was quite spacious. It had a "population of about 1,000,000" (Arnold, Pg. 266). Within the city of Rome, there was a variety of ethnic groups. It was a multi–ethnic cosmopolitan city: Italians from various districts as well as people from Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Judea, Persia, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, Gaul, Germany, Brittania, and elsewhere" (Arnold, Pg. 266).Rome also had five or six different religions. "The entire pantheon of Roman gods, numerous Greek deities, some Asian, Persian and Egyptian deities, the goddess Roma, and the ruler cult" (Arnold, Pg. 266). Rome has three "ports: Ostia, Portus, and Puteoli" (Arnold, Pg. 266). "Rome was the political, economic, and military center more content... 118). "Rome was fifteen miles inland from the Tyrrhenian Sea, along the banks of the Tiber river. Two of the fourteen regions, Circus Maximus and From Romanum, are well known. The perimeter of the city measured just over thirteen miles" (Arnold Pg. 266). "The forum was the hub of the political, religious, and economic life of Rome. Here the Senate building was located as well as the Mamertime prison, where prisoners were kept prior to their executions. The Colosseum had not yet been built (it was completed in A.D. 80).Throughout the city were numerous temples dedicated to many deities and to the deified Caesars. The palaces of the Caesars were located in the Circus Maximus and crowned the Palatine Hill" (Arnold, Pg. 266). "The Arch of Constantine, which he built to commemorate his military victory in A.D. 312. The Church of St. Peter in Montorio, west of the Tiber, commemorating the area where he was said to have been crucified upside–down" (Arnold, Pg. 267). A great city such as Rome, did not become great or as big as it was over night. "ancient Rome was a civilization that grew out of a small agricultural community founded on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 10th century B.C." As it was mentioned earlier, Rome is located near the sea. It is "located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it became one of the largest empires in the ancient Get more content on
  • 15. Rome and the Roman Empire Essay Rome and the Roman Empire As the story goes, Rome was founded by a pair of feuding brothers who were allegedly raised by wolves. Romulus and Remus. From that point on, the Roman Empire would play a pivotal role in the development of both Eastern and Western society alike. Its influence can still be noticed. The Empire bought us such inventions as aqueducts, elevators, and innovations like urban planning. This essay will discuss the evolution of the Roman Empire and its impact on the Western World. As the story goes, Rome was founded in 753 B.C by two brothers by the names of Romulus and Remus. The two feuded over leadership and the end result was Romulus killing Remus and becoming emperor on his own. The city was only more content... Finally, the extraordinary long battle was over and Rome was free from the Etruscans forever. It was about time that there was a persisting threat from the Gauls to the north. The Romans were pleased with themselves and having defeated the Etruscans, that they refused to believe that the barbarians would be too much of a threat. They were sadly mistaken. In 386 B.C the Gauls ransacked and occupied Rome. The citizens were devastated. They had never suffered a loss of this magnitude, and the empire was still in its infancy, the citizens decided the only was to win back the city was to go under its infancy. An enigmatic farmer know as Cincinnatus was elected to this position. He rallied the legions into an extremely formidable force and took back Tome from the Gaulish barbarians. After he had accomplished this, he returned to his farm to live a simple life. The first major battle the empire would ever face was that against the Carthaginians led by Hannibal who came over the Alps and invaded Italy. At this time, the legions were led by a general by the name of Skippio. The majority of the army was made up of citizens who could be called together when needed. Otherwise know as the militia. The legions defeated Hannibal and pursued him back to Carthage. In 291 B.C it stretched 52,000 miles. Sulla Sulla was a staunch republican who returned form the Social wars in 88 B.C and demanded land for his soldiers. The senate refused to grant
  • 16. Get more content on
  • 17. Rome 's Good Side And Rome Pofue Yang Mrs. Killian English 8 Rome's Good Side and Rome's Bad Side When people hear or see the word "Rome", many of them think of the ancient Roman culture. The Roman culture consists of the Roman Gods, myths, their way of life, and arts. The surveyors wrote things such as "Romans Gods", "Jesus", "Architecture", and "Ancient". But the most surprising thing was that barely any of the surveyors mentioned Rome's dark side; conquership, enslavement of people, forcing other people to fight for entertainment, and most of all, the struggle for power;. This research paper is to let all the readers know about Rome's beginning, Rome's conquership, their culture, and the power struggle. Rome started its development and conquership ever since the beginning of Rome. What many people do not know was that Rome was at first a Kingdom, not a Republic or an Empire.Rome was founded by a man by the name of Romulus in 753 B.C. Romulus made Rome into a Kingdom, and made himself the first King of Rome. As Rome started out, Romulus stole women from neighboring countries to populate Rome. As this happens, Rome was separated between nationalities. Romulus was the King of Rome from 753 B.C. to 716 B.C. Rome's second king was Numa Pompilius. Religion was established by Numa which will influence the Romans in war, economy, and politics. As religion grew, Numa added 2 more months in a year (10 years to 12 years) to assist in Religion rituals. Numa was king from 715 B.C. to 673 B.C. Then came the Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Rome ROME Imagine an empire so vast and yet powerful, but then it falls like rain. Also imagine the same empire that controls parts of Africa and Eurasia. One may envision such an empire that is war–like. This empire is known as the Roman Empire. Aside all of the conquests and battles, their art andsocial life are of extreme significance. Throughout past decades, archeologists have stumbled across many remarkable findings that gives historians a much needed in–depth look into ancient societies. Spas, glass technology, tax assessors, oils, and other "everyday" items are discovered frequently more content... There have been ruins of an ancient Roman city located in Egypt. "The ruins of a city belonging to the Roman Empire built more than approximately seventeen centuries ago have been found near Dakhla oasis in Egypt's Western Desert. After four years of excavations, an Egyptian–Canadian team recently uncovered ruins of the city, which is made of terra cotta. The find includes a temple with the name Nero carved in one wall. Dakhla, 340 miles south of Cairo, was a major Egyptian agricultural area during the Roman occupation of Egypt from 30 BCE to 395 CE." (Guardian, section 1, page 24, col.7 3/6/98) Speaking of Nero, a fresco find opens a window to the past, which is an amazing discovery. During Nero's reign, two–thirds of Rome burned. There are no pictorial accounts of the Neronian period, except the fresco. Fresco is the art of painting on fresh plaster with pigments dissolved in water. The fresco gives one a bird's eye view of a contemporary city, possibly Rome, and provides a unique insight into urban life at the time of the Emperor Nero. Archaeologists stumbled on the find at the end of a tunnel running under the Colle Oppio, a public park opposite the Colosseum, which is frequented by drug addicts and prostitutes. Ms. Elisabeta Get more content on
  • 19. Ancient Rome Essay The story of ancient Rome is a tale of how a small community of shepherds in the central Italy grew to become one of the greatest empires in history, and then collapsed. According to Roman legend. Rome was founded in 753 B.C. By 275 B.C., it controlled most of the Italian Peninsula. In the A.D. 100's, the Roman Empire covered about half of Europe, much of the Middle East, and the northern coast of Africa. The empire then began to crumble, party because it was too big for Rome to govern. The millions of people who lived in the Roman Empire spoke many languages and followed many different customs and religions. But the Roman Empire bound them together under a common system of law and government. The more content... At the heart of a Roman city laid the forum– a large open space surrounded by markets, government buildings and temples. Rich and poor gathered together in the bustling forum and at the baths, theaters, and arenas. The earliest Romans believed that gods and goddesses had power over agriculture and all aspects of daily life. During the 300's B.C., the Romans came info increasing contact with Greek ideas. They then began to worship Greek gods and goddesses. They gave them Roman names and built temples and shrines in their honor. The government controlled the religion of ancient Rome. Priests were government officials, who were either elected or appointed to office. But by A.D. 100, many Romans had lost interest in their religion. They became attracted to the religions of the Middle East, which appealed strongly to the emotions. Christianity, one of the Middle Eastern religions, gained many followers. The Romans began their day at sunrise. Breakfast was usually a light meal of bread and cheese. Most Romans ate lunch just before midday. For wealthy Romans, it consisted of meat or fish and olives or fruit. Dinner, the main meal, began in the late afternoon so that it would end before sunset. Wealthy Romans ate several courses at dinner. Their first course might include eggs, vegetables, and shellfish. The Get more content on
  • 20. Rome, the capital of Italy, is a bustling cosmopolitan city with nearly 3,000 years of influential art, distinguishable architecture, and captivating culture. Ancient Rome spanned three continents; Europe, Africa, and Asia. With beginnings as a tribe in central Italy and evolving into a republic (ruled by an oligarchy) and later an empire (ruled by a "temporary" dictator or a emperor) they developed the characteristics of a thriving civilization. The romans prized societal order or a hierarchal system; the senate, citizens, then slaves. The ancient civilization modeled their religious and intellectual beliefs (dualism) from Greece and the Persians. The modernly visible ancient ruins like the colosseum or the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus evoke the power and culture of what was then, the Roman Empire and its cities. Ancient Roman cities were built with grand public buildings in the center, surrounded by blocks of; homes, coliseums, markets, theaters, and municipal water supplies (bath houses). City lifestyle, while lively and vibrant, could also be described as noisy, congested, and quite expensive. The cities were surrounded by walls for protection and geography purposes. The homes surrounding the cities center were structures with opened roofs, engineered to catch rain water for drinking purposes, while facing away from the streets they occupied to reduce the noise. Much of the congestion among citizens occurred in the municipal water supplies that supplied them Get more content on