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The Importance Of Ethnicity In Schools
Teaching students about their ethnicity or even others should be enforced by the Board of Education directors in high schools. American School
Boards should mandate a curriculum that provides multicultural and ethnic studies programs for their students. This allows our American youth to have
a wider perspective on human interaction and historical events that lead to world we currently live in. More specifically, in American history, it
provides a foundational understanding of the numerous ethnic backgrounds that help shape this country into a pillar of freedom for the world to see.
America was built by people from all over the globe and this historical fact is the primary reason our educational programs should include an
understanding of all the cultures that played a role in its success.
As a child I gained limited knowledge about other ethnicities, including from my own through family and small circles of friends. Now that I'm in
college I'm embarrassed by the fact that I know so little about my own ethnic background as well as others. It's one matter to not know much about other
ethnic groups, but to not know about my own makes me feel like I'm letting myself down. Schools are meant to teach kids things they will need to
know for in the future such as math, reading, writing, science, and history. So, if ethnic studies teaches kids race, ethnicity, nation, gender and sexuality,
isn't that something kids will need to know more about in the future. Leaning those concepts
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Descriptive Essay About Ethnicity
Big Bird As I child, unfortunately, I was bullied at a very young age. The school was tough for me because I felt different. I have always felt
different because of my ethnicity. I felt that being bullied for my looks, my clothes, and my Mexican name, made me not love myself and my cultural
background. As a child, I was bullied because of my appearance. As a result, I began to believe it was because of my ethnicity.
I grew up in a family of seven, I have always been very family orientated. I had strict parents that kept me home a lot. I didn 't have many friends,
making friends didn 't come easily to me. Through my childhood, I moved a lot, so I was always the new kid. I only had about two friends growing
up. As a result, I more content...
He always wore his jordans that he would brag to everyone. One day, during my English class, He tapped me on my shoulder, and As I turned
around, I heard him saying " You have a weird nose, it 's enormous it covers your whole face; has anybody ever told you?" I didn't know what to say
to, him so I just said "no nobody has ever said that" He then told me " Oh my god! I'm going to start calling you Big bird!" He then told everyone
in my class, and they just laughed at me. All I kept telling myself, was that I would be home soon. I kept looking at the clock waiting so that I
could go home because I couldn't contain the tears. I walked home alone that day; my whole walk home I was cursing my dad for giving me his
big Mexican nose. I felt so empty my entire body just wanted to realize everything but I couldn't. I walked home crying; I began to feel so ugly. I
thought to myself if any of my sisters felt the way I did, but I quickly told myself they didn't and I couldn't talk to them. I looked for answers; I began
to think well why doesn't Ashely or Kim get made fun of, Why only me? I then thought well they look nothing like me; they have pretty hair and pretty
fair skin. I believed that because of my brown skin and frizzy dark hair I was ugly. I was very young, and I became to feel incredibly insecure about my
looks. I decided to do my best and ignore him. The next day, he tried to make fun of my name, he would say my name
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Essay On Race And Ethnicity
I believe that everyone has their own perspective on identifying different race, ethnicity or gender, etc. I think it is hard for people to have exactly the
same perspectives on human traits because everyone has their own opinions and thoughts. However, something I found interesting is that people who
have similar thoughts seems to hang around together because they have the same beliefs. For example, at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, we can
easily see that people who have same race, ethnicity, class, or religion, etc, they are always gathering together. The question of the essay is how do I
identify and why? Personally, I identity people by looking at their appearance and the apparel they are wearing because it is easiest way to figure which more content...
However, for the ethnicity, it is about a group of people who gather together because they came from the same place and would be able to share their
culture. Race and ethnicity are different types of human traits, however, they have something in common. The common thing that they have to face
is discrimination. Even though in today's society the discrimination problem is better compared to the history, however, there are still a lot of
discrimination occur in today's society. I will take myself as an example; I remembered that once I was sitting with all my American friends.
Suddenly, there was a kid walked by and whispered, "She's looks different than her friends." I was shocked because I did not know how to react in
this type of situation. Therefore, I just laughed and pretended nothing had happened. However, the experience had made me feel uncomfortable and
awkward when I am hanging out with my American now. Second I would like to talk about class. Class makes me think of the level of the social
hierarchy. For example, how wealthy people are or how poor people are. If a family were wealthy, they would absolutely be treated differently
compared to a family who were
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Personal Narrative: Race And Ethnic Identity
Born in a small village called Manchester in the country area of Guyana. As the evenings grew dark I would sit in my father's lap as he retold the
history of tense racially aligned political issues between two electoral parties in my country. I never understood what he was talking about, despite
his definition of the words and vivid storytelling. Without a doubt, he was conscious of the lack of interest I had in his stories, but would often
continue, which was evidently forgotten the next day since I was only 6 years old. At that age often times the stories our parents tell us do not apply
to us. However, at the age of 9, I had my very first experience of racism and learned my ethnic identity.
The results had just been announced after more content...
A land of many opportunities as it was portrayed, nevertheless; it was a struggle to adjust since I had left my entire life in Guyana, coming here
with just a few pieces of clothes I owned and the ethnic identity that was instilled in me, which I immediately found out would work against me in
my career choices. Emphatically, my first job was in retail, working with a diverse population where each individual had their own personal ethnic
identity. The vast majority of the population of people I worked with were Caucasian, however I did make a few friends. I was even more excited
when I saw someone that looks like me, but she quickly sought to assimilate and be accepted by our Caucasian coworkers so she actively distanced
herself with the emphasis that if she were seen with me it will be a downfall in her own
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Reflection on Ethnicity Essay
Our increased mobility has given us greater access to the world and the diverse people that inhabit it. With that mobility comes the shared
responsibility to negotiate with people who may initially seem unfamiliar and learn to express the experience. The word "ethnicity" is used to describe
a specific population's characteristics of fundamental aspects that all humans share. When applied loosely,ethnicity becomes a blanket term to define
large populations, undermining the worth and the diversity within that group and emphasizing the differences between cultures. Yet those differences
come down to matters of preference and socialization within each culture. The dominant themes that rule human nature persist in every society – more content...
When the knowledge that humans belong to one race becomes more widely known and accepted, our interpretation of other ethnic groups may change.
The differences between cultures may not be as pronounced as our similarities.
America is a recognized melting pot, integrating immigrants and their children, folding generations into a wider network of compromised values
where traditional culture is abandoned for a watered down commercial version that valued only what would sell. The mass media in the United States
is a powerful socialization tool especially for young people, proving to be an overriding adversary of traditional cultural ideals. Subsequent generations
raised with such a forceful media influence scrape meaning where they are able, often forming counter and sub–cultures in attempt to renew grounds
for interpersonal connectivity. They find significance in recycled icons of cultural relics, without the foundation for understanding or appreciating the
history. Or create new relics and traditions out of what they have to work with. In an attempt to self–define upon superficial grounds, the value of niche
identification, material goods, and commercial events cannot fill the void created by a lack in social capital and cultural accountability. People still
seek meaning for their lives.
With the advance of globalization and an inter–dependent worldwide market, consumerism threatens to homogenize culture into income brackets.
Within a
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Race And Ethnicity Research Paper
Ethnicity Ethnicity, to me, can be defined as a group of people who share the same religion, ancestry, and cultural regions. This opinion of what
ethnicity means was developed when I took a course in sociology. By no means am I saying this is the actual definition of ethnicity, the first time I
could really identify with the word was when I was taking the course. As mentioned in class, we come from an area where there is not a lot of
diversity, and the word ethnicity was not really mentioned in school. In this area, we aren't taught about ethnicity, diversity, or other cultures. Sure,
there was an occasional mention of different ethnicities or cultures, but we were given no real definition as to what these words meant. Therefore, I
had no identification with the word, or even how the people in this region with a difference in ethnicity or culture feel. I believe this is a real
hindrance to the people in this area; the lack of knowledge about these topics can lead to a misunderstanding between people. This misunderstanding
could have been avoided if people were taught about these topics in more content...
This may make other people feel uncomfortable, as the cause of mistreatment was often by the hands of white people. Once again, this leads back to
schooling. In school, we often talk about the mistreatment of other ethnicities, but we never talk about how they felt. That topic is often glossed over,
I believe, because of the fear of hurting someone's feelings or making someone uncomfortable. In my opinion, I think we need to see the other point
of view to see what things were like during that time, and get a true feeling of what it is like to be a different
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Reflection On Race And Ethnicity
Race and Ethnicity Reflection
Race and ethnicity are important factors that influence the diversity of the school. According to an article by Hawley and Nieto (2010), race and
ethnicity affect both how students respond to instruction and opportunities to learn. By understanding the races and ethnic backgrounds of the
students, administrators may promote a supportive school environment, while educators promote a positive learning community and differentiate
lessons to meet the needs of all students, regardless of race and ethnic culture. Also, through understanding the diverse backgrounds, teachers and
students may develop a "trusting relationship" by respecting cultural backgrounds, avoid stereotyping, adapting instructions to meet needs, and build on
prior knowledge of the students (Hawley & Nieto, 2010). Race and ethnicity may impact a school district through developing instructional practices to
enhance learning, influencing teachers to connect with parents and create engaging lessons for their classes, and allow collaboration among
administration and teachers to support students, no matter their race.
Developing practices and Differentiated Lessons for All Students Race and ethnicity impact how teachers create lessons and assessments for students.
According to the article from Hawley and Nieto (2010), teaching should be adapted to students' learning styles (pg.68). All students demonstrate the
ability to learn a new concept in class, whether seeing the concept visually, listening and repeating through voice, a hands–on project, or through the use
of technology. As teachers plan and prepare lessons for their students, they must consider the races and ethnic backgrounds of the students, as well as
their learning styles in order to meet their needs. As a professional educator, I have had the experience of working with students with all kinds of
learning styles. By understanding the ethnic backgrounds and learning ability of my students, I would create lessons and materials that were
appropriate for all learners in my math classes, such as step–by–step notes for my visual and low learners, repetition of concepts and formulas for the
auditory learners, and using algebra tiles or creating
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Race and Ethnicity According to Anthropologists
Examining the ideas and beliefs within ones own cultural context is central to the study of Anthropology. Issues of Race and Ethnicity dominate the
academic discourses of various disciplines including the field of Anthropology. Race and Ethnicity are controversial terms that are defined and used by
people in many different ways. This essay shall explore the ways in which Anthropologists make a distinction between race and ethnicity and how these
distinctions serve as frames for cross–cultural comparison and analysis. It is important to accurately define these coined terms before one is able to
make accurate comparisons and distinctions between them, and their relation to the concept more content...
The concept of race and the meanings associated with the term have continuously changed and evolved throughout history. Many negative
connotations have been associated with the word race and these are evident as one reflects on the historical origins of the term. Commonly the term
race is closely connected to the notion of 'racism.' Racism is a specific form of prejudice which focuses on physical variations between people. It
describes the ideological belief that a person, or groups of people can be classified into 'races' which can be ranked in terms of superiority and
inferiority (Spoonley, 1988:4). Giddens defines racism as "the attribution of characteristics of superiority or inferiority to a population sharing certain
physically inherited characteristics" (1997:584). This supports the idea that racism is a manner of prejudice or animosity against people who have
different physical characteristics. It is in virtue of circumstances such as these that Anthropologists find it necessary to make a distinction between the
concepts of race and ethnicity.
In contrast to the idea of race, Ethnicity refers to ethnic affiliation, or the "cultural practices and outlooks of a given community of people that set
them apart from others" (Giddens, 1997:210). Members of a particular ethnic group see themselves as culturally distinct from other groups of people in
a society or culture. There are different characteristics which serve as a way of
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Ethnicity And Its Impact On Development Essay
Ethnicity has always been seen as a factor that helped bring people in a certain community together. In earlier years, ethnicity was nothing more than
just identity that people were proud of. However times have changed and the silver lining that was in ethnicity has begun to fade and in some areas, it
has completed ceased to exist. Today, ethnic ambitions have continuously replaced the patriotism of people to anation further dividing their loyalties to
their nation (Manyasa, 2005:69). Tribal orientations and ethnic labels have taken over in most of African states. In such cases, a person is first loyal to
their ethnic group and then second comes the nation. This is a scenario that has been seen to impact on development. That is to say, both negative and
positive ethnicity has an effect on development. Unfortunately, negative ethnicity tends to be more pronounced. As it is well known, development is a
multi–faceted process that can be hampered by several factors.
Development in any society is meant to positively impact the lives of the people through advancing in terms of social and economic status. Ideally
development brings about opportunities for the people but when these opportunities are hindered due to the fact that one belongs to a certain ethnic
group, then development is blocked. Existence of various ethnic groups in a country does not necessarily mean conflicts, but when competition among
these groups arises, then conflict is inevitable (Alemayehu, 2009). In
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A multi–ethnic society is a society which includes people from a variety of different races, religions, cultures, backgrounds etc. Multi–ethnic societies
can have many negative and positive effects which I am going to explain in the following paragraphs.
The benefits of living in a multi–ethnic society are that you get to meet new people and learn interesting things about them. People get a chance to
understand others and realise they're equal to us. It makes people less ignorant and alters stereotypical views they may have had beforehand from
media influence or friends/relatives. We begin to respect them more and understand their views on specific subjects. This could help people become
less racist. Also, you get a chance to learn more content...
Some of the world's best chefs are from other countries so food standards would decrease too. Also, many of our favourite films and TV programmes
wouldn't exist because many are made by foreign directors. Lots of famous actors/actresses are also foreign so our standard of films wouldn't be as
good. People from other cultures may have better ideas about behaviour and what rules to live by which could improve our society. We've gained
different fashion designers such as Versace and have more clothes to choose from as a result. Exciting festivals such Chinese New Year wouldn't exist
if we didn't have a multi–cultural society. We get a wider choose of music to listen to by different artists and different genres of music such as
bollywood and country and western. For many of our Olympic medals we've received we can thank black and Asian athletes such as Kelly Holmes
who won 2 gold medals in the 2004 Olympics. More sports are available now too and many of our favourite sporting achievers are foreign.
Technology has advanced because of foreigners coming up with new ideas. We've got improved health care because of accomplished foreign doctors
uncovering new medicines. Education has improved because of knowledgeable foreign teachers and books written by people from different cultures.
Also, without people from other cultures living in Britain we'd have a shortage of qualified people to employ
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Sociology Of Race And Ethnicity
Nicole Tetzlaff
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Essay Exam 1
Understanding race and racism can be very difficult for American citizens. This also leads to confusion when discussing current events around racial
disparities and inequalities. Mainstream American general society views racism and race differently than sociologist who study these disparities and
inequalities. The idea of double consciousness and ethnicity directly relate to the different ways in which different individuals understand and
experience race and racism. In our current society where media is widely used, individual's understandings of these topics becomes confusing and
difficult to understand and/or comprehend. Discussing the blurry ideas of race and racism is more content...
One of the biggest mistakes that the white population makes in Mainstream American society regarding the way they view racism is the way in which
they actually think or envision racism. Racism is thought to be events that have happened in history, but that don't necessarily happen "anymore".
Many of American's that are white typically think of significant occurrences such as slavery, segregation, wars between races, and internment camps.
Racism is viewed very differently for the non–white population. Discussed in lecture by Professor Chernega, "non–whites think of racism in terms of
something that happened to them yesterday, today, or even potential racism they will face in the future" (Chernega, 2017). This produces two very
different views that two different populations experience simultaneously. There is a reason for this difference in understanding what discrimination
means. It is no surprise that blacks have faced a much longer period of discrimination when compared to whites. Another idea that plays a large part in
the reason for these differences of understandings is the way in which history is told. Many historic stories are told as if racism is something that only
occurred in the past and doesn't necessarily happen anymore. More often than not, racism is not addressed as a current issue when historic events are
explained. Author Kohl discusses the issues regarding children's literature
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Essay about Race and Ethnicity
Upon entering the class I was anxious, curious, and also oblivious to the ideas I would be encountering. Like other students who had not previously
spent time discussing topics of race and ethnicity, I myself had nervous tendencies in assuming that such a class may not strengthen my understanding
of ethnic and race relations. I realized I knew little about race or ethnicity, and even the possible similarities or differences. However, I welcomed the
opportunity to further discover the possibilities of the class. My understanding of race was concentrated in a definition that could be understood as
different skin colors. My limited conception of ethnicity applied to people's origin or where they lived. It seemed as though my lack more
Explanations as to why such areas seemed trivial in my life may possibly be found in the life I have lived.
My pre–adolescent years were spent in a community thick with diversity. My friendships were as diverse as the environment in which I lived. It never
struck me that racial and ethnic ideals separated people in society. However, upon moving to a predominately whiteupper–class community I began to
question such racial and ethnic ideas. From my adolescent years through today I began noticing that certain people are viewed differently for reasons
relating to race and ethnicity. As a result, the most recent community I grew up in has kept me sheltered from aspects of society. As a product of a
community where majorities existed, I found myself unexposed to the full understanding of race and ethnicity. Prior to the class I had never fully
dealt with issues of race or ethnicity, as a result I wondered why they would be of any importance in my life.
Nonetheless, these feeling changed. Even though my understanding of ethnicity and race was limited my interest for understanding grew. For example,
one weekend among peers at Connecticut College my last name was referred to in conversation about the Jewish population on campus. Without any
hesitation the people around me highlighted a distinction that I was not Jewish due to my German name and looks, and therefore not included with the
concern of the discussion. I came to wonder why such a distinction was made. I knew that
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Ethnic Identity Essay
They are groups that within a larger society that display a unique set of cultural traits. It keeps populations together through culture, history and
geography. Together others shape their identity which is the sense of belonging to a group and sharing its culture. Each person, wants to discover his or
her identity through their culture even if it is exploring their traditions. You wonder when is the right time to introduce a child to their culture?
Throughout, your life you find out what ethnic group you belong to what traditions to keep or not to keep. But, you also decide whether or not to pass
it on to your future children.
Local groups may merge into a larger group which became a region or nation. Some people who are from different ethnic groups tend to move into
regions where their people from the same culture this is called Chain Migration. Most of them may not know each other, they may see as having more
in common with each other than with the people of other ethnic groups. Ethnicity is a person's ethnic identity this not the same as their race, religion or
language but it is however defined by some or all these following factors.
A person can have multiple ethnic backgrounds but their ethnic identity can be one or the other ethnic background. Trying to find your ethnic identity
is difficult if you have multiple ethnic backgrounds. Ethnic Groups share a common language or religion, each person ethnicity means alot to them.
Ethnicity is seen as a social
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Reflection On Race And Ethnicity
To reflect on race and ethnicity, you must know what does it mean. What is Race? What is Ethnicity? According to Parillo, Race is a categorization
in which people sharing visible biological characteristics regard themselves or are regarded by others as a single group on that basis. Ethnicity is
shared cultural traits and/or national origin (2016). I believe their still some confusing between the two terms. Most people I asked about race and
ethnicity, they thought they were the same thing. However, I thought so too until I started this class. Race still a complicated category due to the
visible biological characteristics. With the wide ranges of physical appearances, it makes it difficult to determine what category each person should be
in. I believe this brings about racism. According to Parillo, racism slowly evolved out of sorting humans into categories based physical appearances
(2016). However, ethnicity caused racism within the races due to the different languages and cultural traits. A good example is Rwanda genocide in
1994. This was mass slaughtered trying to wipe out the entire Tutsi ethnic group which killing over 800,000 people. In America, I wonder if the same
thing is happening among African Americans. They are being sent to the prison systems due to the systematic racism They are getting longer prison
sentences or getting murdered by police officers due to systematic racism.
Growing up, I learned the following things about race and ethnicity
I was born in upstate New York. When I was about 4 years old, my family decided to move to eastern North Carolina. My parents were originally
from North Carolina and, so they decide to move back home to their hometown. They thought moving to the South was better to raise a family. I
have seen my father's talk about racism in the South and compare to the living in the North. My father has told me that he worked around every
race and ethnic groups. When we move to the South, I saw the frustration that my father face as an African American male. The racism for against
my dad was depraved that we were going to move back to New York after only being in North Carolina for only three years. As I look back, I wish we
did return to New York. My mother was
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Essay On Race And Ethnicity
Race and ethnicity is something that we all have to live with because we all have a race and ethnicity that claims us. Race and ethnicity was
something discussed daily at my household because I was the only Hispanic at my school until the third grade. This was difficult because as a child
it's hard to understand why my skin color, language, and ideals are different. I wouldn't have survived school without my parents and support from my
instructors that allowed me to transition into the mainstream without a traumatic effect. Throughout the year my parents would take me to activities
like Cinco De Mayo, Religious activities, Independence of Mexico, and other cultural events that celebrated our history and culture. This helped feed
my love for my culture and ancestors. Race is usually determined by how one looks but more content...
Some of these differences include, dialects, accents, food, music, religion, lifestyle, values, and clothing.
Ethnicity is something I'm proud of and something I would never deny. (Catholic/Hispanic) Ethnicity is something that you can't change and if you
disrespect or deny it then you are disrespecting your ancestors. You can't change who you are or where you came from. I believe that we should
embrace your ethnicity in a positive manner.
It doesn't matter to which ethnic group one belongs to, it all depends on the environment you grow up in. I would have the same mentality of respect
for my culture and history. I think my childhood would all depend on my parents because they are the ones who help teach us about our culture and
how we should act and treat others. They lay down the foundation to how you view the world and how the world will view you as part of society.
One has to evaluate his/her thoughts, ideas, behavior patterns, customs, values, skills, language, arts, and faith or religion to understand and respect
others who might not share the same culture or
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How Does Ethnicity And Race Affect Society?
Ethnicity and race are ways to differentiate a group of person from another; therefore, in the 21th century this terms has acquired a powerful meaning
in society. A few months ago, I learned how significant this terms are. I was born and raised in Colombia, a South American country surrounded by a
huge diversity of cultures united by one language, the Spanish. However, since I was 1 year old I traveled to the United States every summer and
sometimes Christmas for vacation, family and parent's business. With the pass of years, I grew up knowing persons with a different cultural
background. I got used to the physical and cultural differences, and the fact that there was always one thing in common.
I never thought that color and language could defined the person's personality till I started hearing how citizens from a different skin color can be
judged more content...
When I moved from Colombia to the United States on December of 2013, I started studying the language and using it for necessities. Despite of my
efforts, I could not got rate of my accent and it made my pass a temporally hard time. People made fun of me and my bad speaking skills. Even
though that I was from Colombia, for them I was Mexican. At the beginning it hurt my feelings because I knew that my speaking was not perfect but
also it made me stronger, and made me want to improve it every day.
At the end, I started thinking about the persons that suffer those offenses every day of their life, those that wake up every morning and at least more
than five persons re state their skin color or they cultural background. And then after all, they keep smiling and enjoying every second as it was the
last one. Then, I restated to myself that I would never be in their position and I would never feel what they felt because only them know how to put a
smile over the
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Race And Ethnicity Essay
Race and ethnicity in American history are not identical concepts or categories; when in fact, they are very different. Since the very beginning, our
views on classification and the defining of groups has been shaped by the realms of politics. Both have changed identities throughout history. While I
will agree, there are similarities; I must also state they are distinctly different by definition.
Most identify race with biology and ethnicity with culture. Race is an historical concept it was created during colonialization and used as a means to
exploit people. It is the physical characteristics of a person such as their skin color, hair and bone structure is used to differentiate between races;
which does not hold much validity today. It is also viewed as a social concept, where one's perception more content...
In retrospect, they are both correct in reference to the definition. Ethnicity is a shared culture and identity within subgroups/cultures–it is also related to
country of origin, ancestry and shared language, something Ms. Dolezal identifies with.
Determining such can be problematic because there are a number of Americans in mixed race and ethnicities, and the collection of data by the
government is no longer a cookie cutter process as it no longer pertains to the four ethnicities. Race and ethnicity is separate and independent according
to the government and for the convenience of classification, those four categories consist of (White, Black, American Indian, Asian and Hispanic.)
Some ethnic groups are based on subcultures such as the Hispanics. They are not a race. Hispanic is attached to people whose origins can be traced to
countries where there was Spanish conquest–those countries are Spanish speaking. Hence, the category changes to Hispanic or
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The Positive And Effects Of Ethnicity
Effects of Ethnicity As we go about everyday lives we don't think about this one question of: How important is ethnicity to us? This may be a tough
question to answer for some of us, as we may not even know the meaning of this question. Ethnicity refers mainly to a person's culture, nationality,
language, geographical location etc. This gives individuals their identity in the World and some of them might not like it because they don't like to
stand out. For me, ethnicity is very important because I have a sense of belonging to the world and makes me feel included. Ethnicity can be seen in
the many literary texts read in this class. Ethnicity can affect the identity of individuals in a positive and negative way, but can also show us a better
understanding of multiculturalism in the United States. Each of the non–fiction texts is unique in their own ways of expressing ethnicity by the ways
of the characters. In the book titled " The Round House" by Louise Erdrich, ethnicity is very important to the characters because their ethnicity will
determine if Geraldine can seek justice. Readers can tell that this story related to ethnic backgrounds, when women said to Joe, " Don't you Indians
have your own hospital over there? Aren't you building a new one?" (8). This shows that After Geraldine's rape, Bazil and Joe knew that due to their
ethnicity, they have higher chances of to failing to seek justice. They are not able to convict anyone that is not from the reservation making
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Ethnicity And Ethnicity Essay
This essay will be discussing the correlation between ethnicity and educational attainment. Whether your race affects your life chances or if other
factors are involved as well. It will be looking at different ethnic minorities and how well they are doing in school.
Although most schools are seen as multicultural, you can see clear differences between ethnic minorities. Statistics show that clearly some ethnicities
are doing poorer than others. At the moment Black Caribbean boys are achieving the least amount of GCSE A*–C grades whereas more than 50% of
Chinese girls are achieving the most GCSE's. There are many factors as to why some ethnicities do better than others. Ethnicity can have a major affect
on your achievement but other things like– social class, gender and location can also play a part in how well you do.
Success or failure can be influenced by what happens within the school and classroom. If teachers have low expectations of an ethnic minority it may
affect the actual progress of a pupil. This is known as the self fulfilling prophecy. If a teacher labels most Bangladeshi boys as 'not very bright and
able'. The teacher has labeled the group and made a prediction about them. Because the teacher has low expectation, he/she will except below average
homework. Also teachers will not encourage the pupils as they are already labeled as 'failures'. As the teacher has not helped the Bangladeshi boys they
would have made the prediction true. So this shows that teachers
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The Importance Of Ethnicity In Schools

  • 1. The Importance Of Ethnicity In Schools Teaching students about their ethnicity or even others should be enforced by the Board of Education directors in high schools. American School Boards should mandate a curriculum that provides multicultural and ethnic studies programs for their students. This allows our American youth to have a wider perspective on human interaction and historical events that lead to world we currently live in. More specifically, in American history, it provides a foundational understanding of the numerous ethnic backgrounds that help shape this country into a pillar of freedom for the world to see. America was built by people from all over the globe and this historical fact is the primary reason our educational programs should include an understanding of all the cultures that played a role in its success. As a child I gained limited knowledge about other ethnicities, including from my own through family and small circles of friends. Now that I'm in college I'm embarrassed by the fact that I know so little about my own ethnic background as well as others. It's one matter to not know much about other ethnic groups, but to not know about my own makes me feel like I'm letting myself down. Schools are meant to teach kids things they will need to know for in the future such as math, reading, writing, science, and history. So, if ethnic studies teaches kids race, ethnicity, nation, gender and sexuality, isn't that something kids will need to know more about in the future. Leaning those concepts Get more content on
  • 2. Descriptive Essay About Ethnicity Big Bird As I child, unfortunately, I was bullied at a very young age. The school was tough for me because I felt different. I have always felt different because of my ethnicity. I felt that being bullied for my looks, my clothes, and my Mexican name, made me not love myself and my cultural background. As a child, I was bullied because of my appearance. As a result, I began to believe it was because of my ethnicity. I grew up in a family of seven, I have always been very family orientated. I had strict parents that kept me home a lot. I didn 't have many friends, making friends didn 't come easily to me. Through my childhood, I moved a lot, so I was always the new kid. I only had about two friends growing up. As a result, I more content... He always wore his jordans that he would brag to everyone. One day, during my English class, He tapped me on my shoulder, and As I turned around, I heard him saying " You have a weird nose, it 's enormous it covers your whole face; has anybody ever told you?" I didn't know what to say to, him so I just said "no nobody has ever said that" He then told me " Oh my god! I'm going to start calling you Big bird!" He then told everyone in my class, and they just laughed at me. All I kept telling myself, was that I would be home soon. I kept looking at the clock waiting so that I could go home because I couldn't contain the tears. I walked home alone that day; my whole walk home I was cursing my dad for giving me his big Mexican nose. I felt so empty my entire body just wanted to realize everything but I couldn't. I walked home crying; I began to feel so ugly. I thought to myself if any of my sisters felt the way I did, but I quickly told myself they didn't and I couldn't talk to them. I looked for answers; I began to think well why doesn't Ashely or Kim get made fun of, Why only me? I then thought well they look nothing like me; they have pretty hair and pretty fair skin. I believed that because of my brown skin and frizzy dark hair I was ugly. I was very young, and I became to feel incredibly insecure about my looks. I decided to do my best and ignore him. The next day, he tried to make fun of my name, he would say my name Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Race And Ethnicity I believe that everyone has their own perspective on identifying different race, ethnicity or gender, etc. I think it is hard for people to have exactly the same perspectives on human traits because everyone has their own opinions and thoughts. However, something I found interesting is that people who have similar thoughts seems to hang around together because they have the same beliefs. For example, at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, we can easily see that people who have same race, ethnicity, class, or religion, etc, they are always gathering together. The question of the essay is how do I identify and why? Personally, I identity people by looking at their appearance and the apparel they are wearing because it is easiest way to figure which more content... However, for the ethnicity, it is about a group of people who gather together because they came from the same place and would be able to share their culture. Race and ethnicity are different types of human traits, however, they have something in common. The common thing that they have to face is discrimination. Even though in today's society the discrimination problem is better compared to the history, however, there are still a lot of discrimination occur in today's society. I will take myself as an example; I remembered that once I was sitting with all my American friends. Suddenly, there was a kid walked by and whispered, "She's looks different than her friends." I was shocked because I did not know how to react in this type of situation. Therefore, I just laughed and pretended nothing had happened. However, the experience had made me feel uncomfortable and awkward when I am hanging out with my American now. Second I would like to talk about class. Class makes me think of the level of the social hierarchy. For example, how wealthy people are or how poor people are. If a family were wealthy, they would absolutely be treated differently compared to a family who were Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Narrative: Race And Ethnic Identity Born in a small village called Manchester in the country area of Guyana. As the evenings grew dark I would sit in my father's lap as he retold the history of tense racially aligned political issues between two electoral parties in my country. I never understood what he was talking about, despite his definition of the words and vivid storytelling. Without a doubt, he was conscious of the lack of interest I had in his stories, but would often continue, which was evidently forgotten the next day since I was only 6 years old. At that age often times the stories our parents tell us do not apply to us. However, at the age of 9, I had my very first experience of racism and learned my ethnic identity. The results had just been announced after more content... A land of many opportunities as it was portrayed, nevertheless; it was a struggle to adjust since I had left my entire life in Guyana, coming here with just a few pieces of clothes I owned and the ethnic identity that was instilled in me, which I immediately found out would work against me in my career choices. Emphatically, my first job was in retail, working with a diverse population where each individual had their own personal ethnic identity. The vast majority of the population of people I worked with were Caucasian, however I did make a few friends. I was even more excited when I saw someone that looks like me, but she quickly sought to assimilate and be accepted by our Caucasian coworkers so she actively distanced herself with the emphasis that if she were seen with me it will be a downfall in her own Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection on Ethnicity Essay Our increased mobility has given us greater access to the world and the diverse people that inhabit it. With that mobility comes the shared responsibility to negotiate with people who may initially seem unfamiliar and learn to express the experience. The word "ethnicity" is used to describe a specific population's characteristics of fundamental aspects that all humans share. When applied loosely,ethnicity becomes a blanket term to define large populations, undermining the worth and the diversity within that group and emphasizing the differences between cultures. Yet those differences come down to matters of preference and socialization within each culture. The dominant themes that rule human nature persist in every society – more content... When the knowledge that humans belong to one race becomes more widely known and accepted, our interpretation of other ethnic groups may change. The differences between cultures may not be as pronounced as our similarities. America is a recognized melting pot, integrating immigrants and their children, folding generations into a wider network of compromised values where traditional culture is abandoned for a watered down commercial version that valued only what would sell. The mass media in the United States is a powerful socialization tool especially for young people, proving to be an overriding adversary of traditional cultural ideals. Subsequent generations raised with such a forceful media influence scrape meaning where they are able, often forming counter and sub–cultures in attempt to renew grounds for interpersonal connectivity. They find significance in recycled icons of cultural relics, without the foundation for understanding or appreciating the history. Or create new relics and traditions out of what they have to work with. In an attempt to self–define upon superficial grounds, the value of niche identification, material goods, and commercial events cannot fill the void created by a lack in social capital and cultural accountability. People still seek meaning for their lives. With the advance of globalization and an inter–dependent worldwide market, consumerism threatens to homogenize culture into income brackets. Within a Get more content on
  • 6. Race And Ethnicity Research Paper Ethnicity Ethnicity, to me, can be defined as a group of people who share the same religion, ancestry, and cultural regions. This opinion of what ethnicity means was developed when I took a course in sociology. By no means am I saying this is the actual definition of ethnicity, the first time I could really identify with the word was when I was taking the course. As mentioned in class, we come from an area where there is not a lot of diversity, and the word ethnicity was not really mentioned in school. In this area, we aren't taught about ethnicity, diversity, or other cultures. Sure, there was an occasional mention of different ethnicities or cultures, but we were given no real definition as to what these words meant. Therefore, I had no identification with the word, or even how the people in this region with a difference in ethnicity or culture feel. I believe this is a real hindrance to the people in this area; the lack of knowledge about these topics can lead to a misunderstanding between people. This misunderstanding could have been avoided if people were taught about these topics in more content... This may make other people feel uncomfortable, as the cause of mistreatment was often by the hands of white people. Once again, this leads back to schooling. In school, we often talk about the mistreatment of other ethnicities, but we never talk about how they felt. That topic is often glossed over, I believe, because of the fear of hurting someone's feelings or making someone uncomfortable. In my opinion, I think we need to see the other point of view to see what things were like during that time, and get a true feeling of what it is like to be a different Get more content on
  • 7. Reflection On Race And Ethnicity Race and Ethnicity Reflection Introduction Race and ethnicity are important factors that influence the diversity of the school. According to an article by Hawley and Nieto (2010), race and ethnicity affect both how students respond to instruction and opportunities to learn. By understanding the races and ethnic backgrounds of the students, administrators may promote a supportive school environment, while educators promote a positive learning community and differentiate lessons to meet the needs of all students, regardless of race and ethnic culture. Also, through understanding the diverse backgrounds, teachers and students may develop a "trusting relationship" by respecting cultural backgrounds, avoid stereotyping, adapting instructions to meet needs, and build on prior knowledge of the students (Hawley & Nieto, 2010). Race and ethnicity may impact a school district through developing instructional practices to enhance learning, influencing teachers to connect with parents and create engaging lessons for their classes, and allow collaboration among administration and teachers to support students, no matter their race. Developing practices and Differentiated Lessons for All Students Race and ethnicity impact how teachers create lessons and assessments for students. According to the article from Hawley and Nieto (2010), teaching should be adapted to students' learning styles (pg.68). All students demonstrate the ability to learn a new concept in class, whether seeing the concept visually, listening and repeating through voice, a hands–on project, or through the use of technology. As teachers plan and prepare lessons for their students, they must consider the races and ethnic backgrounds of the students, as well as their learning styles in order to meet their needs. As a professional educator, I have had the experience of working with students with all kinds of learning styles. By understanding the ethnic backgrounds and learning ability of my students, I would create lessons and materials that were appropriate for all learners in my math classes, such as step–by–step notes for my visual and low learners, repetition of concepts and formulas for the auditory learners, and using algebra tiles or creating Get more content on
  • 8. Race and Ethnicity According to Anthropologists Examining the ideas and beliefs within ones own cultural context is central to the study of Anthropology. Issues of Race and Ethnicity dominate the academic discourses of various disciplines including the field of Anthropology. Race and Ethnicity are controversial terms that are defined and used by people in many different ways. This essay shall explore the ways in which Anthropologists make a distinction between race and ethnicity and how these distinctions serve as frames for cross–cultural comparison and analysis. It is important to accurately define these coined terms before one is able to make accurate comparisons and distinctions between them, and their relation to the concept more content... The concept of race and the meanings associated with the term have continuously changed and evolved throughout history. Many negative connotations have been associated with the word race and these are evident as one reflects on the historical origins of the term. Commonly the term race is closely connected to the notion of 'racism.' Racism is a specific form of prejudice which focuses on physical variations between people. It describes the ideological belief that a person, or groups of people can be classified into 'races' which can be ranked in terms of superiority and inferiority (Spoonley, 1988:4). Giddens defines racism as "the attribution of characteristics of superiority or inferiority to a population sharing certain physically inherited characteristics" (1997:584). This supports the idea that racism is a manner of prejudice or animosity against people who have different physical characteristics. It is in virtue of circumstances such as these that Anthropologists find it necessary to make a distinction between the concepts of race and ethnicity. In contrast to the idea of race, Ethnicity refers to ethnic affiliation, or the "cultural practices and outlooks of a given community of people that set them apart from others" (Giddens, 1997:210). Members of a particular ethnic group see themselves as culturally distinct from other groups of people in a society or culture. There are different characteristics which serve as a way of Get more content on
  • 9. Ethnicity And Its Impact On Development Essay Ethnicity has always been seen as a factor that helped bring people in a certain community together. In earlier years, ethnicity was nothing more than just identity that people were proud of. However times have changed and the silver lining that was in ethnicity has begun to fade and in some areas, it has completed ceased to exist. Today, ethnic ambitions have continuously replaced the patriotism of people to anation further dividing their loyalties to their nation (Manyasa, 2005:69). Tribal orientations and ethnic labels have taken over in most of African states. In such cases, a person is first loyal to their ethnic group and then second comes the nation. This is a scenario that has been seen to impact on development. That is to say, both negative and positive ethnicity has an effect on development. Unfortunately, negative ethnicity tends to be more pronounced. As it is well known, development is a multi–faceted process that can be hampered by several factors. Development in any society is meant to positively impact the lives of the people through advancing in terms of social and economic status. Ideally development brings about opportunities for the people but when these opportunities are hindered due to the fact that one belongs to a certain ethnic group, then development is blocked. Existence of various ethnic groups in a country does not necessarily mean conflicts, but when competition among these groups arises, then conflict is inevitable (Alemayehu, 2009). In Get more content on
  • 10. A multi–ethnic society is a society which includes people from a variety of different races, religions, cultures, backgrounds etc. Multi–ethnic societies can have many negative and positive effects which I am going to explain in the following paragraphs. The benefits of living in a multi–ethnic society are that you get to meet new people and learn interesting things about them. People get a chance to understand others and realise they're equal to us. It makes people less ignorant and alters stereotypical views they may have had beforehand from media influence or friends/relatives. We begin to respect them more and understand their views on specific subjects. This could help people become less racist. Also, you get a chance to learn more content... Some of the world's best chefs are from other countries so food standards would decrease too. Also, many of our favourite films and TV programmes wouldn't exist because many are made by foreign directors. Lots of famous actors/actresses are also foreign so our standard of films wouldn't be as good. People from other cultures may have better ideas about behaviour and what rules to live by which could improve our society. We've gained different fashion designers such as Versace and have more clothes to choose from as a result. Exciting festivals such Chinese New Year wouldn't exist if we didn't have a multi–cultural society. We get a wider choose of music to listen to by different artists and different genres of music such as bollywood and country and western. For many of our Olympic medals we've received we can thank black and Asian athletes such as Kelly Holmes who won 2 gold medals in the 2004 Olympics. More sports are available now too and many of our favourite sporting achievers are foreign. Technology has advanced because of foreigners coming up with new ideas. We've got improved health care because of accomplished foreign doctors uncovering new medicines. Education has improved because of knowledgeable foreign teachers and books written by people from different cultures. Also, without people from other cultures living in Britain we'd have a shortage of qualified people to employ Get more content on
  • 11. Sociology Of Race And Ethnicity Nicole Tetzlaff Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Essay Exam 1 Understanding race and racism can be very difficult for American citizens. This also leads to confusion when discussing current events around racial disparities and inequalities. Mainstream American general society views racism and race differently than sociologist who study these disparities and inequalities. The idea of double consciousness and ethnicity directly relate to the different ways in which different individuals understand and experience race and racism. In our current society where media is widely used, individual's understandings of these topics becomes confusing and difficult to understand and/or comprehend. Discussing the blurry ideas of race and racism is more content... One of the biggest mistakes that the white population makes in Mainstream American society regarding the way they view racism is the way in which they actually think or envision racism. Racism is thought to be events that have happened in history, but that don't necessarily happen "anymore". Many of American's that are white typically think of significant occurrences such as slavery, segregation, wars between races, and internment camps. Racism is viewed very differently for the non–white population. Discussed in lecture by Professor Chernega, "non–whites think of racism in terms of something that happened to them yesterday, today, or even potential racism they will face in the future" (Chernega, 2017). This produces two very different views that two different populations experience simultaneously. There is a reason for this difference in understanding what discrimination means. It is no surprise that blacks have faced a much longer period of discrimination when compared to whites. Another idea that plays a large part in the reason for these differences of understandings is the way in which history is told. Many historic stories are told as if racism is something that only occurred in the past and doesn't necessarily happen anymore. More often than not, racism is not addressed as a current issue when historic events are explained. Author Kohl discusses the issues regarding children's literature Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Race and Ethnicity Upon entering the class I was anxious, curious, and also oblivious to the ideas I would be encountering. Like other students who had not previously spent time discussing topics of race and ethnicity, I myself had nervous tendencies in assuming that such a class may not strengthen my understanding of ethnic and race relations. I realized I knew little about race or ethnicity, and even the possible similarities or differences. However, I welcomed the opportunity to further discover the possibilities of the class. My understanding of race was concentrated in a definition that could be understood as different skin colors. My limited conception of ethnicity applied to people's origin or where they lived. It seemed as though my lack more content... Explanations as to why such areas seemed trivial in my life may possibly be found in the life I have lived. My pre–adolescent years were spent in a community thick with diversity. My friendships were as diverse as the environment in which I lived. It never struck me that racial and ethnic ideals separated people in society. However, upon moving to a predominately whiteupper–class community I began to question such racial and ethnic ideas. From my adolescent years through today I began noticing that certain people are viewed differently for reasons relating to race and ethnicity. As a result, the most recent community I grew up in has kept me sheltered from aspects of society. As a product of a community where majorities existed, I found myself unexposed to the full understanding of race and ethnicity. Prior to the class I had never fully dealt with issues of race or ethnicity, as a result I wondered why they would be of any importance in my life. Nonetheless, these feeling changed. Even though my understanding of ethnicity and race was limited my interest for understanding grew. For example, one weekend among peers at Connecticut College my last name was referred to in conversation about the Jewish population on campus. Without any hesitation the people around me highlighted a distinction that I was not Jewish due to my German name and looks, and therefore not included with the concern of the discussion. I came to wonder why such a distinction was made. I knew that Get more content on
  • 13. Ethnic Identity Essay They are groups that within a larger society that display a unique set of cultural traits. It keeps populations together through culture, history and geography. Together others shape their identity which is the sense of belonging to a group and sharing its culture. Each person, wants to discover his or her identity through their culture even if it is exploring their traditions. You wonder when is the right time to introduce a child to their culture? Throughout, your life you find out what ethnic group you belong to what traditions to keep or not to keep. But, you also decide whether or not to pass it on to your future children. Local groups may merge into a larger group which became a region or nation. Some people who are from different ethnic groups tend to move into regions where their people from the same culture this is called Chain Migration. Most of them may not know each other, they may see as having more in common with each other than with the people of other ethnic groups. Ethnicity is a person's ethnic identity this not the same as their race, religion or language but it is however defined by some or all these following factors. A person can have multiple ethnic backgrounds but their ethnic identity can be one or the other ethnic background. Trying to find your ethnic identity is difficult if you have multiple ethnic backgrounds. Ethnic Groups share a common language or religion, each person ethnicity means alot to them. Ethnicity is seen as a social Get more content on
  • 14. Reflection On Race And Ethnicity To reflect on race and ethnicity, you must know what does it mean. What is Race? What is Ethnicity? According to Parillo, Race is a categorization in which people sharing visible biological characteristics regard themselves or are regarded by others as a single group on that basis. Ethnicity is shared cultural traits and/or national origin (2016). I believe their still some confusing between the two terms. Most people I asked about race and ethnicity, they thought they were the same thing. However, I thought so too until I started this class. Race still a complicated category due to the visible biological characteristics. With the wide ranges of physical appearances, it makes it difficult to determine what category each person should be in. I believe this brings about racism. According to Parillo, racism slowly evolved out of sorting humans into categories based physical appearances (2016). However, ethnicity caused racism within the races due to the different languages and cultural traits. A good example is Rwanda genocide in 1994. This was mass slaughtered trying to wipe out the entire Tutsi ethnic group which killing over 800,000 people. In America, I wonder if the same thing is happening among African Americans. They are being sent to the prison systems due to the systematic racism They are getting longer prison sentences or getting murdered by police officers due to systematic racism. Growing up, I learned the following things about race and ethnicity I was born in upstate New York. When I was about 4 years old, my family decided to move to eastern North Carolina. My parents were originally from North Carolina and, so they decide to move back home to their hometown. They thought moving to the South was better to raise a family. I have seen my father's talk about racism in the South and compare to the living in the North. My father has told me that he worked around every race and ethnic groups. When we move to the South, I saw the frustration that my father face as an African American male. The racism for against my dad was depraved that we were going to move back to New York after only being in North Carolina for only three years. As I look back, I wish we did return to New York. My mother was Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Race And Ethnicity Race and ethnicity is something that we all have to live with because we all have a race and ethnicity that claims us. Race and ethnicity was something discussed daily at my household because I was the only Hispanic at my school until the third grade. This was difficult because as a child it's hard to understand why my skin color, language, and ideals are different. I wouldn't have survived school without my parents and support from my instructors that allowed me to transition into the mainstream without a traumatic effect. Throughout the year my parents would take me to activities like Cinco De Mayo, Religious activities, Independence of Mexico, and other cultural events that celebrated our history and culture. This helped feed my love for my culture and ancestors. Race is usually determined by how one looks but more content... Some of these differences include, dialects, accents, food, music, religion, lifestyle, values, and clothing. Ethnicity is something I'm proud of and something I would never deny. (Catholic/Hispanic) Ethnicity is something that you can't change and if you disrespect or deny it then you are disrespecting your ancestors. You can't change who you are or where you came from. I believe that we should embrace your ethnicity in a positive manner. It doesn't matter to which ethnic group one belongs to, it all depends on the environment you grow up in. I would have the same mentality of respect for my culture and history. I think my childhood would all depend on my parents because they are the ones who help teach us about our culture and how we should act and treat others. They lay down the foundation to how you view the world and how the world will view you as part of society. One has to evaluate his/her thoughts, ideas, behavior patterns, customs, values, skills, language, arts, and faith or religion to understand and respect others who might not share the same culture or Get more content on
  • 16. How Does Ethnicity And Race Affect Society? Ethnicity and race are ways to differentiate a group of person from another; therefore, in the 21th century this terms has acquired a powerful meaning in society. A few months ago, I learned how significant this terms are. I was born and raised in Colombia, a South American country surrounded by a huge diversity of cultures united by one language, the Spanish. However, since I was 1 year old I traveled to the United States every summer and sometimes Christmas for vacation, family and parent's business. With the pass of years, I grew up knowing persons with a different cultural background. I got used to the physical and cultural differences, and the fact that there was always one thing in common. I never thought that color and language could defined the person's personality till I started hearing how citizens from a different skin color can be judged more content... When I moved from Colombia to the United States on December of 2013, I started studying the language and using it for necessities. Despite of my efforts, I could not got rate of my accent and it made my pass a temporally hard time. People made fun of me and my bad speaking skills. Even though that I was from Colombia, for them I was Mexican. At the beginning it hurt my feelings because I knew that my speaking was not perfect but also it made me stronger, and made me want to improve it every day. At the end, I started thinking about the persons that suffer those offenses every day of their life, those that wake up every morning and at least more than five persons re state their skin color or they cultural background. And then after all, they keep smiling and enjoying every second as it was the last one. Then, I restated to myself that I would never be in their position and I would never feel what they felt because only them know how to put a smile over the Get more content on
  • 17. Race And Ethnicity Essay Race and ethnicity in American history are not identical concepts or categories; when in fact, they are very different. Since the very beginning, our views on classification and the defining of groups has been shaped by the realms of politics. Both have changed identities throughout history. While I will agree, there are similarities; I must also state they are distinctly different by definition. Most identify race with biology and ethnicity with culture. Race is an historical concept it was created during colonialization and used as a means to exploit people. It is the physical characteristics of a person such as their skin color, hair and bone structure is used to differentiate between races; which does not hold much validity today. It is also viewed as a social concept, where one's perception more content... In retrospect, they are both correct in reference to the definition. Ethnicity is a shared culture and identity within subgroups/cultures–it is also related to country of origin, ancestry and shared language, something Ms. Dolezal identifies with. Determining such can be problematic because there are a number of Americans in mixed race and ethnicities, and the collection of data by the government is no longer a cookie cutter process as it no longer pertains to the four ethnicities. Race and ethnicity is separate and independent according to the government and for the convenience of classification, those four categories consist of (White, Black, American Indian, Asian and Hispanic.) Some ethnic groups are based on subcultures such as the Hispanics. They are not a race. Hispanic is attached to people whose origins can be traced to countries where there was Spanish conquest–those countries are Spanish speaking. Hence, the category changes to Hispanic or Get more content on
  • 18. The Positive And Effects Of Ethnicity Effects of Ethnicity As we go about everyday lives we don't think about this one question of: How important is ethnicity to us? This may be a tough question to answer for some of us, as we may not even know the meaning of this question. Ethnicity refers mainly to a person's culture, nationality, language, geographical location etc. This gives individuals their identity in the World and some of them might not like it because they don't like to stand out. For me, ethnicity is very important because I have a sense of belonging to the world and makes me feel included. Ethnicity can be seen in the many literary texts read in this class. Ethnicity can affect the identity of individuals in a positive and negative way, but can also show us a better understanding of multiculturalism in the United States. Each of the non–fiction texts is unique in their own ways of expressing ethnicity by the ways of the characters. In the book titled " The Round House" by Louise Erdrich, ethnicity is very important to the characters because their ethnicity will determine if Geraldine can seek justice. Readers can tell that this story related to ethnic backgrounds, when women said to Joe, " Don't you Indians have your own hospital over there? Aren't you building a new one?" (8). This shows that After Geraldine's rape, Bazil and Joe knew that due to their ethnicity, they have higher chances of to failing to seek justice. They are not able to convict anyone that is not from the reservation making Get more content on
  • 19. Ethnicity And Ethnicity Essay This essay will be discussing the correlation between ethnicity and educational attainment. Whether your race affects your life chances or if other factors are involved as well. It will be looking at different ethnic minorities and how well they are doing in school. Although most schools are seen as multicultural, you can see clear differences between ethnic minorities. Statistics show that clearly some ethnicities are doing poorer than others. At the moment Black Caribbean boys are achieving the least amount of GCSE A*–C grades whereas more than 50% of Chinese girls are achieving the most GCSE's. There are many factors as to why some ethnicities do better than others. Ethnicity can have a major affect on your achievement but other things like– social class, gender and location can also play a part in how well you do. Success or failure can be influenced by what happens within the school and classroom. If teachers have low expectations of an ethnic minority it may affect the actual progress of a pupil. This is known as the self fulfilling prophecy. If a teacher labels most Bangladeshi boys as 'not very bright and able'. The teacher has labeled the group and made a prediction about them. Because the teacher has low expectation, he/she will except below average homework. Also teachers will not encourage the pupils as they are already labeled as 'failures'. As the teacher has not helped the Bangladeshi boys they would have made the prediction true. So this shows that teachers Get more content on