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The Importance of Drinking Water Essay
Drink Water Speech
How many of you, when you go to a restaurant and the waiter/waitress asks you what you want to drink ask for water?
How many you would select a glass of water out a fridge filled with soda, fruit juices, or beer?
My guess is probably not very many you actually choose water over the other options.
I used to be the same way.
I used to never drink water, and would always choose another beverage if I had the option.
However, after I began to hear about the importance of water in our lives, I began to choose water whenever I needed something to drink.
I am not saying I never have anything other than water when I am thirsty, but the majority of the time I choose water over any other beverage.
Today, I plan more content...
So water is needed to dissolve these nutrients and be carried throughout the body.
As you can see, water plays a major role in many factors of your body.
Water even can help produce benefits outside of your body as well, such as your wallet.
For example, when you go to a restaurant and order a soda, that is usually at least $2.
You could instead choose water, which is free.
If you would also choose water when you go out to eat and save the $2, you would save a decent amount of money in a year.
Also, a 24 pack of bottled water is much cheaper than even a 12 pack of soda.
Therefore, buying a pack of bottled water would save you money as well.
Another way that you could save money is by investing in a filter of some sort, and drinking water from the facet.
This would definitely decrease your spending on beverages during the year and save you a lot of money.
As you can see, there are many benefits to drinking water.
I hope you know see how crucial water is to your body and why you should consume it on a regular basis.
You can only survive several days without water, so make sure you drink up.
And by drinking water to ensure you stay living well, you will have some extra money to spend on things in your life that you can enjoy.
Darren McGlaughlin
Public Speaking
Barbara Warnick
Persuasive Speech 1
February 13, 2013
Speech Topic: Drink More Water
Introduction 1. Who chooses water at restaurant or home? 2.
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Life on earth is abundant. But every organism on this planet is dependent on water, the most crucial substance needed to support life.
But, why is this molecule so necessary when it comes to keeping us and other living things alive. It just so happens that water has several physical and
chemical properties like no other liquid, making it very special.
Three of these properties are water's dissolving capabilities as a solvent, water's heat capacity, and ice density. A water molecule consists of two
hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. These atoms are held together by a polar covalent bond in which both hydrogen atoms each share one electron
with the oxygen atom. Because oxygen has a very high electronegativity value, it has the tendency to steer electrons away from the atom that they are
connected to. So the oxygen atom, having more electronegativity than the hydrogen atoms, will pull the electrons towards it. This causes the shared
electrons to actually spend more time with the oxygen atom than the hydrogen atoms. Because of this, the oxygen atom becomes slightly negatively
charged while the hydrogen atoms become slightly positively charged. When group of water molecules are together the negatively charged oxygen
atom of one water molecule will then be attracted to and bond with the positively charged hydrogen atoms of another water molecule. These bonds are
called hydrogen bonds and they are responsible for most of water's properties. For example, it is the
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The Importance Of Water Pollution
It is known that water is the most common and necessary thing in our daily life. There is a metaphor which says that people are made by water.
However, currently, water has been gradually become a luxury thing. Obviously, sometimes you can divide people into different classes according to
what kind of water they drink. That's the core truth about the water pollution. Persons become more and more care about the quality of the water. Why
water matters? Although it may seem like a no brainer, it turns out water matters a lot.
The total volume of water available on Earth is about 1.4 billion km and about 70% of the earth is covered in water. The largest quantities of water
are in the oceans. Fresh water in the world is only 2.5% of the more content...
Just like when the Hurricane Irma came, the flood rushed into the lake and the street with much garbage, clay, dust. We can obviously see that the
lake in UM is much more dirty and muddy than before. There are lots of impurities on the surface of the lake. It is hard to deal with. The lake has not
been cleaned up completely so far. This is just a small lake in the campus. It is known that Hurricane Irma have turned miles of Atlantic beaches and
Indian River Lagoon waters the color of coffee. This pollution even impacts the ecosystem. The chemical from crops and lawns in the water kill the
plankton in the river and lagoon that all the fish depend on for food. When hurricanes affect a certain area, the surge of water increases the
contamination in that area, by pushing massive amounts of contaminants and toxins from the earth into the water supply. Therefore, before the
hurricane comes, every market will sell out the water. Every family wants to store enough water to live through the hurricane. At that time, whatever
the price of water is, persons will still buy it because it is the necessity.
Recently, the fire has raged for a long time in California. So far, it still spreads the scope. This seems like a disastrous ruin, which is much more
serious than hurricane Irma. For them, they need water more, but the warming leads to more water loss through evaporation. The landscapes of
California have become much too dense and that has resulted in too many straws sucking
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Importance of Water to Humans
Thesis statement: Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race.
Very recently, I watched a program on public television about freshwater. It really got me interested in thinking about how important water is to human
survival. Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race. Without it, all living things would die, including human beings. So how
important is water to humans and why?
Water a transparent and formless liquid that is one of the most important things that we have on planet Earth. Every living thing needs water to live, so
it is considered to be the source of life, by more content...
Many of our medications come directly or indirectly from plants. (WHY PLANTS ARE SO IMPORTANT)
/whyplantsimportant/ Because plants are so important to our lives and they require water to live, this is more proof that water is extremely important
to human beings.
The first humans lived near rivers because they were the main source of food and travel. Many fish lived in the waters. Humans used to travel and
explore long distances on water. Ships traveling the waterways is still a huge part of our lives today. This is how a lot of people travel and how many
products that we need and use everyday get to the stores, and eventually to us. Because water is required for so many of the things that humans do
regularly, such as drinking and cleaning, without it, our lives as we know them would be impossible. (Ashley Wong)
Water covers about two thirds of the total surface of Earth, but most of that is saltwater. Humans must drink freshwater to live. 97% of the water on
Earth is saltwater, while only 3% of Earth's water is freshwater. And 70% of the freshwater is ice in glaciers, ice caps and permanent snow. The small
amount of freshwater remaining is distributed for use to the Earth's 6 Š’Ń• billion people for agriculture, industry,
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Water : The Importance Of Water On Planet Earth
There is an abundant amount of water on planet Earth. Water is usually found in a liquid state; colourless and odourless. Water is known the 'universal
solvent' or more commonly as H2 0. Water is a good solvent as it is able to dissolve a variety of different substances. This is important to every living
species on Earth. It means that wherever water goes, either through the ground or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and
Water consists of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen. Each hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to the oxygen through a shared pair of
electrons. Water's chemical structure and physical factors gives it the ability to be the 'universal solvent.' This characteristic of water is because the
water molecules have structured the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a polar arrangement. The hydrogen atoms of the molecule give off a slightly
positive electrical charge and the oxygen atoms of the molecule give off a slightly negative electrical charge. As a result, this allows the molecule to be
attracted to many different types of molecules. As an example of its solubility, water can become heavily attracted to a salt molecule (NaCl). This
attraction to the salt molecules can disrupt the intermolecular forces holding the sodium and chloride atoms together and as a result, the water
dissolves the salt molecule. (Howard Perlman, 2017)
Water is a polar molecule which acts as a polar solvent. This is because of the bent shape of the molecule. The bent shape describes how there is
more of a negative charge from the oxygen while the hydrogen atom sides are the positive charge. This is known as polar covalent chemical bonding.
Even though the covalent bond in water (between the hydrogen and oxygen) is polar, the water molecule is an electrically neutral molecule overall.
("Why Water Is a Polar Molecule", 2017) In water, there are three intermolecular forces which occur. The main intermolecular force is known as
hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding is when a dipoleā€“dipole force and lone pairs are able to combine with another hydrogen atom which is attached
to another molecule. Because water only consists of
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Water Supply and Proper Sanitation Process Essay
Water is a valuable product, which is essential for survival of life. It is a unique product with no substitute and continues to be the basic need of
mankind. Its contribution to human survival can't be compared to another sector as it's said that 'no water no life. Due to its importance, a significant
number of Water utilities have been developed in many developing countries, both in urban and rural areas, mainly coveringWater supply schemes and
Sanitation infrastructures, Most of these Water supply schemes have been either financed by international agencies, central government, state or by
local governments during its planning and construction. Despite the substantial support from these agencies, the fact remains that many
more content...
15 on the right to water (articles 11 and 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)). The CESCR defined the
right to water as the right of everyone to sufficient, agreeable, physically attainable, and affordable water for household and personal use.
In accordance with the World Population Report issued in 2001, indicate that as many as 48 developing countries are probably like to face pressures
due to water shortages by the year 2025. Likewise, at present about 20 % of the World's population is lacking access to adequate and safe drinking water
. In 25 years time, this figure is apparently like to increase suddenly to about half of the world population. Further, the majority of the population lives
in urban areas, where various reports suggested, that about 10 to 12 billion people could be living in the cities in middle of 21 century. Continued
urbanization puts challenges and various attentions to water resources management as the proportion of water used by cities will increase with time.
Water in the country is extensive and unevenly distributed in time and space, currently there is about 97.28 km3 of renewable water resources per
year, Lakes cover about 7% of Tanzanian's land surface, major sources of fresh water being African great lakes, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika and
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Essay on Drinking Water Is Healthy
Drinking Water 2
Drinking Water Keeps Us Healthy
Drinking a healthy amount of water is vital to our health. We can never imagine just by increasing our water intake, we gain tremendous health
benefits, and sometimes we can even throw away our migraine medicine or pain killer. Before we can appreciate the benefits of water to our health, let's
review the role of water in our body.
We are always being told to drink more water but a lot us struggle to get through a set amount every day. We all need water, our bodies are made of
about 70% water and all of our systems and vital organs require it to function. Water carries nutrients to all of our cells, flushes toxins from our
kidneys, removes waste from our bowels, aids in more content...
It also clears and prevents our skin of acne. * It Improves Our Concentration: The brain is mostly water, so making sure you are getting enough
keeps your brain functioning so you feel sharp and alert not foggy or weary. * It Boosts Our Energy: In the same way that not drinking enough
water makes our brain slow down it has the same effect on our body. If we are dehydrated the body does not function as well causing us to lack
energy and feel tired or lazy. * It is Good for Our Eyes: Our cornea is 80% water. Working long hours on the computer makes the eyes dry. Just
closing our eyes for a few seconds every hour and blinking frequently allows liquid from the tear glands to moisturize and lubricate the cornea. * It
Helps Maintain Fresh Breath: Dry mouths are breeding grounds for bad bacteria that cause bad breath, so drinking a glass of water can keep our
mouth moist and breath fresh.
Drinking Water 4 * It Reduces the Risk of Heart Attacks: Hydration is essential to help prevent clogging of arteries in the heart. * It Flushes Out
Toxins and Reduces Our Risk of Disease and Infection: Water can help prevent kidney stones and reduce our chances of getting bladder, kidney, and
urinary tract infections. It can improve our immune system.
Every day we lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If we are very active, we lose
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Importance Of Water Conservation Essay
Water conservation is an important part in everyday lives. People have grown careless of how they use water, causing lots of it to go to waste. At
least twenty nine billion gallons of water are wasted each day in most American households.Thankfully, there are ways to stop this. The bathroom
is the place where most water is consumed. Many people keep the water on when they are shaving or brushing their teeth. This leads to tons of
gallons of water being wasted every day. To help conserve water, you should try to take short, five minute showers, instead of long showers or
bubblebaths. If you do take a bath, be sure that you plug the drain as soon as you turn on the water and adjust the temperature of the water as the
tub fills up. The kitchen is another place where a lot of water is wasted. To prevent this, try to use the dishwasher only when you have full loads of
dishes. Don't use water to defrost frozen foods, but put them in the refrigerator overnight. Store drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting
the faucet run until it becomes cold. When doing laundry, make sure only full loads of laundry are washed. Consider purchasing a washing machine
that can save you more water and and prevent high levels of energy consumption. Two very common ways that people waste water are from leaks
and the out doors. Some people may not even know that their faucet has a leak, causing lots of water to be wasted. Leaks can waste up to two hundred
gallons of water each day.
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Thesis Statement About Water
Water is one of the most important elements on Earth and also, for our body. We need water to work and function properly and well. Without enough
supply of water, our body will grind to a halt and collapse.
Background information
Our body makes up around 70% of water. Needless to say, water has a lot of benefits for our body. A healthy person can drink three gallons of
water per day. From our hearts to our kidneys, water all has something to do to contribute to our body. It helps our body to refresh our body, push all
the toxic out of our body and slow down dehydration of our body or to maybe cushion our body joints. Wherever water travel, they carry nutrition,
minerals with it into our body.
Thesis statement
This more content...
For someone to be stationary, it could be longer for dehydration start. The more you work the quicker dehydration start. The symptoms of dehydration
are very clear and easy to see. They are dizziness, dry, sticky mouth, headache, muscle fatigue and lack of urine. Left it untreated for sometime and it
could be server. If supplied enough water, you will feel refresh, active and your mouth won't feel sticky. A clear example, when I went camping, after
just several hours of working to setting up tents and others necessities, my mouth felt sticky. I keep it a little longer and I felt dizzy and my mouth
was extremely sticky and I knew that dehydration has kicked in. I drank lots of water and my mouth and my bodies gradually regain strength. So, that
is how I got dehydrated.
Concluding sentence
Drinking too little water can lead to dehydration, but drinking to much water will cause overhydrating. The symptoms are "You might be hot, have a
headache, and just feel crummy" ( Therefore, just drink enough of water to quench your thirst, no more or no less. Both dehydration and
overā€“hydration are dangerous, so you better watch out.
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Importance Of Water Essay
Importance of water
Water is an essential part of life and historical it has played several critical roles across the globe. In the United States, water symbolizes the struggle
for various social, economic and political achievements which occurred decades ago. It also demonstrates imperialism used to conquer several
territories and illustrate the change in environmental situations and dangers such as global warming. However, the World War II portrayed unique
practices and therefore, water was used in the process of war and to start various events which changed the course of the World War II. Therefore, this
paper intends to discuss the importance of water and the way it relates to the Second World War and the events which took place immediately after the
world up to recent times.
The events of the Second World War were characterized by several scenes of water to launch several attacks and counterā€“attacks in different countries.
In the book, "Give me Liberty" the author Eric Foner points that numerous attacks on enemies and allies forces were launched from the sea (56). The
Japanese attacked the United States Arizona region from the sea which triggered the United States to use a defensive mechanism, and in the same note,
the United States bombed Hiroshima through the ocean. Foner noted that the attack by Japanese soldiers to the United States mainland was one of the
mistakes of the history of the Second World War. It is pointed that the Pacific war, which was majorly along
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The economic, social, and environmental importance of water resources cannot be overstated. Water is a vital resource, critical for healthy living
conditions and sound ecosystems. Drinking water, food production, energy supply, and industrial development are dependent on water availability.
(P. G. Whitehead, 2014). So far, the rising demands associated with rapid population growth and economic expansion, global changes place
increasing pressure on this fragile and finite resource. This is already evidenced at the sectoral level by unsatisfactory and inadequate supplies, at the
national level, by competing demands between sectors, and at the international level, by conflicts or the threat thereof between nations sharing
transboundary water resources. The situation is expected to worsen, with a quarter of the world's population predicted to face severe water scarcity
in the next 25 years, even during years of average rainfall (Schiff and winters, 2002). Meanwhile climate change have led to an intensification of the
hydrological cycle, resulting in drier dry seasons and wetter rainy seasons, and subsequently heightened risks of more extreme and frequent floods and
drought. Many natural systems are being affected by global, regional and local climate change and increased temperature (IPCC, 2014). The Hindu
Kush Himalayan (HKH) region do standā€“in as a water tower of south Asia owed to reside of high concentration of snow and glaciers at the watershed.
The melt of snow and
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The Importance Of Water Safety
Water Safety
Nieshma Herbert
Tarrant County College
August 4, 2017
Water Safety
Definition, Prevalence, & Incidence
Water safety is taught to people of all ages in hope to prevent submission and skin injuries such as drowning and burns. Drowning is a worldwide
problem with profound economic and health impact. The World Health Organization estimates that each year, about 388,000 people die fromdrowning.
An additional 100,000 people suffer severe injuries from near drowning and secondary drowning (Forjuoh 2013). Drowning can happen at any moment
and at any time, regardless of age and the amount of water. In the United States, drowning is the second leading cause of death of unintentional injuries
in children aged 1ā€“14 years old. Males have an overall mortality rate than females due to their riskier behavior. Incidences tend to happen more in the
summer, when children are out of school and when most go swimming. Chil dren with access to water, such as nearby pools and lakes tend to also have
higher incidences of drowning; however, it's important to understand that the only water needed to drown is enough to cover the nose and mouth.
Therefore, it is important to teach others in our community the importance of water safety.
Water Safety in the Home
"Toddlers are top heavy and they can fall headfirst into buckets and drown." ("In Home Danger" 2016.) Water safety in the home consists of keeping
open items of water attended to at all times. Examples of open items
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Since the world was created water has been the most important element for any living organism. The bible says when God created the word, that his
spirit comes and goes over the water. Scientists say that most of the earth is water, this is one of the reasons why water is very important in our life. A
large amount of scientific research talks about how important water is for our human body. Many people do not understand how important it is to drink
water in our daily life and the health risks it can cause. An important change that needs to be made is drinking more water and taking care of our bodies.
People drink water in different ways. Purified water is one way and others usually boil the water before drinking it. Having purified water is the best
way for us to stay healthy, but in some cases people do not have access to purified water. This lack of access to clean water can cause health problems
because of the germs and diseases found in contaminated water. In areas where clean water is not always available health problems rise and thrive.
If more places had access to purified water a change in health and how people take care of their bodies would be visible.
It is recommended to drink a lot of water to keep your body healthy. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day gives people healthy life, and lower risk kidney
disease. For example when we drink a lot water, we are helping our urine organs like the uterus, kidneys or urethra work properly. The lack of water in
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The Importance Of Water In The Human Body
The human body is composed of approximately 60ā€“70% of the WATER. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%.
Nearly every aspect of human body's function calls for the fluid. WATER makes up much of the medium that helps our cells communicate with each
other. Water is a necessary part of life. Vital to yourhealth to drink a certain amount of water. Drinking more water every day will gain you tremendous
health benefits. So, there are three important aspects that I'm going to be talking about, these are Functions of water in the body, Health benefits of
drinking water and How Much Water Do You Need
First. Functions of water in the body. Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other
bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating
foods that contain water. Water does more than just quench your thirst and regulate your body's temperature; it also keeps the tissues in your body
moist. You know how it feels when your eyes, nose, or mouth gets dry? Keeping your body hydrated helps it retain optimum levels of moisture in
these sensitive areas, as well as in the blood, bones, and the brain. In addition, water helps protect the spinal cord, and it acts as a lubricant and cushion
for your joints.
Second. Health Benefits of Drinking More Water such as Healthier heart, Weight loss, helps with
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The Importance Of Water To Living Organisms Water is normally the most abundant component of any living organism. As most human cells are
approximately 80% water and 60% of the human body is made up of it, it is extremely important in many different ways to both the survival and the
well being of living organisms. Evolutionists believe that life probably originated in water and even today thousands of organisms make their home in
it. Water also provides the medium in which all biochemical reactions take place. The importance of water to living organisms originates from its many
properties including its solvent properties, its high specific heat capacity, its high latent heat of vaporization, more content...
The fact that most small biological molecules dissolve in water is very important because all the chemical reactions that take place in cells do so in
aqueous solution. Plants cam only obtain mineral salts in solution and human digestion will only dissolve soluble foods, meaning large starch
molecules must be broken down into soluble sugars. Also many organisms living in water spend most of their time underwater, yet they require
oxygen to respire, and as water is such a good solvent the required oxygen gas is dissolved in water. Water's solvent properties also allow it to act as
a transport medium for polar solutes for example the movement of minerals to lakes and seas and removal of metabolic wastes such as urea and
ammonia in urine. Water's thermal properties relate to its heat capacity. Water has a high specific heat capacity compared with other liquids. This
means that a large increase in energy results in a comparatively small rise in the temperature of the water. This is because much of the heat absorbed is
used to break the hydrogen bonds that hold the molecules together. Water is good at maintaining its temperature at a steady level, irrespective of
fluctuations in the temperature of the surrounding environment. This is important because the range of temperatures in which
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Essay On Importance Of Sanitation
Proper sanitation is important not only from the general health point of view but it has a vital role to play in our individual and social life too.
Sanitation is one of the basic determinants of quality of life and human development index. Good sanitary practices prevent contamination of water and
soil and thereby prevent diseases. The concept of sanitation was, therefore, expanded to include personal hygiene, home sanitation, safe water, garbage
disposal, excreta disposal and waste water disposal.
Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and faeces. Inadequate sanitation is a major
cause of disease worldā€“wide and improving sanitation is known to have a significant beneficial impact on health both in households and across
communities. The word 'sanitation' also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions, through services such as garbage collection and wastewater
The safety and accessibility of drinkingā€“water are major concerns throughout the world. Health risks may arise from consumption of water
contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals, and radiological hazards. Improving access to safe drinkingā€“water can result in tangible
improvements to health.
Issues and Challenges for adequate sanitation and drinking water:
India has long faced the challenge of providing safe drinking water to over 700 million people in more than 1.5 million villages. In
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The Importance Of Drinking Water Essay

  • 1. The Importance of Drinking Water Essay Drink Water Speech How many of you, when you go to a restaurant and the waiter/waitress asks you what you want to drink ask for water? How many you would select a glass of water out a fridge filled with soda, fruit juices, or beer? My guess is probably not very many you actually choose water over the other options. I used to be the same way. I used to never drink water, and would always choose another beverage if I had the option. However, after I began to hear about the importance of water in our lives, I began to choose water whenever I needed something to drink. I am not saying I never have anything other than water when I am thirsty, but the majority of the time I choose water over any other beverage. Today, I plan more content... So water is needed to dissolve these nutrients and be carried throughout the body. As you can see, water plays a major role in many factors of your body. Water even can help produce benefits outside of your body as well, such as your wallet. For example, when you go to a restaurant and order a soda, that is usually at least $2. You could instead choose water, which is free. If you would also choose water when you go out to eat and save the $2, you would save a decent amount of money in a year. Also, a 24 pack of bottled water is much cheaper than even a 12 pack of soda. Therefore, buying a pack of bottled water would save you money as well. Another way that you could save money is by investing in a filter of some sort, and drinking water from the facet. This would definitely decrease your spending on beverages during the year and save you a lot of money. As you can see, there are many benefits to drinking water. I hope you know see how crucial water is to your body and why you should consume it on a regular basis. You can only survive several days without water, so make sure you drink up. And by drinking water to ensure you stay living well, you will have some extra money to spend on things in your life that you can enjoy. Darren McGlaughlin
  • 2. Public Speaking Barbara Warnick Persuasive Speech 1 February 13, 2013 Speech Topic: Drink More Water Introduction 1. Who chooses water at restaurant or home? 2. Get more content on
  • 3. Life on earth is abundant. But every organism on this planet is dependent on water, the most crucial substance needed to support life. But, why is this molecule so necessary when it comes to keeping us and other living things alive. It just so happens that water has several physical and chemical properties like no other liquid, making it very special. Three of these properties are water's dissolving capabilities as a solvent, water's heat capacity, and ice density. A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. These atoms are held together by a polar covalent bond in which both hydrogen atoms each share one electron with the oxygen atom. Because oxygen has a very high electronegativity value, it has the tendency to steer electrons away from the atom that they are connected to. So the oxygen atom, having more electronegativity than the hydrogen atoms, will pull the electrons towards it. This causes the shared electrons to actually spend more time with the oxygen atom than the hydrogen atoms. Because of this, the oxygen atom becomes slightly negatively charged while the hydrogen atoms become slightly positively charged. When group of water molecules are together the negatively charged oxygen atom of one water molecule will then be attracted to and bond with the positively charged hydrogen atoms of another water molecule. These bonds are called hydrogen bonds and they are responsible for most of water's properties. For example, it is the Get more content on
  • 4. The Importance Of Water Pollution It is known that water is the most common and necessary thing in our daily life. There is a metaphor which says that people are made by water. However, currently, water has been gradually become a luxury thing. Obviously, sometimes you can divide people into different classes according to what kind of water they drink. That's the core truth about the water pollution. Persons become more and more care about the quality of the water. Why water matters? Although it may seem like a no brainer, it turns out water matters a lot. The total volume of water available on Earth is about 1.4 billion km and about 70% of the earth is covered in water. The largest quantities of water are in the oceans. Fresh water in the world is only 2.5% of the more content... Just like when the Hurricane Irma came, the flood rushed into the lake and the street with much garbage, clay, dust. We can obviously see that the lake in UM is much more dirty and muddy than before. There are lots of impurities on the surface of the lake. It is hard to deal with. The lake has not been cleaned up completely so far. This is just a small lake in the campus. It is known that Hurricane Irma have turned miles of Atlantic beaches and Indian River Lagoon waters the color of coffee. This pollution even impacts the ecosystem. The chemical from crops and lawns in the water kill the plankton in the river and lagoon that all the fish depend on for food. When hurricanes affect a certain area, the surge of water increases the contamination in that area, by pushing massive amounts of contaminants and toxins from the earth into the water supply. Therefore, before the hurricane comes, every market will sell out the water. Every family wants to store enough water to live through the hurricane. At that time, whatever the price of water is, persons will still buy it because it is the necessity. Recently, the fire has raged for a long time in California. So far, it still spreads the scope. This seems like a disastrous ruin, which is much more serious than hurricane Irma. For them, they need water more, but the warming leads to more water loss through evaporation. The landscapes of California have become much too dense and that has resulted in too many straws sucking Get more content on
  • 5. Importance of Water to Humans Thesis statement: Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race. Very recently, I watched a program on public television about freshwater. It really got me interested in thinking about how important water is to human survival. Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race. Without it, all living things would die, including human beings. So how important is water to humans and why? Water a transparent and formless liquid that is one of the most important things that we have on planet Earth. Every living thing needs water to live, so it is considered to be the source of life, by more content... Many of our medications come directly or indirectly from plants. (WHY PLANTS ARE SO IMPORTANT) /whyplantsimportant/ Because plants are so important to our lives and they require water to live, this is more proof that water is extremely important to human beings. The first humans lived near rivers because they were the main source of food and travel. Many fish lived in the waters. Humans used to travel and explore long distances on water. Ships traveling the waterways is still a huge part of our lives today. This is how a lot of people travel and how many products that we need and use everyday get to the stores, and eventually to us. Because water is required for so many of the things that humans do regularly, such as drinking and cleaning, without it, our lives as we know them would be impossible. (Ashley Wong) /?Theā€“Importanceā€“ofā€“Water&id=326117 Water covers about two thirds of the total surface of Earth, but most of that is saltwater. Humans must drink freshwater to live. 97% of the water on Earth is saltwater, while only 3% of Earth's water is freshwater. And 70% of the freshwater is ice in glaciers, ice caps and permanent snow. The small amount of freshwater remaining is distributed for use to the Earth's 6 Š’Ń• billion people for agriculture, industry, Get more content on
  • 6. Water : The Importance Of Water On Planet Earth There is an abundant amount of water on planet Earth. Water is usually found in a liquid state; colourless and odourless. Water is known the 'universal solvent' or more commonly as H2 0. Water is a good solvent as it is able to dissolve a variety of different substances. This is important to every living species on Earth. It means that wherever water goes, either through the ground or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients. Water consists of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen. Each hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to the oxygen through a shared pair of electrons. Water's chemical structure and physical factors gives it the ability to be the 'universal solvent.' This characteristic of water is because the water molecules have structured the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a polar arrangement. The hydrogen atoms of the molecule give off a slightly positive electrical charge and the oxygen atoms of the molecule give off a slightly negative electrical charge. As a result, this allows the molecule to be attracted to many different types of molecules. As an example of its solubility, water can become heavily attracted to a salt molecule (NaCl). This attraction to the salt molecules can disrupt the intermolecular forces holding the sodium and chloride atoms together and as a result, the water dissolves the salt molecule. (Howard Perlman, 2017) Water is a polar molecule which acts as a polar solvent. This is because of the bent shape of the molecule. The bent shape describes how there is more of a negative charge from the oxygen while the hydrogen atom sides are the positive charge. This is known as polar covalent chemical bonding. Even though the covalent bond in water (between the hydrogen and oxygen) is polar, the water molecule is an electrically neutral molecule overall. ("Why Water Is a Polar Molecule", 2017) In water, there are three intermolecular forces which occur. The main intermolecular force is known as hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding is when a dipoleā€“dipole force and lone pairs are able to combine with another hydrogen atom which is attached to another molecule. Because water only consists of Get more content on
  • 7. Water Supply and Proper Sanitation Process Essay Water is a valuable product, which is essential for survival of life. It is a unique product with no substitute and continues to be the basic need of mankind. Its contribution to human survival can't be compared to another sector as it's said that 'no water no life. Due to its importance, a significant number of Water utilities have been developed in many developing countries, both in urban and rural areas, mainly coveringWater supply schemes and Sanitation infrastructures, Most of these Water supply schemes have been either financed by international agencies, central government, state or by local governments during its planning and construction. Despite the substantial support from these agencies, the fact remains that many more content... 15 on the right to water (articles 11 and 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)). The CESCR defined the right to water as the right of everyone to sufficient, agreeable, physically attainable, and affordable water for household and personal use. In accordance with the World Population Report issued in 2001, indicate that as many as 48 developing countries are probably like to face pressures due to water shortages by the year 2025. Likewise, at present about 20 % of the World's population is lacking access to adequate and safe drinking water . In 25 years time, this figure is apparently like to increase suddenly to about half of the world population. Further, the majority of the population lives in urban areas, where various reports suggested, that about 10 to 12 billion people could be living in the cities in middle of 21 century. Continued urbanization puts challenges and various attentions to water resources management as the proportion of water used by cities will increase with time. 1.1WATER SECTOR IN TANZANIA Water in the country is extensive and unevenly distributed in time and space, currently there is about 97.28 km3 of renewable water resources per year, Lakes cover about 7% of Tanzanian's land surface, major sources of fresh water being African great lakes, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika and Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Drinking Water Is Healthy Drinking Water 2 Drinking Water Keeps Us Healthy Drinking a healthy amount of water is vital to our health. We can never imagine just by increasing our water intake, we gain tremendous health benefits, and sometimes we can even throw away our migraine medicine or pain killer. Before we can appreciate the benefits of water to our health, let's review the role of water in our body. We are always being told to drink more water but a lot us struggle to get through a set amount every day. We all need water, our bodies are made of about 70% water and all of our systems and vital organs require it to function. Water carries nutrients to all of our cells, flushes toxins from our kidneys, removes waste from our bowels, aids in more content... It also clears and prevents our skin of acne. * It Improves Our Concentration: The brain is mostly water, so making sure you are getting enough keeps your brain functioning so you feel sharp and alert not foggy or weary. * It Boosts Our Energy: In the same way that not drinking enough water makes our brain slow down it has the same effect on our body. If we are dehydrated the body does not function as well causing us to lack energy and feel tired or lazy. * It is Good for Our Eyes: Our cornea is 80% water. Working long hours on the computer makes the eyes dry. Just closing our eyes for a few seconds every hour and blinking frequently allows liquid from the tear glands to moisturize and lubricate the cornea. * It Helps Maintain Fresh Breath: Dry mouths are breeding grounds for bad bacteria that cause bad breath, so drinking a glass of water can keep our mouth moist and breath fresh. Drinking Water 4 * It Reduces the Risk of Heart Attacks: Hydration is essential to help prevent clogging of arteries in the heart. * It Flushes Out Toxins and Reduces Our Risk of Disease and Infection: Water can help prevent kidney stones and reduce our chances of getting bladder, kidney, and urinary tract infections. It can improve our immune system. Every day we lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If we are very active, we lose Get more content on
  • 9. Importance Of Water Conservation Essay Water conservation is an important part in everyday lives. People have grown careless of how they use water, causing lots of it to go to waste. At least twenty nine billion gallons of water are wasted each day in most American households.Thankfully, there are ways to stop this. The bathroom is the place where most water is consumed. Many people keep the water on when they are shaving or brushing their teeth. This leads to tons of gallons of water being wasted every day. To help conserve water, you should try to take short, five minute showers, instead of long showers or bubblebaths. If you do take a bath, be sure that you plug the drain as soon as you turn on the water and adjust the temperature of the water as the tub fills up. The kitchen is another place where a lot of water is wasted. To prevent this, try to use the dishwasher only when you have full loads of dishes. Don't use water to defrost frozen foods, but put them in the refrigerator overnight. Store drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting the faucet run until it becomes cold. When doing laundry, make sure only full loads of laundry are washed. Consider purchasing a washing machine that can save you more water and and prevent high levels of energy consumption. Two very common ways that people waste water are from leaks and the out doors. Some people may not even know that their faucet has a leak, causing lots of water to be wasted. Leaks can waste up to two hundred gallons of water each day. Get more content on
  • 10. Thesis Statement About Water Introduction Hook Water is one of the most important elements on Earth and also, for our body. We need water to work and function properly and well. Without enough supply of water, our body will grind to a halt and collapse. Background information Our body makes up around 70% of water. Needless to say, water has a lot of benefits for our body. A healthy person can drink three gallons of water per day. From our hearts to our kidneys, water all has something to do to contribute to our body. It helps our body to refresh our body, push all the toxic out of our body and slow down dehydration of our body or to maybe cushion our body joints. Wherever water travel, they carry nutrition, minerals with it into our body. Thesis statement This more content... For someone to be stationary, it could be longer for dehydration start. The more you work the quicker dehydration start. The symptoms of dehydration are very clear and easy to see. They are dizziness, dry, sticky mouth, headache, muscle fatigue and lack of urine. Left it untreated for sometime and it could be server. If supplied enough water, you will feel refresh, active and your mouth won't feel sticky. A clear example, when I went camping, after just several hours of working to setting up tents and others necessities, my mouth felt sticky. I keep it a little longer and I felt dizzy and my mouth was extremely sticky and I knew that dehydration has kicked in. I drank lots of water and my mouth and my bodies gradually regain strength. So, that is how I got dehydrated. Concluding sentence Drinking too little water can lead to dehydration, but drinking to much water will cause overhydrating. The symptoms are "You might be hot, have a headache, and just feel crummy" ( Therefore, just drink enough of water to quench your thirst, no more or no less. Both dehydration and overā€“hydration are dangerous, so you better watch out. ChiŠœā€°nh laŠœŠˆi Footer theo hŠ–Ā°Š–ŠŽŠœŠƒng dŠ“ŃžŠœŃ“n ViŠ“Š„ŠœŠƒt tiŠ“Š„ŠœŠƒp KŠ“Š„ŠœŠƒt luŠ“ŃžŠœŠˆn toaŠœŠ‚n baŠœŠ‚i vaŠœŠ‚
  • 11. Get more content on
  • 12. Importance Of Water Essay Importance of water Water is an essential part of life and historical it has played several critical roles across the globe. In the United States, water symbolizes the struggle for various social, economic and political achievements which occurred decades ago. It also demonstrates imperialism used to conquer several territories and illustrate the change in environmental situations and dangers such as global warming. However, the World War II portrayed unique practices and therefore, water was used in the process of war and to start various events which changed the course of the World War II. Therefore, this paper intends to discuss the importance of water and the way it relates to the Second World War and the events which took place immediately after the world up to recent times. The events of the Second World War were characterized by several scenes of water to launch several attacks and counterā€“attacks in different countries. In the book, "Give me Liberty" the author Eric Foner points that numerous attacks on enemies and allies forces were launched from the sea (56). The Japanese attacked the United States Arizona region from the sea which triggered the United States to use a defensive mechanism, and in the same note, the United States bombed Hiroshima through the ocean. Foner noted that the attack by Japanese soldiers to the United States mainland was one of the mistakes of the history of the Second World War. It is pointed that the Pacific war, which was majorly along Get more content on
  • 13. The economic, social, and environmental importance of water resources cannot be overstated. Water is a vital resource, critical for healthy living conditions and sound ecosystems. Drinking water, food production, energy supply, and industrial development are dependent on water availability. (P. G. Whitehead, 2014). So far, the rising demands associated with rapid population growth and economic expansion, global changes place increasing pressure on this fragile and finite resource. This is already evidenced at the sectoral level by unsatisfactory and inadequate supplies, at the national level, by competing demands between sectors, and at the international level, by conflicts or the threat thereof between nations sharing transboundary water resources. The situation is expected to worsen, with a quarter of the world's population predicted to face severe water scarcity in the next 25 years, even during years of average rainfall (Schiff and winters, 2002). Meanwhile climate change have led to an intensification of the hydrological cycle, resulting in drier dry seasons and wetter rainy seasons, and subsequently heightened risks of more extreme and frequent floods and drought. Many natural systems are being affected by global, regional and local climate change and increased temperature (IPCC, 2014). The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region do standā€“in as a water tower of south Asia owed to reside of high concentration of snow and glaciers at the watershed. The melt of snow and Get more content on
  • 14. The Importance Of Water Safety Water Safety Nieshma Herbert Tarrant County College August 4, 2017 Water Safety Definition, Prevalence, & Incidence Water safety is taught to people of all ages in hope to prevent submission and skin injuries such as drowning and burns. Drowning is a worldwide problem with profound economic and health impact. The World Health Organization estimates that each year, about 388,000 people die fromdrowning. An additional 100,000 people suffer severe injuries from near drowning and secondary drowning (Forjuoh 2013). Drowning can happen at any moment and at any time, regardless of age and the amount of water. In the United States, drowning is the second leading cause of death of unintentional injuries in children aged 1ā€“14 years old. Males have an overall mortality rate than females due to their riskier behavior. Incidences tend to happen more in the summer, when children are out of school and when most go swimming. Chil dren with access to water, such as nearby pools and lakes tend to also have higher incidences of drowning; however, it's important to understand that the only water needed to drown is enough to cover the nose and mouth. Therefore, it is important to teach others in our community the importance of water safety. Water Safety in the Home "Toddlers are top heavy and they can fall headfirst into buckets and drown." ("In Home Danger" 2016.) Water safety in the home consists of keeping open items of water attended to at all times. Examples of open items Get more content on
  • 15. Since the world was created water has been the most important element for any living organism. The bible says when God created the word, that his spirit comes and goes over the water. Scientists say that most of the earth is water, this is one of the reasons why water is very important in our life. A large amount of scientific research talks about how important water is for our human body. Many people do not understand how important it is to drink water in our daily life and the health risks it can cause. An important change that needs to be made is drinking more water and taking care of our bodies. People drink water in different ways. Purified water is one way and others usually boil the water before drinking it. Having purified water is the best way for us to stay healthy, but in some cases people do not have access to purified water. This lack of access to clean water can cause health problems because of the germs and diseases found in contaminated water. In areas where clean water is not always available health problems rise and thrive. If more places had access to purified water a change in health and how people take care of their bodies would be visible. It is recommended to drink a lot of water to keep your body healthy. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day gives people healthy life, and lower risk kidney disease. For example when we drink a lot water, we are helping our urine organs like the uterus, kidneys or urethra work properly. The lack of water in our Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of Water In The Human Body The human body is composed of approximately 60ā€“70% of the WATER. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. Nearly every aspect of human body's function calls for the fluid. WATER makes up much of the medium that helps our cells communicate with each other. Water is a necessary part of life. Vital to yourhealth to drink a certain amount of water. Drinking more water every day will gain you tremendous health benefits. So, there are three important aspects that I'm going to be talking about, these are Functions of water in the body, Health benefits of drinking water and How Much Water Do You Need First. Functions of water in the body. Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. Water does more than just quench your thirst and regulate your body's temperature; it also keeps the tissues in your body moist. You know how it feels when your eyes, nose, or mouth gets dry? Keeping your body hydrated helps it retain optimum levels of moisture in these sensitive areas, as well as in the blood, bones, and the brain. In addition, water helps protect the spinal cord, and it acts as a lubricant and cushion for your joints. Second. Health Benefits of Drinking More Water such as Healthier heart, Weight loss, helps with Get more content on
  • 17. The Importance Of Water To Living Organisms Water is normally the most abundant component of any living organism. As most human cells are approximately 80% water and 60% of the human body is made up of it, it is extremely important in many different ways to both the survival and the well being of living organisms. Evolutionists believe that life probably originated in water and even today thousands of organisms make their home in it. Water also provides the medium in which all biochemical reactions take place. The importance of water to living organisms originates from its many properties including its solvent properties, its high specific heat capacity, its high latent heat of vaporization, more content... The fact that most small biological molecules dissolve in water is very important because all the chemical reactions that take place in cells do so in aqueous solution. Plants cam only obtain mineral salts in solution and human digestion will only dissolve soluble foods, meaning large starch molecules must be broken down into soluble sugars. Also many organisms living in water spend most of their time underwater, yet they require oxygen to respire, and as water is such a good solvent the required oxygen gas is dissolved in water. Water's solvent properties also allow it to act as a transport medium for polar solutes for example the movement of minerals to lakes and seas and removal of metabolic wastes such as urea and ammonia in urine. Water's thermal properties relate to its heat capacity. Water has a high specific heat capacity compared with other liquids. This means that a large increase in energy results in a comparatively small rise in the temperature of the water. This is because much of the heat absorbed is used to break the hydrogen bonds that hold the molecules together. Water is good at maintaining its temperature at a steady level, irrespective of fluctuations in the temperature of the surrounding environment. This is important because the range of temperatures in which Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Importance Of Sanitation Proper sanitation is important not only from the general health point of view but it has a vital role to play in our individual and social life too. Sanitation is one of the basic determinants of quality of life and human development index. Good sanitary practices prevent contamination of water and soil and thereby prevent diseases. The concept of sanitation was, therefore, expanded to include personal hygiene, home sanitation, safe water, garbage disposal, excreta disposal and waste water disposal. Sanitation Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and faeces. Inadequate sanitation is a major cause of disease worldā€“wide and improving sanitation is known to have a significant beneficial impact on health both in households and across communities. The word 'sanitation' also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions, through services such as garbage collection and wastewater disposal. Drinkingā€“water The safety and accessibility of drinkingā€“water are major concerns throughout the world. Health risks may arise from consumption of water contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals, and radiological hazards. Improving access to safe drinkingā€“water can result in tangible improvements to health. Issues and Challenges for adequate sanitation and drinking water: India has long faced the challenge of providing safe drinking water to over 700 million people in more than 1.5 million villages. In Get more content on