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The Impact Of Mass Communication On Our Society
Mass Communication is the study of how people receive information through what is known as Mass Media to a large crowd of the population at the
same time. Or they can also say that Mass Communication is a process of which a person, group of people, or an organization send and receive
messages through a channel of communication to a large of unknown and heterogeneous people and organizations. You can think of a large group of
unknown and heterogeneous people as either the general public. The sender of the message is usually a professional communicator that often
represents an organization.
– In more than one way, ICT
came to be a blessing to our society because it facilitates complements and supplements the proceedings of Mass Communication. A few examples that
would be driving this point home.
FEEDBACK: –there are proceedings that the communication to the advancement which is incomplete without a feedback and ICT facilities is in an
important stage, both in the electronic and in the print media. In broadcasting, ICT has put a bridge between the gulf and broadcasters and their
audience or a viewer as far as feedback is there. For example, mobile phones, made it easier for many broadcast audience or viewers to help on air
programs through the expression of opinion, grievances, and commendations. These technologies also enlighten the audiences to send short text
messages to broadcast stations for
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Reflection Paper On Mass Communication
Throughout the course of this semester, I have obtained an understanding of what mass communication really is and how it is applied in everyday
life. I learned that mass communication is defined as the exchanging of information on a large scale to a wide variety of people, but it is really
much more than that. It, in more detail, provides accurate information about society, informs the public about what others think, transfers and
spreads cultures throughout generations, and entertains. For all these purposes of mass communication, there are bound to be some effects and
influences left behind. In fact, several theories were taught to me in class that influences people in ways that we can both see and not even
recognize. These theories are among us, the public, all the time, yet, until this class, I did not even realize. After becoming aware, I discerned the
similar effects that these theories have on people. I now saw how alike people were just because of the way they interpreted media. While not every
theory stated relates to every single person, as shown by experimental data and research, there are more relations between people than you would
think before learning about it. There are always a large number of people who are affected and prove such theory and then there are the outliers that do
not follow the theory. Mass communication is all about the spreading of information on a wide basis and with that comes effects that are remotely
similar amongst people. For me
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Reflection Paper On Mass Communication
During this class, the knowledge of mass communication that I have learned has peeked my interest in many different topics that we have studied over
the past month. In particularly, I have begun to gain a deeper understanding of advertising, public relations, and social media. Being an agriculture
communication and leadership major I think that these topics will help me tremendously in all of my future endeavors. COM 160 – Introduction to
Mass Media has really confirmed that I have made the right by switching majors last year. I used to be an agribusiness major up until I realized that
I'm not really in this field to rake in all kinds of money, I mean if that happen it happens, but I genuinely want to help people. The best way that I
have been able to do that has been through agvocating. Don't worry, that is not a typo. It is advocating for agriculture. Growing up in a small rural
town in central Illinois, I was surrounded by agriculture and didn't even realize it because I just thought it was the norm. it wasn't until high school
when I joined the Future Farmers of America (FFA) that I learned that agriculture is not widely known about. One fact that we always talk about is
from a nation study conducted by the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance. The results of their study concluded that 72 percent of consumers know
nothing or very little about farming or ranching. I could not believe this to be true until I participated in Ag Day on the Quad. You might have seen
a day where farm tractors randomly appear on the quad along with a group of students educating fellow students and some professors about general
knowledge of farming and food production. I was asked many questions that day but the one that I will never forget was, sense you're an agriculture
major aren't you just going to be a farmer. The answer was I gave him was no. Then I shared with him all of the different career fields that I could go
into, such as journalism, public relations, electronic media, or technical writing. As my senior year of study approaches, my main interest is in public
relations. This class as well as Com 111 with Jodi has got me thinking more and more that agriculture needs new and younger voices that know how to
better manage
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Mass Communication
MASS COMUNICATION Field of study In the United States, many university journalism departments evolved into schools or colleges of mass
communication or "journalism and mass communication," as reflected in the names of two major academic organizations. In addition to studying
practical skills of journalism, public relations or advertising, students also may major in "mass communication" or "mass communication research." The
latter is often the title given to doctoral studies in such schools, whether the focus of the student's research is journalism practice, history, law or media
effects. Departmental structures within such colleges may separate research and instruction in professional or technical aspects of . Mass communication more content...
The word 'communication' is really equated with 'transmission', as viewed by the sender, rather than in the fuller meaning, which includes the notions
of response, sharing and interaction. Messages are produced by one set of individuals and transmitted to others who are typically situated in settings
that are spatially and temporally remote from the original context of production. Therefore, the term 'communication' in this context masks the social
and industrial nature of the media, promoting a tendency to think of them as interpersonal communication. Furthermore, it is known that recipients
today do have some capacity to intervene in and contribute to the course and content of the communicative process. They are being both active and
creative towards the messages that they are conveyed of. With the complement of the cyberspace supported by the Internet, not only that recipients are
participants in a structured process of symbolic transmission, constraints such as time and space are reordered and eliminated. 'Mass communication'
can be seen as institutionalized production and generalized diffusion of symbolic goods via the fixation and transmission of information or symbolic
content. It is known that the systems of information codification has shifted from analog to digital. This has indeed advanced the communication
between individuals. With the existence of Infrared, Bluetooth and Wi–Fi, cell phones are no longer solely a tool for
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Media And Mass Communication
Media is mass communication regarded collectively, whether it is from broadcasting, publishing, or the Internet. Society, in general, uses these types of
media to shape beliefs that benefit them. Whether it is from coverage of the NFL protests, Muslim stereotypes or small national news, they all come up
with different perspectives that enforce different ideas.
The first amendment of the constitution states freedom of speech, which not only is the most violated but is also very contradicting. We, as civilians,
are put this very explicit position as children to make us think in a certain way. We cannot see a person without jumping to stereotypes based on
their looks, style, and skin color. It was not something that was brought along by families by was portrayed in tv shows and pictures. Elaborating on
so How modern media Influences our beliefs by Reena Karim states, "The mainstream media restricts free speech but at least most of the time they
make an effort to check facts that is unless they are on the government's' payroll... Now that internet has taken over mainstream media, things are
rapidly changing all over the world especially the way news is delivered these days. Various types of journalism are emerging and communication is
being given a facelift."
One of the most important and impactful events of the month is the NFL protest against standing for the national anthem. As claimed before, freedom
of speech is one of the biggest amendments that are continuously violated
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In our society today, how we interpret our media and how we interact in it is rapidly changing. It is difficult to place a certain ideal on how our
media should be in a culture influenced by many variables. However, through review of the different theories or perspectives that shape media, I was
able to further gain a position on how the media is and how it ought to be in our technology–advancing society today. Using McQuail's Mass
Communication Theory,
In our mass media society today, trends tend to view media to fall under the category of a social–materialistic influence. This influence happens when
"media ownership and control, ultimately, are held to shape the dominant ideology transmitted or endorsed by the media (McQuail,2010, pg. 13)."
Media ownership and control has played a key role into what content is transmitted. I question how much of what content televised is chosen for rating,
entertainment, or financial purposes. One media theory that explains the influence of ownership is the common–sense theory. The common–sense
theory looks to how we receive content from the media from our own perspectives and mediums. Applications on a smart device is a medium in
which personal preferences are provided. By having the ability to download apps, it has provided the consumers the power to "develop patterns of
taste, construct lifestyles and identities as media consumers (McQuail,2010, pg.14)." However as flexible as this function allows, it gives media a
greater opportunity
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The Social Benefits of Mass Communication Essay
The Social Benefits of Mass Communication
Mass communications, like anything for humans, has its advantages and disadvantages, but mass media has far more advantages to offer the world.
From taking you to a far off land to teaching you about the intricacies of the life inside a colony of ants, to surfing the Internet for a new chat group to
join, we learn and experience things and events that no humans ever before in history have experienced through this miracle we call mass media. This
paper will explore the multifaceted and unique areas of the public's perception of mass media, the educational value of the media, and the Internet as a
new mass medium.
The public has always had an interesting relationship with more content...
People feel that they can trust someone as long as he stays credible and they feel positive because of that fact. Another positive benefit that modern
people have as opposed to their ancient counterparts is that citizens who get their information from trusted sources as CNN, local news casts, public
television news, and TV news magazines usually end up better informed and more accurately informed than those ancient immigrants and peasants
from their word of mouth reporting (Saltzman, par 11).
Still connected to the public's feelings on mass media today we come to a recent survey of young adults which is also a very quickly informed and
Internet savvy group. The survey, "Survey Asks Young Adults About Media Use," of 22 to 34 year olds by BBDO New York in a periodical
called,The Quill, tells about some positive ways that media affect people. In one quote describing the Internet's impact it says, "The young adults used
the Internet for escape and mental stimulation and to obtain specific information on travel, business and health issues. Users were perceived positively
as young career–oriented adults. The Internet produced feelings of innovation, intelligence, creativity, power and accomplishment" (par 2). It goes on
to say that, "Reading magazines gave respondents feeling of sexiness, self–esteem, luxury and creativity" (par 3), "Television gave respondents feeling
of happiness, comfort and fun" (par 4), "Radio listening provided a
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The evolution of mass communications has gone through major developments; from etching the beginnings of an alphabet into a rock the size of a
standard dinner table to letting a computer recognize words spoken into a speaker as it types away what it hears. Dating back to around 1700 B.C.
when the first alphabet was said to come into existence, society has come far in different fields of communications. Nothing made as large of an impact
in the world of communications as the revolution of the Internet. Although the impact has been large, the Internet was certainly not the first to
revolutionize communications. When many cities started to arise and become industrial–based, there became a need for more technological
advancements. When more content...
Parchment was stretched thin goatskin and held writing well but the animal needed to be killed in the process making it hard to mass–produce it. Paper
was created after papyrus and was much cheaper. Although it was another creation that took a long process to make, it did its job better than its
predecessors because it was easy to transport which meant more communication and could withstand all temperatures. The alphabet was a major
development that revolutionized writing. Without the alphabet, we wouldn't have the basics of the Internet, as we know it today. The keyboard is an
essential to any phone, computer or tablet. Without the alphabet, there would be no keyboard. The alphabet is used to record information on computers
and those similar devices. The thing that makes the alphabet so important to communication is that there will never be a substitute. For example, with a
newspaper, there will always be some kind of substitute because tablets can display an entire newspaper on a screen but there isn't and most likely will
never be a second form of the alphabet. Printing was another innovation that changed writing and influenced the Internet. Johannes Gutenburg invented
the printing press but changed the writing world with moveable type. He provided fuel for writings major progressions. Prior to the Renaissance, there
were few books and the church wrote most of them. Books being printed meant for more people
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Technology and Mass Communication
To live in a world where there is no means of using technology and having no system of communication, it's an ideal for some of us people to think
about. Which in this case, that means that there won't be an information being exchange; communication between family, important information that
government put up on the internet, and what is happening around the world, no Facebook, video games, cellphones, computers, cars, or even military
weapons for the military or even tools. Almost everyone around the world have some sort of technology that they can use or can access to. The role of
technology is significant tool since the Paleolithic Era, when Stone Age man started using rocks and sticks for hunting. As the years progress ,
technology started to become more improve , advance and enhanced to be used in our daily life .Now those improve technology gave us, to have,
transportation, radio, television: "Technology has brought advancements in agriculture, due to which food produce has increased. Owing to the
developments in engineering and architecture, building robust civil structures has been possible. Technology has boosted every industry. Businesses
have grown, creating more employment opportunities. Advancements in technology have led to the evolution of newer and faster modes of transport
and communication. The application of technology has boosted research in fields ranging from genetics to extraterrestrial space. The computer and
Internet technologies
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Mass Communication Theory
Mass society theory is an idea that media has strong influence towards people, it plays a role of shaping people's mind and perception of the social
world and it is also to manipulate people's action with delicate, subtle and effective ways (Baran and Davis 2006, p.43). Mass society theory has first
introduced in the nineteenth century when there are disruptive consequences caused by modernization (Baran and Davis 2006, p.52). At that time, mass
media considered as a cause of social problems (Baran and Davis 2006, p.52). That was the yellow journalism era for mass newspapers (Baran and
Davis 2006, p.52). For instance, newspapers irresponsibly give out information, probably some sensational information which more
In the case of blogging, when the image of the king and Islam is being damaged, some social problems might occur, for instance, when the king loses
his credibility, the internal security might be affected, when the general public do not support the king, they will lose confident to the country. If there
is somebody who in tend to break down the existing government, this will be a stepping stone for him/her. In the other hand, if bloggers still keep on
publishing negative information about Islam, it might also cause social problems. When those unidentified information come to the eye of the general
public who have no idea or who do not have detailed knowledge about Islam, they might start to discriminate Islam, discrimination is a very serious
offence among races, in a multiracial country like Malaysia, if people from different races do not have mutual understanding, it is very difficult for
them to live in the same community, people will start criticizing people from other races, they might start fighting with each other, all these can break
down the harmony of a country.
Smoking is hazardous to health, doctors, nurses and others in the health industry are plays an important role to help smokers to quit themselves from
this bad habit (New Straits Times 2007, p.11). Even though the government is very aggressive in approaching the "Tak Nak" campaign, but yet
Malaysians still maintain
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The Three Types Of Mass Communication
1. Define mass communication.
According to the textbook, mass communication is "communication to a large group or groups of people that remain largely unknown to the sender of
the message." To go into more details, we communicate every single day, but normally to just one or two people that we happen to know. When it
comes to mass communication, we could be speaking to the world or the public about an issue that we would like to address. For instance, when we go
on social media, or watch the news, that would be an example of mass communication because it is speaking to a large number of audience instead of
directly to just one person. It is making a message to a group of people.
2. Define convergence.
According to the textbook, convergence is "the coming together of computing, telecommunications, and media in a digital environment." There are
three different types of convergence and they all have some differences to the way certain things come together in computing in telecommunications
and media in a digital environment. Even though there are three different types of convergence, they all play a very important role in mass
communications. The three different types of convergence work well by themselves, but if they work together, they build a stronger impact in the media.
3. Explain the three types of convergence
The three types of convergence are Technological Convergence, Economic Convergence, and Cultural Convergence. Technological Convergence
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Effect of Media and Mass Communication Essay
The media is a powerful presence within the lives of others. It can be described as the main channel of mass communication. Media is often used to
deliver a message to a large audience who are diverse. It can be written, broadcast or spoken. Media is a significant force within modern culture.
Culture can be defined as the norms and values of a society. In our culture, the communications media hold an influential place in disseminating
information, forming attitudes, and motivating behaviour. Technological advances are increasing the role of the media and its capacity to shape public
opinion. Our society depends on the news media to provide information to help us form opinions and make voting decisions. It is clear the media has a more content...
It was cheaper and made large scale distribution possible. These technology advances allowed the medium to enter popular culture and enhancing its
influence within society [McLuhan, 1962]. By the nineteen twenties, mass media became known not only for print media, but radio and television
also. Television provided both information and entertainment which became very popular. It was considered easier than actively reading. In recent
times, mass media has taken on a different form; the internet. It is now the most popular form of mass media. Not only has the internet become a
sensation but mobile phones, blogs and podcasts have all become the new forms of mass media within our modern culture. The media is easily
accessed and waiting for us at the touch of a button. As a result, our culture is enormously influenced by the media. In this essay I will be discussing
the media and deviance and the effects it has on our culture.
One theory that was formed during this investigation was the cumulative effects model [Elisabeth Noelle–Neumann, 1974]. This complex theory looks
at the potential affects media has on an individual with an active media consumption. This theory focuses on the agenda setting function in which the
media acts upon. The media cannot force an individual to think a certain way. However it does have the power to control what the individual thinks
about. If an issue is frequently in the media, the
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The Mass Of Mass Communication Essay
Modern life has become accustomed to the use and influence of mass communication. The telegraph, gramophone, radio transmission, and moving
images such as television are some of the earliest forms of mass communication that became entangled with various capitalist government regulations
and an interpersonal mass audience. In the 1980's a second media revolution began to emerge with the technological advancements of "digital
convergence" which is the ability to access a range of multimedia content across a number media platforms with a number of devices. This essay will
discuss whether due to these advancements, is it time the idea of mass communication needs to be re–evaluated, and with the increasing using of
multifunctional communication tools, whether or not the mass communication era has ended.
Mass communication may be interpreted differently to a number of people. Many relate the method to the shear number of people engaging in the
type of communication, the mass of the people or size of the audience. However others may focus of the second part of the word, "communication"
and think of mass communication in the traditional sense that it was based of the idea of exchange (Chafee & Metzger, 2001, pp. 355–356). Until
recently, mass communication was the idea of connecting with a large audience and a vast demographic, however that no longer applies due to the
arrival of media channels. The number of radio and television channels has dramatically risen along with the
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Five Context Of Communication Analysis
In this paper, I will speak about the five context of communication, which accordingly to textbook provided to this course " include intrapersonal,
interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication. Each context has its advantages and disadvantages, and it's appropriate and inappropriate uses"
( McLean, 2010, p.26).
Now, I will start with the intrapersonal personal communication which refers to the communications made between ourselves, well simply when we
ask, think and answer to our own thoughts. The process where we try to understand our own thoughts, where we speak with us. This is also the
communication process that involves only one person.
One example of intrapersonal communication I experienced a few days ago, refers to a presentation I need to make at last moment. The
presentation was in the program to be made by one of my friends which prepare for it for more than one week, but she looses the fly and couldn't be
at the meeting. The people invited have come all of them and I need to take her place, understand and read her speech in less than 3 hours. During the
speech, I didn't make other than ask myself " how I'm going?", then at the end – I didn't remember well what I read because I continue to ask if all go
well until I hear the "congratulations" that come from the public....beautiful!
Interpersonal communication context is different of the intrapersonal one because involves 2 persons and not one. The interpersonal communications
could go from intimate
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The Impact Of Media On Mass Communication Essay
Media Communications
Question 3a.
Mass commuincation is the exchanging of information or messages on a large scale to a wide range of people, from individuals to organizational
bodies simultaneously. The way in which mass communication is effectively accomplished is a very complex study. These days there are various
methods and outlets used to circulate mass media. Particularly the last couple of decades, the Internet has predominantly played a massive role in mass
communication, this used in conjunction to newspapers, magazines, radio, television, books and film. Mass media industry was in for significant
change post World War Two, researches found mass communication a promising tool to aid change in society. Paul Lazafeld initially developed the
'Two Step Flow of Communication' during this time, which was to be later defined by Elihu Katz. The two–step flow is essentially the idea that the
majority of society forms their opinions from leaders, who have previously been influenced by mass media. (Lazarsfeld & Katz, 1955) According to
this model, leaders viewpoints have a flow on effect, dispersing from the mass media itself to opinion leaders, then progressing onto the wider
population. There have been multiple studies into mass communications which all give evidence how the 'Two Step Model' was a signifcant advance
in the role of mass media , this essay will particularly look into three studies, The Peoples Choice study (1944), the War of Worlds (1938) and the
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The Importance Of Mass Communication
In today's society, worldwide communication is at the palm one's hands. In just seconds, someone can send a message to someone halfway across the
world with very little effort. The mass use of this "fast–as–light" communication can cause one to become so accustomed to it that they see it as the
norm. Due to this exponential increase in technology, it is easy to forget about how message were communicated before there was any technology
available to communicate with. Mass communication traces back all the way to a time before even written languages had been created. The root of all
communication was storytelling. For people like the Ancient Greeks, though, storytelling was much more than just a form of communication. It was a
form of art and entertainment. Some people's job was solely to tell stories. Bards and minstrel were tasked with entertaining people, especially royalty
and the elite, with stories from the past. However, entertainment does not express the true value of storytelling in Ancient Greece. The real reason
storytelling was so prominent is those time was because it was a form of survival. Storytelling as a mode of survival is prominently seen in Homer's
work, The Odyssey. The main character, Odysseus, uses storytelling as a tactic to stay alive during his hero quest. In many situations throughout the
work, his skill at telling stories prevents him from being killed and helps him get closer to returning to his home in Ithaca. Storytelling was crucial to
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Essay On Mass Communication
Mass Communications is usually understood to refer to newspapers, magazines, and books, as well as radio, film and television, and even the internet
as news and advertising and other information are often disseminated via this medium (Business Dictionary, 2017). However, mass communication is
not alike the studies of other forms of communication, like interpersonal communication or organizational communication because it focuses on one
source, transmitting information to multiple receivers. Ideally, the study of mass communication is concerned with how content influences or affects
the behavior, attitude, opinion, or emotion of the person or party on the receiving end of the information. As students seeking to become communication more content...
In this short time, I have learned much about different theories that explain the many communication barriers we face all over the world. This type of
information will help us all to become effective communicators, an invaluable asset to any employer (locally and internationally) as some form of
communication must occur to be productive. As we move into the 21st century, we are now introduced to other mediums to consume our information.
We are now in the digital age where any news is now readily available and accessible on a mobile or hand–held device. In fact, if given the choice
between receiving news on a stationary computer or mobile device, most consumers would choose mobile devices over traditional newspapers or
television. But why is this? It's most likely the feeling that we have to be in the know at all times. Or perhaps it's the fear of not knowing information
or not being able to find out about it at any given moment in time. Today, more than half the world now uses a Smartphone, almost two–thirds of the
world's population now has a mobile phone and more than half of the world's web traffic comes from mobile phones. Additionally, more than one in
five of the world's population shopped online in the past 30 days (We Are Social, 2017). The trend of digital technology is here to stay. Digital
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What Is Mass Media? Essay
What is Mass Media ?
Consider this for a moment: at whatever point you need to hear your main tune, watch your most loved show, or see the most recent current occasions,
where do you go? You more than likely turn on your TV, radio, or PC. The source that most of the overall population uses to get their news and data
from is viewed as broad communications.
Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of
the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. The general public
typically relies on the mass media to provide information regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture.
Types of Mass Media:
The broad communications has advanced fundamentally after some time. Have you ever considered how the most recent news and data was conveyed
before? All things considered, before there was the Internet, TV, or the radio, there was the daily paper. The daily paper was the first stage for broad
communications. For a drawn out stretch of time, general society depended on authors and writers for the neighborhood daily papers to furnish them
with the most recent news in current occasions.
Hundreds of years after the fact, in the 1890s, came the innovation of the radio. The radio would soon supersede the daily paper as the most germane
hotspot for broad communications.
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Research Paper On Mass Communication
1.1 Introduction
According to FIREHOUSE (2003), communication comes in many forms such as; body language, written word, oral communication, and touch are all
examples that we use every day to get our messages across. How we use these techniques, and how others view their meaning, can greatly influence our
workplace relationships with others. Perhaps the most important form of communication is that which establishes our credibility and trust with others,
interpersonal communication.
According to Hartley (2002), he define interpersonal communication involves face–to–face meetings between two participants, varying roles and
relationship to one another, always two–way, involves the creation and exchange of meaning, more content...
2.Is there any significant different in interpersonal face–to–face interaction between genders among semester five Mass Communication students?
3.Is there any significant relationship between the learning environment and interpersonal face–to–face interaction among semester five Mass
Communication students?
1.3.2 Research Objectives
The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between learning environment and interpersonal face–to–face interaction among semester
five Mass Communication students in Universiti Teknologi Mara(UiTM), Shah Alam. Therefore, the specific objectives of this study are:
1.How the learning environment effect the semester five Mass Communication students?
2.Is there any significant different in interpersonal face–to–face interaction between genders among semester five Mass Communication students?
3.Is there any significant relationship between the learning environment and interpersonal face–to–face interaction among semester five Mass
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The Impact Of Mass Communication On Our Society

  • 1. The Impact Of Mass Communication On Our Society Mass Communication is the study of how people receive information through what is known as Mass Media to a large crowd of the population at the same time. Or they can also say that Mass Communication is a process of which a person, group of people, or an organization send and receive messages through a channel of communication to a large of unknown and heterogeneous people and organizations. You can think of a large group of unknown and heterogeneous people as either the general public. The sender of the message is usually a professional communicator that often represents an organization. {INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY} AS AN ADVANTAGE TO MASS COMMMUNICATION: – In more than one way, ICT came to be a blessing to our society because it facilitates complements and supplements the proceedings of Mass Communication. A few examples that would be driving this point home. FEEDBACK: –there are proceedings that the communication to the advancement which is incomplete without a feedback and ICT facilities is in an important stage, both in the electronic and in the print media. In broadcasting, ICT has put a bridge between the gulf and broadcasters and their audience or a viewer as far as feedback is there. For example, mobile phones, made it easier for many broadcast audience or viewers to help on air programs through the expression of opinion, grievances, and commendations. These technologies also enlighten the audiences to send short text messages to broadcast stations for Get more content on
  • 2. Reflection Paper On Mass Communication Throughout the course of this semester, I have obtained an understanding of what mass communication really is and how it is applied in everyday life. I learned that mass communication is defined as the exchanging of information on a large scale to a wide variety of people, but it is really much more than that. It, in more detail, provides accurate information about society, informs the public about what others think, transfers and spreads cultures throughout generations, and entertains. For all these purposes of mass communication, there are bound to be some effects and influences left behind. In fact, several theories were taught to me in class that influences people in ways that we can both see and not even recognize. These theories are among us, the public, all the time, yet, until this class, I did not even realize. After becoming aware, I discerned the similar effects that these theories have on people. I now saw how alike people were just because of the way they interpreted media. While not every theory stated relates to every single person, as shown by experimental data and research, there are more relations between people than you would think before learning about it. There are always a large number of people who are affected and prove such theory and then there are the outliers that do not follow the theory. Mass communication is all about the spreading of information on a wide basis and with that comes effects that are remotely similar amongst people. For me Get more content on
  • 3. Reflection Paper On Mass Communication During this class, the knowledge of mass communication that I have learned has peeked my interest in many different topics that we have studied over the past month. In particularly, I have begun to gain a deeper understanding of advertising, public relations, and social media. Being an agriculture communication and leadership major I think that these topics will help me tremendously in all of my future endeavors. COM 160 – Introduction to Mass Media has really confirmed that I have made the right by switching majors last year. I used to be an agribusiness major up until I realized that I'm not really in this field to rake in all kinds of money, I mean if that happen it happens, but I genuinely want to help people. The best way that I have been able to do that has been through agvocating. Don't worry, that is not a typo. It is advocating for agriculture. Growing up in a small rural town in central Illinois, I was surrounded by agriculture and didn't even realize it because I just thought it was the norm. it wasn't until high school when I joined the Future Farmers of America (FFA) that I learned that agriculture is not widely known about. One fact that we always talk about is from a nation study conducted by the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance. The results of their study concluded that 72 percent of consumers know nothing or very little about farming or ranching. I could not believe this to be true until I participated in Ag Day on the Quad. You might have seen a day where farm tractors randomly appear on the quad along with a group of students educating fellow students and some professors about general knowledge of farming and food production. I was asked many questions that day but the one that I will never forget was, sense you're an agriculture major aren't you just going to be a farmer. The answer was I gave him was no. Then I shared with him all of the different career fields that I could go into, such as journalism, public relations, electronic media, or technical writing. As my senior year of study approaches, my main interest is in public relations. This class as well as Com 111 with Jodi has got me thinking more and more that agriculture needs new and younger voices that know how to better manage Get more content on
  • 4. Mass Communication MASS COMUNICATION Field of study In the United States, many university journalism departments evolved into schools or colleges of mass communication or "journalism and mass communication," as reflected in the names of two major academic organizations. In addition to studying practical skills of journalism, public relations or advertising, students also may major in "mass communication" or "mass communication research." The latter is often the title given to doctoral studies in such schools, whether the focus of the student's research is journalism practice, history, law or media effects. Departmental structures within such colleges may separate research and instruction in professional or technical aspects of . Mass communication more content... The word 'communication' is really equated with 'transmission', as viewed by the sender, rather than in the fuller meaning, which includes the notions of response, sharing and interaction. Messages are produced by one set of individuals and transmitted to others who are typically situated in settings that are spatially and temporally remote from the original context of production. Therefore, the term 'communication' in this context masks the social and industrial nature of the media, promoting a tendency to think of them as interpersonal communication. Furthermore, it is known that recipients today do have some capacity to intervene in and contribute to the course and content of the communicative process. They are being both active and creative towards the messages that they are conveyed of. With the complement of the cyberspace supported by the Internet, not only that recipients are participants in a structured process of symbolic transmission, constraints such as time and space are reordered and eliminated. 'Mass communication' can be seen as institutionalized production and generalized diffusion of symbolic goods via the fixation and transmission of information or symbolic content. It is known that the systems of information codification has shifted from analog to digital. This has indeed advanced the communication between individuals. With the existence of Infrared, Bluetooth and Wi–Fi, cell phones are no longer solely a tool for Get more content on
  • 5. Media And Mass Communication Media is mass communication regarded collectively, whether it is from broadcasting, publishing, or the Internet. Society, in general, uses these types of media to shape beliefs that benefit them. Whether it is from coverage of the NFL protests, Muslim stereotypes or small national news, they all come up with different perspectives that enforce different ideas. The first amendment of the constitution states freedom of speech, which not only is the most violated but is also very contradicting. We, as civilians, are put this very explicit position as children to make us think in a certain way. We cannot see a person without jumping to stereotypes based on their looks, style, and skin color. It was not something that was brought along by families by was portrayed in tv shows and pictures. Elaborating on so How modern media Influences our beliefs by Reena Karim states, "The mainstream media restricts free speech but at least most of the time they make an effort to check facts that is unless they are on the government's' payroll... Now that internet has taken over mainstream media, things are rapidly changing all over the world especially the way news is delivered these days. Various types of journalism are emerging and communication is being given a facelift." One of the most important and impactful events of the month is the NFL protest against standing for the national anthem. As claimed before, freedom of speech is one of the biggest amendments that are continuously violated Get more content on
  • 6. In our society today, how we interpret our media and how we interact in it is rapidly changing. It is difficult to place a certain ideal on how our media should be in a culture influenced by many variables. However, through review of the different theories or perspectives that shape media, I was able to further gain a position on how the media is and how it ought to be in our technology–advancing society today. Using McQuail's Mass Communication Theory, In our mass media society today, trends tend to view media to fall under the category of a social–materialistic influence. This influence happens when "media ownership and control, ultimately, are held to shape the dominant ideology transmitted or endorsed by the media (McQuail,2010, pg. 13)." Media ownership and control has played a key role into what content is transmitted. I question how much of what content televised is chosen for rating, entertainment, or financial purposes. One media theory that explains the influence of ownership is the common–sense theory. The common–sense theory looks to how we receive content from the media from our own perspectives and mediums. Applications on a smart device is a medium in which personal preferences are provided. By having the ability to download apps, it has provided the consumers the power to "develop patterns of taste, construct lifestyles and identities as media consumers (McQuail,2010, pg.14)." However as flexible as this function allows, it gives media a greater opportunity Get more content on
  • 7. The Social Benefits of Mass Communication Essay The Social Benefits of Mass Communication Mass communications, like anything for humans, has its advantages and disadvantages, but mass media has far more advantages to offer the world. From taking you to a far off land to teaching you about the intricacies of the life inside a colony of ants, to surfing the Internet for a new chat group to join, we learn and experience things and events that no humans ever before in history have experienced through this miracle we call mass media. This paper will explore the multifaceted and unique areas of the public's perception of mass media, the educational value of the media, and the Internet as a new mass medium. The public has always had an interesting relationship with more content... People feel that they can trust someone as long as he stays credible and they feel positive because of that fact. Another positive benefit that modern people have as opposed to their ancient counterparts is that citizens who get their information from trusted sources as CNN, local news casts, public television news, and TV news magazines usually end up better informed and more accurately informed than those ancient immigrants and peasants from their word of mouth reporting (Saltzman, par 11). Still connected to the public's feelings on mass media today we come to a recent survey of young adults which is also a very quickly informed and Internet savvy group. The survey, "Survey Asks Young Adults About Media Use," of 22 to 34 year olds by BBDO New York in a periodical called,The Quill, tells about some positive ways that media affect people. In one quote describing the Internet's impact it says, "The young adults used the Internet for escape and mental stimulation and to obtain specific information on travel, business and health issues. Users were perceived positively as young career–oriented adults. The Internet produced feelings of innovation, intelligence, creativity, power and accomplishment" (par 2). It goes on to say that, "Reading magazines gave respondents feeling of sexiness, self–esteem, luxury and creativity" (par 3), "Television gave respondents feeling of happiness, comfort and fun" (par 4), "Radio listening provided a Get more content on
  • 8. The evolution of mass communications has gone through major developments; from etching the beginnings of an alphabet into a rock the size of a standard dinner table to letting a computer recognize words spoken into a speaker as it types away what it hears. Dating back to around 1700 B.C. when the first alphabet was said to come into existence, society has come far in different fields of communications. Nothing made as large of an impact in the world of communications as the revolution of the Internet. Although the impact has been large, the Internet was certainly not the first to revolutionize communications. When many cities started to arise and become industrial–based, there became a need for more technological advancements. When more content... Parchment was stretched thin goatskin and held writing well but the animal needed to be killed in the process making it hard to mass–produce it. Paper was created after papyrus and was much cheaper. Although it was another creation that took a long process to make, it did its job better than its predecessors because it was easy to transport which meant more communication and could withstand all temperatures. The alphabet was a major development that revolutionized writing. Without the alphabet, we wouldn't have the basics of the Internet, as we know it today. The keyboard is an essential to any phone, computer or tablet. Without the alphabet, there would be no keyboard. The alphabet is used to record information on computers and those similar devices. The thing that makes the alphabet so important to communication is that there will never be a substitute. For example, with a newspaper, there will always be some kind of substitute because tablets can display an entire newspaper on a screen but there isn't and most likely will never be a second form of the alphabet. Printing was another innovation that changed writing and influenced the Internet. Johannes Gutenburg invented the printing press but changed the writing world with moveable type. He provided fuel for writings major progressions. Prior to the Renaissance, there were few books and the church wrote most of them. Books being printed meant for more people Get more content on
  • 9. Technology and Mass Communication To live in a world where there is no means of using technology and having no system of communication, it's an ideal for some of us people to think about. Which in this case, that means that there won't be an information being exchange; communication between family, important information that government put up on the internet, and what is happening around the world, no Facebook, video games, cellphones, computers, cars, or even military weapons for the military or even tools. Almost everyone around the world have some sort of technology that they can use or can access to. The role of technology is significant tool since the Paleolithic Era, when Stone Age man started using rocks and sticks for hunting. As the years progress , technology started to become more improve , advance and enhanced to be used in our daily life .Now those improve technology gave us, to have, transportation, radio, television: "Technology has brought advancements in agriculture, due to which food produce has increased. Owing to the developments in engineering and architecture, building robust civil structures has been possible. Technology has boosted every industry. Businesses have grown, creating more employment opportunities. Advancements in technology have led to the evolution of newer and faster modes of transport and communication. The application of technology has boosted research in fields ranging from genetics to extraterrestrial space. The computer and Internet technologies Get more content on
  • 10. Mass Communication Theory Introduction Mass society theory is an idea that media has strong influence towards people, it plays a role of shaping people's mind and perception of the social world and it is also to manipulate people's action with delicate, subtle and effective ways (Baran and Davis 2006, p.43). Mass society theory has first introduced in the nineteenth century when there are disruptive consequences caused by modernization (Baran and Davis 2006, p.52). At that time, mass media considered as a cause of social problems (Baran and Davis 2006, p.52). That was the yellow journalism era for mass newspapers (Baran and Davis 2006, p.52). For instance, newspapers irresponsibly give out information, probably some sensational information which more content... In the case of blogging, when the image of the king and Islam is being damaged, some social problems might occur, for instance, when the king loses his credibility, the internal security might be affected, when the general public do not support the king, they will lose confident to the country. If there is somebody who in tend to break down the existing government, this will be a stepping stone for him/her. In the other hand, if bloggers still keep on publishing negative information about Islam, it might also cause social problems. When those unidentified information come to the eye of the general public who have no idea or who do not have detailed knowledge about Islam, they might start to discriminate Islam, discrimination is a very serious offence among races, in a multiracial country like Malaysia, if people from different races do not have mutual understanding, it is very difficult for them to live in the same community, people will start criticizing people from other races, they might start fighting with each other, all these can break down the harmony of a country. Smoking is hazardous to health, doctors, nurses and others in the health industry are plays an important role to help smokers to quit themselves from this bad habit (New Straits Times 2007, p.11). Even though the government is very aggressive in approaching the "Tak Nak" campaign, but yet Malaysians still maintain Get more content on
  • 11. The Three Types Of Mass Communication 1. Define mass communication. According to the textbook, mass communication is "communication to a large group or groups of people that remain largely unknown to the sender of the message." To go into more details, we communicate every single day, but normally to just one or two people that we happen to know. When it comes to mass communication, we could be speaking to the world or the public about an issue that we would like to address. For instance, when we go on social media, or watch the news, that would be an example of mass communication because it is speaking to a large number of audience instead of directly to just one person. It is making a message to a group of people. 2. Define convergence. According to the textbook, convergence is "the coming together of computing, telecommunications, and media in a digital environment." There are three different types of convergence and they all have some differences to the way certain things come together in computing in telecommunications and media in a digital environment. Even though there are three different types of convergence, they all play a very important role in mass communications. The three different types of convergence work well by themselves, but if they work together, they build a stronger impact in the media. 3. Explain the three types of convergence The three types of convergence are Technological Convergence, Economic Convergence, and Cultural Convergence. Technological Convergence Get more content on
  • 12. Effect of Media and Mass Communication Essay The media is a powerful presence within the lives of others. It can be described as the main channel of mass communication. Media is often used to deliver a message to a large audience who are diverse. It can be written, broadcast or spoken. Media is a significant force within modern culture. Culture can be defined as the norms and values of a society. In our culture, the communications media hold an influential place in disseminating information, forming attitudes, and motivating behaviour. Technological advances are increasing the role of the media and its capacity to shape public opinion. Our society depends on the news media to provide information to help us form opinions and make voting decisions. It is clear the media has a more content... It was cheaper and made large scale distribution possible. These technology advances allowed the medium to enter popular culture and enhancing its influence within society [McLuhan, 1962]. By the nineteen twenties, mass media became known not only for print media, but radio and television also. Television provided both information and entertainment which became very popular. It was considered easier than actively reading. In recent times, mass media has taken on a different form; the internet. It is now the most popular form of mass media. Not only has the internet become a sensation but mobile phones, blogs and podcasts have all become the new forms of mass media within our modern culture. The media is easily accessed and waiting for us at the touch of a button. As a result, our culture is enormously influenced by the media. In this essay I will be discussing the media and deviance and the effects it has on our culture. One theory that was formed during this investigation was the cumulative effects model [Elisabeth Noelle–Neumann, 1974]. This complex theory looks at the potential affects media has on an individual with an active media consumption. This theory focuses on the agenda setting function in which the media acts upon. The media cannot force an individual to think a certain way. However it does have the power to control what the individual thinks about. If an issue is frequently in the media, the Get more content on
  • 13. The Mass Of Mass Communication Essay Modern life has become accustomed to the use and influence of mass communication. The telegraph, gramophone, radio transmission, and moving images such as television are some of the earliest forms of mass communication that became entangled with various capitalist government regulations and an interpersonal mass audience. In the 1980's a second media revolution began to emerge with the technological advancements of "digital convergence" which is the ability to access a range of multimedia content across a number media platforms with a number of devices. This essay will discuss whether due to these advancements, is it time the idea of mass communication needs to be re–evaluated, and with the increasing using of multifunctional communication tools, whether or not the mass communication era has ended. Mass communication may be interpreted differently to a number of people. Many relate the method to the shear number of people engaging in the type of communication, the mass of the people or size of the audience. However others may focus of the second part of the word, "communication" and think of mass communication in the traditional sense that it was based of the idea of exchange (Chafee & Metzger, 2001, pp. 355–356). Until recently, mass communication was the idea of connecting with a large audience and a vast demographic, however that no longer applies due to the arrival of media channels. The number of radio and television channels has dramatically risen along with the Get more content on
  • 14. Five Context Of Communication Analysis In this paper, I will speak about the five context of communication, which accordingly to textbook provided to this course " include intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication. Each context has its advantages and disadvantages, and it's appropriate and inappropriate uses" ( McLean, 2010, p.26). Now, I will start with the intrapersonal personal communication which refers to the communications made between ourselves, well simply when we ask, think and answer to our own thoughts. The process where we try to understand our own thoughts, where we speak with us. This is also the communication process that involves only one person. One example of intrapersonal communication I experienced a few days ago, refers to a presentation I need to make at last moment. The presentation was in the program to be made by one of my friends which prepare for it for more than one week, but she looses the fly and couldn't be at the meeting. The people invited have come all of them and I need to take her place, understand and read her speech in less than 3 hours. During the speech, I didn't make other than ask myself " how I'm going?", then at the end – I didn't remember well what I read because I continue to ask if all go well until I hear the "congratulations" that come from the public....beautiful! Interpersonal communication context is different of the intrapersonal one because involves 2 persons and not one. The interpersonal communications could go from intimate to Get more content on
  • 15. The Impact Of Media On Mass Communication Essay Media Communications Question 3a. Mass commuincation is the exchanging of information or messages on a large scale to a wide range of people, from individuals to organizational bodies simultaneously. The way in which mass communication is effectively accomplished is a very complex study. These days there are various methods and outlets used to circulate mass media. Particularly the last couple of decades, the Internet has predominantly played a massive role in mass communication, this used in conjunction to newspapers, magazines, radio, television, books and film. Mass media industry was in for significant change post World War Two, researches found mass communication a promising tool to aid change in society. Paul Lazafeld initially developed the 'Two Step Flow of Communication' during this time, which was to be later defined by Elihu Katz. The two–step flow is essentially the idea that the majority of society forms their opinions from leaders, who have previously been influenced by mass media. (Lazarsfeld & Katz, 1955) According to this model, leaders viewpoints have a flow on effect, dispersing from the mass media itself to opinion leaders, then progressing onto the wider population. There have been multiple studies into mass communications which all give evidence how the 'Two Step Model' was a signifcant advance in the role of mass media , this essay will particularly look into three studies, The Peoples Choice study (1944), the War of Worlds (1938) and the Decatur Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of Mass Communication In today's society, worldwide communication is at the palm one's hands. In just seconds, someone can send a message to someone halfway across the world with very little effort. The mass use of this "fast–as–light" communication can cause one to become so accustomed to it that they see it as the norm. Due to this exponential increase in technology, it is easy to forget about how message were communicated before there was any technology available to communicate with. Mass communication traces back all the way to a time before even written languages had been created. The root of all communication was storytelling. For people like the Ancient Greeks, though, storytelling was much more than just a form of communication. It was a form of art and entertainment. Some people's job was solely to tell stories. Bards and minstrel were tasked with entertaining people, especially royalty and the elite, with stories from the past. However, entertainment does not express the true value of storytelling in Ancient Greece. The real reason storytelling was so prominent is those time was because it was a form of survival. Storytelling as a mode of survival is prominently seen in Homer's work, The Odyssey. The main character, Odysseus, uses storytelling as a tactic to stay alive during his hero quest. In many situations throughout the work, his skill at telling stories prevents him from being killed and helps him get closer to returning to his home in Ithaca. Storytelling was crucial to Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Mass Communication Mass Communications is usually understood to refer to newspapers, magazines, and books, as well as radio, film and television, and even the internet as news and advertising and other information are often disseminated via this medium (Business Dictionary, 2017). However, mass communication is not alike the studies of other forms of communication, like interpersonal communication or organizational communication because it focuses on one source, transmitting information to multiple receivers. Ideally, the study of mass communication is concerned with how content influences or affects the behavior, attitude, opinion, or emotion of the person or party on the receiving end of the information. As students seeking to become communication more content... In this short time, I have learned much about different theories that explain the many communication barriers we face all over the world. This type of information will help us all to become effective communicators, an invaluable asset to any employer (locally and internationally) as some form of communication must occur to be productive. As we move into the 21st century, we are now introduced to other mediums to consume our information. We are now in the digital age where any news is now readily available and accessible on a mobile or hand–held device. In fact, if given the choice between receiving news on a stationary computer or mobile device, most consumers would choose mobile devices over traditional newspapers or television. But why is this? It's most likely the feeling that we have to be in the know at all times. Or perhaps it's the fear of not knowing information or not being able to find out about it at any given moment in time. Today, more than half the world now uses a Smartphone, almost two–thirds of the world's population now has a mobile phone and more than half of the world's web traffic comes from mobile phones. Additionally, more than one in five of the world's population shopped online in the past 30 days (We Are Social, 2017). The trend of digital technology is here to stay. Digital Get more content on
  • 18. What Is Mass Media? Essay What is Mass Media ? Consider this for a moment: at whatever point you need to hear your main tune, watch your most loved show, or see the most recent current occasions, where do you go? You more than likely turn on your TV, radio, or PC. The source that most of the overall population uses to get their news and data from is viewed as broad communications. Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. The general public typically relies on the mass media to provide information regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture. Types of Mass Media: The broad communications has advanced fundamentally after some time. Have you ever considered how the most recent news and data was conveyed before? All things considered, before there was the Internet, TV, or the radio, there was the daily paper. The daily paper was the first stage for broad communications. For a drawn out stretch of time, general society depended on authors and writers for the neighborhood daily papers to furnish them with the most recent news in current occasions. Hundreds of years after the fact, in the 1890s, came the innovation of the radio. The radio would soon supersede the daily paper as the most germane hotspot for broad communications. Get more content on
  • 19. Research Paper On Mass Communication CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction According to FIREHOUSE (2003), communication comes in many forms such as; body language, written word, oral communication, and touch are all examples that we use every day to get our messages across. How we use these techniques, and how others view their meaning, can greatly influence our workplace relationships with others. Perhaps the most important form of communication is that which establishes our credibility and trust with others, interpersonal communication. According to Hartley (2002), he define interpersonal communication involves face–to–face meetings between two participants, varying roles and relationship to one another, always two–way, involves the creation and exchange of meaning, more content... 2.Is there any significant different in interpersonal face–to–face interaction between genders among semester five Mass Communication students? 3.Is there any significant relationship between the learning environment and interpersonal face–to–face interaction among semester five Mass Communication students? 1.3.2 Research Objectives The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between learning environment and interpersonal face–to–face interaction among semester five Mass Communication students in Universiti Teknologi Mara(UiTM), Shah Alam. Therefore, the specific objectives of this study are: 1.How the learning environment effect the semester five Mass Communication students? 2.Is there any significant different in interpersonal face–to–face interaction between genders among semester five Mass Communication students? 3.Is there any significant relationship between the learning environment and interpersonal face–to–face interaction among semester five Mass Communication Get more content on