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Homeschoolers Make Your Own Memory Book!
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St L S pe

         ct           The Link

   PoP culture
   anD creative                                 Est. 1995
   exPreSSion                                   article
   Mating                                       Page 4
   Dating, Pt 2

   of MaSS

   StanDarDS &
               HE     ATION S
       Homeschooling Magazine                            In This Issue                Homeschooled Entrepreneur

                                                                           6 22
              I Thought I’d Be Taller –                                                                    Demonstrating the independent
                                                                                                           thinking so familiar to
              Letting Go of Picture-Perfect                                                                homeschoolers, Connor Bernstein,
              – Ann Lloyd, Ph.D. shares her thoughts on how life –
                                                                                                           14-year-old science whiz, has
              including homeschooling -- is not what we dream as
                                                                                                           created his own line of science kits, built from the young
              children, and that adult life can be downright difficult, but that we
                                                                                                           person’s perspective and about to be marketed nationwide!

              can and should still dream, realizing that life can be great.

          Mind the Gap                                                                                Weapons of Mass Instruction
           Veteran homeschooling mom Diane Flynn Keith,                                               In this excerpt from his new book, John Taylor
           uses the warning of London’s Subways to watch                                              Gatto brings us more vivid information about
 for the spaces between the car and the platform as a focus                                           mass education and its shadowy agenda for
 point for avoiding the “holes” in your child’s education.                                            social control.

 Homeschooling, Pop Culture
              and Creative Expression
                       Elizabeth Michalak, a homeschooled          10 28
                       young woman of 21, relates her childhood unawareness of
                       pop culture icons and how that “shelteredness” has been a
                                                                                                       College Experience for
                                                                                                         Gail Lewis, of College Goals, discusses the
                                                                                      valuable experience of high school-age homeschoolers enrolling
                       boon to her creative life as a songwriter and musician.        in college early, rather than wasting time with high school subjects

                                                                                      they may already be knowledgeable of.
                 Christian Classical Education

                 – Is It for You?                                                     Making Homeschool Work Better with Field
                  Marlin Detweiler, founder and president
 of Veritas Press, provides an in-depth explanation and                                              Trips
 discussion of one of the most popular and effective                                                              Dawn Hauff, experienced
 homeschooling styles – Classical, also known as the Trivium.                                                     homeschooling mom and field

                                                                                                                  tripper in Idaho offers an excellent article about
 Mating Without Dating, Pt 2                                                                                      planning and fulfilling field trips, including some
                         Moira Bell, homeschooling mom of                                                         unusual ideas for great supplemental trips.
                         six, continues with her own daughter’s

                         story and the experience of observations
                         and ideas about sidestepping the pitfalls of dating, and                      Lessons From the Road
                         actually seeking a life-mate instead.                                         and speaking of “Field Trips”

                                                                                                       Lauren Brenner Katz recounts her
                  Measuring Handwriting Fluency                                                        experience making a field trip out
                   Rand Nelson, handwriting expert and owner                          of a rock concert in San Francisco, demonstrating
                   of Peterson Directed Handwriting, provides                         that homeschoolers can think quickly on their feet!

 detailed information and suggestions for aiding your child in
 improving handwriting, while eliminating much of his/her
 frustration and resistance to this still-important skill.
                                                                                                    The Link Reviews
                                                                                                    this issue we offer information on three great

                                                                                                    products that every homeschooled family should
 Defending Teaching Standards & Corrections                                                         consider.
                    Frode Jensen, grammar teacher and owner                                                                                                Wilder Museum   8/14/09      12:47 PM   Page 1

                    of Jensens’s Wordsmith Publishing, provides

                    an intelligent defense of “the red pen” as                                         Why Teach Laura Ingalls Wilder
                    opposed to avoiding “damaging” a child’s self-esteem by                            Amy Ankrum, of the Wilder Museum, presents
                    not correcting his errors and not making him accountable to                        the why’s and how-to’s of using this great set
                    certain standards of excellence in learning.                                       of American “history” books to youngsters as
                                                                                      an entertaining supplement to regular academic study.

 20               Good Beginnings to Good Endings
                  for Handwriting
                    Nan Barchowsky’s advice to effectively teach
                    handwriting is, “Let children play!” Her Fluent
 Handwriting method begins with playful activities long before
                                                                                                                    Elementary Grammar MUSEUMIngalls CENTER
                                                                                                                                              AND TOURIST
                                                                                                                    here, Robyn Martijena offers
                                                                                                                                                             330 Eighth Street • Walnut Grove, MN 56180

                                                                                                                    guidance through the scary dark of “On Minnesota
                                                                                                                                                                     Banks of Plum Creek” in Southwest

                                                                                                                    forest of English grammar. She Toll Free (888) 528-7298 • (507) 859-2358
                                                                                                                                                   Enjoy learning the history of the
                                                                                                                    clarifies some of the terms and definitions Exhibits are
                                                                                                                                                   Ingalls & Wilder families. that
 practicing letters. This almost-lost art needs to be kept alive among                                                                             include: Laura owned items, TV
                                                                                                                    so daunting, but necessary in helping ourlife-size
                                                                                                                                                   series memorabilia, and children
 homeschoolers, who someday, may be the only people in developed countries
                                                                                                                    learn not only English, but to building complex. Visit thein
                                                                                                                                                    ensure ease Plum
                                                                                                                                                   dugout structure all within a multi-

 who can still write by hand!
                                                                                                                    learning foreign languages as well. Museum Complex:
                                                                                                                                                   Creek Dugout Site and Pa’s Bell.
                                                                                                                                                      Visit our
                                                                                                                                                                     June, July, and Aug.

Page 4         
                                                                                                                                                                      Daily 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                        May & Sept.
                                                                                                                                                                    Mon-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                      Sun. 12 p.m.-5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                         April & Oct.
                                                                                                                                                                    Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                      Sun.12 p.m.-4 p.m.
Dear Readers: I was talking to a teacher the other day who made an odd remark. She
said: “There is no such thing as homeschooling in the state of California” I asked what
she meant. She said, “The state of California does not recognize ‘homeschooling’ as a

                                                                                                                                                 TT N LINK
legal choice.” I thought that seemed like a funny thing to say and very strange. The state

does not recognize the act of keeping our children at home and raising them ourselves, as
a legal concept? I am not sure if that is true or not, but I have been thinking about it ever
since. I do not believe homeschooling needs validation from the state.
   I hope that mainstream acceptance of homeschooling as a viable educational alterna-
                                                                                                                                                        ’  HE       ATION S
                                                                                                                                               Homeschooling Magazine
tive does not take away from the reality that homeschooling is really more about home
than school. Learning from books and whatnot is fine, but real life is the way to actually
learn about everything. Charlotte Mason and John Holt both had this point of view – that
if a child lives a full and real life, the academic part of learning – which is a very small
part, after all -- comes right along, without a great deal of hair-pulling and anxiety by
   I have known families who began homeschooling with “school at home” or working
through a public school ISP and stressed themselves out early on, trying to “keep up”
with the workload. Once they met other homeschooling families and discussed the ways
                                                                                                                                                     Editor-in-ChiEf: Mary Leppert
and means of child-raising-teaching our own, they quickly realized what was important                                                         
and what was not. . . life is important; family and home are important; raising a child who
lives a whole life is important.                                                                                                                   M anaging Editor: Michael Leppert
   Does homeschooling need validation from the state? Do newcomers to homeschool-
ing need government validation to even consider it as a choice for their families? I hope
not. My hope is that new families will become more independent from all styles and                                                                     P ublishErs: Modern Media
systems and enjoy the freedom that self-reliant homeschooling brings. Thank you for
“homeschooling” and thank you for reading The Link.                                                                                                   a d dEsign: Lennon Leppert
                Mary Leppert                           Our Mission
                                                                                                                                                   l ayout & dEsign: Lennon Leppert
    The Link’s mission is to provide information and resources to anyone interested in homeschooling,
regardless of religious or non-religious beliefs, teaching philosophy or any other agenda. While we do our                                               l ink staff WritErs:
 best to scrutinize all ads and material submitted, we cannot make guarantees; therefore, we do not accept
  responsibility for ad content or product quality. We reserve the right to refuse any and all advertising at                              Michael Leppert • Emerson Sandow • Linda Foster
  our discretion. The entire contents of this publication, including artwork and all editorial, are copyright
                     2008 by The Link Homeschool Publications. All rights are reserved.                                                        l ink staff PhotograPhEr: Lennon Leppert
                                             Article Index                                                                             fEaturEd ColuMnists: Diane Flynn Keith, John Taylor Gatto,
W i l d i n g Wa l l b e d s - S a v i n g S p a c e               Chemistry with Charisma By Terrific
Beautifully ...............................................24      Science ..................................................... 76      Ann Lloyd, Marlin Detweiler, Frode Jensen, Rand Nelson,
Drake Institute’s Home Program - Safe                              Homeschool Mom Turns Author By Tammy
Alternative for ADD, ADHD & More......38                           Raden........................................................77
                                                                                                                                             Nan Barchowsky, Connor Bernstein, Gail Lewis,
Sylva n Dell Book s - Revolut iona r y                             Kid Scoop cartoon By Kid Scoop .........90                                       Lauren Brenner Katz, Moira Bell
Fun/Learning Products...........................40                 Woodshop for Kids By Jack McGee ..... 91
R o s e t t a S t o n e , I n c r e d i bl e Fo r e i g n          Respecting Our Children By Lynn M.                                         a dvErtising salEs:
La ng u age Homeschool Ve r sion By                                Griesemer.................................................92
Michael Leppert ...................................... 41          Freedom-Based Education By Kathy                                                       CustoMEr sErviCE:
Magnificient Monologues for Kids 2 By                              Richardson ...............................................94
Emerson Sandow..................................... 42             Turn Knowledge Into College Credit By                                                     Mary Leppert
S i l p a d a D e s i g n s: O p p o r t u n i t y f o r           UExcel ................................................... 113
Homeschooling Moms by Sasha Rusk .. 45                             Writing Strands By Writing Strands ... 114                                 
10 Subjects You Can Teach While Creating a                         Giant Campus High School: Prepping
Yearbook By Memory Book Staff ......... 59                         Students for Global Econ Online By Giant                                        Editorial & a dvErtising offiCEs:
How To E n c o u r a g e Mo t iv a t io n B y                      Campus .................................................. 116
M a r i a e m m a P-W i l l s & V i c t o r i a                    Dig It! Games’ Archeology Computer Game                                        587 North Ventu Park Rd. Ste. E911
K-Hodson ................................................. 62      -- Roman Town By Michael Leppert .. 118
Am I Qualified To Teach My Own? By Gary                            Motor & Sensor y Skills Boost Brain
                                                                                                                                                       Newbury Park, CA 91320
Grammar ..................................................63       Development By Cindy Roth Pahr ......124                                          M ain nuMbEr: 805.497-3311
Enjoying the Process By Mary Hood, PhD                             What Type of Learner Is Your Child? By
64                                                                 Mary & Michael Leppert .....................125                                        fax: 805.492-9219
Stop! In the Name of Life By Richard J.                            T he 5-to -7-yea r Sh if t By                                                  WEb:
Prystowsky, Ph.D. ...................................65            Dr. Marcie Zinn .....................................126
Teton Science Schools By The Link Staff66                          Music Theory Software - Ear Training -
Notes on the Charlotte Mason Method By                             Practice Tools By Music Goals ............129
                                                                                                                                                             E-Mail a ddrEssEs:
Catherine Levison ................................... 67           The Developmental Potential of Music By                                        Editorial:
Kay’s Kareer Korner By Kay Miller .....68                          Music Together ......................................130
High School Transcripts in 5 Easy Steps By                         The Keystone School & IQ Academy By                                      Classifieds:
Janice Campbell ...................................... 70          Keystone School .................................... 133              subsCriPtions:
Grammar & Creative Writing By Daniel                               Gram mar: The New Black Dress By
Schwabauer ..............................................72        Grammarlogues..................................... 137                        a rtWork:
Macaroni Kid - Money-Maker for Moms                                Betty Lukens Felt Products - Timeless
Nationwide By Macaroni Kid ............... 74                      Learning Toys By Michael Leppert .... 138                                 gEnEral offiCE:
Connie Crawford - Fashion Design &
Sewing to Homeschooling By Michael                                                                                                      The Link Homeschool Magazine reserves the right to refuse
Leppert ..................................................... 75                                                                                  advertising space at its sole discretion.
                         See Our Ad Index On Page 146
                                                                                                                                                    Page 5
Patterns in                            I Thought I’d be Taller...
  Arithmetic                             Letting Go of Picture-Perfect
                     A series of
                     3 books for         By Ann Lloyd, Ph.D.                      lege. I met my dark-haired prince endless overtime would rile any

                     home school                                                  and married him that same year. teacher’s union. Often we must
                     and classroom                   y sister is 5’ 9” – tall
                                                                                  Our castle, however, had a few work for days with little sleep,
                     teachers about                  and thin. My mother
                                                                                  problems. For starters, it closely support, or recognition. Yet, as
                     how to teach                    is 5’ 8”; my father, 5’
                     arithmetic                                                   resembled a two-bedroom apart- adults, we are inevitably called
                                         11”. Unfortunately, I stopped
                     using an in-                                                 ment in Jersey. I had three chil- to do things that we’d rather not.
                                         growing in 8th grade. It’s not that
                     quiry method.                                                dren in four years, and wasn’t able Things that aren’t easy. Things
                                         I’m short, it’s just, I thought I’d be
                                                                                  to have any more. In addi-          we don’t enjoy. But the truth is,
                                         taller. Granted, I also thought I’d
                                                                                  tion, my prince gave                          you don’t have to love
                                         be an Olympic gymnast, but that’s
                                                                                  no indication that                                every aspect of ho-
                                         beside the point. As a child, I’d
                                                                                  he wanted to
                                                                                                                   The                meschooling to
                                         planned to marry Prince Charm-                                        truth is,
                                                                                  stay home to                                          be a successful
                                         ing and live in the castle. My
                                         dark-haired, brown-eyed prince
                                                                                  raise them.          homeschooling, like                homeschooler.
    “Unlike a lot of educational                                                  My beauti-         dieting or exercising, It’s OK to get
                                         would raise our six children (three
  activities these are as much fun                                                ful gowns                                                frustrated. It’s
    for me as for my daughter.”          boys, three girls), while I worked.                            is not always fun.
                                                                                  are night-                                               OK if you oc-
   –Joyce Fetteroll, homeschool parent   I would be tall, of course, and thin.                              In fact, it can
                                                                                  gowns, and                                              casionally feel
                                         I was to be graceful, well-educat-
      (760) 728-3731                     ed, and fabulously dressed at all
                                                                                  the ultimate              be downright                 like giving up.
                                                                                  blow? I really               difficult.              It doesn’t mean
       Pattern Press                     times. It goes without saying that
                                                                                  thought I’d be                                    that you’re a failure.
  P.O. Box 2737 Fallbrook, CA 92088      we would live happily ever after.                                                      taller.                                        It doesn’t mean that
                                            In 1986, I graduated from col-                                               Women don’t grow up                  you are a bad wife, mother, or
                                                                                  dreaming of housework. My Christian.
                                                                                  castle, in fact, was spotless. Not     The truth is, homeschooling,
                             Bring This Incredible                                because I had a maid; on the like dieting or exercising, is not
                              Resource Into Your                                  contrary, housework simply always fun. In fact, it can be
                             Child’s Learning Life!                               didn’t exist. Likewise, many of us downright difficult. Being re-
                                                                                  dream of children, but deny the sponsible for every aspect of your
                                                                                  reality of diapers, noise, illness, child’s care and education is a
                            Kid Scoop covers                                      and insomnia. In fact, perhaps the daunting task. There will always
                            many subjects!                                        hardest aspect of homeschooling, be days when nothing goes right.
                                                                                  or staying home with children in The days when you wake up late,
     Downloadable Weekly Activity                                                 general, is letting go of what you the children are cranky, and the
     Packages on a variety of                                                     thought your life would be. Not dog throws up on the rug. Clearly,
     fascinating Themed Topics!                                                   that we, as women, should give the routine of a homeschooling
                                                                                  up our dreams. Certainly, we can mother is often a far cry from the
                                                                                  make them reality. But we cannot glamorous life most women envi-
                            Brimming with                                         live out every childhood fantasy. sion for themselves. It is far from
                            illuminating puzzles                                  There will always be housework, picture perfect.
                            and games on so                                       homework and hassles. Children         Too often as homeschoolers, we
                            many fun activities.                                  require sacrifice. And in the pres- allow ourselves to falsely believe
                                                                                  ence of a screaming toddler, there that others are achieving an ideal
    Kid Scoop believes learning is fun!                                           is little room for fantasy.         that we can only dream of. We
                                                                                     To be happy as a homeschooler, know their houses are clean; their
   Created for:             Kids         Parents           Teachers               we must accept, and learn to en- children gifted and well behaved
                                                                                  joy, the realities of a homeschool- at all times. We look at our neigh-
    Easy to use and           Website:                           ing life. Homeschooling is admi- bors with children in school and
  reasonably priced!                                                              rable. The rewards are great. But cannot help but wonder what this
     Just pay and
                                Telephone: 707-996-6077
                                                                                  the process is far from glamorous. life of leisure would be like. Even
      download!                   E-mail:                   The long hours, low budgets, and                    continued on page 83

Page 6          
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TRAVEL                                 Mind the Gap –
                 buddies                                  Watching for “Holes” in Your
                              Supports sleepy heads       Child’s Education with “Mind the Gap” — and
                              on planes, trains, and
                              automobiles.                By Diane Flynn Keith

                  to go!                                           few years ago my fam-
                                                                                              it’s not just the tourists who
                                                                   ily took a field trip to
                                                                                              wear them. There was a movie
                                                                   England. I didn’t say
                                                                                              made called “Mind The Gap”
                                                          “vacation.” We didn’t take a
                                                                                              in 2004. I’ve never seen it, but
                                                          single vacation in all the years
                                                                                              the Internet Movie Data Base
                                                          we homeschooled — but we
                                                                                              describes it this way, “Five
                                                          took lots of “educational field
                                                                                              seemingly unrelated people
                                                          trips.” Calling it that helped to
                 Little                                                                       decide to take huge risks in
                                                          justify the cost.
                 Bag Buddies                                                                  their personal lives in an ef-
                 pals can tag                               One thing my sons found
                                                                                              fort to find happiness.” Hey!
                 along on                                 particularly amusing in Lon-
                                                                                              That description could apply
                 backpacks or suitcases!                  don was the sign “Mind The
                                                                                              to just about any group of ho-
                                                          Gap.” It is somewhat synony-
                       2008 Creative Child Magazine                                           meschoolers I know.
                       Seal of Excellence Award!          mous with “Watch Your Step”
                                                                                                 Yet, happiness is elusive,
                                                          in the U.S. You see it most
                                                                                              and taking risks by reject-
                                                          often in subway stations when
                 Check out all of the Travel Buddies at                                                   ing conventional
                               you must step
                                                                                                                  schooli ng
                                                          from the
                                                                                                                      c a n

                                                          the sta-
                                                                                                                   o n e f e a r-
                                                          tion platform.
                                                                                                           f u l. How m a ny
                                                          You have to step across
                                                                                              times have you heard home-
                                                          a gap or a divide, a hole or a
                                                                                              school parents, who have re-
                                                          space — hence, “Mind The
                                                                                              cently decided to step off the
                                                          Gap.” Not only is the warning
                                                                                              linear school train, anxiously
                                                          posted, you hear it in recorded
                                                                                              say with a straight face, “I
                                                          messages announced through
                                                                                              want to make sure there aren’t
                                                          loudspeakers inside the trains
                                                                                              any gaps in my child’s educa-
                                                          and the station, “Mind The
                                                                                                National Standards
                                                            T he sloga n has i nspi red
                                                                                                Fear of gaps causes them to
                                                          those who see and hear it.
                                                                                              slavishly and unhappily adhere
                                                          Songs and video games con-
                                                                                              to a school model, scope-and-
                                                          tain references to “Mind the
                                                          Gap.” T-shirts are imprinted                       continued on page 60

Page 8
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                                                                      Homeschooling, Pop Culture
          A HOT NEW S R FOR 2010                                      and Creative Expression
                                                                      By Elizabeth Michalak                into their own hands. They also

                                                                                    her? Who’s that?”      chose not to follow a strict cur-
                                                                                    I asked this un-       riculum, but instead decided
                                                                                    fortunate question     to trust their own -- and our
                                                                      as a twelve-year-old spending        -- natural instincts about what
                                                                      Halloween with my mother’s           and how we needed to learn.
                                                                                                           This is not to say that they
            – 12 MONTHS
                                                                      family in Port Richey, Florida.
                                                                      As a last-minute addition to         subscribed entirely to the view

   12 BOOKS                                                           my satin-and-lace Princess
                                                                      costume, I had added a wig
                                                                                                           of child-based learning; they
                                                                                                           were very clear that certain
                                                                      of long black curls that fell to     subjects were not negotiable,
                                                                      my waist. My uncle’s casual          especially English and Math.
                                                                      comparison of my appearance          Their main concern was that
                                                                      to the well-known pop singer         the acquisition of this neces-
                                                                      prompted my clueless and             sary knowledge left time and
                                                                      rather embarrassing question         energy to explore, create and
                                                                      -- a question that clearly illus-    discover what we were pas-
                                                                      trates my childhood insulation       sionate about.
                                                            ch 2010
                                         2010   Book 3 – Mar          from pop culture. I grew up            During my early childhood
                           Book 2 – Feb.
      Book 1 – Nov
                  . 2009
                                                                      in a home that lacked a T.V.         we were blessed to be a part
                     iracy36                                                              of an established homeschool
                                                                      and computer for a number of
                                                                      years and that only acquired a       group in Ft. Collins. Composed
                                                                      high-speed Internet connection       of families like ours, this group
                         T THESE
              D CHECK OUE TITLES:
                                                                      more recently than I care to         offered support, information
           AN         RN                                              admit. But my educational en-        and plenty of “field experi-
           GREAT USBO                                                 vironment was still more sig-        ence” for my parents to draw
                                                                                                           from, and for my sister and
                                                                      nificant in contributing to my
                                                                      social insulation -- I never saw     me it created a social network
                                                                      the inside of a classroom until I    outside of the standard school
                                                                      sat in on a few college classes      system. However, the year I
                                                                      as a teenager. Homeschooled          turned six our family relocated
                                                                      from the beginning of my edu-        to Crestone, Colorado, a small
                                                                      cation, I was spared the daily       town offering limited social
                                                                      barrage of input from so-called      opportunities in general and
                                                                      “popular culture”, and I believe     nothing at all in the way of a
                                                                      this has shaped the course of        homeschool community. I was
                                                                      my vocation and career choice,       slightly distressed at finding
                                                                      namely the development of a          myself in this new environ-
                                                                      personal creative voice as a         ment, but in retrospect it simul-
                                                                      musician and songwriter.             taneously allowed and required
                                                                        My experience as a young           me to look to myself and not
                                                                      homeschooler started in my           my peers to decide what was
                                                                      childhood home 17 miles out-         interesting, impor tant and
                                                                      side of Ft. Collins, Colorado.       valuable.
                                                                      Unwilling to leave my educa-           As a child I wasn’t excep-
     Contact your Independent Consultant today for over 1,500         tion, and that of my older sister,   tionally musical, nor did I have
    other fun and educational books from Usborne & Kane/Miller!       Katherine, to the standard edu-      a burning desire to become so.
        To find a Consultant in your area call 800-611-1655.           cational system, our parents         In fact, as a preadolescent, my
                                                                      chose instead to take things                       continued on page 110

Page 10    
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Christian Classical Education –
                                       Is It for You?
                                                                              grammar stage and seeks to help
                                       By Marlin Detweiler

                                                                              the learner understand how and
                                            ’ve written and spoken fre-       why they relate. Just how was the
                                            quently on classical Christian    War for Independence related to
                                            education and I never tire of     the War Between the States? Or,
                                       doing so—it’s that important.          what was the connection between
                                       However, it’s a bit tricky to ad-      Alexander and Socrates? The
                                       dress both folks who are new to        rhetoric stage builds on the factual
                                       the idea and those who are veter-      mastery of the grammar stage and
                                       ans in the same effort. Let’s give     the logical connections made in
                                       it a try.                              the dialectic stage. It is character-
                                          I was first introduced to this      ized by taking this mastery and
                                       educational model when R.C.            teaching the learner to be win-
                                       Sproul recommended I read Re-          somely articulate and persuasive
                                       covering the Lost Tools of Learn-      when discussing a topic. Listeners
                                       ing by Douglas Wilson. This book       are more easily persuaded when
                                       impresses the reader with both the     material is presented to them in an
                                       superiority of the classical model     enjoyable way.
                                       and the necessity of a Christian          Classical education should also
                                       education for children of Christian    be understood to include certain
                                       parents. It was both convicting        content. Today, as was common
                                       and motivating.                        in classical education of the past,
                                          Calling something superior          learning Latin is very important.
                                       today is both bold and politically     Here we must understand that we
                                       incorrect so an explanation is in      are not primarily learning Latin
                                       order.                                 as a foreign language instead of
                                          The term classical when used        Spanish or French. A large ma-
                                       in education has become quite          jority of our English vocabulary
                                       popular. When an idea becomes          comes from Latin. So, knowing
                                       popular, many seek to use and          Latin helps us master English
                                       even redefine the term to vari-        vocabulary. Additionally, Latin
                                       ous ends. Consequently, defining       helps master English Grammar,
                                       the strain of classical education      Latin is logical and teaches us
                                       promoted here is necessary. The        how to think, Latin is the key to
                                       definition pertains to both method     many modern languages, and,
                                       and content in education.              pragmatically speaking, Latin
                                          Classical educational method        students perform exceptionally
                                       (pedagogy) makes use of the first      well on standardized tests for col-
                                       three of the seven liberal arts --     lege entrance. Summarily, Latin
                                       grammar, dialectic (or logic), and     is a tool of leverage for mastering
                                       rhetoric. In times past it was un-     our own language -- a key to the
                                       derstood that the learning of every    grammar stage.
                                       discipline or subject involved first      In addition to making connec-
                                       getting the basic facts (grammar).     tions, the dialectic stage should
                                       As an example, the Who, What,          include the study of logic as a sub-
                                       Where, and When of history             ject. Studying formal and informal
                                       would be the “grammar” of his-         logic results in the student’s learn-
                                       tory. Notably absent, for now, are     ing to think clearly and error-free.
                                       the How and Why. The second            You’ve no doubt heard it said, “We
                                       stage, the dialectic stage, takes      just don’t teach children to think
                                       the mastery of the facts in the                        continued on page 54

Page 12
Mating Without Dating
    Get Into Shape!
    as seen on NBC’s
                                           - Part Two
                                           “Finding a Suitor to Suit Her”
                                           By Moira Bell

    “The Today Show”                           Warning: This article addresses an emotionally-
                                                   charged issue and is designed for those who
                                                realize modern dating practices are a snare. It also

     Rebounding Benefits the                    presupposes the presence of a caring father figure in
                                              our young people’s lives. If that is not the case in your
    Body in 30 Healthy Ways!                 family, don’t be discouraged, you and your students can
                                                             still avoid the dating trap.

                                                   his summer we joined 25      clear of dating before this story
                                                   teens and parents who did    unfolded, I might be now, simply
                                                   a book club together on      on the basis of the deep bond that
                                           The Dating Trap by Martha Rup-       resulted from our son-in-law’s
                                           pert. The youth were surprised       dating-free approach.
                                           that every parent in the room, to       From the outset, know that we
                                           a one, did not look back fondly      are not interested in arranged
                                           on their dating years. In the same   marriages, nor do we think the
                                           way that many of us realized         issue is one of dating vs. not
                                           something was amiss in modern        dating. More fundamentally, we
                                           education and began to explore       long to see young people raised
                                           home schooling, we are finding       in an atmosphere not of rules
                                           young people and their parents       (such as “against dating“), but of
                                           across the country are seeing        love, respect and acceptance, so
                                           something is awry in modern          they don’t go looking for those in
                                           dating and wondering if there        all the wrong places. Our goal is
                                           isn’t some better path toward        that they see for themselves that
                                           marriage.                            dating, rather than fostering love,
                                              My last column in The LINK        promotes false fronts, broken
                                           was entitled, “Mating without        heartedness, and rejection.
                                           Dating Part 1 - Why Dating              Allow me to set the stage. At
    Great for the entire family            Doesn’t Take Us Where We Want
                                           To Go.” I unmasked the dark side
                                                                                age 20, Crystal had finished her
                                                                                homeschool studies and gone

    A fun exercise for all ages            of dating (which modern media
                                           conveniently fails to mention)
                                                                                three times to Costa Rica to as-
                                                                                sist a jungle doctor there. She
                                           and explained how it can so eas-     returned and worked in the home-
                                           ily damage our hearts and work       based office of a remodeling
    Call Today                             against forming solid lifelong       company. She lived at home, paid

             2675 232 008 1
             2675 232 008 1
             2675---232---008---1          bonds with a well-suited mar-
                                           riage partner.
                                              I promised readers that this
                                                                                her own bills, such as cell phone,
                                                                                car insurance and wardrobe, and
                                                                                a proportionate amount in “rent”
                                           month I would share the real-life    -- all part of our overall parenting
    Or Order Online                        romance that our family watched      goal -- that our children learn to
                                           firsthand as our daughter, Crys-     handle freedom well.
    moc rednuoberkadeen www
    moc rednuoberkadeen www
    moc...sssrednuoberkadeen...www         tal, was sought for marriage,
                                           completely without dating. If
                                                                                   She had evaluated the dating
                                                                                scene and agreed that was not
                                           I hadn’t been a fan of steering      a promising or wise course to

Page 14
follow. Not that it was easy, but         Five months after we met them,
she decided she would trust God        Ian called my husband, Greg, and
and continue to grow as a person,      asked to get together to discuss
waiting until the right man came       his interest in Crystal. “Whoa,
into our lives. She had the chal-      Nellie!” I thought, “Where did
lenge of fending off unwanted          that come from?” Ian had never
machismo from some fellows             divulged an interest in Crystal
while she was in Costa Rica. This      around any of us (her included)
experience reinforced that requir-     and we had no indications of
ing a man to go through her father     something special between them.           Lightning Literature and Composition
for “clearance” before landing in      Perhaps his being several years
her life was a protective and intel-   older than she made us assume
                                                                                    Guides for Grades 7-12 by Hewitt
ligent decision. It would separate     there wouldn’t be any interest.
the men from the boys, the lusters        Ian had carefully guarded him-          The difference between the right word and the
from the lovers.                       self, not to awaken Crystal to his          almost right word is the difference between
   Our family began hosting and        interest before speaking to her                     lightning and a lightning bug.
attending family “vintage” danc-       father and receiving genuine per-                           —Mark Twain
es, such as those from the Civil       mission to pursue her. I use the             Writing is critical to so many aspects of our lives—
War era, where period clothing         term genuine permission, since           finding and keeping a good job, expressing our beliefs and
was worn and many types of             it is so rare that a suitor humbly       passions, communicating crucial information. We may not be
formal dances were enjoyed.            submits himself to a father’s            novelists or journalists—but most of us will write a report for
                                                                                our boss, a letter to the editor, or kind words to a friend.

 We wanted our children to cherish being                                           Help your children prepare for a life of writing, to say
                                                                                exactly what they mean in a way that others will note and
 married, not getting married (something                                        remember.
 which greatly impacts wedding planning).                                             He knew everything about literature except
                                                                                          how to enjoy it.—Joseph Heller
                                                                                    Do you want your children to read good literature but are
The family who came to do the          scrutiny before he gets the girl’s       afraid they won’t enjoy it? The Lightning Literature Guides
dance calling at our first one of      emotions stirred into the mix.           were written by teachers with extensive home-schooling
these events included a daughter       Once a guy and gal are openly            experience who love literature passionately and
and four sons, the eldest of which     attracted to each other, her father      communicate that passion in their prose.
was a 29-year-young man named          can either rubber-stamp the deci-            Literature can transform our hearts and our lives. Dig
Ian. Interest in these dances grew     sion to pursue a relationship that       deep into authors like Dickens, Twain, Chaucer,
quickly within our homeschool          has already been made, or run the        Shakespeare, Melville, Whitman, Dickinson, Austen, Kipling,
circles and we participated in         risk of alienating his daughter (as      Eliot, and Achebe. Your student will read full books and
about one-a-month.                     well as the young man) by voicing        plays, not just excerpts. Learning about literary elements
   Concurrently, our family began      any concerns he has or trying to         such as character, conflict, symbolism, tone, meter, and
                                                                                theme allows students to appreciate these great works in a
seeing Ian’s family socially with      put on any brakes.
                                                                                more mature fashion.
no awareness of unique interests          Ian’s request was to meet with
between any of the 12 young            my husband and I and his folks               Each guide includes brief
                                                                                biographies of the authors,
people in our combined fami-           at a restaurant. We agreed to do
                                                                                comprehension questions and
lies. Throughout these times our       so a week later. That night, when        answers, literary lessons,
children were “themselves” - no        asked what he was thinking, he           writing exercises, weekly
one flirting or seeking to impress     described Crystal in detail ac-          schedules, and discussion
anyone. Dinners in each others         curately and admiringly. When            questions.
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ily. This practice of socializing as   a road before, we didn’t have any
families is a key in a dating-free     map to follow, but simply began     
approach… more on that later.          asking about his spiritual life, his-                1-800-348-1750
                                                       continued on page 48

                                                                                                Page 15
Paradigm Accelerated                      Measuring
                    Curriculum (PAC)
                   * Perfect for Imaginative Homeschooling
                   * Self-Paced, SUITS EVERY STUDENT
                                                             Handwriting Fluency
                   * Rescues at-Risk Teens                   By Rand Nelson

                                                                                                     learning how to control smooth
                   * Great for Under-Achievers                    s your child frustrated by         movements as the rate of travel
                                                                  handwritten assignments            increases. We can move slowly
                                                                  because they take too long to      through the steps at first and then
                    phone: 325-649-0976                      complete? If your answer is “Yes”,      faster as rhythm is established.
                                                             your student needs to improve              Children begin by drawing the
                     When everything else                    fluency, correct letter formation       letter shapes they are shown using
                     fails, PAC WORKS!                       and speed. The problem is far too       the visual feedback system. But,
                                                             common and yet it is rarely men-        the brain guides fluent movement
                    Home school students are
                                                             tioned in most handwriting pro-         with a different system. None of
                     usually college bound.
                                                             grams. Your first question should       us can use this fluent movement
                      That is why hundreds
                                                             be, “How long does it take?” Have       system until we have established
                     choose PAC textbooks!
                                                             you ever timed a writing activ-         some movement recordings that
                      Please visit the PAC                   ity to find out? Has there been a       can allow it. The challenge to
                                                             change when you measure the             learn how to move fluently is
                    website for many FREE                    same activity a second time? Is         the most valuable thing offered
                      resources, tools and                   there a simple way to measure and       by handwriting instruction. The
                     purchase information:                   track handwriting fluency as an         brain responds to the challenge by
                                                             indicator of progress?                  changing the way it is processing
                                      Handwriting fluency has been         the symbols. A child who can
                                                             buried in the curriculum closet         write the letters with fluent move-
                                                             since the invention of the hand-        ment no longer has to look at mod-
                                                             writing workbook. It is a shame,        els to draw the pictures. However,
                                                             because fluency should be one of        if children are never challenged to
                                                             the most important goals during         use the fluent process, they may
                                                             handwriting lessons. Fluency is         well continue to draw out of habit.
                                                             the forgotten link between hand-        Does the child have to write very
                                                             writing and the other language          carefully to create handwriting
                                                             skills that are needed for proficient   that others can read?
                                                             composition and reading.                   Early efforts to write with
                                                                “The correlation between read-       rhythmic movement often result
                                                             ing skill and fluency at printing al-   in a product that is not very close
                                                             phabet letters in kindergarten and      to the model provided. This tends
                                                             first-grade is readily apparent.” –     to push the child back to visual
                                                             The Writing/Reading Connection          guidance. However, it is true that
                                                             by Robert V. Rose, MD                   a letter shape can be distorted
                                                                Legibility is also a necessary       considerably before legibility is
                                                             objective. It does little good to       lost. This small truth is important.
                                                             write rapidly if the handwriting        It means that in the beginning, we
                                                             cannot be read. The coaching            can focus on good movement. The
                                                             job is a bit like a circus tightrope    child is challenged to demonstrate
                                                             act when fluency is included as a       several skills simultaneously.
                                                             goal. We must balance our effort           How do I hold the paper and
                                                             between fluency and legibility in       pencil? Which way do I move
                                                             order to make progress. That bal-       across the paper? Where does the
                                                             ance is constantly challenged by        letter start? Which way do I move
                                                             motor development. But fluency          to form the letter on the line?
                           1.877.230.6853                    is not only about speed. It is about
                                                                                                                    continued on page 85

Page 16
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Defending Teaching
                                       Standards & Corrections
                                       By Frode Jensen                         to mark an error with a red pen,

                                            t has been popular for some        it is necessary to help prevent the
                                            time to decry the use of the       student from making the same
                                            red pen on student papers. It’s    mistake again. What a defense for
                                       all about self-esteem and how the       correcting mistakes. While the
                                       children don’t need such negative       student’s ego may take a bit of a
                                       influences pressed upon their           hit for the moment, if the student
                                       tender consciences. Such poor           learns from his mistake, he won’t
                                       teacher behavior might indelibly        be taking future hits in that de-
                                       influence the child to grow up          partment.
                                       recognizing less of his full human         Tammet’s statement is a ra-
                                       potential. The educational psy-         tionale for quality teaching and
                                       chologists would have everyone          clear materials. The teacher’s job
                                       believe their pronouncements as         is to teach, to put the information
                                       truth.                                  forward in such a fashion so as to
                                          As a youngster, I remember the       help the student learn the material,
                                       new system of every participant         to master it. After having taught
                                       getting a ribbon. At the time it was    the material, the teacher is then
                                       called the Danish system. Every-        to assign and correct the student’s
                                       body was a winner; nobody was a         work over what has been taught,
                                       loser. Well, it all sounded good in     and hopefully learned. In the
                                       theory, and all the children were       process of reviewing the student’s
                                       supposed to be happy, but practi-       work, the teacher should praise
                                       cally speaking, the system did          what can be praised and note the
                                       not work or prove helpful in the        errors that occur.
                                       long run.                                  When dealing with objective
                                          The following quote is from          facts, the process is straightfor-
                                       Daniel Tammet, who is autistic.         ward. In math, for instance, the
                                       He has some handicaps, but he has       student either gets the right an-
                                       made his way in life and offers the     swer or he doesn’t. Content-driven
                                       following: “Obtaining guidance          subjects lend themselves to objec-
                                       from experts in the subject you         tivity. It is the same in English to
                                       are learning helps you to both          some extent.
                                       develop the conceptual frame-              Let’s take writing as an ex-
                                       work necessary to master a field        ample. The student has read a
                                       of study and avoid many of the          piece of literature and has been
                                       potential discouraging pitfalls that    asked to write about it. Hopefully
                                       can lead to discouragement. Get-        the assignment has indicated the
                                       ting feedback on wrong answers          structure of the response, a five-
                                       allows the brain to eliminate them      paragraph essay perhaps. The as-
                                       from its bank of possible future        signment should also have given
                                       responses. Consequently, learners       direction on what the focus of the
                                       can ignore poor choices and focus       response should be. Maybe the
                                       their attention on good ones.” (p       student is to discuss the plot and
                                       33 Embracing the Wide Sky).             explain the movement of the story
                                          He’s talking about teachers and      through the problem to the resolu-
                                       students here. He’s saying that it is   tion. Perhaps the student might be
                                       the teacher’s job to tell the student   directed to describe three char-
                                       where his mistakes are. He’s say-       acters from the story, the hero,
                                       ing that not only is it acceptable                     continued on page 83

Page 18
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Introducing... “Comet®                                        GOOD BEGINNINGS to GOOD
         The Fast Path To Learning”
                                                                For ages    ENDINGS for HANDWRITING
  An exciting game                                             11 - Adult
                                                                            By Nan Barchowsky

  that promotes                                                                      on’t start with lowercase    Their hands need to first develop
  learning in a fun                                                                  letters. Don’t start with    the strength to hold the tools in
                                                                                     capitals, or even with       a relaxed manner. The goal is
  and engaging way!                                                         numbers. What then? Let chil-         fluency. For that the hand and
                                                                            dren play. What???                    fingers must relax. Tense muscles
         Family Game Edition                                                   Yes! Barchowsky Fluent Hand-       do not move easily or effectively
                                                                            writing, or BFH begins with           for any task.
  Build your vocabulary, aid your reading comprehension, improve
  your writing skills, and promote confidence in school and work.           playful activities that relate to        HAND AND FINGERS
                                                                            alphanumeric formations before           Here are a few suggestions.
         visit our website at:                      brought to you by       the actual characters are learned,    Let children make patterns in the                                               as well as while they are be-         sand, or even mud. Let children
             (702) 759-6138                          ACTIVEMINDS®           ing learned. BFH gives young          help in the kitchen. They can
                                                                            children the rock-solid base they     knead dough, and peel potatoes
                                                                            need to develop legibility and        and carrots. If they grow impa-
                                       Hewitt’s Early Elem                  fluency for handwriting that will     tient, cover your ears and let them
                                        Complete Curriculum                 serve them well throughout the        bang old spoons or pans on the
                                       �   Hands-On                         school years, and into adulthood.     floor. (That helps with rhythmic
                                       �   Based on Parent-                    Too often handwriting pro-         movement too.)
                                           Child Interaction                grams start with the replication         String beads. Children pick up
                                                                            of 62 different shapes. Instruc-      the beads with their forefinger
     Home of Lightning Lit             �   Biblical Character
                                           Building                         tion is visual. Some programs         (call it the “writing finger”) and
                                                                            introduce circles and sticks with     thumb.
                                       �   Daily Lesson Plans
                                                                            which to make lowercase letters.         Collect small things, pebbles,
                                       �   Preschool $80
                                           (Preschool Plus)                 Some use undercurves, over-           pennies, etc. and put them in a
                                       �   Kindergarten $95                 curves, loops and straight lines.     box. Hang clothes or paper ban-
                                           (Tell Me a Story)                BFH relies on motor memory for        ners with clothespins that clamp.
                                                                            the natural, rhythmic movement        Put a cotton ball or a tiny ball of                     �   First Grade $140
                                           (A Bee Sees)                     of lowercase letters, those that      yarn in the palm of a child’s hand.
       800-890-4097                    �   Second Grade $120                should be taught first because        The child holds the ball in place
         free samples online               (Across America)                 we need them more often than          with ring and small fingers, leav-
                                                                            capitals. They are designed to        ing the writing finger and thumb
                                                                            move easily.                          to hold a writing tool; the third
                                                                               BFH is a well-planned program      finger is a support.
                                                                            taking into account that young           If you have a chalkboard
                                                                            minds and young hands need to         or slate, this is a favorite. Cut
                                                                            be prepped for the skill of writing   a sponge into a small square.
                               •Offering courses for K-12                   by hand. Help for hands is about      Dampen it, and place it in the
                               students with an emphasis on                 posture and pen hold. Help for the    palm of the hand with a short
                               Individualized Learning.                     mind is the development of motor      piece of chalk as described
                               •Christian based home school                 memory. Activities that help with     before. Then let the child draw
                               curriculum.                                  both posture and motor memory         or scribble. If the little artist/
                               •Academy enrollment Preschool                should be introduced at the same      writer doesn’t like the marks, the
                               through High School.                         time, but I’ll separate them for      sponge is in the hand to erase for
                               •Accredited by the National                  the purpose of discussion.            a new start.
                               Association of Private Schools.                 Young children are almost al-         Markers, crayons, pencils
                                                                            ways eager to comply with their       should have the right tactile
              The School for Home Schooling Families                        instructor, so they hold writing      relationship to paper, meaning
                                          tools in a death grip in an ef-
                                                                            fort to get characters just right.
                                                                                                                  that marks are easily made, and
                                                                                                                                 continued on page 73

Page 20   
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The Link Homeschooling Magazine

  • 1. Homeschoolers Make Your Own Memory Book! es r n a l n Se ing y l e a ci io St L S pe Homeschooling ct The Link hoMeSchooling, Magazine PoP culture anD creative Est. 1995 exPreSSion article inDex Mating Page 4 Without Dating, Pt 2 WeaPonS of MaSS inStruction DefenDing teaching StanDarDS & correctionS
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. TT N LINK HE ’ HE ATION S Homeschooling Magazine In This Issue Homeschooled Entrepreneur 6 22 I Thought I’d Be Taller – Demonstrating the independent thinking so familiar to Letting Go of Picture-Perfect homeschoolers, Connor Bernstein, – Ann Lloyd, Ph.D. shares her thoughts on how life – 14-year-old science whiz, has including homeschooling -- is not what we dream as created his own line of science kits, built from the young children, and that adult life can be downright difficult, but that we person’s perspective and about to be marketed nationwide! 8 can and should still dream, realizing that life can be great. 26 Mind the Gap Weapons of Mass Instruction Veteran homeschooling mom Diane Flynn Keith, In this excerpt from his new book, John Taylor uses the warning of London’s Subways to watch Gatto brings us more vivid information about for the spaces between the car and the platform as a focus mass education and its shadowy agenda for point for avoiding the “holes” in your child’s education. social control. Homeschooling, Pop Culture and Creative Expression Elizabeth Michalak, a homeschooled 10 28 young woman of 21, relates her childhood unawareness of pop culture icons and how that “shelteredness” has been a College Experience for Homeschoolers Gail Lewis, of College Goals, discusses the valuable experience of high school-age homeschoolers enrolling boon to her creative life as a songwriter and musician. in college early, rather than wasting time with high school subjects 12 they may already be knowledgeable of. Christian Classical Education 30 – Is It for You? Making Homeschool Work Better with Field Marlin Detweiler, founder and president of Veritas Press, provides an in-depth explanation and Trips discussion of one of the most popular and effective Dawn Hauff, experienced homeschooling styles – Classical, also known as the Trivium. homeschooling mom and field 14 tripper in Idaho offers an excellent article about Mating Without Dating, Pt 2 planning and fulfilling field trips, including some Moira Bell, homeschooling mom of unusual ideas for great supplemental trips. six, continues with her own daughter’s 34 story and the experience of observations and ideas about sidestepping the pitfalls of dating, and Lessons From the Road actually seeking a life-mate instead. and speaking of “Field Trips” 16 Lauren Brenner Katz recounts her Measuring Handwriting Fluency experience making a field trip out Rand Nelson, handwriting expert and owner of a rock concert in San Francisco, demonstrating of Peterson Directed Handwriting, provides that homeschoolers can think quickly on their feet! 40 detailed information and suggestions for aiding your child in improving handwriting, while eliminating much of his/her frustration and resistance to this still-important skill. The Link Reviews this issue we offer information on three great 18 products that every homeschooled family should Defending Teaching Standards & Corrections consider. Frode Jensen, grammar teacher and owner Wilder Museum 8/14/09 12:47 PM Page 1 of Jensens’s Wordsmith Publishing, provides 52 an intelligent defense of “the red pen” as Why Teach Laura Ingalls Wilder opposed to avoiding “damaging” a child’s self-esteem by Amy Ankrum, of the Wilder Museum, presents not correcting his errors and not making him accountable to the why’s and how-to’s of using this great set certain standards of excellence in learning. of American “history” books to youngsters as an entertaining supplement to regular academic study. 20 Good Beginnings to Good Endings for Handwriting Nan Barchowsky’s advice to effectively teach handwriting is, “Let children play!” Her Fluent Handwriting method begins with playful activities long before Elementary Grammar MUSEUMIngalls CENTER Laura AND TOURIST here, Robyn Martijena offers Home Wilder 81 330 Eighth Street • Walnut Grove, MN 56180 guidance through the scary dark of “On Minnesota Banks of Plum Creek” in Southwest forest of English grammar. She Toll Free (888) 528-7298 • (507) 859-2358 Enjoy learning the history of the clarifies some of the terms and definitions Exhibits are Ingalls & Wilder families. that practicing letters. This almost-lost art needs to be kept alive among include: Laura owned items, TV so daunting, but necessary in helping ourlife-size series memorabilia, and children homeschoolers, who someday, may be the only people in developed countries learn not only English, but to building complex. Visit thein ensure ease Plum dugout structure all within a multi- who can still write by hand! learning foreign languages as well. Museum Complex: Creek Dugout Site and Pa’s Bell. Visit our June, July, and Aug. Page 4 Daily 10 a.m.-6 p.m. May & Sept. Mon-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 12 p.m.-5 p.m. April & Oct. Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun.12 p.m.-4 p.m.
  • 5. Dear Readers: I was talking to a teacher the other day who made an odd remark. She said: “There is no such thing as homeschooling in the state of California” I asked what she meant. She said, “The state of California does not recognize ‘homeschooling’ as a TT N LINK legal choice.” I thought that seemed like a funny thing to say and very strange. The state HE does not recognize the act of keeping our children at home and raising them ourselves, as a legal concept? I am not sure if that is true or not, but I have been thinking about it ever since. I do not believe homeschooling needs validation from the state. I hope that mainstream acceptance of homeschooling as a viable educational alterna- ’ HE ATION S Homeschooling Magazine tive does not take away from the reality that homeschooling is really more about home than school. Learning from books and whatnot is fine, but real life is the way to actually learn about everything. Charlotte Mason and John Holt both had this point of view – that if a child lives a full and real life, the academic part of learning – which is a very small part, after all -- comes right along, without a great deal of hair-pulling and anxiety by parents. I have known families who began homeschooling with “school at home” or working through a public school ISP and stressed themselves out early on, trying to “keep up” with the workload. Once they met other homeschooling families and discussed the ways Editor-in-ChiEf: Mary Leppert and means of child-raising-teaching our own, they quickly realized what was important and what was not. . . life is important; family and home are important; raising a child who lives a whole life is important. M anaging Editor: Michael Leppert Does homeschooling need validation from the state? Do newcomers to homeschool- ing need government validation to even consider it as a choice for their families? I hope not. My hope is that new families will become more independent from all styles and P ublishErs: Modern Media systems and enjoy the freedom that self-reliant homeschooling brings. Thank you for “homeschooling” and thank you for reading The Link. a d dEsign: Lennon Leppert Love, Mary Leppert Our Mission l ayout & dEsign: Lennon Leppert The Link’s mission is to provide information and resources to anyone interested in homeschooling, regardless of religious or non-religious beliefs, teaching philosophy or any other agenda. While we do our l ink staff WritErs: best to scrutinize all ads and material submitted, we cannot make guarantees; therefore, we do not accept responsibility for ad content or product quality. We reserve the right to refuse any and all advertising at Michael Leppert • Emerson Sandow • Linda Foster our discretion. The entire contents of this publication, including artwork and all editorial, are copyright 2008 by The Link Homeschool Publications. All rights are reserved. l ink staff PhotograPhEr: Lennon Leppert Article Index fEaturEd ColuMnists: Diane Flynn Keith, John Taylor Gatto, W i l d i n g Wa l l b e d s - S a v i n g S p a c e Chemistry with Charisma By Terrific Beautifully ...............................................24 Science ..................................................... 76 Ann Lloyd, Marlin Detweiler, Frode Jensen, Rand Nelson, Drake Institute’s Home Program - Safe Homeschool Mom Turns Author By Tammy Alternative for ADD, ADHD & More......38 Raden........................................................77 Nan Barchowsky, Connor Bernstein, Gail Lewis, Sylva n Dell Book s - Revolut iona r y Kid Scoop cartoon By Kid Scoop .........90 Lauren Brenner Katz, Moira Bell Fun/Learning Products...........................40 Woodshop for Kids By Jack McGee ..... 91 R o s e t t a S t o n e , I n c r e d i bl e Fo r e i g n Respecting Our Children By Lynn M. a dvErtising salEs: La ng u age Homeschool Ve r sion By Griesemer.................................................92 Michael Leppert ...................................... 41 Freedom-Based Education By Kathy CustoMEr sErviCE: Magnificient Monologues for Kids 2 By Richardson ...............................................94 Emerson Sandow..................................... 42 Turn Knowledge Into College Credit By Mary Leppert S i l p a d a D e s i g n s: O p p o r t u n i t y f o r UExcel ................................................... 113 Homeschooling Moms by Sasha Rusk .. 45 Writing Strands By Writing Strands ... 114 10 Subjects You Can Teach While Creating a Giant Campus High School: Prepping Yearbook By Memory Book Staff ......... 59 Students for Global Econ Online By Giant Editorial & a dvErtising offiCEs: How To E n c o u r a g e Mo t iv a t io n B y Campus .................................................. 116 M a r i a e m m a P-W i l l s & V i c t o r i a Dig It! Games’ Archeology Computer Game 587 North Ventu Park Rd. Ste. E911 K-Hodson ................................................. 62 -- Roman Town By Michael Leppert .. 118 Am I Qualified To Teach My Own? By Gary Motor & Sensor y Skills Boost Brain Newbury Park, CA 91320 Grammar ..................................................63 Development By Cindy Roth Pahr ......124 M ain nuMbEr: 805.497-3311 Enjoying the Process By Mary Hood, PhD What Type of Learner Is Your Child? By 64 Mary & Michael Leppert .....................125 fax: 805.492-9219 Stop! In the Name of Life By Richard J. T he 5-to -7-yea r Sh if t By WEb: Prystowsky, Ph.D. ...................................65 Dr. Marcie Zinn .....................................126 Teton Science Schools By The Link Staff66 Music Theory Software - Ear Training - Notes on the Charlotte Mason Method By Practice Tools By Music Goals ............129 E-Mail a ddrEssEs: Catherine Levison ................................... 67 The Developmental Potential of Music By Editorial: Kay’s Kareer Korner By Kay Miller .....68 Music Together ......................................130 High School Transcripts in 5 Easy Steps By The Keystone School & IQ Academy By Classifieds: Janice Campbell ...................................... 70 Keystone School .................................... 133 subsCriPtions: Grammar & Creative Writing By Daniel Gram mar: The New Black Dress By Schwabauer ..............................................72 Grammarlogues..................................... 137 a rtWork: Macaroni Kid - Money-Maker for Moms Betty Lukens Felt Products - Timeless Nationwide By Macaroni Kid ............... 74 Learning Toys By Michael Leppert .... 138 gEnEral offiCE: Connie Crawford - Fashion Design & Sewing to Homeschooling By Michael The Link Homeschool Magazine reserves the right to refuse Leppert ..................................................... 75 advertising space at its sole discretion. 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  • 6. Patterns in I Thought I’d be Taller... Arithmetic Letting Go of Picture-Perfect A series of 3 books for By Ann Lloyd, Ph.D. lege. I met my dark-haired prince endless overtime would rile any M home school and married him that same year. teacher’s union. Often we must and classroom y sister is 5’ 9” – tall Our castle, however, had a few work for days with little sleep, teachers about and thin. My mother problems. For starters, it closely support, or recognition. Yet, as how to teach is 5’ 8”; my father, 5’ arithmetic resembled a two-bedroom apart- adults, we are inevitably called 11”. Unfortunately, I stopped using an in- ment in Jersey. I had three chil- to do things that we’d rather not. growing in 8th grade. It’s not that quiry method. dren in four years, and wasn’t able Things that aren’t easy. Things I’m short, it’s just, I thought I’d be to have any more. In addi- we don’t enjoy. But the truth is, taller. Granted, I also thought I’d tion, my prince gave you don’t have to love be an Olympic gymnast, but that’s no indication that every aspect of ho- beside the point. As a child, I’d he wanted to The meschooling to planned to marry Prince Charm- truth is, stay home to be a successful ing and live in the castle. My dark-haired, brown-eyed prince raise them. homeschooling, like homeschooler. “Unlike a lot of educational My beauti- dieting or exercising, It’s OK to get would raise our six children (three activities these are as much fun ful gowns frustrated. It’s for me as for my daughter.” boys, three girls), while I worked. is not always fun. are night- OK if you oc- –Joyce Fetteroll, homeschool parent I would be tall, of course, and thin. In fact, it can gowns, and casionally feel I was to be graceful, well-educat- (760) 728-3731 ed, and fabulously dressed at all the ultimate be downright like giving up. blow? I really difficult. It doesn’t mean Pattern Press times. It goes without saying that thought I’d be that you’re a failure. P.O. Box 2737 Fallbrook, CA 92088 we would live happily ever after. taller. It doesn’t mean that In 1986, I graduated from col- Women don’t grow up you are a bad wife, mother, or dreaming of housework. My Christian. castle, in fact, was spotless. Not The truth is, homeschooling, Bring This Incredible because I had a maid; on the like dieting or exercising, is not Resource Into Your contrary, housework simply always fun. In fact, it can be Child’s Learning Life! didn’t exist. Likewise, many of us downright difficult. Being re- dream of children, but deny the sponsible for every aspect of your reality of diapers, noise, illness, child’s care and education is a Kid Scoop covers and insomnia. In fact, perhaps the daunting task. There will always many subjects! hardest aspect of homeschooling, be days when nothing goes right. or staying home with children in The days when you wake up late, Downloadable Weekly Activity general, is letting go of what you the children are cranky, and the Packages on a variety of thought your life would be. Not dog throws up on the rug. Clearly, fascinating Themed Topics! that we, as women, should give the routine of a homeschooling up our dreams. Certainly, we can mother is often a far cry from the make them reality. But we cannot glamorous life most women envi- Brimming with live out every childhood fantasy. sion for themselves. It is far from illuminating puzzles There will always be housework, picture perfect. and games on so homework and hassles. Children Too often as homeschoolers, we many fun activities. require sacrifice. And in the pres- allow ourselves to falsely believe ence of a screaming toddler, there that others are achieving an ideal Kid Scoop believes learning is fun! is little room for fantasy. that we can only dream of. We To be happy as a homeschooler, know their houses are clean; their Created for: Kids Parents Teachers we must accept, and learn to en- children gifted and well behaved joy, the realities of a homeschool- at all times. We look at our neigh- Easy to use and Website: ing life. Homeschooling is admi- bors with children in school and reasonably priced! rable. The rewards are great. But cannot help but wonder what this Just pay and Telephone: 707-996-6077 the process is far from glamorous. life of leisure would be like. Even download! E-mail: The long hours, low budgets, and continued on page 83 Page 6
  • 7. ©2009 Rosetta Stone Ltd. All rights reserved. Patent rights pending. It starts with Rosetta Stone Homeschool enhancing and accelerating ® 31 languages available language learning. It becomes a new voice for them, where they are able to put their language skills to use immediately, courtesy of our (888) 232-9245 immersive solution. They live and breathe the language every day, and open up a world of career possibilities for years to come. Rosetta Stone Homeschool satisfies their communication needs for a lifetime.
  • 8. TRAVEL Mind the Gap – buddies Watching for “Holes” in Your Supports sleepy heads Child’s Education with “Mind the Gap” — and on planes, trains, and automobiles. By Diane Flynn Keith Fun A snuggles to go! few years ago my fam- it’s not just the tourists who ily took a field trip to wear them. There was a movie England. I didn’t say made called “Mind The Gap” “vacation.” We didn’t take a in 2004. I’ve never seen it, but single vacation in all the years the Internet Movie Data Base we homeschooled — but we describes it this way, “Five took lots of “educational field seemingly unrelated people trips.” Calling it that helped to Little decide to take huge risks in justify the cost. Bag Buddies their personal lives in an ef- pals can tag One thing my sons found fort to find happiness.” Hey! along on particularly amusing in Lon- That description could apply backpacks or suitcases! don was the sign “Mind The to just about any group of ho- Gap.” It is somewhat synony- 2008 Creative Child Magazine meschoolers I know. Seal of Excellence Award! mous with “Watch Your Step” Yet, happiness is elusive, in the U.S. You see it most and taking risks by reject- often in subway stations when Check out all of the Travel Buddies at ing conventional you must step schooli ng from the c a n train onto make the sta- o n e f e a r- tion platform. f u l. How m a ny You have to step across times have you heard home- a gap or a divide, a hole or a school parents, who have re- space — hence, “Mind The cently decided to step off the Gap.” Not only is the warning linear school train, anxiously posted, you hear it in recorded say with a straight face, “I messages announced through want to make sure there aren’t loudspeakers inside the trains any gaps in my child’s educa- and the station, “Mind The tion?” Gap.” National Standards T he sloga n has i nspi red Fear of gaps causes them to those who see and hear it. slavishly and unhappily adhere Songs and video games con- to a school model, scope-and- tain references to “Mind the Gap.” T-shirts are imprinted continued on page 60 Page 8
  • 9. Homeschoolers Understand The Value of Music Study... Frederick Harris Music offers you ALL THE TOOLS you need to bring music Your Choice: education to your child and yourself! Piano WE PROvIdE THE FINEST IN INSTRuCTIONaL MuSIC MaTERIaLS: * Books * Workbooks * Online Resources * Cds * Handbooks for Teachers Guitar Featuring our comprehensive program of study for the piano student: CELEBRATION SERIES PERSPECTIVES® presents a kaleidoscopic overview of keyboard music Violin from the last four centuries. The series includes Repertoire, Studies / Etudes, Workbooks, CDs, Handbook for Teachers and an Answer Book for Student Workbooks. Supplement your course of study with: •Technical Requirements for Piano •Four Star Sight Reading and Ear Tests Voice •Comprehensive Ear Training •Sound Advice: Theory and Ear Training and more! Please visit our website at: Music Theory to see our complete catalog and music resources for your family! Join our Teachers Online TOLL-FREE 1-800-387-4013 Club and SAVE 20%, Call today to receive your FREE samplers! Log on to the website now! Frederick Harris Music, 60 Industrial Parkway, Suite 882, Cheektowaga, NY 14227
  • 10. ERIES Homeschooling, Pop Culture A HOT NEW S R FOR 2010 and Creative Expression MILLE FROM KANE OOK EVERY MONTH B WITH A NEW By Elizabeth Michalak into their own hands. They also “C her? Who’s that?” chose not to follow a strict cur- I asked this un- riculum, but instead decided fortunate question to trust their own -- and our as a twelve-year-old spending -- natural instincts about what Halloween with my mother’s and how we needed to learn. This is not to say that they ! – 12 MONTHS family in Port Richey, Florida. As a last-minute addition to subscribed entirely to the view 12 BOOKS my satin-and-lace Princess costume, I had added a wig of child-based learning; they were very clear that certain of long black curls that fell to subjects were not negotiable, my waist. My uncle’s casual especially English and Math. comparison of my appearance Their main concern was that to the well-known pop singer the acquisition of this neces- prompted my clueless and sary knowledge left time and rather embarrassing question energy to explore, create and -- a question that clearly illus- discover what we were pas- trates my childhood insulation sionate about. ch 2010 2010 Book 3 – Mar from pop culture. I grew up During my early childhood Book 2 – Feb. Book 1 – Nov . 2009 in a home that lacked a T.V. we were blessed to be a part iracy36 of an established homeschool www.consp and computer for a number of years and that only acquired a group in Ft. Collins. Composed high-speed Internet connection of families like ours, this group T THESE D CHECK OUE TITLES: more recently than I care to offered support, information AN RN admit. But my educational en- and plenty of “field experi- GREAT USBO vironment was still more sig- ence” for my parents to draw from, and for my sister and nificant in contributing to my social insulation -- I never saw me it created a social network the inside of a classroom until I outside of the standard school sat in on a few college classes system. However, the year I as a teenager. Homeschooled turned six our family relocated from the beginning of my edu- to Crestone, Colorado, a small cation, I was spared the daily town offering limited social barrage of input from so-called opportunities in general and “popular culture”, and I believe nothing at all in the way of a this has shaped the course of homeschool community. I was my vocation and career choice, slightly distressed at finding namely the development of a myself in this new environ- personal creative voice as a ment, but in retrospect it simul- musician and songwriter. taneously allowed and required My experience as a young me to look to myself and not homeschooler started in my my peers to decide what was childhood home 17 miles out- interesting, impor tant and side of Ft. Collins, Colorado. valuable. Unwilling to leave my educa- As a child I wasn’t excep- Contact your Independent Consultant today for over 1,500 tion, and that of my older sister, tionally musical, nor did I have other fun and educational books from Usborne & Kane/Miller! Katherine, to the standard edu- a burning desire to become so. To find a Consultant in your area call 800-611-1655. cational system, our parents In fact, as a preadolescent, my chose instead to take things continued on page 110 Page 10
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  • 12. Christian Classical Education – Is It for You? grammar stage and seeks to help By Marlin Detweiler I the learner understand how and ’ve written and spoken fre- why they relate. Just how was the quently on classical Christian War for Independence related to education and I never tire of the War Between the States? Or, doing so—it’s that important. what was the connection between However, it’s a bit tricky to ad- Alexander and Socrates? The dress both folks who are new to rhetoric stage builds on the factual the idea and those who are veter- mastery of the grammar stage and ans in the same effort. Let’s give the logical connections made in it a try. the dialectic stage. It is character- I was first introduced to this ized by taking this mastery and educational model when R.C. teaching the learner to be win- Sproul recommended I read Re- somely articulate and persuasive covering the Lost Tools of Learn- when discussing a topic. Listeners ing by Douglas Wilson. This book are more easily persuaded when impresses the reader with both the material is presented to them in an superiority of the classical model enjoyable way. and the necessity of a Christian Classical education should also education for children of Christian be understood to include certain parents. It was both convicting content. Today, as was common and motivating. in classical education of the past, Calling something superior learning Latin is very important. today is both bold and politically Here we must understand that we incorrect so an explanation is in are not primarily learning Latin order. as a foreign language instead of The term classical when used Spanish or French. A large ma- in education has become quite jority of our English vocabulary popular. When an idea becomes comes from Latin. So, knowing popular, many seek to use and Latin helps us master English even redefine the term to vari- vocabulary. Additionally, Latin ous ends. Consequently, defining helps master English Grammar, the strain of classical education Latin is logical and teaches us promoted here is necessary. The how to think, Latin is the key to definition pertains to both method many modern languages, and, and content in education. pragmatically speaking, Latin Classical educational method students perform exceptionally (pedagogy) makes use of the first well on standardized tests for col- three of the seven liberal arts -- lege entrance. Summarily, Latin grammar, dialectic (or logic), and is a tool of leverage for mastering rhetoric. In times past it was un- our own language -- a key to the derstood that the learning of every grammar stage. discipline or subject involved first In addition to making connec- getting the basic facts (grammar). tions, the dialectic stage should As an example, the Who, What, include the study of logic as a sub- Where, and When of history ject. Studying formal and informal would be the “grammar” of his- logic results in the student’s learn- tory. Notably absent, for now, are ing to think clearly and error-free. the How and Why. The second You’ve no doubt heard it said, “We stage, the dialectic stage, takes just don’t teach children to think the mastery of the facts in the continued on page 54 Page 12
  • 14. Mating Without Dating Get Into Shape! as seen on NBC’s - Part Two “Finding a Suitor to Suit Her” By Moira Bell “The Today Show” Warning: This article addresses an emotionally- charged issue and is designed for those who realize modern dating practices are a snare. It also Rebounding Benefits the presupposes the presence of a caring father figure in our young people’s lives. If that is not the case in your Body in 30 Healthy Ways! family, don’t be discouraged, you and your students can still avoid the dating trap. T his summer we joined 25 clear of dating before this story teens and parents who did unfolded, I might be now, simply a book club together on on the basis of the deep bond that The Dating Trap by Martha Rup- resulted from our son-in-law’s pert. The youth were surprised dating-free approach. that every parent in the room, to From the outset, know that we a one, did not look back fondly are not interested in arranged on their dating years. In the same marriages, nor do we think the way that many of us realized issue is one of dating vs. not something was amiss in modern dating. More fundamentally, we education and began to explore long to see young people raised home schooling, we are finding in an atmosphere not of rules young people and their parents (such as “against dating“), but of across the country are seeing love, respect and acceptance, so something is awry in modern they don’t go looking for those in dating and wondering if there all the wrong places. Our goal is isn’t some better path toward that they see for themselves that marriage. dating, rather than fostering love, My last column in The LINK promotes false fronts, broken was entitled, “Mating without heartedness, and rejection. Dating Part 1 - Why Dating Allow me to set the stage. At Great for the entire family Doesn’t Take Us Where We Want To Go.” I unmasked the dark side age 20, Crystal had finished her homeschool studies and gone A fun exercise for all ages of dating (which modern media conveniently fails to mention) three times to Costa Rica to as- sist a jungle doctor there. She and explained how it can so eas- returned and worked in the home- ily damage our hearts and work based office of a remodeling Call Today against forming solid lifelong company. She lived at home, paid 1-800-232-5762 2675 232 008 1 2675 232 008 1 2675---232---008---1 bonds with a well-suited mar- riage partner. I promised readers that this her own bills, such as cell phone, car insurance and wardrobe, and a proportionate amount in “rent” month I would share the real-life -- all part of our overall parenting Or Order Online romance that our family watched goal -- that our children learn to firsthand as our daughter, Crys- handle freedom well. moc rednuoberkadeen www moc rednuoberkadeen www moc...sssrednuoberkadeen...www tal, was sought for marriage, completely without dating. If She had evaluated the dating scene and agreed that was not I hadn’t been a fan of steering a promising or wise course to Page 14
  • 15. follow. Not that it was easy, but Five months after we met them, she decided she would trust God Ian called my husband, Greg, and and continue to grow as a person, asked to get together to discuss waiting until the right man came his interest in Crystal. “Whoa, into our lives. She had the chal- Nellie!” I thought, “Where did lenge of fending off unwanted that come from?” Ian had never machismo from some fellows divulged an interest in Crystal while she was in Costa Rica. This around any of us (her included) experience reinforced that requir- and we had no indications of ing a man to go through her father something special between them. Lightning Literature and Composition for “clearance” before landing in Perhaps his being several years her life was a protective and intel- older than she made us assume Guides for Grades 7-12 by Hewitt ligent decision. It would separate there wouldn’t be any interest. the men from the boys, the lusters Ian had carefully guarded him- The difference between the right word and the from the lovers. self, not to awaken Crystal to his almost right word is the difference between Our family began hosting and interest before speaking to her lightning and a lightning bug. attending family “vintage” danc- father and receiving genuine per- —Mark Twain es, such as those from the Civil mission to pursue her. I use the Writing is critical to so many aspects of our lives— War era, where period clothing term genuine permission, since finding and keeping a good job, expressing our beliefs and was worn and many types of it is so rare that a suitor humbly passions, communicating crucial information. We may not be formal dances were enjoyed. submits himself to a father’s novelists or journalists—but most of us will write a report for our boss, a letter to the editor, or kind words to a friend. We wanted our children to cherish being Help your children prepare for a life of writing, to say exactly what they mean in a way that others will note and married, not getting married (something remember. which greatly impacts wedding planning). He knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it.—Joseph Heller Do you want your children to read good literature but are The family who came to do the scrutiny before he gets the girl’s afraid they won’t enjoy it? The Lightning Literature Guides dance calling at our first one of emotions stirred into the mix. were written by teachers with extensive home-schooling these events included a daughter Once a guy and gal are openly experience who love literature passionately and and four sons, the eldest of which attracted to each other, her father communicate that passion in their prose. was a 29-year-young man named can either rubber-stamp the deci- Literature can transform our hearts and our lives. Dig Ian. Interest in these dances grew sion to pursue a relationship that deep into authors like Dickens, Twain, Chaucer, quickly within our homeschool has already been made, or run the Shakespeare, Melville, Whitman, Dickinson, Austen, Kipling, circles and we participated in risk of alienating his daughter (as Eliot, and Achebe. Your student will read full books and about one-a-month. well as the young man) by voicing plays, not just excerpts. Learning about literary elements Concurrently, our family began any concerns he has or trying to such as character, conflict, symbolism, tone, meter, and theme allows students to appreciate these great works in a seeing Ian’s family socially with put on any brakes. more mature fashion. no awareness of unique interests Ian’s request was to meet with between any of the 12 young my husband and I and his folks Each guide includes brief biographies of the authors, people in our combined fami- at a restaurant. We agreed to do comprehension questions and lies. Throughout these times our so a week later. That night, when answers, literary lessons, children were “themselves” - no asked what he was thinking, he writing exercises, weekly one flirting or seeking to impress described Crystal in detail ac- schedules, and discussion anyone. Dinners in each others curately and admiringly. When questions. homes, ultimate Frisbee games, asked, “When did you first notice ➤ Reasonably Priced: air-softing, movie nights and her?”, his startling reply was, Guides: $24.95–$35.15; discussions - a variety of activi- “The night we met your family at Complete Book Packs with ties amidst friends - brought us that first dance.” Guides: $41 - $85 many intersections with his fam- Having never been down such ➤ Grading Available ily. This practice of socializing as a road before, we didn’t have any families is a key in a dating-free map to follow, but simply began approach… more on that later. asking about his spiritual life, his- 1-800-348-1750 continued on page 48 Page 15
  • 16. Paradigm Accelerated Measuring Curriculum (PAC) * Perfect for Imaginative Homeschooling * Self-Paced, SUITS EVERY STUDENT Handwriting Fluency * Rescues at-Risk Teens By Rand Nelson I learning how to control smooth * Great for Under-Achievers s your child frustrated by movements as the rate of travel handwritten assignments increases. We can move slowly Email: because they take too long to through the steps at first and then phone: 325-649-0976 complete? If your answer is “Yes”, faster as rhythm is established. your student needs to improve Children begin by drawing the When everything else fluency, correct letter formation letter shapes they are shown using fails, PAC WORKS! and speed. The problem is far too the visual feedback system. But, common and yet it is rarely men- the brain guides fluent movement Home school students are tioned in most handwriting pro- with a different system. None of usually college bound. grams. Your first question should us can use this fluent movement That is why hundreds be, “How long does it take?” Have system until we have established choose PAC textbooks! you ever timed a writing activ- some movement recordings that Please visit the PAC ity to find out? Has there been a can allow it. The challenge to change when you measure the learn how to move fluently is website for many FREE same activity a second time? Is the most valuable thing offered resources, tools and there a simple way to measure and by handwriting instruction. The purchase information: track handwriting fluency as an brain responds to the challenge by indicator of progress? changing the way it is processing Handwriting fluency has been the symbols. A child who can buried in the curriculum closet write the letters with fluent move- since the invention of the hand- ment no longer has to look at mod- writing workbook. It is a shame, els to draw the pictures. However, because fluency should be one of if children are never challenged to the most important goals during use the fluent process, they may handwriting lessons. Fluency is well continue to draw out of habit. the forgotten link between hand- Does the child have to write very writing and the other language carefully to create handwriting skills that are needed for proficient that others can read? composition and reading. Early efforts to write with “The correlation between read- rhythmic movement often result ing skill and fluency at printing al- in a product that is not very close phabet letters in kindergarten and to the model provided. This tends first-grade is readily apparent.” – to push the child back to visual The Writing/Reading Connection guidance. However, it is true that by Robert V. Rose, MD a letter shape can be distorted Legibility is also a necessary considerably before legibility is objective. It does little good to lost. This small truth is important. write rapidly if the handwriting It means that in the beginning, we cannot be read. The coaching can focus on good movement. The job is a bit like a circus tightrope child is challenged to demonstrate act when fluency is included as a several skills simultaneously. goal. We must balance our effort How do I hold the paper and between fluency and legibility in pencil? Which way do I move order to make progress. That bal- across the paper? Where does the ance is constantly challenged by letter start? Which way do I move motor development. But fluency to form the letter on the line? 1.877.230.6853 is not only about speed. It is about continued on page 85 Page 16
  • 17. Accelerated Christian Education has a unique homeschool curriculum specifically designed with you and your child in mind. Logos White Three ways you can run your homeschool: Manage your own homeschool administration. For more information about Accelerated Christian Education homeschool curriculum, please visit or call 1-800-925-7777. Maintain records with Lighthouse Christian Academy. Allow Lighthouse Christian Academy to work as your school administration office. If interested in Lighthouse Christian Academy, please visit to download an application, or call us at 1-866-746-6534. Meet with a local church school. A.C.E. curriculum is being used in schools all over the world. Many schools are equipped with homeschool outreach programs SCHOOL OF in which your child can become involved. To locate a school in TOMORROW® ® your area, please call 1-800-470-8991.
  • 18. Defending Teaching Standards & Corrections By Frode Jensen to mark an error with a red pen, I t has been popular for some it is necessary to help prevent the time to decry the use of the student from making the same red pen on student papers. It’s mistake again. What a defense for all about self-esteem and how the correcting mistakes. While the children don’t need such negative student’s ego may take a bit of a influences pressed upon their hit for the moment, if the student tender consciences. Such poor learns from his mistake, he won’t teacher behavior might indelibly be taking future hits in that de- influence the child to grow up partment. recognizing less of his full human Tammet’s statement is a ra- potential. The educational psy- tionale for quality teaching and chologists would have everyone clear materials. The teacher’s job believe their pronouncements as is to teach, to put the information truth. forward in such a fashion so as to As a youngster, I remember the help the student learn the material, new system of every participant to master it. After having taught getting a ribbon. At the time it was the material, the teacher is then called the Danish system. Every- to assign and correct the student’s body was a winner; nobody was a work over what has been taught, loser. Well, it all sounded good in and hopefully learned. In the theory, and all the children were process of reviewing the student’s supposed to be happy, but practi- work, the teacher should praise cally speaking, the system did what can be praised and note the not work or prove helpful in the errors that occur. long run. When dealing with objective The following quote is from facts, the process is straightfor- Daniel Tammet, who is autistic. ward. In math, for instance, the He has some handicaps, but he has student either gets the right an- made his way in life and offers the swer or he doesn’t. Content-driven following: “Obtaining guidance subjects lend themselves to objec- from experts in the subject you tivity. It is the same in English to are learning helps you to both some extent. develop the conceptual frame- Let’s take writing as an ex- work necessary to master a field ample. The student has read a of study and avoid many of the piece of literature and has been potential discouraging pitfalls that asked to write about it. Hopefully can lead to discouragement. Get- the assignment has indicated the ting feedback on wrong answers structure of the response, a five- allows the brain to eliminate them paragraph essay perhaps. The as- from its bank of possible future signment should also have given responses. Consequently, learners direction on what the focus of the can ignore poor choices and focus response should be. Maybe the their attention on good ones.” (p student is to discuss the plot and 33 Embracing the Wide Sky). explain the movement of the story He’s talking about teachers and through the problem to the resolu- students here. He’s saying that it is tion. Perhaps the student might be the teacher’s job to tell the student directed to describe three char- where his mistakes are. He’s say- acters from the story, the hero, ing that not only is it acceptable continued on page 83 Page 18
  • 19. American Cap & Gown Call Drak late morning / early aft Serving Homeschoolers Now! • Gowns • Stoles • Tassels • Cords • Diploma Covers • Medallions Does yo Graduate Gifts Difficulty Sustaining focus on We Have It All For The Homeschooler 1-866-700-Gradis not in Easily distracted if “it” Needs help with homework THE DRAKE INSTITUTE...It can change your life. Underachieving in school Drake is the Leader specializing in non-drug programs for ADD/ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, Stress and Learning Disorders. "We would like to thank all of the people at the Drake Institute. The program designed for our son was really helpful and gave our son a confident feeling. At the beginning, we had so many 1-877- issues that we wanted Drake to deal with – hyperactivity, focus, following instructions to name a few. With the programs of- fered by Drake, our son developed tremendous improvement as he moved forward in his daily life. We recommend Drake Institute to everybody who has a similar struggle that we did with our son. Try it – it really works!!" Call Drake today or visit our website to take advantage of Significant Savings for late morning / early afternoon treatment sessions, AND, to schedule a private consultation at NO CHARGE!! Does your son or daughter struggle with any of the behaviors listed below? Difficulty Sustaining focus on academic work Difficulty following through on instructions Difficulty writing thoughts on paper Helping familie Easily distracted if “it” is not interesting Does not seem to listen Impulsive or lack of self-control Needs help with homework Needs to re-read information Fidgety or difficulty sitting still Underachieving in school Poor reading comprehension Lowered self-esteem 1-877-603-7253 • Helping families in Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego and San Bernardino Counties
  • 20. Introducing... “Comet® GOOD BEGINNINGS to GOOD The Fast Path To Learning” For ages ENDINGS for HANDWRITING An exciting game 11 - Adult By Nan Barchowsky D that promotes on’t start with lowercase Their hands need to first develop learning in a fun letters. Don’t start with the strength to hold the tools in capitals, or even with a relaxed manner. The goal is and engaging way! numbers. What then? Let chil- fluency. For that the hand and dren play. What??? fingers must relax. Tense muscles Family Game Edition Yes! Barchowsky Fluent Hand- do not move easily or effectively writing, or BFH begins with for any task. Build your vocabulary, aid your reading comprehension, improve your writing skills, and promote confidence in school and work. playful activities that relate to HAND AND FINGERS alphanumeric formations before Here are a few suggestions. visit our website at: brought to you by the actual characters are learned, Let children make patterns in the as well as while they are be- sand, or even mud. Let children (702) 759-6138 ACTIVEMINDS® ing learned. BFH gives young help in the kitchen. They can children the rock-solid base they knead dough, and peel potatoes need to develop legibility and and carrots. If they grow impa- Hewitt’s Early Elem fluency for handwriting that will tient, cover your ears and let them Complete Curriculum serve them well throughout the bang old spoons or pans on the � Hands-On school years, and into adulthood. floor. (That helps with rhythmic � Based on Parent- Too often handwriting pro- movement too.) Child Interaction grams start with the replication String beads. Children pick up of 62 different shapes. Instruc- the beads with their forefinger Home of Lightning Lit � Biblical Character Building tion is visual. Some programs (call it the “writing finger”) and introduce circles and sticks with thumb. � Daily Lesson Plans which to make lowercase letters. Collect small things, pebbles, � Preschool $80 (Preschool Plus) Some use undercurves, over- pennies, etc. and put them in a � Kindergarten $95 curves, loops and straight lines. box. Hang clothes or paper ban- (Tell Me a Story) BFH relies on motor memory for ners with clothespins that clamp. the natural, rhythmic movement Put a cotton ball or a tiny ball of � First Grade $140 (A Bee Sees) of lowercase letters, those that yarn in the palm of a child’s hand. 800-890-4097 � Second Grade $120 should be taught first because The child holds the ball in place free samples online (Across America) we need them more often than with ring and small fingers, leav- capitals. They are designed to ing the writing finger and thumb move easily. to hold a writing tool; the third BFH is a well-planned program finger is a support. taking into account that young If you have a chalkboard minds and young hands need to or slate, this is a favorite. Cut be prepped for the skill of writing a sponge into a small square. •Offering courses for K-12 by hand. Help for hands is about Dampen it, and place it in the students with an emphasis on posture and pen hold. Help for the palm of the hand with a short Individualized Learning. mind is the development of motor piece of chalk as described •Christian based home school memory. Activities that help with before. Then let the child draw curriculum. both posture and motor memory or scribble. If the little artist/ •Academy enrollment Preschool should be introduced at the same writer doesn’t like the marks, the through High School. time, but I’ll separate them for sponge is in the hand to erase for •Accredited by the National the purpose of discussion. a new start. Association of Private Schools. Young children are almost al- Markers, crayons, pencils ways eager to comply with their should have the right tactile The School for Home Schooling Families instructor, so they hold writing relationship to paper, meaning tools in a death grip in an ef- fort to get characters just right. that marks are easily made, and continued on page 73 Page 20
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