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Sex-Role Socialization in Picture Books for Preschool Children
Author(s): Lenore J. Weitzman, Deborah Eifler, Elizabeth Hokada, Catherine Ross
Source: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 77, No. 6 (May, 1972), pp. 1125-1150
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 19/07/2011 16:09

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                American Journal of Sociology.
Sex-Role Socialization in Picture Books
for Preschool Children'
LenoreJ. Weitzman
    Universityof California, Davis
             ElizabethHokada, and Catherine
DeborahEifler,                            Ross
    Yale University

         An examination prize-winning
                         of             picturebooks revealsthat women
         are greatly                in         centralroles,and illustra-
                    underrepresented the titles,
         tions. Where women do appear their characterization   reinforces
         traditionalsex-rolestereotypes:boys are active while girls are
         passive; boys lead and rescueotherswhile girls followand serve
         others.Adultmenand womenare equallysex stereotyped:    men en-
         gage in a wide varietyof occupations while womenare presented
         onlyas wivesand mothers. effects theserigid
                                  The       of          sex-roleportraits
         on the self image and aspirations the developing
                                         of                child are dis-


 Sex-rolesocializationconstitutes of the mostimportant
                                 one                         learning ex-
periences the youngchild.By the timethe child enterskindergarten,
he or she is able to make sex-roledistinctions express
                                              and         sex-roleprefer-
ences.Boys alreadyidentify  withmasculine   roles,and girlswithfeminine
roles (Brown 1956). They also learn the appropriate    behaviorforboth
boys and girlsand menand women.      Hartley (1960) reports  that,by the
time they are four,childrenrealize that the primaryfeminine       role is
housekeeping,  whilethe primary masculine  role is wage earning.
   In additionto learningsex-role identification sex-role
                                               and          expectations,
boys and girlsare socializedto accept society'sdefinition the relative
worth each of the sexes and to assumethe personality
       of                                                  characteristics
thatare "typical"of members each sex. Withregard relative
                              of                       to         status,
theylearnthatboys are morehighly     valued thangirls.And,withregard
to personality differences, learn that boys are active and achieving
whilegirlsare passive and emotional.   Eight-year-old boys describegirls
as clean,neat,quiet,gentle, and fearful,whiletheydescribe   adult women
as unintelligent,          unadventurous,
                ineffective,              nasty,and exploitative  (Hart-
ley 1959). Indeed,Maccobyfinds    that,although  girlsbeginlifeas better

1We are indebtedto William J. Goode, Kai Erikson,Alice Rossi, and Erving Goffman
                 commentson an earlierdraftof this paper which was presentedto
the 1971 meetingof the AmericanSociological Association,Denver, Colorado.

                                       AJS Volume 77 Number6             1125
AmericanJournal Sociology
 achieversthanboys,theygradually behindas theybecomesocialized
 (Maccoby 1966).
   In thispaperwe wishto concentrate one aspectof sex-role
                                         on                       socializa-
tion: thesocialization preschool
                        of           childrenthrough picture books.Picture
books play an important in earlysex-role
                            role                 socializationbecause they
are a vehicleforthe presentation societalvalues to the youngchild.
Through  books,children    learnabout the worldoutsideof theirimmediate
environment:   theylearn about what otherboys and girls do, say, and
feel; theylearn about what is rightand wrong;and theylearn what is
expectedof children    theirage. In addition,books providechildren    with
rolemodels-imagesof whattheycan and shouldbe like whentheygrow
   Children'sbooksreflect   culturalvaluesand are an important  instrument
for persuading   children accept those values. They also contain role
prescriptions which encourage childto conform acceptable
                                the                 to           standards
of behavior. The Child StudyAssociation     (1969), aware of the socializa-
tion potentialof books, states that a book's emotionaland intellectual
impacton a youngreadermustbe considered.          Therefore recommends
thatchildren's  bookspresent   positiveethicalvalues.
   Because books for youngchildrenexplicitly      articulatethe prevailing
culturalvalues,theyare an especially    usefulindicator societalnorms.2
McClelland (1961) used children's      books as indicators achievement
values in his cross-cultural studyof economic   development. the period
priorto increasedeconomicdevelopment founda high incidenceof
achievement  motivation   reflected the children's
                                   in              books.This indicated   a
strongpositiverelationship     betweenachievement    imageryin children's
storiesand subsequent    economic growth.  McClelland (1961, p. 71) noted
that the storieshad providedchildren     withclear "instructive"  messages
aboutnormative    behavior. Margaret  Mead also commented "a culture
has to get its values acrossto its children such simpleterms
                                            in                   that even
a behavioral scientist understand
                       can             them."3


Our studyfocuseson picturebooks forthe preschool child.These books
are oftenread over and over again at a time whenchildren are in the
process developing
       of           theirownsexualidentities.
                                            Picturebooksare read to
2Erving Goffman  has questioned the direct relationship have postulated between
the themesin children's
                               and societal values. He suggeststhat literarythemes
may provide alternativecultural norms or irrelevantfantasy outlets. Unfortunately,
we do not know of any researchother than McClelland's (1961) supportingeither
our own formulation Goffman's.
3 As quoted in McClelland (1961, p. 71).

Sex-Role Socialization
children  when they are most impressionable,       beforeother socialization
influences  (such as school,teachers,    and peers) becomemoreimportant
at laterstagesin thechild'sdevelopment.
   WVe have chosento examine      howsex rolesare treated thosechildren's
booksidentified the "verybest": the winners the CaldecottMedal.
                   as                               of
The CaldecottMedal is givenby the Children's                          of
                                                   ServiceCommittee the
American  LibraryAssociation the mostdistinguished
                                  for                       picturebook of
theyear.The medalis the mostcovetedprizeforpreschool           books. Books
on the list of winners(and runners-up) orderedby practically
                                              are                         all
children's libraries the UnitedStates. Teachersand educatorsencour-
age children read the Caldecotts,
               to                        and conscientious parentsskim the
libraryshelveslookingfor those books that display the impressive        gold
seal whichdesignates winners.
                         the         The Caldecottawardoftenmeanssales
of 60,000books forthe publisher, others the industry
                                      and        in              look to the
winners guidancein what to publish (Nilsen 1970).
  Although have computed statistical
              we                   a           analysisof all the Caldecott
winners  from   the inception the award in 1938, we have concentrated
ourintensive            on
              analysis thewinners runners-up thepast five
                                       and            for             years.
Most of the examples      citedin thispaper are takenfrom   the 18 books in
  In thecourseof ourinvestigation readseveralhundred
                                       we                      picturebooks
and feelthatwe can assert,    withconfidence, ourfindings applicable
                                              that            are
to the wide rangeof picturebooks. In fact,the Caldecottwinners           are
clearlyless stereotyped     than the averagebook, and do not includethe
mostblatantexamples sexism.
  In orderto assureourselves the representativeness our study,we
                                  of                       of
have also examined     threeothergroupsof childrens    books: the Newbery
Awardwinners, LittleGoldenBooks,and the "prescribed
                  the                                           behavior" or
  The Newbery      Awardis givenby the American      Library Association for
thebestbook forschool-age      children.Newbery   booksare forchildren  who
can read,and are therefore                       in
                              directed children thethird sixthgrades.
                                      to                     to
  The Little GoldenBooks we have sampledare the best sellersin chil-
dren'sbooks,since we have taken only thoseLittle Golden Books that
sold over threemillion     copies.5These books sell for39 cents in grocery
4 The Caldecott winners and runners-upfor the past five years are: 1967 winner
(Ness 1967), 1967 runner-up(Emberley 1967b); 1968 winner (Emberley 1967a), 1968
runners-up (Lionni 1967; Yashimo 1967; Yolen 1967); 1969 winner (Ronsome
1968), 1969 runner-up(Dayrell 1968); 1970 winner (Steig 1969), 1970 runners-up
(Keats 1969; Lionni 1969; Preston 1969; Turkle 1969; Zemach 1969); 1971 winner
(Haley 1970), 1971 runners-up(Sleater 1970; Lobel 1970; Sendak 1970).
5 We wish to thank Robert Garlock,productmanager of Little Golden Books, for his
help withthisinformation forfurnishing
                        and             many of the books themselves.

AmericanJournalof Sociology

stores,Woolworth's, Grant's,and toyand gamestores.Consequently, they
reacha morebroadly  based audiencethando themoreexpensive   Caldecott
   The last typeof book we studiedis what we call the "prescribedbe-
havior" or etiquettebook. Whereas other books only imply sex-role
prescriptions,                      about the properbehaviorforboys
              thesebooks are explicit
and girls.They also portray adult modelsand advise children future
rolesand occupations.6
   If we mayanticipate laterfindings, wouldlike to noteherethat
                      our              we
the findings from latterthreesamplesstrongly
                 the                            parallelthosefromthe
Caldecottsample.Although remainder this paper will be devoted
                           the          of
primarily the Caldecott
          to             sample, willuse someof theother
                                 we                         books for

It wouldbe impossible discusstheimageof females children's
                       to                             in            books
without  firstnotingthat,in fact,womenare simplyinvisible.    We found
thatfemales                        in
             wereunderrepresentedthetitles,    centralroles,
                                                           pictures,  and
storiesof everysampleof bookswe examined.      Most children's books are
about boys,men,and male animals,and mostdeal exclusively      withmale
adventures.  Most picturesshow men-singly or in groups.Even when
womencan be foundin the books,theyoftenplay insignificant       roles,re-
maining  bothinconspicuous nameless.
  A tabulation the distribution illustrations the picturebooks is
                of                 of            in
probably single
          the      bestindicator theimportance menand women
                                 of                of                  in
these books. Because womencomprise51% of our population, there   if
wereno bias in thesebooks theyshouldbe presented roughly
                                                      in          half of
thepictures.          in
             However, our sampleof 18 Caldecott     winners runners-
up in the past fiveyearswe found261 pictures males compared
                                                of                   with
23 pictures females.
            of        This is a ratioof 11 pictures malesforevery
                                                  of                  one
pictureof a female.If we include animalswith obvious identities,      the
bias is evengreater.The ratioof male to femaleanimalsis 95:1.7
  Turning the titlesof the CaldecottMedal winners
           to                                          since the award's
inception 1938,we findthatthe ratioof titlesfeaturing
          in                                              malesto those
6 The Dr. Suess books, althoughpopular among preschoolaudiences,were not included
as a supplementary sample because they representonly one author and one publisher
ratherthan a more broadly based series. They do, however, conformto the general
patternof sex-roleportrayalthat we foundamong the Caldecott winners.
7The illustrations Caldecott winnersand runners-up
                    of                                   since 1967 included 166 male
people, 22 female people, and 57 picturesof both males and females together.The
animal illustrations included 95 of male animals, one of a female animal, and 12 of
both male and femaleanimals together.     Together,this resultedin a total male/female
ratio of 11: 1. There were also 14 illustrations characterswithouta sex.

Sex-Role Socialization
 featuring  females 8:3.8 Despite the presence the popularCinderella,
                    is                            of
 Snow White,Hansel and Gretel.,      and Little Red Riding Hood in the
 sampleof GoldenBooks thathave sold morethanthreemillion        copies,we
 findclose to a 3:1 male/female    ratioin thissample.9The 49 books that
 have received Newbery
                the           Awardsince1922 depictmorethanthree     males
 to every  one female.'0
   Children  scanning list of titlesof whathave been designated the
                        the                                         as
 verybest children's   books are bound to receivethe impression  that girls
 are not veryimportant    because no one has bothered writebooks about
 them. The content thebooksrarely
                     of                 dispelsthisimpression.
   In close to one-third our sampleof recent
                          of                     Caldecottbooks,thereare
 no womenat all. In these books,both the illustrations     and the stories
 reflect man's world.Drummer
        a                          Hoff(Emberly1967a) is about a group
 of armyofficers  getting   readyto firea cannon; Frog and Toad (Lobel
 1970) relatesthe adventures two male animal friends;In the Night
 Kitchen (Sendak 1970) followsa boy's fantasyadventures        through   a
 kitchen  that has threecooks, all of whomare male; Frederick(Lionni
 1967) is a creative malemousewhoenableshis brothers survive cold
                                                        to        the
winter;and Alexander a mousewho helps a friend
                          is                            transform  himself
 (plate 1).
   Whenthereare femalecharacters,      theyare usuallyinsignificant in-
conspicuous.   The one girl in Goggles (Keats 1969) is shown playing
quietlyin a corner.    The wifein The Sun and the Moon (Dayrell 1968)
helpsby carrying    wood but neverspeaks. There are two womenin The
Fool of the World(Ronsome1968): themother,         whopacks lunchforher
sons and waves goodby,and the princess      whosehand in marriage the
object of the Fool's adventures.   The princess shownonly twice: once
peering of thewindow thecastle,and thesecondtimein thewedding
        out                  of
scenein whichthe readermuststrainto find      her.She does not have any-
thing say throughout adventure, of courseshe is not consulted
      to                   the           and
in thechoiceof herhusband; on the last page, however, narrator
                                                          the          as-
8 The statisticsfor titlesof the Caldecott winnersfromthe inceptionof the award in
1938 show eight titles with male names, three with female names, one with both a
male and a female name together,and 22 titles without names of either sex. This
resulted an 8:3 male/female
        in                     ratio. The statistics titlesof recentCaldecottwinners
and runners-up(since 1967) show eight titles with male names, one with a female
name, one with both together,   and 10 titleswithoutnames of eithersex. This resulted
in an 8:1 male/female   ratio.
9 The statistics the titlesof the Little Golden Books sellingover threemillioncopies
show nine titles with male names, four with female names, one with both together,
and 14 titleswithoutthe names of eithersex. This resultedin a 9:4 male-femaleratio.
10 The statisticsfor the titles of Newbery winnerssince the inception of the award
in 1922 show 20 titleswith males names,six titleswith femalenames,none with both,
and 23 titles without the names of either sex. This resultedin a 10:3 male/female

AmericanJournalof Sociology

  PLATE 1.-Maurice Sendak, In the Night Kitchen (New York: Harper & Row,
1970). (Reprintedwithpermission the publisher.)

suresus thatshe soon "loved him to distraction."  Loving,watching,and
helping amongthe fewactivities      allowedto womenin picturebooks.
  It is easy to imaginethat the littlegirl readingthesebooks mightbe
deprived her ego and her senseof self. She may be made to feel that
girlsare vacuouscreatures whoare less worthy do less exciting
                                              and               things
thanmen.No wonder,     then,thatthe childpsychologists reportthat girls
at everyage are less likelyto identifywiththe feminine role,whileboys
of everyage are morelikelyto identify   withthe masculine role (Brown
  Although  thereis muchvariationin plot amongthe picturebooks, a
significantmajorityincludes someform male adventure.
                                       of                The fisherman
in SeashoreStory(Yashimo 1967) ridesa turtle a hiddenworldunder
the sea. Afteran encounter  witha lion, Sylvester transformed a
                                                   is           into
rock in Sylvester and the Magic Pebble (Steig 1969). Goggles (Keats

Sex-Role Socialization
1969) tellsof the adventures Peter and his friends
                               of                       escapingfromthe
big boys.In Thy Friend,Obadiah (Turkle 1969), Obadiah rescuesa sea
gull; theSpiderMan outfoxes godsin A Story, Story(Haley 1970).
                               the                 a
A boy rescueshis girlfriend    fromthe moon god in The AngryMoon
(Sleator 1970). The male central  characters engagein manyexciting    and
heroicadventures   whichemphasize   theircleverness.
  In our sampleof the Caldecottwinners     and runners-up the last five
years, found
       we       onlytwoof the 18 bookswerestories     aboutgirls." In one
of thesestories,Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine(Ness 1967), the girlhas a
boy's name.In the second,The Emperor      and the Kite (Yolen 1967), the
heroine a foreign    princess.
  Each of thesegirlsdoes engagein an adventure.     Sam's adventure  takes
place in her daydreams,  whilethe adventure the princess
                                              of              Djeow Seow
occurswhenher father's     kingdom seized by evil men. Like the male
centralcharacters   who engagein rescues,Djeow Seow managesto save
herfather, she accomplishes taskonlyby beingso tinyand incon-
           but                   this
spicuousthattheevil mendo not noticeher.Although       Djeow Seow is one
ofthetwowomen      central
                         characters, message
                                     the         conveyed readers
                                                          to        seems
to be thata girlcan onlytriumph playing traditional
                                  by         the             feminine role.
Womenwho succeed are those who are unobstrusive         and work quietly
behindthe scenes. Womenwho succeed are littleand inconspicuous-as
are most women in picture books. Even heroinesremain "invisible"
females (plate 2).


We can summarize first
                   our     findings about differences the activities
                                                    in             of
boysand girlsby noting  thatin theworld picture
                                        of       booksboysare active
and girlsare passive. Not only are boys presented moreexciting
                                                 in               and
adventuresome  roles,
                    but theyengagein morevariedpursuits  and demand
moreindependence.   The moreriotousactivityis reserved the boys.
Mickey, heroofIn theNightKitchen(Sendak 1970), is tossedthrough
the air and skipsfrom  bread to dough,punching and pounding. Then he

11 The statisticsfor central charactersin the Caldecott winnerssince 1938 show 14
males, 10 females,6 males and females together,       and 4 central characterswithout a
sex. This resultsin a 7:5 male/female   ratio. It is importantto note that the situation
is becomingworse, not better.During the last five years the ratio of male to female
central charactershas increased. The statistics for central characters in Caldecott
winnersand runners-up      during the last five years show a 7:2 male/femaleratio in
contrastto an 11:9 male/femaleratio for the years prior to 1967. The statisticsfor
central charactersin the Newbery winnerssince 1922 show 31 males, 11 females,4
males and femalestogether,    and 3 central characterswithout a sex. This resultsin a
3:1 male/female   ratio. The statisticsfor centralcharactersin the Little Golden Books
sellingover threemillioncopies show an 8:3 ratio of male/femalepeople, a 5:2 ratio
of male/female  animals,and a 5:3 ratio of all males and femalestogether.

AmericanJournal Sociology

  PLATE 2.-Jane Yolen, The Emperor and the Kite (Cleveland: World Publishing
Co., 1971). (Reprintedwithpermission the publisher.)

makesan airplaneand flies intothenightand dives,swims,
                           out                                  and slides
untilhe is homeagain. Similarly,  Archieand Peter race,climb,and hide
in thestory Goggles(Keats 1969). Obadiah travelsto thewharf the
             of                                                    in
cold of Massachusettswinter,    and Sylvester  searches for rocks in the
   In contrast, mostof the girlsin the picturebooks are passive and im-
mobile.Some of themare restricted theirclothing-skirts
                                    by                        and dresses
are soiledeasilyand prohibit moreadventuresome    activities. The Fool
oj the World and the Flying Ship (Ronsome 1968), the hero,the Fool,
is dressed a sensible manner, which
                              one        does notinhibit movement
                                                         his           in
the tasks he has to accomplish. The princess, however, whomall the
exploitsare waged,remainsno more than her long gown allows her to
be: a prize, an unrealistic passive creaturesymbolizing rewardfor
male adventuresomeness.
   A seconddifference between activities boys and girlsis that the
                               the          of
girlsare moreoften  foundindoors.12 This places another limitation the

12 The statisticsfor activitiesof boys and girlsin Caldecott winnerssince 1967 show
48 male charactersindoors, 105 male charactersoutdoors, 15 femalesindoors,and 26
femalesoutdoors.This means that 32.6% of the males are shown indoors,while 36.5%
of the femalesare shown indoors.

Sex-Role Socialization

activities potential
         and             adventures girls.Even Sam, in Sam, Bangs,and
Moonshine(Ness 1967), stays inside as she directsthe activityof the
book. Sam constructs fantasy
                       a        worldand sendsThomas,a littleboy, on
wild goose chases to play out her fantasies. is Thomas who rides the
bicycleand climbsthe treesand rocksin response Sam's fantasy.
                                                 to              Sam,
however, waitsforThomasat home,looking thewindows sitting
                                           out            or       on
the steps (plate 3). Similarly, theFool of the World(Ronsome 1968),

 PLATE 3.-Evaline Ness, Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine (New York: Holt, Rinehart&
Winston,1967). (Reprintedwith permission the publisher.)

theprincessremains peering thewindow hercastle,watching the
                           out            of                    all
activities her behalf.Whileboys play in the real worldoutdoors,
         on                                                       girls
sit and watch them-cut offfromthat worldby the window,        porch,or
fence aroundtheir homes.This distinctionparallelsErik Erikson's(1964)
conception themasculine
          of              outerspace and thefeminine  innerspace.
  Our third observationdeals withtheservice           performed the
                                             activities         by
girlswhoremain home.Even theyoungest
                at                                          play tradi-
                                           girlsin thestories
tionalfeminine roles,directedtowardpleasingand helpingtheirbrothers
and fathers.Obadiah's sisterscook in the kitchen he sits at the table

AmericanJournal Sociology

  PLATE 4.-Brinton Turkle, ThyFriend, Obadiah (New York: Viking Press, 1969).
(Reprintedwith permission the publisher.)

sipping chocolate
         hot          afterhis adventures  (plate 4). In The Emperor  and
the Kite (Yolen 1967), the emperor's    daughters   bringfood to the em-
peror's table,buttheir brothers thekingdom.
   Whilegirls  serve,
                    boyslead.13  Drummer  Hoff, although  onlya boy,plays
thecrucialrolein the finalfiring thecannon.Lupin,the Indian boy in
The Angry    Moon (Sleator 1970), directsthe escape fromthe moongod
 (plate 5). He leads Lapowinsa,a girlexactlyhis size and age, everystep
of the way. Even at the end of the story,   afterthe dangerof the Angry
Moon is past, Lupin goes down the ladder first    "so that he could catch
Lapowinsaif she shouldslip."
   Trainingfora dependent    passive role may inhibita girl'schances for
intellectual creativesuccess.It is likelythat the excessivedependency
encouraged girlscontributes the declinein theirachievement
                                 to                                which
becomesapparentas theygrowolder.Maccoby (1966, p. 35) has found
that "For both sexes, there is a tendencyfor more passive-dependent
children perform
          to         poorly a variety intellectual
                            on          of             tasks,and forinde-
pendent  children excel."
   The rescuesfeatured many storiesrequireindependence
                          in                                     and self-
confidence.  Once again, thisis almostexclusively male activity.14
                                                   a                Little
13 The statisticsfor activitiesof boys and girls in Caldecott winnersand runners-up
since 1967 show a 0:3 ratio of males/females service functions,
                                              in                  and a 3:2 ratio of
males/females leadershipfunctions.
14 The statisticsfor activitiesof boys and girls in Caldecott winnersand runners-up
since 1967 show a 5:1 ratio of males/females rescuefunctions.

Sex-Role Socialization


   PLATE 5.-William Sleator, The AngryMoon (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1970).
('Reprinted with permission the publisher.)

boysrescuegirlsor helpless animals. Lupin saves a crying Lapowinsafrom
theflames. Obadiahsaves theseagullfrom rusty
                                         a                 and
                                                 fishhook, Alexander
saves Willie,the windupmouse,from     the fateof becoming "tossed-out
toy." In Frederick,Frederick's creativenesshelpsto sparehis companions
from worst
     the      conditions winter. Sam, Bangs,and Moonshine(Ness
                        of         In
1967), Sam does notplay theroleof therescuer  although is thecentral
character.Rather, her father muststep in and rescueThomas and Bangs
from drowning. theend,Sam herself
               In                     "mustbe" saved from potential
consequences her fantasy.
  Finally,we want to note the sense of camaraderie    that is encouraged
amongboysthrough    theiradventures. example,
                                     For           The Fool of the World
dependsupon the help and talentsof his male companions      (plate 6). In
Goggles(Keats 1969), the two male companions      together outwita gang
of olderboys.Similarly, bondsof masculine
                       the                     friendship stressed
                                                          are          by
Alexander, Frederick, Frog and Toad.
  In contrast, rarely
              one        sees onlygirlsworking playingtogether.
                                                 or                   Al-
thoughin realitywomenspend much of theirtime with otherwomen,

AmericanJournal Sociology

  PLATE 6. Arther Ronsome, The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship (New
York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1968). (Reprinted with permissionof the publisher.)

picturebooks implythat womencannotexist without         men. The role of
mostof the girlsis defined    primarily relation that of the boys and
                                       in         to
menin their   lives.'5It is interesting note thatSam turnsto a boy,not
a girl,to accomplish of theactivity her fantasies.
                      all               of              Her dreamswould
have no reality  without  Thomas.
  The sex differences have noted are even more apparent in the
prescriptive etiquette
             or            books.An excellentexampleis foundin a pair of
matched  books: The VeryLittleBoy (Krasilovsky       1962a) and The Very
Little Girl (Krasilovsky1962    b). Both books are written the same
author,followthe same format,       and teach the same lesson: that little
children grow up to be big children.     However,the maturation   process
differssharply theverylittleboy and theverylittlegirl.'6
  As we opento thefirst    pagesof theVery LittleBoy (Krasilovsky 1962a)
we findthe boy playingon the livingroomfloor the fireplace. has
                                                  by             He

15This problem is not confinedto children'sbooks. As Virginia Woolf pointed out
over 40 years ago, women in literatureare rarely represented friends: "They are
now and then mothersand daughters.But almost without exceptionthey are shown
in theirrelationto men. It was strangeto think that all the great women of fiction
were, until Jane Austen's day, . . . seen only in relation to the other sex. And how
little can a man know even of that when he observes it throughthe black or rosy
spectacles which sex puts upon his nose. Hence, perhaps the particular nature of
women in fiction;the astonishing  extremes her beauty and horror" (1929, p. 86).
16We gratefully acknowledgeBarbara Fried's imaginativeanalysis of these two books
in her paper, "What Our Children Are Reading," written for Sociology 62a, Yale
          fall term,1970.

Sex-Role Socialization

 alreadydiscarded big rubber
                    a             ball and is nowmaking racket banging
                                                           a          by
 on a pan witha spoon.In contrast, first the      page of the VeryLittleGirl
  (Krasilovsky1962b) shows the littlegirl sitting      quietlyin a big chair.
 There is no activityin the picture: the littlegirl is doing nothing         but
 sitting withher hands foldedin her lap. This is our introduction an       to
 angeliclittlegirland a boisterous     littleboy.
    In the following   pages the authorcomparesthe size of the children
 to the objectsaroundthem; we findthat the boy is smallerthan a corn-
 stalk,his baseballbat, his sled,his father's   workbench, a lawnmower.
 In contrast, littlegirlis smaller
              the                       thantherosebush, kitchen
                                                           a           stool,and
 her mother'sworkbasket.       We note that the boy will be interested        in
 sports-in fact,boththebasketball       and sled are his,waiting   thereforhim
 untilhe is old enoughto use them.     The girlhas beengivenno comparable
 presents her parents.She can only look forward conquering
           by                                                to              the
 rosebush  and the kitchen   stool.
    Even moreimportant the way in whicheach of themrelatesto these
 objects.The littleboy is in constant    motion, continuously   interacting with
 the worldaroundhim.He is jumping to touchthe scarecrow
                                           up                            next to
 the cornstalk,  unwrapping baseball bat (leaving the mess of paper,
 string,and box forsomeoneelse to clean up), building         blockson top of
his sled,reaching on tiptoeto touchhis father's
                   up                                  workbench, spray-
ingthelawn (and himself)      withthegarden    hose.In contrast, littlegirl
relatesto each of theobjectsaroundher merely looking them.
                                                     by           at
    Similarly,whenthe authorindicates      whateach childis too smallto do,
we find  thatthelittleboy is too smallto engagein a seriesof adventures.
The littlegirl, however, too smallto see things
                          is                         from sidelines.
                                                            the           Thus,
we are told thatthelittleboy is too smallto march theparade,to feed
theelephant thezoo, and to touchthepedals on his bike. But thelittle
girlis too small to see over the gardenfenceand to see the face on the
grandfather  clock.Even whenthelittlegirlis trying see something
                                                          to                 she
appearsto be posing,    and thuslooksmorelike a doll thana curiouslittle
   The littlegirl'sclothesindicatethatshe is not meantto be active.She
wearsfrilly,  starchy,  pink dresses,  and her hair is alwaysneatlycombed
and tied withribbons.     She looks pretty-too pretty ride a bike, play
ball, or visitthe zoo.
   Little girlsare oftenpictured pretty
                                    as        dolls who are not meantto do
anything be admired
          but               and bringpleasure.Their constant       smileteaches
thatwomen meantto please,to makeothers
             are                                    smile, and be happy.This
imagemay reflect    parentalvalues.In a studyof the attitudes middle-of
class fathers toward  their children, Aberleand Naegele (1960, pp. 188-98)
report thattheparentsatisfaction     withtheir  daughters  seemedto focuson
their daughters beingnice,sweet,    pretty, affectionate, wellliked.

AmericanJournal Sociology
   If we follow littleboy and littlegirlas theygrowup, we can watch
thedevelopment theproper
                    of            service rolein a littlewoman.We are shown
thatthegirlgrows enoughto waterthe rosebush, the cake batter,
                       big                                 stir
set the table,play nurse,    and help the doctor(who is, of course,a boy),
pick fruit   from trees,
                  the        take milkfrom refrigerator,
                                              the              preparea baby's
formula, feedherbaby brother.
           and                           Conveniently   enoughfortheirfuture
husbands,    girlsin storybooks  learnto wash,iron,hang up clothesto dry,
cook,and set the table. Of course,     whenthe boy growsup, he engagesin
moreactivepursuits:he catchesbutterflies,         mows the lawn, marches     in
theparade,visitsthezoo to feedthe elephants, hammers and            wood at the
   One particularly    strikingcontrast between twochildren illustrated
                                                 the               is
by the pictures both of themwiththeirdogs. In discussing
                   of                                                 how both
have matured, authortells us that bothhave grownup to be bigger
thantheir    pets. The picture the littlegirl,however,
                                of                           makesus seriously
doubt any grown-up        self-confidence and authority.   She is shown being
pulledby a verysmalldog,whomshe obviously             cannotcontrol.  The little
boy,in contrast, in firm
                    is         command a muchbigger
                                          of                 dog, and does not
evenneed a leash to control     him (plates 7, 8).
   It is easyto see whymanylittle    girls prefer identify
                                                  to          withthemalerole
(Hartup 1962; Brown1956). The littlegirlwho does findthe male role
moreattractive faced with a dilemma.If she follows
                   is                                           her desiresand
behaveslike a tomboy, maybe criticized herparentsand teachers.
                           she                    by
On the otherhand,if she givesup her yearnings identitiesand            withthe
traditional   feminine  role,she will feelstifled. Girlswho wish to be more
thanplacidand pretty leftwithout acceptable
                          are              an            rolealternative. They
must choose betweenalienationfromtheirown sex of assignment,               and
alienation   from  theirreal behavioral  and temperamental    preferences.
   The rigidity sex-role
                  of          stereotypes not harmful
                                           is               only to littlegirls.
Little boys may feel equally constrained       by the necessity be fearless,
brave,and cleverat all times.    Whilegirlsare allowed     a greatdeal of emo-
tionalexpression, boy who criesor expresses
                     a                              fearis unacceptable.17Just
as the onlygirlswho are heroines picturebooks have boys' namesor
are foreign   princesses, onlyboyswhocryin picture
                         the                               booksare animals-
frogs  and toads and donkeys.
   The price of the standardization rigidity sex roles is paid by
                                         and           of
children bothsexes.Eleanor Maccoby (1966, p. 35) has reported
           of                                                              that
analyticthinking,     creativity, generalintelligence associatedwith
                                 and                        are
cross-sex   typing. Thus, rigidsex-role   definitions only foster
                                                      not             unhappi-

17 But Hartley (1959) also discovered that as a corollary the boys felt extreme
pressureas a result of the rigid masculine role prescriptionswhich they saw as de-
manding that they be strong,intelligent,  and generallysuccessful.The boys believed
that adults liked girlsbetterbecause the girlswere cute and well behaved.

Sex-Role Socialization


  PLATE 7.-Phyllis Krasilovsky,The Very Little Girl, illustratedby Ninon (New
York: Doubleday & Co., 1962). (Reprinted with permission the publisher.)

ness in childrenbut theyalso hamperthe child's fullestintellectual


Adultrolemodelsprovideanother    crucialcomponent sex-role
                                                  of         socializa-
tion.By observing  adult men and women,  boys and girlslearnwhat will
be expectedof themwhentheygrowolder. They are likelyto identify
withadultsof thesame sex,and desireto be like them.Thus, role models
not onlypresent  childrenwithfuture  imagesof themselves theyalso
influence child'saspirations
        a                   and goals.
  We foundthe imageof the adult womanto be stereotyped limited.
Once again, the females passive whilethe males are
                        are                           active.Men pre-
dominatein the outsideactivities  while moreof the womenare inside.
In the house, the womenperform     almost exclusivelyservicefunctions,
takingcare of the men and children theirfamilies.
                                     in               When men lead,
womenfollow.  Whenmenrescueothers,     womenare the rescued.18
18 Among   the Caldecott winners and runners-upfor the past five years, we found

AmericanJournal Sociology


  PLATE 8.-Phyllis Krasilovsky,The Very Little Boy, illustratedby Ninon (New
York: Doubleday & Co., 1962). (Reprinted with permission the publisher.)

  In most of the stories,the sole adult womanis identified    only as a
mother a wife.Obadiah's mother
        or                          cooks,feedshim hot chocolate,   and
goes to church. The wifeof the Sun God carrieswood to help him build
the house,but she neverspeaks. Sylvester's   motheris shownsweeping,
packing  a picniclunch,knitting, crying.
                                and        And Mrs. Noah, who had an
important in thebiblicalstory theflood, completely
           role                  of          is            omittedfrom
thechildren's book version.
  The remaining   threerolesthatwomen                          feminine
                                       play are also exclusively
roles:one is a fairy, seconda fairy
                    the                          and          an
                                     godmother, thethird under-
watermaiden.The fairy   godmother the onlyadult female
                                  is                       whoplays an
active leadershiprole. The one nonstereotyped   woman is clearlynot a
"normal"  woman-she is a mythical creature.
  In contrast thelimited
              to           rangein women's roles, rolesthatmenplay
are varied and interesting. They are storekeepers, housebuilders,kings,

that women were engaged in a much narrowerrange of activitiesthen men. The ratio
of male to femaleadults engaged in serviceactivitieswas 1:7, while the ratio of male
to femaleadults in leadershipactivitieswas 5:0, and the ratio of the male to female
adults in rescueactivitieswas 4:1. In addition,40%oof adult females,but only 31% of
adult males, were picturedindoors.

Sex-Role Socialization

spiders, storytellers, gods, monks,  fighters, fishermen,  policemen, soldiers,
adventurers,  fathers, cooks,preachers,   judges,and farmers.
   Perhaps our most significant    finding  was that not one womanin the
Caldecottsample had a job or profession. a country
                                                In             where40% of
the womenare in the labor force,      and close to 30 millionwomenwork,
it is absurdto findthatwomen picture
                                  in         books remain   onlymothers   and
wives (U.S. Department Labor 1969). In fact,90% of the womenin
thiscountry be in thelaborforce sometimein theirlives.
              will                       at
                 is           in
   Motherhood presented picturebooks as a full-time,              lifetimejob,
althoughfor most womenit is in realitya part-time             10-yearcommit-
ment.The changing      demographic   patterns this country
                                               in                indicate that
theaveragewomanhas completed mainportion her childrearing
                                     the                of                 by
hermid-thirties has 24 moreproductive
                  and                          yearsin thelabor force she
returns workonce her children in school.Today even the mothers
         to                          are
of youngchildren     work.There are over 10 millionof themcurrently         in
thelaborforce(U.S. Department Labor 1969,p. 39).
   As the averagewomanspendseven less timeas a mother the future,
it is unrealistic picture
                 for        booksto present roleof mother the only
                                               the                 as
possibleoccupationfor the younggirl. Alice Rossi (1964, p. 105) has
notedthattodaytheaveragegirlmayspendas manyyearswithher dolls
as theaveragemother     spendswith children.
   The way in whichthe motherhood is presented children's
                                        role               in           books
is also unrealistic. She is almostalways confined the house,although
she is usuallytoo welldressed housework. dutiesare notportrayed
                                for              Her
as difficult challenging-sheis shown as a housebound
             or                                                   servantwho
cares forher husbandand children.       She washesdishes,cooks, vacuums,
yellsat thechildren,  cleansup, does thelaundry, takescare of babies.
For example, typicaldomestic
               a                   scenein Sylvester   and the Magic Pebble
shows the fatherreadingthe paper, Sylvesterplaying with his rock
collection, the mother
            and             sweeping floor(plate 9).
  The picture  booksdo notpresent realistic
                                     a           picture whatreal mothers
do. Real mothers     drive cars, read books, vote, take childrenon trips,
balance checkbooks,    engage in volunteer    activities, ring doorbellscan-
vassing,raise moneyfor charity,      workin the garden,fix thingsin the
house,are activein local politics,  belongto the League of WomenVoters
and thePTA, etc.19
  Nor do these picturebooks providea realisticimage of fathers            and
husbands.Fathersneverhelp in the mundanedutiesof              child care. Nor
do husbands   sharethe dishwashing,    cooking,            or
                                                 cleaning, shopping.    From
thesestereotyped    imagesin picture  books,littleboys may learn to expect
19 Only one of the Caldecott winnerspresentsthe woman as an active equal to her
husband. It is Edna Mitchell Preston's Pop Corn and Ma Goodness (1969) (see
plate 10).

AmericanJournal Sociology

  PLATE 9.-William Steig,Sylvesterand the Magic Pebble (New York: Simon&
Schuster,1969). (Reprintedwithpermission the publisher.)

their wivesto do all thehousework to cater to their
                                  and                needs.These un-
real expectations marriage inevitably
                of           will         bring             and
                                               disappointment dis-
content boththemaleand thefemale
        to                            partners.
  Lonnie Carton'stwo books,Mommies(1960b) and Daddies (1960a),
are excellent          of
            examples thecontrasting to whichboys and girlscan
look forward theyfollowthe rolemodelsprovided the adult charac-
             if                                   by
tersin picturebooks.As the books begin,Mommyputs on her apron to
preparefora day of homemaking,    whileDaddy dashes out of the house
withhis briefcase the way to work.The nexttwo pages show the real
differencesbetween woman'sworldand the man's world.Daddies are
shownas carpenters,             housepainters,
                      executives,             mailmen,teachers,
and storekeepers. They are also the bearersof knowledge.
       Daddies drivethe trucksand cars
       The buses,boats and trains.
       Daddies buildtheroadsand bridges,
       Houses, storesand planes.

Sex-Role Socialization
     Daddieswork factories
     Daddieswork figure
                 to    out
     The things do notknow
              we          (1960).
  On thecorresponding pages (in Mommies),we learnthat,although
the mother   supposedly  does "lots and lots," her tasks consistof washing
dishes,scrubbing    pots and walls, cooking, baking,tyingshoes, catching
balls,and answering   questions(whichseemsto be hermost"creative"role
so far). Mommy     does leave the house severaltimesbut only to shop for
groceries to take the children
           or                       out to play. (She does drive a car in
thisbook,however,     whichis unusual.)
  In contrast,   when Daddy comes home he not only plays in a more
exciting way withthechildren he provides
                                but             their contactwiththeout-
side world.While Mommiesare restrictive, "shout if you play near
thestreet,"   Daddies take you on tripsin cars,buses,and trains;Daddies
take you to thecircus,   park,and zoo; buy you ice cream; and teachyou
to swim.Daddies also understand betterbecause they"knowyou're
big enough   and braveenough do lots of things
                               to                  thatmommies     thinkare
muchtoo hard foryou." Mothers,       however, usefulfortakingcare of
you whenyou are sick,cleaning after
                                  up       you,and telling you whatto do.
Mommiesdo smile,hug, comfort, nurture,
                                     and          but they also scold and
instruct a notaltogether
         in                 pleasantmanner.  They tellyou to be quiet,and
to "Sit stilland eat!" Ironically, negative
                                  this         imageof thenagging    mother
may be a resultof an exclusive     devotionto motherhood. Alice Rossi
has observed:"If a woman'sadult efforts concentrated
                                            are              exclusively on
her children, is likelymoreto stifle
               she                        than broadenher children's   per-
spectiveand preparation adult life. . . . In myriad
                           for                            ways the mother
binds the child to her, dampening initiative,
                                      his            resenting growing
independence adolescence,
               in             creating subtledependence
                                       a                    whichmakesit
difficult thechildto achievefulladultstature"(1964, p. 113).
  In additionto havinga negativeeffect children,
                                            on           this preoccupation
withmotherhood also be harmful the mother
                   may                  to            herself. Pauline Bart
(1970, p. 72) has reported  extreme  depression amongmiddle-aged     women
who have been overinvolved      with and have overidentified     with their
  We have alreadynotedthat thereare no working        women the Calde-
cott sample.It is no disparagement the housewife mother point
                                      of                or          to
out that alternative  rolesare available to, and chosenby, many women
and thatgirlscan be presented    withalternative modelsso that they,like
boys,maybe able to think a wide rangeof future
                            of                         options.
  Because thereare no femaleoccupational      role modelsin the Caldecott
books,we will turnto the prescribed    role books to examinethe typesof
occupations   that are encouraged boys and girls.For this analysiswe

American      of
        Journal Sociology
willcompare verypopularpair of Hallmarkmatched
            a                                  books: WhatBoys
Can Be (Walley,n.d.,a) and WhatGirlsCan be (Walley,n.d., b). Both
books followthe same format:each page showsa boy or a girl playing
an occupational
              role.We are toldthatboyscan be:
       a fireman squirts
                 who         wateron theflames,   and
       a baseballplayerwhowinslotsof games.
       a bus driver whohelpspeopletravelfar,or
       a policeman  witha sirenin his car.
       a cowboywhogoes on cattledrives,     and
       a doctor whohelpsto save people'slives.
       a sailoron a shipthattakesyou everywhere,    and
       a pilotwhogoes flying through air.
       a clownwithsillytricks do, and
       a pet tigerownerwhorunsthezoo.
       a farmer who drivesa big redtractor,   and
       on TV shows,if I becomean actor.
       an astronaut who lives in a space station,and
       someday  growup to be President thenation
                                                [Emphasisadded; Walley,n.d.,a]
The second book tells us that girls can be:
       a nurse,withwhite  uniforms wear,or
       a stewardess, flieseverywhere.
       a ballerina,who dancesand twirls around,or
       a candyshop owner, best in town.
       a model,whowearslots of pretty  clothes,
       a bigstarin themoviesand on specialTV shows.
       a secretary who'lltypewithout  mistakes,or
       an artist,
                painting treesand cloudsand lakes.
       a teacher nursery
                in         schoolsome day,or
       a singerand makerecords  peopleplay.
       a designer dressesin theverylateststyle,
                  of                              or
       a bride,who comeswalking   downtheaisle.
       a housewife, somedaywhenI am grown,    and
       a mother, withsome children myown
                                              [Emphasisadded; Walley,n.d.,b]

  The twoconcluding   pictures the mostsignificant; ultimate
                              are                       the         goal
forwhichlittleboys are to aim is nothing   less than the president the
nation.For girls,the comparable  pinnacleof achievement motherhood!
                          in                  in
  Many of the differences the occupations thesetwo books parallel
the male/female  differences have alreadynoted. One is the inside/
outsidedistribution.Eleven of the femaleoccupationsare shownbeing
performedinside, whileonlythree outside.Indeed,noneof the female
occupationslistednecessitatesbeingperformed    outdoors.The ratioforthe
maleoccupations exactlyreversed:
                is                  three inside,11 outside.
  We alreadyobserved   thatlittlegirlsare encouraged succeedby look-

Sex-Role Socialization
 ingpretty serving
             and           others. shouldtherefore be surprising find
                                  It                    not               to
 that the womenare concentrated glamorousin             and serviceoccupations.
 The mostprestigious       feminineoccupations thosein whicha girl can
 succeedonly if she is physically       attractive. The glamouroccupations      of
 modeland moviestar are thetwomosthighly             rewarded  amongthe female
 choices.Since fewwomen       can everachievehighstatusin theseglamorous
professions, real message thesebooksis that women's
               the               in                                 truefunction
lies in service.Serviceoccupations,        such as nurse,secretary,    housewife,
mother,    and stewardess,    reinforce   the traditional  patternsto feminine
   Although    someof the male occupations      also require physicalattractive-
ness (actor) and service(but driver),thereis a muchgreater              rangeof
variation the otherskills theyrequire:baseball playersneed athletic
ability, policemen supposedto be strong
                       are                         and brave,pilotsand doctors
need brains,astronauts       need mechanical    skills and great energy,  clowns
mustbe cleverand funny, presidents
                               and              need politicalacumen.
   If we compare statuslevelof the male and female
                     the                                                     it
                                                                occupations, is
apparent   thatmenfillthemostprestigious highly and         paid positions.They
are the doctors,     pilots,astronauts,   and presidents.  Even whenmen and
womenare engagedin occupations the same field,it is the men who
hold the positionswhichdemand the most skill and leadership.While
men are doctors,womenare nurses; while men are pilots, womenare
stewardesses.   Onlyone of the women engagedin a professional
                                            is                           occupa-
tion: the teacher. is important note,however,
                      It               to                 thatthe authorscare-
fully specified  thatshe was a nursery     schoolteacher.
   Similarly,  mostof the occupations      that require  advancededucationare
occupiedby men.Four of the maleshave apparently            gone to college,com-
pared withonlyone of the women.
   It is clear that the book What Boys Can Be encourages littleboy's
careerambitions. is told thathe has thepotential achieving
                     He                                     for           any of
theexciting highly
              and          rewarded occupations oursociety.
   In contrast, book WhatGirlsCan Be tellsthelittlegirlthatshe can
have ambitions she is pretty.
                   if               Her potential achieving prestigious
                                                     for            a
and rewarding is dependent her physicalattributes. she is not
                  job                on                            If
attractive, mustbe satisfied
             she                   witha lifeof mundane      service. women
are represented traditional
                    in             male occupations,    such as doctor,lawyer,
engineer, scientist.      Withwomen     comprising of the country's
                                                     7%                   physi-
cians and 4% of its lawyers,      surelyit is moreprobablethat a girl will
achieveone of theseprofessional      statuses  thanit is thata boy willbecome
   The occupational      distribution presented these books is even worse
than the real inequitabledistribution employment the professions.
                                             of              in
Picturebooks could inspirechildren strivefor personaland occupa-

AmericanJournal Sociology
tionalgoals thatwould take thembeyondtheireverydayworld.Instead,
women deniedboththe due recognition their
       are                           for     present
and the encouragement aspire to morebroadlydefined
                     to                           possibilities
the future.

Preschool childreninvest their intellectsand imaginations picture
booksat a timewhentheyare forming       their self-images future
                                                         and        expec-
tations. Ourstudy suggested
                   has           thatthegirlsand women    depicted these
books are a dull and stereotyped We have noted that littlegirlsre-
ceive attention praisefortheirattractiveness,
                and                                 whileboys are admired
fortheir  achievements cleverness.
                        and            Most of thewomen picture
                                                           in        books
have statusby virtue theirrelationships specific
                        of                   to         men-they are the
wivesof thekings,   judges,adventurers, explorers, theythemselves
                                        and            but
are not the rulers, judges,adventurers, explorers.
  Through   picture books,girlsare taughtto have low aspirations   because
thereare so fewopportunities   portrayed available to them.The world
of picture booksnevertellslittlegirlsthatas womentheymight        findful-
fillment outsideof theirhomesor through       intellectualpursuits.Women
are excludedfrom worldof sports,
                    the                 politics,and science.Their future
occupational  worldis presented consisting
                                  as            primarily glamourand
service.Ironically,many of these books are written prize-winning
female  authors whosown lives are probably    unlikethosetheyadvertise.20
  It is clearthatthestorybook   characters reinforce traditional
                                                    the            sex-role
assumptions.                           of
              Perhapsthisis indicative American               for
                                                   preferences creative-
ness and curiosity boys and neatnessand passivityin girls. Many
parentswant theirsons to growup to be brave and intelligent theirand
daughters  to be pretty compliant.
  In thepast,social theorists have assumedthat such strongly    differenti-
ated sex roleswould facilitate child'sidentification
                               a                        with the parentof
the same sex. For example,   Talcott Parsons (1955) has commented     that
"if the boy is to identify withhis father  theremustbe discrimination   in
roleterms  between twoparents"(1955, p. 80). More recently,
                   the                                            however,
Philip Slater (1964) has argued that adult role models who exhibit
stereotyped  sex-roledifferentiation impede,
                                   may           rather thanfacilitate,the
child'ssex-role               Children
                identification.         findit easier to identifywithless
differentiated less stereotyped      parentalrole models.It is easier for
20 A tabulation of the percentage of female authors indicates that 41% of the
Caldecott and 58% of the NewberyMedal winnerswere writtenby women. However,
women authorsappear to be more positivethan theirmale counterparts.The pre-1967
Caldecotts,which had a larger percentageof female central characters,also have a
largerpercentage femaleauthors: 48%ocomparedwith 33%.

Sex-Role Socialization

them to internalizeparental values when nurturance(the typically
feminine  role) and discipline (the typically masculine  role) comefrom   the
same person.
   Not only do narrowrole definitions       impede the child's identification
withthe same sex parent,    but rigidsex-role   distinctions may actuallybe
harmful the normalpersonality
          to                           development the child. In fact,
Slater (1964) has postulated negativerelationship
                                a                         betweenthe child's
emotional  adjustment the degreeof parentalroledifferentiation.
   Some evidence,then,suggeststhese sex roles are rigid and possibly
harmful.  They discourage   and restrict woman'spotentialand offer
                                          a                               her
fulfillment through limited
            only          the         spheres glamour
                                               of           and service.More
flexible definitions sex roles would seem to be morehealthful en-
                    of                                                 in
couraging greatervarietyof role possibilities.
            a                                        Storiescould providea
morepositive   imageof a woman's     potential-of her physical,   intellectual,
creative, and emotional  capabilities.
   Picturebookscould also present less stereotyped less rigiddefini-
                                     a                   and
tionof male rolesby encouraging      boys to expresstheiremotions wellas
as their          Books might
         intellect.             showlittleboyscrying,     playing withstuffed
toysand dolls,and helping the house. Stereotypes
                              in                           could be weakened
by booksshowing    boysbeingrewarded beingemotional supportive,
                                         for                  and
and girlsbeingrewarded beingintelligent adventuresome.
                           for                   and
   AlthoughZelditch (1955, p. 341) has noted the cross-cultural          pre-
dominance malesin instrumental and females expressive
            of                        roles              in           roles-
likethepatterns found children's
                  we       in            books-Slater (1964) suggests    that
the ability to alternateinstrumental       and expressiverole performance
rapidly-what he calls interpersonal      flexibility-iscoming to be more
highly  valuedin our society.
   This arguesforless stereotyped    adult roles.Fatherscould take a more
activerolein housework childcare. And,similarly, rolesof adult
                          and                               the
women   could be extended   beyondthe limitedconfines the home,as in
face theyare. Whenwomenare shownat home,theycould be portrayed
as the busy and creativepeople that manyhousewives          are. For example,
the womanin Pop Corn and Ma Goodness,the singleexceptionto the
Caldecott norm,equally shares diversified       activitieswith her husband
(plate 10).
   If thesebooksare to present    real-liferoles,theycould give moreatten-
tionto single parents and divorced   families. Storiescouldpresent real-
life problemsthat childrenin these familiesface: visitinga divorced
father,  having two sets of parents,not having a fatherat school on
father's day,or havinga different   namethanone's mother.
   The simplified stereotyped
                   and               imagesin thesebooks presentsuch a
narrow   view of realitythat theymustviolate the child'sown knowledge

Americanjournal of Sociology

  PLATE  10.-Edna MitchellPreston,Pop Corn and Ma Goodness (New York: Viking
Press, 1969). (Reprintedwith permission the publisher.)

of a richand complex  world.2Perhapstheseimagesare motivated the  by
same kindof impulsethatmakesparents to theirchildren orderto
                                         lie                 in
 "protect"them.2 As a result,the child is givenan idealized versionof
thetruth, ratherthanhaving realand pressing
                             his                questionsanswered.  Not
only are the child's legitimate questionsignored, but no effort made
to createa social awareness  whichencompasses widersociety.Picture
booksactuallydenytheexistence thediscontented, poor,the ethnic
                                 of                  the
minorities, the urbanslumdwellers.
   Storieshave always been a means for perpetuating fundamental
culturalvalues and myths.   Storieshave also been a stimulus fantasy
imagination and achievement.   Books could developthis latterqualityto
encourage imagination creativity all children.
          the              and           of             This wouldpro-
vide an important  implementation the growing
                                   of             demandfor both girls
and boys to have a real opportunity fulfill
                                    to       theirhumanpotential.

21   We are indebted to William J. Goode for this insight.
22This is not to deny the value of fantasy.As Margaret Fuller wrote in 1855: "Chil-
dren need some childishtalk, some childishplay, some childishbooks. But they also
need, and need more,difficulties overcome,and a sense of the vast mysteries
                                 to                                             which
the progressof their intelligence  shall aide them to unravel. This sense is naturally
theirdelight. . . and it must not be dulled by prematureexplanationsor subterfuges of
any kind" (pp. 310-13). Alice Rossi broughtthiswork to our attention.

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  • 1. Sex-Role Socialization in Picture Books for Preschool Children Author(s): Lenore J. Weitzman, Deborah Eifler, Elizabeth Hokada, Catherine Ross Source: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 77, No. 6 (May, 1972), pp. 1125-1150 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 19/07/2011 16:09 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . . Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact The University of Chicago Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Journal of Sociology.
  • 2. Sex-Role Socialization in Picture Books for Preschool Children' LenoreJ. Weitzman Universityof California, Davis ElizabethHokada, and Catherine DeborahEifler, Ross Yale University An examination prize-winning of picturebooks revealsthat women are greatly in centralroles,and illustra- underrepresented the titles, tions. Where women do appear their characterization reinforces traditionalsex-rolestereotypes:boys are active while girls are passive; boys lead and rescueotherswhile girls followand serve others.Adultmenand womenare equallysex stereotyped: men en- gage in a wide varietyof occupations while womenare presented onlyas wivesand mothers. effects theserigid The of sex-roleportraits on the self image and aspirations the developing of child are dis- cussed. INTRODUCTION Sex-rolesocializationconstitutes of the mostimportant one learning ex- periences the youngchild.By the timethe child enterskindergarten, for he or she is able to make sex-roledistinctions express and sex-roleprefer- ences.Boys alreadyidentify withmasculine roles,and girlswithfeminine roles (Brown 1956). They also learn the appropriate behaviorforboth boys and girlsand menand women. Hartley (1960) reports that,by the time they are four,childrenrealize that the primaryfeminine role is housekeeping, whilethe primary masculine role is wage earning. In additionto learningsex-role identification sex-role and expectations, boys and girlsare socializedto accept society'sdefinition the relative of worth each of the sexes and to assumethe personality of characteristics thatare "typical"of members each sex. Withregard relative of to status, theylearnthatboys are morehighly valued thangirls.And,withregard to personality differences, learn that boys are active and achieving they whilegirlsare passive and emotional. Eight-year-old boys describegirls as clean,neat,quiet,gentle, and fearful,whiletheydescribe adult women as unintelligent, unadventurous, ineffective, nasty,and exploitative (Hart- ley 1959). Indeed,Maccobyfinds that,although girlsbeginlifeas better 1We are indebtedto William J. Goode, Kai Erikson,Alice Rossi, and Erving Goffman commentson an earlierdraftof this paper which was presentedto fortheirinsightful the 1971 meetingof the AmericanSociological Association,Denver, Colorado. AJS Volume 77 Number6 1125
  • 3. AmericanJournal Sociology of achieversthanboys,theygradually behindas theybecomesocialized fall (Maccoby 1966). In thispaperwe wishto concentrate one aspectof sex-role on socializa- tion: thesocialization preschool of childrenthrough picture books.Picture books play an important in earlysex-role role socializationbecause they are a vehicleforthe presentation societalvalues to the youngchild. of Through books,children learnabout the worldoutsideof theirimmediate environment: theylearn about what otherboys and girls do, say, and feel; theylearn about what is rightand wrong;and theylearn what is expectedof children theirage. In addition,books providechildren with rolemodels-imagesof whattheycan and shouldbe like whentheygrow up. Children'sbooksreflect culturalvaluesand are an important instrument for persuading children accept those values. They also contain role to prescriptions which encourage childto conform acceptable the to standards of behavior. The Child StudyAssociation (1969), aware of the socializa- tion potentialof books, states that a book's emotionaland intellectual impacton a youngreadermustbe considered. Therefore recommends it thatchildren's bookspresent positiveethicalvalues. Because books for youngchildrenexplicitly articulatethe prevailing culturalvalues,theyare an especially usefulindicator societalnorms.2 of McClelland (1961) used children's books as indicators achievement of values in his cross-cultural studyof economic development. the period In priorto increasedeconomicdevelopment founda high incidenceof he achievement motivation reflected the children's in books.This indicated a strongpositiverelationship betweenachievement imageryin children's storiesand subsequent economic growth. McClelland (1961, p. 71) noted that the storieshad providedchildren withclear "instructive" messages aboutnormative behavior. Margaret Mead also commented "a culture that has to get its values acrossto its children such simpleterms in that even a behavioral scientist understand can them."3 STUDY DESIGN Our studyfocuseson picturebooks forthe preschool child.These books are oftenread over and over again at a time whenchildren are in the process developing of theirownsexualidentities. Picturebooksare read to 2Erving Goffman has questioned the direct relationship have postulated between we the themesin children's literature and societal values. He suggeststhat literarythemes may provide alternativecultural norms or irrelevantfantasy outlets. Unfortunately, we do not know of any researchother than McClelland's (1961) supportingeither our own formulation Goffman's. or 3 As quoted in McClelland (1961, p. 71). 1126
  • 4. Sex-Role Socialization children when they are most impressionable, beforeother socialization influences (such as school,teachers, and peers) becomemoreimportant at laterstagesin thechild'sdevelopment. WVe have chosento examine howsex rolesare treated thosechildren's in booksidentified the "verybest": the winners the CaldecottMedal. as of The CaldecottMedal is givenby the Children's of ServiceCommittee the American LibraryAssociation the mostdistinguished for picturebook of theyear.The medalis the mostcovetedprizeforpreschool books. Books on the list of winners(and runners-up) orderedby practically are all children's libraries the UnitedStates. Teachersand educatorsencour- in age children read the Caldecotts, to and conscientious parentsskim the libraryshelveslookingfor those books that display the impressive gold seal whichdesignates winners. the The Caldecottawardoftenmeanssales of 60,000books forthe publisher, others the industry and in look to the winners guidancein what to publish (Nilsen 1970). for Although have computed statistical we a analysisof all the Caldecott winners from the inception the award in 1938, we have concentrated of ourintensive on analysis thewinners runners-up thepast five and for years. Most of the examples citedin thispaper are takenfrom the 18 books in thislattercategory.4 In thecourseof ourinvestigation readseveralhundred we picturebooks and feelthatwe can assert, withconfidence, ourfindings applicable that are to the wide rangeof picturebooks. In fact,the Caldecottwinners are clearlyless stereotyped than the averagebook, and do not includethe mostblatantexamples sexism. of In orderto assureourselves the representativeness our study,we of of have also examined threeothergroupsof childrens books: the Newbery Awardwinners, LittleGoldenBooks,and the "prescribed the behavior" or etiquettebooks. The Newbery Awardis givenby the American Library Association for thebestbook forschool-age children.Newbery booksare forchildren who can read,and are therefore in directed children thethird sixthgrades. to to The Little GoldenBooks we have sampledare the best sellersin chil- dren'sbooks,since we have taken only thoseLittle Golden Books that sold over threemillion copies.5These books sell for39 cents in grocery 4 The Caldecott winners and runners-upfor the past five years are: 1967 winner (Ness 1967), 1967 runner-up(Emberley 1967b); 1968 winner (Emberley 1967a), 1968 runners-up (Lionni 1967; Yashimo 1967; Yolen 1967); 1969 winner (Ronsome 1968), 1969 runner-up(Dayrell 1968); 1970 winner (Steig 1969), 1970 runners-up (Keats 1969; Lionni 1969; Preston 1969; Turkle 1969; Zemach 1969); 1971 winner (Haley 1970), 1971 runners-up(Sleater 1970; Lobel 1970; Sendak 1970). 5 We wish to thank Robert Garlock,productmanager of Little Golden Books, for his help withthisinformation forfurnishing and many of the books themselves. 1127
  • 5. AmericanJournalof Sociology stores,Woolworth's, Grant's,and toyand gamestores.Consequently, they reacha morebroadly based audiencethando themoreexpensive Caldecott winners. The last typeof book we studiedis what we call the "prescribedbe- havior" or etiquettebook. Whereas other books only imply sex-role prescriptions, about the properbehaviorforboys thesebooks are explicit and girls.They also portray adult modelsand advise children future on rolesand occupations.6 If we mayanticipate laterfindings, wouldlike to noteherethat our we the findings from latterthreesamplesstrongly the parallelthosefromthe Caldecottsample.Although remainder this paper will be devoted the of primarily the Caldecott to sample, willuse someof theother we books for illustrative purposes. THE INVISIBLEFEMALE It wouldbe impossible discusstheimageof females children's to in books without firstnotingthat,in fact,womenare simplyinvisible. We found thatfemales in wereunderrepresentedthetitles, centralroles, pictures, and storiesof everysampleof bookswe examined. Most children's books are about boys,men,and male animals,and mostdeal exclusively withmale adventures. Most picturesshow men-singly or in groups.Even when womencan be foundin the books,theyoftenplay insignificant roles,re- maining bothinconspicuous nameless. and A tabulation the distribution illustrations the picturebooks is of of in probably single the bestindicator theimportance menand women of of in these books. Because womencomprise51% of our population, there if wereno bias in thesebooks theyshouldbe presented roughly in half of thepictures. in However, our sampleof 18 Caldecott winners runners- and up in the past fiveyearswe found261 pictures males compared of with 23 pictures females. of This is a ratioof 11 pictures malesforevery of one pictureof a female.If we include animalswith obvious identities, the bias is evengreater.The ratioof male to femaleanimalsis 95:1.7 Turning the titlesof the CaldecottMedal winners to since the award's inception 1938,we findthatthe ratioof titlesfeaturing in malesto those 6 The Dr. Suess books, althoughpopular among preschoolaudiences,were not included as a supplementary sample because they representonly one author and one publisher ratherthan a more broadly based series. They do, however, conformto the general patternof sex-roleportrayalthat we foundamong the Caldecott winners. 7The illustrations Caldecott winnersand runners-up of since 1967 included 166 male people, 22 female people, and 57 picturesof both males and females together.The animal illustrations included 95 of male animals, one of a female animal, and 12 of both male and femaleanimals together. Together,this resultedin a total male/female ratio of 11: 1. There were also 14 illustrations characterswithouta sex. of 1128
  • 6. Sex-Role Socialization featuring females 8:3.8 Despite the presence the popularCinderella, is of Snow White,Hansel and Gretel., and Little Red Riding Hood in the sampleof GoldenBooks thathave sold morethanthreemillion copies,we findclose to a 3:1 male/female ratioin thissample.9The 49 books that have received Newbery the Awardsince1922 depictmorethanthree males to every one female.'0 Children scanning list of titlesof whathave been designated the the as verybest children's books are bound to receivethe impression that girls are not veryimportant because no one has bothered writebooks about to them. The content thebooksrarely of dispelsthisimpression. In close to one-third our sampleof recent of Caldecottbooks,thereare no womenat all. In these books,both the illustrations and the stories reflect man's world.Drummer a Hoff(Emberly1967a) is about a group of armyofficers getting readyto firea cannon; Frog and Toad (Lobel 1970) relatesthe adventures two male animal friends;In the Night of Kitchen (Sendak 1970) followsa boy's fantasyadventures through a kitchen that has threecooks, all of whomare male; Frederick(Lionni 1967) is a creative malemousewhoenableshis brothers survive cold to the winter;and Alexander a mousewho helps a friend is transform himself (plate 1). Whenthereare femalecharacters, theyare usuallyinsignificant in- or conspicuous. The one girl in Goggles (Keats 1969) is shown playing quietlyin a corner. The wifein The Sun and the Moon (Dayrell 1968) helpsby carrying wood but neverspeaks. There are two womenin The Fool of the World(Ronsome1968): themother, whopacks lunchforher sons and waves goodby,and the princess whosehand in marriage the is object of the Fool's adventures. The princess shownonly twice: once is peering of thewindow thecastle,and thesecondtimein thewedding out of scenein whichthe readermuststrainto find her.She does not have any- thing say throughout adventure, of courseshe is not consulted to the and in thechoiceof herhusband; on the last page, however, narrator the as- 8 The statisticsfor titlesof the Caldecott winnersfromthe inceptionof the award in 1938 show eight titles with male names, three with female names, one with both a male and a female name together,and 22 titles without names of either sex. This resulted an 8:3 male/female in ratio. The statistics titlesof recentCaldecottwinners for and runners-up(since 1967) show eight titles with male names, one with a female name, one with both together, and 10 titleswithoutnames of eithersex. This resulted in an 8:1 male/female ratio. 9 The statistics the titlesof the Little Golden Books sellingover threemillioncopies for show nine titles with male names, four with female names, one with both together, and 14 titleswithoutthe names of eithersex. This resultedin a 9:4 male-femaleratio. 10 The statisticsfor the titles of Newbery winnerssince the inception of the award in 1922 show 20 titleswith males names,six titleswith femalenames,none with both, and 23 titles without the names of either sex. This resultedin a 10:3 male/female ratio. 1129
  • 7. AmericanJournalof Sociology PLATE 1.-Maurice Sendak, In the Night Kitchen (New York: Harper & Row, 1970). (Reprintedwithpermission the publisher.) of suresus thatshe soon "loved him to distraction." Loving,watching,and are helping amongthe fewactivities allowedto womenin picturebooks. It is easy to imaginethat the littlegirl readingthesebooks mightbe of deprived her ego and her senseof self. She may be made to feel that girlsare vacuouscreatures whoare less worthy do less exciting and things thanmen.No wonder, then,thatthe childpsychologists reportthat girls at everyage are less likelyto identifywiththe feminine role,whileboys of everyage are morelikelyto identify withthe masculine role (Brown 1956). Although thereis muchvariationin plot amongthe picturebooks, a significantmajorityincludes someform male adventure. of The fisherman in SeashoreStory(Yashimo 1967) ridesa turtle a hiddenworldunder to the sea. Afteran encounter witha lion, Sylvester transformed a is into rock in Sylvester and the Magic Pebble (Steig 1969). Goggles (Keats 1130
  • 8. Sex-Role Socialization 1969) tellsof the adventures Peter and his friends of escapingfromthe big boys.In Thy Friend,Obadiah (Turkle 1969), Obadiah rescuesa sea gull; theSpiderMan outfoxes godsin A Story, Story(Haley 1970). the a A boy rescueshis girlfriend fromthe moon god in The AngryMoon (Sleator 1970). The male central characters engagein manyexciting and heroicadventures whichemphasize theircleverness. In our sampleof the Caldecottwinners and runners-up the last five in years, found we onlytwoof the 18 bookswerestories aboutgirls." In one of thesestories,Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine(Ness 1967), the girlhas a boy's name.In the second,The Emperor and the Kite (Yolen 1967), the is heroine a foreign princess. Each of thesegirlsdoes engagein an adventure. Sam's adventure takes place in her daydreams, whilethe adventure the princess of Djeow Seow occurswhenher father's kingdom seized by evil men. Like the male is centralcharacters who engagein rescues,Djeow Seow managesto save herfather, she accomplishes taskonlyby beingso tinyand incon- but this spicuousthattheevil mendo not noticeher.Although Djeow Seow is one ofthetwowomen central characters, message the conveyed readers to seems to be thata girlcan onlytriumph playing traditional by the feminine role. Womenwho succeed are those who are unobstrusive and work quietly behindthe scenes. Womenwho succeed are littleand inconspicuous-as are most women in picture books. Even heroinesremain "invisible" females (plate 2). THE ACTIVITIES OF BOYS AND GIRLS We can summarize first our findings about differences the activities in of boysand girlsby noting thatin theworld picture of booksboysare active and girlsare passive. Not only are boys presented moreexciting in and adventuresome roles, but theyengagein morevariedpursuits and demand moreindependence. The moreriotousactivityis reserved the boys. for Mickey, heroofIn theNightKitchen(Sendak 1970), is tossedthrough the the air and skipsfrom bread to dough,punching and pounding. Then he 11 The statisticsfor central charactersin the Caldecott winnerssince 1938 show 14 males, 10 females,6 males and females together, and 4 central characterswithout a sex. This resultsin a 7:5 male/female ratio. It is importantto note that the situation is becomingworse, not better.During the last five years the ratio of male to female central charactershas increased. The statistics for central characters in Caldecott winnersand runners-up during the last five years show a 7:2 male/femaleratio in contrastto an 11:9 male/femaleratio for the years prior to 1967. The statisticsfor central charactersin the Newbery winnerssince 1922 show 31 males, 11 females,4 males and femalestogether, and 3 central characterswithout a sex. This resultsin a 3:1 male/female ratio. The statisticsfor centralcharactersin the Little Golden Books sellingover threemillioncopies show an 8:3 ratio of male/femalepeople, a 5:2 ratio of male/female animals,and a 5:3 ratio of all males and femalestogether. 1131
  • 9. AmericanJournal Sociology of PLATE 2.-Jane Yolen, The Emperor and the Kite (Cleveland: World Publishing Co., 1971). (Reprintedwithpermission the publisher.) of makesan airplaneand flies intothenightand dives,swims, out and slides untilhe is homeagain. Similarly, Archieand Peter race,climb,and hide in thestory Goggles(Keats 1969). Obadiah travelsto thewharf the of in cold of Massachusettswinter, and Sylvester searches for rocks in the woods. In contrast, mostof the girlsin the picturebooks are passive and im- mobile.Some of themare restricted theirclothing-skirts by and dresses are soiledeasilyand prohibit moreadventuresome activities. The Fool In oj the World and the Flying Ship (Ronsome 1968), the hero,the Fool, in is dressed a sensible manner, which one does notinhibit movement his in the tasks he has to accomplish. The princess, however, whomall the for exploitsare waged,remainsno more than her long gown allows her to be: a prize, an unrealistic passive creaturesymbolizing rewardfor the male adventuresomeness. A seconddifference between activities boys and girlsis that the the of girlsare moreoften foundindoors.12 This places another limitation the on 12 The statisticsfor activitiesof boys and girlsin Caldecott winnerssince 1967 show 48 male charactersindoors, 105 male charactersoutdoors, 15 femalesindoors,and 26 femalesoutdoors.This means that 32.6% of the males are shown indoors,while 36.5% of the femalesare shown indoors. 1132
  • 10. Sex-Role Socialization activities potential and adventures girls.Even Sam, in Sam, Bangs,and of Moonshine(Ness 1967), stays inside as she directsthe activityof the book. Sam constructs fantasy a worldand sendsThomas,a littleboy, on wild goose chases to play out her fantasies. is Thomas who rides the It bicycleand climbsthe treesand rocksin response Sam's fantasy. to Sam, however, waitsforThomasat home,looking thewindows sitting out or on the steps (plate 3). Similarly, theFool of the World(Ronsome 1968), in PLATE 3.-Evaline Ness, Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine (New York: Holt, Rinehart& Winston,1967). (Reprintedwith permission the publisher.) of theprincessremains peering thewindow hercastle,watching the out of all activities her behalf.Whileboys play in the real worldoutdoors, on girls sit and watch them-cut offfromthat worldby the window, porch,or fence aroundtheir homes.This distinctionparallelsErik Erikson's(1964) conception themasculine of outerspace and thefeminine innerspace. Our third observationdeals withtheservice performed the activities by girlswhoremain home.Even theyoungest at play tradi- girlsin thestories tionalfeminine roles,directedtowardpleasingand helpingtheirbrothers and fathers.Obadiah's sisterscook in the kitchen he sits at the table as 1133
  • 11. AmericanJournal Sociology of PLATE 4.-Brinton Turkle, ThyFriend, Obadiah (New York: Viking Press, 1969). (Reprintedwith permission the publisher.) of sipping chocolate hot afterhis adventures (plate 4). In The Emperor and the Kite (Yolen 1967), the emperor's daughters bringfood to the em- peror's table,buttheir brothers thekingdom. rule Whilegirls serve, boyslead.13 Drummer Hoff, although onlya boy,plays thecrucialrolein the finalfiring thecannon.Lupin,the Indian boy in of The Angry Moon (Sleator 1970), directsthe escape fromthe moongod (plate 5). He leads Lapowinsa,a girlexactlyhis size and age, everystep of the way. Even at the end of the story, afterthe dangerof the Angry Moon is past, Lupin goes down the ladder first "so that he could catch Lapowinsaif she shouldslip." Trainingfora dependent passive role may inhibita girl'schances for intellectual creativesuccess.It is likelythat the excessivedependency or in encouraged girlscontributes the declinein theirachievement to which becomesapparentas theygrowolder.Maccoby (1966, p. 35) has found that "For both sexes, there is a tendencyfor more passive-dependent children perform to poorly a variety intellectual on of tasks,and forinde- pendent children excel." to The rescuesfeatured many storiesrequireindependence in and self- confidence. Once again, thisis almostexclusively male activity.14 a Little 13 The statisticsfor activitiesof boys and girls in Caldecott winnersand runners-up since 1967 show a 0:3 ratio of males/females service functions, in and a 3:2 ratio of males/females leadershipfunctions. in 14 The statisticsfor activitiesof boys and girls in Caldecott winnersand runners-up since 1967 show a 5:1 ratio of males/females rescuefunctions. in 1134
  • 12. Sex-Role Socialization - PLATE 5.-William Sleator, The AngryMoon (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1970). ('Reprinted with permission the publisher.) of boysrescuegirlsor helpless animals. Lupin saves a crying Lapowinsafrom theflames. Obadiahsaves theseagullfrom rusty a and fishhook, Alexander saves Willie,the windupmouse,from the fateof becoming "tossed-out a toy." In Frederick,Frederick's creativenesshelpsto sparehis companions from worst the conditions winter. Sam, Bangs,and Moonshine(Ness of In 1967), Sam does notplay theroleof therescuer although is thecentral she character.Rather, her father muststep in and rescueThomas and Bangs from drowning. theend,Sam herself In "mustbe" saved from potential the consequences her fantasy. of Finally,we want to note the sense of camaraderie that is encouraged amongboysthrough theiradventures. example, For The Fool of the World dependsupon the help and talentsof his male companions (plate 6). In Goggles(Keats 1969), the two male companions together outwita gang of olderboys.Similarly, bondsof masculine the friendship stressed are by Alexander, Frederick, Frog and Toad. and In contrast, rarely one sees onlygirlsworking playingtogether. or Al- thoughin realitywomenspend much of theirtime with otherwomen, 1135
  • 13. AmericanJournal Sociology of PLATE 6. Arther Ronsome, The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1968). (Reprinted with permissionof the publisher.) picturebooks implythat womencannotexist without men. The role of mostof the girlsis defined primarily relation that of the boys and in to menin their lives.'5It is interesting note thatSam turnsto a boy,not to a girl,to accomplish of theactivity her fantasies. all of Her dreamswould have no reality without Thomas. The sex differences have noted are even more apparent in the we prescriptive etiquette or books.An excellentexampleis foundin a pair of matched books: The VeryLittleBoy (Krasilovsky 1962a) and The Very Little Girl (Krasilovsky1962 b). Both books are written the same by author,followthe same format, and teach the same lesson: that little children grow up to be big children. However,the maturation process differssharply theverylittleboy and theverylittlegirl.'6 for As we opento thefirst pagesof theVery LittleBoy (Krasilovsky 1962a) we findthe boy playingon the livingroomfloor the fireplace. has by He 15This problem is not confinedto children'sbooks. As Virginia Woolf pointed out over 40 years ago, women in literatureare rarely represented friends: "They are as now and then mothersand daughters.But almost without exceptionthey are shown in theirrelationto men. It was strangeto think that all the great women of fiction were, until Jane Austen's day, . . . seen only in relation to the other sex. And how little can a man know even of that when he observes it throughthe black or rosy spectacles which sex puts upon his nose. Hence, perhaps the particular nature of women in fiction;the astonishing extremes her beauty and horror" (1929, p. 86). of 16We gratefully acknowledgeBarbara Fried's imaginativeanalysis of these two books in her paper, "What Our Children Are Reading," written for Sociology 62a, Yale fall term,1970. University, 1136
  • 14. Sex-Role Socialization alreadydiscarded big rubber a ball and is nowmaking racket banging a by on a pan witha spoon.In contrast, first the page of the VeryLittleGirl (Krasilovsky1962b) shows the littlegirl sitting quietlyin a big chair. There is no activityin the picture: the littlegirl is doing nothing but sitting withher hands foldedin her lap. This is our introduction an to angeliclittlegirland a boisterous littleboy. In the following pages the authorcomparesthe size of the children to the objectsaroundthem; we findthat the boy is smallerthan a corn- stalk,his baseballbat, his sled,his father's workbench, a lawnmower. and In contrast, littlegirlis smaller the thantherosebush, kitchen a stool,and her mother'sworkbasket. We note that the boy will be interested in sports-in fact,boththebasketball and sled are his,waiting thereforhim untilhe is old enoughto use them. The girlhas beengivenno comparable presents her parents.She can only look forward conquering by to the rosebush and the kitchen stool. Even moreimportant the way in whicheach of themrelatesto these is objects.The littleboy is in constant motion, continuously interacting with the worldaroundhim.He is jumping to touchthe scarecrow up next to the cornstalk, unwrapping baseball bat (leaving the mess of paper, his string,and box forsomeoneelse to clean up), building blockson top of his sled,reaching on tiptoeto touchhis father's up workbench, spray- and ingthelawn (and himself) withthegarden hose.In contrast, littlegirl the relatesto each of theobjectsaroundher merely looking them. by at Similarly,whenthe authorindicates whateach childis too smallto do, we find thatthelittleboy is too smallto engagein a seriesof adventures. The littlegirl, however, too smallto see things is from sidelines. the Thus, we are told thatthelittleboy is too smallto march theparade,to feed in theelephant thezoo, and to touchthepedals on his bike. But thelittle at girlis too small to see over the gardenfenceand to see the face on the grandfather clock.Even whenthelittlegirlis trying see something to she appearsto be posing, and thuslooksmorelike a doll thana curiouslittle girl. The littlegirl'sclothesindicatethatshe is not meantto be active.She wearsfrilly, starchy, pink dresses, and her hair is alwaysneatlycombed and tied withribbons. She looks pretty-too pretty ride a bike, play to ball, or visitthe zoo. Little girlsare oftenpictured pretty as dolls who are not meantto do anything be admired but and bringpleasure.Their constant smileteaches thatwomen meantto please,to makeothers are smile, and be happy.This imagemay reflect parentalvalues.In a studyof the attitudes middle-of class fathers toward their children, Aberleand Naegele (1960, pp. 188-98) report thattheparentsatisfaction withtheir daughters seemedto focuson their daughters beingnice,sweet, pretty, affectionate, wellliked. and 1137
  • 15. AmericanJournal Sociology of If we follow littleboy and littlegirlas theygrowup, we can watch the thedevelopment theproper of service rolein a littlewoman.We are shown thatthegirlgrows enoughto waterthe rosebush, the cake batter, big stir set the table,play nurse, and help the doctor(who is, of course,a boy), pick fruit from trees, the take milkfrom refrigerator, the preparea baby's formula, feedherbaby brother. and Conveniently enoughfortheirfuture husbands, girlsin storybooks learnto wash,iron,hang up clothesto dry, cook,and set the table. Of course, whenthe boy growsup, he engagesin moreactivepursuits:he catchesbutterflies, mows the lawn, marches in theparade,visitsthezoo to feedthe elephants, hammers and wood at the workbench. One particularly strikingcontrast between twochildren illustrated the is by the pictures both of themwiththeirdogs. In discussing of how both have matured, authortells us that bothhave grownup to be bigger the thantheir pets. The picture the littlegirl,however, of makesus seriously doubt any grown-up self-confidence and authority. She is shown being pulledby a verysmalldog,whomshe obviously cannotcontrol. The little boy,in contrast, in firm is command a muchbigger of dog, and does not evenneed a leash to control him (plates 7, 8). It is easyto see whymanylittle girls prefer identify to withthemalerole (Hartup 1962; Brown1956). The littlegirlwho does findthe male role moreattractive faced with a dilemma.If she follows is her desiresand behaveslike a tomboy, maybe criticized herparentsand teachers. she by On the otherhand,if she givesup her yearnings identitiesand withthe traditional feminine role,she will feelstifled. Girlswho wish to be more thanplacidand pretty leftwithout acceptable are an rolealternative. They must choose betweenalienationfromtheirown sex of assignment, and alienation from theirreal behavioral and temperamental preferences. The rigidity sex-role of stereotypes not harmful is only to littlegirls. Little boys may feel equally constrained by the necessity be fearless, to brave,and cleverat all times. Whilegirlsare allowed a greatdeal of emo- tionalexpression, boy who criesor expresses a fearis unacceptable.17Just as the onlygirlswho are heroines picturebooks have boys' namesor in are foreign princesses, onlyboyswhocryin picture the booksare animals- frogs and toads and donkeys. The price of the standardization rigidity sex roles is paid by and of children bothsexes.Eleanor Maccoby (1966, p. 35) has reported of that analyticthinking, creativity, generalintelligence associatedwith and are cross-sex typing. Thus, rigidsex-role definitions only foster not unhappi- 17 But Hartley (1959) also discovered that as a corollary the boys felt extreme pressureas a result of the rigid masculine role prescriptionswhich they saw as de- manding that they be strong,intelligent, and generallysuccessful.The boys believed that adults liked girlsbetterbecause the girlswere cute and well behaved. 1138
  • 16. Sex-Role Socialization -Le~~~~~~~~~~v PLATE 7.-Phyllis Krasilovsky,The Very Little Girl, illustratedby Ninon (New York: Doubleday & Co., 1962). (Reprinted with permission the publisher.) of ness in childrenbut theyalso hamperthe child's fullestintellectual and socialdevelopment. ROLE MODELS: ADULT MEN AND WOMEN Adultrolemodelsprovideanother crucialcomponent sex-role of socializa- tion.By observing adult men and women, boys and girlslearnwhat will be expectedof themwhentheygrowolder. They are likelyto identify withadultsof thesame sex,and desireto be like them.Thus, role models not onlypresent childrenwithfuture imagesof themselves theyalso but influence child'saspirations a and goals. We foundthe imageof the adult womanto be stereotyped limited. and Once again, the females passive whilethe males are are active.Men pre- dominatein the outsideactivities while moreof the womenare inside. In the house, the womenperform almost exclusivelyservicefunctions, takingcare of the men and children theirfamilies. in When men lead, womenfollow. Whenmenrescueothers, womenare the rescued.18 18 Among the Caldecott winners and runners-upfor the past five years, we found 1139
  • 17. AmericanJournal Sociology of re a PLATE 8.-Phyllis Krasilovsky,The Very Little Boy, illustratedby Ninon (New York: Doubleday & Co., 1962). (Reprinted with permission the publisher.) of In most of the stories,the sole adult womanis identified only as a mother a wife.Obadiah's mother or cooks,feedshim hot chocolate, and goes to church. The wifeof the Sun God carrieswood to help him build the house,but she neverspeaks. Sylvester's motheris shownsweeping, packing a picniclunch,knitting, crying. and And Mrs. Noah, who had an important in thebiblicalstory theflood, completely role of is omittedfrom thechildren's book version. The remaining threerolesthatwomen feminine play are also exclusively roles:one is a fairy, seconda fairy the and an godmother, thethird under- watermaiden.The fairy godmother the onlyadult female is whoplays an active leadershiprole. The one nonstereotyped woman is clearlynot a "normal" woman-she is a mythical creature. In contrast thelimited to rangein women's roles, rolesthatmenplay the are varied and interesting. They are storekeepers, housebuilders,kings, that women were engaged in a much narrowerrange of activitiesthen men. The ratio of male to femaleadults engaged in serviceactivitieswas 1:7, while the ratio of male to femaleadults in leadershipactivitieswas 5:0, and the ratio of the male to female adults in rescueactivitieswas 4:1. In addition,40%oof adult females,but only 31% of adult males, were picturedindoors. 1140
  • 18. Sex-Role Socialization spiders, storytellers, gods, monks, fighters, fishermen, policemen, soldiers, adventurers, fathers, cooks,preachers, judges,and farmers. Perhaps our most significant finding was that not one womanin the Caldecottsample had a job or profession. a country In where40% of the womenare in the labor force, and close to 30 millionwomenwork, it is absurdto findthatwomen picture in books remain onlymothers and wives (U.S. Department Labor 1969). In fact,90% of the womenin of thiscountry be in thelaborforce sometimein theirlives. will at is in Motherhood presented picturebooks as a full-time, lifetimejob, althoughfor most womenit is in realitya part-time 10-yearcommit- ment.The changing demographic patterns this country in indicate that theaveragewomanhas completed mainportion her childrearing the of by hermid-thirties has 24 moreproductive and yearsin thelabor force she if returns workonce her children in school.Today even the mothers to are of youngchildren work.There are over 10 millionof themcurrently in thelaborforce(U.S. Department Labor 1969,p. 39). of As the averagewomanspendseven less timeas a mother the future, in it is unrealistic picture for booksto present roleof mother the only the as possibleoccupationfor the younggirl. Alice Rossi (1964, p. 105) has notedthattodaytheaveragegirlmayspendas manyyearswithher dolls as theaveragemother spendswith children. her The way in whichthe motherhood is presented children's role in books is also unrealistic. She is almostalways confined the house,although to she is usuallytoo welldressed housework. dutiesare notportrayed for Her as difficult challenging-sheis shown as a housebound or servantwho cares forher husbandand children. She washesdishes,cooks, vacuums, yellsat thechildren, cleansup, does thelaundry, takescare of babies. and For example, typicaldomestic a scenein Sylvester and the Magic Pebble shows the fatherreadingthe paper, Sylvesterplaying with his rock collection, the mother and sweeping floor(plate 9). the The picture booksdo notpresent realistic a picture whatreal mothers of do. Real mothers drive cars, read books, vote, take childrenon trips, balance checkbooks, engage in volunteer activities, ring doorbellscan- vassing,raise moneyfor charity, workin the garden,fix thingsin the house,are activein local politics, belongto the League of WomenVoters and thePTA, etc.19 Nor do these picturebooks providea realisticimage of fathers and husbands.Fathersneverhelp in the mundanedutiesof child care. Nor do husbands sharethe dishwashing, cooking, or cleaning, shopping. From thesestereotyped imagesin picture books,littleboys may learn to expect 19 Only one of the Caldecott winnerspresentsthe woman as an active equal to her husband. It is Edna Mitchell Preston's Pop Corn and Ma Goodness (1969) (see plate 10). 1141
  • 19. AmericanJournal Sociology of PLATE 9.-William Steig,Sylvesterand the Magic Pebble (New York: Simon& Schuster,1969). (Reprintedwithpermission the publisher.) of their wivesto do all thehousework to cater to their and needs.These un- real expectations marriage inevitably of will bring and disappointment dis- content boththemaleand thefemale to partners. Lonnie Carton'stwo books,Mommies(1960b) and Daddies (1960a), are excellent of examples thecontrasting to whichboys and girlscan lives look forward theyfollowthe rolemodelsprovided the adult charac- if by tersin picturebooks.As the books begin,Mommyputs on her apron to preparefora day of homemaking, whileDaddy dashes out of the house withhis briefcase the way to work.The nexttwo pages show the real on differencesbetween woman'sworldand the man's world.Daddies are the shownas carpenters, housepainters, executives, mailmen,teachers, cooks, and storekeepers. They are also the bearersof knowledge. Daddies drivethe trucksand cars The buses,boats and trains. Daddies buildtheroadsand bridges, Houses, storesand planes. 1142
  • 20. Sex-Role Socialization and Daddieswork factories in Daddiesmakethethings grow. Daddieswork figure to out The things do notknow we (1960). On thecorresponding pages (in Mommies),we learnthat,although two the mother supposedly does "lots and lots," her tasks consistof washing dishes,scrubbing pots and walls, cooking, baking,tyingshoes, catching balls,and answering questions(whichseemsto be hermost"creative"role so far). Mommy does leave the house severaltimesbut only to shop for groceries to take the children or out to play. (She does drive a car in thisbook,however, whichis unusual.) In contrast, when Daddy comes home he not only plays in a more exciting way withthechildren he provides but their contactwiththeout- side world.While Mommiesare restrictive, "shout if you play near and thestreet," Daddies take you on tripsin cars,buses,and trains;Daddies take you to thecircus, park,and zoo; buy you ice cream; and teachyou to swim.Daddies also understand betterbecause they"knowyou're you big enough and braveenough do lots of things to thatmommies thinkare muchtoo hard foryou." Mothers, however, usefulfortakingcare of are you whenyou are sick,cleaning after up you,and telling you whatto do. Mommiesdo smile,hug, comfort, nurture, and but they also scold and instruct a notaltogether in pleasantmanner. They tellyou to be quiet,and to "Sit stilland eat!" Ironically, negative this imageof thenagging mother may be a resultof an exclusive devotionto motherhood. Alice Rossi As has observed:"If a woman'sadult efforts concentrated are exclusively on her children, is likelymoreto stifle she than broadenher children's per- spectiveand preparation adult life. . . . In myriad for ways the mother binds the child to her, dampening initiative, his resenting growing his independence adolescence, in creating subtledependence a whichmakesit difficult thechildto achievefulladultstature"(1964, p. 113). for In additionto havinga negativeeffect children, on this preoccupation withmotherhood also be harmful the mother may to herself. Pauline Bart (1970, p. 72) has reported extreme depression amongmiddle-aged women who have been overinvolved with and have overidentified with their children. We have alreadynotedthat thereare no working women the Calde- in cott sample.It is no disparagement the housewife mother point of or to out that alternative rolesare available to, and chosenby, many women and thatgirlscan be presented withalternative modelsso that they,like boys,maybe able to think a wide rangeof future of options. Because thereare no femaleoccupational role modelsin the Caldecott books,we will turnto the prescribed role books to examinethe typesof occupations that are encouraged boys and girls.For this analysiswe for 1143
  • 21. American of Journal Sociology willcompare verypopularpair of Hallmarkmatched a books: WhatBoys Can Be (Walley,n.d.,a) and WhatGirlsCan be (Walley,n.d., b). Both books followthe same format:each page showsa boy or a girl playing an occupational role.We are toldthatboyscan be: a fireman squirts who wateron theflames, and a baseballplayerwhowinslotsof games. a bus driver whohelpspeopletravelfar,or a policeman witha sirenin his car. a cowboywhogoes on cattledrives, and a doctor whohelpsto save people'slives. a sailoron a shipthattakesyou everywhere, and a pilotwhogoes flying through air. the a clownwithsillytricks do, and to a pet tigerownerwhorunsthezoo. a farmer who drivesa big redtractor, and on TV shows,if I becomean actor. an astronaut who lives in a space station,and someday growup to be President thenation of [Emphasisadded; Walley,n.d.,a] The second book tells us that girls can be: a nurse,withwhite uniforms wear,or to a stewardess, flieseverywhere. who a ballerina,who dancesand twirls around,or a candyshop owner, best in town. the a model,whowearslots of pretty clothes, a bigstarin themoviesand on specialTV shows. a secretary who'lltypewithout mistakes,or an artist, painting treesand cloudsand lakes. a teacher nursery in schoolsome day,or a singerand makerecords peopleplay. a designer dressesin theverylateststyle, of or a bride,who comeswalking downtheaisle. a housewife, somedaywhenI am grown, and a mother, withsome children myown of [Emphasisadded; Walley,n.d.,b] The twoconcluding pictures the mostsignificant; ultimate are the goal forwhichlittleboys are to aim is nothing less than the president the of nation.For girls,the comparable pinnacleof achievement motherhood! is in in Many of the differences the occupations thesetwo books parallel the male/female differences have alreadynoted. One is the inside/ we outsidedistribution.Eleven of the femaleoccupationsare shownbeing performedinside, whileonlythree outside.Indeed,noneof the female are occupationslistednecessitatesbeingperformed outdoors.The ratioforthe maleoccupations exactlyreversed: is three inside,11 outside. are We alreadyobserved thatlittlegirlsare encouraged succeedby look- to 1144
  • 22. Sex-Role Socialization ingpretty serving and others. shouldtherefore be surprising find It not to that the womenare concentrated glamorousin and serviceoccupations. The mostprestigious feminineoccupations thosein whicha girl can are succeedonly if she is physically attractive. The glamouroccupations of modeland moviestar are thetwomosthighly rewarded amongthe female choices.Since fewwomen can everachievehighstatusin theseglamorous professions, real message thesebooksis that women's the in truefunction lies in service.Serviceoccupations, such as nurse,secretary, housewife, mother, and stewardess, reinforce the traditional patternsto feminine success. Although someof the male occupations also require physicalattractive- ness (actor) and service(but driver),thereis a muchgreater rangeof in variation the otherskills theyrequire:baseball playersneed athletic ability, policemen supposedto be strong are and brave,pilotsand doctors need brains,astronauts need mechanical skills and great energy, clowns mustbe cleverand funny, presidents and need politicalacumen. If we compare statuslevelof the male and female the it occupations, is apparent thatmenfillthemostprestigious highly and paid positions.They are the doctors, pilots,astronauts, and presidents. Even whenmen and womenare engagedin occupations the same field,it is the men who in hold the positionswhichdemand the most skill and leadership.While men are doctors,womenare nurses; while men are pilots, womenare stewardesses. Onlyone of the women engagedin a professional is occupa- tion: the teacher. is important note,however, It to thatthe authorscare- fully specified thatshe was a nursery schoolteacher. Similarly, mostof the occupations that require advancededucationare occupiedby men.Four of the maleshave apparently gone to college,com- pared withonlyone of the women. It is clear that the book What Boys Can Be encourages littleboy's a careerambitions. is told thathe has thepotential achieving He for any of theexciting highly and rewarded occupations oursociety. in In contrast, book WhatGirlsCan Be tellsthelittlegirlthatshe can the have ambitions she is pretty. if Her potential achieving prestigious for a and rewarding is dependent her physicalattributes. she is not job on If attractive, mustbe satisfied she witha lifeof mundane service. women No are represented traditional in male occupations, such as doctor,lawyer, or engineer, scientist. Withwomen comprising of the country's 7% physi- cians and 4% of its lawyers, surelyit is moreprobablethat a girl will achieveone of theseprofessional statuses thanit is thata boy willbecome president. The occupational distribution presented these books is even worse in than the real inequitabledistribution employment the professions. of in Picturebooks could inspirechildren strivefor personaland occupa- to 1145
  • 23. AmericanJournal Sociology of tionalgoals thatwould take thembeyondtheireverydayworld.Instead, women deniedboththe due recognition their are for present achievements and the encouragement aspire to morebroadlydefined to possibilities in the future. CONCLUSION Preschool childreninvest their intellectsand imaginations picture in booksat a timewhentheyare forming their self-images future and expec- tations. Ourstudy suggested has thatthegirlsand women depicted these in books are a dull and stereotyped We have noted that littlegirlsre- lot. ceive attention praisefortheirattractiveness, and whileboys are admired fortheir achievements cleverness. and Most of thewomen picture in books have statusby virtue theirrelationships specific of to men-they are the wivesof thekings, judges,adventurers, explorers, theythemselves and but are not the rulers, judges,adventurers, explorers. and Through picture books,girlsare taughtto have low aspirations because thereare so fewopportunities portrayed available to them.The world as of picture booksnevertellslittlegirlsthatas womentheymight findful- fillment outsideof theirhomesor through intellectualpursuits.Women are excludedfrom worldof sports, the politics,and science.Their future occupational worldis presented consisting as primarily glamourand of service.Ironically,many of these books are written prize-winning by female authors whosown lives are probably unlikethosetheyadvertise.20 It is clearthatthestorybook characters reinforce traditional the sex-role assumptions. of Perhapsthisis indicative American for preferences creative- ness and curiosity boys and neatnessand passivityin girls. Many in parentswant theirsons to growup to be brave and intelligent theirand daughters to be pretty compliant. and In thepast,social theorists have assumedthat such strongly differenti- ated sex roleswould facilitate child'sidentification a with the parentof the same sex. For example, Talcott Parsons (1955) has commented that "if the boy is to identify withhis father theremustbe discrimination in roleterms between twoparents"(1955, p. 80). More recently, the however, Philip Slater (1964) has argued that adult role models who exhibit stereotyped sex-roledifferentiation impede, may rather thanfacilitate,the child'ssex-role Children identification. findit easier to identifywithless and differentiated less stereotyped parentalrole models.It is easier for 20 A tabulation of the percentage of female authors indicates that 41% of the Caldecott and 58% of the NewberyMedal winnerswere writtenby women. However, women authorsappear to be more positivethan theirmale counterparts.The pre-1967 Caldecotts,which had a larger percentageof female central characters,also have a largerpercentage femaleauthors: 48%ocomparedwith 33%. of 1146
  • 24. Sex-Role Socialization them to internalizeparental values when nurturance(the typically feminine role) and discipline (the typically masculine role) comefrom the same person. Not only do narrowrole definitions impede the child's identification withthe same sex parent, but rigidsex-role distinctions may actuallybe harmful the normalpersonality to development the child. In fact, of Slater (1964) has postulated negativerelationship a betweenthe child's emotional adjustment the degreeof parentalroledifferentiation. and Some evidence,then,suggeststhese sex roles are rigid and possibly harmful. They discourage and restrict woman'spotentialand offer a her fulfillment through limited only the spheres glamour of and service.More flexible definitions sex roles would seem to be morehealthful en- of in couraging greatervarietyof role possibilities. a Storiescould providea morepositive imageof a woman's potential-of her physical, intellectual, creative, and emotional capabilities. Picturebookscould also present less stereotyped less rigiddefini- a and tionof male rolesby encouraging boys to expresstheiremotions wellas as their Books might intellect. showlittleboyscrying, playing withstuffed toysand dolls,and helping the house. Stereotypes in could be weakened by booksshowing boysbeingrewarded beingemotional supportive, for and and girlsbeingrewarded beingintelligent adventuresome. for and AlthoughZelditch (1955, p. 341) has noted the cross-cultural pre- dominance malesin instrumental and females expressive of roles in roles- likethepatterns found children's we in books-Slater (1964) suggests that the ability to alternateinstrumental and expressiverole performance rapidly-what he calls interpersonal flexibility-iscoming to be more highly valuedin our society. This arguesforless stereotyped adult roles.Fatherscould take a more activerolein housework childcare. And,similarly, rolesof adult and the women could be extended beyondthe limitedconfines the home,as in of face theyare. Whenwomenare shownat home,theycould be portrayed as the busy and creativepeople that manyhousewives are. For example, the womanin Pop Corn and Ma Goodness,the singleexceptionto the Caldecott norm,equally shares diversified activitieswith her husband (plate 10). If thesebooksare to present real-liferoles,theycould give moreatten- tionto single parents and divorced families. Storiescouldpresent real- the life problemsthat childrenin these familiesface: visitinga divorced father, having two sets of parents,not having a fatherat school on father's day,or havinga different namethanone's mother. The simplified stereotyped and imagesin thesebooks presentsuch a narrow view of realitythat theymustviolate the child'sown knowledge 1147
  • 25. Americanjournal of Sociology PLATE 10.-Edna MitchellPreston,Pop Corn and Ma Goodness (New York: Viking Press, 1969). (Reprintedwith permission the publisher.) of of a richand complex world.2Perhapstheseimagesare motivated the by same kindof impulsethatmakesparents to theirchildren orderto lie in "protect"them.2 As a result,the child is givenan idealized versionof thetruth, ratherthanhaving realand pressing his questionsanswered. Not only are the child's legitimate questionsignored, but no effort made is to createa social awareness whichencompasses widersociety.Picture the booksactuallydenytheexistence thediscontented, poor,the ethnic of the minorities, the urbanslumdwellers. and Storieshave always been a means for perpetuating fundamental the culturalvalues and myths. Storieshave also been a stimulus fantasy for imagination and achievement. Books could developthis latterqualityto encourage imagination creativity all children. the and of This wouldpro- vide an important implementation the growing of demandfor both girls and boys to have a real opportunity fulfill to theirhumanpotential. 21 We are indebted to William J. Goode for this insight. 22This is not to deny the value of fantasy.As Margaret Fuller wrote in 1855: "Chil- dren need some childishtalk, some childishplay, some childishbooks. But they also need, and need more,difficulties overcome,and a sense of the vast mysteries to which the progressof their intelligence shall aide them to unravel. This sense is naturally theirdelight. . . and it must not be dulled by prematureexplanationsor subterfuges of any kind" (pp. 310-13). Alice Rossi broughtthiswork to our attention. 1148
  • 26. Sex-Role Socialization REFERENCES Aberle,David F., and Kasper D. Naegele. 1960. "Middle-Class Fathers' Occupational Role and Attitudestowards Children." In A Modern Introductionto the Family, edited by Norman W. Bell and Ezra F. Vogel. New York: Free Press. Bart, Pauline. 1970. "Portney's Mother's Complaint." Trans-Action (November/ December). Brown, Daniel G. 1956. "Sex Role Preferencein Young Children." Psychological Monograph 70, no. 14. Carton,Lonnie C. 1960a. Daddies. New York: Random House. . 1960b.Mommies.New York: Random House. Child Study Association.1969. List of RecommendedBooks. New York: Child Study Association. Dayrell, Elphinstone. 1968. Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Emberley, Barbara. 1967a. DrummerHoff.Engelwood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. . 1967b. One Wide River to Cross. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Erikson, Erik H. 1964. "Inner and Outer Space: Reflectionson Womanhood." The Woman in America,edited by Robert Jay Lifton. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. Fuller, Margaret. 1855. "Children's Books." In Women in the Nineteenth Century, by John J. Jewett.Boston. Haley, Gail E. 1970. A Story,a Story: An AfricanTale Retold. New York: Atheneum. Hartley,Ruth E. 1959. "Sex-Role Pressuresand the Socialization of the Male Child." PsychologicalReports 5:457-68. . 1960. "Children's Concepts of Males and Female Roles." Merrill-Palmer Quarterly6:83-91. Hartup, WillardW. 1962. "Some Correlatesof Parental Imitationin Young Children." Child Development33:85-96. Keats, Jack Ezra. 1969. Goggles! Toronto: Macmillan. Krasilovsky,Phyllis. 1962a. The Very Little Boy. Illustrated by Ninon. New York: Doubleday. -. 1962b. The VeryLittle Girl. Illustrated Ninon. New York: Doubleday. by Lionni,Leo. 1967.Frederick. New York: Random House. Lobel, Arnold.1970.Frog and Toad Are Friends.New York: Harper & Row. McClelland,David C. 1961. The Achieving Society.New York: Free Press. Maccoby, Eleanor E. 1966. "Sex Differences IntellectualFunctioning."In The De- in velopment Sex Differences. of Stanford, Calif.: StanfordUniversityPress. Ness, Evaline. 1967. Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Nilsen,AlleenPace. 1970. "Women in Children'sLiterature."Paper presented work- at shop on Children'sLiterature, Modern Language AssociationMeeting,December 27, New York. Parsons, Talcott. 1955. "Family Structureand the Socialization of the Child." In Family, Socialization and Interaction Process, edited by Talcott Parsons and Robert F. Bales. New York: Free Press. Preston,Edna Mitchell.1969. Pop Corn and Ma Goodness.New York: Viking. Ronsome, Arthur. 1968. The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Rossi, Alice. 1964. "Equality between the Sexes." The Woman in America,edited by Robert Jay Lifton. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. Sendak,Maurice. 1970.In the NightKitchen.New York: Harper & Row. Slater, Philip. 1964. "Parental Role Differentiation." The Family: Its Structure In and Functions, editedby Rose L. Coser. New York: St. Martin's. Sleator,William. 1970. The AngryMoon. Boston: Little,Brown. Steig,William.1969. Sylvester and the Magic Pebble. New York: Simon & Schuster. Turkle,Brinton.1969. Thy Friend,Obadiah. New York: Viking. 1149
  • 27. AmericanJournal Sociology of U.S. Department of Labor. 1969. 1969 Handbook on Women Workers.Washington, D.C.: Government PrintingOffice. Walley,Dean. n.d.,a. What Boys Can be. Kansas City: Hallmark. . n.d., b. What Girls Can Be. Kansas City: Hallmark. Woolf,Virginia.1929.A Room of One's Own. New York: Harcourt,Brace & World. Yashimo, Taro. 1967. SeashoreStory.New York: Viking. Yolen, Jane. 1967. The Emperorand the Kite. Cleveland: World. Zelditch,Morris, Jr. 1955. "Role Differentiation the Nuclear Family." In Family, in Socialization, and Interaction Process, edited by Talcott Parsons and Robert F. Bales. New York: Free Press. Zemach, Harve. 1969. The Judge. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1150