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The Growing Cloud Identity
A Detailed Survey Report on Cloud-Based
Solutions for IAM and SSO
Executive Summary
	 Terms and Definitions
	 About the Research
Managing Access to Cloud Applications
Top Challenges of Cloud Application Access
	 The Most Important Features for Cloud Application Access
The Current IAM Market
IAM Is Gaining Widespread Adoption
Existing IAM Deployments
The Most Valued IAM Functionality
Public and Private Cloud Support within IAM
Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Applications
Single Sign-On Is in Demand
SSO Solutions Are Working
	 Cloud Applications Appear to be Driving SSO Adoption
SSO Adoption Is Growing
The IAM Market Direction
IAM Is a High Priority Purchase
Security and Trust Are the Most Critical Features
	 Price and Trust Drive Vendor Selection
Industry Focus: Financial Services and Compliance
Industry Focus: Manufacturing Moves to the Cloud
Appendix: Supporting the IAM Purchase Process
Table of Contents
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
This report highlights the results of research conducted by Gemalto, makers of CloudEntr, in
conjunction with 451 Research in October 2013. The survey captured results from IT decision-
makers in North American companies with a specific focus on the Identity and Access Management
(IAM) market and its growing role in securing access to cloud-based applications.
The data reveals an IAM market in transition, in large part due to the increase in cloud-based
applications. As companies increase their reliance on cloud-based applications, they face growing
challenges in managing access to those applications.
Although the IAM market is well established, with almost half of respondents already having an
IAM solution in place, it’s still in flux as well.
Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions are gaining traction at the same time. The more hosted applications
a business uses, the more likely they are to have deployed an SSO solution. The continued growth
of cloud-based business applications is most likely fueling the additional growth and interest in
cloud-based SSO.
Finally, security and trust in the vendor are the most important factors in choosing IAM solutions
and vendors. Businesses are looking for a strong reputation and solid support policies, as well as
pricing that meets their needs.
	 > Security is the top concern when it comes to managing access to cloud-based
applications. The #1 challenge named by survey respondents was “preventing
security breaches.”
	 > Many businesses are looking for strong authentication solutions as a way to reduce 	
the risks of cloud-based application access. Managing mobile access is also critical 	
	 for all but the largest of the companies.
	 > Almost 30 percent of respondents were in the process of evaluating or deploying 	
	 new IAM solutions.
	 > When it comes to IAM solutions, businesses are looking for security and the ability 	
	 to handle access from multiple devices and locations. Businesses in regulated 		
	 industries (healthcare, financial services) are particularly interested in enforcing 	
	 company policies.
Executive Summary
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Cloud computing presents new challenges for the enterprise. IT organizations are suddenly
responsible for managing access to cloud-based applications that reside outside the enterprise
firewalls. They have the same levels of responsibility for securing access to cloud-based
applications as on-premise apps, but without the same level of control.
Many organizations already have processes and technologies for managing authentication
and access to their on-premise applications. A mature Identity and Access Management (IAM)
marketplace addresses these needs quite well. But with the advent of cloud computing, the market
is being stretched to address the needs of securing access to cloud-based applications. The
growing need comes from both ends of the market:
The survey was designed to deliver a better understanding of what’s happening in this market,
which is characterized both by mature on-premise solutions and a growing number of new cloud-
based participants.
Terms and Definitions
Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions facilitate the management and automation
of user access to systems or applications within an organization. They typically manage user
authentication (ascertaining user identity), authorization (what privileges they have), and
application access.
Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions address the authentication part of the IAM puzzle. They simplify
access to multiple diverse applications by consolidating application access from a single login.
Once authenticated with the SSO solution, the user does not have to enter an account and password
to access the downstream applications – the SSO solution manages authentication. SSO may be
a feature of a comprehensive IAM solution. Stand-alone SSO solutions may integrate with IAM
solutions to exchange information about user identity and authorization levels.
>	 Companies with established IAM solutions need to extend those practices and 		
capabilities to handle the growing number of cloud-based applications their 	 	
	 business users access.
> Small or growing companies often have no in-house IAM solutions and rely heavily 	
on cloud-based applications. These represent new potential participants in the IAM 	
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
About the Research
In October 2013, Gemalto, in conjunction with 451 Research, conducted a survey of North American
IT decision-makers and influencers about their use of Identity and Access Management solutions
and single sign-on (SSO) solutions. More than two hundred respondents, across all industry
sectors, responded to the survey. Titles included IT directors and managers, security executives
(CSOs, compliance managers), and line of business executives with security mandates.
For many of the questions, respondents were asked to rate the importance of different factors or
features on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being “very important.” In some of the results, we report the
consensus estimate of importance, which in this case is the answer averaged over all respondents
in the categories.
In some cases, the sample sizes are too small to report statistically significant findings –
particularly when drilling down by industry. And almost 30% of the respondents fell outside of
the defined categories, answering “Other” for their industry. However, we have called out several
instances in which meaningful industry differences appear in the data.
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Number of hosted applications reportedly used, by business size
0 10 20 30 40 50
6 to 10
11 to 15
16 to 20
Over 5,000
Company Size
One of the biggest changes to the enterprise IT environment in recent years has been the growth of
cloud-based applications. Even those organizations with established IAM solutions for on-premise
applications must now figure out how to manage employee and contractor access to cloud-based
or hosted applications.
To avoid the complications of cloud, the survey simply asked respondents about how many “hosted
applications” the business used. Although you might expect cloud adoption to be more pervasive in
the smaller businesses, the research showed that many of the larger businesses (with more than
5000 employees) use more than 20 hosted applications.
Top Challenges of Cloud Application Access
The survey asked respondents about which challenges were relevant to their company when it
came to managing secure access to cloud-based applications. Respondents could select all of
the cloud access security challenges that applied. The clear leader in challenges was the issue of
preventing security breaches.
Managing Access to Cloud Applications
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
It comes as no surprise in today’s environment that preventing security breaches would be top of
mind. But recall that this survey was taken in October of 2013 – before the Target data breach, the
Marriot and Niemen Marcus breaches, and the Senate hearings and subsequent press coverage.
When asked to identify the single biggest challenge when it comes to secure access to cloud-based
applications, the overwhelming concern is preventing security breaches. Regulatory compliance,
which was eighth on the list above, is second on the list when companies can choose only one
challenge. This highlights industry differences – for many businesses in regulated industries,
regulatory compliance is the most important issue.
Managing Access to Cloud Applications
Challenges of Managing Secure Access to Cloud Apps
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Administrative workload reduction
Managing (BYOD)
Improving end user experience
Regulatory compliance and audit
Control over SaaS applications
Application of company policy
Transparent access management
Revoking access of users
Password policy enforcement
Assigning access to users
Preventing security breaches
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Respondents from organizations with more than 1,000 employees tended to give more weight to
administrative workload reduction and controlling SaaS applications. Businesses with more than
5,000 employees were more concerned with “application of company policy” as a challenge for
cloud-based applications.
Managing Access to Cloud Applications
Which one of the following is the biggest challenge in your company in
terms of managing secure access to cloud-based applications?
Preventing security breaches Regulatory compliance
& audit
Assigning access to users
(employees and contractors)
Transparent access management
(who has access to what)
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Reporting and analytics
Mobile access
Single Sign-On
Authentication methods
Authentication policy management
Ease of provisioning
Password manager
Strong authentication
How would you rate the importance of each of the following for
managing secure access to cloud-based applications? (consensus estimate):
The Most Important Features for Cloud Application Access
The survey participants identified a wide range of features that they felt were critical to addressing
the challenges above. The most highly ranked feature was strong authentication.
Managing Access to Cloud Applications
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Admin workload reduction
Over 5000 1001-5000 101-1000
Involving end user experience
Managing (BYOD)
Preventing security breaches
Control over SaaS apps
Regulatory compliance and audit
Application of company policy
Password policy enforcement
Transparent access mgmt.
Revoking access
Assigning access
Don’t know
Company Size
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
While strong authentication is the clear leader, it’s worth noting that the rest of the responses are
fairly tightly clustered – nearly everything is important.
Reporting and Analytics rank lowest for the group of respondents as a whole; only 36% of the
respondents said it was very important (a 9 or 10 on the scale of 1 to 10). But in the financial
services industry, 53% of the respondents said that Reporting and Analytics were very important.
Company size also affected the relative importance of the different features. For example, mobile
access was less important for companies larger than 5,000. It’s unclear why this should be true
– perhaps those larger companies imagine that BYOD policies about using mobile devices were
enough, or perhaps the workforce patterns are different among these very large companies. The
lower ratings from the companies greater than 5,000 may have brought down the overall weighted
importance of mobile access across the respondents as a whole.
Managing Access to Cloud Applications
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Importance of Mobile Access features for managing secure access to
cloud-based applications, by company size:
Over 5000 1001-5000 101-1000
Company Size
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
The business IT landscape is changing, with the corporate perimeter disappearing. This has
significant implications for Identity and Access Management practices. At the enterprise level,
many businesses are adopting cloud-based applications, while small and mid-sized businesses are
embracing cloud-based applications to delegate IT overhead and responsibilities. As the research
highlights, the more of these cloud-based applications businesses use, the greater their need for
IAM and SSO capabilities that reach beyond the on-premise perimeter to manage user identity and
application access in the cloud.
The survey data reveals an IAM market that is both mature and in transition at the same time.
Although many companies already have IAM solutions, a large number are also in the process of
testing, evaluating or deploying IAM solutions.
IAM Is Gaining Widespread Adoption
When asked whether or not they had an IAM solution already, the data reveals a mix of existing
implementations (maturity) and new deployments and evaluations (change and disruption).
The Current IAM Market
> Nearly half of the respondents already had an IAM solution.
> Another 30% planned to either deploy or evaluate/test IAM in the next six months
Does your company currently use any Identity and Access Management solutions?
Yes, have IAM
Will deploy in 6 months
Plan to test/evaluate
within 6 months
No plans
Don’t know
No Answer
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
While a 50% deployment would indicate a fairly mature industry, the large number of evaluations
means that conditions are changing in such a way as to spur significant adoption. The increasing
uptake in cloud-based applications is no doubt part of that change.
Existing IAM Deployments
Adoption of IAM was fairly consistent across the range of company sizes. But adoption varied by
industry, with the greatest deployments in technology (hardware and software) industries, as well
as financial services.
When asked to name their existing IAM solutions, respondents tended to list on-premise IAM
solutions from Microsoft (including Active Directory), IBM, CA, Oracle, and others. The cloud-based
IAM solutions were mostly missing from the existing deployments. Cloud-based IAM solutions may
be driving newer deployments planned in the coming months.
The Most Valued IAM Functionality
When asked about the most important attributes of an IAM solution, security and convenience were
the main themes.
The Current IAM Market
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Public cloud support
Private cloud support
Administrator convenience
Support for a large # of applications
Login for all SaaS and on-premise apps
Enforce company/regulatory policy
App access from multiple devices/locations
On a scale of 1-10, rate the importance of the following functionalities
for an IAM solution:
Strength/reputation of security technology
1 being “Not At All Important” and 10 being “Extremely Important”
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
When looking at the data by industry, a few interesting differences emerge:
Public and Private Cloud Support within IAM
You might expect that the ability to access public cloud applications like Salesforce or Google Apps
is driving IAM adoption. However, while both public and private cloud application access were
identified as important attributes for an IAM solution, private cloud access slightly outweighed
public cloud access in importance:
If you consider that a ranking of 8 or above on the scale of 1 to 10 as important, then 58% of
respondents counted support for private cloud access as important, compared with 43% of
respondents listing public cloud support as similarly important.
The Current IAM Market
> Strength/reputation of the security technology was slightly more important for 		
smaller companies, government agencies and manufacturing industries.
> Ability to access applications from multiple locations and devices was more highly 	
valued in retail and government institutions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
25% Don’tknow/
Support for public cloud
Support for private cloud
Importance of Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud on a scale of 1-10
1 being “Not At All Important” and 10 being “Extremely Important”
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
For businesses deploying a large number of cloud-based applications, the most pressing need in
managing access may be consolidating all the different credentials that people have to remember.
Cloud-based Single Sign-On replaces the numerous logins that people have to perform with one
For many businesses, SSO the first step on the path to broader IAM solutions. SSO addresses the
issue of handling the multiple logins and significantly lowers the bar for deployment compared with
a comprehensive IAM solution. A growing number of cloud-based SSO solutions are working with
identity providers to give businesses a growth path into a broader IAM solution.
Single Sign-On Is in Demand
Overall, close to two thirds of the respondents (63 percent) either already have an SSO deployment
or plan to deploy SSO within six months. (Note that many larger businesses may have SSO for on-
premise applications, but not necessarily for cloud-based applications.)
There is little variation across company size, although significant variation among industries.
The industries with the highest current adoption of SSO solutions included computer hardware/
networking (65%), financial services (53%) and healthcare (53%).
Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Apps
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Don’t know
No plans
Plan to test/evaluate in 6 months
Plan to deploy within 6 months
Yes, have SSO
Does your company currently use, or plan to evaluate a
Single Sign-On (SSO) solution?
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Apps
SSO Solutions Are Working
Of those who have deployed SSO solutions, 93 percent were either “very satisfied” or “somewhat
satisfied” with their solutions.
How satisfied is your company with its Single Sign-On (SS0) solution?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
No Answer
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Cloud Applications Appear to be Driving SSO Adoption
When analyzing which companies have deployed SSO solutions, one of the most important
predictors of adoption is how many hosted business applications the company uses. Businesses
that used more than 15 hosted applications were already using SSO at almost twice the rate of
businesses with fewer than 10 hosted applications:
It’s reasonable to extrapolate that as businesses add more hosted (cloud-based) applications to
their portfolio, the urgency for SSO increases. The continued growth of cloud-based business
applications is most likely fueling the additional growth and interest in cloud-based SSO.
Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Apps
< 10
> 15
No plansPlan to test/
evaluate in 6
Plan to deploy
within 6 months
Yes, have SSO
Adoption of SSO by the number of hosted applications the company supports
Number of hosted
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Apps
SSO Adoption Is Growing
There’s a lot of evaluation and deployment activity going on, with a full 35% of respondents in the
process of deploying, evaluating or testing an SSO solution.
When you look at the industries that are planning to evaluate and test SSO solutions within the next
six months, consumer retail, financial services and government sectors are considering SSO at a
higher rate than other industries.
Percentage of respondents that plan to test and evaluate SSO
within 6 months
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%
Software and IT
Computer hardware/networking
Financial services
Education and training
Consumer retail
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
The data indicates a large amount of activity in the IAM and SSO market, specifically addressing
the challenges of managing secure access to cloud-based applications. Given the responses from
the survey, one can draw some conclusions about the factors that will influence the overall market
IAM Is a High Priority Purchase
When asked about how they rated IAM as a purchase priority, nearly a third of the respondents
listed IAM as a top tier priority, while another third considered it second tier.
Within industries, the technology industries (computer hardware and network, software and IT)
gave IAM the highest overall priority, followed by manufacturing:
Security and Trust are the Most Critical Features
When asked to rate the importance of product features as decision criteria in an IAM purchase,
security and trust in the vendor (including the vendor’s support) are the most important features
influencing solution evaluation:
The IAM Market Direction
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Top Tier (e.g., in the top 3)
Second Tier
Third Tier
Software and IT
Not a Priority
Don’t Know
No Answer
Technology industries give IAM the most important purchase priority
Purchase Priority
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
The IAM Market Direction
Price and Trust Drive Vendor Selection
Assuming that a cloud-based IAM solution addresses the key issues of security and trust, price
is the most important issue with vendor selection. The next most important features were vendor
support and reputation – again, factors ultimately related to trust.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Level of security
Trust in vendor
Non-disruptive integration
Overall ease of use
Centralized management
Cost per user
Decision Criteria Importance
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Don’t Know
Free trial
Vendor size (big company vs. start up)
Vendor references and use cases
Vendor reputation
Vendor support of product
Price/licensing model
Factors in Selecting Cloud-Based IAM
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
IAM solutions already have a strong foothold in the financial services industry. A full 58% of the
financial services companies in the survey already had IAM, and another 36% were planning to
deploy or evaluate IAM within the next six months. Only one of the respondents in financial services
had no plans to evaluate or test IAM.
The financial services industry has long been subject to regulations, and is most sensitive to the
issues or challenges around compliance. When asked about the relevant challenges for cloud-
based application access, the financial services respondents called out the challenges related to
compliance – including enforcing password policies, managing (and revoking) application access,
and applying company policies.
When asked to choose a single challenge for managing access, 32% selected regulatory
compliance and audit as their main challenge, compared with 12% of the respondents overall.
Not surprisingly, financial services respondents also rated ‘Reporting’ as an important feature for
managing secure access to cloud-based applications. 53 percent ranked it as very important (9 or
10 on the scale of 10), compared with 36% of the overall respondents.
Industry Focus: Financial Services
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Preventing security breaches
Regulatory compliance and audit
Application of company policy
Password policy enforcement
Transparent access management
Revoking access to users
Assigning access to user
Financial Services Average
Most important IAM challenges for financial services compared to
overall respondents
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Industry Focus: Manufacturing
Manufacturing companies accounted for more than 10 percent of the respondents. The difference
between their responses and other industries shed some light on what’s happening in the industry.
When it comes to important features for an IAM solution, manufacturing respondents highlighted
the importance of managing access to both public and private cloud applications at a higher rate
than respondents as a whole:
When asked about the challenges of managing secure access to cloud-based applications,
manufacturers gave nearly equal importance to enforcing password policies as preventing security
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Private Cloud (9 or 10)
Public Cloud (9 or 10)
Manufacturing All respondents
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
The data paints the picture of an industry embracing cloud applications and struggling to handle
the ramifications. [For a discussion of the role of cloud computing in manufacturing, see the article
“Ten Ways Cloud Computing is Revolutionizing Manufacturing,” Louis Columbus, Forbes Online,
May 6 2013.]
Industry Focus: Manufacturing
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Admin workload reduction
Preventing security breaches
Control over SaaS apps
Application of company policy
Password policy enforcement
Manufacturing Average
Most important IAM challenges for manufacturing compared to
overall respondents
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Although IAM as an industry is well established, it’s undergoing significant change with the broad
adoption of cloud computing. As companies deploy more business applications in the cloud, they
face new challenges securing access to those applications.
This is a time of significant market opportunity for organizations deploying IAM and SSO solutions.
The cloud-based delivery model makes IAM or SSO solutions simpler and more affordable to deploy
than traditional solutions in an on-premise environment. This report offers some guidance as to
the features that businesses deem most critical in an IAM deployment.
If you are planning an IAM or SSO deployment, consider the unique factors of your business and
industry as well as the broader trends outlined in this document. For example, do your cloud-
based applications manage regulated data? Do you have a high degree of workforce turnover? Is
your workforce highly mobile? These factors will affect the weight you give the various factors and
features of a solution.
Look for vendors who can meet those needs while earning and maintaining your trust. Factors to
consider include the strength of the technology used, the level of vendor support, and the overall
reputation of the vendor.
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
When asked about how they researched and found information on IAM solutions, recommendations
from IT partners and direct web searches topped the list.
When asked for their single most important source of information, however, some interesting
variations occurred depending on company size. Smaller businesses (less than 1000 employees)
relied most heavily on recommendations from IT partners. The mid-sized businesses (between
1000 and 5000 employees) relied on a range of different sources, including their own web research.
Appendix: Supporting the IAM Purchase
What is your company’s primary source of information on Identity and Access
Management solutions for cloud-based applications?
Recommendations from your IT partners
Direct search on the Web
Peers and friends
Through communities
In events
Don’t know
No answer
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
Appendix: Supporting the IAM Purchase
In most organizations, the IT or IT/Security organization is responsible for managing the purchase
process for IAM solutions. However, business units sometimes manage the purchase process.
0 10 20 30 40
IT partners
Over 5000 1001-5000 101-1000
Don’t know
Primary source of information when evaluating Identity and
Access Management solutions
Company Size
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Don’t know
Functional Groups
Over 5000 1001-5000 101-1000
Who is responsible for managing the purchase process for
IAM solutions?
Company Size
The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis

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Growing Cloud Identity Crisis: Survey Report on Cloud-Based Solutions for Identity & Access Management and Single Sign-On

  • 1. The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis: A Detailed Survey Report on Cloud-Based Solutions for IAM and SSO
  • 2. Executive Summary Background Terms and Definitions About the Research Managing Access to Cloud Applications Top Challenges of Cloud Application Access The Most Important Features for Cloud Application Access The Current IAM Market IAM Is Gaining Widespread Adoption Existing IAM Deployments The Most Valued IAM Functionality Public and Private Cloud Support within IAM Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Applications Single Sign-On Is in Demand SSO Solutions Are Working Cloud Applications Appear to be Driving SSO Adoption SSO Adoption Is Growing The IAM Market Direction IAM Is a High Priority Purchase Security and Trust Are the Most Critical Features Price and Trust Drive Vendor Selection Industry Focus: Financial Services and Compliance Concerns Industry Focus: Manufacturing Moves to the Cloud Summary Appendix: Supporting the IAM Purchase Process 2 Table of Contents 3 4 6 11 14 18 20 21 23 24 The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 3. This report highlights the results of research conducted by Gemalto, makers of CloudEntr, in conjunction with 451 Research in October 2013. The survey captured results from IT decision- makers in North American companies with a specific focus on the Identity and Access Management (IAM) market and its growing role in securing access to cloud-based applications. The data reveals an IAM market in transition, in large part due to the increase in cloud-based applications. As companies increase their reliance on cloud-based applications, they face growing challenges in managing access to those applications. Although the IAM market is well established, with almost half of respondents already having an IAM solution in place, it’s still in flux as well. Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions are gaining traction at the same time. The more hosted applications a business uses, the more likely they are to have deployed an SSO solution. The continued growth of cloud-based business applications is most likely fueling the additional growth and interest in cloud-based SSO. Finally, security and trust in the vendor are the most important factors in choosing IAM solutions and vendors. Businesses are looking for a strong reputation and solid support policies, as well as pricing that meets their needs. 3 > Security is the top concern when it comes to managing access to cloud-based applications. The #1 challenge named by survey respondents was “preventing security breaches.” > Many businesses are looking for strong authentication solutions as a way to reduce the risks of cloud-based application access. Managing mobile access is also critical for all but the largest of the companies. > Almost 30 percent of respondents were in the process of evaluating or deploying new IAM solutions. > When it comes to IAM solutions, businesses are looking for security and the ability to handle access from multiple devices and locations. Businesses in regulated industries (healthcare, financial services) are particularly interested in enforcing company policies. Executive Summary The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 4. 4 Cloud computing presents new challenges for the enterprise. IT organizations are suddenly responsible for managing access to cloud-based applications that reside outside the enterprise firewalls. They have the same levels of responsibility for securing access to cloud-based applications as on-premise apps, but without the same level of control. Many organizations already have processes and technologies for managing authentication and access to their on-premise applications. A mature Identity and Access Management (IAM) marketplace addresses these needs quite well. But with the advent of cloud computing, the market is being stretched to address the needs of securing access to cloud-based applications. The growing need comes from both ends of the market: The survey was designed to deliver a better understanding of what’s happening in this market, which is characterized both by mature on-premise solutions and a growing number of new cloud- based participants. Terms and Definitions Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions facilitate the management and automation of user access to systems or applications within an organization. They typically manage user authentication (ascertaining user identity), authorization (what privileges they have), and application access. Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions address the authentication part of the IAM puzzle. They simplify access to multiple diverse applications by consolidating application access from a single login. Once authenticated with the SSO solution, the user does not have to enter an account and password to access the downstream applications – the SSO solution manages authentication. SSO may be a feature of a comprehensive IAM solution. Stand-alone SSO solutions may integrate with IAM solutions to exchange information about user identity and authorization levels. > Companies with established IAM solutions need to extend those practices and capabilities to handle the growing number of cloud-based applications their business users access. > Small or growing companies often have no in-house IAM solutions and rely heavily on cloud-based applications. These represent new potential participants in the IAM market. Background The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 5. 5 About the Research In October 2013, Gemalto, in conjunction with 451 Research, conducted a survey of North American IT decision-makers and influencers about their use of Identity and Access Management solutions and single sign-on (SSO) solutions. More than two hundred respondents, across all industry sectors, responded to the survey. Titles included IT directors and managers, security executives (CSOs, compliance managers), and line of business executives with security mandates. For many of the questions, respondents were asked to rate the importance of different factors or features on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being “very important.” In some of the results, we report the consensus estimate of importance, which in this case is the answer averaged over all respondents in the categories. In some cases, the sample sizes are too small to report statistically significant findings – particularly when drilling down by industry. And almost 30% of the respondents fell outside of the defined categories, answering “Other” for their industry. However, we have called out several instances in which meaningful industry differences appear in the data. Background The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 6. Number of hosted applications reportedly used, by business size 0 10 20 30 40 50 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 20> > Over 5,000 1001-5000 101-1000 Company Size 6 One of the biggest changes to the enterprise IT environment in recent years has been the growth of cloud-based applications. Even those organizations with established IAM solutions for on-premise applications must now figure out how to manage employee and contractor access to cloud-based or hosted applications. To avoid the complications of cloud, the survey simply asked respondents about how many “hosted applications” the business used. Although you might expect cloud adoption to be more pervasive in the smaller businesses, the research showed that many of the larger businesses (with more than 5000 employees) use more than 20 hosted applications. Top Challenges of Cloud Application Access The survey asked respondents about which challenges were relevant to their company when it came to managing secure access to cloud-based applications. Respondents could select all of the cloud access security challenges that applied. The clear leader in challenges was the issue of preventing security breaches. Managing Access to Cloud Applications The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 7. 7 It comes as no surprise in today’s environment that preventing security breaches would be top of mind. But recall that this survey was taken in October of 2013 – before the Target data breach, the Marriot and Niemen Marcus breaches, and the Senate hearings and subsequent press coverage. When asked to identify the single biggest challenge when it comes to secure access to cloud-based applications, the overwhelming concern is preventing security breaches. Regulatory compliance, which was eighth on the list above, is second on the list when companies can choose only one challenge. This highlights industry differences – for many businesses in regulated industries, regulatory compliance is the most important issue. Managing Access to Cloud Applications Challenges of Managing Secure Access to Cloud Apps 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Administrative workload reduction Managing (BYOD) Improving end user experience Regulatory compliance and audit Control over SaaS applications Application of company policy Transparent access management Revoking access of users Password policy enforcement Assigning access to users Preventing security breaches The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 8. 8 Respondents from organizations with more than 1,000 employees tended to give more weight to administrative workload reduction and controlling SaaS applications. Businesses with more than 5,000 employees were more concerned with “application of company policy” as a challenge for cloud-based applications. Managing Access to Cloud Applications Which one of the following is the biggest challenge in your company in terms of managing secure access to cloud-based applications? 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Preventing security breaches Regulatory compliance & audit Assigning access to users (employees and contractors) Transparent access management (who has access to what) The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reporting and analytics Mobile access Single Sign-On Authentication methods Authentication policy management Ease of provisioning Password manager Strong authentication How would you rate the importance of each of the following for managing secure access to cloud-based applications? (consensus estimate): 9 The Most Important Features for Cloud Application Access The survey participants identified a wide range of features that they felt were critical to addressing the challenges above. The most highly ranked feature was strong authentication. Managing Access to Cloud Applications 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Admin workload reduction Over 5000 1001-5000 101-1000 Involving end user experience Managing (BYOD) Preventing security breaches Control over SaaS apps Regulatory compliance and audit Application of company policy Password policy enforcement Transparent access mgmt. Revoking access Assigning access Don’t know Company Size The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 10. 10 While strong authentication is the clear leader, it’s worth noting that the rest of the responses are fairly tightly clustered – nearly everything is important. Reporting and Analytics rank lowest for the group of respondents as a whole; only 36% of the respondents said it was very important (a 9 or 10 on the scale of 1 to 10). But in the financial services industry, 53% of the respondents said that Reporting and Analytics were very important. Company size also affected the relative importance of the different features. For example, mobile access was less important for companies larger than 5,000. It’s unclear why this should be true – perhaps those larger companies imagine that BYOD policies about using mobile devices were enough, or perhaps the workforce patterns are different among these very large companies. The lower ratings from the companies greater than 5,000 may have brought down the overall weighted importance of mobile access across the respondents as a whole. Managing Access to Cloud Applications 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0% Importance of Mobile Access features for managing secure access to cloud-based applications, by company size: Over 5000 1001-5000 101-1000 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Company Size The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 11. 11 The business IT landscape is changing, with the corporate perimeter disappearing. This has significant implications for Identity and Access Management practices. At the enterprise level, many businesses are adopting cloud-based applications, while small and mid-sized businesses are embracing cloud-based applications to delegate IT overhead and responsibilities. As the research highlights, the more of these cloud-based applications businesses use, the greater their need for IAM and SSO capabilities that reach beyond the on-premise perimeter to manage user identity and application access in the cloud. The survey data reveals an IAM market that is both mature and in transition at the same time. Although many companies already have IAM solutions, a large number are also in the process of testing, evaluating or deploying IAM solutions. IAM Is Gaining Widespread Adoption When asked whether or not they had an IAM solution already, the data reveals a mix of existing implementations (maturity) and new deployments and evaluations (change and disruption). The Current IAM Market > Nearly half of the respondents already had an IAM solution. > Another 30% planned to either deploy or evaluate/test IAM in the next six months Does your company currently use any Identity and Access Management solutions? Yes, have IAM Will deploy in 6 months Plan to test/evaluate within 6 months No plans Don’t know No Answer 48% 16% 14% 14% 6% 1% The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 12. 12 While a 50% deployment would indicate a fairly mature industry, the large number of evaluations means that conditions are changing in such a way as to spur significant adoption. The increasing uptake in cloud-based applications is no doubt part of that change. Existing IAM Deployments Adoption of IAM was fairly consistent across the range of company sizes. But adoption varied by industry, with the greatest deployments in technology (hardware and software) industries, as well as financial services. When asked to name their existing IAM solutions, respondents tended to list on-premise IAM solutions from Microsoft (including Active Directory), IBM, CA, Oracle, and others. The cloud-based IAM solutions were mostly missing from the existing deployments. Cloud-based IAM solutions may be driving newer deployments planned in the coming months. The Most Valued IAM Functionality When asked about the most important attributes of an IAM solution, security and convenience were the main themes. The Current IAM Market 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Public cloud support Private cloud support Administrator convenience Support for a large # of applications Login for all SaaS and on-premise apps Enforce company/regulatory policy App access from multiple devices/locations On a scale of 1-10, rate the importance of the following functionalities for an IAM solution: Strength/reputation of security technology 1 being “Not At All Important” and 10 being “Extremely Important” The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 13. 13 When looking at the data by industry, a few interesting differences emerge: Public and Private Cloud Support within IAM You might expect that the ability to access public cloud applications like Salesforce or Google Apps is driving IAM adoption. However, while both public and private cloud application access were identified as important attributes for an IAM solution, private cloud access slightly outweighed public cloud access in importance: If you consider that a ranking of 8 or above on the scale of 1 to 10 as important, then 58% of respondents counted support for private cloud access as important, compared with 43% of respondents listing public cloud support as similarly important. The Current IAM Market > Strength/reputation of the security technology was slightly more important for smaller companies, government agencies and manufacturing industries. > Ability to access applications from multiple locations and devices was more highly valued in retail and government institutions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Don’tknow/ NoAnswer Support for public cloud Support for private cloud Importance of Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud on a scale of 1-10 1 being “Not At All Important” and 10 being “Extremely Important” The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 14. 14 For businesses deploying a large number of cloud-based applications, the most pressing need in managing access may be consolidating all the different credentials that people have to remember. Cloud-based Single Sign-On replaces the numerous logins that people have to perform with one login. For many businesses, SSO the first step on the path to broader IAM solutions. SSO addresses the issue of handling the multiple logins and significantly lowers the bar for deployment compared with a comprehensive IAM solution. A growing number of cloud-based SSO solutions are working with identity providers to give businesses a growth path into a broader IAM solution. Single Sign-On Is in Demand Overall, close to two thirds of the respondents (63 percent) either already have an SSO deployment or plan to deploy SSO within six months. (Note that many larger businesses may have SSO for on- premise applications, but not necessarily for cloud-based applications.) There is little variation across company size, although significant variation among industries. The industries with the highest current adoption of SSO solutions included computer hardware/ networking (65%), financial services (53%) and healthcare (53%). Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Apps 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Don’t know No plans Plan to test/evaluate in 6 months Plan to deploy within 6 months Yes, have SSO Does your company currently use, or plan to evaluate a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution? The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 15. 15 Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Apps SSO Solutions Are Working Of those who have deployed SSO solutions, 93 percent were either “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with their solutions. How satisfied is your company with its Single Sign-On (SS0) solution? Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Unsatisfied No Answer 50% 43% 5% 2% The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 16. 16 Cloud Applications Appear to be Driving SSO Adoption When analyzing which companies have deployed SSO solutions, one of the most important predictors of adoption is how many hosted business applications the company uses. Businesses that used more than 15 hosted applications were already using SSO at almost twice the rate of businesses with fewer than 10 hosted applications: It’s reasonable to extrapolate that as businesses add more hosted (cloud-based) applications to their portfolio, the urgency for SSO increases. The continued growth of cloud-based business applications is most likely fueling the additional growth and interest in cloud-based SSO. Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Apps 0 < 10 11-15 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 > 15 No plansPlan to test/ evaluate in 6 months Plan to deploy within 6 months Yes, have SSO Adoption of SSO by the number of hosted applications the company supports Number of hosted applications The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 17. 17 Single Sign-On and Cloud-Based Apps SSO Adoption Is Growing There’s a lot of evaluation and deployment activity going on, with a full 35% of respondents in the process of deploying, evaluating or testing an SSO solution. When you look at the industries that are planning to evaluate and test SSO solutions within the next six months, consumer retail, financial services and government sectors are considering SSO at a higher rate than other industries. Percentage of respondents that plan to test and evaluate SSO within 6 months 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Software and IT Computer hardware/networking Manufacturing Healthcare Government Financial services Education and training Consumer retail The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 18. 18 The data indicates a large amount of activity in the IAM and SSO market, specifically addressing the challenges of managing secure access to cloud-based applications. Given the responses from the survey, one can draw some conclusions about the factors that will influence the overall market direction. IAM Is a High Priority Purchase When asked about how they rated IAM as a purchase priority, nearly a third of the respondents listed IAM as a top tier priority, while another third considered it second tier. Within industries, the technology industries (computer hardware and network, software and IT) gave IAM the highest overall priority, followed by manufacturing: Security and Trust are the Most Critical Features When asked to rate the importance of product features as decision criteria in an IAM purchase, security and trust in the vendor (including the vendor’s support) are the most important features influencing solution evaluation: The IAM Market Direction 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Top Tier (e.g., in the top 3) Second Tier Third Tier Software and IT Manufacturing Hardware/networking All Not a Priority Don’t Know No Answer Technology industries give IAM the most important purchase priority Purchase Priority The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 19. 19 The IAM Market Direction Price and Trust Drive Vendor Selection Assuming that a cloud-based IAM solution addresses the key issues of security and trust, price is the most important issue with vendor selection. The next most important features were vendor support and reputation – again, factors ultimately related to trust. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Level of security Support Trust in vendor Non-disruptive integration Overall ease of use Centralized management Cost per user Decision Criteria Importance 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Don’t Know Free trial Vendor size (big company vs. start up) Vendor references and use cases Vendor reputation Vendor support of product Price/licensing model Factors in Selecting Cloud-Based IAM The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 20. 20 IAM solutions already have a strong foothold in the financial services industry. A full 58% of the financial services companies in the survey already had IAM, and another 36% were planning to deploy or evaluate IAM within the next six months. Only one of the respondents in financial services had no plans to evaluate or test IAM. The financial services industry has long been subject to regulations, and is most sensitive to the issues or challenges around compliance. When asked about the relevant challenges for cloud- based application access, the financial services respondents called out the challenges related to compliance – including enforcing password policies, managing (and revoking) application access, and applying company policies. When asked to choose a single challenge for managing access, 32% selected regulatory compliance and audit as their main challenge, compared with 12% of the respondents overall. Not surprisingly, financial services respondents also rated ‘Reporting’ as an important feature for managing secure access to cloud-based applications. 53 percent ranked it as very important (9 or 10 on the scale of 10), compared with 36% of the overall respondents. Industry Focus: Financial Services 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Preventing security breaches Regulatory compliance and audit Application of company policy Password policy enforcement Transparent access management Revoking access to users Assigning access to user Financial Services Average Most important IAM challenges for financial services compared to overall respondents The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 21. 21 Industry Focus: Manufacturing Manufacturing companies accounted for more than 10 percent of the respondents. The difference between their responses and other industries shed some light on what’s happening in the industry. When it comes to important features for an IAM solution, manufacturing respondents highlighted the importance of managing access to both public and private cloud applications at a higher rate than respondents as a whole: When asked about the challenges of managing secure access to cloud-based applications, manufacturers gave nearly equal importance to enforcing password policies as preventing security breaches. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Private Cloud (9 or 10) Public Cloud (9 or 10) Manufacturing All respondents The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 22. 22 The data paints the picture of an industry embracing cloud applications and struggling to handle the ramifications. [For a discussion of the role of cloud computing in manufacturing, see the article “Ten Ways Cloud Computing is Revolutionizing Manufacturing,” Louis Columbus, Forbes Online, May 6 2013.] Industry Focus: Manufacturing 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Admin workload reduction Preventing security breaches Control over SaaS apps Application of company policy Password policy enforcement Manufacturing Average Most important IAM challenges for manufacturing compared to overall respondents The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 23. 23 Summary Although IAM as an industry is well established, it’s undergoing significant change with the broad adoption of cloud computing. As companies deploy more business applications in the cloud, they face new challenges securing access to those applications. This is a time of significant market opportunity for organizations deploying IAM and SSO solutions. The cloud-based delivery model makes IAM or SSO solutions simpler and more affordable to deploy than traditional solutions in an on-premise environment. This report offers some guidance as to the features that businesses deem most critical in an IAM deployment. If you are planning an IAM or SSO deployment, consider the unique factors of your business and industry as well as the broader trends outlined in this document. For example, do your cloud- based applications manage regulated data? Do you have a high degree of workforce turnover? Is your workforce highly mobile? These factors will affect the weight you give the various factors and features of a solution. Look for vendors who can meet those needs while earning and maintaining your trust. Factors to consider include the strength of the technology used, the level of vendor support, and the overall reputation of the vendor. The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 24. 24 When asked about how they researched and found information on IAM solutions, recommendations from IT partners and direct web searches topped the list. When asked for their single most important source of information, however, some interesting variations occurred depending on company size. Smaller businesses (less than 1000 employees) relied most heavily on recommendations from IT partners. The mid-sized businesses (between 1000 and 5000 employees) relied on a range of different sources, including their own web research. Appendix: Supporting the IAM Purchase What is your company’s primary source of information on Identity and Access Management solutions for cloud-based applications? Recommendations from your IT partners Analysts Direct search on the Web Peers and friends Through communities In events 31% 16% 10% 6% 1% Don’t know Other No answer 19% 9% 6% 2% The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis
  • 25. 25 Appendix: Supporting the IAM Purchase In most organizations, the IT or IT/Security organization is responsible for managing the purchase process for IAM solutions. However, business units sometimes manage the purchase process. 0 10 20 30 40 IT partners Analysts Press Events Peers Communities Web Over 5000 1001-5000 101-1000 Don’t know Primary source of information when evaluating Identity and Access Management solutions Company Size 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Don’t know Functional Groups CFO or COO IT/Security Over 5000 1001-5000 101-1000 Who is responsible for managing the purchase process for IAM solutions? Company Size The Growing Cloud Identity Crisis