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The Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells Presents….

                    The Gossip
                              March 2012          Issue 2

A word from our President                                                       Dates to
February has been a really good
month! Aside from being World                                                 4th March—General Meet-
Understanding Month, we also                                                ing  @  Laura’s  house
celebrated the 107th anniversary
of Rotary International. The Rota-                                           15th March— Worlds
                                                                            Greatest Shave
ract Club of City of Gosnells had
its second anniversary on the 8th
                                                                             16th—18th March—Youth
of February 2012, and our spon-                                             Conference
soring club, The Rotary Club of
Gosnells had it 52nd anniversary                                             1st April—Next meeting
on the same day.
                                                                              14—15th April - Relay for
March looks to be just as busy.       having some new member in-
The club is looking forward to the    ductions in the upcoming               28th April—Amanda
Rotary Conference & Youth Con-        months.                               Young Ball
ference to be held on 16 – 18th of
March in Kalgoorlie. We will also     In this past two months Tom             29th April—5th Sunday
be celebrating the World Rota-        Hunter and I have been work-          Social @ The Balmoral
ract week starting on the 13th of     ing hard to get our club incor-
March, to the 18th of March.          porated. I would like to thank
                                      Tom for all the hard work he         What’s  the  Goss?
Our club had 5 members, (3 par-       has put into this because with-
ticipants and 2 facilitates) attend   out him we would not have
                                                                           Monthly Theme 2-3
the RYLA Program in February. I       progressed this far.
was fortunate enough to be part
of this camp on the Rotary Com-       I would also like to thank our         Foto Bombs             4-5
mittee. I have seen the 3 partici-    beautiful Editor, Emma
pants grow as leaders on this         McLerie for all the hard work
camp; they have made me               she has put into getting the          Trip to Tassie          7
proud to say that I am a Rotarac-     bulletin up and running again.
tor and their friend. I also would
like to thank Aaron and Anthea        Now it gives me great pleasure         Upcoming               8
for taking the time to be Facilita-   to announce that I am the               Events
tors on this camp.                    DRRE (District Rotaract Repre-
                                                                           Member Profile 9
                                      sentative Elect) for 2012/13. I
I would also like to thank all the    am so looking forward to get-
members of the club for their         ting stuck into making this dis-      RYLA Review             10
dedication in getting new mem-        trict one of the best districts in
bers & visitors along to meetings.    Australia.
Watch this space as we will be                                             Club Summary             12
Page 2

      March—Literacy Month
Literacy is a skill that can be acquired by    where 93% of the population can read
individuals, through education one can         and write.
become literate, through literacy comes
knowledge and with knowledge an indi-          Globally, literacy rates are on the rise; up
vidual can bring in wealth for their self      2.3% in the past 10 years, and 10.6% in
and their family.                              the past 20 years. While women still lag
                                               behind – representing 64% of illiterate
The United Nations Educational, Scien-         adults—they have made significant
tific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)       gains over time. Since 1985, the female
Institute of Statistics reported the follow-   adult literacy rate has risen 15%, which is
ing findings from the latest data taken in     about double the growth of the male
2009.                                          literacy rate.

Literacy is a cornerstone of human de-         From the above facts, there is a clear
velopment and economic growth, yet             direction for us when planning our ser-
according to the latest data (2009),           vice projects and so I encourage every
some 793 million adults -- two thirds of       Rotaractor to brainstorm about ideas on
them women -- still lack basic reading         some meaningful projects. In the name
and writing skills.                            of Rotary & Rotaract we can make a
Included in that figure are 127 million
youth, aged 15 to 24, who will                 For more information on this study please
be hobbled in their ability to contribute      go to
to the long-term economic and
social development of their families and

The region of South and West Asia is
home to more than one half of the
global illiterate population (51.8%), while
sub-Saharan Africa represents 21.4%.

However, rates can vary widely across
countries in a region. In Mali, for exam-
ple, merely 26% of the population is liter-
ate in contrast to Equatorial Guinea
Page 3

                  The Rotary Club of Hannans
                      Annual Literacy Project
Christmas comes early for the children of   The club aim is to reach within and em-
the East Kalgoorlie Primary School when     brace humanity through literacy and it’s
the Rotary Club of Hannans presented        great to be able to give the children
each child in the school with a book in     these books. The smiles on the children's
early December each year.                   faces say it all as they come up to re-
                                            ceive them.
Improving literacy worldwide is a major
goal for Rotary and the Rotary Club of       The children really appreciate their
Hannans has been sharing the gift of         books. East Kalgoorlie Primary School is
reading with the primary school since        a predominately indigenous community
1997.                                        and has a lot of disadvantaged children
                                             and it's great to have this focus on liter-
Literacy is of great importance to Rotary. acy and getting books into homes.
This year will be the fifteenth year of giv-
                                             The school has a valued partnership with
ing books to the children in the school.
                                             the Rotary Club of Hannans and are
Over the past decade and a half we
                                             grateful for their support.
have given close to 1,500 books and
the children love receiving them.                                     AG Linda McLerie

                                                               Rotary Club of Hannans

 ‘The more you read, the more things you will know. The more
          that you learn, the more places you’ll go’
                                    - Dr Seuss. ‘I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!’
Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

General Meeting Announcement
                    The Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells will be holding a General
                    Meeting in which all members are invited and encouraged to

                    The meeting will be held on Sunday 4th March 2012 at Laura’s
                    house. The meeting will start at 7pm sharp but feel free to call
                    around from 5.30pm and have a BBQ dinner. BYO meat &
                    please bring a salad to share.
  Don’t forget
 your bathers &
                    The purpose of the General Meeting is to undertake a vote on
  towel as we
                    the implementation of the Constitution and By Laws. Make sure
  plan to crank
                    your vote counts and we will see you there!!!
   the sauna!!!

Worlds Greatest Shave—Tenille Fricker
I will be shaving my head on         Anyone is welcome to bid.         I'm being
Thursday March 15 at Murdoch         They can either email me at        brave !
Law School sometime after   or
                                                                      I'm raising
10.30 am. All are welcome to         write to me on Facebook
                                                                       money to
come down and watch. A num-          (only the highest bidder at
ber of other students will also be   8pm Sunday March 11 will
shaving and colouring their hair.    be required to pay in their
                                                                     blood cancer
We will also be selling chin bis-    funds).                         patients and
cuits for $2 with all money going                                    to fund vital
directly to the Leukaemia Foun-                                       research.
dation.                              Otherwise please go to
I am hoping to raise as much         to donate.
money as possible. So far a lot of
people have shown interest in
donating but getting people to       All donations, large
follow through has been difficult.   and small, are greatly
One of the ideas I’ve had is to      appreciated.
auction off the right to shave my
head. The highest bidder so far
is one of my friends, John. He
has bid $50.                         xxx
Page 7

Trip to Tassie — Anthea McCormick
During my trip to Hobart I was lucky enough      something important for the first time and
to randomly meet up with a Sullivan Cove         they could help each other. This was one of
Rotarian with whom I was able to discuss         the first times they felt good about them-
some of the clubs charities and project.         selves, about what they were achieving and
                                                 they belonged to a team.
What really interested me was the club com-
mitment and involvement with disadvan-
                                                 Suggest - don’t shove They had been
taged youths in the Tasmanian area. A few
                                                 kicked, punched, put down and they didn't
years ago they initiated a project called
                                                 want any more of that treatment. We only
‘Relink through the Street Work Program’
                                                 picked Coaches and Staff that were positive
where they encourage youths off the street
                                                 people and were encouraging, built self es-
with activities.
                                                 teem, looked at their positive aspects. We
                                                 didn't want any negativity.
I have included some of the tips he has
given me that worked for their project and
                                                  Give them more than they bargained
could help us with our future projects.
                                                  for Add to the programs with extras like their
                                                  own team song, their own jumper, a BBQ at
You can lead a horse to water, but you            the end of the game, their photos in the pa-
can’t make it drink, but you can make it very per, special games with High Profile AFL play-
thirsty.                                          ers attending, presentation of certificates,
                                                  having someone to talk to after a game, get-
We found what the young people wanted             ting their work orders or arrest warrants dealt
to do, through sitting down and chatting          with, without the threat of arrest on game
with them over a bite to eat.                     days, getting them into courses, getting them
                                                  part time work, giving them responsibility and
                                                  trust, getting them to talk to Rotary and other
Provide activities they want to do Such as        service clubs with a free lunch and getting
Footy, Cricket, Fishing, an alter- dressed up in smart clothes, having them MC
native to drinking and using drugs.               special events, involving them in planning
                                                  meetings and having an equal say.............
Get in step with the young people - Under-
stand where they have come from, their
backgrounds issues and why they do the
things they do, why they have trouble trust-
ing people, why they were violent and why
they hung around shopping centres.

Make them part of the program – Give them
ownership—They set the rules, we just facili-
tated things and guided them through the
process. It was their program, and be-
cause they enjoyed it so much and there
was a team ethic and they didn't want to                            By Anthea McCormick and
lose that. They felt that they belonged to                           tips provided by Kim Smith
Page 8

Event Review—The Bowl-A-Thon
The 25th of February saw the running of the Annual
Bowl-A-Thon for the Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells.

The BBQ was fired up, friends were gathered and vic-
tory was in the air. Bowling was the game and fund-
raising was the aim!

It was wonderful to see so many friends of the club come down and support us in
this event. I was over the moon to see fellow Rotaractor's from both districts to-
gether as well as Rotarians, RYLA friends & family members. We are very fortunate
to have your support.

A massive thank you to Aaron & everyone who helped make this day such a suc-
cess. As I’m sure you are aware, proceeds of the day went to Amaroo Village.
Amaroo Village is a retirement home and the money raised will go towards funding
a gardening patch were residents can get outdoors and keep physically & men-
tally healthy.

                                                                     Emma McLerie

          Did you know March is National
            Epilepsy Awareness Month?
Dig out the best of your purple garb - March is National Epilepsy Awareness
Month. Marked by a huge range of community activities, media campaigns
and events, the month culminates on Purple Day on 26th March. Be part of
the movement and help spread the word by wearing purple on March 26th.
Page 9

Introducing  ….  Stunning  Simone!!!
Name: Simone Amy Joyce
AKA: Simmy, Monie, Moe
Current Role held: Member, First Lady
Member Since: June, 2011

1.     What did you want to be when you were
little? A highflying artist like Leonardo Da Vinci!
But I soon realized that you don’t get really fa-­
mous until you’ve been dead for awhile.

2.    What’s the next planned event you're
looking to in your life? I’m really looking for-­
ward to Relay for Life this April. I did the event     ment;; I’ve started to turn my life around. Start-­
when I was in high school and I enjoyed myself         ing to feel myself again, which I have really felt
so much that I can’t wait to do it again. Also         for such a long time.
knowing that I’m doing it with some awesome
people and all the mischief we’re going to get         9.    Tell us something about yourself not many
up to would make anyone excited! I’ve had a            people would know? Earlier this year I was diag-
few people suffer with cancer, some have lost          nosed with Depression. I’ve had lots of blood
their fight and others are still fighting. I want to   tests and ultrasounds; the doctor came back
show my respect and support for them.                  and told me I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian
                                                       Syndrome), which has contributed, to my De-
3.   What word describes you best? Creative            pression amongst other things. Polycystic Ovar-
                                                       ian Syndrome is a complex disorder, basically is
                                                       a condition in which there is an imbalance of a
4.    If you were invisible, where would you
                                                       woman's female sex hormones. This causes a
go? I would like to go and spy on god. Since
                                                       whole lot of problems with your body, which is
he so fond on spying on me, and the rest of
                                                       why its called a ‘syndrome’ not a disease or dis-­
the world, I’d like to see what he gets up to!
                                                       order as there is such a wide spectrum of symp-
                                                       toms PCOS causes. Surprisingly 1 in every 8
5.    What is your favourite food? Chocolate!          women have this Syndrome, its one of the most
Its orgasmic! My second love is Italian cuisine;       under publicised health issues in Australia.
since I’m part Italian I’ve always had pasta,          Sometime in the future, I would like to change
roasts, meat, garlic and then more garlic. I’m a       that. Although I have support from my friends
proud Italian that has converted Johan to love         and family (those that I have told), there is not
garlic too!                                            much support from the wider community.

6.    If you could meet anyone, living or dead,        10. What words of wisdom or inspirational mes-
who would you meet & why? Leonardo Da                  sage would you like to leave us with? ……. I’ve
Vinci, he was and still is one of the biggest gen-     struggled with Depression for quite a few years,
iuses. I would love to be taught a few things by       I only admitted to myself last year that I needed
him!                                                   to get help. My message is don’t suffer in si-­
                                                       lence. Once you admit to yourself that you
7.   What is your favourite thing about Rota-          need help and seek it, your life will change for
ract? The people, everyone is great. From              the better. The hardest thing is to take the first
Handicamp and RYLA my bond with most of                step, but know that you can do it. I’ve a living
you have strengthened, you all enrich my life.         example of that. I know I’ve only started the
                                                       road to recovery, but I can see the light at the
8.    What is your greatest accomplishment? I          end of the tunnel.
think starting off 2012 is my greatest achieve-
Page 10

 The RYLA Experience 2012—Bryn Butler
 For those who do know about RYLA or Rotary
 Youth Leadership Awards, it's a 7 day long
 program for 18 - 28 year olds, it aims to chal-
 lenge individuals while providing unique op-
 portunities for developing leadership skills,
 public speaking, team building and a place
 where you get to meet amazing people.

 The seminar program has a strong focus on
 personal and leadership development. It
 assisted us to become aware of our own strengths and weaknesses, to understand
 the basics of leadership and to apply this knowledge to develop our leadership

 For me personally, the course really challenged me to look deep with in myself, to
 truly study what are my core personal values and also what I want out of life. What
 I discovered was I have natural leadership capabilities. It wasn’t me who identified
 this, but my peers. They gave me the opportunities and confidence to help lead a
 team to accomplish tasks of which I’m proud of, and for that thank you. It goes
 with out saying that one cannot lead others without people to follow you, fortu-
 nately throughout the whole camp any single participant who stepped up was
 supported by some of the most remarkable and inspiring young people, who’s atti-­
 tude made the job of leading a group so much easier.

 These are the sort of results you get when you put a remarkable group of young
 people together inside the confines of the "RYLA bubble". The positivity and atti-
 tudes radiating from the participants confirms that our future is in safe hands with
 these leaders of tomorrow.

 A primary component of RYLA is small groups, it’s where our 38 participants were
 broken up into 5 teams, but by day 7 we were undoubtedly 5 families. Literally to
 the point where my team were calling our Fac's (Facilitators) “Mum and Dad”,
 now as you can image this followed on to many other jokes, specifically centered
 around our existence, of which I couldn't possibly repeat here.

 These small groups provided a platform for us to get to know each other in a
 deeper and more personal way, all while being in a comfortable private setting.
 Strangers quickly became friends and peoples deepest secrets were revealed to
 the group in a supportive and friendly atmosphere, putting participants and Fac’s
 at ease with them selves and others, which ultimately gave a massive boost to
 their confidence and attitudes.
Page 11

 The  RYLA  Experience  2012  cont…..
 Immediately after RYLA some fellow Rotaractors and I raced back to Perth for our
 meeting at The Rotaract Club of the City of Gosnells. There Matt French and I
 made our case known to our club as to why we should be the next Vice President/
 President. I think it’s safe to say what Matt and I learnt on RYLA will play a phe-­
 nomenal role in how we choose to tackle the responsibilities of holding the office
 of VP/President, and that’s just one of the examples of how RYLA is already chang-­
 ing my life for the better.

 RYLA is known for giving participants an epiphany like realisation about what they
 want from life, I learn that I wanted to direct my time more towards what I’m pas-­
 sionate about, to do more in the community, to live a happier life, but ultimately to
 chase my dreams.

 I am confident that what I took away after that week in February has prepared me
 for a lot of life’s curve balls, or at the very least tackling my personal goals.

 It is a real task to attempt to summaries such an experience, I remember reading a
 quote someone made in regards to their RYLA adventure which sums it up per-
 fectly: “Can’t be described or understood – only experienced”.
 I and 37 other friends of mine would not have been able to have this once in a life
 time adventure if it wasn’t for the selfless efforts of many teams of special people
 working together to see the betterment of the life’s of young people.
 Unfortunately, I can’t thank everyone in depth here in this article, but you know
 who you are and how much you helped change our life’s, thank you so very

 Bryn Butler
 RYLA Graduate 2012
The Rotaract Club of
    City of Gosnells

   Meeting Information

When: 1st and 3rd Sunday
of each month

Meeting Time: 6pm arrival
for 6.30pm start

Location: CY O'Connor
Village Pub                          The Rotaract Club of
625 Warton Rd,
Piara Waters                             City of Gosnells
                            The Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells was chartered
Club President:             on the 8th of February 2010. The club has roughly 25
Johan Maasdam               members aged between 18-30 years, who together       participate in a number of projects stretching from
                            assisting the local community, Australia and the
                            World. And the best thing is…….
                                           We have fun doing it!!!

CHECK US OUT ONLINE—                                   What is                             R.I.F.J.A.M?

From the editor
Do you have something you would like included in the
bulletin? Maybe you have some suggestions or ideas?
Email me at before the
22nd of the month to make the cut off for the following
month’s edition.

                                 Emma xxx

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2009 11

The gossip march

  • 1. The Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells Presents…. The Gossip March 2012 Issue 2 A word from our President Dates to remember February has been a really good month! Aside from being World 4th March—General Meet- Understanding Month, we also ing  @  Laura’s  house celebrated the 107th anniversary of Rotary International. The Rota- 15th March— Worlds Greatest Shave ract Club of City of Gosnells had its second anniversary on the 8th 16th—18th March—Youth of February 2012, and our spon- Conference soring club, The Rotary Club of Gosnells had it 52nd anniversary 1st April—Next meeting on the same day. 14—15th April - Relay for Life March looks to be just as busy. having some new member in- The club is looking forward to the ductions in the upcoming 28th April—Amanda Rotary Conference & Youth Con- months. Young Ball ference to be held on 16 – 18th of March in Kalgoorlie. We will also In this past two months Tom 29th April—5th Sunday be celebrating the World Rota- Hunter and I have been work- Social @ The Balmoral ract week starting on the 13th of ing hard to get our club incor- March, to the 18th of March. porated. I would like to thank Tom for all the hard work he What’s  the  Goss? Our club had 5 members, (3 par- has put into this because with- ticipants and 2 facilitates) attend out him we would not have Monthly Theme 2-3 the RYLA Program in February. I progressed this far. was fortunate enough to be part of this camp on the Rotary Com- I would also like to thank our Foto Bombs 4-5 mittee. I have seen the 3 partici- beautiful Editor, Emma pants grow as leaders on this McLerie for all the hard work camp; they have made me she has put into getting the Trip to Tassie 7 proud to say that I am a Rotarac- bulletin up and running again. tor and their friend. I also would like to thank Aaron and Anthea Now it gives me great pleasure Upcoming 8 for taking the time to be Facilita- to announce that I am the Events tors on this camp. DRRE (District Rotaract Repre- Member Profile 9 sentative Elect) for 2012/13. I I would also like to thank all the am so looking forward to get- members of the club for their ting stuck into making this dis- RYLA Review 10 dedication in getting new mem- trict one of the best districts in bers & visitors along to meetings. Australia. Watch this space as we will be Club Summary 12
  • 2. Page 2 March—Literacy Month Literacy is a skill that can be acquired by where 93% of the population can read individuals, through education one can and write. become literate, through literacy comes knowledge and with knowledge an indi- Globally, literacy rates are on the rise; up vidual can bring in wealth for their self 2.3% in the past 10 years, and 10.6% in and their family. the past 20 years. While women still lag behind – representing 64% of illiterate The United Nations Educational, Scien- adults—they have made significant tific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) gains over time. Since 1985, the female Institute of Statistics reported the follow- adult literacy rate has risen 15%, which is ing findings from the latest data taken in about double the growth of the male 2009. literacy rate. Literacy is a cornerstone of human de- From the above facts, there is a clear velopment and economic growth, yet direction for us when planning our ser- according to the latest data (2009), vice projects and so I encourage every some 793 million adults -- two thirds of Rotaractor to brainstorm about ideas on them women -- still lack basic reading some meaningful projects. In the name and writing skills. of Rotary & Rotaract we can make a difference. Included in that figure are 127 million youth, aged 15 to 24, who will For more information on this study please be hobbled in their ability to contribute go to to the long-term economic and social development of their families and communities. 1.0 The region of South and West Asia is home to more than one half of the global illiterate population (51.8%), while sub-Saharan Africa represents 21.4%. However, rates can vary widely across countries in a region. In Mali, for exam- ple, merely 26% of the population is liter- ate in contrast to Equatorial Guinea
  • 3. Page 3 The Rotary Club of Hannans Annual Literacy Project Christmas comes early for the children of The club aim is to reach within and em- the East Kalgoorlie Primary School when brace humanity through literacy and it’s the Rotary Club of Hannans presented great to be able to give the children each child in the school with a book in these books. The smiles on the children's early December each year. faces say it all as they come up to re- ceive them. Improving literacy worldwide is a major goal for Rotary and the Rotary Club of The children really appreciate their Hannans has been sharing the gift of books. East Kalgoorlie Primary School is reading with the primary school since a predominately indigenous community 1997. and has a lot of disadvantaged children and it's great to have this focus on liter- Literacy is of great importance to Rotary. acy and getting books into homes. This year will be the fifteenth year of giv- The school has a valued partnership with ing books to the children in the school. the Rotary Club of Hannans and are Over the past decade and a half we grateful for their support. have given close to 1,500 books and the children love receiving them. AG Linda McLerie Rotary Club of Hannans ‘The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go’ - Dr Seuss. ‘I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!’
  • 6. Page 6 General Meeting Announcement The Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells will be holding a General Meeting in which all members are invited and encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held on Sunday 4th March 2012 at Laura’s house. The meeting will start at 7pm sharp but feel free to call around from 5.30pm and have a BBQ dinner. BYO meat & please bring a salad to share. Don’t forget your bathers & The purpose of the General Meeting is to undertake a vote on towel as we the implementation of the Constitution and By Laws. Make sure plan to crank your vote counts and we will see you there!!! the sauna!!! Worlds Greatest Shave—Tenille Fricker I will be shaving my head on Anyone is welcome to bid. I'm being Thursday March 15 at Murdoch They can either email me at brave ! Law School sometime after or I'm raising 10.30 am. All are welcome to write to me on Facebook money to come down and watch. A num- (only the highest bidder at support ber of other students will also be 8pm Sunday March 11 will shaving and colouring their hair. be required to pay in their blood cancer We will also be selling chin bis- funds). patients and cuits for $2 with all money going to fund vital directly to the Leukaemia Foun- research. dation. Otherwise please go to http:my.leukaemiafoundatio I am hoping to raise as much to donate. money as possible. So far a lot of people have shown interest in donating but getting people to All donations, large follow through has been difficult. and small, are greatly One of the ideas I’ve had is to appreciated. auction off the right to shave my head. The highest bidder so far Tenille is one of my friends, John. He has bid $50. xxx
  • 7. Page 7 Trip to Tassie — Anthea McCormick During my trip to Hobart I was lucky enough something important for the first time and to randomly meet up with a Sullivan Cove they could help each other. This was one of Rotarian with whom I was able to discuss the first times they felt good about them- some of the clubs charities and project. selves, about what they were achieving and they belonged to a team. What really interested me was the club com- mitment and involvement with disadvan- Suggest - don’t shove They had been taged youths in the Tasmanian area. A few kicked, punched, put down and they didn't years ago they initiated a project called want any more of that treatment. We only ‘Relink through the Street Work Program’ picked Coaches and Staff that were positive where they encourage youths off the street people and were encouraging, built self es- with activities. teem, looked at their positive aspects. We didn't want any negativity. I have included some of the tips he has given me that worked for their project and Give them more than they bargained could help us with our future projects. for Add to the programs with extras like their own team song, their own jumper, a BBQ at You can lead a horse to water, but you the end of the game, their photos in the pa- can’t make it drink, but you can make it very per, special games with High Profile AFL play- thirsty. ers attending, presentation of certificates, having someone to talk to after a game, get- We found what the young people wanted ting their work orders or arrest warrants dealt to do, through sitting down and chatting with, without the threat of arrest on game with them over a bite to eat. days, getting them into courses, getting them part time work, giving them responsibility and trust, getting them to talk to Rotary and other Provide activities they want to do Such as service clubs with a free lunch and getting Footy, Cricket, Fishing, an alter- dressed up in smart clothes, having them MC native to drinking and using drugs. special events, involving them in planning meetings and having an equal say............. Get in step with the young people - Under- stand where they have come from, their backgrounds issues and why they do the things they do, why they have trouble trust- ing people, why they were violent and why they hung around shopping centres. Make them part of the program – Give them ownership—They set the rules, we just facili- tated things and guided them through the process. It was their program, and be- cause they enjoyed it so much and there was a team ethic and they didn't want to By Anthea McCormick and lose that. They felt that they belonged to tips provided by Kim Smith
  • 8. Page 8 Event Review—The Bowl-A-Thon The 25th of February saw the running of the Annual Bowl-A-Thon for the Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells. The BBQ was fired up, friends were gathered and vic- tory was in the air. Bowling was the game and fund- raising was the aim! It was wonderful to see so many friends of the club come down and support us in this event. I was over the moon to see fellow Rotaractor's from both districts to- gether as well as Rotarians, RYLA friends & family members. We are very fortunate to have your support. A massive thank you to Aaron & everyone who helped make this day such a suc- cess. As I’m sure you are aware, proceeds of the day went to Amaroo Village. Amaroo Village is a retirement home and the money raised will go towards funding a gardening patch were residents can get outdoors and keep physically & men- tally healthy. Emma McLerie Did you know March is National Epilepsy Awareness Month? Dig out the best of your purple garb - March is National Epilepsy Awareness Month. Marked by a huge range of community activities, media campaigns and events, the month culminates on Purple Day on 26th March. Be part of the movement and help spread the word by wearing purple on March 26th.
  • 9. Page 9 Introducing  ….  Stunning  Simone!!! Name: Simone Amy Joyce AKA: Simmy, Monie, Moe Current Role held: Member, First Lady Member Since: June, 2011 1. What did you want to be when you were little? A highflying artist like Leonardo Da Vinci! But I soon realized that you don’t get really fa-­ mous until you’ve been dead for awhile. 2. What’s the next planned event you're looking to in your life? I’m really looking for-­ ward to Relay for Life this April. I did the event ment;; I’ve started to turn my life around. Start-­ when I was in high school and I enjoyed myself ing to feel myself again, which I have really felt so much that I can’t wait to do it again. Also for such a long time. knowing that I’m doing it with some awesome people and all the mischief we’re going to get 9. Tell us something about yourself not many up to would make anyone excited! I’ve had a people would know? Earlier this year I was diag- few people suffer with cancer, some have lost nosed with Depression. I’ve had lots of blood their fight and others are still fighting. I want to tests and ultrasounds; the doctor came back show my respect and support for them. and told me I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), which has contributed, to my De- 3. What word describes you best? Creative pression amongst other things. Polycystic Ovar- ian Syndrome is a complex disorder, basically is a condition in which there is an imbalance of a 4. If you were invisible, where would you woman's female sex hormones. This causes a go? I would like to go and spy on god. Since whole lot of problems with your body, which is he so fond on spying on me, and the rest of why its called a ‘syndrome’ not a disease or dis-­ the world, I’d like to see what he gets up to! order as there is such a wide spectrum of symp- toms PCOS causes. Surprisingly 1 in every 8 5. What is your favourite food? Chocolate! women have this Syndrome, its one of the most Its orgasmic! My second love is Italian cuisine; under publicised health issues in Australia. since I’m part Italian I’ve always had pasta, Sometime in the future, I would like to change roasts, meat, garlic and then more garlic. I’m a that. Although I have support from my friends proud Italian that has converted Johan to love and family (those that I have told), there is not garlic too! much support from the wider community. 6. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, 10. What words of wisdom or inspirational mes- who would you meet & why? Leonardo Da sage would you like to leave us with? ……. I’ve Vinci, he was and still is one of the biggest gen- struggled with Depression for quite a few years, iuses. I would love to be taught a few things by I only admitted to myself last year that I needed him! to get help. My message is don’t suffer in si-­ lence. Once you admit to yourself that you 7. What is your favourite thing about Rota- need help and seek it, your life will change for ract? The people, everyone is great. From the better. The hardest thing is to take the first Handicamp and RYLA my bond with most of step, but know that you can do it. I’ve a living you have strengthened, you all enrich my life. example of that. I know I’ve only started the road to recovery, but I can see the light at the 8. What is your greatest accomplishment? I end of the tunnel. think starting off 2012 is my greatest achieve-
  • 10. Page 10 The RYLA Experience 2012—Bryn Butler For those who do know about RYLA or Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, it's a 7 day long program for 18 - 28 year olds, it aims to chal- lenge individuals while providing unique op- portunities for developing leadership skills, public speaking, team building and a place where you get to meet amazing people. The seminar program has a strong focus on personal and leadership development. It assisted us to become aware of our own strengths and weaknesses, to understand the basics of leadership and to apply this knowledge to develop our leadership capabilities. For me personally, the course really challenged me to look deep with in myself, to truly study what are my core personal values and also what I want out of life. What I discovered was I have natural leadership capabilities. It wasn’t me who identified this, but my peers. They gave me the opportunities and confidence to help lead a team to accomplish tasks of which I’m proud of, and for that thank you. It goes with out saying that one cannot lead others without people to follow you, fortu- nately throughout the whole camp any single participant who stepped up was supported by some of the most remarkable and inspiring young people, who’s atti-­ tude made the job of leading a group so much easier. These are the sort of results you get when you put a remarkable group of young people together inside the confines of the "RYLA bubble". The positivity and atti- tudes radiating from the participants confirms that our future is in safe hands with these leaders of tomorrow. A primary component of RYLA is small groups, it’s where our 38 participants were broken up into 5 teams, but by day 7 we were undoubtedly 5 families. Literally to the point where my team were calling our Fac's (Facilitators) “Mum and Dad”, now as you can image this followed on to many other jokes, specifically centered around our existence, of which I couldn't possibly repeat here. These small groups provided a platform for us to get to know each other in a deeper and more personal way, all while being in a comfortable private setting. Strangers quickly became friends and peoples deepest secrets were revealed to the group in a supportive and friendly atmosphere, putting participants and Fac’s at ease with them selves and others, which ultimately gave a massive boost to their confidence and attitudes.
  • 11. Page 11 The  RYLA  Experience  2012  cont….. Immediately after RYLA some fellow Rotaractors and I raced back to Perth for our meeting at The Rotaract Club of the City of Gosnells. There Matt French and I made our case known to our club as to why we should be the next Vice President/ President. I think it’s safe to say what Matt and I learnt on RYLA will play a phe-­ nomenal role in how we choose to tackle the responsibilities of holding the office of VP/President, and that’s just one of the examples of how RYLA is already chang-­ ing my life for the better. RYLA is known for giving participants an epiphany like realisation about what they want from life, I learn that I wanted to direct my time more towards what I’m pas-­ sionate about, to do more in the community, to live a happier life, but ultimately to chase my dreams. I am confident that what I took away after that week in February has prepared me for a lot of life’s curve balls, or at the very least tackling my personal goals. It is a real task to attempt to summaries such an experience, I remember reading a quote someone made in regards to their RYLA adventure which sums it up per- fectly: “Can’t be described or understood – only experienced”. I and 37 other friends of mine would not have been able to have this once in a life time adventure if it wasn’t for the selfless efforts of many teams of special people working together to see the betterment of the life’s of young people. Unfortunately, I can’t thank everyone in depth here in this article, but you know who you are and how much you helped change our life’s, thank you so very much. Bryn Butler RYLA Graduate 2012
  • 12. The Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells Meeting Information When: 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month Meeting Time: 6pm arrival for 6.30pm start Location: CY O'Connor Village Pub The Rotaract Club of 625 Warton Rd, Piara Waters City of Gosnells The Rotaract Club of City of Gosnells was chartered Club President: on the 8th of February 2010. The club has roughly 25 Johan Maasdam members aged between 18-30 years, who together participate in a number of projects stretching from assisting the local community, Australia and the World. And the best thing is……. We have fun doing it!!! CHECK US OUT ONLINE— What is R.I.F.J.A.M? From the editor Do you have something you would like included in the bulletin? Maybe you have some suggestions or ideas? Email me at before the 22nd of the month to make the cut off for the following month’s edition. Emma xxx