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The Global Economy
Monthly letter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department
by Cecilia Hermansson                                                                                      No. 3 • 25 March 2011

                       Widening risks in the global economy
   • The global economy developed positively last year and the recovery has gained a
     better foothold. The overriding risks have shifted from deflation and a double dip to
     inflation and stagflation. Rising commodity prices – and the higher inflation and
     interest rates that come with them – seem to be the biggest risk to the recovery.

   • Risks are also widening as a result of the catastrophe in Japan, the nuclear power
     issue and democratisation in the Middle East. These risks are by no means
     negligible, but they are comparatively modest. Political risks are critical to how
     euro zone manages its crisis. What are needed are institutions that can generate
     greater discipline while keeping the region intact.

   • The focus this year will be on exit strategies. When quantitative easing is phased
     out, the “right prices” will start appearing on markets that have been aided by the
     stimulus, including financial services, commodities, real estate and indirectly many
     product markets. Introducing fiscal austerity at the same time that central banks
     begin raising benchmark rates earlier than they would like to due to the risk of
     inflation could undercut the recovery, especially in more developed countries.

Natural disasters and democratisation –                                    Inflation according to consumer price index (CPI)
risks are widening                                                                     in a number of countries (%)
In many ways the global economy has developed                                                                    India
positively in the last year. The recovery has gained
a stronger foothold in the US, Europe and other
                                                                         10.0   China

developed countries at the same time that emerging
economies have continued to grow at a fast pace                           7.5
and with a significant boost from global growth.                          5.0
GDP growth exceeded 4.5% last year for the                                2.5                                        US
portion – about 70% – of the global economy that                          0.0
                                                                                 Germany                                 Japan
we forecast.                                                             -2.5
                                                                            jan maj sep jan maj sep jan maj sep
Businesses have reduced costs and become more                                     08          09          10              Source: Reuters EcoWin

efficient. Relatively strong balance sheets and rising
earnings now allow them to increase their                      The crisis in the euro zone is far from over, but now
investments and hire again. There is the possibility           that expectations that Spain will need a bailout have
therefore that the recovery will continue in the years         declined, so have the concerns of a collapse in the
ahead. But there are also risks that threaten this             banking system or the euro. On the other hand,
positive scenario.                                             Portugal is (not surprisingly) inching closer to
                                                               needing a bailout, especially now that Prime
The risk picture has changed as the            focus has       Minister José Socrates has resigned and there is no
shifted from deflation and a double dip       to inflation     national consensus in parliament how to tackle the
and the risk of stagflation. Escalating       commodity        budget.
prices are the main reason for higher         inflation in
emerging countries, but also in more           developed       Since the beginning of the year risks have widened
countries.                                                     due to what would seem like black swans, i.e.,
                                                               unpredictable events that can have a huge impact

                         Ekonomiska sekretariatet, Swedbank AB (publ), 105 34 Stockholm, tfn 08-5859 1000
             E-mail: Ansvarig utgivare: Cecilia Hermansson, 08-5859 7720.
                                Magnus Alvesson, 08-5859 3341, Jörgen Kennemar, 08-5859 7730
The Global Economy

                       Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued

                                                No. 3 • 25 March 2011

when they occur and which many people find                        which in turn would slow production for companies
explanations for afterward, making them seem less                 that don't have enough inventory.
like a coincidence and more predictable than they
actually were.                                                    A more wide-ranging and long-term effect on the
                                                                  global economy could be in terms of public support
The democratisation process in the Middle East is                 for nuclear power and how we assess the risk of
an example of this. While there may have been                     unlikely but powerful events. In Germany, nuclear
expectations that the process would eventually                    power plants are being taken off line pending a
happen, it was hard to predict when, what would set               more thorough investigation of their safety. In the
it off and how it would affect the rest of the world.             meantime demonstrations have sprung up, mostly
Another example is the earthquake and tsunami in                  in Europe, which could change the way people feel
Japan. They were also expected, but within a 30-                  about nuclear energy. In the US there is a debate
year period and hardly with the impact this one has               whether current safety precautions are adequate,
had. There are still fears that the “big one” will more           since assumptions were based on earthquakes that
fundamentally affect the capital, Tokyo. The impact               had already occurred (around 7 on the Richter
of the nuclear power problem has to be added to                   scale), not those that could occur (considerably
the experience we have from similar events, like                  higher). The question is how much nuclear energy
Kobe in 1995, which makes comparisons between                     will grow. The biggest expansion is planned in Asia,
this and previous catastrophes much more difficult.               mainly in China and India. China has 13 reactors in
                                                                  operation, is currently building 27 and has plans for
The area that was hit represents about 8% of                      another 50. On top of that, it is considering 110
Japan's GDP, so the direct effects of the                         more. How nuclear waste affects Japan and its
catastrophe will be concentrated in Japan and to                  people is not clear yet, but reports that drinking
only a lesser extent the global economy. Initially                water, seafood and vegetables have to be avoided
Japan's GDP will shrink, but in time the region will              are creating fear and uncertainty about the affected
have to be rebuilt, which will stimulate growth, so               region’s agricultural and seafood production and the
that the average won't be affected all that much. It's            impact on domestic consumption, exports and even
likely that Japan's projected GDP growth of around                tourism.
1.5% this year will drop to 0 or just a bit above. On
the other hand, the reconstruction costs will be                          Global purchasing managers index (PMI global) and the
huge: some estimates say USD 300 billion, or 5%                                     price of oil per barrel in US dollars
of GDP. These resources will be invested over an                          80                                                                  140
extended period of time, beginning later this year.                       75                                                                  130
GDP growth will be higher for a while, not that                           70                                                                  120
Japan will become any richer, since it will simply be                     65
                                                                                                            PMI output global                 110

replacing the assets it has lost.                                         60                                                                  100

                                                                          55                                                                    90
There is also an impact on the global economy. In                         50                                                                    80
the short term demand will decline from Japan, the                        45                                                                    70
                                                                                                             Oil price brent in
world's third largest economy (if the EU is counted                       40                                                                    60
as separate countries). This could also affect                            35                                                                    50
commodity prices and interest rates, which are                            30                                                                    40
falling. Eventually they will rebound and prices and                        jan apr jul   okt jan apr jul   okt jan apr jul     okt jan
rates will rise. Japan may have to transition to other                              08                09                10            11
                                                                                                                                     Source: Reuters EcoWin

energy sources, including natural gas and oil. Until
interest rates rise, Japan, a major capital exporter,             Developments in the Middle East are likely to have
will need more capital at home and perhaps will be                a lager effect on the global economy through the
less interested in financing the current account                  price of oil. Thus far oil supplies from Libya have
deficits of other countries, particularly the US. As a            been replaced by other countries in the region, but
result, the competition for capital, which could grow,            uncertainty how the wave of democratisation may
is generating higher interest rates. The catastrophe              affect more important oil producers such as Saudi
is reinforcing this trend. Another effect, though                 Arabia is still pushing the price of oil higher. The
probably more short term, is that the global supply               fact that the West will not accept dictators who kill
chain could break down when Japanese products,                    their own people and made a unique decision to
especially from the electronics and auto industries,              step in may help the democratisation process in
are no longer available. Until companies can find                 other countries. Yemen, Bahrain and Syria have
alternative sources, supplies could be affected,                  oppositions that are demonstrating against their
                                                                  current rulers, continuing the process that started in

                                                          2 (4)
The Global Economy

                        Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued

                                                   No. 3 • 25 March 2011

Tunisia, Egypt      and    Libya,    but    with     some           more raw materials are needed. When people see
differences.                                                        their job opportunities and incomes improve, no
                                                                    matter where in the world, demand for food and fuel
Rulers throughout the Middle East are trying to                     rises as well.
bribe their people with higher energy and food
subsidies, even raising public sector salaries by                   The second is supply problems, especially in food
several hundred percent. Saudi Arabia has the                       production. Drought and fires have reduced the
resources to continue to support its population in                  supply of crops. There are also questions about the
this way, while guest workers are left out. Not until               impact of using crops to produce energy.
democracy reaches Saudi Arabia can this political
risk be discounted, and that could take several                     The third reason is that the monetary stimulus –
years.                                                              especially the quantitative easing, which has
                                                                    increased liquidity – has led to greater interest in
Moreover, we know very little about the                             investing in commodities and emerging markets,
governments that take over once former rulers have                  which has raised commodity prices. Add to that the
been forced out. The region has little experience                   increased uncertainty whether the easing will lead
with democracy and has religious groups with                        to higher inflation in the medium term and what you
conflicting interests that could lead to civil war. After           find is greater interest in gold, for example, where
a period of “stable dictatorships” could come a                     prices are now at record highs.
period of “unstable dictatorships” or “unstable
democracies” before we see what we really want –                    Fourthly, the concerns about oil prices in
“stable democracies” that eventually lead to greater                connection with the democratisation process in the
predictability with regard to the world's most                      Middle East have to be factored in. Right now the
important oil producers.                                            price of oil is outpacing production on a global level,
                                                                    mainly due to political risks.
Political risks are now increasing in addition to the
economic risks involving the financial and                          When the global economy is in a period of recovery
commodity markets, monetary and fiscal policies in                  and demand rises, higher prices can be more easily
the wake of the huge public debt run-up, and crisis                 tolerated. If prices rise too much, however, there is
management in connection with euro zone and US                      a risk that the recovery could falter. Rising food and
banks. This is due in no small part to the events in                energy prices take a bigger chunk out of people's
the Middle East, where geopolitical and security                    wallets, and they spend less. If central banks have
risks are rising following the recent air attacks.                  to raise interest rates to choke off rising inflation,
                                                                    higher interest expenses will leave less room for
It is also important how politicians manage the                     other consumption. For companies, input costs in
challenges that governments around the world are                    production rise, profits shrink and it becomes more
facing, including 1) the US administration and its                  difficult to invest and hire workers. Lower demand
structural imbalances and medium-term fiscal                        could also hurt earnings. It would be easier to
challenges, 2) the Chinese administration and an                    handle such a situation if the recovery were strong
overheated real estate market, 3) the Japanese                      and robust, but if it is fragile – due in part to fiscal
government and the challenges following the                         austerity, as is true in many European countries –
catastrophe in an already weak economy, and 4)                      rapidly rising commodity prices could pose a
European governments and the challenges to                          greater risk.
building strong institutions in the euro zone that
keep members together and make them                                 Whether oil prices have to reach USD 130-150 a
competitive.                                                        barrel to threaten the recovery or it’s enough that
                                                                    they rise above the current rate of USD 115 is hard
Growing focus on commodities and                                    to predict. The higher the price rises above the
inflation                                                           current level, the greater the risk that the recovery
                                                                    could falter.
Commodity prices have risen significantly in the last
half year. Commodity trends are analysed by                         What's important in is how central banks act. Import
Swedbank through Jörgen Kennemar in his monthly                     prices usually can’t be slowed by raising benchmark
letter. Here are a few thoughts about the reasons                   rates, but there is a limit to how patient these
for the price increases and the effects.                            central banks can be if import prices push inflation
                                                                    expectations higher and cause workers to demand
First, commodity prices are rising because demand
                                                                    higher wages. In other words, it is the second-hand
has increased as the recovery gains strength.
                                                                    effects that are the biggest concern.
When the wheels roll faster and production grows,

                                                            3 (4)
The Global Economy

                         Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued

                                                   No. 3 • 25 March 2011

In the US, the Federal Reserve is probably more                      ready to take over. In Europe, it will be a challenge
concerned about weak growth than high inflation,                     for banks and governments when the ECB is no
while the European Central Bank (ECB) may start                      longer buying bonds. It's a question of getting
thinking the opposite. Expectations are that the                     markets to work normally again at the same time
ECB will raise interest rates as soon as April and                   that interest rates begin to rise.
then a few more times this year, and that the Bank
of England will launch a period of rate hikes in the                 Decision-makers in emerging countries have been
middle of the year. Countries that are consolidating                 slow to introduce austerity in their economic
their budgets more aggressively, like the UK, could                  policies. Negative real interest rates are still fuelling
see the double dip that fewer experts are now                        demand, especially for real estate in countries such
predicting.                                                          as China. These countries also have to phase out
                                                                     their stimulus plans and implement measures to
Exit strategies are a bigger risk than we                            reduce the risk of overheating and an economic
suspect                                                              hard landing.
Economic policies during the financial crisis and                    The fact that the global economy is having to go
recession were highly expansive, with interest rates                 through rehab in 2011 means that there is a risk of
around zero, bloated balance sheets in central                       fluctuations in some markets before the “right”
banks to support markets with quantitative easing,                   prices are found. The key is to stick it out and avoid
and expansive fiscal policies with lower taxes/VAT                   a relapse!
and more room for spending. The era of financial
stimulus has now run its course and economic                                                                Cecilia Hermansson
decision-makers face the challenge of tightening
fiscal policies in order to address the problem of
explosive public debt, at the same time that rising
inflation and commodity prices are hastening a
normalisation of monetary policies in Europe and
perhaps the US.

In addition, the quantitative easing in the US will
expire at the end of June when QE2 comes to an
end without being replaced by QE3. The recovery,
rising inflation and more efficient credit markets
make it difficult to argue otherwise.

Financial, commodity and real estate markets, as
well as a number of product markets, have been
benefitting from the quantitative easing for some
time. As a result, it is hard to know what the true
prices are in these markets and what will happen
when quantitative easing is finally phased out and
central bank balance sheets are trimmed. There is
a risk of turbulence, and if that gets too high there is
a risk that QE3 will be needed to avoid a major
setback in the recovery. The US economy has to try
much harder to manage without a stimulus, and
there is a question whether the private sector is

Swedbanks Ekonomiska sekretariat
105 34 Stockholm                        Swedbanks Månadsbrev om den Globala Ekonomin ges ut som en service till våra kunder.
tfn 08-5859 7740                        Vi tror oss ha använt tillförlitliga källor and bearbetningsrutiner vid utarbetandet av                     analyser, som redovisas in publikationen. Vi kan dock inte garantera analysernas riktighet                         or fullständighet and kan inte ansvara för eventuell felaktighet or brist in grundmaterialet or
                                        bearbetningen därav. Läsarna uppmanas att basera eventuella (investerings-)beslut även
Ansvarig utgivare                       på annat underlag. Varken Swedbank or dess anställda or andra medarbetare skall kunna
Cecilia Hermansson, 08-5859 7720.       göras ansvariga för förlust or skada, direkt or indirekt, på grund av eventuella fel or brister
Magnus Alvesson, 08-5859 3341           som redovisas in Swedbanks Månadsbrev.
Jörgen Kennemar, 08-5859 7730

                                                             4 (4)

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The Global Economy, No. 3/2011

  • 1. The Global Economy Monthly letter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department by Cecilia Hermansson No. 3 • 25 March 2011 Widening risks in the global economy • The global economy developed positively last year and the recovery has gained a better foothold. The overriding risks have shifted from deflation and a double dip to inflation and stagflation. Rising commodity prices – and the higher inflation and interest rates that come with them – seem to be the biggest risk to the recovery. • Risks are also widening as a result of the catastrophe in Japan, the nuclear power issue and democratisation in the Middle East. These risks are by no means negligible, but they are comparatively modest. Political risks are critical to how euro zone manages its crisis. What are needed are institutions that can generate greater discipline while keeping the region intact. • The focus this year will be on exit strategies. When quantitative easing is phased out, the “right prices” will start appearing on markets that have been aided by the stimulus, including financial services, commodities, real estate and indirectly many product markets. Introducing fiscal austerity at the same time that central banks begin raising benchmark rates earlier than they would like to due to the risk of inflation could undercut the recovery, especially in more developed countries. Natural disasters and democratisation – Inflation according to consumer price index (CPI) risks are widening in a number of countries (%) 17.5 In many ways the global economy has developed India 15.0 positively in the last year. The recovery has gained 12.5 a stronger foothold in the US, Europe and other 10.0 China Percent developed countries at the same time that emerging economies have continued to grow at a fast pace 7.5 Brazil and with a significant boost from global growth. 5.0 UK GDP growth exceeded 4.5% last year for the 2.5 US portion – about 70% – of the global economy that 0.0 Germany Japan we forecast. -2.5 jan maj sep jan maj sep jan maj sep Businesses have reduced costs and become more 08 09 10 Source: Reuters EcoWin efficient. Relatively strong balance sheets and rising earnings now allow them to increase their The crisis in the euro zone is far from over, but now investments and hire again. There is the possibility that expectations that Spain will need a bailout have therefore that the recovery will continue in the years declined, so have the concerns of a collapse in the ahead. But there are also risks that threaten this banking system or the euro. On the other hand, positive scenario. Portugal is (not surprisingly) inching closer to needing a bailout, especially now that Prime The risk picture has changed as the focus has Minister José Socrates has resigned and there is no shifted from deflation and a double dip to inflation national consensus in parliament how to tackle the and the risk of stagflation. Escalating commodity budget. prices are the main reason for higher inflation in emerging countries, but also in more developed Since the beginning of the year risks have widened countries. due to what would seem like black swans, i.e., unpredictable events that can have a huge impact Ekonomiska sekretariatet, Swedbank AB (publ), 105 34 Stockholm, tfn 08-5859 1000 E-mail: Ansvarig utgivare: Cecilia Hermansson, 08-5859 7720. Magnus Alvesson, 08-5859 3341, Jörgen Kennemar, 08-5859 7730
  • 2. The Global Economy Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued No. 3 • 25 March 2011 when they occur and which many people find which in turn would slow production for companies explanations for afterward, making them seem less that don't have enough inventory. like a coincidence and more predictable than they actually were. A more wide-ranging and long-term effect on the global economy could be in terms of public support The democratisation process in the Middle East is for nuclear power and how we assess the risk of an example of this. While there may have been unlikely but powerful events. In Germany, nuclear expectations that the process would eventually power plants are being taken off line pending a happen, it was hard to predict when, what would set more thorough investigation of their safety. In the it off and how it would affect the rest of the world. meantime demonstrations have sprung up, mostly Another example is the earthquake and tsunami in in Europe, which could change the way people feel Japan. They were also expected, but within a 30- about nuclear energy. In the US there is a debate year period and hardly with the impact this one has whether current safety precautions are adequate, had. There are still fears that the “big one” will more since assumptions were based on earthquakes that fundamentally affect the capital, Tokyo. The impact had already occurred (around 7 on the Richter of the nuclear power problem has to be added to scale), not those that could occur (considerably the experience we have from similar events, like higher). The question is how much nuclear energy Kobe in 1995, which makes comparisons between will grow. The biggest expansion is planned in Asia, this and previous catastrophes much more difficult. mainly in China and India. China has 13 reactors in operation, is currently building 27 and has plans for The area that was hit represents about 8% of another 50. On top of that, it is considering 110 Japan's GDP, so the direct effects of the more. How nuclear waste affects Japan and its catastrophe will be concentrated in Japan and to people is not clear yet, but reports that drinking only a lesser extent the global economy. Initially water, seafood and vegetables have to be avoided Japan's GDP will shrink, but in time the region will are creating fear and uncertainty about the affected have to be rebuilt, which will stimulate growth, so region’s agricultural and seafood production and the that the average won't be affected all that much. It's impact on domestic consumption, exports and even likely that Japan's projected GDP growth of around tourism. 1.5% this year will drop to 0 or just a bit above. On the other hand, the reconstruction costs will be Global purchasing managers index (PMI global) and the huge: some estimates say USD 300 billion, or 5% price of oil per barrel in US dollars of GDP. These resources will be invested over an 80 140 extended period of time, beginning later this year. 75 130 GDP growth will be higher for a while, not that 70 120 Japan will become any richer, since it will simply be 65 PMI output global 110 USD/Barrel replacing the assets it has lost. 60 100 Index 55 90 There is also an impact on the global economy. In 50 80 the short term demand will decline from Japan, the 45 70 Oil price brent in world's third largest economy (if the EU is counted 40 60 USD as separate countries). This could also affect 35 50 commodity prices and interest rates, which are 30 40 falling. Eventually they will rebound and prices and jan apr jul okt jan apr jul okt jan apr jul okt jan rates will rise. Japan may have to transition to other 08 09 10 11 Source: Reuters EcoWin energy sources, including natural gas and oil. Until interest rates rise, Japan, a major capital exporter, Developments in the Middle East are likely to have will need more capital at home and perhaps will be a lager effect on the global economy through the less interested in financing the current account price of oil. Thus far oil supplies from Libya have deficits of other countries, particularly the US. As a been replaced by other countries in the region, but result, the competition for capital, which could grow, uncertainty how the wave of democratisation may is generating higher interest rates. The catastrophe affect more important oil producers such as Saudi is reinforcing this trend. Another effect, though Arabia is still pushing the price of oil higher. The probably more short term, is that the global supply fact that the West will not accept dictators who kill chain could break down when Japanese products, their own people and made a unique decision to especially from the electronics and auto industries, step in may help the democratisation process in are no longer available. Until companies can find other countries. Yemen, Bahrain and Syria have alternative sources, supplies could be affected, oppositions that are demonstrating against their current rulers, continuing the process that started in 2 (4)
  • 3. The Global Economy Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued No. 3 • 25 March 2011 Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, but with some more raw materials are needed. When people see differences. their job opportunities and incomes improve, no matter where in the world, demand for food and fuel Rulers throughout the Middle East are trying to rises as well. bribe their people with higher energy and food subsidies, even raising public sector salaries by The second is supply problems, especially in food several hundred percent. Saudi Arabia has the production. Drought and fires have reduced the resources to continue to support its population in supply of crops. There are also questions about the this way, while guest workers are left out. Not until impact of using crops to produce energy. democracy reaches Saudi Arabia can this political risk be discounted, and that could take several The third reason is that the monetary stimulus – years. especially the quantitative easing, which has increased liquidity – has led to greater interest in Moreover, we know very little about the investing in commodities and emerging markets, governments that take over once former rulers have which has raised commodity prices. Add to that the been forced out. The region has little experience increased uncertainty whether the easing will lead with democracy and has religious groups with to higher inflation in the medium term and what you conflicting interests that could lead to civil war. After find is greater interest in gold, for example, where a period of “stable dictatorships” could come a prices are now at record highs. period of “unstable dictatorships” or “unstable democracies” before we see what we really want – Fourthly, the concerns about oil prices in “stable democracies” that eventually lead to greater connection with the democratisation process in the predictability with regard to the world's most Middle East have to be factored in. Right now the important oil producers. price of oil is outpacing production on a global level, mainly due to political risks. Political risks are now increasing in addition to the economic risks involving the financial and When the global economy is in a period of recovery commodity markets, monetary and fiscal policies in and demand rises, higher prices can be more easily the wake of the huge public debt run-up, and crisis tolerated. If prices rise too much, however, there is management in connection with euro zone and US a risk that the recovery could falter. Rising food and banks. This is due in no small part to the events in energy prices take a bigger chunk out of people's the Middle East, where geopolitical and security wallets, and they spend less. If central banks have risks are rising following the recent air attacks. to raise interest rates to choke off rising inflation, higher interest expenses will leave less room for It is also important how politicians manage the other consumption. For companies, input costs in challenges that governments around the world are production rise, profits shrink and it becomes more facing, including 1) the US administration and its difficult to invest and hire workers. Lower demand structural imbalances and medium-term fiscal could also hurt earnings. It would be easier to challenges, 2) the Chinese administration and an handle such a situation if the recovery were strong overheated real estate market, 3) the Japanese and robust, but if it is fragile – due in part to fiscal government and the challenges following the austerity, as is true in many European countries – catastrophe in an already weak economy, and 4) rapidly rising commodity prices could pose a European governments and the challenges to greater risk. building strong institutions in the euro zone that keep members together and make them Whether oil prices have to reach USD 130-150 a competitive. barrel to threaten the recovery or it’s enough that they rise above the current rate of USD 115 is hard Growing focus on commodities and to predict. The higher the price rises above the inflation current level, the greater the risk that the recovery could falter. Commodity prices have risen significantly in the last half year. Commodity trends are analysed by What's important in is how central banks act. Import Swedbank through Jörgen Kennemar in his monthly prices usually can’t be slowed by raising benchmark letter. Here are a few thoughts about the reasons rates, but there is a limit to how patient these for the price increases and the effects. central banks can be if import prices push inflation expectations higher and cause workers to demand First, commodity prices are rising because demand higher wages. In other words, it is the second-hand has increased as the recovery gains strength. effects that are the biggest concern. When the wheels roll faster and production grows, 3 (4)
  • 4. The Global Economy Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued No. 3 • 25 March 2011 In the US, the Federal Reserve is probably more ready to take over. In Europe, it will be a challenge concerned about weak growth than high inflation, for banks and governments when the ECB is no while the European Central Bank (ECB) may start longer buying bonds. It's a question of getting thinking the opposite. Expectations are that the markets to work normally again at the same time ECB will raise interest rates as soon as April and that interest rates begin to rise. then a few more times this year, and that the Bank of England will launch a period of rate hikes in the Decision-makers in emerging countries have been middle of the year. Countries that are consolidating slow to introduce austerity in their economic their budgets more aggressively, like the UK, could policies. Negative real interest rates are still fuelling see the double dip that fewer experts are now demand, especially for real estate in countries such predicting. as China. These countries also have to phase out their stimulus plans and implement measures to Exit strategies are a bigger risk than we reduce the risk of overheating and an economic suspect hard landing. Economic policies during the financial crisis and The fact that the global economy is having to go recession were highly expansive, with interest rates through rehab in 2011 means that there is a risk of around zero, bloated balance sheets in central fluctuations in some markets before the “right” banks to support markets with quantitative easing, prices are found. The key is to stick it out and avoid and expansive fiscal policies with lower taxes/VAT a relapse! and more room for spending. The era of financial stimulus has now run its course and economic Cecilia Hermansson decision-makers face the challenge of tightening fiscal policies in order to address the problem of explosive public debt, at the same time that rising inflation and commodity prices are hastening a normalisation of monetary policies in Europe and perhaps the US. In addition, the quantitative easing in the US will expire at the end of June when QE2 comes to an end without being replaced by QE3. The recovery, rising inflation and more efficient credit markets make it difficult to argue otherwise. Financial, commodity and real estate markets, as well as a number of product markets, have been benefitting from the quantitative easing for some time. As a result, it is hard to know what the true prices are in these markets and what will happen when quantitative easing is finally phased out and central bank balance sheets are trimmed. There is a risk of turbulence, and if that gets too high there is a risk that QE3 will be needed to avoid a major setback in the recovery. The US economy has to try much harder to manage without a stimulus, and there is a question whether the private sector is Swedbanks Ekonomiska sekretariat 105 34 Stockholm Swedbanks Månadsbrev om den Globala Ekonomin ges ut som en service till våra kunder. tfn 08-5859 7740 Vi tror oss ha använt tillförlitliga källor and bearbetningsrutiner vid utarbetandet av analyser, som redovisas in publikationen. Vi kan dock inte garantera analysernas riktighet or fullständighet and kan inte ansvara för eventuell felaktighet or brist in grundmaterialet or bearbetningen därav. Läsarna uppmanas att basera eventuella (investerings-)beslut även Ansvarig utgivare på annat underlag. Varken Swedbank or dess anställda or andra medarbetare skall kunna Cecilia Hermansson, 08-5859 7720. göras ansvariga för förlust or skada, direkt or indirekt, på grund av eventuella fel or brister Magnus Alvesson, 08-5859 3341 som redovisas in Swedbanks Månadsbrev. Jörgen Kennemar, 08-5859 7730 4 (4)