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Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
The Future of the
Connected Home
Kevin Young
SVP Product Experience
The Technological, Cultural, and Business
Shifts Impacting IoT and the Home
Technology is evolving at
a fascinating pace. The
current six living
generations on our planet
have witnessed
advancements in
technology that are
This image is a recently
filed patent by Amazon.
It shows an AFC
(Airborne Fulfillment
Center) floating 45,000
feet above the ground
and Unarmed
Autonomous Vehicles—
ordered goods in nearly
real time. This is just a
patent, so who knows if
the AFC will ever come to
fruition. But it does give
us a window into what
one of the world’s most
innovative companies is
thinking about.
2Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
47 percent of U.S. jobs
could be automated
within the next
two decades.
Oxford University study
3 Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Oxford University study
This is recently released
video of the Handle
robot from Boston
Dynamics. It can travel
at nine miles an hour,
jump four feet vertically,
and lift 100 pounds. It
accomplishes this by
combining the ability to
move on both wheels
and legs.
Robotics are rapidly
evolving. How will this
continue to impact jobs
that require physical
labor? And then, of
course, there is machine
learning. What will
happen when computers
can do our jobs better
than we can?
4Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Meanwhile, we humans
are experimenting on
ourselves. This picture is
a person implanting a
RFID chip beneath their
skin. Body hackers
embed electronics into
themselves for fashion,
experimentation, and
Access to information is
getting closer and closer
to our physical bodies.
Isn't it inevitable that our
search engine will soon
be embedded in us?
5Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Neil Harbisson is color
blind and convinced a
doctor to implant a
camera in the back of his
skull that allows him to
“hear” colors. The camera
detects the dominant
color in his field of view
and translates it to audio
We are living through an
extremely exciting time as
sensing, monitoring, and
data assessment are
transforming our lives. It
is exciting, but I will admit
that it’s also potentially
frightening. I have three
children, and I wonder
what their world will look
As with most new
technologies, there are
tremendous possibilities
but we haven't yet figured
out how to align their
potential with human
6Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
The Internet of Things is
an amazing opportunity
to create an ecosystem
of products and services
that work together
seamlessly to improve
our lives.
7Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
… we aren't there yet.
Many of today’s IoT
products and services
are pushing technical
capabilities because they
can—not because they
should. We will figure this
all out, but it might take a
8Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
9Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
We certainly saw this at
CES this year. Do we
really need an IoT
toaster? Is it important
to use our smartphone
to set the desired level
of toast darkness and
have it inform us when
the toast is ready?
I applaud the effort, and
the people who created
this product are, in
many ways, ahead of
their time. However,
many have questioned
the human need for an
IoT product such as this.
These companies are
helping us figure it out
as we live through this
process of natural
technology selection.
They are helping us
advance and evolve our
technological species.
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10Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
And, even when we do
get this right—when we
create something with
great technical
capabilities that
addresses true human
needs and values—
there can be other
Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
11Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Two-thirds of consumers are
worried about their technology
eavesdropping on them.
Gartner survey 11
Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
And technologies such as
virtual reality are
challenging our behavior
patterns and social
norms. As humans, we
are fascinated by the
technical possibilities but
struggle to understand
how it can fit
meaningfully into our
So where do we go from
here? How do we
harness the potential of
the exciting and
concurrently frightening
opportunities that
technology is offering
Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
I consider myself very
lucky that my job is to
help figure this out. Help
understand how to align
human needs and values
with the technology
solutions that exist
today, and that we
anticipate to exist in the
future. My job is to help
humanize technology.
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14Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
IMPACT At Continuum, we
accomplish this through
a process we call
Backcasting. This
approach helps
companies break away
from the incremental
innovation can happen
when pushing
technology without
sufficiently considering
human values and
15Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
IMPACT If you understand the
needs of consumers
and don’t limit
yourself to considering
the technical
capabilities of your
current organization,
you can think more
ambitiously about the
ideal state of your
company and its
Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
16Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
IMPACT From there, you can
Backcast a pipeline of
products and services
that are on the
trajectory toward this
ideal state. This allows
near-term wins that
are closer to the
capabilities of your
current organization,
but also deliver
greater benefits and
therefore impact for
16Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
17Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Future of Family Future of Education
Future of First Response
Future of Dying
Continuum has applied
the Backcasting
approach to a wide
variety of challenges,
taking on ambitious
national and global issues
such as the future of
parenting, education,
first respoonse, and even
death. What role can
emerging technologies
play in addressing these
topics and creating a
better world for us all?
17Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
18Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Future of Family
Future of Family
An example of a recent
Backcasting project is a
partnership with Fisher-
Price to think about the
advancements in
technology that can
support early childhood
For over 85 years, Fisher-
Price has been creating
products and services
that help families with
ECD–the social, physical,
and mental
developmental needs of
children. What role can
and should technology
play in supporting this
18Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
19Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
If you are a parent, you
know about screen time.
I mentioned that I have
three young children, so I
live with this tension
every day. We feel guilt
that screens are helping
raise our children. They
limit social and physical
development. And it's
unknown what long-term
exposure does to us.
At the same time, the
digital world offers my
children awesome
educational potential—
far more than I am able
to provide. Can we find a
way to emphasize the
benefit of this digital
exposure while reducing
the downside?
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20Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
It’s exciting to imagine
the potential health
benefits that new
technologies can offer
parents and families.
Given the challenges of
childhood obesity and
diabetes, monitoring the
nutrition and activity of
your children has
tremendous benefit. But
no one is doing this yet.
Why not?
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21Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
“The future
smells like
To help Fisher-Price
envision this future state,
we spoke with thought
leaders and subject
matter experts in the
areas of child
development, technology,
and social/cultural
David Rose, an innovator
and a pioneer in the
Internet of Things field
and author of Enchanted
Objects, inspired us by
sharing the untapped
potential of meaningfully
connected experiences. At
the same time, he
reminded us to avoid
becoming enamored with
overt demonstrations of
technology. He noted,
“The future smells like
wood. ” David believes
that tech will become
increasingly invisible,
seamlessly fitting into our
lives without interrupting
our natural behavior
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22Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
We explored the
emerging technologies
that could be most
relevant to this initiative.
Magic Leap is developing
technology which
projects an image
directly onto your retina.
This tricks the brain into
thinking the image is
being seen in real life.
Their work is highly
secretive so they haven’t
revealed specifics of the
technology. And skeptics
are questioning the
validity of their
technology. But I believe
they might be on to
something. As of
February 2016, they were
valued at $4.5 billion and
have received funding
from Google, Qualcomm,
and Alibaba.
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23Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Imagine how this type of
immersive and
contextual experience
could evolve the world of
education and how
parents approach raising
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24Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Magic Leap’s
holographic-like images
might not become fully
realized but, on the
trajectory to that ideal
experience, Sony just
announced the release
date for the Xperia Touch
projector. Images are
projected onto any
surface and cameras can
detect and respond to
interactions with the
content. Solutions such
as this will help break the
screen time paradigm
and the isolation that
exists with human-to-
screen interaction. It can
open digital experiences
to be more socially
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25Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Core values don’t expireCore values don’t expire
When embarking on a
“Future of…” initiative
(or, for that matter, any
innovation project), it’s
critically important to
not lose track of people.
Millennial parents don’t
share behavioral
patterns or attitudes
with their Gen X or
Boomer parents.
However, I believe core
parenting values don’t
expire. 50 years ago,
parents wanted to raise
strong, healthy, resilient
children. And I predict
that that will remain
true 50 years from now.
With this in mind, it was
important to avoid ideas
that compromised the
human element of
25Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
26Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
With this learning in
mind, we began
envisioning ideas that
would leverage our
research of applicable
technologies and
consumer needs. For
example, we imagined
an e-textile blanket that
felt like a normal blanket
but could measure the
baby's body
color to alert parents if
the baby was developing
a fever.
26Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
27Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Another idea was to
capture memories. Many
families mark their
children’s growth on a
wall in their home. What
if this tradition could be
augmented by a
“memory tree” that
would capture these
milestones? Parents
could even dial back
time and see pictures
and sounds or videos of
their child at different
27Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
28Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
The culmination of this
initiative was a short film
that premiered at SXSW
2016. The film follows a
day in the life of a family
5-10 years in the future.
Technology is seamlessly
working for the family—
enabling and augmenting
the parents’ ability to
support the development
of the social, mental, and
physical needs of their
The Future of Parenting
28Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
29Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.CLARA
The Sleep Ring
A ring by the parents’
bedside monitors the
depth of sleep for all
family members by
commutating with their
e-textile clothing. When
the baby is about to
wake, it notifies the
parent in lighter sleep and
wakes them—before the
baby wakes everyone in
the house.
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30Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
The Owl and
In the film, Clara builds a
physical felt owl, and it’s
digitally transmitted to
their at-home 3D fabric
printer. Later in the day,
she brings her owl into a
Digital Grove–a virtual
playground that was
created by her and is
activated by the
proximity of the owl.
That night, when
preparing for bed,
Clara’s mom reads her a
bedtime story in what
looks and feels like a
normal paper-page
book, but each page
comes alive with events
that happened in Clara’s
day—including the
friend that she created
that morning.
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31Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Window to the
This is a digital window
that augments the
natural environment. By
engaging with objects
seen in and through the
window, Clara and
Matteo can activate an
educational experience
tailored to their specific
ages. They see a bird
outside and point to it,
activating educational
content specific to that
animal and their learning
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32Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Learning Toys
Later, Clara and Matteo
are playing together
with the Rock-a-Stack,
a classic Fisher-Price
learning toy. Matteo
places the last ring on
top and, to celebrate
this achievement
milestone, the bird that
he earlier saw in the
window appears through
a digitally projected
image. In addition, when
the rings are stacked in
the correct sequence, it
unlocks the next level of
educational play
complexity by revealing
a puzzle on the outside
of the rings. In this way,
the toy grows with the
child and responds to his
developmental stage.
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33Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Smart Nutrition
As food is placed on the
nutrition tray, it detects
the type of food and
informs the parents of
the food group,
nutritional value, and the
percentage the child has
consumed toward her
daily goal.
33Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
34Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Memory Tree
A digital Memory Tree
acts as the hearth of the
home. It captures
meaningful data as
events take place
throughout their day.
When Matteo takes his
first steps, the house
recognizes this
important event,
captures it through
video, and saves it to
the Memory Tree.
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35Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Memory Tree
This tree acts as a
digital growth chart for
the family, recording the
children at different
ages and taking a photo
or video to be viewed
later. Parents can
rewind time on the
growth chart and view
pictures and videos of
their children at their
recorded growth stages.
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36Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Advance to the next slide
to see the Future of
Parenting film created by
Continuum and Fisher-
The Future of Parenting
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37Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Future of Family Future of Education
Future of First Response Future of Dying
Continuum has worked in
a variety of categories
and project challenges.
We've encouraged our
clients to avoid the
temptation of pushing
technology solutions that
don't deliver on true
human needs.
But what else have we
learned from these
projects? Although these
projects are very
different, we’ve seen
themes that we have
started to collect. And
we don't just look at
these themes as trends.
We feel that these
business, cultural, and
technology trends
combine to form greater
shifts that we should be
aware of.
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38Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
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44Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Parenthood is no longer a
given, and if you decide to
do it, there’s no wrong (or
right) way. Being a parent
is less of a life stage and
more of a personal project
(among many projects).
We are seeing a proliferation of
parenting arrangements—gay couples,
older parents, intentional single parents,
cohabitation, and multi-generational
families where a grandparent is the
primary caretaker. Millennials are living
the idea of “it takes a village,” seeking
out their friends to help teach their
children and impart different qualities
and skills they don’t posses.
For those who do have kids, it is a
chosen project, not an expected life
stage. Having kids is less defining and
all-encompassing, especially for
women, who share responsibility with
partners and friends. Having babies
later in life means less willingness to
give up as much of established life. The
economy means it’s also harder to
dedicate to being a parent full time.
Not being defined by parenthood has
big implications on the stuff you buy for
your kids. How can all these things not
scream, “This is my entire life!” right
now? And having all these parenting
arrangements means that kid gear
needs to be incredibly easy to use.
44Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
45Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Being a consumer is a
political act. Where you
spend your money on
what is a reflection of
your values. People are
thinking critically before
opening their wallets and
their opinions online to
fellow consumers and
companies, who are
closely listening (and
Millennials are the first generation in
U.S. history who will have less money
than their parents.
They have less money and less space
for stuff, so when they do buy stuff, it
is more precious. And as they see
things like Super PACS, and feel more
impotent in the political process,
being a consumer is an arena where
they have influence.
So they think hard about what they
are buying and crowdsource. Thanks
to the flatness of the internet, they
know a lot more about companies and
their process and have more of a
voice than ever before.
With this transparency comes
accountability. Companies can’t get
away with as much.
45Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
46Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Answers and information
are accessible at all times
thanks to personal tech
and “Dr. Google.” We
don’t need to do upfront
research and our
expectation is that what
we need to know is
accessible wherever and
Information is everywhere. On the
train to work in the morning, you can
research that odd-looking mole on
your back. Take a picture,
crowdsource the problem…where is
this headed?
Cyberchondria is a thing. We are
making ourselves literally sick with
worry as we self diagnose through
online research. One in 20 Google
searches are health-related.
Last year, Google modified their
health-related search functionality.
They recruited consulting physicians,
and experts from Harvard Medical
School and the Mayo Clinic, to evaluate
the medical conditions that appear in
patient searches. Through a new
algorithm, Google will cross-reference
symptoms with what it deems “high
quality medical information” to
present a more balanced search
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47Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
47Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
48Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
t he shif t
Our lives online hold just
as much weight as our
“real lives.” For young
kids, the distinction is
becoming increasingly
blurred. What do our
data trails say about us?
How can parents help
their children navigate
this landscape?
People today are capturing,
documenting, and sharing their lives
in real time. Millennials value
experiences over material things and
the best way to preserve and profit
from fleeting, intangible moments is
to freeze them.
Millennials tends to look at their lives
online as productions, illustrating
their brand.
Gen Z, which grew up on the internet,
however, has a very natural way of
existing online. Their digital selves
don’t differ from their offline selves.
This is largely due to the quantity of
their output (they Snapchat more
than 10x a day).
Additionally, as social media
platforms are evolving, Facebook
encourages users to think of their life
as a narrative with a timeline,
whereas Snapchat forces non-linear,
in-the-moment expression.
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49Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
50Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Identity is no longer
something assigned to you;
it’s something you discover
along the way. With this
approach to self, products
need to accommodate this
fluidity. This translates to
the utmost simplicity, or
total customization.
Early life no-gender zone: Your boys
may want to wear dresses, but don’t
jump to conclusions just yet. They
reside in a place where gender is fluid
and they are free to play.
Transhumanism: We’ve been hacking
our bodies for a long time now (glasses
to contact lenses) and it’s just about
to get more intense (RFID chips).
What’s next?
People are beginning to create
personalized diets for themselves as a
way to assert their individuality.
50Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
51Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
business Health is no longer just
about making sure you’re
not sick (retroactively), it’s
about being vibrant
(proactively). This extends
to your mental health and
Wellness is the next trillion-dollar
Food as medicine: Under the umbrella
of the preventative health movement,
recognition of how much non-food
items are in our food, and becoming
acutely aware of ingredients lists and
food labels, people are questioning
what does organic really mean?
Healthcare in its current form (aka
emergency care) is really expensive
and pushing people and insurance to
increase preventative care–mostly as
a cost-saving measure.
Our optimal self–whether healthy,
balanced, fulfilled–doesn’t come
cheap. From boot camps, retreats, and
green juices, to reliable health
insurance, quality child daycare, and
credible education: access to who we
want to be requires time and money.
But it’s something we’re willing to
invest in. So how will companies help
us feel, do, and look good?
51Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
52Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
technology Machine learning >
selection/choosing >
shopping. What was
originally 1,000 choices is
whittled down to three,
curated for you by your
digital trail of choices and
behavior data points.
As jobs are being taken over by
robots, whether that’s at the
checkout at CVS or at a factory
in China, humans are being
pushed out. This means we have
to juggle more, and adapt an
agile approach to our careers in
order to stay hirable.
What exactly can be outsourced
to a robot? What is essentially
53Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
53Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
54Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
t he shif t
Robots… are they friends or
enemies? Our POV: they’re
here to help and we control if
that’s friendly or not. We’re
figuring it out right now but
in the future, people will
understand roles better: their
own (what’s human: advice,
IRL relationships) and that of
the bots that will populate
touchpoints. We need to
learn what’s permissible and
secure first in order to curate
this collaborative
relationship. It’s a challenge
now: every time a poll is
wrong, fake news happens.
When a baby doll in Germany
leaks personal info, it’s a step
back. But bots do and will
help us to make the right
choices for us. We choose
from three instead of
thousands of choices.
Hopefully, bots make things
fun, too. Can wellness be
more fun instead of
stressful? Can robots helps
us find time to relax?
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55Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
56Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
For the first time ever, the
majority of the American
workforce is female, and
younger women are
outpacing men in education
and salary. Yet women who
are mothers are struggling
to balance work and home
life. And though females at
top tiers of a company or
C-suite correlate with
higher performance, there
are only 20 female CEOs on
the Forbes 500 list (a
number that decreased
from last year). So how will
companies achieve parity
between men and women?
Only 4.2% of Fortune 500 companies
are run by women.
At home, fewer men are the sole
roles are changing and will continue to
change. Right now, both parents are
learning to balance work life (a change
from previous decades). Paid work,
housework, and child care are no
longer gender-assigned. So how can
companies help ease and facilitate
these changes in how we define
gender? Hint: There is no traditional
“female” or “male.” They are
converging. 56Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
57Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Higher education today isn’t
preparing graduates for the
real world. Everyone agrees
it needs to change. The
question is: How? If college
is no longer a given, the
focus becomes how can
your kids’ education become
enriching to their personal
Going to college used to be assurance
of a good job, and thus a shot at a good
life. But with privatization of higher
education, tuition costs tripling, the
growing number of Millennial post-
grads who are unemployed, and the
ability to buy grades, the value of
college is under serious scrutiny,
especially by super-pragmatic Gen Z.
There is a huge skills gap in the
workforce spurring arguments for a
focus on STEM curriculum, vocational
programs, and apprenticeships.
Everyone agrees it needs to change.
Meanwhile, Gen Z have become
subscribers to “YouTube University,”
where they are learning from videos
instead of books.
So if college is no longer a given, the
focus becomes how can your child’s
education be enriching to their
personal journey? Does this mean we
no longer save for college? Does travel
become a new form of education, and
portability essential?
57Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
58Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
technology Because this is a relatively
new territory, we’re still
scrambling to figure out how
to integrate personal tech
into our lives in a healthy
way. As the negative effect
of our modern, sedentary
lifestyles catch up to us, it
begs the question, did our
prehistoric ancestors have it
Free-range kids: A parenting
movement, gaining in popularity, that
doesn’t succumb to the idea that kids
are always in danger, literally or
figuratively of falling behind
academically. Kids are allowed to range
freely and take time to do what they
want to do in order to figure out what
they love.
With the ubiquity of tech, going
outdoors has become a novel activity,
drawing kids out of their indoor world.
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59Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
59Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
60Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
t he shif t
A new economic climate has
led to shifting priorities and
expectations. Life becomes
an ever-shifting journey,
with unexpected twists and
turns, instead of a set, linear
trajectory determined by a
few choices made early on
in life.
Today, people and their stuff are taking
up less space. It’s circumstantial; we
don’t need as much and we can’t afford
as much. On top of that, there are
cultural changes afoot. People are
prioritizing experiences over material
things and looking to share items they
would formerly own (Airbnb, Spotify,
The sharing economy means you can
experience multiple “lives” and opt into
things temporarily that used to be out of
your reach, like Airbnb-ing a fancy
As education and work disperse from
expensive central campuses and offices
to digestible content created at any
given moment in the flux of daily life,
pop-up environments like WeWork will
lead to spaces like WeLearn.
We all want access to stuff without the
burden of ownership. We want the
convenience and fulfillment of owning,
we want things exactly where we need
and want it. On top of that, we’re living
and working longer. So how will
companies re-scale their offerings to
give us what we want, when we want it,
without burden? We want to own what’s
right for that moment.
61Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. 61Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
62Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Technology, cultural, and
business trends are creating
major shifts impacting our
world. And compelling
technologies will continue to
change our our world in
fascinating, and potentially
terrifying, ways that are
difficult to imagine. That’s
part of my job—to help
humanize technology,
determining how to leverage
technology in a way that will
benefit our most important
62Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
63Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
Thank you!
Kevin Young
SVP, Product Experience
63Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.

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The Future of the Connected Home

  • 1. Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. The Future of the Connected Home Kevin Young SVP Product Experience @KevinYoungR The Technological, Cultural, and Business Shifts Impacting IoT and the Home
  • 2. Technology is evolving at a fascinating pace. The current six living generations on our planet have witnessed advancements in technology that are unprecedented. This image is a recently filed patent by Amazon. It shows an AFC (Airborne Fulfillment Center) floating 45,000 feet above the ground and Unarmed Autonomous Vehicles— drones—delivering ordered goods in nearly real time. This is just a patent, so who knows if the AFC will ever come to fruition. But it does give us a window into what one of the world’s most innovative companies is thinking about. 2Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 3. 47 percent of U.S. jobs could be automated within the next two decades. Oxford University study 3 Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 4. Oxford University study This is recently released video of the Handle robot from Boston Dynamics. It can travel at nine miles an hour, jump four feet vertically, and lift 100 pounds. It accomplishes this by combining the ability to move on both wheels and legs. Robotics are rapidly evolving. How will this continue to impact jobs that require physical labor? And then, of course, there is machine learning. What will happen when computers can do our jobs better than we can? 4Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 5. Meanwhile, we humans are experimenting on ourselves. This picture is a person implanting a RFID chip beneath their skin. Body hackers embed electronics into themselves for fashion, experimentation, and function. Access to information is getting closer and closer to our physical bodies. Isn't it inevitable that our search engine will soon be embedded in us? 5Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 6. Neil Harbisson is color blind and convinced a doctor to implant a camera in the back of his skull that allows him to “hear” colors. The camera detects the dominant color in his field of view and translates it to audio signals. We are living through an extremely exciting time as sensing, monitoring, and data assessment are transforming our lives. It is exciting, but I will admit that it’s also potentially frightening. I have three children, and I wonder what their world will look like. As with most new technologies, there are tremendous possibilities but we haven't yet figured out how to align their potential with human values. 6Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 7. IoT The Internet of Things is an amazing opportunity to create an ecosystem of products and services that work together seamlessly to improve our lives. However… 7Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 8. IoT? … we aren't there yet. Many of today’s IoT products and services are pushing technical capabilities because they can—not because they should. We will figure this all out, but it might take a while. 8Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 9. 9Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. We certainly saw this at CES this year. Do we really need an IoT toaster? Is it important to use our smartphone to set the desired level of toast darkness and have it inform us when the toast is ready? I applaud the effort, and the people who created this product are, in many ways, ahead of their time. However, many have questioned the human need for an IoT product such as this. These companies are helping us figure it out as we live through this process of natural technology selection. They are helping us advance and evolve our technological species. 9Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 10. 10Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. And, even when we do get this right—when we create something with great technical capabilities that addresses true human needs and values— there can be other challenges. 10 Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 11. 11Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Two-thirds of consumers are worried about their technology eavesdropping on them. Gartner survey 11 Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 12. And technologies such as virtual reality are challenging our behavior patterns and social norms. As humans, we are fascinated by the technical possibilities but struggle to understand how it can fit meaningfully into our lives. 12 So where do we go from here? How do we harness the potential of the exciting and concurrently frightening opportunities that technology is offering us? Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 13. I consider myself very lucky that my job is to help figure this out. Help understand how to align human needs and values with the technology solutions that exist today, and that we anticipate to exist in the future. My job is to help humanize technology. 13Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 14. 14Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Backcasting TIME IMPACT At Continuum, we accomplish this through a process we call Backcasting. This approach helps companies break away from the incremental innovation can happen when pushing technology without sufficiently considering human values and needs.
  • 15. 15Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Backcasting TIME IMPACT If you understand the needs of consumers and don’t limit yourself to considering the technical capabilities of your current organization, you can think more ambitiously about the ideal state of your company and its offerings. Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 16. 16Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Backcasting TIME IMPACT From there, you can Backcast a pipeline of products and services that are on the trajectory toward this ideal state. This allows near-term wins that are closer to the capabilities of your current organization, but also deliver greater benefits and therefore impact for people. 16Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 17. 17Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Future of Family Future of Education Future of First Response Future of Dying Continuum has applied the Backcasting approach to a wide variety of challenges, taking on ambitious national and global issues such as the future of parenting, education, first respoonse, and even death. What role can emerging technologies play in addressing these topics and creating a better world for us all? 17Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 18. 18Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Future of Family Future of Family An example of a recent Backcasting project is a partnership with Fisher- Price to think about the advancements in technology that can support early childhood development. For over 85 years, Fisher- Price has been creating products and services that help families with ECD–the social, physical, and mental developmental needs of children. What role can and should technology play in supporting this mission? 18Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 19. 19Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. If you are a parent, you know about screen time. I mentioned that I have three young children, so I live with this tension every day. We feel guilt that screens are helping raise our children. They limit social and physical development. And it's unknown what long-term exposure does to us. At the same time, the digital world offers my children awesome educational potential— far more than I am able to provide. Can we find a way to emphasize the benefit of this digital exposure while reducing the downside? 19Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 20. 20Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. It’s exciting to imagine the potential health benefits that new technologies can offer parents and families. Given the challenges of childhood obesity and diabetes, monitoring the nutrition and activity of your children has tremendous benefit. But no one is doing this yet. Why not? 20Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 21. 21Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. “The future smells like wood.” DAVID ROSE To help Fisher-Price envision this future state, we spoke with thought leaders and subject matter experts in the areas of child development, technology, and social/cultural behavior. David Rose, an innovator and a pioneer in the Internet of Things field and author of Enchanted Objects, inspired us by sharing the untapped potential of meaningfully connected experiences. At the same time, he reminded us to avoid becoming enamored with overt demonstrations of technology. He noted, “The future smells like wood. ” David believes that tech will become increasingly invisible, seamlessly fitting into our lives without interrupting our natural behavior patterns. 21Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 22. 22Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. We explored the emerging technologies that could be most relevant to this initiative. Magic Leap is developing technology which projects an image directly onto your retina. This tricks the brain into thinking the image is being seen in real life. Their work is highly secretive so they haven’t revealed specifics of the technology. And skeptics are questioning the validity of their technology. But I believe they might be on to something. As of February 2016, they were valued at $4.5 billion and have received funding from Google, Qualcomm, and Alibaba. 22Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 23. 23Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Imagine how this type of immersive and contextual experience could evolve the world of education and how parents approach raising children. 23Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 24. 24Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Magic Leap’s holographic-like images might not become fully realized but, on the trajectory to that ideal experience, Sony just announced the release date for the Xperia Touch projector. Images are projected onto any surface and cameras can detect and respond to interactions with the content. Solutions such as this will help break the screen time paradigm and the isolation that exists with human-to- screen interaction. It can open digital experiences to be more socially interactive. 24Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 25. 25Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Core values don’t expireCore values don’t expire When embarking on a “Future of…” initiative (or, for that matter, any innovation project), it’s critically important to not lose track of people. Millennial parents don’t share behavioral patterns or attitudes with their Gen X or Boomer parents. However, I believe core parenting values don’t expire. 50 years ago, parents wanted to raise strong, healthy, resilient children. And I predict that that will remain true 50 years from now. With this in mind, it was important to avoid ideas that compromised the human element of parenting. 25Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 26. 26Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. With this learning in mind, we began envisioning ideas that would leverage our research of applicable technologies and consumer needs. For example, we imagined an e-textile blanket that felt like a normal blanket but could measure the baby's body temperature—changing color to alert parents if the baby was developing a fever. 26Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 27. 27Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Another idea was to capture memories. Many families mark their children’s growth on a wall in their home. What if this tradition could be augmented by a “memory tree” that would capture these milestones? Parents could even dial back time and see pictures and sounds or videos of their child at different ages. 27Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 28. 28Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. The culmination of this initiative was a short film that premiered at SXSW 2016. The film follows a day in the life of a family 5-10 years in the future. Technology is seamlessly working for the family— enabling and augmenting the parents’ ability to support the development of the social, mental, and physical needs of their children. The Future of Parenting 28Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 29. 29Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.CLARA MATTEO FRANK The Sleep Ring A ring by the parents’ bedside monitors the depth of sleep for all family members by commutating with their e-textile clothing. When the baby is about to wake, it notifies the parent in lighter sleep and wakes them—before the baby wakes everyone in the house. 29Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 30. 30Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. The Owl and Friends In the film, Clara builds a physical felt owl, and it’s digitally transmitted to their at-home 3D fabric printer. Later in the day, she brings her owl into a Digital Grove–a virtual playground that was created by her and is activated by the proximity of the owl. That night, when preparing for bed, Clara’s mom reads her a bedtime story in what looks and feels like a normal paper-page book, but each page comes alive with events that happened in Clara’s day—including the friend that she created that morning. 30Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 31. 31Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Window to the World This is a digital window that augments the natural environment. By engaging with objects seen in and through the window, Clara and Matteo can activate an educational experience tailored to their specific ages. They see a bird outside and point to it, activating educational content specific to that animal and their learning needs. 31Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 32. 32Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Enhanced Learning Toys Later, Clara and Matteo are playing together with the Rock-a-Stack, a classic Fisher-Price learning toy. Matteo places the last ring on top and, to celebrate this achievement milestone, the bird that he earlier saw in the window appears through a digitally projected image. In addition, when the rings are stacked in the correct sequence, it unlocks the next level of educational play complexity by revealing a puzzle on the outside of the rings. In this way, the toy grows with the child and responds to his developmental stage. 32Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 33. 33Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Smart Nutrition Tray As food is placed on the nutrition tray, it detects the type of food and informs the parents of the food group, nutritional value, and the percentage the child has consumed toward her daily goal. 33Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 34. 34Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. ` Memory Tree A digital Memory Tree acts as the hearth of the home. It captures meaningful data as events take place throughout their day. When Matteo takes his first steps, the house recognizes this important event, captures it through video, and saves it to the Memory Tree. 34Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 35. 35Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Memory Tree This tree acts as a digital growth chart for the family, recording the children at different ages and taking a photo or video to be viewed later. Parents can rewind time on the growth chart and view pictures and videos of their children at their recorded growth stages. 35Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 36. 36Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Advance to the next slide to see the Future of Parenting film created by Continuum and Fisher- Price. The Future of Parenting 28Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 37. 37Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Future of Family Future of Education Future of First Response Future of Dying Continuum has worked in a variety of categories and project challenges. We've encouraged our clients to avoid the temptation of pushing technology solutions that don't deliver on true human needs. But what else have we learned from these projects? Although these projects are very different, we’ve seen themes that we have started to collect. And we don't just look at these themes as trends. We feel that these business, cultural, and technology trends combine to form greater shifts that we should be aware of. 37Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
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  • 42. 42Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 43. SHIFT ONE 43Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 44. 44Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. culture MODULAR FAMILY MODULAR FAMILY Parenthood is no longer a given, and if you decide to do it, there’s no wrong (or right) way. Being a parent is less of a life stage and more of a personal project (among many projects). We are seeing a proliferation of parenting arrangements—gay couples, older parents, intentional single parents, cohabitation, and multi-generational families where a grandparent is the primary caretaker. Millennials are living the idea of “it takes a village,” seeking out their friends to help teach their children and impart different qualities and skills they don’t posses. For those who do have kids, it is a chosen project, not an expected life stage. Having kids is less defining and all-encompassing, especially for women, who share responsibility with partners and friends. Having babies later in life means less willingness to give up as much of established life. The economy means it’s also harder to dedicate to being a parent full time. Not being defined by parenthood has big implications on the stuff you buy for your kids. How can all these things not scream, “This is my entire life!” right now? And having all these parenting arrangements means that kid gear needs to be incredibly easy to use. 44Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 45. 45Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. SWARM DEMOCRACY business Being a consumer is a political act. Where you spend your money on what is a reflection of your values. People are thinking critically before opening their wallets and their opinions online to fellow consumers and companies, who are closely listening (and beholden). Millennials are the first generation in U.S. history who will have less money than their parents. They have less money and less space for stuff, so when they do buy stuff, it is more precious. And as they see things like Super PACS, and feel more impotent in the political process, being a consumer is an arena where they have influence. So they think hard about what they are buying and crowdsource. Thanks to the flatness of the internet, they know a lot more about companies and their process and have more of a voice than ever before. With this transparency comes accountability. Companies can’t get away with as much. 45Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 46. 46Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. REAL-TIME EVERYTHING technology Answers and information are accessible at all times thanks to personal tech and “Dr. Google.” We don’t need to do upfront research and our expectation is that what we need to know is accessible wherever and whenever. Information is everywhere. On the train to work in the morning, you can research that odd-looking mole on your back. Take a picture, crowdsource the problem…where is this headed? Cyberchondria is a thing. We are making ourselves literally sick with worry as we self diagnose through online research. One in 20 Google searches are health-related. Last year, Google modified their health-related search functionality. They recruited consulting physicians, and experts from Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic, to evaluate the medical conditions that appear in patient searches. Through a new algorithm, Google will cross-reference symptoms with what it deems “high quality medical information” to present a more balanced search result. 46Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 47. 47Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. technology business culture 47Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 48. 48Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. LIFE AMPLIFIED t he shif t LIFE AMPLIFIED Our lives online hold just as much weight as our “real lives.” For young kids, the distinction is becoming increasingly blurred. What do our data trails say about us? How can parents help their children navigate this landscape? People today are capturing, documenting, and sharing their lives in real time. Millennials value experiences over material things and the best way to preserve and profit from fleeting, intangible moments is to freeze them. Millennials tends to look at their lives online as productions, illustrating their brand. Gen Z, which grew up on the internet, however, has a very natural way of existing online. Their digital selves don’t differ from their offline selves. This is largely due to the quantity of their output (they Snapchat more than 10x a day). Additionally, as social media platforms are evolving, Facebook encourages users to think of their life as a narrative with a timeline, whereas Snapchat forces non-linear, in-the-moment expression. 48Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 49. SHIFT TWO 49Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 50. 50Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. culture DESIGN YOUR IDENTITY DESIGN YOUR IDENTITY Identity is no longer something assigned to you; it’s something you discover along the way. With this approach to self, products need to accommodate this fluidity. This translates to the utmost simplicity, or total customization. Early life no-gender zone: Your boys may want to wear dresses, but don’t jump to conclusions just yet. They reside in a place where gender is fluid and they are free to play. Transhumanism: We’ve been hacking our bodies for a long time now (glasses to contact lenses) and it’s just about to get more intense (RFID chips). What’s next? People are beginning to create personalized diets for themselves as a way to assert their individuality. 50Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 51. 51Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. VIBRANT WELLNE$$ business Health is no longer just about making sure you’re not sick (retroactively), it’s about being vibrant (proactively). This extends to your mental health and happiness. Wellness is the next trillion-dollar industry. Food as medicine: Under the umbrella of the preventative health movement, recognition of how much non-food items are in our food, and becoming acutely aware of ingredients lists and food labels, people are questioning what does organic really mean? Healthcare in its current form (aka emergency care) is really expensive and pushing people and insurance to increase preventative care–mostly as a cost-saving measure. Our optimal self–whether healthy, balanced, fulfilled–doesn’t come cheap. From boot camps, retreats, and green juices, to reliable health insurance, quality child daycare, and credible education: access to who we want to be requires time and money. But it’s something we’re willing to invest in. So how will companies help us feel, do, and look good? 51Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 52. 52Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. MACHINED CHOICE MACHINED CHOICE technology Machine learning > selection/choosing > shopping. What was originally 1,000 choices is whittled down to three, curated for you by your digital trail of choices and behavior data points. As jobs are being taken over by robots, whether that’s at the checkout at CVS or at a factory in China, humans are being pushed out. This means we have to juggle more, and adapt an agile approach to our careers in order to stay hirable. What exactly can be outsourced to a robot? What is essentially human?
  • 53. 53Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. technology business culture 53Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 54. 54Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. AUTO COLLABORATION t he shif t AUTO COLLABORATION Robots… are they friends or enemies? Our POV: they’re here to help and we control if that’s friendly or not. We’re figuring it out right now but in the future, people will understand roles better: their own (what’s human: advice, IRL relationships) and that of the bots that will populate artifacts/physical touchpoints. We need to learn what’s permissible and secure first in order to curate this collaborative relationship. It’s a challenge now: every time a poll is wrong, fake news happens. When a baby doll in Germany leaks personal info, it’s a step back. But bots do and will help us to make the right choices for us. We choose from three instead of thousands of choices. Hopefully, bots make things fun, too. Can wellness be more fun instead of stressful? Can robots helps us find time to relax? 54Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 55. SHIFT THREE 55Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 56. 56Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. GIRLS ON TOP culture GIRLS ON TOP For the first time ever, the majority of the American workforce is female, and younger women are outpacing men in education and salary. Yet women who are mothers are struggling to balance work and home life. And though females at top tiers of a company or C-suite correlate with higher performance, there are only 20 female CEOs on the Forbes 500 list (a number that decreased from last year). So how will companies achieve parity between men and women? Only 4.2% of Fortune 500 companies are run by women. At home, fewer men are the sole breadwinner. IMPLICATION FOR HOME: At home, roles are changing and will continue to change. Right now, both parents are learning to balance work life (a change from previous decades). Paid work, housework, and child care are no longer gender-assigned. So how can companies help ease and facilitate these changes in how we define gender? Hint: There is no traditional “female” or “male.” They are converging. 56Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 57. 57Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. COLLEGE IS DEAD business COLLEGE IS DEAD Higher education today isn’t preparing graduates for the real world. Everyone agrees it needs to change. The question is: How? If college is no longer a given, the focus becomes how can your kids’ education become enriching to their personal journies. Going to college used to be assurance of a good job, and thus a shot at a good life. But with privatization of higher education, tuition costs tripling, the growing number of Millennial post- grads who are unemployed, and the ability to buy grades, the value of college is under serious scrutiny, especially by super-pragmatic Gen Z. There is a huge skills gap in the workforce spurring arguments for a focus on STEM curriculum, vocational programs, and apprenticeships. Everyone agrees it needs to change. Meanwhile, Gen Z have become subscribers to “YouTube University,” where they are learning from videos instead of books. So if college is no longer a given, the focus becomes how can your child’s education be enriching to their personal journey? Does this mean we no longer save for college? Does travel become a new form of education, and portability essential? 57Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 58. 58Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. FEAR OF TECH technology Because this is a relatively new territory, we’re still scrambling to figure out how to integrate personal tech into our lives in a healthy way. As the negative effect of our modern, sedentary lifestyles catch up to us, it begs the question, did our prehistoric ancestors have it right? Free-range kids: A parenting movement, gaining in popularity, that doesn’t succumb to the idea that kids are always in danger, literally or figuratively of falling behind academically. Kids are allowed to range freely and take time to do what they want to do in order to figure out what they love. With the ubiquity of tech, going outdoors has become a novel activity, drawing kids out of their indoor world. FEAR OF TECH 58Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 59. 59Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Houses_of_Parliament.jpg technology business culture 59Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 60. 60Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. OWN THE JOURNEY t he shif t OWN THE JOURNEY A new economic climate has led to shifting priorities and expectations. Life becomes an ever-shifting journey, with unexpected twists and turns, instead of a set, linear trajectory determined by a few choices made early on in life. Today, people and their stuff are taking up less space. It’s circumstantial; we don’t need as much and we can’t afford as much. On top of that, there are cultural changes afoot. People are prioritizing experiences over material things and looking to share items they would formerly own (Airbnb, Spotify, Zipcar). The sharing economy means you can experience multiple “lives” and opt into things temporarily that used to be out of your reach, like Airbnb-ing a fancy apartment. As education and work disperse from expensive central campuses and offices to digestible content created at any given moment in the flux of daily life, pop-up environments like WeWork will lead to spaces like WeLearn. We all want access to stuff without the burden of ownership. We want the convenience and fulfillment of owning, we want things exactly where we need and want it. On top of that, we’re living and working longer. So how will companies re-scale their offerings to give us what we want, when we want it, without burden? We want to own what’s right for that moment.
  • 61. 61Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. 61Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 62. 62Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Technology, cultural, and business trends are creating major shifts impacting our world. And compelling technologies will continue to change our our world in fascinating, and potentially terrifying, ways that are difficult to imagine. That’s part of my job—to help humanize technology, determining how to leverage technology in a way that will benefit our most important asset. 62Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.
  • 63. 63Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential. Thank you! Kevin Young SVP, Product Experience @KevinYoungR 63Continuum LLC. Proprietary & Confidential.