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 It seems that part of the anti-seedline argument
is that two-seedliners place too much emphasis on
the existence of Satan as an evil-doer and that
we blame him too much for our mischief. I agree
100% with the sentiment that no one should use
“the devil made me do it” as an excuse for their
wrong behavior; but I know of no two-seedliner
who suggests that anyone should use such an
 On the contrary, all of the Two-Seedliners listed
earlier are consistent on the subject of moral
culpability. They all teach that we are responsible
for our own actions. If someone tempts us into doing
evil, we are just as responsible as if we thought the
whole thing up by ourselves. The involvement of a
tempter does not make the crime any less a crime, or
any less our own fault. I would say that the two
sides are in agreement about this.
 All we are saying is that the Serpent of the
Garden is the same entity that has plagued our
people for centuries. Judaism and Jewry have a
spirit which directs them. That spirit is in their
blood. But the crimes of the Jews are far worse
than tempting us. Their modus operandi is
DECEPTION. Deception and temptation are two
different animals.
 We often give in to temptation of our own free
wills, usually knowing better. Deception is when
someone tricks us into doing evil and we don‟t
even realize that it is evil. That‟s why it is so
insidious. Yahweh tests us; but He does not
deceive us! Satan is a deceiver, not just a
tempter! Through deception, completely innocent
people are made to bear the brunt of deeds
performed with no malicious intent.
 Christians are constantly being victimized by
Jewish scams that involve neither temptation nor
consent on the part of the victim. Communism
and the Federal Reserve System are two perfect
examples of how the Jews trick us into
disobeying God‟s Law†and we don‟t even know it!
 Communism and socialism are soft-peddled in our
educational institutions as if they were just
systems of politics. Liberals swear and completely
believe that they are doing good! This is
indoctrination and brainwashing, pure and
simple. People assume that the Fed is part of our
government when, in fact, it is a private, profit-
making banking conglomerate which robs the
entire nation of its wealth.
 Have the American people been tempted to accept
this system or have they been tricked by the
Zionists and the government? Law +
responsibility = Liberty. Lawlessness + deception
= tyranny.
 How, in these two examples, have the people
yielded to temptation? Temptation is an invitation
to do that which you know is wrong. Deception is
taking advantage of people‟s ignorance.
 Did the people knowingly create these corrupt
institutions? No, they did not. They were created
by Satan, or, if you prefer, by his worldly
agents, the Jews. Satan is the deceiver in
spiritual form. The Jews are the deceiver in
human form. Jesus tells us: “Be ye therefore
wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves.” (Matt.
10:16) Is Satan a fictitious entity, as the anti-
seedliners would have us believe?
 To quote an anonymous source: “The
personification of the devil as the symbol of all
evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.” I think
it is fair to say the Jewish people, with their
enthusiastic acceptance of the justified use of the
lie, are led BY A DIFFERENT SPIRIT. Where does
that spirit reside? It is in their blood, because
they have a different father.
 “You are of your father, the devil, and your will
is to do your father‟s desires. He was a murderer
from the beginning [Who was the first murderer
in the Bible?], and has nothing to do with the
truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for
he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44.)
 If this statement does not convince you that the
Jews are of a totally different nature from
Israelites, then you simply don‟t understand the
Bible. Since the Jews are Canaanites, Edomites,
and Khazars, they cannot be Israelites; and since
these people have victimized the guileless Israelites
for the last six thousand years, the book of
Obadiah pronounces Yahweh‟s judgment upon
these people at the Great Day of Yahweh.
 Anti-seedliners have issued many statements in
defense of their belief that Satan is a fictitious
character invented by the Catholic Church in
order to deceive us. But, the fact is that the Bible
clearly teaches that Satan is both a spiritual
being (in the Book of Job, chapters 1 & 2, and in
Revelation) and that he has a worldly empire.
Just because a phony priest uses a concept for his
own devious purposes does not mean that the
concept is false.
 Questions: Does Yahweh have an Adversary or does
He not? Do we have an Adversary or do we not?
We are not saying that this Adversary is God‟s
equal. We are merely asserting that Scripture
tells us that the Adversary and his earthly
children are making war against us. This is not
just an inner turmoil. This is a literal war (in
heaven and on earth) and we should not minimize
its seriousness by minimizing it as mere
 Satan and his followers are the rebellious ones
how can they be mere figments of our
imaginations? Nor is their biological hatred
toward us imaginary.
 It doesn‟t matter what word you use to designate
this deceiver (Lucifer, Sammael, Satan, Adversary,
etc,), he and his offspring are very real. Genesis 3:15
is very clear about this. This entity we call Satan is
simply the highest ranking spirit of the rebellion. To
deny his existence is to deny that Yahweh has an
Adversary. If Yahweh does not have an Adversary,
then who is He condemning in Genesis 3:14? Is He
condemning Eve‟s lust or the deceptions of nachash?
The two are not the same.
 The word „enmity‟ implies an adversarial
relationship between two beings. In no way can
Gen. 3:15 be interpreted as Eve versus her own
sinful nature! The fact is that SHE HAD NO
Gen. 2:25: “And they were both naked, the man
and his wife, and were not ashamed.”
 The word „naked‟ in this verse and in subsequent
verses of Gen. 3 comes from the Hebrew root
aram, #6191. The definition is “to be (or make)
bare†to be cunning (usually [but not always --
EJ] in a bad sense)†take crafty [counsel], be
prudent, deal subtilly.” But, before they sinned,
they had nothing to be ashamed of. Wow! Did
Adam and Eve learn craftiness from eating an
apple, or from one mere instance of mental
 How does a tree teach you that you are naked?
Can eating one apple impart craftiness even when
you are tricked into eating it? For how many
generations must you suffer for this one act of
mental deception?
 Let us consider the anti-seedliner position that
the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” means
“mental seduction.” If Yahweh is perfect and
without sin, and Adam and Eve are His literal
children, as all Identity teachers say, then how
did evil get into us? Adam and Eve would not be
thinking any evil thoughts.
 We did not know cunning (in the negative sense)
and we did not know evil, so how could these
mental processes get started in us? The evil had
to be injected into our blood before we could think
evil thoughts or commit evil deeds! This is what
the Bible is telling us!
 Also, the word „ashamed‟ comes from the Hebrew
buwsh, #954, meaning “to be
ashamed†to be disappointed, or
delayed†confounded, confusion, become dry, delay,
be long.” But before the seduction, they were NOT
ashamed, confounded or confused in their
nakedness! How could eating a piece of literal
fruit cause us to be ashamed of our nakedness?
 And how could we become mentally confused
when the Bible says we were NOT CONFUSED?
What kind of confusion are we talking about
here: mental or genetic? The mental confusion
came in as a result of the genetic confusion.
 The aim of the Adversary is to get you to follow his
program instead of Yahweh‟s. When we do his deeds
(spiritual, mental, and physical) and when we
worship him instead of the Creator, we give him
life. The life of the parasite depends upon the blood
of the host. This is not about food. This is about
BLOOD. The Adversary is both spiritual and physical;
but if those of us in the physical world would reject
him and stop entertaining his deceptions, especially
the confusion he causes through race-mixing, his food
source would dry up.
 Deception and parasitism go hand in hand. The
problem is not so much that some people, known
as Satanists, follow him consciously. These people
are a small minority. The real problem is that a
great majority of people unknowingly follow him,
doing evil while thinking they are doing good. For
Satan himself is transformed into an angel of
light. (II Cor. 7:14.)
 As in this quotation, the Bible repeatedly refers
to Satan and the Devil as an individual having his
own mind and will.
 Ever since the Enmity was declared, Jewry has
been on a mission to destroy White Christendom.
They have followed us, pestered us, hounded us,
corrupted and deceived us in order to exploit and
destroy us.
 They are the children of the Devil, given to
deception and spite. Like a snake in the grass,
they have crawled on their belly, lying in wait
for us in order to bite our heels from behind, like
the cowards they are, just as Genesis 3:15
describes. Like children of darkness, they prefer
the back rooms and the hidden places, where they
connive, cheat, steal and plot.
 We, on the other hand, deal in the public square,
in the sunlight, showing ourselves openly, without
malice. In fact, our propensity for honest and
open dealing creates an easily bruised “Achilles
heel” when interacting with the dishonest. For as
we declare the truth, which is our nature to do,
the deceiver then uses this against us to destroy
us. Perhaps there exists no better object lesson
why Yahweh demands us to remain absolutely
separate from the Jews.
 To the extent we interact with these deceivers, we
are unable to prevent them from subtly
parasitizing us, precisely because we possess an
innate proclivity to tell the truth. Indeed, our
worst trait is our gullibility in our dealings with
the Jew. The different nature of these two
peoples is so obvious it hardly requires mention.
 To the extent we interact with these deceivers, we
are unable to prevent them from subtly
parasitizing us, precisely because we possess an
innate proclivity to tell the truth. Indeed, our
worst trait is our gullibility in our dealings with
the Jew. The different nature of these two
peoples is so obvious it hardly requires mention.
 Yes, it is true that we Israelites can be our own
worst enemies (our own worst adversary), but it is
not true that we have precipitated history‟s greatest
crimes. These have always been accomplished by the
bestial Jew in his war against us. His dealings with
us have always been ruthless and merciless,
fomenting wars which have destroyed millions of
Israelites. His economic policies (usury) have always
sucked out our lifeblood and have ruined marriages,
families, homes and nations.
 In turn, we have always dealt with the Jew as if he were
an equal. This is a courtesy that he never shows us. While
the Jew assumes the posture of victimhood, a quick glance
at history proves that the Jew has deliberately intended
numerous wars and revolutions while we have been the
victims of his treacheries. Therefore, it is plainly untrue
and simplistic to say that Eve‟s problem is her internal
struggle with her own carnal nature or moral
inadequacies. Let us not blame the victim for the conman‟s
 This is not just a morality tale. This is a survival
tale; and it is obvious that the Adversary is a
flesh and blood creature that lives outside of Eve‟s
conscience or control. Indeed, our efforts to
“Christianize” this Adversary have been met with
nothing but scorn, ridicule and bad faith. From
his lofty position of economic and social control,
he looks down his crooked nose at us with a
hauteur mitigated only by his fear of retribution.
 Thus he fears exposure as if it were death itself!
Like Jacob struggling with the angel through the
night, we have had a very long night. The only
hope for us is to fully comprehend our national,
racial and religious plight and deal with the
Adversary according to our Father‟s instructions.
We are to institute His Law on planet earth by
severing all ties with the Jewish menace.
 We are to “come out of Babylon.” When America
severs its slavish ties with the Israeli State, Zionism
and Jewry will suffer a drastic cut in their food
supply. When the Jew sees that we are about to do
this, he will panic; and we will at once gain the
upper hand. Yahweh will then fully support us
because we will be showing awareness of our
mission. 9/11 was a gigantic deception by the Jew
against us. Slowly but surely, White Christendom is
seeing through the Jewish imposture of victimhood;
and the White man is becoming angry.
 In light of the foregoing discussion, the skeptics
still would tell us that it begs credulity that Eve
had sexual relations with nachash. This they
consider unbelievable and outside the scope of the
Bible story. At the same time, they are totally
credulous with respect to the notion that Eve‟s
problems are all the result a conversation with a
talking snake.
 In addition, they are totally credulous with respect to
the notion that Eve was only partaking of literal
fruit or some mental seduction, even though this deed
resulted in numerous punishments directly affecting
both the nature of our sexual reproduction and, thus,
future generations of Adamites. This we refer to as
“The Fall.” Their position is completely unable to
explain the connection between the “tree,” the
“fruit,” and the severity of the consequences.
Therefore, it seems to me that the more credible
position is Two-Seedline.
 One might well ask: “If the Serpent seed is so
evil, why doesn‟t God just kill them all Himself”?
I don‟t think it‟s that simple. If, as Revelation
tells us, that the Serpent was cast out from
heaven, and was cast down to earth for judgment
with one-third of the angels that rebelled along
with him, then what we have is a cancer of the
Universal body. If one third of your body were
infected by cancer, could the doctor just cut it out
without killing the patient?
 No. The only cure for this disease is to strengthen
the immune system and send in the killer cells to
wipe out the cancer. Herein lies the problem: This
cancer is highly intelligent and it fooled the
White Blood Cells (Adamites) into sharing their
DNA, thus compromising the immune system.
 Folks, the body politic is very sick from the
machinations of a very clever parasite. Paul confirms
this universal illness: “For the earnest expectation of
the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the
sons of God. For the creature was made subject to
vanity [remember Abel], not willingly, but by reason
of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because
the creature itself also shall be delivered from the
bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the
children of God.
 For we know that the whole creation groaneth
and travaileth in pain together until now†For
whom He did foreknow, He did also predestinate
to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He
might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
(Romans 8:19-29.)
 We, Israel Restored, are the hope of creation. Are you
up to the task? Armed with the Truth, we are the
antibodies that have been created to kill the disease,
to crush the head of the serpent at the Judgment
Day. Jesus Christ Himself will return to oversee the
operation†but He has to have a willing and
competent cadre of Israelites, the Overcomers also
known as the 144,000, to be the medicine according
to the Plan. When will we stop taking the advice of
Jewish doctors (Pharisees)?
 The worst thing you can call a Jew is a
“parasite.” This is the one appellation that they
truly detest, because it strikes home; and, deep
inside, they all know it. The history of the Jews
is their parasitic relationship to the White Race.
They thrive best when they can invade the White
Nations and breed and multiply into a parasitic
infestation, resulting in an infection.
 The reason Jews can‟t have a civilization of their
own is because Yahweh cursed Cain and his seed
with the inability to grow food (Gen. 4:12). Ouch!
The only way the Jew can prosper is to finagle his
way into White society and take control of our
institutions so as to get his tentacles into us and
draw his food from us. In the process, he steals our
women and he encourages other races to mix with us
so that we would become weaker and stupider and no
longer be a threat to him.
 Taking advantage of our good will, the Jews have
done this to us umpteen hundred times and still
we let them get away with it! – but not any
 Interestingly enough, there is a similar human
disease which affects women much worse than
men. It is called Candida albicans. A Candida
yeast infection is a parasitic infection which fools
the body‟s immune system into attacking the
body‟s own cells, rather than attacking the
invading yeast cells. Pretty smart, eh?
 Isn‟t that what the Jews have done to us over the
last six thousand years? Candida feeds off sugar
like Jewry feeds off our good will. The
Rothschilds perfected the technique of arranging
wars in which White Men of different nations
slaughter each other while the Jew Bank profits.
Our own Revolutionary War is an example. So is
the Civil War.
 So were WWI and WWII, Korea, Vietnam,
Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, and†who‟s next? The
Zionist financed Bolshevik Revolution, in reality
coup by Jews over Christian Russia, claimed over
sixty million victims! Can this type of genocidal
hatred, over thousands of years, be anything but
Satanic? The parasite has fooled us into killing
each other so that he can thrive. Is all of this
bloodshed the result of our giving in to carnal
 This Serpentine intelligence is way smarter than
most of us because it derives from Lucifer, the
Shining One. Didn‟t Jesus tell us, “Be ye
therefore wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves”?
The modern expression is “Know your enemy.” If
we don‟t know who the real enemy is, we go
around shooting the wrong people. We destroy
each other instead of destroying the parasites!
 The importance of the Two-Seedline message is
this: We, True Israel, are God‟s literal offspring
through Adam. The Cainite, Canaanite, Edomite,
Khazar, Jewish line of descent contains the
literal genetic material of the fallen angels, in
particular, that of nachash.
 The Adamites were sent here by the Father to
clean up the racial mess that was made by the
fallen angels. We were sent here to establish His
Race of Adamites, now known as the Anglo-
Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian peoples, in order to
establish a Family Tree which would grow and
expand and take dominion away from the race-
mixers, thus destroying the Fallen Ones.
 Our mission was to restore Planet Earth to its
pre-invasion state. This could have been done
without violence had we not race-mixed ourselves!
Unfortunately, they outsmarted us and many
thousands of years of violence have resulted.
 Two-Seedline emphasizes the genetic nature of
this struggle. This is not just a spiritual or moral
battle. This is genetic life and death; and the
White Race has been mystified and propagandized
by the serpent seed into a state of non-
recognition. We are totally blind to the disease
that is destroying us. One major symptom of that
disease is called “Judeo-Christianity.” It is
Satan‟s substitute for Hebrewism, or Biblical
 Except for the remnant known as Christian
Identity, there would be no hope for the White
Race. Many of our non-Christian racial brethren
sense this life and death struggle. They have
rejected most of the brainwashing of Judeo-
Christianity. But by believing the lie that Jesus
was a Jew, they reject their own Kinsman
 This is why we must bring the message to them
and alert them to their mistake! Together, we are
the White Blood Cells that will stand and fight
the disease. By calling upon the name of Yahweh,
we will overcome the blight that has plagued this
planet for millennia.
 The Jew knows that he cannot fight Yahweh
directly, so he fights against God indirectly by
attacking His children. So far, the Jew has put
up a hell of a fight. He fears, with a chilling
fear, the day that Israel finally wakes up to her
true Identity and starts to practice her true
religion again. He knows that this is his death
 His is a race against time. He must control all
nations in order to completely master us and
enslave us so that he can use us for his parasitic
purposes. By this means, he hopes to avoid
Yahweh‟s death sentence upon him.
 Having achieved total control of mass
communications and media, his principal weapon
against the White Race has become race-mixing
propaganda. By encouraging us to dilute our seed,
he guarantees that fewer and fewer of us will
have the intelligence and spiritual vision to see
through the charade and fight back. There is a
battle of cosmic proportions raging against us and
our people don‟t even know it.
 The serpent has succeeded in getting us to chase
phantom demons while we ignore the
puppetmaster. One thing is for sure, no Jew has
ever been found at the front lines of the war
that he has fomented. In Afghanistan and Iraq,
he has succeeded in getting Christians and
Muslims to kill each other while he punches the
cash register.
 In his race against time, he knows that he must
eliminate all nations which no longer practice
usury, because the international debt money
system is his most powerful weapon of political
and economic control. Since the Muslim nations
forbid usury, they must either be eliminated or
be forced into sham democracies that are mere
puppets of international trade. Are the Muslims
being tempted by usury?
 In the Western hemisphere, we call them “banana
republics.” In the Eastern hemisphere, they will
be called “oil democracies.” Either way, the High
Jew Bank holds all the cards in its bloody hands.
 Speaking of the Great Whore, the eighteenth
chapter of the book of Revelation tells us:
 “And the kings of the earth, who have committed
fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall
bewail her and lament for her, when they shall
see the smoke of her burning.
 Genesis only mentions the Serpent himself, whom
we give the proper name, Satan, as being in the
Garden with Eve when he “beguiles” her. Just as
Noah and his family were surrounded by evil
seed, so was the Garden surrounded by “evil seed”
for we know that Lucifer was cast down with
one third of the heavenly host.
 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O, Lucifer, son
of the morning! How art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the nations!” – Isa.
14:12. (The anti-seedliners like to say that the
name “Lucifer” was invented by the Catholics,
and is therefore non-existent; but, still, Yahweh
is speaking directly to someone, no matter what
his name is; and that someone declares his
intention to be like Yahweh: “I will be like the
Most High.”
 There is no getting around the reality of this
Adversary.) Speaking of the great red dragon,
Scripture tells us, “And his tail drew the third
part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to
the earth.” – Rev. 12:4. This is all part of the
“war in heaven” which started long ago and
continues to this day on this earthly stage.
 The fact that Jesus constantly refers to the
scribes and Pharisees as being "serpents" and
"vipers" is not lost upon us. What is obviously
going on in Genesis 3 is the first recorded
instance of miscegenation, or race?mixing,
between an Adamite and a non-Adamite, a
practice which the Bible condemns through and
through, from beginning to end; and if you don‟t
know that, then you haven‟t been reading your
 And who are the people who today most encourage
race?mixing among the nations? They have not
yet changed their strategy; and the "enmity"
between Eve's seed and the serpent's seed is as
strong as ever, just as the Bible prophesied. By
diluting true Israel‟s seed, the Jews hope to
vanquish their only real enemy.
 We certainly agree that the good and evil in
these verses can be taken morally. I think we can
safely say that God's principles are not to be
violated ?? even if only in thought ?? whether
anyone is perceived as being hurt by such
thinking or not. Jesus makes this case very
strongly by telling us that we cannot even
mentally imagine committing a sin. He equates
this with actually having committed the sin
(Matt. 5:28).
 Evil thoughts are as bad as evil deeds. Can you
imagine a Jew taking this idea seriously? But
there is certainly more going on here than mere
mental sin. The fact is that Adam and Eve were
made aware of their nakedness by this incident
and they henceforth covered their genital areas to
hide their shame. We yet bear that shame today.
 Brethren, there is no doubt in my mind that the
“tree of life” is the Adamic White Race! And “the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil” is race-
mixing. Considering the importance of Adam‟s
genealogical tree in the Bible, all 77 generations
from Adam down to Jesus Christ can be pictured
in terms of a tree, with Adam at the bottom and
his descendants forming the trunk rising upward
and the branches spreading out.
 Bear in mind that our ancestors must have held
such imagery in common when they thought of
our genealogical tree. Jesus Himself reaffirms
this imagery in the parable of the mustard seed.
 For the purposes of this study, however, we are
merely trying to be true to the language of the
 And since our interpretation fits in with the
common usage of words in the Bible, we can say
that this interpretation is the true one because
all of the relevant words used in the Garden story
have some sort of sexual connotation, whether
referring to sexual intercourse or genealogy.
 This is true of words such as “tree”, “beguiled”,
“eat of”, “touch”, and yes, the old favorite,
“know”. When all of these words are used
consistently in the Bible to teach moral lessons
about sexuality, why are we then supposed to
look for a non-sexual interpretation for Genesis
 Adam and Eve were expressly forbidden from
mixing their seed with that of other races; but
they broke that rule. When Eve was beguiled by
the Serpent, she either didn‟t think he was of
another race, or he convinced her that race-mixing
is not a sin. Either way, she was mistaken, and
the history of human conflict is the result.
 Throughout the Bible, we are repeatedly told not
to mix our seed with that of other races. We are
repeatedly told to remain separate from other
ethnic groups. We are repeatedly told that we
must be exclusively faithful to Him by obeying
His Law. The anti-seedliners are telling us that
we cannot interpret Genesis 2, 3 and 4 in the
light of these consistent teachings!
 They tell us that the words cannot possibly mean
what the rest of the Bible says: STAY SEPARATE
 The corruption of the British Empire accelerated
during the reign of Queen Victoria. Her friendship
with Benjamin Disraeli, a viper Jew if there ever
was one, led to his becoming Prime Minister. History
remembers Disraeli as “the father of British
Imperialism.” The British Empire built itself up
during the era of colonialism. In a classic episode of
Jewish flattery, Disraeli talked Victoria into
declaring herself “Empress of India.” He also
arranged for major loans to be made to Victoria‟s
Britain through the Rothschilds.
 As Prime Minister, Disraeli advised Victoria to
persecute the Boers of South Africa, although
Britain had no right, morally or politically, to
attack the Boers. This was pure genocide on
behalf of the High Jew who wanted to get his
hands on the diamonds that were discovered there.
As such, Disraeli is a classic example of the
Serpent whispering in Eve‟s ear, giving her
deceptive counsel and leading her astray.
 The corruption of the British Empire under the
influence of Disraeli and the Rothschilds led
Freidrich Nietszche to say of the British, “The
greatest export of the British Empire is cant.”
Cant is hypocritical speech. “Beware the leaven of
the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” --
 Luke 12:1. You can see, today, how America has
been corrupted in the same way. George Bush‟s
use of the word „democracy‟ is hypocrisy without
clothes, yet the people do not have eyes to see his
nakedness. The American people are dumb enough
to believe that we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq
to “protect America.”
 If you do not understand that the real reason we
are in Iraq is to protect the Jews and the
imperialistic designs of the Serpent seed, then you
don‟t understand anything.
 Clearly the enmity spoken of in the Garden is
fiercely evident in today‟s politics.
 One of the charges levelled against us by the anti-
seedliners is that we quote the Talmud where the
rabbis teach that Eve was seduced by the angel,
Sammael, and that we are thus promoting
Talmudic teaching. However, it must be realized
that when the rabbis teach that Eve was seduced
by Sammael, they do so posturing as Israel and
Judah, so they are definitely not implicating
 The Jews teach that the Arabs and Palestinians
are Edom, although they avoid discussion of the
seedlines because that discussion reveals the racial
exclusivity of True Israel, a subject they won‟t
touch with a ten foot pole.
 It is also a fact that the Aramaic Targums,
which are Judahite, not Jewish, literature, teach
the same thing; and it is also true that Book of
Enoch and the Early Church Fathers also taught
that Eve was sexually seduced, so, you might say,
we are in good and bad company. (These facts
will be demonstrated in Part 7). In any case, any
statement must be evaluated on its factual
merits, not on who made the statement.
 Obviously, if the speaker is a known liar, the
statement will be treated with caution; but that
alone does not make any statement false. The
blanket statement by the anti-seedliners that
“everything the Jews teach is false” is an over-
simplification. It is not true that everything the
Jews teach is false. A sophisticated liar has to
tell some truths in order to suck in his victims.
 Like baiting a hook, he must tell the truth up to
the point where you will bite, otherwise he will
not collect very many victims. It is not true that
everything the rabbi says is false. The proper way
of expressing Jewish deception is this: Everything
a rabbi says is calculated to deceive. This is
subtlecraft, par excellence! In order to tell a
convincing story, he has to be believable. Once he
has assured himself that you have been duped,
then he exploits you.
 I believe that the future of Christian Identity
will be determined by the resolution and outcome
of this bloodline dispute. I believe that the
evidence presented here demonstrates that the
seedline teaching stands on very solid ground
(metaphorically speaking!).
 How can we obey God‟s command to be exclusive
if we engage in race-mixing? If we are His
Chosen People, then we are to stay close to Him
by following His commandment to keep our seed
pure. Otherwise, we would be doing exactly as
the Jews do. Their exclusivity is purely cultural.
By the way, anti-Seedliners, the Jews also claim
to be morally exclusive! Their exclusivity is
 The Jews are a racially indistinct group that
adheres to a particular religious doctrine. By
denying Two-Seeedline, the anti-seedliners are
advocating a system that resembles, without
[Yahweh‟s demanded] racial exclusivity, Talmudic
Judaism! How‟s them apples?
 The Bible is the record of what happens to us
when we mix with other races: OUR RELIGION
BECOMES CORRUPTED! The Bible puts it this
way: If we do not remain racially and culturally
distinct as a people, WE FOLLOW AFTER OTHER
GODS! But we are His People, and no one else
but the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian
peoples! WE are His offspring!
 Without realizing it, Jones, Weiland, Weisman
and company are minimizing the very thing that
the Bible tells us will destroy us! By taking
racial exclusivity out of our religion, we become,
unfortunately, just like everybody else. And the
anti-seedliners just don‟t get it.
 “Has not the one God made and sustained for us
the spirit of life? And what does he desire?
Godly offspring. So take heed to yourselves, and
let none be faithless to the wife of his youth.”
(Malachi 2:15)
 Do you still think that the seedlines don‟t
matter? The Bible is clearly telling us that there
are Godly offspring and ungodly offspring! Just
think about the quality of your blood†and the
future of your children.
 Eli James
The clash of the bloodlines part 2 pdf
The clash of the bloodlines part 2 pdf

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The clash of the bloodlines part 2 pdf

  • 1.
  • 3. DOES SATAN EXIST?  It seems that part of the anti-seedline argument is that two-seedliners place too much emphasis on the existence of Satan as an evil-doer and that we blame him too much for our mischief. I agree 100% with the sentiment that no one should use “the devil made me do it” as an excuse for their wrong behavior; but I know of no two-seedliner who suggests that anyone should use such an excuse.
  • 4.  On the contrary, all of the Two-Seedliners listed earlier are consistent on the subject of moral culpability. They all teach that we are responsible for our own actions. If someone tempts us into doing evil, we are just as responsible as if we thought the whole thing up by ourselves. The involvement of a tempter does not make the crime any less a crime, or any less our own fault. I would say that the two sides are in agreement about this. 
  • 5.  All we are saying is that the Serpent of the Garden is the same entity that has plagued our people for centuries. Judaism and Jewry have a spirit which directs them. That spirit is in their blood. But the crimes of the Jews are far worse than tempting us. Their modus operandi is DECEPTION. Deception and temptation are two different animals.
  • 6.  We often give in to temptation of our own free wills, usually knowing better. Deception is when someone tricks us into doing evil and we don‟t even realize that it is evil. That‟s why it is so insidious. Yahweh tests us; but He does not deceive us! Satan is a deceiver, not just a tempter! Through deception, completely innocent people are made to bear the brunt of deeds performed with no malicious intent.
  • 7.  Christians are constantly being victimized by Jewish scams that involve neither temptation nor consent on the part of the victim. Communism and the Federal Reserve System are two perfect examples of how the Jews trick us into disobeying God‟s Law†and we don‟t even know it!
  • 8. COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM  Communism and socialism are soft-peddled in our educational institutions as if they were just systems of politics. Liberals swear and completely believe that they are doing good! This is indoctrination and brainwashing, pure and simple. People assume that the Fed is part of our government when, in fact, it is a private, profit- making banking conglomerate which robs the entire nation of its wealth.
  • 9.  Have the American people been tempted to accept this system or have they been tricked by the Zionists and the government? Law + responsibility = Liberty. Lawlessness + deception = tyranny. 
  • 10.  How, in these two examples, have the people yielded to temptation? Temptation is an invitation to do that which you know is wrong. Deception is taking advantage of people‟s ignorance.
  • 11.  Did the people knowingly create these corrupt institutions? No, they did not. They were created by Satan, or, if you prefer, by his worldly agents, the Jews. Satan is the deceiver in spiritual form. The Jews are the deceiver in human form. Jesus tells us: “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves.” (Matt. 10:16) Is Satan a fictitious entity, as the anti- seedliners would have us believe?
  • 12.  To quote an anonymous source: “The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.” I think it is fair to say the Jewish people, with their enthusiastic acceptance of the justified use of the lie, are led BY A DIFFERENT SPIRIT. Where does that spirit reside? It is in their blood, because they have a different father.
  • 13. YAHSHUA TOLD US WHO THEIR FATHER IS:  “You are of your father, the devil, and your will is to do your father‟s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning [Who was the first murderer in the Bible?], and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44.) 
  • 14.  If this statement does not convince you that the Jews are of a totally different nature from Israelites, then you simply don‟t understand the Bible. Since the Jews are Canaanites, Edomites, and Khazars, they cannot be Israelites; and since these people have victimized the guileless Israelites for the last six thousand years, the book of Obadiah pronounces Yahweh‟s judgment upon these people at the Great Day of Yahweh.
  • 15.  Anti-seedliners have issued many statements in defense of their belief that Satan is a fictitious character invented by the Catholic Church in order to deceive us. But, the fact is that the Bible clearly teaches that Satan is both a spiritual being (in the Book of Job, chapters 1 & 2, and in Revelation) and that he has a worldly empire. Just because a phony priest uses a concept for his own devious purposes does not mean that the concept is false.
  • 16.
  • 17.  Questions: Does Yahweh have an Adversary or does He not? Do we have an Adversary or do we not? We are not saying that this Adversary is God‟s equal. We are merely asserting that Scripture tells us that the Adversary and his earthly children are making war against us. This is not just an inner turmoil. This is a literal war (in heaven and on earth) and we should not minimize its seriousness by minimizing it as mere temptation.
  • 18.  Satan and his followers are the rebellious ones who EXISTED BEFORE ADAM WAS FORMED! So, how can they be mere figments of our imaginations? Nor is their biological hatred toward us imaginary.
  • 19.  It doesn‟t matter what word you use to designate this deceiver (Lucifer, Sammael, Satan, Adversary, etc,), he and his offspring are very real. Genesis 3:15 is very clear about this. This entity we call Satan is simply the highest ranking spirit of the rebellion. To deny his existence is to deny that Yahweh has an Adversary. If Yahweh does not have an Adversary, then who is He condemning in Genesis 3:14? Is He condemning Eve‟s lust or the deceptions of nachash? The two are not the same.
  • 20. A QUESTION FOR TRUE ISRAEL: ARE HIS ENEMIES YOUR ENEMIES?  The word „enmity‟ implies an adversarial relationship between two beings. In no way can Gen. 3:15 be interpreted as Eve versus her own sinful nature! The fact is that SHE HAD NO SINFUL NATURE BEFORE SHE WAS DECEIVED! Gen. 2:25: “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”
  • 21.  The word „naked‟ in this verse and in subsequent verses of Gen. 3 comes from the Hebrew root aram, #6191. The definition is “to be (or make) bare†to be cunning (usually [but not always -- EJ] in a bad sense)†take crafty [counsel], be prudent, deal subtilly.” But, before they sinned, they had nothing to be ashamed of. Wow! Did Adam and Eve learn craftiness from eating an apple, or from one mere instance of mental seduction?
  • 22.  How does a tree teach you that you are naked? Can eating one apple impart craftiness even when you are tricked into eating it? For how many generations must you suffer for this one act of mental deception?
  • 23.  Let us consider the anti-seedliner position that the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” means “mental seduction.” If Yahweh is perfect and without sin, and Adam and Eve are His literal children, as all Identity teachers say, then how did evil get into us? Adam and Eve would not be thinking any evil thoughts.
  • 24.  We did not know cunning (in the negative sense) and we did not know evil, so how could these mental processes get started in us? The evil had to be injected into our blood before we could think evil thoughts or commit evil deeds! This is what the Bible is telling us!
  • 25.  Also, the word „ashamed‟ comes from the Hebrew buwsh, #954, meaning “to be ashamed†to be disappointed, or delayed†confounded, confusion, become dry, delay, be long.” But before the seduction, they were NOT ashamed, confounded or confused in their nakedness! How could eating a piece of literal fruit cause us to be ashamed of our nakedness?
  • 26.  And how could we become mentally confused when the Bible says we were NOT CONFUSED? What kind of confusion are we talking about here: mental or genetic? The mental confusion came in as a result of the genetic confusion.
  • 27.  The aim of the Adversary is to get you to follow his program instead of Yahweh‟s. When we do his deeds (spiritual, mental, and physical) and when we worship him instead of the Creator, we give him life. The life of the parasite depends upon the blood of the host. This is not about food. This is about BLOOD. The Adversary is both spiritual and physical; but if those of us in the physical world would reject him and stop entertaining his deceptions, especially the confusion he causes through race-mixing, his food source would dry up.
  • 28.  Deception and parasitism go hand in hand. The problem is not so much that some people, known as Satanists, follow him consciously. These people are a small minority. The real problem is that a great majority of people unknowingly follow him, doing evil while thinking they are doing good. For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (II Cor. 7:14.)
  • 29.  As in this quotation, the Bible repeatedly refers to Satan and the Devil as an individual having his own mind and will.  Ever since the Enmity was declared, Jewry has been on a mission to destroy White Christendom. They have followed us, pestered us, hounded us, corrupted and deceived us in order to exploit and destroy us.
  • 30.  They are the children of the Devil, given to deception and spite. Like a snake in the grass, they have crawled on their belly, lying in wait for us in order to bite our heels from behind, like the cowards they are, just as Genesis 3:15 describes. Like children of darkness, they prefer the back rooms and the hidden places, where they connive, cheat, steal and plot.
  • 31.  We, on the other hand, deal in the public square, in the sunlight, showing ourselves openly, without malice. In fact, our propensity for honest and open dealing creates an easily bruised “Achilles heel” when interacting with the dishonest. For as we declare the truth, which is our nature to do, the deceiver then uses this against us to destroy us. Perhaps there exists no better object lesson why Yahweh demands us to remain absolutely separate from the Jews.
  • 32.  To the extent we interact with these deceivers, we are unable to prevent them from subtly parasitizing us, precisely because we possess an innate proclivity to tell the truth. Indeed, our worst trait is our gullibility in our dealings with the Jew. The different nature of these two peoples is so obvious it hardly requires mention.
  • 33.
  • 34.  To the extent we interact with these deceivers, we are unable to prevent them from subtly parasitizing us, precisely because we possess an innate proclivity to tell the truth. Indeed, our worst trait is our gullibility in our dealings with the Jew. The different nature of these two peoples is so obvious it hardly requires mention.
  • 35.  Yes, it is true that we Israelites can be our own worst enemies (our own worst adversary), but it is not true that we have precipitated history‟s greatest crimes. These have always been accomplished by the bestial Jew in his war against us. His dealings with us have always been ruthless and merciless, fomenting wars which have destroyed millions of Israelites. His economic policies (usury) have always sucked out our lifeblood and have ruined marriages, families, homes and nations.
  • 36.  In turn, we have always dealt with the Jew as if he were an equal. This is a courtesy that he never shows us. While the Jew assumes the posture of victimhood, a quick glance at history proves that the Jew has deliberately intended numerous wars and revolutions while we have been the victims of his treacheries. Therefore, it is plainly untrue and simplistic to say that Eve‟s problem is her internal struggle with her own carnal nature or moral inadequacies. Let us not blame the victim for the conman‟s games.  
  • 37.  This is not just a morality tale. This is a survival tale; and it is obvious that the Adversary is a flesh and blood creature that lives outside of Eve‟s conscience or control. Indeed, our efforts to “Christianize” this Adversary have been met with nothing but scorn, ridicule and bad faith. From his lofty position of economic and social control, he looks down his crooked nose at us with a hauteur mitigated only by his fear of retribution.
  • 38.  Thus he fears exposure as if it were death itself! Like Jacob struggling with the angel through the night, we have had a very long night. The only hope for us is to fully comprehend our national, racial and religious plight and deal with the Adversary according to our Father‟s instructions. We are to institute His Law on planet earth by severing all ties with the Jewish menace.
  • 39.  We are to “come out of Babylon.” When America severs its slavish ties with the Israeli State, Zionism and Jewry will suffer a drastic cut in their food supply. When the Jew sees that we are about to do this, he will panic; and we will at once gain the upper hand. Yahweh will then fully support us because we will be showing awareness of our mission. 9/11 was a gigantic deception by the Jew against us. Slowly but surely, White Christendom is seeing through the Jewish imposture of victimhood; and the White man is becoming angry.
  • 40. CREDULITY  In light of the foregoing discussion, the skeptics still would tell us that it begs credulity that Eve had sexual relations with nachash. This they consider unbelievable and outside the scope of the Bible story. At the same time, they are totally credulous with respect to the notion that Eve‟s problems are all the result a conversation with a talking snake.
  • 41.  In addition, they are totally credulous with respect to the notion that Eve was only partaking of literal fruit or some mental seduction, even though this deed resulted in numerous punishments directly affecting both the nature of our sexual reproduction and, thus, future generations of Adamites. This we refer to as “The Fall.” Their position is completely unable to explain the connection between the “tree,” the “fruit,” and the severity of the consequences. Therefore, it seems to me that the more credible position is Two-Seedline.
  • 42. THE ORGANIC VIEW OF JUDGMENT  One might well ask: “If the Serpent seed is so evil, why doesn‟t God just kill them all Himself”? I don‟t think it‟s that simple. If, as Revelation tells us, that the Serpent was cast out from heaven, and was cast down to earth for judgment with one-third of the angels that rebelled along with him, then what we have is a cancer of the Universal body. If one third of your body were infected by cancer, could the doctor just cut it out without killing the patient?
  • 43.  No. The only cure for this disease is to strengthen the immune system and send in the killer cells to wipe out the cancer. Herein lies the problem: This cancer is highly intelligent and it fooled the White Blood Cells (Adamites) into sharing their DNA, thus compromising the immune system.
  • 44.  Folks, the body politic is very sick from the machinations of a very clever parasite. Paul confirms this universal illness: “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity [remember Abel], not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
  • 45.  For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now†For whom He did foreknow, He did also predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” (Romans 8:19-29.)
  • 46.  We, Israel Restored, are the hope of creation. Are you up to the task? Armed with the Truth, we are the antibodies that have been created to kill the disease, to crush the head of the serpent at the Judgment Day. Jesus Christ Himself will return to oversee the operation†but He has to have a willing and competent cadre of Israelites, the Overcomers also known as the 144,000, to be the medicine according to the Plan. When will we stop taking the advice of Jewish doctors (Pharisees)?
  • 47.  The worst thing you can call a Jew is a “parasite.” This is the one appellation that they truly detest, because it strikes home; and, deep inside, they all know it. The history of the Jews is their parasitic relationship to the White Race. They thrive best when they can invade the White Nations and breed and multiply into a parasitic infestation, resulting in an infection.
  • 48.  The reason Jews can‟t have a civilization of their own is because Yahweh cursed Cain and his seed with the inability to grow food (Gen. 4:12). Ouch! The only way the Jew can prosper is to finagle his way into White society and take control of our institutions so as to get his tentacles into us and draw his food from us. In the process, he steals our women and he encourages other races to mix with us so that we would become weaker and stupider and no longer be a threat to him.
  • 49.  Taking advantage of our good will, the Jews have done this to us umpteen hundred times and still we let them get away with it! – but not any more.
  • 50.  Interestingly enough, there is a similar human disease which affects women much worse than men. It is called Candida albicans. A Candida yeast infection is a parasitic infection which fools the body‟s immune system into attacking the body‟s own cells, rather than attacking the invading yeast cells. Pretty smart, eh?
  • 51.  Isn‟t that what the Jews have done to us over the last six thousand years? Candida feeds off sugar like Jewry feeds off our good will. The Rothschilds perfected the technique of arranging wars in which White Men of different nations slaughter each other while the Jew Bank profits. Our own Revolutionary War is an example. So is the Civil War.
  • 52.  So were WWI and WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, and†who‟s next? The Zionist financed Bolshevik Revolution, in reality coup by Jews over Christian Russia, claimed over sixty million victims! Can this type of genocidal hatred, over thousands of years, be anything but Satanic? The parasite has fooled us into killing each other so that he can thrive. Is all of this bloodshed the result of our giving in to carnal temptations?
  • 53.  This Serpentine intelligence is way smarter than most of us because it derives from Lucifer, the Shining One. Didn‟t Jesus tell us, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves”? The modern expression is “Know your enemy.” If we don‟t know who the real enemy is, we go around shooting the wrong people. We destroy each other instead of destroying the parasites!
  • 54.  The importance of the Two-Seedline message is this: We, True Israel, are God‟s literal offspring through Adam. The Cainite, Canaanite, Edomite, Khazar, Jewish line of descent contains the literal genetic material of the fallen angels, in particular, that of nachash.
  • 55.  The Adamites were sent here by the Father to clean up the racial mess that was made by the fallen angels. We were sent here to establish His Race of Adamites, now known as the Anglo- Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian peoples, in order to establish a Family Tree which would grow and expand and take dominion away from the race- mixers, thus destroying the Fallen Ones.
  • 56.  Our mission was to restore Planet Earth to its pre-invasion state. This could have been done without violence had we not race-mixed ourselves! Unfortunately, they outsmarted us and many thousands of years of violence have resulted.
  • 57.  Two-Seedline emphasizes the genetic nature of this struggle. This is not just a spiritual or moral battle. This is genetic life and death; and the White Race has been mystified and propagandized by the serpent seed into a state of non- recognition. We are totally blind to the disease that is destroying us. One major symptom of that disease is called “Judeo-Christianity.” It is Satan‟s substitute for Hebrewism, or Biblical Christianity.
  • 58.  Except for the remnant known as Christian Identity, there would be no hope for the White Race. Many of our non-Christian racial brethren sense this life and death struggle. They have rejected most of the brainwashing of Judeo- Christianity. But by believing the lie that Jesus was a Jew, they reject their own Kinsman Redeemer!
  • 59.  This is why we must bring the message to them and alert them to their mistake! Together, we are the White Blood Cells that will stand and fight the disease. By calling upon the name of Yahweh, we will overcome the blight that has plagued this planet for millennia.
  • 60.  The Jew knows that he cannot fight Yahweh directly, so he fights against God indirectly by attacking His children. So far, the Jew has put up a hell of a fight. He fears, with a chilling fear, the day that Israel finally wakes up to her true Identity and starts to practice her true religion again. He knows that this is his death sentence.
  • 61.  His is a race against time. He must control all nations in order to completely master us and enslave us so that he can use us for his parasitic purposes. By this means, he hopes to avoid Yahweh‟s death sentence upon him.
  • 62.  Having achieved total control of mass communications and media, his principal weapon against the White Race has become race-mixing propaganda. By encouraging us to dilute our seed, he guarantees that fewer and fewer of us will have the intelligence and spiritual vision to see through the charade and fight back. There is a battle of cosmic proportions raging against us and our people don‟t even know it.
  • 63.
  • 64.  The serpent has succeeded in getting us to chase phantom demons while we ignore the puppetmaster. One thing is for sure, no Jew has ever been found at the front lines of the war that he has fomented. In Afghanistan and Iraq, he has succeeded in getting Christians and Muslims to kill each other while he punches the cash register.
  • 65.  In his race against time, he knows that he must eliminate all nations which no longer practice usury, because the international debt money system is his most powerful weapon of political and economic control. Since the Muslim nations forbid usury, they must either be eliminated or be forced into sham democracies that are mere puppets of international trade. Are the Muslims being tempted by usury?
  • 66.  In the Western hemisphere, we call them “banana republics.” In the Eastern hemisphere, they will be called “oil democracies.” Either way, the High Jew Bank holds all the cards in its bloody hands.
  • 67.  Speaking of the Great Whore, the eighteenth chapter of the book of Revelation tells us:   “And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.
  • 68.  Genesis only mentions the Serpent himself, whom we give the proper name, Satan, as being in the Garden with Eve when he “beguiles” her. Just as Noah and his family were surrounded by evil seed, so was the Garden surrounded by “evil seed” for we know that Lucifer was cast down with one third of the heavenly host.
  • 69.  “How art thou fallen from heaven, O, Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” – Isa. 14:12. (The anti-seedliners like to say that the name “Lucifer” was invented by the Catholics, and is therefore non-existent; but, still, Yahweh is speaking directly to someone, no matter what his name is; and that someone declares his intention to be like Yahweh: “I will be like the Most High.”
  • 70.  There is no getting around the reality of this Adversary.) Speaking of the great red dragon, Scripture tells us, “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth.” – Rev. 12:4. This is all part of the “war in heaven” which started long ago and continues to this day on this earthly stage.
  • 71.  The fact that Jesus constantly refers to the scribes and Pharisees as being "serpents" and "vipers" is not lost upon us. What is obviously going on in Genesis 3 is the first recorded instance of miscegenation, or race?mixing, between an Adamite and a non-Adamite, a practice which the Bible condemns through and through, from beginning to end; and if you don‟t know that, then you haven‟t been reading your Bible.
  • 72.  And who are the people who today most encourage race?mixing among the nations? They have not yet changed their strategy; and the "enmity" between Eve's seed and the serpent's seed is as strong as ever, just as the Bible prophesied. By diluting true Israel‟s seed, the Jews hope to vanquish their only real enemy. 
  • 73.  We certainly agree that the good and evil in these verses can be taken morally. I think we can safely say that God's principles are not to be violated ?? even if only in thought ?? whether anyone is perceived as being hurt by such thinking or not. Jesus makes this case very strongly by telling us that we cannot even mentally imagine committing a sin. He equates this with actually having committed the sin (Matt. 5:28).
  • 74.  Evil thoughts are as bad as evil deeds. Can you imagine a Jew taking this idea seriously? But there is certainly more going on here than mere mental sin. The fact is that Adam and Eve were made aware of their nakedness by this incident and they henceforth covered their genital areas to hide their shame. We yet bear that shame today. 
  • 75.  Brethren, there is no doubt in my mind that the “tree of life” is the Adamic White Race! And “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” is race- mixing. Considering the importance of Adam‟s genealogical tree in the Bible, all 77 generations from Adam down to Jesus Christ can be pictured in terms of a tree, with Adam at the bottom and his descendants forming the trunk rising upward and the branches spreading out.
  • 76.  Bear in mind that our ancestors must have held such imagery in common when they thought of our genealogical tree. Jesus Himself reaffirms this imagery in the parable of the mustard seed.  For the purposes of this study, however, we are merely trying to be true to the language of the Bible.
  • 77.  And since our interpretation fits in with the common usage of words in the Bible, we can say that this interpretation is the true one because all of the relevant words used in the Garden story have some sort of sexual connotation, whether referring to sexual intercourse or genealogy.
  • 78.  This is true of words such as “tree”, “beguiled”, “eat of”, “touch”, and yes, the old favorite, “know”. When all of these words are used consistently in the Bible to teach moral lessons about sexuality, why are we then supposed to look for a non-sexual interpretation for Genesis 3?
  • 79.  Adam and Eve were expressly forbidden from mixing their seed with that of other races; but they broke that rule. When Eve was beguiled by the Serpent, she either didn‟t think he was of another race, or he convinced her that race-mixing is not a sin. Either way, she was mistaken, and the history of human conflict is the result.
  • 80.  Throughout the Bible, we are repeatedly told not to mix our seed with that of other races. We are repeatedly told to remain separate from other ethnic groups. We are repeatedly told that we must be exclusively faithful to Him by obeying His Law. The anti-seedliners are telling us that we cannot interpret Genesis 2, 3 and 4 in the light of these consistent teachings!
  • 81.  They tell us that the words cannot possibly mean what the rest of the Bible says: STAY SEPARATE AND DON‟T MIX YOUR SEED WITH OTHER RACES.
  • 82. NACHASH AND EVE; DISRAELI AND VICTORIA  The corruption of the British Empire accelerated during the reign of Queen Victoria. Her friendship with Benjamin Disraeli, a viper Jew if there ever was one, led to his becoming Prime Minister. History remembers Disraeli as “the father of British Imperialism.” The British Empire built itself up during the era of colonialism. In a classic episode of Jewish flattery, Disraeli talked Victoria into declaring herself “Empress of India.” He also arranged for major loans to be made to Victoria‟s Britain through the Rothschilds.
  • 83.  As Prime Minister, Disraeli advised Victoria to persecute the Boers of South Africa, although Britain had no right, morally or politically, to attack the Boers. This was pure genocide on behalf of the High Jew who wanted to get his hands on the diamonds that were discovered there. As such, Disraeli is a classic example of the Serpent whispering in Eve‟s ear, giving her deceptive counsel and leading her astray.
  • 84.  The corruption of the British Empire under the influence of Disraeli and the Rothschilds led Freidrich Nietszche to say of the British, “The greatest export of the British Empire is cant.” Cant is hypocritical speech. “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” --
  • 85.  Luke 12:1. You can see, today, how America has been corrupted in the same way. George Bush‟s use of the word „democracy‟ is hypocrisy without clothes, yet the people do not have eyes to see his nakedness. The American people are dumb enough to believe that we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq to “protect America.”
  • 86.  If you do not understand that the real reason we are in Iraq is to protect the Jews and the imperialistic designs of the Serpent seed, then you don‟t understand anything.  Clearly the enmity spoken of in the Garden is fiercely evident in today‟s politics.
  • 87. CONCLUSION  One of the charges levelled against us by the anti- seedliners is that we quote the Talmud where the rabbis teach that Eve was seduced by the angel, Sammael, and that we are thus promoting Talmudic teaching. However, it must be realized that when the rabbis teach that Eve was seduced by Sammael, they do so posturing as Israel and Judah, so they are definitely not implicating themselves.
  • 88.  The Jews teach that the Arabs and Palestinians are Edom, although they avoid discussion of the seedlines because that discussion reveals the racial exclusivity of True Israel, a subject they won‟t touch with a ten foot pole. 
  • 89.  It is also a fact that the Aramaic Targums, which are Judahite, not Jewish, literature, teach the same thing; and it is also true that Book of Enoch and the Early Church Fathers also taught that Eve was sexually seduced, so, you might say, we are in good and bad company. (These facts will be demonstrated in Part 7). In any case, any statement must be evaluated on its factual merits, not on who made the statement.
  • 90.  Obviously, if the speaker is a known liar, the statement will be treated with caution; but that alone does not make any statement false. The blanket statement by the anti-seedliners that “everything the Jews teach is false” is an over- simplification. It is not true that everything the Jews teach is false. A sophisticated liar has to tell some truths in order to suck in his victims.
  • 91.
  • 92.  Like baiting a hook, he must tell the truth up to the point where you will bite, otherwise he will not collect very many victims. It is not true that everything the rabbi says is false. The proper way of expressing Jewish deception is this: Everything a rabbi says is calculated to deceive. This is subtlecraft, par excellence! In order to tell a convincing story, he has to be believable. Once he has assured himself that you have been duped, then he exploits you.
  • 93.  I believe that the future of Christian Identity will be determined by the resolution and outcome of this bloodline dispute. I believe that the evidence presented here demonstrates that the seedline teaching stands on very solid ground (metaphorically speaking!).
  • 94.  How can we obey God‟s command to be exclusive if we engage in race-mixing? If we are His Chosen People, then we are to stay close to Him by following His commandment to keep our seed pure. Otherwise, we would be doing exactly as the Jews do. Their exclusivity is purely cultural. By the way, anti-Seedliners, the Jews also claim to be morally exclusive! Their exclusivity is Talmudic.
  • 95.  The Jews are a racially indistinct group that adheres to a particular religious doctrine. By denying Two-Seeedline, the anti-seedliners are advocating a system that resembles, without [Yahweh‟s demanded] racial exclusivity, Talmudic Judaism! How‟s them apples?
  • 96.  The Bible is the record of what happens to us when we mix with other races: OUR RELIGION BECOMES CORRUPTED! The Bible puts it this way: If we do not remain racially and culturally distinct as a people, WE FOLLOW AFTER OTHER GODS! But we are His People, and no one else but the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian peoples! WE are His offspring!
  • 97.  Without realizing it, Jones, Weiland, Weisman and company are minimizing the very thing that the Bible tells us will destroy us! By taking racial exclusivity out of our religion, we become, unfortunately, just like everybody else. And the anti-seedliners just don‟t get it.
  • 98.  “Has not the one God made and sustained for us the spirit of life? And what does he desire? Godly offspring. So take heed to yourselves, and let none be faithless to the wife of his youth.” (Malachi 2:15)
  • 99.  Do you still think that the seedlines don‟t matter? The Bible is clearly telling us that there are Godly offspring and ungodly offspring! Just think about the quality of your blood†and the future of your children.  6-clash-bloodlines  Eli James