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The Ethics Of Whistle Blowing Essay
Whistle–blowing is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or not correct either private or public
within an organization or company. When an individual discovers evidence of malpractice or misconduct in an organization he/ she faces an ethical
dilemma in which a decision has to be made. Either present documentation or turn the blind eye and not acknowledge the situation. Such information
can be classified as a violation of company policy, rules, and regulations or a threat to public interest, national security, as well as fraud and corruption.
Those that choose to become whistle–blowers can disclose their information either internal or external. Internal, whistle–blower is an individual that
can bring information or accusations to the attention of other people within the accused company such as a supervisor. The supervisor then has to
follow protocol and procedures to address the issue. However, if the supervisor cannot contain the issue, it will escalate to a higher level of
management. External whistle–blowing allegations are bought forth by involving outside third party such as media, law enforcement and government.
Internal whistle–blowing within an organization involves over 75 % of employees of wrong doings such as vandalism, absenteeism and damages. Even
though several companies detect some misbehavior within the company, whistle–blowing was first presented as an ethical issue over more than 20
years ago. Many
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Essay on Whistleblowing
Sharon Watkins earned her 15 minutes of fame the honest way, as the Enron employee who blew the lid off of then CEO Ken Lay's debauchery. But
for every celebrated whistleblower, there are hundreds who remain in the shadows. And for good Samaritans who do tell their tale, the price they pay
can be exorbitant.
Whistleblowers perform in many careers and are found at all levels of an organization: scientists and secretaries, lawyers and paralegals, managers and
staff, security personnel and computer specialists, etc. They are as varied in age, ethnic background, education, profession, sex, and income as the
population at more content...
The whistleblower him or herself must be carefully scrutinized. What are the personal and the professional reputations of the whistleblower? What is
the motive driving the whistleblower? Is it to benefit the client or the organization, or is it a need for attention or revenge? Is the whistleblower's cause
seen as legitimate and significant by trustworthy colleagues and friends? Is the whistleblower aware of the potential consequences of blowing the
whistle and still willing to accept responsibility for actions taken?
Unfortunately, during most of this century many people equated whistleblowers with tattle tales. For instance, until the early 1980s, legal indices often
listed the law of whistleblowing under the word "snitch" or "informant." During the Nixon era, much of that negative attitude changed. With the advent
of Watergate, the public began to recognize the service whistleblowers were providing to taxpayers at great risk to themselves.
Further, whistleblowing impacts not just the whistleblower but also their family and friends. Although whistleblowers have many different
backgrounds, skills,
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Examples Of Whistleblowing
Q1: Whistle blowing The ethical issues surrounding whistle–blowing are often viewed as controversial and difficult to analyze. This is mainly because
whistle blowing may support or negate from several values that are considered part of ethics. An example of when whistle blowing is ethically
required is when one witnesses blatant violation of the law. Let's take the example of Ben who works in the accounting department at a large
corporation. Ben joined the organization only two years ago as an accounts assistant and works under Mr. Corgar, who is the chief accountant at the
firm. Mr. Corgar has been with the organization for 11 years now, and is one of the most trusted employees. He has a very close relationship with the
top management including the C.E.O and the Operations manager. Part of Ben's job is to ensure that the company's financial records are properly kept
and submitted for auditing in the proper format and at the proper time. The relationship between Ben and Mr. Corgar is good, but they have had their
fair share of arguments. This is because Ben has noticed Mr. Corgar using some unethical business practices to alter some of the company's accounts.
Particularly, a few months ago, Ben noticed that Mr. more content...
Take the example of Mary, who has been working for a pharmaceutical company for seven years. Mary has progressed through the corporate ladder
well, and was recently eyeing the position of operations manager. However, the company decided to promote James, who has been with the company a
year longer than Mary. Due to the disappointment of losing out on this position, Mary decides to destroy the company's reputation. She starts sending
anonymous emails to the FDA, claiming that the company is distributing unapproved drugs to consumers. This type of whistle blowing is unacceptable
and ethically
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The Treatment of Whistleblowers Essay
It used to be that whistleblowers were applauded, and they still are in the private sector, but it seems as if government whistleblowers are criticized
and many are even criminally charged. There is certainly a different take on their activities. In fact, some advocates counsel federal employees not to
come forward with information because if they do, their lives will be destroyed (Shulman, 2007). What often happens is that they will never be able
to work in their careers again in the same capacity (Shulman, 2007). Many whistleblowers not only lose their jobs, but they lose their families and
friends, and much of their money ends up going to attorneys (Shulman, 2007). Indeed, in today's day and age, there is a surge of
more content...
It can take awhile for someone to speak up, and the hesitancy is largely due to a corporate culture that does not support the practice. It should be
noted that there are "whistle blowing" statutes in many jurisdictions where an employee is allowed to report illegal activity and will be protected from
being fired (Larson, 2003). Indeed, whistle blowing is largely encouraged in society in general as the government wants people to come forward when
the giants of Corporate America are doing something bad. Of course, when it comes to leaking government secrets that is a different matter entirely.
The National Whistleblowers Center says that under Section 403 of the Intelligence Authorization Act, the head of an employee's agency may accuse a
whistleblower of leaking classified information (Burghardt, 2011). If this were to occur, the simple accusation could lead to the individual's
blocking of access to federal pensions, and this is true even if they are in retirement (Burghardt, 2011). One case that involves a whistleblower who
has been ostracized is Thomas Drake. Drake is a former National Security Agency (NSA) employee (Bishop, 2011). The government pursued him for
years, and eventually he would plead guilty to just one misdemeanor in that he used a computer without authorization (Bishop, 2011). What did Drake
do exactly? Why is he considered to be a whistleblower and why has he been persecuted by the government? Drake warned the
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Whistleblowers Essay
Debbie Laird
October 25, 2015
Law, Ethics and Corporate Government
The term "whistleblower" is sometimes referred to as snitch, rat, or disgruntled employee. In today's business world with corruption such as that of
Enron, which helped to make whistleblowing a household term, employees who witness corrupt or unethical business practices taking place need to
have a channel and they need protection that if they blow the whistle, then they will be protected by the US Government. Being a whistleblower takes
courage as whistleblowing is not an easy thing to do. To better understand whistleblowing, this paper attempts to define whistleblowers, the
characteristics of whistleblowing and what more content...
The company promised to look into the matter. After a short period of time, the CEO resigned and Blatchford, who was dissatisfied with the plan the
publically traded company had to rectify the situation, so he took the news to the Today Show (Reingold, 2015).
JC Penney responded by firing Blatchford and proceeded to sue him for theft of trade secrets. JC Penney dropped the suit, but to this day, the
whistleblowing case has not been settled. Blatchford followed his instinct and reported the wrong doings, but did he go too far by appearing on the
Today Show? Probably, he should have proceeded with a different route after not getting the results he thought were necessary to correct the problem.
Instead of appearing on a national television program, he should have contacted the correct government authorities and reported the problem in that
manner. But is he protected under the Whistleblower Act? Was he being retaliated against by being fired? Probably, but considering he took his claims
to national television, JC Penney saw no other avenue but then to fire him.
Being a whistleblower takes courage, but it also takes common sense and some research on the proper channels and proper authorities in which to
report the wrong doing to. Whistleblowers need to understand that there are laws in place to protect them from retaliation. While the JC Penney
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Whistleblowing LEG 500
Whistleblowing in a Publicly Traded Company
Whistleblowing implies the imperative necessity to alert others (company) about immorality issues, including illegal activity, happening inside the
organization. For the employee who decides to blow the whistle "usually brings to he/she undesirable consequences." Some consequences are like
threats, loss of employment, and social rejection. (Chiu,R. 2003)
Whistleblower Traits
Whistleblowers are characterized by strong ethic–moral values. They are perceived as an active person with enough courage to expose the wrongdoing
occurring inside their company. They are "perceived as altruistically driven individuals who are steered by their attitudes." more content...
Ranbaxy agreed with FDA to don't produce drugs for USA until they meet the requirements specified by American standards.
Whistleblowing Justification
Any pharmaceutical company Pharmaceutical, in North America, has to prove they are making products "bioequivalent" or have the same results as
the Original Medicine.
The whistleblower was aware that the company was falsifying documents, didn't meet the requirements to produce drugs according with USA
regulations. Whistleblower action was justified because the fact that the company was making and selling medicine without scientific support it might
put in jeopardy the health of many people who were in taking the drug.
Whistleblower protection under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act
The Whistleblower was in protected under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. Whistle blowing protection is important for both Sarbanes Oxley and fraud
protection. The Sarbanes –Oxley Act protect employees from publicly traded companies from retaliation against them after report the wrongdoing. In
India where the company is located, whistleblowers don't have any protection.
In this particular case the investigation took eight years. Thakur contacted the FDA which was in charge to not only investigate the case but to offer
protection to him and his family.
The company faced civil penalties under the False Claims Act, "which allows citizens to bring civil actions on behalf of the United States and share in
any recovery." (McCafferty)
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The Ethics Of The Whistle Blower Essay
Question 5:–
Whistle–blowing:– Whistleblowing is the term connected to the reporting by workers of unlawful, unethical, or illegitimate practices under the control
of their businesses to parties who can make restorative move (Elliston 1985). Whistleblowing is a questionable authoritative issue. On the positive side,
informants can help associations right risky items or working conditions and control fake or inefficient practices.Hides the identity/Privacy:–As a HR
we ensure the whistle blower that we will not reveal his identity in front of all .This thing will never effect his working in future.
Job security and safety:– As a HR,we will provide him life time job security .
If we reveal their identity, we will definitely provide security to him. We will take care that he will not face any problem to this act.
Motivation:– As HR we will motivate the whistle blower so that he can work in more effective way. We can motivate him by giving him monetary /non
monetary appraisal.
Multinational workforce:–
Multinational companies have long wrestled with the challenge of effectively governing and managing a global workforce. Striking the right balance
between a globally consistent strategy and local flexibility requires ongoing monitoring, supported by a keen understanding of local regulations,
cultures and demographics.
Workforce strategies:–As a HR,we will make the strategies in such a way that each and every person can take proper benefits of it.We keep every culture
in the mind
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Whistleblowing Essay
Assignment 1: Whistleblowing and Sarbanes–Oxley
LEG500030VA016–11 (Law, Ethics & Corporate Governance
Professor Timothy Griffin
Strayer University
Jan Jones July 19, 2015
Describe the key characteristics of a whistleblower, and briefly summarize one (1) researched instance of whistleblowing in one (1) publicly traded
company within the last 12 months. Include the details of the issue that the whistleblower reported and the effect of the whistleblower's actions on both
the whistleblower himself and the company.
A whistleblower is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, dishonest, or not correct within an organization that
is either private or public. The information of more content...
Even though SEC didn't have to issue an award in the first case, Mike Delikat, a partner at Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe and chair of the firm's
whistleblowing task force, thinks it may have done so to send a message to companies that they need to take seriously the credible complaints of
wrongdoing they receive from their workers. He said SEC has been criticized for advocating that employees can come to the agency first with
information, even if their companies mandate they report internally. This award is "like a demonstration that folks still are reporting internally but
companies aren't doing anything about it so we have to step in and whack those companies that don't do anything," said Mr. Delikat. "That is my
L–3 responded exactly the way a publicly traded company is required to by Sarbanes–Oxley and Dodd–Frank, sending the proper signal to
whistleblowers that information about fraud is welcome and will be acted upon, even if the results lead to short–term negative consequences for the
Whistleblowing cases reported to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have increased by 35 per cent in the past 12 months, according to new
information obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Kroll, the global investigations firm. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
made payouts
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The Ethics Of Whistle Blowing Essay
Whistle–blowing Whistle–blowing is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or not correct either
private or public within an organization or company. When an individual discovers evidence of malpractice or misconduct in an organization he/ she
faces an ethical dilemma in which a decision has to be made. Either present documentation or turn the blind eye and not acknowledge the situation.
Such information can be classified as a violation of company policy, rules, and regulations or a threat to public interest, national security, as well as
fraud and corruption. Those that choose to become whistle–blowers can disclose their information either internal or external. Internal, whistle–blower,
is an individual that can bring information or accusations to the attention of other people within the accused company such as a supervisor. The
supervisor then has to follow protocol and procedures to address the issue. However, if the supervisor cannot contain the issue, it will escalate to a
higher level of management. External whistle–blowing allegations are brought forth by involving outside third party, such as media, law enforcement,
and government. In some cases, external whistleblowing is encouraged by offering monetary rewards. There is also a third party service which utilizes
an external agency to inform upper management without disclosing the identity of the whistleblower. This action was developed because of
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Pros And Cons Of Whistleblowing
Introduction Whistleblowing has always been an important and controversial issue that employers and employees need to understand and stay up to
date with. They need to make sure that they know what it means, what it involves, and what consequences are associated with whistleblowing.
Whistleblowing is defined as, " employee of a company or government agency makes a protected disclosure to the public or authority regarding
concerns for wrongdoing" (What is a Whistleblower?, n.d.). In short, a whistleblower is defined as a person who is concerned and discloses and
divulges misbehavior in the workplace. This paper will focus on the pros and cons of being a whistleblower, the ethics behind it, the details of s
specific whistleblowing situation, and reflect on my personal experience regarding whistleblowing.
Pros of being a more content...
In an article written by Gerald Hanks titled, "Advantages & Disadvantages of Whistle–Blowing," he states that these people who are labeled as
whistleblowers are brave individuals who are willing to speak up when they recognized wrongdoing (2018). These people are willing to jeopardize
their reputation and their careers to correct these unethical misconducts. Another positive benefit that comes with being a whistleblower is that if the
claims are to be proven, they will receive a settlement/recovery. In the article, "Pros and Cons of becoming a Whistleblower," it states that the
whistleblowers are granted an annuity of the recoveries that come from their lawsuit (n.d). These settlements are a way to encourage people to come
forward and report any misconduct they might witness or know about in their workplace. The fact that there are benefits involved with whistleblowing
and an ethical piece of mind makes these "insiders" go through the motions of opening a can of worms and accuse the
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Whistle-Blowing: Enron Essay
Whistle blowing is an act to disclose an organizational wrongdoing to parties that can take action. Sherron Watkins was the vice president of Enron
Corporation that became a whistle blower in 2001. She sent an anonymous memo to Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay regarding the misstatements on the
financial report. Enron hired lawyers from Vinson & Elkins to do an investigation on the financial misstatement allegations (Ackman, 2002). According
to the memo from the investigations, after Watkins identified herself Lay held a meeting with her to discuss about her concerns regarding her
allegations. The memo failed to indicate what Lay told Watkins. The investigation from Vinson & Elkins concluded that the questionable transaction
that Watkins more content...
Whistle Blowing Policy According to Ravishankar (2003), it is better to address an employee's concern when it is still minor before it became public
and causes much damage to the company. It is beneficial for companies to create an organizational culture that encourages early reporting by
employees to the attention of their superiors by "internal whistleblowers". Companies can introduce whistle blowing policy to their employees to
encourage them to voice out if they have legitimate concerns about wrongdoings. Also, company can create a code of conduct to set rules for
employees to make reference to laws, rules, regulation and directives applying to that company. The code helps employees to know about their
obligations to the company and to their colleagues.
Advantages of Whistle Blowing Policy A lot of times, employees that found out about a violation of internal rules or external laws are too afraid to
speak out because they are fearful about losing their job. The application of whistle blowing policy assures the employees that they will not be
subject to reprisal as long as their concerns are legitimate. By speaking up once the problem is spotted, superiors became aware about the early
warnings and the concerns are more likely to be addressed internally. This reduces the risk of having external regulators to be
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Whistleblower Essay examples
Case Studies: 4.1 & 5.2 Labor/Management Relations June 15, 2013 The labor and management sides both have a great deal of power
regarding workplace rules and conditions. The management side has the power to choose the labor relations strategy that it thinks will best suit its
needs. The strategies chosen are determined by several things like "managerial philosophy, [or] the ethics of its management" (Holley et al, 2008, pg
119). It seems as though today most large organizations prefer a union avoidance approach, placing emphasis on "positive human resources
management" (Holley et al 2008, pg, 120). 4.1 In the case of Paul Sanchez, the labor side has the power to sue the union if the employee's thinks they
have more content...
All of this is done to give the employee more power over workplace rules and organization. 2One reason leading up to the decision to seek union
representation can be found in the alienation theory presented by Holley Employees may come together to "engage in collective activities to
improve their working situation" (Holley et al, 2008, pg. 177). Their situation may include dissatisfaction with "pay, supervision, and/or work"
(Holley et al, 2008, pg. 177). This dissatisfaction can lead to an employee taking what Hoyt Wheeler describes as "aggressive action" (Holley et al,
2008, pg. 178). This action is usually followed by other workers sharing the same viewpoints, banding together to take a collective action. This
theoretic model can appear when there is a disconnect between what the employee and employer believe to be fair. 3The students would have
several rights under the NLRA that they could not attain on their own. They would be able to, among other things, "bargain collectively through
representatives of employees own choosing" (Employee Rights). They would also be able to negotiate for better working conditions and fair wages
and compensation, strengthening their power over the workplace rules and organization. 4The NLRA definition of employee is based on the
common law definition. It says a person is an employee if, regarding the work, "you can control what will be done and how it will be done" (IRS). This
still hold
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Whistle-Blowing In The Workplace Essay
Whistle–blowing in the workplace: Do we stand by and allow business corruption as usual or prepare to take a fall for something? It sometimes
requires uncommon courage, as whistle–blowing in the workplace is not so easy to do. What motivates you? Is it revenge, ethics or a combination?
To take a closer look, let's consider what is whistle blowing and explore a few conditions used to justify whistle–blowing, and concluded with how
companies can benefit from a whistle–blowing policy. What is a whistle–blower or whistle–blowing? Let's make it clear that informers and snitches are
individuals, who reveal information for personal enrichment or a means to get at others. However, whistle–blowers like Bobby Boutris a Federal more content...
Even though whistle–blowing can be justified in some situations, it sadly remains that courageous employees who perform a valuable public service
are often subjected to harsh retaliation. Ironically for this particular case, Laura Brown, an FAA spokeswoman, told CNN that the administration has
taken action and that a supervisor who was in charge of overseeing Southwest is "no longer in a supervisory position." Is whistle–blowing of
corruption and mismanagement in government and industry the best way to correct these faults? To explore this question, we would have to consider a
few conditions for justification of whistle–blowing. Thousand of employees lost their employment, retirement benefits and saving plans while
corporate officers ran off with the company wealth, making an ugly dent in the history of the Corporate Sector in USA. A coverup of corporate greed
is an appropriate situation for disclosure because people's lives are at stake. First, we need to ask how serious is the situation of sufficient moral
importance to justify whistle–blowing? When employees discover unethical, immoral, illegal transactions or potentially damaging information for the
well being of the workplace in which they are employed, they are expected to disclose this sensitive information to an authority in the hierarchy through
a formal/informal mechanism. Even with the moral importance of the situation, there should
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Consequences Of Whistleblowing
Registered nurses (RNs) have an ethical duty to ensure patient safety by reporting cases of wrongdoing (American Nurses Association, 2015). Despite
this ethical duty, RNs often meet whistleblowing with resistance (Black, 2011; Jackson et al., 2014). Black (2011) cited an unsupportive organizational
climate as the greatest obstacle to whistleblowing. When RNs feel unsupported by nurse leaders they develop a fear of repercussions, including labeling
and blame (Black, 2011). Jackson et al. (2014) explained that one–third of whistleblowing results in consequences for the reporting RN and that
feelings of resistance are therefore validated. Common consequences include being alienated by an organization, managers, and colleagues. Such
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Disadvantages Of Whistleblowing
Should whistleblowing be encouraged or discouraged in organisations? This essay will serve to provide a definition for whistleblowing whilst also
touching on the advantages and disadvantages. In doing so it will be clear as to why whistleblowing should be encouraged in organisations.
Whistleblowing has traditionally been defined as the act of bringing an organizations illegal and immoral actions to light by a member of the
organisations (Greenberg, 2011; Miceli, Near, Dworkin & Miceli, 2008). It is also a method of defending rights, safe–guarding interests and justice as
well as righting wrongs (Berry, 2004). According to BjГёrkelo et al. (2011), whistleblowing can further refer to an organizational social regulation
apparatus in that it provides a means for employees to hold one another accountable for abiding by not only the organization's moral and legal code but
also society's. Channels of whistleblowing can be both internal (within the organizations) or external (media platforms such as newspapers), usually if
nothing is resolved at an internal level it is then taken to external channels (Miceli, Near, Dworkin & Miceli, 2008) more content...
Berry (2014) provides a similar explanation in claiming that employees crave consistency with their organizations moral ethics and their own personal
ones. If there is a clash in these value's the the employee's organizational commitment and loyalty to the organization will be low. Whistleblowing is
therefore seen as a clash between one's organizational loyalty and one's loyalty to society (Andrade,
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Whistle Blowing
Introduction The challenger disaster that took place in January 28 has led to the explosion of the shuttle itself and the death of all the crew members
including the chosen teacher. A real disaster that occurred due to some wrong decisions and overriding some important information from professional
employees within the company is considered a real catastrophe. Applying pressure on senior management team of the company that has developed the
rocket in order to change their opinion about launching can be considered to be another catastrophe. All these misjudgment actions from the NASA
team and the Morton Thiokol team have lead to the challenger real crisis. Whistle blowing A whistle blower is a person who reveals some wrong actions more content...
People watching the launch and families who lost beloved ones needed to know what really happened and who was responsible for their great
loss. Children who were watching their teacher joining the crew needed to know what the reason that this person died was. From all what
preceded the truth should have appeared and the company should not treated Boisjoly a whistle blower because he showed the world what really
happened and didn't take into consideration the image of the company in the eyes of people and government. Failing to produce quality products
and putting lives on the edge is not something that can be ignored and from here we can easily say that whistle blowers are heroes and not
betrayers. Question 1:Do you regard Boisjoly as a disloyal employee or a heroic whistle blower? Why? Boisjoly in my opinion is not a disloyal
employee. Although I agree to the saying that secrets of work should not be announced to anybody outside the company but is mainly when there is
something regarding progress and success key elements and not wrongdoings that causes problems. In the case of challenger, seven people died from
the explosion. The company was aware of the problem and they decided to ignore it and go on with the launch of the challenger. Boisjoly reported the
problem and tried to convince the Morton Thiokol to scrub the launch but NASA had their way to convince the management to ignore everything and
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Whistle Blowing
The challenger disaster that took place in January 28 has led to the explosion of the shuttle itself and the death of all the crew members including the
chosen teacher. A real disaster that occurred due to some wrong decisions and overriding some important information from professional employees
within the company is considered a real catastrophe. Applying pressure on senior management team of the company that has developed the rocket in
order to change their opinion about launching can be considered to be another catastrophe. All these misjudgment actions from the NASA team and the
Morton Thiokol team have lead to the challenger real crisis.
Whistle blowing
A whistle blower is a person who reveals some wrong actions done more content...
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Whistleblowing And Its Impact On Organizations
Whistleblowing is the name generated from the need to increase awareness in organizations. Whistleblowers identify weaknesses, neglect, and abuses
within the organization and then raise an alarm to inform the public that their very interests in the organization are at stake. For example, a teacher who
informs educational officers of lavish lifestyles and misappropriation of resources by school heads, a cabinet secretary who informs the Congress of
misuse of resources in the cabinet. As they perform this, the whistleblowers know very well that their actions can have very adverse implications to
their careers and to those whom they denounce, either their juniors or seniors. Some individuals justify whistleblowing and say that it is an important
thing to do to uphold organization's morals and ethics; others think that it is not necessary, and they try to prevent organizations from getting to the
level of whistleblowing. The most important thing is to understand that whistleblowing is beneficial and ought to be balanced so as to avoid any
demerits. The managements ought to understand that the chief intention of whistleblowing is to make operations more efficient and to avoid future
occurrences that can otherwise collapse the whole organization. For example, a whistleblower may inform of a major orchestrated scandal which could
otherwise drain all of the organization's resources and profits.
Is whistleblowing all necessary?
Since we may consider whistleblowing as desirable,
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Whistleblowing Essay
AC 4001 – Interim Assignment – 2012/2013
Name: James Nicholas Anthony Cassin
Student No: 109444602
Word Count: 1988
I don't agree with the statement provided that 'whistleblowing' is an enemy of business and creates suspicion and disharmony. This is simply the old
traditional view of the idea of whistleblowing that there is a spy or snitch within the camp looking after his/her own interests. This old and traditional
view is largely based on the case that employee's within organisations had very little rights and they weren't encouraged to be vocal about any
misbehaviour or inappropriate dealings they would have witnessed within the organisation. The idea that whistleblowing is encouraging a widespread
disunity within a firm is a more content...
This is to ensure that the whistleblowing allegations are dealt with in a fair and transparent manner for the benefit of the employee and the
organisation." So the obvious objective out of this of this act is to ultimately benefit the organisation as a whole and make it more credible to public
users who use the organisation that the best practices are being implied and in turn everyone can feel confident that the organisation is run right.
The point can be made that "whistleblowing" within a firm, large or small can be encouraged by putting in place policies and a process within a firm
that will protect the employee's and benefit the organisation by: * Avoiding any unnecessary and unwanted publicity in the event that some of the staff
within the organisation are engaged in bad behaviour. * There may be the benefit of generating positive publicity from a social responsibility
perspective. * It may reinforce a culture of values–based leadership and senior management accountability. * It may increase
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The Ethics Of Whistle Blowing Essay

  • 1. The Ethics Of Whistle Blowing Essay Whistle–blowing is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or not correct either private or public within an organization or company. When an individual discovers evidence of malpractice or misconduct in an organization he/ she faces an ethical dilemma in which a decision has to be made. Either present documentation or turn the blind eye and not acknowledge the situation. Such information can be classified as a violation of company policy, rules, and regulations or a threat to public interest, national security, as well as fraud and corruption. Those that choose to become whistle–blowers can disclose their information either internal or external. Internal, whistle–blower is an individual that can bring information or accusations to the attention of other people within the accused company such as a supervisor. The supervisor then has to follow protocol and procedures to address the issue. However, if the supervisor cannot contain the issue, it will escalate to a higher level of management. External whistle–blowing allegations are bought forth by involving outside third party such as media, law enforcement and government. Internal whistle–blowing within an organization involves over 75 % of employees of wrong doings such as vandalism, absenteeism and damages. Even though several companies detect some misbehavior within the company, whistle–blowing was first presented as an ethical issue over more than 20 years ago. Many Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Whistleblowing Sharon Watkins earned her 15 minutes of fame the honest way, as the Enron employee who blew the lid off of then CEO Ken Lay's debauchery. But for every celebrated whistleblower, there are hundreds who remain in the shadows. And for good Samaritans who do tell their tale, the price they pay can be exorbitant. Whistleblowers perform in many careers and are found at all levels of an organization: scientists and secretaries, lawyers and paralegals, managers and staff, security personnel and computer specialists, etc. They are as varied in age, ethnic background, education, profession, sex, and income as the population at more content... The whistleblower him or herself must be carefully scrutinized. What are the personal and the professional reputations of the whistleblower? What is the motive driving the whistleblower? Is it to benefit the client or the organization, or is it a need for attention or revenge? Is the whistleblower's cause seen as legitimate and significant by trustworthy colleagues and friends? Is the whistleblower aware of the potential consequences of blowing the whistle and still willing to accept responsibility for actions taken? Unfortunately, during most of this century many people equated whistleblowers with tattle tales. For instance, until the early 1980s, legal indices often listed the law of whistleblowing under the word "snitch" or "informant." During the Nixon era, much of that negative attitude changed. With the advent of Watergate, the public began to recognize the service whistleblowers were providing to taxpayers at great risk to themselves. Further, whistleblowing impacts not just the whistleblower but also their family and friends. Although whistleblowers have many different backgrounds, skills, Get more content on
  • 3. Examples Of Whistleblowing Q1: Whistle blowing The ethical issues surrounding whistle–blowing are often viewed as controversial and difficult to analyze. This is mainly because whistle blowing may support or negate from several values that are considered part of ethics. An example of when whistle blowing is ethically required is when one witnesses blatant violation of the law. Let's take the example of Ben who works in the accounting department at a large corporation. Ben joined the organization only two years ago as an accounts assistant and works under Mr. Corgar, who is the chief accountant at the firm. Mr. Corgar has been with the organization for 11 years now, and is one of the most trusted employees. He has a very close relationship with the top management including the C.E.O and the Operations manager. Part of Ben's job is to ensure that the company's financial records are properly kept and submitted for auditing in the proper format and at the proper time. The relationship between Ben and Mr. Corgar is good, but they have had their fair share of arguments. This is because Ben has noticed Mr. Corgar using some unethical business practices to alter some of the company's accounts. Particularly, a few months ago, Ben noticed that Mr. more content... Take the example of Mary, who has been working for a pharmaceutical company for seven years. Mary has progressed through the corporate ladder well, and was recently eyeing the position of operations manager. However, the company decided to promote James, who has been with the company a year longer than Mary. Due to the disappointment of losing out on this position, Mary decides to destroy the company's reputation. She starts sending anonymous emails to the FDA, claiming that the company is distributing unapproved drugs to consumers. This type of whistle blowing is unacceptable and ethically Get more content on
  • 4. The Treatment of Whistleblowers Essay It used to be that whistleblowers were applauded, and they still are in the private sector, but it seems as if government whistleblowers are criticized and many are even criminally charged. There is certainly a different take on their activities. In fact, some advocates counsel federal employees not to come forward with information because if they do, their lives will be destroyed (Shulman, 2007). What often happens is that they will never be able to work in their careers again in the same capacity (Shulman, 2007). Many whistleblowers not only lose their jobs, but they lose their families and friends, and much of their money ends up going to attorneys (Shulman, 2007). Indeed, in today's day and age, there is a surge of more content... It can take awhile for someone to speak up, and the hesitancy is largely due to a corporate culture that does not support the practice. It should be noted that there are "whistle blowing" statutes in many jurisdictions where an employee is allowed to report illegal activity and will be protected from being fired (Larson, 2003). Indeed, whistle blowing is largely encouraged in society in general as the government wants people to come forward when the giants of Corporate America are doing something bad. Of course, when it comes to leaking government secrets that is a different matter entirely. The National Whistleblowers Center says that under Section 403 of the Intelligence Authorization Act, the head of an employee's agency may accuse a whistleblower of leaking classified information (Burghardt, 2011). If this were to occur, the simple accusation could lead to the individual's blocking of access to federal pensions, and this is true even if they are in retirement (Burghardt, 2011). One case that involves a whistleblower who has been ostracized is Thomas Drake. Drake is a former National Security Agency (NSA) employee (Bishop, 2011). The government pursued him for years, and eventually he would plead guilty to just one misdemeanor in that he used a computer without authorization (Bishop, 2011). What did Drake do exactly? Why is he considered to be a whistleblower and why has he been persecuted by the government? Drake warned the Get more content on
  • 5. Whistleblowers Essay Debbie Laird Whistleblowers October 25, 2015 Law, Ethics and Corporate Government Whistleblowers The term "whistleblower" is sometimes referred to as snitch, rat, or disgruntled employee. In today's business world with corruption such as that of Enron, which helped to make whistleblowing a household term, employees who witness corrupt or unethical business practices taking place need to have a channel and they need protection that if they blow the whistle, then they will be protected by the US Government. Being a whistleblower takes courage as whistleblowing is not an easy thing to do. To better understand whistleblowing, this paper attempts to define whistleblowers, the characteristics of whistleblowing and what more content... The company promised to look into the matter. After a short period of time, the CEO resigned and Blatchford, who was dissatisfied with the plan the publically traded company had to rectify the situation, so he took the news to the Today Show (Reingold, 2015). JC Penney responded by firing Blatchford and proceeded to sue him for theft of trade secrets. JC Penney dropped the suit, but to this day, the whistleblowing case has not been settled. Blatchford followed his instinct and reported the wrong doings, but did he go too far by appearing on the Today Show? Probably, he should have proceeded with a different route after not getting the results he thought were necessary to correct the problem. Instead of appearing on a national television program, he should have contacted the correct government authorities and reported the problem in that manner. But is he protected under the Whistleblower Act? Was he being retaliated against by being fired? Probably, but considering he took his claims to national television, JC Penney saw no other avenue but then to fire him. Being a whistleblower takes courage, but it also takes common sense and some research on the proper channels and proper authorities in which to report the wrong doing to. Whistleblowers need to understand that there are laws in place to protect them from retaliation. While the JC Penney Get more content on
  • 6. Whistleblowing Whistleblowing LEG 500 Whistleblowing in a Publicly Traded Company Whistleblowing implies the imperative necessity to alert others (company) about immorality issues, including illegal activity, happening inside the organization. For the employee who decides to blow the whistle "usually brings to he/she undesirable consequences." Some consequences are like threats, loss of employment, and social rejection. (Chiu,R. 2003) Whistleblower Traits Whistleblowers are characterized by strong ethic–moral values. They are perceived as an active person with enough courage to expose the wrongdoing occurring inside their company. They are "perceived as altruistically driven individuals who are steered by their attitudes." more content... Ranbaxy agreed with FDA to don't produce drugs for USA until they meet the requirements specified by American standards. Whistleblowing Justification Any pharmaceutical company Pharmaceutical, in North America, has to prove they are making products "bioequivalent" or have the same results as the Original Medicine. The whistleblower was aware that the company was falsifying documents, didn't meet the requirements to produce drugs according with USA regulations. Whistleblower action was justified because the fact that the company was making and selling medicine without scientific support it might put in jeopardy the health of many people who were in taking the drug. Whistleblower protection under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act The Whistleblower was in protected under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. Whistle blowing protection is important for both Sarbanes Oxley and fraud protection. The Sarbanes –Oxley Act protect employees from publicly traded companies from retaliation against them after report the wrongdoing. In India where the company is located, whistleblowers don't have any protection. In this particular case the investigation took eight years. Thakur contacted the FDA which was in charge to not only investigate the case but to offer protection to him and his family. The company faced civil penalties under the False Claims Act, "which allows citizens to bring civil actions on behalf of the United States and share in any recovery." (McCafferty)
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. The Ethics Of The Whistle Blower Essay Question 5:– Whistle–blowing:– Whistleblowing is the term connected to the reporting by workers of unlawful, unethical, or illegitimate practices under the control of their businesses to parties who can make restorative move (Elliston 1985). Whistleblowing is a questionable authoritative issue. On the positive side, informants can help associations right risky items or working conditions and control fake or inefficient practices.Hides the identity/Privacy:–As a HR we ensure the whistle blower that we will not reveal his identity in front of all .This thing will never effect his working in future. Job security and safety:– As a HR,we will provide him life time job security . If we reveal their identity, we will definitely provide security to him. We will take care that he will not face any problem to this act. Motivation:– As HR we will motivate the whistle blower so that he can work in more effective way. We can motivate him by giving him monetary /non monetary appraisal. Multinational workforce:– Multinational companies have long wrestled with the challenge of effectively governing and managing a global workforce. Striking the right balance between a globally consistent strategy and local flexibility requires ongoing monitoring, supported by a keen understanding of local regulations, cultures and demographics. Workforce strategies:–As a HR,we will make the strategies in such a way that each and every person can take proper benefits of it.We keep every culture in the mind Get more content on
  • 9. Whistleblowing Essay Assignment 1: Whistleblowing and Sarbanes–Oxley LEG500030VA016–11 (Law, Ethics & Corporate Governance Professor Timothy Griffin Strayer University Jan Jones July 19, 2015 Describe the key characteristics of a whistleblower, and briefly summarize one (1) researched instance of whistleblowing in one (1) publicly traded company within the last 12 months. Include the details of the issue that the whistleblower reported and the effect of the whistleblower's actions on both the whistleblower himself and the company. A whistleblower is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, dishonest, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public. The information of more content... Even though SEC didn't have to issue an award in the first case, Mike Delikat, a partner at Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe and chair of the firm's whistleblowing task force, thinks it may have done so to send a message to companies that they need to take seriously the credible complaints of wrongdoing they receive from their workers. He said SEC has been criticized for advocating that employees can come to the agency first with information, even if their companies mandate they report internally. This award is "like a demonstration that folks still are reporting internally but companies aren't doing anything about it so we have to step in and whack those companies that don't do anything," said Mr. Delikat. "That is my speculation." L–3 responded exactly the way a publicly traded company is required to by Sarbanes–Oxley and Dodd–Frank, sending the proper signal to whistleblowers that information about fraud is welcome and will be acted upon, even if the results lead to short–term negative consequences for the business. Whistleblowing cases reported to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have increased by 35 per cent in the past 12 months, according to new information obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Kroll, the global investigations firm. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made payouts
  • 10. Get more content on
  • 11. The Ethics Of Whistle Blowing Essay Whistle–blowing Whistle–blowing is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or not correct either private or public within an organization or company. When an individual discovers evidence of malpractice or misconduct in an organization he/ she faces an ethical dilemma in which a decision has to be made. Either present documentation or turn the blind eye and not acknowledge the situation. Such information can be classified as a violation of company policy, rules, and regulations or a threat to public interest, national security, as well as fraud and corruption. Those that choose to become whistle–blowers can disclose their information either internal or external. Internal, whistle–blower, is an individual that can bring information or accusations to the attention of other people within the accused company such as a supervisor. The supervisor then has to follow protocol and procedures to address the issue. However, if the supervisor cannot contain the issue, it will escalate to a higher level of management. External whistle–blowing allegations are brought forth by involving outside third party, such as media, law enforcement, and government. In some cases, external whistleblowing is encouraged by offering monetary rewards. There is also a third party service which utilizes an external agency to inform upper management without disclosing the identity of the whistleblower. This action was developed because of whistleblowing Get more content on
  • 12. Pros And Cons Of Whistleblowing Introduction Whistleblowing has always been an important and controversial issue that employers and employees need to understand and stay up to date with. They need to make sure that they know what it means, what it involves, and what consequences are associated with whistleblowing. Whistleblowing is defined as, " employee of a company or government agency makes a protected disclosure to the public or authority regarding concerns for wrongdoing" (What is a Whistleblower?, n.d.). In short, a whistleblower is defined as a person who is concerned and discloses and divulges misbehavior in the workplace. This paper will focus on the pros and cons of being a whistleblower, the ethics behind it, the details of s specific whistleblowing situation, and reflect on my personal experience regarding whistleblowing. Pros of being a more content... In an article written by Gerald Hanks titled, "Advantages & Disadvantages of Whistle–Blowing," he states that these people who are labeled as whistleblowers are brave individuals who are willing to speak up when they recognized wrongdoing (2018). These people are willing to jeopardize their reputation and their careers to correct these unethical misconducts. Another positive benefit that comes with being a whistleblower is that if the claims are to be proven, they will receive a settlement/recovery. In the article, "Pros and Cons of becoming a Whistleblower," it states that the whistleblowers are granted an annuity of the recoveries that come from their lawsuit (n.d). These settlements are a way to encourage people to come forward and report any misconduct they might witness or know about in their workplace. The fact that there are benefits involved with whistleblowing and an ethical piece of mind makes these "insiders" go through the motions of opening a can of worms and accuse the Get more content on
  • 13. Whistle-Blowing: Enron Essay Whistle blowing is an act to disclose an organizational wrongdoing to parties that can take action. Sherron Watkins was the vice president of Enron Corporation that became a whistle blower in 2001. She sent an anonymous memo to Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay regarding the misstatements on the financial report. Enron hired lawyers from Vinson & Elkins to do an investigation on the financial misstatement allegations (Ackman, 2002). According to the memo from the investigations, after Watkins identified herself Lay held a meeting with her to discuss about her concerns regarding her allegations. The memo failed to indicate what Lay told Watkins. The investigation from Vinson & Elkins concluded that the questionable transaction that Watkins more content... Whistle Blowing Policy According to Ravishankar (2003), it is better to address an employee's concern when it is still minor before it became public and causes much damage to the company. It is beneficial for companies to create an organizational culture that encourages early reporting by employees to the attention of their superiors by "internal whistleblowers". Companies can introduce whistle blowing policy to their employees to encourage them to voice out if they have legitimate concerns about wrongdoings. Also, company can create a code of conduct to set rules for employees to make reference to laws, rules, regulation and directives applying to that company. The code helps employees to know about their obligations to the company and to their colleagues. Advantages of Whistle Blowing Policy A lot of times, employees that found out about a violation of internal rules or external laws are too afraid to speak out because they are fearful about losing their job. The application of whistle blowing policy assures the employees that they will not be subject to reprisal as long as their concerns are legitimate. By speaking up once the problem is spotted, superiors became aware about the early warnings and the concerns are more likely to be addressed internally. This reduces the risk of having external regulators to be Get more content on
  • 14. Whistleblower Essay examples Case Studies: 4.1 & 5.2 Labor/Management Relations June 15, 2013 The labor and management sides both have a great deal of power regarding workplace rules and conditions. The management side has the power to choose the labor relations strategy that it thinks will best suit its needs. The strategies chosen are determined by several things like "managerial philosophy, [or] the ethics of its management" (Holley et al, 2008, pg 119). It seems as though today most large organizations prefer a union avoidance approach, placing emphasis on "positive human resources management" (Holley et al 2008, pg, 120). 4.1 In the case of Paul Sanchez, the labor side has the power to sue the union if the employee's thinks they have more content... All of this is done to give the employee more power over workplace rules and organization. 2One reason leading up to the decision to seek union representation can be found in the alienation theory presented by Holley Employees may come together to "engage in collective activities to improve their working situation" (Holley et al, 2008, pg. 177). Their situation may include dissatisfaction with "pay, supervision, and/or work" (Holley et al, 2008, pg. 177). This dissatisfaction can lead to an employee taking what Hoyt Wheeler describes as "aggressive action" (Holley et al, 2008, pg. 178). This action is usually followed by other workers sharing the same viewpoints, banding together to take a collective action. This theoretic model can appear when there is a disconnect between what the employee and employer believe to be fair. 3The students would have several rights under the NLRA that they could not attain on their own. They would be able to, among other things, "bargain collectively through representatives of employees own choosing" (Employee Rights). They would also be able to negotiate for better working conditions and fair wages and compensation, strengthening their power over the workplace rules and organization. 4The NLRA definition of employee is based on the common law definition. It says a person is an employee if, regarding the work, "you can control what will be done and how it will be done" (IRS). This still hold Get more content on
  • 15. Whistle-Blowing In The Workplace Essay Whistle–blowing in the workplace: Do we stand by and allow business corruption as usual or prepare to take a fall for something? It sometimes requires uncommon courage, as whistle–blowing in the workplace is not so easy to do. What motivates you? Is it revenge, ethics or a combination? To take a closer look, let's consider what is whistle blowing and explore a few conditions used to justify whistle–blowing, and concluded with how companies can benefit from a whistle–blowing policy. What is a whistle–blower or whistle–blowing? Let's make it clear that informers and snitches are individuals, who reveal information for personal enrichment or a means to get at others. However, whistle–blowers like Bobby Boutris a Federal more content... Even though whistle–blowing can be justified in some situations, it sadly remains that courageous employees who perform a valuable public service are often subjected to harsh retaliation. Ironically for this particular case, Laura Brown, an FAA spokeswoman, told CNN that the administration has taken action and that a supervisor who was in charge of overseeing Southwest is "no longer in a supervisory position." Is whistle–blowing of corruption and mismanagement in government and industry the best way to correct these faults? To explore this question, we would have to consider a few conditions for justification of whistle–blowing. Thousand of employees lost their employment, retirement benefits and saving plans while corporate officers ran off with the company wealth, making an ugly dent in the history of the Corporate Sector in USA. A coverup of corporate greed is an appropriate situation for disclosure because people's lives are at stake. First, we need to ask how serious is the situation of sufficient moral importance to justify whistle–blowing? When employees discover unethical, immoral, illegal transactions or potentially damaging information for the well being of the workplace in which they are employed, they are expected to disclose this sensitive information to an authority in the hierarchy through a formal/informal mechanism. Even with the moral importance of the situation, there should Get more content on
  • 16. Consequences Of Whistleblowing Registered nurses (RNs) have an ethical duty to ensure patient safety by reporting cases of wrongdoing (American Nurses Association, 2015). Despite this ethical duty, RNs often meet whistleblowing with resistance (Black, 2011; Jackson et al., 2014). Black (2011) cited an unsupportive organizational climate as the greatest obstacle to whistleblowing. When RNs feel unsupported by nurse leaders they develop a fear of repercussions, including labeling and blame (Black, 2011). Jackson et al. (2014) explained that one–third of whistleblowing results in consequences for the reporting RN and that feelings of resistance are therefore validated. Common consequences include being alienated by an organization, managers, and colleagues. Such consequences Get more content on
  • 17. Disadvantages Of Whistleblowing Should whistleblowing be encouraged or discouraged in organisations? This essay will serve to provide a definition for whistleblowing whilst also touching on the advantages and disadvantages. In doing so it will be clear as to why whistleblowing should be encouraged in organisations. Whistleblowing has traditionally been defined as the act of bringing an organizations illegal and immoral actions to light by a member of the organisations (Greenberg, 2011; Miceli, Near, Dworkin & Miceli, 2008). It is also a method of defending rights, safe–guarding interests and justice as well as righting wrongs (Berry, 2004). According to BjГёrkelo et al. (2011), whistleblowing can further refer to an organizational social regulation apparatus in that it provides a means for employees to hold one another accountable for abiding by not only the organization's moral and legal code but also society's. Channels of whistleblowing can be both internal (within the organizations) or external (media platforms such as newspapers), usually if nothing is resolved at an internal level it is then taken to external channels (Miceli, Near, Dworkin & Miceli, 2008) more content... Berry (2014) provides a similar explanation in claiming that employees crave consistency with their organizations moral ethics and their own personal ones. If there is a clash in these value's the the employee's organizational commitment and loyalty to the organization will be low. Whistleblowing is therefore seen as a clash between one's organizational loyalty and one's loyalty to society (Andrade, Get more content on
  • 18. Whistle Blowing Introduction The challenger disaster that took place in January 28 has led to the explosion of the shuttle itself and the death of all the crew members including the chosen teacher. A real disaster that occurred due to some wrong decisions and overriding some important information from professional employees within the company is considered a real catastrophe. Applying pressure on senior management team of the company that has developed the rocket in order to change their opinion about launching can be considered to be another catastrophe. All these misjudgment actions from the NASA team and the Morton Thiokol team have lead to the challenger real crisis. Whistle blowing A whistle blower is a person who reveals some wrong actions more content... People watching the launch and families who lost beloved ones needed to know what really happened and who was responsible for their great loss. Children who were watching their teacher joining the crew needed to know what the reason that this person died was. From all what preceded the truth should have appeared and the company should not treated Boisjoly a whistle blower because he showed the world what really happened and didn't take into consideration the image of the company in the eyes of people and government. Failing to produce quality products and putting lives on the edge is not something that can be ignored and from here we can easily say that whistle blowers are heroes and not betrayers. Question 1:Do you regard Boisjoly as a disloyal employee or a heroic whistle blower? Why? Boisjoly in my opinion is not a disloyal employee. Although I agree to the saying that secrets of work should not be announced to anybody outside the company but is mainly when there is something regarding progress and success key elements and not wrongdoings that causes problems. In the case of challenger, seven people died from the explosion. The company was aware of the problem and they decided to ignore it and go on with the launch of the challenger. Boisjoly reported the problem and tried to convince the Morton Thiokol to scrub the launch but NASA had their way to convince the management to ignore everything and Get more content on
  • 19. Whistle Blowing Introduction The challenger disaster that took place in January 28 has led to the explosion of the shuttle itself and the death of all the crew members including the chosen teacher. A real disaster that occurred due to some wrong decisions and overriding some important information from professional employees within the company is considered a real catastrophe. Applying pressure on senior management team of the company that has developed the rocket in order to change their opinion about launching can be considered to be another catastrophe. All these misjudgment actions from the NASA team and the Morton Thiokol team have lead to the challenger real crisis. Whistle blowing A whistle blower is a person who reveals some wrong actions done more content... on. Get more content on
  • 20. Whistleblowing And Its Impact On Organizations Whistleblowing is the name generated from the need to increase awareness in organizations. Whistleblowers identify weaknesses, neglect, and abuses within the organization and then raise an alarm to inform the public that their very interests in the organization are at stake. For example, a teacher who informs educational officers of lavish lifestyles and misappropriation of resources by school heads, a cabinet secretary who informs the Congress of misuse of resources in the cabinet. As they perform this, the whistleblowers know very well that their actions can have very adverse implications to their careers and to those whom they denounce, either their juniors or seniors. Some individuals justify whistleblowing and say that it is an important thing to do to uphold organization's morals and ethics; others think that it is not necessary, and they try to prevent organizations from getting to the level of whistleblowing. The most important thing is to understand that whistleblowing is beneficial and ought to be balanced so as to avoid any demerits. The managements ought to understand that the chief intention of whistleblowing is to make operations more efficient and to avoid future occurrences that can otherwise collapse the whole organization. For example, a whistleblower may inform of a major orchestrated scandal which could otherwise drain all of the organization's resources and profits. Is whistleblowing all necessary? Since we may consider whistleblowing as desirable, Get more content on
  • 21. Whistleblowing Essay AC 4001 – Interim Assignment – 2012/2013 Name: James Nicholas Anthony Cassin Student No: 109444602 Word Count: 1988 I don't agree with the statement provided that 'whistleblowing' is an enemy of business and creates suspicion and disharmony. This is simply the old traditional view of the idea of whistleblowing that there is a spy or snitch within the camp looking after his/her own interests. This old and traditional view is largely based on the case that employee's within organisations had very little rights and they weren't encouraged to be vocal about any misbehaviour or inappropriate dealings they would have witnessed within the organisation. The idea that whistleblowing is encouraging a widespread disunity within a firm is a more content... This is to ensure that the whistleblowing allegations are dealt with in a fair and transparent manner for the benefit of the employee and the organisation." So the obvious objective out of this of this act is to ultimately benefit the organisation as a whole and make it more credible to public users who use the organisation that the best practices are being implied and in turn everyone can feel confident that the organisation is run right. The point can be made that "whistleblowing" within a firm, large or small can be encouraged by putting in place policies and a process within a firm that will protect the employee's and benefit the organisation by: * Avoiding any unnecessary and unwanted publicity in the event that some of the staff within the organisation are engaged in bad behaviour. * There may be the benefit of generating positive publicity from a social responsibility perspective. * It may reinforce a culture of values–based leadership and senior management accountability. * It may increase Get more content on