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The English Colonies
Pt. 3 – Trouble All Over the Place
Filling in the Map
English Civil War (1642-1651)
Roundheads vs. Cavaliers: Parliament vs. Crown
Colonization on Atlantic seaboard resumes after Restoration
England & the Slave Trade
Chattel slavery
Sugarcane: Antigua, Jamaica, Barbados
Chattel slaves brought to southern Carolina
Settler Colonialism
New England: Pequot War (1637) & King Phillip’s War (1675)
Virginia: Anglo-Powhatan Wars (1610s – 1640s)
“Occupation and elimination of native populations”
Bacon’s Rebellion
William Berkeley (governor) vs. Nathaniel Bacon (rebel)
Racism meets class conflict
White indentures and black slaves join Bacon’s militia
Bacon’s Rebellion (continued)
Gov’t reforms seen as weak and tone-deaf by Bacon
Bacon rejects reforms and burns down Jamestown
Most of the violence directed at Native Americans
Racism Formalized
The lesson: protect privilege; divide labor by skin color
The plan: pass laws that discriminate by skin color
The result: white people will identify by skin color, not
economic status
Sources and Further Reading
LeFevre, Tate. “Settler Colonialism.” (In Oxford
Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. New
York. Oxford University Press. 2015.) Accessed 17
January 2019.
Morgan, Edmund S. American Slavery, American Freedom:
The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia. W.W. Norton & Co., Inc.
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your
understanding of the following course concepts:
1. How companies or organizations and individuals use digital
or social media to effectively communicate ideas, information,
arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal.
2. How digital or social media has transformed the
communication of an idea, information, and arguments in
3. Access, analyze, interpret, and evaluate digital media to
foster learning and to guide decision-making.
4. Make responsible choices in the creation and consumption of
digital media based on awareness of global, social, ethical, and
legal contexts.
In this project, you will select a topic discussed in class from
the list provided below, conduct additional research on the
topic, and share this information in a research paper.
Project 3 consists of:
1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover)
2. Paper Requirements (content organization)
3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment)
4. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources)
5. Due Date Information and Late Policy
PROJECT REQUIREMENTSSelect one of the 12 research
topics below and complete ALL THREE sections:
Topic 1: Digital Media as a Distraction (Week 1)
Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier - Chapter 1:
Distracted by Everything PBS Online Video Documentary
Series – Chapter 1 (00:00 - 08:28 minutes)
Topic 2: Digital Media's Effects on the Brain (Week 1)
Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier - Chapter 2: What's
It Doing to Their Brains?PBS Online Video Documentary Series
– Chapter 2 (08:29 - 10:40 minutes)
Topic 3: The Use of Digital and Social Media in Politics (Week
(Smartphone political ads target non-political events to talk
directly to voters, one by one (web page)
Topic 4: Cyber Psychology (Week 2)
Cyber psychology and cyber behavior of adolescents-the need of
the contemporary era(web page)
Topic 5: Virtual Worlds and Their Impact on Society (Week 3)
Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier- Chapter 7 Virtual
Worlds PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Start the video
then Navigate to Chapter 7 (52:05 - 1:01:26)
Topic 6: Fake News (Week 3)
Fake News Vs Real News (PBS Online video)
Topic 7: Digital Rights Management (DRM) (Week 4)
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) (web page)
Topic 8: Filter Bubbles (Week 4)
How Filter Bubbles Isolate You (YouTube Video)
Measuring the Filter Bubble: How Google is measuring what
you click.
Topic 9: Data Visualization (Week 5)
“Information is
Beautiful" Data
Visualization (YouTube Video)
Topic 10: The Digital Divide (Week 6)
Digital Divides 2016 | Pew Research Center
towns join forces to bridge the digital divide (YouTube video)
Topic 11: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Week 6)
Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (PDF)
Topic 12: E-commerce (Week 7)
How Amazon Controls the Hidden
empire: (online slideshow - 84 slides)
Answer the questions below:Item 1:Which topic did you
select?Item 2:Why does this topic appeal to you?NOTE
1: Section 1 should be the shortest section of your paper (10-
Discuss your topic as presented in class. This is a summary of
all the resources used in class relating to the topic including
online discussions.Item 1: Summarize the information on the
topic as presented in the class, using the Read & Watch
resources AND any classroom discussion (online or f2f) of the
topic.Item 2: Is the topic you selected relevant in a course on
digital and social media?Whether you answer yes or no, justify
your answer.Section 2 Sources: Include the source(s) as an in-
paper citation and on your References page.
NOTE 2: Section 2 should comprise (30-40%) of your paper.
TOPICProvide additional information on the topic you selected
by locating TWO or MORE new resources (in addition to the
resources provided in class) to expand your knowledge of the
topic.Item 1:What additional sources did you find on the topic
you selected (list at least one)?
Item 2: Why is EACH resource you found (a) relevant, (b)
credible, (c) accurate, and (d) unbiased based on what you
learned from the What is a Credible Source? How to Evaluate
Web Resources? Address a-d in your answer.
Item 3: What new information do the two new resources
contribute to the topic as presented in class?Section 3
Source: Include at least ONESOURCE related to your topic that
are NOTpresented, discussed, or posted in the weekly Read &
Watch in class or posted in the 15 topic list above. Include
these sources as in-paper citations and list them on your
References page.
NOTE 3: Section 3 should comprise the majority of your paper
(45-60%). This is where your primary focus should be.
Paper Requirements1. Your paper must follow APA format
guidelines throughout.(A sample APA template for you to use is
attached to the bottom of this page. It contains Latin
placeholder text. Replace the text with your content).
a. Double-spaced
b. 1-inch Margins
c. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman)
d. Header
e. Automatic Page numbers
f. Title page
g. Reference page
2. Length: Minimum of 1,000
(Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count
toward the total word count).
NOTE 4:Going over 1,500 words is fine, but if you are under
900 words you will be penalized (10%).
3. Title Page
Your title page must be APA formatted and include the
a. Project Name
b. Your Name
c. Course Name and Section Number
d. Semester
e. Instructor’s Name
f. Title of Research Paper Topic
4. References Page
Your References page must be APA formatted.
5. Sources:Include the source(s) from Section 2 and at least one
source in Section 3.
Clarification:Please do not use unprofessional sources such as
Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly
sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and
conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by
experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed
(reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples
of professional sources include trade journals or magazines.
Professional sources are written for a specific audience that
works in a certain field. They are not research-based. You can
also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a
source as well. UMGC has a top-notch, extensive online library.
You can find many scholarly and professional sources there.
NOTE 5: You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts,
blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use
of digital and social media.
6.Setup & OrganizationYour paper must include the following
pages and Level 1 Headings:
a. Cover Page
b. Topic Introduction (Section 1)
c. Topic Discussion (Section 2)
d. Additional Research (Section 3)
e. Reference Page
APA Resources
UMGC’s Library offers several resources for APA formatting
and citation style, including the resources below:
APA 7th Edition: General Rules, Citation Examples, and Video
Overview (UMGC Library).
Submission RequirementsPlease submit the following to your
Assignments Folder in our CMST 301 LEO Classroom by the
specified due date:Submit the completed paper in Microsoft
Word (.DOCX) format.
Due Date
Five (5) Day Late Period: The Assignments Folder will remain
open 5 days after the due date for late submissions. There will
be a 10% (or 2 point) reduction if you submit your work up to 5
days late. After 5 days, late assignments will not be accepted or
graded. The Assignments Folder will be closed at this point as
well and you will not be able to physically submit the
Exceptions may be allowed, on a case-by-case basis, for life
situations (military deployment, medical illness, death in the
family, etc). In all cases, timely notification of a "life situation"
is critical to the approval of any extensions. All exceptions
must be accompanied by official documenta tion, which is
subject to inspection and approval. Workload, course load,
vacations, or bad memory are not acceptable excuses.
Running Close to the Deadline?: Please do not wait until the
last minute to submit your assignment. Give yourself at least a
5-hour window to account for any technical difficulties that
might arise. If you experience technical difficulties beyond your
control that do not allow you to successfully complete the
assignment, immediately follow the steps below:
Step 1: Contact the UMGC Help Center. Inform them off the
problem you are having. Get a problem ticket number from them
to document the situation.
Step 2: E-mail me ASAP and include (a) your class and section,
(b) description of the problem you are having, (c) your problem
ticket number from the Help Center, and (d) your name, so I can
investigate the situation.
Step 3: Attempt to attach your assignment to a message to me
inside of LEO.
Step 4: E-mail the assignment to me.
Grade Value
This project is worth 100 points or 20% of your total grade for
the course.
Grade ReductionsYou will lose points for issues such as: not
following directions, not submitting your work on time, and
failure to include all required elements. Each omission will
result in a partial point deduction.
Submitting Your Assignment
To complete this project and receive full credit, you must
submit your completed presentation to your Assignments
Folder unless you encounter problems--discussed above).
CYA (Copy Your Assignment)
Please make sure you keep a copy of your project stored on your
computer. Technical difficulties do happen--you may need to
resubmit your assignment for a number of reasons. It is always
a good policy to CYA! Having Problems?
Please contact me in advance if you are having problems
understanding what is required of you.
Do Your Own Work
UMGC has strict policies regarding turning in work that is not
100% your own creation. I will enforce these policies.
Verify Your Assignment Has Been Posted (** Very Important
It is your responsibility to make sure you have posted your
assignment CORRECTLY! Once you have posted your
assignment, immediately attempt to view it, just to make sure
your post was accepted by LEO, that it is formatted correctly,
and you have posted the correct file.
NOTE 6:You will be held responsible for posting your
assignments correctly.
Running head: KONY 2017 SAMPLE TEMPLATE
Project 3: Research Paper
<add your name>
CMST 301 – Section <add your section number>
<add the Semester e.g. Fall 2019>
Professor’s Name
<add the Title of your Research Paper Topic>
Section 1: Topic Introduction
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer
elementum malesuada suscipit. Duis in orci euismod, vulputate
risus quis, rhoncus lorem. Etiam varius auctor diam. Ut a luctus
massa, sit amet ultrices justo. Quisque orci libero, ultricies sed
imperdiet non, dictum in orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam
rutrum ultrices molestie. Donec lectus nibh, dapibus vitae
aliquet ut, consequat nec dolor. Mauris ut tristique augue.
Quisque lorem mi, dapibus a hendrerit eu, dapibus ut risus. Cras
non risus suscipit, blandit arcu sit amet, venenatis elit. Aenean
porttitor sapien ipsum, eu porta metus malesuada ac. Duis
tempus aliquet fringilla. Phasellus et justo felis. Sed sed congue
neque, nec suscipit magna. Mauris nec pharetra turpis.
Proin molestie nisl et pulvinar ultricies. Sed ante odio,
vulputate ut malesuada a, blandit ut urna. Praesent vitae ex et
sem tincidunt dapibus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras hendrerit quis
quam non gravida. Curabitur sit amet odio sed orci aliquam
hendrerit a eu massa. Etiam cursus at nulla quis consectetur.
Mauris efficitur ipsum non pharetra porttitor. Fusce a augue ac
dolor viverra faucibus. Donec libero augue, sagittis pharetra
nulla eget, blandit laoreet mauris. Nullam lobortis aliquet
facilisis. Mauris pellentesque sodales nulla sit amet semper.
Aliquam id ante finibus, egestas purus quis, imperdiet erat.
Nunc commodo velit quam, ac aliquam justo sagittis eget.
Integer consectetur tortor quis dolor aliquet pulvinar in id leo.
Nulla pharetra facilisis nisl, id pulvinar ex tempus quis. Fusce
eget cursus lorem. Mauris vehicula, velit eget tempus
ullamcorper, erat libero elementum dui, non sagittis metus
massa vitae mauris. Donec sed nunc vitae justo tristique sodales
ut et ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Proin nibh enim, interdum
vitae ligula eu, malesuada tincidunt enim. Integer at nulla ut dui
condimentum lacinia non ut felis. Proin nibh enim, interdum
vitae ligula eu, malesuada tincidunt enim. Integer at nulla ut dui
condimentum lacinia non ut felis.
Section 2: Topic Discussion
Donec ac eros a diam suscipit egestas. Nullam ac risus massa.
Nam ornare libero dolor, ut faucibus elit fringilla ut. Proin
luctus turpis sit amet eros condimentum, id fringilla orci
ultricies. Duis at auctor turpis, eu auctor lacus. Nullam porttitor
sed ex sit amet ultricies. Phasellus nulla urna, placerat sit amet
vehicula vel, cursus at mi. Praesent elit ipsum, bibendum eget
sem a, cursus viverra leo. Quisque nec aliquet urna, in
malesuada lorem. Vestibulum interdum turpis non sodales
condimentum. Nulla venenatis sagittis lacinia. Vestibulum
tincidunt felis sit amet odio cursus dignissim eu at nibh. Nunc
sit amet massa auctor, dignissim urna ut, mattis justo. Nunc elit
ligula, ornare ac ornare at, accumsan sed massa. Donec
vestibulum consequat pellentesque.
Mauris posuere justo quam, efficitur aliquet tortor luctus non.
Nullam laoreet suscipit ligula pretium scelerisque. Cras nec
odio nec dui porta mattis. Pellentesque vitae tortor commodo,
dictum tortor id, commodo orci. Curabitur mollis non lectus non
tristique. Morbi ac lacus a nisi imperdiet pellentesque. Duis ac
ultrices leo, vitae scelerisque erat. Ut vel dolor a justo
accumsan consectetur et at felis. Aliquam quis suscipit erat,
pretium vehicula enim. Pellentesque ultricies ipsum quis
placerat venenatis. Nunc varius enim malesuada tellus pretium
tincidunt. Quisque vel odio iaculis, blandit lacus congue,
ullamcorper diam. Suspendisse vel cursus erat, id sollicitudin
ante. Nullam varius sed lectus eu venenatis. Maecenas nunc
ante, posuere non orci at, mollis mattis felis.
Aenean egestas suscipit ex, ac aliquam libero interdum quis.
Phasellus vel ante ac lacus elementum fringilla. Pellentesque
iaculis tellus vel est maximus bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Nam id ullamcorper nisl. Cras semper, erat eget congue
vestibulum, turpis lorem rutrum felis, sed laoreet turpis nunc
bibendum magna. Etiam vehicula nulla nibh, sit amet dictum
ligula blandit in. Nulla eu tortor turpis. Aenean quis sapien
Pellentesque et ipsum consequat, euismod erat quis, porttitor
mauris. Integer lectus neque, varius sed nulla at, luctus feugiat
urna. Nullam eu augue ut quam volutpat ornare. Proin tempus
quam sit amet congue iaculis. Aenean quis pretium nisl. Sed
ullamcorper fringilla eros at blandit. Phasellus lacinia in sapien
eu mollis. Phasellus sagittis lorem non nunc consectetur, sed
condimentum tellus mollis. Integer feugiat sem ac eros
condimentum, et dapibus erat feugiat. Pellentesque et nibh
justo. Aenean finibus quam at neque volutpat, lobortis auctor
metus porta.
Section 3: Additional Research
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Vestibulum est diam, tempor sit amet tempor sit amet, venenatis
tempor felis. Etiam lacus tortor, congue ac tortor sed,
malesuada ornare lorem. Phasellus pretium mollis pulvinar. In
ac tellus eros. Morbi eget ex est. Aenean eget orci posuere,
rhoncus urna a, aliquam massa. Nullam eu lacus iaculis,
facilisis ante ac, auctor nisl. Aenean interdum libero vel neque
egestas, et faucibus nisi bibendum. Proin vitae dui urna.
Curabitur in risus metus. Donec malesuada et quam a tempus.
Phasellus feugiat accumsan velit, et rhoncus nunc faucibus eget.
Nullam sed elit condimentum, congue leo quis, consequat
ligula. Donec in ornare magna. Praesent massa arcu, ornare quis
ante quis, hendrerit posuere ante. Sed sit amet felis sagittis,
varius neque vitae, vestibulum tortor. Nullam sagittis, lorem et
sagittis pulvinar, nulla tortor feugiat sapien, ac suscipit justo
sem id orci. Nam commodo justo arcu, in maximus nulla mollis
nec. Aliquam pharetra dui vestibulum felis interdum, vel ornare
ligula rutrum. Donec rhoncus eleifend tincidunt. In eu feugiat
nibh. Mauris placerat rutrum ex, quis imperdiet turpis tristique
lobortis. Sed vel dictum dui. Cras enim sem, interdum sit amet
egestas eget, laoreet in ipsum. Praesent finibus purus sed orci
porttitor varius.
Aenean feugiat dapibus dapibus. Maecenas placerat odio quis
erat iaculis vehicula. Curabitur quis ex eu turpis venenatis
porta. Curabitur id dolor imperdiet, aliquet ipsum et, euismod
leo. Fusce ut malesuada velit. Fusce ac mi mollis, volutpat ante
vel, malesuada nibh. Fusce porttitor porta justo, at rhoncus leo
lobortis in. Vivamus consequat ante vestibulum tellus sodales
accumsan. Proin quis sollicitudin dui. Nam nec dolor eleifend,
ultrices ante sit amet, dictum diam. Mauris bibendum, enim
aliquet mattis suscipit, mauris velit ultricies velit, in fermentum
urna magna maximus justo. Quisque malesuada in lorem ut
commodo. In consequat porttitor tellus, tempor bibendum ipsum
placerat sit amet. Integer eget lacus dui. Pellentesque ut elit at
augue blandit ornare nec in orci.
Integer egestas ut ligula et sagittis. Pellentesque nisl dolor,
mattis ac congue ut, auctor ut nisi. Nulla tincidunt ullamcorper
tincidunt. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut bibendum, augue et
facilisis fermentum, libero est bibendum arcu, non interdum
lacus sapien ac libero. Sed blandit dolor id felis sodales
ultrices. Nulla euismod velit ac nibh fermentum, sed lobortis
ante tincidunt. Vivamus facilisis mi eu malesuada interdum. Sed
in risus ac lectus elementum lacinia sed in quam. Proin
condimentum condimentum varius. Donec gravida vulputate
pharetra. Aenean ut odio quis orci scelerisque posuere. Integer
erat orci, vestibulum et ex eu, tincidunt suscipit tellus.
Vestibulum mollis condimentum nisi, a bibendum sapien feugiat
nec. Sed ac tincidunt nulla.
Maecenas malesuada elit nec lectus rhoncus bibendum. Praesent
ut diam enim. Nulla suscipit molestie dolor at egestas. Morbi
eget interdum tortor, posuere euismod felis. Phasellus maximus
mi vel lobortis pellentesque. Duis quis ligula eu nisl fringilla
placerat non ac leo. Phasellus rhoncus eleifend auctor. Praesent
pharetra dolor tristique diam congue aliquam. Mauris ac
ultricies orci. Integer sapien dui, accumsan eu commodo eget,
tempus ac leo. Praesent ullamcorper diam orci, ac condimentum
mauris egestas sodales. Suspendisse quis varius arcu. Donec
vitae dolor mauris. Nullam ac faucibus ipsum. Nam aliquet mi
sit amet dapibus tincidunt.
Vestibulum euismod dui sit amet enim porttitor maximus.
Vivamus consequat diam ac orci pulvinar, ac sollicitudin ex
condimentum. Fusce facilisis libero vestibulum nibh pharetra,
sed lacinia mauris placerat. Etiam iaculis venenatis felis quis
mollis. Fusce tempus erat sit amet sapien porttitor tempor.
Vivamus sed tincidunt sem. Phasellus non orci purus. Orci
varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,
nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sollicitudin venenatis justo,
eget egestas eros fermentum a.
Quisque scelerisque vel lacus sed placerat. Nulla porttitor justo
mi, a tempor nisl vestibulum eu. Duis fermentum vehicula velit,
quis mattis nibh mattis tempor. Mauris convallis nisi id nibh
faucibus, at efficitur velit posuere. Pellentesque congue, neque
a consequat viverra, diam elit semper velit, et matti s turpis
tortor id tellus. Suspendisse sit amet tellus vestibulum,
consectetur arcu quis, molestie nulla. Quisque vitae vestibulum
ligula. Sed id enim consequat, pretium risus eu, pulvinar mi.
Proin molestie, risus non lobortis hendrerit, libero urna cursus
ligula, et sagittis dolor libero varius sapien.
Etiam molestie neque at neque gravida, sodales sollicitudin
purus eleifend. Duis sed metus vel felis pretium vestibulum eget
quis lectus. Nam in nisi sit amet turpis dictum viverra.
Vestibulum non hendrerit sem, ut viverra lacus. Vivamus
vestibulum ultrices nulla, at suscipit turpis convallis quis.
Aliquam in scelerisque dolor. Curabitur elementum nulla eget
velit sollicitudin finibus. Ut sed placerat enim. Suspendisse
vitae commodo lectus. Maecenas vitae elit iaculis, maximus
tortor at, volutpat justo.
Alfred, J. N., Bailey, B., & Krautely, R. (2017). The quality of
face-to-face relationships. Communications of the ACD, 54(4),
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication
manual of the American Psychological Association.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Anderson, M., Angeli, E., Brizee, A., Lawrick, E., Moore, K.,
Soderlund, L., & Wagner, J. (2016, May 13). General format.
Retrieved from
Hollywood, D., Wood, J. F., Smite, F., & West N. (2016).
Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between
instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, 11, 32-44.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages
From - To.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher
Name and add URL if you accessed an online resource. This
item demonstrates the hanging indent. Modify by accessing the
Paragraph settings then in the Indentation section under the
special option, select Hanging Indent.
Timmons, L. G., & Wallet, J. C. (2017). Computer-mediated
communication effects on virtual reality. Human
Communication Research, 28, 310-345.
Underdog, J., & Friday, C. (2016). Interne t relationships and
their impact on primary giving. Behavior Changes, 22(2), 123-
Life in British North America
Pt. 3 – The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment
Great Awakening
Itinerant preachers, revivals
Old churches were boring
George Whitefield
Jonathan Edwards: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
Effects of the Great Awakening
Injects urgency, passion and emotion
Democratizes religion
Unites colonists against old authority
The Enlightenment
Empiricism: Evidence, logic and reason
John Locke: life, liberty, and property
People are good and should be left to manage their own lives
The Enlightenment in America
Scientific experimentation improves lives
Deism and religious tolerance
Little “r” republicanism
John smith
Instrumental in founding Jamestown
Pocahontas story
Names region of New England
The English colonies
Pt. 2 – New England
business and religion
Virginia colony was a business venture
New England colonies will be established as experiments in
religious freedom
The pilgrims
Fed up with Anglican Church
Plymouth Colony
Mayflower Compact
John Winthrop & Congregationalists
Massachusetts Bay
Theocracy & persecution
New colonies: Connecticut & Rhode Island
Decline of spain
The English Colonies
Pt. 1 - Virginia
The race for north america
French: Acadia, Canada, Louisiana
Dutch: New Amsterdam
English: struggle for permanent settlement
Business and religion
Honor of Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen
Joint-stock companies
Cheap land and self-government enticements to take risk
Appetite suppressant, medicine for Native Americans
Marketed as wonder drug to Euros
Becomes Virginia’s top cash crop
Headrights & indentures
Life in British north America
Pt. 2: How Economics Shaped Life in the Colonies
James Oglethorpe: haven for debtors
British want military buffer between Sp. Florida & SC
Slavery outlawed in charter; ban lifted in 1751
Rough Equality
Southern colonies: slave populations growing
Surplus /Subsistence farmers
Inequality in America not as stark (for white men)
African American Culture
Increasing reliance on chattel slavery
Cultural influence: cooking, accents, music
Forms of resistance: subtle and overt
Colonial Slave Uprisings
New York Slave Revolt of 1712
Stono Rebellion (SC), 1739
Colonies pass laws to make slavery more repressive
New England Industrialization
Cold climate, rocky soil
Industrializing & urbanizing
Less reliant on slave labor.
Already a North/South divide.
Sellers, Charles. The Market Revolution: Jacksonian
America, 1815-1846. Oxford University Press. 1991.
Sources and further reading
Life in British North America
Pt. 1: The Salem Witch Trials and Women in the Colonies
Salem Witch Trials, Background
Aftermath of King Philip’s War
Glorious Revolution (1688)
Salem Witch Trials
The two Sarahs and Tituba
20 executed (19 women, one man)
Moldy bread, red state/blue state, “nasty” women
Anne hutchinson
Bible study group leader in Boston
Free Grace Controversy
Banished from Massachusetts Bay
Domestic Sphere
“True wives” work in the home, etc.
Plenty of women broke this model
Myth sticks in minds for centuries
Women’s Rights
(Or Lack Thereof)
No right to…
Sign contracts
Bring lawsuits
Eliza Lucas
Indigo girl
Manages father’s South Carolina plantations
Taking Sides Essay 1Option AFor or Against Bacon’s Rebellion
Skills: To demonstrate the critical thinking and writing skills
necessary to write an effective scholarly paper and succeed in a
professional career. This will be accomplished by:
· identifying and summarizing relevant historical background
· summarizing and analyzing primary sources;
· and arguing for or against a political position.
Knowledge: To identify, describe, and explain the actions,
rationales, events, and consequences of Bacon’s Rebellion.
Essay Prompt: It is 1676 and unrest has been brewing on the
frontier in colonial Virginia. Surplus planters have been
demanding that more land be taken from Native Americans to
facilitate more commercial tobacco farming. One in particular,
Nathaniel Bacon, is whipping up support among white
indentured servants and enslaved Africans to venture into
Native lands and attack their villages regardless of their status
as “friendly” or “hostile” according to the colonial government
led by Governor William Berkeley. Take a side. Do you support
Bacon or do you support Berkeley? What sort of consequences
will there be to this rebellion particularly for those of the lower
economic classes? Write an essay of no less than 900 words.
Support your position only with citations from the online
textbook, assigned primary documents and video presentations.
The essay should include:
· an introduction,
· an underlined thesis statement that identifies your position on
the topic,
· and paragraphs with clear topic sentences, relevant historical
information, and source citations that explain Bacon’s Rebellion
specifically and the politics of class and race in the colonial
period generally.
· Citations: Paragraphs must include enough citations to fully
support your essay. Citations should be provided for all direct
quotes and paraphrases. Citations should be placed directly after
relevant sentences. Essays with excessively long quotations will
be penalized. (In other words, use citations to support your
argument, not be your argument.)
· The essay must include:
· at least four (4) citations from the main body of The American
· Citation style: (Yawp, section title)
· For example, if you cited something from the section on
Shays’ Rebellion, it would look like this: (Yawp, Shays’
· at least two (2) citations from lecture presentations,
· Citation style: (Watson, lecture title)
· and citations from at least three (3) from the primary sources
from the online textbook.
· Citation style: (Author of the primary source last name)
· For example, if you were citing George Washington’s Farewell
Address, it would like this: (Washington)
· No works cited page required.
· Length:Most students can usually write an effective paper in
1,000 to 1,200 words. Write what you feel is necessary to get
your point across.
· Prohibited:The use of non-course materials is prohibited
because I am assessing your effectiveness in using assigned
course materials to craft a well-contextualized argument. Papers
that cite or plagiarize from outside sources will receive zeroes.
The TurnItIn plagiarism checker will be used.
· Mechanical Requirements: Upload your paper to the proper
Assignments folder in D2L (you will receive explicit
instructions on how to do so) as a Word .doc or pdf by clicking
add file. Assignments should be double-spaced in 11- or 12-
point Arial or Calibri font with standard margins. Do not submit
your paper as a comment, as Apple .pages, or as any form of
image (jpeg, tiff, etc.).
This assessment is worth 150 points and counts as 15 percent of
the final grade. (Please see full rubric attached to assessment on
· Content (40 points)
Does the essay adequately summarize events, ideas, and/or
actions relevant to the topic?
Is historical information provided to support the argument as it
Is the cited historical information relevant to the argument?
· Critical Thinking (40 points)
Is the essay’s overall argument logically developed paragraph-
by-paragraph and well supported
by historical information?
· Clarity (40 points)
Is the thesis statement underlined and does it state a clear
Does each paragraph have a topic sentence that identifies what
the paragraph is about?
Is the essay spell-checked?
Are proper nouns capitalized and spelled correctly?
Is each sentence a complete with a clear subject and verb?
· Citations (30 points)
Does this essay cite text from the main body of The American
Yawp at least four (4) times?
Does this essay cite lecture presentations at least two (2)
Does this essay cite at least three (3) primary sources from the
online textbook?
Do the citations advance the essay with new information?

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Please pay close attention to the highlighted areas Please answe.docx
Please read ALL directions below before starting your final assignme.docx
Please read ALL directions below before starting your final assignme.docxPlease read ALL directions below before starting your final assignme.docx
Please read ALL directions below before starting your final assignme.docx
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The english colonies pt. 3 – trouble all over the place

  • 1. The English Colonies Pt. 3 – Trouble All Over the Place Filling in the Map English Civil War (1642-1651) Roundheads vs. Cavaliers: Parliament vs. Crown Colonization on Atlantic seaboard resumes after Restoration England & the Slave Trade Chattel slavery Sugarcane: Antigua, Jamaica, Barbados Chattel slaves brought to southern Carolina
  • 2. Settler Colonialism New England: Pequot War (1637) & King Phillip’s War (1675) Virginia: Anglo-Powhatan Wars (1610s – 1640s) “Occupation and elimination of native populations” Bacon’s Rebellion William Berkeley (governor) vs. Nathaniel Bacon (rebel) Racism meets class conflict White indentures and black slaves join Bacon’s militia Bacon’s Rebellion (continued) Gov’t reforms seen as weak and tone-deaf by Bacon Bacon rejects reforms and burns down Jamestown Most of the violence directed at Native Americans Racism Formalized
  • 3. The lesson: protect privilege; divide labor by skin color The plan: pass laws that discriminate by skin color The result: white people will identify by skin color, not economic status Sources and Further Reading LeFevre, Tate. “Settler Colonialism.” (In Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. New York. Oxford University Press. 2015.) Accessed 17 January 2019. Morgan, Edmund S. American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia. W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. 2003. PROJECT 3: RESEARCH PAPER OBJECTIVE The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts: 1. How companies or organizations and individuals use digital or social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal. 2. How digital or social media has transformed the communication of an idea, information, and arguments in society. 3. Access, analyze, interpret, and evaluate digital media to foster learning and to guide decision-making. 4. Make responsible choices in the creation and consumption of digital media based on awareness of global, social, ethical, and
  • 4. legal contexts. PROJECT DESCRIPTION In this project, you will select a topic discussed in class from the list provided below, conduct additional research on the topic, and share this information in a research paper. Project 3 consists of: 1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover) 2. Paper Requirements (content organization) 3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment) 4. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources) 5. Due Date Information and Late Policy PROJECT REQUIREMENTSSelect one of the 12 research topics below and complete ALL THREE sections: RESEARCH TOPICS Topic 1: Digital Media as a Distraction (Week 1) Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier - Chapter 1: Distracted by Everything PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Chapter 1 (00:00 - 08:28 minutes) Topic 2: Digital Media's Effects on the Brain (Week 1) Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier - Chapter 2: What's It Doing to Their Brains?PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Chapter 2 (08:29 - 10:40 minutes) Topic 3: The Use of Digital and Social Media in Politics (Week 2) (Smartphone political ads target non-political events to talk directly to voters, one by one (web page) Topic 4: Cyber Psychology (Week 2) Cyber psychology and cyber behavior of adolescents-the need of the contemporary era(web page) Topic 5: Virtual Worlds and Their Impact on Society (Week 3) Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier- Chapter 7 Virtual Worlds PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Start the video
  • 5. then Navigate to Chapter 7 (52:05 - 1:01:26) Topic 6: Fake News (Week 3) Fake News Vs Real News (PBS Online video) Topic 7: Digital Rights Management (DRM) (Week 4) The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) (web page) Topic 8: Filter Bubbles (Week 4) How Filter Bubbles Isolate You (YouTube Video) Measuring the Filter Bubble: How Google is measuring what you click. Topic 9: Data Visualization (Week 5) “Information is Beautiful" Data Visualization (YouTube Video) Topic 10: The Digital Divide (Week 6) Digital Divides 2016 | Pew Research Center towns join forces to bridge the digital divide (YouTube video) Topic 11: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Week 6) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (PDF) Topic 12: E-commerce (Week 7) How Amazon Controls the Hidden empire: (online slideshow - 84 slides) SECTION 1: SELECT ONE TOPIC FROM THE 12 TOPICS LISTED ABOVE Answer the questions below:Item 1:Which topic did you select?Item 2:Why does this topic appeal to you?NOTE 1: Section 1 should be the shortest section of your paper (10- 15%). SECTION 2: SUMMARIZE THE TOPIC YOU SELECTED USING CLASS RESOURCES Discuss your topic as presented in class. This is a summary of all the resources used in class relating to the topic including online discussions.Item 1: Summarize the information on the
  • 6. topic as presented in the class, using the Read & Watch resources AND any classroom discussion (online or f2f) of the topic.Item 2: Is the topic you selected relevant in a course on digital and social media?Whether you answer yes or no, justify your answer.Section 2 Sources: Include the source(s) as an in- paper citation and on your References page. NOTE 2: Section 2 should comprise (30-40%) of your paper. SECTION 3: CONDUCT ADDITIONAL RESEARCH ON THE TOPICProvide additional information on the topic you selected by locating TWO or MORE new resources (in addition to the resources provided in class) to expand your knowledge of the topic.Item 1:What additional sources did you find on the topic you selected (list at least one)? Item 2: Why is EACH resource you found (a) relevant, (b) credible, (c) accurate, and (d) unbiased based on what you learned from the What is a Credible Source? How to Evaluate Web Resources? Address a-d in your answer. Item 3: What new information do the two new resources contribute to the topic as presented in class?Section 3 Source: Include at least ONESOURCE related to your topic that are NOTpresented, discussed, or posted in the weekly Read & Watch in class or posted in the 15 topic list above. Include these sources as in-paper citations and list them on your References page. NOTE 3: Section 3 should comprise the majority of your paper (45-60%). This is where your primary focus should be. Paper Requirements1. Your paper must follow APA format guidelines throughout.(A sample APA template for you to use is attached to the bottom of this page. It contains Latin placeholder text. Replace the text with your content). a. Double-spaced b. 1-inch Margins c. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman) d. Header
  • 7. e. Automatic Page numbers f. Title page g. Reference page 2. Length: Minimum of 1,000 (Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count toward the total word count). NOTE 4:Going over 1,500 words is fine, but if you are under 900 words you will be penalized (10%). 3. Title Page Your title page must be APA formatted and include the following: a. Project Name b. Your Name c. Course Name and Section Number d. Semester e. Instructor’s Name f. Title of Research Paper Topic 4. References Page Your References page must be APA formatted. 5. Sources:Include the source(s) from Section 2 and at least one source in Section 3. Clarification:Please do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed (reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of professional sources include trade journals or magazines. Professional sources are written for a specific audience that works in a certain field. They are not research-based. You can also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a source as well. UMGC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources there. NOTE 5: You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts,
  • 8. blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use of digital and social media. 6.Setup & OrganizationYour paper must include the following pages and Level 1 Headings: a. Cover Page b. Topic Introduction (Section 1) c. Topic Discussion (Section 2) d. Additional Research (Section 3) e. Reference Page APA Resources UMGC’s Library offers several resources for APA formatting and citation style, including the resources below: APA 7th Edition: General Rules, Citation Examples, and Video Overview (UMGC Library). Submission RequirementsPlease submit the following to your Assignments Folder in our CMST 301 LEO Classroom by the specified due date:Submit the completed paper in Microsoft Word (.DOCX) format. Due Date Five (5) Day Late Period: The Assignments Folder will remain open 5 days after the due date for late submissions. There will be a 10% (or 2 point) reduction if you submit your work up to 5 days late. After 5 days, late assignments will not be accepted or graded. The Assignments Folder will be closed at this point as well and you will not be able to physically submit the assignment. Exceptions may be allowed, on a case-by-case basis, for life situations (military deployment, medical illness, death in the family, etc). In all cases, timely notification of a "life situation" is critical to the approval of any extensions. All exceptions must be accompanied by official documenta tion, which is subject to inspection and approval. Workload, course load,
  • 9. vacations, or bad memory are not acceptable excuses. Running Close to the Deadline?: Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignment. Give yourself at least a 5-hour window to account for any technical difficulties that might arise. If you experience technical difficulties beyond your control that do not allow you to successfully complete the assignment, immediately follow the steps below: Step 1: Contact the UMGC Help Center. Inform them off the problem you are having. Get a problem ticket number from them to document the situation. Step 2: E-mail me ASAP and include (a) your class and section, (b) description of the problem you are having, (c) your problem ticket number from the Help Center, and (d) your name, so I can investigate the situation. Step 3: Attempt to attach your assignment to a message to me inside of LEO. Step 4: E-mail the assignment to me. Grade Value This project is worth 100 points or 20% of your total grade for the course. Grade ReductionsYou will lose points for issues such as: not following directions, not submitting your work on time, and failure to include all required elements. Each omission will result in a partial point deduction. Submitting Your Assignment To complete this project and receive full credit, you must submit your completed presentation to your Assignments Folder unless you encounter problems--discussed above). CYA (Copy Your Assignment) Please make sure you keep a copy of your project stored on your computer. Technical difficulties do happen--you may need to resubmit your assignment for a number of reasons. It is always a good policy to CYA! Having Problems?
  • 10. Please contact me in advance if you are having problems understanding what is required of you. Do Your Own Work UMGC has strict policies regarding turning in work that is not 100% your own creation. I will enforce these policies. Verify Your Assignment Has Been Posted (** Very Important **) It is your responsibility to make sure you have posted your assignment CORRECTLY! Once you have posted your assignment, immediately attempt to view it, just to make sure your post was accepted by LEO, that it is formatted correctly, and you have posted the correct file. NOTE 6:You will be held responsible for posting your assignments correctly. Running head: KONY 2017 SAMPLE TEMPLATE 1 6 KONY 2017 SAMPLE TEMPLATE Project 3: Research Paper <add your name> CMST 301 – Section <add your section number> <add the Semester e.g. Fall 2019> Professor’s Name <add the Title of your Research Paper Topic>
  • 11. Section 1: Topic Introduction Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer elementum malesuada suscipit. Duis in orci euismod, vulputate risus quis, rhoncus lorem. Etiam varius auctor diam. Ut a luctus massa, sit amet ultrices justo. Quisque orci libero, ultricies sed imperdiet non, dictum in orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam rutrum ultrices molestie. Donec lectus nibh, dapibus vitae aliquet ut, consequat nec dolor. Mauris ut tristique augue. Quisque lorem mi, dapibus a hendrerit eu, dapibus ut risus. Cras non risus suscipit, blandit arcu sit amet, venenatis elit. Aenean porttitor sapien ipsum, eu porta metus malesuada ac. Duis tempus aliquet fringilla. Phasellus et justo felis. Sed sed congue neque, nec suscipit magna. Mauris nec pharetra turpis. Proin molestie nisl et pulvinar ultricies. Sed ante odio, vulputate ut malesuada a, blandit ut urna. Praesent vitae ex et sem tincidunt dapibus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras hendrerit quis quam non gravida. Curabitur sit amet odio sed orci aliquam hendrerit a eu massa. Etiam cursus at nulla quis consectetur. Mauris efficitur ipsum non pharetra porttitor. Fusce a augue ac dolor viverra faucibus. Donec libero augue, sagittis pharetra nulla eget, blandit laoreet mauris. Nullam lobortis aliquet facilisis. Mauris pellentesque sodales nulla sit amet semper. Aliquam id ante finibus, egestas purus quis, imperdiet erat. Nunc commodo velit quam, ac aliquam justo sagittis eget. Integer consectetur tortor quis dolor aliquet pulvinar in id leo. Nulla pharetra facilisis nisl, id pulvinar ex tempus quis. Fusce eget cursus lorem. Mauris vehicula, velit eget tempus ullamcorper, erat libero elementum dui, non sagittis metus massa vitae mauris. Donec sed nunc vitae justo tristique sodales ut et ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Proin nibh enim, interdum
  • 12. vitae ligula eu, malesuada tincidunt enim. Integer at nulla ut dui condimentum lacinia non ut felis. Proin nibh enim, interdum vitae ligula eu, malesuada tincidunt enim. Integer at nulla ut dui condimentum lacinia non ut felis. Section 2: Topic Discussion Donec ac eros a diam suscipit egestas. Nullam ac risus massa. Nam ornare libero dolor, ut faucibus elit fringilla ut. Proin luctus turpis sit amet eros condimentum, id fringilla orci ultricies. Duis at auctor turpis, eu auctor lacus. Nullam porttitor sed ex sit amet ultricies. Phasellus nulla urna, placerat sit amet vehicula vel, cursus at mi. Praesent elit ipsum, bibendum eget sem a, cursus viverra leo. Quisque nec aliquet urna, in malesuada lorem. Vestibulum interdum turpis non sodales condimentum. Nulla venenatis sagittis lacinia. Vestibulum tincidunt felis sit amet odio cursus dignissim eu at nibh. Nunc sit amet massa auctor, dignissim urna ut, mattis justo. Nunc elit ligula, ornare ac ornare at, accumsan sed massa. Donec vestibulum consequat pellentesque. Mauris posuere justo quam, efficitur aliquet tortor luctus non. Nullam laoreet suscipit ligula pretium scelerisque. Cras nec odio nec dui porta mattis. Pellentesque vitae tortor commodo, dictum tortor id, commodo orci. Curabitur mollis non lectus non tristique. Morbi ac lacus a nisi imperdiet pellentesque. Duis ac ultrices leo, vitae scelerisque erat. Ut vel dolor a justo accumsan consectetur et at felis. Aliquam quis suscipit erat, pretium vehicula enim. Pellentesque ultricies ipsum quis placerat venenatis. Nunc varius enim malesuada tellus pretium tincidunt. Quisque vel odio iaculis, blandit lacus congue, ullamcorper diam. Suspendisse vel cursus erat, id sollicitudin ante. Nullam varius sed lectus eu venenatis. Maecenas nunc ante, posuere non orci at, mollis mattis felis. Aenean egestas suscipit ex, ac aliquam libero interdum quis. Phasellus vel ante ac lacus elementum fringilla. Pellentesque iaculis tellus vel est maximus bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam id ullamcorper nisl. Cras semper, erat eget congue
  • 13. vestibulum, turpis lorem rutrum felis, sed laoreet turpis nunc bibendum magna. Etiam vehicula nulla nibh, sit amet dictum ligula blandit in. Nulla eu tortor turpis. Aenean quis sapien lacus. Pellentesque et ipsum consequat, euismod erat quis, porttitor mauris. Integer lectus neque, varius sed nulla at, luctus feugiat urna. Nullam eu augue ut quam volutpat ornare. Proin tempus quam sit amet congue iaculis. Aenean quis pretium nisl. Sed ullamcorper fringilla eros at blandit. Phasellus lacinia in sapien eu mollis. Phasellus sagittis lorem non nunc consectetur, sed condimentum tellus mollis. Integer feugiat sem ac eros condimentum, et dapibus erat feugiat. Pellentesque et nibh justo. Aenean finibus quam at neque volutpat, lobortis auctor metus porta. Section 3: Additional Research Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum est diam, tempor sit amet tempor sit amet, venenatis tempor felis. Etiam lacus tortor, congue ac tortor sed, malesuada ornare lorem. Phasellus pretium mollis pulvinar. In ac tellus eros. Morbi eget ex est. Aenean eget orci posuere, rhoncus urna a, aliquam massa. Nullam eu lacus iaculis, facilisis ante ac, auctor nisl. Aenean interdum libero vel neque egestas, et faucibus nisi bibendum. Proin vitae dui urna. Curabitur in risus metus. Donec malesuada et quam a tempus. Phasellus feugiat accumsan velit, et rhoncus nunc faucibus eget. Nullam sed elit condimentum, congue leo quis, consequat ligula. Donec in ornare magna. Praesent massa arcu, ornare quis ante quis, hendrerit posuere ante. Sed sit amet felis sagittis, varius neque vitae, vestibulum tortor. Nullam sagittis, lorem et sagittis pulvinar, nulla tortor feugiat sapien, ac suscipit justo sem id orci. Nam commodo justo arcu, in maximus nulla mollis nec. Aliquam pharetra dui vestibulum felis interdum, vel ornare ligula rutrum. Donec rhoncus eleifend tincidunt. In eu feugiat nibh. Mauris placerat rutrum ex, quis imperdiet turpis tristique lobortis. Sed vel dictum dui. Cras enim sem, interdum sit amet egestas eget, laoreet in ipsum. Praesent finibus purus sed orci
  • 14. porttitor varius. Aenean feugiat dapibus dapibus. Maecenas placerat odio quis erat iaculis vehicula. Curabitur quis ex eu turpis venenatis porta. Curabitur id dolor imperdiet, aliquet ipsum et, euismod leo. Fusce ut malesuada velit. Fusce ac mi mollis, volutpat ante vel, malesuada nibh. Fusce porttitor porta justo, at rhoncus leo lobortis in. Vivamus consequat ante vestibulum tellus sodales accumsan. Proin quis sollicitudin dui. Nam nec dolor eleifend, ultrices ante sit amet, dictum diam. Mauris bibendum, enim aliquet mattis suscipit, mauris velit ultricies velit, in fermentum urna magna maximus justo. Quisque malesuada in lorem ut commodo. In consequat porttitor tellus, tempor bibendum ipsum placerat sit amet. Integer eget lacus dui. Pellentesque ut elit at augue blandit ornare nec in orci. Integer egestas ut ligula et sagittis. Pellentesque nisl dolor, mattis ac congue ut, auctor ut nisi. Nulla tincidunt ullamcorper tincidunt. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut bibendum, augue et facilisis fermentum, libero est bibendum arcu, non interdum lacus sapien ac libero. Sed blandit dolor id felis sodales ultrices. Nulla euismod velit ac nibh fermentum, sed lobortis ante tincidunt. Vivamus facilisis mi eu malesuada interdum. Sed in risus ac lectus elementum lacinia sed in quam. Proin condimentum condimentum varius. Donec gravida vulputate pharetra. Aenean ut odio quis orci scelerisque posuere. Integer erat orci, vestibulum et ex eu, tincidunt suscipit tellus. Vestibulum mollis condimentum nisi, a bibendum sapien feugiat nec. Sed ac tincidunt nulla. Maecenas malesuada elit nec lectus rhoncus bibendum. Praesent ut diam enim. Nulla suscipit molestie dolor at egestas. Morbi eget interdum tortor, posuere euismod felis. Phasellus maximus mi vel lobortis pellentesque. Duis quis ligula eu nisl fringilla placerat non ac leo. Phasellus rhoncus eleifend auctor. Praesent pharetra dolor tristique diam congue aliquam. Mauris ac ultricies orci. Integer sapien dui, accumsan eu commodo eget, tempus ac leo. Praesent ullamcorper diam orci, ac condimentum mauris egestas sodales. Suspendisse quis varius arcu. Donec
  • 15. vitae dolor mauris. Nullam ac faucibus ipsum. Nam aliquet mi sit amet dapibus tincidunt. Vestibulum euismod dui sit amet enim porttitor maximus. Vivamus consequat diam ac orci pulvinar, ac sollicitudin ex condimentum. Fusce facilisis libero vestibulum nibh pharetra, sed lacinia mauris placerat. Etiam iaculis venenatis felis quis mollis. Fusce tempus erat sit amet sapien porttitor tempor. Vivamus sed tincidunt sem. Phasellus non orci purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sollicitudin venenatis justo, eget egestas eros fermentum a. Quisque scelerisque vel lacus sed placerat. Nulla porttitor justo mi, a tempor nisl vestibulum eu. Duis fermentum vehicula velit, quis mattis nibh mattis tempor. Mauris convallis nisi id nibh faucibus, at efficitur velit posuere. Pellentesque congue, neque a consequat viverra, diam elit semper velit, et matti s turpis tortor id tellus. Suspendisse sit amet tellus vestibulum, consectetur arcu quis, molestie nulla. Quisque vitae vestibulum ligula. Sed id enim consequat, pretium risus eu, pulvinar mi. Proin molestie, risus non lobortis hendrerit, libero urna cursus ligula, et sagittis dolor libero varius sapien. Etiam molestie neque at neque gravida, sodales sollicitudin purus eleifend. Duis sed metus vel felis pretium vestibulum eget quis lectus. Nam in nisi sit amet turpis dictum viverra. Vestibulum non hendrerit sem, ut viverra lacus. Vivamus vestibulum ultrices nulla, at suscipit turpis convallis quis. Aliquam in scelerisque dolor. Curabitur elementum nulla eget velit sollicitudin finibus. Ut sed placerat enim. Suspendisse vitae commodo lectus. Maecenas vitae elit iaculis, maximus tortor at, volutpat justo. References Alfred, J. N., Bailey, B., & Krautely, R. (2017). The quality of face-to-face relationships. Communications of the ACD, 54(4), 111-118. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • 16. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Anderson, M., Angeli, E., Brizee, A., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Soderlund, L., & Wagner, J. (2016, May 13). General format. Retrieved from Hollywood, D., Wood, J. F., Smite, F., & West N. (2016). Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11, 32-44. Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From - To. Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name and add URL if you accessed an online resource. This item demonstrates the hanging indent. Modify by accessing the Paragraph settings then in the Indentation section under the special option, select Hanging Indent. Timmons, L. G., & Wallet, J. C. (2017). Computer-mediated communication effects on virtual reality. Human Communication Research, 28, 310-345. Underdog, J., & Friday, C. (2016). Interne t relationships and their impact on primary giving. Behavior Changes, 22(2), 123- 140. Life in British North America Pt. 3 – The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment Great Awakening Itinerant preachers, revivals Old churches were boring George Whitefield
  • 17. Jonathan Edwards: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Effects of the Great Awakening Injects urgency, passion and emotion Democratizes religion Unites colonists against old authority The Enlightenment Empiricism: Evidence, logic and reason John Locke: life, liberty, and property People are good and should be left to manage their own lives The Enlightenment in America
  • 18. Scientific experimentation improves lives Deism and religious tolerance Little “r” republicanism John smith Instrumental in founding Jamestown Pocahontas story Names region of New England The English colonies Pt. 2 – New England business and religion Virginia colony was a business venture
  • 19. New England colonies will be established as experiments in religious freedom The pilgrims Fed up with Anglican Church Plymouth Colony Mayflower Compact puritans John Winthrop & Congregationalists Massachusetts Bay Theocracy & persecution New colonies: Connecticut & Rhode Island
  • 20. Decline of spain The English Colonies Pt. 1 - Virginia The race for north america French: Acadia, Canada, Louisiana Dutch: New Amsterdam English: struggle for permanent settlement Business and religion
  • 21. Virginia Honor of Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen Joint-stock companies Cheap land and self-government enticements to take risk tobacco Appetite suppressant, medicine for Native Americans Marketed as wonder drug to Euros Becomes Virginia’s top cash crop
  • 22. Headrights & indentures Life in British north America Pt. 2: How Economics Shaped Life in the Colonies Georgia James Oglethorpe: haven for debtors British want military buffer between Sp. Florida & SC Slavery outlawed in charter; ban lifted in 1751 Rough Equality Southern colonies: slave populations growing Surplus /Subsistence farmers Inequality in America not as stark (for white men) African American Culture
  • 23. Increasing reliance on chattel slavery Cultural influence: cooking, accents, music Forms of resistance: subtle and overt Colonial Slave Uprisings New York Slave Revolt of 1712 Stono Rebellion (SC), 1739 Colonies pass laws to make slavery more repressive New England Industrialization Cold climate, rocky soil Industrializing & urbanizing Less reliant on slave labor. Already a North/South divide. Sellers, Charles. The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America, 1815-1846. Oxford University Press. 1991. Sources and further reading
  • 24. Life in British North America Pt. 1: The Salem Witch Trials and Women in the Colonies Salem Witch Trials, Background Aftermath of King Philip’s War Glorious Revolution (1688) Theocracy Salem Witch Trials The two Sarahs and Tituba 20 executed (19 women, one man) Moldy bread, red state/blue state, “nasty” women Anne hutchinson Bible study group leader in Boston Free Grace Controversy Banished from Massachusetts Bay
  • 25. Domestic Sphere “True wives” work in the home, etc. Plenty of women broke this model Myth sticks in minds for centuries Women’s Rights (Or Lack Thereof) No right to… Vote Sign contracts Bring lawsuits Education
  • 26. Eliza Lucas Indigo girl Manages father’s South Carolina plantations Watson Taking Sides Essay 1Option AFor or Against Bacon’s Rebellion Purpose: Skills: To demonstrate the critical thinking and writing skills necessary to write an effective scholarly paper and succeed in a professional career. This will be accomplished by: · identifying and summarizing relevant historical background information; · summarizing and analyzing primary sources; · and arguing for or against a political position. Knowledge: To identify, describe, and explain the actions, rationales, events, and consequences of Bacon’s Rebellion.
  • 27. Essay Prompt: It is 1676 and unrest has been brewing on the frontier in colonial Virginia. Surplus planters have been demanding that more land be taken from Native Americans to facilitate more commercial tobacco farming. One in particular, Nathaniel Bacon, is whipping up support among white indentured servants and enslaved Africans to venture into Native lands and attack their villages regardless of their status as “friendly” or “hostile” according to the colonial government led by Governor William Berkeley. Take a side. Do you support Bacon or do you support Berkeley? What sort of consequences will there be to this rebellion particularly for those of the lower economic classes? Write an essay of no less than 900 words. Support your position only with citations from the online textbook, assigned primary documents and video presentations. The essay should include: · an introduction, · an underlined thesis statement that identifies your position on the topic, · and paragraphs with clear topic sentences, relevant historical information, and source citations that explain Bacon’s Rebellion specifically and the politics of class and race in the colonial period generally. · Citations: Paragraphs must include enough citations to fully support your essay. Citations should be provided for all direct quotes and paraphrases. Citations should be placed directly after relevant sentences. Essays with excessively long quotations will be penalized. (In other words, use citations to support your argument, not be your argument.) · The essay must include: · at least four (4) citations from the main body of The American Yawp, · Citation style: (Yawp, section title) · For example, if you cited something from the section on Shays’ Rebellion, it would look like this: (Yawp, Shays’ Rebellion)
  • 28. · at least two (2) citations from lecture presentations, · Citation style: (Watson, lecture title) · and citations from at least three (3) from the primary sources from the online textbook. · Citation style: (Author of the primary source last name) · For example, if you were citing George Washington’s Farewell Address, it would like this: (Washington) · No works cited page required. · Length:Most students can usually write an effective paper in 1,000 to 1,200 words. Write what you feel is necessary to get your point across. · Prohibited:The use of non-course materials is prohibited because I am assessing your effectiveness in using assigned course materials to craft a well-contextualized argument. Papers that cite or plagiarize from outside sources will receive zeroes. The TurnItIn plagiarism checker will be used. · Mechanical Requirements: Upload your paper to the proper Assignments folder in D2L (you will receive explicit instructions on how to do so) as a Word .doc or pdf by clicking add file. Assignments should be double-spaced in 11- or 12- point Arial or Calibri font with standard margins. Do not submit your paper as a comment, as Apple .pages, or as any form of image (jpeg, tiff, etc.). Criteria: This assessment is worth 150 points and counts as 15 percent of the final grade. (Please see full rubric attached to assessment on D2L.) · Content (40 points) Does the essay adequately summarize events, ideas, and/or actions relevant to the topic? Is historical information provided to support the argument as it develops?
  • 29. Is the cited historical information relevant to the argument? · Critical Thinking (40 points) Is the essay’s overall argument logically developed paragraph- by-paragraph and well supported by historical information? · Clarity (40 points) Is the thesis statement underlined and does it state a clear position? Does each paragraph have a topic sentence that identifies what the paragraph is about? Is the essay spell-checked? Are proper nouns capitalized and spelled correctly? Is each sentence a complete with a clear subject and verb? · Citations (30 points) Does this essay cite text from the main body of The American Yawp at least four (4) times? Does this essay cite lecture presentations at least two (2) times? Does this essay cite at least three (3) primary sources from the online textbook? Do the citations advance the essay with new information? 1 2