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The Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse
Everyday around the world people fail to realize the effects alcohol abuse can have on themselves as well as their loved ones. Alcohol can be highly
addictive, and plague an individual 's life. Individuals who suffer from alcohol abuse go through various withdrawal symptoms when attempting to
cease from drinking alcohol. There are various methods alcohol abusers to quit using alcohol. For adults who abuse alcohol, achieving abstinence can
be an arduous process that can be overcome with the perseverance of the individual as well as the support of family and peers. Before one can begin
the process of remaining abstinent from alcohol, the individual must first accept that there is problem stemming from drinking alcohol. Admitting that
there is something wrong about consuming too much alcohol, enables the individual to take action. Although the alcohol abusers peers may highlight
the problem to the user as well, he or she are more likely to commit to quitting if the problem is acknowledged by the individual. First, the alcohol
users assesses his or her situation regarding alcohol abuse. Next, the individual will need to take steps to ensure his or her peers are aware and
supportive of the situation. If the users peers all abuse alcohol it may be difficult or embarrassing to acknowledge your plan to change. Now that the
alcohol user has acknowledged the substance abuse problem, it's time for the alcohol user to speak with his or her physician about remaining abstinent
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Argumentative Essay On Alcohol
Alcohol – it's a dangerous, harmful, international drug. It's legal... but you must be aware of the effects. Just a miuisule dose of alcohol can change
your life – forever. Effects of alcohol include difficulties making desicoions, and a slow reaction time. However, this is just a portion of the dangerous
things alcohol can do to you. Alcohol also affects your liver, nervous system and heart– this happens when ethanol enters your bloodstream. When
ethanol enters your bloodstream, it slows you down – increasing your risk of accidents, attacking others – and even pregnancy as you may make
extremely unsafe decisions. Why risk everything for this? Most people drink alcohol because they feel happier, and more confident. However, these
short more content...
Alcopops are alcohol. However, to dilute the strong taste, the spirits in alcopops are mixed with fruit juice. This means it tastes similar to a soft drink,
and have bright colours. Although some teenagers may turn to these colourful drinks as it seems to look less harmful – they are wrong. Alcopops are
even stronger than beers, and have a high sugar content due to the added fruit juice. So, never turn to alcopops for the sake of 'having fun'. In terms of
having fun, there are many other ways to without drinking alcohol – alcohol often causes you to lose your judgement. Some people may drink alcohol
because of peer pressure – but always say NO, and tell someone. YOU ARE YOUR OWN PERSON, and no–one has the RIGHT to put you in danger
like this. You may also drink because of peer infulence. This is when you are influenced by the people around you. Again, you are your own person–
don't do things because you see other people do them. Just because your underage friends are doing it, is it really right? Some people may think: 'it's
only one glass, it's not that bad' However, ethanol enters your body in 5–10 minutes, meaning you still will get slower in your movements, even if just
by a little bit. However, if you drink too much, your movements will become more and more out of control. You will lose to ability to control
yourself, and you will get tearful and angry. You will feel giddy, find it hard to stand up and you will even
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Alcohol Addiction
Usually when people write about an influential person or a person who inspires them, they talk about someone who has done greatly in life. But I
want to talk about someone who made mistakes in their life that has inspired me to do something about it. It was only a couple years ago when I lost
my grandmother to an alcohol addiction. She knew she was sick with liver disease but her addiction always took the better of her. Watching her
desperate for a drink regardless of how much pain she was in made me realize how depressing an alcohol addiction really is. Her addiction and the
disease took the better of her. I was there the day she died in the hospital. She couldn't move, she couldn't talk, her face pale, and fingers so cold. There
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Drinking Alcohol Essay
Drinking Alcohol Alcohol can and does kill millions of people. It can effect your brain and make you shake, lose all your senses, and kill off your
brain cells. It also can cause your liver to deteriorate and not function properly. Liver transplants are hard to come by and do not happen often, if your
liver goes out you do not have many chances of living much longer. You could also choke on your puke and die. Drinking too much alcohol can kill
you, but millions of people consume mass amounts daily. College students drink and party a great amount. The average student drinks at least three
nights a week and that is the weekend. Most sororities and fraternities encourage drinking. The fraternities make their pledges drink and more
I do not know how those kids do it, but hopefully they will realize it someday. In my experience in college, I have realized that alcohol has had a
very bad impact on my choices and academics. Although my grades this semester have improved from last semester, I have not picked up a book
in two weeks. I went to Arizona to visit this guy that I know from high school and all I did was drink when I was there. Once I returned, I had to
work and I have also had a lot of stupid things to deal with ever since. Somehow I managed to drink thursday, friday, and saturday. Each night I did
not get home until around four or five in the morning. I do not know how I did it, but I made it to class on friday. I do not feel as if I have a
drinking problem because I know I do not need it to have a good time. I am shy and when I drink I do not feel shy anymore and just walk up to
random people and talk to them. It is really hard for me to make friends when I am sober because I choke up and can not think of anything to say.
Also, I can not dance but when I am drunk I have so much fun dancing and laughing with my friends and the people I meet. Somehow alcohol is
easily available and people want to drink with me so that is how it usually starts. There are many bad situations where I feel could have been avoided
if I had not been drunk. I think that I need to get back in the habit of doing all
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Drinking Alcohol Essay
Drinking alcohol is like taking a drug. It is a form of drug abuse, and drug addiction. This is a worldwide problem that many people are involved in.
There are good effects of alcohol if it is in small amounts, and in moderation. On the other hand there are bad short and long term effects. The
effects that a person will get are all based on certain factors like, how much and how often alcohol is consumed, the age of the person, when the
person started and how long they have been drinking for, gender, their family history and last but not least based on their health. Lately scientists have
been saying that a little bit of alcohol with dinner is not only okay but it is also good for you. This is true more content...
After that stage you start to get clumsy and will have slurred speech with about a 0.10% blood–alcohol level. Once you come close to unconsciousness
you have a 0.30% blood–alcohol level. After that point it starts to get dangerous, because you can go into a coma at 0.45%, and then at 0.70% the
brain starts to shut off and stop controlling things like breathing, and your heart, which will end up in death. These facts are not meant to scare you,
because most people can't drink past 0.40% because they are asleep. Some other short term effects include blackouts, where you can't remember what
happened, and insomnia, where you can't fall asleep. While you are drinking you will be less alert, less aware of your surroundings, lose your
muscular coordination, have difficulty walking, have blurred vision, and have slow reaction times. This can lead to accidents, injuries, and death. Also
after drinking you may get a hangover the next morning which will include effects like headaches, nausea, thirst, heartburn, dizziness, and fatigue. If
you are not careful with the amount of alcohol that you drink you can get some bad side–effects. Once you start to become addicted to alcohol you are
considered an alcoholic. There are many long term effects that come along with drinking lots of alcohol for a prolonged amount of time. Drinking
alcohol like this will damage your organs, like the brain, liver, stomach, intestines,
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Essay on The Effects of Alcohol on the Body
The Effects of Alcohol on the Body
Alcohol is one of many dangerous substances that effects our bodies. The effects of this drug can be very harmful. Alcohol is a potent non–prescription
drug sold to anyone over the national legal drinking age, 21. Unlike other deadly drugs it is easy to access. This makes it easy to over–consume and
create a tragic accident, even death. It can damage a person not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. Many people each year become
more and more addicted to alcohol and soon experience all of it?s dangerous effects. Even if alcohol use is discontinued, some of these damages can
not be cured, because the scars have been left on those that drink and those that surround them. The only more content...
Some may have more food in their stomach than others.(Langone, Book 45) Food becomes a big factor when you are drinking. (Langone, Book, 45)
If you have a lot of food in your stomach to absorb the alcohol, instead of it being absorbed into your blood stream, then you won't be intoxicated as
fast. (Langone, Book, 45) Weight can also determine your tolerance and speed of intoxication(Langone, Book 45) Since our bodies are 70% water,
alcohol is diluted some. A small person has less water for the alcohol to dilute in than someone who is bigger. (Langone, Book 45) A single drink
may even be all it takes to impair judgment. ( November 27) Some people believe that by becoming a "seasoned" drinker they
are more tolerant to the alcohol they put into their bodies.(Langone, Book, 85) However being a seasoned drinker does not make you use to alcohol
because you can become seriously impair by even the smallest quantities.(Langone, Book, 85) The effects of alcohol is different among all people
depending on size, weight, time and amount of alcohol consumed. The physical results of drinking alcohol can be life–threatening. Within moments of
ingestion, alcohol moves from the blood stream into every part of the body that contains water. (Vasap.state/ November 30) This includes
major organs like the brain, lungs, kidneys, and heart. (Vasap.state/ November 30) Alcohol stimulates and agitates, depresses and sedates,
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Essay Alcohol
Alcohol Alcohol has been around for ages, but only relatively recently has become a recognized problem in society. Its negative effects on the
body and its impact on the mind has caused the drug to be associated with such crimes as rape, murder, and other violence. Concerns with
alcoholism and drunk driving are on the rise, and underage drinking rates are soaring. Whether for the better or for the worse, alcohol is a driving
factor in America's economy and society, which makes it very important that everyone is educated about this drug. Since alcohol is a legal drug, it is
one of the most widely used and most accepted drugs available. Whether used for social reasons, as an answer to problems, or as a casual everyday
drink, its use more content...
Other teens use drinking as a way to get away from their problems at home or at school and find that when they're drunk, they can just forget about
everything else. Obviously, this drug is very heavily used as well as accepted among not only the adults, but by the teens of today's society and
plays a large role in the lives and attitudes of this impressionable age group. The invincibility that many feel towards alcohol, however, may not be
such a good thing. While perhaps a few drinks may allow one to feel more socially accepted or detach themselves from a problem, it can cause
serious health effects on not only the drinker, but on innocent victims as well. The problems are many and the price is high for those who choose to
drink irresponsibly. At the most basic level are the damage that alcohol can do to the liver, causing health problems like Cirrhosis or even cancer later
in life. Too much drinking can result in alcohol poisoning, and possibly even death. When alcohol is drank with many prescription or over the counter
drugs, the combination can result in various serious health consequences. FAS, or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, can cause the baby of a drinker to be born
with severe physical or mental handicaps, inflicting the innocent baby with terrifying results. Damage can be caused to the mind as well as to the
body–– alcoholism is one of America's major problems. This
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Alcohol : Alcohol And Alcohol
Emanuel Daniels
Mr. Hance
English 12
January 28, 2015
Alcohol Issues Alcohol is a drink that has been used differently around the world. Alcohol not only plays a role in religion in the present, it also
plays a role in the past. Alcohol has been made with honey and juice for thousands of years. There was a type of alcohol that was made in early
China around 7000 B.C. In India, there was alcohol called sura and this was used between 2000 and 3000 B.C. and this beverage was made from
condensed rice. Alcohol could also be made from honey water and this was called mead. The alcohol made from berries and honey came from the
Middle East. Alcohol was used for nutrition, medication, rituals, funerals, and for enjoyment. However, alcohol use can cause serious problems to
occur. Continued alcohol use makes people feel the need to have more and more alcohol. Alcohol issues occur withcollege students, high school
students, and adults. Alcohol use is addictive and can lead to dependency and abuse, especially when consumed by young people like college students
and high school students. When teens begin to transfer in to adulthood they gain independence and they face emotional and physical problems. There
are young people that are already facing health problems because they are drinking too much at an early age. This is why underage drinking is one of
the main reasons teens have health problems. The drinking age where teens start to drink is normally fourteen. When teens drink alcohol,
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Essay on Alcoholism
Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in North America today. Scientists report that the reason alcohol is so popular to people
is because it is pleasant, relaxing, and is considered a "social beverage." But what individuals often do not take in to consideration is the fact that alcohol
dulls the brain and confuses physical reactions. This can lead to numerous injuries, accidents, and death. Alcohol affects every part of an alcoholic's
life: their body, their mind and their family life. The body has a natural chemical that gives a feeling of a "natural high". It happens in the presence of a
life–endangering situation. This chemical is adrenaline, which is meant to prepare the body for defense more content...
After alcohol reaches the brain, it numbs the frontal lobe, which has direct control over the judgment, visual perception and decision making skills.
Scientists believe this is what makes alcoholics believe they can conquer any task put before them. After drinking a good number of drinks everyday
over a long period of time, many things can happen. Cirrhosis of the liver can occur, which means the liver tissues become hardened. Scientists also
report that irreversible brain damage can occur before cirrhosis of the liver is even detected. Also, cancer of the liver, mouth, esophagus as well as
lungs and pancreatic cancer often occur as a result of alcoholism. Alcohol also has an affect on the mind as well as the body. Alcoholics often report
that they feel inferior to people and believe they can do anything. Many people believe that alcohol acts as a "social lubricant." Increased social
pleasures, assertiveness talkativeness and even happiness are all expected by many, when they drink in these situations. Alcohol is said to reduce
tension and anxiety. This in turn allows drinkers to feel more relaxed and comfortable in social situations. However, this also encourages the drinker to
drink more when under more stress.
Alcohol has the most affect on the family. Many alcoholics do not believe this because they think what they do has no affect on their family and
friends. But often times the
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Essay On Addiction And Alcohol
Addiction and Mood and Affect Discussion
Drug and alcohol addiction can be described as a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, and difficult to
control use of these substances despite harmful consequences to the drug addict and those around them. Addiction is a brain disease since the abuse of
drugs and alcohol results to changes in the structure and function of the brain which challenges a persons ability to resist the desire to take the drugs or
even to control the number of drugs or alcohol taken. In the initial stages people take drugs and alcohol voluntarily but with the brain changes an
individual will experience an intense impulse to take drugs which one cannot do without and this more content...
Treatment from drugs and alcohol addiction is possible and it should be adjusted based on how the patient responds thus treatment plans are reviewed
often and modified to fit the patient's changing needs. It has been shown that combining addiction treatment medicines with behavioral therapy ensures
the best chance of success for most patients since it helps in providing continued recovery. For Opioids, treatment will include detoxification, inpatient
rehabilitation and outpatient therapy. This treatment will depend on some factors such as the period of time that thedrug has been taken and the last
time it was taken. Detoxification involves withdrawing from the drug, methadone is normally prescribed if one is withdrawing from a powerful
opioid. Rehab lasts from 30 to 90 days with more time devoted to individual therapy, group therapy as well as other activities that help promote
recovery from opiates and other substances .Counseling sessions are also included (Eric Patterson, 2016).
Alcohol treatment and rehabilitation can be through behavioral treatment whereby the aim is to change drinking behavior through counseling which
takes 21 to 28 on average. During this period detoxification is occurring whereby avoiding alcohol enable the body to get rid of alcohol toxins Mutual
support from friends and family or counselling doctors then follow.
Benzo treatment
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alcohol Essay examples
Alcoholism, chronic and usually progressive illness involving the excessive inappropriate ingestion of ethyl alcohol, whether in the form of familiar
alcoholic beverages or as a constituent of other substances. Alcoholism is thought to arise from a combination of a wide range of physiological,
psychological, social, and genetic factors. It is characterized by an emotional and often physical dependence on alcohol, and it frequently leads to brain
damage or early death. Some 10 percent of the adult drinkers in the United States are considered alcoholics or at least they experience drinking
problems to some degree. More males than females are affected, but drinking among the young and among women is increasing. Consumption of
alcohol more content...
Initially, the alcoholic may demonstrate a high tolerance to alcohol, consuming more and showing less adverse effects than others. Subsequently,
however, the person begins to drink against his or her own best interests, as alcohol comes to assume more importance than personal relationships,
work, reputation, or even physical health. The person commonly loses control over drinking and is increasingly unable to predict how much alcohol
will be consumed on a given occasion or, if the person is currently abstaining, when the drinking will resume again. Physical addiction to the drug may
occur, sometimes eventually leading to drinking around the clock to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Effects Alcohol has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged
periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Advanced cases often require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems are
cumulative and include a wide range of digestive–system disorders such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The central
and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged. Blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremors may occur. The latter symptoms are
involved in the most serious alcohol withdrawal syndrome, delirium tremens, which can prove
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Informative Essay About Alcohol
Excessive drinking triggers nutritional deficiencies, simply due to the lack of food nutrients– but the deficiencies are also antioxidants resistant–
increasing the risk of cancer cells developing.
We live in world built on development and constant change for living better. Yet, with all of the improvements, when it comes to human body, our
lifestyles are filled with harmful elements, escalating the developed of illness and diseases associated with how we live.
While you're enjoying your cocktail or weekend brew, consider the amount of ethanol alcohol contained in each mouthful. The standard sized beverage
has more than half an ounce of ethanol – double shots or mixtures increase the volume of ethanol and the risks of cancer.
Profiles more content...
Modest drinkers consume alcohol once a week, consisting of less than three servings of alcohol in two hours. Moderate drinkers consume less than
seven servings per week. More than three in any single day is excessive.
For most, the signs are unnoticeable, but at some point, alcohol becomes an irritant and damaging the body's cells and tissues causing inflammation
and irreversible scarring. When we ingest alcohol, certain enzymes are produced, increasing the activity of toxic chemicals. For example, acetaldehyde
is a dangerous byproduct of alcohol metabolism conversion in our body leading to cancer. Overtime, the body's ability to breakdown and eliminate
these harmful chemicals weakens.
Cause and Prevention of Alcohol and Carcinogens
Group studies show a clean pattern between alcohol and cancer, indicating the more alcohol you consume regularly increases the risk of developing
one of the alcohol–induced cancers.
Pre–existing health conditions can worsen with the smallest amount of alcohol; the reason is the interactions between the medications or treatments.
Worldwide, liver cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths with alcohol being a common risk factor, but not the only
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Alcohol : Alcohol And Alcohol Essay
Our first topic for class is alcohol. Alcohol is defined as "Chemically, a compound characterized by the presence of a hydroxyl group; in common
usage, a beverage made from fermented fruits, vegetables, or grains and containing ethanol." (From the book pg GL–1) Ethanol is defined as "A
specific alcohol compound (C2H5OH) formed from the fermentation of dietary carbohydrates and used in a variety of alcoholic beverages." (From the
book pg GL–4) Definition of proof is "A measure of the alcohol content of a liquid; 100–proof liquor is 50% alcohol by volume; 80–proof liquor is
40% alcohol by volume and so on." (From the book pg GL–11)Alcohol is metabolized by few ways, which involves two enzymes. They are alcohol
dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). First, ADH metabolizes alcohol to acetaldehyde, a highly toxic substance and known
carcinogen. Then, acetaldehyde is further metabolized down to byproduct called acetate. Which then is broken down into water and carbon dioxide.
Alcohol abuse is defined as "A pattern of alcohol consumption, whether chronic or occasional, that results in harm to one's health, functioning, or
interpersonal relationships." (From the book pg 280) Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism, which is being addicted to alcohol. Alcoholism then leads
to brain, liver, organ damage, vehicle accidents, traumatic injuries and even death. Definition of binge drinking is "The consumption of five or more
alcoholic drinks on one occasion by a man or
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Drinking Alcohol
Around the country there have been issues with the use of alcohol on college campuses. The consumption of alcohol causes problems with the student's
education, health, and behavior. Many universities have had difficulties solving these problems. Alcohol should be banned from college campuses.
First, alcohol effects the student's education. Over half of all college students have reported drinking between the ages of eighteen and twenty–four
("Alcohol Fact"). Of that fraction of students, twenty–five percent of them have experienced challenges with their academics ("The Burden of"). For
most college students, drinking has become a part of their lives. Not only are these students drinking on the weekends, they are also staying out
late on school nights to party with friends; this can result in an act of binge drinking. Binge drinking is when there is an excessive amount of
alcohol consumed in a short period of time ("Binge Drinking"). In a national survey, it reported that students who took part in binge drinking were
more likely to do poorly in a class than those students who drank fewer times a week ("The Burden of"). By doing this they are risking the chance
of oversleeping or not being able to focus in class the next day. In college, attendance mentally and physically is important. If a student fails at either
one of them multiple times, the chance of them failing the class is very likely. Failing a class in which the parents or students are paying for is a waste of
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Persuasive Essay On Alcohol
It is very scary that a known fatal substance is so readily available in today's society. A lot of people like to relax with a drink of alcohol; however, it
can cause many serious problems for others who start to become dependent on it.
Alcohol is a very addictive substance and therefore can start to play a larger role in people's lives. Alcohol is used in many different environments,
from intense ranging parties, concerts, festivals, small family get–togethers and even drinking on your own to have a relaxing night after work. Many
see no issues in having a casual beer here and there, although when we look at some of the stats we can clearly see that alcohol is causing some
major issues in our society. Research estimates a whopping 86 percent of Americans will drink at some point in their lives and 70 percent drink at least
once per year. This shows that alcohol is present in many Americans lives, and thus from that starting point anaddiction can spawn. It only takes one
time for someone to gain an addiction to a substance. Therefore, as it is a legal drug it's very hard to recognize if someone has an addiction problem.
So, why is it important that we stay on the look out for a loved one or friend who may be suffering from alcoholism?
How bad can it really be?
There are many serious consequences that come with drinking alcohol. We only have one life and one body, therefore taking care of it is very
important. When people say treat your body like a temple, binge drinking
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Outline On Alcoholism With Outline
1. What is alcoholism? 2. How do people become alcoholics? 3. What are the effects of alcoholism, on both the alcoholic and their family? 4. How do
you diagnose alcoholism? 5. Is there a cure for alcoholics? 6. What is the treatment? What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism can be defined as the
dependency on alcohol; addiction to alcohol. It is a chronic disease, this disease called alcoholism is progressive and potentially fatal. " In 1966 the
American Medical Association (AMA) declared Alcoholism a disease, but it is still judged morally by society" said Father Martin. There are different
types of alcoholics, the first type of alcoholic is the everyday drinker. These alcoholics drink on a daily basis with a high dependency on alcohol. A more content...
Alcoholism causes excessive absences at work. Which causes loss of money for both the employee and the employer. Up to 40% of industrial
fatalities and 47% of industrial injuries can be linked to alcohol consumption and alcoholism. Alcohol also impairs productivity at work. Alcohol
seriously effects one out of every ten Americans. It is the cause of more deaths, violence, family disruption and job absenteeism than any other
substance. How do you diagnose alcoholism? Alcoholism is a tough disease for doctors to diagnose, due to the fact that any physical effects of
alcoholism can be viewed as another medical problem. The alcoholic is in denial and is not going to tell the doctor how much they drink, unless
the doctor asks, but most doctors don't. You can diagnose yourself by answering some of the following questions: 1. Have you gotten into
financial difficulties as a result of drinking? 2. Is alcohol making your life unhappy? 3. Has drinking alcohol ever been behind your losing a job? 4. Has
your efficiency decreased since drinking? 5. Has your ambition decreased since drinking? 6. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping? 7.
Have you ever felt remorse after drinking? 8. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily? 9. Do you want a drink the next morning? 10. Have you
ever had a complete or partial loss of memory as a result of drinking? 11. Is drinking affecting your reputation? 12. Does drinking make you careless of
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Essay on Dangers of Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a very serious disease, which can cause illness, death, injuries, schooling problems, family breakups, and crime. It is a proven fact the
alcohol kills more people than any other illegal drugs combined. However, alcohol courses freely through American society, from college bars to
corporate lunches. In a recent journal article by The Scientist, it is stated, "Technology shows alcohol abuse changes brain's molecular programming and
circuitry? (Scientist). Thus revealing that alcohol is a quick fix that will hurt us all in the long run. There are many different types of drugs such as,
antidepressants, depressants, hallucinogenic. Most people when asked, oppose strongly to using these more content...
The four major problems with alcoholics are depression, memory loss, organ damage, and reduced self–awareness. The most dangerous of all is
depression, which can cause increased drinking tendencies, mental breakdowns, and suicidal thoughts. If drinking continues for a long period of time
alcoholics can encounter liver cancer, stomach cancer, and other organ damage. Overall, alcoholism is a battle that far too many people are losing.
Results from the National Household Survey (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1998) suggest that as many as 40 million Americans
drink more than the moderate drinking levels recommended by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (it varies for different sizes and
sex) (NIAAA) (1995). "It is estimated that six million Americans persistently misuse alcohol, yet another eight million more are addicted, and one
hundred humans throughout our nation will die each year from this"(Newsweek). Alcohol is one of the biggest causes of premature death in the United
States. On average, people dying from alcohol related causes lose twenty–six years from their normal life expectancy. However, the alcoholics are not
the only ones suffering, "Each year Alcohol abuse costs our country a whopping $185 billion a year in everything from lost workdays to drunken
driving accidents. Out of that $185
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Essay On Alcohol Violation
The offense: Possession and/or use of alcohol in violation of university policy or law
After experiencing the campus police and the preceding hearing, I have learned that drinking while underage in a dry building is both against the
university's and my own policies. This university takes these matters seriously, which I am grateful for. After this one irresponsible night, I will not
be drinking on campus let alone underage. The process that the RAs and campus police took were excellent, for they really frightened me once we
were caught. I am aware that this process is in fact a real procedure, not just show. This made me really contemplate what occurred the night the
offense was brought to light. I learned, that you will get caught if you drink excessive amount of alcohol in a dry dorm building. The RAs were
probably trained to figure out when these situations are occurring, along with the campus police. In addition, I learned that the RAs are just making
sure people are being safe (along with teaching them a lesson of not drinking). They are not there to be mean or anything, which one of my peers was
convinced was true, but to teach irresponsible students of the results that will inevitably follow after. The fear more content...
This reflection paper is frightening me as I write it, which is a good thing for it is making me go back see how poorly I acted. However, the
consequences for multiple offenses frightens me even more. If I had to guess, I would imagine multiple informational classes informing alcohol safety.
In addition, maybe an additional meeting with the Office of Student Conduct or maybe even the complete board. Then, if the matters get even worse,
the punishment could consist of probation or even, if the offense is not fixed, maybe even being kicked out of this university. I wish none of these
possible consequences to happen to
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Essay on Alcohol
The topic alcohol brings many things to mind. In my immediate family the only people that drink any type of alcohol are my mother and father.
When my dad comes home from work he usually has a beer for a little relaxation and my mom has a glass of wine for dinner. I feel that they are
moderate drinkers and I also feel that it sets a good example for my brother and I. If we hadn't gone over this topic in class I would never have known
what type of drinkers they were. Now that I think of it I have one relative who has not always lived the good life. If I was writing this paper 8 years
ago my aunt Ann would be drinking very heavily right now. That's because she was an Alcoholic. She was in very bad shape for a while
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I definitely don't want that to happen. No one in my family smokes but I do have friends who do. I keep telling my friends how it's going to kill them
but they don't listen. They keep giving me answers like "you have to die sometime" or "I'm not sick right now so who cares." I tell them that their
family and friends care but they just ignore me. I know that I need to stay away from cigarettes and cigars because I play sports like golf and I
love to ride my bike. If I started to smoke it would decrease my performance of whatever I was doing. That wouldn't be smart because if I ran track
the effects of my smoking could cause me to lose a race. Another effect it would have would have on my life is my breath and clothes would smell
of smoke and that might make it hard to get a date. Also you said that smoking detererates and the voice box and pops the alveoli in your lungs. That
would mean there is a chance of me loosing my voice. If I couldn't talk then I would probably go insane.
Mental Health 2 If everyone had perfect mental health the world would be very different. There would be no need for mental hospitals, psychologists,
and nurses to take care of the mentally handicapped. Many people give weird or dirty looks at mentally challenged people like they weren't even
human. But they are human just like you and me. I know this because I have an aunt that suffers from Down Syndrome. She lives in
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The Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse

  • 1. The Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse Everyday around the world people fail to realize the effects alcohol abuse can have on themselves as well as their loved ones. Alcohol can be highly addictive, and plague an individual 's life. Individuals who suffer from alcohol abuse go through various withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cease from drinking alcohol. There are various methods alcohol abusers to quit using alcohol. For adults who abuse alcohol, achieving abstinence can be an arduous process that can be overcome with the perseverance of the individual as well as the support of family and peers. Before one can begin the process of remaining abstinent from alcohol, the individual must first accept that there is problem stemming from drinking alcohol. Admitting that there is something wrong about consuming too much alcohol, enables the individual to take action. Although the alcohol abusers peers may highlight the problem to the user as well, he or she are more likely to commit to quitting if the problem is acknowledged by the individual. First, the alcohol users assesses his or her situation regarding alcohol abuse. Next, the individual will need to take steps to ensure his or her peers are aware and supportive of the situation. If the users peers all abuse alcohol it may be difficult or embarrassing to acknowledge your plan to change. Now that the alcohol user has acknowledged the substance abuse problem, it's time for the alcohol user to speak with his or her physician about remaining abstinent from Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Alcohol Alcohol – it's a dangerous, harmful, international drug. It's legal... but you must be aware of the effects. Just a miuisule dose of alcohol can change your life – forever. Effects of alcohol include difficulties making desicoions, and a slow reaction time. However, this is just a portion of the dangerous things alcohol can do to you. Alcohol also affects your liver, nervous system and heart– this happens when ethanol enters your bloodstream. When ethanol enters your bloodstream, it slows you down – increasing your risk of accidents, attacking others – and even pregnancy as you may make extremely unsafe decisions. Why risk everything for this? Most people drink alcohol because they feel happier, and more confident. However, these short more content... Alcopops are alcohol. However, to dilute the strong taste, the spirits in alcopops are mixed with fruit juice. This means it tastes similar to a soft drink, and have bright colours. Although some teenagers may turn to these colourful drinks as it seems to look less harmful – they are wrong. Alcopops are even stronger than beers, and have a high sugar content due to the added fruit juice. So, never turn to alcopops for the sake of 'having fun'. In terms of having fun, there are many other ways to without drinking alcohol – alcohol often causes you to lose your judgement. Some people may drink alcohol because of peer pressure – but always say NO, and tell someone. YOU ARE YOUR OWN PERSON, and no–one has the RIGHT to put you in danger like this. You may also drink because of peer infulence. This is when you are influenced by the people around you. Again, you are your own person– don't do things because you see other people do them. Just because your underage friends are doing it, is it really right? Some people may think: 'it's only one glass, it's not that bad' However, ethanol enters your body in 5–10 minutes, meaning you still will get slower in your movements, even if just by a little bit. However, if you drink too much, your movements will become more and more out of control. You will lose to ability to control yourself, and you will get tearful and angry. You will feel giddy, find it hard to stand up and you will even Get more content on
  • 3. Alcohol Addiction Usually when people write about an influential person or a person who inspires them, they talk about someone who has done greatly in life. But I want to talk about someone who made mistakes in their life that has inspired me to do something about it. It was only a couple years ago when I lost my grandmother to an alcohol addiction. She knew she was sick with liver disease but her addiction always took the better of her. Watching her desperate for a drink regardless of how much pain she was in made me realize how depressing an alcohol addiction really is. Her addiction and the disease took the better of her. I was there the day she died in the hospital. She couldn't move, she couldn't talk, her face pale, and fingers so cold. There Get more content on
  • 4. Drinking Alcohol Essay Drinking Alcohol Alcohol can and does kill millions of people. It can effect your brain and make you shake, lose all your senses, and kill off your brain cells. It also can cause your liver to deteriorate and not function properly. Liver transplants are hard to come by and do not happen often, if your liver goes out you do not have many chances of living much longer. You could also choke on your puke and die. Drinking too much alcohol can kill you, but millions of people consume mass amounts daily. College students drink and party a great amount. The average student drinks at least three nights a week and that is the weekend. Most sororities and fraternities encourage drinking. The fraternities make their pledges drink and more content... I do not know how those kids do it, but hopefully they will realize it someday. In my experience in college, I have realized that alcohol has had a very bad impact on my choices and academics. Although my grades this semester have improved from last semester, I have not picked up a book in two weeks. I went to Arizona to visit this guy that I know from high school and all I did was drink when I was there. Once I returned, I had to work and I have also had a lot of stupid things to deal with ever since. Somehow I managed to drink thursday, friday, and saturday. Each night I did not get home until around four or five in the morning. I do not know how I did it, but I made it to class on friday. I do not feel as if I have a drinking problem because I know I do not need it to have a good time. I am shy and when I drink I do not feel shy anymore and just walk up to random people and talk to them. It is really hard for me to make friends when I am sober because I choke up and can not think of anything to say. Also, I can not dance but when I am drunk I have so much fun dancing and laughing with my friends and the people I meet. Somehow alcohol is easily available and people want to drink with me so that is how it usually starts. There are many bad situations where I feel could have been avoided if I had not been drunk. I think that I need to get back in the habit of doing all Get more content on
  • 5. Drinking Alcohol Essay Drinking alcohol is like taking a drug. It is a form of drug abuse, and drug addiction. This is a worldwide problem that many people are involved in. There are good effects of alcohol if it is in small amounts, and in moderation. On the other hand there are bad short and long term effects. The effects that a person will get are all based on certain factors like, how much and how often alcohol is consumed, the age of the person, when the person started and how long they have been drinking for, gender, their family history and last but not least based on their health. Lately scientists have been saying that a little bit of alcohol with dinner is not only okay but it is also good for you. This is true more content... After that stage you start to get clumsy and will have slurred speech with about a 0.10% blood–alcohol level. Once you come close to unconsciousness you have a 0.30% blood–alcohol level. After that point it starts to get dangerous, because you can go into a coma at 0.45%, and then at 0.70% the brain starts to shut off and stop controlling things like breathing, and your heart, which will end up in death. These facts are not meant to scare you, because most people can't drink past 0.40% because they are asleep. Some other short term effects include blackouts, where you can't remember what happened, and insomnia, where you can't fall asleep. While you are drinking you will be less alert, less aware of your surroundings, lose your muscular coordination, have difficulty walking, have blurred vision, and have slow reaction times. This can lead to accidents, injuries, and death. Also after drinking you may get a hangover the next morning which will include effects like headaches, nausea, thirst, heartburn, dizziness, and fatigue. If you are not careful with the amount of alcohol that you drink you can get some bad side–effects. Once you start to become addicted to alcohol you are considered an alcoholic. There are many long term effects that come along with drinking lots of alcohol for a prolonged amount of time. Drinking alcohol like this will damage your organs, like the brain, liver, stomach, intestines, Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on The Effects of Alcohol on the Body The Effects of Alcohol on the Body Alcohol is one of many dangerous substances that effects our bodies. The effects of this drug can be very harmful. Alcohol is a potent non–prescription drug sold to anyone over the national legal drinking age, 21. Unlike other deadly drugs it is easy to access. This makes it easy to over–consume and create a tragic accident, even death. It can damage a person not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. Many people each year become more and more addicted to alcohol and soon experience all of it?s dangerous effects. Even if alcohol use is discontinued, some of these damages can not be cured, because the scars have been left on those that drink and those that surround them. The only more content... Some may have more food in their stomach than others.(Langone, Book 45) Food becomes a big factor when you are drinking. (Langone, Book, 45) If you have a lot of food in your stomach to absorb the alcohol, instead of it being absorbed into your blood stream, then you won't be intoxicated as fast. (Langone, Book, 45) Weight can also determine your tolerance and speed of intoxication(Langone, Book 45) Since our bodies are 70% water, alcohol is diluted some. A small person has less water for the alcohol to dilute in than someone who is bigger. (Langone, Book 45) A single drink may even be all it takes to impair judgment. ( November 27) Some people believe that by becoming a "seasoned" drinker they are more tolerant to the alcohol they put into their bodies.(Langone, Book, 85) However being a seasoned drinker does not make you use to alcohol because you can become seriously impair by even the smallest quantities.(Langone, Book, 85) The effects of alcohol is different among all people depending on size, weight, time and amount of alcohol consumed. The physical results of drinking alcohol can be life–threatening. Within moments of ingestion, alcohol moves from the blood stream into every part of the body that contains water. (Vasap.state/ November 30) This includes major organs like the brain, lungs, kidneys, and heart. (Vasap.state/ November 30) Alcohol stimulates and agitates, depresses and sedates, produces Get more content on
  • 7. Essay Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol has been around for ages, but only relatively recently has become a recognized problem in society. Its negative effects on the body and its impact on the mind has caused the drug to be associated with such crimes as rape, murder, and other violence. Concerns with alcoholism and drunk driving are on the rise, and underage drinking rates are soaring. Whether for the better or for the worse, alcohol is a driving factor in America's economy and society, which makes it very important that everyone is educated about this drug. Since alcohol is a legal drug, it is one of the most widely used and most accepted drugs available. Whether used for social reasons, as an answer to problems, or as a casual everyday drink, its use more content... Other teens use drinking as a way to get away from their problems at home or at school and find that when they're drunk, they can just forget about everything else. Obviously, this drug is very heavily used as well as accepted among not only the adults, but by the teens of today's society and plays a large role in the lives and attitudes of this impressionable age group. The invincibility that many feel towards alcohol, however, may not be such a good thing. While perhaps a few drinks may allow one to feel more socially accepted or detach themselves from a problem, it can cause serious health effects on not only the drinker, but on innocent victims as well. The problems are many and the price is high for those who choose to drink irresponsibly. At the most basic level are the damage that alcohol can do to the liver, causing health problems like Cirrhosis or even cancer later in life. Too much drinking can result in alcohol poisoning, and possibly even death. When alcohol is drank with many prescription or over the counter drugs, the combination can result in various serious health consequences. FAS, or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, can cause the baby of a drinker to be born with severe physical or mental handicaps, inflicting the innocent baby with terrifying results. Damage can be caused to the mind as well as to the body–– alcoholism is one of America's major problems. This Get more content on
  • 8. Alcohol : Alcohol And Alcohol Emanuel Daniels Mr. Hance English 12 January 28, 2015 Alcohol Issues Alcohol is a drink that has been used differently around the world. Alcohol not only plays a role in religion in the present, it also plays a role in the past. Alcohol has been made with honey and juice for thousands of years. There was a type of alcohol that was made in early China around 7000 B.C. In India, there was alcohol called sura and this was used between 2000 and 3000 B.C. and this beverage was made from condensed rice. Alcohol could also be made from honey water and this was called mead. The alcohol made from berries and honey came from the Middle East. Alcohol was used for nutrition, medication, rituals, funerals, and for enjoyment. However, alcohol use can cause serious problems to occur. Continued alcohol use makes people feel the need to have more and more alcohol. Alcohol issues occur withcollege students, high school students, and adults. Alcohol use is addictive and can lead to dependency and abuse, especially when consumed by young people like college students and high school students. When teens begin to transfer in to adulthood they gain independence and they face emotional and physical problems. There are young people that are already facing health problems because they are drinking too much at an early age. This is why underage drinking is one of the main reasons teens have health problems. The drinking age where teens start to drink is normally fourteen. When teens drink alcohol, Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Alcoholism Alcoholism Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in North America today. Scientists report that the reason alcohol is so popular to people is because it is pleasant, relaxing, and is considered a "social beverage." But what individuals often do not take in to consideration is the fact that alcohol dulls the brain and confuses physical reactions. This can lead to numerous injuries, accidents, and death. Alcohol affects every part of an alcoholic's life: their body, their mind and their family life. The body has a natural chemical that gives a feeling of a "natural high". It happens in the presence of a life–endangering situation. This chemical is adrenaline, which is meant to prepare the body for defense more content... After alcohol reaches the brain, it numbs the frontal lobe, which has direct control over the judgment, visual perception and decision making skills. Scientists believe this is what makes alcoholics believe they can conquer any task put before them. After drinking a good number of drinks everyday over a long period of time, many things can happen. Cirrhosis of the liver can occur, which means the liver tissues become hardened. Scientists also report that irreversible brain damage can occur before cirrhosis of the liver is even detected. Also, cancer of the liver, mouth, esophagus as well as lungs and pancreatic cancer often occur as a result of alcoholism. Alcohol also has an affect on the mind as well as the body. Alcoholics often report that they feel inferior to people and believe they can do anything. Many people believe that alcohol acts as a "social lubricant." Increased social pleasures, assertiveness talkativeness and even happiness are all expected by many, when they drink in these situations. Alcohol is said to reduce tension and anxiety. This in turn allows drinkers to feel more relaxed and comfortable in social situations. However, this also encourages the drinker to drink more when under more stress. Alcohol has the most affect on the family. Many alcoholics do not believe this because they think what they do has no affect on their family and friends. But often times the Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Addiction And Alcohol Addiction and Mood and Affect Discussion Drug and alcohol addiction can be described as a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, and difficult to control use of these substances despite harmful consequences to the drug addict and those around them. Addiction is a brain disease since the abuse of drugs and alcohol results to changes in the structure and function of the brain which challenges a persons ability to resist the desire to take the drugs or even to control the number of drugs or alcohol taken. In the initial stages people take drugs and alcohol voluntarily but with the brain changes an individual will experience an intense impulse to take drugs which one cannot do without and this more content... Treatment from drugs and alcohol addiction is possible and it should be adjusted based on how the patient responds thus treatment plans are reviewed often and modified to fit the patient's changing needs. It has been shown that combining addiction treatment medicines with behavioral therapy ensures the best chance of success for most patients since it helps in providing continued recovery. For Opioids, treatment will include detoxification, inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient therapy. This treatment will depend on some factors such as the period of time that thedrug has been taken and the last time it was taken. Detoxification involves withdrawing from the drug, methadone is normally prescribed if one is withdrawing from a powerful opioid. Rehab lasts from 30 to 90 days with more time devoted to individual therapy, group therapy as well as other activities that help promote recovery from opiates and other substances .Counseling sessions are also included (Eric Patterson, 2016). Alcohol treatment and rehabilitation can be through behavioral treatment whereby the aim is to change drinking behavior through counseling which takes 21 to 28 on average. During this period detoxification is occurring whereby avoiding alcohol enable the body to get rid of alcohol toxins Mutual support from friends and family or counselling doctors then follow. Benzo treatment Get more content on
  • 11. alcohol Essay examples Alcoholism, chronic and usually progressive illness involving the excessive inappropriate ingestion of ethyl alcohol, whether in the form of familiar alcoholic beverages or as a constituent of other substances. Alcoholism is thought to arise from a combination of a wide range of physiological, psychological, social, and genetic factors. It is characterized by an emotional and often physical dependence on alcohol, and it frequently leads to brain damage or early death. Some 10 percent of the adult drinkers in the United States are considered alcoholics or at least they experience drinking problems to some degree. More males than females are affected, but drinking among the young and among women is increasing. Consumption of alcohol more content... Initially, the alcoholic may demonstrate a high tolerance to alcohol, consuming more and showing less adverse effects than others. Subsequently, however, the person begins to drink against his or her own best interests, as alcohol comes to assume more importance than personal relationships, work, reputation, or even physical health. The person commonly loses control over drinking and is increasingly unable to predict how much alcohol will be consumed on a given occasion or, if the person is currently abstaining, when the drinking will resume again. Physical addiction to the drug may occur, sometimes eventually leading to drinking around the clock to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Effects Alcohol has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Advanced cases often require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems are cumulative and include a wide range of digestive–system disorders such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged. Blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremors may occur. The latter symptoms are involved in the most serious alcohol withdrawal syndrome, delirium tremens, which can prove Get more content on
  • 12. Informative Essay About Alcohol Excessive drinking triggers nutritional deficiencies, simply due to the lack of food nutrients– but the deficiencies are also antioxidants resistant– increasing the risk of cancer cells developing. We live in world built on development and constant change for living better. Yet, with all of the improvements, when it comes to human body, our lifestyles are filled with harmful elements, escalating the developed of illness and diseases associated with how we live. While you're enjoying your cocktail or weekend brew, consider the amount of ethanol alcohol contained in each mouthful. The standard sized beverage has more than half an ounce of ethanol – double shots or mixtures increase the volume of ethanol and the risks of cancer. Profiles more content... Modest drinkers consume alcohol once a week, consisting of less than three servings of alcohol in two hours. Moderate drinkers consume less than seven servings per week. More than three in any single day is excessive. For most, the signs are unnoticeable, but at some point, alcohol becomes an irritant and damaging the body's cells and tissues causing inflammation and irreversible scarring. When we ingest alcohol, certain enzymes are produced, increasing the activity of toxic chemicals. For example, acetaldehyde is a dangerous byproduct of alcohol metabolism conversion in our body leading to cancer. Overtime, the body's ability to breakdown and eliminate these harmful chemicals weakens. Cause and Prevention of Alcohol and Carcinogens Group studies show a clean pattern between alcohol and cancer, indicating the more alcohol you consume regularly increases the risk of developing one of the alcohol–induced cancers. Pre–existing health conditions can worsen with the smallest amount of alcohol; the reason is the interactions between the medications or treatments. Worldwide, liver cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths with alcohol being a common risk factor, but not the only Get more content on
  • 13. Alcohol : Alcohol And Alcohol Essay Our first topic for class is alcohol. Alcohol is defined as "Chemically, a compound characterized by the presence of a hydroxyl group; in common usage, a beverage made from fermented fruits, vegetables, or grains and containing ethanol." (From the book pg GL–1) Ethanol is defined as "A specific alcohol compound (C2H5OH) formed from the fermentation of dietary carbohydrates and used in a variety of alcoholic beverages." (From the book pg GL–4) Definition of proof is "A measure of the alcohol content of a liquid; 100–proof liquor is 50% alcohol by volume; 80–proof liquor is 40% alcohol by volume and so on." (From the book pg GL–11)Alcohol is metabolized by few ways, which involves two enzymes. They are alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). First, ADH metabolizes alcohol to acetaldehyde, a highly toxic substance and known carcinogen. Then, acetaldehyde is further metabolized down to byproduct called acetate. Which then is broken down into water and carbon dioxide. Alcohol abuse is defined as "A pattern of alcohol consumption, whether chronic or occasional, that results in harm to one's health, functioning, or interpersonal relationships." (From the book pg 280) Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism, which is being addicted to alcohol. Alcoholism then leads to brain, liver, organ damage, vehicle accidents, traumatic injuries and even death. Definition of binge drinking is "The consumption of five or more alcoholic drinks on one occasion by a man or Get more content on
  • 14. Drinking Alcohol Around the country there have been issues with the use of alcohol on college campuses. The consumption of alcohol causes problems with the student's education, health, and behavior. Many universities have had difficulties solving these problems. Alcohol should be banned from college campuses. First, alcohol effects the student's education. Over half of all college students have reported drinking between the ages of eighteen and twenty–four ("Alcohol Fact"). Of that fraction of students, twenty–five percent of them have experienced challenges with their academics ("The Burden of"). For most college students, drinking has become a part of their lives. Not only are these students drinking on the weekends, they are also staying out late on school nights to party with friends; this can result in an act of binge drinking. Binge drinking is when there is an excessive amount of alcohol consumed in a short period of time ("Binge Drinking"). In a national survey, it reported that students who took part in binge drinking were more likely to do poorly in a class than those students who drank fewer times a week ("The Burden of"). By doing this they are risking the chance of oversleeping or not being able to focus in class the next day. In college, attendance mentally and physically is important. If a student fails at either one of them multiple times, the chance of them failing the class is very likely. Failing a class in which the parents or students are paying for is a waste of Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Alcohol It is very scary that a known fatal substance is so readily available in today's society. A lot of people like to relax with a drink of alcohol; however, it can cause many serious problems for others who start to become dependent on it. Alcohol is a very addictive substance and therefore can start to play a larger role in people's lives. Alcohol is used in many different environments, from intense ranging parties, concerts, festivals, small family get–togethers and even drinking on your own to have a relaxing night after work. Many see no issues in having a casual beer here and there, although when we look at some of the stats we can clearly see that alcohol is causing some major issues in our society. Research estimates a whopping 86 percent of Americans will drink at some point in their lives and 70 percent drink at least once per year. This shows that alcohol is present in many Americans lives, and thus from that starting point anaddiction can spawn. It only takes one time for someone to gain an addiction to a substance. Therefore, as it is a legal drug it's very hard to recognize if someone has an addiction problem. So, why is it important that we stay on the look out for a loved one or friend who may be suffering from alcoholism? How bad can it really be? There are many serious consequences that come with drinking alcohol. We only have one life and one body, therefore taking care of it is very important. When people say treat your body like a temple, binge drinking Get more content on
  • 16. Outline On Alcoholism With Outline 1. What is alcoholism? 2. How do people become alcoholics? 3. What are the effects of alcoholism, on both the alcoholic and their family? 4. How do you diagnose alcoholism? 5. Is there a cure for alcoholics? 6. What is the treatment? What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism can be defined as the dependency on alcohol; addiction to alcohol. It is a chronic disease, this disease called alcoholism is progressive and potentially fatal. " In 1966 the American Medical Association (AMA) declared Alcoholism a disease, but it is still judged morally by society" said Father Martin. There are different types of alcoholics, the first type of alcoholic is the everyday drinker. These alcoholics drink on a daily basis with a high dependency on alcohol. A more content... Alcoholism causes excessive absences at work. Which causes loss of money for both the employee and the employer. Up to 40% of industrial fatalities and 47% of industrial injuries can be linked to alcohol consumption and alcoholism. Alcohol also impairs productivity at work. Alcohol seriously effects one out of every ten Americans. It is the cause of more deaths, violence, family disruption and job absenteeism than any other substance. How do you diagnose alcoholism? Alcoholism is a tough disease for doctors to diagnose, due to the fact that any physical effects of alcoholism can be viewed as another medical problem. The alcoholic is in denial and is not going to tell the doctor how much they drink, unless the doctor asks, but most doctors don't. You can diagnose yourself by answering some of the following questions: 1. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking? 2. Is alcohol making your life unhappy? 3. Has drinking alcohol ever been behind your losing a job? 4. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking? 5. Has your ambition decreased since drinking? 6. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping? 7. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking? 8. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily? 9. Do you want a drink the next morning? 10. Have you ever had a complete or partial loss of memory as a result of drinking? 11. Is drinking affecting your reputation? 12. Does drinking make you careless of your Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Dangers of Alcoholism Alcoholism Alcoholism is a very serious disease, which can cause illness, death, injuries, schooling problems, family breakups, and crime. It is a proven fact the alcohol kills more people than any other illegal drugs combined. However, alcohol courses freely through American society, from college bars to corporate lunches. In a recent journal article by The Scientist, it is stated, "Technology shows alcohol abuse changes brain's molecular programming and circuitry? (Scientist). Thus revealing that alcohol is a quick fix that will hurt us all in the long run. There are many different types of drugs such as, antidepressants, depressants, hallucinogenic. Most people when asked, oppose strongly to using these more content... The four major problems with alcoholics are depression, memory loss, organ damage, and reduced self–awareness. The most dangerous of all is depression, which can cause increased drinking tendencies, mental breakdowns, and suicidal thoughts. If drinking continues for a long period of time alcoholics can encounter liver cancer, stomach cancer, and other organ damage. Overall, alcoholism is a battle that far too many people are losing. Results from the National Household Survey (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1998) suggest that as many as 40 million Americans drink more than the moderate drinking levels recommended by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (it varies for different sizes and sex) (NIAAA) (1995). "It is estimated that six million Americans persistently misuse alcohol, yet another eight million more are addicted, and one hundred humans throughout our nation will die each year from this"(Newsweek). Alcohol is one of the biggest causes of premature death in the United States. On average, people dying from alcohol related causes lose twenty–six years from their normal life expectancy. However, the alcoholics are not the only ones suffering, "Each year Alcohol abuse costs our country a whopping $185 billion a year in everything from lost workdays to drunken driving accidents. Out of that $185 Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Alcohol Violation The offense: Possession and/or use of alcohol in violation of university policy or law After experiencing the campus police and the preceding hearing, I have learned that drinking while underage in a dry building is both against the university's and my own policies. This university takes these matters seriously, which I am grateful for. After this one irresponsible night, I will not be drinking on campus let alone underage. The process that the RAs and campus police took were excellent, for they really frightened me once we were caught. I am aware that this process is in fact a real procedure, not just show. This made me really contemplate what occurred the night the offense was brought to light. I learned, that you will get caught if you drink excessive amount of alcohol in a dry dorm building. The RAs were probably trained to figure out when these situations are occurring, along with the campus police. In addition, I learned that the RAs are just making sure people are being safe (along with teaching them a lesson of not drinking). They are not there to be mean or anything, which one of my peers was convinced was true, but to teach irresponsible students of the results that will inevitably follow after. The fear more content... This reflection paper is frightening me as I write it, which is a good thing for it is making me go back see how poorly I acted. However, the consequences for multiple offenses frightens me even more. If I had to guess, I would imagine multiple informational classes informing alcohol safety. In addition, maybe an additional meeting with the Office of Student Conduct or maybe even the complete board. Then, if the matters get even worse, the punishment could consist of probation or even, if the offense is not fixed, maybe even being kicked out of this university. I wish none of these possible consequences to happen to Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Alcohol Alcohol The topic alcohol brings many things to mind. In my immediate family the only people that drink any type of alcohol are my mother and father. When my dad comes home from work he usually has a beer for a little relaxation and my mom has a glass of wine for dinner. I feel that they are moderate drinkers and I also feel that it sets a good example for my brother and I. If we hadn't gone over this topic in class I would never have known what type of drinkers they were. Now that I think of it I have one relative who has not always lived the good life. If I was writing this paper 8 years ago my aunt Ann would be drinking very heavily right now. That's because she was an Alcoholic. She was in very bad shape for a while more content... I definitely don't want that to happen. No one in my family smokes but I do have friends who do. I keep telling my friends how it's going to kill them but they don't listen. They keep giving me answers like "you have to die sometime" or "I'm not sick right now so who cares." I tell them that their family and friends care but they just ignore me. I know that I need to stay away from cigarettes and cigars because I play sports like golf and I love to ride my bike. If I started to smoke it would decrease my performance of whatever I was doing. That wouldn't be smart because if I ran track the effects of my smoking could cause me to lose a race. Another effect it would have would have on my life is my breath and clothes would smell of smoke and that might make it hard to get a date. Also you said that smoking detererates and the voice box and pops the alveoli in your lungs. That would mean there is a chance of me loosing my voice. If I couldn't talk then I would probably go insane. Mental Health 2 If everyone had perfect mental health the world would be very different. There would be no need for mental hospitals, psychologists, and nurses to take care of the mentally handicapped. Many people give weird or dirty looks at mentally challenged people like they weren't even human. But they are human just like you and me. I know this because I have an aunt that suffers from Down Syndrome. She lives in Get more content on