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The Death Of Jesus Rose From The Dead
Christianity rests entirely on the claim that Jesus rose from the dead, a claim which can be rationally assessed from examination of the evidence.
If Jesus really did rise again, the most logical conclusion is that he really was who he said he was and so our faith is justified by careful evaluation of
the evidence. If he didn 't, we can dismiss any need for faith because the Bible itself tells us that if Christ did not rise from the dead then we above all
people are to be pitied.
So did Jesus rise from the dead? There 's only so much I can cram into a fb message but here are a few thoughts:
1) Christian, Jewish and Roman sources all agree that Jesus died by crucifixion, so there 's no chance that Jesus was not really dead. Jewish sources ...
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it would have been impossible to maintain that Jesus was alive if his tomb still had his body in it, particularly as the disciples first claimed that Jesus
had risen from the dead in Jerusalem – the very place where Jesus had died and been buried, so it would have been easy to disprove if the tomb was
not indeed empty. The earliest Jewish arguments against Christianity at the time tried to suggest that the disciples stole the body (despite the fact that no
eyewitnesses attest to this) – neither Jewish nor Roman accounts at the time dispute that the tomb was empty, which would surely have been the best
argument to start with if it was – see Roman lawyer Tertullian in De Spectaculis Chapter XXX, or Justin Martyr in Dialogue with Trypho. If you want
recent academic opinion on this, see Austrian scholar Jacob Kremer 's book Die Osterevangelien: Geschichten um Geschichte, in which he cites 28
scholars who support his claim that the biblical statements on the tomb being empty are historically accurate.
3) The first witnesses were women – if the resurrection of Jesus was a lie, women were literally the worst first witnesses you could possibly have
chosen – their testimony was considered inadmissible under both Roman and Jewish law. Jewish historian Josephus – "let not the testimony of women
be admitted, on account of the levity and boldness of their sex, nor let servants be
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The Death Of Jesus And Gautama
Although Jesus and Gautama lived during different times, some of their teachings were similar. The common sense virtues like not killing,
stealing, and lying are just some of the values that were held by both teachers. Suffering, to the extreme in some cases, they sought to find and
teach the truth. They led by example and practiced what they preached. Both Jesus and Gautama taught love and equality but their convictions
differ on the subject of the soul. Jesus was born of a virgin named Mary and God the Father. His earthly father was Joseph, who was a carpenter. He
began preaching the word of God at around age thirty, and was baptized by John the Baptist. Gautama was also a son of royalty; a king by the
name of Suddhodana and his wife, Maya. He began searching for enlightenment at age thirty, and it took him around five years to find it.
Enlightenment is ridding yourself of desire, which causes suffering. Both men began at an early age, teaching and leading people to the way of
salvation. After being baptized, Jesus went into a wilderness in Judea. There he fasted for forty days and forty nights. He was hungry and weary.
The devil came to tempt him while he was at a low point in his life. Known for taking the easy way out, the devil tried three times to get Jesus to do
what he asked. One of the requests was to bow down and worship the devil. All three times Jesus was strong and held on to his faith. Finally, after the
last request Jesus sent the devil on his way.
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The Death Of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was a spiritual and powerful man that sacrificed his own life for the sins of mankind. The death of Jesus Christ, was complete torture and
it resulted in a wrongful, distasteful, and unbearable death that should've never happened to begin with. Although, Jesus sadly left this earth behind so
soon because of all the cruel people who hated him and who didn't respect him or his existence while he was on this earth whatsoever, Jesus still
remained relevant. As I further engaged my knowledge about the death of Jesus Christ, I began to notice that there was a strong, detailed, and a
powerful message behind his death that several people didn't seem to catch on to. In the midst of his demise, he left a plethora of ideas and
teachings for us to hold on to while living a life through Christ. Here are some important thoughts to think about and delve into. Jesus Christ taught
us how to not be afraid of death and not to fear any other human being but God himself, although it promotes not fearing others but God himself it
also promotes forgiveness. There is always a way to learn from mistakes to find a deeper meaning of happiness. When Jesus Christ died on the
cross, it was a mistake for everyone on this earth to learn from. What could be taken from this is to realize and understand Jesus Christ's motives for
his people and to turn your mistakes into lessons. Jesus didn 't die for no apparent reason, he sacrificed his only life and he died for our sins. That
right there
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The Gospels: The Birth, Death, And Resurrection Of Jesus
The Gospels are a collection of books in the Bible that serve the purpose of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, give reason after reason to choose
to believe, and stir the faith of believers. The Gospels are comprised of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These books were written in the time period
of 70–90 AD. These writings were highlighted by key events, including the birth, baptism, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The Gospels are firsthand
experiences written down for encouragement and building up of faith of believers, but also to evangelize and share the Gospel with nonbelievers.
The book of Matthew had two foci: to propose that Jesus is the anticipated Messiah and to encourage the Jewish Christians in their faith. An interesting
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The Crucifixion Of Humanity And Death Of Jesus
The first time I ever watched Mel Gibson's 2004 biblical epic drama The Passion of the Christ was when I was seven years old. It wasn't until being
assigned this project that I once again chose to sit through two hours of watching an innocent man get brutally tortured and murdered. Watching this
film for the first time in 12 years makes me think about what my grandma was thinking at the time she allowed me to watch this movie. Perhaps it was
a learning experience to understand why Jesus died, however, it really didn't do much but instill fear in me. And I didn't quite understand the message
at the time. I can say the vivid and striking details of the movie, as well as the crucifixion as a whole, did draw out some kind of emotional response ...
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If I was a person who did not have any prior knowledge with the biblical teachings on the death of Jesus Christ, it would be very difficult for me to
draw the connection between the sins of humanity and death of Jesus. The film indicates that Jesus just died; not at any point in the movie does it
specify or suggest the reason why Jesus died. If you're making a film on the crucifixion of Jesus, I think it would make more sense to draw
implications throughout the movie to show why Jesus decided to willfully give his life away for the sake of humanity. On the contrary, the bible
makes it very clear that Jesus knew he would be crucified. Jesus Christ had forewarned his disciples at one point that he was going to be crucified
and die. Jesus Christ would suffer the penalty for each individual's sin in order to right the relationship between humanity and God. Jesus Christ was
the only one that would be able to mend the relationship between God and humanity because he was a man without sin. It is said that Jesus Christ
was sinless due to the fact that he was the incarnation of God. So if I was a member of the audience with no prior knowledge and never picking up a
bible, I will have no clue in my mind why Jesus was placed on the
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Cause Of Jesus Death Research Paper
The Consequences of Love: The Medical causes of Jesus Death
Entrapped by the scorching arms of brutality; it was the dawn of an apocalypse when Jesus was condemned to suffer a lingering, agonizing death in
public. Although it is the crucifixion, which is a symbol for the excruciating pain that He went through that is recognized as the cause of his death
today, medical experts consider many other physiological reasons for his death on the cross.
The ordeal of Jesus death started with the heart–wrenching betrayal from his own disciple, Judas, who He already identified during the Last Supper.
After the Last supper, He was led to the garden of Gethsemane, where He prayed fervently. It was at this place that Jesus agonized in prayer over his
impending suffering. The agonizing prayer became medically significant when His "sweat was like drops of blood", which is termed "Hemahydrosis".
It is believed that this resulted ... Show more content on ...
The pain was past endurance by the Human body when he was nailed to the cross and speared in the side. These gave him hypovolemic shock, in
which massive discharge of blood and fluid due to pleural effusion would have left him in searing pain and agony.
All in all, the crucifixion of Jesus was a symbol of hatred, but other medical reasons can be attributed to his death. The hours of endless physical and
emotionally pain to his brain, the searing cramps from his joints, the blood clot in his lungs, the collapsing organs due to heart failure, the continued
frantic gasp of air called asphyxiation, were the medical reasons for his death and the consequences of his love for us.
The aspect of his torture I find emotionally difficult to imagine for me was when he uttered "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?" At that
time, He felt alone and dejected. It is unimaginable what He must have been
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Jesus Death Research Paper
Jesus death could not have gone unnoticed. (Matthew 27, 51–52). Jesus death was accompanied by at least four miraculous events, darkness, the
tearing in two of the curtain in the temple, an earthquake, and dead people rising from tombs. The middle wall of partition was broken down.
Therefore, the gentiles can draw night to God by the blood of Jesus Christ.
There ten were resurrection appearances of Christ. Mary Magdalene, Women returning from the tomb, the two disciples on the Emmaus road. To
Peter in Jerusalem, To ten of his apostles in the upper room, To eleven in the upper room, Seven apostles by the Galilean sea, To the eleven and 500
believers on Mt. Tabor, To the eleven and James, Jesus half
–brother, in Jerusalem, The eleven on the Mount
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Jesus 's Death, Burial And Resurrection
This paper will show the facts in regards to Jesus's death, burial and resurrection, as the bible states. This paper will also show how reading these
passages have impacted my life and how I grasp and understand the scriptures. Being a college student at a Baptist school, many people believe that I
should know what the scriptures say, because I am at a baptist school. Though I am not fluent in the scriptures, reading the passages from the views of
different disciples helped me get an understanding about the Word that I didn't know before.
Hampton 2
One of the life lessons that I learned when reading this scripture is that I will always find amazing in about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ
and how God allowed Jesus to endure it. God has a love for us, who are flawed, so much that he gave his only son to die a very excruciating death on
our behalf. While reading these verses it made me think about all the times when I have not lived my life 100 percent for Christ. While reading
these verses it seems almost like an insult to God and his son, for not taking the gift that he has given us and using it for his glory. Another life lesson
that I learned is how little faith I have had in God. Many times people profess themselves as Christian, because thats a norm, if you grew up in church
you're a Christian, but
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The Death Of Jesus Of Nazareth Essay
When assessing the relative merits of various approaches to the death of Jesus of Nazareth, it is worth bearing in mind C.S. Lewis' measured
observation that 'a good many different theories have been held as to how it works; [but] what all Christians are agreed on is that it does work'. This
is not, however, to suggest that all theories of atonement are equally valid, nor is it to affirm any theory which represents the death of Jesus as
redemptive or restorative as necessarily credible or valid per se. Rudolf Bultmann's existentialist and "demythologized" theology of the cross represents
perhaps the most cogent departure from traditional models of atonement advanced from the church fathers to the 16th century reformers. For Bultmann,
an accomplished New Testament scholar and form critic par excellence, the "salvation event" is ahistorical; occurring not in the cross of Christ, but
rather in the "kerygma"; that is, the preaching of Christ crucified and risen. Given that the standard by which the integrity any theology of the cross
must be judged is not that of ecclesial tradition, but that of scripture, the task of determining the reliability of Bultmann's scheme becomes one of
biblical interpretation. While Bultmann appeals extensively to scripture in the formulation of his theology, the validity of his conclusions have been
challenged both by Bultmann's contemporaries and more recent scholars. From a dogmatic standpoint Karl Barth notably defended the orthodox
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The Death Of Socrates And Jesus
Socrates and Jesus were two teachers whose guidance people still follow today. They were both sentenced to death for their teachings even though there
were witnesses to their innocence. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth and practicing atheism by three men, Lytus, Anytus, and Meletus.
Plato, Socrates' student, recorded Socrates' defense speech. Socrates succeeded in getting some of the jury to see the truth, but in the end, he was
sentenced to the death penalty. The Gospel of Luke is a section in the New Testament that reveals the LordJesus Christ and all he taught until he was
killed. Jesus ' teachings and preaching are brought out as he healed the wounded and sick, and brought hope to the desperate. Jesus was also sentenced
to death, but death did not keep him from teaching and after three days he resurrected and continued to teach. These men both died for truth and
accepted their punishments. Socrates and Jesus have some similarities in their teachings and experiences, but Jesus focused more on shaping others and
taught the "Christian life", while Socrates shaped his students by teaching them how to take a different path than what the majority follows.
Jesus and Socrates both focused on teaching what was true to their people. Socrates spoke about truth as being a person who knows they are not wise
and do not know all. Socrates went around revealing the truth, and the truth was just not what the men of Athens wanted to hear. He states his teachings
during the
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The Death Of Jesus 's ' The Dark Of Night '
In order to fully understand my passage, we must peek at what happened just prior to verse 25. A large crowd had been following Jesus around
because of the signs he was doing. Jesus had just fed 5000 men, plus women and children, with five loaves and two fish. The crowd identified Jesus
as 'the prophet who is to come into the world'(v. 14) and were about to take him and forcefully make him King (Fowl, 1).
Fast forward now, to the section I have chosen to analyze. This massive group of people, the 'crowd' had found him after he moved to the other
side of the sea in the dark of night. Jesus accuses them: "Very truly, I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw signs, but because you
ate your fill of the loaves" (v. 26). According to Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D., this is one of only 25 places in John where Jesus begins his statement with this
saying "very truly, I tell you." Later in this same section Jesus uses it again (v. 32). In the Greek, this literally says О±ОјО·ОЅ, О±ОјО·ОЅ lego
hymin, (amen, amen, I say unto you) (Nestle, 247). This is important texture; the way Jesus uses the term seems counter culture to the way it is used
throughout the Hebrew scriptures."In the Hebrew Bible, the word "Amen" connotes agreement, certainty, faithfulness" (Just, 1). It is a form of
agreement; let it be so!, and it is always found at the end of a passage. Jesus, however, uses the term at the beginning of his statements rather than at the
end. This turns it from a form of agreement,
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The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Some time ago, before Vatican II, God was a vengeful God, unmerciful and terryfying. Something that all parents used against their children for them to
eat their vegetables and go to mass.
Not that they would understand the mass, it was in latin, and they couldn 't get close to God as they was a rail surrounding the alter that only the priest
could cross.
And their was little imput from him because he had his back to you the entire time. But these days things are different, Human 's perspective on God
changed, we came to an understanding of God being loving, understanding and merciful and a God who wants to help us and interact with us.
God loves all of us, not just those under the category of Christians. However God may ... Show more content on ...
So much so the Cross has become the main representation of the Christain Church as well as,
Christians themselves, who wear crosses around their neck to remember the sacrafice Jesus made them and live to the motto of taking up their own
Cross and walking with Jesus.
It is mentioned at church in the mass numerous times, however most importantly in the Nicene Creed where Christians state their belief of the event
"He suffered and was buried, and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven".
This priniciple belief lead to the returning of Jesus at the end of time to judge the living and the dead as Jesus gives his ultimate demonstration that he
has power over life and death, and therefore he has the ability to give people eternal life.
God does not just want to be all knowing, righteous, just, unstoppable in power, knowing every thought and motive, but also to be humanity 's friend
as well. Someone whom all of humanity can relate to: a human, with a face and a voice and a smile,
God in the person of his Son В– Jesus. God also wants to live IN everyone as well. He wants to change our lives, to help us ove when we live for Him
and love for Him and forgive and die for Him.
The nature of God and the concept of the trinity has eluded Christians since its creation, however the concept of the Trinity is not so much how God
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How Does Jesus Death And Resurrection Redefined Humanity
Jesus' death and resurrection redefined humanity by breaking the death grip of sin and allowing his believers to be heirs with him. Jesus says in
John 8:34, "'Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin'". Since all has sinned and fallen short to the glory of God
(Romans 3:23) and the wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23), humanity was destined to be enslaved to sin and die in it since the fall of man. It is
impossible, in the past and the present, for a human to live without sin. And because God is fair, and the wages of sin is death, there had to be some
sort of sacrifice for the sins of the world because if there was not, the whole earth would perish. As mentioned earlier, Jesus was the only man capable
to live
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MosesReaction With God According To The Crucifixion Of...
A Jewish interpretation would focus heavily on theme and see Moses' interaction with God as a guideline for how all Jews should interact with God.
This pericope is about a call to action. Many people believe they have some purpose or calling in life, and Jews believe that their calling is revealed to
them by God. Moses demonstrates that when God calls someone to action, it should not be considered optional. This pericope also defines the
relationship that God has with His chosen people. God is portrayed as a parent; God wants to ensure the honor and well–being of the Israelites, and just
as God was relentless with Moses, God will prove to be equally relentless with the Egyptians. Although God wants His people to serve Him and
follow His word, He does not consider humans to be His slaves. God genuinely cares for His people, and He does not want them to suffer endlessly.
Even though the story of Moses and the burning bush is traditionally considered a Jewish story, a Christian would notice many similarities between this
story and the death of Jesus. Moses was called to action because the Israelites were enslaved. This led to the exodus and eventually the covenant on
Mount Sinai. The crucifixion of Jesus is analogous to the Israelite slavery, Jesus' resurrection is analogous to the exodus, and the events of Pentecost
are analogous to the covenant. In addition, the Israelite slavery and the death of Jesus are both related to sin. On various occasions God allows the
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The Death Of Jesus ' Death
Before Jesus' death He made the claim that he would rise after three days. The Roman soldiers did not believe Jesus' claims and constantly mocked
him before he died on the cross. "Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that
were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God" (Matthew 27:54). Pilate instructed soldiers to stand guard in front of the tomb
to make it safe so Jesus' disciples could not steal the body and claim that Jesus had risen.
Jesus Has Risen Jesus was resurrected on the third day after his death. The stone was rolled away from in front of the tomb and a man in a long
white robe was inside who stated that Jesus of Nazareth had risen. "And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that
ye seek Jesus, which was crucified" (KJV Matthew 28:5). The man's identity was not revealed but he was thought to be an angel. The man dressed
in white said that Jesus was going into Galilee and wanted the disciples and Peter to go there to see him. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene,
and then to two other people walking down a road. They all proclaimed that Jesus was alive, but no one believed there claims. Then Jesus appeared
to the eleven remaining disciples and rebuked their unbelief of the people's claims that he had risen. Jesus told the disciples to go into the world and
preach the gospel to every creature. "And Jesus came and spake unto
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Comparing The Death And Burial Of Jesus Christ
Kevin D Brown 5/8/2015
Comparison and Contrast on the Death and Burial of Jesus Christ.
In the Name of the Most High Lord. In the Comparison and Contrast on Islam, Judaism and Christianity. I will take about how Islam, and Judaism,
Christianity view the man Christ Jesus death, burial and resurrection. How Abraham play a major role in the religions. According to the Bible,
Abraham is the father of Faith (Gen 15:6). The one nation with Hagar and Abraham started the birth of Ishmael meaning because the Lord has heard
your affliction (Gen16:11). According to the Bible, Ishmael will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man hand against
him and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren (Gen 16:12). For example Arab people cannot get along with anyone in the world, and they
cannot even get along among themselves. However According to Huston Smith World Religions said the word Islam derives from salaam which
means primarly"peace"but in a secondary sense "surrender ". Sarah is the step mother to Ishmael. Islam view Jesus Christ as a prophet. Houston Smith
said other historical religious everything in Islam centers on its religious ultimate, God. The Koran accept Jesus virgin birth but draws the line at the
doctrine of Incarnation and Trinity, seeing these as blurring the Divine /human distinction. The Koranic depiction of God nature, the first thing that
strikes us is his awe –in spring power. According to the Koran tried inspires
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Isaiah 53: The Messianiic Prophecies Of The Death Of Jesus
No other event in the Bible is as widely and specifically prophesied than the coming of the Messiah. Despite how many prophecies there are, Jesus
fulfilled every single one in perfect detail. His redemptive plan was revealed in the very beginning, and the Psalms prophesy his coming. Isaiah's
depiction of the Suffering Servant also provides detailed foreshadowing of his redemptive plan. Christ's redemptive plan is revealed throughout the Old
Testament in the story of original sin in Genesis, the Messianic prophecies of the Psalms, and Isaiah's picture of the Suffering Servant.
The original sin is the greatest tragedy that has ever befallen mankind. Because of Adam's fall, the entire world has existed in a cursed, fallen state.
However, in the ... Show more content on ...
There are multiple prophecies in this passage that directly point to Christ's death. In Isaiah 53:3 the prophet writes, "He was despised and rejected
by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low
esteem" (The Holy Bible). The scorn with which Christ was met in John 15:18 is reminiscent of this verse, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that
it hated me first" (The Holy Bible). Christ reminds his disciples that they should expect scorn, because he too was scorned. Isaiah also predicts that Jesus
would be punished in the name of God: "Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by
him, and afflicted" (The Holy Bible). The cries of blasphemy from religious leaders in his trial before the Cross show that they did it believing that
they were serving God. Finally, it was predicted that he would be silent before his accusers in Isaiah 53:7, "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he
did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth" (The Holy
Bible). This prophecy was fulfilled in Matthew 27:14, "But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge–to the great amazement of the governor"
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The Portrayal Of Jesus In Death Valley
Although this is true this story contains many a violence in it. This film begins in the regin of Herod the Great, who died in 4BC. Told by three magi
a new king has been born, thus causing a mass murder of local children by the hands of Herod. This massacre only takes place in the book of
Matthew's, and does not seem to be aforementioned in any non–biblical sources. Johns gospels seem to Imply that Jesus was born in Nazareth and not in
Bethlehem. This doesn put the film off though. Herod send a group of black–clad horsemen to slaughter a group of wide–eyed infants on a playground.
Even if the massacre did happen, the staging here owes a lot more to Sergei Eisenstein than to the Bible. Jesus ends up surviving the purge and
rejoins the story at about the age of 30. According to the films Beautiful yet very distinctive locations, Jesus appears to be living in Death Valley. In
Death Valley, or as some would have it, a desert somewhere in the levant, Jesus is Tempted by an old man. "How'd you like to be the ruler of all this,
hmm?" the hermit asks, indicating the landscape. Those who are familiar with the synoptic Gospels will gather that the old man is supposed to portray
Satan, trying to turn Jesus away from God. Jesus performed many of miracles. Jesus heals a few of the sick upon his return, but the ... Show more
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The film also speculates that Judas Iscariot and Barabbas were associates, and that Judas handed Jesus over to the authorities to "force his hand",
believing nothing other than his own life being on the line would make him call down angels to destroy the Romans. Scripture doesn't psychoanalyze
Judas, but does imply that he was motivated more than anything else by simple greed. This is not presented as a peculiarly Jewish vice, but rather one
that is common to all human beings
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Comparative And Contrast On The Death And Burial Of Jesus...
Kevin D Brown 5/8/2015
Comparative and Contrast on the Death and Burial of Jesus Christ.
In the Name of the Most High Lord. In the Comparative and Contrast on Islam, Judaism and Christianity. I will take about how Islam, and Judaism,
Christianity view the man Christ Jesus death, burial and resurrection. How Abraham play a major role in the religions. According to the Bible
Abraham is the father of Faith (Gen 15:6). The one nation with Hagar and Abraham started the birth of Ishmael meaning because the Lord has heard
your affliction (Gen16:11). According to the Bible Ishmael will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man hand against him
and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren (Gen ... Show more content on ...
Consequently The Jews view as a prophet according to Dr E. Two nation would be birth out of his loins. From beginning to end, Jewish question for
meaning was rooted in their understand of the Supreme Being. The second nation with Sarah and Abraham birth Isaac. Hagar is the step mother to
Isaac. According to Houston Smith Jewish hope that Messianic idea came to have two sides a politico –national side which foresaw the triumph of
Jews over their enemies and their elevation to a position of importance in world affairs and a spiritual – universal side in which their political triumph
would be attended by a moral advance of universal proportion. The second difference concerned the way the Messianic age would arrive. Some
expected an actual Messiah, while others foresaw God dispensing with a human agent and intervening directly to institute an age of universal
harmony. Houston Smith said tension reflected restorative and utopian impulses in Judaism. Restorative Messianic looked for a King recreation of
past conditions typically the Davidic Monarchy as idealized Judaism forward looking impulse by envisioning the Messianic Age as a state of things
never before existed. This was very reason they crucified Christ because they simply did not believe who he was. According to the Bible Christian
centers in the life of Jesus of Nazareth .He was born in Palestine, probably around 4 B.C. and grew up in Nazareth. In the Sea of Galilee he
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A Book Report On The Death Of Jesus Christ
Chyna Copeland
Mr. Martin
New Testament
Book Report
30 January 2017
"There is no one who does not sin..." (Christianity 85). Man has gone astray and turned to our own ways. Sin can be described as trespassing over a
boundary or failing to keep the law. One terrible result of sin is that it corrupts our relationship with God. " the wages of sin is death". (Christianity 98).
This is talking about the spiritual death of not going to heaven; the eternal separation from God. God promised those who followed and believed his
word and action they would be given a reward. The reward was the pathway to heaven. If we deliberately reject Jesus Christ, we will have no other
option but eternal death. In Jesus we have eternal life. Sin alienates and ... Show more content on ...
And this incredible inward transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who isn't born new cannot see the kingdom of God. It is also very
vital that we accept the Lord into our hearts so that not only He may cleanse us, but to use us in a way to glorify His Holy name. When we commit
ourselves to Him, God sends the Holy Spirit into our hearts in order to make our bodies a temple. This gets us closer to Him building a personal
relationship rather than just a church membership. God wants us to engage spiritually and be fruitful unto others. "Lord, Let me be a channel for
YOUR peace, a window for Your light to shine through to everyone I meet. Lord, touch me where I need the touch the most. Let more people
experience the REAL YOU, Who You really are. God, Use my 'little ' life as a focus for YOUR infinite possibilities." (Shared by craig with
gratitude to John Stott). In conclusion, God's unconditional mercy and love saved us from being condemned to a spiritual death. He sent His son
to earth to live as a man and die on a cross for our sins. Jesus was resurrected and we were washed free of our sins. His blood brings us out of exile
and reconciles us to God. God shows his initiation in the fact that he takes action before we can even think of it. Since the beginning of time God has
been seeking us. Our relationship with God is more than just being a consistent church member. It is a personal relationship that is
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Research Paper On Lazarus
We are like Lazarus in this Gospel of John, secured to death in our present life. We are called to life by our Lord Jesus. Jesus is the life of this
world and the light, hear his words and let us walk into the light with Him. The theme of this Gospel, we are to recognize ourselves in Lazarus and
the miracle of his renewal from physical death to physical life. Our eternal life begins the very moment we accept Jesus Christ as our liberator. Jesus
Christ is the light and life in our life and to all people. Jesus raises Lazarus from his death, and the people are filled with joy and faith. We are to see
ourselves in Lazarus, as Christ gives us freely, life and light.
Mary and her sister Martha sent a message to Jesus, of their brother Lazarus illness. "Lord, he whom you love is ill." But when Jesus heard it, he said,
"this illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God's glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it" Jesus ministered two days longer in
the place where he was, before the disciples and Jesus headed back to Judea where the Jews tried to stone Jesus. ... Show more content on ...
Jesus asks, "Where have you laid him? Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out," and Lazarus came out, Jesus' shout brings life
to Lazarus and to us. Lazarus is us, tied to death in our current lives, and called to life by Jesus Christ who is the Light and the Life of our world.
Jesus calls to us "Come out!" We are to walk into the light of day, pulling free of our darkness and death. Lazarus death here meets the Light and the
Life of the saving power of God's Son.
Jesus gives life back to Lazarus during Passover where the faithful come to worship God who saved them from slavery. Therefore through the
overcoming of Lazarus death, Passover is fulfilled and God will save His faithful people from the bondage of sin and death through God's Son
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Jesus Of Nazareth's Death Essay
30–33AD? Obituary–
Jesus of Nazareth, a prophet, teacher, who was also recognized as king of the Jews, was crucified before the festival of the Passover. His crucifixion
has alarmed the cities of Jerusalem. For it is said that he shall resurrect after his death. Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem of Judea (Mathew
2:1) to Mary and Joseph, who is said to be a descendant from King David. Mary was visited by an angel whose name was Gabriel and announced her
future pregnancy (Luke 1:26–32). Even before his birth, this man Jesus was prophesied to be the Messiah and the Savior (Luke 2:11).
There are reports and countless witnesses to his miracles and teachings in cities nearby. This ... Show more content on ...
Due to the riot that was soon formed, the governor of Judea washed his hands and said "I'm innocent of this man's blood" (Mathew 27:24–25). At this
moment, Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the crime committed against this man who is crucified and could possibly be the salvation of our land.
Many suggest clarification for our Governors actions since he was warned by his wife to not act against this innocent man (Mathew 27:19–20). Our
only hope is to wait two more days and witness if he shall resurrect for if so, Pontius and all the people of our land will be at fault for committing this
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Jesus Death Allusion
Immediately preceding Jesus' death by crucifixion an oral tradition of recounting the story began to take hold. Numerous scriptures in Evolution of the
Word by Marcus J. Borg, the primary version of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible that will be used in this paper, contradict each other
not only while recounting the death of Jesus but, a plethora of times while recounting his life or the interpretations of his message. Even though
scriptures contradict each other at every turn it is hardly enough evidence to simply proclaim that the Bible is false. Oral tradition simplified is the
passage of significant events, like Jesus' crucifixion, from one generation to the next via speech. Antiquity was a time of vast illiteracy and sub–par ...
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the Gospel of Mark was tailored towards early Christians, the majority of which were Jewish. Roman power had decimated the Jewish Temple and
many believed that the second coming was near, including Mark. Due to the common belief among Christians and Christian Jews that the second
coming was near Mark tailored his death narrative to appeal to his community. Mark writes in verse 15:34 that before Jesus' death he cried out
with a loud voice "My god, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Mark uses this statement as Jesus' last because he wants the Jewish Christians to
better align with Jesus. Since the Jewish Temple no longer stood, Jews felt like they were no longer in the presence of God or that they were
forsaken, which aligned them with Jesus. Doctor J. Bradley Chance a professor at William Jewell College stated that "The temple has ceased to be
what it is supposed to be; rather, it has become an instrument of exclusion of both the people of God and non–Jews." Mark addresses this by writing
verses 15:37–39 which stated that upon Jesus' last breath the curtain of the temple was torn in two. By using this wording Mark is attempting to
illustrate that God is no longer off limits to Non–Jews, and that God is no longer confined to the Temple. During Mark's narration of Jesus' death he
was not only retelling a tragic story, he was unveiling the path to God to non–Jews and Jews by using literary devices to bring them closer to
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The Death Of Jesus Left
When Jesus left this world, it seemed that the faith and the knowledge the followers of Christ practiced left as well. Leaving the followers with
uncertainty about whether or not the teachings and man who moved them so much, was who he said he was. A lot of the time in this world, there are
groups, even cults, that give you an indescribable feeling. They make you think that what they are doing is right, and is amazing. You feel such
"power", but when something happens to your leader, you disband from it all, diminishing it. This is what the people did, many walked away, going
on just as they did before. The disciples were the ones in the biggest slump and they didn't know how to go on without their leader, Christ. They thought
that they... Show more content on ...
So after Jesus had been crucified, they thought it was all over with, and things would go back to normal. Boy were they wrong. When the Holy Spirit
came upon the disciples during Pentecost, they were filled with strength and a determination to spread the gospel. The fear of dying, for being
killed for what they believed in was taken away, and they were willing to preach in certain death; which was a common result for most of them.
The Sanhedrin saw this, noticed the power and the affect they were having, giving new hope, reinstalled hope they put back into the new and
before followers of Christ. This worried them, and they looked for ways that they were breaking the church law, or the Roman law whether or not
they had to play dirty to prove it. Soon enough, an active disciple for Christ. a man named Stephen was seized by the Sanhedrin being accused of
Blasphemy against Moses, and against God (All this was untrue and people were paid to say so). Things did not go well for him, he was stoned, but
during this whole experience, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and it spoke through him. Saul was apart of the Sanhedrin, and he was one of all that
decided to stone Stephen. At this, persecution broke out, with Saul and others hauling people from their homes to jail. They became scattered the
apostles, and the new believers that happened to get away. Despite this, and the many expeditions to capture
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The Death Of Jesus And The Church Of Joseph, A Carpenter,...
Jesus was raised in Nazareth in the home of Joseph, a carpenter, and his wife Mary. Jesus most likely went to school in a room attached to the
synagogue. He was a faithful Jew and followed all the Jewish customs. Jesus was a human being.
God took on a human form in Jesus in order to live life like we do. God 's love for us is unconditional and infinite. To communicate with us in a
personnel way like we do with our friends and family, there was no better way for God to be with us than for God to become one of us. Jesus walked
along the same roadways and experienced the same trials and tribulations as other people. Accepting Jesus as fully human is as important as accepting
him as fully divine. Jesus experienced stress, anger, frustration and loneliness but he chose never to respond sinfully to these experiences. Given the
choice between popularity and telling people the truth, he chose the path that ultimately turned people against him and led to his death. Jesus is a role
model for me. Like Jesus I have been baptized in the faith.
I was baptized as an infant whereas Jesus was baptized by his cousin John the
Baptist when he was about thirty years old. During his life Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil three times to give up his complete
dependence on God and accept the easy forms of power the devil offered. Jesus resisted for he knew that only his faith in
God would give him the power. As I grow up many times I am tempted to do the wrong things. Doing the wrong
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The Death Of Jesus 's View On Spiritual Blindness
Moving on, verse 22–23 states, "22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.
23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well." For verse 22, we see that there is guilt in the world by having people not believe, while having the Son
of God come to spread the Word. There is now no excuse for these unbelievers, through the coming of Christ. By rejecting the Son, the Father has in
turn been rejected and makes the world guilty of that sin (Bernard 284). I believe that it is extremely important to state that this does not mean that we
wouldn't be sinless if Jesus did not come, it just hammers home that we wouldn't be guilty of rejecting the Father. There is reference to this ... Show
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In Psalms, we see the author mention "Those who hate me without reason." talking about Jesus. Psalms 35:19 says, "Do not let those gloat over me
who are my enemies without cause; do not let those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye." This shows a parallel to the Old
Testament vision on how things are to be seen, and we see this being referenced and brought up by Jesus (New Interpreter's Bible 765). Even though
Jesus broke no laws, in the laws of those of the world, they are still to hate Him, being the world's laws. There is no substance to the argument of
hating Him, yet it occurs for those on Earth. With this, we have finished the journey through the reasons of hate in the world toward disciples. Jesus
then moves into verse 26–27, which is on the Holy Spirit. These verses state, 26 "When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the
Father–the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father–he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the
beginning." Verse 26 brings light to the Holy Spirit, being the Advocate that will be sent from the Father. The Spirit of Truth will continue testifying
of the Truth Jesus brought, and is. This shows that Jesus is not just leaving the world. He is making sure that it stays watched, and has an advocate
for the cause of why Jesus came down (Elowsky 185). The word will continue to be spread, and have the Holy Spirit to help nurture us, as
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The Death Penalty Contradicts Jesus' Teaching Essay
In the 21st century, Christians are faced with countless choices every day. The death penalty, a modern moral issue, is a choice that determines life or
death. With reference to the New Testament and Catholic bishops and popes, the Christian perspective on Capital punishment is investigated. The
Catholic Church has spoken out passionately about the need to protect human life. The fifth commandment, 'You shall not kill' relates directly to the
dignity and worth of human life. This taking of life is a direct affront to human dignity. While it continues to be widely used, the death penalty has
been in retreat across the globe over recent years; with fewer than 60 countries actively retaining the death penalty as of 2009. Capital... Show more
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The USA consistently executes people, with 37 executions carried out in 2008. The release of four men from death row in the USA on grounds of
innocence brings to more than 120 the number of such cases released since 1975. (in–text) The risk of executing innocent people is becoming
increasingly high. Christians who believe that the death penalty should be eliminated do so because they believe the New Testament philosophy of
forgiveness. God is the sole judge of man, and the death penalty is against God's will. With a life sentence, the killer will have more time to repent.
There is also the ever present risk of killing an innocent person. Mistakes like that simply can not be made. God often showed mercy when the death
penalty was due. David committed adultery and murder, yet God did not demand his life be taken (Samuel 12:13). Ultimately, every sin we commit
should result in the death penalty because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Thankfully, God demonstrates His love for us in not condemning us
(Romans 5:8). Christian teachings believe the criminal should be given the chance for rehabilitation. Everyday, prisoners' lives are claimed by a system
of justice that values retribution instead of rehabilitation. Throughout history, the Church has had three distinct attitudes
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The Passion of Jesus Christ and The Son of God
There have been numerous films that depicting Jesus that have been made since the early twentieth century. Some of these movies include King of
Kings, The Gospel according to John, Jesus Christ Superstar and many more. These movies helped to convey to their audience a glimpse of who Christ
was. As time went on, the Jesus movies closely resemble the Jesus in the bible. It was not until the early twenty–first century when The Passion of the
Christ was released in movie theaters that people really realized what type of death Jesus went through. The passion of Jesus Christ was a very
controversial movie made in 2004 when it was released because how realistic Jesus' death scene was. This was the first Jesus film at that time that
had a horrific and gory death scene. Recently, a new movie came out called Son of God, this also is another controversial movie because it is the
first movie to show all of the major miracles that Jesus performed, such as the feeding of the five thousand, and walking on water. Both The
Passion of the Christ and the Son of God try to contrary who Jesus was according to the Bible, yet both of these movies do this in a unique way. In
the movie Son of God, there is more emphasis on Jesus' life rather than his death. Through the miracles that Jesus performed and kindness he showed
to people, we as viewers glimpse of what type of person Jesus was. The movie: The Passion of the Christ focused more on Jesus' death rather than his
life. Both The Passion of the
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Difference Between Aeonian Life And Jesus Death
Both Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead are equipollently paramount; they cannot be disunited from each other. Without
Jesus' death, we have no hope of God's forgiveness; and without Jesus' resurrection, we have no hope of aeonian life. Like the two wings of an
airplane, both are essential!
Why is this? The reason is because our greatest need is to be forgiven of our sins. Sin dissevers us from God, and until we're forgiven and cleansed of
our sins, we have no hope of aeonian life in heaven. But we can't cleanse ourselves of our sins, no matter how hard we try–and that's why we require
Christ. He was without sin, but on the cross all our sins were placed on Him, and He took the judgment we deserve. In other words,
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Jesus Death Research Paper
All Christians believe that Jesus is their savior, but there are many different ways his death can be interpreted. One of the ways we can look at Jesus's
death his through historical accounts. Almost all historians believe that there was a man named Jesus who had a large following, and was put to death
by the Romans. But why, from a historical point of view, wouldJesus be crucified? One major reason is that the Romans seen Jesus as a political threat.
The Romans view order as the most important thing in their empire, and around that time there was a zealot uprising. Then, they see Jesus preaching
about the coming of his "Kingdom" and so they thought that he was leading a revolution. Therefore, Jesus was executed at the hands of the Romans for
being a Lestes, meaning bandit or outlaw. However, Jesus ... Show more content on ...
So, Jesus was putting Jesus to death was the right thing to do for the Romans because it brought order and stability, but they executed him for the
wrong reasons. After Jesus' death early Christians tried to make sense of it all. One of the theological reason is that they saw Jesus as an
Eschatological prophet–martyr. Which would be familiar to them because, prophets like those in the Old Testament often died because they preach
about the truth. Other theological reasons include the idea of a suffering servant, and the idea of Jesus as a Ransom. However, it is important to
note that the idea of a Jesus as a ransom is a metaphor as Loewe says, "Failure to keep this in mind can lead to bizarre images of God as a
bloodthirsty tyrant who requires the death of an innocent son to appease his wrath" (Loewe pg. 89). Today, there are six classic Christian
interpretations of Jesus' death. In my opinion the representative soteriology or the new–Adam soteriology is the most helpful today. Jesus is the "new
Adam" who remained faithful throughout his life and death, unlike the first Adam. The Adam in Genesis sinned against God and distorted the
relationship between God and
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Death Of Jesus Research Paper
It was horrible, the worst that could ever happen was happening right there in front of my very own two eyes; my son was about to be killed. The
worst part was just having to watch him get tortured and I could do nothing, absolutely nothing. The soldiers were whipping him if he fell down, they
were yelling at him to move faster when he could hardly stand and they were treating him as if he was an object. This man was no object, he was a
gift from God, but the people did not realize this. Jesus was indeed the son of God, our saviour and here he is getting beat up and treating like
garbage. My heart was breaking every time I looked into his eyes. I could see the pain and suffering on his face and in those eyes it was horrible.
Each minute that went by, it was getting closer and closer to the time that he would eventually be gone. I do not know how to live in a world where
Jesus does not exist. ... Show more content on ...
Jesus was put on this earth to do good and create change and that is what he did, he should not be getting punished for that. This just is not fair. I
could not take any more of this. I buried my face into my hands and started to cry. But then I remembered that I have to stay strong for him, it is the
only thing that I can do for him at this point. I stopped crying and lifted my head up, to see him fall again and then get hit to get back up. This
event is the hardest, most horrific scene I have ever witnessed in my life. But it is significant because this man, Jesus who I gave birth to is about to
be crucified for all to see and this shows how much he loved us. Jesus loved us so much that he gave up his life for us to live, and the crucifix reminds
us of that love and the suffering that he went
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Who Is Pontius Pilate The Roman Governor In The Death Of...
Question 3: Discuss the role of Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor in the death of Jesus. Who was he? Did he want Jesus to die? What did he do to
achieve his aims? Was he happy with the end result of his actions? Pontius Pilate was the Roman Governor during the period of Jesus' existence and
is most commonly known as the judge of Jesus' trial. Pilate was appointed prefect of the Roman provinces of Judaea, Samaria and Idumaea by the
Roman Emperor, Tiberius in 26 AD. The title of a Roman prefect granted Pilate the power of a supreme judge that had the only authority to demand a
criminal's execution. His crucial responsibility as a Roman prefect was maintaining law and order which it has been said to be accomplished through
brute force if Pilate couldn't negotiate. Initially, Pontius Pilate did not want Jesus to be put to death as he saw him as innocent but was cautious to not
offend the Jews. After examining Jesus privately, he returned to the crowd that gathered and exclaimed that the accused had done nothing worthy of
death however, the crowd were displeased with his statement and would not settle with anything less than His death. Trying to maintain his judgement
that Jesus was innocent, he offered the... Show more content on ...
Despite his disciples' protests, Jesus got down to his knees with a basin of water and towel and started to wash their feet. During their supper, Jesus
warned his apostles about his crucifixion and the betrayal from one of them without naming. While they ate, Jesus broke bread and dispersed it
amongst his disciples saying, "Take it: this is my body." He then took a cup filled with wine, drank it then gave it to them which they all drank from.
He told his disciples that the wine was His blood of the covenant,which was poured out for many. This was the first Eucharist which was established by
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Life And Death Of Jesus Christ
"Divinity is always where one least expects to find it" –Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Life of Christ. In perhaps the greatest twist of irony known to
man, our Lord and Savior; the Alpha and the Omega; the Breather of stars, Aligner of planets, and the Divine Word made flesh was born to a
seemingly lowly carpenter in a no name town. The Gospels, which are our main source for the life and death of Jesus Christ, give supporting evidence
which prove that Christ not only claimed to be Divine, but showed He was. To ascertain whether or not Christ ever claimed to be Divine, we must first
take an in–depth look of His life, as written in the Gospels. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"
John 1:1. In the very first line of his very first passage, St. John has already immediately denoted Christ (Word) to being equal and one to the
Father. Furthermore, upon His birth it was written, "The angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy
that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10–11. Thus the Son of God
was born unto this world a King and Savior. On His twelfth year, following the Feast of Passover in Jerusalem, having been missing for 4 days Jesus
was found in the Temple amidst the Teachers listening and asking questions. When asked how He could condone placing the burden of anxiety on His
parents by not
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Essay about Examination of Jesus' Death
Examination of Jesus' Death
I am going to write a detailed account that examines and investigates the trials of Jesus; I will be examining the events that took place between the
time Jesus was arrested up till he was crucified.
I will also be looking at the roles of certain people and how their actions influenced and affected the Course of Jesus' life?
On the night Jesus was to be arrested he went to a place called the garden of Gethsemane where he was only accompanied by peter and the two sons
of Zebedee (John and James). Both Matthew and Mark's gospel mention this but Luke's gospel gives a vague account saying "... and the disciples went
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There is another reason Jesus has gone to Gethsemane in the middle of the night to pray with only a few disciples because Jesus already realises
that he has to die and if the temple guards tried to arrest him in broad daylight then they wouldn't be taken to very kindly by Jesus' supporters and
they would protest and wouldn't allow this to happen. So both Jesus and he's enemies realise this, that is why his enemies are not forcing the situation
and biding their time but as Jesus has to carry out God's will he decides to give them the opportunity so he may be seized and arrested successfully.
A while later Judas who used to be a disciple of Jesus but betrayed him for thirty silver pieces came to the garden with a large crowd of men who
were armed with clubs and swords. The place was dark so Judas had to identify Jesus by kissing him; this was so that Jesus didn't get away and so
that they arrested the right man. Judas went straight to Judas and said "peace be with you teacher" and kissed him. Jesus answered "be quick about it,
When the people tried to arrest Jesus one of the disciples cut off the high priests slave ear, Jesus admonished him for that, both Mark and Matthew are
in agreement over this but Luke's gospel goes on to say that Jesus said "enough of this" and healed the
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Notes On The And The Death Of Jesus
Hebrews 4:14–16
After paying the penalty of sin, Jesus ascended to the Father.
Jesus is our holy Great High Priest who empathizes and intercedes for us. Our confidence lies in Him.
Jesus has been tempted in every way we are and has dealt with the same weaknesses we deal with and still remained sinless.
Because Jesus faced the Father after paying the penalty of our sins I know that my sins have been forgiven and His holiness has been restored. He has
taken away my sins and made me righteous in His death. I too approach the Father with any concerns I have, trusting him to forgive me and take care
of me.
Christ as my intercessor prays for me. I call on him in any trial because while he was on earth he experienced all ... Show more content on ...
We do not know God except through His Son. Therefore it is impossible to know God while ignoring the teachings and life of His Son.
Jeremiah 23:5–6
God will raise a Son of David. He will do what is wise, just, and right. In fact, He is (defines) just and right.
This Son will save God's people.
He will be righteous and He will be the Lord.
This verse shows that the Son of God is both divine and human. He will be born a human, yet he will be the King–not an earthly king like the Israelites
expected though. While still human, He is the King of the universe. I cannot separate the divine from the humanity of Jesus because without either, we
are not saved.
Daniel 7:13–14
Jesus did not lose His divine attributes as the son of God when He was humbled to a human being as the Son of Man: The Father presented the Son of
Man with authority, glory, power, and dominion. All the people worshipped Him.
Jesus is the only human worthy of worshipping. I would be mistaken to believe that Jesus Christ is only a great prophet and teacher or a martyr. His
humanity does not limit his divine character. Jesus is worthy of my praise. I will worship Him as I do my Heavenly Father because He is one and the
Philippians 2:6–8
Christ Jesus has the attributes of being fully divine, but he did not always use them. He humbled Himself to be a human
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Who Killed Jesus Research Paper
The death of Jesus is a death that will live in infamy for many reasons, which are due to religious or historical purposes. The death of Jesus Christ
will always impact the lives of believers; moreover, the lives of historians. Especially, in the movie Who Killed Jesus? it impacts the lives of those
historians searching, supporting, and sharing their conclusions of His death. For example– one historian suspects as Caiaphas, the high priest, the real
murderer of Jesus of Nazareth. Another, concludes that Punches Pilot had a role in the death of Jesus rather than Caiaphas. Furthermore, another
historian concludes it was Jesus Himself, who ultimately led Himself to that agonizing, slow, and painful death. However, I disagree with answers
given by the historians due to the reason I believe the only suspect there should be is ultimately us– the human race. ... Show more content on ...
Jesus died for us because He loved us so much and we needed that ultimate sacrifice, not because He believed it was His destiny; however, because
it was actually His fate. The Bible in Romans 5:8 states, "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ [Jesus] to die for us while we
were still sinners". The verse states, Jesus came down and died for a purposes, that purpose turns out to be us; moreover, showing the actual
relevance of His death rather than the irrelevance of other people who "killed" Jesus. Moreover, the focus isn't really who or what killed Jesus, but the
focus should be on the why, which the verse claims that it was for us– the sinners. The list of sinners even includes those who participated in Jesus's
death from Caiaphas, to Punches Pilot, to the crowd, and to the Roman soldiers who all could have received
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The Death, Burial, And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
Why did they wait until 100 pages into the book to write this chapter? Earlier in the book when they said that I might want to set down the book they
were right. This chapter has some really helpful concepts validated by scripture and explained with helpful models that should get every Christian
excited about ministry to the city. This chapter is about sharing the good news with people and grabbing their attention and respect with goo deeds.
This chapter is about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This chapter is also about loving the city and living in the city in away that
is compatible with the needs and dreams of the city. This is my favorite chapter in the book by far. It contains a really solid biblical theology for
loving the city. I 've never seen any Christian in my life raise a person from the dead in the name of God. I may never see a supernatural miracle in
my life, but I 'm certainly not going to say that it can 't happen. Maybe we just don 't have enough faith to raise people from the dead in the name of
Jesus. More commonly I think we have the ability to transform the city though doing unwarranted acts of kindness in our community. In Galatians 2
Paul extorts us to remember the poor in good deeds of service. Let us be eager to serve in this way but not forget to share the life saving word of God.
Paul also models for us in Romans 1 when he says he is eager to share the gospel and that it is the power of God 's salvation for all that believe.
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Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ And His Death On The Cross
Crucifixion, the word makes one automatically think of Jesus Christ, and His death on the cross by to Romans. Even if there is no previous history of
Christian faith, the image of Jesus on the cross is still prominent when thinking of crucifixion. Crucifixion, the definition given by Merriam–Webster
dictionary is "the crucifying of Jesus." Gerard Sloyan states, "Jesus of Nazareth in Galilee died on the cross at the hands of Roman justice, hundreds of
thousands were subjected to the cruel punishment before and after Him. Yet one is hard–pressed to provide the name of another victim of crucifixion"
(1). As infamous as Jesus' crucifixion is, there are still some that doubt, not about the crucifixion of Jesus, but did he in fact die on the ... Show more
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(Sloyan 15). The Romans preferred, those sentenced to crucifixion, be beaten, flogged, and tortured before their death upon the cross. "It weakened
the victims to such a degree that their time on the cross was shortened." (Sloyan 17). There has been some debate over the years as to whether the
Romans used rope or nails to affix victims of crucifixion to the cross, however evidence has been found prove nails are used. In the 1960's
archaeologists in Jerusalem found remains of around three dozen Jews, who had died during an uprising against Rome in A.D. 70. The remains of one
victim, was found with a seven–inch nail still piercing the feet, with remains of olive wood from the cross still attached. (Strobel 200–201). This
discovery confirmed biblical connects to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The medical evidence, though Jesus died long before modern medicine, is
still there to support the facts, that there is no way Jesus could have survived the cross. Even before Jesus made it the cross, there is evidence Jesus
suffered and was tortured before his death.
The Jesus was preparing for his mind for the torture that was to come in the following days, so he was naturally experiencing a great deal of
psychological stress. (Strobel 194). In Luke 22:44 Jesus is praying on the Mount of Olives, "And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his
sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." As
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Why Do People Want Jesus To Be Put To Death
Although each piece specified reasons as to why people wanted Jesus to be put to death, all the reasons varied. To start is the first reading, Mark 14,
that explained once Jesus was arrested, the chief priests looked for evidence so they could have him killed. The priests did acknowledge that some of
the testimonies against Jesus were false, but after they asked Jesus if he is the son of God and he responded yes, they agreed that he should be put to
death. So, the reason in Mark was that Jesus believed he was the son of God as to why he was put to death. The next piece, John 5:1–18, had a similar
reason to Mark, but a little different. Jesus was still working and doing things on the Sabbath which angered the Jewish leaders. Then Jesus was also
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The Death Of Jesus Rose From The Dead

  • 1. The Death Of Jesus Rose From The Dead Christianity rests entirely on the claim that Jesus rose from the dead, a claim which can be rationally assessed from examination of the evidence. If Jesus really did rise again, the most logical conclusion is that he really was who he said he was and so our faith is justified by careful evaluation of the evidence. If he didn 't, we can dismiss any need for faith because the Bible itself tells us that if Christ did not rise from the dead then we above all people are to be pitied. So did Jesus rise from the dead? There 's only so much I can cram into a fb message but here are a few thoughts: 1) Christian, Jewish and Roman sources all agree that Jesus died by crucifixion, so there 's no chance that Jesus was not really dead. Jewish sources ... Show more content on ... it would have been impossible to maintain that Jesus was alive if his tomb still had his body in it, particularly as the disciples first claimed that Jesus had risen from the dead in Jerusalem – the very place where Jesus had died and been buried, so it would have been easy to disprove if the tomb was not indeed empty. The earliest Jewish arguments against Christianity at the time tried to suggest that the disciples stole the body (despite the fact that no eyewitnesses attest to this) – neither Jewish nor Roman accounts at the time dispute that the tomb was empty, which would surely have been the best argument to start with if it was – see Roman lawyer Tertullian in De Spectaculis Chapter XXX, or Justin Martyr in Dialogue with Trypho. If you want recent academic opinion on this, see Austrian scholar Jacob Kremer 's book Die Osterevangelien: Geschichten um Geschichte, in which he cites 28 scholars who support his claim that the biblical statements on the tomb being empty are historically accurate. 3) The first witnesses were women – if the resurrection of Jesus was a lie, women were literally the worst first witnesses you could possibly have chosen – their testimony was considered inadmissible under both Roman and Jewish law. Jewish historian Josephus – "let not the testimony of women be admitted, on account of the levity and boldness of their sex, nor let servants be ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Death Of Jesus And Gautama Although Jesus and Gautama lived during different times, some of their teachings were similar. The common sense virtues like not killing, stealing, and lying are just some of the values that were held by both teachers. Suffering, to the extreme in some cases, they sought to find and teach the truth. They led by example and practiced what they preached. Both Jesus and Gautama taught love and equality but their convictions differ on the subject of the soul. Jesus was born of a virgin named Mary and God the Father. His earthly father was Joseph, who was a carpenter. He began preaching the word of God at around age thirty, and was baptized by John the Baptist. Gautama was also a son of royalty; a king by the name of Suddhodana and his wife, Maya. He began searching for enlightenment at age thirty, and it took him around five years to find it. Enlightenment is ridding yourself of desire, which causes suffering. Both men began at an early age, teaching and leading people to the way of salvation. After being baptized, Jesus went into a wilderness in Judea. There he fasted for forty days and forty nights. He was hungry and weary. The devil came to tempt him while he was at a low point in his life. Known for taking the easy way out, the devil tried three times to get Jesus to do what he asked. One of the requests was to bow down and worship the devil. All three times Jesus was strong and held on to his faith. Finally, after the last request Jesus sent the devil on his way. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Death Of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ was a spiritual and powerful man that sacrificed his own life for the sins of mankind. The death of Jesus Christ, was complete torture and it resulted in a wrongful, distasteful, and unbearable death that should've never happened to begin with. Although, Jesus sadly left this earth behind so soon because of all the cruel people who hated him and who didn't respect him or his existence while he was on this earth whatsoever, Jesus still remained relevant. As I further engaged my knowledge about the death of Jesus Christ, I began to notice that there was a strong, detailed, and a powerful message behind his death that several people didn't seem to catch on to. In the midst of his demise, he left a plethora of ideas and teachings for us to hold on to while living a life through Christ. Here are some important thoughts to think about and delve into. Jesus Christ taught us how to not be afraid of death and not to fear any other human being but God himself, although it promotes not fearing others but God himself it also promotes forgiveness. There is always a way to learn from mistakes to find a deeper meaning of happiness. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, it was a mistake for everyone on this earth to learn from. What could be taken from this is to realize and understand Jesus Christ's motives for his people and to turn your mistakes into lessons. Jesus didn 't die for no apparent reason, he sacrificed his only life and he died for our sins. That right there ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Gospels: The Birth, Death, And Resurrection Of Jesus The Gospels are a collection of books in the Bible that serve the purpose of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, give reason after reason to choose to believe, and stir the faith of believers. The Gospels are comprised of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These books were written in the time period of 70–90 AD. These writings were highlighted by key events, including the birth, baptism, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The Gospels are firsthand experiences written down for encouragement and building up of faith of believers, but also to evangelize and share the Gospel with nonbelievers. The book of Matthew had two foci: to propose that Jesus is the anticipated Messiah and to encourage the Jewish Christians in their faith. An interesting detail ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Crucifixion Of Humanity And Death Of Jesus The first time I ever watched Mel Gibson's 2004 biblical epic drama The Passion of the Christ was when I was seven years old. It wasn't until being assigned this project that I once again chose to sit through two hours of watching an innocent man get brutally tortured and murdered. Watching this film for the first time in 12 years makes me think about what my grandma was thinking at the time she allowed me to watch this movie. Perhaps it was a learning experience to understand why Jesus died, however, it really didn't do much but instill fear in me. And I didn't quite understand the message at the time. I can say the vivid and striking details of the movie, as well as the crucifixion as a whole, did draw out some kind of emotional response ... Show more content on ... If I was a person who did not have any prior knowledge with the biblical teachings on the death of Jesus Christ, it would be very difficult for me to draw the connection between the sins of humanity and death of Jesus. The film indicates that Jesus just died; not at any point in the movie does it specify or suggest the reason why Jesus died. If you're making a film on the crucifixion of Jesus, I think it would make more sense to draw implications throughout the movie to show why Jesus decided to willfully give his life away for the sake of humanity. On the contrary, the bible makes it very clear that Jesus knew he would be crucified. Jesus Christ had forewarned his disciples at one point that he was going to be crucified and die. Jesus Christ would suffer the penalty for each individual's sin in order to right the relationship between humanity and God. Jesus Christ was the only one that would be able to mend the relationship between God and humanity because he was a man without sin. It is said that Jesus Christ was sinless due to the fact that he was the incarnation of God. So if I was a member of the audience with no prior knowledge and never picking up a bible, I will have no clue in my mind why Jesus was placed on the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Cause Of Jesus Death Research Paper The Consequences of Love: The Medical causes of Jesus Death Entrapped by the scorching arms of brutality; it was the dawn of an apocalypse when Jesus was condemned to suffer a lingering, agonizing death in public. Although it is the crucifixion, which is a symbol for the excruciating pain that He went through that is recognized as the cause of his death today, medical experts consider many other physiological reasons for his death on the cross. The ordeal of Jesus death started with the heart–wrenching betrayal from his own disciple, Judas, who He already identified during the Last Supper. After the Last supper, He was led to the garden of Gethsemane, where He prayed fervently. It was at this place that Jesus agonized in prayer over his impending suffering. The agonizing prayer became medically significant when His "sweat was like drops of blood", which is termed "Hemahydrosis". It is believed that this resulted ... Show more content on ... The pain was past endurance by the Human body when he was nailed to the cross and speared in the side. These gave him hypovolemic shock, in which massive discharge of blood and fluid due to pleural effusion would have left him in searing pain and agony. All in all, the crucifixion of Jesus was a symbol of hatred, but other medical reasons can be attributed to his death. The hours of endless physical and emotionally pain to his brain, the searing cramps from his joints, the blood clot in his lungs, the collapsing organs due to heart failure, the continued frantic gasp of air called asphyxiation, were the medical reasons for his death and the consequences of his love for us. The aspect of his torture I find emotionally difficult to imagine for me was when he uttered "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?" At that time, He felt alone and dejected. It is unimaginable what He must have been ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Jesus Death Research Paper Jesus death could not have gone unnoticed. (Matthew 27, 51–52). Jesus death was accompanied by at least four miraculous events, darkness, the tearing in two of the curtain in the temple, an earthquake, and dead people rising from tombs. The middle wall of partition was broken down. Therefore, the gentiles can draw night to God by the blood of Jesus Christ. There ten were resurrection appearances of Christ. Mary Magdalene, Women returning from the tomb, the two disciples on the Emmaus road. To Peter in Jerusalem, To ten of his apostles in the upper room, To eleven in the upper room, Seven apostles by the Galilean sea, To the eleven and 500 believers on Mt. Tabor, To the eleven and James, Jesus half –brother, in Jerusalem, The eleven on the Mount ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Jesus 's Death, Burial And Resurrection This paper will show the facts in regards to Jesus's death, burial and resurrection, as the bible states. This paper will also show how reading these passages have impacted my life and how I grasp and understand the scriptures. Being a college student at a Baptist school, many people believe that I should know what the scriptures say, because I am at a baptist school. Though I am not fluent in the scriptures, reading the passages from the views of different disciples helped me get an understanding about the Word that I didn't know before. Hampton 2 One of the life lessons that I learned when reading this scripture is that I will always find amazing in about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and how God allowed Jesus to endure it. God has a love for us, who are flawed, so much that he gave his only son to die a very excruciating death on our behalf. While reading these verses it made me think about all the times when I have not lived my life 100 percent for Christ. While reading these verses it seems almost like an insult to God and his son, for not taking the gift that he has given us and using it for his glory. Another life lesson that I learned is how little faith I have had in God. Many times people profess themselves as Christian, because thats a norm, if you grew up in church you're a Christian, but ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Death Of Jesus Of Nazareth Essay When assessing the relative merits of various approaches to the death of Jesus of Nazareth, it is worth bearing in mind C.S. Lewis' measured observation that 'a good many different theories have been held as to how it works; [but] what all Christians are agreed on is that it does work'. This is not, however, to suggest that all theories of atonement are equally valid, nor is it to affirm any theory which represents the death of Jesus as redemptive or restorative as necessarily credible or valid per se. Rudolf Bultmann's existentialist and "demythologized" theology of the cross represents perhaps the most cogent departure from traditional models of atonement advanced from the church fathers to the 16th century reformers. For Bultmann, an accomplished New Testament scholar and form critic par excellence, the "salvation event" is ahistorical; occurring not in the cross of Christ, but rather in the "kerygma"; that is, the preaching of Christ crucified and risen. Given that the standard by which the integrity any theology of the cross must be judged is not that of ecclesial tradition, but that of scripture, the task of determining the reliability of Bultmann's scheme becomes one of biblical interpretation. While Bultmann appeals extensively to scripture in the formulation of his theology, the validity of his conclusions have been challenged both by Bultmann's contemporaries and more recent scholars. From a dogmatic standpoint Karl Barth notably defended the orthodox ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Death Of Socrates And Jesus Socrates and Jesus were two teachers whose guidance people still follow today. They were both sentenced to death for their teachings even though there were witnesses to their innocence. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth and practicing atheism by three men, Lytus, Anytus, and Meletus. Plato, Socrates' student, recorded Socrates' defense speech. Socrates succeeded in getting some of the jury to see the truth, but in the end, he was sentenced to the death penalty. The Gospel of Luke is a section in the New Testament that reveals the LordJesus Christ and all he taught until he was killed. Jesus ' teachings and preaching are brought out as he healed the wounded and sick, and brought hope to the desperate. Jesus was also sentenced to death, but death did not keep him from teaching and after three days he resurrected and continued to teach. These men both died for truth and accepted their punishments. Socrates and Jesus have some similarities in their teachings and experiences, but Jesus focused more on shaping others and taught the "Christian life", while Socrates shaped his students by teaching them how to take a different path than what the majority follows. Jesus and Socrates both focused on teaching what was true to their people. Socrates spoke about truth as being a person who knows they are not wise and do not know all. Socrates went around revealing the truth, and the truth was just not what the men of Athens wanted to hear. He states his teachings during the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Death Of Jesus 's ' The Dark Of Night ' In order to fully understand my passage, we must peek at what happened just prior to verse 25. A large crowd had been following Jesus around because of the signs he was doing. Jesus had just fed 5000 men, plus women and children, with five loaves and two fish. The crowd identified Jesus as 'the prophet who is to come into the world'(v. 14) and were about to take him and forcefully make him King (Fowl, 1). Fast forward now, to the section I have chosen to analyze. This massive group of people, the 'crowd' had found him after he moved to the other side of the sea in the dark of night. Jesus accuses them: "Very truly, I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves" (v. 26). According to Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D., this is one of only 25 places in John where Jesus begins his statement with this saying "very truly, I tell you." Later in this same section Jesus uses it again (v. 32). In the Greek, this literally says О±ОјО·ОЅ, О±ОјО·ОЅ lego hymin, (amen, amen, I say unto you) (Nestle, 247). This is important texture; the way Jesus uses the term seems counter culture to the way it is used throughout the Hebrew scriptures."In the Hebrew Bible, the word "Amen" connotes agreement, certainty, faithfulness" (Just, 1). It is a form of agreement; let it be so!, and it is always found at the end of a passage. Jesus, however, uses the term at the beginning of his statements rather than at the end. This turns it from a form of agreement, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Some time ago, before Vatican II, God was a vengeful God, unmerciful and terryfying. Something that all parents used against their children for them to eat their vegetables and go to mass. Not that they would understand the mass, it was in latin, and they couldn 't get close to God as they was a rail surrounding the alter that only the priest could cross. [ And their was little imput from him because he had his back to you the entire time. But these days things are different, Human 's perspective on God changed, we came to an understanding of God being loving, understanding and merciful and a God who wants to help us and interact with us. God loves all of us, not just those under the category of Christians. However God may ... Show more content on ... So much so the Cross has become the main representation of the Christain Church as well as, Christians themselves, who wear crosses around their neck to remember the sacrafice Jesus made them and live to the motto of taking up their own Cross and walking with Jesus. It is mentioned at church in the mass numerous times, however most importantly in the Nicene Creed where Christians state their belief of the event "He suffered and was buried, and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven". This priniciple belief lead to the returning of Jesus at the end of time to judge the living and the dead as Jesus gives his ultimate demonstration that he has power over life and death, and therefore he has the ability to give people eternal life. God does not just want to be all knowing, righteous, just, unstoppable in power, knowing every thought and motive, but also to be humanity 's friend as well. Someone whom all of humanity can relate to: a human, with a face and a voice and a smile, God in the person of his Son В– Jesus. God also wants to live IN everyone as well. He wants to change our lives, to help us ove when we live for Him and love for Him and forgive and die for Him. The nature of God and the concept of the trinity has eluded Christians since its creation, however the concept of the Trinity is not so much how God
  • 13. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Does Jesus Death And Resurrection Redefined Humanity Jesus' death and resurrection redefined humanity by breaking the death grip of sin and allowing his believers to be heirs with him. Jesus says in John 8:34, "'Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin'". Since all has sinned and fallen short to the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and the wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23), humanity was destined to be enslaved to sin and die in it since the fall of man. It is impossible, in the past and the present, for a human to live without sin. And because God is fair, and the wages of sin is death, there had to be some sort of sacrifice for the sins of the world because if there was not, the whole earth would perish. As mentioned earlier, Jesus was the only man capable to live ... Get more on ...
  • 15. MosesReaction With God According To The Crucifixion Of... A Jewish interpretation would focus heavily on theme and see Moses' interaction with God as a guideline for how all Jews should interact with God. This pericope is about a call to action. Many people believe they have some purpose or calling in life, and Jews believe that their calling is revealed to them by God. Moses demonstrates that when God calls someone to action, it should not be considered optional. This pericope also defines the relationship that God has with His chosen people. God is portrayed as a parent; God wants to ensure the honor and well–being of the Israelites, and just as God was relentless with Moses, God will prove to be equally relentless with the Egyptians. Although God wants His people to serve Him and follow His word, He does not consider humans to be His slaves. God genuinely cares for His people, and He does not want them to suffer endlessly. Even though the story of Moses and the burning bush is traditionally considered a Jewish story, a Christian would notice many similarities between this story and the death of Jesus. Moses was called to action because the Israelites were enslaved. This led to the exodus and eventually the covenant on Mount Sinai. The crucifixion of Jesus is analogous to the Israelite slavery, Jesus' resurrection is analogous to the exodus, and the events of Pentecost are analogous to the covenant. In addition, the Israelite slavery and the death of Jesus are both related to sin. On various occasions God allows the Israelites ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Death Of Jesus ' Death Before Jesus' death He made the claim that he would rise after three days. The Roman soldiers did not believe Jesus' claims and constantly mocked him before he died on the cross. "Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God" (Matthew 27:54). Pilate instructed soldiers to stand guard in front of the tomb to make it safe so Jesus' disciples could not steal the body and claim that Jesus had risen. Jesus Has Risen Jesus was resurrected on the third day after his death. The stone was rolled away from in front of the tomb and a man in a long white robe was inside who stated that Jesus of Nazareth had risen. "And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified" (KJV Matthew 28:5). The man's identity was not revealed but he was thought to be an angel. The man dressed in white said that Jesus was going into Galilee and wanted the disciples and Peter to go there to see him. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, and then to two other people walking down a road. They all proclaimed that Jesus was alive, but no one believed there claims. Then Jesus appeared to the eleven remaining disciples and rebuked their unbelief of the people's claims that he had risen. Jesus told the disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. "And Jesus came and spake unto ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Comparing The Death And Burial Of Jesus Christ Kevin D Brown 5/8/2015 Comparison and Contrast on the Death and Burial of Jesus Christ. In the Name of the Most High Lord. In the Comparison and Contrast on Islam, Judaism and Christianity. I will take about how Islam, and Judaism, Christianity view the man Christ Jesus death, burial and resurrection. How Abraham play a major role in the religions. According to the Bible, Abraham is the father of Faith (Gen 15:6). The one nation with Hagar and Abraham started the birth of Ishmael meaning because the Lord has heard your affliction (Gen16:11). According to the Bible, Ishmael will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man hand against him and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren (Gen 16:12). For example Arab people cannot get along with anyone in the world, and they cannot even get along among themselves. However According to Huston Smith World Religions said the word Islam derives from salaam which means primarly"peace"but in a secondary sense "surrender ". Sarah is the step mother to Ishmael. Islam view Jesus Christ as a prophet. Houston Smith said other historical religious everything in Islam centers on its religious ultimate, God. The Koran accept Jesus virgin birth but draws the line at the doctrine of Incarnation and Trinity, seeing these as blurring the Divine /human distinction. The Koranic depiction of God nature, the first thing that strikes us is his awe –in spring power. According to the Koran tried inspires ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Isaiah 53: The Messianiic Prophecies Of The Death Of Jesus No other event in the Bible is as widely and specifically prophesied than the coming of the Messiah. Despite how many prophecies there are, Jesus fulfilled every single one in perfect detail. His redemptive plan was revealed in the very beginning, and the Psalms prophesy his coming. Isaiah's depiction of the Suffering Servant also provides detailed foreshadowing of his redemptive plan. Christ's redemptive plan is revealed throughout the Old Testament in the story of original sin in Genesis, the Messianic prophecies of the Psalms, and Isaiah's picture of the Suffering Servant. The original sin is the greatest tragedy that has ever befallen mankind. Because of Adam's fall, the entire world has existed in a cursed, fallen state. However, in the ... Show more content on ... There are multiple prophecies in this passage that directly point to Christ's death. In Isaiah 53:3 the prophet writes, "He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem" (The Holy Bible). The scorn with which Christ was met in John 15:18 is reminiscent of this verse, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first" (The Holy Bible). Christ reminds his disciples that they should expect scorn, because he too was scorned. Isaiah also predicts that Jesus would be punished in the name of God: "Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted" (The Holy Bible). The cries of blasphemy from religious leaders in his trial before the Cross show that they did it believing that they were serving God. Finally, it was predicted that he would be silent before his accusers in Isaiah 53:7, "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth" (The Holy Bible). This prophecy was fulfilled in Matthew 27:14, "But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge–to the great amazement of the governor" ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Portrayal Of Jesus In Death Valley Although this is true this story contains many a violence in it. This film begins in the regin of Herod the Great, who died in 4BC. Told by three magi a new king has been born, thus causing a mass murder of local children by the hands of Herod. This massacre only takes place in the book of Matthew's, and does not seem to be aforementioned in any non–biblical sources. Johns gospels seem to Imply that Jesus was born in Nazareth and not in Bethlehem. This doesn put the film off though. Herod send a group of black–clad horsemen to slaughter a group of wide–eyed infants on a playground. Even if the massacre did happen, the staging here owes a lot more to Sergei Eisenstein than to the Bible. Jesus ends up surviving the purge and rejoins the story at about the age of 30. According to the films Beautiful yet very distinctive locations, Jesus appears to be living in Death Valley. In Death Valley, or as some would have it, a desert somewhere in the levant, Jesus is Tempted by an old man. "How'd you like to be the ruler of all this, hmm?" the hermit asks, indicating the landscape. Those who are familiar with the synoptic Gospels will gather that the old man is supposed to portray Satan, trying to turn Jesus away from God. Jesus performed many of miracles. Jesus heals a few of the sick upon his return, but the ... Show more content on ... The film also speculates that Judas Iscariot and Barabbas were associates, and that Judas handed Jesus over to the authorities to "force his hand", believing nothing other than his own life being on the line would make him call down angels to destroy the Romans. Scripture doesn't psychoanalyze Judas, but does imply that he was motivated more than anything else by simple greed. This is not presented as a peculiarly Jewish vice, but rather one that is common to all human beings ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Comparative And Contrast On The Death And Burial Of Jesus... Kevin D Brown 5/8/2015 Comparative and Contrast on the Death and Burial of Jesus Christ. In the Name of the Most High Lord. In the Comparative and Contrast on Islam, Judaism and Christianity. I will take about how Islam, and Judaism, Christianity view the man Christ Jesus death, burial and resurrection. How Abraham play a major role in the religions. According to the Bible Abraham is the father of Faith (Gen 15:6). The one nation with Hagar and Abraham started the birth of Ishmael meaning because the Lord has heard your affliction (Gen16:11). According to the Bible Ishmael will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man hand against him and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren (Gen ... Show more content on ... Consequently The Jews view as a prophet according to Dr E. Two nation would be birth out of his loins. From beginning to end, Jewish question for meaning was rooted in their understand of the Supreme Being. The second nation with Sarah and Abraham birth Isaac. Hagar is the step mother to Isaac. According to Houston Smith Jewish hope that Messianic idea came to have two sides a politico –national side which foresaw the triumph of Jews over their enemies and their elevation to a position of importance in world affairs and a spiritual – universal side in which their political triumph would be attended by a moral advance of universal proportion. The second difference concerned the way the Messianic age would arrive. Some expected an actual Messiah, while others foresaw God dispensing with a human agent and intervening directly to institute an age of universal harmony. Houston Smith said tension reflected restorative and utopian impulses in Judaism. Restorative Messianic looked for a King recreation of past conditions typically the Davidic Monarchy as idealized Judaism forward looking impulse by envisioning the Messianic Age as a state of things never before existed. This was very reason they crucified Christ because they simply did not believe who he was. According to the Bible Christian centers in the life of Jesus of Nazareth .He was born in Palestine, probably around 4 B.C. and grew up in Nazareth. In the Sea of Galilee he ... Get more on ...
  • 21. A Book Report On The Death Of Jesus Christ Chyna Copeland Mr. Martin New Testament Book Report 30 January 2017 "There is no one who does not sin..." (Christianity 85). Man has gone astray and turned to our own ways. Sin can be described as trespassing over a boundary or failing to keep the law. One terrible result of sin is that it corrupts our relationship with God. " the wages of sin is death". (Christianity 98). This is talking about the spiritual death of not going to heaven; the eternal separation from God. God promised those who followed and believed his word and action they would be given a reward. The reward was the pathway to heaven. If we deliberately reject Jesus Christ, we will have no other option but eternal death. In Jesus we have eternal life. Sin alienates and ... Show more content on ... And this incredible inward transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who isn't born new cannot see the kingdom of God. It is also very vital that we accept the Lord into our hearts so that not only He may cleanse us, but to use us in a way to glorify His Holy name. When we commit ourselves to Him, God sends the Holy Spirit into our hearts in order to make our bodies a temple. This gets us closer to Him building a personal relationship rather than just a church membership. God wants us to engage spiritually and be fruitful unto others. "Lord, Let me be a channel for YOUR peace, a window for Your light to shine through to everyone I meet. Lord, touch me where I need the touch the most. Let more people experience the REAL YOU, Who You really are. God, Use my 'little ' life as a focus for YOUR infinite possibilities." (Shared by craig with gratitude to John Stott). In conclusion, God's unconditional mercy and love saved us from being condemned to a spiritual death. He sent His son to earth to live as a man and die on a cross for our sins. Jesus was resurrected and we were washed free of our sins. His blood brings us out of exile and reconciles us to God. God shows his initiation in the fact that he takes action before we can even think of it. Since the beginning of time God has been seeking us. Our relationship with God is more than just being a consistent church member. It is a personal relationship that is ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Research Paper On Lazarus We are like Lazarus in this Gospel of John, secured to death in our present life. We are called to life by our Lord Jesus. Jesus is the life of this world and the light, hear his words and let us walk into the light with Him. The theme of this Gospel, we are to recognize ourselves in Lazarus and the miracle of his renewal from physical death to physical life. Our eternal life begins the very moment we accept Jesus Christ as our liberator. Jesus Christ is the light and life in our life and to all people. Jesus raises Lazarus from his death, and the people are filled with joy and faith. We are to see ourselves in Lazarus, as Christ gives us freely, life and light. Mary and her sister Martha sent a message to Jesus, of their brother Lazarus illness. "Lord, he whom you love is ill." But when Jesus heard it, he said, "this illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God's glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it" Jesus ministered two days longer in the place where he was, before the disciples and Jesus headed back to Judea where the Jews tried to stone Jesus. ... Show more content on ... Jesus asks, "Where have you laid him? Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out," and Lazarus came out, Jesus' shout brings life to Lazarus and to us. Lazarus is us, tied to death in our current lives, and called to life by Jesus Christ who is the Light and the Life of our world. Jesus calls to us "Come out!" We are to walk into the light of day, pulling free of our darkness and death. Lazarus death here meets the Light and the Life of the saving power of God's Son. Jesus gives life back to Lazarus during Passover where the faithful come to worship God who saved them from slavery. Therefore through the overcoming of Lazarus death, Passover is fulfilled and God will save His faithful people from the bondage of sin and death through God's Son ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Jesus Of Nazareth's Death Essay THE ROMAN REVIEW 30–33AD? Obituary– Jesus of Nazareth, a prophet, teacher, who was also recognized as king of the Jews, was crucified before the festival of the Passover. His crucifixion has alarmed the cities of Jerusalem. For it is said that he shall resurrect after his death. Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem of Judea (Mathew 2:1) to Mary and Joseph, who is said to be a descendant from King David. Mary was visited by an angel whose name was Gabriel and announced her future pregnancy (Luke 1:26–32). Even before his birth, this man Jesus was prophesied to be the Messiah and the Savior (Luke 2:11). There are reports and countless witnesses to his miracles and teachings in cities nearby. This ... Show more content on ... Due to the riot that was soon formed, the governor of Judea washed his hands and said "I'm innocent of this man's blood" (Mathew 27:24–25). At this moment, Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the crime committed against this man who is crucified and could possibly be the salvation of our land. Many suggest clarification for our Governors actions since he was warned by his wife to not act against this innocent man (Mathew 27:19–20). Our only hope is to wait two more days and witness if he shall resurrect for if so, Pontius and all the people of our land will be at fault for committing this greater ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Jesus Death Allusion Immediately preceding Jesus' death by crucifixion an oral tradition of recounting the story began to take hold. Numerous scriptures in Evolution of the Word by Marcus J. Borg, the primary version of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible that will be used in this paper, contradict each other not only while recounting the death of Jesus but, a plethora of times while recounting his life or the interpretations of his message. Even though scriptures contradict each other at every turn it is hardly enough evidence to simply proclaim that the Bible is false. Oral tradition simplified is the passage of significant events, like Jesus' crucifixion, from one generation to the next via speech. Antiquity was a time of vast illiteracy and sub–par ... Show more content on ... the Gospel of Mark was tailored towards early Christians, the majority of which were Jewish. Roman power had decimated the Jewish Temple and many believed that the second coming was near, including Mark. Due to the common belief among Christians and Christian Jews that the second coming was near Mark tailored his death narrative to appeal to his community. Mark writes in verse 15:34 that before Jesus' death he cried out with a loud voice "My god, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Mark uses this statement as Jesus' last because he wants the Jewish Christians to better align with Jesus. Since the Jewish Temple no longer stood, Jews felt like they were no longer in the presence of God or that they were forsaken, which aligned them with Jesus. Doctor J. Bradley Chance a professor at William Jewell College stated that "The temple has ceased to be what it is supposed to be; rather, it has become an instrument of exclusion of both the people of God and non–Jews." Mark addresses this by writing verses 15:37–39 which stated that upon Jesus' last breath the curtain of the temple was torn in two. By using this wording Mark is attempting to illustrate that God is no longer off limits to Non–Jews, and that God is no longer confined to the Temple. During Mark's narration of Jesus' death he was not only retelling a tragic story, he was unveiling the path to God to non–Jews and Jews by using literary devices to bring them closer to ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Death Of Jesus Left When Jesus left this world, it seemed that the faith and the knowledge the followers of Christ practiced left as well. Leaving the followers with uncertainty about whether or not the teachings and man who moved them so much, was who he said he was. A lot of the time in this world, there are groups, even cults, that give you an indescribable feeling. They make you think that what they are doing is right, and is amazing. You feel such "power", but when something happens to your leader, you disband from it all, diminishing it. This is what the people did, many walked away, going on just as they did before. The disciples were the ones in the biggest slump and they didn't know how to go on without their leader, Christ. They thought that they... Show more content on ... So after Jesus had been crucified, they thought it was all over with, and things would go back to normal. Boy were they wrong. When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples during Pentecost, they were filled with strength and a determination to spread the gospel. The fear of dying, for being killed for what they believed in was taken away, and they were willing to preach in certain death; which was a common result for most of them. The Sanhedrin saw this, noticed the power and the affect they were having, giving new hope, reinstalled hope they put back into the new and before followers of Christ. This worried them, and they looked for ways that they were breaking the church law, or the Roman law whether or not they had to play dirty to prove it. Soon enough, an active disciple for Christ. a man named Stephen was seized by the Sanhedrin being accused of Blasphemy against Moses, and against God (All this was untrue and people were paid to say so). Things did not go well for him, he was stoned, but during this whole experience, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and it spoke through him. Saul was apart of the Sanhedrin, and he was one of all that decided to stone Stephen. At this, persecution broke out, with Saul and others hauling people from their homes to jail. They became scattered the apostles, and the new believers that happened to get away. Despite this, and the many expeditions to capture ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Death Of Jesus And The Church Of Joseph, A Carpenter,... Jesus was raised in Nazareth in the home of Joseph, a carpenter, and his wife Mary. Jesus most likely went to school in a room attached to the synagogue. He was a faithful Jew and followed all the Jewish customs. Jesus was a human being. God took on a human form in Jesus in order to live life like we do. God 's love for us is unconditional and infinite. To communicate with us in a personnel way like we do with our friends and family, there was no better way for God to be with us than for God to become one of us. Jesus walked along the same roadways and experienced the same trials and tribulations as other people. Accepting Jesus as fully human is as important as accepting him as fully divine. Jesus experienced stress, anger, frustration and loneliness but he chose never to respond sinfully to these experiences. Given the choice between popularity and telling people the truth, he chose the path that ultimately turned people against him and led to his death. Jesus is a role model for me. Like Jesus I have been baptized in the faith. I was baptized as an infant whereas Jesus was baptized by his cousin John the Baptist when he was about thirty years old. During his life Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil three times to give up his complete dependence on God and accept the easy forms of power the devil offered. Jesus resisted for he knew that only his faith in God would give him the power. As I grow up many times I am tempted to do the wrong things. Doing the wrong ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Death Of Jesus 's View On Spiritual Blindness Moving on, verse 22–23 states, "22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well." For verse 22, we see that there is guilt in the world by having people not believe, while having the Son of God come to spread the Word. There is now no excuse for these unbelievers, through the coming of Christ. By rejecting the Son, the Father has in turn been rejected and makes the world guilty of that sin (Bernard 284). I believe that it is extremely important to state that this does not mean that we wouldn't be sinless if Jesus did not come, it just hammers home that we wouldn't be guilty of rejecting the Father. There is reference to this ... Show more content on ... In Psalms, we see the author mention "Those who hate me without reason." talking about Jesus. Psalms 35:19 says, "Do not let those gloat over me who are my enemies without cause; do not let those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye." This shows a parallel to the Old Testament vision on how things are to be seen, and we see this being referenced and brought up by Jesus (New Interpreter's Bible 765). Even though Jesus broke no laws, in the laws of those of the world, they are still to hate Him, being the world's laws. There is no substance to the argument of hating Him, yet it occurs for those on Earth. With this, we have finished the journey through the reasons of hate in the world toward disciples. Jesus then moves into verse 26–27, which is on the Holy Spirit. These verses state, 26 "When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father–the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father–he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning." Verse 26 brings light to the Holy Spirit, being the Advocate that will be sent from the Father. The Spirit of Truth will continue testifying of the Truth Jesus brought, and is. This shows that Jesus is not just leaving the world. He is making sure that it stays watched, and has an advocate for the cause of why Jesus came down (Elowsky 185). The word will continue to be spread, and have the Holy Spirit to help nurture us, as ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Death Penalty Contradicts Jesus' Teaching Essay In the 21st century, Christians are faced with countless choices every day. The death penalty, a modern moral issue, is a choice that determines life or death. With reference to the New Testament and Catholic bishops and popes, the Christian perspective on Capital punishment is investigated. The Catholic Church has spoken out passionately about the need to protect human life. The fifth commandment, 'You shall not kill' relates directly to the dignity and worth of human life. This taking of life is a direct affront to human dignity. While it continues to be widely used, the death penalty has been in retreat across the globe over recent years; with fewer than 60 countries actively retaining the death penalty as of 2009. Capital... Show more content on ... The USA consistently executes people, with 37 executions carried out in 2008. The release of four men from death row in the USA on grounds of innocence brings to more than 120 the number of such cases released since 1975. (in–text) The risk of executing innocent people is becoming increasingly high. Christians who believe that the death penalty should be eliminated do so because they believe the New Testament philosophy of forgiveness. God is the sole judge of man, and the death penalty is against God's will. With a life sentence, the killer will have more time to repent. There is also the ever present risk of killing an innocent person. Mistakes like that simply can not be made. God often showed mercy when the death penalty was due. David committed adultery and murder, yet God did not demand his life be taken (Samuel 12:13). Ultimately, every sin we commit should result in the death penalty because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Thankfully, God demonstrates His love for us in not condemning us (Romans 5:8). Christian teachings believe the criminal should be given the chance for rehabilitation. Everyday, prisoners' lives are claimed by a system of justice that values retribution instead of rehabilitation. Throughout history, the Church has had three distinct attitudes ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Passion of Jesus Christ and The Son of God There have been numerous films that depicting Jesus that have been made since the early twentieth century. Some of these movies include King of Kings, The Gospel according to John, Jesus Christ Superstar and many more. These movies helped to convey to their audience a glimpse of who Christ was. As time went on, the Jesus movies closely resemble the Jesus in the bible. It was not until the early twenty–first century when The Passion of the Christ was released in movie theaters that people really realized what type of death Jesus went through. The passion of Jesus Christ was a very controversial movie made in 2004 when it was released because how realistic Jesus' death scene was. This was the first Jesus film at that time that had a horrific and gory death scene. Recently, a new movie came out called Son of God, this also is another controversial movie because it is the first movie to show all of the major miracles that Jesus performed, such as the feeding of the five thousand, and walking on water. Both The Passion of the Christ and the Son of God try to contrary who Jesus was according to the Bible, yet both of these movies do this in a unique way. In the movie Son of God, there is more emphasis on Jesus' life rather than his death. Through the miracles that Jesus performed and kindness he showed to people, we as viewers glimpse of what type of person Jesus was. The movie: The Passion of the Christ focused more on Jesus' death rather than his life. Both The Passion of the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Difference Between Aeonian Life And Jesus Death Both Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead are equipollently paramount; they cannot be disunited from each other. Without Jesus' death, we have no hope of God's forgiveness; and without Jesus' resurrection, we have no hope of aeonian life. Like the two wings of an airplane, both are essential! Why is this? The reason is because our greatest need is to be forgiven of our sins. Sin dissevers us from God, and until we're forgiven and cleansed of our sins, we have no hope of aeonian life in heaven. But we can't cleanse ourselves of our sins, no matter how hard we try–and that's why we require Christ. He was without sin, but on the cross all our sins were placed on Him, and He took the judgment we deserve. In other words, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Jesus Death Research Paper All Christians believe that Jesus is their savior, but there are many different ways his death can be interpreted. One of the ways we can look at Jesus's death his through historical accounts. Almost all historians believe that there was a man named Jesus who had a large following, and was put to death by the Romans. But why, from a historical point of view, wouldJesus be crucified? One major reason is that the Romans seen Jesus as a political threat. The Romans view order as the most important thing in their empire, and around that time there was a zealot uprising. Then, they see Jesus preaching about the coming of his "Kingdom" and so they thought that he was leading a revolution. Therefore, Jesus was executed at the hands of the Romans for being a Lestes, meaning bandit or outlaw. However, Jesus ... Show more content on ... So, Jesus was putting Jesus to death was the right thing to do for the Romans because it brought order and stability, but they executed him for the wrong reasons. After Jesus' death early Christians tried to make sense of it all. One of the theological reason is that they saw Jesus as an Eschatological prophet–martyr. Which would be familiar to them because, prophets like those in the Old Testament often died because they preach about the truth. Other theological reasons include the idea of a suffering servant, and the idea of Jesus as a Ransom. However, it is important to note that the idea of a Jesus as a ransom is a metaphor as Loewe says, "Failure to keep this in mind can lead to bizarre images of God as a bloodthirsty tyrant who requires the death of an innocent son to appease his wrath" (Loewe pg. 89). Today, there are six classic Christian interpretations of Jesus' death. In my opinion the representative soteriology or the new–Adam soteriology is the most helpful today. Jesus is the "new Adam" who remained faithful throughout his life and death, unlike the first Adam. The Adam in Genesis sinned against God and distorted the relationship between God and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Death Of Jesus Research Paper It was horrible, the worst that could ever happen was happening right there in front of my very own two eyes; my son was about to be killed. The worst part was just having to watch him get tortured and I could do nothing, absolutely nothing. The soldiers were whipping him if he fell down, they were yelling at him to move faster when he could hardly stand and they were treating him as if he was an object. This man was no object, he was a gift from God, but the people did not realize this. Jesus was indeed the son of God, our saviour and here he is getting beat up and treating like garbage. My heart was breaking every time I looked into his eyes. I could see the pain and suffering on his face and in those eyes it was horrible. Each minute that went by, it was getting closer and closer to the time that he would eventually be gone. I do not know how to live in a world where Jesus does not exist. ... Show more content on ... Jesus was put on this earth to do good and create change and that is what he did, he should not be getting punished for that. This just is not fair. I could not take any more of this. I buried my face into my hands and started to cry. But then I remembered that I have to stay strong for him, it is the only thing that I can do for him at this point. I stopped crying and lifted my head up, to see him fall again and then get hit to get back up. This event is the hardest, most horrific scene I have ever witnessed in my life. But it is significant because this man, Jesus who I gave birth to is about to be crucified for all to see and this shows how much he loved us. Jesus loved us so much that he gave up his life for us to live, and the crucifix reminds us of that love and the suffering that he went ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Who Is Pontius Pilate The Roman Governor In The Death Of... Question 3: Discuss the role of Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor in the death of Jesus. Who was he? Did he want Jesus to die? What did he do to achieve his aims? Was he happy with the end result of his actions? Pontius Pilate was the Roman Governor during the period of Jesus' existence and is most commonly known as the judge of Jesus' trial. Pilate was appointed prefect of the Roman provinces of Judaea, Samaria and Idumaea by the Roman Emperor, Tiberius in 26 AD. The title of a Roman prefect granted Pilate the power of a supreme judge that had the only authority to demand a criminal's execution. His crucial responsibility as a Roman prefect was maintaining law and order which it has been said to be accomplished through brute force if Pilate couldn't negotiate. Initially, Pontius Pilate did not want Jesus to be put to death as he saw him as innocent but was cautious to not offend the Jews. After examining Jesus privately, he returned to the crowd that gathered and exclaimed that the accused had done nothing worthy of death however, the crowd were displeased with his statement and would not settle with anything less than His death. Trying to maintain his judgement that Jesus was innocent, he offered the... Show more content on ... Despite his disciples' protests, Jesus got down to his knees with a basin of water and towel and started to wash their feet. During their supper, Jesus warned his apostles about his crucifixion and the betrayal from one of them without naming. While they ate, Jesus broke bread and dispersed it amongst his disciples saying, "Take it: this is my body." He then took a cup filled with wine, drank it then gave it to them which they all drank from. He told his disciples that the wine was His blood of the covenant,which was poured out for many. This was the first Eucharist which was established by ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Life And Death Of Jesus Christ "Divinity is always where one least expects to find it" –Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Life of Christ. In perhaps the greatest twist of irony known to man, our Lord and Savior; the Alpha and the Omega; the Breather of stars, Aligner of planets, and the Divine Word made flesh was born to a seemingly lowly carpenter in a no name town. The Gospels, which are our main source for the life and death of Jesus Christ, give supporting evidence which prove that Christ not only claimed to be Divine, but showed He was. To ascertain whether or not Christ ever claimed to be Divine, we must first take an in–depth look of His life, as written in the Gospels. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" John 1:1. In the very first line of his very first passage, St. John has already immediately denoted Christ (Word) to being equal and one to the Father. Furthermore, upon His birth it was written, "The angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10–11. Thus the Son of God was born unto this world a King and Savior. On His twelfth year, following the Feast of Passover in Jerusalem, having been missing for 4 days Jesus was found in the Temple amidst the Teachers listening and asking questions. When asked how He could condone placing the burden of anxiety on His parents by not ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay about Examination of Jesus' Death Examination of Jesus' Death INTRODUCTION I am going to write a detailed account that examines and investigates the trials of Jesus; I will be examining the events that took place between the time Jesus was arrested up till he was crucified. I will also be looking at the roles of certain people and how their actions influenced and affected the Course of Jesus' life? THE ROLE OF JUDAS ISCARIOT On the night Jesus was to be arrested he went to a place called the garden of Gethsemane where he was only accompanied by peter and the two sons of Zebedee (John and James). Both Matthew and Mark's gospel mention this but Luke's gospel gives a vague account saying "... and the disciples went ... Show more content on ... There is another reason Jesus has gone to Gethsemane in the middle of the night to pray with only a few disciples because Jesus already realises that he has to die and if the temple guards tried to arrest him in broad daylight then they wouldn't be taken to very kindly by Jesus' supporters and they would protest and wouldn't allow this to happen. So both Jesus and he's enemies realise this, that is why his enemies are not forcing the situation and biding their time but as Jesus has to carry out God's will he decides to give them the opportunity so he may be seized and arrested successfully. A while later Judas who used to be a disciple of Jesus but betrayed him for thirty silver pieces came to the garden with a large crowd of men who were armed with clubs and swords. The place was dark so Judas had to identify Jesus by kissing him; this was so that Jesus didn't get away and so that they arrested the right man. Judas went straight to Judas and said "peace be with you teacher" and kissed him. Jesus answered "be quick about it, friend!" When the people tried to arrest Jesus one of the disciples cut off the high priests slave ear, Jesus admonished him for that, both Mark and Matthew are in agreement over this but Luke's gospel goes on to say that Jesus said "enough of this" and healed the
  • 36. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Notes On The And The Death Of Jesus Hebrews 4:14–16 Content After paying the penalty of sin, Jesus ascended to the Father. Jesus is our holy Great High Priest who empathizes and intercedes for us. Our confidence lies in Him. Jesus has been tempted in every way we are and has dealt with the same weaknesses we deal with and still remained sinless. Application Because Jesus faced the Father after paying the penalty of our sins I know that my sins have been forgiven and His holiness has been restored. He has taken away my sins and made me righteous in His death. I too approach the Father with any concerns I have, trusting him to forgive me and take care of me. Christ as my intercessor prays for me. I call on him in any trial because while he was on earth he experienced all ... Show more content on ... We do not know God except through His Son. Therefore it is impossible to know God while ignoring the teachings and life of His Son. Jeremiah 23:5–6 Content God will raise a Son of David. He will do what is wise, just, and right. In fact, He is (defines) just and right. This Son will save God's people. He will be righteous and He will be the Lord. Application This verse shows that the Son of God is both divine and human. He will be born a human, yet he will be the King–not an earthly king like the Israelites expected though. While still human, He is the King of the universe. I cannot separate the divine from the humanity of Jesus because without either, we are not saved. Daniel 7:13–14 Content Jesus did not lose His divine attributes as the son of God when He was humbled to a human being as the Son of Man: The Father presented the Son of Man with authority, glory, power, and dominion. All the people worshipped Him.
  • 38. Application Jesus is the only human worthy of worshipping. I would be mistaken to believe that Jesus Christ is only a great prophet and teacher or a martyr. His humanity does not limit his divine character. Jesus is worthy of my praise. I will worship Him as I do my Heavenly Father because He is one and the same. Philippians 2:6–8 Content Christ Jesus has the attributes of being fully divine, but he did not always use them. He humbled Himself to be a human ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Who Killed Jesus Research Paper The death of Jesus is a death that will live in infamy for many reasons, which are due to religious or historical purposes. The death of Jesus Christ will always impact the lives of believers; moreover, the lives of historians. Especially, in the movie Who Killed Jesus? it impacts the lives of those historians searching, supporting, and sharing their conclusions of His death. For example– one historian suspects as Caiaphas, the high priest, the real murderer of Jesus of Nazareth. Another, concludes that Punches Pilot had a role in the death of Jesus rather than Caiaphas. Furthermore, another historian concludes it was Jesus Himself, who ultimately led Himself to that agonizing, slow, and painful death. However, I disagree with answers given by the historians due to the reason I believe the only suspect there should be is ultimately us– the human race. ... Show more content on ... Jesus died for us because He loved us so much and we needed that ultimate sacrifice, not because He believed it was His destiny; however, because it was actually His fate. The Bible in Romans 5:8 states, "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ [Jesus] to die for us while we were still sinners". The verse states, Jesus came down and died for a purposes, that purpose turns out to be us; moreover, showing the actual relevance of His death rather than the irrelevance of other people who "killed" Jesus. Moreover, the focus isn't really who or what killed Jesus, but the focus should be on the why, which the verse claims that it was for us– the sinners. The list of sinners even includes those who participated in Jesus's death from Caiaphas, to Punches Pilot, to the crowd, and to the Roman soldiers who all could have received ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Death, Burial, And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ Why did they wait until 100 pages into the book to write this chapter? Earlier in the book when they said that I might want to set down the book they were right. This chapter has some really helpful concepts validated by scripture and explained with helpful models that should get every Christian excited about ministry to the city. This chapter is about sharing the good news with people and grabbing their attention and respect with goo deeds. This chapter is about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This chapter is also about loving the city and living in the city in away that is compatible with the needs and dreams of the city. This is my favorite chapter in the book by far. It contains a really solid biblical theology for loving the city. I 've never seen any Christian in my life raise a person from the dead in the name of God. I may never see a supernatural miracle in my life, but I 'm certainly not going to say that it can 't happen. Maybe we just don 't have enough faith to raise people from the dead in the name of Jesus. More commonly I think we have the ability to transform the city though doing unwarranted acts of kindness in our community. In Galatians 2 Paul extorts us to remember the poor in good deeds of service. Let us be eager to serve in this way but not forget to share the life saving word of God. Paul also models for us in Romans 1 when he says he is eager to share the gospel and that it is the power of God 's salvation for all that believe. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ And His Death On The Cross Crucifixion, the word makes one automatically think of Jesus Christ, and His death on the cross by to Romans. Even if there is no previous history of Christian faith, the image of Jesus on the cross is still prominent when thinking of crucifixion. Crucifixion, the definition given by Merriam–Webster dictionary is "the crucifying of Jesus." Gerard Sloyan states, "Jesus of Nazareth in Galilee died on the cross at the hands of Roman justice, hundreds of thousands were subjected to the cruel punishment before and after Him. Yet one is hard–pressed to provide the name of another victim of crucifixion" (1). As infamous as Jesus' crucifixion is, there are still some that doubt, not about the crucifixion of Jesus, but did he in fact die on the ... Show more content on ... (Sloyan 15). The Romans preferred, those sentenced to crucifixion, be beaten, flogged, and tortured before their death upon the cross. "It weakened the victims to such a degree that their time on the cross was shortened." (Sloyan 17). There has been some debate over the years as to whether the Romans used rope or nails to affix victims of crucifixion to the cross, however evidence has been found prove nails are used. In the 1960's archaeologists in Jerusalem found remains of around three dozen Jews, who had died during an uprising against Rome in A.D. 70. The remains of one victim, was found with a seven–inch nail still piercing the feet, with remains of olive wood from the cross still attached. (Strobel 200–201). This discovery confirmed biblical connects to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The medical evidence, though Jesus died long before modern medicine, is still there to support the facts, that there is no way Jesus could have survived the cross. Even before Jesus made it the cross, there is evidence Jesus suffered and was tortured before his death. The Jesus was preparing for his mind for the torture that was to come in the following days, so he was naturally experiencing a great deal of psychological stress. (Strobel 194). In Luke 22:44 Jesus is praying on the Mount of Olives, "And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." As ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Why Do People Want Jesus To Be Put To Death Although each piece specified reasons as to why people wanted Jesus to be put to death, all the reasons varied. To start is the first reading, Mark 14, that explained once Jesus was arrested, the chief priests looked for evidence so they could have him killed. The priests did acknowledge that some of the testimonies against Jesus were false, but after they asked Jesus if he is the son of God and he responded yes, they agreed that he should be put to death. So, the reason in Mark was that Jesus believed he was the son of God as to why he was put to death. The next piece, John 5:1–18, had a similar reason to Mark, but a little different. Jesus was still working and doing things on the Sabbath which angered the Jewish leaders. Then Jesus was also ... Get more on ...