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“The students of each district, subjectto the responsibilities and powers ofthe board, the state director, the
district board, the districtdirector and the faculty, shall be active participants in the immediate governance
of and policy developmentfor the district and may participate in all matters affecting student interests…”
Wisconsin State Statute 38.145 Responsibilities of students.
We, the students of Chippewa Valley Technical College District, unite for the common good of
all students, both within and beyond our school. We shall promote the well-being and success of
students, the College, the community, and the state, by providing a balanced self-governing
system of representation and by assuring the rights of all students there within. We represent the
current and future students of Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC). We will provide
opportunities for students to expand and apply their education at local, state, and national levels.
We pledge to do so in a fiscally responsible manner while considering the opinions and interests
of all the students we represent; fairly and without discrimination.
This organization shall be known as the Student Government Association (SGA) and shall
represent all students enrolled at the Chippewa Valley Technical College.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
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This organization shall serve as a coordinating unit for CVTC and students therein for the
purpose of:
a) Being liaisons between the administration and students.
b) Promoting leadership and citizenship among the student body.
c) Operating as the voice of the students.
d) Acquiring and disseminating important information to the student body.
e) Encouraging and supporting improvement and growth of the College.
f) Providing and promoting activities that result in student engagement and enrichment.
ARTICLE III – Government
a) All CVTC students who pay student activity fees are able to take part in the Student
Government Association.
b) The Executive Cabinet of the Student Government Association shall consist of a
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Activities, Director of
Communications, and Governor.
c) The meetings of the Student Government Association shall be conducted by the
Executive Cabinet as provided by the Bylaws.
ARTICLE IV – Amendments to Constitution
This Constitution may be amended at any General Assembly meeting by three-fourths vote of the
General Assembly, provided the proposed amendment has been presented in the following
a) Prior to being considered, proposed amendments must include the signatures of 5
(five) General Assembly voting members, and 5 (five) differing CVTC students.
b) Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Executive Cabinet at least one week
prior to a regularly scheduled General Assembly meeting.
c) The Secretary shall present proposed amendments at the following scheduled General
Assembly meeting.
i. An amendment will not be brought to a vote on the same day it is presented.
d) Each voting member present shall be provided a copy of the proposed amendments
for their inspection.
e) A discussion and vote on the amendment shall take place at the following General
Assembly meeting.
f) For an amendment to be approved, it requires a three-fourths in favor vote by the
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g) If approved by a three-fourths vote of the quorum, the amendment shall be submitted
to the Secretary for the purpose of entering it into the Constitution.
h) Approved Constitutional amendments will take effect the following academic year.
i) All amendments so approved, are subject to review by the CVTC District Board and
District President.
ARTICLE V – Ratification
Upon a three-fourths vote of the General Assembly, the Establishment of this Constitution and
its Bylaws shall be validated and will proceed to render all previous Constitutions and Bylaws
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Article I – Organization
The voting members of the SGA shall be the 7 (seven) Executive Cabinet members, 1 (one)
representative per approved Club or Organization, and 10 (ten) Members at Large.
Section 1 - The Executive Cabinet
The Executive Cabinet shall consist of 7 members that are elected by majority vote of the
General Assembly. These positions shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Director of Communications, Director of Activities, and Governor.
Section 2 – Club Representatives
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The Club Representatives shall be any Club member who is a CVTC student and
appointed by an approved College-sponsored Club or Organization.
Section 3 – Members at Large
A Member at Large can be any CVTC student who wishes to represent the student body
and vote on matters related to SGA. There will be no more than 10 (ten) Members at
Large at any one time.
Article II – Executive Cabinet
In order to create a more effective student representation, this Constitution shall establish the
formation of an Executive Cabinet. All persons elected to an Executive Cabinet position must
adhere to the expectations listed below and agree to represent the best interests of all CVTC
Section 1 - General Expectations
a) Shall be a current student of Chippewa Valley Technical College.
b) Shall maintain high professional standards, both in regard to the Executive
Cabinet’s Code of Ethics and the Student Code of Conduct.
c) Shall maintain a minimum of six credits per semester (excluding the summer
d) Shall maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA each semester.
e) Shall hold three scheduled office hours per week.
f) Shall meet with an Advisor, outside of office hours, each week (not to include
g) Shall serve as a voting member during Executive Cabinet and General
Assembly meetings.
h) Shall participate in various College events and activities at CVTC.
i) Shall attend 90% of Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings,
unless excused by an Advisor.
Section 2 – President Responsibilities:
a) Shall plan, coordinate, and chair Executive Cabinet and General Assembly
b) Shall create agendas for General Assembly and Executive Cabinet meetings
and make them available to the Secretary and Director of Communications no
later than 72 hours before any such meeting will take place.
c) Shall have the discretion to establish committees that will aid the SGA.
d) Shall assist other Executive Cabinet members with the direction of tasks.
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e) Shall coordinate an Executive Cabinet retreat during fall semester.
f) Shall work with the Executive Cabinet to establish long and short term goals
for the group.
g) Shall chair the end of the year Student Leadership Recognition Banquet
h) Shall complete any task that may be associated with any Cabinet position that
is vacant or unfulfilled.
i) The President may earn up to $1,800 ($800 per semester, $200 summer) if all
requirements are achieved.
Section 3 - Vice President Responsibilities:
a) Shall act as temporary President in the case that the President is unable to
attend a meeting or fulfill an obligation. All powers and responsibilities that
are associated with such an occurrence are delegated to the Vice President at
that time.
b) Shall succeed the President in case of prolonged or permanent absence. This
includes removals, and resignations.
c) Shall be the liaison for Members at Large and Club Representatives.
d) Shall be the liaison for regional campuses.
e) Shall plan and coordinate the fall and spring picnics.
f) Shall be responsible for keeping order in all meetings and ensuring that each
student who wishes to speak is given a voice.
g) Shall attend and provide an SGA report at the CVTC District Board meetings.
h) The Vice President may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200 summer)
if all requirements are achieved.
Section 4 - Secretary Responsibilities:
a) Shall record and maintain minutes for all Executive Cabinet and General
Assembly meetings.
b) Shall track attendance for Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings.
c) Shall post the meeting agendas at least 48 hours prior to the General
Assembly meeting.
d) Shall provide name tags for voting members at General Assembly.
e) Shall print and provide the previous minutes and current agendas for all
f) Shall maintain a contact list of all voting members. This list shall be updated
g) Shall coordinate the annual update of the Officer Manual each spring.
h) The Secretary may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200 summer) if all
requirements are achieved.
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Section 5 - Treasurer Responsibilities:
a) Shall submit a Treasurer’s report to the General Assembly at regularly
scheduled meetings.
b) Shall maintain a record of Club accounts and report any significant changes or
anomalies to the Executive Cabinet.
c) Shall be a member of any SGA committee involving budgetary issues.
d) Shall assist the Student Government Advisor with the establishment of the
annual Student Activity Fee budget.
e) Shall present the future budget proposal to the General Assembly in the spring
f) Shall present an end of the year budget report to the General Assembly at the
last General Assembly meeting.
g) Shall communicate with Clubs in all matters concerning funding requests.
h) Shall work with Student Life to transfer approved and appropriated funds to
Club accounts.
i) The Treasurer may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200 summer) if all
requirements are achieved.
Section 6 - Director of Activities Responsibilities:
a) Shall present ideas and recommendations on how to promote awareness of
SGA/SNAP (Student Networking Activities Planning) events and College
b) Shall assist in the coordination and promotion of activities and events.
c) Shall be a member of any SGA committee involving campus activities.
d) Shall be the liaison between SGA and SNAP.
e) Shall attend a National Association for Campus Activities (NACA)
f) Shall communicate SGA/SNAP events with appropriate College departments.
g) The Director of Activities may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200
summer) if all requirements are achieved.
Section 7 - Director of Communications Responsibilities:
a) Shall work with CVTC staff to become competent with technologies
appropriate and relevant to SGA functions.
b) Shall update and maintain the SGA web portal and social media accounts.
c) Shall post and keep current the agendas and meeting minutes of General
Assembly meetings on designated College locations.
d) Shall coordinate the technology components for General Assembly and
Executive Cabinet meetings.
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e) The Director of Communication may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester,
$200 summer) if all requirements are achieved.
Section 8 – Governor Responsibilities:
a) Shall be a member of any SGA committee involving legislative affairs.
b) Shall prepare for and attend all Wisconsin Student Government (WSG)
c) Shall present monthly WSG updates at General Assembly meetings.
d) Shall stay updated on legislative issues that affect CVTC students.
e) Shall establish relationships with local area representatives and senators in
conjunction with the College.
f) Shall be the liaison between CVTC students and WSG.
g) The Governor is entitled to $1,600 ($700 per semester, $200 summer) if all
requirements are achieved.
Section 9 - Advisor Responsibilities:
a) Shall attend all regularly scheduled Executive Cabinet and General Assembly
b) Shall assist the organization in fulfilling its goals and objectives.
c) Shall advise the SGA on matters relating to organizational business.
d) Shall approve financial transactions, coordinate with the Treasurer to establish
the annual budget, and maintain accurate accounting procedures.
e) May suspend organizational activity only if he/she reasonably believes such
activity is in violation of State law, District policy, or the SGA Constitution.
f) Shall be in attendance at SGA sponsored events or arrange for a replacement
to assume Advisor responsibilities.
Article III – Club Representatives
Club Representatives are to be voting members of the General Assembly. Each recognized Club
shall have 1 (one) vote on issues presented at General Assembly.
Section 1 – Appointments
Approved Clubs and Organizations may choose to appoint any one of their members as
their Club Representative. Each approved Club shall send 1 (one) representative,
belonging to their organization, to vote on the Club’s behalf. The Club may choose to
send multiple representatives, but only one representative is allowed to vote at General
Section 2 - Duties:
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a) Shall serve the student body to the fullest extent of their abilities.
b) Shall carry out the obligations of any committee to which they belong.
c) Shall act as liaisons between SGA and the Organizations they represent.
Article IV – Members At Large
Members at Large are to be voting members of the General Assembly. Each elected Member At
Large shall have 1 (one) vote on issues presented at General Assembly.
Section 1 – Election Process
a) To be considered as a Member at Large, a petitioner must request to be added
to the General Assembly agenda prior to its posting.
b) The petitioner must obtain [in writing] the endorsement of 5 (five) current
voting members and present this endorsement to the Executive Cabinet at the
time of request.
c) All petitioners must present themselves before the General Assembly and
disclose any Clubs or Organizations they are (or have previously been) a part
i. Failure to disclose any Organization affiliations will result in the
immediate loss of voting privileges.
ii. No more than 1 (one) Member at Large may be affiliated with any one
Club or Organization.
d) A petitioner must garner a majority vote of the quorum to be officially elected
as a Member at Large.
Section 2 - Membership
a) Members at Large must maintain a minimum of six credits per semester.
b) The limit for Members at Large is 10 (ten).
c) Membership can be requested at any time.
d) The term of membership is from the day after elected until the end of the
spring semester.
i. Members at Large must petition annually to maintain effective status.
e) Voting rights of newly elected Members at Large will take effect at the next
General Assembly meeting.
Section 3 - Duties:
a) Shall serve the student body to the fullest extent of their abilities.
b) Shall carry out the obligations of any committee to which they belong.
c) Shall act as liaisons between SGA and the student populous.
Article V – Elections
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Elections for all Executive Cabinet members will be held at the second to last meeting during
spring semester. Terms will take effect immediately, however, voting rights of elected members
will take effect after spring graduation. Incoming and outgoing Cabinet members are expected to
work cooperatively through the transition period.
Section 1 - Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the President and Vice President to conduct all elections. SGA
Advisors shall assist with the elections to promote fairness and goodwill through the
Section 2 – Procedures
a) Persons interested in an Executive Cabinet position must fill out an application
and meet with an SGA Advisor prior before becoming an official candidate.
b) A minimum of three business days prior to the General Assembly election
meeting, information about the candidates will be distributed to Club Advisors,
Club Representatives, and Members at Large.
c) A short introduction by each candidate running (per specific position) will take
place during the General Assembly election meeting. An open question forum
will follow for each candidate.
d) The order of elect shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Director of Activities, Director of Communications, and Governor.
e) Each Executive Cabinet member, Member at Large, and Club will be entitled
to 1 (one) vote per position elect.
f) The candidate with the majority vote shall be elected to office.
g) If running unopposed, candidate still must receive a majority vote of the
Section 3 – Deciding Tie Votes
a) In the event of a tie, a short forum will re-open with additional questions
presented to candidates.
b) Ballots will then be recast for the tied candidates and a second vote shall ensue.
c) If the vote again results in a tie, the Executive Cabinet shall be called upon for
a hand vote to determine who will be elected to office.
d) If the Executive Cabinet is evenly split, the Chair’s vote shall be counted as the
tie-breaking vote.
Section 4 – Campaigns
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If individuals wish to campaign for their chosen position, all campaign materials must be
approved by an SGA Advisor before they are posted and/or distributed. Negative
campaigning will not be allowed. All candidates must adhere to the Student Code of
Conduct or they will be disqualified from candidacy.
Section 5 – Ballots
Voting shall be done by secret ballot. Ballots shall be collected and counted by an SGA
Advisor and an Executive Cabinet member (not running for re-election). The ballots and
tally of ballots shall be available for public inspection in the Student Life Office for five
days following the election.
Section 6 – Open Positions
Positions not filled during the spring election will remain vacant over the summer and
elections will take place in the fall semester at the second General Assembly meeting.
The above election procedures shall be followed for fall elections.
Article VI – Meetings
Meetings are necessary in order to make decisions on student related matters. There will be two
main types of regularly scheduled meetings: General Assembly and Executive Cabinet.
Section 1 – General Assembly
a) All General Assembly meetings are to be open meetings. All CVTC students
are welcome and encouraged to attend.
b) General Assembly meetings will be scheduled every other week with regard to
the academic calendar.
c) Meetings and elections will be scheduled for the following school year during
spring semester.
d) The first General Assembly meeting of the academic school year will be
organized as an orientation to the Student Government and any voting on
budgetary items will be restricted to $500.
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Section 2 – Executive Cabinet Meetings
a) Regularly scheduled meetings requiring the attendance of Executive Cabinet
members will be designated as Executive Cabinet meetings.
b) Meetings will be scheduled once per week during the academic year.
c) Meetings during the summer will be scheduled as needed.
d) All Executive Cabinet meetings will be scheduled with respect to the Executive
Cabinet members’ schedules.
e) At least one retreat per year will be scheduled, requiring the mandatory
attendance of all Executive Cabinet members.
f) In all Executive Cabinet Meetings, funding requests that exceed $2,500
(outside the normal budget) will be moved to General Assembly for discussion.
Section 3 – Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President, as needed, with the majority approval of
the Executive Cabinet. Special meetings require a 48 hour notice and any official
business or voting will be postponed until the next Executive Cabinet or General
Assembly meeting.
Section 4 – Quorums
A quorum is the minimum number of members in an assembly necessary to conduct the business
of that group. The requirement for a quorum is protection against unrepresentative action in the
name of the assembly by a small number of voters.
a) A General Assembly quorum shall consist of 10 (ten) voting members,
including half (50%) of the current Executive Cabinet in office.
b) Executive Cabinet Meetings quorums must consist of at least half (50%) of the
current Cabinet
Section 5 – Agendas
a) General Assembly meeting agendas will be developed by the SGA President.
Individuals wishing to have items included to a General Assembly agenda
i. Submit a request [in writing] to an Executive Cabinet member or SGA
Advisor. Before items are added to the General Assembly agenda, they
must first be presented to the Executive Cabinet for consideration.
ii. Items submitted may be read into the record on the submitter’s behalf;
after which the submitter will be given the opportunity to make
additional clarifications.
b) Executive Cabinet meeting agendas will be developed by the SGA President.
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i. Individuals who wish to request items to be considered on the
Executive Cabinet agenda must submit those items [in writing] to the
ii. Requested items will be added to the agenda at the discretion of the
Executive Cabinet.
c) Executive Cabinet members may request items to be placed on the agenda at
any time.
i. Items submitted prior to the posting of the agenda will be added.
ii. Item requests made after the agenda has been posted will only be
reflected in the meeting minutes if time permits.
Section 6 – Parliamentary Procedure
All meetings will be conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure. This will assist in
maintaining consistency and order in meetings.
The parliamentary procedure will be modeled after Robert’s Rules of Order. The current
Executive Cabinet (with the assistance of the SGA Advisors) shall establish the specific
procedures for Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings.
Article VII – Committees
Committees may be formed at the discretion of the SGA President. Only the President of the
Student Government has the power to convene committees. Committees are to be composed of at
least 3 (three) individuals. More members may be added to a committee as deemed necessary by
the Executive Cabinet.
Section 1 – Committees
The President is authorized to create committees for the following purposes:
a) A proposal is raised to the General Assembly that needs more research.
b) An issue arises that would be best served by the input of students across
multiple and diverse program backgrounds.
c) If a majority of the General Assembly requests a committee be formed.
d) The President believes it is in the best interest of the student body to form a
committee to address a specific issue.
Section 2 – Duties:
a) Shall meet a minimum of two times per month.
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b) Shall record the minutes and attendance of all committee meetings and submit
it to the SGA President.
c) Shall remain productive and proactive when meeting.
d) Shall report all findings to the General Assembly.
Section 3 – Dissolution
a) Committees are dissolved once they have fulfilled the objective to which they
are so assigned.
b) The President shall have the power to disband any committee at any time.
c) The General Assembly reserves the right to appeal the Presidents disbandment
if the majority feel the disbandment was done in prejudice.
.Section 4 – Compensation for Clubs
Clubs are encouraged to participate in SGA Committees. To increase interactions between SGA
and the Clubs, a stipend is provided for Clubs that participate in committees:
a) Each Club with a representative or representatives serving on a committee can
receive $20 (per meeting) in their Club account, without regard to how many
representatives participate.
b) Meeting minutes and other documentation of on-task productivity will be used
to determine if compensation will be received.
c) Committees are required to meet for a minimum of one hour and must present
their progress to the General Assembly in order to receive compensation.
d) Committees are encouraged to meet frequently, but will only be compensated
for one committee meeting per week.
i. Section 4 sub (d) may be waived with the approval of the SGA
President. Productivity will then be evaluated, and compensation
determined, by the SGA President and SGA Advisor.
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Article VIII – Funds
In accordance with Wisconsin State law:
“As such, students have primary responsibility for the formulation and review of policies
concerning student life and services. Students in consultation with the district director
and subject to the final confirmation of the district board have the responsibility for the
disposition of student activity and incidental fees under s. 38.14 (9).”- Wisconsin State
Statute 38.145 Responsibilities of students.
Section 1 – Collaboration
Funds for student activities are received through the Student Activity Fee. The Student
Government Association agrees to follow the guidelines established by the District Board
and District President. We further attest to handle all matters relating to funding with the
highest degree of moral and ethical behavior.
Section 2 – Budget Development
A budget will be developed in accordance with the guidelines of the CVTC budget
procedures. The budget will reflect the allocation of projected student activity fee
collections. Student activity fees are handled through the District’s budgeting and
purchasing process.
Section 3 - SGA Contingency Fund
a) At the end of the fiscal year, any remaining balance will be transferred to the
SGA Contingency Fund. The Student Government Association and the
administration must approve this transfer.
b) At the end of each fiscal year, outstanding student activity related bills may be
paid from the excess SGA Contingency Fund. The Student Government
Association and the administration must approve the payment of these bills.
Section 4 – Major Projects
The SGA Contingency Fund may be used to support, in whole or in part, any major projects that
the General Assembly agrees will benefit students within the CVTC District.
a) All major projects shall be presented to the General Assembly for approval.
b) A majority vote of the General Assembly is required before any major project
will be funded.
c) Major project commitments shall not exceed three years’ time.
Section 5 – Club Stipends
a) Each Club that has 1 (one) Club Representative at a General Assembly
meeting shall receive the $35 stipend.
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b) Each Club that has an appointed representative sitting on an active committee
may receive a $20 stipend, per weekly committee meeting.
Section 6 – Executive Cabinet Stipends
Executive Cabinet members may receive a stipend based upon their performance in office and
participation within the Organization.
The appropriation of this stipend shall be determined by a policy that shall be defined in
the Officer Manual. This policy shall include, but is not limited to, an Advisor evaluation
and a self-evaluation.
Section 7 – Undispersed Executive Cabinet Stipends
Stipends not dispersed due to vacancies in office shall be entered into a discretionary fund.
a) This fund shall be accessible to current Executive Cabinet members fulfilling
additional responsibilities related to the vacant position.
b) A process for determining eligibility of access to funding shall be developed by
the SGA Advisors and outlined in the Officer Manual.
c) All transactions shall be thoroughly documented and justifiable as relating
directly to the position for which it is to be used.
Article IX – Resignations andRemovals
The Student Government recognizes that there are many reasons for an individual to leave office.
The following will outline the basic requirements and procedures for vacancies and removals.
Section 1 – Resignations:
If any Executive Cabinet member resigns, the election procedure outlined in Article V
will be followed.
Section 2 - General Assembly Meeting Removals
a) Any person in attendance during a General Assembly Meeting may be asked to
leave by any member of the Executive Cabinet if that said person is causing a
b) If said person objects to the charges of disturbance, a General Assembly vote
shall take place to determine if the individual is to be removed.
c) If a majority of the General Assembly votes for removal, the said person will
then be required to leave for the remainder of the meeting.
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d) If the vote does not carry (pass), the said person may remain in attendance, but
must stay silent through the rest of the proceedings; unless bringing appropriate
business to the floor in accordance with the parliamentary procedure.
e) If the said person is found to be a disruption for a second time, an Executive
Cabinet member will request that said person, again, leave the meeting. No
vote will ensue and the said person shall be required to leave.
f) If said person refuses to leave, security shall be called to escort the individual
out of the room and off of the premises.
Section 3 - Members At Large and Club Representative Removals
a) Any CVTC student may bring a charge of grievance against a Member at
Large or a Club Representative. A petition signed by 5 (five) voting members
of the General Assembly is to be present to the Executive Cabinet.
b) A vote on these charges will be presented at the next regularly scheduled
General Assembly meeting.
c) Notice of the motion for removal and charges presented will be made
available to the voting members of the General Assembly.
d) These charges must be serious, valid, and without prejudice.
e) A Club Representative or Member at Large may then be removed by majority
i. A removed member will no longer be allowed to represent his/her
Club or the interests of students, at General Assembly meetings.
ii. This sanction shall be in place for the remainder of the year.
Section 4 - Executive Cabinet Removals
Any member elected to an Executive Cabinet position may be removed from his/her position if
charges of incompetence or misconduct are established.
Charges of incompetence may include, but are not limited to:
a) Violation of the Constitution.
b) Failure to adhere to the SGA Executive Cabinet’s Code of Ethics.
c) Failure to attend three or more Executive or General Assembly meetings
without a valid excuse or notification to the other members of the Executive
d) Violation of college policy while representing the SGA.
e) Failure to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.
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If charges of incompetence are established, the removal process will be as follows:
a) The Executive Cabinet will present concerns of misconduct to the officer in
question at the next Executive Cabinet meeting. If the officer in question is
not present, the Executive Cabinet will make all reasonable attempts to
contact the officer in question.
b) Removal of the officer will be enacted by a three fourths vote of the
Executive Cabinet (excluding the officer in question) and will be effective
c) The removed officer may appeal the Cabinet’s decision by following the
appeal procedure outlined in the CVTC Student Handbook.
d) In the absence or loss of an appeal, the removed officer will be prohibited
from applying for or holding office in the Student Government for five years
following the date of removal.
Article X – Clubs
In order to better serve the specific interests of CVTC students, Clubs and Organizations are
formed across all campuses. A Club must be approved by the Student Government Association
in order to receive reputable standing. Club creation, maintaining Club status, and Club funding
can be found in the CVTC Club Manual. Refer to the Club Manual for more information on Club
rights and responsibilities.
Article XI – Student Bill of Rights
Section 1 – Freedoms
Any student registered at Chippewa Valley Technical College is guaranteed the rights
and privileges established under state and federal law. This guarantee of rights includes
the freedom of speech, the freedom of press, the right to peaceful assembly, the right to
petition for a redress of grievances, and the right to be secure in their persons, papers, and
effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.
Section 2 – Education
SGA supports the College and District in assuring the rights and privileges of a fair and
impartial grading and educational system. This includes the right of participation or non-
participation in activities and organizations within the school system.
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Section 3 – Non-Discrimination
This Organization and its members will not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
gender, age, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran status,
pregnancy, or any other protected class status not mentioned.
Article XII – Bylaw Amendments
Bylaws may be amended at any General Assembly meeting by two-thirds vote of the General
Assembly, provided the proposed amendment has been presented in the following manner:
a) Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Executive Cabinet at least one
week prior to a regularly scheduled General Assembly meeting.
b) The Secretary shall present proposed amendments at the following General
Assembly meeting. An amendment will not be brought to a vote on the same
day it is presented.
c) Each voting member present shall be provided a copy of the proposed
amendments for their inspection.
d) For an amendment to be approved, it requires a two-thirds in favor vote of the
e) If approved by a two-thirds vote of the quorum, the amendment shall be
submitted to the Secretary for the purpose of entering it into the Bylaws.
f) Approved amendments will take effect the following semester.
Article XIII – Signatories
Done in Assembly by three-fourths consent of the voting members present on April of 29 in the
year 2015. In witness to the ratification of this Constitution and its Bylaws, we have subscribed
our names below.
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The Constitution - Ratified 2015

  • 1. ~ 1 ~ “The students of each district, subjectto the responsibilities and powers ofthe board, the state director, the district board, the districtdirector and the faculty, shall be active participants in the immediate governance of and policy developmentfor the district and may participate in all matters affecting student interests…” Wisconsin State Statute 38.145 Responsibilities of students. PREAMBLE We, the students of Chippewa Valley Technical College District, unite for the common good of all students, both within and beyond our school. We shall promote the well-being and success of students, the College, the community, and the state, by providing a balanced self-governing system of representation and by assuring the rights of all students there within. We represent the current and future students of Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC). We will provide opportunities for students to expand and apply their education at local, state, and national levels. We pledge to do so in a fiscally responsible manner while considering the opinions and interests of all the students we represent; fairly and without discrimination. ARTICLE I – Name This organization shall be known as the Student Government Association (SGA) and shall represent all students enrolled at the Chippewa Valley Technical College. ARTICLE II – Purpose
  • 2. ~ 2 ~ This organization shall serve as a coordinating unit for CVTC and students therein for the purpose of: a) Being liaisons between the administration and students. b) Promoting leadership and citizenship among the student body. c) Operating as the voice of the students. d) Acquiring and disseminating important information to the student body. e) Encouraging and supporting improvement and growth of the College. f) Providing and promoting activities that result in student engagement and enrichment. ARTICLE III – Government a) All CVTC students who pay student activity fees are able to take part in the Student Government Association. b) The Executive Cabinet of the Student Government Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Activities, Director of Communications, and Governor. c) The meetings of the Student Government Association shall be conducted by the Executive Cabinet as provided by the Bylaws. ARTICLE IV – Amendments to Constitution This Constitution may be amended at any General Assembly meeting by three-fourths vote of the General Assembly, provided the proposed amendment has been presented in the following manner: a) Prior to being considered, proposed amendments must include the signatures of 5 (five) General Assembly voting members, and 5 (five) differing CVTC students. b) Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Executive Cabinet at least one week prior to a regularly scheduled General Assembly meeting. c) The Secretary shall present proposed amendments at the following scheduled General Assembly meeting. i. An amendment will not be brought to a vote on the same day it is presented. d) Each voting member present shall be provided a copy of the proposed amendments for their inspection. e) A discussion and vote on the amendment shall take place at the following General Assembly meeting. f) For an amendment to be approved, it requires a three-fourths in favor vote by the quorum.
  • 3. ~ 3 ~ g) If approved by a three-fourths vote of the quorum, the amendment shall be submitted to the Secretary for the purpose of entering it into the Constitution. h) Approved Constitutional amendments will take effect the following academic year. i) All amendments so approved, are subject to review by the CVTC District Board and District President. ARTICLE V – Ratification Upon a three-fourths vote of the General Assembly, the Establishment of this Constitution and its Bylaws shall be validated and will proceed to render all previous Constitutions and Bylaws inactive.
  • 4. ~ 4 ~ Article I – Organization The voting members of the SGA shall be the 7 (seven) Executive Cabinet members, 1 (one) representative per approved Club or Organization, and 10 (ten) Members at Large. Section 1 - The Executive Cabinet The Executive Cabinet shall consist of 7 members that are elected by majority vote of the General Assembly. These positions shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Communications, Director of Activities, and Governor. Section 2 – Club Representatives
  • 5. ~ 5 ~ The Club Representatives shall be any Club member who is a CVTC student and appointed by an approved College-sponsored Club or Organization. Section 3 – Members at Large A Member at Large can be any CVTC student who wishes to represent the student body and vote on matters related to SGA. There will be no more than 10 (ten) Members at Large at any one time. Article II – Executive Cabinet In order to create a more effective student representation, this Constitution shall establish the formation of an Executive Cabinet. All persons elected to an Executive Cabinet position must adhere to the expectations listed below and agree to represent the best interests of all CVTC students. Section 1 - General Expectations a) Shall be a current student of Chippewa Valley Technical College. b) Shall maintain high professional standards, both in regard to the Executive Cabinet’s Code of Ethics and the Student Code of Conduct. c) Shall maintain a minimum of six credits per semester (excluding the summer semester). d) Shall maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA each semester. e) Shall hold three scheduled office hours per week. f) Shall meet with an Advisor, outside of office hours, each week (not to include holidays). g) Shall serve as a voting member during Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings. h) Shall participate in various College events and activities at CVTC. i) Shall attend 90% of Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings, unless excused by an Advisor. Section 2 – President Responsibilities: a) Shall plan, coordinate, and chair Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings. b) Shall create agendas for General Assembly and Executive Cabinet meetings and make them available to the Secretary and Director of Communications no later than 72 hours before any such meeting will take place. c) Shall have the discretion to establish committees that will aid the SGA. d) Shall assist other Executive Cabinet members with the direction of tasks.
  • 6. ~ 6 ~ e) Shall coordinate an Executive Cabinet retreat during fall semester. f) Shall work with the Executive Cabinet to establish long and short term goals for the group. g) Shall chair the end of the year Student Leadership Recognition Banquet Committee. h) Shall complete any task that may be associated with any Cabinet position that is vacant or unfulfilled. i) The President may earn up to $1,800 ($800 per semester, $200 summer) if all requirements are achieved. Section 3 - Vice President Responsibilities: a) Shall act as temporary President in the case that the President is unable to attend a meeting or fulfill an obligation. All powers and responsibilities that are associated with such an occurrence are delegated to the Vice President at that time. b) Shall succeed the President in case of prolonged or permanent absence. This includes removals, and resignations. c) Shall be the liaison for Members at Large and Club Representatives. d) Shall be the liaison for regional campuses. e) Shall plan and coordinate the fall and spring picnics. f) Shall be responsible for keeping order in all meetings and ensuring that each student who wishes to speak is given a voice. g) Shall attend and provide an SGA report at the CVTC District Board meetings. h) The Vice President may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200 summer) if all requirements are achieved. Section 4 - Secretary Responsibilities: a) Shall record and maintain minutes for all Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings. b) Shall track attendance for Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings. c) Shall post the meeting agendas at least 48 hours prior to the General Assembly meeting. d) Shall provide name tags for voting members at General Assembly. e) Shall print and provide the previous minutes and current agendas for all meeting. f) Shall maintain a contact list of all voting members. This list shall be updated monthly. g) Shall coordinate the annual update of the Officer Manual each spring. h) The Secretary may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200 summer) if all requirements are achieved.
  • 7. ~ 7 ~ Section 5 - Treasurer Responsibilities: a) Shall submit a Treasurer’s report to the General Assembly at regularly scheduled meetings. b) Shall maintain a record of Club accounts and report any significant changes or anomalies to the Executive Cabinet. c) Shall be a member of any SGA committee involving budgetary issues. d) Shall assist the Student Government Advisor with the establishment of the annual Student Activity Fee budget. e) Shall present the future budget proposal to the General Assembly in the spring semester f) Shall present an end of the year budget report to the General Assembly at the last General Assembly meeting. g) Shall communicate with Clubs in all matters concerning funding requests. h) Shall work with Student Life to transfer approved and appropriated funds to Club accounts. i) The Treasurer may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200 summer) if all requirements are achieved. Section 6 - Director of Activities Responsibilities: a) Shall present ideas and recommendations on how to promote awareness of SGA/SNAP (Student Networking Activities Planning) events and College activities. b) Shall assist in the coordination and promotion of activities and events. c) Shall be a member of any SGA committee involving campus activities. d) Shall be the liaison between SGA and SNAP. e) Shall attend a National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) Convention. f) Shall communicate SGA/SNAP events with appropriate College departments. g) The Director of Activities may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200 summer) if all requirements are achieved. Section 7 - Director of Communications Responsibilities: a) Shall work with CVTC staff to become competent with technologies appropriate and relevant to SGA functions. b) Shall update and maintain the SGA web portal and social media accounts. c) Shall post and keep current the agendas and meeting minutes of General Assembly meetings on designated College locations. d) Shall coordinate the technology components for General Assembly and Executive Cabinet meetings.
  • 8. ~ 8 ~ e) The Director of Communication may earn up to $1,700 ($750 per semester, $200 summer) if all requirements are achieved. Section 8 – Governor Responsibilities: a) Shall be a member of any SGA committee involving legislative affairs. b) Shall prepare for and attend all Wisconsin Student Government (WSG) meetings. c) Shall present monthly WSG updates at General Assembly meetings. d) Shall stay updated on legislative issues that affect CVTC students. e) Shall establish relationships with local area representatives and senators in conjunction with the College. f) Shall be the liaison between CVTC students and WSG. g) The Governor is entitled to $1,600 ($700 per semester, $200 summer) if all requirements are achieved. Section 9 - Advisor Responsibilities: a) Shall attend all regularly scheduled Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings. b) Shall assist the organization in fulfilling its goals and objectives. c) Shall advise the SGA on matters relating to organizational business. d) Shall approve financial transactions, coordinate with the Treasurer to establish the annual budget, and maintain accurate accounting procedures. e) May suspend organizational activity only if he/she reasonably believes such activity is in violation of State law, District policy, or the SGA Constitution. f) Shall be in attendance at SGA sponsored events or arrange for a replacement to assume Advisor responsibilities. Article III – Club Representatives Club Representatives are to be voting members of the General Assembly. Each recognized Club shall have 1 (one) vote on issues presented at General Assembly. Section 1 – Appointments Approved Clubs and Organizations may choose to appoint any one of their members as their Club Representative. Each approved Club shall send 1 (one) representative, belonging to their organization, to vote on the Club’s behalf. The Club may choose to send multiple representatives, but only one representative is allowed to vote at General Assembly. Section 2 - Duties:
  • 9. ~ 9 ~ a) Shall serve the student body to the fullest extent of their abilities. b) Shall carry out the obligations of any committee to which they belong. c) Shall act as liaisons between SGA and the Organizations they represent. Article IV – Members At Large Members at Large are to be voting members of the General Assembly. Each elected Member At Large shall have 1 (one) vote on issues presented at General Assembly. Section 1 – Election Process a) To be considered as a Member at Large, a petitioner must request to be added to the General Assembly agenda prior to its posting. b) The petitioner must obtain [in writing] the endorsement of 5 (five) current voting members and present this endorsement to the Executive Cabinet at the time of request. c) All petitioners must present themselves before the General Assembly and disclose any Clubs or Organizations they are (or have previously been) a part of. i. Failure to disclose any Organization affiliations will result in the immediate loss of voting privileges. ii. No more than 1 (one) Member at Large may be affiliated with any one Club or Organization. d) A petitioner must garner a majority vote of the quorum to be officially elected as a Member at Large. Section 2 - Membership a) Members at Large must maintain a minimum of six credits per semester. b) The limit for Members at Large is 10 (ten). c) Membership can be requested at any time. d) The term of membership is from the day after elected until the end of the spring semester. i. Members at Large must petition annually to maintain effective status. e) Voting rights of newly elected Members at Large will take effect at the next General Assembly meeting. Section 3 - Duties: a) Shall serve the student body to the fullest extent of their abilities. b) Shall carry out the obligations of any committee to which they belong. c) Shall act as liaisons between SGA and the student populous. Article V – Elections
  • 10. ~ 10 ~ Elections for all Executive Cabinet members will be held at the second to last meeting during spring semester. Terms will take effect immediately, however, voting rights of elected members will take effect after spring graduation. Incoming and outgoing Cabinet members are expected to work cooperatively through the transition period. Section 1 - Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the President and Vice President to conduct all elections. SGA Advisors shall assist with the elections to promote fairness and goodwill through the process. Section 2 – Procedures a) Persons interested in an Executive Cabinet position must fill out an application and meet with an SGA Advisor prior before becoming an official candidate. b) A minimum of three business days prior to the General Assembly election meeting, information about the candidates will be distributed to Club Advisors, Club Representatives, and Members at Large. c) A short introduction by each candidate running (per specific position) will take place during the General Assembly election meeting. An open question forum will follow for each candidate. d) The order of elect shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Activities, Director of Communications, and Governor. e) Each Executive Cabinet member, Member at Large, and Club will be entitled to 1 (one) vote per position elect. f) The candidate with the majority vote shall be elected to office. g) If running unopposed, candidate still must receive a majority vote of the quorum. Section 3 – Deciding Tie Votes a) In the event of a tie, a short forum will re-open with additional questions presented to candidates. b) Ballots will then be recast for the tied candidates and a second vote shall ensue. c) If the vote again results in a tie, the Executive Cabinet shall be called upon for a hand vote to determine who will be elected to office. d) If the Executive Cabinet is evenly split, the Chair’s vote shall be counted as the tie-breaking vote. Section 4 – Campaigns
  • 11. ~ 11 ~ If individuals wish to campaign for their chosen position, all campaign materials must be approved by an SGA Advisor before they are posted and/or distributed. Negative campaigning will not be allowed. All candidates must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct or they will be disqualified from candidacy. Section 5 – Ballots Voting shall be done by secret ballot. Ballots shall be collected and counted by an SGA Advisor and an Executive Cabinet member (not running for re-election). The ballots and tally of ballots shall be available for public inspection in the Student Life Office for five days following the election. Section 6 – Open Positions Positions not filled during the spring election will remain vacant over the summer and elections will take place in the fall semester at the second General Assembly meeting. The above election procedures shall be followed for fall elections. Article VI – Meetings Meetings are necessary in order to make decisions on student related matters. There will be two main types of regularly scheduled meetings: General Assembly and Executive Cabinet. Section 1 – General Assembly a) All General Assembly meetings are to be open meetings. All CVTC students are welcome and encouraged to attend. b) General Assembly meetings will be scheduled every other week with regard to the academic calendar. c) Meetings and elections will be scheduled for the following school year during spring semester. d) The first General Assembly meeting of the academic school year will be organized as an orientation to the Student Government and any voting on budgetary items will be restricted to $500.
  • 12. ~ 12 ~ Section 2 – Executive Cabinet Meetings a) Regularly scheduled meetings requiring the attendance of Executive Cabinet members will be designated as Executive Cabinet meetings. b) Meetings will be scheduled once per week during the academic year. c) Meetings during the summer will be scheduled as needed. d) All Executive Cabinet meetings will be scheduled with respect to the Executive Cabinet members’ schedules. e) At least one retreat per year will be scheduled, requiring the mandatory attendance of all Executive Cabinet members. f) In all Executive Cabinet Meetings, funding requests that exceed $2,500 (outside the normal budget) will be moved to General Assembly for discussion. Section 3 – Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by the President, as needed, with the majority approval of the Executive Cabinet. Special meetings require a 48 hour notice and any official business or voting will be postponed until the next Executive Cabinet or General Assembly meeting. Section 4 – Quorums A quorum is the minimum number of members in an assembly necessary to conduct the business of that group. The requirement for a quorum is protection against unrepresentative action in the name of the assembly by a small number of voters. a) A General Assembly quorum shall consist of 10 (ten) voting members, including half (50%) of the current Executive Cabinet in office. b) Executive Cabinet Meetings quorums must consist of at least half (50%) of the current Cabinet Section 5 – Agendas a) General Assembly meeting agendas will be developed by the SGA President. Individuals wishing to have items included to a General Assembly agenda must: i. Submit a request [in writing] to an Executive Cabinet member or SGA Advisor. Before items are added to the General Assembly agenda, they must first be presented to the Executive Cabinet for consideration. ii. Items submitted may be read into the record on the submitter’s behalf; after which the submitter will be given the opportunity to make additional clarifications. b) Executive Cabinet meeting agendas will be developed by the SGA President.
  • 13. ~ 13 ~ i. Individuals who wish to request items to be considered on the Executive Cabinet agenda must submit those items [in writing] to the President. ii. Requested items will be added to the agenda at the discretion of the Executive Cabinet. c) Executive Cabinet members may request items to be placed on the agenda at any time. i. Items submitted prior to the posting of the agenda will be added. ii. Item requests made after the agenda has been posted will only be reflected in the meeting minutes if time permits. Section 6 – Parliamentary Procedure All meetings will be conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure. This will assist in maintaining consistency and order in meetings. The parliamentary procedure will be modeled after Robert’s Rules of Order. The current Executive Cabinet (with the assistance of the SGA Advisors) shall establish the specific procedures for Executive Cabinet and General Assembly meetings. Article VII – Committees Committees may be formed at the discretion of the SGA President. Only the President of the Student Government has the power to convene committees. Committees are to be composed of at least 3 (three) individuals. More members may be added to a committee as deemed necessary by the Executive Cabinet. Section 1 – Committees The President is authorized to create committees for the following purposes: a) A proposal is raised to the General Assembly that needs more research. b) An issue arises that would be best served by the input of students across multiple and diverse program backgrounds. c) If a majority of the General Assembly requests a committee be formed. d) The President believes it is in the best interest of the student body to form a committee to address a specific issue. Section 2 – Duties: a) Shall meet a minimum of two times per month.
  • 14. ~ 14 ~ b) Shall record the minutes and attendance of all committee meetings and submit it to the SGA President. c) Shall remain productive and proactive when meeting. d) Shall report all findings to the General Assembly. Section 3 – Dissolution a) Committees are dissolved once they have fulfilled the objective to which they are so assigned. b) The President shall have the power to disband any committee at any time. c) The General Assembly reserves the right to appeal the Presidents disbandment if the majority feel the disbandment was done in prejudice. .Section 4 – Compensation for Clubs Clubs are encouraged to participate in SGA Committees. To increase interactions between SGA and the Clubs, a stipend is provided for Clubs that participate in committees: a) Each Club with a representative or representatives serving on a committee can receive $20 (per meeting) in their Club account, without regard to how many representatives participate. b) Meeting minutes and other documentation of on-task productivity will be used to determine if compensation will be received. c) Committees are required to meet for a minimum of one hour and must present their progress to the General Assembly in order to receive compensation. d) Committees are encouraged to meet frequently, but will only be compensated for one committee meeting per week. i. Section 4 sub (d) may be waived with the approval of the SGA President. Productivity will then be evaluated, and compensation determined, by the SGA President and SGA Advisor.
  • 15. ~ 15 ~ Article VIII – Funds In accordance with Wisconsin State law: “As such, students have primary responsibility for the formulation and review of policies concerning student life and services. Students in consultation with the district director and subject to the final confirmation of the district board have the responsibility for the disposition of student activity and incidental fees under s. 38.14 (9).”- Wisconsin State Statute 38.145 Responsibilities of students. Section 1 – Collaboration Funds for student activities are received through the Student Activity Fee. The Student Government Association agrees to follow the guidelines established by the District Board and District President. We further attest to handle all matters relating to funding with the highest degree of moral and ethical behavior. Section 2 – Budget Development A budget will be developed in accordance with the guidelines of the CVTC budget procedures. The budget will reflect the allocation of projected student activity fee collections. Student activity fees are handled through the District’s budgeting and purchasing process. Section 3 - SGA Contingency Fund a) At the end of the fiscal year, any remaining balance will be transferred to the SGA Contingency Fund. The Student Government Association and the administration must approve this transfer. b) At the end of each fiscal year, outstanding student activity related bills may be paid from the excess SGA Contingency Fund. The Student Government Association and the administration must approve the payment of these bills. Section 4 – Major Projects The SGA Contingency Fund may be used to support, in whole or in part, any major projects that the General Assembly agrees will benefit students within the CVTC District. a) All major projects shall be presented to the General Assembly for approval. b) A majority vote of the General Assembly is required before any major project will be funded. c) Major project commitments shall not exceed three years’ time. Section 5 – Club Stipends a) Each Club that has 1 (one) Club Representative at a General Assembly meeting shall receive the $35 stipend.
  • 16. ~ 16 ~ b) Each Club that has an appointed representative sitting on an active committee may receive a $20 stipend, per weekly committee meeting. Section 6 – Executive Cabinet Stipends Executive Cabinet members may receive a stipend based upon their performance in office and participation within the Organization. The appropriation of this stipend shall be determined by a policy that shall be defined in the Officer Manual. This policy shall include, but is not limited to, an Advisor evaluation and a self-evaluation. Section 7 – Undispersed Executive Cabinet Stipends Stipends not dispersed due to vacancies in office shall be entered into a discretionary fund. a) This fund shall be accessible to current Executive Cabinet members fulfilling additional responsibilities related to the vacant position. b) A process for determining eligibility of access to funding shall be developed by the SGA Advisors and outlined in the Officer Manual. c) All transactions shall be thoroughly documented and justifiable as relating directly to the position for which it is to be used. Article IX – Resignations andRemovals The Student Government recognizes that there are many reasons for an individual to leave office. The following will outline the basic requirements and procedures for vacancies and removals. Section 1 – Resignations: If any Executive Cabinet member resigns, the election procedure outlined in Article V will be followed. Section 2 - General Assembly Meeting Removals a) Any person in attendance during a General Assembly Meeting may be asked to leave by any member of the Executive Cabinet if that said person is causing a disturbance. b) If said person objects to the charges of disturbance, a General Assembly vote shall take place to determine if the individual is to be removed. c) If a majority of the General Assembly votes for removal, the said person will then be required to leave for the remainder of the meeting.
  • 17. ~ 17 ~ d) If the vote does not carry (pass), the said person may remain in attendance, but must stay silent through the rest of the proceedings; unless bringing appropriate business to the floor in accordance with the parliamentary procedure. e) If the said person is found to be a disruption for a second time, an Executive Cabinet member will request that said person, again, leave the meeting. No vote will ensue and the said person shall be required to leave. f) If said person refuses to leave, security shall be called to escort the individual out of the room and off of the premises. Section 3 - Members At Large and Club Representative Removals a) Any CVTC student may bring a charge of grievance against a Member at Large or a Club Representative. A petition signed by 5 (five) voting members of the General Assembly is to be present to the Executive Cabinet. b) A vote on these charges will be presented at the next regularly scheduled General Assembly meeting. c) Notice of the motion for removal and charges presented will be made available to the voting members of the General Assembly. d) These charges must be serious, valid, and without prejudice. e) A Club Representative or Member at Large may then be removed by majority vote. i. A removed member will no longer be allowed to represent his/her Club or the interests of students, at General Assembly meetings. ii. This sanction shall be in place for the remainder of the year. Section 4 - Executive Cabinet Removals Any member elected to an Executive Cabinet position may be removed from his/her position if charges of incompetence or misconduct are established. Charges of incompetence may include, but are not limited to: a) Violation of the Constitution. b) Failure to adhere to the SGA Executive Cabinet’s Code of Ethics. c) Failure to attend three or more Executive or General Assembly meetings without a valid excuse or notification to the other members of the Executive Cabinet. d) Violation of college policy while representing the SGA. e) Failure to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.
  • 18. ~ 18 ~ If charges of incompetence are established, the removal process will be as follows: a) The Executive Cabinet will present concerns of misconduct to the officer in question at the next Executive Cabinet meeting. If the officer in question is not present, the Executive Cabinet will make all reasonable attempts to contact the officer in question. b) Removal of the officer will be enacted by a three fourths vote of the Executive Cabinet (excluding the officer in question) and will be effective immediately. c) The removed officer may appeal the Cabinet’s decision by following the appeal procedure outlined in the CVTC Student Handbook. d) In the absence or loss of an appeal, the removed officer will be prohibited from applying for or holding office in the Student Government for five years following the date of removal. Article X – Clubs In order to better serve the specific interests of CVTC students, Clubs and Organizations are formed across all campuses. A Club must be approved by the Student Government Association in order to receive reputable standing. Club creation, maintaining Club status, and Club funding can be found in the CVTC Club Manual. Refer to the Club Manual for more information on Club rights and responsibilities. Article XI – Student Bill of Rights Section 1 – Freedoms Any student registered at Chippewa Valley Technical College is guaranteed the rights and privileges established under state and federal law. This guarantee of rights includes the freedom of speech, the freedom of press, the right to peaceful assembly, the right to petition for a redress of grievances, and the right to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. Section 2 – Education SGA supports the College and District in assuring the rights and privileges of a fair and impartial grading and educational system. This includes the right of participation or non- participation in activities and organizations within the school system.
  • 19. ~ 19 ~ Section 3 – Non-Discrimination This Organization and its members will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, pregnancy, or any other protected class status not mentioned. Article XII – Bylaw Amendments Bylaws may be amended at any General Assembly meeting by two-thirds vote of the General Assembly, provided the proposed amendment has been presented in the following manner: a) Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Executive Cabinet at least one week prior to a regularly scheduled General Assembly meeting. b) The Secretary shall present proposed amendments at the following General Assembly meeting. An amendment will not be brought to a vote on the same day it is presented. c) Each voting member present shall be provided a copy of the proposed amendments for their inspection. d) For an amendment to be approved, it requires a two-thirds in favor vote of the quorum. e) If approved by a two-thirds vote of the quorum, the amendment shall be submitted to the Secretary for the purpose of entering it into the Bylaws. f) Approved amendments will take effect the following semester. Article XIII – Signatories Done in Assembly by three-fourths consent of the voting members present on April of 29 in the year 2015. In witness to the ratification of this Constitution and its Bylaws, we have subscribed our names below.