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The Comparison of Two Love Poems
The poem "How Do I Love Thee", by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and "What Lips My Lips Have Kissed", by Edna Vincent Millay are both
well–known poems that both have themes of love. (LIT, Kirszner & Mandell, Pg. 490). In both poems the poet helps the reader experience a lot of
emotion with the use of certain words. There are speakers in both poems. In Mrs. Browning's poem, the speaker is undefined, leaving open that the
speaker could be a he or she. Millay's poem which is written in first person, the speaker is more defined leading the reader to believe it is a she who
is talking about love in the past tense. Both poems are sonnets written with fourteen lines, and written in Italian style. When comparing these poems we
will be looking at the use of rhyme scheme and metaphors and how they were used to express emotions in these two sonnet poems.
One of the most used love poems would have to be, "How Do I Love Thee?" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. It has been recited at many weddings
for people who use it to announce their love for each other. And if a person were to ask someone if they had ever heard of this poem they would
most likely get an answer of yes. In Mrs. Browning's poem she uses the repeating of the same words, "I Love Thee", over and over, which gives the
poem its rhythm. But yet she still uses the rhyming scheme at the end of sentences that rhyme like these two sentences, "I love thee to the depth and
breadth and height/My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight".
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"It's the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling" This is how William Wordsworth (1770–1850), the significant English Romantic poet, described
poetry. Indeed, novelists and poets diverge in the way they articulate this "powerful feeling". When considering Romantic and Victorian literature, many
individuals generally connect them with being entirely contrastive. In truth, both (Literary schools) have emerged from severe political and social
fluctuations as a result of The French Revolution in France and The Industrial Revolution in England. Romantics and Victorians portrayed their era in
different ways; with Romanticism preceding the Victorian age, and Romantics tending to excessively romanticize serious issues, and Victorians leaning more content...
Wordsworth continues to describe the scene he is inspired by, and how it makes him feel peaceful and calm. He then moves to characterize the River
Thames, and personifying it as a patient person who moves "at his own sweet will". Wordsworth hints once again to the sleepiness of the people as the
major reason of London's beauty as "that mighty heart is lying still" referring to the city's vitality and liveliness.
Moving onwards to the 19th century; and exploring the Victorian era where authors of this age opt for more practical images. In Great Expectations,
Charles Dickens exquisitely evokes London through the eyes of Pip, the young orphan who moves to London to pursue his goal to become a
gentleman. Not only does Dickens depict London streets, but he also uses other places in London to symbolize how the big city was like. For
instance, the street that is ironically called "Little Britain". After all, the young boy's expectations are not as great as he
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The nineteenth century produced many esteemed authors, including Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman who became two of Americas most popular
poets. While vastly different in style and personality, both Dickinson and Whitman relate to many people on an emotional level through their poetry,
even in the twenty–first century. The works of poetry by Dickinson and Whitman can be compared on levels of style and form and both writers
composed beautiful verses of high quality. Through the following comparisons, it will become apparent how Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman
influenced American literature and culture both in similar and diverse ways.
Born into an upper–class family in Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson was a structured woman and writer. Coming from a prominent family
with two siblings, it was unusual that Dickenson didn't want for much in life, not even seeking fame as a poet. Dickinson was known for being
private and was even accused of being a recluse. During her lifetime, Dickinson preferred being indoors and was notorious for her isolation from the
world. Although she was shy in nature, Dickinson spoke out in her poems and was never afraid to share her thoughts about life and religion. However,
it was not until after more content...
Whitman tended to write about nature using a great deal of imagery. Conversely, Dickinson wrote short and powerful verses that stirred deep thinking
in her readers. Both authors reached many people with their poems, but the audience was different for Dickinson and Whitman. Dickinson's poems
reached women who felt suffocated by the limitations of their gender in the church and in society. Dickenson's innovations and independence in her
writing made her one of the first feminist voices in her field. In contrast, Whitman's poems relate to people whose beliefs go against societal norms and
are searching for their identity and meaning in the
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Poetry Compare And Contrast Tone
2tan$as t"o and three make use of the most potent imagery& !magery% created by diction% suggests tone& There is a dichotomy bet"een the t"o
stan$as because they reflect differing tones of the poet& 2tan$a t"o focuses on naked% and in e#tension there is a lighter% humbler tone reflected in
the poet(s creation of imagery& 2tan$a three% on the other hand% presents a more negative% chastising tone inresponse to the nude personae& The
approving versus the chastising tone employed by Graves
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"I, too, dislike it: There are things that are important beyond all this fiddle." Poetry has been around for a long time. As the years go by poetry adapts
to the time period. However, the authors have different views. Majority of them will read and enjoy all types of poem, but they have their own
opinions. The new, has to be truly unique to the author and to the time period. Shakespeare still had plays that we study, but it is hard to comprehend
the message behind the words. Worlds change and the literature's change with the trends. The important question is how it should change. During each
time period there are people that publish their opinions, but different people have different ideas. WithinPoetry and Of Modern Poetry shows
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Today the only time we read Homer is when we are forced to in school. Once we have read it and it is explained, then we understand. We can't
understand things that don't pertain to the time period. The poetry has to be something straight forward and understandable. "The poem was suffused
with a calm curiosity that seemed to know it wouldn't get anywhere faster by being overeager. (Osborn) Being straightforward is the way people
understand things. It has to be forward and simple. The simplicity can touch people as much as the complex .Poetry is of the mind and has to continue
to change with the time. Change keeps it modern. Modern talks about how poems have to genuine or about something useful. Poetry has to be about
what is real and no the imaginary ideas that feel the books. A simplething can be lead to idea or to a meaning beyond the object, but it needs the simple
object. Poets have to start to rely on objects such as items, but also events. Things that happen in a life can be just as valuable as a material object.
"' Moore's poetry does not invite biographical interpretation', Leavell mines the early poems for references to events in the poet's life and evidence of
'profound feelings' that Moore herself revealed to no one." (Rye) Events are a good to draw on. It shows what lead up to the opinions of the author.
However, the one thing she never tried was to incorporate her
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Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood By
Seamus Heaney.
Comparing and contrasting two
Poems on the theme of childhood
Having read the four poems from Seamus Heaney's collection "Death of a
Naturalist", I have decided to Compare and contrast the two poems that
I like best, which are "Death of a naturalist" and "Follower". Both of these are childhood stories set in the countryside. These reflect how
Heaney felt about different aspects of life in his surroundings. This is one of the reasons that I have chosen these two poems the idea of the
countryside makes me feel at home with these two poems. They are both set in the open air, which creates an open atmosphere.
"Death of a Naturalist" is more content...
He also tells stories about the frogs "You could tell the weather by frogs too
For they were yellow in the sun and brown
In rain"
This is a clear, straight to the point use of childhood language showing the true importance of the creature to him. You can tell by the use of vocabulary
in the first stanza that it has all been written in a positive format, which can tell us the appreciation of everything that was around him glazing in the
The second stanza has become a different type of stanza by becoming negative. This is to do with the change of view on the subject. The start of the
second stanza
"Then one hot day"
Shows us that the main feature has changed. Heany has done this in a quick and sudden move although by the end of the first stanza everything is too
imaginable and boring. So by bringing in something different it creates excitement and tension for the reader. He has also began this stanza with a use
of effective use of hard, blunt matter–of–fact language the words are; angry, this gives us an idea of the mood of the frogs, rank, this shows that there
is many of them there in force, Invaded, this gives us the sense of power becoming more powerful. You can tell by the choice of these words that this
is to do with military. By becoming a negative stanza Heany has got to bring some kind
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Poems And Song Comparison
It is said that songs are just poems set to a catchy tune. Though Poems and songs speak to different people in the same way and vice versa to different
people in different ways. Poem: A piece of writing that partakes of the mature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually
metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure. Song: A short poem or other set of words set to music
or meant to be sung.
The poem and the song share similar qualities as in their subject. From birth to death is something that relatedly touches everyone. They also speak on
how to embrace life's changes and take on comes. Where Cummings could have used more tasteful phrasing such as time stood still, he instead to place
in the seasons, "spring summer autumn winter" more content...
This was a time in America that she was engulfed in World War ll, where livelihoods were destroyed during the period of grief and conflict.
Heartache was sent throughout the world and in spite of the senseless acts life went on. While the song "Dream On" was written in 1973, this era
was known for its' free spirited thinking. As Steven Tyler wrote, "I know nobody knows / Where it comes and where it goes", the idea was to dream
on while the youth was still intact since no one truly understood life's deepest form. Both the Poem and the song are relatively different, they both have
an underlay about life in itself, from birth to
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Compare and Contrast the two poems, London and Composed Upon Westminster
Both of the poets write about London in their poems. There is one big difference between the form and the structure 'Composed Upon
Westminster Bridge' is written in the form of a sonnet where as the
'London' poem is just a four verse poem, each verse having four lines.
Comparing the poems with one another I first picked up that they are equally written from first person perspectives which helps to express that these
are the writer's real thoughts and feelings of the great city. Blake doesn't concentrate on the general scene: Like the buildings or the natural landscapes,
He sees beyond all this and he thinks of the people who live there. more content...
It draws more attention to what is different. In the phrase, he speaks of a black church saying God does not help people with their pointless lives.
When Wordsworth does concentrate on the scene of buildings and rivers and the nature of the weather. He feels very strongly about the city being
man–made and better than anything natural. This poet pays a lot of attention to detail. ''All bright and glittering in the smokeless air'' he notices
everything there is to know about the elegant city.
London is a calm and quiet city in the early hours of the morning, all is well with the world, its harmonious and clean. A lot of personification is
used in this poem in contrast to the other. For example, '' the very houses seem asleep''. He also refers to the city as 'he' and also on the River Thames
when he says ''the river glideth at his own sweet will''.
Blake's poem is very angry and noisy in comparison to wordsworth's which is calm and quiet. Blake also seems far more critical with the hurried
rhythm that shows his anger, this is also shown in the parallelism of the second stanza.
Back to the point of Wordsworth's love for the city, London means everything to him and as though it is the heart of the world, it says this when in the
last he calls London ''that mighty heart''. It seems
Wordsworth is looking at the city from afar and doesn't know all the hidden truths and goings on
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Compare and Contrast Poem and Short Story
Introduction to Literature A Similar Journey February 2011 There are many people who travel a distance in life to find the path they should take or
to remember the path they once took. In the poem "The Path Not Taken," by Robert Frost and the short story "I Used to Live Here Once" by Jean
Rhys there are many similarities and differences. The authors' use of describing a path helps them personify life's journeys and self–reflection. Robert
Frost uses imagery to describe two different journeys in life that could have been taken. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could
not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth." As Frost writes in this more content...
When Rhys says, "She came to the worn stone steps that led up to the house and her heart began to beat. The screw pine was gone, so was the
mock summer house called the ajoupa, but the clove tree was still there and at the top of the steps the rough lawn stretched away, just as she
remembered it. She stopped and looked towards the house that had been added to and painted white. It was strange to see a car standing in front of
it." She was not sure why someone would be there. This leads too many thoughts through the girl's mind, why is everything so different, have I been
gone for that long, what has happened here? A question she had not answers for at that moment. In the last paragraph Frost says "I shall be telling this
with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I– I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the
difference." When he uses repeated images he is describing a re–telling of his life's journey. He explains ages and ages which shows years that have
passes he will talk about the two roads in the woods, which were the two paths that he could have taken. He chose to take the one less traveled by,
which could have been a harder path but the one he thought was best for him. His last line is more of a philosophical than an actual description. He
says "I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Meaning
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Compare and Contrast
Amarilis Ramos 10/8/12 Ms. Persad Gateway Senior English Time in Poetry An addict's growing need for drugs and alcoholism is similar to the
speaker's need, in "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell, of love from the women he addresses to. Time has an important role in both "The
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and "To His Coy Mistress". Both speakers use time in a way which best makes them feel comfortable with. "The
Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock," by T.S. Eliot, is considered a dramatic monologue. Some call the poem the "first Modernist poem". Andrew Marvell,
an English poet, politician, and satirist. Marvell is commonly known as a "Metaphysical Poet". His poems are famous for surprising the reader with
the use of language more content...
Of course, if you keep insisting there is plenty of time forever and he fails at getting to the point: In a minute there is time
/For decisions and
revisions, which a minute will reverse" (Line 47–48). Prufrock wasted so much time that his opportunity to talk to the women he likes has passed and
that now the only thing he waits for is death just like what Andrew Marvell was telling his women, not to wait for, death: "I have seen the moment of
my greatness flicker, 
/And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, 
/And in short, I was afraid." (Lines 84–86) These two
poems show different types of love. Prufrock shows a love at a distance while Marvell's love is that of a teenager. Marvell's poem shows that of a
teenager that hasn't fully discovered what love truly is and only loves by being sexually active with their partner. Both these kinds of types of love are
both extreme and shouldn't be followed. Nothing good can come from different types of extremes of love and it is what these poems
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Why Should A Foolish Marriage Vow By John Dryden
The authors and compositions I most enjoyed This course "Classic English Poetry: Ages, Authors, Texts (16th
–20th centuries)" in such a short time has
introduced me to many and many amazing poets and incredible pieces of poetry. Having been presented such a huge amount of different compositions,
it was quite difficult at first to choose those I liked the most. But taking the time to think it all through, I managed to narrow down the list to my two
favorite poems of two different authors. The first composition I would want to talk about is a song from Marriage–A–La–Mode "Why Should a Foolish
Marriage vow" by John Dryden. Talking about the content of this poem, I'd like to point out that its theme is marriage, marital vows, love and the degree more content...
The theme of this piece of poetry, as I see it, is aging, growing up or maybe even growing old and getting to the calmer and slower pace of life. The
author keeps saying that the main character (though he uses "we" it can supposedly be Lord Byron himself) will "...go no more a–roving / So late into
the night" (1–2) because, although he might still be able to do all the things he used to do, it might be a moment for him when he needs to stop as his
time for play might be coming to an end just like all the other things in life usually
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Compare And Contrast Tone
Comparing and contrasting the two songs "Pretty hurts" by BeyoncГ© and "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera has its similarities and differences, along
with different perspectives of the audiences. With different tones, moods, and purposes these songs have a huge impact on society for defining the
word "Beauty." In both songs they target two different audiences. One audience has difficult with insecurities (Pretty Hurts) while the other audience
doesn't believe they are beautiful (Beautiful). The purpose in both songs have the same meaning they both want young ladies or males to feel better
about themselves and not allowing anyone to judge them. They also should try and stop changing their appearance to impress society. The tone of the
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Compare And Contrast Keats And John Keats
Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats were both unconventional men during their era. They were both part of the romantics, poets who sought nature
as a way of expressing their most bare and intimate feelings. Their greatest aspiration was to resemble great poets like Wordsworth and Coleridge,
who they admired profoundly. However, Keats and Shelley were completely different both in their outlook of life and even in the way that they
expressed their feelings. John Keats was a poet who followed his passion for poetry and left his medical career to become a poet. He was a passive
man who believed in the beauty of nature and held a respect and fear for it as well. Shelley was a man beyond his years, he was an adventurous
man who held a deep love for nature and uniqueness, as we can see in many of his sonnets and poems. Both believed greatly that the power of art
held and radiated once it was acknowledged. Through their sonnets they expressed their respect for artists and their work, exalting them for the
passion and John Keats, "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer." Gave us a more personal view of an artist's work. The Odyssey had been John
Keats long obsession, his dream had always been to be able to read it, however, he had not been able because it had not been translated. After Chapman
translated the piece, Keats read the work and became overly sentimental. The artist's work had impacted him greatly, so much that Keats did not think
twice before pouring his feelings into
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Poetry Compare Contrast Essay
The sonnet, "Time Does Not Bring Relief" by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and the poem, "Gouge, Adze, Rasp, Hammer" by Chris Forhan, are both
about the emotional pain of a lost love. Both of the poems follow the narrators after their losses, but each speaker handles with their situation
differently. The narrator in "Time Does Not Bring Relief" can not find liberation from her heart ache, and experiences a more powerful and
unavoidable sadness than the narrator from "Gouge, Adze, Rasp, Hammer," who copes with his heartache more successfully, and eventually begins the
healing process, as exemplified by the use of tone, structure and imagery in these poems. Firstly, the difference in tone between the poems clarifies the
fact that the woman in "Time Does Not Bring Relief" is inconsolable, while the man in "Gouge, Adze, Rasp, Hammer," has begun the
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"Time Does Not Bring Relief" is a Shakespearean sonnet, which brings a structure to the narrator's writing, which is contrary to the free verse that is
used in the poem "Gouge, Adze, Rouge, Hammer", which is more casual and relaxed. The narrator follows the rhyme and structure of the
Shakespearean sonnet instead of using free verse to express herself, which is interesting to note because she employs the structure of a sonnet, despite
the fact that she is going through powerful storms of unrelenting grief. It can be interpreted that the structure of her writing may stabilize her through
the troubling time of her loss. The free verse that the narrator uses in "Gouge, Adze, Rasp, Hammer," is more expressive and free because it lacks a
definite structure. The narrator is able to write about his feelings without being tied down and concerned with form. The use of free verse in the poem
can be interpreted as the narrator's internal misery that displays itself as amiability and composure on the
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Poetry Compare And Contrast Essay
The two poems I've selected are "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost, and "The Snow–Storm" by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Speaking in the story Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, is a man riding his horse through some really dark woods, trying to get to where he
has to be. In The Snow–Storm, the author, Ralph Waldo Emerson, is speaking of a real cold winter storm that happens to delay everyone's daily
activities that had been going on. Both poems center around the images of snow, however they differ in the way in how they describe the snow. The
use of imagery is very well detailed in both poems. In Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, it says: "To watch his woods fill up with snow." Its
showing that the woods were clear,
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Literature: Compare and Contrast
Literature: Compare and Contrast
Literary Devices
Kathy J. Shannon
University of Phoenix
Mickeal M. Donald, Instructor
September 3, 2010
Compare and Contrast Literature offers a variety of literary works by authors of all ages, writing non–fiction and fictional stories, poetry, and essays.
The act of analyzing two different authors by both comparing their work and isolating their contrasting elements, can be difficult, yet rewarding.
Oedipus Rex (Sophocles'), written in 429 B.C., offers the author's use of Greek Mythology, oracles, Greek gods, deception, and murder. Throughout the
series of events, the reader is given clues to the true identity of the murderer resulting in a traumatic climax. Sophocles' writes with
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Is it just pride that causes the relentless drive to please the people of Thebes for Oedipus? Perplexed at where to begin to find the person or
persons responsible for this evil, Oedipus turns to Choragos, leader of the Chorus, for direction. At the suggestion of Choragos, Oedipus sends for
the lord clairvoyant, Teiresias, to learn what he knows. Led in by a servant, the blind clairvoyant is belligerent and refuses to tell what he knows,
taking it to his grave. Oedipus is furious and demands to know or he will face dire punishment. Against his will, Teiresias reveals that it is Oedipus
polluting his country. This exchange is one of Sophocles' use of metaphors. Oedipus accuses Teiresias of having "eyes peeled for his own profit–seer
blind in his craft!" ( Teiresias' response is a sardonic reply telling Oedipus that "you with your precious eyes, you're blind to the
corruption of your life" ( Accusations surface by the king saying Creon had suggested he seek the wisdom and knowledge of
Teiresias and, after these demonic accusations, they must have invented the lies to discredit the king. Oedipus, enraged, charges Creon with envy his
position and power. He tells the people Creon, whom he trusted and believed to be his friend, wants to destroy him to take his place as king. In his
defense, Creon faces Oedipus, and his absurd finger–pointing, by passionately denying every
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Essay on Comparing Love Poetry
Comparing Love Poetry
In this assignment I am going compare and contrast two poems, 'A Red, Red Rose' by Robert Burns and 'Lucy Poems' by William Wordsworth. In
this assignment I am also going to discuss, how each poet uses language, how they portray the theme of love, the tradition and culture of each poet and
my own personal response to these poems.
Robert Burns was born in 1759, in Alloway in Ayrshire in Scotland. Burns' father was a poor tenant– farmer but he was a well–educated man and made
sure that his son had a good education.
William Wordsworthwas born in 1770, in Cumberland in the English Lake District. He was left an orphan at the age of thirteen and was educated with
the more content...
He proceeds to say "Half hidden from the eye" by this he means that her beauty and talents are not oblivious to the eye and you have to take time
and look for them. In "She dwelt among the trodden ways" the last stanza Wordsworth talk about Lucy dying and here we realise the depth of his
feeling of her due to his show of emotion, "But she is in her grave, and, oh" the "oh" at the end of this line shows that he is lost for words and has
hardly the words to describe how he feels about her. In the last poem "A slumber did my spirit seal" he talks of that this woman is immortal and
when he is in thought or asleep that she's alive, She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years." Throughout this poem is noticeable
that his love for this woman he talks of is very real.
Roberts Burns' poem "A Red, Red Rose" which was written about a woman called Jean Armour. This poem is quite similar in many ways to
Wordsworth's "Lucy Poems" . The main difference between these two poems is the tones. Burns' poem has a fast pace and a cheerful tone whereas
in Wordsworth's "Lucy Poems" the tone is peaceful tone and has quite a slow pace. Due to the poems fast pace it creates a lyrical folk–song effect. In
the first stanza he refers
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Compare And Contrast Reading Poetry
Poetry Comparison Essay Across the world, students and adults alike struggle to read poetry. Theoretically, reading poetry seems like a simple task,
so why do so many teenagers and young adults consider this to be such a difficult task? Some may consider poems to be difficult because of the vague
titles, strange layouts, and uncommon language. However, many consider the main reason for poetry being difficult to understand because many
pieces of poetry are symbolic. Because a majority of people are not accustomed to thinking symbolically, they often find poetry to be confusing
because they take each word in a poem literally. In other words, people who read poetry cannot read poetry like they would other literary works
because poetry should not be taken literally. To read poetry, one must have an open mind and think uniquely about each setting and plot of a poem. A
reader of poetry must be able to take chances on more content...
In other words, one should not assume that the title or the author will reflect the meaning of the poem in any way. A poetry reader may assume
that the title of the poem is a direct reflection of the metaphor, symbolism, and meaning behind the poem, but this way of viewing poems is one
reason why people believe reading poetry is difficult. In reality, there is such a varying range of poetry with a larger variety of deeper meanings
beneath the surface. To view poems with expectations about what it will or will not mean is limiting the true potential of every poem that person
could read in his or her life. Edward Hirsch describes reading poetry as "a perpetual beginning" (How to Read a Poem, 1999). Hirsch does not only
describe poems this way because each poem is unique, but he also implies that one must begin each poem with a fresh, new outlook on this poem,
hence the "perpetual beginning" (How to Read a Poem,
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The Comparison Of Two Love Poems

  • 1. The Comparison of Two Love Poems The poem "How Do I Love Thee", by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and "What Lips My Lips Have Kissed", by Edna Vincent Millay are both well–known poems that both have themes of love. (LIT, Kirszner & Mandell, Pg. 490). In both poems the poet helps the reader experience a lot of emotion with the use of certain words. There are speakers in both poems. In Mrs. Browning's poem, the speaker is undefined, leaving open that the speaker could be a he or she. Millay's poem which is written in first person, the speaker is more defined leading the reader to believe it is a she who is talking about love in the past tense. Both poems are sonnets written with fourteen lines, and written in Italian style. When comparing these poems we will be looking at the use of rhyme scheme and metaphors and how they were used to express emotions in these two sonnet poems. One of the most used love poems would have to be, "How Do I Love Thee?" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. It has been recited at many weddings for people who use it to announce their love for each other. And if a person were to ask someone if they had ever heard of this poem they would most likely get an answer of yes. In Mrs. Browning's poem she uses the repeating of the same words, "I Love Thee", over and over, which gives the poem its rhythm. But yet she still uses the rhyming scheme at the end of sentences that rhyme like these two sentences, "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height/My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight". Get more content on
  • 2. "It's the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling" This is how William Wordsworth (1770–1850), the significant English Romantic poet, described poetry. Indeed, novelists and poets diverge in the way they articulate this "powerful feeling". When considering Romantic and Victorian literature, many individuals generally connect them with being entirely contrastive. In truth, both (Literary schools) have emerged from severe political and social fluctuations as a result of The French Revolution in France and The Industrial Revolution in England. Romantics and Victorians portrayed their era in different ways; with Romanticism preceding the Victorian age, and Romantics tending to excessively romanticize serious issues, and Victorians leaning more content... Wordsworth continues to describe the scene he is inspired by, and how it makes him feel peaceful and calm. He then moves to characterize the River Thames, and personifying it as a patient person who moves "at his own sweet will". Wordsworth hints once again to the sleepiness of the people as the major reason of London's beauty as "that mighty heart is lying still" referring to the city's vitality and liveliness. Moving onwards to the 19th century; and exploring the Victorian era where authors of this age opt for more practical images. In Great Expectations, Charles Dickens exquisitely evokes London through the eyes of Pip, the young orphan who moves to London to pursue his goal to become a gentleman. Not only does Dickens depict London streets, but he also uses other places in London to symbolize how the big city was like. For instance, the street that is ironically called "Little Britain". After all, the young boy's expectations are not as great as he Get more content on
  • 3. The nineteenth century produced many esteemed authors, including Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman who became two of Americas most popular poets. While vastly different in style and personality, both Dickinson and Whitman relate to many people on an emotional level through their poetry, even in the twenty–first century. The works of poetry by Dickinson and Whitman can be compared on levels of style and form and both writers composed beautiful verses of high quality. Through the following comparisons, it will become apparent how Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman influenced American literature and culture both in similar and diverse ways. Born into an upper–class family in Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson was a structured woman and writer. Coming from a prominent family with two siblings, it was unusual that Dickenson didn't want for much in life, not even seeking fame as a poet. Dickinson was known for being private and was even accused of being a recluse. During her lifetime, Dickinson preferred being indoors and was notorious for her isolation from the world. Although she was shy in nature, Dickinson spoke out in her poems and was never afraid to share her thoughts about life and religion. However, it was not until after more content... Whitman tended to write about nature using a great deal of imagery. Conversely, Dickinson wrote short and powerful verses that stirred deep thinking in her readers. Both authors reached many people with their poems, but the audience was different for Dickinson and Whitman. Dickinson's poems reached women who felt suffocated by the limitations of their gender in the church and in society. Dickenson's innovations and independence in her writing made her one of the first feminist voices in her field. In contrast, Whitman's poems relate to people whose beliefs go against societal norms and are searching for their identity and meaning in the Get more content on
  • 4. Poetry Compare And Contrast Tone 2tan$as t"o and three make use of the most potent imagery& !magery% created by diction% suggests tone& There is a dichotomy bet"een the t"o stan$as because they reflect differing tones of the poet& 2tan$a t"o focuses on naked% and in e#tension there is a lighter% humbler tone reflected in the poet(s creation of imagery& 2tan$a three% on the other hand% presents a more negative% chastising tone inresponse to the nude personae& The approving versus the chastising tone employed by Graves Get more content on
  • 5. "I, too, dislike it: There are things that are important beyond all this fiddle." Poetry has been around for a long time. As the years go by poetry adapts to the time period. However, the authors have different views. Majority of them will read and enjoy all types of poem, but they have their own opinions. The new, has to be truly unique to the author and to the time period. Shakespeare still had plays that we study, but it is hard to comprehend the message behind the words. Worlds change and the literature's change with the trends. The important question is how it should change. During each time period there are people that publish their opinions, but different people have different ideas. WithinPoetry and Of Modern Poetry shows more content... Today the only time we read Homer is when we are forced to in school. Once we have read it and it is explained, then we understand. We can't understand things that don't pertain to the time period. The poetry has to be something straight forward and understandable. "The poem was suffused with a calm curiosity that seemed to know it wouldn't get anywhere faster by being overeager. (Osborn) Being straightforward is the way people understand things. It has to be forward and simple. The simplicity can touch people as much as the complex .Poetry is of the mind and has to continue to change with the time. Change keeps it modern. Modern talks about how poems have to genuine or about something useful. Poetry has to be about what is real and no the imaginary ideas that feel the books. A simplething can be lead to idea or to a meaning beyond the object, but it needs the simple object. Poets have to start to rely on objects such as items, but also events. Things that happen in a life can be just as valuable as a material object. "' Moore's poetry does not invite biographical interpretation', Leavell mines the early poems for references to events in the poet's life and evidence of 'profound feelings' that Moore herself revealed to no one." (Rye) Events are a good to draw on. It shows what lead up to the opinions of the author. However, the one thing she never tried was to incorporate her Get more content on
  • 6. Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood By Seamus Heaney. Comparing and contrasting two Poems on the theme of childhood Having read the four poems from Seamus Heaney's collection "Death of a Naturalist", I have decided to Compare and contrast the two poems that I like best, which are "Death of a naturalist" and "Follower". Both of these are childhood stories set in the countryside. These reflect how Heaney felt about different aspects of life in his surroundings. This is one of the reasons that I have chosen these two poems the idea of the countryside makes me feel at home with these two poems. They are both set in the open air, which creates an open atmosphere. "Death of a Naturalist" is more content... He also tells stories about the frogs "You could tell the weather by frogs too For they were yellow in the sun and brown In rain" This is a clear, straight to the point use of childhood language showing the true importance of the creature to him. You can tell by the use of vocabulary in the first stanza that it has all been written in a positive format, which can tell us the appreciation of everything that was around him glazing in the sunlight. The second stanza has become a different type of stanza by becoming negative. This is to do with the change of view on the subject. The start of the second stanza
  • 7. "Then one hot day" Shows us that the main feature has changed. Heany has done this in a quick and sudden move although by the end of the first stanza everything is too imaginable and boring. So by bringing in something different it creates excitement and tension for the reader. He has also began this stanza with a use of effective use of hard, blunt matter–of–fact language the words are; angry, this gives us an idea of the mood of the frogs, rank, this shows that there is many of them there in force, Invaded, this gives us the sense of power becoming more powerful. You can tell by the choice of these words that this is to do with military. By becoming a negative stanza Heany has got to bring some kind Get more content on
  • 8. Poems And Song Comparison It is said that songs are just poems set to a catchy tune. Though Poems and songs speak to different people in the same way and vice versa to different people in different ways. Poem: A piece of writing that partakes of the mature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure. Song: A short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung. The poem and the song share similar qualities as in their subject. From birth to death is something that relatedly touches everyone. They also speak on how to embrace life's changes and take on comes. Where Cummings could have used more tasteful phrasing such as time stood still, he instead to place in the seasons, "spring summer autumn winter" more content... This was a time in America that she was engulfed in World War ll, where livelihoods were destroyed during the period of grief and conflict. Heartache was sent throughout the world and in spite of the senseless acts life went on. While the song "Dream On" was written in 1973, this era was known for its' free spirited thinking. As Steven Tyler wrote, "I know nobody knows / Where it comes and where it goes", the idea was to dream on while the youth was still intact since no one truly understood life's deepest form. Both the Poem and the song are relatively different, they both have an underlay about life in itself, from birth to Get more content on
  • 9. Compare and Contrast the two poems, London and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Both of the poets write about London in their poems. There is one big difference between the form and the structure 'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge' is written in the form of a sonnet where as the 'London' poem is just a four verse poem, each verse having four lines. Comparing the poems with one another I first picked up that they are equally written from first person perspectives which helps to express that these are the writer's real thoughts and feelings of the great city. Blake doesn't concentrate on the general scene: Like the buildings or the natural landscapes, He sees beyond all this and he thinks of the people who live there. more content... It draws more attention to what is different. In the phrase, he speaks of a black church saying God does not help people with their pointless lives. When Wordsworth does concentrate on the scene of buildings and rivers and the nature of the weather. He feels very strongly about the city being man–made and better than anything natural. This poet pays a lot of attention to detail. ''All bright and glittering in the smokeless air'' he notices everything there is to know about the elegant city. London is a calm and quiet city in the early hours of the morning, all is well with the world, its harmonious and clean. A lot of personification is used in this poem in contrast to the other. For example, '' the very houses seem asleep''. He also refers to the city as 'he' and also on the River Thames when he says ''the river glideth at his own sweet will''. Blake's poem is very angry and noisy in comparison to wordsworth's which is calm and quiet. Blake also seems far more critical with the hurried rhythm that shows his anger, this is also shown in the parallelism of the second stanza. Back to the point of Wordsworth's love for the city, London means everything to him and as though it is the heart of the world, it says this when in the last he calls London ''that mighty heart''. It seems Wordsworth is looking at the city from afar and doesn't know all the hidden truths and goings on
  • 10. Get more content on
  • 11. Compare and Contrast Poem and Short Story Introduction to Literature A Similar Journey February 2011 There are many people who travel a distance in life to find the path they should take or to remember the path they once took. In the poem "The Path Not Taken," by Robert Frost and the short story "I Used to Live Here Once" by Jean Rhys there are many similarities and differences. The authors' use of describing a path helps them personify life's journeys and self–reflection. Robert Frost uses imagery to describe two different journeys in life that could have been taken. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth." As Frost writes in this more content... When Rhys says, "She came to the worn stone steps that led up to the house and her heart began to beat. The screw pine was gone, so was the mock summer house called the ajoupa, but the clove tree was still there and at the top of the steps the rough lawn stretched away, just as she remembered it. She stopped and looked towards the house that had been added to and painted white. It was strange to see a car standing in front of it." She was not sure why someone would be there. This leads too many thoughts through the girl's mind, why is everything so different, have I been gone for that long, what has happened here? A question she had not answers for at that moment. In the last paragraph Frost says "I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I– I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." When he uses repeated images he is describing a re–telling of his life's journey. He explains ages and ages which shows years that have passes he will talk about the two roads in the woods, which were the two paths that he could have taken. He chose to take the one less traveled by, which could have been a harder path but the one he thought was best for him. His last line is more of a philosophical than an actual description. He says "I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Meaning Get more content on
  • 12. Compare and Contrast Amarilis Ramos 10/8/12 Ms. Persad Gateway Senior English Time in Poetry An addict's growing need for drugs and alcoholism is similar to the speaker's need, in "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell, of love from the women he addresses to. Time has an important role in both "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and "To His Coy Mistress". Both speakers use time in a way which best makes them feel comfortable with. "The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock," by T.S. Eliot, is considered a dramatic monologue. Some call the poem the "first Modernist poem". Andrew Marvell, an English poet, politician, and satirist. Marvell is commonly known as a "Metaphysical Poet". His poems are famous for surprising the reader with the use of language more content... Of course, if you keep insisting there is plenty of time forever and he fails at getting to the point: In a minute there is time
/For decisions and revisions, which a minute will reverse" (Line 47–48). Prufrock wasted so much time that his opportunity to talk to the women he likes has passed and that now the only thing he waits for is death just like what Andrew Marvell was telling his women, not to wait for, death: "I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, 
/And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, 
/And in short, I was afraid." (Lines 84–86) These two poems show different types of love. Prufrock shows a love at a distance while Marvell's love is that of a teenager. Marvell's poem shows that of a teenager that hasn't fully discovered what love truly is and only loves by being sexually active with their partner. Both these kinds of types of love are both extreme and shouldn't be followed. Nothing good can come from different types of extremes of love and it is what these poems Get more content on
  • 13. Why Should A Foolish Marriage Vow By John Dryden The authors and compositions I most enjoyed This course "Classic English Poetry: Ages, Authors, Texts (16th –20th centuries)" in such a short time has introduced me to many and many amazing poets and incredible pieces of poetry. Having been presented such a huge amount of different compositions, it was quite difficult at first to choose those I liked the most. But taking the time to think it all through, I managed to narrow down the list to my two favorite poems of two different authors. The first composition I would want to talk about is a song from Marriage–A–La–Mode "Why Should a Foolish Marriage vow" by John Dryden. Talking about the content of this poem, I'd like to point out that its theme is marriage, marital vows, love and the degree more content... The theme of this piece of poetry, as I see it, is aging, growing up or maybe even growing old and getting to the calmer and slower pace of life. The author keeps saying that the main character (though he uses "we" it can supposedly be Lord Byron himself) will "...go no more a–roving / So late into the night" (1–2) because, although he might still be able to do all the things he used to do, it might be a moment for him when he needs to stop as his time for play might be coming to an end just like all the other things in life usually Get more content on
  • 14. Compare And Contrast Tone Comparing and contrasting the two songs "Pretty hurts" by BeyoncГ© and "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera has its similarities and differences, along with different perspectives of the audiences. With different tones, moods, and purposes these songs have a huge impact on society for defining the word "Beauty." In both songs they target two different audiences. One audience has difficult with insecurities (Pretty Hurts) while the other audience doesn't believe they are beautiful (Beautiful). The purpose in both songs have the same meaning they both want young ladies or males to feel better about themselves and not allowing anyone to judge them. They also should try and stop changing their appearance to impress society. The tone of the song Get more content on
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Keats And John Keats Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats were both unconventional men during their era. They were both part of the romantics, poets who sought nature as a way of expressing their most bare and intimate feelings. Their greatest aspiration was to resemble great poets like Wordsworth and Coleridge, who they admired profoundly. However, Keats and Shelley were completely different both in their outlook of life and even in the way that they expressed their feelings. John Keats was a poet who followed his passion for poetry and left his medical career to become a poet. He was a passive man who believed in the beauty of nature and held a respect and fear for it as well. Shelley was a man beyond his years, he was an adventurous man who held a deep love for nature and uniqueness, as we can see in many of his sonnets and poems. Both believed greatly that the power of art held and radiated once it was acknowledged. Through their sonnets they expressed their respect for artists and their work, exalting them for the passion and John Keats, "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer." Gave us a more personal view of an artist's work. The Odyssey had been John Keats long obsession, his dream had always been to be able to read it, however, he had not been able because it had not been translated. After Chapman translated the piece, Keats read the work and became overly sentimental. The artist's work had impacted him greatly, so much that Keats did not think twice before pouring his feelings into Get more content on
  • 16. Poetry Compare Contrast Essay The sonnet, "Time Does Not Bring Relief" by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and the poem, "Gouge, Adze, Rasp, Hammer" by Chris Forhan, are both about the emotional pain of a lost love. Both of the poems follow the narrators after their losses, but each speaker handles with their situation differently. The narrator in "Time Does Not Bring Relief" can not find liberation from her heart ache, and experiences a more powerful and unavoidable sadness than the narrator from "Gouge, Adze, Rasp, Hammer," who copes with his heartache more successfully, and eventually begins the healing process, as exemplified by the use of tone, structure and imagery in these poems. Firstly, the difference in tone between the poems clarifies the fact that the woman in "Time Does Not Bring Relief" is inconsolable, while the man in "Gouge, Adze, Rasp, Hammer," has begun the more content... "Time Does Not Bring Relief" is a Shakespearean sonnet, which brings a structure to the narrator's writing, which is contrary to the free verse that is used in the poem "Gouge, Adze, Rouge, Hammer", which is more casual and relaxed. The narrator follows the rhyme and structure of the Shakespearean sonnet instead of using free verse to express herself, which is interesting to note because she employs the structure of a sonnet, despite the fact that she is going through powerful storms of unrelenting grief. It can be interpreted that the structure of her writing may stabilize her through the troubling time of her loss. The free verse that the narrator uses in "Gouge, Adze, Rasp, Hammer," is more expressive and free because it lacks a definite structure. The narrator is able to write about his feelings without being tied down and concerned with form. The use of free verse in the poem can be interpreted as the narrator's internal misery that displays itself as amiability and composure on the Get more content on
  • 17. Poetry Compare And Contrast Essay The two poems I've selected are "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost, and "The Snow–Storm" by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Speaking in the story Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, is a man riding his horse through some really dark woods, trying to get to where he has to be. In The Snow–Storm, the author, Ralph Waldo Emerson, is speaking of a real cold winter storm that happens to delay everyone's daily activities that had been going on. Both poems center around the images of snow, however they differ in the way in how they describe the snow. The use of imagery is very well detailed in both poems. In Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, it says: "To watch his woods fill up with snow." Its showing that the woods were clear, Get more content on
  • 18. Literature: Compare and Contrast Literature: Compare and Contrast Literary Devices Kathy J. Shannon University of Phoenix Mickeal M. Donald, Instructor September 3, 2010 Compare and Contrast Literature offers a variety of literary works by authors of all ages, writing non–fiction and fictional stories, poetry, and essays. The act of analyzing two different authors by both comparing their work and isolating their contrasting elements, can be difficult, yet rewarding. Oedipus Rex (Sophocles'), written in 429 B.C., offers the author's use of Greek Mythology, oracles, Greek gods, deception, and murder. Throughout the series of events, the reader is given clues to the true identity of the murderer resulting in a traumatic climax. Sophocles' writes with more content... Is it just pride that causes the relentless drive to please the people of Thebes for Oedipus? Perplexed at where to begin to find the person or persons responsible for this evil, Oedipus turns to Choragos, leader of the Chorus, for direction. At the suggestion of Choragos, Oedipus sends for the lord clairvoyant, Teiresias, to learn what he knows. Led in by a servant, the blind clairvoyant is belligerent and refuses to tell what he knows, taking it to his grave. Oedipus is furious and demands to know or he will face dire punishment. Against his will, Teiresias reveals that it is Oedipus polluting his country. This exchange is one of Sophocles' use of metaphors. Oedipus accuses Teiresias of having "eyes peeled for his own profit–seer blind in his craft!" ( Teiresias' response is a sardonic reply telling Oedipus that "you with your precious eyes, you're blind to the corruption of your life" ( Accusations surface by the king saying Creon had suggested he seek the wisdom and knowledge of Teiresias and, after these demonic accusations, they must have invented the lies to discredit the king. Oedipus, enraged, charges Creon with envy his position and power. He tells the people Creon, whom he trusted and believed to be his friend, wants to destroy him to take his place as king. In his defense, Creon faces Oedipus, and his absurd finger–pointing, by passionately denying every Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Comparing Love Poetry Comparing Love Poetry In this assignment I am going compare and contrast two poems, 'A Red, Red Rose' by Robert Burns and 'Lucy Poems' by William Wordsworth. In this assignment I am also going to discuss, how each poet uses language, how they portray the theme of love, the tradition and culture of each poet and my own personal response to these poems. Robert Burns was born in 1759, in Alloway in Ayrshire in Scotland. Burns' father was a poor tenant– farmer but he was a well–educated man and made sure that his son had a good education. William Wordsworthwas born in 1770, in Cumberland in the English Lake District. He was left an orphan at the age of thirteen and was educated with the more content... He proceeds to say "Half hidden from the eye" by this he means that her beauty and talents are not oblivious to the eye and you have to take time and look for them. In "She dwelt among the trodden ways" the last stanza Wordsworth talk about Lucy dying and here we realise the depth of his feeling of her due to his show of emotion, "But she is in her grave, and, oh" the "oh" at the end of this line shows that he is lost for words and has hardly the words to describe how he feels about her. In the last poem "A slumber did my spirit seal" he talks of that this woman is immortal and when he is in thought or asleep that she's alive, She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years." Throughout this poem is noticeable that his love for this woman he talks of is very real. Roberts Burns' poem "A Red, Red Rose" which was written about a woman called Jean Armour. This poem is quite similar in many ways to Wordsworth's "Lucy Poems" . The main difference between these two poems is the tones. Burns' poem has a fast pace and a cheerful tone whereas in Wordsworth's "Lucy Poems" the tone is peaceful tone and has quite a slow pace. Due to the poems fast pace it creates a lyrical folk–song effect. In the first stanza he refers Get more content on
  • 20. Compare And Contrast Reading Poetry Poetry Comparison Essay Across the world, students and adults alike struggle to read poetry. Theoretically, reading poetry seems like a simple task, so why do so many teenagers and young adults consider this to be such a difficult task? Some may consider poems to be difficult because of the vague titles, strange layouts, and uncommon language. However, many consider the main reason for poetry being difficult to understand because many pieces of poetry are symbolic. Because a majority of people are not accustomed to thinking symbolically, they often find poetry to be confusing because they take each word in a poem literally. In other words, people who read poetry cannot read poetry like they would other literary works because poetry should not be taken literally. To read poetry, one must have an open mind and think uniquely about each setting and plot of a poem. A reader of poetry must be able to take chances on more content... In other words, one should not assume that the title or the author will reflect the meaning of the poem in any way. A poetry reader may assume that the title of the poem is a direct reflection of the metaphor, symbolism, and meaning behind the poem, but this way of viewing poems is one reason why people believe reading poetry is difficult. In reality, there is such a varying range of poetry with a larger variety of deeper meanings beneath the surface. To view poems with expectations about what it will or will not mean is limiting the true potential of every poem that person could read in his or her life. Edward Hirsch describes reading poetry as "a perpetual beginning" (How to Read a Poem, 1999). Hirsch does not only describe poems this way because each poem is unique, but he also implies that one must begin each poem with a fresh, new outlook on this poem, hence the "perpetual beginning" (How to Read a Poem, Get more content on