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The assignment needs to accomplish two things:
1. Provide a critical account of your previous beliefs about first
and second language acquisition, with reference to theories or
concepts of first/second language acquisition
2. Be a well-written, well-organized essay, following all
academic conventions, including a reference list following APA
The questions
1. How do you think we learn our first language? (What
happens? How does it happen? How
does it progress? What happens in the child’s head? How
important is correction? What do
parents have to do? and so on.) (First language acquisition)
2. What do you think is the most effective way to teach or learn
a second language? Why?
(What is the main process? What do the learners have to do?
What does the teacher have to
do? Does this change as time goes on? What has to happen in
the classroom? What is the role
of the syllabus? What should be in the syllabus?) (Second
language acquisition)
My previous beliefs on 1st and 2nd language acquisition
1- First language acquisition: Language is a critical aspect that
defines humans and their identities. It is a means of
communication that they acquire from a very young age and
onwards. As to how they acquire it, children start off learning
language by attempting to communicate their instinct needs
through body language and facial expressions. They can further
communicate them through using their vocals, and this will be
achieved through crying, shouting, laughing and more. At a
later stage, they will be able to utter sounds and perhaps simple
words they are exposed to by their parents, siblings and overall
their surroundings. The first attempts to learn their first
language could be through trying to repeat the words and sounds
they often hear from others and other interactive tools, such as
videos, games, songs and more. The words used by infants, even
if they are not pronounced correctly, at this stage are enough for
them to feel understood and provide them with a sense of
security. Structuring phrases and sentences will probably start
when they become toddlers. At this stage, the area responsible
for learning a language in their brain will be developed. Having
said that, children at this age might struggle in forming phrases
and short sentences that are grammatically correct. In this
regard, parents should not constantly correct their toddlers’
mistakes but rather encourage them to communicate their needs
and express their feelings and emotions freely. This is because
the mistakes children make at this age are due to their language
incompetence. Pronouncing some words and trying to use longer
forms can be overwhelming for them. Once the children begin
to go to school, they will first be taught how to utter certain
sounds and words correctly. This will be achieved through
teaching them the alphabet and a variety of words they can use
to communicate with others. Not only will they learn how to use
nouns, but they will learn how to use verb tenses. At this stage,
children will begin writing words and simple sentences.
Teachers will be able to teach students how to spell words
correctly and form sentences that are grammatically correct. As
their language competence develops, they will be able to form
more complex sentences. Besides, they will learn how to
express themselves using more advanced vocabulary.
Committing errors now is significant, and it should be avoided
as much as possible. They need to understand and be able to use
the rules of grammar correctly. Once they master the rules of
forming correct sentences, the accuracy of their spoken and
written language will improve. They will manage
communicating with others effectively using appropriate and
advanced words. At the same time, they will be able to write
longer and more extended pieces of writing, including
paragraphs, essays, letters and more. Their experience in
learning their first language will further assist them in putting
their ideas and thoughts into words which means that they can
be fully understood by their surroundings. This also means that
they will be able to use their imagination in narrating stories
and experiences both orally and in writing.
2- Second language acquisition: There is a plenty of methods
and techniques used in second language teaching and learning. I
personally think that it is a process that should occur
deductively, meaning that learners should first be exposed to
the language itself before teaching its structure and fundamental
rules. Therefore, there should not be a huge emphasis on
learning grammar at the beginning of the language learning
process since the main purpose of second language acquisition
is to be able to be understood by others, including those who are
natives of the language to be learnt. This, of course, does not
alter the fact that grammar is an essential part of teaching and
learning a new language mainly because we simply cannot learn
a language without the knowledge of its structure. Learners
should learn how to form phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc
that are grammatically and structurally correct in order to
connect effectively with others. The process of learning the
grammar of any language is accumulative and happens
progressively over time. Learners should master basic grammar
rules before moving to more advanced ones. Before introducing
any grammatical rule, teachers should provide students with a
context that properly fits the language they aim to teach. Later,
they can start presenting the grammatical rules and teach its
different applications. Learners should be able to use the
grammatical rule by giving them different practices and
activities that reinforce what they have learned. For younger
learners, these activities are encouraged to be in the form of
games so that learners will feel less stressed about getting the
rules right. For older learners, on the other hand, we can include
gap fills and drilling activities. Furthermore, Grammatical
errors should be corrected immediately from early stages and
avoided as much as possible so that they will not be fossilized.
In other words, errors should not become as a habit for learners
and be used subconsciously as if they were the correct forms.
As mentioned earlier, language learning is an accumulative
process, and this is so true when it comes to learning grammar.
It should not be introduced in a linear additive manner but
rather should be regularly revised and reintroduced. Along with
grammar, vocabulary plays a significant role in second language
acquisition. Therefore, teachers should encourage reading and
listening beyond the syllabus requirements at all levels. As they
offer inputs learners can comprehend and sustain, help in the
growth of their vocabulary and contribute to the improvement of
other aspects of language, such as writing and speaking.
Having a syllable that is comprehensive and appropriate to the
level of students is important in language teaching and learning.
A very well-made syllabus can assist both teachers and learners
in obtaining the goals and objectives required by the course. A
language course should primarily include 7 components that are
intended to improve learners' language competency: grammar,
vocabulary, reading, functions, writing and speaking. I also
believe that linguistics is of great importance in language
teaching since it helps teachers explain the language’s
components and structures to the learners.
Subjective (S):
CC: chief complaint – “This rash is getting worse, even with the
creams you gave me”.
HPI: history of present illness – Patient is an 11-year-old black
female who presents with complaint of worsening rash on
bilateral arms and increased itching and flakiness on her scalp.
PMH: past medical history – She has a past medical history of
mild eczema with no prior treatment needed before this fall.
There is no reported history of asthma.
Allergies: None
Medications: Hydrocortisone topical cream 2.5% to be applied
twice daily to affected area.
Social history: She lives at home with her mother, father, and
younger brother. She is currently attending online schooling
due to the pandemic. She has two cats as well in the home.
Family history: Mother reports that the patient’s younger
brother also suffers from eczema and asthma, both are
controlled. She reports they have never had to treat her
brother’s eczema and he uses a rescue inhaler for his asthma.
Health Maintenance/Promotion –
A screening of blood pressure is necessary yearly and was
normal for this visit. She received her influenza vaccine in
October 2020. The family has declined the HPV vaccine while
they review education materials. She is up to date on all other
vaccinations. Depression screening was performed at her last
physical in October and she scored a zero. She last saw her
dentist about six months ago and goes twice a year. She does
not receive regular vision exams and does not report any vision
concerns. She denies any concerns of interpersonal violence or
safety concerns in the home (this was asked while the mother
was outside of the exam room).
ROS: review of systems –
General: She reports having a rash on her arms for the last
month that is worsening. She reports trying “the cream that was
prescribed” with little to no improvement. She also states that
her scalp is itchy and flaking over the last month. Her mother
reports she has always had a flaky scalp in the colder months,
but the itching is new.
Skin: She denies any new skin lesions, growths and hair or nail
changes. She reports that the “rash” that she has in the inside
of her upper arm and some new “flaking” on her scalp. She
denies noticing any skin changes to the skin on her neck.
HEENT: She denies any vision changes. She denies any
headaches. She denies eye pain, hearing concerns (ringing),
vertigo, dizziness, nosebleeds, or balance concerns. She denies
any ear pain, tinnitus, or drainage from her ears. She reports
that she always has dry scalp but now she is having increased
flaking and itchiness on her head.
Neck: She denies any swollen glands or throat, difficulty
swallowing or changes with range of motion in neck.
CV:She denies any palpitations, chest pain or feeling any
abnormal heart beats.
Lungs: She denies any shortness of breath, congestion, or
hemoptysis nor wheezing. She denies any coughing at night or
coughing that awakens her at night.
Endo:She denies any heat or cold intolerances noticed. She and
her mother deny any polyuria, polydipsia, or polyphagia. She
denies any history of any autoimmune disorders.
Diet: She reports that she eats almost anything. She does drink
“flavored water”, but it is zero calorie sweetener such as
sucralose, according to her mother. She reports drinking about
10 glasses of water a day. She loves chips and eats a lot of
“fast food”. Mc Donald’s is her favorite.
Pain: She reports that the area of her arms is very itchy, they
are also painful most of the time. She reports the pain as a 7/10
and a burning feeling along with the severe itching. She reports
that nothing makes the pain better and the only things that feels
better is when she itches. She reports that right after she itches
then it starts to burn worse and itch more. She reports this
itching and burning starting “sometime in October”. She
reports that nothing makes it better. She reports that scratching
makes it worse, it burns more. She says that putting on the
cream makes it hurt worse (burn).
Objective (O):
Gen:Patient appears calm, focused, and a little tired. She is
dressed appropriately for the environment and responds
appropriately to questions. She is alert and oriented to person,
place, and time. She is well nourished and in no acute distress.
Weight 97 lbs.
Height 4 ft. 7in
BMI 22.5
Temperature 100.7
Heart rate 92
Respiratory rate 16
Blood pressure 101/68
Pulse Oximeter 100%
Skin: Patient had signs of excoriations on bilateral antecubital
region. She also had scaling on bilateral antecubital regions
with erythema about 3 inches in diameter. The arms appear
xerotic bilaterally. She has medium brown skin and no signs of
cyanosis or pallor. Nails appear intact and long with no signs
of clubbing. The neck had acanthosis nigricans
HEENT:The nose had no signs of erythema nor edema. The
nasal turbinates were pink in color and without edema
bilaterally. The exterior nose was symmetric. The septum has
no signs of deviation, inflammation, or perforation. The mouth
did not have any lesions. The tonsils were inspected and were
2+ bilaterally, they were symmetric, and had no edema, and no
exudate. The uvula was inspected and was midline. The
dentition had no broken or missing teeth and gingiva was free of
edema or lesions. The posterior pharynx was free of lesions and
no signs of drainage or irritation. The frontal and maxillary
sinuses were palpated, and no edema was noted nor any
discomfort. The tongue had no lesions nor edema and was
The conjunctiva was free of drainage, discharge, or erythema.
The sclera had was not discolored and there were no vascular
abnormalities noted. The ears were visualized externally with
no drainage or edema. The inner ears were visualized via
otoscope and the ear drums were inspected and there were no
effusions bilaterally, there were no ruptures, or draining fluid.
There was a moderate amount of cerumen blocking the
visualization of the left ear drum, but this was easily removed
to gain visualization. The internal auditory canal was
visualized without any edema, nor erythema and no foreign
bodies were observed. The preauricular and post auricular
lymph nodes were not palpable.
Neck: The cervical, neck, mandibular, supraclavicular, tonsillar,
and submental lymph nodes were not palpable, there was no
edema nor tenderness noted on the tonsillar, cervical and neck.
The neck was visualized with no signs of asymmetry or JVD.
Full ROM was tested and there are no concerns of internal
edema causing motor deficits.
CV:The heart sounds were auscultated in all areas, valve
locations along were auscultated along with PMI, a normal S1
and S2 and no murmurs or abnormal heart beats were heard.
The heart rate and rhythm were normal. Blood pressure and
heart rate was assessed, and blood pressure was normal.
Lungs: Anterior and posterior lung fields were auscultated with
all field being clear bilaterally. Respiratory rate and rhythm
were measured and normal. Bilateral lung expansion was
Psych: Patient was happy and talkative and was willing to
answer questions and respond to my conversation with good eye
contact and without difficulty.
Assessment (A):
Number each diagnosis you assign AND list in parentheses
behind the diagnosis the pertinent positives and pertinent
negatives you used to assign the diagnosis
Plan (P):
This is your job to do

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The assignment needs to accomplish two things1. Provide a crit.docx

  • 1. The assignment needs to accomplish two things: 1. Provide a critical account of your previous beliefs about first and second language acquisition, with reference to theories or concepts of first/second language acquisition 2. Be a well-written, well-organized essay, following all academic conventions, including a reference list following APA style. The questions 1. How do you think we learn our first language? (What happens? How does it happen? How does it progress? What happens in the child’s head? How important is correction? What do parents have to do? and so on.) (First language acquisition) 2. What do you think is the most effective way to teach or learn a second language? Why? (What is the main process? What do the learners have to do? What does the teacher have to do? Does this change as time goes on? What has to happen in the classroom? What is the role of the syllabus? What should be in the syllabus?) (Second language acquisition) My previous beliefs on 1st and 2nd language acquisition 1- First language acquisition: Language is a critical aspect that defines humans and their identities. It is a means of communication that they acquire from a very young age and onwards. As to how they acquire it, children start off learning language by attempting to communicate their instinct needs through body language and facial expressions. They can further communicate them through using their vocals, and this will be achieved through crying, shouting, laughing and more. At a later stage, they will be able to utter sounds and perhaps simple words they are exposed to by their parents, siblings and overall
  • 2. their surroundings. The first attempts to learn their first language could be through trying to repeat the words and sounds they often hear from others and other interactive tools, such as videos, games, songs and more. The words used by infants, even if they are not pronounced correctly, at this stage are enough for them to feel understood and provide them with a sense of security. Structuring phrases and sentences will probably start when they become toddlers. At this stage, the area responsible for learning a language in their brain will be developed. Having said that, children at this age might struggle in forming phrases and short sentences that are grammatically correct. In this regard, parents should not constantly correct their toddlers’ mistakes but rather encourage them to communicate their needs and express their feelings and emotions freely. This is because the mistakes children make at this age are due to their language incompetence. Pronouncing some words and trying to use longer forms can be overwhelming for them. Once the children begin to go to school, they will first be taught how to utter certain sounds and words correctly. This will be achieved through teaching them the alphabet and a variety of words they can use to communicate with others. Not only will they learn how to use nouns, but they will learn how to use verb tenses. At this stage, children will begin writing words and simple sentences. Teachers will be able to teach students how to spell words correctly and form sentences that are grammatically correct. As their language competence develops, they will be able to form more complex sentences. Besides, they will learn how to express themselves using more advanced vocabulary. Committing errors now is significant, and it should be avoided as much as possible. They need to understand and be able to use the rules of grammar correctly. Once they master the rules of forming correct sentences, the accuracy of their spoken and written language will improve. They will manage communicating with others effectively using appropriate and advanced words. At the same time, they will be able to write longer and more extended pieces of writing, including
  • 3. paragraphs, essays, letters and more. Their experience in learning their first language will further assist them in putting their ideas and thoughts into words which means that they can be fully understood by their surroundings. This also means that they will be able to use their imagination in narrating stories and experiences both orally and in writing. 2- Second language acquisition: There is a plenty of methods and techniques used in second language teaching and learning. I personally think that it is a process that should occur deductively, meaning that learners should first be exposed to the language itself before teaching its structure and fundamental rules. Therefore, there should not be a huge emphasis on learning grammar at the beginning of the language learning process since the main purpose of second language acquisition is to be able to be understood by others, including those who are natives of the language to be learnt. This, of course, does not alter the fact that grammar is an essential part of teaching and learning a new language mainly because we simply cannot learn a language without the knowledge of its structure. Learners should learn how to form phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc that are grammatically and structurally correct in order to connect effectively with others. The process of learning the grammar of any language is accumulative and happens progressively over time. Learners should master basic grammar rules before moving to more advanced ones. Before introducing any grammatical rule, teachers should provide students with a context that properly fits the language they aim to teach. Later, they can start presenting the grammatical rules and teach its different applications. Learners should be able to use the grammatical rule by giving them different practices and activities that reinforce what they have learned. For younger learners, these activities are encouraged to be in the form of games so that learners will feel less stressed about getting the
  • 4. rules right. For older learners, on the other hand, we can include gap fills and drilling activities. Furthermore, Grammatical errors should be corrected immediately from early stages and avoided as much as possible so that they will not be fossilized. In other words, errors should not become as a habit for learners and be used subconsciously as if they were the correct forms. As mentioned earlier, language learning is an accumulative process, and this is so true when it comes to learning grammar. It should not be introduced in a linear additive manner but rather should be regularly revised and reintroduced. Along with grammar, vocabulary plays a significant role in second language acquisition. Therefore, teachers should encourage reading and listening beyond the syllabus requirements at all levels. As they offer inputs learners can comprehend and sustain, help in the growth of their vocabulary and contribute to the improvement of other aspects of language, such as writing and speaking. Having a syllable that is comprehensive and appropriate to the level of students is important in language teaching and learning. A very well-made syllabus can assist both teachers and learners in obtaining the goals and objectives required by the course. A language course should primarily include 7 components that are intended to improve learners' language competency: grammar, vocabulary, reading, functions, writing and speaking. I also believe that linguistics is of great importance in language teaching since it helps teachers explain the language’s components and structures to the learners. Subjective (S): CC: chief complaint – “This rash is getting worse, even with the creams you gave me”.
  • 5. HPI: history of present illness – Patient is an 11-year-old black female who presents with complaint of worsening rash on bilateral arms and increased itching and flakiness on her scalp. PMH: past medical history – She has a past medical history of mild eczema with no prior treatment needed before this fall. There is no reported history of asthma. Allergies: None Medications: Hydrocortisone topical cream 2.5% to be applied twice daily to affected area. Social history: She lives at home with her mother, father, and younger brother. She is currently attending online schooling due to the pandemic. She has two cats as well in the home. Family history: Mother reports that the patient’s younger brother also suffers from eczema and asthma, both are controlled. She reports they have never had to treat her brother’s eczema and he uses a rescue inhaler for his asthma. Health Maintenance/Promotion – A screening of blood pressure is necessary yearly and was normal for this visit. She received her influenza vaccine in October 2020. The family has declined the HPV vaccine while they review education materials. She is up to date on all other vaccinations. Depression screening was performed at her last physical in October and she scored a zero. She last saw her dentist about six months ago and goes twice a year. She does not receive regular vision exams and does not report any vision concerns. She denies any concerns of interpersonal violence or safety concerns in the home (this was asked while the mother was outside of the exam room). ROS: review of systems –
  • 6. General: She reports having a rash on her arms for the last month that is worsening. She reports trying “the cream that was prescribed” with little to no improvement. She also states that her scalp is itchy and flaking over the last month. Her mother reports she has always had a flaky scalp in the colder months, but the itching is new. Skin: She denies any new skin lesions, growths and hair or nail changes. She reports that the “rash” that she has in the inside of her upper arm and some new “flaking” on her scalp. She denies noticing any skin changes to the skin on her neck. HEENT: She denies any vision changes. She denies any headaches. She denies eye pain, hearing concerns (ringing), vertigo, dizziness, nosebleeds, or balance concerns. She denies any ear pain, tinnitus, or drainage from her ears. She reports that she always has dry scalp but now she is having increased flaking and itchiness on her head. Neck: She denies any swollen glands or throat, difficulty swallowing or changes with range of motion in neck. CV:She denies any palpitations, chest pain or feeling any abnormal heart beats. Lungs: She denies any shortness of breath, congestion, or hemoptysis nor wheezing. She denies any coughing at night or coughing that awakens her at night. Endo:She denies any heat or cold intolerances noticed. She and her mother deny any polyuria, polydipsia, or polyphagia. She denies any history of any autoimmune disorders. Diet: She reports that she eats almost anything. She does drink “flavored water”, but it is zero calorie sweetener such as
  • 7. sucralose, according to her mother. She reports drinking about 10 glasses of water a day. She loves chips and eats a lot of “fast food”. Mc Donald’s is her favorite. Pain: She reports that the area of her arms is very itchy, they are also painful most of the time. She reports the pain as a 7/10 and a burning feeling along with the severe itching. She reports that nothing makes the pain better and the only things that feels better is when she itches. She reports that right after she itches then it starts to burn worse and itch more. She reports this itching and burning starting “sometime in October”. She reports that nothing makes it better. She reports that scratching makes it worse, it burns more. She says that putting on the cream makes it hurt worse (burn). Objective (O): Gen:Patient appears calm, focused, and a little tired. She is dressed appropriately for the environment and responds appropriately to questions. She is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. She is well nourished and in no acute distress. VS: Weight 97 lbs. Height 4 ft. 7in BMI 22.5 Temperature 100.7 Heart rate 92 Respiratory rate 16 Blood pressure 101/68 Pulse Oximeter 100% Skin: Patient had signs of excoriations on bilateral antecubital region. She also had scaling on bilateral antecubital regions with erythema about 3 inches in diameter. The arms appear xerotic bilaterally. She has medium brown skin and no signs of
  • 8. cyanosis or pallor. Nails appear intact and long with no signs of clubbing. The neck had acanthosis nigricans circumferentially. HEENT:The nose had no signs of erythema nor edema. The nasal turbinates were pink in color and without edema bilaterally. The exterior nose was symmetric. The septum has no signs of deviation, inflammation, or perforation. The mouth did not have any lesions. The tonsils were inspected and were 2+ bilaterally, they were symmetric, and had no edema, and no exudate. The uvula was inspected and was midline. The dentition had no broken or missing teeth and gingiva was free of edema or lesions. The posterior pharynx was free of lesions and no signs of drainage or irritation. The frontal and maxillary sinuses were palpated, and no edema was noted nor any discomfort. The tongue had no lesions nor edema and was symmetric. The conjunctiva was free of drainage, discharge, or erythema. The sclera had was not discolored and there were no vascular abnormalities noted. The ears were visualized externally with no drainage or edema. The inner ears were visualized via otoscope and the ear drums were inspected and there were no effusions bilaterally, there were no ruptures, or draining fluid. There was a moderate amount of cerumen blocking the visualization of the left ear drum, but this was easily removed to gain visualization. The internal auditory canal was visualized without any edema, nor erythema and no foreign bodies were observed. The preauricular and post auricular lymph nodes were not palpable. Neck: The cervical, neck, mandibular, supraclavicular, tonsillar, and submental lymph nodes were not palpable, there was no edema nor tenderness noted on the tonsillar, cervical and neck. The neck was visualized with no signs of asymmetry or JVD. Full ROM was tested and there are no concerns of internal edema causing motor deficits.
  • 9. CV:The heart sounds were auscultated in all areas, valve locations along were auscultated along with PMI, a normal S1 and S2 and no murmurs or abnormal heart beats were heard. The heart rate and rhythm were normal. Blood pressure and heart rate was assessed, and blood pressure was normal. Lungs: Anterior and posterior lung fields were auscultated with all field being clear bilaterally. Respiratory rate and rhythm were measured and normal. Bilateral lung expansion was visualized. Psych: Patient was happy and talkative and was willing to answer questions and respond to my conversation with good eye contact and without difficulty. Assessment (A): Number each diagnosis you assign AND list in parentheses behind the diagnosis the pertinent positives and pertinent negatives you used to assign the diagnosis Plan (P): This is your job to do