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The Art of Covert
“Learn How to Use Covert Hypnotic Techniques to
     Influence and Command People While Making
                Everyday Conversation”
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ART: A Guide to the Power of Conversational Hypnosis”
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the Power of Conversational Hypnosis”


The Basics of Covert Hypnosis ................................................... 2
The Importance of Having an Objective with Covert Hypnosis . 5
Creating Rapport for Covert Hypnosis ........................................ 6
Using Embedded Commands with Covert Hypnosis .................. 7
Watching for a Response ............................................................. 9

The Basics of Covert Hypnosis

Covert hypnosis is the process of inducing a hypnotic state using
everyday language. The reason that it is called covert is because the
subject should be unaware that they are being hypnotized. Once the
subject has been placed in what is referred to as a trance state then can be
given commands or persuaded to a particular point of view.

The uses for covert hypnosis are varied and can achieve basically any
objective where you need to work through people or have them comply
with a particular instruction. One of the little known facts about covert
hypnosis is how often the techniques are being used. Because of the
nature of covert hypnosis if you are unaware of how these techniques
work you will not be able to observe them. However once you have
studied covert hypnosis you will see the techniques being used by
politicians giving speeches, top sales people and CEOs.
This may seem far fetched but in fact many
of the world’s top persuaders have realized
that specific language patterns can achieve
predictable results when used. While not all
may refer to their techniques as “covert
hypnosis” the actual methodology is almost
always precisely the same.

So what situations can you use covert
hypnosis? One obvious area is in sales. If you
want to persuade someone to see the
advantages of purchasing your product then
covert hypnosis will help you achieve this.
Another area is motivation. Being able to
motivate your staff to new heights and have
them achieve set targets can be a very powerful skill to master. And of
course there is the matter of love. While it is not ethical to use covert
hypnosis to make someone love you, using the skills of covert hypnosis
to open their mind to the possibilities of how good it would feel to be
with you is something that many people would like to be able to do.

One of the most important things to understand about covert hypnosis is
that it is not some voodoo magic but science. Each of enters trance states
through out the day but we are usually unaware that we have done so.
Whenever your find yourself day dreaming you are in a state of limited
consciousness and are receptive to embedded commands. As a
conversational hypnotist you learn how to create these states deliberately
in other people. Once you have placed your subject in a trance state you
will then be able to persuade and give commands.

                 Covert Hypnotism Audio Course

Before we get started with this guide I just want to quickly introduce
what I found to be the best course on conversational hypnosis. This
course really can take a complete beginner who knows nothing about
conversational hypnosis to becoming a powerful covert hypnotist who is
able to command and influence people with only the power of their words.
This course is easy to follow and delivered in Audio format which makes
it a great way for beginners to learn. The course that I recommend is:
“The Power of Conversational Hypnosis” by Igor Ledochowksi. The
author of the "Deep Trance Training Manual" and a world renowned
Hypnotherapist trainer.

"The Power of Conversational Hypnosis" which contains 16 CDs worth
of KILLER hypnosis know-how delivered as MP3s.

And because you can download them all you'll instantly discover secrets

* The entire Conversational Hypnosis Protocol, Igor's most closely held
and powerful teachings.

* The powerful "hypnotic triple" command that SWAT teams use to force
compliance...even in a fire-fight with hardened criminals.

* How an instant rapport technique will get even total strangers to open
up to you...reveal their inner longings...and give you all the clues you
need to persuade them to do as you say.

 * The conversational way to get a sales prospect to imagine the intense
feelings of owning what you are selling, so they naturally feel compelled
to buy right now! In fact you can help them intensify the feelings so
strongly that all objections simply melt away.

* The easiest way to join the elite group of "hypnotic persuasion experts"
by using their secret patterns for influence...(it's easier than you think)

* Create an instant trigger to unleash your targets deepest desires...and
how to point them in your direction...(Igor's innovative techniques are
more refined and more powerful than any other)

* A simple trick that creates amnesia for any objection your target may
have to your suggestion...they simply forget to remember what it was that
might have stopped them from following your suggestions.

* What it means when your target "talks with their hands" and how to
use their gestures to literally get inside their head.

* How to know if a target is "talking to themselves" with internal
dialogue...and how to join that dialogue so your voice seems like it comes
from inside their own mind!
And that's BARELY scratching the surface...
Each 'CD session' comes with a set of simple exercises at the end so
you'll easily be able to practice any aspect of hypnosis whenever you
want to 'brush up'

You'll also have the 620+ page manual including all the transcripts to the
CDs with an extremely detailed index, so all this powerful knowledge is
always at your fingertips whenever you need it.

If you want to learn more about Igor Ledowchowski’s Course you can
find it here:

Click Here for the “The Power of Conversational Hypnosis” Audio

The Importance of Having an Objective with Covert Hypnosis

Covert hypnosis is the ability to place someone in a trance like state
where they are then susceptible to commands and persuasion. One of the
most important principles with covert hypnosis is starting with the end
objective in mind. Many people fail to achieve the end result that they
desire with covert hypnosis simply because they have failed to set an
objective for themselves. Because they are not aiming towards any
specific result they find that they never get where they want to go.

So what is it so important to have a specific objective when using covert
hypnosis? The reason for this is
that when we set an objective
clearly our entire nervous
system helps to move us
towards the fulfilment of that
objective. People who fail at
reaching their goals have
typically clearly visualized
what it is that they want to

With covert hypnosis there can be a range of results that we want to
achieve and it is important before starting that we know exactly what
each of these is. One objective is that we want the person to be in a trance
state. But it is not enough to simply state this goal. We need to have a
clear idea in our mind what the person will look like and how they will be
responding when they are in this state. If you know the person that you
will be using covert hypnosis on you should visualize now what that
person will look like once they are in the trance state.

The next objective is how will the person respond to our commands.
Obviously we want the person to respond favourably to the commands
that we are giving them. See yourself now giving the commands and the
covert hypnotic techniques that you will use in order to give these
commands. You should also see your subject responding favourably in
the way that you desire to these commands.

Finally you want to see the outcome of the covert hypnosis session being
achieved. If for example you are using covert hypnosis to get the other
person to give up smoking you will want to visualize that this outcome
has been achieved. This is important because unless you know
specifically what state you want the other person to be in you will not
know what commands you should be giving them or how to craft your
covert hypnosis conversation.

Creating Rapport for Covert Hypnosis

In order to give commands and persuade the person with covert hypnosis
we must first create what is called rapport. Rapport is where the person is
receptive to what we are saying. It could also be described as being on the
same “wave length”. Understanding how to create rapport is crucial if
you are going to have success with covert hypnosis.

In order to better understand
exactly what rapport is let’s
look at a situation where people
are out of rapport. When a
relationship breaks down you
will see that one of the things
that disappears rapport. The
other       person      “doesn’t
understand where they are
coming from”. They may begin
shouting at one another and not
really listening to the other
person’s perspective. There body language will change and one person
might be very expressive with their body while the other one is very

This is a sharp contrast to a couple who is in love and in deep rapport
with one another. Here they will be able to finish one another’s sentences.
If you watch their body language you will see that it is in synchronicity
with one another. When one person goes to hold the other persons hand it
is there waiting for them without having to say a word.

The interesting thing is that this can be the same couple at different stages
of their relationship. We can create rapport but we can also fall out of
rapport. To be successful at covert hypnosis you need to know how to
quickly create rapport. You need to be able to create this rapport even if
you don’t necessarily agree with that person’s point of view or if you are
quite different people. After all being able to persuade and influence
people who are exactly the same as you and who already like you would
be no great skill.

The first step to creating rapport is observation. Skilful covert hypnotists
are excellent observers of other people. You need to look at the person’s
body language and how they hold themselves. You need to look at their
speech patterns, their tone of voice and their choice of words. You even
need to be able to observe their breathing patterns.

Once you have observed you can move to replication. This is where you
start to replicate their characteristics and behaviour. If the person that you
is crouched over then you will do the same. If they are talking fast then
you will speed up your own conversation. And if they are breathing
slowly you will slow your own breath down.

The skill to creating rapport is to perform this without the other person
being aware of what you are doing. If they notice that you are mimicking
them then you will break rapport. The interesting thing is though that
most people are very unaware of their own patterns. We are bad
observers of ourselves as well of other people. And so provided you are
subtle this process of rapport building will go unnoticed.

Using Embedded Commands with Covert Hypnosis

The first step to covert hypnosis is to create a trance state in our subject.
One we have induced this trance state through our use of language we can
then start to embed commands. An embedded command gives the subject
an instruction which they will then follow once they leave the trance state.
The powerful thing with embedded commands is that because they are
directly aimed at the unconscious mind the subject has no opportunity to
reject these commands.

Firstly you need to decide before you begin what embedded command
you want to give to your subject. An example might be that you want the
subject to register for a seminar that you are giving. You might choose to
use the words “register” and “register now” as you embedded commands.

Once you have decided on your embedded commands you need to think
of a context in which these words and phrases can be naturally placed.
You do not want this to be the same as the end objective. So in the
example above you would not talk about them registering for the seminar.
Instead you would use a different context where those phrases could be
used. For example the need to register new information and to look for
new opportunities.

Now that you have both the context and the commands that you will use
you can start to talk to your subject. Remember you should have already
placed your subject into a trance state so that they are more receptive to
your commands. When talking you want to keep and even and measured
pace. This is important because when you get to your embedded
commands you will change your tone of voice. Just before you say your
embedded command pause slightly, say the command, pause again and
then continue. If someone was listening to your sentence from the outside
it would appear completely normal but there should be definite emphasis
to the embedded command.

Another way to give emphasis to your embedded commands is through
body language. When you say your embedded command move your head
to the side or raise an eyebrow. Something small that is virtually
unnoticeable but which will be picked up by your subjects mind that here
is an important point.

Finally when giving an embedded command you want to have a
descending pitch as you give the command. When we talk we use an
ascending pitch when we are asking a question. But when we are giving a
command we use a descending pitch. This is a very useful skill to master
because you can frame what seems like a question as a command.
Watching for a Response

The master covert hypnotist is
above an excellent observer of
people. Learning to observe
people closely and to look for
clues in their behaviour is a
powerful skill that is akin to
mind reading. In order to use
covert hypnosis you must be
able to pace your conversation
based on how your subject is
responding. Here we will look
at the importance of watching the for responses when using covert

One of the first skills that you need to master is the ability to turn off your
own internal chatter. The reason that most people are so bad at
observation is because there is too much noise being created from their
own mind to see what is happening in front of them. If you want to be
successful with conversational hypnosis you need to be able to observe
very subtle changes in the other person. Milton Erikson who is the father
of covert hypnotism was able to tell if a woman was pregnant before she
even knew herself. This was because he was such an excellent observer in
minute changes in a person’s physiology. Learning how to turn off
internal chatter is a skill that needs to be learned rather than a matter of
telling yourself to be quiet. Though specific training and techniques you
can learn to reduce this internal noise.

Next you need to watch your subject closely and know what to look for to
see if you have achieved your objective. For example if your goal is to
place them in a trance state then you need to know what a person looks
like when they are in this state. If you do not have this information then
of course you can easily misread their state and fail to give commands.
Remember that you must first induce a trance state before you can use
techniques such as embedded commands. Signs that a person in a trance
state include a slowing down or stopping of body movements, slowed
breathing and slowing blink rate.

And finally you need to be able to watch for whether the subject is
responding well to your embedded commands. Are your commands
taking hold and is the person reacting to these commands? This will tell
you if you need to do more work and ensure that these commands have
actually been placed into your subject’s unconscious mind. Learning the
skills of observation requires knowledge and practice. You must know
what signs to look for and then develop the ability to observe closely for
these signs.

  “Learn How to Use Covert Hypnotic Techniques to
    Influence and Command People While Making
               Everyday Conversation”
For a limited time only receive your copy of “THE SECRET
ART: A Guide to the Power of Conversational Hypnosis”
absolutely FREE

Click Here to Access “THE SECRET ART: A Guide to
the Power of Conversational Hypnosis”

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The Art of Covert Hypnosis pdf

  • 1. The Art of Covert Hypnosis
  • 2. “Learn How to Use Covert Hypnotic Techniques to Influence and Command People While Making Everyday Conversation” For a limited time only receive your copy of “THE SECRET ART: A Guide to the Power of Conversational Hypnosis” absolutely FREE Click Here to Access “THE SECRET ART: A Guide to the Power of Conversational Hypnosis” Contents The Basics of Covert Hypnosis ................................................... 2 The Importance of Having an Objective with Covert Hypnosis . 5 Creating Rapport for Covert Hypnosis ........................................ 6 Using Embedded Commands with Covert Hypnosis .................. 7 Watching for a Response ............................................................. 9 The Basics of Covert Hypnosis Covert hypnosis is the process of inducing a hypnotic state using everyday language. The reason that it is called covert is because the subject should be unaware that they are being hypnotized. Once the subject has been placed in what is referred to as a trance state then can be given commands or persuaded to a particular point of view. The uses for covert hypnosis are varied and can achieve basically any objective where you need to work through people or have them comply with a particular instruction. One of the little known facts about covert hypnosis is how often the techniques are being used. Because of the nature of covert hypnosis if you are unaware of how these techniques work you will not be able to observe them. However once you have studied covert hypnosis you will see the techniques being used by politicians giving speeches, top sales people and CEOs.
  • 3. This may seem far fetched but in fact many of the world’s top persuaders have realized that specific language patterns can achieve predictable results when used. While not all may refer to their techniques as “covert hypnosis” the actual methodology is almost always precisely the same. So what situations can you use covert hypnosis? One obvious area is in sales. If you want to persuade someone to see the advantages of purchasing your product then covert hypnosis will help you achieve this. Another area is motivation. Being able to motivate your staff to new heights and have them achieve set targets can be a very powerful skill to master. And of course there is the matter of love. While it is not ethical to use covert hypnosis to make someone love you, using the skills of covert hypnosis to open their mind to the possibilities of how good it would feel to be with you is something that many people would like to be able to do. One of the most important things to understand about covert hypnosis is that it is not some voodoo magic but science. Each of enters trance states through out the day but we are usually unaware that we have done so. Whenever your find yourself day dreaming you are in a state of limited consciousness and are receptive to embedded commands. As a conversational hypnotist you learn how to create these states deliberately in other people. Once you have placed your subject in a trance state you will then be able to persuade and give commands. Covert Hypnotism Audio Course Before we get started with this guide I just want to quickly introduce what I found to be the best course on conversational hypnosis. This course really can take a complete beginner who knows nothing about conversational hypnosis to becoming a powerful covert hypnotist who is able to command and influence people with only the power of their words. This course is easy to follow and delivered in Audio format which makes it a great way for beginners to learn. The course that I recommend is:
  • 4. “The Power of Conversational Hypnosis” by Igor Ledochowksi. The author of the "Deep Trance Training Manual" and a world renowned Hypnotherapist trainer. "The Power of Conversational Hypnosis" which contains 16 CDs worth of KILLER hypnosis know-how delivered as MP3s. And because you can download them all you'll instantly discover secrets like... * The entire Conversational Hypnosis Protocol, Igor's most closely held and powerful teachings. * The powerful "hypnotic triple" command that SWAT teams use to force compliance...even in a fire-fight with hardened criminals. * How an instant rapport technique will get even total strangers to open up to you...reveal their inner longings...and give you all the clues you need to persuade them to do as you say. * The conversational way to get a sales prospect to imagine the intense feelings of owning what you are selling, so they naturally feel compelled to buy right now! In fact you can help them intensify the feelings so strongly that all objections simply melt away. * The easiest way to join the elite group of "hypnotic persuasion experts" by using their secret patterns for influence...(it's easier than you think) * Create an instant trigger to unleash your targets deepest desires...and how to point them in your direction...(Igor's innovative techniques are more refined and more powerful than any other) * A simple trick that creates amnesia for any objection your target may have to your suggestion...they simply forget to remember what it was that might have stopped them from following your suggestions. * What it means when your target "talks with their hands" and how to use their gestures to literally get inside their head. * How to know if a target is "talking to themselves" with internal dialogue...and how to join that dialogue so your voice seems like it comes from inside their own mind!
  • 5. And that's BARELY scratching the surface... Each 'CD session' comes with a set of simple exercises at the end so you'll easily be able to practice any aspect of hypnosis whenever you want to 'brush up' You'll also have the 620+ page manual including all the transcripts to the CDs with an extremely detailed index, so all this powerful knowledge is always at your fingertips whenever you need it. If you want to learn more about Igor Ledowchowski’s Course you can find it here: Click Here for the “The Power of Conversational Hypnosis” Audio Course The Importance of Having an Objective with Covert Hypnosis Covert hypnosis is the ability to place someone in a trance like state where they are then susceptible to commands and persuasion. One of the most important principles with covert hypnosis is starting with the end objective in mind. Many people fail to achieve the end result that they desire with covert hypnosis simply because they have failed to set an objective for themselves. Because they are not aiming towards any specific result they find that they never get where they want to go. So what is it so important to have a specific objective when using covert hypnosis? The reason for this is that when we set an objective clearly our entire nervous system helps to move us towards the fulfilment of that objective. People who fail at reaching their goals have typically clearly visualized what it is that they want to achieve. With covert hypnosis there can be a range of results that we want to achieve and it is important before starting that we know exactly what each of these is. One objective is that we want the person to be in a trance
  • 6. state. But it is not enough to simply state this goal. We need to have a clear idea in our mind what the person will look like and how they will be responding when they are in this state. If you know the person that you will be using covert hypnosis on you should visualize now what that person will look like once they are in the trance state. The next objective is how will the person respond to our commands. Obviously we want the person to respond favourably to the commands that we are giving them. See yourself now giving the commands and the covert hypnotic techniques that you will use in order to give these commands. You should also see your subject responding favourably in the way that you desire to these commands. Finally you want to see the outcome of the covert hypnosis session being achieved. If for example you are using covert hypnosis to get the other person to give up smoking you will want to visualize that this outcome has been achieved. This is important because unless you know specifically what state you want the other person to be in you will not know what commands you should be giving them or how to craft your covert hypnosis conversation. Creating Rapport for Covert Hypnosis In order to give commands and persuade the person with covert hypnosis we must first create what is called rapport. Rapport is where the person is receptive to what we are saying. It could also be described as being on the same “wave length”. Understanding how to create rapport is crucial if you are going to have success with covert hypnosis. In order to better understand exactly what rapport is let’s look at a situation where people are out of rapport. When a relationship breaks down you will see that one of the things that disappears rapport. The other person “doesn’t understand where they are coming from”. They may begin shouting at one another and not really listening to the other person’s perspective. There body language will change and one person
  • 7. might be very expressive with their body while the other one is very restrained. This is a sharp contrast to a couple who is in love and in deep rapport with one another. Here they will be able to finish one another’s sentences. If you watch their body language you will see that it is in synchronicity with one another. When one person goes to hold the other persons hand it is there waiting for them without having to say a word. The interesting thing is that this can be the same couple at different stages of their relationship. We can create rapport but we can also fall out of rapport. To be successful at covert hypnosis you need to know how to quickly create rapport. You need to be able to create this rapport even if you don’t necessarily agree with that person’s point of view or if you are quite different people. After all being able to persuade and influence people who are exactly the same as you and who already like you would be no great skill. The first step to creating rapport is observation. Skilful covert hypnotists are excellent observers of other people. You need to look at the person’s body language and how they hold themselves. You need to look at their speech patterns, their tone of voice and their choice of words. You even need to be able to observe their breathing patterns. Once you have observed you can move to replication. This is where you start to replicate their characteristics and behaviour. If the person that you is crouched over then you will do the same. If they are talking fast then you will speed up your own conversation. And if they are breathing slowly you will slow your own breath down. The skill to creating rapport is to perform this without the other person being aware of what you are doing. If they notice that you are mimicking them then you will break rapport. The interesting thing is though that most people are very unaware of their own patterns. We are bad observers of ourselves as well of other people. And so provided you are subtle this process of rapport building will go unnoticed. Using Embedded Commands with Covert Hypnosis The first step to covert hypnosis is to create a trance state in our subject. One we have induced this trance state through our use of language we can then start to embed commands. An embedded command gives the subject
  • 8. an instruction which they will then follow once they leave the trance state. The powerful thing with embedded commands is that because they are directly aimed at the unconscious mind the subject has no opportunity to reject these commands. Firstly you need to decide before you begin what embedded command you want to give to your subject. An example might be that you want the subject to register for a seminar that you are giving. You might choose to use the words “register” and “register now” as you embedded commands. Once you have decided on your embedded commands you need to think of a context in which these words and phrases can be naturally placed. You do not want this to be the same as the end objective. So in the example above you would not talk about them registering for the seminar. Instead you would use a different context where those phrases could be used. For example the need to register new information and to look for new opportunities. Now that you have both the context and the commands that you will use you can start to talk to your subject. Remember you should have already placed your subject into a trance state so that they are more receptive to your commands. When talking you want to keep and even and measured pace. This is important because when you get to your embedded commands you will change your tone of voice. Just before you say your embedded command pause slightly, say the command, pause again and then continue. If someone was listening to your sentence from the outside it would appear completely normal but there should be definite emphasis to the embedded command. Another way to give emphasis to your embedded commands is through body language. When you say your embedded command move your head to the side or raise an eyebrow. Something small that is virtually unnoticeable but which will be picked up by your subjects mind that here is an important point. Finally when giving an embedded command you want to have a descending pitch as you give the command. When we talk we use an ascending pitch when we are asking a question. But when we are giving a command we use a descending pitch. This is a very useful skill to master because you can frame what seems like a question as a command.
  • 9. Watching for a Response The master covert hypnotist is above an excellent observer of people. Learning to observe people closely and to look for clues in their behaviour is a powerful skill that is akin to mind reading. In order to use covert hypnosis you must be able to pace your conversation based on how your subject is responding. Here we will look at the importance of watching the for responses when using covert hypnotism. One of the first skills that you need to master is the ability to turn off your own internal chatter. The reason that most people are so bad at observation is because there is too much noise being created from their own mind to see what is happening in front of them. If you want to be successful with conversational hypnosis you need to be able to observe very subtle changes in the other person. Milton Erikson who is the father of covert hypnotism was able to tell if a woman was pregnant before she even knew herself. This was because he was such an excellent observer in minute changes in a person’s physiology. Learning how to turn off internal chatter is a skill that needs to be learned rather than a matter of telling yourself to be quiet. Though specific training and techniques you can learn to reduce this internal noise. Next you need to watch your subject closely and know what to look for to see if you have achieved your objective. For example if your goal is to place them in a trance state then you need to know what a person looks like when they are in this state. If you do not have this information then of course you can easily misread their state and fail to give commands. Remember that you must first induce a trance state before you can use techniques such as embedded commands. Signs that a person in a trance state include a slowing down or stopping of body movements, slowed breathing and slowing blink rate. And finally you need to be able to watch for whether the subject is responding well to your embedded commands. Are your commands taking hold and is the person reacting to these commands? This will tell you if you need to do more work and ensure that these commands have
  • 10. actually been placed into your subject’s unconscious mind. Learning the skills of observation requires knowledge and practice. You must know what signs to look for and then develop the ability to observe closely for these signs. “Learn How to Use Covert Hypnotic Techniques to Influence and Command People While Making Everyday Conversation” For a limited time only receive your copy of “THE SECRET ART: A Guide to the Power of Conversational Hypnosis” absolutely FREE Click Here to Access “THE SECRET ART: A Guide to the Power of Conversational Hypnosis”