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The Advantage
                                                                                                                                        August 2012

Performance Counts                                                     Kate Paul – President and CEO,
                                                                       Delta Dental of Colorado
        uring a meeting recently with CBIZ CEO
        and Chairman of the Board, Steve Gerard,                       Not only has Kate Paul achieved significant business success, she
        he reminded me that our first and most                         is also a revered civic and nonprofit leader, and an inspiration to
important goal for CBIZ Women’s Advantage is                           all the women (and men) who have been fortunate enough to know
the professional development and positioning of                        and work with her. She is a natural connector and is willing to
our CBIZ Women. What a business case for                               share her broad circle of influence to help others. I am proud to
diversity our women’s program has become! I                            have Kate as a friend and client.” – Mary Hobson, EVP, CBIZ EFL
highlight this point in my brief remarks for this Nancy Mellard

                                                                              ate Paul was working as a Senior
newsletter because you will note that we have decided to continue
                                                                              Resident at UC San Francisco, expecting
to spotlight successful women with whom CBIZ is proud to do busi-
                                                                              her career to take her in a certain direc-
ness. These women have proven the importance of professional
                                                                       tion. Then out of nowhere she received a call
development and their career paths clearly show that it is that pro-
                                                                       from a Kaiser Permanente regional manager of
fessionalism and positioning that proves the point …“in the end it’s
                                                                       hospitals in Northern California who had an
all about performance!” By the way – our CEO is also CWA’s #1
                                                                       administrator that needed an assistant for a
Champion! Again, I hope you enjoy this edition of our newsletter
                                                                       new medical center in San Rafael, California.
and I always value your comments. 
                                                                       Kate had worked for Kaiser Permanente before Kate Paul
                            – Nancy Mellard, CWA National Leader
                                                                       entering graduate school and had stayed on the radar as a bright
                                                                       and innovative student. The administrator hired Kate, and thus
Lynn Atchison – CFO,                                      began a 30-year relationship with Kaiser, as opposed to what Kate

                                                                       originally had in mind for her career, which was to eventually
        ard work, creative thinking and effective
                                                                       become #2 in a large medical center. This first key position and the
        networking have been central compo-
                                                                       broad perspective that she obtained early on of the overall workings
        nents to the success of Lynn Atchison,
                                                                       of a hospital turned out to be an experience that Kate would not
Chief Financial Officer of HomeAway. Based in
                                                                       have traded for anything.
Austin, Texas, HomeAway is the world's leading
                                                                            Starting in 1970, Kate moved through the ranks with Kaiser
online marketplace of vacation rentals, with
                                                                       from Assistant Administrator to Administrator to Vice President,
sites representing over 700,000 paid vacation
                                                                       Senior Vice President and ultimately in 1999 President of Group
rental home listings in 168 countries. A client
                                                                       Operations for the West. By this time Kate was spending too much
of Rick Jenson, CBIZ Valuation, since 2006, Lynn Atchison
Rick describes Lynn as a powerful leader that The Advantage should                                                     - See Kate Paul on page 3
get to know!
                                                                       Field Report: Arizona, St. Louis,
                                                                                                                                          This Issue

    Starting out with an accounting degree in 1982, Lynn initially     Mid-Atlantic, L.A. & Salt Lake City . . . . . . . . . 2
went to work for Ernst & Young in the audit department. When her

son was born in 1989, Lynn made the decision to leave because her      CWA Executive Board Spotlight:
work had involved extensive traveling. “With the great businesses I    Cindy Rosenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
was introduced to at Ernst & Young, I became aware of the number       Kudos to CWA Movers & Shakers. . . . . . . . . .  3
                                     - See Lynn Atchison on page 4
                                                                       Upcoming CWA Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

“CBIZ Women Helping Women Succeed in Business”                                                          
CBIZ Women’s Advantage	                                                                                                       August 2012

Field Report: Arizona, St. Louis, Mid-Atlantic, L.A. & Salt Lake City
   CWA Arizona partnered with The Girl                                      CWA Mid-Atlantic
Scouts of Southern Arizona to celebrate                                  leadership team spon-
100 Years of Girl Scouting and to honor                                  sored the SmartCEO
“The Committee of 100 Women” who                                         Brava! Awards, cele-
inspire and believe in girls. CWA and CBIZ                               brating women busi-
were event sponsors. Our very own Mica                                   ness leaders who com-
Bane, Vice President of Client Services,                                 bine their irrepressible
was one of the 100 women honored.                                        entrepreneurial spirit
   – Monica Arreola                                                      with a passion for giv- l to r: Sue Demirkaya, Debbie Knapp,
                                                                         ing back to the com- Blanca Avetrani and Karen Clark
                                                                                                  (CBIZ ES Mid-Atlantic)
                                                                         munity. The event,
    The Phoenix office held their first Mica Bane, VP of                 held on July 24th, honored 24 women business executives in the DC
CWA event on May 1st. Fifty guests in Client Services, CBIZ              metro area. A pre-event invitation was accepted by several of the
attendance were treated to a very interac- Arizona                       honorees, and the networking opportunities continue!
tive session with Sunny Claggett, VP of OD & Talent Management,             – Karen Clark
CBIZ, Inc. and CWA Executive Board member, who spoke on manag-
ing change.
                                                                            CBIZ and CBIZ Women’s Advantage hosted a networking and
    – Angie Avers
                                                                         fundraising event in Los Angeles to introduce Dress for Success
                                                                         Worldwide-West. Present for the event were members of the DFS
                                                 CBIZ and CWA St.
                                                                         Worldwide West Advisory Council, CBIZ executives Steve Gerard,
                                             Louis held a summer
                                                                         Jerry Grisko, Ware Grove, Nancy Mellard and Cheryl Calhoun, as
                                             DFS event featuring the
                                                                         well as featured speaker Joi Gordon, CEO of Dress for Success
                                             Mystique Boutique, a
                                             mobile clothing store
                                             selling high-end, gently
                                             worn clothing and acces-
                                             sories. Over $1,200 was
                                             raised with proceeds
                                             benefiting Connections
                                             to Success, a division of
Becky Vidal and Vicki Reznicek               Dress for Success.
at the DFS Mystique Boutique                    – Bonnie Hembrock
in St. Louis

                                                                         A great turnout in Los Angeles for DFS
   On May 23rd CBIZ and CWA Mid-Atlantic held a networking fun-
draiser to benefit Dress for Success. Co-sponsored with Cigna and
other generous local sponsors, approximately 70 attendees had an
                                                                             On August 9th, the CWA Lead Group in Salt Lake City hosted a
opportunity to meet and interact with Gretchen Neels, a well-known
                                                                         luncheon with Zions Bank Women’s Financial Group at the CBIZ
image coach and blogger, as well as other CBIZ women executives
                                                                         offices. The goals in coming together included: 1) finding ways to
and guests.
                                                                         collaborate on educational seminars to women business owners in
Women from CBIZ Mid-                                                     our community, and 2) bringing more recognition locally for CBIZ
Atlantic participated in the                                             Women’s Advantage and Zions Bank. Among other strategies, CBIZ
Tour de Cure for Diabetes,                                               plans to leverage Smart Women Smart Money conferences, which
sponsored by CBIZ. Pic-                                                  are free of charge, and for which both CBIZ and Zion Bank have
tured are (front, l to r) Mar-                                           been sponsors. These conferences have been held since September
garet Blaine and Debbie                                                  2004. Attendance ranges from 1,000 to 1,400 women, and high-
Knapp, (back, l to r) Kar-                                               profile keynotes such as Geena Davis participate.
en Clark and Tricia Cage                                                     – Mary Kay Griffin

2    “CBIZ Women Helping Women Succeed in Business”
CBIZ Women’s Advantage	                                                                                                                 August 2012

Kate Paul         (cont. from page 1)                                      CWA Executive Board Spotlight:
time on airplanes and made the decision to retire. It was not long         Cindy Rosenberg – Managing Director,
after that decision that she ran into Mary Hobson, who had per-
                                                                           CBIZ MHM, LLC & Shareholder, Mayer
formed recruitment work for Kaiser, but at that time was performing
an executive search for Delta Dental of Colorado. It was a perfect fit.
                                                                           Hoffman McCann P.C.
In her role as President and CEO, Kate is responsible to the Board         Cindy is a shareholder in the audit department
of Trustees for the strategy, development and overall management           and provides accounting, auditing and business
for the company including management of 105 employees.                     advisory services to publicly and privately held
     In addition to work responsibilities, Kate has and continues to       companies. She was recently named a co-attest
serve on a number of boards including as past Chair of the Board of        practice leader in the New York office and has
Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver               been a member of the CWA Executive Board Cindy Rosenberg
Branch. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the              since 2010.
Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Colorado Women’s Chamber
of Commerce and the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.                      Professional Experience:
     Advantage: When you first took the job as the assistant admin-           I graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and began my
istrator for Kaiser, you indicated that the person who hired you made      career with Mahoney Cohen & Company, P.C. which was acquired by
a big difference in your career.                                           CBIZ in 2009 and is now the New York office. I am sometimes embar-
     Kate: What made him such a key person in my life was that he          rassed to tell people that it’s the only job I’ve ever had, but over the past
trusted me enough to give me difficult assignments, but was always         18 years I guess it’s impressive that I have worked my way from a staff
there just in case I got into trouble. He invested the time in truly       accountant to a shareholder.
developing me. He was not only my boss but an important mentor.
We are still in touch to this day.                                         Did you have a mentor in the business:
     Advantage: What do you consider to be the most important                 Over the years, there have been a few people who have stood out to
thing that you have learned over the course of your career?                me, not only because they were great teachers, but because they were
     Kate: By far, it is knowing yourself. Sometimes your level of         really strong supporters of both me and my career. I have learned over
self-knowledge is questionable. Do everything you can to know              the years that no two people have the same experience in this business
yourself. Once you do this, learn to manage yourself. Play to your         and your career ends up being shaped by the types of clients and chal-
strengths. You generally do not change your weaknesses. So instead         lenges you are given. I have been lucky in this respect and have really
of spending the time and energy to try to eliminate them, spend your       worked with people who have given me great opportunities.
time strategizing how you can minimize them. 
                                                                           What characteristics/traits do you think are critical to your
     Kudos to CWA Movers & Shakers                                             I have always tried to keep a positive attitude no matter what has
 •	 Monica Arreola, Producer, CBIZ ES Arizona has been named               been thrown at me, even when I felt completely overwhelmed. I also try
    the Recording Secretary for Angel Charity for Children, Inc.           to be as easy-going as possible. I think this has helped me in getting
    Angel Charity raises over $1 million every year to benefit chil-       along well with people, whether it is with clients, who can sometimes be
    dren in Pima County, Arizona.                                          challenging, or co-workers, some of whom have become long-lasting
 •	 Lori Novickis, Director of Corporate Relations, CBIZ and CWA           friends.
    Executive Board Member has been named the Secretary for
    the board of directors of Dress for Success Cleveland.                 How do you spend time outside of work? (hobbies, interests,
 •	 Congratulations to Michelle Martinez, Manager of New                   sports, friends, etc.)
    Business Development, CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc., Phila-                Whenever I am away from work, I try to spend time as much time as
    delphia. She was named "Woman of the Month" by the Soci-               possible with family and friends. I love to read, travel and go wine tast-
    ety of Professional Women (SPW).                                       ing. I have also recently started running and although I don’t see any
 •	 Karen Clark, Sr. VP, CBIZ ES and CWA Executive Board Mem-              marathons in my future, it is definitely a great way to relieve stress and
    ber led a July 28th workshop for the DC Dress for Success Pro-         stay in shape at the same time.
    fessional Women’s Group entitled “Building Professional Re-
                                                                           Any words of wisdom/advice for CBIZ female associates as
    lationships/Communicating Effectively With Others at Work.”
                                                                           they continue in their career?
 •	 On August 24th, Mary Kay Griffin, Managing Director, CBIZ
                                                                               Since coming to CBIZ, I have met some amazing women who are
    MHM, Salt Lake City and CWA Executive Board member, will
                                                                           very willing to mentor and share their knowledge with others. Take
    be recognized as a 2012 AICPA Women to Watch Experi-
                                                                           advantage of these opportunities, especially when you meet someone
    enced Leader award recipient at the UACPA Annual Meeting
                                                                           you click with, because you never know what they can teach you. Always
    and Awards Luncheon.
                                                                           strive to improve and challenge yourself to keep learning new things. 

                                                                       “CBIZ Women Helping Women Succeed in Business”                                3
CBIZ Women’s Advantage	                                                                                                               August 2012

Lynn Atchison               (cont. from page 1)                             CBIZ Women’s Advantage
of high-tech smaller companies that needed the support of a finan-          11440 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
cial leader. I came up with the vision of being a virtual, part-time        Leawood, Kansas 66211
    This network of companies that Lynn had been developing over
the course of those eight years provided her with plenty of consult-
ing and project work – allowing her to contribute her expertise to
these firms and maintain a flexible schedule for the home front.
By 1993 she had “fallen in love with the Internet,” and took a full
time CFO position with one of her clients, Travelogix. The company
didn’t ultimately survive, but Lynn was sold on working with a busi-
ness that was centered around the Internet, and went to work for
Hoovers until they were bought by D&B. Lynn ultimately joined
HomeAway in 2006 and has loved being a part of a high-tech,
growing organization.
    Advantage: Lynn, you mentioned several times the important
role that networking has played in your career. Do you have any
strategies to share with the Advantage audience?
    Lynn: When you join an organization, not only attend the big
meetings but find a smaller group (for instance, less than 20 peo-
ple) within the larger organization, such as the leadership team or a
group specifically related to your industry or interests, and focus on
developing those relationships. I joined the Austin Women in
Technology and quickly located a great subset: a group for senior
executives with small technology companies. AWT also had groups
for younger employees and also a Mom's group which appealed to
many! When you join a smaller group, or subset of a large group, you
will develop better relationships and really solidify your network.                       Upcoming CWA Events
    Advantage: Did mentoring play a role in your career?
    Lynn: Mentoring really did not play a role, but the review process
at E&Y did — which consisted of getting feedback from everyone                 St. Louis – August 28th
                                                                               CBIZ and CWA will co-sponsor a networking event to benefit
ahead of you.
                                                                               The Little Bit Foundation. Over 300 guests are expected to at-
    Advantage: What characteristics or traits do you consider the              tend the event.
most important ingredients for success?
    Lynn: Working hard, being assertive and direct, and what I call            San Diego – September 19th
“ringing the bell early.” Transparency is critical, so if you have made        CBIZ San Diego will sponsor Moonlight Chic, a networking
a mistake or see a problem, bring it to light immediately. You will            event and fashion show benefitting Dress for Success.
save yourself a lot of headaches.
                                                                               Phoenix – September 20th
    Advantage: In an industry comprised largely of men, how have               CBIZ and CWA will host a networking event in Phoenix.
you negotiated this?                                                           CBIZ Social Media specialist Amanda Markos will share her
    Lynn: Throughout my career I didn’t really worry about the male/           thoughts on “How to Build Your Credibility Using Social Media.”
female ratio — the environment at E&Y was 50/50. Ironically, 30
years later I am much more aware of this issue as I attend meetings            Kansas City – October 25th
on Wall Street that are 98% men. Even while I am more aware, I try             CBIZ and CWA Kansas City will host the 7th Annual Hot Pink
to stay focused on my role in the meeting or at the organization and           Party, a benefit for Back in the Swing, and will feature sev-
                                                                               eral auction items from singer Sheryl Crow, including an auto-
not worry about the ratio.                                                    graphed guitar.

                 The Advantage is published by CWA.
    Editorial Staff: Lisa Russ (CBIZ Chicago), Joellen Messerli and
                     Andria Mitra (CBIZ Kansas City)
                                                                            In the last edition of The Advantage, Lori Novickis was incorrectly iden-
     To submit material, please contact Andria Mitra at    tified as beginning her career as a director for CBIZ. Lori started her
         For printed copies of this newsletter for external distribution,   career with CBIZ in 1994 as a Government Relations Liaison with CBIZ
         please submit requests to
                                                                            predecessor company, Alliance Holding Company.

4                                                                           “CBIZ Women Helping Women Succeed in Business”

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The Advantage Newsletter - CBIZ Women's Advantage August 2012

  • 1. The Advantage August 2012 Performance Counts Kate Paul – President and CEO, Delta Dental of Colorado D uring a meeting recently with CBIZ CEO and Chairman of the Board, Steve Gerard, Not only has Kate Paul achieved significant business success, she he reminded me that our first and most is also a revered civic and nonprofit leader, and an inspiration to important goal for CBIZ Women’s Advantage is all the women (and men) who have been fortunate enough to know the professional development and positioning of and work with her. She is a natural connector and is willing to our CBIZ Women. What a business case for share her broad circle of influence to help others. I am proud to diversity our women’s program has become! I have Kate as a friend and client.” – Mary Hobson, EVP, CBIZ EFL highlight this point in my brief remarks for this Nancy Mellard K ate Paul was working as a Senior newsletter because you will note that we have decided to continue Resident at UC San Francisco, expecting to spotlight successful women with whom CBIZ is proud to do busi- her career to take her in a certain direc- ness. These women have proven the importance of professional tion. Then out of nowhere she received a call development and their career paths clearly show that it is that pro- from a Kaiser Permanente regional manager of fessionalism and positioning that proves the point …“in the end it’s hospitals in Northern California who had an all about performance!” By the way – our CEO is also CWA’s #1 administrator that needed an assistant for a Champion! Again, I hope you enjoy this edition of our newsletter new medical center in San Rafael, California. and I always value your comments.  Kate had worked for Kaiser Permanente before Kate Paul – Nancy Mellard, CWA National Leader entering graduate school and had stayed on the radar as a bright and innovative student. The administrator hired Kate, and thus Lynn Atchison – CFO, began a 30-year relationship with Kaiser, as opposed to what Kate H originally had in mind for her career, which was to eventually ard work, creative thinking and effective become #2 in a large medical center. This first key position and the networking have been central compo- broad perspective that she obtained early on of the overall workings nents to the success of Lynn Atchison, of a hospital turned out to be an experience that Kate would not Chief Financial Officer of HomeAway. Based in have traded for anything. Austin, Texas, HomeAway is the world's leading Starting in 1970, Kate moved through the ranks with Kaiser online marketplace of vacation rentals, with from Assistant Administrator to Administrator to Vice President, sites representing over 700,000 paid vacation Senior Vice President and ultimately in 1999 President of Group rental home listings in 168 countries. A client Operations for the West. By this time Kate was spending too much of Rick Jenson, CBIZ Valuation, since 2006, Lynn Atchison Rick describes Lynn as a powerful leader that The Advantage should - See Kate Paul on page 3 get to know! Field Report: Arizona, St. Louis, This Issue Starting out with an accounting degree in 1982, Lynn initially Mid-Atlantic, L.A. & Salt Lake City . . . . . . . . . 2 went to work for Ernst & Young in the audit department. When her Inside son was born in 1989, Lynn made the decision to leave because her CWA Executive Board Spotlight: work had involved extensive traveling. “With the great businesses I Cindy Rosenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 was introduced to at Ernst & Young, I became aware of the number Kudos to CWA Movers & Shakers. . . . . . . . . . 3 - See Lynn Atchison on page 4 Upcoming CWA Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 “CBIZ Women Helping Women Succeed in Business”
  • 2. CBIZ Women’s Advantage August 2012 Field Report: Arizona, St. Louis, Mid-Atlantic, L.A. & Salt Lake City CWA Arizona partnered with The Girl CWA Mid-Atlantic Scouts of Southern Arizona to celebrate leadership team spon- 100 Years of Girl Scouting and to honor sored the SmartCEO “The Committee of 100 Women” who Brava! Awards, cele- inspire and believe in girls. CWA and CBIZ brating women busi- were event sponsors. Our very own Mica ness leaders who com- Bane, Vice President of Client Services, bine their irrepressible was one of the 100 women honored. entrepreneurial spirit – Monica Arreola with a passion for giv- l to r: Sue Demirkaya, Debbie Knapp, ing back to the com- Blanca Avetrani and Karen Clark (CBIZ ES Mid-Atlantic) munity. The event, The Phoenix office held their first Mica Bane, VP of held on July 24th, honored 24 women business executives in the DC CWA event on May 1st. Fifty guests in Client Services, CBIZ metro area. A pre-event invitation was accepted by several of the attendance were treated to a very interac- Arizona honorees, and the networking opportunities continue! tive session with Sunny Claggett, VP of OD & Talent Management, – Karen Clark CBIZ, Inc. and CWA Executive Board member, who spoke on manag- ing change. CBIZ and CBIZ Women’s Advantage hosted a networking and – Angie Avers fundraising event in Los Angeles to introduce Dress for Success Worldwide-West. Present for the event were members of the DFS CBIZ and CWA St. Worldwide West Advisory Council, CBIZ executives Steve Gerard, Louis held a summer Jerry Grisko, Ware Grove, Nancy Mellard and Cheryl Calhoun, as DFS event featuring the well as featured speaker Joi Gordon, CEO of Dress for Success Mystique Boutique, a Worldwide. mobile clothing store selling high-end, gently worn clothing and acces- sories. Over $1,200 was raised with proceeds benefiting Connections to Success, a division of Becky Vidal and Vicki Reznicek Dress for Success. at the DFS Mystique Boutique – Bonnie Hembrock in St. Louis A great turnout in Los Angeles for DFS On May 23rd CBIZ and CWA Mid-Atlantic held a networking fun- draiser to benefit Dress for Success. Co-sponsored with Cigna and other generous local sponsors, approximately 70 attendees had an On August 9th, the CWA Lead Group in Salt Lake City hosted a opportunity to meet and interact with Gretchen Neels, a well-known luncheon with Zions Bank Women’s Financial Group at the CBIZ image coach and blogger, as well as other CBIZ women executives offices. The goals in coming together included: 1) finding ways to and guests. collaborate on educational seminars to women business owners in Women from CBIZ Mid- our community, and 2) bringing more recognition locally for CBIZ Atlantic participated in the Women’s Advantage and Zions Bank. Among other strategies, CBIZ Tour de Cure for Diabetes, plans to leverage Smart Women Smart Money conferences, which sponsored by CBIZ. Pic- are free of charge, and for which both CBIZ and Zion Bank have tured are (front, l to r) Mar- been sponsors. These conferences have been held since September garet Blaine and Debbie 2004. Attendance ranges from 1,000 to 1,400 women, and high- Knapp, (back, l to r) Kar- profile keynotes such as Geena Davis participate. en Clark and Tricia Cage – Mary Kay Griffin 2 “CBIZ Women Helping Women Succeed in Business”
  • 3. CBIZ Women’s Advantage August 2012 Kate Paul (cont. from page 1) CWA Executive Board Spotlight: time on airplanes and made the decision to retire. It was not long Cindy Rosenberg – Managing Director, after that decision that she ran into Mary Hobson, who had per- CBIZ MHM, LLC & Shareholder, Mayer formed recruitment work for Kaiser, but at that time was performing an executive search for Delta Dental of Colorado. It was a perfect fit. Hoffman McCann P.C. In her role as President and CEO, Kate is responsible to the Board Cindy is a shareholder in the audit department of Trustees for the strategy, development and overall management and provides accounting, auditing and business for the company including management of 105 employees. advisory services to publicly and privately held In addition to work responsibilities, Kate has and continues to companies. She was recently named a co-attest serve on a number of boards including as past Chair of the Board of practice leader in the New York office and has Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver been a member of the CWA Executive Board Cindy Rosenberg Branch. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the since 2010. Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce and the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce. Professional Experience: Advantage: When you first took the job as the assistant admin- I graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and began my istrator for Kaiser, you indicated that the person who hired you made career with Mahoney Cohen & Company, P.C. which was acquired by a big difference in your career. CBIZ in 2009 and is now the New York office. I am sometimes embar- Kate: What made him such a key person in my life was that he rassed to tell people that it’s the only job I’ve ever had, but over the past trusted me enough to give me difficult assignments, but was always 18 years I guess it’s impressive that I have worked my way from a staff there just in case I got into trouble. He invested the time in truly accountant to a shareholder. developing me. He was not only my boss but an important mentor. We are still in touch to this day. Did you have a mentor in the business: Advantage: What do you consider to be the most important Over the years, there have been a few people who have stood out to thing that you have learned over the course of your career? me, not only because they were great teachers, but because they were Kate: By far, it is knowing yourself. Sometimes your level of really strong supporters of both me and my career. I have learned over self-knowledge is questionable. Do everything you can to know the years that no two people have the same experience in this business yourself. Once you do this, learn to manage yourself. Play to your and your career ends up being shaped by the types of clients and chal- strengths. You generally do not change your weaknesses. So instead lenges you are given. I have been lucky in this respect and have really of spending the time and energy to try to eliminate them, spend your worked with people who have given me great opportunities. time strategizing how you can minimize them.  What characteristics/traits do you think are critical to your success: Kudos to CWA Movers & Shakers I have always tried to keep a positive attitude no matter what has • Monica Arreola, Producer, CBIZ ES Arizona has been named been thrown at me, even when I felt completely overwhelmed. I also try the Recording Secretary for Angel Charity for Children, Inc. to be as easy-going as possible. I think this has helped me in getting Angel Charity raises over $1 million every year to benefit chil- along well with people, whether it is with clients, who can sometimes be dren in Pima County, Arizona. challenging, or co-workers, some of whom have become long-lasting • Lori Novickis, Director of Corporate Relations, CBIZ and CWA friends. Executive Board Member has been named the Secretary for the board of directors of Dress for Success Cleveland. How do you spend time outside of work? (hobbies, interests, • Congratulations to Michelle Martinez, Manager of New sports, friends, etc.) Business Development, CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc., Phila- Whenever I am away from work, I try to spend time as much time as delphia. She was named "Woman of the Month" by the Soci- possible with family and friends. I love to read, travel and go wine tast- ety of Professional Women (SPW). ing. I have also recently started running and although I don’t see any • Karen Clark, Sr. VP, CBIZ ES and CWA Executive Board Mem- marathons in my future, it is definitely a great way to relieve stress and ber led a July 28th workshop for the DC Dress for Success Pro- stay in shape at the same time. fessional Women’s Group entitled “Building Professional Re- Any words of wisdom/advice for CBIZ female associates as lationships/Communicating Effectively With Others at Work.” they continue in their career? • On August 24th, Mary Kay Griffin, Managing Director, CBIZ Since coming to CBIZ, I have met some amazing women who are MHM, Salt Lake City and CWA Executive Board member, will very willing to mentor and share their knowledge with others. Take be recognized as a 2012 AICPA Women to Watch Experi- advantage of these opportunities, especially when you meet someone enced Leader award recipient at the UACPA Annual Meeting you click with, because you never know what they can teach you. Always and Awards Luncheon. strive to improve and challenge yourself to keep learning new things.  “CBIZ Women Helping Women Succeed in Business” 3
  • 4. CBIZ Women’s Advantage August 2012 Lynn Atchison (cont. from page 1) CBIZ Women’s Advantage of high-tech smaller companies that needed the support of a finan- 11440 Tomahawk Creek Parkway cial leader. I came up with the vision of being a virtual, part-time Leawood, Kansas 66211 CFO.” This network of companies that Lynn had been developing over the course of those eight years provided her with plenty of consult- ing and project work – allowing her to contribute her expertise to these firms and maintain a flexible schedule for the home front. By 1993 she had “fallen in love with the Internet,” and took a full time CFO position with one of her clients, Travelogix. The company didn’t ultimately survive, but Lynn was sold on working with a busi- ness that was centered around the Internet, and went to work for Hoovers until they were bought by D&B. Lynn ultimately joined HomeAway in 2006 and has loved being a part of a high-tech, growing organization. Advantage: Lynn, you mentioned several times the important role that networking has played in your career. Do you have any strategies to share with the Advantage audience? Lynn: When you join an organization, not only attend the big meetings but find a smaller group (for instance, less than 20 peo- ple) within the larger organization, such as the leadership team or a group specifically related to your industry or interests, and focus on developing those relationships. I joined the Austin Women in Technology and quickly located a great subset: a group for senior executives with small technology companies. AWT also had groups for younger employees and also a Mom's group which appealed to many! When you join a smaller group, or subset of a large group, you will develop better relationships and really solidify your network. Upcoming CWA Events Advantage: Did mentoring play a role in your career? Lynn: Mentoring really did not play a role, but the review process at E&Y did — which consisted of getting feedback from everyone St. Louis – August 28th CBIZ and CWA will co-sponsor a networking event to benefit ahead of you. The Little Bit Foundation. Over 300 guests are expected to at- Advantage: What characteristics or traits do you consider the tend the event. most important ingredients for success? Lynn: Working hard, being assertive and direct, and what I call San Diego – September 19th “ringing the bell early.” Transparency is critical, so if you have made CBIZ San Diego will sponsor Moonlight Chic, a networking a mistake or see a problem, bring it to light immediately. You will event and fashion show benefitting Dress for Success. save yourself a lot of headaches. Phoenix – September 20th Advantage: In an industry comprised largely of men, how have CBIZ and CWA will host a networking event in Phoenix. you negotiated this? CBIZ Social Media specialist Amanda Markos will share her Lynn: Throughout my career I didn’t really worry about the male/ thoughts on “How to Build Your Credibility Using Social Media.” female ratio — the environment at E&Y was 50/50. Ironically, 30 years later I am much more aware of this issue as I attend meetings Kansas City – October 25th on Wall Street that are 98% men. Even while I am more aware, I try CBIZ and CWA Kansas City will host the 7th Annual Hot Pink to stay focused on my role in the meeting or at the organization and Party, a benefit for Back in the Swing, and will feature sev- eral auction items from singer Sheryl Crow, including an auto- not worry about the ratio.  graphed guitar. The Advantage is published by CWA. Editorial Staff: Lisa Russ (CBIZ Chicago), Joellen Messerli and Correction/clarification Andria Mitra (CBIZ Kansas City) In the last edition of The Advantage, Lori Novickis was incorrectly iden- To submit material, please contact Andria Mitra at tified as beginning her career as a director for CBIZ. Lori started her For printed copies of this newsletter for external distribution, career with CBIZ in 1994 as a Government Relations Liaison with CBIZ please submit requests to predecessor company, Alliance Holding Company. 4 “CBIZ Women Helping Women Succeed in Business”