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26 April 2012

                  Adiam condimentum
                  Purus, in consectetuer
                  Proin in sapien. Fusce
                  urna magna,neque
                  eget lacus. Maecenas
                  felis nunc, aliquam ac,
                  consequat vitae,
                  feugiat at, blandit
                  vitae, euismod vel.

                What large corporates are learning from Pay it Forward
                By Diego Villaveces

                Have you ever heard that                   not be underestimated. If youā€™re             either more Red or more Green energy
                                                           familiar with LSI (Leadership Styles         becomes evident.
                kindness and business
                                                           Inventory) youā€™ll be aware that there are
                are like water and oil?                    three types of ā€˜energyā€™ you can bring to        Typically speaking, females are more
                The corporate world is supposed to be      any interaction at work: Red energy,         skilled at exhibiting Green and Blue
                cut-throat, competitive, and very          which in the positive is directive and       energies; males, at exhibiting Red and
                masculine. But this is rapidly changing.   prescriptive, and in the negative is         Blue. If your workplace is dominated by
                Women are taking to ever increasing        aggressive and controlling. Green Energy     males, you might feel a little too much
                leadership roles in organisations; and     which in the positive is accepting and       red energy around you, whereas if it is
                entrepreneurship - once an exclusively     collaborative, and in the negative is        dominated by females, it is likely to feel
                male domain - is now busting at the        avoiding and passive. And Blue energy        a bit ā€˜too Greenā€™.
                seems with successful, compassionate       which in the positive is constructive and
                yet powerful women.                        collaborative, and in the negative, well,        Putting it in plain english: We have
                                                           I donā€™t know it has a negative side.         all known that our workplace has been
                   By following their hearts, these                                                     out of balance for a very long time. Yes,
                women are being able to make the              All of us possess and exhibit all three   it might feel like the womenā€™s liberation
                impossible possible: Bringing kindness,    types of energies and their associated       movement has not achieved its goals of
                collaboration, and a gentler approach      behaviours, and LSI is a leadership          ā€˜equality in the workplaceā€™ for women.
                to the business world. It may be           diagnostic tool which allows us to           Yet at the same time, a quick look
                happening slower than you may think,       understand our ā€˜autopilot settingā€™. If we    around tells us that, albeit slower than
                but happening it is.                       are relaxed and happy, more Blue energy      weā€™d like, women are bringing a more
                                                           and its associated behaviours will be        balanced, kinder type of energy that
                   The beneļ¬ts of gentler and more         present; and when we are stressed,           beneļ¬ts all. And we all are the
                feminine energies in the workplace can                                                  beneļ¬ciaries of this change.

                                           Three amazing womenā€™s stories
                                           It is impossible to be successful But itā€™s not just Sydney banks that heavily capital of the world. Blake Beattie, past
                                           and kind at the same time. This contribute to the community. In president of the National Speakerā€™s
                                                                                                Melbourne, ANZ employees started                 Association, decided in 1997 that we
                                           age old ā€˜wisdomā€™ has been a feature of
                                                                                                ā€œFoodbank Australiaā€, a national, not-           should celebrate kindness in the same
                                           our everyday culture for a long time. But
                                                                                                for-proļ¬t network that accepts donations         way we celebrate motherā€™s day or Easter;
                                           things are a-changing. Large corporates              of food and distributes them to 1,500            ever since, he nominates a day in April as
                                           ate starting to truly embrace the concept            accredited agencies, such as the Salvation       Pay it Forward day and rallies the world to
                                           of a balanced scorecard, and investing               Army and the Smith Family. Or there is           celebrate it by performing a random act
                                           signiļ¬cant amount of resources in social             the National Australia Bankā€™s own                of kindness on the day. And Diego
                                           responsibility initiatives. Even big banks,          ā€œSheikh Fehmi El-Imam scholarshipā€, a            Villaveces, also known as The crazy
                                           with all their reputation problems, are
                                                                                                program designed to help outstanding             Colombian, founded Pass it Forward in 1997
                                           proving they too have a soul. Despite the
                                                                                                young muslims realise their potential.           to inspire 5 million people in 5 years to
                                           GFC-induced redundancy woes and the
                                                                                                Regardles of where we look, we are               pass the kindness they receive every day,
                                           poor reputation they have for ā€˜making a
                                                                                                ļ¬nding an increasing number of                   and carry out a deliberate act of
                                           proļ¬tā€™, ļ¬nancial services organisations
                                                                                                businesses that are putting their wallet         kindness they otherwise would not have
                                           are heavily investing in giving back to the          where their corporate propaganda is,             done.
                                           community. Westpac, for example, allows              and devoting a signiļ¬cant amount of
                                           its employees - all thirty thousand plus of          their healthy proļ¬ts back into community         Below youā€™ll ļ¬nd the stories of three
                                           them - to take one day to provide                    programs.                                        amazing women who, despite having
                                           community service. This equates to                                                                    limited resources, are putting their heart
                                           potentially more than 82 years of work
                                                                                                Of course, devoting resources to giving          and soul into giving back. We hope you
                                           every year donated to the community!
                                                                                                back into the community is easier when           feel inspired by their stories and choose
                                           Or there is the Commonwealth Bank of
                                                                                                you have deep pockets. But normal,               to participate in Pay it Forward Day this
                                           Au s t r a l i a ā€™s ā€œ C o m mu n i t y S e e d s ā€
                                                                                                every day people, are devoting signiļ¬cant        coming Thursday 26 of April, 2012. You
                                           program, where the bank crowdsources the
                                                                                                resources to the cause as well. Jono             could buy from them, and theyā€™ll pay it
                                           decision of where to put their money                 Fisher, who once worked as an Australian         forward for you. Or you can simply smile
                                           back into the community, and decides                 nanny (or a manny) founded ā€œWake Up              to a stranger on the day. Big or small, the
                                           how much to give on the basis of                     Sydneyā€ in 1995 with the purpose of              choice of how to give is yours. Whatever
                                           peopleā€™s votes in Facebook.                          helping Australia become the kindness            you do, donā€™t sit by the sideline!

                                                                                                                      Pass it Forward Gifts
                                                                                                                      Betty Zeritis
                                                                                                                      Betty started Pass it Forward Gifts just over a year ago after being
                                                                                                                      made redundant along with hundreds of Australians. She then
                                                                                                                      decided to follow her heart; take this money and create a
                                                                                                                      business with a heart and a social cause. ā€œIt was a difļ¬cult time. It
                                                                                                                      really made me think about what I wanted to do with my life. It made me
                                                                                                                      reassess what I wanted to contribute personally and professionallyā€. As she
                                                                                                                      explains, ā€œI decided that I wanted to start my own business, my way. One I
                                                                                                                      could be proud of. One I knew was about more than just doing something for
                                                                                                                      myself or for a big corporation. It was about helping others through my work;
                                                                                                                      about incorporating kindness into my every day business lifeā€. Betty
                                                                                                                      created an online shop, Pass it Forward gifts, that sells products
                                                                                                                      sourced either from charities and struggling communities, or
                                                                                                                      from small Australian businesses. And she gives 5% of her
                                                                                                                      revenue to 4 local, Australian charities, carefully selected from a
                                                                                                                      list of several hundred.

                                                                                                                      In her private life, Betty embraces the Pay it Forward philosophy
                                             Pass it Forward
                                                                                                                      every day as well. Simple, random gestures - like buying lunch
                                             Gifts                                                                    for the old lady behind her in the queue at her local coffee shop;
                                             An online store that                                                     or giving new things away to people who canā€™t afford it. The
                                             sells inspirational
                                             products mostly to the                                                   good news? It is paying off: Sales and loyalty are increasing, and
                                             female market, and                                                       she is now recognised as a positive place to shop. ā€œIt is all about
                                             contributes 5% of
                                             revenue (not of                                                          positive intentā€, she humbly says; ā€œI just want to make a living that
                                             proļ¬ts!) to four small                                                   allows me to contribute, give back to society, and inspire other businesses to do
                                                                                                                      the same. If I could do it, anyone can!ā€. And her donations to
                                                                                                                      Clothesline, Quest for Life, Kids for life and Inala have come at a
                                                                                                                      very tough time for charities!
                                                                      [e] Betty @ [w] [p] +61(2) xxxx-yyyy
                                             The Global Dream Whisperer
                                             Laura Naomi
                                             Laura Naomi started "The Global Dream Whisperer" in 2010 after
                                             returning from an 18mth journey to Spain, Turkey and Russia.
                                             ā€œDuring this time I engaged in a very steep learning curve. Just when you
                                             believe you have it all worked out, something or someone comes along to
                                             remind you of what humility really means.ā€ During these travels, she
                                             connected to her spirituality on a different level: Teaching
                                             English gave her the opportunity to realise again just how much
                                             she enjoyed helping others on a larger scale. ā€œThere seemed to be
                                             deļ¬ning moments every day where I was consistently reminded of my gifts
                                             and the opportunity to grab my dreams with all my heartā€. Upon her
                                             return, she decided to embark on an adventure to integrate
                                             spirituality and business whilst make a living out of it.Ā 

                                             ā€œThis road has always been challenging; there are still many people who
                                             are not conscious around their own spiritualityā€. She has also found
                                             that more and more people are acknowledging that we all have
                                             aĀ purpose that goes beyond chasing money and material                                                                            The global dream
                                             possessions. ā€œIt is quite obvious that there is an increasing longing inside                                                     whisperer
                                                                                                                                                                              An online and ofļ¬‚ine
                                             us to ļ¬nd the true self and share it with the worldā€. With skills                                                                business that
                                             developed over two decades of spiritual studies and daily                                                                        provides professional
                                                                                                                                                                              services to inspire others
                                             practice, she has found practical ways to inspire others to live a                                                               to live more authentically,
                                             more authentic life and to educate them on how to achieve this                                                                   and supports you in
                                                                                                                                                                              your journey with
                                             through spiritual mentoring and energy management practices.                                                                     practical yet deeply
                                                                                                                                                                              spiritual mentoring and
                                                                                                                                                                              energy management

                                                                       [e] laura @ [w] [p] 1300 887 581

                                                                                                                            Double Creation Publications
                                                                                                                            Jennifer Deaves
                                                                                                                            It was the beginning of 2009, and Jennifer was going
                                                                                                                            through a very tough time in her personal life, and realised
                                                                                                                            just how much her environment contributed to it. ā€œI suddenly
                                                                                                                            realised I could no longer listen to mainstream media - TV, radio,
                                                                                                                            magazines. It was killing my soul!ā€ After much soul searching,
                                                                                                                            and some amazing help from her then 16 year-old daughter
                                                                                                                            and photography student Samantha, she started Good Gabble
                                                                                                                            Magazine. This was soon to be followed by Rattling Reviews, a
                                                                                                                            second child of the newly formed Double Creation Publications.
                                                                                                                            These two magazines are designed to help ā€œthe little manā€
                                                                                                                            ļ¬nd his own power in this big, vast world. Through
                                                                                                                            inspirational stories, Good Gabble aims to inspire and heal
                                                                                                                            our spirit, whereas Rattling Reviews provides the public with
                                                                                                                            unbiased, paid-forward reviews and recommendations for
                                                                                                                            small businesses.

                                                                                                                            ā€œMy door is always open to all, providing a positive place to be and an
                                                                                                                            ear that listens.ā€. And that she does with excellence. A mother
                                                                                                                            of three and living on the pension, it is a delight to see that
                                              Double Creation
                                                                                                                            with what little income she makes, Jennifer continues to self-
                                              An online publishing                                                          fund these enterprises. ā€œI believe in a world where positivity is the
                                              business that                                                                 norm and negativity is long forgotten.ā€ Whilst her business feels
                                              produces inspirational
                                              and empowering                                                                small to her, Jenniferā€™s efforts are making a big difference to
                                              magazines ā€œfor the                                                            the growing cadre of followers, as the increasing readership
                                              little manā€
                                                                                                                            statistics prove. Time will tell just how successful this
                                                                                                                            kindness-based business can really become!

                                           [e] goodgabble @ [w] [w] [p] +61 (432)010-880

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Pay It Forward Gazette - 26 april 2012

  • 1. 26 April 2012 THE PAY IT FORWARD GAZETTE Adiam condimentum Purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel. INTEGRATING KINDNESS WITH BUSINESS What large corporates are learning from Pay it Forward By Diego Villaveces Have you ever heard that not be underestimated. If youā€™re either more Red or more Green energy familiar with LSI (Leadership Styles becomes evident. kindness and business Inventory) youā€™ll be aware that there are are like water and oil? three types of ā€˜energyā€™ you can bring to Typically speaking, females are more The corporate world is supposed to be any interaction at work: Red energy, skilled at exhibiting Green and Blue cut-throat, competitive, and very which in the positive is directive and energies; males, at exhibiting Red and masculine. But this is rapidly changing. prescriptive, and in the negative is Blue. If your workplace is dominated by Women are taking to ever increasing aggressive and controlling. Green Energy males, you might feel a little too much leadership roles in organisations; and which in the positive is accepting and red energy around you, whereas if it is entrepreneurship - once an exclusively collaborative, and in the negative is dominated by females, it is likely to feel male domain - is now busting at the avoiding and passive. And Blue energy a bit ā€˜too Greenā€™. seems with successful, compassionate which in the positive is constructive and yet powerful women. collaborative, and in the negative, well, Putting it in plain english: We have I donā€™t know it has a negative side. all known that our workplace has been By following their hearts, these out of balance for a very long time. Yes, women are being able to make the All of us possess and exhibit all three it might feel like the womenā€™s liberation impossible possible: Bringing kindness, types of energies and their associated movement has not achieved its goals of collaboration, and a gentler approach behaviours, and LSI is a leadership ā€˜equality in the workplaceā€™ for women. to the business world. It may be diagnostic tool which allows us to Yet at the same time, a quick look happening slower than you may think, understand our ā€˜autopilot settingā€™. If we around tells us that, albeit slower than but happening it is. are relaxed and happy, more Blue energy weā€™d like, women are bringing a more and its associated behaviours will be balanced, kinder type of energy that The beneļ¬ts of gentler and more present; and when we are stressed, beneļ¬ts all. And we all are the feminine energies in the workplace can beneļ¬ciaries of this change. 1
  • 2. THE PAY IT FORWARD GAZETTE 26 April 2012 PAY IT FORWARD & THE BUSINESS WORLD Three amazing womenā€™s stories It is impossible to be successful But itā€™s not just Sydney banks that heavily capital of the world. Blake Beattie, past and kind at the same time. This contribute to the community. In president of the National Speakerā€™s Melbourne, ANZ employees started Association, decided in 1997 that we age old ā€˜wisdomā€™ has been a feature of ā€œFoodbank Australiaā€, a national, not- should celebrate kindness in the same our everyday culture for a long time. But for-proļ¬t network that accepts donations way we celebrate motherā€™s day or Easter; things are a-changing. Large corporates of food and distributes them to 1,500 ever since, he nominates a day in April as ate starting to truly embrace the concept accredited agencies, such as the Salvation Pay it Forward day and rallies the world to of a balanced scorecard, and investing Army and the Smith Family. Or there is celebrate it by performing a random act signiļ¬cant amount of resources in social the National Australia Bankā€™s own of kindness on the day. And Diego responsibility initiatives. Even big banks, ā€œSheikh Fehmi El-Imam scholarshipā€, a Villaveces, also known as The crazy with all their reputation problems, are program designed to help outstanding Colombian, founded Pass it Forward in 1997 proving they too have a soul. Despite the young muslims realise their potential. to inspire 5 million people in 5 years to GFC-induced redundancy woes and the Regardles of where we look, we are pass the kindness they receive every day, poor reputation they have for ā€˜making a ļ¬nding an increasing number of and carry out a deliberate act of proļ¬tā€™, ļ¬nancial services organisations businesses that are putting their wallet kindness they otherwise would not have are heavily investing in giving back to the where their corporate propaganda is, done. community. Westpac, for example, allows and devoting a signiļ¬cant amount of its employees - all thirty thousand plus of their healthy proļ¬ts back into community Below youā€™ll ļ¬nd the stories of three them - to take one day to provide programs. amazing women who, despite having community service. This equates to limited resources, are putting their heart potentially more than 82 years of work Of course, devoting resources to giving and soul into giving back. We hope you every year donated to the community! back into the community is easier when feel inspired by their stories and choose Or there is the Commonwealth Bank of you have deep pockets. But normal, to participate in Pay it Forward Day this Au s t r a l i a ā€™s ā€œ C o m mu n i t y S e e d s ā€ every day people, are devoting signiļ¬cant coming Thursday 26 of April, 2012. You program, where the bank crowdsources the resources to the cause as well. Jono could buy from them, and theyā€™ll pay it decision of where to put their money Fisher, who once worked as an Australian forward for you. Or you can simply smile back into the community, and decides nanny (or a manny) founded ā€œWake Up to a stranger on the day. Big or small, the how much to give on the basis of Sydneyā€ in 1995 with the purpose of choice of how to give is yours. Whatever peopleā€™s votes in Facebook. helping Australia become the kindness you do, donā€™t sit by the sideline! Pass it Forward Gifts Betty Zeritis Betty started Pass it Forward Gifts just over a year ago after being made redundant along with hundreds of Australians. She then decided to follow her heart; take this money and create a business with a heart and a social cause. ā€œIt was a difļ¬cult time. It really made me think about what I wanted to do with my life. It made me reassess what I wanted to contribute personally and professionallyā€. As she explains, ā€œI decided that I wanted to start my own business, my way. One I could be proud of. One I knew was about more than just doing something for myself or for a big corporation. It was about helping others through my work; about incorporating kindness into my every day business lifeā€. Betty created an online shop, Pass it Forward gifts, that sells products sourced either from charities and struggling communities, or from small Australian businesses. And she gives 5% of her revenue to 4 local, Australian charities, carefully selected from a list of several hundred. In her private life, Betty embraces the Pay it Forward philosophy Pass it Forward every day as well. Simple, random gestures - like buying lunch Gifts for the old lady behind her in the queue at her local coffee shop; An online store that or giving new things away to people who canā€™t afford it. The sells inspirational products mostly to the good news? It is paying off: Sales and loyalty are increasing, and female market, and she is now recognised as a positive place to shop. ā€œIt is all about contributes 5% of revenue (not of positive intentā€, she humbly says; ā€œI just want to make a living that proļ¬ts!) to four small allows me to contribute, give back to society, and inspire other businesses to do charities the same. If I could do it, anyone can!ā€. And her donations to Clothesline, Quest for Life, Kids for life and Inala have come at a very tough time for charities! [e] Betty @ [w] [p] +61(2) xxxx-yyyy
  • 3. THE PAY IT FORWARD GAZETTE 26 April 2012 The Global Dream Whisperer Laura Naomi Laura Naomi started "The Global Dream Whisperer" in 2010 after returning from an 18mth journey to Spain, Turkey and Russia. ā€œDuring this time I engaged in a very steep learning curve. Just when you believe you have it all worked out, something or someone comes along to remind you of what humility really means.ā€ During these travels, she connected to her spirituality on a different level: Teaching English gave her the opportunity to realise again just how much she enjoyed helping others on a larger scale. ā€œThere seemed to be deļ¬ning moments every day where I was consistently reminded of my gifts and the opportunity to grab my dreams with all my heartā€. Upon her return, she decided to embark on an adventure to integrate spirituality and business whilst make a living out of it.Ā  ā€œThis road has always been challenging; there are still many people who are not conscious around their own spiritualityā€. She has also found that more and more people are acknowledging that we all have aĀ purpose that goes beyond chasing money and material The global dream possessions. ā€œIt is quite obvious that there is an increasing longing inside whisperer An online and ofļ¬‚ine us to ļ¬nd the true self and share it with the worldā€. With skills business that developed over two decades of spiritual studies and daily provides professional services to inspire others practice, she has found practical ways to inspire others to live a to live more authentically, more authentic life and to educate them on how to achieve this and supports you in your journey with through spiritual mentoring and energy management practices. practical yet deeply spiritual mentoring and energy management coaching. [e] laura @ [w] [p] 1300 887 581 Double Creation Publications Jennifer Deaves It was the beginning of 2009, and Jennifer was going through a very tough time in her personal life, and realised just how much her environment contributed to it. ā€œI suddenly realised I could no longer listen to mainstream media - TV, radio, magazines. It was killing my soul!ā€ After much soul searching, and some amazing help from her then 16 year-old daughter and photography student Samantha, she started Good Gabble Magazine. This was soon to be followed by Rattling Reviews, a second child of the newly formed Double Creation Publications. These two magazines are designed to help ā€œthe little manā€ ļ¬nd his own power in this big, vast world. Through inspirational stories, Good Gabble aims to inspire and heal our spirit, whereas Rattling Reviews provides the public with unbiased, paid-forward reviews and recommendations for small businesses. ā€œMy door is always open to all, providing a positive place to be and an ear that listens.ā€. And that she does with excellence. A mother of three and living on the pension, it is a delight to see that Double Creation with what little income she makes, Jennifer continues to self- Publications An online publishing fund these enterprises. ā€œI believe in a world where positivity is the business that norm and negativity is long forgotten.ā€ Whilst her business feels produces inspirational and empowering small to her, Jenniferā€™s efforts are making a big difference to magazines ā€œfor the the growing cadre of followers, as the increasing readership little manā€ statistics prove. Time will tell just how successful this kindness-based business can really become! [e] goodgabble @ [w] [w] [p] +61 (432)010-880