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“Watch, listen, and learn. You can’t know it
all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is
destined for mediocrity.” - Donald Trump,
chairman of The Trump Organization.
“If you just work on stuff that
you like and you’re passionate
about, you don’t have to have a
master plan with how things will
play out.”- Mark Zuckerberg,
founder of Facebook.
cherry speaks:
I genuinely believe this is the
most powerful story that we
have. It is unique. It is a great
asset in terms of social media
“compelling” content. The idea
is not only to gain likes, but
followership (out of people’s
own personal interest). They
should want to follow your story.
3 sailors
3sailors washed ashore with the rising tide
of opportunities. They wanted to help
those they had left behind. They wanted to
make distances shorter. They wanted to
matter. They wanted to conquer land as
they had done the seas.
“We don't have a choice on whether we do social media,
the question is how well we do it?” - Erik Qualman, Tony
Robbins of social Media.
cherry speaks:
I suggest a 3 prong
attack. Launching
three different yet
interconnected social
media entities.
This is where we gain
followorship to
transfer to NRI
Abode, this is where
we sell your bravery
and guts to make
heroes. This will make
all your other
ventures already have
an audience. So we
dont have to keep
repeating these
This is the bigger story.
Entrepreneurship of
the 3 sailors & (gs-what
should we call him?),
from where you
started, the personality
of the partnership to
the individual member.
The same existing page
continues, with
relaunched ads
regarding real estate
portfolio management.
The business, the
vision, the advantage
to clients, news,
politics around real
estate. The benefits of
real estate portfolio
Blogs, posts, videos like
we are doing but with a
new look.
Showcasing some of
the brilliant houses
that we deal in will
build trustworthiness.
(obviously with client
Citywise features will be
given an editorial feel.
towards luxury. Any
builder projects in
partnership can be put
up as well.
Infographics on city’s
real estate.
3 sailors & NRI Abode abode editorials
Creation of unique content that is only available
at these sources. The package creates the belief
that we are the authority on real estate in India
especially from NRI perspective. We become the
people that must be confered with before
venturing into real estate.
Also, be able to benefit from trending topics
which are not directly relevant.
We are the right people, right advice.
So we must show them, only saying it won’t help.
Unique (PULL)
content creation.
This is what gains
fans & following.
Each can exist
independently, yet
share extensively and
benefit from each
other’s popularity.
Tone: Cheeky,
humorous, real
estate funnies,
Each can maintain
their own
personality. This will
encompass all of us
as well us the
Unique (PUSH)
content but more
corporate and
advertising style.
Compliment each
other. Stories of India’s
growth as an economy,
a land of startups &
revolution can build a
strong base for return
to India. Maybe we
can even inspire
people to come back.
Tone: NRI Abode
means business. Crisp
imagery, sharp copy,
metaphors (illustrated
by example on slide
14-18 )
Unique (PULL) content
which only NRI Abode
can provide.
Supplemented by
luxurious editorials on
different Indian cities from
the real estate
perspective.(Which till we
can travel to these cities
and actually make real
editorials can be intensive
researched through net -
slide 21-23)
Tone: Deep deep focus
on aesthetics and client
When clients see the faith
other clients (esp large
properties) put in us, they
will come knocking for
3 sailors & NRI Abode abode editorials
To prevent
dilution & be
able to maintain
balance in
humour, info,
personality &
“Design is not just what it looks like
and feels like. Design is how it works.”
- Steve Jobs
The corporate fb page needs to have
striking visuals that give action to the copy.
(most of it is placeholder right now, just
giving example.)
unboundIndia is not just home but a limitless
opportunity. We will help you scale these
heights. We are the right people, right advice.
edgeIndia is not just home but a limitless
opportunity. We will help you scale these
heights. We are the right people, right advice.
growIndia is not just home but a limitless
opportunity. We will help you scale these
heights. We are the right people, right advice.
ROCKIndia is not just home but a limitless
opportunity. We will help you scale these
heights. We are the right people, right advice.
India is not just home but a limitless
opportunity. We will help you scale these
heights. We are the right people, right advice.
cherry speaks:
This is just promotional material, its the
content we can put out there which they
cannot find on google that will engage with
NRI’s and make them trust us and see us as
intelligent advisors.
The corporate page needs regular updates
from the the reality sector, if its Indian
reality it should be on our page.
“Always deliver more than
expected.” - Larry Page,
co-founder of Google.
This is where we can get creative and
generate a lot of interest by getting the
stories first. All of this should lead to
creation of genuine fan-following.
This is where we show our classiness.
Beautiful homes that we have in out
maintainence or inventory, if lack of
these, then city features - I know varun
has two properties with keen aunties to
show case. Chittesh too has a beautiful
house in Jammu.
the abode.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit. Ut sodales semper nunc ut gravida. Quisque
placerat volutpat varius. Vivamus vulputate massa
metus, nec rhoncus magna faucibus at. Donec at erat
pulvinar, vulputate lacus non, facilisis felis. Proin
ultricies ultricies enim eu placerat. Ut fermentum eget
elit eu tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti.
Morbi congue, ex eget convallis luctus, felis mauris
sollicitudin justo, quis lobortis ipsum neque et nisl.
Nulla at efficitur est. Nunc sed mattis orci. Class
aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia
nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla pretium ut
leo vel malesuada. Aenean et pellentesque nisi. Sed
sit amet urna quis libero gravida bibendum. Nunc
pellentesque ornare rutrum. Nunc aliquet tempor
molestie. In sollicitudin, ligula ac luctus aliquet,
dolor mi porta neque, vel convallis urna leo a ligula.
Integer id sapien ipsum. Ut non accumsan neque.
Aenean in massa a nisi pharetra dictum.
Integer cursus sollicitudin nulla, in feugiat arcu lobortis a. Cras neque orci, condimentum eget molestie sit amet,
condimentum eget arcu. Curabitur volutpat massa at metus molestie accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam luctus
posuere nisi a gravida. Vivamus ornare finibus arcu. Nulla efficitur scelerisque felis, et dapibus sapien luctus vel.
Aenean magna risus, fringilla ac scelerisque ut, laoreet a magna. Curabitur malesuada ligula arcu, et faucibus urna
luctus a. Etiam eu augue felis.
experience the novel
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Ut
sodales semper nunc
ut gravida.
International looking features that will speak
to them in their language and iterate the
genuine-ness of our endeavour.
I feel this way people with potential can be
persuaded to invest in India. Everyone wants
to affiliate with success. Success looks good.
the abode.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut sodales semper nunc ut gravida. Quisque placerat
volutpat varius. Vivamus vulputate massa metus, nec
rhoncus magna faucibus at. Donec at erat pulvinar,
vulputate lacus non, facilisis felis. Proin ultricies ultricies
enim eu placerat. Ut fermentum eget elit eu tincidunt.
Suspendisse potenti.
Morbi congue, ex eget convallis luctus, felis mauris
sollicitudin justo, quis lobortis ipsum neque et nisl. Nulla
at efficitur est. Nunc sed mattis orci. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
inceptos himenaeos. Nulla pretium ut leo vel malesuada.
Aenean et pellentesque nisi. Sed sit amet urna quis libero
gravida bibendum. Nunc pellentesque ornare rutrum. Nunc aliquet tempor molestie. In sollicitudin, ligula ac luctus
aliquet, dolor mi porta neque, vel convallis urna leo a ligula. Integer id sapien ipsum. Ut non accumsan neque.
Aenean in massa a nisi pharetra dictum.
Integer cursus sollicitudin nulla, in feugiat arcu lobortis a. Cras neque orci, condimentum eget molestie sit amet,
condimentum eget arcu. Curabitur volutpat massa at metus molestie accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam luctus
posuere nisi a gravida. Vivamus ornare finibus arcu. Nulla efficitur scelerisque felis, et dapibus sapien luctus vel.
Aenean magna risus, fringilla ac scelerisque ut, laoreet a magna. Curabitur malesuada ligula arcu, et faucibus urna
luctus a. Etiam eu augue felis.
India stories are important too and
keeping NRI’s abreast with the progress
and technology. Again, this can start
setting the case for Return to India (name
Other features can be NRI specials, we
source rare content and generate some
ourselves. If we start the interaction we
can know what they like and focus our
campaigns around that.
the abode.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Ut sodales semper nunc ut
gravida. Quisque placerat volutpat varius.
Vivamus vulputate massa metus, nec rhoncus
magna faucibus at. Donec at erat pulvinar,
vulputate lacus non, facilisis felis. Proin ultricies
ultricies enim eu placerat. Ut fermentum eget
elit eu tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti.
Morbi congue, ex eget convallis luctus, felis mauris
sollicitudin justo, quis lobortis ipsum neque et nisl.
Nulla at efficitur est. Nunc sed mattis orci.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla pretium
ut leo vel malesuada. Aenean et pellentesque nisi. Sed
sit amet urna quis libero gravida bibendum. Nunc
pellentesque ornare rutrum. Nunc aliquet tempor
molestie. In sollicitudin, ligula ac luctus aliquet, dolor mi
porta neque, vel convallis urna leo a ligula. Integer id
sapien ipsum. Ut non accumsan neque. Aenean in
massa a nisi pharetra dictum.
Integer cursus sollicitudin nulla, in feugiat arcu
lobortis a. Cras neque orci, condimentum eget
molestie sit amet, condimentum eget arcu.
Curabitur volutpat massa at metus molestie
accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam luctus
This book is wrtiien
by highly acclaimed
peron of indian
origin. This book is
wrtiien by highly
acclaimed peron of
indian origin.
the 3 sailors story
The look and feel needs to be like a well-designed
magazine, the posts the videos look urban and the content
should look like its a story worth telling. For reference:
“Don’t fall into the trap of seeing social media as some sort of dark art
of digital. The basic questions remain the same: who are your potential
customers/guests? Where are you likely to find them? What do they do
there? Is there a role you can play?” “I would take a very methodical
approach. Look at your business plan and identify who your target
market is, then try and establish which online marketing methods
you will use to best reach this market.”
LinkedIn is a business-oriented networking platform, where it is often important for
small businesses to have visibility.
“Creating a fantastic LinkedIn profile is vital,” says Adam Gordon, managing
director of Social Media Search. “Get connected with every potential buyer and
influencer and they become your audience when you share terrific content, daily.”
He adds: “People are selective about connecting with people they don’t yet know.
They need you to appear useful and relevant if they’re going to let you into their
network. Take relationships offline with the most important people in your network.”
Bear in mind that LinkedIn works like a search engine and SEO rules apply, says
Kneen. “Think about what keywords you want to appear in rankings and repeat
them where you can. This could be in your headline, job titles and descriptions.”
It is important that your company page is up to date, containing the right branding,
links and business details. Kneen recommends sharing three updates a week on
your personal and business profiles.
Entrepreneurs should beware of using their Twitter feed as an extension of the sales
team. Thomas Brown, director of strategy and insights at the Chartered Institute of
Marketing, says: “The biggest mistake a business can make is seeing Twitter (or any
other social media platform) as a broadcast channel. It’s not - it’s a place that people
get together to have conversations and share. If you want to contribute to that,
you’ve got to understand the etiquette.”
James Kelliher, chairman and CEO of Whiteoaks, says, “On Twitter you’re far better
having 10 high-quality followers (eg. customers, prospects, influencers) than 100
non-qualified followers,” he says.
Pinterest describes its service as a “visual discovery tool”, where users create and
share boards or ideas. Kristian Lorenzon, head of social media at O2 Telefónica UK,
says: “Content on Pinterest lives on for a long time, you’ll find that people will be
pinning your content months down the line.
“I would recommend having a mixture of your own images and others (re-pinning is
a great way to be discovered by others) to capitalise on this.”
Make sure you use the right language and tags so that people can discover your
products, and consider engaging in one-to-one chats with people on Pinterest,
Lorenzon adds.
Beware of posting the same content on every
channel possible.
“Some of your content will be appropriate for
all channels, some will not. I would almost never
post the same content on LinkedIn as I would
on Facebook but I would post it all on Twitter.”
“If you’re finding it hard to differentiate
between channels, it’s always a good idea to
look around and see what kind of content is
shared by companies in your industry and what
kind of content gets the best response.”
Just remember that social media
should not replace sales
campaigns, says Kelliher. “They
complement each other. Once
the right people are engaged
there is nothing wrong with
using other traditional tools like
phone, email or face-to-face, to
target and convert sales.”
4cherry speaks:
Testimonial Intent
One day talking to Varun, I realized that there is so much
happening in your days which you do for clients that are
great testimonials. He was up all night co-ordinating
because client’s aged parents were coming the next day.
The client had trusted the entire planning to him. These are
great stories to be told on social media but will get missed if
we don’t record them, esp. as we are all over the
countryand dont interact on a daily basis. We need a system
where I can document them, and roll them out regularly in
the form of posts/videos etc.
Please send an email to me of the extra mile no matter how
hurriedly written so we can transform it to content later, but
atleast gets recorded. We can all keep the subject line -
cherry speaks:
The website
My suggestion would be not to touch it much right now as it
can be the solid base on which our social media can stand.
It should be functional and be able to satisfy the interest we
generate through these platforms. We introduce the
concepts of BASE SIRE & REALM, the website elaborates on
them. Later it evolves into this workspace for the NRI where
he can do his entire real estate portfolio management
through this online medium.
more ideas on customer engagement
smart flyers on
1. residential complex noticeboards.
2. hotel (esp. business & corporate) lobbies.
3. hi-end restaurants.
4. events like soul santes, kitsch mandi ( if not a stall, get
someone to keep our flyer.)
5. office noticeboards.
6. brainstorm some more.
““On one foot you limp;
on two feet you sprint.”
- Matshona Dhliwayo
It will not be fun doing all this alone,
together we can make it a fun and exciting
journey. The product of an endeavour where
all partners participate enthusiastically will
speak for itself. The energy will be visible on
the platforms we create without trying hard
Before we know it, we have a successful
business with a momentum of its own, and
learn the secret and the power to create
Proud to be a real estate portfolio manager.
Proud to be associated with NRI Abode.
thank you.

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the abode anthem

  • 1. nriabode. “Watch, listen, and learn. You can’t know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity.” - Donald Trump, chairman of The Trump Organization.
  • 3. “If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.”- Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.
  • 5. cherry speaks: I genuinely believe this is the most powerful story that we have. It is unique. It is a great asset in terms of social media “compelling” content. The idea is not only to gain likes, but followership (out of people’s own personal interest). They should want to follow your story. 3 sailors
  • 6. 3sailors washed ashore with the rising tide of opportunities. They wanted to help those they had left behind. They wanted to make distances shorter. They wanted to matter. They wanted to conquer land as they had done the seas. INTERESTING.COMPELLING.ENTREPRENEURSHIP.TRENDING.
  • 8.
  • 9. “We don't have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it?” - Erik Qualman, Tony Robbins of social Media. thestrategy. cherry speaks: I suggest a 3 prong attack. Launching three different yet interconnected social media entities.
  • 10. This is where we gain followorship to transfer to NRI Abode, this is where we sell your bravery and guts to make heroes. This will make all your other ventures already have an audience. So we dont have to keep repeating these exercises. This is the bigger story. Entrepreneurship of the 3 sailors & (gs-what should we call him?), from where you started, the personality of the partnership to the individual member. The same existing page continues, with relaunched ads regarding real estate portfolio management. The business, the vision, the advantage to clients, news, politics around real estate. The benefits of real estate portfolio management. Blogs, posts, videos like we are doing but with a new look. Showcasing some of the brilliant houses that we deal in will build trustworthiness. (obviously with client permission) Citywise features will be given an editorial feel. towards luxury. Any builder projects in partnership can be put up as well. Infographics on city’s real estate. 3 sailors & NRI Abode abode editorials how
  • 11. Creation of unique content that is only available at these sources. The package creates the belief that we are the authority on real estate in India especially from NRI perspective. We become the people that must be confered with before venturing into real estate. Also, be able to benefit from trending topics which are not directly relevant. theaim. We are the right people, right advice. So we must show them, only saying it won’t help.
  • 12. Unique (PULL) content creation. This is what gains fans & following. Each can exist independently, yet share extensively and benefit from each other’s popularity. Tone: Cheeky, humorous, real estate funnies, entrepreneurship. Each can maintain their own personality. This will encompass all of us as well us the adventure. Unique (PUSH) content but more corporate and advertising style. Compliment each other. Stories of India’s growth as an economy, a land of startups & revolution can build a strong base for return to India. Maybe we can even inspire people to come back. Tone: NRI Abode means business. Crisp imagery, sharp copy, interesting metaphors (illustrated by example on slide 14-18 ) Unique (PULL) content which only NRI Abode can provide. Supplemented by luxurious editorials on different Indian cities from the real estate perspective.(Which till we can travel to these cities and actually make real editorials can be intensive researched through net - slide 21-23) Tone: Deep deep focus on aesthetics and client gratification. When clients see the faith other clients (esp large properties) put in us, they will come knocking for sure. 3 sailors & NRI Abode abode editorials why3? To prevent dilution & be able to maintain balance in humour, info, personality & more.
  • 13. nriabode “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” - Steve Jobs The corporate fb page needs to have striking visuals that give action to the copy. (most of it is placeholder right now, just giving example.)
  • 14. unboundIndia is not just home but a limitless opportunity. We will help you scale these heights. We are the right people, right advice. | REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT |
  • 15. edgeIndia is not just home but a limitless opportunity. We will help you scale these heights. We are the right people, right advice. | REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT |
  • 16. growIndia is not just home but a limitless opportunity. We will help you scale these heights. We are the right people, right advice. | REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT |
  • 17. ROCKIndia is not just home but a limitless opportunity. We will help you scale these heights. We are the right people, right advice. | REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT |
  • 18. LEARN India is not just home but a limitless opportunity. We will help you scale these heights. We are the right people, right advice. | REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT |
  • 19. cherry speaks: This is just promotional material, its the content we can put out there which they cannot find on google that will engage with NRI’s and make them trust us and see us as intelligent advisors. The corporate page needs regular updates from the the reality sector, if its Indian reality it should be on our page.
  • 20. abodeditorials “Always deliver more than expected.” - Larry Page, co-founder of Google. This is where we can get creative and generate a lot of interest by getting the stories first. All of this should lead to creation of genuine fan-following.
  • 21. This is where we show our classiness. Beautiful homes that we have in out maintainence or inventory, if lack of these, then city features - I know varun has two properties with keen aunties to show case. Chittesh too has a beautiful house in Jammu. the abode. BEAUTIFUL CITY. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sodales semper nunc ut gravida. Quisque placerat volutpat varius. Vivamus vulputate massa metus, nec rhoncus magna faucibus at. Donec at erat pulvinar, vulputate lacus non, facilisis felis. Proin ultricies ultricies enim eu placerat. Ut fermentum eget elit eu tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi congue, ex eget convallis luctus, felis mauris sollicitudin justo, quis lobortis ipsum neque et nisl. Nulla at efficitur est. Nunc sed mattis orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla pretium ut leo vel malesuada. Aenean et pellentesque nisi. Sed sit amet urna quis libero gravida bibendum. Nunc pellentesque ornare rutrum. Nunc aliquet tempor molestie. In sollicitudin, ligula ac luctus aliquet, dolor mi porta neque, vel convallis urna leo a ligula. Integer id sapien ipsum. Ut non accumsan neque. Aenean in massa a nisi pharetra dictum. Integer cursus sollicitudin nulla, in feugiat arcu lobortis a. Cras neque orci, condimentum eget molestie sit amet, condimentum eget arcu. Curabitur volutpat massa at metus molestie accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam luctus posuere nisi a gravida. Vivamus ornare finibus arcu. Nulla efficitur scelerisque felis, et dapibus sapien luctus vel. Aenean magna risus, fringilla ac scelerisque ut, laoreet a magna. Curabitur malesuada ligula arcu, et faucibus urna luctus a. Etiam eu augue felis. experience the novel Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sodales semper nunc ut gravida.
  • 22. International looking features that will speak to them in their language and iterate the genuine-ness of our endeavour. I feel this way people with potential can be persuaded to invest in India. Everyone wants to affiliate with success. Success looks good. the abode. LIVE IT. FEEL IT. LOVE IT. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sodales semper nunc ut gravida. Quisque placerat volutpat varius. Vivamus vulputate massa metus, nec rhoncus magna faucibus at. Donec at erat pulvinar, vulputate lacus non, facilisis felis. Proin ultricies ultricies enim eu placerat. Ut fermentum eget elit eu tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi congue, ex eget convallis luctus, felis mauris sollicitudin justo, quis lobortis ipsum neque et nisl. Nulla at efficitur est. Nunc sed mattis orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla pretium ut leo vel malesuada. Aenean et pellentesque nisi. Sed sit amet urna quis libero gravida bibendum. Nunc pellentesque ornare rutrum. Nunc aliquet tempor molestie. In sollicitudin, ligula ac luctus aliquet, dolor mi porta neque, vel convallis urna leo a ligula. Integer id sapien ipsum. Ut non accumsan neque. Aenean in massa a nisi pharetra dictum. Integer cursus sollicitudin nulla, in feugiat arcu lobortis a. Cras neque orci, condimentum eget molestie sit amet, condimentum eget arcu. Curabitur volutpat massa at metus molestie accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam luctus posuere nisi a gravida. Vivamus ornare finibus arcu. Nulla efficitur scelerisque felis, et dapibus sapien luctus vel. Aenean magna risus, fringilla ac scelerisque ut, laoreet a magna. Curabitur malesuada ligula arcu, et faucibus urna luctus a. Etiam eu augue felis. joy of time
  • 23. India stories are important too and keeping NRI’s abreast with the progress and technology. Again, this can start setting the case for Return to India (name pending.) Other features can be NRI specials, we source rare content and generate some ourselves. If we start the interaction we can know what they like and focus our campaigns around that. the abode. INDIA. DREAMS. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sodales semper nunc ut gravida. Quisque placerat volutpat varius. Vivamus vulputate massa metus, nec rhoncus magna faucibus at. Donec at erat pulvinar, vulputate lacus non, facilisis felis. Proin ultricies ultricies enim eu placerat. Ut fermentum eget elit eu tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi congue, ex eget convallis luctus, felis mauris sollicitudin justo, quis lobortis ipsum neque et nisl. Nulla at efficitur est. Nunc sed mattis orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla pretium ut leo vel malesuada. Aenean et pellentesque nisi. Sed sit amet urna quis libero gravida bibendum. Nunc pellentesque ornare rutrum. Nunc aliquet tempor molestie. In sollicitudin, ligula ac luctus aliquet, dolor mi porta neque, vel convallis urna leo a ligula. Integer id sapien ipsum. Ut non accumsan neque. Aenean in massa a nisi pharetra dictum. PAVE THE WAY Integer cursus sollicitudin nulla, in feugiat arcu lobortis a. Cras neque orci, condimentum eget molestie sit amet, condimentum eget arcu. Curabitur volutpat massa at metus molestie accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam luctus This book is wrtiien by highly acclaimed peron of indian origin. This book is wrtiien by highly acclaimed peron of indian origin.
  • 24. the 3 sailors story The look and feel needs to be like a well-designed magazine, the posts the videos look urban and the content should look like its a story worth telling. For reference:
  • 25. “Don’t fall into the trap of seeing social media as some sort of dark art of digital. The basic questions remain the same: who are your potential customers/guests? Where are you likely to find them? What do they do there? Is there a role you can play?” “I would take a very methodical approach. Look at your business plan and identify who your target market is, then try and establish which online marketing methods you will use to best reach this market.” Social
  • 26. LinkedIn LinkedIn is a business-oriented networking platform, where it is often important for small businesses to have visibility. “Creating a fantastic LinkedIn profile is vital,” says Adam Gordon, managing director of Social Media Search. “Get connected with every potential buyer and influencer and they become your audience when you share terrific content, daily.” He adds: “People are selective about connecting with people they don’t yet know. They need you to appear useful and relevant if they’re going to let you into their network. Take relationships offline with the most important people in your network.” Bear in mind that LinkedIn works like a search engine and SEO rules apply, says Kneen. “Think about what keywords you want to appear in rankings and repeat them where you can. This could be in your headline, job titles and descriptions.” It is important that your company page is up to date, containing the right branding, links and business details. Kneen recommends sharing three updates a week on your personal and business profiles.
  • 27. Twitter Entrepreneurs should beware of using their Twitter feed as an extension of the sales team. Thomas Brown, director of strategy and insights at the Chartered Institute of Marketing, says: “The biggest mistake a business can make is seeing Twitter (or any other social media platform) as a broadcast channel. It’s not - it’s a place that people get together to have conversations and share. If you want to contribute to that, you’ve got to understand the etiquette.” James Kelliher, chairman and CEO of Whiteoaks, says, “On Twitter you’re far better having 10 high-quality followers (eg. customers, prospects, influencers) than 100 non-qualified followers,” he says.
  • 28. Pinterest Pinterest describes its service as a “visual discovery tool”, where users create and share boards or ideas. Kristian Lorenzon, head of social media at O2 Telefónica UK, says: “Content on Pinterest lives on for a long time, you’ll find that people will be pinning your content months down the line. “I would recommend having a mixture of your own images and others (re-pinning is a great way to be discovered by others) to capitalise on this.” Make sure you use the right language and tags so that people can discover your products, and consider engaging in one-to-one chats with people on Pinterest, Lorenzon adds.
  • 29. Beware of posting the same content on every channel possible. “Some of your content will be appropriate for all channels, some will not. I would almost never post the same content on LinkedIn as I would on Facebook but I would post it all on Twitter.” “If you’re finding it hard to differentiate between channels, it’s always a good idea to look around and see what kind of content is shared by companies in your industry and what kind of content gets the best response.” Just remember that social media should not replace sales campaigns, says Kelliher. “They complement each other. Once the right people are engaged there is nothing wrong with using other traditional tools like phone, email or face-to-face, to target and convert sales.”
  • 30. 4cherry speaks: Testimonial Intent One day talking to Varun, I realized that there is so much happening in your days which you do for clients that are great testimonials. He was up all night co-ordinating because client’s aged parents were coming the next day. The client had trusted the entire planning to him. These are great stories to be told on social media but will get missed if we don’t record them, esp. as we are all over the countryand dont interact on a daily basis. We need a system where I can document them, and roll them out regularly in the form of posts/videos etc. Solution Please send an email to me of the extra mile no matter how hurriedly written so we can transform it to content later, but atleast gets recorded. We can all keep the subject line - TESTIMONIAL INTENT.
  • 31. 5 cherry speaks: The website My suggestion would be not to touch it much right now as it can be the solid base on which our social media can stand. It should be functional and be able to satisfy the interest we generate through these platforms. We introduce the concepts of BASE SIRE & REALM, the website elaborates on them. Later it evolves into this workspace for the NRI where he can do his entire real estate portfolio management through this online medium.
  • 32. 6 more ideas on customer engagement smart flyers on 1. residential complex noticeboards. 2. hotel (esp. business & corporate) lobbies. 3. hi-end restaurants. 4. events like soul santes, kitsch mandi ( if not a stall, get someone to keep our flyer.) 5. office noticeboards. 6. brainstorm some more.
  • 33. ““On one foot you limp; on two feet you sprint.” - Matshona Dhliwayo
  • 34. teamwork It will not be fun doing all this alone, together we can make it a fun and exciting journey. The product of an endeavour where all partners participate enthusiastically will speak for itself. The energy will be visible on the platforms we create without trying hard Before we know it, we have a successful business with a momentum of its own, and learn the secret and the power to create more. Proud to be a real estate portfolio manager. Proud to be associated with NRI Abode. thank you.