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4K HinduCalvinism Delusion
The Kansas City Shuffle - Session 10
Acts 17:11
These people were more receptive
than those in Thessalonica. They
were very willing to receive the
message, and every day they
carefully examined the Scriptures to
see if those things were so.
Chapter II – How We Got Here?
• But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of
the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:16 (NIV)
• But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the
Lord, the vail shall be taken away. 2 Corinthians 3:15,16 (KJV)
Theodore Beza
• Both the King James Bible and the Geneva Bible were heavily influenced by Theodore Beza. During the reign of
Queen Mary I of England (1553–58), a number of Protestant scholars fled from England to Geneva, Switzerland,
which was then ruled as a republic in which John Calvin and, later, Theodore Beza, provided the primary spiritual
and theological leadership for the writing of the Geneva Bible.
• Beza took the Stephanus 1551 edition and made some "small changes" to it. But those changes were considered
"improvements" by the scholars of the time. Beza's 1598 text was the one most often followed by the translators
of the King James version.
• Beza was way more Calvinist than John Calvin. Thus, his Gnosticism, Stoicism, and Neoplatonism from
Augustine were injected into the text of both versions.
Theodore Beza & Isaiah 65:11
• But ye are they that have forsaken the Lord, and forgotten mine holy Mountain, and have prepared a table for the
multitude, and furnish the drink offerings unto the number. Geneva (1599)
• But ye are they that forsake the Lord, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that
furnish the drink offering unto that number. KJV (1611)
• “But ye who forsake Jehovah, who forget my holy mountain, who prepare a table for Gad, and fill up mixed wine
unto Meni” Darby (1891)
• et vos qui dereliquistis Dominum qui obliti estis montem sanctum meum qui ponitis Fortunae mensam et libatis
super eam
• “And you, that have forsaken the Lord, that have forgotten my holy mount, that set a table for Fortune, and offer
libations upon it” Latin Vulgate (380 A.D.)
Early Christians
• Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas 100
• Diognetus (Epistle of Diognetus 150
• Justin Martyr (155 A.D.)
• Tatian (165 A.D.)
• Theophilus (180 A.D.)
• Athenagoras (170 A.D.)
• Melito (175 A.D.)
• Irenaeus of Lyons (185 A.D.)
• Clement of Alexandria (190 A.D.)
• Tertullian (205 A.D.)
• Origen of Alexandria (220 A.D.)
• Cyprian (254 A.D.)
• Novatian (250 A.D.)
• Lactantius (315 A.D.)
• Hilary of Poitiers (368 A.D.)
• Gregory of Nazianzus (375 A.D.)
• Basil of Caesarea (378 A.D.)
• Gregory Nyseen (390 A.D.)
• Methodius (312 A.D.)
• Theodore of Mopsuestia (415 A.D.)
• Ambrose of Milan (397 A.D.)
• Not even one of these early church fathers writing from 95-430 A.D. considered Adam’s fall to have
erased human free choice to independently respond to the Father’s gracious invitation
• No Christian author embraced Divine Predetermination of Individuals’ Eternal Destinies (DUPIED)
Early Christians
• Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas 100
• Diognetus (Epistle of Diognetus 150
• Justin Martyr (155 A.D.)
• Tatian (165 A.D.)
• Theophilus (180 A.D.)
• Athenagoras (170 A.D.)
• Melito (175 A.D.)
• Irenaeus of Lyons (185 A.D.)
• Clement of Alexandria (190 A.D.)
• Tertullian (205 A.D.)
• Origen of Alexandria (220 A.D.)
• Cyprian (254 A.D.)
• Novatian (250 A.D.)
• Lactantius (315 A.D.)
• Hilary of Poitiers (368 A.D.)
• Gregory of Nazianzus (375 A.D.)
• Basil of Caesarea (378 A.D.)
• Gregory Nyseen (390 A.D.)
• Methodius (312 A.D.)
• Theodore of Mopsuestia (415 A.D.)
• Ambrose of Milan (397 A.D.)
• All who considered DUPIED rejected it as an erroneous pagan Stoic or Neoplatonic philosophy, or a Gnostic or
Manichaean heresy, unbefitting Christianity’s gracious relational Deity
• The Father’s gift was a salvation by diving grace, which anyone can gain access to by faith, not a unilateral initial faith
gift, as the Gnostics and Manichaean heretics were claiming
• In a seemingly rare theological unanimity over hundreds of years and throughout the entire Mediterranean world, a
Christian rule of free choice (Origen’s “rule of faith”) combated the DUPIED espoused by Stoicism and Gnosticism
Early Christians
• Regeneration
• Predestination
• The Elect
• Glorification
• Sanctification
• Sins nailed to the cross (The
ordinances is what were nailed to
the cross - Check Colossians 2:14
• The Blood Saves (The Life of Jesus
is what saves Romans 5:10)
• The Death Saves
• Sin Nature
• Atonement of Jesus
• Chosen before the Foundation of
the World
• Faith (Noun or Verb)
• Your heart is desperately wicked
• Faith Alone
• Communion (Not addressing it as
Faith and Action)
• Any Casting Crowns song
• Most songs on Christian radio
• The Sheep and Goats
• The Parable of the Talents
• The Parable of the Sower
• The parable of the 10 Bridesmaids
• All who considered DUPIED rejected it as an erroneous pagan Stoic or Neoplatonic philosophy, or a Gnostic or
Manichaean heresy, unbefitting Christianity’s gracious relational Deity
Usual Roadblocks
• History
• Contradictory Information – (Must be resolved by quoting other sources and comparing)
• Language barrier to investigation – (Broken by Codification of Mani’s writings by Duncan Greenlees)
• Incorrect Assumptions – (Gnosticism “dealt with” and not a threat today to Christians)
• Scholars Quit Looking – (Scholars identify a problem and
only address that problem, not the origin of the problem)
How Did I Find This When No Theologians Have?
• Because they are Theologians (Nicolaitans)
– Theology students are trained what to think, not how to think
– They are filled with theological presuppositions before they are taught Exegetical principles
– Once they are certified and pulling a paycheck, why question?
– Most theological positions are attached to emotion, making critical analysis impossible
– Many HAVE been on this path but stopped when they did not want to question specific
beliefs (King James Bible, Regeneration)
– Income relies on maintaining status quo in an organization
• Intelligence Analysts
– Trained how to think because textbook answers never exist in reality
– Trained to take emotion out of summaries and assessments and we want to give the most
precise picture possible even if it is not good news
– Income relies on challenging the status quo in an organization (We play the bad guys)
– Follows the information wherever it leads to obtain solid answers
– Never satisfied with incomplete answers or fluff
Parable of the Dishonest Manager?
Parable of the Dishonest Manager?
• Mammon (G3126) is mentioned three times in this passage
1. “I’m telling you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth (Mammon), so that when it fails, they
will welcome you into eternal homes”
2. “So if you haven’t been faithful with unrighteous wealth (Mammon), who will trust you with true wealth?”
3. “You cannot serve both God and wealth! (Mammon)”
• Eternal homes. Skene (G4633) and that word is first used to specifically describe the tents the disciples wanted to
erect for Jesus, Elijah, and Moses at the transfiguration. It is next used in Acts 7:43:
• “You even took along the tent of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan, and the images you made in order to
worship them. So I will take you into exile as far as Babylon.”
Parable of the Dishonest Manager?
• “You even took along the tent of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan, and the images you made in order to
worship them. So I will take you into exile as far as Babylon. Acts 7:43”
• This is a quote from Amos 5:26:
• “And you carried the tent of your king Moloch — and Saturn, your star god idols that you crafted for yourselves.”
• The “tent” here is the Hebrew word Sikut (H5522) and it means a Babylonian Deity. It is the proper name of a
divinity. This is the only time in the entire bible that this word is used.
Parable of the Dishonest Manager?
• Why did the Master praise the Dishonest Manger?
– “The master praised the dishonest servant manager for being so clever, because worldly people are more
clever than enlightened people in dealing with their own”
– “No servant can serve two masters, because either he will hate one and love the other, or be loyal to one and
despise the other. You cannot serve both God and wealth!”
• Mammon is not a Greek word. It could mean money. It could also mean "that in which one trusts”
• Mammon could also be Plutus (Greek Pantheon) who was the Greek god of wealth. His mother was Tyche who
governed Fortune and Destiny of cities (First conjectured in 2020)
• If Mammon and Theos represent God and Mani, the Babylonian Demons of Luck and Fate, then the Master would
have praised the “Shrewd” Manager because he did NOT leave his future up to Luck or Fate
• He leveraged everything within the purview of his office to set himself up for success
But Wait There’s More (It Gets Worse Before It Gets Worse)
• Amon was the King of Judah and an Egyptian Deity compared by
Greeks to Zeus
• Amon was 22 years old when he became king, and he reigned two years in
• Amon was so wicked that his servants conspired against him and
executed him in his own palace (2 Chronicles 33:21)
• Amon was named after the Egyptian Deity who succeeded Ra and was
considered the secret deity, who hid himself and was difficult to find and
was later called by the name Amen Ra (Amen the Sun)
• His name appears in only two places in the bible:
– The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of
No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and
all them that trust in him: Jeremiah 46:25
– Art thou better than populous No, that was situate among the rivers, that had the
waters round about it, whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was from the
sea? Nahum 3:8
• Can you spot the Demon?
• His name appears in only two places in the bible:
– The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of
No (Amon Ra) H528, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings;
even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him: Jeremiah 46:25
– Art thou better than populous No (Amon Ra) H528 , that was situate among the
rivers, that had the waters round about it, whose rampart was the sea, and her
wall was from the sea? Nahum 3:8
• The heretical period of Akhenaten is a dark passage in the history
of the cult of Amun. Born under the name Amenophis IV (a name
paying homage to Amun), Akhenaten is the son of Amenophis III.
When he succeeded his father and came to power, the young
Amenophis IV wanted to reform and modernize Egypt and
especially its religion. Indeed, after his accession to the throne of
Egypt, Akhenaten discovered a highly corrupted clergy of Amun,
greedy for power and wealth. The preachers' offerings to the god
only serve to maintain the luxurious tastes and the great alcoholic
feasts of the priests. The latter ensure their hold on the population
by creating a climate of fear and divine terror based on
• In the country of the Nile, Alexander the Great was welcomed by
the Egyptian people as the liberator from Persian oppression. His
popularity was such that he becomes very influential and he
quickly gained the confidence of the high echelons of Egyptian
power. He went to the oasis of Siwa to meet the oracle of Amun.
The latter tells Alexander that he is the son of Amun, the god of
the Egyptian gods.
• Alexander was then proclaimed "son of Amun," the legitimate heir
to the Egyptian throne. This ancestry gave him not only power
over Egypt but also the status of "pharaoh." For the Egyptians, his
arrival was the result of the will of the gods and no one could
contest his reign. Alexander was officially crowned in Memphis
(the capital of Lower Egypt), in the temple of Ptah.
• Jeremiah 46:25 the name Amen (Egyptian Deity that is hidden) is
also hidden in the King James Translation and translated as
“multitude” but all modern translations translate it as “Amon the
god of Thebes)
• Nahum 3:8 also translates Amen (Egyptian Deity that is hidden) as
“populous” where other modern translations translate it as “city
of Thebes” or “No-amon”
• The Eye of Ra or Eye of Re is a being in ancient Egyptian mythology that functions as a feminine counterpart to the
sun god Ra and a violent force that subdues his enemies. The eye is an extension of Ra's power, equated with the
disk of the sun, but it often behaves as an independent goddess.
• Ra is highly venerated in the city of Heliopolis (translated literally as Sun City) located in the Nile Delta in Lower
• The eye of Ra is the eye you see on the left (by inversion, if Ra looked at you with this eye, it would be his right
eye!). The eye of Horus is the eye you see on the right (by inversion, if Horus was looking at you with this eye, it
would be his left eye!). According to the Egyptians, the eye of Ra, or the eye that sees everything, is characterised
by the solar disc while the eye of Horus is represented by the Moon.
The Eye of Ra The Eye of Horus
• The back of a Dollar Bill has the Eye of Ra backdropped by the
Sun. “The official term is that’s the eye of providence. The eye of
God, in some general way,” says Steven Bullock, a history
professor at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
• According to the Egyptians, the eye of Horus, worn in the form of
a talisman, would provide its holder with unequalled protection
both physically and spiritually. In ancient Egypt, this eye was a
real good-luck charm. The eye of Horus was the equivalent of the
Greek eye in the land of the Nile.
• But the pyramid and eye didn’t show up on the dollar bill until
1935. They started out as part of our Great Seal. FDR added them
to the dollar.
The Eye of Ra The Eye of Horus
• Amon is Compared with Jupiter of the Romans
• Jupiter Roman Sky Deity and his primary sacred animal is the
• Jupiter in Greek is Zeus
• Some epithets of Jupiter indicate his association with a particular
place. Epithets found in the provinces of the Roman Empire may
identify Jupiter with a local deity or site. Jupiter Ammon, Jupiter
equated with the Egyptian deity Amen after the Roman conquest
of Egypt
• He personified the divine authority of Rome's highest offices,
internal organization, and external relations. The consuls swore
their oath of office in Jupiter's name, and honored him on the
annual feriae of the Capitol in September. The Roman practice of
swearing by Jove to witness an oath in law courts is the origin of
the expression "by Jove!"—archaic, but still in use.
• Capitoline Hill was where the first temple of Jupiter Optimus
Maximus was built. The word Capitolium still lives in the English
word Capitol, and Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.
• The ancient Vedic custom of applying ash or sandalwood paste to
the body is still retained by Roman Catholics in observance of
Ash Wednesday. All Souls Day is an exact translation of the Vedic
observance of Sarva Pitri Amavsya, the day fixed in tradition for
the worship of all deceased ancestors.
• Caligula captured the obelisk that stands in St. Peter’s Square.
• Roman Emperor Caligula built a small circus in his mother’s
gardens at the base of Vatican Hill where charioteers trained and
where Nero is thought to have martyred the Christians. To crown
the center of the amphitheater, Caligula had his forces transport
from Egypt a pylon that had originally stood in Heliopolis. The
obelisk, made of a single piece of red granite weighing more than
350 tons, was erected for an Egyptian pharaoh more than 3,000
years ago. In 1586 it was moved to its present location in St.
Peter’s Square, where it does double duty as a giant sundial.
• Jupiter was the son of Saturn
• Chiun --- Kiyun (H3594) "an image" or "pillar" probably a statue of the
Assyrian-Babylonian god of the planet Saturn and used to symbolize
Israelite apostasy
• Eye of Horus was worn as a good luck charm by Egyptians and by people to
this day
• Amen Ra and Horus are God and Mani
God and Mani
• Jupiter was the son of Saturn
• Chiun --- Kiyun (H3594) "an image" or "pillar" probably a statue of the
Assyrian-Babylonian god of the planet Saturn and used to symbolize
Israelite apostasy
• Eye of Horus was worn as a good luck charm by Egyptians and by people to
this day
• Amen Ra and Horus are God and Mani
God and Mani
• Why do we say Amen at the end of a prayer?
• In Matthew 6:13 Amen is not in the Uncials, the oldest manuscripts and is NEVER used at the
end of a prayer
• Amen was added to manuscripts 1,000 years after Jesus
• Last word of the bible Revelation 22:21?
• Amen is not in the Uncials, the oldest manuscripts
• Amen was added to manuscripts 1,000 years after Jesus
• Last word of the bible is G3956 pas (πᾶς)
• All
• We begin all our prayers with the Babylonian Demon of
Fortune and we end all our prayers with the Babylonian
Demon of Destiny
God and Mani (Amen)
But Wait There’s More (It Gets Worse)
• Nephilim in Genesis 6
“For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house
G3613 which is from heaven” 2 Corinthians 5:2
“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation,
G3613 he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the
judgment of the great day.” Jude 1:6
• The Great Harlot of Babylon
“Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. I
saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was controlled by
blasphemy. It had seven heads and ten horns. The woman wore
purple and scarlet clothes and was adorned with gold, gems, and
pearls. In her hand she was holding a gold cup filled with
detestable things and the impurities of her immorality. On her
forehead was written a secret name:
Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Detestable
Things of the Earth
I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and
the blood of the witnesses to Jesus. I was very surprised when I
saw her.” Revelation 17:3-6
• The Great Harlot of Babylon
Fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen! She has become a home for
demons. She is a prison for every unclean spirit, a prison for every
unclean bird, and a prison for every unclean and hated beast.
For all the nations have drunk from the wine of her sexual
immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed sexual
immorality with her. The world’s businesses have become rich
from her luxurious excesses.” Revelation 18:2,3
“You, too, are being built in him, along with the others, into a
place for God’s Spirit to dwell.” Ephesians 2:22
“who by his spirit has likewise made you a part of this divine
mansion.” Ephesians 2:22 (Mace New Testament)
• The Great Harlot of Babylon
“She has become a home for demons” Revelation 18
“You, too, are being built in him, along with the others, into a
place for God’s Spirit to dwell.” Ephesians 2:22
• Ephesians 2 is the Ecclesia
• Great Harlot of Babylon is a fake Ecclesia
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Roman Catholic Church?
• Dave Hunt – A Woman Rides the Beast
– Prostitute
– Kills followers of Jesus
– 7 Mountains
– Sits on multitudes from every people, nation, and language
– Rules over kings of the Earth
– All nations have drunk the wine of her sexual immorality
– World’s businesses have become rich from her luxurious excesses
– Sounds of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters will never be heard in her again
– No artisan of any trade
– Voice of the bridegroom and bride will never be heard
– Important to Merchants of the world
– Many have been murdered by her
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Roman Catholic Church?
• Torture and Money – Protestants tortured and killed “heretics” same as the
• Religion annually contributes about $1.2 trillion dollars of socio-economic
value to the United States economy, according to a 2016 study by the
Religious Freedom & Business Foundation which is equivalent to being the
world’s 15th-largest national economy, outpacing nearly 180 other countries
and territories
• The Vatican, by itself, is worth $33 Billion
• Mormons - $100 Billion
• German Catholic Church $33 Billion
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church (All of them)
• What is the Mysterion? Israel restored to covenant relationship. Gentiles brought to a place of special
blessing through them. Ecclesia is YHVH calling out a people for the heavens to be the Body and Bride
of Jesus throughout the ages to come, and through whom He will administer the affairs of the
redeemed universe. The Mysterion is the ecclesia. “Which in other ages was not made known to the
sons of men, as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. That the Gentiles
should be fellow heirs and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in the Messiah by the
gospel. (Eph 3:5-6)
• Believing Gentiles and Jews are one body in the Messiah
• You change a name for marketing and branding
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• Cirque is the Greek Deity of Witchcraft and Necromancy
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• Cirque is the Greek Deity of Witchcraft and Necromancy
• The word “Church” is neither Hebrew nor Greek. In point of
fact, when these languages were translated into English
Bibles, the word “Church” was already in existence. The
Greek word used in the renewed covenant for “Church” is
“Ekklesia” which basically means “Called Out ones”
• Ekklesia is also spelled as “Ecclesia” and IS in our English
dictionary . So why didn’t later prints of the Scriptures just
use the actual word Ecclesia instead of the word “Church?”
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• The word “Church” is derived from the Greek “Kryiakon”
meaning “The Lords House”
• This sounds plausible at first, but there is just one problem.
The Greek word “Kryiakon” is not used the scriptures but the
Greek word “Ekklesia” is in the text
• The Etymology of this word is generally assumed to be from
the Greek, “Kurious Oikos” (House of God); but this is most
improbable, as the word existed in all Celtic dialects long
before the introduction of the Greek
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• Eventually, the place where believers met together came to be
called “the Lord’s house” using the term κυριακόν (kuriakon),
which is the neuter version (literally, “the Lord’s thing”). This
word made its way into both German (“Kirche”), Anglo Saxon
(“circe”), and Middle English (“chirche”). It is interesting that
when Luther translated the New Testament into vernacular
German, he did not use the word “Kirche” to translate
ἐκκλησία (ekklesia), he used the German word “Gemeinde”,
which means something similar to the English word
“community”. However, many Germans still refer to the
“church” as the “Kirche.”
• When Tyndale translated the New Testament into English in
1536, he also did not use the word “church” to translate the
Greek word ἐκκλησία (ekklesia). Instead, he used the word
“congregation.” However, within the next 100 years, all
English translations normally used the word “church.”
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• Cirice - From late Proto-Germanic *kirikǭ (whence also Old
Frisian tzirke, Old Saxon and Old Dutch kirika, Old High
German chirihha), from Byzantine Greek κυριακόν (δόμα)
("Lord's (house)"), from Ancient Greek κύριος ("lord"). (f)
• Noun – Church
• A small church with ‘circol’. A Circle.
• Old English cirice, circe "place of assemblage set aside for
Christian worship; the body of Christian believers, Christians
collectively; ecclesiastical authority or power," from Proto-
Germanic *kirika.
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• Kirke (or Circe) or as she would be called in English today, “Church” was a
Greek goddess of Pharmakeia (a witch or sorceress) who was skilled in the
magic of transmutation, illusion, and necromancy and who lived on the Island of
Aiaia. Aiaia is Gaia, the pagan goddess of fertility. She was the daughter of the
Sun god Helios, and had the power to change men into lions, wolves and
especially swine. The animals would retain their human senses but be trapped
in animal bodies. The Greeks attribute the invention of the “circus” to her. They
claim it was done to honor her father, the sun, hence the term “Cirque De Soleil”
in French, or in English, “Church of the Sun”.
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• Kirke (or Circe) or as she would be called in English today, “Church” was a
Greek goddess of Pharmakeia (a witch or sorceress) who was skilled in the
magic of transmutation, illusion, and necromancy and who lived on the Island of
Aiaia. Aiaia is Gaia, the pagan goddess of fertility. She was the daughter of the
Sun god Helios, and had the power to change men into lions, wolves and
especially swine. The animals would retain their human senses but be trapped
in animal bodies. The Greeks attribute the invention of the “circus” to her. They
claim it was done to honor her father, the sun, hence the term “Cirque De Soleil”
in French, or in English, “Church of the Sun”.
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• Her end is met in the next chapter: “The voice of a bridegroom and bride will
never be heard within you again. For your merchants were the important people
of the world, and all the nations were deceived by your witchcraft.” Revelation
• John uses the pharmakeia for witchcraft. “Church” was a Greek goddess
• Circe / Church entices people with spiritual drugs, Feel good doctrines,
Belonging to an elite club, Smoke machines and lasers, and especially liturgical
or well produced “contemporary” music
• A form of piety to YHVH but the power is denied
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
“Being entered, she placed them in chairs of the state, and set before them mean
and honey, and smyrna wine, but mixed with baneful drugs of powerful
enchantment. When they had eaten of these, and drunk of her cup, she touched
them with her charming rod and straight away they were transformed into swine,
having bodies of swine, the bristles and snout, and grunting noise of that animal;
Only they still retained the minds of men, which made them more to lament their
brutish transformation.”
• Sound kind of familiar? It should. John, while on prison on the island of Patmos,
saw a vision of a similar woman.
“Then one of the seven angels who held the seven bowls came and told me, “Come,
I will show you how the notorious prostitute who sits on many waters will be judged.
The kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, and those living on
earth became drunk with the wine of her immorality.
The woman wore purple and scarlet clothes and was adorned with gold, gems, and
pearls. In her hand she was holding a gold cup filled with detestable things and the
impurities of her immorality. On her forehead was written a secret name: Babylon
the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Detestable Things of the Earth” Revelation
Ecclesia is not Church
• The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• Secret Name? (Ecclesia is the Real Mystery – Church is the Fake Mystery)
Not The Great Harlot of Rome
Not The Great Harlot of Alexandria
Not The Great Harlot of Chang An
Not the Great Harlot of Sparta
Not the Great Harlot of Constantinople
Not the Great Harlot of Carthage
Not the Great Harlot of Lebanon
The Great Harlot of Babylon
Every Church on all 7 Continents worship, pray to, and sing to:
• God the Babylonian Demon of Fortune
• Mani (AMN) to end all prayers and affirm ideas (Amen hides her name)
God and Mani (Amen)
Church = Fortune
The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
What do these Churches all cost?
A Fortune
God and Mani (Amen)
Church = Fortune
The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church
• What do we love Church?
– “An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: The prophets
prophesy falsely, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love
it this way. But what will you do in the end?” Jeremiah 5:31
– “When Christians made themselves more unpopular than usual by refusing
the easy formal worship of the State service which oiled the machinery of
society in that age, they brought on themselves a brief but brutal
persecution, here and there, and sometimes for several hundred years on
end.” - Duncan Greenlees
God and Mani (Amen)
God and Mani Goals?
Churches in the United States
Amen Ra and Horus (Egypt)
God and Mani (Babylon)
Plutus and Tyche (Greek)
Jupiter (Roman)
God (The entire World)
Jewish Population in the
United States
1. Christianity was not called Christianity by the early followers of Jesus
2. It was called The Way
3. Teachers effectively and universally defended against the Gnostic onslaught for 300 years until Augustine got rid
of them in the "Church" and that was by design. Priest/Pastor only as "professional clergy" has been the model
ever since
• Those are a few of the topics that I cover in my book
• This was my verse this morning:
"YHVH will certainly have pity on you when you cry for help. As soon as he hears you, he will answer you. Adonai
may give you troubles and hardships. But your TEACHERS will no longer be hidden from you. You will see your
TEACHERS with your own eyes. You will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way. Follow it'" Isaiah 30:19-21
Claims about the biblical text that I am making that nobody (probably) else is making:
• Regeneration is the physical recreation of physical things
• The last half of Matthew 25 has nothing to do with the poor
• Communion is about you believing in Jesus AND coming to Jesus (Faith and Action – Not Faith Alone)
• The Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids is NOT about the Bride of Jesus, but about Israel
• The Parable of the Talents is NOT about the Bride of Jesus but about Israel
• Romans 8:29 is about Jesus, not you. “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to
the image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren”
• Predestination is about Glorification, not Justification
Claims about the biblical text that I am making that nobody (probably) else is making:
• What the potter does with the clay is entirely up the clay
• “There is none righteous no not one” is about Atheists (String of Pearls Rom 3:10-18)
• You can make for yourself a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 18:31)
• The OT is KEY and ESSENTIAL to understanding the NT (If you do not understand the OT, you WILL get stuff
wrong in the NT)
• I can present the entire gospel using just two words in Genesis
Next Session:

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The 4,000 Year HinduCalvinism Delusion The Kansas City Shuffle Part II- Session 10

  • 1. 4K HinduCalvinism Delusion The Kansas City Shuffle - Session 10
  • 2. Acts 17:11 These people were more receptive than those in Thessalonica. They were very willing to receive the message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if those things were so.
  • 3.
  • 4. Chapter II – How We Got Here? • But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:16 (NIV) • But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. 2 Corinthians 3:15,16 (KJV)
  • 5. Theodore Beza • Both the King James Bible and the Geneva Bible were heavily influenced by Theodore Beza. During the reign of Queen Mary I of England (1553–58), a number of Protestant scholars fled from England to Geneva, Switzerland, which was then ruled as a republic in which John Calvin and, later, Theodore Beza, provided the primary spiritual and theological leadership for the writing of the Geneva Bible. • Beza took the Stephanus 1551 edition and made some "small changes" to it. But those changes were considered "improvements" by the scholars of the time. Beza's 1598 text was the one most often followed by the translators of the King James version. • Beza was way more Calvinist than John Calvin. Thus, his Gnosticism, Stoicism, and Neoplatonism from Augustine were injected into the text of both versions.
  • 6. Theodore Beza & Isaiah 65:11 • But ye are they that have forsaken the Lord, and forgotten mine holy Mountain, and have prepared a table for the multitude, and furnish the drink offerings unto the number. Geneva (1599) • But ye are they that forsake the Lord, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number. KJV (1611) • “But ye who forsake Jehovah, who forget my holy mountain, who prepare a table for Gad, and fill up mixed wine unto Meni” Darby (1891) • et vos qui dereliquistis Dominum qui obliti estis montem sanctum meum qui ponitis Fortunae mensam et libatis super eam • “And you, that have forsaken the Lord, that have forgotten my holy mount, that set a table for Fortune, and offer libations upon it” Latin Vulgate (380 A.D.) •
  • 7. Early Christians • Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas 100 A.D.) • Diognetus (Epistle of Diognetus 150 A.D.) • Justin Martyr (155 A.D.) • Tatian (165 A.D.) • Theophilus (180 A.D.) • Athenagoras (170 A.D.) • Melito (175 A.D.) • Irenaeus of Lyons (185 A.D.) • Clement of Alexandria (190 A.D.) • Tertullian (205 A.D.) • Origen of Alexandria (220 A.D.) • Cyprian (254 A.D.) • Novatian (250 A.D.) • Lactantius (315 A.D.) • Hilary of Poitiers (368 A.D.) • Gregory of Nazianzus (375 A.D.) • Basil of Caesarea (378 A.D.) • Gregory Nyseen (390 A.D.) • Methodius (312 A.D.) • Theodore of Mopsuestia (415 A.D.) • Ambrose of Milan (397 A.D.) • Not even one of these early church fathers writing from 95-430 A.D. considered Adam’s fall to have erased human free choice to independently respond to the Father’s gracious invitation • No Christian author embraced Divine Predetermination of Individuals’ Eternal Destinies (DUPIED)
  • 8. Early Christians • Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas 100 A.D.) • Diognetus (Epistle of Diognetus 150 A.D.) • Justin Martyr (155 A.D.) • Tatian (165 A.D.) • Theophilus (180 A.D.) • Athenagoras (170 A.D.) • Melito (175 A.D.) • Irenaeus of Lyons (185 A.D.) • Clement of Alexandria (190 A.D.) • Tertullian (205 A.D.) • Origen of Alexandria (220 A.D.) • Cyprian (254 A.D.) • Novatian (250 A.D.) • Lactantius (315 A.D.) • Hilary of Poitiers (368 A.D.) • Gregory of Nazianzus (375 A.D.) • Basil of Caesarea (378 A.D.) • Gregory Nyseen (390 A.D.) • Methodius (312 A.D.) • Theodore of Mopsuestia (415 A.D.) • Ambrose of Milan (397 A.D.) • All who considered DUPIED rejected it as an erroneous pagan Stoic or Neoplatonic philosophy, or a Gnostic or Manichaean heresy, unbefitting Christianity’s gracious relational Deity • The Father’s gift was a salvation by diving grace, which anyone can gain access to by faith, not a unilateral initial faith gift, as the Gnostics and Manichaean heretics were claiming • In a seemingly rare theological unanimity over hundreds of years and throughout the entire Mediterranean world, a Christian rule of free choice (Origen’s “rule of faith”) combated the DUPIED espoused by Stoicism and Gnosticism
  • 9. Early Christians • Regeneration • Predestination • The Elect • Glorification • Sanctification • Sins nailed to the cross (The ordinances is what were nailed to the cross - Check Colossians 2:14 again) • The Blood Saves (The Life of Jesus is what saves Romans 5:10) • The Death Saves • Sin Nature • Atonement of Jesus • Chosen before the Foundation of the World • Faith (Noun or Verb) • Your heart is desperately wicked • Faith Alone • Communion (Not addressing it as Faith and Action) • Any Casting Crowns song • Most songs on Christian radio • The Sheep and Goats • The Parable of the Talents • The Parable of the Sower • The parable of the 10 Bridesmaids • All who considered DUPIED rejected it as an erroneous pagan Stoic or Neoplatonic philosophy, or a Gnostic or Manichaean heresy, unbefitting Christianity’s gracious relational Deity
  • 10. Usual Roadblocks • History • Contradictory Information – (Must be resolved by quoting other sources and comparing) • Language barrier to investigation – (Broken by Codification of Mani’s writings by Duncan Greenlees) • Incorrect Assumptions – (Gnosticism “dealt with” and not a threat today to Christians) • Scholars Quit Looking – (Scholars identify a problem and only address that problem, not the origin of the problem)
  • 11. How Did I Find This When No Theologians Have? • Because they are Theologians (Nicolaitans) – Theology students are trained what to think, not how to think – They are filled with theological presuppositions before they are taught Exegetical principles – Once they are certified and pulling a paycheck, why question? – Most theological positions are attached to emotion, making critical analysis impossible – Many HAVE been on this path but stopped when they did not want to question specific beliefs (King James Bible, Regeneration) – Income relies on maintaining status quo in an organization • Intelligence Analysts – Trained how to think because textbook answers never exist in reality – Trained to take emotion out of summaries and assessments and we want to give the most precise picture possible even if it is not good news – Income relies on challenging the status quo in an organization (We play the bad guys) – Follows the information wherever it leads to obtain solid answers – Never satisfied with incomplete answers or fluff
  • 12. Parable of the Dishonest Manager?
  • 13. Parable of the Dishonest Manager? • Mammon (G3126) is mentioned three times in this passage 1. “I’m telling you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth (Mammon), so that when it fails, they will welcome you into eternal homes” 2. “So if you haven’t been faithful with unrighteous wealth (Mammon), who will trust you with true wealth?” 3. “You cannot serve both God and wealth! (Mammon)” • Eternal homes. Skene (G4633) and that word is first used to specifically describe the tents the disciples wanted to erect for Jesus, Elijah, and Moses at the transfiguration. It is next used in Acts 7:43: • “You even took along the tent of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan, and the images you made in order to worship them. So I will take you into exile as far as Babylon.”
  • 14. Parable of the Dishonest Manager? • “You even took along the tent of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan, and the images you made in order to worship them. So I will take you into exile as far as Babylon. Acts 7:43” • This is a quote from Amos 5:26: • “And you carried the tent of your king Moloch — and Saturn, your star god idols that you crafted for yourselves.” • The “tent” here is the Hebrew word Sikut (H5522) and it means a Babylonian Deity. It is the proper name of a divinity. This is the only time in the entire bible that this word is used.
  • 15. Parable of the Dishonest Manager? • Why did the Master praise the Dishonest Manger? – “The master praised the dishonest servant manager for being so clever, because worldly people are more clever than enlightened people in dealing with their own” – “No servant can serve two masters, because either he will hate one and love the other, or be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and wealth!” • Mammon is not a Greek word. It could mean money. It could also mean "that in which one trusts” • Mammon could also be Plutus (Greek Pantheon) who was the Greek god of wealth. His mother was Tyche who governed Fortune and Destiny of cities (First conjectured in 2020) • If Mammon and Theos represent God and Mani, the Babylonian Demons of Luck and Fate, then the Master would have praised the “Shrewd” Manager because he did NOT leave his future up to Luck or Fate • He leveraged everything within the purview of his office to set himself up for success
  • 16. But Wait There’s More (It Gets Worse Before It Gets Worse) • Amon was the King of Judah and an Egyptian Deity compared by Greeks to Zeus • Amon was 22 years old when he became king, and he reigned two years in Jerusalem • Amon was so wicked that his servants conspired against him and executed him in his own palace (2 Chronicles 33:21) • Amon was named after the Egyptian Deity who succeeded Ra and was considered the secret deity, who hid himself and was difficult to find and was later called by the name Amen Ra (Amen the Sun)
  • 17. Amen • His name appears in only two places in the bible: – The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him: Jeremiah 46:25 – Art thou better than populous No, that was situate among the rivers, that had the waters round about it, whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was from the sea? Nahum 3:8 • Can you spot the Demon?
  • 18. Amen • His name appears in only two places in the bible: – The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No (Amon Ra) H528, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him: Jeremiah 46:25 – Art thou better than populous No (Amon Ra) H528 , that was situate among the rivers, that had the waters round about it, whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was from the sea? Nahum 3:8
  • 19. Amen • The heretical period of Akhenaten is a dark passage in the history of the cult of Amun. Born under the name Amenophis IV (a name paying homage to Amun), Akhenaten is the son of Amenophis III. When he succeeded his father and came to power, the young Amenophis IV wanted to reform and modernize Egypt and especially its religion. Indeed, after his accession to the throne of Egypt, Akhenaten discovered a highly corrupted clergy of Amun, greedy for power and wealth. The preachers' offerings to the god only serve to maintain the luxurious tastes and the great alcoholic feasts of the priests. The latter ensure their hold on the population by creating a climate of fear and divine terror based on superstition.
  • 20. Amen • In the country of the Nile, Alexander the Great was welcomed by the Egyptian people as the liberator from Persian oppression. His popularity was such that he becomes very influential and he quickly gained the confidence of the high echelons of Egyptian power. He went to the oasis of Siwa to meet the oracle of Amun. The latter tells Alexander that he is the son of Amun, the god of the Egyptian gods. • Alexander was then proclaimed "son of Amun," the legitimate heir to the Egyptian throne. This ancestry gave him not only power over Egypt but also the status of "pharaoh." For the Egyptians, his arrival was the result of the will of the gods and no one could contest his reign. Alexander was officially crowned in Memphis (the capital of Lower Egypt), in the temple of Ptah.
  • 21. Amen • Jeremiah 46:25 the name Amen (Egyptian Deity that is hidden) is also hidden in the King James Translation and translated as “multitude” but all modern translations translate it as “Amon the god of Thebes) • Nahum 3:8 also translates Amen (Egyptian Deity that is hidden) as “populous” where other modern translations translate it as “city of Thebes” or “No-amon”
  • 22. Amen • The Eye of Ra or Eye of Re is a being in ancient Egyptian mythology that functions as a feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra and a violent force that subdues his enemies. The eye is an extension of Ra's power, equated with the disk of the sun, but it often behaves as an independent goddess. • Ra is highly venerated in the city of Heliopolis (translated literally as Sun City) located in the Nile Delta in Lower Egypt. • The eye of Ra is the eye you see on the left (by inversion, if Ra looked at you with this eye, it would be his right eye!). The eye of Horus is the eye you see on the right (by inversion, if Horus was looking at you with this eye, it would be his left eye!). According to the Egyptians, the eye of Ra, or the eye that sees everything, is characterised by the solar disc while the eye of Horus is represented by the Moon. The Eye of Ra The Eye of Horus
  • 23. Amen • The back of a Dollar Bill has the Eye of Ra backdropped by the Sun. “The official term is that’s the eye of providence. The eye of God, in some general way,” says Steven Bullock, a history professor at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. • According to the Egyptians, the eye of Horus, worn in the form of a talisman, would provide its holder with unequalled protection both physically and spiritually. In ancient Egypt, this eye was a real good-luck charm. The eye of Horus was the equivalent of the Greek eye in the land of the Nile. • But the pyramid and eye didn’t show up on the dollar bill until 1935. They started out as part of our Great Seal. FDR added them to the dollar. The Eye of Ra The Eye of Horus
  • 24. Amen • Amon is Compared with Jupiter of the Romans • Jupiter Roman Sky Deity and his primary sacred animal is the Eagle • Jupiter in Greek is Zeus • Some epithets of Jupiter indicate his association with a particular place. Epithets found in the provinces of the Roman Empire may identify Jupiter with a local deity or site. Jupiter Ammon, Jupiter equated with the Egyptian deity Amen after the Roman conquest of Egypt Zeus Amen Jupiter
  • 25. Amen • He personified the divine authority of Rome's highest offices, internal organization, and external relations. The consuls swore their oath of office in Jupiter's name, and honored him on the annual feriae of the Capitol in September. The Roman practice of swearing by Jove to witness an oath in law courts is the origin of the expression "by Jove!"—archaic, but still in use. • Capitoline Hill was where the first temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was built. The word Capitolium still lives in the English word Capitol, and Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. Zeus Amen Jupiter
  • 26. Amen • The ancient Vedic custom of applying ash or sandalwood paste to the body is still retained by Roman Catholics in observance of Ash Wednesday. All Souls Day is an exact translation of the Vedic observance of Sarva Pitri Amavsya, the day fixed in tradition for the worship of all deceased ancestors. • Caligula captured the obelisk that stands in St. Peter’s Square. • Roman Emperor Caligula built a small circus in his mother’s gardens at the base of Vatican Hill where charioteers trained and where Nero is thought to have martyred the Christians. To crown the center of the amphitheater, Caligula had his forces transport from Egypt a pylon that had originally stood in Heliopolis. The obelisk, made of a single piece of red granite weighing more than 350 tons, was erected for an Egyptian pharaoh more than 3,000 years ago. In 1586 it was moved to its present location in St. Peter’s Square, where it does double duty as a giant sundial. Zeus Amen Jupiter
  • 27. Amen • Jupiter was the son of Saturn • Chiun --- Kiyun (H3594) "an image" or "pillar" probably a statue of the Assyrian-Babylonian god of the planet Saturn and used to symbolize Israelite apostasy • Eye of Horus was worn as a good luck charm by Egyptians and by people to this day • Amen Ra and Horus are God and Mani Amen Jupiter God and Mani
  • 28. Amen • Jupiter was the son of Saturn • Chiun --- Kiyun (H3594) "an image" or "pillar" probably a statue of the Assyrian-Babylonian god of the planet Saturn and used to symbolize Israelite apostasy • Eye of Horus was worn as a good luck charm by Egyptians and by people to this day • Amen Ra and Horus are God and Mani God and Mani
  • 29. Amen • Why do we say Amen at the end of a prayer? • In Matthew 6:13 Amen is not in the Uncials, the oldest manuscripts and is NEVER used at the end of a prayer • Amen was added to manuscripts 1,000 years after Jesus
  • 30. Amen • Last word of the bible Revelation 22:21? • Amen is not in the Uncials, the oldest manuscripts • Amen was added to manuscripts 1,000 years after Jesus • Last word of the bible is G3956 pas (πᾶς) • All
  • 31. Amen • We begin all our prayers with the Babylonian Demon of Fortune and we end all our prayers with the Babylonian Demon of Destiny God and Mani (Amen)
  • 32. But Wait There’s More (It Gets Worse) • Nephilim in Genesis 6 “For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house G3613 which is from heaven” 2 Corinthians 5:2 “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, G3613 he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” Jude 1:6
  • 33. Katoiketerion • The Great Harlot of Babylon “Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was controlled by blasphemy. It had seven heads and ten horns. The woman wore purple and scarlet clothes and was adorned with gold, gems, and pearls. In her hand she was holding a gold cup filled with detestable things and the impurities of her immorality. On her forehead was written a secret name: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Detestable Things of the Earth I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses to Jesus. I was very surprised when I saw her.” Revelation 17:3-6
  • 34. Katoiketerion • The Great Harlot of Babylon Fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen! She has become a home for demons. She is a prison for every unclean spirit, a prison for every unclean bird, and a prison for every unclean and hated beast. For all the nations have drunk from the wine of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality with her. The world’s businesses have become rich from her luxurious excesses.” Revelation 18:2,3 “You, too, are being built in him, along with the others, into a place for God’s Spirit to dwell.” Ephesians 2:22 “who by his spirit has likewise made you a part of this divine mansion.” Ephesians 2:22 (Mace New Testament)
  • 35. Katoiketerion • The Great Harlot of Babylon “She has become a home for demons” Revelation 18 “You, too, are being built in him, along with the others, into a place for God’s Spirit to dwell.” Ephesians 2:22 • Ephesians 2 is the Ecclesia • Great Harlot of Babylon is a fake Ecclesia
  • 36. Katoiketerion • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Roman Catholic Church? • Dave Hunt – A Woman Rides the Beast – Prostitute – Kills followers of Jesus – 7 Mountains – Sits on multitudes from every people, nation, and language – Rules over kings of the Earth – All nations have drunk the wine of her sexual immorality – World’s businesses have become rich from her luxurious excesses – Sounds of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters will never be heard in her again – No artisan of any trade – Voice of the bridegroom and bride will never be heard – Important to Merchants of the world – Many have been murdered by her
  • 37. Katoiketerion • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Roman Catholic Church? • Torture and Money – Protestants tortured and killed “heretics” same as the RCC • Religion annually contributes about $1.2 trillion dollars of socio-economic value to the United States economy, according to a 2016 study by the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation which is equivalent to being the world’s 15th-largest national economy, outpacing nearly 180 other countries and territories • The Vatican, by itself, is worth $33 Billion • Mormons - $100 Billion • German Catholic Church $33 Billion
  • 38. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church (All of them) • What is the Mysterion? Israel restored to covenant relationship. Gentiles brought to a place of special blessing through them. Ecclesia is YHVH calling out a people for the heavens to be the Body and Bride of Jesus throughout the ages to come, and through whom He will administer the affairs of the redeemed universe. The Mysterion is the ecclesia. “Which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in the Messiah by the gospel. (Eph 3:5-6) • Believing Gentiles and Jews are one body in the Messiah • You change a name for marketing and branding
  • 39. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • Cirque is the Greek Deity of Witchcraft and Necromancy
  • 40. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • Cirque is the Greek Deity of Witchcraft and Necromancy • The word “Church” is neither Hebrew nor Greek. In point of fact, when these languages were translated into English Bibles, the word “Church” was already in existence. The Greek word used in the renewed covenant for “Church” is “Ekklesia” which basically means “Called Out ones” • Ekklesia is also spelled as “Ecclesia” and IS in our English dictionary . So why didn’t later prints of the Scriptures just use the actual word Ecclesia instead of the word “Church?”
  • 41. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • The word “Church” is derived from the Greek “Kryiakon” meaning “The Lords House” • This sounds plausible at first, but there is just one problem. The Greek word “Kryiakon” is not used the scriptures but the Greek word “Ekklesia” is in the text • The Etymology of this word is generally assumed to be from the Greek, “Kurious Oikos” (House of God); but this is most improbable, as the word existed in all Celtic dialects long before the introduction of the Greek
  • 42. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • Eventually, the place where believers met together came to be called “the Lord’s house” using the term κυριακόν (kuriakon), which is the neuter version (literally, “the Lord’s thing”). This word made its way into both German (“Kirche”), Anglo Saxon (“circe”), and Middle English (“chirche”). It is interesting that when Luther translated the New Testament into vernacular German, he did not use the word “Kirche” to translate ἐκκλησία (ekklesia), he used the German word “Gemeinde”, which means something similar to the English word “community”. However, many Germans still refer to the “church” as the “Kirche.” • When Tyndale translated the New Testament into English in 1536, he also did not use the word “church” to translate the Greek word ἐκκλησία (ekklesia). Instead, he used the word “congregation.” However, within the next 100 years, all English translations normally used the word “church.”
  • 43. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • Cirice - From late Proto-Germanic *kirikǭ (whence also Old Frisian tzirke, Old Saxon and Old Dutch kirika, Old High German chirihha), from Byzantine Greek κυριακόν (δόμα) ("Lord's (house)"), from Ancient Greek κύριος ("lord"). (f) • Noun – Church • A small church with ‘circol’. A Circle. • Old English cirice, circe "place of assemblage set aside for Christian worship; the body of Christian believers, Christians collectively; ecclesiastical authority or power," from Proto- Germanic *kirika.
  • 44. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • Kirke (or Circe) or as she would be called in English today, “Church” was a Greek goddess of Pharmakeia (a witch or sorceress) who was skilled in the magic of transmutation, illusion, and necromancy and who lived on the Island of Aiaia. Aiaia is Gaia, the pagan goddess of fertility. She was the daughter of the Sun god Helios, and had the power to change men into lions, wolves and especially swine. The animals would retain their human senses but be trapped in animal bodies. The Greeks attribute the invention of the “circus” to her. They claim it was done to honor her father, the sun, hence the term “Cirque De Soleil” in French, or in English, “Church of the Sun”.
  • 45. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • Kirke (or Circe) or as she would be called in English today, “Church” was a Greek goddess of Pharmakeia (a witch or sorceress) who was skilled in the magic of transmutation, illusion, and necromancy and who lived on the Island of Aiaia. Aiaia is Gaia, the pagan goddess of fertility. She was the daughter of the Sun god Helios, and had the power to change men into lions, wolves and especially swine. The animals would retain their human senses but be trapped in animal bodies. The Greeks attribute the invention of the “circus” to her. They claim it was done to honor her father, the sun, hence the term “Cirque De Soleil” in French, or in English, “Church of the Sun”.
  • 46. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • Her end is met in the next chapter: “The voice of a bridegroom and bride will never be heard within you again. For your merchants were the important people of the world, and all the nations were deceived by your witchcraft.” Revelation 18:23 • John uses the pharmakeia for witchcraft. “Church” was a Greek goddess Pharmakeia • Circe / Church entices people with spiritual drugs, Feel good doctrines, Belonging to an elite club, Smoke machines and lasers, and especially liturgical or well produced “contemporary” music • A form of piety to YHVH but the power is denied
  • 47. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church “Being entered, she placed them in chairs of the state, and set before them mean and honey, and smyrna wine, but mixed with baneful drugs of powerful enchantment. When they had eaten of these, and drunk of her cup, she touched them with her charming rod and straight away they were transformed into swine, having bodies of swine, the bristles and snout, and grunting noise of that animal; Only they still retained the minds of men, which made them more to lament their brutish transformation.” • Sound kind of familiar? It should. John, while on prison on the island of Patmos, saw a vision of a similar woman. “Then one of the seven angels who held the seven bowls came and told me, “Come, I will show you how the notorious prostitute who sits on many waters will be judged. The kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, and those living on earth became drunk with the wine of her immorality. The woman wore purple and scarlet clothes and was adorned with gold, gems, and pearls. In her hand she was holding a gold cup filled with detestable things and the impurities of her immorality. On her forehead was written a secret name: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Detestable Things of the Earth” Revelation 17:1-5
  • 48. Ecclesia is not Church • The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • Secret Name? (Ecclesia is the Real Mystery – Church is the Fake Mystery) Not The Great Harlot of Rome Not The Great Harlot of Alexandria Not The Great Harlot of Chang An Not the Great Harlot of Sparta Not the Great Harlot of Constantinople Not the Great Harlot of Carthage Not the Great Harlot of Lebanon The Great Harlot of Babylon Every Church on all 7 Continents worship, pray to, and sing to: • God the Babylonian Demon of Fortune • Mani (AMN) to end all prayers and affirm ideas (Amen hides her name) God and Mani (Amen)
  • 49. Church = Fortune The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church What do these Churches all cost? A Fortune God and Mani (Amen)
  • 50. Church = Fortune The Great Harlot of Babylon – Church • What do we love Church? – “An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?” Jeremiah 5:31 – “When Christians made themselves more unpopular than usual by refusing the easy formal worship of the State service which oiled the machinery of society in that age, they brought on themselves a brief but brutal persecution, here and there, and sometimes for several hundred years on end.” - Duncan Greenlees God and Mani (Amen)
  • 51. God and Mani Goals? Churches in the United States Amen Ra and Horus (Egypt) God and Mani (Babylon) Plutus and Tyche (Greek) Jupiter (Roman) God (The entire World) Jewish Population in the United States
  • 52. Conclusion 1. Christianity was not called Christianity by the early followers of Jesus 2. It was called The Way 3. Teachers effectively and universally defended against the Gnostic onslaught for 300 years until Augustine got rid of them in the "Church" and that was by design. Priest/Pastor only as "professional clergy" has been the model ever since • Those are a few of the topics that I cover in my book • This was my verse this morning: "YHVH will certainly have pity on you when you cry for help. As soon as he hears you, he will answer you. Adonai may give you troubles and hardships. But your TEACHERS will no longer be hidden from you. You will see your TEACHERS with your own eyes. You will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way. Follow it'" Isaiah 30:19-21
  • 53. Conclusion Claims about the biblical text that I am making that nobody (probably) else is making: • Regeneration is the physical recreation of physical things • The last half of Matthew 25 has nothing to do with the poor • Communion is about you believing in Jesus AND coming to Jesus (Faith and Action – Not Faith Alone) • The Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids is NOT about the Bride of Jesus, but about Israel • The Parable of the Talents is NOT about the Bride of Jesus but about Israel • Romans 8:29 is about Jesus, not you. “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren” • Predestination is about Glorification, not Justification
  • 54. Conclusion Claims about the biblical text that I am making that nobody (probably) else is making: • What the potter does with the clay is entirely up the clay • “There is none righteous no not one” is about Atheists (String of Pearls Rom 3:10-18) • You can make for yourself a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 18:31) • The OT is KEY and ESSENTIAL to understanding the NT (If you do not understand the OT, you WILL get stuff wrong in the NT) • I can present the entire gospel using just two words in Genesis