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The Hebrew Messiah vs
The Greek Imposter
• There is a war between two entities that is going on
inside the hearts and minds of humans all across
the world, this ancient war has been going on for
thousands of years. It is being played out right in
front of our eyes daily. This war is between our
beloved Messiah Yeshua and the Imposter
Westernized Messiah (Nimrod). (Obed 1:2-4) “The
arrogance of your heart has deceived you”
• My prayer is that you would be challenged to
recognize the true Savior and rid yourself of any
spiritual misunderstandings that we have been fed
by our pagan leaders. (Jer 16:18-20) “Our fathers
have inherited nothing but falsehood”
• We are going to look at the two contrasting
characters and decide which one to follow at the
end of this study. The 1st thing you need to do is
come into the study with an open heart that is
ready to be challenged just like I was when I first
started to realize my Messiah was the Imposter.
(John 5:42-44) I have come in my Father’s name,
and you have not received Me: but if someone else
comes in his own name, you will receive him.”
The True
• Reconnected man back to the Ten Commandments
and lived them out. (John 14:14-16) Encouraged
and taught His followers to obey the Ten
Commandments. (Matt 5:17-19) Through the cross
the great divorce was reconciled and the wife (us)
could remarry once more. #1
• 7th day Shabbat keeper (Luke 4:16)
• The lost completely destroyed in the lake of fire
(John 15:6-10)
• Avoided unclean foods. #2
• Observed the Feasts which prepare His people for
His return. (Luke 2:41-42)
• Hated paganism and it effects on the people who
were blindly following the spiritual leaders of their
day who were bound by the Pagan inspired Talmud
from Babylon. #3
• When He 1st came He came as a gentle Lamb,
when He returns He will come as a Mighty Lion
destroying our enemies, especially His ancient
enemy Nimrod. (Rev 5:5, Rev 19:11-21)
• Pointed to the Ten Commandments as good
doctrine (John 7:16).
• Continues to keep man separated from the Ten
Commandments (2nd Chronicles 7:15-22) (2nd
Thessolonians 2:2-4)
• Worships on Sun-day (Isaiah 58:13-14)
• The lost will burn in agony forever-Hell sells tickets to
Sunday church but let me ask you this. Yahweh creates
and so the opposite would be that he tortures or
destroys us if we deny Him? #4
• Allows everything to be eaten even when scientist
back up that unclean foods shouldn’t be consumed. #7
• Observes the (Feasts of the Beast) NEW holidays that
are all infested with Idolatry and point to the
celebration of Nimrod as Messiah and Ishtar as the
Mother Goddess. These feasts also prepare the people
for his return.
• Loves paganism and says “We must Christianize
(claim) the pagan Holidays for God”. Ok with that line
of thinking let us also claim murder, abortion, lying,
adultery and thievery in the name of Yahweh! Huh,
am I missing something?
• When He first came, He came as a Tyrant with a
mighty hand ruling over the people. They named him
the Bad shepherd (Epic of Gilgamesh), the 2nd time he
comes it will be as the man of peace, the roles will be
reversed. (Daniel 9:26-27)
• Points to other doctrines besides the Ten.
Why was Yeshua rejected by
the Pharisees of His day?
• The Pharisees were basing their ideas of the
Messiah on their Babylonian inspired Talmud
(Oral Torah), which reeks of paganism. They
make up their own spiritual rules that create
unnecessary burdens that Yahweh never
commanded (Isaiah 29:13). Similar to Jeraboam
creating His own times, seasons and festivals and
mixing Idolatry with Yahweh. (Jer 16:19)
• The traditions of the Elders (Matt 15:2-3) which
they conjured up conflicted with The Torah and
blocked their vision of the Messiah according to
The Torah. Most likely they expected and still do
to this day a Messiah that will follow The Talmud
over The Torah.
• Yeshua was against the pagan influenced
system of The Talmud, He was trying to restore
the Torah and turn back the people from the
false Rabbinic-Pharisaic traditions and man-
made laws.
• The next two slides go into detail what the Rabbis
hold to and how they attained such spiritual
power over the people of Israel. As your reading
imagine the stubbornness of the spiritual leaders
and how they wanted to cling to their beliefs
even unto death! Then compare that to today
where many Christian Pastors cling to Idolatry,
(X-mas, Easter) openly promote it and think they
will get away with it! Nothing new under the
sun people.
Understanding the
Talmud and Phariseeism
• To understand why Yeshua was so
diametrically opposed to the Pharisees
one must understand where they got
their authority from, and that would be
the Talmud. #5
• The 1st problem with the Talmud is the
belief that there were Two Torahs given
to Moses. Rabbi Shammai explains in
Babylonian Talmud, Sabbath 31a that
Yahweh gave the tablets (Ten
Commandments) and the Oral Torah.
This “secret knowledge” was given to the
Rabbis because Yahweh knew that the
Torah would be translated to Greek and
be defiled so he gave them this “secret
knowledge” to keep away from the
gentiles. BT, Berachot 5a.
• The 2nd problem with the Rabbis is they
have absolute authority over the
interpretation of scripture that even
supersedes a direct decree from
Yahweh. According to them even Elijah
and Yahweh were defeated by their
massive wisdom, BT, Baba Metsia 59b.
These 5 rules of the
Rabbis/Pharisees are
absolutely mind
Someday in the near future believers all around the world will be faced with the inevitable task of
facing intense persecution from the reemergence of Nimrod. If we are so swayed by the waves of
paganism now, imagine what will become of us when the intensity picks up. Will we simply be like the
spectators who waited for Yahweh to show His power on Mt. Carmel? Or will we be like Elijah,
making our public stance for Yah’s way! The story of Hanukkah is all about standing up to paganism,
all it takes is one man or woman to ignite the zealous hearts of Yahweh’s people to fight against the
very thing Yahweh hates, breaking the 1st Commandment. Now we are going to take a look at
Hanukkah and give ourselves a glimpse into the past and into the future. While you are reading, I want
you to put check marks on which side you observe. According to your answers you will figure out what
side you are on, I was shocked when I found out where I was at. It took me an entire year because of
my stubborn, prideful heart to repent.
The Litmus Test: Definition: a test in which
a single factor (as an attitude, event, or fact) is decisive
Antiochus Epiphanes new laws
of Paganism (Nimrodism)
1 Maccabees 1:44-50
• Forbade the Sabbath
• Forbade the study of the Torah and
burned copies
• High places around Judea where swine
(pigs) and other unclean animals were
sacrificed and inspectors were given the
task to make sure they were carried
• Desecrated the Sanctity of the Temple
by putting some symbol or statue of
Zeus inside.
• Instead of the Feast of Tabernacles,
Antiochus Epiphanes celebrated in the
Temple the feast of Bacchanalia,
worshipping Bacchus, the god of wine
and pleasure. He forced the Jews to
observe Saturnalia (x-mas), worshipping
Saturn, using harlots in the Temple for
those feast days.
Hebrews believed and
followed the Torah
(instructions) of Yahweh
• Observe the Sabbath
• Study the Torah
• Unclean animals are not used for
• No symbols used except the Menorah
and sanctioned articles given by
Yahweh in His Torah.
• Observe the Feasts of Yahweh and do
not mix them with pagan feasts. The
Hebrew word for feast, mow’ed, means
sign, signal or appointed season.
Yahweh was signaling the Israelites a
direct, clear message: Watch for the
Messiah. The spring and fall feasts
were/are dress rehearsals for the first
and second coming of Yeshua of
Laws of Antiochus Epiphanes Doctrines of Catholicism/Christianity
1. Forbade the Sabbath 1. Changed the Sabbath to Sunday
2. Burned the Torah and forbid the study of
The Torah
2. Encourages all new believers to read the
New Testament and skip the Torah (1st five
3. Unclean animals are to be used in
ceremonies and believers are to eat them as
well. Forced a mother and her sevens sons to
eat pork, when they refused their tongues
were cut out and they were tortured to
3. Unclean animals are now allowed to be
eaten under the “new Covenant” and
involved in the false festivals as well.
Example: eat a ham during Ishtar, oops I
mean Easter. Today if you refuse to eat pork
Christians ask, “Are you a Jew”?
4. Desecrated the sanctity of The Temple by
placing idols of Jupiter or Zeus.
4. Since churches are considered “sanctuaries
of God”, take a look around and look for all
the pagan influences that your church has. #8
5. Forced the Hebrews to observe different
feasts instead of The Feasts of Yahweh which
included the eating of swine.
5. Encourages church members to observe
Easter, X-mas, Valentines day, etc. Rarely
teaches on the true Feasts that believers
should be following which reveal our
Conclusion: Now ask yourself this, why are
our pastors/priests promoting the laws of
Antiochus instead of pointing us back to Yah’s
Ask your Pastor!
• If your spiritual wheels are not already turning, I
am not sure what else would do it. If we are the
people of Yahweh and understand that the Bible is
a Hebrew book intended for Hebrew people
(Israel). Then why are we not doing Hebrew things?
• I would contend that we are far more pagan not
only of the heart but in action as well because our
glorious false shepherd pastors have sold us out to
Nimrod because of “mammon”, ignorance,
laziness, stubbornness, pride, and last but not
least arrogance.
• I find it quite ironic that when I bring up paganism
with believers, the ones most opposed to change is
not the average pew sitters but the pastors
themselves! What a shame because they are to be
leading with humility but are stiff necked and will
not relent their love of Nimrod.
• Yahweh has given the United States a
reprieve from judgement, it will happen in
His time. But, for now what will we do during
these years before the storm? Revival is at
hand, but NOT with Nimrod, let us hold onto
Yeshua and follow His Commandments!
What is the burden
of truth?
• A few months ago I was asking Father to reveal to
me a connection from the Tanak (OT) to the New
Testament (Brit Hadasha).
• He took me to Isaiah 46:1-7
• 1Bĕl has bowed down, Neḇo is stooping, their
idols were on the beasts and on the cattle. That
which is carried is burdensome, a burden to the
• 2They have stooped, they have bowed down
together, they were unable to deliver the burden,
but they themselves went into captivity.
• 3“Listen to Me, O house of Ya‛aqoḇ, and all the
remnant of the house of Yisra’ĕl, who are borne
from the belly, who are carried from the womb:
• 4even to your old age, I am He, and even to
grey hairs I carry! I have made and I bear,
and I carry and rescue.
• 5“To whom do you liken Me, and compare
Me and make Me similar, that we should be
• 6“They pour gold out of the bag, and weigh
silver on the scale. They hire a goldsmith,
and he makes it a mighty one. They fall
down, they also bow themselves.
• 7“They bear it on the shoulder, they carry it
and set it in its place, and it stands – from
its place it does not move. Though one cries
out to it, it does not answer, nor save him
from his distress.
• Did you get that? Idolatry is a Heavy
Now Ask yourself?
• What burden do you prefer to carry for there are two
choices that everyone must make. Either the heavy
burden of the anti-Messiah/Paganism or the light
burden of Yeshua/Ten Commandments.
• We already read about the burden of Nimrod, now lets
look at what Yeshua says from Matthew 11: 28-30
“Come to Me, all you who labour and are burdened,
and I shall give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you and
learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and
you shall find rest for your beings. “For My yoke is
gentle and My burden is light.”
• I want you to think about the burden of paganism in
your lives, let us look at X-mas as ONE example; seeped
in commercialism, spoiling children or making them feel
like we “owe” them a gift, increased depression (#9),
tons of wasted paper from x-mas cards, over-eating,
over spending for gifts or not spending what is
expected, millions of trees just thrown away after 4-7
years of growing, lying to our kids about Santa then
having them realize we were feeding them a lie all the
while…and you can continue the list. Now those are
burdens not only on humans but the burden falls on the
earth as well.
• Thank Yahweh, my children I are DONE with the ways of
the heathen. We have entered into His Feasts. It can be
done and will take time, if you teach your family that
this is an ancient ceremony that celebrates the birthday
of the anti-messiah/Nimrod they will love you for
speaking the truth. It may take awhile but trust Father
and His ways, do not fall into the sin of Jeraboam (#10)
by making up your own times and seasons.
Who are you preparing for?
*Many believers are highly anticipating the return of The King, as well
they should. I hear them say that they are the bride waiting for the
husband at the great wedding. Fair enough, lets examine some
scriptures and ask ourselves some questions. Pre-trib or post-trib is of
no concern here as we are talking about making the final cut.
• Rev 19:7-9 Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the
marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself
ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright
and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are
invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me,
“These are the true words of Yahweh.”
• Rev 21:2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out
of heaven from Yahweh, prepared as a bride adorned for her
• 2nd Corinthians 11:2 For I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I
betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to
• Hosea 2:16-23 “And it shall be, in that day,” declares ‫יהוה‬,“ that
you call Me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer call Me ‘My Ba‛al.’ “And
I shall remove the names of the Ba‛als (you might want to
research Lord) from her mouth, and they shall no more be
remembered by their name…“And I shall take you as a bride unto
Me forever, and take you as a bride unto Me in righteousness, and
in right-ruling, and kindness and compassion. And I shall take you
as a bride unto Me in trustworthiness, and you shall know ‫יהוה‬.
And it shall be in that day that I answer,” declares…And I shall sow
her for Myself in the earth, and I shall have compassion on her
who had not obtained compassion. And I shall say to those who
were not My people, ‘You are My people,’ while they say, ‘My
Elohim!’ ”
Yahweh is Jealous for you!
• If you are a married man, please answer these two questions honestly. If your wife
were to ask you “honey, how many times can I cheat on you per year 52 times or 8
• You would look at her with anger and confusion right? But, we do these things
against our Father. I see Christian pastors make fun of Catholics because they
worship saints and pray to Mary. Yet the very same pastors promote paganism 8
times a year through the Feasts of the Beast!
• Here’s another question, what if your wife told you “honey, I know your birthday is
on January 25th but we are going to celebrate it on July 25th, my ex-boyfriends
birthday, ok”. This is just another example of what X-mas is all about “substitution
of Yeshua’s birthday into Nimrods birthday”.
• These are just two main reasons why we are making Yahweh jealous through the
false teaching of paganism that has seeped into the churches. On top of that all
pastors know the number ONE sin throughout the scriptures isn’t homosexuality,
adultery, lying, stealing or murder but…wait for it…PAGANISM/NIMRODISM, yet
how many talk about it on a consistent basis? I am currently working on a final
number of how many times Idolatry is mentioned in scripture. It will take a few
years because I am going through each book contextually. Eventually, I will have a
number then we can compare it to all other sins.
• Idolatry isn’t about your technology or addictions either, those are distractions.
We cannot create new definitions for what Yahweh has already established.
• I can only speak for myself and my children when I say that I am overjoyed about
Him being jealous for me, because if He wasn’t it would indicate to me that He
would be just fine with us messing around with other “gods”. Do you realize how
jealous He is for you? Now stop Whoring around!
Ancient Paths (Torah) or the New Way
• Jeremiah 6:16-19 Thus said ‫יהוה‬,“ Stand in the ways and see,
and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in
it; and find rest for yourselves (sound familiar what Yeshua
said). But they said, ‘We do not walk in it.’ “And I raised up
watchmen over you, and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the ram’s
horn!’ But they said, ‘We do not listen.’ “Therefore hear, you
nations, and know, O congregation, what is upon them! “Hear,
O earth! See, I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit
of their thoughts, because they have not listened to My
words, nor My Torah – and they rejected it.
• Jeremiah 18:15 “But My people have forgotten Me, they have
burned incense to what is false, and they have stumbled from
their ways, from the ancient paths, to walk in bypaths and
not on a highway,
• Ezekiel 16:23-29, Psalms 119:51-56 The arrogant mock me
unmercifully, but I do not turn from your Torah. I remember,
Yahweh, your ancient instructions, and I find comfort in them.
Indignation grips me because of the wicked, who have
forsaken your Torah. Your decrees are the theme of my song
wherever I lodge. In the night, Yahweh, I remember your
name that I may keep your law. This has been my practice:I
obey your precepts.
• What a contrast to all the garbage we are taught in churches
today with this anti-Torah spirit. To say the Ten
Commandments are done away with is simply false and it is
the spirit of the false Greek Jesus that is behind this madness.
Yeshua our Hebrew Messiah would NEVER encourage people
to go against the Ten Commandments.
As believers we might be tempted to
declare that the Festivals are of the
Jews, but who does He say (Lev 23:2)
they belong to? Our doctrines of men
(Council of Nicea) have painstakingly
blinded us from His truth (emet).
• What would Yeshua Do?
• Let us first take a look at the words of our
Master: Matthew 5:17-19, Yeshua said that
those who keep Yahweh’s Laws (instructions is
the proper translation) (that includes keeping
His festivals) will be greatly blessed…
• Do not think that I have come to abolish the
Law or the Prophets; I have not come to
abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the
truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not
the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a
pen, will by any means disappear from the Law
(Torah) until everything is accomplished.
Anyone who breaks one of the least of these
commandments and teaches others to do the
same will be called least in the kingdom of
heaven, but whoever practices and teaches
these commands will be called great in the
kingdom of heaven.
• We know that the Son came to do the Father’s
will and if as it is told to us that the Festivals
are done away with, why would Yeshua say
that the Torah which instructs us in the
Festivals is not to be done away with until
heaven and earth pass away? Last time I
checked heaven and earth are still here!
End Days Ready?
Zechariah 14:16-21 Then the survivors from all the
nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up
year after year to worship the king, God Almighty,
and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles…Yahweh
will bring on them the plague he inflicts on the
nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of
Tabernacles. (This is in reference to the 1000 years
reign of Yeshua in the New Jerusalem)
• Since we are near the End times, let us see
what the Holy Word says about who Yahweh
will watch out for during the tribulation.
• Rev 12:17 Then the dragon was enraged at the
woman and went off to make war against the
rest of her offspring-those who obey Yahweh’s
Torah and hold to the testimony of Yeshua.
• Rev 14:11-12 “There is no rest day or night for
those who worship the beast and his image, or
for anyone who receives the mark of his name.
(anti-christ)”. This calls for patient endurance
on the part of the saints who obey Yah’s
instructions and remain faithful to Yeshua.
• So we can clearly see in these two passages
that during the end times there will be
believers who hold to BOTH the testimony of
Yeshua (Christians) and follow the Torah
(Jews). I strongly urge to you my brothers and
sisters to search this out in your heart and
strive to build that bridge between the two. I
can only speak for myself, when my prideful
heart began to fight against His Torah I knew
something in ME was wrong.
• #1
• #2
• #3 Read The Hebrew Yeshua vs the Greek Jesus by Nehemia Gordon
• #4
• #5
• #6
• #7
• #8
• #9
• #10
• Final thoughts: Yahweh is moving and preparing His bride for the return of
Yeshua, our Master came to restore the Torah (The Ten) not to get rid of it. I
challenge all spiritual leaders to seek His heart which is His Torah. Many of you are
ill-equipped (I’m being nice) to teach the people about His ways because of
Paganism (James 3:1). Blow the shofar and repent of your Idolatry in a public
setting and see Yahweh move in your congregation like no other time!
(2nd Chronicles 7:14-19)
• Questions or comments, email me:

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Hebrew messiah vs greek messiah

  • 1. The Hebrew Messiah vs The Greek Imposter • There is a war between two entities that is going on inside the hearts and minds of humans all across the world, this ancient war has been going on for thousands of years. It is being played out right in front of our eyes daily. This war is between our beloved Messiah Yeshua and the Imposter Westernized Messiah (Nimrod). (Obed 1:2-4) “The arrogance of your heart has deceived you” • My prayer is that you would be challenged to recognize the true Savior and rid yourself of any spiritual misunderstandings that we have been fed by our pagan leaders. (Jer 16:18-20) “Our fathers have inherited nothing but falsehood” • We are going to look at the two contrasting characters and decide which one to follow at the end of this study. The 1st thing you need to do is come into the study with an open heart that is ready to be challenged just like I was when I first started to realize my Messiah was the Imposter. (John 5:42-44) I have come in my Father’s name, and you have not received Me: but if someone else comes in his own name, you will receive him.”
  • 2. The True Messiah • Reconnected man back to the Ten Commandments and lived them out. (John 14:14-16) Encouraged and taught His followers to obey the Ten Commandments. (Matt 5:17-19) Through the cross the great divorce was reconciled and the wife (us) could remarry once more. #1 • 7th day Shabbat keeper (Luke 4:16) • The lost completely destroyed in the lake of fire (John 15:6-10) • Avoided unclean foods. #2 • Observed the Feasts which prepare His people for His return. (Luke 2:41-42) • Hated paganism and it effects on the people who were blindly following the spiritual leaders of their day who were bound by the Pagan inspired Talmud from Babylon. #3 • When He 1st came He came as a gentle Lamb, when He returns He will come as a Mighty Lion destroying our enemies, especially His ancient enemy Nimrod. (Rev 5:5, Rev 19:11-21) • Pointed to the Ten Commandments as good doctrine (John 7:16).
  • 3. Imposter Messiah • Continues to keep man separated from the Ten Commandments (2nd Chronicles 7:15-22) (2nd Thessolonians 2:2-4) • Worships on Sun-day (Isaiah 58:13-14) • The lost will burn in agony forever-Hell sells tickets to Sunday church but let me ask you this. Yahweh creates and so the opposite would be that he tortures or destroys us if we deny Him? #4 • Allows everything to be eaten even when scientist back up that unclean foods shouldn’t be consumed. #7 • Observes the (Feasts of the Beast) NEW holidays that are all infested with Idolatry and point to the celebration of Nimrod as Messiah and Ishtar as the Mother Goddess. These feasts also prepare the people for his return. • Loves paganism and says “We must Christianize (claim) the pagan Holidays for God”. Ok with that line of thinking let us also claim murder, abortion, lying, adultery and thievery in the name of Yahweh! Huh, am I missing something? • When He first came, He came as a Tyrant with a mighty hand ruling over the people. They named him the Bad shepherd (Epic of Gilgamesh), the 2nd time he comes it will be as the man of peace, the roles will be reversed. (Daniel 9:26-27) • Points to other doctrines besides the Ten.
  • 4. Why was Yeshua rejected by the Pharisees of His day? • The Pharisees were basing their ideas of the Messiah on their Babylonian inspired Talmud (Oral Torah), which reeks of paganism. They make up their own spiritual rules that create unnecessary burdens that Yahweh never commanded (Isaiah 29:13). Similar to Jeraboam creating His own times, seasons and festivals and mixing Idolatry with Yahweh. (Jer 16:19) • The traditions of the Elders (Matt 15:2-3) which they conjured up conflicted with The Torah and blocked their vision of the Messiah according to The Torah. Most likely they expected and still do to this day a Messiah that will follow The Talmud over The Torah. • Yeshua was against the pagan influenced system of The Talmud, He was trying to restore the Torah and turn back the people from the false Rabbinic-Pharisaic traditions and man- made laws. • The next two slides go into detail what the Rabbis hold to and how they attained such spiritual power over the people of Israel. As your reading imagine the stubbornness of the spiritual leaders and how they wanted to cling to their beliefs even unto death! Then compare that to today where many Christian Pastors cling to Idolatry, (X-mas, Easter) openly promote it and think they will get away with it! Nothing new under the sun people.
  • 5. Understanding the Talmud and Phariseeism • To understand why Yeshua was so diametrically opposed to the Pharisees one must understand where they got their authority from, and that would be the Talmud. #5 • The 1st problem with the Talmud is the belief that there were Two Torahs given to Moses. Rabbi Shammai explains in Babylonian Talmud, Sabbath 31a that Yahweh gave the tablets (Ten Commandments) and the Oral Torah. This “secret knowledge” was given to the Rabbis because Yahweh knew that the Torah would be translated to Greek and be defiled so he gave them this “secret knowledge” to keep away from the gentiles. BT, Berachot 5a. • The 2nd problem with the Rabbis is they have absolute authority over the interpretation of scripture that even supersedes a direct decree from Yahweh. According to them even Elijah and Yahweh were defeated by their massive wisdom, BT, Baba Metsia 59b.
  • 6. These 5 rules of the Rabbis/Pharisees are absolutely mind blowing!
  • 7. Someday in the near future believers all around the world will be faced with the inevitable task of facing intense persecution from the reemergence of Nimrod. If we are so swayed by the waves of paganism now, imagine what will become of us when the intensity picks up. Will we simply be like the spectators who waited for Yahweh to show His power on Mt. Carmel? Or will we be like Elijah, making our public stance for Yah’s way! The story of Hanukkah is all about standing up to paganism, all it takes is one man or woman to ignite the zealous hearts of Yahweh’s people to fight against the very thing Yahweh hates, breaking the 1st Commandment. Now we are going to take a look at Hanukkah and give ourselves a glimpse into the past and into the future. While you are reading, I want you to put check marks on which side you observe. According to your answers you will figure out what side you are on, I was shocked when I found out where I was at. It took me an entire year because of my stubborn, prideful heart to repent.
  • 8. The Litmus Test: Definition: a test in which a single factor (as an attitude, event, or fact) is decisive Antiochus Epiphanes new laws of Paganism (Nimrodism) 1 Maccabees 1:44-50 • Forbade the Sabbath • Forbade the study of the Torah and burned copies • High places around Judea where swine (pigs) and other unclean animals were sacrificed and inspectors were given the task to make sure they were carried out. • Desecrated the Sanctity of the Temple by putting some symbol or statue of Zeus inside. • Instead of the Feast of Tabernacles, Antiochus Epiphanes celebrated in the Temple the feast of Bacchanalia, worshipping Bacchus, the god of wine and pleasure. He forced the Jews to observe Saturnalia (x-mas), worshipping Saturn, using harlots in the Temple for those feast days. Hebrews believed and followed the Torah (instructions) of Yahweh • Observe the Sabbath • Study the Torah • Unclean animals are not used for sacrifices • No symbols used except the Menorah and sanctioned articles given by Yahweh in His Torah. • Observe the Feasts of Yahweh and do not mix them with pagan feasts. The Hebrew word for feast, mow’ed, means sign, signal or appointed season. Yahweh was signaling the Israelites a direct, clear message: Watch for the Messiah. The spring and fall feasts were/are dress rehearsals for the first and second coming of Yeshua of Nazareth.
  • 9. Laws of Antiochus Epiphanes Doctrines of Catholicism/Christianity 1. Forbade the Sabbath 1. Changed the Sabbath to Sunday 2. Burned the Torah and forbid the study of The Torah 2. Encourages all new believers to read the New Testament and skip the Torah (1st five books). 3. Unclean animals are to be used in ceremonies and believers are to eat them as well. Forced a mother and her sevens sons to eat pork, when they refused their tongues were cut out and they were tortured to death. 3. Unclean animals are now allowed to be eaten under the “new Covenant” and involved in the false festivals as well. Example: eat a ham during Ishtar, oops I mean Easter. Today if you refuse to eat pork Christians ask, “Are you a Jew”? 4. Desecrated the sanctity of The Temple by placing idols of Jupiter or Zeus. 4. Since churches are considered “sanctuaries of God”, take a look around and look for all the pagan influences that your church has. #8 5. Forced the Hebrews to observe different feasts instead of The Feasts of Yahweh which included the eating of swine. 5. Encourages church members to observe Easter, X-mas, Valentines day, etc. Rarely teaches on the true Feasts that believers should be following which reveal our Messiah! Conclusion: Now ask yourself this, why are our pastors/priests promoting the laws of Antiochus instead of pointing us back to Yah’s way?
  • 10. Ask your Pastor! • If your spiritual wheels are not already turning, I am not sure what else would do it. If we are the people of Yahweh and understand that the Bible is a Hebrew book intended for Hebrew people (Israel). Then why are we not doing Hebrew things? • I would contend that we are far more pagan not only of the heart but in action as well because our glorious false shepherd pastors have sold us out to Nimrod because of “mammon”, ignorance, laziness, stubbornness, pride, and last but not least arrogance. • I find it quite ironic that when I bring up paganism with believers, the ones most opposed to change is not the average pew sitters but the pastors themselves! What a shame because they are to be leading with humility but are stiff necked and will not relent their love of Nimrod. • Yahweh has given the United States a reprieve from judgement, it will happen in His time. But, for now what will we do during these years before the storm? Revival is at hand, but NOT with Nimrod, let us hold onto Yeshua and follow His Commandments!
  • 11. What is the burden of truth? • A few months ago I was asking Father to reveal to me a connection from the Tanak (OT) to the New Testament (Brit Hadasha). • He took me to Isaiah 46:1-7 • 1Bĕl has bowed down, Neḇo is stooping, their idols were on the beasts and on the cattle. That which is carried is burdensome, a burden to the weary. • 2They have stooped, they have bowed down together, they were unable to deliver the burden, but they themselves went into captivity. • 3“Listen to Me, O house of Ya‛aqoḇ, and all the remnant of the house of Yisra’ĕl, who are borne from the belly, who are carried from the womb: • 4even to your old age, I am He, and even to grey hairs I carry! I have made and I bear, and I carry and rescue. • 5“To whom do you liken Me, and compare Me and make Me similar, that we should be alike? • 6“They pour gold out of the bag, and weigh silver on the scale. They hire a goldsmith, and he makes it a mighty one. They fall down, they also bow themselves. • 7“They bear it on the shoulder, they carry it and set it in its place, and it stands – from its place it does not move. Though one cries out to it, it does not answer, nor save him from his distress. • Did you get that? Idolatry is a Heavy BURDEN!
  • 12. Now Ask yourself? • What burden do you prefer to carry for there are two choices that everyone must make. Either the heavy burden of the anti-Messiah/Paganism or the light burden of Yeshua/Ten Commandments. • We already read about the burden of Nimrod, now lets look at what Yeshua says from Matthew 11: 28-30 “Come to Me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I shall give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your beings. “For My yoke is gentle and My burden is light.” • I want you to think about the burden of paganism in your lives, let us look at X-mas as ONE example; seeped in commercialism, spoiling children or making them feel like we “owe” them a gift, increased depression (#9), tons of wasted paper from x-mas cards, over-eating, over spending for gifts or not spending what is expected, millions of trees just thrown away after 4-7 years of growing, lying to our kids about Santa then having them realize we were feeding them a lie all the while…and you can continue the list. Now those are burdens not only on humans but the burden falls on the earth as well. • Thank Yahweh, my children I are DONE with the ways of the heathen. We have entered into His Feasts. It can be done and will take time, if you teach your family that this is an ancient ceremony that celebrates the birthday of the anti-messiah/Nimrod they will love you for speaking the truth. It may take awhile but trust Father and His ways, do not fall into the sin of Jeraboam (#10) by making up your own times and seasons.
  • 13. Who are you preparing for? *Many believers are highly anticipating the return of The King, as well they should. I hear them say that they are the bride waiting for the husband at the great wedding. Fair enough, lets examine some scriptures and ask ourselves some questions. Pre-trib or post-trib is of no concern here as we are talking about making the final cut. • Rev 19:7-9 Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of Yahweh.” • Rev 21:2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from Yahweh, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. • 2nd Corinthians 11:2 For I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Messiah. • Hosea 2:16-23 “And it shall be, in that day,” declares ‫יהוה‬,“ that you call Me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer call Me ‘My Ba‛al.’ “And I shall remove the names of the Ba‛als (you might want to research Lord) from her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name…“And I shall take you as a bride unto Me forever, and take you as a bride unto Me in righteousness, and in right-ruling, and kindness and compassion. And I shall take you as a bride unto Me in trustworthiness, and you shall know ‫יהוה‬. And it shall be in that day that I answer,” declares…And I shall sow her for Myself in the earth, and I shall have compassion on her who had not obtained compassion. And I shall say to those who were not My people, ‘You are My people,’ while they say, ‘My Elohim!’ ”
  • 14. Yahweh is Jealous for you! • If you are a married man, please answer these two questions honestly. If your wife were to ask you “honey, how many times can I cheat on you per year 52 times or 8 times?” • You would look at her with anger and confusion right? But, we do these things against our Father. I see Christian pastors make fun of Catholics because they worship saints and pray to Mary. Yet the very same pastors promote paganism 8 times a year through the Feasts of the Beast! • Here’s another question, what if your wife told you “honey, I know your birthday is on January 25th but we are going to celebrate it on July 25th, my ex-boyfriends birthday, ok”. This is just another example of what X-mas is all about “substitution of Yeshua’s birthday into Nimrods birthday”. • These are just two main reasons why we are making Yahweh jealous through the false teaching of paganism that has seeped into the churches. On top of that all pastors know the number ONE sin throughout the scriptures isn’t homosexuality, adultery, lying, stealing or murder but…wait for it…PAGANISM/NIMRODISM, yet how many talk about it on a consistent basis? I am currently working on a final number of how many times Idolatry is mentioned in scripture. It will take a few years because I am going through each book contextually. Eventually, I will have a number then we can compare it to all other sins. • Idolatry isn’t about your technology or addictions either, those are distractions. We cannot create new definitions for what Yahweh has already established. • I can only speak for myself and my children when I say that I am overjoyed about Him being jealous for me, because if He wasn’t it would indicate to me that He would be just fine with us messing around with other “gods”. Do you realize how jealous He is for you? Now stop Whoring around!
  • 15. Ancient Paths (Torah) or the New Way (Idolatry)? • Jeremiah 6:16-19 Thus said ‫יהוה‬,“ Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and find rest for yourselves (sound familiar what Yeshua said). But they said, ‘We do not walk in it.’ “And I raised up watchmen over you, and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the ram’s horn!’ But they said, ‘We do not listen.’ “Therefore hear, you nations, and know, O congregation, what is upon them! “Hear, O earth! See, I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to My words, nor My Torah – and they rejected it. • Jeremiah 18:15 “But My people have forgotten Me, they have burned incense to what is false, and they have stumbled from their ways, from the ancient paths, to walk in bypaths and not on a highway, • Ezekiel 16:23-29, Psalms 119:51-56 The arrogant mock me unmercifully, but I do not turn from your Torah. I remember, Yahweh, your ancient instructions, and I find comfort in them. Indignation grips me because of the wicked, who have forsaken your Torah. Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge. In the night, Yahweh, I remember your name that I may keep your law. This has been my practice:I obey your precepts. • What a contrast to all the garbage we are taught in churches today with this anti-Torah spirit. To say the Ten Commandments are done away with is simply false and it is the spirit of the false Greek Jesus that is behind this madness. Yeshua our Hebrew Messiah would NEVER encourage people to go against the Ten Commandments.
  • 16. As believers we might be tempted to declare that the Festivals are of the Jews, but who does He say (Lev 23:2) they belong to? Our doctrines of men (Council of Nicea) have painstakingly blinded us from His truth (emet). • What would Yeshua Do? • Let us first take a look at the words of our Master: Matthew 5:17-19, Yeshua said that those who keep Yahweh’s Laws (instructions is the proper translation) (that includes keeping His festivals) will be greatly blessed… • Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (Torah) until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. • We know that the Son came to do the Father’s will and if as it is told to us that the Festivals are done away with, why would Yeshua say that the Torah which instructs us in the Festivals is not to be done away with until heaven and earth pass away? Last time I checked heaven and earth are still here!
  • 17. End Days Ready? Zechariah 14:16-21 Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the king, God Almighty, and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles…Yahweh will bring on them the plague he inflicts on the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. (This is in reference to the 1000 years reign of Yeshua in the New Jerusalem) • Since we are near the End times, let us see what the Holy Word says about who Yahweh will watch out for during the tribulation. • Rev 12:17 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring-those who obey Yahweh’s Torah and hold to the testimony of Yeshua. • Rev 14:11-12 “There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name. (anti-christ)”. This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey Yah’s instructions and remain faithful to Yeshua. • So we can clearly see in these two passages that during the end times there will be believers who hold to BOTH the testimony of Yeshua (Christians) and follow the Torah (Jews). I strongly urge to you my brothers and sisters to search this out in your heart and strive to build that bridge between the two. I can only speak for myself, when my prideful heart began to fight against His Torah I knew something in ME was wrong.
  • 18. Resources • #1 • #2 • #3 Read The Hebrew Yeshua vs the Greek Jesus by Nehemia Gordon • #4 • #5 • #6 • #7 today/comment-page-1/#comment-2073558 • #8 • #9 depression_n_6326906.html • #10 • Final thoughts: Yahweh is moving and preparing His bride for the return of Yeshua, our Master came to restore the Torah (The Ten) not to get rid of it. I challenge all spiritual leaders to seek His heart which is His Torah. Many of you are ill-equipped (I’m being nice) to teach the people about His ways because of Paganism (James 3:1). Blow the shofar and repent of your Idolatry in a public setting and see Yahweh move in your congregation like no other time! (2nd Chronicles 7:14-19) • Questions or comments, email me: