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Subset of Testimonials from Clients, Supervisors & Colleagues
Excerpts taken from formal and informal communication.
“I have observed your work ethic and I will count on you - especially when I have a disaster.” Beth Rosner, publisher
and director, Office of Publishing and Member Services, AAAS
“Thanks for caring about what we (the editors) say and giving importance to our voice when managing and launching
our publications.” Nancy Gough, Ph.D., editor, AAAS
“Many thanks. This is really helpful. Your reports are great. I’m delighted to incorporate this one into my talk for
the AAAS Board next week.” Alan Leshner, Ph.D., chief executive officer and executive publisher, AAAS
“Excellent agenda and thanks – info sheets are great and most helpful. Having an up-to-date "spec sheet" for each new
pub is important and was something we circled early in the new pubs process.” Phil Blair, chief finance officer, AAAS
“Your briefing is incredibly useful - - thanks so much for pulling it together. The results are indeed very encouraging.”
Colleen Struss, J.D., director of finance and chief legal officer, AAAS
“This update on Science Signaling and our first new publication effort is excellent and I look forward to future
updates.” Phil Blair, chief finance officer, AAAS
“I am confident for sure, in your level of performance. I have been hearing a lot of positive things from my staff and
others about you!!!” Beth Rosner, publisher and director, Office of Publishing and Member Services, AAAS
“We're sure glad you came along! We needed you to organize this bunch!” Wendy Wise, sr. marketer, AAAS
“Thanks for . . . and for your work pulling things together. You have been able to chase down answers to questions I
have been asking for six months. I very much appreciate it.” Waylon Butler, fulfillment systems and operations director,
Senior Copyeditor Bob Buck and I commend you on creating the Concepts in such a short time. Mary Ellen Crowley,
sr. graphic artist, AAAS
“I enjoy so much working with you. You are a Master at your job. Thank you so much for all that you do for JNMA and
authors. I appreciate your efforts!” Christopher Edwards, Ph.D., medical director, Biofeedback Laboratory and Pediatric
Neuropsychology Service, Duke University
“There is a light at the end of the NMA tunnel and it is not a train. Thank you for your hard work and your attention.
Your activity has restored my confidence in JNMA.” Carl Bell, M.D., psychiatrist, Community Mental Health Council
“I have been working with several journals and your code of work impressed me at most.” Adam Ostrzenski, M.D.,
professor, clinical obstetrics and gynecology, Florida International University
“You are truly SPECIAL AND PRETTY DAMN GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO!” George Dawson, M.D., Harlem
“My read from this distance is that you rescued the floundering journal about two or three years ago. I have noticed a
big difference in JNMA. Each issue keeps getting better. I am glad that you straightened out the journal.” Charles
Upshaw Jr., M.D., cardiovascular diseases and internal medicine, Piedmont Hospital
Kim Taylor – 5300 Daybreak Lane – Woodbridge – VA – 22193 – - 301-793-0862 1
“Quite often, I received inaccurate, contradictory and misleading information. The arrival of Ms. Taylor changed all
that. She took the initiative to contact me just as I was about to communicate to you my intention to withdraw those
manuscripts from consideration. She was professional, efficient, reliable, and accurate in all her communications. She
is clearly knowledgeable, competent, and skilled. I thought you should know that Ms. Taylor has restored my
confidence in the editorial staff of the Journal of the National Medical Association. Congratulations on hiring her!”
Philip Ozuah, M.D., MS.Ed., director, residence training program in social pediatrics, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore
and associate professor, clinical pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
“What are you doing? The publications are strikingly better than they have been. I don't get it. JNMA has improved
greatly.” John Merritt, M.D., ophthalmologist, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Of all conventions that I have attended, your convention daily was the best convention daily I have seen since the
UN's convention daily.” Gail Christopher, director, Health Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic
“Thank you for prompt reply to my E-mail. I thought that you are busy but did not realize that you are running the entire
show on your own. One of many things I like that you are very prompt and precise. JNMA and the layout is MUCH
MUCH improved. It arrives much sooner now. Everyone I know is trying to submit manuscripts to JNMA because
of the reputation you have repaired and built up. I enjoy working with the great team that you have built. Being the
best journal of our community has to be expensive. Your kindness and courtesy is much more precious. Thank you for
all nice things you do. Dr. Kelly is very lucky. You are doing a good job, please keep doing it.” Abbasi Akhtar, M.D.,
Dip.Ven. (UK), internal medicine, Charles Drew University
“I was truly touched to receive (the reviewer recognition gifts) it. Though I have reviewed many articles for many journals
over the years, and appreciation has often been expressed, never has it been accompanied by a gift. In this day of
many competing demands on limited resources, the generosity of the journal in acknowledging ‘volunteers’ is
appreciated.” Carol C. Korenbrot, Ph.D., health policy studies, University of California San Francisco
“The late Montague Cobb (NMA founder) would have enjoyed the advances in opportunity and the quality of
experience displayed.” John Gladney, M.D., otolaryngology and surgery, St. Louis University
“Thanks for your efforts in rising and keeping the standard of your journal. I have always had a lot of respect for
your zeal.” John Okonkwo, F.A.C.O.G., F.W.A.C.S., F.I.C.S., obstetrics and gynecology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
“I've been dreading the training but you made it a really wonderful learning experience and in spite of how 'oddly' the
NMA treats its employees, I'm really excited about the upcoming year. We're going to have fun. Thanks again, so so
much. You are a great teacher.” Sandy Haynes, editor-in-chief’s assistant, NMA
“Please accept the following personal comments. I believe you are indeed the gateway to JNMA and wish to commend
your handling of so much work and dealing pleasantly with so many people. One can only hope that your private life
does not suffer much for this dedication.” Lateef Thanni, M.D., Nigeria
“The quality and usefulness of the JNMA has markedly improved. I find it more useful than the NEJM. I give the
JNMA priority in my reading stack.” Al Thompson, M.D., M.A.C.P., University of Washington
“NMA is fortunate to have a person such as you to manage the Journal. You do a great job.” Bailus Walker Jr., Ph.D.,
M.P.H., F.A.C.E., community health and family medicine, Howard University
“I appreciated the improvements in the journal and the certificate that I received. The journal and certificate are
lovely, lovely, lovely. I have been very impressed with the improvements this year. You, Paul and the staff have
really picked the NMA/JNMA up this year, which was failing last year. I have been doing what I was told for years,
and never expected to be thanked. I never expected this lovely certificate.” Roscoe Young, M.D., M.S.P.H., F.C.C.P.,
internal medicine, Meharry Medical College
“NMA is very lucky to have someone not only so dedicated but also so good at their job. You're great to work with,
always so organized!! You are meticulous and care about the quality of what you (we) do, as do I. You can't make
someone be that way, so it's a breath of fresh air and I appreciate that.” Colleen Gratzer, Gratzer Graphics
Kim Taylor – 5300 Daybreak Lane – Woodbridge – VA – 22193 – - 301-793-0862 2
“ I would like to tell you that I have really appreciated your stewardship during this possess. You run an incredibly
expeditious and professional office. Thanks for your timely support during the process.” Ron Peters, M.D., University of
Texas Health Science Center
“You have picked up JNMA and got it back on track. You are putting things out on time and have added a personal
touch and improved JNMA’s image with your handwritten thank you notes and certificates. I truly appreciate you. In
the world today, people can be so self-absorbed, vicious and ladder-climbing oriented, that they won't and don't take
time to consider others. You didn't have to take the time to write what you did much less even give it a minute's thought.
Thank you!” Audrey Cole-Hurt, editor-in-chief’s assistant, Journal of the National Medical Association
“I am very happy to see that you and the journal are doing so well. You, and to a lesser extent me, had a vision, and you
have carried it through. My hat's off for a job well done. As I have said, if I had a building full of Kim Taylors I
would have no worries.” Rudolph M. Williams, director of admissions, University of Maryland and executive director,
“Job well done! You are making a real difference in the office! Thanks.” DP Dawson, M.D.
“Thanks a lot for your prompt attention to my inquiries. I wrote a letter to the editor-in-chief earlier this week praising
your incredible efficiency. Keep up the good work at the journal. It's a breathe of fresh air having you there. You look
after my work a lot better than many family members.” Philip Ozuah, M.D., M.S.Ed., director, residence training
program in social pediatrics, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore and associate professor of clinical pediatrics, Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
“Your journal is the best organized and most responsive journal I have ever submitted to! I am glad I discovered
it!” Melinda Stolley, Ph.D., psychiatry and behavioral sciences, Feinberg School, Northwestern University
“Please accept our thanks for the prompt and efficient manner you have been handling our submissions. Your work ethic
very positively reflects on the reputation your journal is fast acquiring.” Muktar Aliyu M.D., Dr.P.H., epidemiology,
University of Alabama at Birmingham
“You are very easy to work with and have the best journal system I have ever seen! I always gets though to you, you
are very easy to talk to, return calls quickly etc. My gosh I cherish the certificate, you don’t have any idea how
much that means to me - it was so nice to be thanked. I absolutely loved the ideas behind the certificates and may
model my associations after them. I frame it and show it. I love you!” Maryann Walthier, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., diplomat,
managed care medicine and diplomat, American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians
“Not only are we printing and producing JNMA at the lowest cost ever given our circulation and size of the journal, the
profit has also increased every year for four years in a row. I personally do not know of any other medical
publication that can claim/prove the same. Congratulations.” Robert Massa, sales director, NMA
“We are pleased to report that according to PERQ Corporation Journal Ad Review report for the first six months of 2003,
the JNMA jumped from #178 to #78 among all medical journals in total ad revenue. They also reported that the JNMA
enjoyed a healthy increase of 84% in ad revenue, with an increase of some 80% in the number of ad pages placed. This is
truly an outstanding accomplishment.” Reese Stone, external affairs director, NMA
“Blessings on you Kim for your giving heart. It's so wonderful to have such a giving, caring and sharing extended
family!!” James M. Christian Sr., Esq., director of government relations, health policy and regional coordination and
general counsel, NMA
“In this day and age of automated responses, I wanted to thank you for taking the time for pointing me in the right
direction. It was extremely thoughtful of you to take the time out of your busy day to do that for me. Your thoughtfulness
was greatly appreciated.” Rosemary Reynolds, job applicant
“The journal has come a LONG way, the work you are doing isn't in vain, the journal has much improved, and I look
forward to getting it every month.” Dr. Joan via Ivonne Fuller, health policy director, NMA
Kim Taylor – 5300 Daybreak Lane – Woodbridge – VA – 22193 – - 301-793-0862 3
“Under your watch, Journal article quality improved substantially. Recently, I have participated in a national
conference, people talk about JNMA with a great respect. I was so happy and proud of it.” Nasar U. Ahmed, M.D.,
director, epidemiology and biostatistics, Meharry Medical College
“I wish to thank you for the smooth efficiency you have shown in processing our paper. First, you kept us informed by
e-mail as each reviewer result came in; and second, this was done promptly. You should know that your Journal is
unique in this method of operation.” Jude U. Ohaeri, M.D., M.R.C.Psych., psychiatry, Kuwait Psychological Medicine
“What I admire most is the prompt response given to articles, the regular feedbacks given to authors, and of course the
unbiased assessment of the reviewers. Most authors appreciate these qualities of the administrative crew of the journal. I
guess this greatly contribute to a surge in the number of interested authors.” Christopher Alebiosu, C.O., B.Sc.,
M.B.Ch.B., F.W.A.C.P., mI.S.N., Nigeria Ogun State University Teaching Hospital
“Thanks very much for your assistance. I am impressed by your energy and efficiency. The NMA is very lucky to have
your services.” Richard Gillum, M.D.; epidemiology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of
“I am delighted to note that others outside of Africa are aware that doctors particularly those of us in the third world are
practicing with very limited resources and are in desperate need of help including course books. Thank you for arranging
the donation.” Adebisi Rahman, surgeon, University of Illorin Teaching Hospital
“I would be remiss if I did not make special note of the remarkable work done by . . .Kimberly Taylor . . .at our recent
national convention. It is their task and responsibility to present the face of the NMA. I closely worked with all
(Kimberly Taylor). Their effort, most directly through production of the NMA convention daily newspaper, the opening
ceremony and presidential installation and the various related convention media contacts, including hosting our special
guests namely Dr. Luis Carmona, U.S. Surgeon General, Mr. Harry Belafonte and Ms. Diahann Carroll. Ms. Taylor
worked nearly twenty-hour days during the convention. She directed the work assignments and coordination of the writers,
in addition to overseeing the on-site press office activities. Ms. Taylor was also integral to Dr. Eddie Hoover’s JNMA
editorial board meeting on Sunday morning. I expect that comments be given the highest consideration in their respective
year’s performance evaluations. The work of this department is so very important to the health of this organization, most
directly in attracting new members and sponsorship. Kimberly, I enjoy working with all of you and as a NMA member
appreciate all your effort, both on and off the clock.” M. Natalie Achong, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., chair, NMA public affairs
committee and assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology, Yale University School of Medicine
“Thanks Kimberly, You are so prompt and one of the reasons for the success of the Journal must definitely be your
excellent managerial skills!” Lexley M. Pinto Pereira, Pharm.D.; senior lecturer, pharmacology, medical sciences,
University of the West Indies
“You all are to be congratulated because five years ago, these authors from this institution would never have sent
this paper to us. I was impressed at first glance.” Eddie Hoover, M.D., thoracic surgeon, V.A. Medical Center
“I like the way you do the manuscript list. I have not seen it done this way by others. This is good and people can pick
and choose. Yours is a neat idea. Oh, by the way, thanks for the hand-written note. :-) I know of no other journal that
does hand-written notes or annual certificates. Some send a letter of thanks, others do nothing. Keep up the good work -
it's good to go against the status quo sometimes.” Louie Ross, M.D., Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Centers
for Disease Control
“Keep up the great work you and your colleagues are doing for our Association in the Public Affairs Department! By those
who really know the challenges you face daily, it is very much appreciated!” Willarda V. Edwards, M.D., M.B.A.,
board chairperson, NMA; private practice; and president and chief operating officer, Sickle Cell Association of
Kim Taylor – 5300 Daybreak Lane – Woodbridge – VA – 22193 – - 301-793-0862 4

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Cardon Outreach_GoodMedicine_Winter2016_DRAFT 11 4 15


  • 1. KIM TAYLOR Subset of Testimonials from Clients, Supervisors & Colleagues Excerpts taken from formal and informal communication. AAAS OFFICE OF PUBLISHING AND MEMBER SERVICES, SENIOR JOURNALS PRODUCT MANAGER “I have observed your work ethic and I will count on you - especially when I have a disaster.” Beth Rosner, publisher and director, Office of Publishing and Member Services, AAAS “Thanks for caring about what we (the editors) say and giving importance to our voice when managing and launching our publications.” Nancy Gough, Ph.D., editor, AAAS “Many thanks. This is really helpful. Your reports are great. I’m delighted to incorporate this one into my talk for the AAAS Board next week.” Alan Leshner, Ph.D., chief executive officer and executive publisher, AAAS “Excellent agenda and thanks – info sheets are great and most helpful. Having an up-to-date "spec sheet" for each new pub is important and was something we circled early in the new pubs process.” Phil Blair, chief finance officer, AAAS “Your briefing is incredibly useful - - thanks so much for pulling it together. The results are indeed very encouraging.” Colleen Struss, J.D., director of finance and chief legal officer, AAAS “This update on Science Signaling and our first new publication effort is excellent and I look forward to future updates.” Phil Blair, chief finance officer, AAAS “I am confident for sure, in your level of performance. I have been hearing a lot of positive things from my staff and others about you!!!” Beth Rosner, publisher and director, Office of Publishing and Member Services, AAAS “We're sure glad you came along! We needed you to organize this bunch!” Wendy Wise, sr. marketer, AAAS “Thanks for . . . and for your work pulling things together. You have been able to chase down answers to questions I have been asking for six months. I very much appreciate it.” Waylon Butler, fulfillment systems and operations director, AAAS Senior Copyeditor Bob Buck and I commend you on creating the Concepts in such a short time. Mary Ellen Crowley, sr. graphic artist, AAAS NMA PUBLIC AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT, PUBLICATIONS DIRECTOR “I enjoy so much working with you. You are a Master at your job. Thank you so much for all that you do for JNMA and authors. I appreciate your efforts!” Christopher Edwards, Ph.D., medical director, Biofeedback Laboratory and Pediatric Neuropsychology Service, Duke University “There is a light at the end of the NMA tunnel and it is not a train. Thank you for your hard work and your attention. Your activity has restored my confidence in JNMA.” Carl Bell, M.D., psychiatrist, Community Mental Health Council “I have been working with several journals and your code of work impressed me at most.” Adam Ostrzenski, M.D., professor, clinical obstetrics and gynecology, Florida International University “You are truly SPECIAL AND PRETTY DAMN GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO!” George Dawson, M.D., Harlem Radiology “My read from this distance is that you rescued the floundering journal about two or three years ago. I have noticed a big difference in JNMA. Each issue keeps getting better. I am glad that you straightened out the journal.” Charles Upshaw Jr., M.D., cardiovascular diseases and internal medicine, Piedmont Hospital Kim Taylor – 5300 Daybreak Lane – Woodbridge – VA – 22193 – - 301-793-0862 1
  • 2. “Quite often, I received inaccurate, contradictory and misleading information. The arrival of Ms. Taylor changed all that. She took the initiative to contact me just as I was about to communicate to you my intention to withdraw those manuscripts from consideration. She was professional, efficient, reliable, and accurate in all her communications. She is clearly knowledgeable, competent, and skilled. I thought you should know that Ms. Taylor has restored my confidence in the editorial staff of the Journal of the National Medical Association. Congratulations on hiring her!” Philip Ozuah, M.D., MS.Ed., director, residence training program in social pediatrics, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore and associate professor, clinical pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine “What are you doing? The publications are strikingly better than they have been. I don't get it. JNMA has improved greatly.” John Merritt, M.D., ophthalmologist, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill “Of all conventions that I have attended, your convention daily was the best convention daily I have seen since the UN's convention daily.” Gail Christopher, director, Health Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies “Thank you for prompt reply to my E-mail. I thought that you are busy but did not realize that you are running the entire show on your own. One of many things I like that you are very prompt and precise. JNMA and the layout is MUCH MUCH improved. It arrives much sooner now. Everyone I know is trying to submit manuscripts to JNMA because of the reputation you have repaired and built up. I enjoy working with the great team that you have built. Being the best journal of our community has to be expensive. Your kindness and courtesy is much more precious. Thank you for all nice things you do. Dr. Kelly is very lucky. You are doing a good job, please keep doing it.” Abbasi Akhtar, M.D., Dip.Ven. (UK), internal medicine, Charles Drew University “I was truly touched to receive (the reviewer recognition gifts) it. Though I have reviewed many articles for many journals over the years, and appreciation has often been expressed, never has it been accompanied by a gift. In this day of many competing demands on limited resources, the generosity of the journal in acknowledging ‘volunteers’ is appreciated.” Carol C. Korenbrot, Ph.D., health policy studies, University of California San Francisco “The late Montague Cobb (NMA founder) would have enjoyed the advances in opportunity and the quality of experience displayed.” John Gladney, M.D., otolaryngology and surgery, St. Louis University “Thanks for your efforts in rising and keeping the standard of your journal. I have always had a lot of respect for your zeal.” John Okonkwo, F.A.C.O.G., F.W.A.C.S., F.I.C.S., obstetrics and gynecology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria “I've been dreading the training but you made it a really wonderful learning experience and in spite of how 'oddly' the NMA treats its employees, I'm really excited about the upcoming year. We're going to have fun. Thanks again, so so much. You are a great teacher.” Sandy Haynes, editor-in-chief’s assistant, NMA “Please accept the following personal comments. I believe you are indeed the gateway to JNMA and wish to commend your handling of so much work and dealing pleasantly with so many people. One can only hope that your private life does not suffer much for this dedication.” Lateef Thanni, M.D., Nigeria “The quality and usefulness of the JNMA has markedly improved. I find it more useful than the NEJM. I give the JNMA priority in my reading stack.” Al Thompson, M.D., M.A.C.P., University of Washington “NMA is fortunate to have a person such as you to manage the Journal. You do a great job.” Bailus Walker Jr., Ph.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.E., community health and family medicine, Howard University “I appreciated the improvements in the journal and the certificate that I received. The journal and certificate are lovely, lovely, lovely. I have been very impressed with the improvements this year. You, Paul and the staff have really picked the NMA/JNMA up this year, which was failing last year. I have been doing what I was told for years, and never expected to be thanked. I never expected this lovely certificate.” Roscoe Young, M.D., M.S.P.H., F.C.C.P., internal medicine, Meharry Medical College “NMA is very lucky to have someone not only so dedicated but also so good at their job. You're great to work with, always so organized!! You are meticulous and care about the quality of what you (we) do, as do I. You can't make someone be that way, so it's a breath of fresh air and I appreciate that.” Colleen Gratzer, Gratzer Graphics Kim Taylor – 5300 Daybreak Lane – Woodbridge – VA – 22193 – - 301-793-0862 2
  • 3. “ I would like to tell you that I have really appreciated your stewardship during this possess. You run an incredibly expeditious and professional office. Thanks for your timely support during the process.” Ron Peters, M.D., University of Texas Health Science Center “You have picked up JNMA and got it back on track. You are putting things out on time and have added a personal touch and improved JNMA’s image with your handwritten thank you notes and certificates. I truly appreciate you. In the world today, people can be so self-absorbed, vicious and ladder-climbing oriented, that they won't and don't take time to consider others. You didn't have to take the time to write what you did much less even give it a minute's thought. Thank you!” Audrey Cole-Hurt, editor-in-chief’s assistant, Journal of the National Medical Association “I am very happy to see that you and the journal are doing so well. You, and to a lesser extent me, had a vision, and you have carried it through. My hat's off for a job well done. As I have said, if I had a building full of Kim Taylors I would have no worries.” Rudolph M. Williams, director of admissions, University of Maryland and executive director, NMA “Job well done! You are making a real difference in the office! Thanks.” DP Dawson, M.D. “Thanks a lot for your prompt attention to my inquiries. I wrote a letter to the editor-in-chief earlier this week praising your incredible efficiency. Keep up the good work at the journal. It's a breathe of fresh air having you there. You look after my work a lot better than many family members.” Philip Ozuah, M.D., M.S.Ed., director, residence training program in social pediatrics, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore and associate professor of clinical pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine “Your journal is the best organized and most responsive journal I have ever submitted to! I am glad I discovered it!” Melinda Stolley, Ph.D., psychiatry and behavioral sciences, Feinberg School, Northwestern University “Please accept our thanks for the prompt and efficient manner you have been handling our submissions. Your work ethic very positively reflects on the reputation your journal is fast acquiring.” Muktar Aliyu M.D., Dr.P.H., epidemiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham “You are very easy to work with and have the best journal system I have ever seen! I always gets though to you, you are very easy to talk to, return calls quickly etc. My gosh I cherish the certificate, you don’t have any idea how much that means to me - it was so nice to be thanked. I absolutely loved the ideas behind the certificates and may model my associations after them. I frame it and show it. I love you!” Maryann Walthier, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., diplomat, managed care medicine and diplomat, American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians “Not only are we printing and producing JNMA at the lowest cost ever given our circulation and size of the journal, the profit has also increased every year for four years in a row. I personally do not know of any other medical publication that can claim/prove the same. Congratulations.” Robert Massa, sales director, NMA “We are pleased to report that according to PERQ Corporation Journal Ad Review report for the first six months of 2003, the JNMA jumped from #178 to #78 among all medical journals in total ad revenue. They also reported that the JNMA enjoyed a healthy increase of 84% in ad revenue, with an increase of some 80% in the number of ad pages placed. This is truly an outstanding accomplishment.” Reese Stone, external affairs director, NMA “Blessings on you Kim for your giving heart. It's so wonderful to have such a giving, caring and sharing extended family!!” James M. Christian Sr., Esq., director of government relations, health policy and regional coordination and general counsel, NMA “In this day and age of automated responses, I wanted to thank you for taking the time for pointing me in the right direction. It was extremely thoughtful of you to take the time out of your busy day to do that for me. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated.” Rosemary Reynolds, job applicant “The journal has come a LONG way, the work you are doing isn't in vain, the journal has much improved, and I look forward to getting it every month.” Dr. Joan via Ivonne Fuller, health policy director, NMA Kim Taylor – 5300 Daybreak Lane – Woodbridge – VA – 22193 – - 301-793-0862 3
  • 4. “Under your watch, Journal article quality improved substantially. Recently, I have participated in a national conference, people talk about JNMA with a great respect. I was so happy and proud of it.” Nasar U. Ahmed, M.D., director, epidemiology and biostatistics, Meharry Medical College “I wish to thank you for the smooth efficiency you have shown in processing our paper. First, you kept us informed by e-mail as each reviewer result came in; and second, this was done promptly. You should know that your Journal is unique in this method of operation.” Jude U. Ohaeri, M.D., M.R.C.Psych., psychiatry, Kuwait Psychological Medicine Hospital “What I admire most is the prompt response given to articles, the regular feedbacks given to authors, and of course the unbiased assessment of the reviewers. Most authors appreciate these qualities of the administrative crew of the journal. I guess this greatly contribute to a surge in the number of interested authors.” Christopher Alebiosu, C.O., B.Sc., M.B.Ch.B., F.W.A.C.P., mI.S.N., Nigeria Ogun State University Teaching Hospital “Thanks very much for your assistance. I am impressed by your energy and efficiency. The NMA is very lucky to have your services.” Richard Gillum, M.D.; epidemiology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health “I am delighted to note that others outside of Africa are aware that doctors particularly those of us in the third world are practicing with very limited resources and are in desperate need of help including course books. Thank you for arranging the donation.” Adebisi Rahman, surgeon, University of Illorin Teaching Hospital “I would be remiss if I did not make special note of the remarkable work done by . . .Kimberly Taylor . . .at our recent national convention. It is their task and responsibility to present the face of the NMA. I closely worked with all (Kimberly Taylor). Their effort, most directly through production of the NMA convention daily newspaper, the opening ceremony and presidential installation and the various related convention media contacts, including hosting our special guests namely Dr. Luis Carmona, U.S. Surgeon General, Mr. Harry Belafonte and Ms. Diahann Carroll. Ms. Taylor worked nearly twenty-hour days during the convention. She directed the work assignments and coordination of the writers, in addition to overseeing the on-site press office activities. Ms. Taylor was also integral to Dr. Eddie Hoover’s JNMA editorial board meeting on Sunday morning. I expect that comments be given the highest consideration in their respective year’s performance evaluations. The work of this department is so very important to the health of this organization, most directly in attracting new members and sponsorship. Kimberly, I enjoy working with all of you and as a NMA member appreciate all your effort, both on and off the clock.” M. Natalie Achong, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., chair, NMA public affairs committee and assistant professor, obstetrics and gynecology, Yale University School of Medicine “Thanks Kimberly, You are so prompt and one of the reasons for the success of the Journal must definitely be your excellent managerial skills!” Lexley M. Pinto Pereira, Pharm.D.; senior lecturer, pharmacology, medical sciences, University of the West Indies “You all are to be congratulated because five years ago, these authors from this institution would never have sent this paper to us. I was impressed at first glance.” Eddie Hoover, M.D., thoracic surgeon, V.A. Medical Center “I like the way you do the manuscript list. I have not seen it done this way by others. This is good and people can pick and choose. Yours is a neat idea. Oh, by the way, thanks for the hand-written note. :-) I know of no other journal that does hand-written notes or annual certificates. Some send a letter of thanks, others do nothing. Keep up the good work - it's good to go against the status quo sometimes.” Louie Ross, M.D., Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control “Keep up the great work you and your colleagues are doing for our Association in the Public Affairs Department! By those who really know the challenges you face daily, it is very much appreciated!” Willarda V. Edwards, M.D., M.B.A., board chairperson, NMA; private practice; and president and chief operating officer, Sickle Cell Association of America Kim Taylor – 5300 Daybreak Lane – Woodbridge – VA – 22193 – - 301-793-0862 4