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Workbook of practice # 3
Theorem demonstration &


 solving                              PSVtools
                        Problem solving Systemic Visual tools
 visual tools       Is a set of tool which helps to analize and visualize
                     the problem situation from a variety of angles and
                     perspectives which can expand , enlarge our vision
                     and understanding of the nature , the structure
                     and the system dynamics of the problem.
 Visual and
 Heuristic tools    Visual thinking can facilitate and improve the
                     quality of analysis of the Problem Definition stage
 for Problem         in the Problem Solving Process
 solving Skills


                    Models FOR INFORMATION AND
                       UNDERSTANDING / to facilitate
 PSVtools              information and understanding
 Visual and
                    Models FOR PRACTICE / to facilitate
 Heuristic tools       practice and exercises
 for Problem
 solving Skills     Models FOR APPLICATION/ to
 development           facilitate application of tools and
                       systems to customized study case



 Visual and
 Heuristic tools
 for Problem
 solving Skills


 PS Mapping©                                  Free pd
 Is a Set of tools which helps to
 analize and visualize the
 problem situation from a variety
 of angles and perspectives .

 PSVtoolswhich can expand ,
 enlarge our vision and
 understanding of the nature ,      Graphic
 the structure and the system
 dynamics of the problem.
 Visual thinking can facilitate
 and improve the quality of
 analysis of the Problem
 Definition stage in the Problem                  Systemic pd
 Solving Process.


 PS SVtools
 PS SVtools©                            Free pd
 PD = free problem
 definition with your own

 Graphic pd = problem         Graphic
 definition with use of         pd

 Systemic pd = Problem
 definition with the use of                 Systemic pd
 Systemic dynamics tools

                                 The 10 systemic principles of PSV problem
 Every problem interacts                          solving
 with other problems
 and is therefore part of   1.     Every problem situation has a structure- pattern
                                   of its elements : how they interact, influence
 a set of interrelated             each other.
 problems, a system of
 problems."                 2.     When the structure- pattern is clear ,
                                   understandable we are facing a Tame problem.
                                   When we are facing a problem situation with a
 Complexity—systems of             complex structure- pattern we are facing a
 systems—is among the              Wicked problem or ill structured problem.
 factors that makes some
 problem situations so      3.     Each elements has a power and energy to
                                   influence and condition the other elements.
 resistant to analysis             There are stronger elements and weaker
 and, more importantly,            elements.
 to resolution."
                            4.     Each problem situation has its dynamics.

                            5.     Each problem situation is a system or a mess
                                   which has its physics and chemistry.

                            6.     We need to map the structure, its chemistry and
                                   its dynamics , its physics in order to first
                                   simplify the wicked problem and to identify its
                                   pattern then to solve it.


                7.Mapping is important for understanding
                   and simplification.
 10 systemic
 principles     8. Often the solution is in the Structure,
                    Pattern or dynamics of the problem
 of PSVtools        situation.

                9. We need to identify the conflicting
 From atoms         elements and contradictions to solve
 to the             the problem.

 systems        10.Solutions are at the level of elements or
                    group of elements : how they interact
 From messes        with each other. Elements, groups,
 to solutions

                               Write a description of the problem in your
                                own words ?
 The concept of messes :

 Every problem situation
 could be considered a
 Mess , that is a situation
 with high complexity

 Where is the mess ?

 What is the mess ?

                     P roblems are to reality what atoms are to
 Map the              tables. We experience tables, not atoms.
 problem              Problems are abstracted from experience by
 situation mess       analysis. We do not experience individual
                      problems but complex systems of those that
 What is a mess ?     are strongly interacting. I call them messes.

                     Because messes are systems of problems,
                      they lose their essential properties when
                      they are taken apart. Therefore, if a mess is
                      disassembled, it loses its essential
                     Furthermore, as in any system, if each part
                      taken separately is treated as well as
                      possible, the whole is not treated as well as
                      possible. A system is more than the sum of
                      its parts; it is the product of their
                      interactions. If taken apart, it simply
                      disappears. Then how can we formulate a
                      mess without taking it apart?


 Tame problems with
 structure easy to

 Ill – structured or
 Wicked problems with
 no definite formulation
 or structure


                           Is this problem a Tame problem ?
 Problem                   Easy to describe and analize ?
 situations                -------------------------------------------------------------
 Tame problems with
 structure easy to
 understand                Is this problem a Wicked problem ? With Complex
                           messes and difficult to describe and analize ?
 Ill – structured or       -------------------------------------------------------------
 Wicked problems with      -------------------------------------------------------------
 no definite formulation   -------------------------------------------------------------
 or structure


 Structures of
 Levels of Structuredness

 Problems could be well structured or
 ill structured.

 Tame problems are the most common
 problems that students solve in
 school,universities and training are
 well structured problems. They have a
 well defined initial state , a known goal
 state or solution.

  Ill structured problems , at the other
 end of the continuum , are the kinds of
 problems that are more often
 encountered in everyday and
 professional practice. They are also
 known as Wicked problems. They do
 not conform to the content domain
 being studied , so their solutions is
 neither predictable nor convergent. Ill
 structured problems are also
 interdisciplinary , that is , they cannot
 be solved by applying concepts and
 principles from a single discipline or
 domain. Often possess aspects that are
 unknown at all.


 Problem            First Statement
 messes             • The problem is...
 Write your first
 statement of the
                    The problem does
                    • effects
                    • effects

                     The problem's roots are......
                    • Roots
                    • Causes


 and analysis
 What are the questions
 that arise ?

 What are your
 questions ?


 and analysis
 What are the questions
 that arise ?

 What are your            • who originated             What             • When first was
 questions ?              • who is responsible                            noted
                                                 • What is the cause    • When did it
                                                   of the problem         develop : places
                                                 • What are the roots     and events
                                                   of it

                                 Who                                          When


 and analysis
 What are the questions
 that arise ?

 What are your            • Where did it          how     • Why is
 questions ?                happen         • How was        important
                          • Places and       originated   • Why do you
                            events         • How did it     want to solve it
                              Where                              Why

                    There are four ways of treating problems: absolution,
 How to treat          resolution, solution, and dissolution.
                     1. To absolve a problem is to ignore it and hope it will
 situations          go away or solve itself.
                    2. To resolve a problem is to do something that yields
 Absolution          an outcome that is good enough, that satisfies.
                     Problem resolvers take a clinical approach to
 Resolution          problems; they rely heavily on experience, trial and
                     error, qualitative judgments, and common sense.
 Solution            They try to identify the cause of a problem, remove or
                     suppress it, and thereby return to a previous state.
 Dissolution        3. To solve a problem is to do something that yields
                     the best possible outcome, that optimizes. Problem
                     solvers take a research approach to problems. They
                     rely heavily on experimentation and quantitative
                    4. To dissolve a problem is to eliminate it by
                     redesigning the system that has it. Problem dissolvers
                     try to idealize, to approximate an ideal system and
                     thereby do better in the future than the best that can
                     be done now.


 How to define
 the structure
 of a problem
 The Waterfall Diagram


 Four types of


 Wicked Mess



 Through Leadership

 Through Management


 The Boston
 Problem definition

 Problem structure



 Where is your
 situation ?



 They look difficult ,
 but…….with the
 proper tools we
 can tame them.


 Tame or
 TAMES : Mistakes and
 errors easily defined

 WICKED :There is no
 single criteria to
 determine correctness

                        Describe your problem : easy or
 Tame or                 difficult to identify errors and
 Wicked                  mistakes ?
 Identify errors and
                        -------------------------------------------
 mistakes                -------------------------------------------


 Problems and
 Defining is half


                         Can you see the solution ?
 Problems and            ----------------------------------------------------------
 solutions               ----------------------------------------------------------
 Defining is half        ---------------------------------------------------------
 solutions               One or many solutions ?
 One solutions or many   ----------------------------------------------------------
 solutions ?             ----------------------------------------------------------


 One solution

 Many sequential

                   Can you see a clear ending point of the solution ?--
                   The first solution
SVtools            -

 Problems gaps









 Easy to model

 Difficult to model


 Levels of
 Easy to analize

 Difficult to analize


 Which activities


                                 • activity              activity   implement   • activity
                    definition                planning
                                 • activity              activity     ation
                                                                                • activity


 Problem                 start   ?       ?
 solving Path
 Where is your problem
 solving Path ?

 The starting point ?

 The ending point ?
                          ?      ?       ?
 Serching your Roadmap
 to solutions

                          ?      ?   solutions?


 Write a second        Write a second statement of the
 problem                problem situation according to
 statement              the Tame/Wicked paradigm.
 Considering the       This problem is a
 new information
 acquired and             Tame problem :
 paradigm , write a       Wicked problem :
 second statement
 of the problem
 definition.              Wicked mess :

                          Mess :


 Write a second        Write a second statement of the
 problem               problem situation according to
 statement             the Tame/Wicked paradigm.
 Considering the          Is a Tame problem because :
 new information
 acquired and
 Tame/Wicked              Is a Wicked problem because :
 paradigm , write a
 second statement         Is aWicked mess because :
 of the problem
                          Is a Mess because :


 Write a second        Write a second statement of the
 problem               problem situation according to
 statement             the Tame/Wicked paradigm.
 Considering the         Is a Tame problem because :
 new information
 acquired and
 paradigm , write a       ----------------------------------------------
 second statement         ----------------------------------------------
 of the problem           ----------------------------------------------
 definition.              ----------------------------------------------


 Write a second        Write a second statement of the
 problem               problem situation according to
 statement             the Tame/Wicked paradigm.
 Considering the         Is a Wicked problem because :
 new information
 acquired and
 paradigm , write a       ----------------------------------------------
 second statement         ----------------------------------------------
 of the problem           ----------------------------------------------
 definition.              ----------------------------------------------


 Draw a second
 Wicked problem
 Draw a map of your
 problem ,
 considering the
 model on your right.


 Draw a second
                   How many       Are there         More than
 problem           correct        any               one
 statement         views of the   ideological       Interventio
                   problem are    constrains ?      n point
 Draw a map of
                   possible ?                       possible ?
 your problem ,
 considering the   Political      Logical or        Resistance to
 model on your     Constrains ?   illogical multi   Change ?
 right.                           valued

                   Economic       Morer than        Difficulty to
                   Constrains ?   one solution ?    indentify the
                                                    Roadmap to
                                                    solution ?


 Draw a second
 Draw a map of
 your problem ,
 considering the
 model on your
 Wicked problem
 and social messes

                      Wicked problem and social messes

 Draw a second
 problem                Draw the problem
                         situation using a
 statement                   metaphor
 Utilize the model       gaps metaphors
 Metaphors on your
                         lacks metaphors
 One or more than one
                         block metaphor

                          wall metaphor

                          loss metaphor

                          box metaphor


 One or more scenarios
 possible ?


                             Gaps metaphor

 Problem situations are
 often caused by
 interactions of diffrent
 kinds of Gaps.

 Per formance Gaps

 Identity Gaps

 Resources Gaps

 It is very important to
 identify the Gaps and
 build bridges in order
 to overcome the specific


                             Gaps and Lacks metaphors

  Gaps or lacks
                             What kinds of Gaps or Lacks in
 Problem situations are
 often caused by                your problem situation ?
 interactions of diffrent
 kinds of Gaps.                Structure gaps or lacks ?
 Per formance Gaps             Elements gaps or lacks ?
 Identity Gaps
                               Interaction gaps or lacks ?
 Resources Gaps
                               Field gaps or lacks ?
 It is very important to
 identify the Gaps or
 lacks and build bridges
 in order to overcome
 specific Gaps.


                             Lacks metaphor

 We often lack System
 Integrator whose key
 function is to connect
 the individual or group
 of individuals, clients,
 partners, to the
 Community of

 We need System


                                System Integrators
 Problems may be
 originated by lacking of
 System Integrators.

 A systems integrator is a
 person or company that
 specializes in bringing
 together component
 subsystems into a whole
 and ensuring that those
 subsystems function
 together, a practice known
 as System Integration.

 Systems integrators may
 work in many fields but the
 term is generally used in
 the information technology
 (IT) field, the defense
 industry, or in media.


                                      Scale metaphor
 Sustainable Scale is about
 how the physical size of the
 global economy creates an
 unprecedented and
 potentially disastrous impact
 on the life support services of
 global ecosystems and human
 civilization. What is the "Scale
 Scale problems refer to the
 threats posed by economic
 activities to global life support
 systems such as the
 atmospheric ozone layer’s
 protection against ultraviolet
 radiation, and the carbon
 cycle’s provision of climate
 stability. Human economic
 activities are now threatening
 these natural systems at both
 the local and global levels, for
 the first time in the history of
 the planet. (See
 Understanding Scale for an
 introduction to scale concepts
 and the dynamics of relevant


                      Scale metaphor
 What Lacks or
 Gaps in your
 scale situation ?
 Is there a
 balance ?
 Is the ecosystem
 empty ?
 Is it full ?


 Sustainable      Is your problem situation in a
 Scales           Sustainable Scale unbalance ?
 The limits and
 the dangers of
 wild growth


 Sustainable                    Is your problem situation in a
 Scales                         Sustainable Scale unbalance ?
 What is the "Scale
 Scale problems refer to the
 threats posed by economic
 activities to global life
 support systems such as
 the atmospheric ozone
 layer’s protection against
 ultraviolet radiation, and
 the carbon cycle’s provision
 of climate stability. Human
 economic activities are now
 threatening these natural
 systems at both the local
 and global levels, for the
 first time in the history of
 the planet. (See
 Understanding Scale for an
 introduction to scale
 concepts and the dynamics
 of relevant ecosystems).


                            Psycological blocks
 Is the perception of the
 problem situation
 filtered by a
 Psycological Block ?

 Psycological block or
 Emotional block alter
 our perception of the
 true nature of the
 problem situation .


                           Psycological Blocks
 Balance between
 Instinct and Analysis

 Overuse of Instinct or
 Analysis generate
 Mental Blocks


                            Tunnel metaphor
 Is your problem
 swituation in a Tunnel ?

 Can you get through the
 tunnel ?

 How ?

                             Consider a particle with energy E in the inner region of a one-
                              dimensional potential well V(x). (A potential well is a
 Tunneling                    potential that has a lower value in a certain region of space
                              than in the neighbouring regions.) In classical mechanics, if E
                              < V (the maximum height of the potential barrier), the
 Quantum Tunneling :          particle remains in the well forever; if E > V , the particle
                              escapes. In quantum mechanics, the situation is not so
 The phenomenon of            simple. The particle can escape even if its energy E is below
 tunneling, which has no      the height of the barrier V , although the probability of escape
                              is small unless E is close to V . In that case, the particle may
 counterpart in classical     tunnel through the potential barrier and emerge with the
 physics, is an important     same energy E.
 consequence of              The phenomenon of tunneling has many important
 quantum mechanics            applications. For example, it describes a type of radioactive
                              decay in which a nucleus emits an alpha particle (a helium
                              nucleus). According to the quantum explanation given
                              independently by George Gamow and by Ronald W. Gurney
                              and Edward Condon in 1928, the alpha particle is confined
                              before the decay by a potential. For a given nuclear species, it
                              is possible to measure the energy E of the emitted alpha
                              particle and the average lifetime of the nucleus before decay.
                              The lifetime of the nucleus is a measure of the probability of
                              tunneling through the barrier--the shorter the lifetime, the
                              higher the probability.


 Quantum Tunneling :

 The phenomenon of
 tunneling, which has no
 counterpart in classical
 physics, is an important
 consequence of
 quantum mechanics


                        Box metaphor
 Are you in the
 Box ?
 What kind of Box ?

 Emotional Box ?

 Organizational Box ?

 Cognitive Box ?

 Leadership Box ?

 Management Box ?


 The Box

 Thinking inside
 the Box
 outside the Box
 Thinking the


                            Contraddictions metaphor

 Are there
 contraddictions in your
 problem situation ?


 The                       The Contraddiction Matrix
 Contraddiction            algoritms
 Apply the TRIZ matrix
 Contraddiction to your
 problem situation .

 What gets better ?

 What gets worse ?


                    Additional Problem solving
                    analysis models
 metaphors for
 problem solving

                       Loss Metaphor
 The loss
                       Conflict Metaphor
                       Tree Metaphor
 The Conflict
                       Field Metaphor
 The Tree
 The Field


                Was it useful ?
                Why ?
                What did you learn ?
                How are you going to apply to
 Usefulness      your work ?
                When ?
                Enroll in our Coaching services.
 Interest       It will increase the value of your


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Teoremdemo&applicworkbook problem solving svtools

  • 2. 2 Problem solving PSVtools Problem solving Systemic Visual tools Systemic visual tools  Is a set of tool which helps to analize and visualize the problem situation from a variety of angles and perspectives which can expand , enlarge our vision and understanding of the nature , the structure and the system dynamics of the problem. Visual and Heuristic tools  Visual thinking can facilitate and improve the quality of analysis of the Problem Definition stage for Problem in the Problem Solving Process solving Skills development SVtools
  • 3. 3  Models FOR INFORMATION AND UNDERSTANDING / to facilitate PSVtools information and understanding Visual and  Models FOR PRACTICE / to facilitate Heuristic tools practice and exercises for Problem solving Skills  Models FOR APPLICATION/ to development facilitate application of tools and systems to customized study case   SVtools
  • 4. 4 PSVtools Visual and Heuristic tools for Problem solving Skills development SVtools
  • 5. 5 PSVtools PS Mapping© Free pd Is a Set of tools which helps to analize and visualize the problem situation from a variety of angles and perspectives . PSVtoolswhich can expand , enlarge our vision and understanding of the nature , Graphic the structure and the system dynamics of the problem. pd Visual thinking can facilitate and improve the quality of analysis of the Problem Definition stage in the Problem Systemic pd Solving Process. SVtools
  • 6. 6 PS SVtools PS SVtools© Free pd PD = free problem definition with your own words Graphic pd = problem Graphic definition with use of pd models Systemic pd = Problem definition with the use of Systemic pd Systemic dynamics tools SVtools
  • 7. 7 The 10 systemic principles of PSV problem Every problem interacts solving with other problems and is therefore part of 1. Every problem situation has a structure- pattern of its elements : how they interact, influence a set of interrelated each other. problems, a system of problems." 2. When the structure- pattern is clear , understandable we are facing a Tame problem. When we are facing a problem situation with a Complexity—systems of complex structure- pattern we are facing a systems—is among the Wicked problem or ill structured problem. factors that makes some problem situations so 3. Each elements has a power and energy to influence and condition the other elements. resistant to analysis There are stronger elements and weaker and, more importantly, elements. to resolution." 4. Each problem situation has its dynamics. 5. Each problem situation is a system or a mess which has its physics and chemistry. 6. We need to map the structure, its chemistry and its dynamics , its physics in order to first simplify the wicked problem and to identify its pattern then to solve it. SVtools
  • 8. 8 7.Mapping is important for understanding and simplification. 10 systemic principles 8. Often the solution is in the Structure, Pattern or dynamics of the problem of PSVtools situation. 9. We need to identify the conflicting From atoms elements and contradictions to solve to the the problem. systems 10.Solutions are at the level of elements or group of elements : how they interact From messes with each other. Elements, groups, subgroups. to solutions SVtools
  • 9. 9  Write a description of the problem in your Problem own words ? Solving SVtools The concept of messes : Every problem situation could be considered a Mess , that is a situation with high complexity and Where is the mess ? What is the mess ? SVtools
  • 10. 10  P roblems are to reality what atoms are to Map the tables. We experience tables, not atoms. problem Problems are abstracted from experience by situation mess analysis. We do not experience individual problems but complex systems of those that What is a mess ? are strongly interacting. I call them messes.  Because messes are systems of problems, they lose their essential properties when they are taken apart. Therefore, if a mess is disassembled, it loses its essential properties.  Furthermore, as in any system, if each part taken separately is treated as well as possible, the whole is not treated as well as possible. A system is more than the sum of its parts; it is the product of their interactions. If taken apart, it simply disappears. Then how can we formulate a mess without taking it apart? SVtools
  • 11. 11 Problem situations Tame problems with structure easy to understand Ill – structured or Wicked problems with no definite formulation or structure SVtools
  • 12. 12 Is this problem a Tame problem ? Problem Easy to describe and analize ? situations ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Tame problems with ------------------------------------------------------------- structure easy to understand Is this problem a Wicked problem ? With Complex messes and difficult to describe and analize ? Ill – structured or ------------------------------------------------------------- Wicked problems with ------------------------------------------------------------- no definite formulation ------------------------------------------------------------- or structure ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- SVtools
  • 13. 13 Structures of problems Levels of Structuredness Problems could be well structured or ill structured. Tame problems are the most common problems that students solve in school,universities and training are well structured problems. They have a well defined initial state , a known goal state or solution. Ill structured problems , at the other end of the continuum , are the kinds of problems that are more often encountered in everyday and professional practice. They are also known as Wicked problems. They do not conform to the content domain being studied , so their solutions is neither predictable nor convergent. Ill structured problems are also interdisciplinary , that is , they cannot be solved by applying concepts and principles from a single discipline or domain. Often possess aspects that are unknown at all. SVtools
  • 14. 14 Problem First Statement messes • The problem is... Write your first statement of the problem The problem does • effects • effects The problem's roots are...... • Roots • Causes SVtools
  • 15. 15 Mess exploration and analysis What are the questions that arise ? What are your questions ? SVtools
  • 16. 16 Mess exploration and analysis What are the questions that arise ? What are your • who originated What • When first was questions ? • who is responsible noted • What is the cause • When did it of the problem develop : places • What are the roots and events of it Who When SVtools
  • 17. 17 Mess exploration and analysis What are the questions that arise ? What are your • Where did it how • Why is questions ? happen • How was important • Places and originated • Why do you events • How did it want to solve it develop Where Why SVtools
  • 18. 18  There are four ways of treating problems: absolution, How to treat resolution, solution, and dissolution. problem  1. To absolve a problem is to ignore it and hope it will situations go away or solve itself.  2. To resolve a problem is to do something that yields Absolution an outcome that is good enough, that satisfies. Problem resolvers take a clinical approach to Resolution problems; they rely heavily on experience, trial and error, qualitative judgments, and common sense. Solution They try to identify the cause of a problem, remove or suppress it, and thereby return to a previous state. Dissolution  3. To solve a problem is to do something that yields the best possible outcome, that optimizes. Problem solvers take a research approach to problems. They rely heavily on experimentation and quantitative analysis.  4. To dissolve a problem is to eliminate it by redesigning the system that has it. Problem dissolvers try to idealize, to approximate an ideal system and thereby do better in the future than the best that can be done now. SVtools
  • 19. 19 How to define the structure of a problem The Waterfall Diagram SVtools
  • 20. 20 Four types of problems Wicked Tame Wicked Mess Mess SVtools
  • 21. 21 Solutions structures Through Leadership Through Management SVtools
  • 22. 22 The Boston Matrix Problem definition Problem structure Solutions SVtools
  • 23. 23 Where is your problem situation ? Where When SVtools
  • 24. 24 Wicked problems They look difficult , but…….with the proper tools we can tame them. SVtools
  • 25. 25 Tame or Wicked TAMES : Mistakes and errors easily defined WICKED :There is no single criteria to determine correctness SVtools
  • 26. 26  Describe your problem : easy or Tame or difficult to identify errors and Wicked mistakes ? Identify errors and  ------------------------------------------- mistakes ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------- SVtools
  • 27. 27 Problems and solutions Defining is half solutions SVtools
  • 28. 28 Can you see the solution ? Problems and ---------------------------------------------------------- solutions ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Defining is half --------------------------------------------------------- solutions One or many solutions ? One solutions or many ---------------------------------------------------------- solutions ? ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- SVtools
  • 29. 29 Solutions One solution Many sequential solutions Can you see a clear ending point of the solution ?-- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ The first solution ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ SVtools -
  • 30. 30 Problems gaps Gaps Lacks Walls Blocks Cages Boxes Conflicts Contraddictions SVtools
  • 31. 31 Modellling problem Easy to model Difficult to model SVtools
  • 32. 32 Levels of Analysis Easy to analize Difficult to analize SVtools
  • 33. 33 Sequential activity process Which activities When Where • activity activity implement • activity definition planning • activity activity ation • activity SVtools
  • 34. 34 Problem start ? ? solving Path Where is your problem solving Path ? The starting point ? The ending point ? ? ? ? Serching your Roadmap to solutions ? ? solutions? SVtools
  • 35. 35 Write a second  Write a second statement of the problem problem situation according to statement the Tame/Wicked paradigm. Considering the  This problem is a new information acquired and  Tame problem : Tame/Wicked paradigm , write a  Wicked problem : second statement of the problem definition.  Wicked mess :  Mess : SVtools
  • 36. 36 Write a second  Write a second statement of the problem problem situation according to statement the Tame/Wicked paradigm. Considering the  Is a Tame problem because : new information acquired and Tame/Wicked  Is a Wicked problem because : paradigm , write a second statement  Is aWicked mess because : of the problem definition.  Is a Mess because : SVtools
  • 37. 37 Write a second  Write a second statement of the problem problem situation according to statement the Tame/Wicked paradigm. Considering the  Is a Tame problem because : new information ------------------------------------------------- acquired and ---------------------------------------------- Tame/Wicked paradigm , write a ---------------------------------------------- second statement ---------------------------------------------- of the problem ---------------------------------------------- definition. ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- SVtools
  • 38. 38 Write a second  Write a second statement of the problem problem situation according to statement the Tame/Wicked paradigm. Considering the  Is a Wicked problem because : new information ------------------------------------------------- acquired and ---------------------------------------------- Tame/Wicked paradigm , write a ---------------------------------------------- second statement ---------------------------------------------- of the problem ---------------------------------------------- definition. ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- SVtools
  • 39. 39 Draw a second problem statement Wicked problem Draw a map of your problem , considering the model on your right. SVtools
  • 40. 40 Draw a second How many Are there More than problem correct any one statement views of the ideological Interventio problem are constrains ? n point Draw a map of possible ? possible ? your problem , considering the Political Logical or Resistance to model on your Constrains ? illogical multi Change ? right. valued Economic Morer than Difficulty to Constrains ? one solution ? indentify the Roadmap to solution ? SVtools
  • 41. 41 Draw a second problem statement Draw a map of your problem , considering the model on your right. Wicked problem and social messes SVtools  Wicked problem and social messes
  • 42. 42 Draw a second problem Draw the problem situation using a statement metaphor Utilize the model gaps metaphors Metaphors on your right lacks metaphors One or more than one block metaphor wall metaphor loss metaphor box metaphor SVtools
  • 43. 43 Problem Solving mapping One or more scenarios possible ? SVtools
  • 44. 44  Gaps metaphor Gaps Problem situations are often caused by interactions of diffrent kinds of Gaps. Per formance Gaps Identity Gaps Resources Gaps It is very important to identify the Gaps and build bridges in order to overcome the specific Gaps. SVtools
  • 45. 45  Gaps and Lacks metaphors Gaps or lacks  What kinds of Gaps or Lacks in Problem situations are often caused by your problem situation ? interactions of diffrent kinds of Gaps.  Structure gaps or lacks ? Per formance Gaps  Elements gaps or lacks ? Identity Gaps  Interaction gaps or lacks ? Resources Gaps  Field gaps or lacks ? It is very important to identify the Gaps or lacks and build bridges in order to overcome specific Gaps. SVtools
  • 46. 46  Lacks metaphor Lacks We often lack System Integrator whose key function is to connect the individual or group of individuals, clients, partners, to the Community of reference. We need System Integrators. SVtools
  • 47. 47  System Integrators System Integrator Problems may be originated by lacking of System Integrators. A systems integrator is a person or company that specializes in bringing together component subsystems into a whole and ensuring that those subsystems function together, a practice known as System Integration. Systems integrators may work in many fields but the term is generally used in the information technology (IT) field, the defense industry, or in media. SVtools
  • 48. 48 Sustainable scales  Scale metaphor metaphors Sustainable Scale is about how the physical size of the global economy creates an unprecedented and potentially disastrous impact on the life support services of global ecosystems and human civilization. What is the "Scale Problem"? Scale problems refer to the threats posed by economic activities to global life support systems such as the atmospheric ozone layer’s protection against ultraviolet radiation, and the carbon cycle’s provision of climate stability. Human economic activities are now threatening these natural systems at both the local and global levels, for the first time in the history of the planet. (See Understanding Scale for an introduction to scale concepts and the dynamics of relevant ecosystems). SVtools
  • 49. 49 Sustainable scales  Scale metaphor metaphors What Lacks or Gaps in your sustainable scale situation ? Is there a balance ? Is the ecosystem empty ? Is it full ? SVtools
  • 50. 50 Sustainable Is your problem situation in a Scales Sustainable Scale unbalance ? problem The limits and the dangers of wild growth SVtools
  • 51. 51 Sustainable Is your problem situation in a Scales Sustainable Scale unbalance ? problem What is the "Scale Problem"? Scale problems refer to the threats posed by economic activities to global life support systems such as the atmospheric ozone layer’s protection against ultraviolet radiation, and the carbon cycle’s provision of climate stability. Human economic activities are now threatening these natural systems at both the local and global levels, for the first time in the history of the planet. (See Understanding Scale for an introduction to scale concepts and the dynamics of relevant ecosystems). SVtools
  • 52. 52 Psycological blocks Psycological blocks Is the perception of the problem situation filtered by a Psycological Block ? Psycological block or Emotional block alter our perception of the true nature of the problem situation . SVtools
  • 53. 53  Psycological Blocks Psycological blocks Balance between Instinct and Analysis Overuse of Instinct or Analysis generate Mental Blocks SVtools
  • 54. 54 Tunnel metaphor Tunnel metaphor Is your problem swituation in a Tunnel ? Can you get through the tunnel ? How ? SVtools
  • 55. 55 Tunneling  Consider a particle with energy E in the inner region of a one- dimensional potential well V(x). (A potential well is a Tunneling potential that has a lower value in a certain region of space than in the neighbouring regions.) In classical mechanics, if E < V (the maximum height of the potential barrier), the Quantum Tunneling : particle remains in the well forever; if E > V , the particle escapes. In quantum mechanics, the situation is not so The phenomenon of simple. The particle can escape even if its energy E is below tunneling, which has no the height of the barrier V , although the probability of escape is small unless E is close to V . In that case, the particle may counterpart in classical tunnel through the potential barrier and emerge with the physics, is an important same energy E. consequence of  The phenomenon of tunneling has many important quantum mechanics applications. For example, it describes a type of radioactive decay in which a nucleus emits an alpha particle (a helium nucleus). According to the quantum explanation given independently by George Gamow and by Ronald W. Gurney and Edward Condon in 1928, the alpha particle is confined before the decay by a potential. For a given nuclear species, it is possible to measure the energy E of the emitted alpha particle and the average lifetime of the nucleus before decay. The lifetime of the nucleus is a measure of the probability of tunneling through the barrier--the shorter the lifetime, the higher the probability. SVtools
  • 56. 56 Tunneling Quantum Tunneling : The phenomenon of tunneling, which has no counterpart in classical physics, is an important consequence of quantum mechanics SVtools
  • 57. 57 Box metaphor Are you in the Box ? What kind of Box ? Emotional Box ? Organizational Box ? Cognitive Box ? Leadership Box ? Management Box ? SVtools
  • 58. 58 The Box Thinking inside the Box Thinking outside the Box Thinking the Box SVtools
  • 59. 59  Contraddictions metaphor Contraddictions Are there contraddictions in your problem situation ? SVtools
  • 60. 60 The  The Contraddiction Matrix Contraddiction algoritms Matrix Apply the TRIZ matrix Contraddiction to your problem situation . What gets better ? What gets worse ? SVtools
  • 61. 61  Additional Problem solving Additional useful analysis models metaphors for problem solving  Loss Metaphor The loss  Conflict Metaphor metaphor  Tree Metaphor The Conflict  Field Metaphor metaphor The Tree metaphor The Field metaphor SVtools
  • 62. 62  Was it useful ? Final  Why ? assessment  What did you learn ?  How are you going to apply to Usefulness your work ?  When ? Innovation  Enroll in our Coaching services. Interest  It will increase the value of your learning. SVtools