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Handy Pull-Out
College Planning Calendar

Tips for a Successful
College Essay

Transitioning to Campus Life

                      A T E E N L I F E M E D I A P U B L I C AT I O N
Presenting TeenLife’s
2012 Guide to College Admissions
The only free comprehensive resource of its kind.

                   College — It’s not a                             Association (IECA), that run throughout the pages
                                                                    of this book. Independent advisors are experts
                   big word, but it’s                               in educational decision-making. Their tips are
                   definitely a big step.                            tremendously valuable.
                       Preparing for tests. Selecting                   We also feature a detailed, “Countdown-to-
                   schools. Filling out applications.               College” Planning Calendar for juniors and seniors
                   And setting foot on campus. It can               presented by The Princeton Review. It’s right smack
                   be very overwhelming. In fact, I too             in the center of our guide (page 19) to pull out and
just went through the entire process. Both of my own                post on your wall. Check off the boxes as you
boys, Eric and Ben, just recently headed off to college.            complete each step of your journey!
TeenLife’s Guide to College Admissions would have
been the perfect resource for me when they were                         The admissions process is filled with deadlines
in high school!                                                     and details, so let TeenLife steer the way!
   This is the second year publishing our guide —
and we have added some exciting new sections.
   Be sure to look out for the advice and
recommendations by members from our partner,                        Marie Schwartz, President & Founder, TeenLife Media, LLC
the Independent Educational Consultants                   

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                                                                                             College Admissions
                              just to get ready for college, but to
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                                                                             Marie Schwartz, President & Founder
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                                                                       PUBLISHED BY
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                                                                       1330 Beacon St., Suite 268, Brookline, MA 02446
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                                                                       Copyright © 2012 by TeenLife Media, LLC
                                                                       Published by TeenLife Media, LLC, Brookline, Massachusetts

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All-Studio Diploma                        in this guide. All the information contained herein is subject to change
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Master of Arts in Teaching      
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Table of Contents
     A QUICK, COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE                               ABOUT TEENLIFE
     By Jim Paterson
                                                     29           Find out more about what we offer
                                                                  and how to register on our site.
     4 Welcome
     6 Choosing the Right School

                                                                  COLLEGE RESOURCES
     9 Now Let’s Get into the Application Process                 31 College Advisors
     16 Paying the Bill                                           33 College Funding
     23 What Is It Like at College?                               33 College Tours
     28 A Parent's Role                                           33 Colleges
                                                                  36 Private Schools
     Pull-out timeline of the admissions
                                                                  36 Publishing
                                                                  36 Summer Programs
                                                                  36 Tutoring & Test Prep
     process for juniors and seniors.

                                                                  SITES WE LOVE
                                                     39           Useful websites for students
                                                                  and parents.

                                                    40             40 Featured Listings
                                                                   40 Advertisers

                                                    Photography on Cover and pages 23 and 27:
                                                    Taken by Joe Angeles, Director of Photographic Services
                                                    at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL)


                                                    TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 3
A Quick, Complete
    Guide to the Entire College
    Admissions Process
    brought to you by
    TeenLife and the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA)

               1         WELCOME
    Our handy guide will take you step-by-step through
    the college admissions process.
                                                                This useful guide has been developed by TeenLife in
                                                                partnership with members of the Independent Educational
                                                                Consultants Association (IECA) — experts on guiding
                                                                students just like you through this process to make it
                                                                both efficient and successful.

                                                                In this guide, we’ve presented the latest and most crucial
    If you ask adults about their college experience, they’ll   information — the facts that are really useful to you and
    often say it was the best time of their life — exciting,    your parents as you move into this next big stage of your
    challenging, interesting, and fun. But we also know you     life. And we’ve tried to make it easy to read and easy to use.
    may be feeling quite overwhelmed even thinking about
    the whole process. Looking for the right college, apply-    We will help you answer the nagging questions: Where do
    ing to a handful of schools, and making the transition to   you think you want to go to school? What do you want to
    college life can be extremely stressful and confusing.      study?

    But it shouldn’t be. There are ways to make getting         Going to college is important. It expands the type of work
    into college a lot easier.                                  you can do, offers more opportunities, and increases your
                                                                earning potential down the line. By some estimates,
                                                                attending four years of school will increase your income
                                                                by 50% the first year after you graduate.

                                                                Just remember, education makes you a more captivating
                                                                person. You meet new people. You learn a tremendous
                                                                amount of new information. And you acquire innovative
                                                                ways of thinking. All of these aspects make you a more
                                                                satisfied, happier, more knowledgeable adult.

                                                                Having said that, there is something else we want you
                                                                to know: don’t sweat it too much.


There is room for exploration and change in direction.
Many of you will make adjustments along the way and even
while in college — changing majors, taking a gap year, or                     QUICK TIP
transferring to another school. Complete career shifts are                    Your high school counselor or college/
not unusual.                                                                  career counselor should offer you a good
                                                                              amount of guidance. You should talk to
“The average student today changes majors slightly more
                                                                              them early and often throughout the
than three times during their undergraduate career,”
                                                                              process. But if you decide you need help
says Mark Sklarow, executive director of the IECA. “Few
                                                                              beyond your school, organizations such as
complete their degree in the major that they brought with
                                                                              the Independent Educational Consultants
them to freshman orientation.”
                                                                              Association ( can
                                                                              help you find a personal consultant in
As you approach college, we want you to think carefully
                                                                              your area.
about this exciting new stage, get started on the right foot,
and move forward with confidence.

      If you are a high school senior and you haven't done much work on the process thus far, here are
      a list of priorities to get you back on track:

       • Don’t panic. You can catch up and complete             • Look for immediate deadlines,
         the process, but you have to get organized               especially for the SATs and
         and get started.                                         ACTs, which offer fall test dates.

       • Use a timeline like the one presented by               • Ask teachers, counselors,
         The Princeton Review on page 19 to keep                  employers, and personal
         yourself on track.                                       friends to write recommenda-
                                                                  tion letters for you one month
       • Find a good college guidebook (like The
                                                                  before their due date.
         Fiske Guide) or a helpful website and begin
         to focus on at least six colleges that you
         might like to attend.
       • Visit schools as early in the year as possible to help you
         figure out what qualities you’re looking for in a college.
       • Consider colleges with rolling admissions. Also
         consider other options: gap year programs have
         become very popular in recent years and community
         colleges are a good place to start accumulating credit.
         You can always transfer credits later.

                                                                        TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 5

         2           CHOOSING THE
                     RIGHT SCHOOL
There are many factors to consider when selecting
                                                             Don’t pick a school because an uncle or a friend went
                                                             there or because it made the NCAA Final Four, but
                                                             because it is the one that is right for you.
your first-choice college.
Start researching colleges at any time, as early as you      Keep an open mind. There are 4,000 colleges and
want. Listen to what students say about the schools they     universities and every one is different. “Don’t fall in
attend, as well as to the opinions of your college coun-     love with a single college right at the outset,” advises
selor and parents. Check out schools online. There are       IECA Member Lucia Tyler from Ithaca, NY. "Just because
also a variety of college search websites with a college     you haven’t heard of a school before doesn’t mean it’s
matching tool, and even virtual college fairs (see sidebar   not a great match."
about what to look for on a college site on page 8). You
can also find reviews by students currently attending a       Bari Norman, an educational consultant from New York
particular school.                                           and a member of IECA, put it this way: “Test your
                                                             assumptions by looking at schools with which you
Look at virtual tours and admissions videos and blogs.       aren’t familiar. You’ll be surprised how much there
Talk to anyone willing to discuss his or her experiences.    is to learn, and how many truly great schools
You can also participate in online chats with current        there are.”
students and read a college’s Facebook page.

CREATE A COLLEGE AND CAREER DATABASE                                                                                                                                                      • How many students commute or live very close?
which you can continually update.                                                                                                                                                           A "commuter campus" is typically quiet on weekends
                                                                                                                                                                                            and holidays.
Francine Schwartz, an associate IECA member from East
Lyme, CT, suggests getting organized during the summer                                                                                                                                    • What is your gut feeling? How does the place – and
prior to your junior year “before the hectic pace of school                                                                                                                                 the people there – make you feel overall?
and activities kicks in.”
                                                                                                                                                                                             There are definitely an extensive number of questions
Organize your database into three parts:                                                                                                                                                     to ask, but this is your future.
1) Use the Pull-Out Countdown-to-College Planning                                                                                                                                            You will be surprised how quickly the characteristics
   Calendar we’ve provided on page 19 and refer to it often.                                                                                                                                 of each school start to blend together. Your database can
   Be sure to mark all key dates on a monthly calendar too,                                                                                                                                  get very confusing. Again, file everything right away. And
   that you can refer to frequently.                                                                                                                                                         be methodical and orderly with your research.

                                                                                                                                                                                        3) Simultaneous to your college file, start a career file.
                                                         for Juniors and Seniors                                                                                                           This can be less systematic for now, but organized enough
                                                                                                                         Presented by

                                                                                                                                                                                           to be useful. Keep everything you learn about a particular
                           JUNIOR YEAR                             Thinking about college starts in your junior year.
                                                                                                                                                                                           career electronically or even in your top drawer. But don’t
                               Take a challenging course load and all of the
                                                                                   Begin researching colleges.
                                                                                                                  Look into summer jobs,
                                                                                                                                                    Request catalogs and admission
                                                                                                                                                                                           just think about a potential job or industry, also think
                                                                                                                                                                                           about yourself.
                               classes you need to graduate.                       Look at websites, search       internships, summer camps,        information from your top-choice
                                                                                   sites, online campus tours,    and other career-inspiring        schools if you haven’t already.
                               Log on to to register
                                                                                   student reviews, and           programs that will boost          If you took the SAT/ACT for the
                                                                                    your resume.
                                                                                   Take a free practice test      Attend college fairs in your      to improve your scores, then
                               Register for the PSAT in October.                   for the ACT and SAT to         area. It’s a great way to         take a summer prep course
                                                                                   see which test you perform     collect brochures and meet        with The Princeton Review.
                               Compete for the National Merit Scholarship          better on.                     College Reps one-on-one.
                               (                                                                                             If practical, visit and tour the
                                                                                   Sign up for a prep class       Sign up for a prep course         rest of the schools on your list.

                                                                                                                                                                                          • Discover you: What are your strengths: reading,
                               Use and The Princeton           if you are taking the early    so that you are ready for the     Brainstorm and outline a few
                               Review’s book, The Best 376 Colleges, to            spring exams. Go to            May/June exams.                   essay ideas.
                               begin your initial college search.                    Register to take the SAT          Schedule an appointment with
                               Talk to your counselor and consider an                                             or ACT.                           your counselor or independent
                                                                                   for you.
                               assessment test to explore potential                                               Take the appropriate Subject      consultant to discuss your

                                                                                                                                                                                            writing, small groups, presentations? What are your
                               careers you might like.                             Investigate scholarship and    Tests (if needed) and AP          college plans.
                                                                                                                  Tests. The Princeton Review       Create a binder to keep all of
                               Get involved in the community, school               Make a list of colleges        offers courses for both.
                               activities, and clubs. Track your volunteer hours                                                                    your information and application
                                                                                   that you might like to visit   Visit the schools on your list.   forms organized and neat.
                               and add these experiences to your applications.     and prepare questions for      Explore the campus, its fa-       Start your applications before
                               Work on improving your vocabulary —                 upcoming tours.                cilities, and what makes each

                                                                                                                                                                                            favorite subjects? What activities do you enjoy? What is
                                                                                                                                                    the stresses of senior year kick
                               it will help you on the SAT!                                                       particular college unique.        into full gear.

                        PULL OUT AND HANG ON YOUR WALL                                                                                                             TURN FOR MORE

                                                                                                                                                                                            most important to you in a field of study? Ask others
                                                                                                                                                                                            what they think you might like or be good at.
2) Start a college file right now. Keep information and
   notes about colleges that you research and visit. What                                                                                                                                 • Discover a career: What do different careers offer in
   people say, what you think, and what you discover online.                                                                                                                                terms of money, satisfaction, workload, or prestige? Is
   Document anything that may weigh in your decision.                                                                                                                                       there a career that involves your curiosty? What are other
                                                                                                                                                                                            benefits? What are the downsides? What types of people
  Helpful Hint: Keep track of the same qualities about each                                                                                                                                 work in this field? Can you shadow someone in this job?
  university that are important to you, such as:                                                                                                                                          • Take a test: There are a lot of interest assessment
  • What are its academic standards? Will it be                                                                                                                                             tests that may give you some ideas about careers
    challenging enough — or too challenging?                                                                                                                                                to explore. Many IECA members use a test called
                                                                                                                                                                                            "Do What You Are." Don't be pigeon-holed by what
  • Does it meet any special needs you have?                                                                                                                                                "you've always wanted to do" or what someone
  • What are its rankings in national surveys?                                                                                                                                              else thinks you should do.

  • What are the academic majors and minors? Does it offer
    your major? If so, what are the facilities and instructors
    like?                                                                                                                                                                                       QUICK TIP
  • How big are the classes?                                                                                                                                                                    “Choosing a college is a lot like dating. Let
                                                                                                                                                                                                yourself explore — you might think a college
  • How important are sports? How big are fraternities                                                                                                                                          is ‘love at first sight’ but get to know different
    and sororities? Does it have activities and clubs that                                                                                                                                      campuses from several angles. Things are
    you like?                                                                                                                                                                                   not always as they appear on the surface,”
  • What's the food like? Are the dorms nice? How do you                                                                                                                                        remarks Sandra Clifton, an educational
    feel about the social life?                                                                                                                                                                 consultant from Brooklyn and an IECA member.

  • Does the campus seem like a good fit in terms of size,
    whether it is urban or rural?
                                                                                                                                                                                             TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 7

HIT THE ROAD                                                       talk to some students about the school, even if it might
                                                                   seem awkward. Read the student newspaper and look at
You can visit schools informally; you don’t have to wait until
                                                                   the bulletin boards. Take your time and just explore.
the summer before your senior year. If you are visiting a col-
lege town, then take the opportunity to check out the school.
Just walk around. Get a feel for the campus with the idea          Many IECA consultants actually recommend that you visit
that you’ll come back later for a formal tour. Even a school       a few colleges that are not what you planned for. Think-
you’re not currently considering may give you ideas about          ing big? Visit a smaller school. Thinking public? Visit
what you really want — and you might change your mind              a private school, and so forth. The reality may be very
about the school later.                                            different from your assumptions.

And when you want a more formal visit, go to the school            From school brochures to notes you may have written on
website and set one up. Ask for a personal tour of any part        a napkin, remember to file everything you’ve gathered in
of the school that you want to see. And be prepared with           your very important College and Career Database.
plenty of questions.
                                                                   “Students need to remember that choosing a college is
Remember, they will try to show you their very best side.          not a trophy hunt,” says Dodge Johnson from Philadel-
So take your own tour as well. See if you think you’d fit           phia, an IECA member. “It’s a chance for you to figure out
in. Spend some time in the student center. Visit the gym.          exactly where you’d like to be over the next four years.
Check out the facilities and campus amenities. Casually            Do not be mesmerized by prestige.”

     Information students should look for on college websites that others might miss.

     • Academic department pages. Click on “Academics”             • The college library page. This gives you a sense of
       and go to the web pages of the departments repre-             what databases are offered, special collections they
       senting your assumed field of study. You’ll find out            possess, and background on research capabilities.
       about the faculty, requirements, courses, resources,
                                                                   • The Mission or Vision Statement. Discover whether
       and sometimes even information about placement
                                                                     a college’s philosophy matches your own. As IECA
       of graduates.
                                                                     Member Erin Avery, an educational consultant from
     • Course catalog and course schedules. IECA Associate           Fair Haven, NJ, points out, “colleges are looking
       Member, Wendy Kahn, from Highland Park, IL, cautions          for students that authentically demonstrate that you
       that sometimes all eligible courses are not listed — in-      understand the culture and mission of that college.”
       cluding those not offered every semester, or even every
                                                                   • Athletics pages. They are a “must visit” for student
       year. To get a more accurate picture, check out the cur-
                                                                     athletes. Often you can get a sense of attendance
       rent course schedule. Sue Crump, an associate mem-
                                                                     for your sport, where current athletes came from
       ber of IECA from Glen Mills, PA, suggests that students
                                                                     (discerning your own ability to be recruited), back-
       create sample course schedules as a way to understand
                                                                     ground on the coaching staff, and much more.
       what their academic experience may be like.
                                                                   • Support services. Certainly for those with learning
     • Virtual tours, admission videos, blogs. Nothing beats
                                                                     differences, you may want to explore: tutoring,
       a real campus visit, but if you can’t get there a virtual
                                                                     writing centers, counseling services, plus special
       tour still helps give you a sense of campus. While
                                                                     opportunities like study abroad and service
       these are put together by the college’s public
                                                                     learning options.
       relations department, they still provide an idea
       of what the college wants to be — or is — when it
       puts its best foot forward.

                    NOW LET’S GET INTO                    Each school will weigh each of these differently, so
                    THE APPLICATION                       check out their websites to see if they discuss admis-
                                                          sions criteria. They’ll generally give you data about
                    PROCESS                               their typical freshman class, such as high school class
                                                          rankings and standardized test results, for instance.
The applications and admissions process is not as bad     And they often will tell you specifically what types of
as people sometimes suggest. But it takes research,       student they desire.
patience, and time.
Colleges generally review six things when they consider   Remember colleges want students who want them,
your application:                                         says Kahn. “Make a campus visit, get on the mailing
  • Grades – your grade point average in high school      list, attend a local informational session, visit during
                                                          a college fair, ‘friend’ a college on Facebook, join a
  • Standardized Test Scores – typically the ACT or SAT   blog, meet with an admissions rep who visits your high
  • Recommendations – from teachers and others who        school, schedule an interview with an alum, and send
    know you well                                         follow up notes or emails.”
  • Personal Responses to Essay Questions – which gives
    you an opportunity to use your own voice              Note: Representatives from the college are probably
                                                          making notes every time you contact the school — so
  • What you have accomplished and experienced outside
                                                          make a good impression.
    of the classroom
  • An interview
                                                               TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 9

THE TESTS                                                           Students whose first language is not English
                                                                    should also take the TOEFL (Test of English
Most colleges require applicants to take one of two standardized
                                                                    as a Foreign Language; information at
tests: the SAT or the ACT. Some of the more competitive schools
require two or three SAT Subject Tests. The SAT focuses on
critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The ACT focuses on
four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science and    If tests are not your strength, you might want
offers an optional writing test. Some students do better on one     to consider applying to colleges that do not
test or the other.                                                  require standardized tests to apply. Check out
                                                           for schools that are “test optional.”
Your guidance counselor or independent college advisor can tell
you the complete testing schedule (they are offered quite often).
                                                                    THE RECOMMENDATIONS
They will also have a table to compare the scores on both tests
to help you decide which to submit to the colleges. You should      Recommendations are another way for the col-
not submit both the SAT and ACT scores, just the better results.    leges to learn more about you. Think about who
                                                                    will most definitely give them a good impression.
You can find sample test questions for the SAT at                    A teacher, counselor, employer, or coach? You and for the ACT at                should choose someone who knows you well and
It may be worth taking both tests to compare your scores.           knows your best attributes. Someone who will
There are a variety of services to prep you for each — online,      take time with your recommendation. A few col-
in books, and in classes.                                           leges even accept recommendations from parents!

                                        Achieve your academic potential.
  Our team of former admissions officers from Columbia, Dartmouth, Penn, Wharton, Oberlin,
           Case Western, and Brown can help you get into the best school for you.
             Call 617 395 4160 or visit for more details.

Give this person a large manila envelope. Write the name of
each school on the front of the envelope and the recommenda-
tion deadlines. Inside provide a stamped, addressed envelope
for each school. Use your high school as the return address.

Students with special talents as a top athlete or a visual artist
may need to supply additional application materials to the
college: a portfolio or video. Athletes should definitely consult
with their coaches, who are often connected to universities.

Some tips:
  • Ask for recommendations early, before the rush. It’s
    fine even if you are still in a teacher’s class. Summer
    is also a good time.
  • Ask the recommender if they need anything from
    you to help write the content, such as a copy of
    your resume.
  • You can gently suggest topics you might want them to
    cover. For instance: “I wanted you to do a recommenda-
    tion because I felt I did my best work on that video
    project on the Civil War in your class.”
  • Write a thank you note to each person who writes you
    a recommendation. Also, keep in touch with them and
    let them know the results of your applications and
    what college you plan to attend.

The college essay provides an opportunity for you to share
something about yourself that the admissions office does
not already know from the hard data (i.e., your GPA and
test scores).

Usually you can choose from several essay topics. Pick the
topic you feel most connected to; it might help you fill in any
gaps about your personality. Make sure the essay gives the
school some insight into you — as a person, student, and
member of the community. Remember, colleges want to admit
thoughtful, curious people, not just students with good grades
or great test scores.

Wendi Lubic, an independent educational consultant from
Washington, DC and a member of IECA, notes: “It’s hard for
some students (especially boys) to show emotions, but it
really helps the reader to connect to the applicant. By the
same token, don’t whine or be too negative or take a position
that is controversial on a political, religious, or moral issue."   TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 11

The essay doesn’t have to be written about a major
event. “Too many students approach the essay by
focusing on the topic, instead of using the topic as a
way to reveal something significant and unique about
themselves,” says IECA Member Carolyn Cohen from
Addison, NY.

Some tips:
  • Make sure your essay answers the question asked
    and keeps within the word count with no typos,
    misspellings, or grammatical errors.
  • Be yourself. For example, don’t try to sound
    humorous if this approach is not natural for you.
  • Anecdotes that explain your topic are very helpful.
  • Allow time for a draft to sit. As IECA Member
    Dodge Johnson from Philadelphia says, “Death-
    less prose has a way of dying overnight. Don’t rush
  • Don’t get feedback from too many people; remem-
    ber it’s called a “personal” essay for a reason. Too
    often the unique sparkle of a student becomes
    “whitewashed” by well-meaning third parties.
  • Never plagiarize. No matter how tempting it may
    be to cut and paste or even paraphrase another’s
    work, it’s not worth it.
  • Also avoid the thesaurus. Using words you would
    not ordinarily use often reads as clumsy.

        QUICK TIP
        Contact each college to make sure
        that your application is completed
        correctly. If they haven’t processed your
        application yet, ask when you should
        check back. Over half of colleges say
        they consider a student’s “demonstrated
        interest” in admission decisions. Colleges
        want students who want them.

Don’t be shy about bragging, but don’t embellish too much.
Highlight qualities you may possess such as leadership,
character, energy, resourcefulness, and endurance rather
than just listing awards and a long list of memberships.
Show them specifics about how those qualities were evident.
For example, rather than stating “President of Students for
a Better Environment,” instead say “I led 35 students in 15
various complex projects to improve the environment in
our community, gaining enthusiastic support and wide
praise.” This phrasing speaks volumes about you.
“Too much information will dilute your message. Use
this opportunity to reflect those things you excel at, are
most passionate about, or plan to pursue in college.”
says IECA member Gay Pepper.

Interviews are perfect ways for colleges to learn more
about you, and you to learn more about the school.
Admissions staff, faculty members, and sometimes
former students conduct interviews.

To what degree the interview is weighted in the actual
admissions process varies from college to college, but it is
certainly an opportunity to show your interest in a school.
Think of memorable ways to introduce yourself, such as
through anecdotes that describe who you are. And always
ask well thought-out questions that aren’t easily answered
by the school’s materials or website.
You may want to practice, especially if one-on-one meetings
are not your strength. Always be yourself, as interviewers
will know if you are just reciting answers.
Some tips:                                                      • Take time to think about your answers. Interviewers
  • Make an appointment well in advance and arrive on             are looking for introspective, not quick responses.
    time.                                                       • Don’t give one-word answers – but don’t ramble on.
  • Think about the impression you want to make. Dress          • Be honest. If there are weaknesses in your tran-
    for success and organize your notes.                          script or your test scores are low, explain why. Let
  • Turn off your cell phone before the interview.                the interviewer know how you have improved or
                                                                  plan to improve. Remember, you are looking for a
  • Make eye contact with the interviewer and give a firm          match; honesty will help you find it.
    handshake. If this greeting is not easy for you, practice
    with someone beforehand.                                    • Write a thank you note after each interview. This will
                                                                  show both your appreciation and interest. Mention
  • An interviewer will probably ask questions like: ““Why        some part of the interview that was most helpful.
    do you want to attend our college?” Be prepared.

                                                                  TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 13

                                                 APPLYING YOURSELF
                                                 A few recommendations when filling out your

                                                 • Give great care to the activities grid or list of your
                                                   accomplishments. Even if attaching a resume, the
                                                   grid is the primary way admissions officers gather
                                                   information on your outside commitments.
                                                 • Give as much serious thought, time, and effort to
                                                   the short answer questions as you do to the major
                                                 • Answer every question. “Rather than thinking of
                                                   optional questions as being unnecessary, view them
                                                   as additional opportunities to make your applica-
                                                   tion stand out from the crowd,” says IECA member
                                                   Mandee Adler from Hollywood, FL.
                                                 • Do not insert the name of a college in an essay that
                                                   might go out to multiple colleges. Save all answers
                                                   in a separate word document — you might be able
                                                   to use it again.
                                                 • Stick to word count limits. Students run the risk of
                                                   having their prose cut short.
                                                 • Leave the standardized test reporting section blank.
                                                   Since colleges will get scores via the testing agency,
                                                   this protects students applying to test-optional
                                                   colleges, says IECA member Kiersten Murphy.
                                                 • Preview your application before submitting it. In
                                                   fact, Kristina Dooley, an IECA member from Buenos
                                                   Aires, suggests printing out the Common Applica-
                                                   tion before beginning work so you will know what to
                                                   expect and avoid mistakes.
                                                 • Remember to read directions, pay attention to word
                                                   counts, deadlines, and formatting criteria. Some
                                                   supplements (like art or music) have different

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             4           PAYING
                         THE BILL
    Important steps to file for financial aid.
                                                                • Four-year private colleges charge an average
                                                                  of $28,500.
                                                                • Two-year public colleges charge an average
    College is expensive. The price tag varies widely             of $2,963.
    depending on the school. State schools and commu-
                                                              Books and room and board also add to the cost of
    nity colleges tend to be less expensive, especially for
                                                              college. Money, unfortunately, has to be a major
    students in that region. Most schools publish tuition
                                                              consideration. But there is help.
    and fees on their website.
    Here is a rough yearly average of tuition and fees:
                                                              There are two main kinds of financial aid:
      • Four-year public schools charge an average
                                                                • Merit-based aid – an award determined by
        of $8,244 for in-state students.
                                                                  the college based on your performance in high
      • Four-year public schools charge an average                school, your test scores, or a particular talent.
        of $12,526 for out-of-state students.


     There is usually no formal application for this
     type of aid, although some schools may have
     specific merit-based programs that require an
     application. This is money that you do not need
     to pay back. Check with your individual college
     to see if merit-based aid is offered.
  • Need-based aid – money you receive based
    on your financial need, determined by specific
    government or college formulas. It is generally
    awarded in three ways:
         • Federal, state, or school grants – money
           you do not need to repay.
         • Federal loans – money that you must pay
           back, usually after you graduate or leave
         • Work study – money you earn by working
           part-time, usually at a job on campus.
           This money is paid directly to the student
           and can be used for books, supplies,
           entertainment, and other expenses.

There are three forms that may be used to file for
financial aid:

  • FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student
    Aid) - this form is required by all colleges to
    receive any federal money. It cannot be filed until
    after January 1st of the year the student plans to
    enter college. The form must be completed each
    year the student is in school. The FAFSA can be
    found at
  • PROFILE – This form is required by many private
    colleges and some scholarship programs. It
    originates from the College Scholarship Service
    (CSS), the financial aid division of The College
    Board, and can be found at www.collegeboard.
    com. After completing an initial application,
    PROFILE requires a more extensive application
    based on the schools to which you are applying.
    It can be completed whenever you begin the col-
    lege application process. There is an application
    fee plus an additional charge for each college or
    scholarship that requests this document.
  • Individual college forms – some schools
    require that you also complete a financial aid
    form unique to the college.

                                                         TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 17

Eligibility for financial aid is determined by need, which is      aid officer will consider any unusual circumstances for
essentially the cost of the school minus what you can afford      additional aid.
to pay. The FAFSA and the PROFILE have slightly differ-
ent formulas for determining your need. Once your need is         In addition many organizations, businesses, ethnic groups,
determined, the college will present you with a financial aid      or church affiliations offer scholarships to assist students
package. It is rare that a school will meet your full need.       with special interests or talents.

It is critical that you file any financial aid forms by February    The best resource to locate scholarships is your college
so that you are part of the initial distribution of funds. Once   guidance office, but there is also a lot of information online.
your aid is awarded — usually shortly after you receive your      Check out various websites such as
acceptance — you can speak with the financial aid office if         Word of caution: Never pay money to receive scholarship
you believe that your package is not sufficient. The financial      money.

            QUICK TIP
            Fill out the FAFSA, even if you think you may not be eligible. Even for those who don’t meet financial
            aid eligibility, some schools may offer additional scholarships or grants. And your family’s financial
            circumstances may change. File early and don’t pay to have someone do it for you. You must submit
            FAFSA each year of school.

                                 for Juniors and Seniors
                                                                                                 Presented by

   JUNIOR YEAR                             Thinking about college starts in your junior year.

          FALL                                               WINTER                         SPRING                             SUMMER
       Take a challenging course load and all of the       Begin researching colleges.    Look into summer jobs,            Request catalogs and admission
       classes you need to graduate.                       Look at websites, search       internships, summer camps,        information from your top-choice
                                                           sites, online campus tours,    and other career-inspiring        schools if you haven’t already.
       Log on to to register
                                                           student reviews, and           programs that will boost          If you took the SAT/ACT for the
                                                            your resume.
                                                           Take a free practice test      Attend college fairs in your      to improve your scores, then
       Register for the PSAT in October.                   for the ACT and SAT to         area. It’s a great way to         take a summer prep course
                                                           see which test you perform     collect brochures and meet        with The Princeton Review.
       Compete for the National Merit Scholarship          better on.                     College Reps one-on-one.
       (                                                                                             If practical, visit and tour the
                                                           Sign up for a prep class       Sign up for a prep course         rest of the schools on your list.
       Use and The Princeton           if you are taking the early    so that you are ready for the     Brainstorm and outline a few
       Review’s book, The Best 376 Colleges, to            spring exams. Go to            May/June exams.                   essay ideas.
       begin your initial college search.                    Register to take the SAT          Schedule an appointment with
       Talk to your counselor and consider an                                             or ACT.                           your counselor or independent
                                                           for you.
       assessment test to explore potential                                               Take the appropriate Subject      consultant to discuss your
       careers you might like.                             Investigate scholarship and    Tests (if needed) and AP          college plans.
                                                                                          Tests. The Princeton Review       Create a binder to keep all of
       Get involved in the community, school               Make a list of colleges        offers courses for both.
       activities, and clubs. Track your volunteer hours                                                                    your information and application
                                                           that you might like to visit   Visit the schools on your list.   forms organized and neat.
       and add these experiences to your applications.     and prepare questions for      Explore the campus, its fa-       Start your applications before
       Work on improving your vocabulary —                 upcoming tours.                cilities, and what makes each     the stresses of senior year kick
       it will help you on the SAT!                                                       particular college unique.        into full gear.

PULL OUT AND HANG ON YOUR WALL                                                                                                             TURN FOR MORE
SENIOR YEAR                  It’s your last year of school! Now’s the time to complete your college quest.

        SEPTEMBER                                                                 APRIL
    Decide which colleges to apply to. Include schools that you believe
    will accept you, as well as some “reach” schools.
                                                                              If you are added to a waiting list, notify the college or university if
    Contact The Princeton Review to discuss the College Admissions            you are still interested, and ask them if there’s anything you can
    Consulting program.                                                       do to better your chances of being accepted.
    Work on completing your college applications.
    Find out if your target colleges accept the Common Application or         form and deposit. You’ll be off to college in the fall!
    Universal College Application, which can be submitted online.
                                                                                                                            so they can offer
    Decide if you will apply for early decision to your top-choice schools.
                                                                              enrollment to other students.
    Start the framework for your college essays.
    Participate in a Princeton Review Financial Aid Seminar.
    Ask teachers, counselors, or employers to write recommendation
    letters.                                                                      MAY
                                                                              Take any AP exams that you’ve registered for and make sure
                                                                              your scores are sent to your college.
                                                                              Write and send thank-you notes to all involved in the college
    Take the SAT/ACT.                                                         process including your counselor, teachers, and those who’ve
                                                                              written you personal recommendations. Let them know where
    Continue completing your applications. Submit early decisions.
                                                                              you will be going to school!
    Fine-tune your college essays. Have them proofread for content
    and grammar.                                                              Double check on any deadlines and last-minute paperwork
                                                                              necessary to attend your college of choice.

                                                                              Plan to attend a summer orientation at your college.

    Submit your completed college applications and essays.                        JUNE
    Check to see if your recommendation letters have been mailed.                                                               .
    Search for scholarship opportunities.
                                                                              Complete any last minute paperwork required for your school.
    Obtain a copy of FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for
    your parents or guardians.                                                Plan your transition and exciting move to campus.
    Look for early decision acceptance letters from schools.                  Graduate high school!
File for the FAFSA as soon as you can after January 1.

Make sure that the colleges you applied to in December have received
your completed application.

Ask your counselor to send your mid-year grades to the colleges or
universities that require them.

                                                            if you
haven’t submitted it yet.

Check the policies on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests
at the schools you may attend. These tests can earn you college credits
in certain subjects.

If you haven’t done so already, submit your FAFSA.
Deadline is February 15th.

If you have submitted a FAFSA and you have not received your
Student Aid report (SAR) within a month, speak to your counselor
or contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center directly.

and any initial required documents.

If you are taking any Advanced Placement courses, ask your
teacher or counselor how to prepare and when to take the
AP exams.

Continue searching for scholarships that will help reduce            NOW... OFF TO COLLEGE!
your tuition expenses.

Keep an eye out for admission decisions from colleges —
and any additional information schools may request.

                                                                                              TURN FOR MORE
The Princeton Review:         Application Deadline             Test Date*
                              April 6, 2012                    May 5, 2012
                              May 8, 2012                      June 2, 2012
                              September 7, 2012                October 6, 2012
                              October 5, 2012                  November 3, 2012
                              November 2, 2012                 December 1, 2012
                              December 28, 2012                January 26, 2013
                              February 8, 2013                 March 9, 2013

                              *Actual test dates may change.

                              ACT TEST DATES

                              Application Deadline             Test Date
                              May 4, 2012                      June 9, 2012
                              August 17, 2012                  September 8, 2012
                              September 21, 2012               October 27, 2012
                              November 2, 2012                 December 8, 2012
                                                                                             Use code
                              January 11, 2013                 February 9, 2013
                                                                                          TeenLife200 to
                              March 8, 2013                    April 13, 2013           SAVE $200 on a SAT
                                                                                         Ultimate course.

It’s no wonder that over 4 out of 5 Princeton Review graduates get into one of their top-choice schools!

         5           WHAT IS IT LIKE
                     AT COLLEGE?
You’ll enjoy both independence and self-reliance
                                                          different buildings. You have to register for classes
                                                          and can choose, somewhat, how your schedule
                                                          fits together.

for the first time.                                        In your freshman year, don't worry about choosing
Every college is different, but generally you will        your major, dual major, or minor (a less demanding
have more of two things: responsibility and freedom.      secondary course of study) right off the bat. What you
The two often go hand-in-hand. You will have a great      want to study will be clearer later. Many universi-
deal of flexibility with your schedule, social life, and   ties actually encourage you to explore a variety of
adult responsibilities, but you will be accountable for   courses, so they may not require that you declare
handling everything at once. You must get to class,       a major as a freshman anyway.
do your work, and completely live on your own.
That’s big.
                                                          SOCIAL FREEDOM
                                                          You will also have freedom for more activities and
ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITY                                   social gatherings, which is pretty cool. Again, this
Often college professors don’t monitor a student’s        comes with responsibility. You’ll be responsible
work apart from giving them the final grade. You’ll        for everything from your money and discretionary
have to study, stay organized, and manage your time       spending, to the choices you make about friends
well. Classes will meet at all different times and in     and what you do for fun.

                                                                 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 23

                                                         Most likely you will live in a dorm with other fresh-
                                                         men with some supervision from an adult or upper
                                                         class student. Not only will you have access to
                                                         regular meals and privileges for other food and
                                                         entertainment, but you will also have access to the
                                                         student center, gym, and other recreational facilities.
                                                         The same things you have in high school, but bigger
                                                         and better. Take advantage of all that campus life
                                                         has to offer socially. Join activities. Meet tons of new
                                                         people. And have fun.

                                                               QUICK TIP
                                                               Although there are plenty of opportunities
  “This is an indispensable handbook for any                   for socialization, down time is encouraged.
  parent facing the college years, whether it's                Part of being a happy and healthy student
  the first year or even the last—the advice is                is recognizing when you also need time to
                                                               relax or exercise to take a breather from
 valuable for each year the student is enrolled”
                                                               your studies and friends.
                                        —AMY C. REA
                                    ForeWord Magazine

 • Your child may not be registered for classes if you
   fail to pay “invisible” tuition fees?
 • Medical health proxies

                                      Winner of
   are a MUST ?

                                     25 additional
 • You can save thousands of
   dollars by opting out
   of a mandatory
   university charge?

            By Marie Pinak Carr
        and her 3 college daughters
          (who learned by experience)
                    More things to think about as a freshman

FINDING YOUR NICHE                                 Respect is huge in a successful living situation.
                                                   Make sure to respect and understand your
According to Karen Eckman-Baur, an indepen-
                                                   roommate’s sleep and work schedule. You may
dent educational consultant, this means getting
                                                   need to make changes to your routine in order to
involved in and committed to a few activities
                                                   accommodate his/her schedule.
of interest. “This helps to develop a circle of
friends with similar interests. Being happy in
                                                   Talk about problems. It is important to be vocal and
your new environment has been identified as
                                                   let your roommate know when something is bothering
the most important piece of successfully con-
                                                   you. If you do not say anything, the problem will most
necting to your college life. But also remember,
                                                   likely get worse. If you can’t resolve the issue together,
you have four years… there’s no need to do
                                                   use the resources available in your residence hall.
everything as soon as you hit campus.”
                                                   RA’s are trained to help with roommate conflicts.

                                                   Early on, ask your counselor for names of students
Having a roommate is a new experience for
                                                   from your school who are attending your college. Have
most. We suggest writing a contract or agree-
                                                   lunch before you leave to get some helpful suggestions
ment with your roommate: quiet hours, visitors,
                                                   about how to manage your first few days, plan your
borrowing, etc. How will you handle cleaning?
                                                   schedule, and meet other students.
What are the rules for neatness? How do you
feel about having overnight guests? How will
                                                   In addition to freshmen orientation, many colleges
you handle food if you have a kitchen area?
                                                   sponsor programs just before school begins to help
Establish responsibility for everyone in the
                                                   you get to know other members of your class. These
room. Remember, most people won’t become
                                                   may be outdoor adventures, community service activi-
best friends with their roommate, but you do
                                                   ties, or leadership training initiatives. Sometimes
need to learn to live together.
                                                   these programs cost additional money, but they are
                                                   very helpful in connecting with the college and class-
Do things together to help develop the
                                                   mates early on.
relationship. For example, if you have access
to a kitchen, cook together. Join an intramural
                                                   Once you arrive on campus, take advantage of the ac-
sports team. It is great to have activities that
                                                   tivities planned for freshmen even if they seem point-
you share but make sure to do some activities
                                                   less. You will meet people, hear about upcoming social
                                                   gatherings, and feel more connected to student life.

                                                                             Continued on next page

                                                        TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 25
Talk to the people who sit next to you in class.    If you need help, sure, reach out to your professors.
      Get to know them. These individuals may become      But also get to know them on a personal level,
      friends or perhaps study partners. When in your     especially those in your major or in classes you
      room, leave your door open so people know you are   particularly enjoy.
      amenable to visitors, and meeting new classmates.
                                                          You will be surprised how much they appreciate
      Be open to developing new friendships.
                                                          meeting you as their new student.

      ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS                               Take advantage of all college resources. Find out
      Attend all of your classes and understand what      about the centers that are available on campus. Look
      is required of you. Take advantage of optional      for advising programs, writing and tutoring locations,
      seminars and tutorials, which are complementary     mental health support, and more. It is comforting
      to class. Always complete assignments (including    to know that you can easily access the help you may
      reading) and stay focused on your academics.        need at any given time in your college career.

      For academic success, make your own schedule.
      Think about what time of day you work best.
      Schedule classes with this time in mind.


         Talking to
         Your Teen
         About Colle
         Choosing th              PUB LIS HED
         right school
         be stressful
          parents & te


            From the impact of social media to dealing with
          bullying, our latest publication is packed with advice
             on the challenges and joys of parenting teens.
         You'll also find a valuable directory of local, national,
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                                                                       QUICK TIP
                                                                       Think of it this way. The college admissions
                                                                       process is similar to the process you went
                                                                       through to teach your child to drive: it was
                                                                       scary yielding the driver’s seat to your child,
                                                                       but it was necessary to ensure they learned.

                                                               • Get to know the guidance counselor or independent
                                                                 educational consultant, but take a back seat:
                                                                 questions, work and deadlines flow between the
                                                                 counselor and the student. Remember, you are there
                                                                 as back up! IECA Member Robin Abedon adds that
                                                                 a critical but difficult challenge for many parents is
                                                                 “being realistic about their children’s abilities — a tall
                                                                 order for many parents.”
                                                               • Provide support but do not take over. Let your children
                                                                 discover their own way. As IECA Member Bari Norman
                                                                 says “Yes, the process is about finding the right match
                                                                 and getting in, but also about teaching a high schooler
                                                                 to transition to adulthood, since he/she will be away

                                                                 at college on his/her own.”

                     A PARENT'S                                • Have a sense of humor. There are many “firsts” in
                                                                 this process, so mistakes will be made. It is critical
                     ROLE                                        to remember that this is a two-year path and keeping
                                                                 things light (after a terrible campus interview or a poor
How involved parents should be in the admissions                 first draft of an essay) can keep communication open
process.                                                         and upbeat.

Having a son or daughter leave for college is both happy       • Maintain open communication. Teens may be wary
and sad. It is a major transition for everyone involved. But     of topics like: financial responsibility, leaving home,
it is extremely important to have your child take the lead       living with strangers, relationships, etc. Make it clear
in each step of the journey. This search is about finding         that any topic is fine to discuss. An open dialogue is
the appropriate match for your son or daughter. By               important.
taking a step back, you will be helping your child gain        • Make sure your child understands the family’s
independence and self-advocacy. During the entire                financial resources. Help your son or daughter
college application process, parents should:                     establish a monthly or semester budget that will
                                                                 cover necessities and practical expenses.
  • Listen to your child. Work hard at not projecting
                                                               • Hang up the phone! Parents should not be calling the
    your own aspirations; listen to what your son or
                                                                 office of admissions to set up appointments, plan visits,
    daughter wants from their own college experience.
                                                                 or check on the status of the application. These are all
    IECA member Sandra Moore puts it this way:
                                                                 the student’s responsibility. When mom or dad calls
    “By actively listening to your teens and showing
                                                                 the admissions officer, the message received is that
    genuine respect and acceptance of their opinions,
                                                                 the student is not mature enough to handle his or
    you help them feel valued and understood. By
                                                                 her own affairs.
    championing them without dominating them —
    you are empowering them.”

28 | 2012 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS                  Jim Paterson has been a writer and editor for 25 years.
                                                                He also is the head of the counseling department at
                                                                Argyle Middle School in Silver Spring, Maryland.
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                                       Join now for free access to all we
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                                                                  Talking to
Few students, parents, and educators have the time,               Your Teen                                 From the impact of social media
                                                                  About College
resources, or knowledge to research interesting, learning         Choosing the
                                                                                                            to dealing with bullying, our latest
                                                                  right school can           PUBLISHED BY
                                                                                                            publication is packed with advice
experiences for teens. So, we do it for them. TeenLife            be stressful for
                                                                  parents & teens
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scours the Internet and teen resources for new information                                                  parenting teens. You'll also find a
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TeenLife 2012 Guide to College Admissions
TeenLife 2012 Guide to College Admissions
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TeenLife 2012 Guide to College Admissions

  • 1. 2 0 1 2 GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS W W W. T E E N L I F E . C O M Handy Pull-Out College Planning Calendar Tips for a Successful College Essay Transitioning to Campus Life A T E E N L I F E M E D I A P U B L I C AT I O N
  • 2.
  • 3. Presenting TeenLife’s 2012 Guide to College Admissions The only free comprehensive resource of its kind. College — It’s not a Association (IECA), that run throughout the pages of this book. Independent advisors are experts big word, but it’s in educational decision-making. Their tips are definitely a big step. tremendously valuable. Preparing for tests. Selecting We also feature a detailed, “Countdown-to- schools. Filling out applications. College” Planning Calendar for juniors and seniors And setting foot on campus. It can presented by The Princeton Review. It’s right smack be very overwhelming. In fact, I too in the center of our guide (page 19) to pull out and just went through the entire process. Both of my own post on your wall. Check off the boxes as you boys, Eric and Ben, just recently headed off to college. complete each step of your journey! TeenLife’s Guide to College Admissions would have been the perfect resource for me when they were The admissions process is filled with deadlines in high school! and details, so let TeenLife steer the way! This is the second year publishing our guide — and we have added some exciting new sections. Be sure to look out for the advice and recommendations by members from our partner, Marie Schwartz, President & Founder, TeenLife Media, LLC the Independent Educational Consultants WHERE A GOOD START BEGINS. A successful education starts with ambition, the desire and hope of a bright future. A future where anything is possible. We’re for fueling that ambition and helping students achieve their goals. Citizens Bank supports students throughout their college experience with: • TRUFIT STUDENT LOAN® • TRUFIT GOOD CITIZEN SCHOLARSHIP TM • STUDENT BANKING For more information visit or call our education specialists at 1-800-708-6684. Member FDIC. Citizens Bank is a brand name of RBS Citizens, N.A. and Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania.
  • 4. At Wasatch Academy, your child experiences cultures, ideas, and languages from over 37 countries and 26 states. 2012 Guide to After four years at Wasatch Academy, students find ways not College Admissions just to get ready for college, but to get ready for reality. Marie Schwartz, President & Founder Our campus covers the world. Academy MARKETING college preparatory boarding school for grades 7 - 12 Cara Ferragamo Murray, Vice President of Marketing & 120 S 100 W Mt. Pleasant, Utah 84647 Communications 435.462.1400 Camille Heidebrecht, Director of Marketing & Managing Editor Kimberly Spector Wolf, Manager, Marketing & Communications Mary Hawkins, Manager of Search Engine Marketing SALES Dina Creiger, Director of Sales, Lori Barthlow, Account Executive, Jacklyn Morris, Account Executive, Jeanne Kelley, Account Executive, Cindy Tessman, Account Executive, OPERATIONS Ellie Boynton, Vice President of Operations Maria Kieslich, Director of Operations Alice Vaught, Database Editor Anh-Thu Huynh, Manager of Operations & Customer Service Jesse Burns, Customer Service & Research Representative EDITORIAL James Paterson, Contributing Writer ART & PRODUCTION Kathryn Tilton, Designer PUBLISHED BY TeenLife Media, LLC 1330 Beacon St., Suite 268, Brookline, MA 02446 (617) 277-5120, Copyright © 2012 by TeenLife Media, LLC Published by TeenLife Media, LLC, Brookline, Massachusetts LIMIT OF LIABILITY TeenLife Media, LLC (TL) takes no responsibility for any of the descriptions of the various organizations listed. TL is not familiar with all of the organizations listed. We edit the descriptions only to achieve a consistent format. TL presents all descriptions without any warranty of any kind, express or Bachelor of Fine Arts Admissions implied. TL is not responsible for the accuracy of any description, or for 230 The Fenway, mistakes, errors, or omissions of any kind, and is not responsible for any Dual Degree loss or damage caused by a user’s reliance on the information contained Boston, MA 02115 All-Studio Diploma in this guide. All the information contained herein is subject to change Master of Fine Arts without notice, and readers are advised to confirm all information about an 617-369-3626 organization before making any commitments. Master of Arts in Teaching Art Education Trademarks: TeenLife Media, LLC and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of TeenLife and/or its affiliates in the United States and may not be used without written permission.
  • 5. Table of Contents 4 A QUICK, COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE ABOUT TEENLIFE ENTIRE ADMISSIONS PROCESS By Jim Paterson 29 Find out more about what we offer and how to register on our site. 4 Welcome 6 Choosing the Right School 31 COLLEGE RESOURCES 9 Now Let’s Get into the Application Process 31 College Advisors 16 Paying the Bill 33 College Funding 23 What Is It Like at College? 33 College Tours 28 A Parent's Role 33 Colleges 36 Private Schools COUNTDOWN-TO-COLLEGE 19 PLANNING CALENDAR Pull-out timeline of the admissions 36 Publishing 36 Summer Programs 36 Tutoring & Test Prep process for juniors and seniors. SITES WE LOVE 39 Useful websites for students and parents. INDEX 40 40 Featured Listings 40 Advertisers Photography on Cover and pages 23 and 27: Taken by Joe Angeles, Director of Photographic Services at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) JOIN WWW.TEENLIFE.COM NOW! TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 3
  • 6. A Quick, Complete Guide to the Entire College Admissions Process brought to you by TeenLife and the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) 1 WELCOME Our handy guide will take you step-by-step through the college admissions process. This useful guide has been developed by TeenLife in partnership with members of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) — experts on guiding students just like you through this process to make it both efficient and successful. In this guide, we’ve presented the latest and most crucial If you ask adults about their college experience, they’ll information — the facts that are really useful to you and often say it was the best time of their life — exciting, your parents as you move into this next big stage of your challenging, interesting, and fun. But we also know you life. And we’ve tried to make it easy to read and easy to use. may be feeling quite overwhelmed even thinking about the whole process. Looking for the right college, apply- We will help you answer the nagging questions: Where do ing to a handful of schools, and making the transition to you think you want to go to school? What do you want to college life can be extremely stressful and confusing. study? But it shouldn’t be. There are ways to make getting Going to college is important. It expands the type of work into college a lot easier. you can do, offers more opportunities, and increases your earning potential down the line. By some estimates, attending four years of school will increase your income by 50% the first year after you graduate. Just remember, education makes you a more captivating person. You meet new people. You learn a tremendous amount of new information. And you acquire innovative ways of thinking. All of these aspects make you a more satisfied, happier, more knowledgeable adult. Having said that, there is something else we want you to know: don’t sweat it too much. 4 | 2012 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 6 | 2011 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS
  • 7. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS There is room for exploration and change in direction. Many of you will make adjustments along the way and even while in college — changing majors, taking a gap year, or QUICK TIP transferring to another school. Complete career shifts are Your high school counselor or college/ not unusual. career counselor should offer you a good amount of guidance. You should talk to “The average student today changes majors slightly more them early and often throughout the than three times during their undergraduate career,” process. But if you decide you need help says Mark Sklarow, executive director of the IECA. “Few beyond your school, organizations such as complete their degree in the major that they brought with the Independent Educational Consultants them to freshman orientation.” Association ( can help you find a personal consultant in As you approach college, we want you to think carefully your area. about this exciting new stage, get started on the right foot, and move forward with confidence. SENIOR MOMENT If you are a high school senior and you haven't done much work on the process thus far, here are a list of priorities to get you back on track: • Don’t panic. You can catch up and complete • Look for immediate deadlines, the process, but you have to get organized especially for the SATs and and get started. ACTs, which offer fall test dates. • Use a timeline like the one presented by • Ask teachers, counselors, The Princeton Review on page 19 to keep employers, and personal yourself on track. friends to write recommenda- tion letters for you one month • Find a good college guidebook (like The before their due date. Fiske Guide) or a helpful website and begin to focus on at least six colleges that you might like to attend. • Visit schools as early in the year as possible to help you figure out what qualities you’re looking for in a college. • Consider colleges with rolling admissions. Also consider other options: gap year programs have become very popular in recent years and community colleges are a good place to start accumulating credit. You can always transfer credits later. TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 5
  • 8. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2 CHOOSING THE RIGHT SCHOOL There are many factors to consider when selecting Don’t pick a school because an uncle or a friend went there or because it made the NCAA Final Four, but because it is the one that is right for you. your first-choice college. Start researching colleges at any time, as early as you Keep an open mind. There are 4,000 colleges and want. Listen to what students say about the schools they universities and every one is different. “Don’t fall in attend, as well as to the opinions of your college coun- love with a single college right at the outset,” advises selor and parents. Check out schools online. There are IECA Member Lucia Tyler from Ithaca, NY. "Just because also a variety of college search websites with a college you haven’t heard of a school before doesn’t mean it’s matching tool, and even virtual college fairs (see sidebar not a great match." about what to look for on a college site on page 8). You can also find reviews by students currently attending a Bari Norman, an educational consultant from New York particular school. and a member of IECA, put it this way: “Test your assumptions by looking at schools with which you Look at virtual tours and admissions videos and blogs. aren’t familiar. You’ll be surprised how much there Talk to anyone willing to discuss his or her experiences. is to learn, and how many truly great schools You can also participate in online chats with current there are.” students and read a college’s Facebook page. 6 | 2012 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS
  • 9. CREATE A COLLEGE AND CAREER DATABASE • How many students commute or live very close? which you can continually update. A "commuter campus" is typically quiet on weekends and holidays. Francine Schwartz, an associate IECA member from East Lyme, CT, suggests getting organized during the summer • What is your gut feeling? How does the place – and prior to your junior year “before the hectic pace of school the people there – make you feel overall? and activities kicks in.” There are definitely an extensive number of questions Organize your database into three parts: to ask, but this is your future. 1) Use the Pull-Out Countdown-to-College Planning You will be surprised how quickly the characteristics Calendar we’ve provided on page 19 and refer to it often. of each school start to blend together. Your database can Be sure to mark all key dates on a monthly calendar too, get very confusing. Again, file everything right away. And that you can refer to frequently. be methodical and orderly with your research. 3) Simultaneous to your college file, start a career file. COUNTDOWN-TO-COLLEGE for Juniors and Seniors This can be less systematic for now, but organized enough Presented by to be useful. Keep everything you learn about a particular JUNIOR YEAR Thinking about college starts in your junior year. career electronically or even in your top drawer. But don’t FALL Take a challenging course load and all of the WINTER Begin researching colleges. SPRING Look into summer jobs, SUMMER Request catalogs and admission just think about a potential job or industry, also think about yourself. classes you need to graduate. Look at websites, search internships, summer camps, information from your top-choice sites, online campus tours, and other career-inspiring schools if you haven’t already. Log on to to register student reviews, and programs that will boost If you took the SAT/ACT for the your resume. Take a free practice test Attend college fairs in your to improve your scores, then Register for the PSAT in October. for the ACT and SAT to area. It’s a great way to take a summer prep course see which test you perform collect brochures and meet with The Princeton Review. Compete for the National Merit Scholarship better on. College Reps one-on-one. ( If practical, visit and tour the Sign up for a prep class Sign up for a prep course rest of the schools on your list. • Discover you: What are your strengths: reading, Use and The Princeton if you are taking the early so that you are ready for the Brainstorm and outline a few Review’s book, The Best 376 Colleges, to spring exams. Go to May/June exams. essay ideas. begin your initial college search. Register to take the SAT Schedule an appointment with Talk to your counselor and consider an or ACT. your counselor or independent for you. assessment test to explore potential Take the appropriate Subject consultant to discuss your writing, small groups, presentations? What are your careers you might like. Investigate scholarship and Tests (if needed) and AP college plans. Tests. The Princeton Review Create a binder to keep all of Get involved in the community, school Make a list of colleges offers courses for both. activities, and clubs. Track your volunteer hours your information and application that you might like to visit Visit the schools on your list. forms organized and neat. and add these experiences to your applications. and prepare questions for Explore the campus, its fa- Start your applications before Work on improving your vocabulary — upcoming tours. cilities, and what makes each favorite subjects? What activities do you enjoy? What is the stresses of senior year kick it will help you on the SAT! particular college unique. into full gear. PULL OUT AND HANG ON YOUR WALL TURN FOR MORE most important to you in a field of study? Ask others what they think you might like or be good at. 2) Start a college file right now. Keep information and notes about colleges that you research and visit. What • Discover a career: What do different careers offer in people say, what you think, and what you discover online. terms of money, satisfaction, workload, or prestige? Is Document anything that may weigh in your decision. there a career that involves your curiosty? What are other benefits? What are the downsides? What types of people Helpful Hint: Keep track of the same qualities about each work in this field? Can you shadow someone in this job? university that are important to you, such as: • Take a test: There are a lot of interest assessment • What are its academic standards? Will it be tests that may give you some ideas about careers challenging enough — or too challenging? to explore. Many IECA members use a test called "Do What You Are." Don't be pigeon-holed by what • Does it meet any special needs you have? "you've always wanted to do" or what someone • What are its rankings in national surveys? else thinks you should do. • What are the academic majors and minors? Does it offer your major? If so, what are the facilities and instructors like? QUICK TIP • How big are the classes? “Choosing a college is a lot like dating. Let yourself explore — you might think a college • How important are sports? How big are fraternities is ‘love at first sight’ but get to know different and sororities? Does it have activities and clubs that campuses from several angles. Things are you like? not always as they appear on the surface,” • What's the food like? Are the dorms nice? How do you remarks Sandra Clifton, an educational feel about the social life? consultant from Brooklyn and an IECA member. • Does the campus seem like a good fit in terms of size, whether it is urban or rural? TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 7
  • 10. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS HIT THE ROAD talk to some students about the school, even if it might seem awkward. Read the student newspaper and look at You can visit schools informally; you don’t have to wait until the bulletin boards. Take your time and just explore. the summer before your senior year. If you are visiting a col- lege town, then take the opportunity to check out the school. Just walk around. Get a feel for the campus with the idea Many IECA consultants actually recommend that you visit that you’ll come back later for a formal tour. Even a school a few colleges that are not what you planned for. Think- you’re not currently considering may give you ideas about ing big? Visit a smaller school. Thinking public? Visit what you really want — and you might change your mind a private school, and so forth. The reality may be very about the school later. different from your assumptions. And when you want a more formal visit, go to the school From school brochures to notes you may have written on website and set one up. Ask for a personal tour of any part a napkin, remember to file everything you’ve gathered in of the school that you want to see. And be prepared with your very important College and Career Database. plenty of questions. “Students need to remember that choosing a college is Remember, they will try to show you their very best side. not a trophy hunt,” says Dodge Johnson from Philadel- So take your own tour as well. See if you think you’d fit phia, an IECA member. “It’s a chance for you to figure out in. Spend some time in the student center. Visit the gym. exactly where you’d like to be over the next four years. Check out the facilities and campus amenities. Casually Do not be mesmerized by prestige.” SOME "SITE INSIGHT" PROVIDED BY THE IECA Information students should look for on college websites that others might miss. • Academic department pages. Click on “Academics” • The college library page. This gives you a sense of and go to the web pages of the departments repre- what databases are offered, special collections they senting your assumed field of study. You’ll find out possess, and background on research capabilities. about the faculty, requirements, courses, resources, • The Mission or Vision Statement. Discover whether and sometimes even information about placement a college’s philosophy matches your own. As IECA of graduates. Member Erin Avery, an educational consultant from • Course catalog and course schedules. IECA Associate Fair Haven, NJ, points out, “colleges are looking Member, Wendy Kahn, from Highland Park, IL, cautions for students that authentically demonstrate that you that sometimes all eligible courses are not listed — in- understand the culture and mission of that college.” cluding those not offered every semester, or even every • Athletics pages. They are a “must visit” for student year. To get a more accurate picture, check out the cur- athletes. Often you can get a sense of attendance rent course schedule. Sue Crump, an associate mem- for your sport, where current athletes came from ber of IECA from Glen Mills, PA, suggests that students (discerning your own ability to be recruited), back- create sample course schedules as a way to understand ground on the coaching staff, and much more. what their academic experience may be like. • Support services. Certainly for those with learning • Virtual tours, admission videos, blogs. Nothing beats differences, you may want to explore: tutoring, a real campus visit, but if you can’t get there a virtual writing centers, counseling services, plus special tour still helps give you a sense of campus. While opportunities like study abroad and service these are put together by the college’s public learning options. relations department, they still provide an idea of what the college wants to be — or is — when it puts its best foot forward.
  • 11. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 3 NOW LET’S GET INTO Each school will weigh each of these differently, so THE APPLICATION check out their websites to see if they discuss admis- sions criteria. They’ll generally give you data about PROCESS their typical freshman class, such as high school class rankings and standardized test results, for instance. The applications and admissions process is not as bad And they often will tell you specifically what types of as people sometimes suggest. But it takes research, student they desire. patience, and time. Colleges generally review six things when they consider Remember colleges want students who want them, your application: says Kahn. “Make a campus visit, get on the mailing • Grades – your grade point average in high school list, attend a local informational session, visit during a college fair, ‘friend’ a college on Facebook, join a • Standardized Test Scores – typically the ACT or SAT blog, meet with an admissions rep who visits your high • Recommendations – from teachers and others who school, schedule an interview with an alum, and send know you well follow up notes or emails.” • Personal Responses to Essay Questions – which gives you an opportunity to use your own voice Note: Representatives from the college are probably making notes every time you contact the school — so • What you have accomplished and experienced outside make a good impression. of the classroom • An interview TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 9
  • 12. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS THE TESTS Students whose first language is not English should also take the TOEFL (Test of English Most colleges require applicants to take one of two standardized as a Foreign Language; information at tests: the SAT or the ACT. Some of the more competitive schools require two or three SAT Subject Tests. The SAT focuses on critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The ACT focuses on four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science and If tests are not your strength, you might want offers an optional writing test. Some students do better on one to consider applying to colleges that do not test or the other. require standardized tests to apply. Check out for schools that are “test optional.” Your guidance counselor or independent college advisor can tell you the complete testing schedule (they are offered quite often). THE RECOMMENDATIONS They will also have a table to compare the scores on both tests to help you decide which to submit to the colleges. You should Recommendations are another way for the col- not submit both the SAT and ACT scores, just the better results. leges to learn more about you. Think about who will most definitely give them a good impression. You can find sample test questions for the SAT at A teacher, counselor, employer, or coach? You and for the ACT at should choose someone who knows you well and It may be worth taking both tests to compare your scores. knows your best attributes. Someone who will There are a variety of services to prep you for each — online, take time with your recommendation. A few col- in books, and in classes. leges even accept recommendations from parents! Achieve your academic potential. Our team of former admissions officers from Columbia, Dartmouth, Penn, Wharton, Oberlin, Case Western, and Brown can help you get into the best school for you. Call 617 395 4160 or visit for more details.
  • 13. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS Give this person a large manila envelope. Write the name of each school on the front of the envelope and the recommenda- tion deadlines. Inside provide a stamped, addressed envelope for each school. Use your high school as the return address. Students with special talents as a top athlete or a visual artist may need to supply additional application materials to the college: a portfolio or video. Athletes should definitely consult with their coaches, who are often connected to universities. Some tips: • Ask for recommendations early, before the rush. It’s fine even if you are still in a teacher’s class. Summer is also a good time. • Ask the recommender if they need anything from you to help write the content, such as a copy of your resume. • You can gently suggest topics you might want them to cover. For instance: “I wanted you to do a recommenda- tion because I felt I did my best work on that video project on the Civil War in your class.” • Write a thank you note to each person who writes you a recommendation. Also, keep in touch with them and let them know the results of your applications and what college you plan to attend. THE ESSAY The college essay provides an opportunity for you to share something about yourself that the admissions office does not already know from the hard data (i.e., your GPA and test scores). Usually you can choose from several essay topics. Pick the topic you feel most connected to; it might help you fill in any gaps about your personality. Make sure the essay gives the school some insight into you — as a person, student, and member of the community. Remember, colleges want to admit thoughtful, curious people, not just students with good grades or great test scores. Wendi Lubic, an independent educational consultant from Washington, DC and a member of IECA, notes: “It’s hard for some students (especially boys) to show emotions, but it really helps the reader to connect to the applicant. By the same token, don’t whine or be too negative or take a position that is controversial on a political, religious, or moral issue." TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 11
  • 14. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS The essay doesn’t have to be written about a major event. “Too many students approach the essay by focusing on the topic, instead of using the topic as a way to reveal something significant and unique about themselves,” says IECA Member Carolyn Cohen from Addison, NY. Some tips: • Make sure your essay answers the question asked and keeps within the word count with no typos, misspellings, or grammatical errors. • Be yourself. For example, don’t try to sound humorous if this approach is not natural for you. • Anecdotes that explain your topic are very helpful. • Allow time for a draft to sit. As IECA Member Dodge Johnson from Philadelphia says, “Death- less prose has a way of dying overnight. Don’t rush writing.” • Don’t get feedback from too many people; remem- ber it’s called a “personal” essay for a reason. Too often the unique sparkle of a student becomes “whitewashed” by well-meaning third parties. • Never plagiarize. No matter how tempting it may be to cut and paste or even paraphrase another’s work, it’s not worth it. • Also avoid the thesaurus. Using words you would not ordinarily use often reads as clumsy. QUICK TIP Contact each college to make sure that your application is completed correctly. If they haven’t processed your application yet, ask when you should check back. Over half of colleges say they consider a student’s “demonstrated interest” in admission decisions. Colleges want students who want them.
  • 15. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS Don’t be shy about bragging, but don’t embellish too much. Highlight qualities you may possess such as leadership, character, energy, resourcefulness, and endurance rather than just listing awards and a long list of memberships. Show them specifics about how those qualities were evident. For example, rather than stating “President of Students for a Better Environment,” instead say “I led 35 students in 15 various complex projects to improve the environment in our community, gaining enthusiastic support and wide praise.” This phrasing speaks volumes about you. “Too much information will dilute your message. Use this opportunity to reflect those things you excel at, are most passionate about, or plan to pursue in college.” says IECA member Gay Pepper. THE INTERVIEW Interviews are perfect ways for colleges to learn more about you, and you to learn more about the school. Admissions staff, faculty members, and sometimes former students conduct interviews. To what degree the interview is weighted in the actual admissions process varies from college to college, but it is certainly an opportunity to show your interest in a school. Think of memorable ways to introduce yourself, such as through anecdotes that describe who you are. And always ask well thought-out questions that aren’t easily answered by the school’s materials or website. You may want to practice, especially if one-on-one meetings are not your strength. Always be yourself, as interviewers will know if you are just reciting answers. Some tips: • Take time to think about your answers. Interviewers • Make an appointment well in advance and arrive on are looking for introspective, not quick responses. time. • Don’t give one-word answers – but don’t ramble on. • Think about the impression you want to make. Dress • Be honest. If there are weaknesses in your tran- for success and organize your notes. script or your test scores are low, explain why. Let • Turn off your cell phone before the interview. the interviewer know how you have improved or plan to improve. Remember, you are looking for a • Make eye contact with the interviewer and give a firm match; honesty will help you find it. handshake. If this greeting is not easy for you, practice with someone beforehand. • Write a thank you note after each interview. This will show both your appreciation and interest. Mention • An interviewer will probably ask questions like: ““Why some part of the interview that was most helpful. do you want to attend our college?” Be prepared. TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 13
  • 16. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS APPLYING YOURSELF A few recommendations when filling out your applications. • Give great care to the activities grid or list of your accomplishments. Even if attaching a resume, the grid is the primary way admissions officers gather information on your outside commitments. • Give as much serious thought, time, and effort to the short answer questions as you do to the major essays. • Answer every question. “Rather than thinking of optional questions as being unnecessary, view them as additional opportunities to make your applica- tion stand out from the crowd,” says IECA member Mandee Adler from Hollywood, FL. • Do not insert the name of a college in an essay that might go out to multiple colleges. Save all answers in a separate word document — you might be able to use it again. • Stick to word count limits. Students run the risk of having their prose cut short. • Leave the standardized test reporting section blank. Since colleges will get scores via the testing agency, this protects students applying to test-optional colleges, says IECA member Kiersten Murphy. • Preview your application before submitting it. In fact, Kristina Dooley, an IECA member from Buenos Aires, suggests printing out the Common Applica- tion before beginning work so you will know what to expect and avoid mistakes. • Remember to read directions, pay attention to word counts, deadlines, and formatting criteria. Some supplements (like art or music) have different deadlines. 14 | 2012 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS
  • 17. Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in Fine Arts drawing painting printmaking sculpture Graphic Design Illustration Fashion Photography The College of Visual Arts is accredited by the National Assoication of Schools of Art and Design and the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges. College of Visual Arts Admissions Office 344 Summit Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 651.757.4040 We’re small by design, which enables us to offer a richly integrated liberal arts and studio education in a vibrant urban setting. C V A be visual
  • 18. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 4 PAYING THE BILL Important steps to file for financial aid. • Four-year private colleges charge an average of $28,500. • Two-year public colleges charge an average College is expensive. The price tag varies widely of $2,963. depending on the school. State schools and commu- Books and room and board also add to the cost of nity colleges tend to be less expensive, especially for college. Money, unfortunately, has to be a major students in that region. Most schools publish tuition consideration. But there is help. and fees on their website. Here is a rough yearly average of tuition and fees: There are two main kinds of financial aid: • Four-year public schools charge an average • Merit-based aid – an award determined by of $8,244 for in-state students. the college based on your performance in high • Four-year public schools charge an average school, your test scores, or a particular talent. of $12,526 for out-of-state students. 16 | 2012 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS
  • 19. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS There is usually no formal application for this type of aid, although some schools may have specific merit-based programs that require an application. This is money that you do not need to pay back. Check with your individual college to see if merit-based aid is offered. • Need-based aid – money you receive based on your financial need, determined by specific government or college formulas. It is generally awarded in three ways: • Federal, state, or school grants – money you do not need to repay. • Federal loans – money that you must pay back, usually after you graduate or leave school. • Work study – money you earn by working part-time, usually at a job on campus. This money is paid directly to the student and can be used for books, supplies, entertainment, and other expenses. There are three forms that may be used to file for financial aid: • FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) - this form is required by all colleges to receive any federal money. It cannot be filed until after January 1st of the year the student plans to enter college. The form must be completed each year the student is in school. The FAFSA can be found at • PROFILE – This form is required by many private colleges and some scholarship programs. It originates from the College Scholarship Service (CSS), the financial aid division of The College Board, and can be found at www.collegeboard. com. After completing an initial application, PROFILE requires a more extensive application based on the schools to which you are applying. It can be completed whenever you begin the col- lege application process. There is an application fee plus an additional charge for each college or scholarship that requests this document. • Individual college forms – some schools require that you also complete a financial aid form unique to the college. TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 17
  • 20. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS Eligibility for financial aid is determined by need, which is aid officer will consider any unusual circumstances for essentially the cost of the school minus what you can afford additional aid. to pay. The FAFSA and the PROFILE have slightly differ- ent formulas for determining your need. Once your need is In addition many organizations, businesses, ethnic groups, determined, the college will present you with a financial aid or church affiliations offer scholarships to assist students package. It is rare that a school will meet your full need. with special interests or talents. It is critical that you file any financial aid forms by February The best resource to locate scholarships is your college so that you are part of the initial distribution of funds. Once guidance office, but there is also a lot of information online. your aid is awarded — usually shortly after you receive your Check out various websites such as acceptance — you can speak with the financial aid office if Word of caution: Never pay money to receive scholarship you believe that your package is not sufficient. The financial money. QUICK TIP Fill out the FAFSA, even if you think you may not be eligible. Even for those who don’t meet financial aid eligibility, some schools may offer additional scholarships or grants. And your family’s financial circumstances may change. File early and don’t pay to have someone do it for you. You must submit FAFSA each year of school. 18 | 2012 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS
  • 21. COUNTDOWN-TO-COLLEGE for Juniors and Seniors Presented by JUNIOR YEAR Thinking about college starts in your junior year. FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER Take a challenging course load and all of the Begin researching colleges. Look into summer jobs, Request catalogs and admission classes you need to graduate. Look at websites, search internships, summer camps, information from your top-choice sites, online campus tours, and other career-inspiring schools if you haven’t already. Log on to to register student reviews, and programs that will boost If you took the SAT/ACT for the your resume. Take a free practice test Attend college fairs in your to improve your scores, then Register for the PSAT in October. for the ACT and SAT to area. It’s a great way to take a summer prep course see which test you perform collect brochures and meet with The Princeton Review. Compete for the National Merit Scholarship better on. College Reps one-on-one. ( If practical, visit and tour the Sign up for a prep class Sign up for a prep course rest of the schools on your list. Use and The Princeton if you are taking the early so that you are ready for the Brainstorm and outline a few Review’s book, The Best 376 Colleges, to spring exams. Go to May/June exams. essay ideas. begin your initial college search. Register to take the SAT Schedule an appointment with Talk to your counselor and consider an or ACT. your counselor or independent for you. assessment test to explore potential Take the appropriate Subject consultant to discuss your careers you might like. Investigate scholarship and Tests (if needed) and AP college plans. Tests. The Princeton Review Create a binder to keep all of Get involved in the community, school Make a list of colleges offers courses for both. activities, and clubs. Track your volunteer hours your information and application that you might like to visit Visit the schools on your list. forms organized and neat. and add these experiences to your applications. and prepare questions for Explore the campus, its fa- Start your applications before Work on improving your vocabulary — upcoming tours. cilities, and what makes each the stresses of senior year kick it will help you on the SAT! particular college unique. into full gear. PULL OUT AND HANG ON YOUR WALL TURN FOR MORE
  • 22. SENIOR YEAR It’s your last year of school! Now’s the time to complete your college quest. SEPTEMBER APRIL Decide which colleges to apply to. Include schools that you believe will accept you, as well as some “reach” schools. If you are added to a waiting list, notify the college or university if Contact The Princeton Review to discuss the College Admissions you are still interested, and ask them if there’s anything you can Consulting program. do to better your chances of being accepted. Work on completing your college applications. Find out if your target colleges accept the Common Application or form and deposit. You’ll be off to college in the fall! Universal College Application, which can be submitted online. so they can offer Decide if you will apply for early decision to your top-choice schools. enrollment to other students. Start the framework for your college essays. Participate in a Princeton Review Financial Aid Seminar. Ask teachers, counselors, or employers to write recommendation letters. MAY Take any AP exams that you’ve registered for and make sure your scores are sent to your college. OCTOBER Write and send thank-you notes to all involved in the college Take the SAT/ACT. process including your counselor, teachers, and those who’ve written you personal recommendations. Let them know where Continue completing your applications. Submit early decisions. you will be going to school! Fine-tune your college essays. Have them proofread for content and grammar. Double check on any deadlines and last-minute paperwork necessary to attend your college of choice. Plan to attend a summer orientation at your college. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Submit your completed college applications and essays. JUNE Check to see if your recommendation letters have been mailed. . Search for scholarship opportunities. Complete any last minute paperwork required for your school. Obtain a copy of FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for your parents or guardians. Plan your transition and exciting move to campus. Look for early decision acceptance letters from schools. Graduate high school!
  • 23. JANUARY File for the FAFSA as soon as you can after January 1. Make sure that the colleges you applied to in December have received your completed application. Ask your counselor to send your mid-year grades to the colleges or universities that require them. if you haven’t submitted it yet. Check the policies on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests at the schools you may attend. These tests can earn you college credits in certain subjects. FEBRUARY If you haven’t done so already, submit your FAFSA. Deadline is February 15th. If you have submitted a FAFSA and you have not received your Student Aid report (SAR) within a month, speak to your counselor or contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center directly. and any initial required documents. MARCH If you are taking any Advanced Placement courses, ask your teacher or counselor how to prepare and when to take the AP exams. Continue searching for scholarships that will help reduce NOW... OFF TO COLLEGE! your tuition expenses. Keep an eye out for admission decisions from colleges — and any additional information schools may request. TURN FOR MORE
  • 24. DISCOVER THE PRINCETON REVIEW TUTORING EDGE SAT AND SUBJECT TEST DATES The Princeton Review: Application Deadline Test Date* April 6, 2012 May 5, 2012 May 8, 2012 June 2, 2012 September 7, 2012 October 6, 2012 October 5, 2012 November 3, 2012 November 2, 2012 December 1, 2012 December 28, 2012 January 26, 2013 February 8, 2013 March 9, 2013 *Actual test dates may change. ACT TEST DATES Application Deadline Test Date May 4, 2012 June 9, 2012 August 17, 2012 September 8, 2012 SPECIAL September 21, 2012 October 27, 2012 November 2, 2012 December 8, 2012 OFFER! Use code January 11, 2013 February 9, 2013 TeenLife200 to March 8, 2013 April 13, 2013 SAVE $200 on a SAT Ultimate course. It’s no wonder that over 4 out of 5 Princeton Review graduates get into one of their top-choice schools!
  • 25. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 5 WHAT IS IT LIKE AT COLLEGE? You’ll enjoy both independence and self-reliance different buildings. You have to register for classes and can choose, somewhat, how your schedule fits together. for the first time. In your freshman year, don't worry about choosing Every college is different, but generally you will your major, dual major, or minor (a less demanding have more of two things: responsibility and freedom. secondary course of study) right off the bat. What you The two often go hand-in-hand. You will have a great want to study will be clearer later. Many universi- deal of flexibility with your schedule, social life, and ties actually encourage you to explore a variety of adult responsibilities, but you will be accountable for courses, so they may not require that you declare handling everything at once. You must get to class, a major as a freshman anyway. do your work, and completely live on your own. That’s big. SOCIAL FREEDOM You will also have freedom for more activities and ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITY social gatherings, which is pretty cool. Again, this Often college professors don’t monitor a student’s comes with responsibility. You’ll be responsible work apart from giving them the final grade. You’ll for everything from your money and discretionary have to study, stay organized, and manage your time spending, to the choices you make about friends well. Classes will meet at all different times and in and what you do for fun. TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 23
  • 26. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS FINALLY SOMEONE IS INFORMING PARENTS WHAT COLLEGES WON’T BE TELLING THEM! Most likely you will live in a dorm with other fresh- men with some supervision from an adult or upper class student. Not only will you have access to regular meals and privileges for other food and entertainment, but you will also have access to the student center, gym, and other recreational facilities. The same things you have in high school, but bigger and better. Take advantage of all that campus life has to offer socially. Join activities. Meet tons of new people. And have fun. QUICK TIP Although there are plenty of opportunities “This is an indispensable handbook for any for socialization, down time is encouraged. parent facing the college years, whether it's Part of being a happy and healthy student the first year or even the last—the advice is is recognizing when you also need time to relax or exercise to take a breather from valuable for each year the student is enrolled” your studies and friends. —AMY C. REA ForeWord Magazine DID YOU KNOW: • Your child may not be registered for classes if you fail to pay “invisible” tuition fees? • Medical health proxies Winner of are a MUST ? 25 additional • You can save thousands of dollars by opting out of a mandatory university charge? awards By Marie Pinak Carr and her 3 college daughters (who learned by experience)
  • 27. TRANSITIONING TO CAMPUS More things to think about as a freshman FINDING YOUR NICHE Respect is huge in a successful living situation. Make sure to respect and understand your According to Karen Eckman-Baur, an indepen- roommate’s sleep and work schedule. You may dent educational consultant, this means getting need to make changes to your routine in order to involved in and committed to a few activities accommodate his/her schedule. of interest. “This helps to develop a circle of friends with similar interests. Being happy in Talk about problems. It is important to be vocal and your new environment has been identified as let your roommate know when something is bothering the most important piece of successfully con- you. If you do not say anything, the problem will most necting to your college life. But also remember, likely get worse. If you can’t resolve the issue together, you have four years… there’s no need to do use the resources available in your residence hall. everything as soon as you hit campus.” RA’s are trained to help with roommate conflicts. ESTABLISHING A RELATIONSHIP MAKING FRIENDS WITH YOUR ROOMMATE Early on, ask your counselor for names of students Having a roommate is a new experience for from your school who are attending your college. Have most. We suggest writing a contract or agree- lunch before you leave to get some helpful suggestions ment with your roommate: quiet hours, visitors, about how to manage your first few days, plan your borrowing, etc. How will you handle cleaning? schedule, and meet other students. What are the rules for neatness? How do you feel about having overnight guests? How will In addition to freshmen orientation, many colleges you handle food if you have a kitchen area? sponsor programs just before school begins to help Establish responsibility for everyone in the you get to know other members of your class. These room. Remember, most people won’t become may be outdoor adventures, community service activi- best friends with their roommate, but you do ties, or leadership training initiatives. Sometimes need to learn to live together. these programs cost additional money, but they are very helpful in connecting with the college and class- Do things together to help develop the mates early on. relationship. For example, if you have access to a kitchen, cook together. Join an intramural Once you arrive on campus, take advantage of the ac- sports team. It is great to have activities that tivities planned for freshmen even if they seem point- you share but make sure to do some activities less. You will meet people, hear about upcoming social independently. gatherings, and feel more connected to student life. Continued on next page TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 2012 | 25
  • 28. Talk to the people who sit next to you in class. If you need help, sure, reach out to your professors. Get to know them. These individuals may become But also get to know them on a personal level, friends or perhaps study partners. When in your especially those in your major or in classes you room, leave your door open so people know you are particularly enjoy. amenable to visitors, and meeting new classmates. You will be surprised how much they appreciate Be open to developing new friendships. meeting you as their new student. ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS Take advantage of all college resources. Find out Attend all of your classes and understand what about the centers that are available on campus. Look is required of you. Take advantage of optional for advising programs, writing and tutoring locations, seminars and tutorials, which are complementary mental health support, and more. It is comforting to class. Always complete assignments (including to know that you can easily access the help you may reading) and stay focused on your academics. need at any given time in your college career. For academic success, make your own schedule. Think about what time of day you work best. Schedule classes with this time in mind. 26 | 2012 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS
  • 29. BOSTON Talking to Your Teen ge About Colle e Choosing th PUB LIS HED BY can right school for be stressful ens parents & te INTRODUCING From the impact of social media to dealing with bullying, our latest publication is packed with advice on the challenges and joys of parenting teens. You'll also find a valuable directory of local, national, and international programs for families with teens.
  • 30. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS QUICK TIP Think of it this way. The college admissions process is similar to the process you went through to teach your child to drive: it was scary yielding the driver’s seat to your child, but it was necessary to ensure they learned. • Get to know the guidance counselor or independent educational consultant, but take a back seat: questions, work and deadlines flow between the counselor and the student. Remember, you are there as back up! IECA Member Robin Abedon adds that a critical but difficult challenge for many parents is “being realistic about their children’s abilities — a tall order for many parents.” • Provide support but do not take over. Let your children discover their own way. As IECA Member Bari Norman says “Yes, the process is about finding the right match and getting in, but also about teaching a high schooler to transition to adulthood, since he/she will be away 6 at college on his/her own.” A PARENT'S • Have a sense of humor. There are many “firsts” in this process, so mistakes will be made. It is critical ROLE to remember that this is a two-year path and keeping things light (after a terrible campus interview or a poor How involved parents should be in the admissions first draft of an essay) can keep communication open process. and upbeat. Having a son or daughter leave for college is both happy • Maintain open communication. Teens may be wary and sad. It is a major transition for everyone involved. But of topics like: financial responsibility, leaving home, it is extremely important to have your child take the lead living with strangers, relationships, etc. Make it clear in each step of the journey. This search is about finding that any topic is fine to discuss. An open dialogue is the appropriate match for your son or daughter. By important. taking a step back, you will be helping your child gain • Make sure your child understands the family’s independence and self-advocacy. During the entire financial resources. Help your son or daughter college application process, parents should: establish a monthly or semester budget that will cover necessities and practical expenses. • Listen to your child. Work hard at not projecting • Hang up the phone! Parents should not be calling the your own aspirations; listen to what your son or office of admissions to set up appointments, plan visits, daughter wants from their own college experience. or check on the status of the application. These are all IECA member Sandra Moore puts it this way: the student’s responsibility. When mom or dad calls “By actively listening to your teens and showing the admissions officer, the message received is that genuine respect and acceptance of their opinions, the student is not mature enough to handle his or you help them feel valued and understood. By her own affairs. championing them without dominating them — you are empowering them.” 28 | 2012 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS Jim Paterson has been a writer and editor for 25 years. He also is the head of the counseling department at Argyle Middle School in Silver Spring, Maryland.
  • 31. About TeenLife Join now for free access to all we have to offer— BECOME A MEMBER Information is offered online at and through monthly e-newsletters, email Students at a recent communications, and printed and digital guides in a TEENLIFE number of categories. Families and their teens can EVENT. also explore opportunities at live events, school and student fairs, and corporate meetings. Students, parents, and educators are encouraged to register online to take advantage of our comprehensive resources! Go to For more information about TeenLife, email or call (617) 277-5120. Programs, schools, service providers, and other organizations who want to be listed on our site should contact WHO WE ARE TeenLife is the "go to” resource for parents, teens, and educators actively looking for meaningful learning experiences — regionally, nationally, and internationally —for students. Our award-winning site, handy guides, and face- INTRODUCING BOSTON SUMMER to-face events feature an extensive number of opportunities, LIFE WITH TEENS programs, and services that "bring out the best” in teens. A NEW QUARTERLY MAGAZINE BY WHAT WE DO TEENLIFE MEDIA! Talking to Few students, parents, and educators have the time, Your Teen From the impact of social media About College resources, or knowledge to research interesting, learning Choosing the to dealing with bullying, our latest right school can PUBLISHED BY publication is packed with advice experiences for teens. So, we do it for them. TeenLife be stressful for parents & teens on the challenges and joys of scours the Internet and teen resources for new information parenting teens. You'll also find a and ideas on a continual basis. Our proprietary database valuable directory of local, national, and international programs for containing thousands of listings for teens is unmatched families with teens. by any other source. RESERVE YOUR FREE COPY JOIN AT WWW.TEENLIFE.COM NOW!
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