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Unit 2, 3, 22
Jack Kilminster
Task 2
Single camera production
Single-camera setups originally were developed during the birth of the classical Hollywood
cinema in the 1910s and has remained the standard mode of production for cinema but in
television, both single camera and multiple-camera productions are common.
Single camera production is when only one camera is used during the filming of a scene in
a production. This means every shot and angle in each scene is shot only using one camera.
Single camera techniques are usually used when the production has a low budget or if the
area the production is set in is only a small area. Examples of main productions which use
single camera techniques are music videos, commercial advertisement sitcoms or POV a
movie (were the actors in the film are behind the filming the whole production, as the camera
is a main prop in the production).
Examples of POV movies which use the single camera technique are as of the following,
“Troll Hunter, The Blair Witch, Batman (1966-1968) and The Adam’s Family etc.
Like movie examples there are many examples of series were they used single camera
techniques, such as: friends and other entertainment series such as the inbetweeners, Gavin
and Stacey and Benidorm etc.
When filming a conversation dialogue using a single camera, the director will normally film
one actor speaking their dialogue first and then the other, the director will then piece
together the scenes in the editing.
Link to the movie the Blair witch project
This movie is an example of where the actors are doing the filming, portrayed in the pictures
in the movie. This is a clear sign of a single camera technique as a character in the story is
filming the whole production.
Other signs which show it is a single camera production is the movement of the camera, how
it is really unsteady all the time, to show this is a poor quality as it is cammed the whole time,
another example, that this is a single camera production, is that you rarely ever see the
person behind the camera unless the character switches with someone or spins the camera
around to show themselves.
These are all clear signs of single camera techniques.
When it comes to setting up camera techniques, whether it be multi or single, it will always
be the dependant on the budget and how large the area is for the filming, as depending on
whether it is multi or single will be the main factor on whether you will have to get 10 extra
people in the room to cover the cameras, on top of all the other crew and actors in the room
also, this is an advantage of single camera as you only have 1 camera and 1 or 2 people
using it which saves space especially in small rooms an example of this is saw as most of
the production was shot in one room using the single camera technique, saving a lot of
space in the room.
When setting up cameras there's other rules you have to consider also such as the 180
degree rule, where there is a line in between the two characters speaking, once you are
filming on one side of the line you must not cross it otherwise you will disorientate the
This can be seen as an advantage or an disadvantage to single camera techniques, as multi
cameras could be set up in different locations following the 180 degree rule to film the scene
from different angles saving time with the scene and not having to worry as much about
continuity errors, this would be seen as a disadvantage to single camera techniques as a
single camera would either have to shoot the production over and over again to show
different angles which would have a big chance of continuity errors as the actors would have
to try and repeat exactly what they did in the last scene, which is hard to do again and again.
Which is why it's harder to complete match on actions or cutaways. Another thing the
camera man would have to do with single camera techniques is show the camera movement
to get the right angle, but using this method of using moving the camera allows you to cross
the 180 degree rule without disorientating the viewer.
Another disadvantage for using single camera techniques would be large limitations such as
the amount of shots taken would be small compared to multi cameras but this could also be
seen as an advantage as there would be less to analyse and piece together when editing,
In addition when filming us.
Quarantine is a 2008 American found-footage supernatural horror film directed and co-
written by John Erick Dowdle, produced by Sergio Aguero, Doug Davison, and Roy Lee, and
co-written by Drew Dowdle, being a remake of the Spanish film REC. The film stars Jennifer
Carpenter, Jay Hernandez, Columbus Short, Greg Germann, Steve Harris, Dania Ramirez,
Rade Šerbedžija, and Johnathon Schaech.
the film grossed $5,379,867, ranking #1 in the box office, Its total gross is $41,319,906
The film is categorised as horror and also in sub-genre “zombies”, even though the movie
itself is unconventional, as the way they portray the evil in the movie is not at all like the
normal zombie image, the way they portray them, is through rabbis, there is a virus
outbreak in the building due to a member of a Armageddon cult living in the attic, this person
had created a concoction of foul chemicals, and had released them in the building through
rats, this was the main spread of the virus which lead onto people catching the virus and
turning into human insomniacs wanting nothing but unleash rage onto another who is not
infected, this is unconventional of a typical zombie as a typical zombie would be pictured as
undead and part of the supernatural, also zombies are not expected to run, they normally
walk at a slow pace, and have a hankering for the taste of blood or brains(e.g. the walking
dead series or resident evil)
The movie style “of how it was filmed” was
found footage. This means that to try and
make the movie as realistic as possible, a
member of the cast is part of the filming
crew and they film the movie the whole
time. Due to this type of filming the actors
in the production were really put to the
test, unlike movies with normal filming, the
actors in this production had to memorise
big chunk of their lines and remember them
as the camera was constantly rolling, until
during the film the camera was turned off or
there was an ellipse during the movie to show
some time had passed. This all adds to the
verisimilitude of the movie as the main object
of the production was to make the movie as
realistic as possible, which is why it is filmed
in (POV) point of view from the cast, and to
make it as like someone eventually found this
tape and released it in a movie form for the rest of the world to see.
This all suits the movie and adds to the verisimilitude as the main actress in the movie
Jennifer Carpenter who plays “Angie”. Is a reporter and constantly wants her partner to film
the whole time so everybody outside of the quarantine which they are trapped in can find out
what happened.
The ending of the story is a topic of discussion, as the movie REC is an open ending leading
on to REC 2, whereas the ending of Quarantine is closed as Angie is pulled away off into the
darkness by the effecting woman living in the attic, were assumedly she is killed and there
are no survivors or questions to be asked to lead onto a second movie. Even though there is
a second movie that has no relevance to the first?
The quarantine production is also linear as there is only one story throughout the whole
production, if there was another story going or a flash back. Then the story would be non-
linear an example of this would be if there was a flashback in the middle point of the story, to
show something like how the virus started, or if the story scenes where not in order like back
to front this would make it non-linear, so making it adds to the verisimilitude making the story
to look as realistic as possible.
The story is also single stranded as there is only one story going on if there was another
story going on at the same time, then the movie would be multi-stranded.
The camera work was very simple in quarantine, as most of the filming was done from an
over the shoulder shot as the filming was done as found footage, the over the shoulder shot
was used to show that the cameraman
was filming the whole time and was
involved in the cast.
There were a range of different shots in
the production of quarantine, such as;
high angle shots, low angled shots, mid
shots, long shots, close ups, panning,
tracking etc.
Tracking and panning were two of the
most important shot types used on the
production of quarantine. As tracking
showed there was a lot of running from
the cast and the cameraman had to move
around to stay with the rest of the crew
when something was going on as an
example in the ending where the
cameraman and Angie run to the attic to
get away from all the people who had the
virus and were chasing them. Panning is
very important and is linked with mise en
scene as it helps reveal the whole area
the characters are in. for example when
the cast get trapped in the small room,
and one of the characters try to break through the cover to get free and is shot.
In this part of the scene the cameraman pans the camera to reveal one how small the room
is they are in and two, the people in the room, he pan’s to show the revealing of one of the
characters being bitten and starting
the process of turning.
Another example of panning is in the
beginning when Angie and the
fireman Fletcher race to see who can
put on the firemen suits first.
In the end there are perfect examples
of close ups and low angled shots,
both characters are on the floor in this
scene trying to hide from the affecting
women, the low angle shot of the
woman makes the woman more
scary as both characters are hiding looking up to her. Also in this scene, close ups are used
to show Angie’s face, revealing the fear from her facial expressions, as she is in the worst
scenario possible not being able to see the thing in the room which might harm them.
Another example is when she is interviewing the little girl, you have a close up to emphasise
her facial expressions to show she is not well. During this also there is lots of extreme close
ups and the camera moves focusing on
different features of Angie’s face showing
her facial features and feelings in detail
such as her breathing heavily and having to
try and stop herself from the creature
becoming aware of their presence in the
During this scene the Angie breaks the 4th wall
staring right through the camera towards the audience, as it’s her last light source, this is
also a method to scare the audience, as it’s like she is calling out for help to the audience
even though they’re not actually there. She also breaks the 4th wall in the beginning and
throughout the movie as her character is a reporter and she is supposed to talk to the
audience informing them what happens.
Long shots and mid angled shots are used in the movie to show characters in the scene,
setting and dialogue taking place and also actions and body language of the characters, to
show what is going on so when the group stand there in shock to the fireman falling over the
An example of a high angled shot is when the three main characters reach the higher level
and throw the man off the bannisters where the camera tracks to body falling, revealing the
floors below and the body hitting the floor, it gives the characters a feel of safety as they look
down towards the infected running up, showing the group they need to move but they have
some time to move and
hide somewhere.
During the movie the
main establishing shot
used was right at the
beginning of movie
where you see Angie
introduce herself in her
the movie, setting the
scene behind her
revealing that it is a fire
station. This also one of
the only times that a
tripod would be used in
the production.
There are many mid shots included in the filming when following the characters and when
dialogue is taking place, for example when they try the first escape attempt, giving the full
realisation they are trapped in the building and the people on the outside are not going to let
them out. It is also used when focusing on action like in the fire station with the old ladder
they would use, its show the object as well as the character, but you don't need to see the
whole body, and you want to see the object in good detail which is why you would use a long
All of the sound in the movie is diegetic as the film is found footage so there is no need
special effects or editing. As all the noise in the movie needs to be heard by the characters
in the movie. This would mean also there would be a lot of asynchronous sounds(ambient
sounds), which are background noises, such as sirens, screams from the infected,
helicopters etc. they would do this instead of using synchronous sounds to add to the
realism of them movie.
The tone of the movie is mainly informal as there are lots of screaming, arguing and
swearing, as they are running trying to escape the quarantine and run from the infected. The
only time there is formal talking is in the beginning when Angie is talking to the audience as
she is a journalists doing a report on the firemen of LA.
There wasn’t that much need for the editing seeing as the production was found footage all
the detail had to be in the production. There was not a need for any non-diegetic sounds as
the production has to be as realistic as possible, so all the sounds in the movie need to be
diegetic so that the characters can hear them. The only need for editing was to piece
together sections of recording, which would be sorting out the ellipses when the movie jumps
as the camera wither goes blurring or turns off. Other than that there is no need for much
editing as there is no need for special effects.
The mise en scene of the movie is about the locations used, the lighting, makeup, costumes,
colours and props used in the whole production there are only two locations throughout the
movie apart from the travelling between the two locations, these locations are the fire station
and the apartment block, the juxtaposition between the two is the lighting, the lighting shows
the mood of both scenes, in the beginning of the production the setting is very bright
reflecting the mood of the characters involved in the production, which is happy with laughter
as Angie begins her journalist report, with the two fireman Jake and fletcher, from that point
onwards the lighting starts to descend from the they leave the building and reach the
apartment blocks the lighting decreases. When they reach they apartment blocks the
atmosphere has already changed and the audience can already tell it’s not right from the
lighting and atmosphere from the building and other characters in the production, from then
onwards the lighting also decreases until the very end where it reaches pitch black, reflecting
on how important the lighting was reflecting the atmosphere in the production.
This shows the transition.
The main props in the building also have meaning and reflect what is happening when they
are used. For example the gun the policeman used reflects power, symbolises power,
authority and also protection, this is revealed when the police man pulls it out on Jake
knowing he has lost control of the situation he pulls out the only meaning of control as it
scares the other characters, another example is the keys found at the end by Angie, these
reflect hope, a chance to escape as keys open doors, so when they find the keys it’s almost
a they feel almost out the door already to freedom, away from the quarantine they are
trapped in.
There were many other props used in the production such as a hammer used by Jake then
main weapon used to defend the group, and other props such as a drill and syringe used by
the CDC to try control and understand the virus being released, the syringe can be related to
a cure or some sought of concoction to control another in containment, props also keys in
reflecting the mood and atmosphere in the particular scenes in the movie.
The colour scheme is also important as it sometimes reflects the characteristics of the
characters in the movie for example: Jake and fletcher wore the colour blue under their
fireman suits which represents bravery and loyalty which jakes displays throughout the
movie. Another example is Angie she wears white underneath her jacket to display purity an
if she is the innocent one in the movie, another example is the colour grey worn by the
apartment manager and the vet living in the building, this colour represents wisdom as they
both are very wise in their own particular topics .The decor of the building also shows the
building is out of place compared to the standards we live in today, it's old, looks run down,
dull and off, as the old
man running the building prefer to takes care of things himself, the building relates to the old
man, the building looks like it doesn't have a lot of standards so it's the kind of place a virus
would break out, as the standards are very unhealthy and sanitary.
The colour schemes also are another key in reflects the moods of the setting such as the
building you see a lot of grey and blues reflecting a very dull and dark setting of the scenery,
which suits the movie as the movie itself is very dark and dull as all the characters die in the
Conjuring 2
The Conjuring 2 is a 2016 American horror film directed by James Wan and written by Carey
Hayes, Chad Hayes, Wan and David Leslie Johnson. It is the sequel to the 2013 film The
Conjuring, and is the second instalment in The Conjuring film series and the third in the
franchise. Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprise their roles as paranormal investigators and
authors Ed and Lorraine Warren from the first film. The film follows the Warrens as they travel to
Britain to assist the Hodgson family, who are experiencing poltergeist activity at their Brimsdown,
Enfield council house in 1977 which later became referred to as the Enfield Poltergeist.
The Conjuring 2 was released in North America on June 10, 2016. The film received generally
positive reviews from critics and has grossed over $320 million worldwide. A spin-off film titled
The Nun is currently in development, with Wan and Safran set to produce.
The conjuring 2 is a horror genre classed movie, and is also in the sub-genre of supernatural. As
the movie is about supernatural occurrences that no one can explain, or help with. Which is
where Ed and Lorraine come him, they step in and try and help the people struggling.
The conjuring 2 is very conventional in the sub-genre the supernatural, as it includes dark
lighting, lots of jump scares, objects moving around the room, and the cause of it all is rarely
seen unless it wants to reveal itself. This can be seen as what you would expect in a basic
supernatural movie, similar example to this would Insidious.
The conjuring 2 story, is an open ended story as included in the after credits they reveal a slight
spoiler, revealing what would happened next, which is Anabelle 2, as the Annabelle doll goes
missing which indicates a follow on movie Annabelle 2.
The movie itself is linear as it explains the story in order, even though they show a flashback into
a previous event it does not affect the storyline so the story is still linear. The story is also multi-
strand as there are too story going on at the same time, as Ed and Lorraine live in America and
the Hodgson family live in London, so the story will jump from place to place showing two stories
going on at the same time.
In the production of the conjuring director James Wan really like to play with his different angles,
and he tried to use as many as possible s it adds to the scary atmosphere of the movie, the
different shot types were as follows;
panning, tracking, long shot, mid shot,
closes up, extreme close ups establishing
shots, extreme long shots, high angles,
low angles, eye line shots. They all were
used in different occasions, depending on
what was happening during the scene.
Establishing shots are used to set the
scene and show the area, where the
filming is going to take place, this
happens in the beginning when the movie
starts, where the movie starts off with a
flashback revealing a key event, which
will affect the whole movie. There aren’t
many extreme long shots in the film, but
one used was when Lorraine and Ed
arrive at the hodgson’s house. Panning
and tracking are not really expected in
this kind of movies as its not found
footage or POV, but some are used. For
example tracking is used when Ed goes
down to the basement and the camera
follows him as he walks round. For
panning, it’s used a couple of times during
the movie, like when Janet is sitting with
her friend and the teacher catches them
supposedly smoking. The movie also
consisted of a lot of close ups, on things
such as objects or peoples face, this is
normally to show importance, so for
example the tape player at Ed and
Lorraine’s house, the camera zooms closer to the tape player so the audience know what’s being
played from the tape player is the most important aspect.
Or when Lorraine is confronted by the demon in her home, there is a close up of her face to
show her scared and shocked expressions, of the demon coming out the painting, it also during
this scene has extreme close up on the sides of the
painting to reveal the hands coming from behind the
There are many examples of long shots and mid
shots included in the movie, for examples of mid shots
there are when Ed turns his back Janet, so the spirit
can take hold of her to talk, this is mid shot of Ed
normally for conversations going on or to show an
object important hands upwards, the crucifix he puts
forward to cast the spirit away.
An example of a long shot is when Janet is sitting in
the living room by herself and the TV blurs for no
reason. They use this shot type to show the character
and what’s also going on around them, so in this
instance it’s the TV.
Also in the movie different angles are used like high
and low angles, these emphasise dominance of each
character, for example when Lorraine and Bill is
talking bill looks up at Lorraine at a low angle and
Lorraine looks down at him high angle, this is because
Lorraine comes to realisation that Bill is actually
extremely weak and not the cause of what’s going on
as he himself is terrified of the demon that has a hold
on him. An example of another low and high is when,
little billy goes to let the dog out in the neighbour’s
house, but actually is the spirit which turns into the
crooked man looking down at billy as billy is terrified
and is trying to escape from the grasp of the crooked
man, which ends up being Janet. The last shot type
used in the movie are mid shots, mid shots/ eye line
are used in conversation, this is because the main
importance are the characters talking, so you want to
show facial expressions and body language of the
characters when in conversation, like when Ed and
Lorraine are talking with the priest or when there on a
talk show discussing the topic, if they lie or tell the
truth all are mid shots showing expressions and facial
expressions when the conversations are going on.
The mise en scene of the movie is first of set up to be
a 60-70’s theme as it's based on a true, story, so the
movie style is based to try and match as much as
possible, what the real thing looked like. So the
clothing of everyone in the movie is all old fashion, the
haircuts in the movies are all old fashion, the
cars are all old fashion, the technology they use
is all old fashion to give a 60’s 70’s theme and to
make it look as real as possible.
During the movie there are different sets which
the movie is shot in, and each set has its own
set of characteristics differentiating from the
other. So for example the hodgson residents,
looks dull, its decaying, the rooms are very dark
and cold reflecting the atmosphere, clearly
showing that the family does not have a lot of
money, which many didn't during these times,
the house clearly needs renovation, but the
family cannot afford it.
Whereas you have their neighbour’s residence,
whose house is warmer and brighter, showing
the difference between a posed household and a
normal house hold? The house is cleaner and
looks like it has been refurbished, as the couple
living there have good money.
Another household we look at is the warrens
house, which is also very bright, warm and
comforting, revealing that they have good
money. Which is a juxtaposition between the
neighbours and the warrens to the hodgson
residence. As two house clearly reflect wealth,
healthiness, and more of modern comfortable
homes, whereas the hodgson’s reflect poverty
and dark, dull emotions.
Most of the speaking in conjuring 2 is formal, as back then especially in a posher/richer
household the tone which they would speak would be a more formal tone whereas a lower class
person, would speak with a more informal tone, so for example when Ed and Lorraine are on the
talk show or sitting with the priest they
speak very formally and professionally as
this is their job and something they know
much about.
Their is a mixture of non - diegetic and
diegetic sounds in the movie, this is
because, the characters have to hear
some sounds to emphasise what’s going
on, as what is going on will affect them,
but some non-diegetic sounds were
included to add atmosphere and tension
for the audience this is normally
displayed using music or silence to add
tension and bring the audience in for a
scare. For example when Loraine during
the flashback first sees the demon, this
is also a good example of a cutaway, as
Lorraine looking into the mirror sees the
Nun she looks away and she is not
behind her but her position has changed
in the mirror, she does this again as she
looks back at the mirror the demon nun
has come out the mirror and attacked
Lorraine, this is a perfect example of a
cutaway to build tension adding to the
suspense, bringing the audience in,
cutaways are perfect to add non-diegetic
sounds to as it adds to the jump scare,
as it builds up the whole way through,
this also happens when Janet is on her
own at home when she is trying to
sought the TV out, it adds to the mystery
the music, building the tension up for the
jump scare which will take place.
Another example of non-diegetic sounds
s in the beginning when they show
London and some of the things which
occurred during these times they play an
iconic song during these times by an
iconic band 2 The Clash” which adds to the mood they are trying to create the atmosphere of
London for the viewers at home to understand where to movie has now jumped to from the
flashback in Amityville. It adds to feel so the viewers know they are in London.
An example of diegetic sounds is when the police have entered the hodgson’s house, trying to
find the source of what caused this disturbance, they find nothing until they hear the noises from
the walls, leading to chair moving,
these are all diegetic noises as it is
what the characters in the movie have
to hear so they can react to.
Another good example of diegetic
sound which took place in the movie is
when Janet turns into the crooked man
scaring billy and then unleashing her
wrath and things flying about the room
and smashing as she screams these
are all diegetic sounds where the
actors have to react to.
There were lots of different
synchronous sounds include in the
movie such as rustling of leaves and
the wind, people talking, car noises, the
sound of swings moving. An example
of this is when Ed and Lorraine are with
the other help consulting the
information they have collected so far,
there is noise in the background such
as people talk, bar games etc. this is
used to add to the realism of the
scene, to make the viewer believe this
happened or is happening.
The editing of the movie included lots
of different shot types, techniques and
cuts. This is because they wanted to
add to the movie, adding to the realism and the quality of each scene.
For example combination of shots, the mixture of shots used add to the tension, showing more
emotions, facial expressions,
creating depth for the serious
scene, for example the pub scene
the combination of shots used
show the scenery they are in, and
the different expression on the
characters faces, showing the
tension of the scene. The scene
included, panning, long shots,
mid shots and close ups.
Match on action is something you
expect in every movie, but the
transitions of shots need to be clean and perfectly timed. Match on action is used many times in
the conjuring, for example in the beginning of the movie when the 4 are walking out of school,
and another group of boys try to bully billy, the angle changes as Janet’s friend pushes him
away, this transition is smooth as the editing of the shots was transition together smoothly and
perfectly, this is an example of match on action, this shot type is used constantly lots of times
throughout the movie. Another is when example is when Janet is in her bedroom with her sister
playing the Ouija board or when
Janet is home alone watching
TV these scenes like all others
include match on action cuts,
the shot changes to another
angle, these cuts are done
smoothly as they are timed
perfectly when an actor moves
and the angle changes.
Other things used in the
conjuring 2 were editing skills
such as fade to blacks and
superimposition, fade to blacks
are used to show the passing of
time, a different location or to
show a dream or a memory, an
example of this in the conjuring
two is after Janet being nearly
frightened to death at home
alone, the scene cuts to black
then show Lorraine waking up
at home in America revealing
the change which took place.
Superimpositions are used to to
establish a scene once a
change takes place, for
example when they cut back
and forward between different
locations, for example when
they cut back from Lorraine
and Ed after their interview to
the hodgson’s residence, the
first shot in this scene is of the
hodgson’s house. This is a
superimposition, as it shows
that the setting has changed
back to the hodgson’s
residence. Establishing a new
Another editing technique used in the conjuring 2 is parallel cuts, this is cross editing, which is
used throughout the movie, especially during the beginning. The movie is split between two
different stories going on at the same time, which is the hodgson’s, going about their normal lives
in the UK and the warrens, also going about their ways in the states. The two go through their
own timelines until, like all parallel editing they meet further down the line. The two stories were
cross edited to enable the audience to understand both stories at the same time, making the
audience see the similarities
and the differences between
The cut lengths can have an important part in a scene, like in the conjuring 2 it is used to add
mystery when the shot does not change for around 2 minutes, as Ed is interviewing bill the
poltergeist, you do not see him appear you only see the blurriness of where Janet was sitting,
this adds to the mystery as you only see Ed faces clearly, the background is blurred not showing
exactly what happens, but from what you are allowed to see, it looks like Janet transforms into
bill, as he possess her body, but the blurriness means that none of this maybe true which is how
it adds to the mystery of the scene.

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Task 2 unit 2 3 22

  • 1. Unit 2, 3, 22 Jack Kilminster Task 2 Single camera production Single-camera setups originally were developed during the birth of the classical Hollywood cinema in the 1910s and has remained the standard mode of production for cinema but in television, both single camera and multiple-camera productions are common. Single camera production is when only one camera is used during the filming of a scene in a production. This means every shot and angle in each scene is shot only using one camera. Single camera techniques are usually used when the production has a low budget or if the area the production is set in is only a small area. Examples of main productions which use single camera techniques are music videos, commercial advertisement sitcoms or POV a movie (were the actors in the film are behind the filming the whole production, as the camera is a main prop in the production). Examples of POV movies which use the single camera technique are as of the following, “Troll Hunter, The Blair Witch, Batman (1966-1968) and The Adam’s Family etc. Like movie examples there are many examples of series were they used single camera techniques, such as: friends and other entertainment series such as the inbetweeners, Gavin and Stacey and Benidorm etc. When filming a conversation dialogue using a single camera, the director will normally film one actor speaking their dialogue first and then the other, the director will then piece together the scenes in the editing. Link to the movie the Blair witch project
  • 2. This movie is an example of where the actors are doing the filming, portrayed in the pictures in the movie. This is a clear sign of a single camera technique as a character in the story is filming the whole production. Other signs which show it is a single camera production is the movement of the camera, how it is really unsteady all the time, to show this is a poor quality as it is cammed the whole time, another example, that this is a single camera production, is that you rarely ever see the person behind the camera unless the character switches with someone or spins the camera around to show themselves. These are all clear signs of single camera techniques. plans-famous-scenes-Hollywood-history.html When it comes to setting up camera techniques, whether it be multi or single, it will always be the dependant on the budget and how large the area is for the filming, as depending on
  • 3. whether it is multi or single will be the main factor on whether you will have to get 10 extra people in the room to cover the cameras, on top of all the other crew and actors in the room also, this is an advantage of single camera as you only have 1 camera and 1 or 2 people using it which saves space especially in small rooms an example of this is saw as most of the production was shot in one room using the single camera technique, saving a lot of space in the room. When setting up cameras there's other rules you have to consider also such as the 180 degree rule, where there is a line in between the two characters speaking, once you are filming on one side of the line you must not cross it otherwise you will disorientate the viewer. This can be seen as an advantage or an disadvantage to single camera techniques, as multi cameras could be set up in different locations following the 180 degree rule to film the scene from different angles saving time with the scene and not having to worry as much about continuity errors, this would be seen as a disadvantage to single camera techniques as a single camera would either have to shoot the production over and over again to show different angles which would have a big chance of continuity errors as the actors would have to try and repeat exactly what they did in the last scene, which is hard to do again and again. Which is why it's harder to complete match on actions or cutaways. Another thing the camera man would have to do with single camera techniques is show the camera movement to get the right angle, but using this method of using moving the camera allows you to cross the 180 degree rule without disorientating the viewer. Another disadvantage for using single camera techniques would be large limitations such as the amount of shots taken would be small compared to multi cameras but this could also be seen as an advantage as there would be less to analyse and piece together when editing, In addition when filming us. Quarantine Quarantine is a 2008 American found-footage supernatural horror film directed and co- written by John Erick Dowdle, produced by Sergio Aguero, Doug Davison, and Roy Lee, and co-written by Drew Dowdle, being a remake of the Spanish film REC. The film stars Jennifer Carpenter, Jay Hernandez, Columbus Short, Greg Germann, Steve Harris, Dania Ramirez, Rade Šerbedžija, and Johnathon Schaech. the film grossed $5,379,867, ranking #1 in the box office, Its total gross is $41,319,906 worldwide. The film is categorised as horror and also in sub-genre “zombies”, even though the movie itself is unconventional, as the way they portray the evil in the movie is not at all like the normal zombie image, the way they portray them, is through rabbis, there is a virus outbreak in the building due to a member of a Armageddon cult living in the attic, this person had created a concoction of foul chemicals, and had released them in the building through rats, this was the main spread of the virus which lead onto people catching the virus and turning into human insomniacs wanting nothing but unleash rage onto another who is not infected, this is unconventional of a typical zombie as a typical zombie would be pictured as undead and part of the supernatural, also zombies are not expected to run, they normally walk at a slow pace, and have a hankering for the taste of blood or brains(e.g. the walking
  • 4. dead series or resident evil) The movie style “of how it was filmed” was found footage. This means that to try and make the movie as realistic as possible, a member of the cast is part of the filming crew and they film the movie the whole time. Due to this type of filming the actors in the production were really put to the test, unlike movies with normal filming, the actors in this production had to memorise big chunk of their lines and remember them as the camera was constantly rolling, until during the film the camera was turned off or there was an ellipse during the movie to show some time had passed. This all adds to the verisimilitude of the movie as the main object of the production was to make the movie as realistic as possible, which is why it is filmed in (POV) point of view from the cast, and to make it as like someone eventually found this tape and released it in a movie form for the rest of the world to see. This all suits the movie and adds to the verisimilitude as the main actress in the movie Jennifer Carpenter who plays “Angie”. Is a reporter and constantly wants her partner to film the whole time so everybody outside of the quarantine which they are trapped in can find out what happened. The ending of the story is a topic of discussion, as the movie REC is an open ending leading on to REC 2, whereas the ending of Quarantine is closed as Angie is pulled away off into the darkness by the effecting woman living in the attic, were assumedly she is killed and there are no survivors or questions to be asked to lead onto a second movie. Even though there is a second movie that has no relevance to the first? The quarantine production is also linear as there is only one story throughout the whole production, if there was another story going or a flash back. Then the story would be non- linear an example of this would be if there was a flashback in the middle point of the story, to show something like how the virus started, or if the story scenes where not in order like back to front this would make it non-linear, so making it adds to the verisimilitude making the story to look as realistic as possible. The story is also single stranded as there is only one story going on if there was another story going on at the same time, then the movie would be multi-stranded. Camerawork
  • 5. The camera work was very simple in quarantine, as most of the filming was done from an over the shoulder shot as the filming was done as found footage, the over the shoulder shot was used to show that the cameraman was filming the whole time and was involved in the cast. There were a range of different shots in the production of quarantine, such as; high angle shots, low angled shots, mid shots, long shots, close ups, panning, tracking etc. Tracking and panning were two of the most important shot types used on the production of quarantine. As tracking showed there was a lot of running from the cast and the cameraman had to move around to stay with the rest of the crew when something was going on as an example in the ending where the cameraman and Angie run to the attic to get away from all the people who had the virus and were chasing them. Panning is very important and is linked with mise en scene as it helps reveal the whole area the characters are in. for example when the cast get trapped in the small room, and one of the characters try to break through the cover to get free and is shot. In this part of the scene the cameraman pans the camera to reveal one how small the room is they are in and two, the people in the room, he pan’s to show the revealing of one of the characters being bitten and starting the process of turning. Another example of panning is in the beginning when Angie and the fireman Fletcher race to see who can put on the firemen suits first. In the end there are perfect examples of close ups and low angled shots, both characters are on the floor in this scene trying to hide from the affecting women, the low angle shot of the woman makes the woman more scary as both characters are hiding looking up to her. Also in this scene, close ups are used to show Angie’s face, revealing the fear from her facial expressions, as she is in the worst scenario possible not being able to see the thing in the room which might harm them. Another example is when she is interviewing the little girl, you have a close up to emphasise her facial expressions to show she is not well. During this also there is lots of extreme close
  • 6. ups and the camera moves focusing on different features of Angie’s face showing her facial features and feelings in detail such as her breathing heavily and having to try and stop herself from the creature becoming aware of their presence in the room. During this scene the Angie breaks the 4th wall staring right through the camera towards the audience, as it’s her last light source, this is also a method to scare the audience, as it’s like she is calling out for help to the audience even though they’re not actually there. She also breaks the 4th wall in the beginning and throughout the movie as her character is a reporter and she is supposed to talk to the audience informing them what happens. Long shots and mid angled shots are used in the movie to show characters in the scene, setting and dialogue taking place and also actions and body language of the characters, to show what is going on so when the group stand there in shock to the fireman falling over the bannisters. An example of a high angled shot is when the three main characters reach the higher level and throw the man off the bannisters where the camera tracks to body falling, revealing the floors below and the body hitting the floor, it gives the characters a feel of safety as they look
  • 7. down towards the infected running up, showing the group they need to move but they have some time to move and hide somewhere. During the movie the main establishing shot used was right at the beginning of movie where you see Angie introduce herself in her the movie, setting the scene behind her revealing that it is a fire station. This also one of the only times that a tripod would be used in the production. There are many mid shots included in the filming when following the characters and when dialogue is taking place, for example when they try the first escape attempt, giving the full realisation they are trapped in the building and the people on the outside are not going to let them out. It is also used when focusing on action like in the fire station with the old ladder they would use, its show the object as well as the character, but you don't need to see the whole body, and you want to see the object in good detail which is why you would use a long shot. All of the sound in the movie is diegetic as the film is found footage so there is no need special effects or editing. As all the noise in the movie needs to be heard by the characters in the movie. This would mean also there would be a lot of asynchronous sounds(ambient sounds), which are background noises, such as sirens, screams from the infected, helicopters etc. they would do this instead of using synchronous sounds to add to the realism of them movie. The tone of the movie is mainly informal as there are lots of screaming, arguing and swearing, as they are running trying to escape the quarantine and run from the infected. The only time there is formal talking is in the beginning when Angie is talking to the audience as she is a journalists doing a report on the firemen of LA.
  • 8. There wasn’t that much need for the editing seeing as the production was found footage all the detail had to be in the production. There was not a need for any non-diegetic sounds as the production has to be as realistic as possible, so all the sounds in the movie need to be diegetic so that the characters can hear them. The only need for editing was to piece together sections of recording, which would be sorting out the ellipses when the movie jumps as the camera wither goes blurring or turns off. Other than that there is no need for much editing as there is no need for special effects. The mise en scene of the movie is about the locations used, the lighting, makeup, costumes, colours and props used in the whole production there are only two locations throughout the movie apart from the travelling between the two locations, these locations are the fire station and the apartment block, the juxtaposition between the two is the lighting, the lighting shows the mood of both scenes, in the beginning of the production the setting is very bright reflecting the mood of the characters involved in the production, which is happy with laughter as Angie begins her journalist report, with the two fireman Jake and fletcher, from that point onwards the lighting starts to descend from the they leave the building and reach the apartment blocks the lighting decreases. When they reach they apartment blocks the atmosphere has already changed and the audience can already tell it’s not right from the lighting and atmosphere from the building and other characters in the production, from then onwards the lighting also decreases until the very end where it reaches pitch black, reflecting on how important the lighting was reflecting the atmosphere in the production. This shows the transition. The main props in the building also have meaning and reflect what is happening when they are used. For example the gun the policeman used reflects power, symbolises power, authority and also protection, this is revealed when the police man pulls it out on Jake knowing he has lost control of the situation he pulls out the only meaning of control as it
  • 9. scares the other characters, another example is the keys found at the end by Angie, these reflect hope, a chance to escape as keys open doors, so when they find the keys it’s almost a they feel almost out the door already to freedom, away from the quarantine they are trapped in. There were many other props used in the production such as a hammer used by Jake then main weapon used to defend the group, and other props such as a drill and syringe used by the CDC to try control and understand the virus being released, the syringe can be related to a cure or some sought of concoction to control another in containment, props also keys in reflecting the mood and atmosphere in the particular scenes in the movie. The colour scheme is also important as it sometimes reflects the characteristics of the characters in the movie for example: Jake and fletcher wore the colour blue under their fireman suits which represents bravery and loyalty which jakes displays throughout the movie. Another example is Angie she wears white underneath her jacket to display purity an if she is the innocent one in the movie, another example is the colour grey worn by the apartment manager and the vet living in the building, this colour represents wisdom as they both are very wise in their own particular topics .The decor of the building also shows the building is out of place compared to the standards we live in today, it's old, looks run down, dull and off, as the old man running the building prefer to takes care of things himself, the building relates to the old man, the building looks like it doesn't have a lot of standards so it's the kind of place a virus would break out, as the standards are very unhealthy and sanitary. The colour schemes also are another key in reflects the moods of the setting such as the building you see a lot of grey and blues reflecting a very dull and dark setting of the scenery,
  • 10. which suits the movie as the movie itself is very dark and dull as all the characters die in the end. Conjuring 2 The Conjuring 2 is a 2016 American horror film directed by James Wan and written by Carey Hayes, Chad Hayes, Wan and David Leslie Johnson. It is the sequel to the 2013 film The Conjuring, and is the second instalment in The Conjuring film series and the third in the franchise. Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprise their roles as paranormal investigators and authors Ed and Lorraine Warren from the first film. The film follows the Warrens as they travel to Britain to assist the Hodgson family, who are experiencing poltergeist activity at their Brimsdown, Enfield council house in 1977 which later became referred to as the Enfield Poltergeist. The Conjuring 2 was released in North America on June 10, 2016. The film received generally positive reviews from critics and has grossed over $320 million worldwide. A spin-off film titled The Nun is currently in development, with Wan and Safran set to produce. The conjuring 2 is a horror genre classed movie, and is also in the sub-genre of supernatural. As the movie is about supernatural occurrences that no one can explain, or help with. Which is where Ed and Lorraine come him, they step in and try and help the people struggling. The conjuring 2 is very conventional in the sub-genre the supernatural, as it includes dark lighting, lots of jump scares, objects moving around the room, and the cause of it all is rarely seen unless it wants to reveal itself. This can be seen as what you would expect in a basic supernatural movie, similar example to this would Insidious. The conjuring 2 story, is an open ended story as included in the after credits they reveal a slight spoiler, revealing what would happened next, which is Anabelle 2, as the Annabelle doll goes missing which indicates a follow on movie Annabelle 2. The movie itself is linear as it explains the story in order, even though they show a flashback into a previous event it does not affect the storyline so the story is still linear. The story is also multi- strand as there are too story going on at the same time, as Ed and Lorraine live in America and
  • 11. the Hodgson family live in London, so the story will jump from place to place showing two stories going on at the same time. In the production of the conjuring director James Wan really like to play with his different angles, and he tried to use as many as possible s it adds to the scary atmosphere of the movie, the different shot types were as follows; panning, tracking, long shot, mid shot, closes up, extreme close ups establishing shots, extreme long shots, high angles, low angles, eye line shots. They all were used in different occasions, depending on what was happening during the scene. Establishing shots are used to set the scene and show the area, where the filming is going to take place, this happens in the beginning when the movie starts, where the movie starts off with a flashback revealing a key event, which will affect the whole movie. There aren’t many extreme long shots in the film, but one used was when Lorraine and Ed arrive at the hodgson’s house. Panning and tracking are not really expected in this kind of movies as its not found footage or POV, but some are used. For example tracking is used when Ed goes down to the basement and the camera follows him as he walks round. For panning, it’s used a couple of times during the movie, like when Janet is sitting with her friend and the teacher catches them supposedly smoking. The movie also consisted of a lot of close ups, on things such as objects or peoples face, this is normally to show importance, so for example the tape player at Ed and Lorraine’s house, the camera zooms closer to the tape player so the audience know what’s being played from the tape player is the most important aspect. Or when Lorraine is confronted by the demon in her home, there is a close up of her face to show her scared and shocked expressions, of the demon coming out the painting, it also during
  • 12. this scene has extreme close up on the sides of the painting to reveal the hands coming from behind the painting. There are many examples of long shots and mid shots included in the movie, for examples of mid shots there are when Ed turns his back Janet, so the spirit can take hold of her to talk, this is mid shot of Ed normally for conversations going on or to show an object important hands upwards, the crucifix he puts forward to cast the spirit away. An example of a long shot is when Janet is sitting in the living room by herself and the TV blurs for no reason. They use this shot type to show the character and what’s also going on around them, so in this instance it’s the TV. Also in the movie different angles are used like high and low angles, these emphasise dominance of each character, for example when Lorraine and Bill is talking bill looks up at Lorraine at a low angle and Lorraine looks down at him high angle, this is because Lorraine comes to realisation that Bill is actually extremely weak and not the cause of what’s going on as he himself is terrified of the demon that has a hold on him. An example of another low and high is when, little billy goes to let the dog out in the neighbour’s house, but actually is the spirit which turns into the crooked man looking down at billy as billy is terrified and is trying to escape from the grasp of the crooked man, which ends up being Janet. The last shot type used in the movie are mid shots, mid shots/ eye line are used in conversation, this is because the main importance are the characters talking, so you want to show facial expressions and body language of the characters when in conversation, like when Ed and Lorraine are talking with the priest or when there on a talk show discussing the topic, if they lie or tell the truth all are mid shots showing expressions and facial expressions when the conversations are going on. The mise en scene of the movie is first of set up to be a 60-70’s theme as it's based on a true, story, so the movie style is based to try and match as much as possible, what the real thing looked like. So the clothing of everyone in the movie is all old fashion, the
  • 13. haircuts in the movies are all old fashion, the cars are all old fashion, the technology they use is all old fashion to give a 60’s 70’s theme and to make it look as real as possible. During the movie there are different sets which the movie is shot in, and each set has its own set of characteristics differentiating from the other. So for example the hodgson residents, looks dull, its decaying, the rooms are very dark and cold reflecting the atmosphere, clearly showing that the family does not have a lot of money, which many didn't during these times, the house clearly needs renovation, but the family cannot afford it. Whereas you have their neighbour’s residence, whose house is warmer and brighter, showing the difference between a posed household and a normal house hold? The house is cleaner and looks like it has been refurbished, as the couple living there have good money. Another household we look at is the warrens house, which is also very bright, warm and comforting, revealing that they have good money. Which is a juxtaposition between the neighbours and the warrens to the hodgson residence. As two house clearly reflect wealth, healthiness, and more of modern comfortable homes, whereas the hodgson’s reflect poverty and dark, dull emotions. Most of the speaking in conjuring 2 is formal, as back then especially in a posher/richer household the tone which they would speak would be a more formal tone whereas a lower class person, would speak with a more informal tone, so for example when Ed and Lorraine are on the
  • 14. talk show or sitting with the priest they speak very formally and professionally as this is their job and something they know much about. Their is a mixture of non - diegetic and diegetic sounds in the movie, this is because, the characters have to hear some sounds to emphasise what’s going on, as what is going on will affect them, but some non-diegetic sounds were included to add atmosphere and tension for the audience this is normally displayed using music or silence to add tension and bring the audience in for a scare. For example when Loraine during the flashback first sees the demon, this is also a good example of a cutaway, as Lorraine looking into the mirror sees the Nun she looks away and she is not behind her but her position has changed in the mirror, she does this again as she looks back at the mirror the demon nun has come out the mirror and attacked Lorraine, this is a perfect example of a cutaway to build tension adding to the suspense, bringing the audience in, cutaways are perfect to add non-diegetic sounds to as it adds to the jump scare, as it builds up the whole way through, this also happens when Janet is on her own at home when she is trying to sought the TV out, it adds to the mystery the music, building the tension up for the jump scare which will take place. Another example of non-diegetic sounds s in the beginning when they show London and some of the things which occurred during these times they play an iconic song during these times by an iconic band 2 The Clash” which adds to the mood they are trying to create the atmosphere of London for the viewers at home to understand where to movie has now jumped to from the flashback in Amityville. It adds to feel so the viewers know they are in London. An example of diegetic sounds is when the police have entered the hodgson’s house, trying to find the source of what caused this disturbance, they find nothing until they hear the noises from
  • 15. the walls, leading to chair moving, these are all diegetic noises as it is what the characters in the movie have to hear so they can react to. Another good example of diegetic sound which took place in the movie is when Janet turns into the crooked man scaring billy and then unleashing her wrath and things flying about the room and smashing as she screams these are all diegetic sounds where the actors have to react to. There were lots of different synchronous sounds include in the movie such as rustling of leaves and the wind, people talking, car noises, the sound of swings moving. An example of this is when Ed and Lorraine are with the other help consulting the information they have collected so far, there is noise in the background such as people talk, bar games etc. this is used to add to the realism of the scene, to make the viewer believe this happened or is happening. The editing of the movie included lots of different shot types, techniques and cuts. This is because they wanted to add to the movie, adding to the realism and the quality of each scene. For example combination of shots, the mixture of shots used add to the tension, showing more emotions, facial expressions, creating depth for the serious scene, for example the pub scene the combination of shots used show the scenery they are in, and the different expression on the characters faces, showing the tension of the scene. The scene included, panning, long shots, mid shots and close ups. Match on action is something you expect in every movie, but the transitions of shots need to be clean and perfectly timed. Match on action is used many times in the conjuring, for example in the beginning of the movie when the 4 are walking out of school, and another group of boys try to bully billy, the angle changes as Janet’s friend pushes him away, this transition is smooth as the editing of the shots was transition together smoothly and perfectly, this is an example of match on action, this shot type is used constantly lots of times throughout the movie. Another is when example is when Janet is in her bedroom with her sister
  • 16. playing the Ouija board or when Janet is home alone watching TV these scenes like all others include match on action cuts, the shot changes to another angle, these cuts are done smoothly as they are timed perfectly when an actor moves and the angle changes. Other things used in the conjuring 2 were editing skills such as fade to blacks and superimposition, fade to blacks are used to show the passing of time, a different location or to show a dream or a memory, an example of this in the conjuring two is after Janet being nearly frightened to death at home alone, the scene cuts to black then show Lorraine waking up at home in America revealing the change which took place. Superimpositions are used to to establish a scene once a change takes place, for example when they cut back and forward between different locations, for example when they cut back from Lorraine and Ed after their interview to the hodgson’s residence, the first shot in this scene is of the hodgson’s house. This is a superimposition, as it shows that the setting has changed back to the hodgson’s residence. Establishing a new scene.
  • 17. Another editing technique used in the conjuring 2 is parallel cuts, this is cross editing, which is used throughout the movie, especially during the beginning. The movie is split between two different stories going on at the same time, which is the hodgson’s, going about their normal lives in the UK and the warrens, also going about their ways in the states. The two go through their own timelines until, like all parallel editing they meet further down the line. The two stories were cross edited to enable the audience to understand both stories at the same time, making the audience see the similarities and the differences between them. The cut lengths can have an important part in a scene, like in the conjuring 2 it is used to add mystery when the shot does not change for around 2 minutes, as Ed is interviewing bill the poltergeist, you do not see him appear you only see the blurriness of where Janet was sitting, this adds to the mystery as you only see Ed faces clearly, the background is blurred not showing exactly what happens, but from what you are allowed to see, it looks like Janet transforms into bill, as he possess her body, but the blurriness means that none of this maybe true which is how it adds to the mystery of the scene.