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Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
In our Advanced English classes in Alcaraz, we reviewed the life
of Mr. Overton, World War Veteran who had became the oldest
living American citizen. Our students grabbed their pens and
wrote their thoughts about health and mind in the following
An experienced man tells you
✍​✍​ Jose Julián González Gaitano
"I've seen lots and lots of living"
- ​said Mr Overton in 2016, a couple of
years before he passed away ​- "I ́m
giving you some of my secrets to
a long life. If you don't use it
that ́s your bad luck". ​What can
an old man from Austin, Texas tell you
? These are some tips: ​'I drink about
4 cups of coffee in the morning... I
love soup, milk, fish, ice cream makes
me happy and also butter pecan.It's
just...Overton's diet'​. Listen to this: '​I
smoke sometimes 12 cigars a day.
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Just go ahead and blow it, but you
have to do it in the healthy way: don
́t swallow it, cause it makes you
cough; just taste it'. ​Fitness? Pills? A
personal trainer? Find your diet, enjoy
your little pleasures while you can.
This is what Mr Overton told you from
his 112 years of life. ​It makes you feel
better'​- concluded.​'I would buy one
thing, I would use that one thing. I've
got a truck out here ​and it r​uns just
like I want it. So I just keep it'. ​Oh, by
the way, he renewed his car license
until his last year in this world. ​'Every
time I pass all the tests they give me'-
he said​. ​One more: '​I built me a house
in 1945 and that's where I've been
ever since'.
'It makes you feel better to have a
person around you like Mrs Love'​-
this is the name of his wife- ​We go
shopping sometimes, I take her to
church and to different places... We
get along real nice. She's just a nice
person'. ​It seems to me that they just
lived and took care of each other.
Well, Mrs Love was younger than Mr
Overton: she survived him; she's now
only 96 years old. ​'Yeah!, we have fun
together!'. ​I will not add another
comment here. Mr Overton hadn't got
any children. No problem. Listen to
this: '​I wanna see my cats every
morning. I help those cats and they
keep me happy'. ​You could put
children ​instead of cats, couldn't you?.
Help your children, spend time with
them. One more important thing
about this subject: '​You don't feed the
cat too much because he won't hunt a
rat'. ​Easy translation: Don´t spoil
your children giving them everything.
They will become useless, incapable
people.Sometimes you find yourself in
life with a very real problem. How to
face it?
Did you know Mr Overton was a
veteran from World War II? He joined
the Army when he was 30, in 1945. He
served at the Pacific front. ​'It wasn't
good, but we had to go'. 'A soldier ...
he may go sideways but he ain't
gonna turn around and go back. Dońt
care how hot them bullets is, he ain't
gonna go back'. ​I think there is
nothing to add here either. Mr.
Overton was a person of faith. If you
are so, surely you share some of his
believings: ​'I think that helps me push
myself along going to church. And
you learn something at church, you
learn how to live better, how to treat
people'. ​He was quite sure about why
he could survive at War: ​'If it's your
time to go that bullet gonna get you.
If it ain't your time to go, that bullet's
going over your head. It ain't gonna
hit you. So, man will kill you but God
is the one keep you alive' ​But the main
questions remain, just like every
human being: ​¡I don't know when I
come here and I don't know when I
am going'... ​'​I don ́t know why God
kept me here. I ain't talked to Him
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
and He ain't talked to me'. ​So, What
can we do while we are here? I think
everyone can share this last Mr.
Overton's thought: ​'Still walk, still
talk, still drive... still living alright... I
may give out but I never give up. If
you give up you're through'.
So, thank you Mr. Overton. For your
service, your simple wisdom, your
common sense. Oh! And this cigar I'm
smoking while I'm writing is for you,
everywhere you are.
'Still walk, still talk, still drive... still living alright... I                   
may give out but I never give up. If you give up you're                         
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
                                                            ​In memory of R.Overton
✍​Julián García Losa
One of the common stereotypes of
growing old is that older people
don't contribute to society. We
need to give more recognition and
pride to the contributions that
older generations have already
made. Their skills and knowledge
are not appreciated in a society
infatuated by the cult of youth.
Richard Overton, America's oldest
World War II veteran and the
oldest man in the United States,
died at the age of 112 years old, in
December 27, 2018. He was
honored by president Barack
Obama. Overton was invited in
2013 to the White House where he
met with the President and to the
veterans day ceremony at
Arlington National Cemetery. This
is an example of respect, solidarity
and commitment to the elderly.
Our society needs to recover the
presence and wisdom of the
elderly in public life and in the
mass media.
The elderly want to live in their
homes, in their family
environments, and therefore we
must intensify home care services.
Now, they are fighting in the
streets for fair pensions, which is
necessary, among other things, to
pay the high prices of
socio-sanitary residences.
Ingmar Bergman, Swedish
filmmaker said: "getting older is
like climbing a great mountain.
While climbing the forces decrease
but the look is freer, the view is
wider and more serene". Our
society needs this freedom and
serenity of the elderly and offer
them all our love and
 Ingmar Bergman, Swedish filmmaker said: 
"getting older is like climbing a great mountain. 
While climbing the forces decrease but the look is 
freer, the view is wider and more serene". Our 
society needs this freedom and serenity of the 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
elderly and offer them all our love and 
At Christmas we decided to write some funny Santa ́s 
Christmas letters and here are our students ́ 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
 Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
 Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Pepe Gonzalez, one of our most veteran students of English in Alcaraz, wrote this beautiful 
travel diary about his trip to the italian coast of Amalfi  
Gorgeous Amalfi  
✍​Jose Julián González Gaitano
I've returned from a trip to Italy a
few days ago, with some friends of
mine. I've been to Italy before; my
brother has been living in Rome
for quite a long time. This time he
wanted us to visit the Amalfi
Coast. 'Amalfi? Where is Amalfi?
What is special about Amalfi?'- I
asked. 'Well ... Better come and
you'll see" - he answered. So,
firstly, we checked the location of
the place on a map. It is a city in
the south of Naples. Italy looks
like a great boot, doesn't it?
Imagine the instep of the boot.
Well, Amalfi is out there. Weather
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
forecasts were good, and the flight
to Rome was fast and comfortable.
My brother picked us up at the
airport and drove to the south.
'Perhaps it would be interesting to
make a good atmosphere'- he said,
and turned the cd player on - I've
selected a few songs'. And so,
Luciano Pavarotti was our
companion throughout the trip.
He didn't sing opera however. He
sang for us ​O Sole Mio, Torna a
Surriento, Carusso ​and other
tunes related to the country that
we were going to visit. Salerno was
our first stop. There, at a
restaurant with a splendid sight of
its wide Gulf, a tasty meal was
waiting for us: a sailor soup, pasta
with seafood and a delicious white
local wine. In the afternoon, going
along a winding road with
dangerous curves, we discovered
the Amalfi Coast. There aren't
flatlands; only a few narrow and
stony beaches; everything else is
mountain ... that submerge into
the sea. There Apennines
mountain range meets Tyrrhenian
Sea and plunges into it. The
landscape consists in countless
towns and villages set on the coast
slopes; they seem just to be
climbing the cliffs. Amalfi itself is
arranged that way.
There, at a restaurant with a splendid 
sight of its wide Gulf, a tasty meal was 
waiting for us: a sailor soup, pasta with 
seafood and a delicious white local wine. 
Am​alfi is an old city. It was an
independent republic of traders
in the Middle Ages. It is a very
tourist place: It has got a great
cathedral in Romanesque Italian
style that claims to preserve the
remains of the apostle Saint
Andrew in his crypt; it also has
got a splendid Marina, visited by
rich people on their expensive
big yachts. The beach is small
however, but you can take a bath
anyway. We did. Walking the
narrow streets that went up and
down we found a hidden place, a
little museum dedicated to a
strange and old Amalfi industry:
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
paper made with rags. Nice. It
was late in the evening when we
reached our final destination,
our home for the next few days,
a rural house in a town called
Conca Dei Marini. ​The house
was clean and bright, with a
small garden and modern
facilities. However, it was the
next morning when we
discovered the main house's
worth, while we watched the
sunrise from its large terrace.
The sight was spectacular,
Terrific!. Pompeii was an
inexcusable target on our trip,
since it was only about 40
kilometers away. It was a long
ride. It took us an hour and a
half to get there since we had to
cross the mountains. While
travelling I had to change my
mind about the country. I
expected a dry, arid landscape.
Instead of that, it was very leafy,
with green woods of pine, beech
trees and, especially, chestnuts.
Pompeii was a holiday place,
actually a populous city, for rich
Roman people at Imperial age in
the first century. The year 70 BC
was buried by the eruption of
Vesuvius, the great volcano near
Naples Gulf. A thick layer of
ashes covered it completely in a
few hours. So it has been well
preserved to this day. You can
see there many temples, a wide
square, the forum, a big
amphitheater, where gladiators
and wild beasts would had been
fighting, two theaters, well
paved streets with solid stone
slabs, several public baths and
numerous private properties;
some of them, that were owned
by important Roman people,
still retain beautiful paintings on
their walls. It is a big place; you
can walk for 7 hours and you
might not see all the wonders it
holds in. On the way back to our
accommodation, I was in a sad
mood; I think we all were. At
night, we were lying on the
terrace, watching the moon
rising from the sea, enjoying the
moist, salty air, rushing the last
moments of our beautiful but
short holiday. My brother got us
out of our melancholic mood. He
said: 'Well, now in a year we
could go to visit Apulia. It's as
beautiful as this country! ... And
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
now: Our landlady told us about
that nice place to eat, Nino's,
Didn't she? So ... How about a
real Italian pizza?'. So, after a
small stop with a pizza at Nino's
... The trip to Italy will
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
​CEPA Alonso Quijano´s teaching zone includes the schools of adults in different 
villages and small towns such as El Bonillo, Tiriez, Munera, Ossa de Montiel and 
Alcaraz. These, along with the students in Villarrobledo, joined forces and wrote 
down their menus and thoughts about eating healthy.  
Teacher: Ana María Hernández 
We have got an unhealthy diet
because we don't have time to
cook. This is my diet for this
week.On Monday, I had a glass of
milk ​with a buttered toast and
peach jam for breakfast .​I had
roasted sardines and potato
omelet for dinner and​I had
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
m​ounted sausage and cheese for
dinner.On Tuesday, I had
breakfast Glass of milk with cereal,
I had fried Chicken Wings and
Soup for lunch and aTuna and
tomato sandwich.On Wednesday, I
had a glass of milk with cookies for
breakfast, I had fried eggs and
grilled pork for lunch and I had
Russian salad for dinner.On
Thursday, I had a glass of milk
with cereal for breakfast,I had
stew for lunch and a Mackerel and
tomato sandwich for dinner.On
Friday, I had a glass of milk with
cookies for breakfast, rice with ribs
for lunch and I had a salmon and
tomato sandwich for dinner.On
Saturday, I had a glass of milk
with cookies for breakfast,
manchego gazpachos with rabbit
for lunch and grilled lamb chops
for dinner.On Sunday,
We have got a very stressed
life, therefore, our food isn't
I had a ​Glass of milk ​with a butter
toast and peach jam for breakfast.,
French omelet and a bacon
sandwich for lunch and a a Salad
and a tuna sandwich for dinner.
Jesús Mora Sierra✍
We have got a very stressed life,
therefore, our food isn't healthy.
For example, I work at night, then,
have something to eat and sleep
so my timetable is altered.
In one week my food could be the
This week, I had the same menu
for breakfast every day : a glass of
milk with muffins. On Monday, I
had lunch lentil stew and I had a
pizza for dinner.On Tuesday, I had
pasta with tomato sauce for lunch
and a tuna sándwich for dinner.
On Wednesday, I had seafood rice
for lunch and a mackerel and
tomato sandwich for dinner. On
Thursday, I had fried chicken for
lunch. I had fried eggs with
potatoes for dinner. On Friday, I
had lNoodle Soup for lunch and
pizza for dinner. On Saturday, I
had lunch of braised beans and
tuna sándwich for dinner. On
Sunday, I had fish for lunch and a
mackerel sandwich with tomato
sandwich for dinner
The meal schedule may be the
usual one, but by inverting the
hours of sleep, the body can
metabolize it differently.
✍ Juan Ramón Sierra Herrera
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
I try to have a healthy life. I work
out every day and I usually eat
fruit and vegetables. This week my
diet was:
On Monday I had milk with coffee
and a cupcake for breakfast .For
lunch, I had some fish and créme
caramel. For dinner I had milk
with a cup of coffee.On Tuesday I
had milk with coffee for breakfast.
I had soup noodles, some meat
and a piece of pineapple. For
dinner I had a bit of ensaimada
and some pears. On Wednesday, I
had milk with some coffee for
breakfast. I also had some lentils
and créme caramel for lunch. For
dinner I had a salad and a few
pears. On Thursday I had some
milk with coffee for breakfast.I
also had some pasta , some tuna
and pears for lunch.I had a salad,
a cupcake and some pineapple for
dinner. On Friday I had milk with
coffee for breakfast. I had beans
and pears for lunch, some jam and
cheese . On Saturday I had milk
with coffee for breakfast, some
mushroom, some sausages and a
piece of pineapple for lunch.I also
had some croquettes for dinner.
Finally, on Sunday I had some
milk with coffee for breakfast, for
lunch, I had some fish and créme
caramel. My dinner was some milk
with coffee. ​✍Emilia Sanz
I try to have a healthy 
life. I work out every 
day and I usually eat 
fruit and vegetables. 
I have got a healthy diet. My
meals are varied. I work out
every day . My diet this week was:
On Monday I had coffee with milk
and, also, a toast with tomato and
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
olive oil . Then I had a salad, beet
steak and a pear for lunch .
Finally I had boiled potatoes for
dinner. On Tuesday I had coffee
with milk, a toast with tomato with
olive oil for breakfast. Then I had
lentil stew for lunch and some
fruit. I had pizza On Wednesday I
had the usual breakfast every day.
Then I had fish sauce and some
fruit for lunch and, finally, I had a
sandwich for dinner. On Thursday
I had breakfast: like every day
then I have lunch paella and
orange, next I had diner yogurt
and cheese.On Friday I had the
same ​ breakfast as ​usual then I
have pasta with tuna and a pear
for lunch. Next I had egg salad. for
dinner. On Saturday I had the
usual breakfast then I had grilled
chicken for lunch and, next I had
ham and cheese pizza for dinner..
On Sunday I had my usual
breakfast then I had baked fish
with potatoes for lunch and,
finally, fruit and yogurt for dinner.
✍María Jesús Ramos Herrera
I have got an unhealthy life.
Surely, I have to change my habits
.I have to eat healthier. This week I
have been taking notes of my
meals. My diet this week was:
This week I had every day the
same breakfast: milk with cookies
or a cupcake. On Monday: I had
chicken rice, a banana and coffee
for lunch. I had an egg
mayonnaise sándwich, and a
tangerine for lunch.
On Tuesday I had a tuna salad
,beacon a fruit salad for lunch. I
also had a ham and cheese
sandwich plus an orange for lunch.
On Wednesday, I had noodle soup,
chicken pudding for lunch and
green peas, some squid and a
banana for dinner. On Thursday, I
had lentil stew, chicken breast
and an Apple. I had an omelette
and a pear for dinner. On Friday, I
had macaroni, bacon and an apple
for lunch. I had a tuna snack and
a banana for dinner. On Saturday,
I had lunch chips, chicken breast
and a pear. I had a burger and an
orange for dinner. On Sunday I
had an omelette,​ ​chicken breast
and an orange for lunch. I had a
pizza, dumplings and a pear.
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Teacher: Marta Guerrero Mateo 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Maria Angeles Padilla:​ “I have white beans with sausages and for
dessert two tangerines.”
Mª Angeles Fuentes​: “I usually eat seafood paella and yoghurt “
Ana Isabel​: “I eat potatoes with some pieces of rabbit and for dessert I
have an apple”
Noelia Jiménez​:” I have a hamburger and chips. For dessert, I have two
Joaquina Sáez:​” ​I have some garlic with potatoes, some flour,
and mushrooms for lunch”
Arancha Montoro​: “Today I had a plate of pasta with tomato and
sausages. It is my favorite food. I wanted to eat omelet but I burnt it. I
drank a glass of water and for dessert, I ate yoghurt “
Milagros​: “On Monday I have fish soup and I drink pineapple juice “
Carmen Parras​:” For lunch I eat a bowl of noodles soup, some chicken
roasted and a kiwi, I drink water”
Candelaria Rodriguez​:” On Monday I have a soup with garlic, oil and
vegetables and a bit of chicken with boiled potatoes.
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Teacher: María Ruíz Soler 
Hello! I`m ​Mari Fuentes
from Munera. On Monday… I
had coffee with milk and
toast with tomato, oil and salt
for breakfast.I had rice with
pork ribs and mushrooms for
lunch.I had melon and coffee
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
for dessert.I had some nuts
and a yogurt for dinner.✍
Hello! I`m ​María​ From
Munera.On Monday I had milk,
coffee and some biscuits for
breakfast.I had fried potatoes,
tomatoes, pork fat beicon and an
apple for lunch. And flan for
dessert.I had cauliflower with
salt, virgin olive oil and a
hamburger for dinner. I had a
pomegranate for dessert.✍
I`m Mari Carmen From Munera.
On Monda I had hot water, a
chocolate milkshake and an
orange for breakfast.I had meat
with tomato, an egg and bread
for lunch. I had a pear for ​dessert.
I had ham ,cheese and bread for
diner ,and some grapes for
Hello! I`m ​Jose Antonio ​from
Munera.On Monday…I had milk
with coffee, and a cupcake for
breakfast.I had lentils with rice
for lunch. And an orange for
dessert.I had a beef steak with
potatoes for dinner. And a yogurt
for dessert.✍
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Hello! I`m ​Miguel ​form
Munera.On Monday…I had milk
with cocoa, and some cookies for
I had noodle soup , some lamb
chops and an orange for lunch. I
had a kaki for dessert.I had
cauliflower and ham for dinner.
And a yogurt for dessert.✍
Hello!I`m ​Lourdes​ from Munera. On
Monday…I had milk with cocoa, a
toast of bread with oil and tomato, for
breakfast.I had a salad, rice with
chicken and vegetables, for
lunch. And two tangerines for
dessert. had a salad with tomato,
lettuce, tuna and cheese for
diner. And an apple for
Hello, I`m ​ Inma ​from Munera.
On Monday I had coffee with
milk and toast for breakfast.I had
spaghetti with bacon and cream
for lunch.I had an avocado and
nuts salad, and grilled bass fish
for dinner. I had an apple for
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Hello. I`m​ Agustin ​from
Munera.On Monday I had coffee
with milk, toast with oil and
tomato for breakfast. I had baked
rice, a salad with tomatoes and
lettuce for lunch. And an orange
for dessert. I had russian salad
and sirloin medallions for
dinner. And a pear for dessert.✍
Hello! I´m​ Leonor​ from Munera. On
Monday I had coffee with milk, a toast
with oil and tomato for breakfast.I had
a dish of lentils with spinach, and a
salad with tomatoes, onions and
lettuce, for lunch. And grapes for
dessert.I had a salad with
tomato, onion, lettuce, for lunch.
And a pear for dessert.✍
Hello! I´m ​Mari Fuentes​ from
Munera.On Monday II had milk
and toast with butter for
breakfast.I had chicken with
potatoes and carrots for lunch,
and a banana for dessert.I had
boiled egg, fried cheese and
tomato for dinner. I had an
orange for dessert.
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Teacher: Estefanía Cañizares Algaba
This is a recipe adapted by myself, based in a dinner that I made in a
Maresme’s restaurant.I found this meal very interesting to share with
friends, because it is fun and easy to prepare.The recipe has three basic
elaborations that they are very easy to find in a supermarket, but I prefer
to prepare my own ingredients, because I love cooking
INGREDIENTS for four people
Bolognese sauce - 250 gr.
Caramelized onion - 100 gr.
Nachos - 400 gr.
Variated cheeses – 150 gr.
Guacamole – 200 gr.
Hot chili (for decoration and for
whoever wants to eat it).
1.- Make the Bolognese sauce (1)
and put it in an oven bowl.
2.- Make a caramelized onion (2)
and put over the Bolognese
3.- Cover with Nachos, and put
the cheeses over them and bake
it during 10 minutes at 200º.
4.- Take out of the oven and add
the Guacamole (3).
5.- Finally chop the chilis and put
on the top to decorate and it is
ready to eat!
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
(1) Bolognese sauce
150 gr. minced meat (pork and
veal mix)
150 gr. Natural tomatoes
1 carrot
1 garlic
1 onion
1 glass of red wine
Salt and pepper
We start by popping the garlic
and then add the onion and
When it is poached, add the meat
and brown it. Add salt and
pepper to taste.
With the meat half done, add a
glass of red wine and
evaporate the alcohol. Then
add the well peeled tomatoes
without seeds and let cook for
about 15 minutes. In this step
we add the spices and I
usually put oregano too.
(2) Caramelized onion
1 Kg. Onion
10 ml. Olive oil
1 teaspoon of baking soda
We cut the onion into julienne
We put a large pan with olive oil
and add the whole onion,
adding a pinch of salt and stir
well, so that all the strands are
lightly impregnated with oil.
With the fire to a minimum,
the onion will take
approximately 5 minutes to
start poaching. Add a
teaspoon of baking soda
sprinkle on the onion.
We continue to reduce the onion
slowly, stirring occasionally
until the onion darkens when
its sugars turn into caramel
and while the water
evaporates. After 30 minutes
the onion is perfectly
caramelized and ready for use.
(3) Guacamole
2 Avocados
1 Tomato
1 Spring onion
Lima juice (If It is not possible
then you can use lemon)
Spicy paprika
We put the pulp of avocados, we
peel the tomato and we chop
up it in very small pieces, we
add the onion into very small
pieces too within a bowl.
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
We put the lime juice and we stir
all until you get a homogenous
We add salt and spicy paprika to
the taste. It is ready to eat!✍
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
One of the most habitual questions asked in many houses is: What do
we eat today? For many people the idea of thinking about what to
prepare for lunch is an odyssey, for that reason I offer you different
menus to solve this problem during a week. These are some delicious
dishes what I eat the last week:
SUNDAY Hazelnut
pancakes with
tomato and
Grilled chicken
with avocado
Two pizza
MONDAY Vegetable
Grilled fish
with brown
Pasta salad
TUESDAY Fruit salad Spaghetti with
omelette with
Toast with
Light vegetable
THURSDAY Toast with ham
and figs.
Squid in ink. Green bean
cream with
FRIDAY Banana yogurt
with mango
Salmon with
avocado salad.
Carrot cream.
SATURDAY Ham omelette Macaroni
Country salad.
̈ ̈For many people the idea of thinking about what to 
prepare for lunch is an odyssey ̈ 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
r​On Sunday: For breakfast:
“hazelnut pancakes with tomato
and cottage” and sprinkle a few
tablespoons of honey or agave
syrup. For lunch: “grilled chicken
with avocado salad” marinated
breasts in a mixture of orange or
lemon juice. For dinner: “two
pizza slices” and then some
candly like chocolates.
On Monday: For breakfast:
“vegetable sandwich” white
cereal bread or whole wheat, to
taste. For lunch: “grilled fish with
brown rice to serve in a deep
plate and on top of the fish. For
dinner: “pasta salad”, it is ideal
during the summer season for a
picnic in the countryside or a
meal on the beach.
On Tuesday: For breakfast:
“fruit salad”. The fruit should be
varied depending on what we
have in the fridge. For lunch:
“spaghetti with broccoli” it is the
star dish, delicious and very easy
to make. For dinner: “French
omelette with tuna”, it is an
excellent choice for a light
On Wednesday: For breakfast:
“toast with chocolate” we can
bake the bread and it will be a
delicious breakfast. For lunch:
“​mushroom burger​” healthy and
very nutritious dish. For dinner:
“light vegetable lasagna” is
delicious and easy to do, even if it
takes work, it is worth it.
On Thursday”: For breakfast:
“toast with ham and figs”, this is
the ideal recipe when you have
too many figs and you want to
prepare a delicious breakfast. For
lunch: “squid in ink” we can
combine with rice or pasta. For
dinner “green bean cream with
prawns”, it is a healthy, economic
and​ ​tasty recipe that comforts
the body and palate.
On Friday: For breakfast:
“banana yoghurt with mango and
pomegranate”, it has a creamy
and intense flavor. For lunch:
“salmon with avocado salad” it is
an alternative and balanced
meal. For the dinner “carrot
cream” it is very soft and with a
fine texture that everyone will
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
On Saturday: For breakfast:
“ham omelette”, it is easy to
prepare and healthy. For lunch:
“carbonara macaroni” it is a
traditional Italian recipe. For
dinner: “Country salad” which is
ideal for summer time.✍
̈For dinner “carrot 
cream” it is very soft 
and with a fine texture 
that everyone will like ̈. 
(Villarrobledo ́s School of Adults) 
Teacher: María Felipe Martinez  
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
(Villarrobledo ́s School of Adults) 
Teacher: María Belén Menéndez Campo 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Teacher: Sergio Moya García 
In the morning. I get up around
7:00 . I have breakfast around or
7:30 I start walking around
10:00, I finish at 11:30 ,I take a
shower after walking or I have
lunch around 14:00. I ate
textured soy with homemade
ratatouille and rice. I leave home
around 18:00 to go English
classes, around 19:00 and
finish classes and go home . I get
home around 19:15, I have
dinner around 21.00 grilled
vegetable and fish dinner. before
going to bed I spend some of my
time listening to music while I
draw and I go to sleep around
00:30. ✍​Sonia Sanjuán
I think my diet is varied, but I eat
a lot of sweets.During the week I
usually have a cup of cappuccino
and a cup cake, or bread roll lard,
for breakfast and at the weekend
I have a cup of coffee with milk
and toast with tomato or
marmalade. These are some
examples for my meal plan.
On Monday I had chicken with
potatoes baked for lunch, and
tuna with tomato sandwich for
dinner. On Tuesday I had
vegetable soup and an orange for
lunch and a mixed sandwich for
dinner. On wednesday I had
pumpkin cream and a banana for
lunch and pork loin with apple
for dinner. On Thursday I had
fried potatoes with egg for lunch
and tomato toast with ham for
dinner. On Friday I ate at my
sister's house for lunch, we had a
delicious fideua, she's a good
cook. I had whiting and
vegetables for dinner. Some
nights I had milk before going to
bed. ​✍ Adela García
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
All people should take a healthy diet, but it is not so
easy for ​many of them, single men especially.
Sometimes a man who lives alone doesn’t have the
correct and balanced amount of carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins and fats. Generally, the latter is the
one that we struggle with the most. To solve this
problem I suggest taking a diet that we can call ​ ́A
Well Compensated Diet For Bachelors’​. ​Our
system will refer only to the main meal of your day. For
the rest, breakfast, supper, snacks... do what you usually
do. It doesn’t matter. So let’s focus on it: your main
diary meal. Well, the central idea is: you can eat
anything you want, without exceptions. However, two
conditions must be accomplished. First: have a cat. -
Second: a kind old lady is needed. A cat in your life If
you are able to prepare a heavy stew with sausage,
bacon and so ... Chew it! and chew on this: the taste is
just in the sauce, isn’t it? If you have a cat, it will be
exciting to help you to finish the bacon and sausage. Do
you want a dozen lamb chops? Go ahead! But remove
the pieces of fat and... Yes! ​You have understood​:
The fat for the cat!. A kind old lady in your
neighborhood There always are, near you, some elderly
ladies who love cooking. Seek for one!.
Let your nose guide you. One day, you should come across her on the
stair ​landing ​... by chance. ​Good morning, ma’am. Oh! That delicious
smell is coming from your kitchen, isn’t it?. I can’t remember smelling
such an appetizing fragrance!. ​- ​Oh! I’ve just cooked beef stew with
roasted potatoes. Nothing special!. But you should taste it. ​- ​Oh my,
ma’am! I didn’t mean ... I‘m very sorry; I have been rude. ​-
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Nonsenses! Also, lately you seem to be quite thinner than usual. You
must have it! ​He will soon knock on your door. ​‘Hello, Mr P..., I’ve just
made this raspberry cake. Could you take a piece and tell me if it is
well baked (...) I’ve prepared too many meals today: Would you be so
kind as to help me with this ​Cocido Madrileño​? (...) I was
practicing a recipe I saw in a TV show, ​Pork trotters in honey
sauce​. Would you mind checking if it is tasty enough?’. ​Don’t be
afraid about what your old neighbour offers you​. ​It will always be
perfectly healthy. Think for a moment: ​Has this lady reached her age
eating badly?. ​I assure you her meals will always be delicacies. By the
way, there won’t be leftovers for the cat.
Well, this is ​‘The Healthy Bachelors’ diet’. ​This diet will
bring not only health but bliss to your life, a great happiness.
Remember, two conditions: cat and lady, altogether. If one of the
premises doesn’t exist, bad thing. Well, if you had to choose (life is
hard and unpredictable) ... Do you really need an ungrateful beast
next to you? If you can’t do without it there are other pets: a lizard,
a goldfish ... But ... never, ​never give the cold shoulder to an
old lady who loves cooking​.
̈ Never give the cold shoulder 
to an old lady who loves 
cooking ̈  
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
The following are essays written by our students 
about a wide range of topics that we have read or 
spoken about in class. 
A postcard from Las Vegas 
✍​Adela García 
​Hi María! How are you?
I had a horrible flight, you know. I hate flying, but it was worthy.
Las Vegas is a wonderful city. Yesterday I walked around The Strip.
It´ s a famous street full of restaurants, hotels, churches and casinos,
of course. You can book a reservation at Eiffel Tower or The Egyptian
pyramid of the Luxor. Both are hotels and casinos there. I saw "The
Flamingo​" the city's first major resort & casino built by a gangster.
​Tonight I am going to wear my nice red dress and going to gamble at
the casino. I hope to be very lucky. Tomorrow I want to enjoy Tom
Jones´ show . He´ s one of my favorite singers.
P.D. You can suggest Mario get married there. Here he would be a
fantastic Elvis!!
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
✍ Jose Julián González Gaitano
I was a teenager when I first watched a remarkable released film, ​‘2001.
A Space Odyssey’​, by Stanley Kubrick. I figured then I was watching the
near future. There was a human colony on the Moon’s surface; there
was also a gigantic space station, a huge double wheel orbiting Earth.
From there, to our planet and Moon, a fleet of aircrafts regularly
travelled carrying goods and people. A reasonable and feasible
prediction, I thought.
It is 2020 now. There isn't almost anything about that.
The Man landed on the Moon, many years ago, and left it alone. And
there is also an International Space Station, a rather humble one
however; in fact, it can keep only a quite scarce crew of astronauts and
scientists. They use a small space shuttle as a means of transport and
work. It is said also that a manned ship to Mars could be taking off … in
10 or 15 years from now.
It seems to me that we won’t be taking our holidays to another planet in
a faraway galaxy in 50 years’ time.
Our holidays will be in our old Earth, as now. A faster and more
comfortable journey to our favorite tourist destinations is credible, by
high speed trains, ships or airplanes, although.
If you are very rich, perhaps you could get a place in a spaceship:
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Destination Mars!. An uneasy trip, uncomfortable, boring… six months
or so, no gravity, bad meals, sickness … Your target: magnificent,
impressive views of a great desert without any kind of life. You will
admire that from your space suit’s scuba. Oh! I forgot the best: back
home is not assured.
Anyway, don’t dream about interstellar voyages using star gates, paths
across wormholes in space, hyperspace velocity, teleportation or so.
Or … yes!. You could enjoy these futuristic marvels … staying at home:
playing a video game or watching a movie. Virtual reality is just now
astounding. Imagine it in the future!.
But, if you want my advice, the best reality is which is built in your mind:
nothing will ever be as good as a good book.
✍ Jose Julián González Gaitano 
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Do you have a stressful life as a student or as a worker in a
company? It is clear you need some rest.
✍ Jose Julián González Gaitano
All of us think about it in terms of sleeping more, enjoy watching a movie
or reading a book, perhaps going out with friends. But, do you really
need to exercise?I will try to explain myself.
Regular exercise means you have spare time to spend. Do you have it for
sure? Furthermore, some costs might be involved, because sportive
cloths as well as specific equipment are sometimes quite expensive. Also,
you have to pay for the gym, the tennis court, the swimming pool …
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
On the other hand, everyone knows there are important health benefits
if you do regular exercise: your heart will be stronger, it is excellent to
clear one’s head and you will also sleep better. Plus, you will lose that
antiesthetic fat.
Therefore, it is your election. But, if you want my advice … If you have
the time, go ahead!.
Are you still in doubt?. Is money the problem? Oh, dear! Do you really
need to practice sailing, climbing, scuba diving or so? Go for a walk,
simply! Walking is the cheapest exercise in the world.
But, of course, taking regular exercise doesn’t mean an exhausting
activity anyway. Do you remember? You wanted less stress in your life.
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Teacher of History & Geography
From remote times people have grown with effort and passion in our
olive groves with the aim to achieve the best olive oil of the region and be
happy. Alcaraz as many other cities of Castilla –La Mancha is very
important due to their olive oil and their olive groves.
Castilla –La Mancha is considered one of the most important olive oil
producers of the world. It said that our region produced, last year, above
150 000 tons and Albacete 11000 tons which Alcaraz contributed
appreciabily with their great olive oil.
There are different varieties of olives in Spain, for example, the most
common is Picual from Jaen, then Cornicabra from Montes de Toledo,
among other varieties our beloved Gordal typical from Albacete and
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
As well as there are different varieties of olives, also there are some
different varieties of olive oil. For instance: the extra virgin olive oil,
virgin olive oil, lampante olive oil. The difference between them are the
quality of the olive and the process of setting it up. The best is the extra
virgin olive oil; this variety is usual in our city and in our country.
Our olive groves are special and different for several reasons, the first,
the rough terrain does not enable work suitable generating more effort
and more expenses; the second the climate make some different
landscapes with different grows in our country, maybe it could be better
for the olive because the dry climate is very good for it; the third, the
Pernales resided in our olive groves, this is the main difference between
other spanish olive groves.
Finally, It's very important to highlight the role of our traditions because
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
if we lose it, we will lose our identity since our olive groves are an
identifying feature of our culture. The best way to finish this article is
with this verses of a famous poem of Machado:
Olive groves galore
Hanging from the ridges
Like stitched trimmings!
Olive groves painted
The orange evening hue;
Olive groves burnished
Under a silvery moon!
Sparking olive groves
In the ashen evenings,
Under tempest-laden
(Olive trees, A. Machado)
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
Mood and health go hand in hand.
By Angel Carretero
Does mood influence our health?
That is a very expansive question, and before I try and answer it, we have
to clarify what is commonly meant by both mood and health.
Mood is the emotional state that prevails in an individual at any given
time. On many an occasion, it is confused with emotions and it is
therefore necessary to establish the differences between the two
Emotion is defined as an intense reaction of the organism to the
assessment of certain external stimuli that produces certain
physiological changes (in our voices, in our facial expressions) and
psychological changes (for example, in attention).
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
The main differences between emotion and mood are that the latter lasts
longer, is less intense and specific and does not necessarily need a
stimulus to appear. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to identify what
causes it. Furthermore, mood does not have facial expressions of its own,
while the basic emotions do have them, being universal and following a
unique pattern in all human beings.
For instance, one person may infer that another is in a happy mood by
noticing different facial expressions of joy (smile, raised cheeks, wrinkles
around the eyes, etc.), but there is no distinctive facial expression of joy.
Moods have a certain value, they are located on a scale between a good
mood (elevated) and a bad mood (depressed). In psychology, when a
state of mind lasts for a long time, generates significant discomfort and
interferes in different areas of a person's life (family, social, work, etc.) is
called affective or mood disorder.
Now, what is meant by health?
This concept is currently understood as "the highest possible level of
physical, psychological and social well-being, and functional capacity,
determined by the social factors in which the individual and the
community live in."
What is relevant about this concept of health is the acceptance that
personal, group, social and cultural factors are involved in the state of
health. Consequently, there is no doubt that different states of mind can
influence people's health and can facilitate or hinder the way in which
people develop in their daily lives.
Being angry is not disorder. Sometimes people may feel sad, angry, or
irritable and may say they are in a bad mood, but that does not mean
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
they have a mood disorder. We should not mistake one for the other. As
I have previously indicated, for it to be considered a disorder it is
necessary that it lasts over time and hinders people's day-to-day,
interfering in personal, social or work relationships.
Traditionally, the influence of negative mood states or affective disorders
on health has been given greater importance in the scientific literature
than the influence of positive mood states.
The WHO​[1]​
states that affective disorders (depressive disorders and
bipolar disorders) negatively affect health in all its areas: mental,
physical and social. That is, people with depressive disorders often have
no interest in daily activities, they are sad, they have low self-esteem,
they have a hard time concentrating and making decisions, they are
irritable, they feel tired, they have trouble sleeping, they usually
experience a lot stress and do not think they are capable of handling
those stressful situations.
What happens, then, when we are joyful, happy and in a good mood?
How does that influence our health?
In recent years, in psychology there is a tendency to investigate not only
the negative and pathological aspects, but also the positive variables
related to health. Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, Positive
Psychology emerged, which is the scientific study of human strengths
and virtues and of positive experiences that help improve the quality of
people’s lives.
One of the primary topics of study of positive psychology has been
positive moods and emotions (example: happiness, laughter, good
humour, joy and tranquility, among others). Scientific research indicates
that these positive mood states enhance health and well-being and
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
promote feelings of satisfaction with life itself.
So, the answer to the above question is ‘yes’—mood does influence our
health. Although it may seem hard to believe, our state of mind is closely
related to our physical well-being and, with certain diseases, it can be
decisive in improving the quality of life.
Being optimistic, hopeful, and feeling happier helps people be able to
properly manage stress and adverse situations. Additionally, people who
experience high levels of positive emotions tend to experience less pain
and disability related to chronic illness.
[1] World Health Organization
Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 

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Tales from Alcaraz ( TAFA

  • 2.       2        Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 3.       3        Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 4.       4        Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 5.       5    In our Advanced English classes in Alcaraz, we reviewed the life of Mr. Overton, World War Veteran who had became the oldest living American citizen. Our students grabbed their pens and wrote their thoughts about health and mind in the following essays.     ​ SOME ADVICE TO LIVE ALRIGHT An experienced man tells you ✍​✍​ Jose Julián González Gaitano "I've seen lots and lots of living" - ​said Mr Overton in 2016, a couple of years before he passed away ​- "I ́m giving you some of my secrets to a long life. If you don't use it that ́s your bad luck". ​What can an old man from Austin, Texas tell you ? These are some tips: ​'I drink about 4 cups of coffee in the morning... I love soup, milk, fish, ice cream makes me happy and also butter pecan.It's just...Overton's diet'​. Listen to this: '​I smoke sometimes 12 cigars a day. Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 6.       6    Just go ahead and blow it, but you have to do it in the healthy way: don ́t swallow it, cause it makes you cough; just taste it'. ​Fitness? Pills? A personal trainer? Find your diet, enjoy your little pleasures while you can. This is what Mr Overton told you from his 112 years of life. ​It makes you feel better'​- concluded.​'I would buy one thing, I would use that one thing. I've got a truck out here ​and it r​uns just like I want it. So I just keep it'. ​Oh, by the way, he renewed his car license until his last year in this world. ​'Every time I pass all the tests they give me'- he said​. ​One more: '​I built me a house in 1945 and that's where I've been ever since'. 'It makes you feel better to have a person around you like Mrs Love'​- this is the name of his wife- ​We go shopping sometimes, I take her to church and to different places... We get along real nice. She's just a nice person'. ​It seems to me that they just lived and took care of each other. Well, Mrs Love was younger than Mr Overton: she survived him; she's now only 96 years old. ​'Yeah!, we have fun together!'. ​I will not add another comment here. Mr Overton hadn't got any children. No problem. Listen to this: '​I wanna see my cats every morning. I help those cats and they keep me happy'. ​You could put children ​instead of cats, couldn't you?. Help your children, spend time with them. One more important thing about this subject: '​You don't feed the cat too much because he won't hunt a rat'. ​Easy translation: Don´t spoil your children giving them everything. They will become useless, incapable people.Sometimes you find yourself in life with a very real problem. How to face it? Did you know Mr Overton was a veteran from World War II? He joined the Army when he was 30, in 1945. He served at the Pacific front. ​'It wasn't good, but we had to go'. 'A soldier ... he may go sideways but he ain't gonna turn around and go back. Dońt care how hot them bullets is, he ain't gonna go back'. ​I think there is nothing to add here either. Mr. Overton was a person of faith. If you are so, surely you share some of his believings: ​'I think that helps me push myself along going to church. And you learn something at church, you learn how to live better, how to treat people'. ​He was quite sure about why he could survive at War: ​'If it's your time to go that bullet gonna get you. If it ain't your time to go, that bullet's going over your head. It ain't gonna hit you. So, man will kill you but God is the one keep you alive' ​But the main questions remain, just like every human being: ​¡I don't know when I come here and I don't know when I am going'... ​'​I don ́t know why God kept me here. I ain't talked to Him Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 7.       7    and He ain't talked to me'. ​So, What can we do while we are here? I think everyone can share this last Mr. Overton's thought: ​'Still walk, still talk, still drive... still living alright... I may give out but I never give up. If you give up you're through'. So, thank you Mr. Overton. For your service, your simple wisdom, your common sense. Oh! And this cigar I'm smoking while I'm writing is for you, everywhere you are.   'Still walk, still talk, still drive... still living alright... I                    may give out but I never give up. If you give up you're                          through'.          Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 9.       9      DO WE DO ENOUGH FOR THE ELDERLY IN OUR SOCIETY?                                                              ​In memory of R.Overton ✍​Julián García Losa One of the common stereotypes of growing old is that older people don't contribute to society. We need to give more recognition and pride to the contributions that older generations have already made. Their skills and knowledge are not appreciated in a society infatuated by the cult of youth. Richard Overton, America's oldest World War II veteran and the oldest man in the United States, died at the age of 112 years old, in December 27, 2018. He was honored by president Barack Obama. Overton was invited in 2013 to the White House where he met with the President and to the veterans day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. This is an example of respect, solidarity and commitment to the elderly. Our society needs to recover the presence and wisdom of the elderly in public life and in the mass media. The elderly want to live in their homes, in their family environments, and therefore we must intensify home care services. Now, they are fighting in the streets for fair pensions, which is necessary, among other things, to pay the high prices of socio-sanitary residences. Ingmar Bergman, Swedish filmmaker said: "getting older is like climbing a great mountain. While climbing the forces decrease but the look is freer, the view is wider and more serene". Our society needs this freedom and serenity of the elderly and offer them all our love and consideration.    Ingmar Bergman, Swedish filmmaker said:  "getting older is like climbing a great mountain.  While climbing the forces decrease but the look is  freer, the view is wider and more serene". Our  society needs this freedom and serenity of the  Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 10.       10    elderly and offer them all our love and  consideration.​✍            At Christmas we decided to write some funny Santa ́s  Christmas letters and here are our students ́  contributions…      Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
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  • 15.       15      Pepe Gonzalez, one of our most veteran students of English in Alcaraz, wrote this beautiful  travel diary about his trip to the italian coast of Amalfi         Gorgeous Amalfi   ✍​Jose Julián González Gaitano I've returned from a trip to Italy a few days ago, with some friends of mine. I've been to Italy before; my brother has been living in Rome for quite a long time. This time he wanted us to visit the Amalfi Coast. 'Amalfi? Where is Amalfi? What is special about Amalfi?'- I asked. 'Well ... Better come and you'll see" - he answered. So, firstly, we checked the location of the place on a map. It is a city in the south of Naples. Italy looks like a great boot, doesn't it? Imagine the instep of the boot. Well, Amalfi is out there. Weather Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 16.       16    forecasts were good, and the flight to Rome was fast and comfortable. My brother picked us up at the airport and drove to the south. 'Perhaps it would be interesting to make a good atmosphere'- he said, and turned the cd player on - I've selected a few songs'. And so, Luciano Pavarotti was our companion throughout the trip. He didn't sing opera however. He sang for us ​O Sole Mio, Torna a Surriento, Carusso ​and other tunes related to the country that we were going to visit. Salerno was our first stop. There, at a restaurant with a splendid sight of its wide Gulf, a tasty meal was waiting for us: a sailor soup, pasta with seafood and a delicious white local wine. In the afternoon, going along a winding road with dangerous curves, we discovered the Amalfi Coast. There aren't flatlands; only a few narrow and stony beaches; everything else is mountain ... that submerge into the sea. There Apennines mountain range meets Tyrrhenian Sea and plunges into it. The landscape consists in countless towns and villages set on the coast slopes; they seem just to be climbing the cliffs. Amalfi itself is arranged that way. There, at a restaurant with a splendid  sight of its wide Gulf, a tasty meal was  waiting for us: a sailor soup, pasta with  seafood and a delicious white local wine.    Am​alfi is an old city. It was an independent republic of traders in the Middle Ages. It is a very tourist place: It has got a great cathedral in Romanesque Italian style that claims to preserve the remains of the apostle Saint Andrew in his crypt; it also has got a splendid Marina, visited by rich people on their expensive big yachts. The beach is small however, but you can take a bath anyway. We did. Walking the narrow streets that went up and down we found a hidden place, a little museum dedicated to a strange and old Amalfi industry: Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 17.       17    paper made with rags. Nice. It was late in the evening when we reached our final destination, our home for the next few days, a rural house in a town called Conca Dei Marini. ​The house was clean and bright, with a small garden and modern facilities. However, it was the next morning when we discovered the main house's worth, while we watched the sunrise from its large terrace. The sight was spectacular, Terrific!. Pompeii was an inexcusable target on our trip, since it was only about 40 kilometers away. It was a long ride. It took us an hour and a half to get there since we had to cross the mountains. While travelling I had to change my mind about the country. I expected a dry, arid landscape. Instead of that, it was very leafy, with green woods of pine, beech trees and, especially, chestnuts. Pompeii was a holiday place, actually a populous city, for rich Roman people at Imperial age in the first century. The year 70 BC was buried by the eruption of Vesuvius, the great volcano near Naples Gulf. A thick layer of ashes covered it completely in a few hours. So it has been well preserved to this day. You can see there many temples, a wide square, the forum, a big amphitheater, where gladiators and wild beasts would had been fighting, two theaters, well paved streets with solid stone slabs, several public baths and numerous private properties; some of them, that were owned by important Roman people, still retain beautiful paintings on their walls. It is a big place; you can walk for 7 hours and you might not see all the wonders it holds in. On the way back to our accommodation, I was in a sad mood; I think we all were. At night, we were lying on the terrace, watching the moon rising from the sea, enjoying the moist, salty air, rushing the last moments of our beautiful but short holiday. My brother got us out of our melancholic mood. He said: 'Well, now in a year we could go to visit Apulia. It's as beautiful as this country! ... And Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 18.       18    now: Our landlady told us about that nice place to eat, Nino's, Didn't she? So ... How about a real Italian pizza?'. So, after a small stop with a pizza at Nino's ... The trip to Italy will continue!.           Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 19.       19    ​CEPA Alonso Quijano´s teaching zone includes the schools of adults in different  villages and small towns such as El Bonillo, Tiriez, Munera, Ossa de Montiel and  Alcaraz. These, along with the students in Villarrobledo, joined forces and wrote  down their menus and thoughts about eating healthy.   ✍    EL BONILLO ́S SCHOOL OF ADULTS  Teacher: Ana María Hernández      We have got an unhealthy diet because we don't have time to cook. This is my diet for this week.On Monday, I had a glass of milk ​with a buttered toast and peach jam for breakfast .​I had roasted sardines and potato omelet for dinner and​I had Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 20.       20    m​ounted sausage and cheese for dinner.On Tuesday, I had breakfast Glass of milk with cereal, I had fried Chicken Wings and Soup for lunch and aTuna and tomato sandwich.On Wednesday, I had a glass of milk with cookies for breakfast, I had fried eggs and grilled pork for lunch and I had Russian salad for dinner.On Thursday, I had a glass of milk with cereal for breakfast,I had stew for lunch and a Mackerel and tomato sandwich for dinner.On Friday, I had a glass of milk with cookies for breakfast, rice with ribs for lunch and I had a salmon and tomato sandwich for dinner.On Saturday, I had a glass of milk with cookies for breakfast, manchego gazpachos with rabbit for lunch and grilled lamb chops for dinner.On Sunday, We have got a very stressed life, therefore, our food isn't healthy. I had a ​Glass of milk ​with a butter toast and peach jam for breakfast., French omelet and a bacon sandwich for lunch and a a Salad and a tuna sandwich for dinner. Jesús Mora Sierra✍ We have got a very stressed life, therefore, our food isn't healthy. For example, I work at night, then, have something to eat and sleep so my timetable is altered. In one week my food could be the following: This week, I had the same menu for breakfast every day : a glass of milk with muffins. On Monday, I had lunch lentil stew and I had a pizza for dinner.On Tuesday, I had pasta with tomato sauce for lunch and a tuna sándwich for dinner. On Wednesday, I had seafood rice for lunch and a mackerel and tomato sandwich for dinner. On Thursday, I had fried chicken for lunch. I had fried eggs with potatoes for dinner. On Friday, I had lNoodle Soup for lunch and pizza for dinner. On Saturday, I had lunch of braised beans and tuna sándwich for dinner. On Sunday, I had fish for lunch and a mackerel sandwich with tomato sandwich for dinner The meal schedule may be the usual one, but by inverting the hours of sleep, the body can metabolize it differently. ✍ Juan Ramón Sierra Herrera Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 21.       21    I try to have a healthy life. I work out every day and I usually eat fruit and vegetables. This week my diet was: On Monday I had milk with coffee and a cupcake for breakfast .For lunch, I had some fish and créme caramel. For dinner I had milk with a cup of coffee.On Tuesday I had milk with coffee for breakfast. I had soup noodles, some meat and a piece of pineapple. For dinner I had a bit of ensaimada and some pears. On Wednesday, I had milk with some coffee for breakfast. I also had some lentils and créme caramel for lunch. For dinner I had a salad and a few pears. On Thursday I had some milk with coffee for breakfast.I also had some pasta , some tuna and pears for lunch.I had a salad, a cupcake and some pineapple for dinner. On Friday I had milk with coffee for breakfast. I had beans and pears for lunch, some jam and cheese . On Saturday I had milk with coffee for breakfast, some mushroom, some sausages and a piece of pineapple for lunch.I also had some croquettes for dinner. Finally, on Sunday I had some milk with coffee for breakfast, for lunch, I had some fish and créme caramel. My dinner was some milk with coffee. ​✍Emilia Sanz Sánchez I try to have a healthy  life. I work out every  day and I usually eat  fruit and vegetables.    I have got a healthy diet. My meals are varied. I work out every day . My diet this week was: On Monday I had coffee with milk and, also, a toast with tomato and Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 22.       22    olive oil . Then I had a salad, beet steak and a pear for lunch . Finally I had boiled potatoes for dinner. On Tuesday I had coffee with milk, a toast with tomato with olive oil for breakfast. Then I had lentil stew for lunch and some fruit. I had pizza On Wednesday I had the usual breakfast every day. Then I had fish sauce and some fruit for lunch and, finally, I had a sandwich for dinner. On Thursday I had breakfast: like every day then I have lunch paella and orange, next I had diner yogurt and cheese.On Friday I had the same ​ breakfast as ​usual then I have pasta with tuna and a pear for lunch. Next I had egg salad. for dinner. On Saturday I had the usual breakfast then I had grilled chicken for lunch and, next I had ham and cheese pizza for dinner.. On Sunday I had my usual breakfast then I had baked fish with potatoes for lunch and, finally, fruit and yogurt for dinner. ✍María Jesús Ramos Herrera I have got an unhealthy life. Surely, I have to change my habits .I have to eat healthier. This week I have been taking notes of my meals. My diet this week was: This week I had every day the same breakfast: milk with cookies or a cupcake. On Monday: I had chicken rice, a banana and coffee for lunch. I had an egg mayonnaise sándwich, and a tangerine for lunch. On Tuesday I had a tuna salad ,beacon a fruit salad for lunch. I also had a ham and cheese sandwich plus an orange for lunch. On Wednesday, I had noodle soup, chicken pudding for lunch and green peas, some squid and a banana for dinner. On Thursday, I had lentil stew, chicken breast and an Apple. I had an omelette and a pear for dinner. On Friday, I had macaroni, bacon and an apple for lunch. I had a tuna snack and a banana for dinner. On Saturday, I had lunch chips, chicken breast and a pear. I had a burger and an orange for dinner. On Sunday I had an omelette,​ ​chicken breast and an orange for lunch. I had a pizza, dumplings and a pear. Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
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  • 24.       24    LEZUZA ́S AND TIRIEZ´S SCHOOL OF ADULTS  Teacher: Marta Guerrero Mateo    Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 25.       25    Maria Angeles Padilla:​ “I have white beans with sausages and for dessert two tangerines.” Mª Angeles Fuentes​: “I usually eat seafood paella and yoghurt “ Ana Isabel​: “I eat potatoes with some pieces of rabbit and for dessert I have an apple” Noelia Jiménez​:” I have a hamburger and chips. For dessert, I have two mandarins.” Joaquina Sáez:​” ​I have some garlic with potatoes, some flour, and mushrooms for lunch” Arancha Montoro​: “Today I had a plate of pasta with tomato and sausages. It is my favorite food. I wanted to eat omelet but I burnt it. I drank a glass of water and for dessert, I ate yoghurt “ Milagros​: “On Monday I have fish soup and I drink pineapple juice “ Carmen Parras​:” For lunch I eat a bowl of noodles soup, some chicken roasted and a kiwi, I drink water” Candelaria Rodriguez​:” On Monday I have a soup with garlic, oil and vegetables and a bit of chicken with boiled potatoes.                                   Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 26.       26    MUNERA ́S SCHOOL OF ADULTS  Teacher: María Ruíz Soler              Hello! I`m ​Mari Fuentes from Munera. On Monday… I had coffee with milk and toast with tomato, oil and salt for breakfast.I had rice with pork ribs and mushrooms for lunch.I had melon and coffee Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 27.       27    for dessert.I had some nuts and a yogurt for dinner.✍       Hello! I`m ​María​ From Munera.On Monday I had milk, coffee and some biscuits for breakfast.I had fried potatoes, tomatoes, pork fat beicon and an apple for lunch. And flan for dessert.I had cauliflower with salt, virgin olive oil and a hamburger for dinner. I had a pomegranate for dessert.✍ Hello! I`m Mari Carmen From Munera. On Monda I had hot water, a chocolate milkshake and an orange for breakfast.I had meat with tomato, an egg and bread for lunch. I had a pear for ​dessert. I had ham ,cheese and bread for diner ,and some grapes for dessert✍ Hello! I`m ​Jose Antonio ​from Munera.On Monday…I had milk with coffee, and a cupcake for breakfast.I had lentils with rice for lunch. And an orange for dessert.I had a beef steak with potatoes for dinner. And a yogurt for dessert.✍ Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 28.       28    Hello! I`m ​Miguel ​form Munera.On Monday…I had milk with cocoa, and some cookies for breakfast. I had noodle soup , some lamb chops and an orange for lunch. I had a kaki for dessert.I had cauliflower and ham for dinner. And a yogurt for dessert.✍ Hello!I`m ​Lourdes​ from Munera. On Monday…I had milk with cocoa, a toast of bread with oil and tomato, for breakfast.I had a salad, rice with chicken and vegetables, for lunch. And two tangerines for dessert. had a salad with tomato, lettuce, tuna and cheese for diner. And an apple for dessert.✍ Hello, I`m ​ Inma ​from Munera. On Monday I had coffee with milk and toast for breakfast.I had spaghetti with bacon and cream for lunch.I had an avocado and nuts salad, and grilled bass fish for dinner. I had an apple for dessert.✍ Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 29.       29    Hello. I`m​ Agustin ​from Munera.On Monday I had coffee with milk, toast with oil and tomato for breakfast. I had baked rice, a salad with tomatoes and lettuce for lunch. And an orange for dessert. I had russian salad and sirloin medallions for dinner. And a pear for dessert.✍ Hello! I´m​ Leonor​ from Munera. On Monday I had coffee with milk, a toast with oil and tomato for breakfast.I had a dish of lentils with spinach, and a salad with tomatoes, onions and lettuce, for lunch. And grapes for dessert.I had a salad with tomato, onion, lettuce, for lunch. And a pear for dessert.✍ Hello! I´m ​Mari Fuentes​ from Munera.On Monday II had milk and toast with butter for breakfast.I had chicken with potatoes and carrots for lunch, and a banana for dessert.I had boiled egg, fried cheese and tomato for dinner. I had an orange for dessert.                       Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 30.       30    OSSA DE MONTIEL ́S SCHOOL OF ADULTS  Teacher: Estefanía Cañizares Algaba This is a recipe adapted by myself, based in a dinner that I made in a Maresme’s restaurant.I found this meal very interesting to share with friends, because it is fun and easy to prepare.The recipe has three basic elaborations that they are very easy to find in a supermarket, but I prefer to prepare my own ingredients, because I love cooking INGREDIENTS for four people Bolognese sauce - 250 gr. Caramelized onion - 100 gr. Nachos - 400 gr. Variated cheeses – 150 gr. Guacamole – 200 gr. Hot chili (for decoration and for whoever wants to eat it). PREPARATION 1.- Make the Bolognese sauce (1) and put it in an oven bowl. 2.- Make a caramelized onion (2) and put over the Bolognese sauce. 3.- Cover with Nachos, and put the cheeses over them and bake it during 10 minutes at 200º. 4.- Take out of the oven and add the Guacamole (3). 5.- Finally chop the chilis and put on the top to decorate and it is ready to eat! Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 31.       31    (1) Bolognese sauce Ingredients: 150 gr. minced meat (pork and veal mix) 150 gr. Natural tomatoes 1 carrot 1 garlic 1 onion 1 glass of red wine Salt and pepper Oregano Preparation: We start by popping the garlic and then add the onion and carrot. When it is poached, add the meat and brown it. Add salt and pepper to taste. With the meat half done, add a glass of red wine and evaporate the alcohol. Then add the well peeled tomatoes without seeds and let cook for about 15 minutes. In this step we add the spices and I usually put oregano too. (2) Caramelized onion Ingredients: 1 Kg. Onion 10 ml. Olive oil 1 teaspoon of baking soda Preparation: We cut the onion into julienne strips. We put a large pan with olive oil and add the whole onion, adding a pinch of salt and stir well, so that all the strands are lightly impregnated with oil. With the fire to a minimum, the onion will take approximately 5 minutes to start poaching. Add a teaspoon of baking soda sprinkle on the onion. We continue to reduce the onion slowly, stirring occasionally until the onion darkens when its sugars turn into caramel and while the water evaporates. After 30 minutes the onion is perfectly caramelized and ready for use. (3) Guacamole Ingredients: 2 Avocados 1 Tomato 1 Spring onion Lima juice (If It is not possible then you can use lemon) Salt Spicy paprika Preparation: We put the pulp of avocados, we peel the tomato and we chop up it in very small pieces, we add the onion into very small pieces too within a bowl. Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 32.       32    We put the lime juice and we stir all until you get a homogenous paste. We add salt and spicy paprika to the taste. It is ready to eat!✍ Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 33.       33    WHAT DO I EAT TODAY? One of the most habitual questions asked in many houses is: What do we eat today? For many people the idea of thinking about what to prepare for lunch is an odyssey, for that reason I offer you different menus to solve this problem during a week. These are some delicious dishes what I eat the last week: BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER SUNDAY Hazelnut pancakes with tomato and cottage. Grilled chicken with avocado salad. Two pizza slices. MONDAY Vegetable sandwich Grilled fish with brown rice. Pasta salad TUESDAY Fruit salad Spaghetti with broccoli. French omelette with tuna. WEDNESDAY Toast with chocolate Mushroom burger Light vegetable lasagna. THURSDAY Toast with ham and figs. Squid in ink. Green bean cream with prawns. FRIDAY Banana yogurt with mango and pomegranate. Salmon with avocado salad. Carrot cream. SATURDAY Ham omelette Macaroni carbonara Country salad. ̈ ̈For many people the idea of thinking about what to  prepare for lunch is an odyssey ̈  Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 34.       34    r​On Sunday: For breakfast: “hazelnut pancakes with tomato and cottage” and sprinkle a few tablespoons of honey or agave syrup. For lunch: “grilled chicken with avocado salad” marinated breasts in a mixture of orange or lemon juice. For dinner: “two pizza slices” and then some candly like chocolates. On Monday: For breakfast: “vegetable sandwich” white cereal bread or whole wheat, to taste. For lunch: “grilled fish with brown rice to serve in a deep plate and on top of the fish. For dinner: “pasta salad”, it is ideal during the summer season for a picnic in the countryside or a meal on the beach. On Tuesday: For breakfast: “fruit salad”. The fruit should be varied depending on what we have in the fridge. For lunch: “spaghetti with broccoli” it is the star dish, delicious and very easy to make. For dinner: “French omelette with tuna”, it is an excellent choice for a light dinner. On Wednesday: For breakfast: “toast with chocolate” we can bake the bread and it will be a delicious breakfast. For lunch: “​mushroom burger​” healthy and very nutritious dish. For dinner: “light vegetable lasagna” is delicious and easy to do, even if it takes work, it is worth it. On Thursday”: For breakfast: “toast with ham and figs”, this is the ideal recipe when you have too many figs and you want to prepare a delicious breakfast. For lunch: “squid in ink” we can combine with rice or pasta. For dinner “green bean cream with prawns”, it is a healthy, economic and​ ​tasty recipe that comforts the body and palate. On Friday: For breakfast: “banana yoghurt with mango and pomegranate”, it has a creamy and intense flavor. For lunch: “salmon with avocado salad” it is an alternative and balanced meal. For the dinner “carrot cream” it is very soft and with a fine texture that everyone will like. Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 35.       35    On Saturday: For breakfast: “ham omelette”, it is easy to prepare and healthy. For lunch: “carbonara macaroni” it is a traditional Italian recipe. For dinner: “Country salad” which is ideal for summer time.✍ ̈For dinner “carrot  cream” it is very soft  and with a fine texture  that everyone will like ̈.              CEPA ALONSO QUIJANO  (Villarrobledo ́s School of Adults)  Teacher: María Felipe Martinez     Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 36.       36          ​REME ́S MENU Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
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  • 49.       49    CEPA ALONSO QUIJANO  (Villarrobledo ́s School of Adults)  Teacher: María Belén Menéndez Campo                          Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 51.       51    ALCARAZ ́S SCHOOL OF ADULTS  Teacher: Sergio Moya García    In the morning. I get up around 7:00 . I have breakfast around or 7:30 I start walking around 10:00, I finish at 11:30 ,I take a shower after walking or I have lunch around 14:00. I ate textured soy with homemade ratatouille and rice. I leave home around 18:00 to go English classes, around 19:00 and finish classes and go home . I get home around 19:15, I have dinner around 21.00 grilled vegetable and fish dinner. before going to bed I spend some of my time listening to music while I draw and I go to sleep around 00:30. ✍​Sonia Sanjuán Fernández I think my diet is varied, but I eat a lot of sweets.During the week I usually have a cup of cappuccino and a cup cake, or bread roll lard, for breakfast and at the weekend I have a cup of coffee with milk and toast with tomato or marmalade. These are some examples for my meal plan. On Monday I had chicken with potatoes baked for lunch, and tuna with tomato sandwich for dinner. On Tuesday I had vegetable soup and an orange for lunch and a mixed sandwich for dinner. On wednesday I had pumpkin cream and a banana for lunch and pork loin with apple for dinner. On Thursday I had fried potatoes with egg for lunch and tomato toast with ham for dinner. On Friday I ate at my sister's house for lunch, we had a delicious fideua, she's a good cook. I had whiting and vegetables for dinner. Some nights I had milk before going to bed. ​✍ Adela García Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 52.       52    A HEALTHY DIET FOR BACHELORS All people should take a healthy diet, but it is not so easy for ​many of them, single men especially. Sometimes a man who lives alone doesn’t have the correct and balanced amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and fats. Generally, the latter is the one that we struggle with the most. To solve this problem I suggest taking a diet that we can call ​ ́A Well Compensated Diet For Bachelors’​. ​Our system will refer only to the main meal of your day. For the rest, breakfast, supper, snacks... do what you usually do. It doesn’t matter. So let’s focus on it: your main diary meal. Well, the central idea is: you can eat anything you want, without exceptions. However, two conditions must be accomplished. First: have a cat. - Second: a kind old lady is needed. A cat in your life If you are able to prepare a heavy stew with sausage, bacon and so ... Chew it! and chew on this: the taste is just in the sauce, isn’t it? If you have a cat, it will be exciting to help you to finish the bacon and sausage. Do you want a dozen lamb chops? Go ahead! But remove the pieces of fat and... Yes! ​You have understood​: The fat for the cat!. A kind old lady in your neighborhood There always are, near you, some elderly ladies who love cooking. Seek for one!. Let your nose guide you. One day, you should come across her on the stair ​landing ​... by chance. ​Good morning, ma’am. Oh! That delicious smell is coming from your kitchen, isn’t it?. I can’t remember smelling such an appetizing fragrance!. ​- ​Oh! I’ve just cooked beef stew with roasted potatoes. Nothing special!. But you should taste it. ​- ​Oh my, ma’am! I didn’t mean ... I‘m very sorry; I have been rude. ​- Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 53.       53    Nonsenses! Also, lately you seem to be quite thinner than usual. You must have it! ​He will soon knock on your door. ​‘Hello, Mr P..., I’ve just made this raspberry cake. Could you take a piece and tell me if it is well baked (...) I’ve prepared too many meals today: Would you be so kind as to help me with this ​Cocido Madrileño​? (...) I was practicing a recipe I saw in a TV show, ​Pork trotters in honey sauce​. Would you mind checking if it is tasty enough?’. ​Don’t be afraid about what your old neighbour offers you​. ​It will always be perfectly healthy. Think for a moment: ​Has this lady reached her age eating badly?. ​I assure you her meals will always be delicacies. By the way, there won’t be leftovers for the cat. Well, this is ​‘The Healthy Bachelors’ diet’. ​This diet will bring not only health but bliss to your life, a great happiness. Remember, two conditions: cat and lady, altogether. If one of the premises doesn’t exist, bad thing. Well, if you had to choose (life is hard and unpredictable) ... Do you really need an ungrateful beast next to you? If you can’t do without it there are other pets: a lizard, a goldfish ... But ... never, ​never give the cold shoulder to an old lady who loves cooking​. ̈ Never give the cold shoulder  to an old lady who loves  cooking ̈     Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 54.       54        Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 55.       55      The following are essays written by our students  about a wide range of topics that we have read or  spoken about in class.  A postcard from Las Vegas  ✍​Adela García  ​Hi María! How are you? I had a horrible flight, you know. I hate flying, but it was worthy. Las Vegas is a wonderful city. Yesterday I walked around The Strip. It´ s a famous street full of restaurants, hotels, churches and casinos, of course. You can book a reservation at Eiffel Tower or The Egyptian pyramid of the Luxor. Both are hotels and casinos there. I saw "The Flamingo​" the city's first major resort & casino built by a gangster. ​Tonight I am going to wear my nice red dress and going to gamble at the casino. I hope to be very lucky. Tomorrow I want to enjoy Tom Jones´ show . He´ s one of my favorite singers. P.D. You can suggest Mario get married there. Here he would be a fantastic Elvis!! Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 56.       56      WHAT FORM OF TRANSPORT WILL WE BE USING IN 50 YEARS’ TIME? WHERE WILL WE BE TAKING OUR HOLIDAYS? ✍ Jose Julián González Gaitano I was a teenager when I first watched a remarkable released film, ​‘2001. A Space Odyssey’​, by Stanley Kubrick. I figured then I was watching the near future. There was a human colony on the Moon’s surface; there was also a gigantic space station, a huge double wheel orbiting Earth. From there, to our planet and Moon, a fleet of aircrafts regularly travelled carrying goods and people. A reasonable and feasible prediction, I thought. It is 2020 now. There isn't almost anything about that. The Man landed on the Moon, many years ago, and left it alone. And there is also an International Space Station, a rather humble one however; in fact, it can keep only a quite scarce crew of astronauts and scientists. They use a small space shuttle as a means of transport and work. It is said also that a manned ship to Mars could be taking off … in 10 or 15 years from now. It seems to me that we won’t be taking our holidays to another planet in a faraway galaxy in 50 years’ time. Our holidays will be in our old Earth, as now. A faster and more comfortable journey to our favorite tourist destinations is credible, by high speed trains, ships or airplanes, although. If you are very rich, perhaps you could get a place in a spaceship: Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 57.       57    Destination Mars!. An uneasy trip, uncomfortable, boring… six months or so, no gravity, bad meals, sickness … Your target: magnificent, impressive views of a great desert without any kind of life. You will admire that from your space suit’s scuba. Oh! I forgot the best: back home is not assured. Anyway, don’t dream about interstellar voyages using star gates, paths across wormholes in space, hyperspace velocity, teleportation or so. Or … yes!. You could enjoy these futuristic marvels … staying at home: playing a video game or watching a movie. Virtual reality is just now astounding. Imagine it in the future!. But, if you want my advice, the best reality is which is built in your mind: nothing will ever be as good as a good book. ✍ Jose Julián González Gaitano      Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 58.       58      Do you have a stressful life as a student or as a worker in a company? It is clear you need some rest. ✍ Jose Julián González Gaitano All of us think about it in terms of sleeping more, enjoy watching a movie or reading a book, perhaps going out with friends. But, do you really need to exercise?I will try to explain myself. Regular exercise means you have spare time to spend. Do you have it for sure? Furthermore, some costs might be involved, because sportive cloths as well as specific equipment are sometimes quite expensive. Also, you have to pay for the gym, the tennis court, the swimming pool … Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 59.       59    On the other hand, everyone knows there are important health benefits if you do regular exercise: your heart will be stronger, it is excellent to clear one’s head and you will also sleep better. Plus, you will lose that antiesthetic fat. Therefore, it is your election. But, if you want my advice … If you have the time, go ahead!. Are you still in doubt?. Is money the problem? Oh, dear! Do you really need to practice sailing, climbing, scuba diving or so? Go for a walk, simply! Walking is the cheapest exercise in the world. But, of course, taking regular exercise doesn’t mean an exhausting activity anyway. Do you remember? You wanted less stress in your life. Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 60.       60    OUR OLIVE GROVES ALFONSO SÁNCHEZ POTENCIANO Teacher of History & Geography From remote times people have grown with effort and passion in our olive groves with the aim to achieve the best olive oil of the region and be happy. Alcaraz as many other cities of Castilla –La Mancha is very important due to their olive oil and their olive groves. Castilla –La Mancha is considered one of the most important olive oil producers of the world. It said that our region produced, last year, above 150 000 tons and Albacete 11000 tons which Alcaraz contributed appreciabily with their great olive oil. There are different varieties of olives in Spain, for example, the most common is Picual from Jaen, then Cornicabra from Montes de Toledo, among other varieties our beloved Gordal typical from Albacete and Sevilla. Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 61.       61    As well as there are different varieties of olives, also there are some different varieties of olive oil. For instance: the extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, lampante olive oil. The difference between them are the quality of the olive and the process of setting it up. The best is the extra virgin olive oil; this variety is usual in our city and in our country. Our olive groves are special and different for several reasons, the first, the rough terrain does not enable work suitable generating more effort and more expenses; the second the climate make some different landscapes with different grows in our country, maybe it could be better for the olive because the dry climate is very good for it; the third, the Pernales resided in our olive groves, this is the main difference between other spanish olive groves. Finally, It's very important to highlight the role of our traditions because Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 62.       62    if we lose it, we will lose our identity since our olive groves are an identifying feature of our culture. The best way to finish this article is with this verses of a famous poem of Machado: Olive groves galore Hanging from the ridges Like stitched trimmings! Olive groves painted The orange evening hue; Olive groves burnished Under a silvery moon! Sparking olive groves In the ashen evenings, Under tempest-laden skies! (Olive trees, A. Machado) Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 63.       63    Mood and health go hand in hand. By Angel Carretero Does mood influence our health? That is a very expansive question, and before I try and answer it, we have to clarify what is commonly meant by both mood and health. Mood is the emotional state that prevails in an individual at any given time. On many an occasion, it is confused with emotions and it is therefore necessary to establish the differences between the two concepts. Emotion is defined as an intense reaction of the organism to the assessment of certain external stimuli that produces certain physiological changes (in our voices, in our facial expressions) and psychological changes (for example, in attention). Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 64.       64    The main differences between emotion and mood are that the latter lasts longer, is less intense and specific and does not necessarily need a stimulus to appear. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to identify what causes it. Furthermore, mood does not have facial expressions of its own, while the basic emotions do have them, being universal and following a unique pattern in all human beings. For instance, one person may infer that another is in a happy mood by noticing different facial expressions of joy (smile, raised cheeks, wrinkles around the eyes, etc.), but there is no distinctive facial expression of joy. Moods have a certain value, they are located on a scale between a good mood (elevated) and a bad mood (depressed). In psychology, when a state of mind lasts for a long time, generates significant discomfort and interferes in different areas of a person's life (family, social, work, etc.) is called affective or mood disorder. Now, what is meant by health? This concept is currently understood as "the highest possible level of physical, psychological and social well-being, and functional capacity, determined by the social factors in which the individual and the community live in." What is relevant about this concept of health is the acceptance that personal, group, social and cultural factors are involved in the state of health. Consequently, there is no doubt that different states of mind can influence people's health and can facilitate or hinder the way in which people develop in their daily lives. Being angry is not disorder. Sometimes people may feel sad, angry, or irritable and may say they are in a bad mood, but that does not mean Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 65.       65    they have a mood disorder. We should not mistake one for the other. As I have previously indicated, for it to be considered a disorder it is necessary that it lasts over time and hinders people's day-to-day, interfering in personal, social or work relationships. Traditionally, the influence of negative mood states or affective disorders on health has been given greater importance in the scientific literature than the influence of positive mood states. The WHO​[1]​ states that affective disorders (depressive disorders and bipolar disorders) negatively affect health in all its areas: mental, physical and social. That is, people with depressive disorders often have no interest in daily activities, they are sad, they have low self-esteem, they have a hard time concentrating and making decisions, they are irritable, they feel tired, they have trouble sleeping, they usually experience a lot stress and do not think they are capable of handling those stressful situations. What happens, then, when we are joyful, happy and in a good mood? How does that influence our health? In recent years, in psychology there is a tendency to investigate not only the negative and pathological aspects, but also the positive variables related to health. Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, Positive Psychology emerged, which is the scientific study of human strengths and virtues and of positive experiences that help improve the quality of people’s lives. One of the primary topics of study of positive psychology has been positive moods and emotions (example: happiness, laughter, good humour, joy and tranquility, among others). Scientific research indicates that these positive mood states enhance health and well-being and Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 ) 
  • 66.       66    promote feelings of satisfaction with life itself. So, the answer to the above question is ‘yes’—mood does influence our health. Although it may seem hard to believe, our state of mind is closely related to our physical well-being and, with certain diseases, it can be decisive in improving the quality of life. Being optimistic, hopeful, and feeling happier helps people be able to properly manage stress and adverse situations. Additionally, people who experience high levels of positive emotions tend to experience less pain and disability related to chronic illness. [1] World Health Organization Tales from Alcaraz Issue 2 ( April 2020 )