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                                                                           Issue 67
                       H                                                December 2012

                                                                         Inside this issue:
THE          HARBORDITE                                                  Editorial        2

Harbord Club Newsletter                                                  120th Birth-     3

                                                                         day Bash!
We remember Alum -                                                       Stephen Lewis    6
                                                                         Webinar for
Sam (The Record Man)                                                     Social Justice

Sniderman                                                                Museum

Five years ago, To-     knowledgeable                                    Wayne & Shus- 9
ronto said goodbye      human being, and                                 ter Honored!
to an iconic Toronto    again others re-                                 Looking Back: 10
landmark and retail     member him as a                                  Commencement
space on Yonge St. ,    mentor and their                                 1912
Sam The Record          selfless leg-up                                                   15
                                                                         Grads give
Man. This past Sep-     into the music                                   Thanks!
                                    industry.   Sniderman Radio
                                                                         Class of ‘52’s   26
                                    From        Sales & Service on
                                                                         50th Anniver-
                                    class-      College St., had         sary Reunion
                                    mates to    been around since
                                                                         Awards Assem- 28
                                    patrons     1929, Sam’s record       bly Photos
                                    to musi-    department quickly
                                                                         Michael Lands-   37
                                    cians, we   became the back-
                                                                         berg visits
                                    can all     bone of the store,       Harbord C.I.
tember, we said         agree on one thing;     and by 1959, Sam
goodbye to the man      Sam was a stand up      decided to purchase
behind it: Harbord-     guy.                    a neighbouring
ite, Sam Sniderman.                             Yonge Street furni-     Holidays!
Some of us remem-       It was about sev-       ture store and turn
ber him as the boy      enty years ago when     it into his own re-
in our class who was    17-year-old Sam         cord shop. He named
keen to start his       Sniderman first         it, Sam The Record
own business. Oth-      started stocking re-    Man!
ers remember him        cords at his brother
as a generous and       Sid’s small radio       From 1961 onward, it
                        shop. Although          Continue on page 4 ..
Editorial: Message from Co-Editors
    - Belinda Medeiros-Felix (‘81) & Ben Lee (‘78)

        It's December already!!!         new bunch of terrific students          Having had time to reflect has
    Hello all! Hope everyone has         and the familiar yet more mature    been very therapeutic for
    kept well and healthy since we       bunch who now call themselves       me. You should try it too some-
    last connected and that you had a    seniors. Their school spirit and    time! Well, as one of the Har-
    sensational Summer and an awe-       dedication never cease to amaze     bordite editors, I am always ex-
    some Autumn. Clearly, by look-       me.. True Harbordites!              cited to share new stories that
    ing at the weather, there doesn't                                        have been sent my way, so why
    seem to be any indication that           There were some not so          not share them here with the rest
    winter is on it's way! Yes, the      happy moments to reflect            of the Harbordites! We love the
    year is almost up and still no       on too. I had to face the un-       bond that we have with our Har-
    snowfall. Will this be a snowless    timely illness of loved ones and    bordite readers and appreciate it
    holiday?                             had to find both the strength and   when you send us an email. We
                                         encouragement to deal with          also invite you to submit
       As this eventful year comes to    it. But, November didn't leave      any ideas, thoughts and tell us
    a close, many of us will             without giving me the best gift     what you are up to these
    be getting into a reflective         ever; I became a grandmother!       days; after all, without you,
    mood. I'd like to share some         Let me tell you, she is one ador-   where would we be? Send an
    of my reflections of the past        able baby!! Let the babysitting     email to harbordcelebra-
    year. Firstly, I couldn't stop       begin!                     and I will post it in
    thinking about how wonderful                                             the next Harbordite. We would
    Harbord's 120th Birthday Bash                                            like to thank everyone who has
    turned out; all that hard work        Our email list for alumni is       taken the time to contribute mo-
    paid off! I reminisced about that     continuing to grow (primarily      mentos and pics. They have
    evening long after and hope that      by word of mouth). We would        been carefully placed in the Mu-
    those who attended had as much        like to reach many more. It        seum
    fun as we did putting it together.    would be greatly appreciated if
    Don't forget to check out some        you could let other Harbordites      Stay tuned for the Spring issue
    more pics which are posted in         know that they too get get on      where Ben will share his reflec-
    this issue.                           our email list and begin to re-    tion. Cheers from us, your co-
                                          ceive their newsletter. Don’t      editors and the rest of the Har-
       Skipping right along to Sum-                                          bord Club Directors who wish
                                          forget to visit
    mer; it came and went far too                                            that you all have a Safe
                                          to see and write on our exciting
    quickly. I spent an amazing                                              and Happy Holiday!! It's going to
    summer doing what I like                                                  be a great 2013!
    best ...enjoying quality time with    Submit all articles and info to
    family and friends, hosting           be published in next Harbord-
    BBQ's and beach parties and en-       ite to
    joying the sunshine both at my
    cottage and in the beautiful Do-      and remember to check us out
    minican Republic. Ah, how I           on Facebook-
    wish I were there right now!!                                            Belinda
                                          Harbord C.I. grads/alumni pa-
      Then it was back to work in         ge
    September where I would face a

Page 2
                                                                                               THE HARBORDITE
Harbord’s 120th Birthday Bash !
  On a beautiful Spring evening   Next day (Friday, April        ductor Victor Feldbrill.
  (April 24), Harbord alumni,     25th), over 300 alumni and     Photos from both the Thurs.
  staff & students got together   former teachers came back      night Dinner Gala and the Fri.
  to celebrate the 120th Anni-    to an all day Open House at    school Open House can be
  versary of the school with a    the School!                    found on page 38 to 43 and
  fabulous Birthday Dinner        An assembly was held where     also on our website.
  Gala!                           a plaque to honour alumni
  Over 300 attendees remi-        Johnny Wayne and Frank
  nisced and reconnected with     Shuster was dedicated for
  their highschool pals and       their years of comical en-
  made new friends! The eve-      tertainment to millions
  ning was highlighted by a       around the world with their
  guest performance of “This      brand of special gut busting
  Land is My Land” by an alum     comedy and wit.
  and a Silent Auction which      The assembly also featured
  raised money for the Harbord    the Harbord Senior Orches-
  Club and Harbord scholar-       tra under the direction of
  ships.                          alum and former TSO con-

Issue 67
                                                                                        Page 3
We remember Alumni:
Sam (The Record Man) Sniderman
….continued from cover page.     it was Sam Sniderman and his     By the 1980s and early
                                 knowledge of obscure records     1990s, Sam had more than
was clear that Sam's record      - the self-financed ones re-     130 stores across Canada
shop was THE place to be for     corded in basements and ga-      and could often be found
music lovers everywhere.         rages by unknown bands- that     standing on the sales floor
People came from all over to     were The Record Man’s mark       of his Yonge St flagship
participate in the multitude     of expertise. There was no       store interacting with cus-
of gimmicks and giveaways        album too obscure. Out of        tomers, selling records and
and midnight record re-          the near 400,000 titles in       making music recommenda-
leases. Indeed, the 40,000       stock at any given time,         tions. Local teenagers,
                                 Sniderman had the gift of lo-
                                 cating even the strangest of
                                 underground tracks for a die-
                                 hard fan who walked into his

                                 By 1969, the store had be-
                                 come so successful that a na-
                                 tional chain was launched. It    with their discount cards in
                                 remained a family affair, with   hand, made their regular
square foot library of LPs,      Sam Sniderman as President,      pilgrimage after school, on
45s, reel-to-reels, eight-       sons Bobby and Jason as Vice     weekends and on Boxing
tracks, cassettes and CDs        Presidents and brother Sid-      Day to see what the record
quickly became one of To-        ney as Secretary-Treasurer.      man had to offer. By the
ronto’s defining landmarks.                                       late 80's, Sniderman re-
Sam The Record Man main-                                          ported that the chain was
tained its uniqueness by man-                                     an 80 million dollar corpo-
aging to retain the feel of an                                    ration.
independent record shop,
with quirky décor and knowl-
edgeable staff, while carry-                                      But with the advent of
ing a staggeringly large se-                                      software like Napster &
lection of music; from the                                        iTunes, even giants like
hottest billboard tracks to                                       Sam’s couldn’t keep up with
independent local talent. But
                                                                                           Page 4
Issue 67
the demands of the digital mu-                                       memories we shared and
sic takeover. Unfortunately, in                                      the role that this great
October 2001, just one year                                          store played in our lives.
after Sam Sniderman’s retire-                                        This past September 23,
ment, Sam The Record Man                                             at the age of 92, we once
filed for bankruptcy, citing                                         again said our goodbyes to
                                                                     Sam The Record Man,
declines in music sales and
                                                                     this time for the very
stiffening competition from
                                                                     last time.
big box stores and the inter-     was being declared a heritage
net as their reasons. This        site by the city of Toronto...
forced most of the chain to       that is until recently, when Ry-
close, aside from a few fran-     erson University reached a         "Thank you for the music, the
chised outlets. In fact, the      deal to purchase the property      songs I'm singing. Thanks for
Yonge Street flagship was only    from the family.                    all the joy they're bringing.
saved through a last-ditch ef-                                       Who can live without it, I ask
fort by Sam Sniderman’s two                                                   in all honesty.
                                  This will be 'the end of an era'   What would life be? Without
sons, Bobby and Jason. The        for so many reasons: from Sam       a song or a dance, what are
record store managed to last      Sniderman’s role in shaping the                   we?
another six years before          Canadian music industry, to         So I say thank you for the
Bobby and Jason Sniderman         the widespread appeal of the        music. For giving it to me" -
announced its closure on May      store itself and its ability to
29, 2007. The main reason         stay relevant while so many of
listed this time was “the in-     its competitors faded away.
creasing impact of technology
on the record industry.” It was   There is a lot of history be-
a sad day when the iconic         hind this 1937 Grad.

                                  For so many of us, Sam the
                                  Record Man was simply a good
                                  friend who always let us hang
                                  out and listen to music 'at his
                                  place'. When the Yonge St. lo-
                                  cation closed its doors for
                                  good in 2007, we said our
store closed its doors. At the
                                  goodbyes to the beloved To-
very least, long time patrons     ronto landmark and reminisced
were able to subdue them-         about our time spent there;
selves with the knowledge that    the records we bought, the
at least its distinctive façade

    THE HARBORDITE                                                                      Page 5
TDSB’s First Ever Social Justice Webinar from
 Harbord C.I. !
   Harbord C.I. in the News       at Harbord CI and thou-       Stephen Lewis Foundation
   Again!!                        sands more in classrooms      over the years and the webi-
                                  across the TDSB partici-      nar was a wonderful oppor-
   I am so pleased to say that    pated in the first-ever So-   tunity not only for students
   I, along with other Harbord-   cial Justice Webinar with     to hear Mr. Lewis speak but
   ites, attended the TDSB’s      Stephen Lewis on Monday       to interact and ask ques-
   first-ever Social Justice      November 26.                  tions around this very impor-
   Webinar right here at Har-     As part of an ongoing part-   tant issue,” said Jeff Hain-
   bord C.I. This webinar took    nership between the To-       buch, Superintendent.
   place in our auditorium on     ronto District School Board   The partnership between
   the morning of November        (TDSB) and the Stephen        the TDSB and SLF that was
   26th, 2012. Students and       Lewis Foundation (SLF), Mr.   formalized last year on
   Staff heard Mr. Stephen        Lewis visited his former      World AIDS Day promotes
   Lewis talk about his founda-   school to talk to students    the development of curricu-
   tion and the AIDS pandemic     about the AIDS pandemic in    lum, professional develop-
   in Africa.                     Africa. With World AIDS       ment learning opportunities
   Mr. Lewis, who is known to     Day on December 1 fast ap-    and fundraising across the
   most of us as the former       proaching, the timing could   TDSB in support of organi-
   leader of the social democ-    not be better to focus on     zations on the frontlines of
   ratic Ontario New Democ-       such an important topic.      the pandemic in Africa.
   ratic Party (for most of the   “We were so pleased to wel-
   1970’s), is also a Canadian    come Mr. Lewis back to his
   politician, broadcaster and    former high school to dis-
   diplomat. And Yes, he is a     cuss get-
   Harbordite…a 1956 Harbord      ting AIDS
   C.I. graduate.                 back on the
   The following is an excerpt    agenda.
   from an article posted on      Many of
   the TDSB website.              our schools,
                                  both ele-
   TDSB Hosts First-ever          mentary
   Social Justice Webinar         and secon-
   With Stephen Lewis             dary, have
   Over five hundred students     the

Page 6
                                                                                THE HARBORDITE
Museum Musings – Syd Moscoe

Museum Musings.                  never forget how.               Wayne and the other with
                                                                 her and Frank Shuster, her
                                                                 comedic idols, taken at Har-
                                 The Orchestra vest will be
                   Thanks to                                     bord’s 1974 Homecoming.
                                 featured in a new display in
                                                                 The year before Annmarie
                                                                 arrived at Harbord the Or-
                   (Toth at
                                                                 chestra recorded a long play
                   HCI) HCI
                                                                 vinyl record. Now that vinyl
1974 who visited our Museum
                                                                 records are making a come-
recently and brought in as a
                                                                 back we should play one from
donation her Harbord Or-
                                                                 our Museum collection. Is it
chestra vest, jet black with
                                                                 time for the Orchestra to
the orange Harbord “H” and
                                                                 embark on another such ad-
Harbord crest and bright
shiny brass buttons. All
members of the Orchestra in
the late 1960’s and early                                        We also received an Orches-
1970’s wore this vest over a     the Museum show case, near      tra vest from Christine Gai-
white shirt or blouse which      the front door, showing the     bisels , HCI 1971, now Col-
vest matched their black         different clothing styles       houn, in the same remarkable
skirt, slacks or trousers giv-   seen over the years at Har-     condition.
ing the whole Orchestra a                              bord.
neat and professional look..
                                                       As well   Thank you to the anonymous
In those days Annemarie                                as this   donor(s) who brought in, over
played the viola. Now, after                           vest in   the summer, a set of Har-
many years away from play-                             mint      bord Collegiate Institute
ing, Annemarie has taken up                            condi-    Commencement programs
the fiddle as an active mem-                           tion,     from 1893 (Harbord’s first),
ber of the Oakville Celtic                             Anne-     through to 1944. We had
Fiddle Orchestra and is en-                            marie     many of them as photocopies
joying every minute of it .                            brought   but not as originals. We owe
She remarked as to how fast                            in two    a great thanks to whomever
all her Harbord musical                                pho-      brought them in. Please let
learning came back to her,       tos ,one of her with Johnny     us
like riding a bicycle, you
                                                                                           Page 7
Issue 67
Museum Musings – Syd Moscoe, continued...

       Continues on page 8…     at the time.
...continued from page 7                                           The Museum is generally
 know who you are so we can     And thank you Harvey for your      open on Wednesdays from
properly acknowledge this       copy of the 1950-51 Harbord        11am until 5pm during the
wonderful gift.                 Review, which helps fill a void    school year-but call ahead
                                in our collection.                 just to make sure I will
                                                                   be there if you are plan-
Another anonymous donor         Your school , when it was
                                                                   ning on coming down..
dropped off page A7 of The      opened in September 1892,
Toronto Star , March 19,        was known as “Harbord Street
1992 , acknowledging Har-       Collegiate Institute”. When
bord’s 100 years as a high      next visiting your alma mater,
school in Toronto and the ac-   drop into the MPR on the           OF NOTE:
tivities that would be taking   ground floor west side,(for
place in May 1992 and how to    those very long in the tooth, it
                                was known as “the girls’ gym”)     Many thanks to my 1952
register for same. Please let
                                and if you will look up to the     HCI classmate, and chum
us know who you are.
                                north wall you will see the        for all these many years,
                                original cornerstone.              Jerry Prenick, C.A., for
Harvey Hochberg, HCI 1953,                                         his gift of the five issues
was trolling garage sales                                          of the Harbord Review
when he spotted the Univer-     Harbord’s first Commence-          for the years 1947
sity graduation photograph      ment took place December           through our graduation
of a long time Harbord          15th,1893. An original copy of     year in 1952
teacher. He has donated the     the Commencement Programme
photo of R. Albert Slack who    is in our Museum for all to see.
taught mathematics at HCI
from1937 until 1971 . Those     For those of you wishing to
who were fortunate to have      visit your Museum , why not
him as a teacher will always    check
remember his dismissive “Go     and go to the tab for the Mu-
drive a truck” whenever he      seum and you can have a vir-
disapproved of a student’s      tual visit. While you are at it,
efforts. He was married to      we also have a link to “the
one of the school secretaries   Happy Ghosts of Harbord”.

                                                                                            Page 8
Issue 67
Plaque Dedicated to Wayne & Shuster, where
it all began, at Harbord C.I.
.When I was 19, I decide to       ject would be, to start a pro-    Harbord in 1930, when Wayne
take a year off university and    gramme of plaques like the        sat right behind Shuster. (I
travel in Europe. And I dis-      ones I’d seen in those cities.    flinch when I think what life
covered a lot of things.          This was the Legacy Project,      must have been like for the
                                  and we teamed up with an older    teacher.) They discovered
Once was this. I went to vari-
                                  organization, Heritage Toronto.   their common gift for making
ous cities – London, Paris, Vi-
                                  We’re still at the beginning;     people laugh, and when they
enna, and Stockholm – and I
                                  this is the third year, and we    went to the U of T, they kept
kept seeing something that
                                  have about 15 plaques so far.     on performing. The CBC
disoriented me. I saw plaques
                                  But we’ll keep growing – we see   started our national radio sys-
– small metal markers on build-
                                  this as the beginning of a 100-   tem in 1946, and one of the
ings, saying that some famous
                                  year programme.                   first programs was the Wayne
person once lived here. Bee-
                                    Which brings us to Wayne        and Shuster Show. It was a
thoven, Sir Isaac Newton,
                                  and Shuster. We’re honouring      national hit. Then CBC TV be-
John Keats, Homer Simpson,
                                                                    gan in 1956 – and the Wayne
Kermit the Frog – whoever. I
                                                                    and Shuster television show
could barely take it in. I was
                                                                    was an even bigger hit.
standing in the same place that
people who were legendary in                                          Now at the time, the most
my mind once walked.                                                popular entertainment program
                                                                    on American television was the
  It was magical feeling. But
                                                                    Ed Sullivan Show. He pre-
strange to say, one result was
                                                                    sented singers, bands, comedi-
to make me angry. I’d grown
                                                                    ans, and a whole slew of variety
up in Toronto, and I couldn’t
                                                                    acts – jugglers, acrobats, dogs
help asking – Why don’t we
                                  people across the whole spec-     who could recite the alphabet
have something like this in
                                  trum – great writers, painter,    backwards in Lithuanian.
T.O.? Are we really so poverty
                                  scientists, athletes, statesmen         Continues on page 45…
-stricken that nobody of sig-
                                  and women, and
nificance has ever lived here?
                                  so on. Including,
A city is stronger for knowing
                                  great entertain-
its past; why were we so fast
                                  ers. And Johnny
asleep, when it came to our
                                  Wayne and Frank
past? I felt as if I’d been
                                  Shuster were
                                  certainly that.
  Well, a lot of time went by,
                                    As you’ve
and ten years ago I became
                                  heard, they met
the first poet laureate of To-
                                  in a Grade Ten
ronto. And I decide my pro-
                                  history class at

Page 9
                                                                                      THE HARBORDITE
Looking Back: Alumni Reginald Theodore
Carlos Hoidge, Valedictorian, Class of 1912 !
 Reg was a WWI ace
 and served in the
 RAF. His portrait,
 done by Sir William
 Orpen, hangs in the
 Ottawa War Mu-
 seum and the Na-
 tional Museum in
 London. But before
 he served Canada,
 Reg was a Hardord-
 ite and the Class of
 1912 Valedictorian.
 The following is the
 cover of the No-
 vember 15th, 1912
 Harbord C.I. Annual
 Commencement Pro-
 gramme, and the
 speech in print:

                                                Page 10
Issue 67
Page 11
Reminising: Alumni Reginald Theodore Carlos Hoidge,
Valedictorian, Class of 1912,.continued...

                                                      Page 12
Issue 67
Page 13
Honours for Eminent Harbordites @ U of T!
  On Thursday November 15, Uni-      Marshall Cohen,              now make , and will continue in the
  versity College at the Univer-     David Cronenberg,            future
  sity of Toronto,                                                 to make, outstanding contributions
                                     Martin Goldfarb,
  celebrated their First Annual                                   to the advancement and bettering
                                     The Honourable Edwin A.
  Alumni of Influence Awards at                                   of our
                                     Goodman ,
  a Gala Dinner.                                                  life locally, nationally and interna-
                                     Dr. Calvin Gottlieb,
  One hundred University College                                  tionally.
  alumni were initially chosen for   Stephen Lewis,
                                                                  Future selections to the University
  this honour.                       Louis Rasminsky,             College Alumni of Influence Awards
  Of those one hundred, eleven       Frank Shuster                will be limited to ten University Col-
  are alumni of Harbord Colle-                                    lege alumni annually. We will con-
                                     Johnny Wayne.
  giate Institute.                                                tinue to look for HCI Alumni
                                     All our members are of the   amongst the future University Col-
  They are:
                                     Order of Canada.             lege Alumni of Influence.
  Alan Borovoy,
                                     Harbord alumni have made ,
  Leonard Braithwaite,

  A New Harbord Club Board of Director Member
  Introducing Himself
    Harvey Mandel Class of           George S Henry Academy in         sports, music, and a great
  1964. Married to Ruth we           2005.                             variety of clubs.
  have 3 children 2 boys and a
  girl and 3 grandchildren 2         HCI was multicultural before      I was raised to try to make
  boys and a girl. I was born        the term was coined. Like         the world a better place.
  in 1944. I went to King Ed-        many Harbordites I consid-        Working with my class Reun-
                                     ered Harbord a place where I      ion Committee and helping
  ward Public School K-8. I
                                     started to grow up. I had many    the Harbord Club is just one
  followed my older brother
                                     wonderful experiences and         small way
  to HCI as my two younger
                                     met many great people many        to thank
  sisters followed me.
                                     are still my friends. I was in-   the Har-
  After HCI I graduated with         volved with mainly football       bord com-
  a B.A. in History & English        the First Aid Corps and the       munity for
  from the University of             Review. Harbord presented us      how it
  Western Ontario in 1967.           with diverse experiences          helped
  After trying different ca-         mostly we were there for the      shape me.
  reers I became an ESL              academic environment but let’s
  teacher retiring from              never forget there were           Onward
Page 14
                                                                                        THE HARBORDITE
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
   - Ashley Chu

       Dear Mr. Bob Wils
              To receive an awar
                                   d that has been lef
       that I simply enjoy                             t in your wife's me
                            doing is truly an ho                           mory, for just doing
                                                nor. I don't think                               something
      am. Taking part in                                           any words can desc
                          athletics througho                                           ribe how grateful I
                                              ut my four years at
      sion I made in high                                           Harbord was probab
                           school. It's what I                                           ly the best deci-
                                                love to do. It made
      school as a small ne                                           everything easier fr
                          w grade 9 student                                               om entering high
                                               to relieving stress
     practices were a lit                                          from homework. Al
                          tle difficult to get                                         though the 7 am
                                               up for at times, it
     bord a great experie                                          still made being an
                            nce. It wasn't just                                        athlete at Har-
                                                 the sports themse
     ronment and feelin                                             lves though- being
                         g like my teammate                                             in a positive envi-
                                              s and the coaches
     made it even more                                            were like my second
                         special.                                                      family was what

             For my four years
                                  at Harbord, I was
     Soccer team. Alth                                   involved with the Gi
                         ough we didn't win                                    rls' Basketball, Vo
                                                every single game,                                   lleyball, and
     to continue playing                                              my teammates still
                           the game no matter                                               made it enjoyable
                                                   the outcome. I lear
    and the meaning of                                                   ned how to win and
                           sportsmanship. Th                                                    lose graciously
                                                roughout those four
    Girls' soccer team                                                   years, I have helpe
                          win two championsh                                                   d the Varsity
                                                 ips in the 2010/201
    son. Winning those                                                 1 season and in the
                          two championships                                                   2011/2012 sea-
                                                were a huge accom
   I remember each fin                                                plishment in my at
                            al game like it was                                           hletic career so fa
                                                  yesterday. Just be                                             r.
   at Harbord is some                                                  ing a part of the at
                         thing that I will ta                                                hletics program
                                               ke away and cherish
                                                                       for the rest of my
           Instead of going of
                                 f to university or co
  work. This is giving                                    llege, I have decide
                         me time to think ab                                   d to take a year of
                                                out what I would lik                                  f and
  ing back and coachi                                                  e to do in the futu
                        ng at Harbord. Curr                                                 re. I am also giv-
                                               ently, I am coaching
  try to make it an en                                                  the junior girls' ba
                        joyable and fun en                                                   sketball team. I
                                              vironment and also
 as my coaches at Ha                                                 a worthwhile experi
                         rbord have done fo                                                ence for the team
                                               r me.
 Wherever I decide
                        to continue my educ
                                               ation, I
 hope to take part
                     in their athletic pr
                                            ogram and
hope it is as reward
                       ing as my time at Ha
Once again, I woul
                    d like to thank you
                                            for this

Ashley Chu

                                                                                                                  Page 15
 Issue 67
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
- Edward Liu

  Dear Harbord Club,

                                                ur years of my high school
          I have at tended Harbord for all fo                                 llent
                                                at I feel that it is an exce
   education. On   e of the main reasons is th                            r who
                                            I am a completive swimme
   school. As   you may or may not know,
                                                           ternational Stage at
   has recently represente     d Canada on the Junior In
                                                            is causes a great deal
   the Junior Pan Pacific    Championships in Hawaii. Th
                                                          academics and athlet-
   of challenges for me     when it comes to balancing                            -
                                                    e it recognizes the tremen
    ics. I appreciate  this award greatly, becaus
                                                     when trying to balance ath-
    dous strain on on  e’s academic performance
                                                  lly true for me because I
    letics with th  e same hand. This is especia
                                               week for a total of over 20
     train for an average of nine times per
                                                                 ared to the aver-
                                  at I have one day less comp
     hours total, this means th
     age person to commit to my
                                                             it is a great honor
            I would like to th ank you for this award and
                                                         that I have chosen is an
      for me to accept it.  I am aware that the path
                                                       thout its challenges?
      extremely challen  ging one, but what is life wi

       Thank you,

           Edward Liu

                                                                                      Page 16
Issue 67
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
    - Toni Ann Simms

           Dear Dr. Joe Druck,
                    My name is Toni Ann
                                             Dagion Simms and I
             of Harbord Collegiate                                 am a member of the
                                      Institute. It is my ou                               2012 graduating class
             for funding theHarbo                              tmost pleasure to ex
                                     rd Club R.R.H. "Bud"                            tend my gratitude to
                                                            Page Award, to which                                you
            applaud your genero                                                     I am the 2012 recip
                                  sity and caring spirit                                                    ient. I
            as a monument signif                           for providing me with
                                   ying the unforgettable                          this award that will
                                                              memories that I have                         serve
            This award means so                                                       had at Harbord C. I.
                                    much to me and I am
            unnoticed.                                      happy that my hard
                                                                                  work at Harbord hasn
                                                                                                            ’t gone
                   I moved to Canada ap
                                            proximately three ye
           maica and ever since                                    ars ago from the be
                                   then I haven’t been                                    autiful island of Ja-
           over and that I would                          the same. I thought
                                    fail because of this                        that my life would ha
                                                           foreign land that I ha                         ve been
           thing seemed so alien                                                   d to now call home. Ev
                                    to me at the time an                                                     ery-
          faces that I saw was                             d then I started Ha
                                  that of my past teac                           rbord C.I. One of th
                                                          her and mentor Elisa                           e first
          est smile in the world                                                  Caparelli, who had th
                                  ; it was at this mome                                                    e wid-
          actually be a positive                          nt that I realized th
                                  place. It was a challen                        at this foreign land
                                                            ge to adapt to my ne                        might
          new life, but I did it                                                  w home, new school,
                                 with the help of the                                                      and
                                                         Harbord Collegiate co
                  During my three year                                            mmunity.
                                          s at Harbord C.I. I ha
         and to recognize the                                     d the opportunity to
                                 areas that I needed                                      explore who I am
         thing. In grade 10 I                            to see growth in- wh
                                joined the Track and                           ich at the time was ev
                                                         Field team, where I                              ery-
        long jump. I got the                                                   found out that I was
                                chance to learn some                                                    good at
        sport teams I was als                           thing new about myse
                                 o actively involved in                        lf and I was proud. Be
                                                         other extracurricula                             sides
        Business Club, West-                                                    r activities, such as:
                                Indian African Cana                                                     the
        Prom Committee,the                             dian Club, the Pink Ri
                                Tutoring Club, being                          bbon Society, Albion
                                                       a student volunteer                              Hills,
       versary, and being th                                                  at the Harbord’s 120th
                                e school’s mascot at                                                      Anni-
                                                       social events.
                Two of the most rewa
                                         rding roles that I ha
       helped to define who                                     ve playedin my gradua
                                I am were: being a se                                    ting year that
       head tutor at the Tu                             nior leader at the Al
                               toring Club.                                    bion Hills and being
                The Albion Hills lead
                                       ership program is de
      serve as mentors to                                     signed to select senio
                              grade nines who prov                                    r leaders who will
      end away from home                              e to have leadership
                             , where I felt that I                           potential. It was a fu
                                                      was being challenged.                           n week-
      because I realized th                                                   I am happy that I did
                               at the little things th                                                   this
      things that might ch                             at we sometimes take
                             ange someone else’s                                for granted are the
     walk up to me and sa                           life. At the end of th
                             y, “Because of your                            e weekend I had a tim
                                                   smile and willingness                              id boy
     now I have made new                                                   to bamazing time he
                              friends; something th                                                re and
     that day I always en                              at I couldn’t have do
                            sure that I try to be                             ne without you.” Ever
                                                     a person’s friend rath                            since
     the other hand being                                                    er than their superio
                              the head tutor at th                                                    r. On
                                                     e Tutoring Club helpe
                                                                             d me to realize my pa
Page 17
                                                                                                      THE HARBORDITE
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
Continued... Toni Ann Simms

                                                                                      say thank you.
                                                             one came up to me to
                           ored ev   ery moment when some                            at was caring,
for helping others. I ad                                  environment was one th
                                sured that the learning                                           s-
In the tutoring centre
                          I en                                           ery Tuesdays and Thur
                           ing. During my tim  e as the head tutor, ev                         is ex-
respectable and nurtur                                                e tutors and clients. Th
                         that I collected   the daily snacks for th                      very happy
days I had to ensure                                             have had an and I am
                             a lot about  myself e my friend I
 perience has taught me                      ch an amazing role am
                                                                     ong my peers.
 that I had the op   portunity to fulfill su                                            wards an un-
                                                               where I am working to
                                   ing McMaster University                                           now
          I am currently attend                                            am going through right
                            Commerce. Despite      the transition that I                        ild,
 dergraduate degree in                                                   d has helped me to bu
                            because of the fo   undation that Harbor                           Council.
  I am proud to say that                                              in my Inter-Residence
                          campaign and ho    ld executive positions                        a Chartered
  that I am starting to                                            ity I hope to become
                           of my studies   at McMaster Univers                           e I know what
  After the completion                                          n an orphanage becaus
                          n my own or    phanage. I want to ow                          going through
  Accountant and to ow                                        e for children who are
                              and so  I would like to be ther
   it feels like to be alone
                           I went through.
   the same things that                                                   act that has made me
                                                                                                  one of
                                    ain Dr. J. Dr uck for your selfless
           Thank you so much ag                        Lord be with you and
                                                                               your lovedones.
                              e world. May the good
    the happiest girls in th

            Toni Ann Simms

                                                                                                           Page 18
 Issue 67
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
- Michael Wong            student ne wspa per, 1980 take n from ”The Flash” - an English class st ude nt news pape r, 1980

          Dear Harbord Club

          This year I am the
                              recipient of the H
          awards is greatly                      arbord Club Hank
                            appreciated. Than                     Stratton Award. Yo
                                              k you.                                ur funding of the

         Last year was my
                             final year in Harb
        warmth from teac                         ord C.I., it was a
                             hers and students                       fantastic year for
                                                  in Harbord, and I                      me. I fully felt th
        learning from thei                                             was motivated by                       e
                            r passion in variou                                            them and enjoyed
        for me, comparing                       s subjects. Grade
                             to Grade 11. Howe                       12 was relatively a
                                                  ver, it created a pe                   busy and rush year
        working under pr                                                rfect chance for
                           essure, improve my                                              me to experience
       novel ideas and fa                          weaknesses, and
                            cts in the year of                         make new friends.
                                                  2012, while most                            I learned a lot
       knowledge. For ex                                              of them were base
                           ample, different te                                             d on my previous
       matician apply th                         chniques in writing
                           eoretical mathema                           English essay, as we
                                                tics into human                             ll as how mathe-
       course that I took                                           life. I believe th
                            in 2012 was Physic                                           e most important
      ing of my area of                          s. By attending th
                          interest, as well as                       e course, I had a
                                                 viewing the world                      better understand
      Moreover, with th                                              from the perspect                      -
                           e ardent encourag                                             ive of a physician.
      two mathematics                           ements of my Mat
                        contests: the McM                             hematics teacher,
                                               aster Mathematic                           I participated in
      Competition of W                                            s Contest and the
                         aterloo University                                            Euclid Mathematic
      matics contests, it                     . Although I did no                                          s
                           was a valuable expe                      t get any award fr
                                                 rience to me.                           om those Mathe-

    The Harbord Club
                        Hank Stratton Aw
    as well as versatile                    ard means a lot to
                        . Moreover, the aw                     me as it affirms th
                                             ard also provides                     at I am talented,
    my favourite univer                                        me a better chan
                         sity - University of                                    ce of getting into
    ary in my life. Th                        Toronto, thus atta
                       erefore I thank                           ining my dream ca
                                          you once again fo                         reer as an actu-
    Stratton Award to                                        r presenting the
                        me.                                                    Harbord Club Han

   Yours sincerely,

  Michael Wong

Page 19
                                                                                                                                  THE HARBORDITE
                                                                                                                             Harbord Club Newsletter
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
- Devon Nguyen

                                                      Page 20
 Issue 67
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
 - Michelle Ho
          Dear Harbord Club,

                  Thank you for selec
                                         ting me to be the re
          marks as a great dis                                   cipient of the Harb
                                 tinction to me that                                    ord Club Bright Penn
                                                       I was doing something                                    y Award. It
         which I felt so lost.                                                     right even during th
                                 I am honoured to be                                                       e moments in
         such a wonderful op                             recognized for my ac
                                portunity. I never th                              complishments and
                                                       ought that I was an                                grateful for having
         striving to be the be                                                  y different from my
                                 st version of myself.                                                  peers; I was merely
         truly appreciate the                            I hold this award in
                                 selection committee                              the highest regard
                                                         for choosing me to                              and once more I
        award.                                                                  be the recipient of
                                                                                                      such a prestigious
                 After my time at Ha
                                         rbord Collegiate Inst
        fulltime student at                                       itute I have entered
                              Queen's University                                          post-secondary educ
        studies, I hope to ob                        in Kingston, Ontario                                           ation as a
                                tain a degree in Econ                        . Upon completion of
                                                        omics and Sociology.                         my undergraduate
       system would be to                                                         My ultimate goal wi
                              have a law school ce                                                      thin the education
       law school graduate                          rtificate on my pare
                             .                                               nts’ mantle declarin
                                                                                                   g their daughter as
                A childhood dream
                                      of mine has always be
      law. I would have giv                                    en to graduate from
                              en up on this childho                                     law school and practic
      port I received at Ha                          od aspiration if it we                                        e family
                               rbord Collegiate. Bo                            re not for the encour
                                                      th staff and studen                                agement and sup-
      strength within me.                                                     ts alike, helped build
                             Through programs av                                                       an undeniable
      would have believed                             ailable like Law in Ac
                             my dream was possibl                              tion Within Schools
                                                      e.                                             , LAWS, I never
               Being at Harbord Co
                                      llegiate left me with
     ble. The first day I                                      an unforgettable ex
                            stepped into the ha                                        perience in the best
     occur in the next fo                         lls of the school, I wa                                       ways possi-
                            ur years. Yet now, wh                            s frightened for th
                                                    en I reminisce of my                           e events that would
     I realize that those                                                      time at the beautif
                            same halls I was once                                                   ul historic building,
     ple that make up th                              frightened of guide
                           e Harbord community                                d me to be who I am
                                                    whether it is alumni,                             today. The peo-
     ways accepting. This                                                      students, staff or vis
                             allowed me to proudly                                                      itors were al-
    where I grew the mo                                call Harbord my seco
                            st it is ultimately wh                               nd home. In the Harb
                                                    ere I discovered wh                                    ord halls is
    ticular qualities with                                                  o I was as a person.
                           in myself during my                                                      I developed par-
    and give back to the                          high school years bu
                            community. I hope to                           t I also strived to be
                                                     maintain strong frien                          a better person
    bord Collegiate for                                                        dships with the peop
                          the rest of my life.                                                         le I met at Har-
                                                 Regardless of the div
                                                                           ersity of the studen
                                                                                                  t population at Har-
                                                                   bord Collegiate, the
                                                                                          school never failed
                                                                   ognize the potential                           to rec-
                                                                                          within each student.

                                                                 I would like to expr
                                                                                     ess my appreciation
                                                                 again. This award wi                       once
                                                                                      ll be a source of mo
                                                                and a reminder to alw                      tivation
                                                                                        ays strive for excelle
                                                                in everything I do.                            nce

                                                                                                         Michelle Ho

Page 21
                                                                                                                  THE HARBORDITE
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
- Ying Amy Zhao

                                                      Page 22
 Issue 67
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
 - Arman Ghaffarizadeh

Page 23
                                                   THE HARBORDITE
2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks!
- Jamie Meston

Dear Harbord Club;
                                                               with the Harbord Club
       I would like to person ally thank you for presenting me
                                                                t Award. Like attend-
 Victor L. Van der Hout and  the Harbord Club Carrie M. Knigh
                                      l to me.
 ing Harbord, they mean a great dea

                                                     erience that I found extremely
       My tim   e at Harbord was definitely an exp                                    and
                                                  it brought together, enriched staff
 memorable.    It was memorable for the people                                         stu-
                                                     sented. The variety of courses a
 eager studen ts as well as the opportunities it pre                                   ail-
                                                    the mind while the many clubs av
 dent was able   to take allowed for expansion of                         er.
                                      ur social circle in a healthy mann
 able made it possible to expand yo

                                                         dying in the Bachelor of Arts
         I am curre ntly at the University of Guelph stu
                                                         ing it thus far. Although I am
  Honours Psycholo    gy program and thoroughly enjoy
                                                          eriences at Harbord and the val-
  not sure where thi s will take me, I know that my exp
                                       me in getting there.
  ues I learned will definitely assist

                                                              rk that went into making
          I very much ap preciate all you efforts and hard wo
                                                            possible. They are an item
  these awards as well  as all other Harbord Club awards                     come.
                                        rd Alumni will cherish for years to
  that I, along with many other Harbo

   Thank you!
   Jamie Meston

                                                                                              Page 24
 Issue 67
Harbord Commencement 2011 - Photo Highlights!

                         Some of the Class of 2012 Grads
                         celebrating after Commencement,
                         singing the school song “Onward

Issue 67
                                                 Page 25
Class of 1952 50th Anniversary

Page 26
                                  THE HARBORDITE
More Memories in Photos at ...

Page 27
                                  THE HARBORDITE
Photo Highlights from Awards Ceremony
                           November 2012

   This page clockwise from Top-
   Principals, staff and honored
   Syd Moscoe of Harbord Club,
   Vice-Principal Ms. Gladstone,
   Harbord Senior Choir perform-
   ing at the Awards Ceremony.

                                   Opp. page clockwise from
                                   Some of the 71 Harbord
                                   Club Scholarships pre-
                                   sented to Award winning
                                   Cleo Davies-Chalmers,
                                   Sarah Torres,
                                   Vivian Martin,
                                   Min Jun Li,
                                   India Annamanthadoo
                                   Victoria Lee.

Page 28
                                                THE HARBORDITE
Page 29
Issue 67
Harbord C.I. Awards Assembly - Award

Page 30
                                        THE HARBORDITE
Page 31
Harbord C.I. Awards Assembly - Award Winners...

Page 32
                                              THE HARBORDITE
                                         Harbord Club Newsletter
Page 33
Issue 67
Harbord C.I. Awards Assembly - Awards

Page 34
                                         THE HARBORDITE
Page 35
Issue 67
In Memoriam...
SAM SNIDERMAN, Iconic            by loved ones, in Toronto on
Canadian record retailer, Sam    Sunday, September 23,
Sniderman, passed away peace-    2012.
fully in his sleep, surrounded

Congratulations and Late Breaking News!

Congratulations goes out to one of our Harbord Club Di-
rectors, Sierra, who announced her engagement to Jason
this past summer and most recently, welcomed the birth
of their little bundle of joy,
Juliana Rebekah who weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. on Nov. 28th.

Happy parenting!!

Congratulations goes out to 1983 Harbord alumna, Lurdes Marchao Cruz who has
been appointed as Justice of the Peace to the Ontario Court of Justice, effec-
tive Dec. 19, 2012 and has been assigned to work in To-

All the best!

For more info. on Lurdes check out the Ministry of the Attorney General web-

                                                                                   Page 36
Issue 67
Michael Landsberg visits Harbord C. I.

        On November 22nd,TSN       easier to deal with in society.     or medication, whenever
 personality and host from         Landsberg says that we, as a        they need it.
 “Off the Record”, Michael         society, need to be able to
 Landsberg, came to Harbord’s      manage our stress levels and
                                                                       What an awesome opportu-
 auditorium to speak publicly      prevent them from becoming
                                                                       nity it was for Harbord
 about his longtime suffering      too much for us to bear.
                                                                       students and staff to have
 with a mental illness. He ex-
                                                                       spent listening and inter-
 pressed the importance that
                                   Of course, society could stand      acting with Landsberg on
 society allow sharing of infor-
                                   to be a little less judgemental     such an important issue.
 mation about mental health
                                   about people with depression
 just as easily as one can share
                                   as well. After all, according to
 when feeling physically ill.
                                                        that's a
 He assured us that there are                           reason why
 still many people in our culture                       people wear
 that don't like to talk about                          a mask and
 having depression or anxiety                           pretend
 disorders, and that having de-                         that
 pression is sometimes re-                              they're
 ferred to as a weakness. He                            okay, even
 said that if someone is de-                            if they feel
 pressed, they are not a weak                           terrible. He
 individual; they are a sick indi- knows it…he’s experienced it
 vidual who needs help. It was     first hand. People suffering
 interesting and important to      from a mental illness don't
 hear that Mr. Landsberg, de-      want to be ridiculed and in-
 spite suffering from a mental     sulted by society. The best
 illness, is mentally healthy.     thing we can do to help some-
 Once people have learned that one suffering from a mental
 they can talk about their ill-    illness is to make it clear that
 nesses and get help without       you are not going to judge
 being stigmatised, they can       them, be more than willing to
 begin a very long overdue heal- listen to them and to offer
 ing process and having one of     them help getting the right
 these illnesses can become        help, ie. professional help and/

Page 37
                                                                                     THE HARBORDITE
Harbord’s 120th Birthday Bash Highlights !
Continued… Thurs Night @ The Gala Dinner

Highlights from April 24th Din-
ner Gala:
Clockwise from Top-Left:
Guests mingle in dinner hall.
Staff & guests at table #9.
Classmates reunite for photo.
Alumni Jerry Gray singing his “This
Land is My Land”.
Bird’s eye view of dining hall at Gala.
Opp. Page: Photo ops of Alumni.

                                             Page 38
Issue 67
Harbord’s 120th Birthday Bash Highlights !
Continued… Thurs Night @ The Gala Dinner

                                    Photos from Gala Dinner of
                                    Alumni and Guests

                               Is                                Page 40
Clockwise from Top-Left:
   Guests arriving down to banquet hall.
   Retired former Staff & alumni re-
   Alumni mingle.
   Guests seating @ dinning hall.
   Birthday Cake to Celebrate 120th!
   Belinda as M.C. for the Silent Auction.

Page 41                                      THE HARBORDITE
Harbord’s 120th Birthday Bash Highlights !
Continued… Friday Day @ H.C.I.

                         This page clockwise from top-left: 120th Birthday
                         Cake to be served! Gym decorated for the Bash!
                         Alumni visiting the Harbord Museum. Alumni visit a
                         Decade Classroom. Tiger (aka Mr. Wallace) with SAC
                         Pres. And Vice-Principal Ms. Gladestone.

                         Opp. page clockwise from top-left: Guests at the
                         Registration table, Performance of Mikado at the
                         Harbord Auditorium, Historical Society speaker re.
                         Wayne & Shuster Plaque dedication. Victor Feldbrill
                         conducting the Harbord Sr. Orchestra. Singing of
                         the Harbord Tiger Song. Students with decorations
                         in Gym!

                                                                        Page 42
Issue 67
Harbord C. I. - Looking Forward To...

             In this section, we highlight school events that are upcoming

                              ~ Dec 21st - Holiday Assembly

                          ~ Dec 22nd to Jan 6th - Holiday Break

                     ~ Feb 13th - African Heritage Month Assembly

                                  ~ Feb 18th - Family Day

                               ~ Mar 9 - 17th - March Break

 2012 Annual Meeting of the Harbord
 Charitable Foundation
    Peter Miller, Treasurer of the Harbord Charitable Foundation, is pleased to announce that
    this year the Foundation paid out $8,235.00 in 71 scholastic awards at the Commencement
    exercises and the Awards Assembly. These are funds earned from money donated over the
    years by former students , teachers and friends of Harbord Collegiate establishing scholar-
    ships and awards.

    The Harbord Charitable Foundation announces that its Annual General Meeting for pre-
    senting its Annual Report and election of Officers took place on Friday December 19, 2012
    at 10.00 am in the Museum at Harbord Collegiate .

Page 44
                                                                                  THE HARBORDITE
Plague Dedicated to Wayne & Shuster, where it all began, at
Harbord C.I. Continued...

...continues from page 9            out explaining that William       ers, who enriched our city and
(That’s not true; they could only   Shakespeare was an Englishman     world, first met right here (at
recite the alphabet frontwards,     who wrote plays. But at the       Harbord!)
                                    same time, they were completely
                                    wacky! They ferreted the
                                    wildest, most goofball humour
                                    from wordplay, weird associa-
                                    tions, and nutty transitions.
                                    They combined worldly wisdom
                                    with complete, off-the-wall
                                       So the organizers of the Ed
                                    Sullivan Show paused. But
                                    eventually they decide to give
                                    it a shot, and Wayne and Shus-
in Serbo-Croatian.) This was
                                    ter appeared in 1958.
where Elvis Presley first per-
formed for a national audience,    They were a sensation. The
and where the Beatles did their studio audience loved them,
first American gig. So when     and the viewing audience did
they heard about these two      too. They were invited back –
crazy comedians up in Toronto,  and the reason was even more
they wondered if they should    ecstatic. And on it went
have them on the show.          – eventually Wayne and
                                Shuster appeared on the
  But there was question: would
                                Ed Sullivan Show 67
the Wayne and Shuster brand of
                                times, more than any
comedy work in the States? It
                                other act in history.
was very Canadian – by which I
mean this. They didn’t assume      And all the time, they
their audience was made up of       stayed in Toronto.
mental midgets, with the IQ of a    Which means that now,
9-year-old. And it wasn’t based     when Torontonians and
on insults or cutting one-liners.
                                    visitors walk past Har-
Rather, they assumed their audi-
                                    bord Collegiate, they can
ence was intelligent, and knew
something about the world. So       pause and make magical
they might do a take-off on         discovery. Two marvel-
Hamlet or Julius Caesar – with-     ously gifted entertain-

                                                                                                 Page 45
Issue 65
Why a Harbord Club?

          #1. To establish and maintain a sense of common
          identity among former students and teachers of
          the school

          #2. To share news from Harbordites everywhere

          #3. To provide funds for prizes, awards and
          scholarships in all grades of the school

          #4. To promote school spirit and pride in the stu-
          dents through historical knowledge

          #5. To collect, preserve and display the school's
          historical photographs, papers and artifacts

          #6. To assist in class reunions and annual home-
          coming events

Page 46
                                                         THE HARBORDITE
Harbord Club Executive

 President Emeritus - Murray Rubin -HCI-1950                        Wishing Everyone the
                                                                    Best of the Holidays!
  President Pro-Tem - Syd Moscoe -HCI-1952

                          Harbordite Co-editors - Ben-1978 & Belinda-1981 -Staff

                                          Director - Ben Lee -HCI-1978

                                      Director - Sidney Ingham -HCI-1978

                             Director - Belinda Medeiros-Felix -HCI-1981 –Staff

                                   Director - Vasan Persad HCI-1994 - Staff

                                      Director - Diana Da Silva -HCI-2009

                                  Director - Sierra Medeiros-Felix -HCI-2010

                                      Director - Harvey Mandel -HCI-1964

                         Student Representative - India Annamanthadoo - HCI-2013

           Please donate to the Harbord Club.

           Charitable receipts are only issued for donations of
           $50.00 and over. All cheques of $50.00 and over for
           which a charitable receipt is required should be made
           payable to "Harbord Charitable Foundation" and on
           the face of the cheque in the Memo line insert the
           words"For the Harbord Club" .

           For any amount less than $50.00 or if a receipt is not
           required please make cheque payable to "Harbord
           Club"     Thank You.

                                                                                            Page 47
Issue 67

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Harbordite #67

  • 1. s! oliday appy H Issue 67 H December 2012 Inside this issue: THE HARBORDITE Editorial 2 Harbord Club Newsletter 120th Birth- 3 day Bash! We remember Alum - Stephen Lewis 6 Webinar for Sam (The Record Man) Social Justice Sniderman Museum Musings 7 Five years ago, To- knowledgeable Wayne & Shus- 9 ronto said goodbye human being, and ter Honored! to an iconic Toronto again others re- Looking Back: 10 landmark and retail member him as a Commencement space on Yonge St. , mentor and their 1912 Sam The Record selfless leg-up 15 Grads give Man. This past Sep- into the music Thanks! industry. Sniderman Radio Class of ‘52’s 26 From Sales & Service on 50th Anniver- class- College St., had sary Reunion mates to been around since Awards Assem- 28 patrons 1929, Sam’s record bly Photos to musi- department quickly Michael Lands- 37 cians, we became the back- berg visits can all bone of the store, Harbord C.I. tember, we said agree on one thing; and by 1959, Sam goodbye to the man Sam was a stand up decided to purchase Happy behind it: Harbord- guy. a neighbouring ite, Sam Sniderman. Yonge Street furni- Holidays! Some of us remem- It was about sev- ture store and turn ber him as the boy enty years ago when it into his own re- in our class who was 17-year-old Sam cord shop. He named keen to start his Sniderman first it, Sam The Record own business. Oth- started stocking re- Man! ers remember him cords at his brother as a generous and Sid’s small radio From 1961 onward, it shop. Although Continue on page 4 ..
  • 2. Editorial: Message from Co-Editors - Belinda Medeiros-Felix (‘81) & Ben Lee (‘78) It's December already!!! new bunch of terrific students Having had time to reflect has Hello all! Hope everyone has and the familiar yet more mature been very therapeutic for kept well and healthy since we bunch who now call themselves me. You should try it too some- last connected and that you had a seniors. Their school spirit and time! Well, as one of the Har- sensational Summer and an awe- dedication never cease to amaze bordite editors, I am always ex- some Autumn. Clearly, by look- me.. True Harbordites! cited to share new stories that ing at the weather, there doesn't have been sent my way, so why seem to be any indication that There were some not so not share them here with the rest winter is on it's way! Yes, the happy moments to reflect of the Harbordites! We love the year is almost up and still no on too. I had to face the un- bond that we have with our Har- snowfall. Will this be a snowless timely illness of loved ones and bordite readers and appreciate it holiday? had to find both the strength and when you send us an email. We encouragement to deal with also invite you to submit As this eventful year comes to it. But, November didn't leave any ideas, thoughts and tell us a close, many of us will without giving me the best gift what you are up to these be getting into a reflective ever; I became a grandmother! days; after all, without you, mood. I'd like to share some Let me tell you, she is one ador- where would we be? Send an of my reflections of the past able baby!! Let the babysitting email to harbordcelebra- year. Firstly, I couldn't stop begin! and I will post it in thinking about how wonderful the next Harbordite. We would Harbord's 120th Birthday Bash like to thank everyone who has turned out; all that hard work Our email list for alumni is taken the time to contribute mo- paid off! I reminisced about that continuing to grow (primarily mentos and pics. They have evening long after and hope that by word of mouth). We would been carefully placed in the Mu- those who attended had as much like to reach many more. It seum fun as we did putting it together. would be greatly appreciated if Don't forget to check out some you could let other Harbordites Stay tuned for the Spring issue more pics which are posted in know that they too get get on where Ben will share his reflec- this issue. our email list and begin to re- tion. Cheers from us, your co- ceive their newsletter. Don’t editors and the rest of the Har- Skipping right along to Sum- bord Club Directors who wish forget to visit mer; it came and went far too that you all have a Safe to see and write on our exciting quickly. I spent an amazing and Happy Holiday!! It's going to blog. summer doing what I like be a great 2013! best ...enjoying quality time with Submit all articles and info to family and friends, hosting be published in next Harbord- BBQ's and beach parties and en- ite to joying the sunshine both at my cottage and in the beautiful Do- and remember to check us out minican Republic. Ah, how I on Facebook- wish I were there right now!! Belinda Harbord C.I. grads/alumni pa- Then it was back to work in ge September where I would face a Page 2 THE HARBORDITE
  • 3. Harbord’s 120th Birthday Bash ! On a beautiful Spring evening Next day (Friday, April ductor Victor Feldbrill. (April 24), Harbord alumni, 25th), over 300 alumni and Photos from both the Thurs. staff & students got together former teachers came back night Dinner Gala and the Fri. to celebrate the 120th Anni- to an all day Open House at school Open House can be versary of the school with a the School! found on page 38 to 43 and fabulous Birthday Dinner An assembly was held where also on our website. Gala! a plaque to honour alumni Over 300 attendees remi- Johnny Wayne and Frank nisced and reconnected with Shuster was dedicated for their highschool pals and their years of comical en- made new friends! The eve- tertainment to millions ning was highlighted by a around the world with their guest performance of “This brand of special gut busting Land is My Land” by an alum comedy and wit. and a Silent Auction which The assembly also featured raised money for the Harbord the Harbord Senior Orches- Club and Harbord scholar- tra under the direction of ships. alum and former TSO con- Issue 67 Page 3
  • 4. We remember Alumni: Sam (The Record Man) Sniderman Continued... ….continued from cover page. it was Sam Sniderman and his By the 1980s and early knowledge of obscure records 1990s, Sam had more than was clear that Sam's record - the self-financed ones re- 130 stores across Canada shop was THE place to be for corded in basements and ga- and could often be found music lovers everywhere. rages by unknown bands- that standing on the sales floor People came from all over to were The Record Man’s mark of his Yonge St flagship participate in the multitude of expertise. There was no store interacting with cus- of gimmicks and giveaways album too obscure. Out of tomers, selling records and and midnight record re- the near 400,000 titles in making music recommenda- leases. Indeed, the 40,000 stock at any given time, tions. Local teenagers, Sniderman had the gift of lo- cating even the strangest of underground tracks for a die- hard fan who walked into his shop. By 1969, the store had be- come so successful that a na- tional chain was launched. It with their discount cards in remained a family affair, with hand, made their regular square foot library of LPs, Sam Sniderman as President, pilgrimage after school, on 45s, reel-to-reels, eight- sons Bobby and Jason as Vice weekends and on Boxing tracks, cassettes and CDs Presidents and brother Sid- Day to see what the record quickly became one of To- ney as Secretary-Treasurer. man had to offer. By the ronto’s defining landmarks. late 80's, Sniderman re- Sam The Record Man main- ported that the chain was tained its uniqueness by man- an 80 million dollar corpo- aging to retain the feel of an ration. independent record shop, with quirky décor and knowl- edgeable staff, while carry- But with the advent of ing a staggeringly large se- software like Napster & lection of music; from the iTunes, even giants like hottest billboard tracks to Sam’s couldn’t keep up with independent local talent. But Page 4 Issue 67
  • 5. the demands of the digital mu- memories we shared and sic takeover. Unfortunately, in the role that this great October 2001, just one year store played in our lives. after Sam Sniderman’s retire- This past September 23, ment, Sam The Record Man at the age of 92, we once filed for bankruptcy, citing again said our goodbyes to Sam The Record Man, declines in music sales and this time for the very stiffening competition from last time. big box stores and the inter- was being declared a heritage net as their reasons. This site by the city of Toronto... forced most of the chain to that is until recently, when Ry- close, aside from a few fran- erson University reached a "Thank you for the music, the chised outlets. In fact, the deal to purchase the property songs I'm singing. Thanks for Yonge Street flagship was only from the family. all the joy they're bringing. saved through a last-ditch ef- Who can live without it, I ask fort by Sam Sniderman’s two in all honesty. This will be 'the end of an era' What would life be? Without sons, Bobby and Jason. The for so many reasons: from Sam a song or a dance, what are record store managed to last Sniderman’s role in shaping the we? another six years before Canadian music industry, to So I say thank you for the Bobby and Jason Sniderman the widespread appeal of the music. For giving it to me" - announced its closure on May store itself and its ability to ABBA 29, 2007. The main reason stay relevant while so many of listed this time was “the in- its competitors faded away. creasing impact of technology on the record industry.” It was There is a lot of history be- a sad day when the iconic hind this 1937 Grad. For so many of us, Sam the Record Man was simply a good friend who always let us hang out and listen to music 'at his place'. When the Yonge St. lo- cation closed its doors for good in 2007, we said our store closed its doors. At the goodbyes to the beloved To- very least, long time patrons ronto landmark and reminisced were able to subdue them- about our time spent there; selves with the knowledge that the records we bought, the at least its distinctive façade THE HARBORDITE Page 5
  • 6. TDSB’s First Ever Social Justice Webinar from Harbord C.I. ! Harbord C.I. in the News at Harbord CI and thou- Stephen Lewis Foundation Again!! sands more in classrooms over the years and the webi- across the TDSB partici- nar was a wonderful oppor- I am so pleased to say that pated in the first-ever So- tunity not only for students I, along with other Harbord- cial Justice Webinar with to hear Mr. Lewis speak but ites, attended the TDSB’s Stephen Lewis on Monday to interact and ask ques- first-ever Social Justice November 26. tions around this very impor- Webinar right here at Har- As part of an ongoing part- tant issue,” said Jeff Hain- bord C.I. This webinar took nership between the To- buch, Superintendent. place in our auditorium on ronto District School Board The partnership between the morning of November (TDSB) and the Stephen the TDSB and SLF that was 26th, 2012. Students and Lewis Foundation (SLF), Mr. formalized last year on Staff heard Mr. Stephen Lewis visited his former World AIDS Day promotes Lewis talk about his founda- school to talk to students the development of curricu- tion and the AIDS pandemic about the AIDS pandemic in lum, professional develop- in Africa. Africa. With World AIDS ment learning opportunities Mr. Lewis, who is known to Day on December 1 fast ap- and fundraising across the most of us as the former proaching, the timing could TDSB in support of organi- leader of the social democ- not be better to focus on zations on the frontlines of ratic Ontario New Democ- such an important topic. the pandemic in Africa. ratic Party (for most of the “We were so pleased to wel- 1970’s), is also a Canadian come Mr. Lewis back to his politician, broadcaster and former high school to dis- diplomat. And Yes, he is a cuss get- Harbordite…a 1956 Harbord ting AIDS C.I. graduate. back on the The following is an excerpt agenda. from an article posted on Many of the TDSB website. our schools, both ele- TDSB Hosts First-ever mentary Social Justice Webinar and secon- With Stephen Lewis dary, have supported Over five hundred students the Page 6 THE HARBORDITE
  • 7. Museum Musings – Syd Moscoe Museum Musings. never forget how. Wayne and the other with her and Frank Shuster, her comedic idols, taken at Har- The Orchestra vest will be Thanks to bord’s 1974 Homecoming. featured in a new display in Annemarie Toth- The year before Annmarie Waddell arrived at Harbord the Or- (Toth at chestra recorded a long play HCI) HCI vinyl record. Now that vinyl 1974 who visited our Museum records are making a come- recently and brought in as a back we should play one from donation her Harbord Or- our Museum collection. Is it chestra vest, jet black with time for the Orchestra to the orange Harbord “H” and embark on another such ad- Harbord crest and bright venture? shiny brass buttons. All members of the Orchestra in the late 1960’s and early We also received an Orches- 1970’s wore this vest over a the Museum show case, near tra vest from Christine Gai- white shirt or blouse which the front door, showing the bisels , HCI 1971, now Col- vest matched their black different clothing styles houn, in the same remarkable skirt, slacks or trousers giv- seen over the years at Har- condition. ing the whole Orchestra a bord. neat and professional look.. As well Thank you to the anonymous In those days Annemarie as this donor(s) who brought in, over played the viola. Now, after vest in the summer, a set of Har- many years away from play- mint bord Collegiate Institute ing, Annemarie has taken up condi- Commencement programs the fiddle as an active mem- tion, from 1893 (Harbord’s first), ber of the Oakville Celtic Anne- through to 1944. We had Fiddle Orchestra and is en- marie many of them as photocopies joying every minute of it . brought but not as originals. We owe She remarked as to how fast in two a great thanks to whomever all her Harbord musical pho- brought them in. Please let learning came back to her, tos ,one of her with Johnny us like riding a bicycle, you Page 7 Issue 67
  • 8. Museum Musings – Syd Moscoe, continued... Continues on page 8… at the time. ...continued from page 7 The Museum is generally know who you are so we can And thank you Harvey for your open on Wednesdays from properly acknowledge this copy of the 1950-51 Harbord 11am until 5pm during the wonderful gift. Review, which helps fill a void school year-but call ahead in our collection. just to make sure I will be there if you are plan- Another anonymous donor Your school , when it was ning on coming down.. dropped off page A7 of The opened in September 1892, Toronto Star , March 19, was known as “Harbord Street 1992 , acknowledging Har- Collegiate Institute”. When bord’s 100 years as a high next visiting your alma mater, school in Toronto and the ac- drop into the MPR on the OF NOTE: tivities that would be taking ground floor west side,(for place in May 1992 and how to those very long in the tooth, it was known as “the girls’ gym”) Many thanks to my 1952 register for same. Please let and if you will look up to the HCI classmate, and chum us know who you are. north wall you will see the for all these many years, original cornerstone. Jerry Prenick, C.A., for Harvey Hochberg, HCI 1953, his gift of the five issues was trolling garage sales of the Harbord Review when he spotted the Univer- Harbord’s first Commence- for the years 1947 sity graduation photograph ment took place December through our graduation of a long time Harbord 15th,1893. An original copy of year in 1952 teacher. He has donated the the Commencement Programme photo of R. Albert Slack who is in our Museum for all to see. taught mathematics at HCI from1937 until 1971 . Those For those of you wishing to who were fortunate to have visit your Museum , why not him as a teacher will always check remember his dismissive “Go and go to the tab for the Mu- drive a truck” whenever he seum and you can have a vir- disapproved of a student’s tual visit. While you are at it, efforts. He was married to we also have a link to “the one of the school secretaries Happy Ghosts of Harbord”. Page 8 Issue 67
  • 9. Plaque Dedicated to Wayne & Shuster, where it all began, at Harbord C.I. .When I was 19, I decide to ject would be, to start a pro- Harbord in 1930, when Wayne take a year off university and gramme of plaques like the sat right behind Shuster. (I travel in Europe. And I dis- ones I’d seen in those cities. flinch when I think what life covered a lot of things. This was the Legacy Project, must have been like for the and we teamed up with an older teacher.) They discovered Once was this. I went to vari- organization, Heritage Toronto. their common gift for making ous cities – London, Paris, Vi- We’re still at the beginning; people laugh, and when they enna, and Stockholm – and I this is the third year, and we went to the U of T, they kept kept seeing something that have about 15 plaques so far. on performing. The CBC disoriented me. I saw plaques But we’ll keep growing – we see started our national radio sys- – small metal markers on build- this as the beginning of a 100- tem in 1946, and one of the ings, saying that some famous year programme. first programs was the Wayne person once lived here. Bee- Which brings us to Wayne and Shuster Show. It was a thoven, Sir Isaac Newton, and Shuster. We’re honouring national hit. Then CBC TV be- John Keats, Homer Simpson, gan in 1956 – and the Wayne Kermit the Frog – whoever. I and Shuster television show could barely take it in. I was was an even bigger hit. standing in the same place that people who were legendary in Now at the time, the most my mind once walked. popular entertainment program on American television was the It was magical feeling. But Ed Sullivan Show. He pre- strange to say, one result was sented singers, bands, comedi- to make me angry. I’d grown ans, and a whole slew of variety up in Toronto, and I couldn’t acts – jugglers, acrobats, dogs help asking – Why don’t we people across the whole spec- who could recite the alphabet have something like this in trum – great writers, painter, backwards in Lithuanian. T.O.? Are we really so poverty scientists, athletes, statesmen Continues on page 45… -stricken that nobody of sig- and women, and nificance has ever lived here? so on. Including, A city is stronger for knowing great entertain- its past; why were we so fast ers. And Johnny asleep, when it came to our Wayne and Frank past? I felt as if I’d been Shuster were cheated. certainly that. Well, a lot of time went by, As you’ve and ten years ago I became heard, they met the first poet laureate of To- in a Grade Ten ronto. And I decide my pro- history class at Page 9 THE HARBORDITE
  • 10. Looking Back: Alumni Reginald Theodore Carlos Hoidge, Valedictorian, Class of 1912 ! Reg was a WWI ace and served in the RAF. His portrait, done by Sir William Orpen, hangs in the Ottawa War Mu- seum and the Na- tional Museum in London. But before he served Canada, Reg was a Hardord- ite and the Class of 1912 Valedictorian. The following is the cover of the No- vember 15th, 1912 Harbord C.I. Annual Commencement Pro- gramme, and the Valedictorian speech in print: Page 10 Issue 67
  • 11. Page 11 THE HARBORDITE
  • 12. Reminising: Alumni Reginald Theodore Carlos Hoidge, Valedictorian, Class of 1912,.continued... Page 12 Issue 67
  • 13. Page 13 THE HARBORDITE
  • 14. Honours for Eminent Harbordites @ U of T! On Thursday November 15, Uni- Marshall Cohen, now make , and will continue in the versity College at the Univer- David Cronenberg, future sity of Toronto, to make, outstanding contributions Martin Goldfarb, celebrated their First Annual to the advancement and bettering The Honourable Edwin A. Alumni of Influence Awards at of our Goodman , a Gala Dinner. life locally, nationally and interna- Dr. Calvin Gottlieb, One hundred University College tionally. alumni were initially chosen for Stephen Lewis, Future selections to the University this honour. Louis Rasminsky, College Alumni of Influence Awards Of those one hundred, eleven Frank Shuster will be limited to ten University Col- are alumni of Harbord Colle- lege alumni annually. We will con- Johnny Wayne. giate Institute. tinue to look for HCI Alumni All our members are of the amongst the future University Col- They are: Order of Canada. lege Alumni of Influence. Alan Borovoy, Harbord alumni have made , Leonard Braithwaite, A New Harbord Club Board of Director Member Introducing Himself Harvey Mandel Class of George S Henry Academy in sports, music, and a great 1964. Married to Ruth we 2005. variety of clubs. have 3 children 2 boys and a girl and 3 grandchildren 2 HCI was multicultural before I was raised to try to make boys and a girl. I was born the term was coined. Like the world a better place. in 1944. I went to King Ed- many Harbordites I consid- Working with my class Reun- ered Harbord a place where I ion Committee and helping ward Public School K-8. I started to grow up. I had many the Harbord Club is just one followed my older brother wonderful experiences and small way to HCI as my two younger met many great people many to thank sisters followed me. are still my friends. I was in- the Har- After HCI I graduated with volved with mainly football bord com- a B.A. in History & English the First Aid Corps and the munity for from the University of Review. Harbord presented us how it Western Ontario in 1967. with diverse experiences helped After trying different ca- mostly we were there for the shape me. reers I became an ESL academic environment but let’s teacher retiring from never forget there were Onward Harbord Page 14 THE HARBORDITE
  • 15. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Ashley Chu Dear Mr. Bob Wils on, To receive an awar d that has been lef that I simply enjoy t in your wife's me doing is truly an ho mory, for just doing nor. I don't think something am. Taking part in any words can desc athletics througho ribe how grateful I ut my four years at sion I made in high Harbord was probab school. It's what I ly the best deci- love to do. It made school as a small ne everything easier fr w grade 9 student om entering high to relieving stress practices were a lit from homework. Al tle difficult to get though the 7 am up for at times, it bord a great experie still made being an nce. It wasn't just athlete at Har- the sports themse ronment and feelin lves though- being g like my teammate in a positive envi- s and the coaches made it even more were like my second special. family was what For my four years at Harbord, I was Soccer team. Alth involved with the Gi ough we didn't win rls' Basketball, Vo every single game, lleyball, and to continue playing my teammates still the game no matter made it enjoyable the outcome. I lear and the meaning of ned how to win and sportsmanship. Th lose graciously roughout those four Girls' soccer team years, I have helpe win two championsh d the Varsity ips in the 2010/201 son. Winning those 1 season and in the two championships 2011/2012 sea- were a huge accom I remember each fin plishment in my at al game like it was hletic career so fa yesterday. Just be r. at Harbord is some ing a part of the at thing that I will ta hletics program ke away and cherish for the rest of my life. Instead of going of f to university or co work. This is giving llege, I have decide me time to think ab d to take a year of out what I would lik f and ing back and coachi e to do in the futu ng at Harbord. Curr re. I am also giv- ently, I am coaching try to make it an en the junior girls' ba joyable and fun en sketball team. I vironment and also as my coaches at Ha a worthwhile experi rbord have done fo ence for the team r me. Wherever I decide to continue my educ ation, I hope to take part in their athletic pr ogram and hope it is as reward ing as my time at Ha rbord. Once again, I woul d like to thank you for this honor. Sincerely, Ashley Chu Page 15 Issue 67
  • 16. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Edward Liu Dear Harbord Club, ur years of my high school I have at tended Harbord for all fo llent at I feel that it is an exce education. On e of the main reasons is th r who I am a completive swimme school. As you may or may not know, ternational Stage at has recently represente d Canada on the Junior In is causes a great deal the Junior Pan Pacific Championships in Hawaii. Th academics and athlet- of challenges for me when it comes to balancing - e it recognizes the tremen ics. I appreciate this award greatly, becaus when trying to balance ath- dous strain on on e’s academic performance lly true for me because I letics with th e same hand. This is especia week for a total of over 20 train for an average of nine times per ared to the aver- at I have one day less comp hours total, this means th studies. age person to commit to my it is a great honor I would like to th ank you for this award and that I have chosen is an for me to accept it. I am aware that the path thout its challenges? extremely challen ging one, but what is life wi Thank you, Edward Liu Page 16 Issue 67
  • 17. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Toni Ann Simms Dear Dr. Joe Druck, My name is Toni Ann Dagion Simms and I of Harbord Collegiate am a member of the Institute. It is my ou 2012 graduating class for funding theHarbo tmost pleasure to ex rd Club R.R.H. "Bud" tend my gratitude to Page Award, to which you applaud your genero I am the 2012 recip sity and caring spirit ient. I as a monument signif for providing me with ying the unforgettable this award that will memories that I have serve This award means so had at Harbord C. I. much to me and I am unnoticed. happy that my hard work at Harbord hasn ’t gone I moved to Canada ap proximately three ye maica and ever since ars ago from the be then I haven’t been autiful island of Ja- over and that I would the same. I thought fail because of this that my life would ha foreign land that I ha ve been thing seemed so alien d to now call home. Ev to me at the time an ery- faces that I saw was d then I started Ha that of my past teac rbord C.I. One of th her and mentor Elisa e first est smile in the world Caparelli, who had th ; it was at this mome e wid- actually be a positive nt that I realized th place. It was a challen at this foreign land ge to adapt to my ne might new life, but I did it w home, new school, with the help of the and Harbord Collegiate co During my three year mmunity. s at Harbord C.I. I ha and to recognize the d the opportunity to areas that I needed explore who I am thing. In grade 10 I to see growth in- wh joined the Track and ich at the time was ev Field team, where I ery- long jump. I got the found out that I was chance to learn some good at sport teams I was als thing new about myse o actively involved in lf and I was proud. Be other extracurricula sides Business Club, West- r activities, such as: Indian African Cana the Prom Committee,the dian Club, the Pink Ri Tutoring Club, being bbon Society, Albion a student volunteer Hills, versary, and being th at the Harbord’s 120th e school’s mascot at Anni- social events. Two of the most rewa rding roles that I ha helped to define who ve playedin my gradua I am were: being a se ting year that head tutor at the Tu nior leader at the Al toring Club. bion Hills and being the The Albion Hills lead ership program is de serve as mentors to signed to select senio grade nines who prov r leaders who will end away from home e to have leadership , where I felt that I potential. It was a fu was being challenged. n week- because I realized th I am happy that I did at the little things th this things that might ch at we sometimes take ange someone else’s for granted are the walk up to me and sa life. At the end of th y, “Because of your e weekend I had a tim smile and willingness id boy now I have made new to bamazing time he friends; something th re and that day I always en at I couldn’t have do sure that I try to be ne without you.” Ever a person’s friend rath since the other hand being er than their superio the head tutor at th r. On e Tutoring Club helpe d me to realize my pa ssion Page 17 THE HARBORDITE
  • 18. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! Continued... Toni Ann Simms say thank you. one came up to me to ored ev ery moment when some at was caring, for helping others. I ad environment was one th sured that the learning s- In the tutoring centre I en ery Tuesdays and Thur ing. During my tim e as the head tutor, ev is ex- respectable and nurtur e tutors and clients. Th that I collected the daily snacks for th very happy days I had to ensure have had an and I am a lot about myself e my friend I perience has taught me ch an amazing role am ong my peers. that I had the op portunity to fulfill su wards an un- where I am working to ing McMaster University now I am currently attend am going through right Commerce. Despite the transition that I ild, dergraduate degree in d has helped me to bu because of the fo undation that Harbor Council. I am proud to say that in my Inter-Residence campaign and ho ld executive positions a Chartered that I am starting to ity I hope to become of my studies at McMaster Univers e I know what After the completion n an orphanage becaus n my own or phanage. I want to ow going through Accountant and to ow e for children who are and so I would like to be ther it feels like to be alone I went through. the same things that act that has made me one of ain Dr. J. Dr uck for your selfless Thank you so much ag Lord be with you and your lovedones. e world. May the good the happiest girls in th Sincerely, Toni Ann Simms Page 18 Issue 67
  • 19. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Michael Wong student ne wspa per, 1980 take n from ”The Flash” - an English class st ude nt news pape r, 1980 Dear Harbord Club , This year I am the recipient of the H awards is greatly arbord Club Hank appreciated. Than Stratton Award. Yo k you. ur funding of the Last year was my final year in Harb warmth from teac ord C.I., it was a hers and students fantastic year for in Harbord, and I me. I fully felt th learning from thei was motivated by e r passion in variou them and enjoyed for me, comparing s subjects. Grade to Grade 11. Howe 12 was relatively a ver, it created a pe busy and rush year working under pr rfect chance for essure, improve my me to experience novel ideas and fa weaknesses, and cts in the year of make new friends. 2012, while most I learned a lot knowledge. For ex of them were base ample, different te d on my previous matician apply th chniques in writing eoretical mathema English essay, as we tics into human ll as how mathe- course that I took life. I believe th in 2012 was Physic e most important ing of my area of s. By attending th interest, as well as e course, I had a viewing the world better understand Moreover, with th from the perspect - e ardent encourag ive of a physician. two mathematics ements of my Mat contests: the McM hematics teacher, aster Mathematic I participated in Competition of W s Contest and the aterloo University Euclid Mathematic matics contests, it . Although I did no s was a valuable expe t get any award fr rience to me. om those Mathe- The Harbord Club Hank Stratton Aw as well as versatile ard means a lot to . Moreover, the aw me as it affirms th ard also provides at I am talented, my favourite univer me a better chan sity - University of ce of getting into ary in my life. Th Toronto, thus atta erefore I thank ining my dream ca you once again fo reer as an actu- Stratton Award to r presenting the me. Harbord Club Han k Yours sincerely, Michael Wong Page 19 THE HARBORDITE Harbord Club Newsletter
  • 20. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Devon Nguyen Page 20 Issue 67
  • 21. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Michelle Ho Dear Harbord Club, Thank you for selec ting me to be the re marks as a great dis cipient of the Harb tinction to me that ord Club Bright Penn I was doing something y Award. It which I felt so lost. right even during th I am honoured to be e moments in such a wonderful op recognized for my ac portunity. I never th complishments and ought that I was an grateful for having striving to be the be y different from my st version of myself. peers; I was merely truly appreciate the I hold this award in selection committee the highest regard for choosing me to and once more I award. be the recipient of such a prestigious After my time at Ha rbord Collegiate Inst fulltime student at itute I have entered Queen's University post-secondary educ studies, I hope to ob in Kingston, Ontario ation as a tain a degree in Econ . Upon completion of omics and Sociology. my undergraduate system would be to My ultimate goal wi have a law school ce thin the education law school graduate rtificate on my pare . nts’ mantle declarin g their daughter as a A childhood dream of mine has always be law. I would have giv en to graduate from en up on this childho law school and practic port I received at Ha od aspiration if it we e family rbord Collegiate. Bo re not for the encour th staff and studen agement and sup- strength within me. ts alike, helped build Through programs av an undeniable would have believed ailable like Law in Ac my dream was possibl tion Within Schools e. , LAWS, I never Being at Harbord Co llegiate left me with ble. The first day I an unforgettable ex stepped into the ha perience in the best occur in the next fo lls of the school, I wa ways possi- ur years. Yet now, wh s frightened for th en I reminisce of my e events that would I realize that those time at the beautif same halls I was once ul historic building, ple that make up th frightened of guide e Harbord community d me to be who I am whether it is alumni, today. The peo- ways accepting. This students, staff or vis allowed me to proudly itors were al- where I grew the mo call Harbord my seco st it is ultimately wh nd home. In the Harb ere I discovered wh ord halls is ticular qualities with o I was as a person. in myself during my I developed par- and give back to the high school years bu community. I hope to t I also strived to be maintain strong frien a better person bord Collegiate for dships with the peop the rest of my life. le I met at Har- Regardless of the div ersity of the studen t population at Har- bord Collegiate, the school never failed ognize the potential to rec- within each student. I would like to expr ess my appreciation again. This award wi once ll be a source of mo and a reminder to alw tivation ays strive for excelle in everything I do. nce Sincerely, Michelle Ho Page 21 THE HARBORDITE
  • 22. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Ying Amy Zhao Page 22 Issue 67
  • 23. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Arman Ghaffarizadeh Mohamed Page 23 THE HARBORDITE
  • 24. 2012 Grad & Harbord Club Award Winner Gives Thanks! - Jamie Meston Dear Harbord Club; with the Harbord Club I would like to person ally thank you for presenting me t Award. Like attend- Victor L. Van der Hout and the Harbord Club Carrie M. Knigh l to me. ing Harbord, they mean a great dea erience that I found extremely My tim e at Harbord was definitely an exp and it brought together, enriched staff memorable. It was memorable for the people stu- sented. The variety of courses a eager studen ts as well as the opportunities it pre ail- the mind while the many clubs av dent was able to take allowed for expansion of er. ur social circle in a healthy mann able made it possible to expand yo dying in the Bachelor of Arts I am curre ntly at the University of Guelph stu ing it thus far. Although I am Honours Psycholo gy program and thoroughly enjoy eriences at Harbord and the val- not sure where thi s will take me, I know that my exp me in getting there. ues I learned will definitely assist rk that went into making I very much ap preciate all you efforts and hard wo possible. They are an item these awards as well as all other Harbord Club awards come. rd Alumni will cherish for years to that I, along with many other Harbo Thank you! Jamie Meston Page 24 Issue 67
  • 25. Harbord Commencement 2011 - Photo Highlights! Continued... Some of the Class of 2012 Grads celebrating after Commencement, singing the school song “Onward Harbord” Issue 67 Page 25
  • 26. Class of 1952 50th Anniversary Reunion! Page 26 THE HARBORDITE
  • 27. More Memories in Photos at ... Page 27 THE HARBORDITE
  • 28. Photo Highlights from Awards Ceremony November 2012 This page clockwise from Top- Left: Principals, staff and honored guests, Syd Moscoe of Harbord Club, Vice-Principal Ms. Gladstone, Harbord Senior Choir perform- ing at the Awards Ceremony. Opp. page clockwise from Top-Left: Some of the 71 Harbord Club Scholarships pre- sented to Award winning students: Cleo Davies-Chalmers, Sarah Torres, Vivian Martin, Min Jun Li, India Annamanthadoo Victoria Lee. Page 28 THE HARBORDITE
  • 30. Harbord C.I. Awards Assembly - Award Page 30 THE HARBORDITE
  • 32. Harbord C.I. Awards Assembly - Award Winners... Page 32 THE HARBORDITE Harbord Club Newsletter
  • 34. Harbord C.I. Awards Assembly - Awards Page 34 THE HARBORDITE
  • 36. In Memoriam... SAM SNIDERMAN, Iconic by loved ones, in Toronto on Canadian record retailer, Sam Sunday, September 23, Sniderman, passed away peace- 2012. fully in his sleep, surrounded Congratulations and Late Breaking News! Congratulations goes out to one of our Harbord Club Di- rectors, Sierra, who announced her engagement to Jason this past summer and most recently, welcomed the birth of their little bundle of joy, Juliana Rebekah who weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. on Nov. 28th. Happy parenting!! ********************************************** Congratulations goes out to 1983 Harbord alumna, Lurdes Marchao Cruz who has been appointed as Justice of the Peace to the Ontario Court of Justice, effec- tive Dec. 19, 2012 and has been assigned to work in To- ronto! All the best! For more info. on Lurdes check out the Ministry of the Attorney General web- site: Page 36 Issue 67
  • 37. Michael Landsberg visits Harbord C. I. On November 22nd,TSN easier to deal with in society. or medication, whenever personality and host from Landsberg says that we, as a they need it. “Off the Record”, Michael society, need to be able to Landsberg, came to Harbord’s manage our stress levels and What an awesome opportu- auditorium to speak publicly prevent them from becoming nity it was for Harbord about his longtime suffering too much for us to bear. students and staff to have with a mental illness. He ex- spent listening and inter- pressed the importance that Of course, society could stand acting with Landsberg on society allow sharing of infor- to be a little less judgemental such an important issue. mation about mental health about people with depression just as easily as one can share as well. After all, according to when feeling physically ill. Landsberg, that's a He assured us that there are reason why still many people in our culture people wear that don't like to talk about a mask and having depression or anxiety pretend disorders, and that having de- that pression is sometimes re- they're ferred to as a weakness. He okay, even said that if someone is de- if they feel pressed, they are not a weak terrible. He individual; they are a sick indi- knows it…he’s experienced it vidual who needs help. It was first hand. People suffering interesting and important to from a mental illness don't hear that Mr. Landsberg, de- want to be ridiculed and in- spite suffering from a mental sulted by society. The best illness, is mentally healthy. thing we can do to help some- Once people have learned that one suffering from a mental they can talk about their ill- illness is to make it clear that nesses and get help without you are not going to judge being stigmatised, they can them, be more than willing to begin a very long overdue heal- listen to them and to offer ing process and having one of them help getting the right these illnesses can become help, ie. professional help and/ Page 37 THE HARBORDITE
  • 38. Harbord’s 120th Birthday Bash Highlights ! Continued… Thurs Night @ The Gala Dinner Highlights from April 24th Din- ner Gala: Clockwise from Top-Left: Guests mingle in dinner hall. Staff & guests at table #9. Classmates reunite for photo. Alumni Jerry Gray singing his “This Land is My Land”. Bird’s eye view of dining hall at Gala. Opp. Page: Photo ops of Alumni. Page 38 Issue 67
  • 39. Page 39 THE HARBORDITE
  • 40. Harbord’s 120th Birthday Bash Highlights ! Continued… Thurs Night @ The Gala Dinner Photos from Gala Dinner of Alumni and Guests Is Page 40
  • 41. Clockwise from Top-Left: Guests arriving down to banquet hall. Retired former Staff & alumni re- unite! Alumni mingle. Guests seating @ dinning hall. Birthday Cake to Celebrate 120th! Belinda as M.C. for the Silent Auction. Page 41 THE HARBORDITE
  • 42. Harbord’s 120th Birthday Bash Highlights ! Continued… Friday Day @ H.C.I. This page clockwise from top-left: 120th Birthday Cake to be served! Gym decorated for the Bash! Alumni visiting the Harbord Museum. Alumni visit a Decade Classroom. Tiger (aka Mr. Wallace) with SAC Pres. And Vice-Principal Ms. Gladestone. Opp. page clockwise from top-left: Guests at the Registration table, Performance of Mikado at the Harbord Auditorium, Historical Society speaker re. Wayne & Shuster Plaque dedication. Victor Feldbrill conducting the Harbord Sr. Orchestra. Singing of the Harbord Tiger Song. Students with decorations in Gym! Page 42 Issue 67
  • 43. Page 43 THE HARBORDITE
  • 44. Harbord C. I. - Looking Forward To... In this section, we highlight school events that are upcoming ~ Dec 21st - Holiday Assembly ~ Dec 22nd to Jan 6th - Holiday Break ~ Feb 13th - African Heritage Month Assembly ~ Feb 18th - Family Day ~ Mar 9 - 17th - March Break 2012 Annual Meeting of the Harbord Charitable Foundation Peter Miller, Treasurer of the Harbord Charitable Foundation, is pleased to announce that this year the Foundation paid out $8,235.00 in 71 scholastic awards at the Commencement exercises and the Awards Assembly. These are funds earned from money donated over the years by former students , teachers and friends of Harbord Collegiate establishing scholar- ships and awards. The Harbord Charitable Foundation announces that its Annual General Meeting for pre- senting its Annual Report and election of Officers took place on Friday December 19, 2012 at 10.00 am in the Museum at Harbord Collegiate . Page 44 THE HARBORDITE
  • 45. Plague Dedicated to Wayne & Shuster, where it all began, at Harbord C.I. Continued... ...continues from page 9 out explaining that William ers, who enriched our city and (That’s not true; they could only Shakespeare was an Englishman world, first met right here (at recite the alphabet frontwards, who wrote plays. But at the Harbord!) same time, they were completely wacky! They ferreted the wildest, most goofball humour from wordplay, weird associa- tions, and nutty transitions. They combined worldly wisdom with complete, off-the-wall lunacy. So the organizers of the Ed Sullivan Show paused. But eventually they decide to give it a shot, and Wayne and Shus- in Serbo-Croatian.) This was ter appeared in 1958. where Elvis Presley first per- formed for a national audience, They were a sensation. The and where the Beatles did their studio audience loved them, first American gig. So when and the viewing audience did they heard about these two too. They were invited back – crazy comedians up in Toronto, and the reason was even more they wondered if they should ecstatic. And on it went have them on the show. – eventually Wayne and Shuster appeared on the But there was question: would Ed Sullivan Show 67 the Wayne and Shuster brand of times, more than any comedy work in the States? It other act in history. was very Canadian – by which I mean this. They didn’t assume And all the time, they their audience was made up of stayed in Toronto. mental midgets, with the IQ of a Which means that now, 9-year-old. And it wasn’t based when Torontonians and on insults or cutting one-liners. visitors walk past Har- Rather, they assumed their audi- bord Collegiate, they can ence was intelligent, and knew something about the world. So pause and make magical they might do a take-off on discovery. Two marvel- Hamlet or Julius Caesar – with- ously gifted entertain- Page 45 Issue 65
  • 46. Why a Harbord Club? #1. To establish and maintain a sense of common identity among former students and teachers of the school #2. To share news from Harbordites everywhere #3. To provide funds for prizes, awards and scholarships in all grades of the school #4. To promote school spirit and pride in the stu- dents through historical knowledge #5. To collect, preserve and display the school's historical photographs, papers and artifacts #6. To assist in class reunions and annual home- coming events Page 46 THE HARBORDITE
  • 47. Harbord Club Executive President Emeritus - Murray Rubin -HCI-1950 Wishing Everyone the Best of the Holidays! President Pro-Tem - Syd Moscoe -HCI-1952 Harbordite Co-editors - Ben-1978 & Belinda-1981 -Staff Director - Ben Lee -HCI-1978 Director - Sidney Ingham -HCI-1978 Director - Belinda Medeiros-Felix -HCI-1981 –Staff Director - Vasan Persad HCI-1994 - Staff Director - Diana Da Silva -HCI-2009 Director - Sierra Medeiros-Felix -HCI-2010 Director - Harvey Mandel -HCI-1964 Student Representative - India Annamanthadoo - HCI-2013 Please donate to the Harbord Club. Charitable receipts are only issued for donations of $50.00 and over. All cheques of $50.00 and over for which a charitable receipt is required should be made payable to "Harbord Charitable Foundation" and on the face of the cheque in the Memo line insert the words"For the Harbord Club" . For any amount less than $50.00 or if a receipt is not required please make cheque payable to "Harbord Club" Thank You. Page 47 Issue 67