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Takeaways from SXSW
March 2015
SXSW is inspiring and overwhelming.
It is impossible to have a global overview of all that was said
during the interactive part.
This presentation is a wrap up of everything we have brought
back to Paris after 5 days of planned conferences, meetings,
tests, and random small talks.
We hope you’ll appreciate our thoughts.
If you want to engage in any discussion, feel free to contact us
Matttthieu (with 4 Ts - it’s really important) has been created within
Chemistry Agency to scout & spot startups to connect them with
Chemistry clients and create real business opportunities for all
Their focus: all things that can change/strengthen the relationship
between brands & consumers.
Matttthieu is run by 3 Mat(t)hieu
Mathieu Genelle
The planner guy
Mathieu Guillon
The tech guy
Matthieu Dumont
The media guy
Stretch the meaning of community & neighborhood
Wrap-up of How Culture Impacts Digital + The Building Blocks of A Smart World + An Interview with Yik Yak's Founders
Facebook showed us how to leverage the platform to
understand people across generations, countries, devices
and time. They highlight that "ethnical communities"
use digital to broaden their community beyond their
physical neighborhood, using their own mix of
languages to communicate. FB emphasizes the
importance of showcasing culturally relevant content
(content itself but also language) to engage with them.
Nextdoor & Yik Yak revealed the major role of hyper
geolocalized networks. With them, communities are
created around a location. Nextdoor is a private social
network at a neighborhood level. When you log into the
service you are only connected to people who live in your
neighborhood. The service is so popular that local public
services use it as a line with the local population. Yik Yak
is an anonymous social media app. You can chat with
other people only within a 10 mile radius. The app is
focused on university campuses.
See all insights from Facebook talk & more
Dream big & stay pragmatic when it comes to innovation
Wrap-up of Moonshot & Reality Keynote
If you want to innovate, take a moonshot. Think about
writing the fiction of science, translate your vision into
something in which people can project themselves. Facing
reality and embracing failure was the most important
takeaway. A. Teller points out how it’s important not to stay
behind walls. As soon as possible, release your product
(even if it’s in alpha) to face situations you’ll never be
able to anticipate, to polish your product. Empower some
users, get feedback and be prepared to embrace
2 examples are perfect illustrations of this philosophy.
Google Glasses: were released for a bunch of explorers to
see where the opportunities were. But Google did too
much PR and everyone forgot it was not a final product.
But now they know what to do.
Google car: to nurture the algorithm, it was key to let the
car drive the world alone so it could face crazy situations.
And after many tests with passengers, Google removed
the pedal and reshaped the car so people understood that
it was an autonomous car they can trust.
In food, tech is about utility, accessibility & discovery
Wrap-up of The Future Role of Tech in Dining and Food by David Chang
Future is not about robots. It’s more about 3 things:
Client centric tech: a better data collection on
consumers maximizes their culinary experience (select a
menu in advance or a wine to let it breathe the proper
amount of time). He wants to eliminate waiting lines as
they make no sense (generate only stress and
Make great food accessible to everyone: he exports his
very own experience directly to people’s home with
Mapple (the only meal delivery app which delivers its own
prepared meals). He also thinks it’s necessary to educate
people (reconnect them with the real cost of good food),
to change their habits & solve their medical problems (an
improved weight watchers :D)
Reconnect with true discovery: our instant-info era hurt
Food, because it’s less about dreams, thoughts and more
about being hype. Both chefs & people are avoiding
messing up. People are no longer excited to discover
something nobody is talking about, because they can fail.
But blind discovery and intuition help us define our
culinary DNA..
Only test things that have an impact on your model.
Test your intuitions in addition to what people want.
Analytics with relevant KPIs are your only referees.
3 of the most enlightening examples from Netflix:
1. When it initiated a move to change its economic
model, A/B testing secured Netflix in its belief : adding
a "watch immediately" button next to the "rent" button
had no impact on user retention.
2. Tens of thousands of users asked to have half stars
rating. A/B testing results were disastrous. Number of
rating dropped. Reason? More choices > more work
for (lazy) users.
3. When redesigning their kids section, Netflix thought a
colorful/fun design will be the best. It turned out to be
the opposite & despite months of work, the project was
For Etsy, analytics is so important that for every project,
the project team always has an analytics expert. Studies
& research are so important to the firm that it has fully
integrated more to understand their needs, their UX
behaviors rather than measuring their satisfaction.
Finding balance between analytics & consumer research
Wrap-up of Netflix Shares a Decade of A/B Test Learning + Beyond Pixels: User Experience Is Your Product
Our home is becoming more thoughtful, intuitive. As it
is more equipped with various sensors and connected
objects, it will be able to take care of its inhabitants. It is
not just about smart objects, it’s about things able to
improve your quality of life because they learn from
you, your environment and more. IA was not the real talk
of the town but when we were listening to Sensai Corp’s
project (aiming to create emotional/conscious IA), there
was a feeling of "Her" in the air.
Among all overwhelming scenarios, 2 struck us :
Health was the #1 topic. Your home could be aware of
your allergies and purify air quality inside the home. When
we saw the Philips HealthSuite, an open-source platform
between patient and health pro, the possibilities were
Safety was a #2 topic. Your home could be connected to
relevant public services in case of emergencies (without
3rd party involved). August SmartLock enables people to
allow friends to automatically open their home’s door on
rsvp (hello Airbnb).
Your home will do anything for you
Wrap up of A.I. state of the union + Home Smart Home: The Future Conscious Home
IoT’s cornerstone lies in the capacity of every
connected object to interact seamlessly with each
other. This is what Nest wants to do. With the Works with
Nest project, Nest opens its API to its competitors to build
a win-win, open & central ecosystem for all IoT
manufacturers which is also a safe choice for users.
Beyond this, there is another major topic: aggregation
and restitution of all the collected data. The idea is to
address the most relevant information you need
depending on your personal context. This is the mission of
Snips. It acts as a kind of backbone of all connected
things. It is context-aware, meaning it senses, learns and
reacts to your current environment (beyond your
connected objects and schedule, it pulls urban data &
cross references your location) in order to predict what
you will do next and provide you with the most
personalized user experience. Put snips on your radar as
it can scare Google Now.
Make technology disappear
Wrap up of A.I. state of the union + Making technology disappear
Subscribe to Snips beta
As long as there will be storytelling, there will be gif.
Wrap up of Behind The GIF: The Future of Online Visual Culture
Forget the old "under construction" gif. In December 2014,
Microsoft killed Clip Art image library.
Gif is probably one of the best ways to express
ourselves. It is easy to use and 100% portable (did you
know you can use it in your sms), Line & Facebook use it
in their messengers.
It is a king of compact unit of narrative, far more powerful
than an emoji. Why ? Because 1 gif = many
possibilities. Because it depends on which text and for
which occasion you use it. And this is probably the magic
behind this format: you can repurpose it at will.
For video content, gif are probably the best way to make it
viral. As it is a snackable format and a micro trailer, it can
easily hook an audience’s attention.
This is why Giphy is building partnership with video
producers & has created a unit to help brands create gifs
with its featured artists. This is the reason of the Madden
Giferator success in 2014.
Solving the first and last mile problem in the retail industry
Wrap up of Defining the Next Generation Retail Experience + Beyond Pixels: User Experience Is Your Product
Rent The Runway is 100% successful because their
founders are focused on women’s needs. They use
data to predict trends and to help the firm select the
most relevant clothes, but also to create new services
such as a personal stylist. They understand and manage
their business. Only one thing, on which they had no
power, was annoying : the delivery. And this is key to an
online retailer experience, more than anything else, they
point out. Delivery costs a lot of money and ruins
everything if it is not perfectly fitted to consumer
needs. And today, it is not because delivery services
companies are not really innovative compared to what
retailers are doing.
Shyp pointed out that a perfect delivery experience is
about considering all touchpoints, even human
interactions. When they developed the service, they
thought about the user but also how the app could help
the workforce in its mission (both when
retrieving/preparing & delivering the product). Unlike other
classic delivery companies, they’ve changed their app to
return products from consumers to retailers whereas their
business model wasn’t designed for that (it was originally
a CtoC service)!
Captivology: the science of capturing attention
Wrap up of Captivology: The Science of Capturing Attention
3 seconds is the time you have to catch people’s
attention. And it is a real science!
There are 3 stages of attention : #1. immediate (often a
defensive mechanism, like reacting to a gun shot), short
(similar to listening to a song or watching a TV show) &
long (becoming a fan).
All stages are driven by 7 captivation triggers :
• Automaticity: use the right color for the right job,
(cultural implications).
• Framing: be sure to adapt to your audience’s frame of
reference. Eg: Twinkies.
• Disruption: Shocking images and messaging helps
with memory retention. See Quizno’s.
• Reward: Ensure motivation through rewards (money or
feelings of accomplishment).
• Reputation: The person to deliver the message
matters. Ex : the doctors wearing white.
• Mystery: it creates suspense, which people remember
more. Eg: Malaysia airlines’ crash.
• Acknowledgement: we pay attention to those who
care. Taylor Swift’s holiday gift giving in 2014.
Media is all about story-selling
Wrap up of The future of media
To survive, media websites have to reshape their way of
thinking their business /creating content /selling their ad
The story-selling
It describes the way to create content which directly
connect readers to business. Ben LERER highlighted the
fact that publishers are ideally positioned to know and
anticipate what kinds of products their readers want.
Instead of just helping the other brands sell their products
(with meager online advertising), they could sell products
to those people by themselves.
“There is an answer and it’s commerce”
The relationshop
It is a new experience in media consumption!
Thanks to the trusted relationship built with their readers
and all the data collected on their preferences, media
websites can now consider their ad space and their
content as personalized recommendation spaces,
redirecting to their own shop instead of promoting other
New faces of advertising
Wrap up of The future of Native advertising + The era of unadvertising + Advention - the bests ads aren't always ads
Nowadays we are exposed to thousands of messages per
day. At the same time, we interact with only 15 of them.
Advertisers have to reinvent the way they create ads :
Unadvertising is the new face of advertising.
This is no longer about massive reach but interaction
and services instead. The rise of mobile and all the
related technologies (beacons, geofencing, data, …) is
one more opportunity for brands to interact with their
customers, bringing them a real service they could use
without being spammed. Look at this example from
Esurance create the Fuelcaster app
At the same time, advertisers are becoming smarter by
creating new ways to reach their audiences. They now
catch their attention creating personalized content
because they know your interests :
• Universal promote Ex-Machina on Tinder
• Netflix created illustrations for « Orange is the new
Black » on the NYT
Mobile unadvertising
Native advertising
Change the retail experience for good with innovations
Wrap up of 10 Inventions that will revolutionize retail + Emerging Digital Trends 2015
Everybody knows that retail business is dramatically
changing, and retailers must completely reinvent
classic malls rather that just extend them online.
Innovations are just tools retailers need to change the
offline experience. Below, you’ll find 10 sources of
inspiration everyone should think about to stay in the
retail game.
And if you’re not convinced, just check the doc Amy Webb
presented during her talk and you’ll see how these
inventions are relevant because they match
consumers’ expectations.
The goal is to provide a complete user experience from
online to the in-store shopper experience seamlessly, and
this transition is where finally most of the innovations take
Download the 10 inventions […] deck
Download 2015 emerging trends deck
The untap potential of augmented reality
Wrap up of Augmented reality and commerce
By showcasing different success stories, Metaio made
us believe that AR technology will be able to
support and change all industries.
They started by the car production industry: "imagine a
worker building a car from home", manipulating virtual
objects in front of him, which are in fact moved in the
construction chain.
They see augmented reality as a new dimension to our
reality, which will provide new opportunities in term of
memorable, engaging experiences or playful and
didactitial tools for new virtual user guides.
Ikea already managed to have their own success story
with their virtual catalog : a both useful and memorable
experience. Many other brands did as well; Mitsubishi,
Lego, Audi…
Even if this technology is not seamless enough to be
part of our everyday experiences yet, it is mature. And
if we look at it with this fresh perspective, we could do
a lot of things with it.
It’s easier than you think for brands to work with startups
Wrap up of Work with brands innovators + Build a sartup ecosystem + Create Great Partnerships with Startups
For brands in the US, working with startups is not just
a matter of partnership but more than that.
Everyone who wants to incubate start-ups are working
closely with accelerators. But wanting and doing are two
completely different things.
First and foremost, if you want to be successful in your
innovation process, it has to be a part of your firm culture.
Having just a lab is not enough.
After that, you have to achieve 3 things :
• Have funds to invest,
• Provide mentorship & guidance (meaning time),
• Create a co-working space for start-up to work and
meet with your employees.
These tips come from everyone at SXSW but also
companies like Disney, Pepsi, Unilever, L’Oreal, Unilever,
Group M, Nestle.
When in fullscreen, click on the logo to learn more
A smart device to connect farmers and
consumers directly.
A book in which you put a smartphone to
generate various effects into the story.
A smart shelf on which vegetables can talk to tell
where they come from.
Augmented reality app to simulate your 3D
models in real world, size & time.
A social platform to engage with event guests,
capture leads & spread content.
Every image, object and even place can have its
own a augmented reality experience!
Smart fix to analyze your snowboarding
performances in real time!
An application for kids & artists that brings yours
drawings to life.
A selfie camera unit that takes photos only when
people are smiling.
A library of visual personality assessment
accessible via a simple API.
An awesome gesture recognition feature for
mobile device to improve social interaction.
Designs products to know what is in food. 1st
product: a portable sensor for gluten.
A dynamic photo pairing app, infinite possibilities
for brands.
The best and the easiest way to pay/get paid
with credit card in US.
Sweat and you’ll earn bitcoins.
Peer to peer energy sharing system.
Your new friend to chat about restaurants & an AI
inside an app.
A sprinkler system to help gardeners monitor &
take care of their garden.
Broadcasting live events from your mobile
Local & social live discussion app which works
without Internet connection.
Chat with a little something more than emoji.
The most awesome mobile reward program you’ll
ever find.
Monitor your dog activity and much more.
Make perfect photos by extracting highlights from
your videos.
Confirm user’s identity you’re interacting with,
thanks to facial recognition.
Create your own store using Instagram.
Combine multiple videos from friends & family
into 1 in a flash & with no editing soft!
Visual recognition game changer to help people
find any parts of anything.
A social platform to engage with event guests,
capture leads & spread content.
Discover & buy products through images across
digital & print publications.
Measure, monitor and control your tooth-
brushing habits.
Modular hydroponic systems, compact and easy
to use, to grow almost everything.
The first 3D Printer to produce fully functional
MEERKAT stole the show
Download the app
Captain Obvious is here for you!
Find cool tech & startups on everyday.
When it comes to planning your journey
#1. Look at the speakers, not the session titles.
#2. Look for top influencers, not the most popular.
#3. Arrive 30 to 45min before any session.
#4. Don’t stay in your comfort zone, you’ll learn more.
#5. Don’t plan too much, embrace the random.
When it comes to engaging with people
#6. Be nice, don’t dismiss people.
#7. Always give a good impression & #6 plz.
#8. Don’t interrupt, ask if you can join a discussion and
create interaction with simple questions.
#9. Start speaking about you before your project. A 1 to 1
is a unique chance to create a bond, projects can be better
explained with slides sometimes.
#10. Small talk to break the ice.
Tim Ferriss
Last words
Wanna see SXSW with a different point of
view ?
Check the action lo-fi cartoon we’ve made
(almost) live when we were in Austin with our
creative crew in Paris. Featuring some (not
all sadly) of the awesome people we’ve met
during those crazy 5 days.
Watch Vine Gasoline Movie on Vine now

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SXSW 2015

  • 2. Foreword SXSW is inspiring and overwhelming. It is impossible to have a global overview of all that was said during the interactive part. This presentation is a wrap up of everything we have brought back to Paris after 5 days of planned conferences, meetings, tests, and random small talks. We hope you’ll appreciate our thoughts. If you want to engage in any discussion, feel free to contact us anytime! //Matttthieu
  • 3. About Matttthieu (with 4 Ts - it’s really important) has been created within Chemistry Agency to scout & spot startups to connect them with Chemistry clients and create real business opportunities for all parties. Their focus: all things that can change/strengthen the relationship between brands & consumers. Matttthieu is run by 3 Mat(t)hieu Mathieu Genelle The planner guy Mathieu Guillon The tech guy Matthieu Dumont The media guy
  • 5. Stretch the meaning of community & neighborhood Wrap-up of How Culture Impacts Digital + The Building Blocks of A Smart World + An Interview with Yik Yak's Founders Facebook showed us how to leverage the platform to understand people across generations, countries, devices and time. They highlight that "ethnical communities" use digital to broaden their community beyond their physical neighborhood, using their own mix of languages to communicate. FB emphasizes the importance of showcasing culturally relevant content (content itself but also language) to engage with them. Nextdoor & Yik Yak revealed the major role of hyper geolocalized networks. With them, communities are created around a location. Nextdoor is a private social network at a neighborhood level. When you log into the service you are only connected to people who live in your neighborhood. The service is so popular that local public services use it as a line with the local population. Yik Yak is an anonymous social media app. You can chat with other people only within a 10 mile radius. The app is focused on university campuses. See all insights from Facebook talk & more
  • 6. Dream big & stay pragmatic when it comes to innovation Wrap-up of Moonshot & Reality Keynote If you want to innovate, take a moonshot. Think about writing the fiction of science, translate your vision into something in which people can project themselves. Facing reality and embracing failure was the most important takeaway. A. Teller points out how it’s important not to stay behind walls. As soon as possible, release your product (even if it’s in alpha) to face situations you’ll never be able to anticipate, to polish your product. Empower some users, get feedback and be prepared to embrace failure. 2 examples are perfect illustrations of this philosophy. Google Glasses: were released for a bunch of explorers to see where the opportunities were. But Google did too much PR and everyone forgot it was not a final product. But now they know what to do. Google car: to nurture the algorithm, it was key to let the car drive the world alone so it could face crazy situations. And after many tests with passengers, Google removed the pedal and reshaped the car so people understood that it was an autonomous car they can trust.
  • 7. In food, tech is about utility, accessibility & discovery Wrap-up of The Future Role of Tech in Dining and Food by David Chang Future is not about robots. It’s more about 3 things: Client centric tech: a better data collection on consumers maximizes their culinary experience (select a menu in advance or a wine to let it breathe the proper amount of time). He wants to eliminate waiting lines as they make no sense (generate only stress and frustration). Make great food accessible to everyone: he exports his very own experience directly to people’s home with Mapple (the only meal delivery app which delivers its own prepared meals). He also thinks it’s necessary to educate people (reconnect them with the real cost of good food), to change their habits & solve their medical problems (an improved weight watchers :D) Reconnect with true discovery: our instant-info era hurt Food, because it’s less about dreams, thoughts and more about being hype. Both chefs & people are avoiding messing up. People are no longer excited to discover something nobody is talking about, because they can fail. But blind discovery and intuition help us define our culinary DNA..
  • 8. Only test things that have an impact on your model. Test your intuitions in addition to what people want. Analytics with relevant KPIs are your only referees. 3 of the most enlightening examples from Netflix: 1. When it initiated a move to change its economic model, A/B testing secured Netflix in its belief : adding a "watch immediately" button next to the "rent" button had no impact on user retention. 2. Tens of thousands of users asked to have half stars rating. A/B testing results were disastrous. Number of rating dropped. Reason? More choices > more work for (lazy) users. 3. When redesigning their kids section, Netflix thought a colorful/fun design will be the best. It turned out to be the opposite & despite months of work, the project was dropped. For Etsy, analytics is so important that for every project, the project team always has an analytics expert. Studies & research are so important to the firm that it has fully integrated more to understand their needs, their UX behaviors rather than measuring their satisfaction. Finding balance between analytics & consumer research Wrap-up of Netflix Shares a Decade of A/B Test Learning + Beyond Pixels: User Experience Is Your Product
  • 9. Our home is becoming more thoughtful, intuitive. As it is more equipped with various sensors and connected objects, it will be able to take care of its inhabitants. It is not just about smart objects, it’s about things able to improve your quality of life because they learn from you, your environment and more. IA was not the real talk of the town but when we were listening to Sensai Corp’s project (aiming to create emotional/conscious IA), there was a feeling of "Her" in the air. Among all overwhelming scenarios, 2 struck us : Health was the #1 topic. Your home could be aware of your allergies and purify air quality inside the home. When we saw the Philips HealthSuite, an open-source platform between patient and health pro, the possibilities were endless. Safety was a #2 topic. Your home could be connected to relevant public services in case of emergencies (without 3rd party involved). August SmartLock enables people to allow friends to automatically open their home’s door on rsvp (hello Airbnb). Your home will do anything for you Wrap up of A.I. state of the union + Home Smart Home: The Future Conscious Home
  • 10. IoT’s cornerstone lies in the capacity of every connected object to interact seamlessly with each other. This is what Nest wants to do. With the Works with Nest project, Nest opens its API to its competitors to build a win-win, open & central ecosystem for all IoT manufacturers which is also a safe choice for users. Beyond this, there is another major topic: aggregation and restitution of all the collected data. The idea is to address the most relevant information you need depending on your personal context. This is the mission of Snips. It acts as a kind of backbone of all connected things. It is context-aware, meaning it senses, learns and reacts to your current environment (beyond your connected objects and schedule, it pulls urban data & cross references your location) in order to predict what you will do next and provide you with the most personalized user experience. Put snips on your radar as it can scare Google Now. Make technology disappear Wrap up of A.I. state of the union + Making technology disappear Subscribe to Snips beta
  • 11. As long as there will be storytelling, there will be gif. Wrap up of Behind The GIF: The Future of Online Visual Culture Forget the old "under construction" gif. In December 2014, Microsoft killed Clip Art image library. Gif is probably one of the best ways to express ourselves. It is easy to use and 100% portable (did you know you can use it in your sms), Line & Facebook use it in their messengers. It is a king of compact unit of narrative, far more powerful than an emoji. Why ? Because 1 gif = many possibilities. Because it depends on which text and for which occasion you use it. And this is probably the magic behind this format: you can repurpose it at will. For video content, gif are probably the best way to make it viral. As it is a snackable format and a micro trailer, it can easily hook an audience’s attention. This is why Giphy is building partnership with video producers & has created a unit to help brands create gifs with its featured artists. This is the reason of the Madden Giferator success in 2014.
  • 12. Solving the first and last mile problem in the retail industry Wrap up of Defining the Next Generation Retail Experience + Beyond Pixels: User Experience Is Your Product Rent The Runway is 100% successful because their founders are focused on women’s needs. They use data to predict trends and to help the firm select the most relevant clothes, but also to create new services such as a personal stylist. They understand and manage their business. Only one thing, on which they had no power, was annoying : the delivery. And this is key to an online retailer experience, more than anything else, they point out. Delivery costs a lot of money and ruins everything if it is not perfectly fitted to consumer needs. And today, it is not because delivery services companies are not really innovative compared to what retailers are doing. Shyp pointed out that a perfect delivery experience is about considering all touchpoints, even human interactions. When they developed the service, they thought about the user but also how the app could help the workforce in its mission (both when retrieving/preparing & delivering the product). Unlike other classic delivery companies, they’ve changed their app to return products from consumers to retailers whereas their business model wasn’t designed for that (it was originally a CtoC service)!
  • 13. Captivology: the science of capturing attention Wrap up of Captivology: The Science of Capturing Attention 3 seconds is the time you have to catch people’s attention. And it is a real science! There are 3 stages of attention : #1. immediate (often a defensive mechanism, like reacting to a gun shot), short (similar to listening to a song or watching a TV show) & long (becoming a fan). All stages are driven by 7 captivation triggers : • Automaticity: use the right color for the right job, (cultural implications). • Framing: be sure to adapt to your audience’s frame of reference. Eg: Twinkies. • Disruption: Shocking images and messaging helps with memory retention. See Quizno’s. • Reward: Ensure motivation through rewards (money or feelings of accomplishment). • Reputation: The person to deliver the message matters. Ex : the doctors wearing white. • Mystery: it creates suspense, which people remember more. Eg: Malaysia airlines’ crash. • Acknowledgement: we pay attention to those who care. Taylor Swift’s holiday gift giving in 2014.
  • 14. Media is all about story-selling Wrap up of The future of media To survive, media websites have to reshape their way of thinking their business /creating content /selling their ad space. The story-selling It describes the way to create content which directly connect readers to business. Ben LERER highlighted the fact that publishers are ideally positioned to know and anticipate what kinds of products their readers want. Instead of just helping the other brands sell their products (with meager online advertising), they could sell products to those people by themselves. “There is an answer and it’s commerce” The relationshop It is a new experience in media consumption! Thanks to the trusted relationship built with their readers and all the data collected on their preferences, media websites can now consider their ad space and their content as personalized recommendation spaces, redirecting to their own shop instead of promoting other brands.
  • 15. New faces of advertising Wrap up of The future of Native advertising + The era of unadvertising + Advention - the bests ads aren't always ads Nowadays we are exposed to thousands of messages per day. At the same time, we interact with only 15 of them. Advertisers have to reinvent the way they create ads : Unadvertising is the new face of advertising. This is no longer about massive reach but interaction and services instead. The rise of mobile and all the related technologies (beacons, geofencing, data, …) is one more opportunity for brands to interact with their customers, bringing them a real service they could use without being spammed. Look at this example from Esurance create the Fuelcaster app At the same time, advertisers are becoming smarter by creating new ways to reach their audiences. They now catch their attention creating personalized content because they know your interests : • Universal promote Ex-Machina on Tinder • Netflix created illustrations for « Orange is the new Black » on the NYT Advention Mobile unadvertising Native advertising
  • 16. Change the retail experience for good with innovations Wrap up of 10 Inventions that will revolutionize retail + Emerging Digital Trends 2015 Everybody knows that retail business is dramatically changing, and retailers must completely reinvent classic malls rather that just extend them online. Innovations are just tools retailers need to change the offline experience. Below, you’ll find 10 sources of inspiration everyone should think about to stay in the retail game. And if you’re not convinced, just check the doc Amy Webb presented during her talk and you’ll see how these inventions are relevant because they match consumers’ expectations. The goal is to provide a complete user experience from online to the in-store shopper experience seamlessly, and this transition is where finally most of the innovations take place. Download the 10 inventions […] deck Download 2015 emerging trends deck
  • 17. The untap potential of augmented reality Wrap up of Augmented reality and commerce By showcasing different success stories, Metaio made us believe that AR technology will be able to support and change all industries. They started by the car production industry: "imagine a worker building a car from home", manipulating virtual objects in front of him, which are in fact moved in the construction chain. They see augmented reality as a new dimension to our reality, which will provide new opportunities in term of memorable, engaging experiences or playful and didactitial tools for new virtual user guides. Ikea already managed to have their own success story with their virtual catalog : a both useful and memorable experience. Many other brands did as well; Mitsubishi, Lego, Audi… Even if this technology is not seamless enough to be part of our everyday experiences yet, it is mature. And if we look at it with this fresh perspective, we could do a lot of things with it.
  • 18. It’s easier than you think for brands to work with startups Wrap up of Work with brands innovators + Build a sartup ecosystem + Create Great Partnerships with Startups For brands in the US, working with startups is not just a matter of partnership but more than that. Everyone who wants to incubate start-ups are working closely with accelerators. But wanting and doing are two completely different things. First and foremost, if you want to be successful in your innovation process, it has to be a part of your firm culture. Having just a lab is not enough. After that, you have to achieve 3 things : • Have funds to invest, • Provide mentorship & guidance (meaning time), • Create a co-working space for start-up to work and meet with your employees. These tips come from everyone at SXSW but also companies like Disney, Pepsi, Unilever, L’Oreal, Unilever, Group M, Nestle.
  • 19. 34 STARTUPS When in fullscreen, click on the logo to learn more
  • 20. A smart device to connect farmers and consumers directly. A book in which you put a smartphone to generate various effects into the story. A smart shelf on which vegetables can talk to tell where they come from. Augmented reality app to simulate your 3D models in real world, size & time. A social platform to engage with event guests, capture leads & spread content. Every image, object and even place can have its own a augmented reality experience!
  • 21. K Smart fix to analyze your snowboarding performances in real time! An application for kids & artists that brings yours drawings to life. A selfie camera unit that takes photos only when people are smiling. A library of visual personality assessment accessible via a simple API. An awesome gesture recognition feature for mobile device to improve social interaction. Designs products to know what is in food. 1st product: a portable sensor for gluten.
  • 22. A dynamic photo pairing app, infinite possibilities for brands. The best and the easiest way to pay/get paid with credit card in US. Sweat and you’ll earn bitcoins. Peer to peer energy sharing system. Your new friend to chat about restaurants & an AI inside an app. A sprinkler system to help gardeners monitor & take care of their garden.
  • 23. Broadcasting live events from your mobile device. Local & social live discussion app which works without Internet connection. Chat with a little something more than emoji. The most awesome mobile reward program you’ll ever find. Monitor your dog activity and much more. Make perfect photos by extracting highlights from your videos.
  • 24. Confirm user’s identity you’re interacting with, thanks to facial recognition. Create your own store using Instagram. Combine multiple videos from friends & family into 1 in a flash & with no editing soft! Visual recognition game changer to help people find any parts of anything. A social platform to engage with event guests, capture leads & spread content. LOOPD Discover & buy products through images across digital & print publications.
  • 25. Measure, monitor and control your tooth- brushing habits. Modular hydroponic systems, compact and easy to use, to grow almost everything. The first 3D Printer to produce fully functional objects. MEERKAT stole the show Download the app Captain Obvious is here for you!
  • 26. Find cool tech & startups on everyday.
  • 28. THE CODE When it comes to planning your journey #1. Look at the speakers, not the session titles. #2. Look for top influencers, not the most popular. #3. Arrive 30 to 45min before any session. #4. Don’t stay in your comfort zone, you’ll learn more. #5. Don’t plan too much, embrace the random. When it comes to engaging with people #6. Be nice, don’t dismiss people. #7. Always give a good impression & #6 plz. #8. Don’t interrupt, ask if you can join a discussion and create interaction with simple questions. #9. Start speaking about you before your project. A 1 to 1 is a unique chance to create a bond, projects can be better explained with slides sometimes. #10. Small talk to break the ice. Tim Ferriss
  • 29. Last words Wanna see SXSW with a different point of view ? Check the action lo-fi cartoon we’ve made (almost) live when we were in Austin with our creative crew in Paris. Featuring some (not all sadly) of the awesome people we’ve met during those crazy 5 days. Watch Vine Gasoline Movie on Vine now