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Sust-10 two pages discussions and two responses
Discussion Title: Functional Roles.
Describe a system you see at play in your life, how you think it
could be changed to be better, and what leverage point could
shift that behavior the way you wan
Sample Reply: Deshaun your questions, “Do you think God
meant for women to be second to men?” is a very sensitive
topic, however the answer is yes if one means did God intend to
create women after he created man, however God made both
men and women equally in His image and they both were
created to rule over God’s creation together (Belleville,
Blomberg, Keener & Schreiner, 2005, p. 272). The Apostle
Paul says we are all equal in Christ (Gal. 3:28) and the
commentary in the Holman Bible states that “No one people or
group or gender is to be exalted over another” (Publishers,
2010, p. 2018). From the use of Genesis 2:23 in the discussion
thread and from the discussion reply of Sharmon, a distinction
needs to be made that the roles of a women in marriage or in the
church are different (Statement of Faith, n.d.) from that of a
woman in the workplace. For this reply, I will restrict my
discussion to the workplace where the Bible does not put any
restrictions on whether women can lead men. I have had a
number of women superiors and in all cases, have treated them
with the same respect that I would a male superior. A Christian
should give both male and female bosses the same respect
(Cochran, 2015).
Deschaun, you also asked about how one would feel if
you were only hired to meet a quota. An interesting article in
Forbes found that when a company posted available positioned
and mentioned something about quotas that 13% of women
interviewed were actually less likely to apply for the job at the
company (Shemla & Kreienberg, 2014, October 16). Shemla &
Kreienberg, (2014, October 16) recommended that for
companies that want to attract talented women that these
companies instead of using a quota system should provide
incentives such as, “career-focused initiatives specially
designed for women [or] accommodate female employees in
balancing family and career”.
Belleville, L. L., Blomberg, C. L., Keener, C. S., & Schreiner,
T. R. (2005). Two views on women in ministry. Grand Rapids,
MI: Zondervan.
Cochran, J. (2015, February 11) When Working for a
Women. CBMW.ORG (Online). Retrieved on 12/4/2016.
Retrieved from
Publishers, H. B. (2010). Hcsb study bible: Holman christian
standard bible black bonded leather. Place of publication not
identified: Holman Bible Pub.
Shemla, M. & Kreienberg, A. (2014, October 16). Gender
Quotas in Hiring Drive Away Both Women and Men. Forbes
(Online). Retrieved on 12/4/2016. Retrieved from
Statement of faith (n.d.). CBMW.ORG (Online). Retrieved on
12/4/2016. Retrieved from
BUSI 340
Discussion Board Forum Instructions
Correct use of English and grammar are required.
Additionally, you will be required to submit a substantive
written reply of at least 200 words to at least 3 classmates’
Discussion Board Forum threads.
To complete your replies:
1. Read the threads of your classmates and the articles which
are referenced (this is why it is imperative that the articles be
accessible via working URL links). Expect to spend some time
each day reviewing all threads and replies, even those in which
you are not involved.
2. Write a reply of at least 200 words to at least 3 of your
classmates’ threads. You should expect to answer questions
posed within each discussion thread. Student interaction is key
to success in this course.
Consult the accompanying rubric for how your instructor will
grade this assignment. Also, any form of plagiarism, including
cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire
assignment, plus a required 500-word written paper on the topic
of plagiarism in order to receive credit for this assignment.
Articles may be found in the Wall Street Journal, Financial
Times, The Economist, or any other reputable website that deals
with business. You will be performing academic research, which
utilizes reliable sources of information from reputable
magazines or newspapers that are available in electronic format
or hard copy. Sites that are absolutely not acceptable are:
· Wikipedia
· Commercial sites (usually a consultant’s web page, but may
take other forms)
· Blogs (be careful, some look very convincing)
· Education sites (these usually do not contain articles, but
rather lecture notes or student papers)
You can utilize the Jerry Falwell Library portal for research, but
note that some articles may not offer persistent links. If you
utilize articles found in LexisNexis or other sites that are
behind security walls, you will need to make the articles
available to classmates by copying and pasting into a Microsoft
Word document and attaching the document to the thread. If this
is done, be sure that you include the references in current APA
format at the bottom of the Discussion Board thread. This is
easily accomplished by saving all articles to a folder and then
making the folder a zip file. The zip file can then be attached to
the Discussion Board submission.
The availability of the articles that you research regarding the
topic is important because classmates must be able to read the
articles to form their own opinions and gain further insight into
the topic. Students need to understand not merely the key terms
but also how to research reliable sources. This is not only to
further their education, but also for their professional use.
Page 2 of 2
Definition: Organizational Behavior notes," Reality Shock is the
stress that results when employees perceive discrepancies
between their pre-employment expectations and on-the-job
reality" (McShane & Von Glinow2016).
Summary: The article entitled " The Role of Occupational
Concerns on the Reality Shock Expectations written by Ozdemir
& Buyukgoze(2016)discusses how teachers experience reality
shock in the workplace. Reality shock is most experienced by
novice teachers when transitioning between the gap of their
educational learning and the reality they face when actually
entering their career.
Discussion: The discovery of experiencing reality shock
expectation before entering a pre-service professional career is
predicted by appointments, student’s
expectation, communication, social and economic concerns
(Ozdemir &Buyukgoze2016). The elaboration is on the
relationship between shock expectation and occupational
concerns of pre-service teachers. A total of 464 Turkish pre-
service teachers participated. Overall the discussion is of
probable factors triggering reality shock expectation and
occupational concerns and research with similar literature
(Ozdemir & Buyukgoze2016).
Initial training policies differ in countries, but the
transitioning phase is basically similar when entering the
teaching profession. Studies in different countries revealed that
in the transitioning process teachers usually have problems with
principals, inspectors, experience heavy workloads,
are incompetent in classroom management and have social
problems (Ozdemir & Buyukgoze2016). Research also revealed
in several countries that reality shock usually occurs during the
early professional years of the teaching career. One of the
reasons that reality is experienced in the first phase of
professional transition is due to lack of initial teacher education
(Ozdemir & Buyukgoze2016).
In one of the studies pre-service teachers' reality shock
expectation was investigated in relationship between their
motivation and sense of teaching self-efficacy. The realization
is that there is a gap in literature and studies associated with
concerns of reality shock. The aim of the research is to examine
the relationship between occupational concerns and reality
shock expectation on which negative impacts of pre-service
teachers are felt worldwide. In the process of transitioning
teachers have been known to leave the profession and become
less enthusiastic about their teaching career and experience
professional burnout (Ozdemir & Buyukgoze2016). The reality
shock experienced by newcomers can be the result of
both negative and positive involving the employee and the
organization. However, the study has shown that there are
different effects based on individuality, some employees leave
the profession while others tend to improve
(Ozdemir& Buyukgoze2016).1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural
man receive not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they
are spiritually discerned. When entering any profession whether
it be business or teaching there is a discernment if the spirit of
God is not demonstrated properly.
McShane, S., & Von Glinow, M. (2016). Organizational
Behavior (7thed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ozdemir, M., & Buyukgoze, H. (2016). The Role of
Occupational Concerns On TheRealityShock
Expectations; StudiaPsychologica, 58, 3.
Divisional Structure
Definition: Organizational Behavior Notes, "An organizational
structure in which employees are organized around geographic
areas, outputs (products or services), or clients." (McShane &
Von Glinow, 2015, p.244).
Summary: The article entitled, "The Pros & Cons of 7 Popular
Organizational Structures," written by Erik Devaney (2014)
enlightens readers as to the different organizational structures
that can be selected for a business. Devaney goes on to discuss
the three different types of divisional structures which
include geographical based, product or service based, or client
based. As with any business decision, there is a downside to
each choice. However, it is a decision that each company
must make based on its own needs and requirements
for such things as chain of command, span of control, and
Discussion: Could Pauline Meyer be exaggerating when she
concludes that Starbucks Coffee Company's leadership in its
industry is partly due to the fact that its organizational structure
is a perfect choice for the continually growing business? One
common denominator that seems to abound in the sea of many
different organizational structures that exist is the fact that
choosing the correct fit for a company is an extremely important
factor in that company's ability to grow and succeed. Each
company is different and while there are several organizational
structures to choose from, one type that is popular for
companies with multiple products, multiple markets, and or
multiple geographical locations is the Divisional Organizational
Structure. While divisional structure is a great match for these
types of entities, this particular structure has three different
types within the main structure that must be decided upon. This
type of layering seems to allow leaders to make certain as to the
strongest area of a particular section of a business. These
organizational decisions remind me of two Bible verses that
encourage us to take the time to put things in order and plan,
but at the same time pray and seek God in order that we may
know His will for the ideas and the plans that have come into
our minds and hearts. 1 Corinthians 14:40 states "But all things
should be done decently and in order." Luke 14:48-30 also
states "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not
first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to
complete it? God encourages us with His Word to seek Him,
make plans, and set things in motion by His instruction in the
most successful way possible. Deciding on the correct
organizational structure is just one example of another one of
those business decisions that must be done and would benefit us
to seek God in this choice. Although Devaney breaks down the
fact that if a company is choosing divisional structure, it must
then also determine which of those second layer structures will
be the best fit for the company, he also concludes that each
choice has a downside to it and that downside must be
considered in the process of finalizing a decision. Typically, an
entity with multiple products would choose a Product Based
Divisional Structure.If a company has multiple markets then
more than likely they would choose the Market Based
Divisional Structure which would allow the divisions to be
based around the markets or customer groups.The company with
multiple locations which Devaney defines as territories, regions,
or districts; may choose the Geographical Organizational
Structure. Devaney and Gillikin both agree that Divisional
Structure has disadvantages and one of those disadvantages is
that the divisions may desire their own identity and become
incompatible with one another or the duties and activities may
be duplicated unnecessarily which could cost the company's
bottom line in the end. I am convinced that each company is
different and that decisions concerning the structure of a
company are important and must be considered and given much
thought and prayer in order to make the right choice for the
company. Do you see the different divisions within the
Divisional Structure as overlapping or do you agree that those
second layer decisions are just as important?
Devaney, Erik. (2014, December 23).The Pros & Cons of 7
Popular Organizational Structures. Retrieved
Gillikin, Jason. (2016). Advantages & Disadvantages of
Divisional Organizational Structure. Retrieved
Meyer, Pauline. ( 2015, September 13). Starbucks Coffee
Company's Organizational Structure. Retrieved
Span of Control
Span of control (also called span of management) refers to the
number of people directly reporting to the next level in the
hierarchy. (McShane & Von Glinow, 2015, p. 374)
The article, Span of Control- 5 Things Every Leader Should
Know, explains the authors view on of the most important
aspects of this element of organizational structure. Mike Myatt
talks about the significance of context, understanding, the
missing link, time management and trust as being the most
valuable asset of all. He explains that the span of control should
not be viewed as merely the number of people reporting to a
The article states how the thinking behind the span of control is
somewhat misconstrued and that there are important elements
that can help with this type of structure. Myatt elaborates on
how people are undervalued in this type of set up within a
company. He also states that there needs to be the ability to
create the right team dynamics, no matter the level of leadership
that is being discussed. (Myatt, 2012, pp. 3) The article focuses
on the idea that span may not stand for stretching the control
one has over the people that report to them.
I found this article very insightful in regards to my typical work
environment at my current employer. It would appear to me that
my director thinks that having control is more important than
any sort of collaboration or contribution to the task at hand,
which is the opposite of what Myatt states in his view. “Smart
leaders strive to achieve the proper levels of influence and
awareness by increasing the right activities in order to attain the
right outputs – this happens better through collaboration than by
control.” (Myatt, 2012, pp. 5) Myatt speaks of the context of
this type of structure and how if the appropriate skills are not
within the person then it can be detrimental to them. I can see
how that would be true considering my experience with my
director who just today preferred I used a calculator with a
ribbon rather than an excel document to make calculations. “The
commonly accepted definition of span of control is as follows:
“the number of subordinates directly reporting to a
leader/manager.” For what it’s worth, I really dislike the term
and find it to be outdated at best, and destructive at worst. I
prefer the more inclusive term constituency management.”
(Myatt, 2012, pp. 4)
The other points that really hit home in this article would be the
emphasis on time and trust. My boss rarely has time to sit and
actively listen for more than five minutes, to anyone. It is often
frustrating and is widely known in the company. As for the
trust, there is no idea better than her own. When someone comes
up with a time saving idea or procedural enhancement that could
benefit the company as a whole and presents it to the
department she is the first to reject it but has a hard time
convincing anyone why. The ideas are then tabled and written
down, never to be addressed again. Working for someone with
the struggles that Myatt references as challenges of this type of
structure really hit home for me. Have any of you worked for
someone that fit this organizational structure type? What would
you do if everything you have tried, including going to human
resources has only made things worse? For my personal day to
day challenges with this situation, I often refer to the serenity
prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr:
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the
difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a
time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as
He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His
Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely
happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
Or I refer to the simpler, Psalm 29:11 11, “The Lord will give
[unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; the Lord
will bless His people with peace.” I am often frustrated by my
predicament but I know that God has a plan for me and my
school work helps me achieve that goal. Even though I do have
a management experience I am learning so much more by
reading articles like this about what not to do and what not to
lose sight of.
Myatt, M. (2012). Span of Control- 5 Things Every Leader
Should Know. Retrieved
McShane, S., & Von Glinow, M. (2015). Organizational
Behavior (7th ed.). Retrieved

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  • 1. Sust-10 two pages discussions and two responses Discussion Title: Functional Roles. Describe a system you see at play in your life, how you think it could be changed to be better, and what leverage point could shift that behavior the way you wan Sample Reply: Deshaun your questions, “Do you think God meant for women to be second to men?” is a very sensitive topic, however the answer is yes if one means did God intend to create women after he created man, however God made both men and women equally in His image and they both were created to rule over God’s creation together (Belleville, Blomberg, Keener & Schreiner, 2005, p. 272). The Apostle Paul says we are all equal in Christ (Gal. 3:28) and the commentary in the Holman Bible states that “No one people or group or gender is to be exalted over another” (Publishers, 2010, p. 2018). From the use of Genesis 2:23 in the discussion thread and from the discussion reply of Sharmon, a distinction needs to be made that the roles of a women in marriage or in the church are different (Statement of Faith, n.d.) from that of a woman in the workplace. For this reply, I will restrict my discussion to the workplace where the Bible does not put any restrictions on whether women can lead men. I have had a number of women superiors and in all cases, have treated them with the same respect that I would a male superior. A Christian should give both male and female bosses the same respect (Cochran, 2015). Deschaun, you also asked about how one would feel if you were only hired to meet a quota. An interesting article in Forbes found that when a company posted available positioned and mentioned something about quotas that 13% of women interviewed were actually less likely to apply for the job at the company (Shemla & Kreienberg, 2014, October 16). Shemla &
  • 2. Kreienberg, (2014, October 16) recommended that for companies that want to attract talented women that these companies instead of using a quota system should provide incentives such as, “career-focused initiatives specially designed for women [or] accommodate female employees in balancing family and career”. Belleville, L. L., Blomberg, C. L., Keener, C. S., & Schreiner, T. R. (2005). Two views on women in ministry. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Cochran, J. (2015, February 11) When Working for a Women. CBMW.ORG (Online). Retrieved on 12/4/2016. Retrieved from a-woman/ Publishers, H. B. (2010). Hcsb study bible: Holman christian standard bible black bonded leather. Place of publication not identified: Holman Bible Pub. Shemla, M. & Kreienberg, A. (2014, October 16). Gender Quotas in Hiring Drive Away Both Women and Men. Forbes (Online). Retrieved on 12/4/2016. Retrieved from quotas-in-hiring-drive-away-both-women-and- men/#3f79ca8242a5 Statement of faith (n.d.). CBMW.ORG (Online). Retrieved on 12/4/2016. Retrieved from faith/ BUSI 340 Discussion Board Forum Instructions Correct use of English and grammar are required. Additionally, you will be required to submit a substantive
  • 3. written reply of at least 200 words to at least 3 classmates’ Discussion Board Forum threads. To complete your replies: 1. Read the threads of your classmates and the articles which are referenced (this is why it is imperative that the articles be accessible via working URL links). Expect to spend some time each day reviewing all threads and replies, even those in which you are not involved. 2. Write a reply of at least 200 words to at least 3 of your classmates’ threads. You should expect to answer questions posed within each discussion thread. Student interaction is key to success in this course. Grading Consult the accompanying rubric for how your instructor will grade this assignment. Also, any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment, plus a required 500-word written paper on the topic of plagiarism in order to receive credit for this assignment. Tips Articles may be found in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, or any other reputable website that deals with business. You will be performing academic research, which utilizes reliable sources of information from reputable magazines or newspapers that are available in electronic format or hard copy. Sites that are absolutely not acceptable are: · Wikipedia · · Commercial sites (usually a consultant’s web page, but may take other forms) · Blogs (be careful, some look very convincing)
  • 4. · Education sites (these usually do not contain articles, but rather lecture notes or student papers) You can utilize the Jerry Falwell Library portal for research, but note that some articles may not offer persistent links. If you utilize articles found in LexisNexis or other sites that are behind security walls, you will need to make the articles available to classmates by copying and pasting into a Microsoft Word document and attaching the document to the thread. If this is done, be sure that you include the references in current APA format at the bottom of the Discussion Board thread. This is easily accomplished by saving all articles to a folder and then making the folder a zip file. The zip file can then be attached to the Discussion Board submission. The availability of the articles that you research regarding the topic is important because classmates must be able to read the articles to form their own opinions and gain further insight into the topic. Students need to understand not merely the key terms but also how to research reliable sources. This is not only to further their education, but also for their professional use. Page 2 of 2 Definition: Organizational Behavior notes," Reality Shock is the stress that results when employees perceive discrepancies between their pre-employment expectations and on-the-job reality" (McShane & Von Glinow2016). Summary: The article entitled " The Role of Occupational Concerns on the Reality Shock Expectations written by Ozdemir & Buyukgoze(2016)discusses how teachers experience reality shock in the workplace. Reality shock is most experienced by novice teachers when transitioning between the gap of their educational learning and the reality they face when actually entering their career. Discussion: The discovery of experiencing reality shock expectation before entering a pre-service professional career is
  • 5. predicted by appointments, student’s expectation, communication, social and economic concerns (Ozdemir &Buyukgoze2016). The elaboration is on the relationship between shock expectation and occupational concerns of pre-service teachers. A total of 464 Turkish pre- service teachers participated. Overall the discussion is of probable factors triggering reality shock expectation and occupational concerns and research with similar literature (Ozdemir & Buyukgoze2016). Initial training policies differ in countries, but the transitioning phase is basically similar when entering the teaching profession. Studies in different countries revealed that in the transitioning process teachers usually have problems with principals, inspectors, experience heavy workloads, are incompetent in classroom management and have social problems (Ozdemir & Buyukgoze2016). Research also revealed in several countries that reality shock usually occurs during the early professional years of the teaching career. One of the reasons that reality is experienced in the first phase of professional transition is due to lack of initial teacher education (Ozdemir & Buyukgoze2016). In one of the studies pre-service teachers' reality shock expectation was investigated in relationship between their motivation and sense of teaching self-efficacy. The realization is that there is a gap in literature and studies associated with concerns of reality shock. The aim of the research is to examine the relationship between occupational concerns and reality shock expectation on which negative impacts of pre-service teachers are felt worldwide. In the process of transitioning teachers have been known to leave the profession and become less enthusiastic about their teaching career and experience professional burnout (Ozdemir & Buyukgoze2016). The reality shock experienced by newcomers can be the result of both negative and positive involving the employee and the organization. However, the study has shown that there are different effects based on individuality, some employees leave
  • 6. the profession while others tend to improve (Ozdemir& Buyukgoze2016).1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receive not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned. When entering any profession whether it be business or teaching there is a discernment if the spirit of God is not demonstrated properly. References McShane, S., & Von Glinow, M. (2016). Organizational Behavior (7thed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Ozdemir, M., & Buyukgoze, H. (2016). The Role of Occupational Concerns On TheRealityShock Expectations; StudiaPsychologica, 58, 3. Divisional Structure Definition: Organizational Behavior Notes, "An organizational structure in which employees are organized around geographic areas, outputs (products or services), or clients." (McShane & Von Glinow, 2015, p.244). Summary: The article entitled, "The Pros & Cons of 7 Popular Organizational Structures," written by Erik Devaney (2014) enlightens readers as to the different organizational structures that can be selected for a business. Devaney goes on to discuss the three different types of divisional structures which include geographical based, product or service based, or client based. As with any business decision, there is a downside to each choice. However, it is a decision that each company must make based on its own needs and requirements for such things as chain of command, span of control, and centralization. Discussion: Could Pauline Meyer be exaggerating when she concludes that Starbucks Coffee Company's leadership in its industry is partly due to the fact that its organizational structure
  • 7. is a perfect choice for the continually growing business? One common denominator that seems to abound in the sea of many different organizational structures that exist is the fact that choosing the correct fit for a company is an extremely important factor in that company's ability to grow and succeed. Each company is different and while there are several organizational structures to choose from, one type that is popular for companies with multiple products, multiple markets, and or multiple geographical locations is the Divisional Organizational Structure. While divisional structure is a great match for these types of entities, this particular structure has three different types within the main structure that must be decided upon. This type of layering seems to allow leaders to make certain as to the strongest area of a particular section of a business. These organizational decisions remind me of two Bible verses that encourage us to take the time to put things in order and plan, but at the same time pray and seek God in order that we may know His will for the ideas and the plans that have come into our minds and hearts. 1 Corinthians 14:40 states "But all things should be done decently and in order." Luke 14:48-30 also states "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? God encourages us with His Word to seek Him, make plans, and set things in motion by His instruction in the most successful way possible. Deciding on the correct organizational structure is just one example of another one of those business decisions that must be done and would benefit us to seek God in this choice. Although Devaney breaks down the fact that if a company is choosing divisional structure, it must then also determine which of those second layer structures will be the best fit for the company, he also concludes that each choice has a downside to it and that downside must be considered in the process of finalizing a decision. Typically, an entity with multiple products would choose a Product Based Divisional Structure.If a company has multiple markets then more than likely they would choose the Market Based
  • 8. Divisional Structure which would allow the divisions to be based around the markets or customer groups.The company with multiple locations which Devaney defines as territories, regions, or districts; may choose the Geographical Organizational Structure. Devaney and Gillikin both agree that Divisional Structure has disadvantages and one of those disadvantages is that the divisions may desire their own identity and become incompatible with one another or the duties and activities may be duplicated unnecessarily which could cost the company's bottom line in the end. I am convinced that each company is different and that decisions concerning the structure of a company are important and must be considered and given much thought and prayer in order to make the right choice for the company. Do you see the different divisions within the Divisional Structure as overlapping or do you agree that those second layer decisions are just as important? References: Devaney, Erik. (2014, December 23).The Pros & Cons of 7 Popular Organizational Structures. Retrieved from diagrams#sm.00037557310vwfkfr4x26ph18o1u8 Gillikin, Jason. (2016). Advantages & Disadvantages of Divisional Organizational Structure. Retrieved from disadvantages-divisional-organizational-structure Meyer, Pauline. ( 2015, September 13). Starbucks Coffee Company's Organizational Structure. Retrieved from organizational-structure
  • 9. Span of Control Definition: Span of control (also called span of management) refers to the number of people directly reporting to the next level in the hierarchy. (McShane & Von Glinow, 2015, p. 374) Summary: The article, Span of Control- 5 Things Every Leader Should Know, explains the authors view on of the most important aspects of this element of organizational structure. Mike Myatt talks about the significance of context, understanding, the missing link, time management and trust as being the most valuable asset of all. He explains that the span of control should not be viewed as merely the number of people reporting to a manager. Discussion: The article states how the thinking behind the span of control is somewhat misconstrued and that there are important elements that can help with this type of structure. Myatt elaborates on how people are undervalued in this type of set up within a company. He also states that there needs to be the ability to create the right team dynamics, no matter the level of leadership that is being discussed. (Myatt, 2012, pp. 3) The article focuses on the idea that span may not stand for stretching the control one has over the people that report to them. I found this article very insightful in regards to my typical work environment at my current employer. It would appear to me that my director thinks that having control is more important than any sort of collaboration or contribution to the task at hand, which is the opposite of what Myatt states in his view. “Smart leaders strive to achieve the proper levels of influence and awareness by increasing the right activities in order to attain the right outputs – this happens better through collaboration than by control.” (Myatt, 2012, pp. 5) Myatt speaks of the context of this type of structure and how if the appropriate skills are not within the person then it can be detrimental to them. I can see how that would be true considering my experience with my
  • 10. director who just today preferred I used a calculator with a ribbon rather than an excel document to make calculations. “The commonly accepted definition of span of control is as follows: “the number of subordinates directly reporting to a leader/manager.” For what it’s worth, I really dislike the term and find it to be outdated at best, and destructive at worst. I prefer the more inclusive term constituency management.” (Myatt, 2012, pp. 4) The other points that really hit home in this article would be the emphasis on time and trust. My boss rarely has time to sit and actively listen for more than five minutes, to anyone. It is often frustrating and is widely known in the company. As for the trust, there is no idea better than her own. When someone comes up with a time saving idea or procedural enhancement that could benefit the company as a whole and presents it to the department she is the first to reject it but has a hard time convincing anyone why. The ideas are then tabled and written down, never to be addressed again. Working for someone with the struggles that Myatt references as challenges of this type of structure really hit home for me. Have any of you worked for someone that fit this organizational structure type? What would you do if everything you have tried, including going to human resources has only made things worse? For my personal day to day challenges with this situation, I often refer to the serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. Or I refer to the simpler, Psalm 29:11 11, “The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.” I am often frustrated by my
  • 11. predicament but I know that God has a plan for me and my school work helps me achieve that goal. Even though I do have a management experience I am learning so much more by reading articles like this about what not to do and what not to lose sight of. References Myatt, M. (2012). Span of Control- 5 Things Every Leader Should Know. Retrieved from of-control-5-things-every-leader-should-know/#19d8d5b21e36 McShane, S., & Von Glinow, M. (2015). Organizational Behavior (7th ed.). Retrieved from Tab=sectionTabs