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Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
Research 2010-2011

Solution Analysis and Business Insights
   Prepared and edited by:

   Sarissa Alleijn          Capgemini Consulting NL
   Hamish McKechnie-Sharma Capgemini Consulting UK
   Ton van Dolder           Capgemini Consulting NL
   Richte van Wijngaarden   Capgemini Technology NL

   Special thanks to:

   Charlotte Baratti        Capgemini Consulting US
   Andreas Bernhard         Capgemini Procurement Services
   Bob Booth                Capgemini Consulting UK
   Robbert den Braber       Capgemini Consulting NL
   Sarah Conway             Capgemini Consulting UK
   Rutger Lamers            Capgemini Consulting NL
   Merel Plante             Capgemini Consulting NL
   Willem Scheerder          Capgemini Consulting UK
   Remy Schook              Capgemini Consulting NL


4       Foreword

7       Business
        Insights                        26   Functionality

    8   The Tipping Point of BPO        32   Analysis per category

        Rethink Procurement for              BPO Procurement
 12     a contribution to

                                        55   International
        Channel selector⁺
        supports decision making
        for all P2P options                  Footprint and
                                             Supplier Profiles
 20     In-house or as a Service?
        – CPOs challenge the role
        of the CIO

 23     Can we ever fully
        automate Spend Analysis
        or do we need to have
        human intervention

Supplier Relationship Management Research 2010-2011


               e are pleased to present to you the                In addition to the 2008-2009 SRM survey, we assessed
               Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)             the level of support in the area of Business Process
               survey 2010-2011. It is interesting to see         Outsourcing (BPO) Procurement. BPO Procurement
               that over the last ten years we have been          remains a strong area for growth that is driving current
               doing this survey, the market for SRM is           demand in organisations. Organisations are seeking the
still growing and investing in these applications. Although       ability to migrate easily to such functionality so the need
we all assume that implementing an SRM tool is quite              is great given the economic uncertainty that remains in
easy, reality shows different.                                    Q4 2010.
Apart from the survey, which gives you an overview of
                                                                  Another new item in our research is the implementation
the major players in the market, we also want to share
                                                                  footprint of the different vendors. We learned through
our experiences, issues and questions we daily see as
                                                                  our projects that this is valuable information for package
procurement professionals implementing and optimizing
                                                                  selections.    The footprint shows the geographical
SRM. We therefore asked our foremost colleagues to
                                                                  dimension and the functional dimension of
share their view and experiences on SRM, which resulted
in 5 expert opinion stories, each telling something about
SRM, all from a different perspective. Major themes
                                                                  Our procurement experts have worked on this study with
include: BPO Procurement, Innovative Driven
                                                                  great pleasure. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as
Procurement (IDP), Channel Selection, In-house or
                                                                  we enjoyed writing it and look forward to your feedback.
software as a Service (SAAS), Spend Analysis.
                                                                  Let it be an inspiration for your further initiatives.
Second part of the study analyses the results of the SRM
functionality survey. This analysis is based on a series of       We wish to thank all vendors and colleagues who have
questions designed to address whether the software                contributed to this year’s SRM study.
covers a specific set of functions within the SRM

                                                                  Ton van Dolder
                                                                  Procurement Transformation
                                                                  Practice Leader NL
                                                                  Capgemini Consulting

A note of
Capgemini Consulting would like to extend its
thanks to the vendors who made time to
participate in the Supplier Relationship
Management       Survey.    Without     their
cooperation and support, research of this
nature would not have been possible.

Supplier Relationship Management Research 2010-2011

Business Insights

The Tipping Point of BPO
The business process outsourcing (BPO) market is one                       Over the last five years, the BPO Procurement market
that is still relatively immature, particularly when                       has been growing steadily and while growth rate
compared to the IT outsourcing (ITO) market. This is                       forecasts for the next five years vary, analysts agree that
about to change: Outsourcing of indirect spend                             the rate of growth will increase, fuelled by a recession in
becomes more and more popular, as procurement                              Western economies. The four mature BPO markets have
organizations will have their hands full managing all of                   matured beyond a point of critical mass of supply and
the risk elements in their direct materials spend.                         demand, and can be said to have reached the “tipping
The phrase Tipping Point was popularised by Malcolm
Gladwell in his book, The Tipping Point: How Little Things                 The BPO Procurement market is starting from a smaller
Can Make a Big Difference. In his book, Gladwell talks                     base. TPI Momentum’s analysis of the 2009 BPO
about the point at which a trend which may only have a                     Procurement market is $778m (see figure 1), showing
short life span tips and becomes an epidemic on a global                   Annual Contract Value (ACV) for deals over $25m. The
scale, i.e. in commercial terms how a fashion or trend                     market has been growing at between 30 and 40% over
become permanent feature of the business world. Each                       the last five years. Forecasts for the next five years are
of the larger four BPO markets: customer contact,                          also varied with no consensus on the expected growth
financial services, HR and finance & administration, have                  rates.
now passed the point at which they have tipped. They
are here to stay, and are all forecasting healthy growth
rates for the next five years.

        Finance Services Outsourcing                                                                       $4.909    20%

             Contact Center Services                                                              $4.245             17%

      Human Resources Outsourcing                                                   $3.138                           13%

               Finance & Accounting                                     $2.126                                        9%

              Facilities Management                                  $2.045                                           8%

             Document Management                            $1.557                                                    6%

                    Industry-specific                    $1.287                                                       5%

                       Procurement                $778                                                                3%

          Supply Chain Management               $585                                                                  2%

            Research & Development             $488                                                                   2%

     Knowledge Process Outsourcing      $108                                                                         <1%

                  BPO Multi-Process                      $1.307                                                       5%

                BPO/ITO Multi-Tower                               $1.783                                              7%

Figure 1: Cumulative ACV of Active BPO Contracts by Service Line ($US Millions)

What services are included in a BPO-                              •   Compliance management – active reporting on and
Procurement deal?                                                     management of compliance. Often involves
                                                                      interaction with HR to drive changes in or
                                                                      compliance with HR policies.
BPO Procurement deals typically have one or more of the               Reporting is often executed in low cost locations;
following components (unsurprisingly aligned to the                   often compliance policy is managed locally in
services that a typical procurement department will                   conjunction with the category managers.
provide):                                                         •   Reporting – provision of management information
                                                                      for sourcing category, compliance and supplier
•   Strategic sourcing – the negotiation of new contracts             management. This is typically managed from a low
    with suppliers and the associated services, generally             cost Far East location.
    in accordance with the commodity or the overall
    procurement strategy.
                                                                  As the BPO procurement market matures, the services
    Some providers offer this service locally to the client       that are being bought are growing up the value chain.
    where the buyers are close to the client and to the           Operational procurement deals often now include the
    supply market. Some offer this service from low cost          spot buy desk, whereas two years ago, the service may
    locations and some offer a hybrid of this model with          have been only transactional procurement with spot
    a local front office supported by low-cost COE in a           buying being retained within the client organisation.
    low cost country (typically Far East locations such as        Similarly some companies are in the market for one or
    The Philippines, China or India).                             more indirect categories and a few stand out as willing to
•   Category management – the development of                      outsource all of their indirect spend.
    category strategies, subsequent management of the
    category after sourcing and management of the
    contracts to ensure that the benefits identified are          The group of eligible suppliers is growing
    delivered through active compliance management.
    Typically, any supplier management is undertaken in
    this area.                                                    At the beginning of 2008, the only companies who had
    Some providers deliver this service local to the              made credible inroads into global BPO procurement
    business, some regionally in delivery centres and             services were Accenture and IBM. Since then, the
    some in low cost, typically Far East locations.               market has been maturing through partnership, merger
•   Tactical procurement (spot buying) – the                      and acquisition and organic growth.
    management of spot buying for high value and
    unusual items through a purchasing desk. This is              •   GenPact has had a successful partnership with ICG
    usually augmented with a front office which supports              Commerce since April 2008, which has brought two
    employees and supplier contact in local languages.                powerful players together to market,
    This is typically provided regionally from delivery           •   Steria and HPI GMBH, one of the leading
    centres in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia                 procurement services providers across Europe,
    Pacific.                                                          announced a collaboration in the procurement
•   Transactional procurement – the management of                     outsourcing space in November 2009,
    the requisitions and PO process plus master data              •   In February 2010, Capgemini acquired IBX, the
    management and query management that supports                     European procurement services and SaaS technology
    employees and supplier contact in local languages.                business, to broaden and deepen their capability in
                                                                      outsourced procurement
    This is typically provided regionally for voice contact
    and regionally or in a low cost region for
    transactional elements.

•   The pure play Indian providers are placing great             The business case for BPO Procurement differs
    focus on procurement, with most of the larger                from traditional F&A
    players recruiting in this area and pricing deals
    aggressively to win business and grow their practice.
                                                                 The business case for traditional business process
                                                                 outsourcing is well proven; typically the service can be
                                                                 delivered as effectively, i.e. with no consequential
As a result, the BPO-Procurement supply market is
                                                                 worsening in quality of service, and more efficiently in a
maturing and there are more eligible suppliers who will
                                                                 lower cost location, typically with an improved system of
compete for potential business, which makes it easier for
customers to move into the market confident about
supplier price and capability.                                   The majority of the business case comes from a
                                                                 combination       of     efficiency   of     centralisation,
                                                                 standardisation, process improvement and automation
Increasing focus on technology as part of the                    coupled with labour economic benefits of low cost
whole…                                                           locations. The combination of these two factors can
                                                                 result in benefits of 40-50% as against original cost.
With Capgemini’s acquisition of IBX and SAP and Oracle’s         However the business case for procurement is more
provision of on demand (Software as a Service, SaaS)             often driven out of sourcing savings, or compliance
procurement technology solutions, the provision of SaaS          savings, i.e. effectiveness savings, which can dwarf the
procurement technology on demand now seems to be a               efficiency savings. Also the efficiency savings in
standard part of the BPO Procurement proposition. For            procurement are often less (perhaps 20-30%) as the
both eProcurement and eSourcing, customers expect                resources will need to be located across locations other
service providers to be able to provide a suite of               than India and other Far Eastern low cost locations,
integrated services and technology as a service. This            hence average saving will be less than the 40-50% above.
gives them an option other than undertaking complex
and expensive technology implementations that sit
behind their own firewalls.

             Figure 2: Building the business case for BPO Procurement

We therefore believe that a significant portion of the
benefit from outsourcing can come from effectiveness             Conclusion
savings through sourcing and in particular through better
compliance management.                                           2010 and 2011 will see the announcement of a number
                                                                 of key new BPO Procurement contracts, with some
                                                                 customers being prepared to outsource large areas of
However approaching the overall process in a way to
                                                                 strategic sourcing spend, and with many others
maximise the efficiency (process) savings and maximise
                                                                 outsourcing operational procurement and spot buying.
the (sourcing) effectiveness is the key to success,
particularly as associated processes such as accounts            As with any new market, there will be new entrants and
payable will need to be impacted if compliance savings           players who are bold in scope and approach. Whether
are to be maximised. The potential savings can be quite          this will become the norm, and at what rate of adoption,
essential - up to 40 percent depending of the maturity of        remain to be proven.
the organization. Combined effects of better spend               Either way, the pressures on the CPO to make savings are
visibility, better framework agreements and lower cost           greater than ever, and outsourcing some areas of
for managing the spend, make such a result possible              procurement will be necessary to achieve these savings.
.                                                                Whether this results in a tipping point for BPO
                                                                 Procurement will depend on whether those CPOs who
                                                                 choose to outsource and their chosen BPO solution
                                                                 provider can provide a compelling proposition to their
                                                                 business that locks in the sourcing value required and
                                                                 enhances the business’ ability to survive in this difficult

Rethink Procurement for a
contribution to innovation
For companies that focus on innovation as a key                   Challenges for Procurement
business driver, finding innovation with the supply
chain remains a challenge. Even though Procurement is
                                                                  The move towards open innovation creates the need to
regarded as the interface with suppliers, it traditionally
                                                                  leverage and manage the innovation capabilities in the
has little role in advancing business processes. In this
                                                                  supply base, to:
article, we discuss what Procurement should do to take
                                                                  • deliver more innovations
this role successfully and contribute to innovation.
                                                                  • accelerate design and launch cycles
                                                                  • improve quality
                                                                  • meet more intense demands to reduce cost and risk
Markets develop            towards       more      open
innovation                                                        These are not the usual Procurement KPI’s, with the
                                                                  exception of the cost/risk reduction. The economic
                                                                  downturn has only increased the emphasis on these
Most industries increase the outsourcing of non-core              traditional KPI’s. Because of this focus, Procurement’s
activities: the average percentage of revenues procured           involvement in innovation is limited to work on cost/risk
externally has risen to over 60% in the last decade due to        reduction by sourcing and contracting suppliers. In
increased outsourcing. In addition, companies are                 practice, this means Procurement is involved once all
increasingly outsourcing critical business functions,             specifications are set in stone and the innovation is ready
including the outsourcing of R&D to the supply base. In           for ramp-up. This is a characteristic of siloed thinking, in
some industries, where 70-90% of products are sourced             which departments (silos) are involved one at a time in
from suppliers, the majority of products are actually             order to add their value. That has remained while the
designed and developed by these suppliers. This is in part        innovation processes have become more open and
due to a shift in design towards manufacturing of whole           collaborative. Although usually working in team
systems, which results in an increase in the complexity of        structures, silo-thinking remains prevalent within
supplier relationships.                                           departments and people (typically due to differing CXO
The increase in outsourcing coincides with an increased           directives). The result is a very linear process with
openness of innovation processes. Companies are finding           handovers to the next department, with a fresh set of
it more and more difficult to keep up with the pace of            specific targets at every step.
innovation through internal R&D alone. Intelligently
tapping into knowledge bases of (amongst others)
suppliers speeds up the process of innovation and
reduces total cost. To manage a greater dependency on
supplier innovation, Procurement departments have
been moving towards stronger partnership models with a
limited set of key suppliers. These partnerships are based
on shared risks and rewards instead of traditional
transactional relationships. But strong supplier
relationships alone are not enough and a limited set of
(incumbent) partners is not necessarily a good source of
innovation. To leverage that relationship, Procurement
needs to feed end-customer needs into the supply base.

Traditional versus              Innovation         Driven

                                                                   The difference between traditional and Innovation
                                                                   Driven Procurement is best explained with a simple
                                                                   example. Say you are looking for a home espresso
                                                                   machine that serves you the perfect coffee in the
                                                                   morning without hassle. You will have a wide range of
                                                                   needs and criteria the product must meet such as
                                                                   newness, appeal, reliability, value for money, etc. As we
                                                                   live in an open innovation world, we would expect the
                                                                   manufacturer to combine internal know-how with the
                                                                   latest technology available in the market to create the
                                                                   best product for your needs. The manufacturer in fact
                                                                   manages a system of solutions including the design, the
                                                                   pressure system and coffee packaging from a wide array
                                                                   of suppliers. The innovation process of this espresso
                                                                   machine will look completely different for the two
                                                                   Procurement business models.
Figure 1: Procurement involvement innovation

                                                                   Traditional Procurement
Figure 1 gives an indication of the effect this may have.
                                                                   To deliver this kind of machine, the traditional
The hand-over to Procurement usually occurs after
                                                                   manufacturer has started an extensive innovation
supplier involvement and beyond a point where a
                                                                   project. This began with efforts by Sales & Marketing to
significant impact can be made on cost reduction and
                                                                   understand your needs, and R&D trying to develop this.
value creation of the product. At this point it is too late
                                                                   As we are in an open innovation domain, R&D will have
to deliver new innovations or significantly increase
                                                                   worked with suppliers or even players from completely
development. The only remaining factors are cost and
                                                                   different industries to develop a new espresso system. In
risk reduction, and even these have been compromised.
                                                                   this traditional Procurement setting, there will have been
Procurement can no longer fully influence cost or risk as
                                                                   no involvement until there is a complete picture of the
the specifications are largely set and suppliers have been
                                                                   future product and its specifications. Procurement will
deeply involved in the design process. Furthermore,
                                                                   then be asked to deliver its services. The internal clients’
traditional Procurement targets (such as savings, security
                                                                   needs are often specified in terms of contracts, savings,
of supply, contract coverage and compliance) conflict
                                                                   security of supply, etc. Procurement in other words is
with project targets which may compromise the value of
                                                                   expected to negotiate a good deal to drive down total
the end product for the customer. Delays or unrealistic
                                                                   cost and risk. As we have seen before, this may cause
expectations of supply chain capabilities are likely to
                                                                   serious conflicts as the specifications are largely set and
occur through these conflicts.
                                                                   freedom of choice in the supply base is limited. The best
To move forward from this situation, Procurement                   Procurement can do now is to set up multi-disciplinary
should have an earlier involvement. However,                       teams to discover what the internal clients’ needs are
Procurement in its traditional form is not capable of              and make the most out of it. To do this, Procurement
handling the ‘chaotic’ processes found in early                    connects with (potential) suppliers and conducts
innovation stages. Making a true contribution to                   sourcing activities, negotiates contracts and puts the
innovation processes requires Procurement to redefine              operational processes to work. If conflicts occur (i.e. a
its business model. This will enable them to tap into              part cannot be sourced at a decent price), it will be
supply base capabilities and manage supplier                       forced to push the innovation project back into the
involvement.                                                       design phase. This may compromise specifications, the

total cost and the time-to-market. The end result is that           organize innovation projects with dual leadership, one
you will eventually find your “traditional” espresso                R&D and one Procurement leader. Others have
machine on the store shelves at a reasonable price. But             dedicated project managers, defined specific roles and
you’ll probably have lost interest in it because it was             responsibilities for Procurement in each innovation
overtaken by a competitors’ machine before it even                  stage, and used decision making between innovation
came to market.                                                     stages to enforce further Procurement support.
                                                                    The required competences of Procurement change as
                                                                    well. There will be a stronger need for people with
Innovation Driven Procurement (IDP)
                                                                    knowledge of technology and supplier management
The IDP producer will also listen to your needs as a                capabilities, together with project management skills and
potential customer through Marketing & Sales. But now               traditional Procurement skills. This can be achieved by
it’s not just R&D who’s listening in; Procurement has               for instance recruiting internal technical experts and
joined the project from day one. This enables                       training them on Procurement skills. In any case the
Procurement to thoroughly understand the external                   Procurement, Marketing & Sales and R&D experts need
clients’ needs and to assist R&D with the development               to be able to communicate effectively. Beside strong
effort. Now that Procurement knows what to look for, it             competencies, this requires a rigid data exchange
can connect the supply base with R&D and at the same                between various systems. Integration of data provides
time work on a sound supplier involvement strategy                  insight on both sides on specifications and impact of
(reducing the risk of conflicts). The team setup above              changes to designs.
changes the partner structure of Procurement; it now
consists of both suppliers and the “internal clients” in the
entire innovation process. With involvement in                      Steps to take towards Innovation Driven
innovation, Procurement must match its activities to                Procurement
early innovation stages. This still includes cost
awareness, but there is much greater focus on scouting
supplier markets, enabling supplier involvement and                 Innovation Driven Procurement starts with a clear focus
managing supplier inputs in the project. All of these are           on the role of Procurement in innovation processes.
focused on the wide range of targets of the external                Once it is clear what Procurement should contribute, a
client. In later stages traditional Procurement activities          business model of Procurement throughout the
come back into play to operationalize the new product,              innovation process can be set up. A broader focus on the
but the real value is created in the earliest stages. The           external customer and involvement from the start has a
end result here is that you’re the proud owner of the               big impact on the organization of Procurement and its
“IDP” espresso machine standing on your kitchen table.              activities. After defining the impact, the governance
                                                                    structure needs to be formalized with the role of
                                                                    Procurement in innovation firmly embedded. Once
                                                                    Procurement is firmly rooted in the innovation processes,
Impact of Innovation Driven Procurement                             it can make the step to effectively line up the supply base
                                                                    for     a    contribution    to     innovation     projects.
Involvement in innovation exceeds merely involving                  Implementation involves selecting the right people,
Procurement earlier. A change of attitude and                       embedding the Procurement role in processes, setting up
perspective of Procurement must be embedded in the                  teams and structures and supporting communication
governance of the organization. The role of Procurement             technologies.
in innovation projects changes, and the way
                                                                    This will enable Procurement to drive much more value
Procurement is managed is clearly different from
                                                                    from the supply base, while improving time-to-market,
Traditional Procurement as it breaks through functional
                                                                    collaborating internally and creating a better focus on
silos. This means companies need to review decision
                                                                    the end product. In other words, it enables Procurement
making protocols, process design, target setting,
                                                                    to make a significant contribution to innovation and the
leadership involvement, team structures, competences
and information flows. For instance, some companies

The Client Case:
The Passion Value Chain
A company’s corporate image is probably one of its most             How can your business achieve a passionate
underestimated assets when it comes to purchasing.                  value chain?
Wouldn’t we all love to supply well-known companies
such as Rolls Royce, Nokia, Audi, Chanel, Asics, eBay or            Firstly, a passionate value chain takes time to create by
Red Bull? Brands leverage not only sales, but also                  exchanging ideas and challenging existing processes. To
purchasing success. Even if you are not amongst the                 stimulate this kind of change, a good first step is to
brand leaders in your industry, you are more likely to              create regular newsletters and conduct supplier
succeed if you stick to the values of your company and              summits. If you can spare 20 minutes a day, you could
communicate these when you qualify new suppliers.                   even consider writing an online blog.
Steiff is a German-based plush toy company known for                When it comes to managing one on one relationships, it
producing high quality toys and teddy bears. The                    pays to be selective about which suppliers to spend time
company’s co-chief executive Martin Frechen said in a               with. The first choice will generally be your most
recent Financial Times article that some suppliers only             strategic suppliers, however it is always worthwhile to
“think in terms of price and volume” and concludes that             spend time with people who have innovative ideas, even
“for children, surely only the best is good enough – the            if they are not the biggest position on your category
best design, the best production, the best safety                   budget.
standards”.                                                         The next step is to integrate truly innovative suppliers
This kind of attitude and way of looking at your supplier           with your company. To do, this, think like Mr Frechen
base makes a difference which cannot be found on an                 from Steiff, but backwards. Once the employees of your
RFQ template. Commitment, dedication and a passionate               supplier have developed a personal connection to your
attitude have a huge influence on your bottom line                  products and services, there will be increased likelihood
results. Finding high quality and passionate suppliers              of innovations, improvements and true commitment. In
leads to lower reclamations, higher adherence to                    doing so, be aware that making the value contribution of
delivery dates and to greater innovation. A supplier who            your supplier visible could have a negative impact on the
is passionate about your products is much more likely to            next price negotiation. However, on balance if your
think about your company and your products and                      intention is to buy value, integrating your suppliers is a
therefore much more likely to deliver innovation to your            beneficial way to achieve this.
value chain.
Frechen is not looking to discuss about his own needs, or
his productions processes, or even the needs of his
company Steiff. He talks about the needs of his
customers, or to be even more precise, the children of
his customers. He demands that his suppliers think about
the needs of his “end users” – and that is the first step in
creating a passionate supply chain.customers, or to be
even more precise, the children of his customers. He
demands that his suppliers think about the needs of his
“end users” – and that is the first step in creating a
passionate supply chain

Channel selector⁺ supports
decision making for all P2P
The increasing range of commodities that can be                P2P channel
supported by Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
tools, together with the increased functionality of the
                                                               A channel is a defined combination of processes and
various SRM tools, makes the selection of SRM tools a
                                                               tools with common characteristics to support the
complex decision. Selecting the most effective sourcing
                                                               (sourcing or the) P2P processes. A traditional Purchase-
and procurement processes (or channels) for the
                                                               to-Pay process will go through the steps portrayed in the
various commodities represents a formidable challenge.
                                                               Procurement Order Cycle (right side of figure 1) as soon
In particular, the lack of understanding of how to             as the source to contract process is finalized and the
organize the entire Purchase-to-Pay P2P process turns          contract is implemented.
out to be a bottleneck for many organizations during
the implementation of a SRM tool. The Channel
Selector⁺ provides a framework that supports the
decision making process of all possible variants in the
P2P options from requisitioning to payment including
approval of requisition, receiving goods or services,
invoice settlement and communication.

               Figure 1 SRM process model – Procurement order cycle

Channels are grouped according to their level of buyer involvement in the requisition-order process. See the possible
channel combinations in figure 2.

            Figure 2 Channel combinations

These channel combinations are characterized by                      compliance, insight into commodity and process
different dynamics. It is these characteristics that                 performance and efficient operational support. If the
determine the channel's suitability for a particular                 balance between control, visibility and efficiency is not
commodity. These include:                                            correct, the gains can be absent. For instance, by only
• Control: Provide more control for the business and                 maximizing control and visibility of all commodities,
     procurement to ensure compliance to suppliers,                  unnecessary resources could to be allocated to some of
     contracts and specifications. High levels of                    the commodities where there is no need for control or
                                                                     visibility. This could happen in the commodity office
     compliance will result in better use of volume
                                                                     supplies, which account for a low percentage of total
     discounts,                                                      spend and has a low risk profile. On the other hand, if
                                                                     effort is put only into maximizing efficiency for all
•   Visibility: Provide a high level of visibility for spend.        commodities, over time the risk of insufficient
    High visibility will result in leveraging data with              compliance with the supplier contracts will increase.
    suppliers, which supports the sourcing process and
    provides savings improvement,
                                                                     Channel selection⁺
•   Efficiency: Generate transaction savings through the
    reduction of process time, particularly invoicing                The Capgemini Consulting P2P Channel Selector⁺
    processes.                                                       provides a framework that supports the decision-making
                                                                     process of what commodity should be acquired through
Commodities have different requirements, in terms of                 which P2P Channel. By running the commodity
how much control, visibility and efficiency is appropriate           characteristics through a questionnaire, the different
to apply to its associated P2P channel.                              channel options are ranked automatically.
By selecting P2P channels on a commodity basis,                      The Channel Selector⁺ includes all the variants of the P2P
companies can optimize: Contract and supplier                        process, including the largest bottleneck in the

implementation of a procurement system, namely how                1.   Specify       (Product       profile):    complexity,
to arrange the P2P process as a whole (requisition –                   standardization, configurability, service or product,
approval – order – receive – payment). The Channel                     service/product variations, volatility of price,
Selector includes:
                                                                       eReadiness of the supplier.
• Requisition channels (for example: catalogue, free
                                                                  2.   Place requisition: purchasing frequency, number of
    text order),
                                                                       people requisitioning, absolute spend, inventory-
• Purchase channels (for example: planned order,
    blanket order),
                                                                  3.   Approve requisition: necessity of approval by
• Payment channels (for example: p-card, expenses,
                                                                       procurement or expert or management (budget).
    direct invoice),
                                                                  4.   Place order: Number of orders, necessity of matching
• Approval of requisition
                                                                       invoice with purchase order.
• Receiving goods/services                                        5.   Receive goods/services: necessity of goods receipt
• Invoice settlement                                                   (standard, qualitative).
• Communication                                                   6.   Verify process and invoice: purchase order based,
Using the Channel Selector⁺, commodities can be                        self billing, specification.
characterized according to the following P2P process

Figure 3 shows the P2P process steps and all possible outcomes of the Channel Selector⁺ and includes an example of a
standard commodity.

           Figure 3 P2P process steps
Explanation of the purchase order process in the figure for the standard commodity channel: The requisition will most likely
be placed by means of a standard catalogue. Because of the standard specification, there is no need for an expert or
Procurement to be involved in the approval of the requisition, instead the approval will be transactional. After approval,
the requisition automatically turns into a standard purchase order that is send to the supplier. The goods/services received
from the supplier will be checked and recorded based on quantity but not quality. Invoice settlement will probably be
based on the purchase order and the preferred way to exchange messages in the P2P process will be electronic.
In order to apply Channel Selector⁺, at the outset, it is
important to involve all stakeholders from the                    Conclusion
organization in the decision making process. Different
commodities are likely to require different channels,
therefore a series of multidisciplinary workshops is              When organisations undertake the decision to tackle the
recommended when selecting channels. Based on the                 P2P challenge, they should not underestimate the
outcome of the questionnaire and a valuation of the               challenges they will face. Nor, however should they shy
benefits and the total cost of ownership, the organization        away from these challenges, or underestimate the
can choose the most appropriate channel for each                  strength of the tangible and non-tangible benefits that
commodity. Future state channels must be detailed and             are expected to arise.
validated on a commodity basis, to ensure that channel            Organisations taking on this challenge must follow a
processes fully support additional anticipated future             structured approach in order to realise the benefits.
changes. This interaction through workshops is also               Firstly, the organisation needs to have a vision of the P2P
critical to achieve high levels of user acceptance, few           objectives it wants to achieve. It must then use a
operational exceptions, and not least, robust functional          process-focused, business-driven approach to establish
requirements.                                                     the P2P channels by means of the Channel Selector⁺, and
                                                                  P2P process support it wants to deploy. This, in turn, will
Implementation                                                    define the business and technical requirements for the
                                                                  desired P2P solution.
                                                                  The critical success factor lies within the organization:
As the implementation of all channels and commodities
                                                                  None of the above can be achieved without the
cannot be achieved at once, an approach is needed to
                                                                  appropriate level of sponsorship from senior managers
phase this over time. A preferred approach is to
                                                                  and buy-in from the key stakeholders which can be
implement the most value adding and easily
                                                                  achieved by multidisciplinary workshops.
implementable channels and commodities in the first
phase. The second group of channels and commodities is
then selected in terms of value and ease-of-
implementation, and so on. When assessing ease of
implementation, it is important to consider factors like
supplier contractual status and eReadiness, required
processes changes, availability of system support,
organisational impact, change readiness, and resource

In-house or as a Service? –
CPOs challenge the role of
the CIO

In his book, “The Big Switch”, the American IT lateral           weakening economy the issue is once more gaining
thinker Nicholas Carr challenges CIOs and heralds the            appeal. The following are particularly appropriate for
end of IT departments. He compares the trend towards             outsourcing: 1. The supporting IT roles where the
cloud computing and away from business computing in              decision to outsource is merely an issue of cost; 2.
the company’s own data centres with the transition               Specialist IT functions that are not part of the core
from self-generated to centralised power supplies by             business. These roles require specialist expertise that is
service providers at the start of the 20th century.              generally not available in-house.
According to Carr, IT could be controlled by external
specialists and without hordes of technical experts              Purchasing as a central competitive factor
within the company. His forecast may be radical, but it
may also serve as a wakeup call for CIOs to rethink their
strategic role: adviser to the company, communicator or          On the backdrop of the global financial downturn and the
engineer. The crux of the matter is essentially                  looming recession, cost-cutting measures were moving
outsourcing versus in-house: should companies focus on           to the fore in the corporate world - and with it,
their core business and outsource those IT tasks that            inevitably, the subject of purchasing. After all, the
others can do better? Take the example of purchasing;            potential for cutting costs is high in this area: depending
so far in this sector, many CIOs have been somewhat              on the sector of business in question, the entire
sceptical of external, web-based SAP e-procurement               purchasing volume can account for between 40 and 60
solutions. These models are regarded by many decision            percent of the company's total turnover. It is not without
makers as all too unsecure and inflexible. That said, on-        reason that the role of purchasing has evolved from
demand models fare well in a precise analysis of the             being purely operational to being strategic; companies
individual factors.                                              expect their purchasing to make a significant
                                                                 contribution to their overall corporate performance. As a
The CIO is pulled in two directions: should he rather            benchmark figure, a logical procurement strategy and
assume the role of technology provider, or that of a             the use of the right IT solution can save from four to
strategic business designer? Should he provide all the IT        eight percent of the total purchasing volume.
in-house, or act as the head of a network of specialists
who each play their part in the added value chain by             If the CPO (Chief Purchasing Officer) and the CIO are
controlling the outsourced IT? In his role as CIO, he            looking for a suitable IT solution, then the decision
decides on which IT activities are to be outsourced to           quickly comes down to a question of faith. For the CIO,
external service providers.                                      the primary factor is whether the solution can be
                                                                 integrated into the company's own IT systems and
According to a study by Ernst & Young on outsourcing in          whether it complements the existing strategy. The
Europe in 2008, 70 percent of all companies’ surveyed –          strategic question for the CPO is which operator model is
600 decision makers in European companies – stated               the most suitable one for his organisation, and which will
that outsourcing was an integral part of their business          bring the greatest possible efficiency in terms of
model. For many years outsourcing has been seen as the           procurement activities. He can choose between a
overall cure for a company’s problems. In times of a             licensed in-house solution and an equivalent on-demand
                                                                 supplier model. The solution is then provided and
                                                                 managed by an external service provider.

On-demand on the rise

There are important reasons why on-
demand has been on the rise for a number
of years in purchasing especially, and the
cohort of licensing models is in jeopardy.
According to a study by the Aberdeen
Group (figure1) on-demand models are
faring significantly better than licensing
models. They can be implemented more
quickly and provide a faster Return on
Investment (ROI) – especially since the
company no longer needs to implement
the solution itself. If a company, on the
other hand, acquires a software licence, it
is generally dependent on the expertise of
a     consulting    company      for   the    Source: Aberdeen Group
implementation and customisation of the
software. Many of the company’s own
                                                                  Figure 1: Top factors driving enterprises to consider on-demand
resources are also taxed in the process,
and high additional costs are incurred.
When solutions are installed, human
resources, running and hardware costs are
found to be hidden cost drivers.

With an on-demand solution for
purchasing the company pays only for the
modular service elements it needs.
Moreover, it has easier and more rapid
access to the modules, since the solutions
already run on the service provider’s
platform and are being used by numerous
customers – each with their own individual
customisations. All the users need is a
popular Internet browser. An on-demand
offer is essentially of interest to all
companies that want to profit from lower
overall costs, faster implementation and a
smooth upgrade process – and want to do
so without high initial investments.
Another benefit is the fact that, according
to an outsourcing study by the Experton        Source: IBX
Group, the contracts for on-demand
solutions have become more flexible as a
result of increased demand.                                              Figure 2: Total cost comparison: On-demand vs. software

They can also be concluded over shorter periods than               The second reservation as regards on-demand solutions
previously. A sample calculation by IBX (figure 2) shows           is their lack of flexibility. An in-house solution can be
that from the start the overall costs of a software                adapted more easily to the company’s specific needs.
installation are higher than the costs with an on-demand           The advantages of an on-demand solution and its
solution. The overall costs include Equipment,                     adaptation      to     customer-specific     requirements
Management and Operations.                                         (customisation) are not easy to combine. The issue is
                                                                   comparable with the purchase or hire of a weekend
                                                                   cabin. The purchased cabin can be designed more easily
Reservations about on-demand                                       in line with the owner’s personal tastes. It is much
                                                                   cheaper to rent, with a lower Total Cost of Ownership
                                                                   (TCO). It also makes no sense to repaint a house if it’s
Many CIOs still have major reservations about a rental             only going to be used once a year anyway. In this case,
model. This is particularly true for the management of             the standard functionalities are usually adequate.
enterprise-critical data outside the firewall. Accordingly,
IT security officers first need to check whether the on-           The third reservation focuses on the ability of on-
demand solution satisfies the internal security                    demand solutions to be fully integrated. The end-to-end
regulations.                                                       linking of all the functionalities of the solution to the
                                                                   system is one of the central challenges for the CIO. An in-
Historically, it has been a company’s core business to             house solution in this instance, however, has to
safeguard their enterprise network so one might think              overcome the same hurdles as an external solution and
that by nature, an in-house installation has an advantage          therefore enjoys little advantage.
over the on-demand solution provided by an external
service provider. However, this assumption might not be
as clear cut as it seems due to a variety of factors:              The future: coexistence of both models?
One factor is that purchasing solutions are different from
“classic” in-house solutions in the way that they require          Many CIOs often regard on-demand supplier models as a
exchange of data with a lot of different external partners         threat to their justified existence. On-demand represents
which are outside the enterprise network. This includes            an attractive alternative for the CIO, especially in times
information such as catalogues, orders or bids. Many               where IT budgets are tight.
times these partners are not even integrated into the
                                                                   But is an on-demand supplier model the best possible
company’s extranet. Therefore a different approach in
                                                                   solution for every company and every organisation? The
security infrastructure and operations is required. In that
                                                                   following factors are crucial for or against an on-demand
case an experienced and specialised on-demand provider
                                                                   service: cost-benefits analysis, speed and risks.
can actually have a clear advantage over an in-house
installation.                                                      The on-demand supplier model will not threaten to oust
                                                                   the licensing model. The world of procurement has
Another factor is that significant improvements have
                                                                   enough space for both. They can even complement each
been achieved over the last years in terms of Information
                                                                   other perfectly.
Security Management Systems that have been
implemented by on-demand operators. Many service                   The on-demand model drives the focus away from the
providers are in the process of gaining certification based        technology and towards strategic usage, as well as
on best practice IT security and process standards like            towards the use of purchasing-assisting solutions such as
ISO 27001 and ITIL. There also have not been any high              e-sourcing and e-procurement. Buyers can therefore
profile security problems with on-demand solutions                 focus more effectively on their core tasks, on reducing
either.                                                            complexity and on the relationships within the company
                                                                   and not lose valuable time sorting out technical queries.
Sometimes it seems that the security problem is more of
a philosophical issue: Do I trust the Internet enough to
conduct business over it?
Can we ever fully automate
Spend Analysis or do we
need to have human
Spend Analysis is undertaken by most organisations in              The Spend Analysis Process
order to provide spend visibility information on
suppliers, spend and compliancy and is considered a
continuing point of attention of our CPO’s.                        Spend analysis is essentially a tool; it is the process of
                                                                   collating, cleansing, categorising and analysing
                                                                   expenditure information. The end goal of any Spend
Spend analysis tools                                               Analysis should be to provide clear, consistent spend
                                                                   information which can feed into the sourcing process,
                                                                   identify sourcing opportunities, enable benefits tracking
Increasingly, tools are becoming available on the market           and provide the visibility for compliance monitoring. As a
which highlight the ease and speed that can be delivered           concept it should be regarded as the fundamental
by automating the process but does this change our                 foundation of sourcing however the process can start
approach to Spend Analysis? Over the last few years an             from many different data points and by leveraging
abundance of vendors has entered the Spend Analysis                different sources and quality of data. The level of
market ranging from those for whom the move into data              complexity that this drives often results in a highly
enrichment was a logical step in their respective SRM              arduous and time consuming process. So how do the
suite such as Ariba, Oracle and SAP, to more recent                increasingly sophisticated software tools feed into this
entrants into the Spend Analysis arena such as Emptoris,           process? In order to make sense of data there are various
Zycus and SynerTrade.         Our survey findings have             levels of intelligence that can be applied. Data analysis
highlighted that both sets of players have a part to play          tools use a variety of these methods to enhance data, by
in managing the demand for the market, particularly if             rationalisation and consolidation.
some organisations wish to focus purely on a one-off
spend analysis (e.g. Zycus) or have this linked into end to        At a basic level, spend data is extracted straight from the
end procurement visibility with an ongoing opportunity             source system and displayed in reports. Usually this is
to track and manage spend better. Each of these major              the starting point for realising the need for Spend
players will be able to conduct detailed spend analysis            Analysis as few organisations have the fundamentals of
however our experience indicates that none of them                 Master Data so thoroughly embedded that the data can
support entirely automated process.                                be reviewed immediately and used to guide sourcing
                                                                   decisions let alone have this conducted dynamically.
Technological and digital automation is increasing in all          Often data sits in numerous systems so using one source
areas of our lives. Will we ever reach the point where             system alone will not provide a fully comprehensive
robots and computers will do away with the need for                picture of the spend landscape. To get the most effective
humans? As Supply Chain professionals we need to                   result on spend analysis at the very basic level, multiple
consider what technology and automation can mean to                extracts from different systems are needed to provide
us and our roles. Thinking about this in the context of            the full data set. So from this very first stage humans are
Spend Analysis we’re left with the question – Can we               needed in order to identify where the data should be
ever do away with the need for human intervention                  gathered from; Accounts Payables, Purchase Order or
when conducting something as fundamental as Spend                  from somewhere else.

Technology versus human                                            like but are not spelled the same way as the search term.
                                                                   The logic is based on (seemingly) fuzzy rules that at first
                                                                   glance don’t make sense but do provide alternative
On their own the analytics tools cannot interpret the              interpretations of data that will make sense to the end
data so the tools must be programmed and algorithms                user.
developed which ‘tell’ the software how the data should
be mapped. To get the most effective result on spend
analysis at the next level the tool must be ‘told’ what            Advancing Technology
data is synonymous and what isn’t. For example some
vendors might have different names, but in reality are
                                                                   We have now reached a level where human interaction
the same; Capgemini UK, Capgemini Plc, Capgemini Ltd,
                                                                   with a data analysis tool is diminishing more and more.
CapGem etc. The data analysis tool uses synonyms and
                                                                   Current technology provides fuzzy logic and learning
associated probabilities to consolidate and recognise
                                                                   capabilities, though arguably ‘learning’ in a very simple
data before presenting it to the user. This also applies to
                                                                   way. Human intervention is still required to tell software
misspelled data, or data with typing mistakes, which in
                                                                   what can be learned.
both cases requires a list of possible alternative content
for certain data, or some routine that checks alternative          With more powerful computers and ever larger
spelling of data. Whilst there are some tools which can            databases data analysis tools can seem very advanced
recognise and highlight some of the basic inconsistencies          when using the methods mentioned above, but even
it still requires human intervention. It requires someone          ‘learning’ tools require a person to interpret and
to tell the system what the data looks like, where to find         necessitate monitoring of any invalid data or even wrong
it, how to use it, how it could be misspelled or what the          results that a tool can produce.
synonyms are or aren’t when incorrect synonyms are
                                                                   All of these aspects highlighted assume a minimum level
flagged and ultimately what rules to use. That said it is
                                                                   of information, that of supplier name and item
fair to assume that this type of logic and business rule
                                                                   categorisation but what of the scenarios where the
based application can be built into spend analysis
                                                                   information available is almost non-existent? It may be
toolsets but still requires a degree of human
                                                                   that the only information is the supplier name and a
                                                                   spend total. Can a tool take this data and provide a
The next step in order to ensure the most effective result         reliable trusted output? Even the providers of spend
on spend analysis is to have a tool that can ‘learn’ how to        analytics software would have to agree that this cannot
make sense of data with minimal intervention of an end             be fully automated. For example the tool may be
user. Using a tool that learns how to analyse data at first        programmed to state that Capgemini should be classified
will not give great results, and requires the procurement          as a Consultancy; however it could also be classified as
professional to interpret the data and extract the reports         an IT provider or an Outsourcing organisation. With a
required. The tool however tracks what the professional            recent client (a leading CPR Manufacturing company)
does to the data, and as usage of the tool progresses it           there were over 3,000,000 lines of vendor and spend
can ‘learn’ from these actions what to do with it. If the          details which all had to be categorised. Conversations
professional has extracted data from two different                 with several spend analytics providers stated that their
systems to obtain purchase order and invoice data, the             approach would be to manually categorise in the first
tool can do this automatically next time. If data for two          instance and then use the software to harmonise and
product categories is put together manually, next time             cleanse the data clearly demonstrating the importance of
the tool can do this automatically. Further improvements           human intervention in the process. There may also be an
to data analysis tools can come from methods like ‘fuzzy           additional level of analysis needed to re-classify existing
logic’, where the relationship between data is                     information where items have been mis-classified or
determined based on rules that are less clearly defined            simply identified as “miscellaneous”, the software can
than conventional rules. As an example Google search               only interpret the data to a finite level before human
can be used, where the search engine interprets the                intervention is needed to validate and confirm the
user’s input in multiple ways including words that sound           categorisation. A viable alternative is a hybrid approach
                                                                   where pending the quality of the data, spend analysis
tools are used to drive accelerated categorisation prior to
human intervention.                                                Conclusion

                                                                   So in answer to the question can we ever do away with
Uncovering the subtleties of expenditure
                                                                   the need for human intervention in Spend Analysis?
                                                                   Well it varies on situation but human intervention will
The requirement for human validation of data leads onto            increase based on the quality of the data, the complexity
the importance of understanding what level of data                 of the business rule logic and ultimately the nature of the
accuracy and information is needed by the end user in              suppliers for the respective organisations. Will a
order to meet their sourcing requirements. Is it just to           procurement professional ever be able to wholly rely on a
know how much is spent and with which Supplier? Does               piece of software to perform a full and proper data
it need to go down to category level or should it be to            analysis without second guessing the result? Again this
sub-category level? It may become clear that spend with            almost seems a rhetorical question which can only be
Capgemini is labelled as Consultancy however in order to           answered with an empathic “No”. Whilst the analytical
be useful to the end user, they may need to know if the            tools on the market really do a play a part in acceleration
spend is Technical Consultancy, Strategy or Supply Chain           of categorisation for procurement professionals and can
– and this supplier is likely to be treated differently            expedite what has historically been a time consuming
across organisations. It is at this point that the human           process, the systems are not yet advanced or
eye is needed in order to uncover the subtleties of the            sophisticated enough to completely remove the need for
real expenditure. This can also highlight the differences          human involvement. Spend Analysis continues to be a
in interpretation, in some organisations the category              tool to enable us to buy better and importantly it is the
Consultancy is used to identify any services provided by a         input into the human generated process of sourcing,
third party be it temporary labour, project management,            procuring and negotiation.
and advisory. In other industries and in different
organisations ‘Consultancy’ may be restricted to
Management Consultancy. The need at this point for the
human eye to uncover these idiosyncrasies leads onto
another key aspect of Spend Analysis which requires
human intervention: that of Focus Interviews. All Spend
Analysis should be supported by Focus interviews in
order to put the data into context. As identified every
organisation is different and so the application of data
rules will vary.

Supplier Relationship Management Research 2010-2011

Functionality Analysis

F    or organisations embarking on their Supplier
     Relation Management (SRM) journey, the most
     difficult challenge is being able to understand the
spectrum of suppliers that could satisfy your
requirements.                                                           •
                                                                                   Top Acquisitions in 2010

                                                                             Google acquired ITA Software
                                                                        •    SAP acquired Sybase
The key questions in support of this that are often
considered are which applications are available on the                  •    IBM acquired Sterling Commerce, Bigfix
market and what functionalities do these applications                   •    Oracle acquired PhaseForward
provide? Do applications offer the same services across
all aspects of the procurement function or are they                     •    HP acquired Palm
specific to one component of SRM? This chapter will                     •    Capgemini acquiring IBX (now known as
elaborate further on these questions.                                        Capgemini Procurement Services)
                                                                        •    Cisco acquired Optic networks
Insights into the vendor market                                         •    Symantec acquired PGP, Versign Security
Increasingly organizations and government agencies are                       Division
demonstrating that supplier relationship management
                                                                        •    Apple acquired Quattro
has a key part to play in addressing immediate economic
pressures. For those already on the journey, the                        •    VMWare acquired Zimbra
emphasis is on re-evaluating contracts to improve
                                                                        •    Iron Mountain acquired Mimosa
efficiency and savings. Supplier relationship management
depends on collaboration amongst the enterprise’s                       •    CA acquired Nimsoft
internal and external suppliers for survival and progress.
                                                                        •    Avnet acquired Bell Micro
Collaboration across sourcing strategies, management
and governance remains critical to the success of                       •    Juniper Network acquired Akeena
supplier relationship management.

As we move into the first quarter of 2011, the abundance
                                                                  Today, as companies seek greater synergies and try to
of mergers and acquisitions continues in earnest across
                                                                  jump-start growth coming out of the recession, the
technology vendors. Market values have dropped,
                                                                  relationship between IT and Business Process
creating bargains for value shoppers, and smaller
                                                                  Outsourcing (‘BPO’) is strengthening and becoming
companies have experienced more difficulty obtaining
                                                                  increasingly vital. Although the IT Outsourcing market
financing, and as such the market for technology
                                                                  (‘ITO’) is outpacing BPO the BPO market is fast catching
mergers and acquisitions has accelerated. Technology
                                                                  up. In many instances ITO and BPO are merging into one
vendors have put together several multi-billion dollar
                                                                  seamless enterprise wide solution. Market exit,
deals so far this year as the economy comes out of what
                                                                  acquisitions and the ascent of new vendors will
many believe is the worst recession since the 1920s.
                                                                  rearrange the BPO provider landscape in the coming
Indeed, there have been more than a handful of deals
worth hundreds of millions of dollars as the technology
vendor marketplace has consolidated through these
mergers and acquisitions

Setup of the SRM Survey                                           Good or bad?

A functionality analysis is conducted based on a list of          When interpreting the data it is important to remember
221 questions, covering the entire spectrum of the                that this analysis is based on a series of questions
procurement process. These questions represent the                designed to address whether the software covers a
“most asked-for” and the “most-critical functionalities”,         specific set of functions. We stress that it is important
as we recognise them from our clients discussions and             that all the questions have been scored without
interactions. Vendors are given the opportunity to                weighing. This means that a high or low score does not
indicate whether the requested functionality is available         indicate whether an application is good or bad; it merely
or not.                                                           states the coverage of the SRM functionality within the
Compared to our previous SRM surveys the setup of this
year’s survey has been changed. We want to ensure that            When selecting or evaluating an application, it is
the survey evaluates the market to a level of depth and           important to determine which functions are critical for
completion required to accurately present the relative            your company’s procurement processes. Therefore a
strengths/weaknesses of the vendor landscape.                     weighted score addressing your preferred functionalities,
Therefore, we build in a random check to ensure that the          may result in a different outcome from those shown for
solutions score as accurate as possible. The following            this survey. In order to distinguish the functionalities of
vendors were invited to give a demonstration of the               the applications, it is necessary to understand which
functionalities in their solution.                                functionality supports the procurement processes.

Company            Product             Modules
                                                                  To assess the level of support, we divided the overall SRM
Bupros             Bupros   Open       Sourcing,                  process, into eight sub-categories:
                   Source  Spend       Contract
                   Management          Management                 •   Procurement Intelligence
                                       and                        •   Project Management
                                       Intelligence               •   Sourcing Inc.    ebidQL              Operational                    o   Electronic Tendering
                                       Procurement                    o   eAuctioning
                                       and     Contract
                                       Management                 •   Contract Management

SynerTrade SA      SynerTrade 6        Operational                •   Supplier Management
                                       Procurement                •   Catalogue Management
                                       Procurement                •   Operational Procurement
                                                                  •   External Resources
Table 1 Participating vendors in demonstration
Specific details on the participating vendors can be found
in the ‘International Footprint and Supplier Profiles’

In addition to the 2008-2009 SRM survey, we assessed               In each chapter we will indicate to which part of the
the level of support in the area of Business Process               procurement process the application is relevant in our
Outsourcing (BPO) Procurement. BPO Procurement                     model as shown below.
remains a strong area for growth that is driving current
demand in organisations. Organisations are seeking the
ability to migrate easily to such functionality so the need
is great given the economic uncertainty that remains in
Q4 2010.

        Figure 1: Capgemini Procurement Process Model

Overall Functionality Analysis
As in previous studies, this year’s vendor review shows            reviewed SRM applications are very capable, there are
that the differences between applications are most                 substantial differences between these applications and
visible in coverage at a functional level.                         of course each of them will have a different fit within
Some applications provide full coverage for all sub-               your organisation. Although it might seem that certain
processes, whilst others can be considered niche players           applications have a low overall score, we cannot
supporting only a selected functionality. Although the             conclude these applications are of lesser quality.

Overall conclusions from this year’s survey                             immediate economic pressures. Compliance remains
                                                                        one of the number one aspirational areas of
Considering the survey as a whole, the following                        reporting which is being identified in the market as a
represent the major findings and conclusions:                           major driver.

1. Across the top 10 vendors there is little to choose              4. Surprisingly 25 percent of the responding vendors
   across the principle functionality, whilst rich and                 cited no form of Project Management functionality
   varied, remains common and meets the majority of                    being in place. Given the necessity to ensure tighter
   requirements in the market – this includes                          timelines for all procurement activity and the advent
   specifically ensuring visibility and transparency                   of benefits being clearly documented this remains
   across the entire Procurement suite of technology.                  surprising but in essence a differentiator.
   At a detailed level this common set of functionality
   accounts for over 60 percent functional coverage
   across the vendors interviewed, and represents a                 5. Year on year the area of functionality that is
   marked improvement which witnessed below 50                         improving at a pace is Contract Management. It is
   percent from previous functional reviews. This                      this area that is now becoming the pivotal
   demonstrates the maturity of the vendor market and                  component of SRM functionality given its link to both
   demand necessity organisations are striving for.                    operational sourcing through P2P and strategic
                                                                       sourcing. Only 3 vendors responded with a score of
                                                                       less than 70 percent coverage in this area, with the
2. In line with the observations in the 2008-2009 SRM                  average alone above 85 percent.               Contract
   survey, the survey shows that an integration of                     Compliance is the next phase once P2P compliance
   functionalities is still evolving with respect to those             has been achieved or is maturing so it is anticipated
   vendors that remain focused either on Sourcing or                   that this area will only further increase in
   Operational Procurement.                                            functionality and richness of capability over the next
    In addition, the focus on Sourcing is still greater than           year.
    on Operational Procurement demonstrated by the
    following observations:
                                                                    6. External resources still proves to be a key
   •    90 percent of the vendors offers Sourcing                      differentiator. A major difference lies within the
        functionality, whereas only 75 percent offers                  dependency between Operational Procurement
        Operational Procurement functionality.                         functionality and External resource functionality. In
   •    50 percent of the vendors have a higher score on               previous years there was a direct dependency
        Sourcing functionality compared to Operational                 between both functionalities, however this year’s
        Procurement; 30 percent of the vendors have a                  survey shows that the dependency is decreasing.
        higher score on Operational Procurement
        functionality compared to Sourcing; 20 percent
        of the vendors have an equal score for Sourcing             7. With an average of 62 percent and with more 100
        and Operational Procurement functionality.                     percent functional coverage (other than project
                                                                       management) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
                                                                       remains a strong area for growth that is driving
3. The survey indicates that there is little overall                   current demand in organisations. Organisations are
   increase of Procurement Intelligence functionality                  seeking the ability to migrate easily to such
   compared to the SRM survey of 2008-2009. This was                   functionality so the need is great given the economic
   a surprise as an increase was expected given the                    uncertainty that remains in Q4 2010.
   importance of tracking operational improvement
   benefits and assessing and ensuring compliance
   which have a key part to play in addressing
Figure 2 gives an overview of the available functionality of each vendor. The Y axis represents the vendors and the X axis
represents the categories within the SRM suite. In addition a line graph displays the average full suite functionality score of
each vendor.

             Figure 2: Overview of the functionality analysis

Analysis per category                                             We do not aim to show the answers to every question in
                                                                  this report; rather, we provide the outcomes of the
When selecting a tool, you might have certain                     analysis per functionality group.
requirements that are more critical than others. If you
are looking for a full suite application the overall              Throughout the report the same structure is applied per
functionality scores may be sufficient for your selection.        sub-category. First we start each sub-category explaining
However if you are looking for a particular functionality         what this specific category means. Secondly the
or a set of functionalities, you will require a more in-          conclusions we have drawn for this category are detailed,
depth review of the results.                                      followed by the total scores per vendor, presented in a
                                                                  graph. This graph shows the scores for each application’s
The in-depth application review is structured according           functionality within the category.
to the eight subcategories listed earlier. These sub-
categories have been further divided into a number of
functional categories as shown in Table 2.

  Procurement    Project        Sourcing      Supplier       Contract       Catalogue         Operational      External

  Intelligence   Management                   Management     Management     Management        Procurement      Resources

  General        Project        General       General        General        General           General          Specify
  Spend                         Strategy      Evaluation &   Authoring      User              Requisitioning   Approvals
  Analytics                     development   Development                   Capabilities
                                                             Compliance                       Request for      Requisitioning
  Operational                   Demand        Database                      Supplier          quotation
                                                             Repository                                        Selection &
  reporting                     aggregation                                 capabilities
                                                                                              Approval         Order
                                Electronic                                  Administration-
                                                                                              Purchase         Monitoring
                                tendering                                   content &
                                                                            review                             After Care
                                eAuctioning                                                   transmission
                                Negotiation                                                   Receiving
                                and                                                           goods and
                                signing                                                       Invoicing

Table 2: Additional Functional Categories

Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011
Supplier Relationship Management  Srm  Research 2010 2011

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Supplier Relationship Management Srm Research 2010 2011

  • 1. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Research 2010-2011 Solution Analysis and Business Insights
  • 2. Contents Prepared and edited by: Sarissa Alleijn Capgemini Consulting NL Hamish McKechnie-Sharma Capgemini Consulting UK Ton van Dolder Capgemini Consulting NL Richte van Wijngaarden Capgemini Technology NL Special thanks to: Charlotte Baratti Capgemini Consulting US Andreas Bernhard Capgemini Procurement Services Bob Booth Capgemini Consulting UK Robbert den Braber Capgemini Consulting NL Sarah Conway Capgemini Consulting UK Rutger Lamers Capgemini Consulting NL Merel Plante Capgemini Consulting NL Willem Scheerder Capgemini Consulting UK Remy Schook Capgemini Consulting NL 2
  • 3. Contents 4 Foreword 7 Business Insights 26 Functionality Analysis 8 The Tipping Point of BPO 32 Analysis per category Procurement Rethink Procurement for BPO Procurement 12 a contribution to 52 innovation 16 55 International Channel selector⁺ supports decision making for all P2P options Footprint and Supplier Profiles 20 In-house or as a Service? – CPOs challenge the role of the CIO 23 Can we ever fully automate Spend Analysis or do we need to have human intervention 3
  • 4. Supplier Relationship Management Research 2010-2011 Foreword 4
  • 5. W e are pleased to present to you the In addition to the 2008-2009 SRM survey, we assessed Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) the level of support in the area of Business Process survey 2010-2011. It is interesting to see Outsourcing (BPO) Procurement. BPO Procurement that over the last ten years we have been remains a strong area for growth that is driving current doing this survey, the market for SRM is demand in organisations. Organisations are seeking the still growing and investing in these applications. Although ability to migrate easily to such functionality so the need we all assume that implementing an SRM tool is quite is great given the economic uncertainty that remains in easy, reality shows different. Q4 2010. Apart from the survey, which gives you an overview of Another new item in our research is the implementation the major players in the market, we also want to share footprint of the different vendors. We learned through our experiences, issues and questions we daily see as our projects that this is valuable information for package procurement professionals implementing and optimizing selections. The footprint shows the geographical SRM. We therefore asked our foremost colleagues to dimension and the functional dimension of share their view and experiences on SRM, which resulted implementations. in 5 expert opinion stories, each telling something about SRM, all from a different perspective. Major themes Our procurement experts have worked on this study with include: BPO Procurement, Innovative Driven great pleasure. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as Procurement (IDP), Channel Selection, In-house or we enjoyed writing it and look forward to your feedback. software as a Service (SAAS), Spend Analysis. Let it be an inspiration for your further initiatives. Second part of the study analyses the results of the SRM functionality survey. This analysis is based on a series of We wish to thank all vendors and colleagues who have questions designed to address whether the software contributed to this year’s SRM study. covers a specific set of functions within the SRM functionality. Ton van Dolder Procurement Transformation Practice Leader NL Capgemini Consulting 5
  • 6. A note of thanks…. Capgemini Consulting would like to extend its thanks to the vendors who made time to participate in the Supplier Relationship Management Survey. Without their cooperation and support, research of this nature would not have been possible. 6
  • 7. Supplier Relationship Management Research 2010-2011 Business Insights 7
  • 8. The Tipping Point of BPO Procurement The business process outsourcing (BPO) market is one Over the last five years, the BPO Procurement market that is still relatively immature, particularly when has been growing steadily and while growth rate compared to the IT outsourcing (ITO) market. This is forecasts for the next five years vary, analysts agree that about to change: Outsourcing of indirect spend the rate of growth will increase, fuelled by a recession in becomes more and more popular, as procurement Western economies. The four mature BPO markets have organizations will have their hands full managing all of matured beyond a point of critical mass of supply and the risk elements in their direct materials spend. demand, and can be said to have reached the “tipping point”. The phrase Tipping Point was popularised by Malcolm Gladwell in his book, The Tipping Point: How Little Things The BPO Procurement market is starting from a smaller Can Make a Big Difference. In his book, Gladwell talks base. TPI Momentum’s analysis of the 2009 BPO about the point at which a trend which may only have a Procurement market is $778m (see figure 1), showing short life span tips and becomes an epidemic on a global Annual Contract Value (ACV) for deals over $25m. The scale, i.e. in commercial terms how a fashion or trend market has been growing at between 30 and 40% over become permanent feature of the business world. Each the last five years. Forecasts for the next five years are of the larger four BPO markets: customer contact, also varied with no consensus on the expected growth financial services, HR and finance & administration, have rates. now passed the point at which they have tipped. They are here to stay, and are all forecasting healthy growth rates for the next five years. Finance Services Outsourcing $4.909 20% Contact Center Services $4.245 17% Human Resources Outsourcing $3.138 13% Finance & Accounting $2.126 9% Facilities Management $2.045 8% Document Management $1.557 6% Industry-specific $1.287 5% Procurement $778 3% Supply Chain Management $585 2% Research & Development $488 2% Knowledge Process Outsourcing $108 <1% BPO Multi-Process $1.307 5% BPO/ITO Multi-Tower $1.783 7% Figure 1: Cumulative ACV of Active BPO Contracts by Service Line ($US Millions) 8
  • 9. What services are included in a BPO- • Compliance management – active reporting on and Procurement deal? management of compliance. Often involves interaction with HR to drive changes in or compliance with HR policies. BPO Procurement deals typically have one or more of the Reporting is often executed in low cost locations; following components (unsurprisingly aligned to the often compliance policy is managed locally in services that a typical procurement department will conjunction with the category managers. provide): • Reporting – provision of management information for sourcing category, compliance and supplier • Strategic sourcing – the negotiation of new contracts management. This is typically managed from a low with suppliers and the associated services, generally cost Far East location. in accordance with the commodity or the overall procurement strategy. As the BPO procurement market matures, the services Some providers offer this service locally to the client that are being bought are growing up the value chain. where the buyers are close to the client and to the Operational procurement deals often now include the supply market. Some offer this service from low cost spot buy desk, whereas two years ago, the service may locations and some offer a hybrid of this model with have been only transactional procurement with spot a local front office supported by low-cost COE in a buying being retained within the client organisation. low cost country (typically Far East locations such as Similarly some companies are in the market for one or The Philippines, China or India). more indirect categories and a few stand out as willing to • Category management – the development of outsource all of their indirect spend. category strategies, subsequent management of the category after sourcing and management of the contracts to ensure that the benefits identified are The group of eligible suppliers is growing delivered through active compliance management. Typically, any supplier management is undertaken in this area. At the beginning of 2008, the only companies who had Some providers deliver this service local to the made credible inroads into global BPO procurement business, some regionally in delivery centres and services were Accenture and IBM. Since then, the some in low cost, typically Far East locations. market has been maturing through partnership, merger • Tactical procurement (spot buying) – the and acquisition and organic growth. management of spot buying for high value and unusual items through a purchasing desk. This is • GenPact has had a successful partnership with ICG usually augmented with a front office which supports Commerce since April 2008, which has brought two employees and supplier contact in local languages. powerful players together to market, This is typically provided regionally from delivery • Steria and HPI GMBH, one of the leading centres in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia procurement services providers across Europe, Pacific. announced a collaboration in the procurement • Transactional procurement – the management of outsourcing space in November 2009, the requisitions and PO process plus master data • In February 2010, Capgemini acquired IBX, the management and query management that supports European procurement services and SaaS technology employees and supplier contact in local languages. business, to broaden and deepen their capability in outsourced procurement This is typically provided regionally for voice contact and regionally or in a low cost region for transactional elements. 9
  • 10. The pure play Indian providers are placing great The business case for BPO Procurement differs focus on procurement, with most of the larger from traditional F&A players recruiting in this area and pricing deals aggressively to win business and grow their practice. The business case for traditional business process outsourcing is well proven; typically the service can be delivered as effectively, i.e. with no consequential As a result, the BPO-Procurement supply market is worsening in quality of service, and more efficiently in a maturing and there are more eligible suppliers who will lower cost location, typically with an improved system of compete for potential business, which makes it easier for controls. customers to move into the market confident about supplier price and capability. The majority of the business case comes from a combination of efficiency of centralisation, standardisation, process improvement and automation Increasing focus on technology as part of the coupled with labour economic benefits of low cost whole… locations. The combination of these two factors can result in benefits of 40-50% as against original cost. With Capgemini’s acquisition of IBX and SAP and Oracle’s However the business case for procurement is more provision of on demand (Software as a Service, SaaS) often driven out of sourcing savings, or compliance procurement technology solutions, the provision of SaaS savings, i.e. effectiveness savings, which can dwarf the procurement technology on demand now seems to be a efficiency savings. Also the efficiency savings in standard part of the BPO Procurement proposition. For procurement are often less (perhaps 20-30%) as the both eProcurement and eSourcing, customers expect resources will need to be located across locations other service providers to be able to provide a suite of than India and other Far Eastern low cost locations, integrated services and technology as a service. This hence average saving will be less than the 40-50% above. gives them an option other than undertaking complex and expensive technology implementations that sit behind their own firewalls. Figure 2: Building the business case for BPO Procurement 10
  • 11. We therefore believe that a significant portion of the benefit from outsourcing can come from effectiveness Conclusion savings through sourcing and in particular through better compliance management. 2010 and 2011 will see the announcement of a number of key new BPO Procurement contracts, with some customers being prepared to outsource large areas of However approaching the overall process in a way to strategic sourcing spend, and with many others maximise the efficiency (process) savings and maximise outsourcing operational procurement and spot buying. the (sourcing) effectiveness is the key to success, particularly as associated processes such as accounts As with any new market, there will be new entrants and payable will need to be impacted if compliance savings players who are bold in scope and approach. Whether are to be maximised. The potential savings can be quite this will become the norm, and at what rate of adoption, essential - up to 40 percent depending of the maturity of remain to be proven. the organization. Combined effects of better spend Either way, the pressures on the CPO to make savings are visibility, better framework agreements and lower cost greater than ever, and outsourcing some areas of for managing the spend, make such a result possible procurement will be necessary to achieve these savings. . Whether this results in a tipping point for BPO Procurement will depend on whether those CPOs who choose to outsource and their chosen BPO solution provider can provide a compelling proposition to their business that locks in the sourcing value required and enhances the business’ ability to survive in this difficult market. 11
  • 12. Rethink Procurement for a contribution to innovation For companies that focus on innovation as a key Challenges for Procurement business driver, finding innovation with the supply chain remains a challenge. Even though Procurement is The move towards open innovation creates the need to regarded as the interface with suppliers, it traditionally leverage and manage the innovation capabilities in the has little role in advancing business processes. In this supply base, to: article, we discuss what Procurement should do to take • deliver more innovations this role successfully and contribute to innovation. • accelerate design and launch cycles • improve quality • meet more intense demands to reduce cost and risk Markets develop towards more open innovation These are not the usual Procurement KPI’s, with the exception of the cost/risk reduction. The economic downturn has only increased the emphasis on these Most industries increase the outsourcing of non-core traditional KPI’s. Because of this focus, Procurement’s activities: the average percentage of revenues procured involvement in innovation is limited to work on cost/risk externally has risen to over 60% in the last decade due to reduction by sourcing and contracting suppliers. In increased outsourcing. In addition, companies are practice, this means Procurement is involved once all increasingly outsourcing critical business functions, specifications are set in stone and the innovation is ready including the outsourcing of R&D to the supply base. In for ramp-up. This is a characteristic of siloed thinking, in some industries, where 70-90% of products are sourced which departments (silos) are involved one at a time in from suppliers, the majority of products are actually order to add their value. That has remained while the designed and developed by these suppliers. This is in part innovation processes have become more open and due to a shift in design towards manufacturing of whole collaborative. Although usually working in team systems, which results in an increase in the complexity of structures, silo-thinking remains prevalent within supplier relationships. departments and people (typically due to differing CXO The increase in outsourcing coincides with an increased directives). The result is a very linear process with openness of innovation processes. Companies are finding handovers to the next department, with a fresh set of it more and more difficult to keep up with the pace of specific targets at every step. innovation through internal R&D alone. Intelligently tapping into knowledge bases of (amongst others) suppliers speeds up the process of innovation and reduces total cost. To manage a greater dependency on supplier innovation, Procurement departments have been moving towards stronger partnership models with a limited set of key suppliers. These partnerships are based on shared risks and rewards instead of traditional transactional relationships. But strong supplier relationships alone are not enough and a limited set of (incumbent) partners is not necessarily a good source of innovation. To leverage that relationship, Procurement needs to feed end-customer needs into the supply base. 12
  • 13. Traditional versus Innovation Driven Procurement The difference between traditional and Innovation Driven Procurement is best explained with a simple example. Say you are looking for a home espresso machine that serves you the perfect coffee in the morning without hassle. You will have a wide range of needs and criteria the product must meet such as newness, appeal, reliability, value for money, etc. As we live in an open innovation world, we would expect the manufacturer to combine internal know-how with the latest technology available in the market to create the best product for your needs. The manufacturer in fact manages a system of solutions including the design, the pressure system and coffee packaging from a wide array of suppliers. The innovation process of this espresso machine will look completely different for the two Procurement business models. Figure 1: Procurement involvement innovation Traditional Procurement Figure 1 gives an indication of the effect this may have. To deliver this kind of machine, the traditional The hand-over to Procurement usually occurs after manufacturer has started an extensive innovation supplier involvement and beyond a point where a project. This began with efforts by Sales & Marketing to significant impact can be made on cost reduction and understand your needs, and R&D trying to develop this. value creation of the product. At this point it is too late As we are in an open innovation domain, R&D will have to deliver new innovations or significantly increase worked with suppliers or even players from completely development. The only remaining factors are cost and different industries to develop a new espresso system. In risk reduction, and even these have been compromised. this traditional Procurement setting, there will have been Procurement can no longer fully influence cost or risk as no involvement until there is a complete picture of the the specifications are largely set and suppliers have been future product and its specifications. Procurement will deeply involved in the design process. Furthermore, then be asked to deliver its services. The internal clients’ traditional Procurement targets (such as savings, security needs are often specified in terms of contracts, savings, of supply, contract coverage and compliance) conflict security of supply, etc. Procurement in other words is with project targets which may compromise the value of expected to negotiate a good deal to drive down total the end product for the customer. Delays or unrealistic cost and risk. As we have seen before, this may cause expectations of supply chain capabilities are likely to serious conflicts as the specifications are largely set and occur through these conflicts. freedom of choice in the supply base is limited. The best To move forward from this situation, Procurement Procurement can do now is to set up multi-disciplinary should have an earlier involvement. However, teams to discover what the internal clients’ needs are Procurement in its traditional form is not capable of and make the most out of it. To do this, Procurement handling the ‘chaotic’ processes found in early connects with (potential) suppliers and conducts innovation stages. Making a true contribution to sourcing activities, negotiates contracts and puts the innovation processes requires Procurement to redefine operational processes to work. If conflicts occur (i.e. a its business model. This will enable them to tap into part cannot be sourced at a decent price), it will be supply base capabilities and manage supplier forced to push the innovation project back into the involvement. design phase. This may compromise specifications, the 13
  • 14. total cost and the time-to-market. The end result is that organize innovation projects with dual leadership, one you will eventually find your “traditional” espresso R&D and one Procurement leader. Others have machine on the store shelves at a reasonable price. But dedicated project managers, defined specific roles and you’ll probably have lost interest in it because it was responsibilities for Procurement in each innovation overtaken by a competitors’ machine before it even stage, and used decision making between innovation came to market. stages to enforce further Procurement support. The required competences of Procurement change as well. There will be a stronger need for people with Innovation Driven Procurement (IDP) knowledge of technology and supplier management The IDP producer will also listen to your needs as a capabilities, together with project management skills and potential customer through Marketing & Sales. But now traditional Procurement skills. This can be achieved by it’s not just R&D who’s listening in; Procurement has for instance recruiting internal technical experts and joined the project from day one. This enables training them on Procurement skills. In any case the Procurement to thoroughly understand the external Procurement, Marketing & Sales and R&D experts need clients’ needs and to assist R&D with the development to be able to communicate effectively. Beside strong effort. Now that Procurement knows what to look for, it competencies, this requires a rigid data exchange can connect the supply base with R&D and at the same between various systems. Integration of data provides time work on a sound supplier involvement strategy insight on both sides on specifications and impact of (reducing the risk of conflicts). The team setup above changes to designs. changes the partner structure of Procurement; it now consists of both suppliers and the “internal clients” in the entire innovation process. With involvement in Steps to take towards Innovation Driven innovation, Procurement must match its activities to Procurement early innovation stages. This still includes cost awareness, but there is much greater focus on scouting supplier markets, enabling supplier involvement and Innovation Driven Procurement starts with a clear focus managing supplier inputs in the project. All of these are on the role of Procurement in innovation processes. focused on the wide range of targets of the external Once it is clear what Procurement should contribute, a client. In later stages traditional Procurement activities business model of Procurement throughout the come back into play to operationalize the new product, innovation process can be set up. A broader focus on the but the real value is created in the earliest stages. The external customer and involvement from the start has a end result here is that you’re the proud owner of the big impact on the organization of Procurement and its “IDP” espresso machine standing on your kitchen table. activities. After defining the impact, the governance structure needs to be formalized with the role of Procurement in innovation firmly embedded. Once Procurement is firmly rooted in the innovation processes, Impact of Innovation Driven Procurement it can make the step to effectively line up the supply base for a contribution to innovation projects. Involvement in innovation exceeds merely involving Implementation involves selecting the right people, Procurement earlier. A change of attitude and embedding the Procurement role in processes, setting up perspective of Procurement must be embedded in the teams and structures and supporting communication governance of the organization. The role of Procurement technologies. in innovation projects changes, and the way This will enable Procurement to drive much more value Procurement is managed is clearly different from from the supply base, while improving time-to-market, Traditional Procurement as it breaks through functional collaborating internally and creating a better focus on silos. This means companies need to review decision the end product. In other words, it enables Procurement making protocols, process design, target setting, to make a significant contribution to innovation and the leadership involvement, team structures, competences bottom-line. and information flows. For instance, some companies 14
  • 15. The Client Case: The Passion Value Chain A company’s corporate image is probably one of its most How can your business achieve a passionate underestimated assets when it comes to purchasing. value chain? Wouldn’t we all love to supply well-known companies such as Rolls Royce, Nokia, Audi, Chanel, Asics, eBay or Firstly, a passionate value chain takes time to create by Red Bull? Brands leverage not only sales, but also exchanging ideas and challenging existing processes. To purchasing success. Even if you are not amongst the stimulate this kind of change, a good first step is to brand leaders in your industry, you are more likely to create regular newsletters and conduct supplier succeed if you stick to the values of your company and summits. If you can spare 20 minutes a day, you could communicate these when you qualify new suppliers. even consider writing an online blog. Steiff is a German-based plush toy company known for When it comes to managing one on one relationships, it producing high quality toys and teddy bears. The pays to be selective about which suppliers to spend time company’s co-chief executive Martin Frechen said in a with. The first choice will generally be your most recent Financial Times article that some suppliers only strategic suppliers, however it is always worthwhile to “think in terms of price and volume” and concludes that spend time with people who have innovative ideas, even “for children, surely only the best is good enough – the if they are not the biggest position on your category best design, the best production, the best safety budget. standards”. The next step is to integrate truly innovative suppliers This kind of attitude and way of looking at your supplier with your company. To do, this, think like Mr Frechen base makes a difference which cannot be found on an from Steiff, but backwards. Once the employees of your RFQ template. Commitment, dedication and a passionate supplier have developed a personal connection to your attitude have a huge influence on your bottom line products and services, there will be increased likelihood results. Finding high quality and passionate suppliers of innovations, improvements and true commitment. In leads to lower reclamations, higher adherence to doing so, be aware that making the value contribution of delivery dates and to greater innovation. A supplier who your supplier visible could have a negative impact on the is passionate about your products is much more likely to next price negotiation. However, on balance if your think about your company and your products and intention is to buy value, integrating your suppliers is a therefore much more likely to deliver innovation to your beneficial way to achieve this. value chain. Frechen is not looking to discuss about his own needs, or his productions processes, or even the needs of his company Steiff. He talks about the needs of his customers, or to be even more precise, the children of his customers. He demands that his suppliers think about the needs of his “end users” – and that is the first step in creating a passionate supply chain.customers, or to be even more precise, the children of his customers. He demands that his suppliers think about the needs of his “end users” – and that is the first step in creating a passionate supply chain . 15
  • 16. Channel selector⁺ supports decision making for all P2P options The increasing range of commodities that can be P2P channel supported by Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) tools, together with the increased functionality of the A channel is a defined combination of processes and various SRM tools, makes the selection of SRM tools a tools with common characteristics to support the complex decision. Selecting the most effective sourcing (sourcing or the) P2P processes. A traditional Purchase- and procurement processes (or channels) for the to-Pay process will go through the steps portrayed in the various commodities represents a formidable challenge. Procurement Order Cycle (right side of figure 1) as soon In particular, the lack of understanding of how to as the source to contract process is finalized and the organize the entire Purchase-to-Pay P2P process turns contract is implemented. out to be a bottleneck for many organizations during the implementation of a SRM tool. The Channel Selector⁺ provides a framework that supports the decision making process of all possible variants in the P2P options from requisitioning to payment including approval of requisition, receiving goods or services, invoice settlement and communication. Figure 1 SRM process model – Procurement order cycle 16
  • 17. Channels are grouped according to their level of buyer involvement in the requisition-order process. See the possible channel combinations in figure 2. Figure 2 Channel combinations These channel combinations are characterized by compliance, insight into commodity and process different dynamics. It is these characteristics that performance and efficient operational support. If the determine the channel's suitability for a particular balance between control, visibility and efficiency is not commodity. These include: correct, the gains can be absent. For instance, by only • Control: Provide more control for the business and maximizing control and visibility of all commodities, procurement to ensure compliance to suppliers, unnecessary resources could to be allocated to some of contracts and specifications. High levels of the commodities where there is no need for control or visibility. This could happen in the commodity office compliance will result in better use of volume supplies, which account for a low percentage of total discounts, spend and has a low risk profile. On the other hand, if effort is put only into maximizing efficiency for all • Visibility: Provide a high level of visibility for spend. commodities, over time the risk of insufficient High visibility will result in leveraging data with compliance with the supplier contracts will increase. suppliers, which supports the sourcing process and provides savings improvement, Channel selection⁺ • Efficiency: Generate transaction savings through the reduction of process time, particularly invoicing The Capgemini Consulting P2P Channel Selector⁺ processes. provides a framework that supports the decision-making process of what commodity should be acquired through Commodities have different requirements, in terms of which P2P Channel. By running the commodity how much control, visibility and efficiency is appropriate characteristics through a questionnaire, the different to apply to its associated P2P channel. channel options are ranked automatically. By selecting P2P channels on a commodity basis, The Channel Selector⁺ includes all the variants of the P2P companies can optimize: Contract and supplier process, including the largest bottleneck in the 17
  • 18. implementation of a procurement system, namely how 1. Specify (Product profile): complexity, to arrange the P2P process as a whole (requisition – standardization, configurability, service or product, approval – order – receive – payment). The Channel service/product variations, volatility of price, + Selector includes: eReadiness of the supplier. • Requisition channels (for example: catalogue, free 2. Place requisition: purchasing frequency, number of text order), people requisitioning, absolute spend, inventory- • Purchase channels (for example: planned order, driven. blanket order), 3. Approve requisition: necessity of approval by • Payment channels (for example: p-card, expenses, procurement or expert or management (budget). direct invoice), 4. Place order: Number of orders, necessity of matching • Approval of requisition invoice with purchase order. • Receiving goods/services 5. Receive goods/services: necessity of goods receipt • Invoice settlement (standard, qualitative). • Communication 6. Verify process and invoice: purchase order based, Using the Channel Selector⁺, commodities can be self billing, specification. characterized according to the following P2P process steps: Figure 3 shows the P2P process steps and all possible outcomes of the Channel Selector⁺ and includes an example of a standard commodity. Figure 3 P2P process steps Explanation of the purchase order process in the figure for the standard commodity channel: The requisition will most likely be placed by means of a standard catalogue. Because of the standard specification, there is no need for an expert or Procurement to be involved in the approval of the requisition, instead the approval will be transactional. After approval, the requisition automatically turns into a standard purchase order that is send to the supplier. The goods/services received from the supplier will be checked and recorded based on quantity but not quality. Invoice settlement will probably be based on the purchase order and the preferred way to exchange messages in the P2P process will be electronic. 18
  • 19. In order to apply Channel Selector⁺, at the outset, it is important to involve all stakeholders from the Conclusion organization in the decision making process. Different commodities are likely to require different channels, therefore a series of multidisciplinary workshops is When organisations undertake the decision to tackle the recommended when selecting channels. Based on the P2P challenge, they should not underestimate the outcome of the questionnaire and a valuation of the challenges they will face. Nor, however should they shy benefits and the total cost of ownership, the organization away from these challenges, or underestimate the can choose the most appropriate channel for each strength of the tangible and non-tangible benefits that commodity. Future state channels must be detailed and are expected to arise. validated on a commodity basis, to ensure that channel Organisations taking on this challenge must follow a processes fully support additional anticipated future structured approach in order to realise the benefits. changes. This interaction through workshops is also Firstly, the organisation needs to have a vision of the P2P critical to achieve high levels of user acceptance, few objectives it wants to achieve. It must then use a operational exceptions, and not least, robust functional process-focused, business-driven approach to establish requirements. the P2P channels by means of the Channel Selector⁺, and P2P process support it wants to deploy. This, in turn, will Implementation define the business and technical requirements for the desired P2P solution. The critical success factor lies within the organization: As the implementation of all channels and commodities None of the above can be achieved without the cannot be achieved at once, an approach is needed to appropriate level of sponsorship from senior managers phase this over time. A preferred approach is to and buy-in from the key stakeholders which can be implement the most value adding and easily achieved by multidisciplinary workshops. implementable channels and commodities in the first phase. The second group of channels and commodities is then selected in terms of value and ease-of- implementation, and so on. When assessing ease of implementation, it is important to consider factors like supplier contractual status and eReadiness, required processes changes, availability of system support, organisational impact, change readiness, and resource availability. 19
  • 20. In-house or as a Service? – CPOs challenge the role of the CIO In his book, “The Big Switch”, the American IT lateral weakening economy the issue is once more gaining thinker Nicholas Carr challenges CIOs and heralds the appeal. The following are particularly appropriate for end of IT departments. He compares the trend towards outsourcing: 1. The supporting IT roles where the cloud computing and away from business computing in decision to outsource is merely an issue of cost; 2. the company’s own data centres with the transition Specialist IT functions that are not part of the core from self-generated to centralised power supplies by business. These roles require specialist expertise that is service providers at the start of the 20th century. generally not available in-house. According to Carr, IT could be controlled by external specialists and without hordes of technical experts Purchasing as a central competitive factor within the company. His forecast may be radical, but it may also serve as a wakeup call for CIOs to rethink their strategic role: adviser to the company, communicator or On the backdrop of the global financial downturn and the engineer. The crux of the matter is essentially looming recession, cost-cutting measures were moving outsourcing versus in-house: should companies focus on to the fore in the corporate world - and with it, their core business and outsource those IT tasks that inevitably, the subject of purchasing. After all, the others can do better? Take the example of purchasing; potential for cutting costs is high in this area: depending so far in this sector, many CIOs have been somewhat on the sector of business in question, the entire sceptical of external, web-based SAP e-procurement purchasing volume can account for between 40 and 60 solutions. These models are regarded by many decision percent of the company's total turnover. It is not without makers as all too unsecure and inflexible. That said, on- reason that the role of purchasing has evolved from demand models fare well in a precise analysis of the being purely operational to being strategic; companies individual factors. expect their purchasing to make a significant contribution to their overall corporate performance. As a The CIO is pulled in two directions: should he rather benchmark figure, a logical procurement strategy and assume the role of technology provider, or that of a the use of the right IT solution can save from four to strategic business designer? Should he provide all the IT eight percent of the total purchasing volume. in-house, or act as the head of a network of specialists who each play their part in the added value chain by If the CPO (Chief Purchasing Officer) and the CIO are controlling the outsourced IT? In his role as CIO, he looking for a suitable IT solution, then the decision decides on which IT activities are to be outsourced to quickly comes down to a question of faith. For the CIO, external service providers. the primary factor is whether the solution can be integrated into the company's own IT systems and According to a study by Ernst & Young on outsourcing in whether it complements the existing strategy. The Europe in 2008, 70 percent of all companies’ surveyed – strategic question for the CPO is which operator model is 600 decision makers in European companies – stated the most suitable one for his organisation, and which will that outsourcing was an integral part of their business bring the greatest possible efficiency in terms of model. For many years outsourcing has been seen as the procurement activities. He can choose between a overall cure for a company’s problems. In times of a licensed in-house solution and an equivalent on-demand supplier model. The solution is then provided and managed by an external service provider. 20
  • 21. On-demand on the rise There are important reasons why on- demand has been on the rise for a number of years in purchasing especially, and the cohort of licensing models is in jeopardy. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group (figure1) on-demand models are faring significantly better than licensing models. They can be implemented more quickly and provide a faster Return on Investment (ROI) – especially since the company no longer needs to implement the solution itself. If a company, on the other hand, acquires a software licence, it is generally dependent on the expertise of a consulting company for the Source: Aberdeen Group implementation and customisation of the software. Many of the company’s own Figure 1: Top factors driving enterprises to consider on-demand resources are also taxed in the process, and high additional costs are incurred. When solutions are installed, human resources, running and hardware costs are found to be hidden cost drivers. With an on-demand solution for purchasing the company pays only for the modular service elements it needs. Moreover, it has easier and more rapid access to the modules, since the solutions already run on the service provider’s platform and are being used by numerous customers – each with their own individual customisations. All the users need is a popular Internet browser. An on-demand offer is essentially of interest to all companies that want to profit from lower overall costs, faster implementation and a smooth upgrade process – and want to do so without high initial investments. Another benefit is the fact that, according to an outsourcing study by the Experton Source: IBX Group, the contracts for on-demand solutions have become more flexible as a result of increased demand. Figure 2: Total cost comparison: On-demand vs. software 21
  • 22. They can also be concluded over shorter periods than The second reservation as regards on-demand solutions previously. A sample calculation by IBX (figure 2) shows is their lack of flexibility. An in-house solution can be that from the start the overall costs of a software adapted more easily to the company’s specific needs. installation are higher than the costs with an on-demand The advantages of an on-demand solution and its solution. The overall costs include Equipment, adaptation to customer-specific requirements Management and Operations. (customisation) are not easy to combine. The issue is comparable with the purchase or hire of a weekend cabin. The purchased cabin can be designed more easily Reservations about on-demand in line with the owner’s personal tastes. It is much cheaper to rent, with a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). It also makes no sense to repaint a house if it’s Many CIOs still have major reservations about a rental only going to be used once a year anyway. In this case, model. This is particularly true for the management of the standard functionalities are usually adequate. enterprise-critical data outside the firewall. Accordingly, IT security officers first need to check whether the on- The third reservation focuses on the ability of on- demand solution satisfies the internal security demand solutions to be fully integrated. The end-to-end regulations. linking of all the functionalities of the solution to the system is one of the central challenges for the CIO. An in- Historically, it has been a company’s core business to house solution in this instance, however, has to safeguard their enterprise network so one might think overcome the same hurdles as an external solution and that by nature, an in-house installation has an advantage therefore enjoys little advantage. over the on-demand solution provided by an external service provider. However, this assumption might not be as clear cut as it seems due to a variety of factors: The future: coexistence of both models? One factor is that purchasing solutions are different from “classic” in-house solutions in the way that they require Many CIOs often regard on-demand supplier models as a exchange of data with a lot of different external partners threat to their justified existence. On-demand represents which are outside the enterprise network. This includes an attractive alternative for the CIO, especially in times information such as catalogues, orders or bids. Many where IT budgets are tight. times these partners are not even integrated into the But is an on-demand supplier model the best possible company’s extranet. Therefore a different approach in solution for every company and every organisation? The security infrastructure and operations is required. In that following factors are crucial for or against an on-demand case an experienced and specialised on-demand provider service: cost-benefits analysis, speed and risks. can actually have a clear advantage over an in-house installation. The on-demand supplier model will not threaten to oust the licensing model. The world of procurement has Another factor is that significant improvements have enough space for both. They can even complement each been achieved over the last years in terms of Information other perfectly. Security Management Systems that have been implemented by on-demand operators. Many service The on-demand model drives the focus away from the providers are in the process of gaining certification based technology and towards strategic usage, as well as on best practice IT security and process standards like towards the use of purchasing-assisting solutions such as ISO 27001 and ITIL. There also have not been any high e-sourcing and e-procurement. Buyers can therefore profile security problems with on-demand solutions focus more effectively on their core tasks, on reducing either. complexity and on the relationships within the company and not lose valuable time sorting out technical queries. Sometimes it seems that the security problem is more of a philosophical issue: Do I trust the Internet enough to conduct business over it? 22
  • 23. Can we ever fully automate Spend Analysis or do we need to have human intervention? Spend Analysis is undertaken by most organisations in The Spend Analysis Process order to provide spend visibility information on suppliers, spend and compliancy and is considered a continuing point of attention of our CPO’s. Spend analysis is essentially a tool; it is the process of collating, cleansing, categorising and analysing expenditure information. The end goal of any Spend Spend analysis tools Analysis should be to provide clear, consistent spend information which can feed into the sourcing process, identify sourcing opportunities, enable benefits tracking Increasingly, tools are becoming available on the market and provide the visibility for compliance monitoring. As a which highlight the ease and speed that can be delivered concept it should be regarded as the fundamental by automating the process but does this change our foundation of sourcing however the process can start approach to Spend Analysis? Over the last few years an from many different data points and by leveraging abundance of vendors has entered the Spend Analysis different sources and quality of data. The level of market ranging from those for whom the move into data complexity that this drives often results in a highly enrichment was a logical step in their respective SRM arduous and time consuming process. So how do the suite such as Ariba, Oracle and SAP, to more recent increasingly sophisticated software tools feed into this entrants into the Spend Analysis arena such as Emptoris, process? In order to make sense of data there are various Zycus and SynerTrade. Our survey findings have levels of intelligence that can be applied. Data analysis highlighted that both sets of players have a part to play tools use a variety of these methods to enhance data, by in managing the demand for the market, particularly if rationalisation and consolidation. some organisations wish to focus purely on a one-off spend analysis (e.g. Zycus) or have this linked into end to At a basic level, spend data is extracted straight from the end procurement visibility with an ongoing opportunity source system and displayed in reports. Usually this is to track and manage spend better. Each of these major the starting point for realising the need for Spend players will be able to conduct detailed spend analysis Analysis as few organisations have the fundamentals of however our experience indicates that none of them Master Data so thoroughly embedded that the data can support entirely automated process. be reviewed immediately and used to guide sourcing decisions let alone have this conducted dynamically. Technological and digital automation is increasing in all Often data sits in numerous systems so using one source areas of our lives. Will we ever reach the point where system alone will not provide a fully comprehensive robots and computers will do away with the need for picture of the spend landscape. To get the most effective humans? As Supply Chain professionals we need to result on spend analysis at the very basic level, multiple consider what technology and automation can mean to extracts from different systems are needed to provide us and our roles. Thinking about this in the context of the full data set. So from this very first stage humans are Spend Analysis we’re left with the question – Can we needed in order to identify where the data should be ever do away with the need for human intervention gathered from; Accounts Payables, Purchase Order or when conducting something as fundamental as Spend from somewhere else. Analysis? 23
  • 24. Technology versus human like but are not spelled the same way as the search term. The logic is based on (seemingly) fuzzy rules that at first glance don’t make sense but do provide alternative On their own the analytics tools cannot interpret the interpretations of data that will make sense to the end data so the tools must be programmed and algorithms user. developed which ‘tell’ the software how the data should be mapped. To get the most effective result on spend analysis at the next level the tool must be ‘told’ what Advancing Technology data is synonymous and what isn’t. For example some vendors might have different names, but in reality are We have now reached a level where human interaction the same; Capgemini UK, Capgemini Plc, Capgemini Ltd, with a data analysis tool is diminishing more and more. CapGem etc. The data analysis tool uses synonyms and Current technology provides fuzzy logic and learning associated probabilities to consolidate and recognise capabilities, though arguably ‘learning’ in a very simple data before presenting it to the user. This also applies to way. Human intervention is still required to tell software misspelled data, or data with typing mistakes, which in what can be learned. both cases requires a list of possible alternative content for certain data, or some routine that checks alternative With more powerful computers and ever larger spelling of data. Whilst there are some tools which can databases data analysis tools can seem very advanced recognise and highlight some of the basic inconsistencies when using the methods mentioned above, but even it still requires human intervention. It requires someone ‘learning’ tools require a person to interpret and to tell the system what the data looks like, where to find necessitate monitoring of any invalid data or even wrong it, how to use it, how it could be misspelled or what the results that a tool can produce. synonyms are or aren’t when incorrect synonyms are All of these aspects highlighted assume a minimum level flagged and ultimately what rules to use. That said it is of information, that of supplier name and item fair to assume that this type of logic and business rule categorisation but what of the scenarios where the based application can be built into spend analysis information available is almost non-existent? It may be toolsets but still requires a degree of human that the only information is the supplier name and a involvement. spend total. Can a tool take this data and provide a The next step in order to ensure the most effective result reliable trusted output? Even the providers of spend on spend analysis is to have a tool that can ‘learn’ how to analytics software would have to agree that this cannot make sense of data with minimal intervention of an end be fully automated. For example the tool may be user. Using a tool that learns how to analyse data at first programmed to state that Capgemini should be classified will not give great results, and requires the procurement as a Consultancy; however it could also be classified as professional to interpret the data and extract the reports an IT provider or an Outsourcing organisation. With a required. The tool however tracks what the professional recent client (a leading CPR Manufacturing company) does to the data, and as usage of the tool progresses it there were over 3,000,000 lines of vendor and spend can ‘learn’ from these actions what to do with it. If the details which all had to be categorised. Conversations professional has extracted data from two different with several spend analytics providers stated that their systems to obtain purchase order and invoice data, the approach would be to manually categorise in the first tool can do this automatically next time. If data for two instance and then use the software to harmonise and product categories is put together manually, next time cleanse the data clearly demonstrating the importance of the tool can do this automatically. Further improvements human intervention in the process. There may also be an to data analysis tools can come from methods like ‘fuzzy additional level of analysis needed to re-classify existing logic’, where the relationship between data is information where items have been mis-classified or determined based on rules that are less clearly defined simply identified as “miscellaneous”, the software can than conventional rules. As an example Google search only interpret the data to a finite level before human can be used, where the search engine interprets the intervention is needed to validate and confirm the user’s input in multiple ways including words that sound categorisation. A viable alternative is a hybrid approach where pending the quality of the data, spend analysis 24
  • 25. tools are used to drive accelerated categorisation prior to human intervention. Conclusion So in answer to the question can we ever do away with Uncovering the subtleties of expenditure the need for human intervention in Spend Analysis? Well it varies on situation but human intervention will The requirement for human validation of data leads onto increase based on the quality of the data, the complexity the importance of understanding what level of data of the business rule logic and ultimately the nature of the accuracy and information is needed by the end user in suppliers for the respective organisations. Will a order to meet their sourcing requirements. Is it just to procurement professional ever be able to wholly rely on a know how much is spent and with which Supplier? Does piece of software to perform a full and proper data it need to go down to category level or should it be to analysis without second guessing the result? Again this sub-category level? It may become clear that spend with almost seems a rhetorical question which can only be Capgemini is labelled as Consultancy however in order to answered with an empathic “No”. Whilst the analytical be useful to the end user, they may need to know if the tools on the market really do a play a part in acceleration spend is Technical Consultancy, Strategy or Supply Chain of categorisation for procurement professionals and can – and this supplier is likely to be treated differently expedite what has historically been a time consuming across organisations. It is at this point that the human process, the systems are not yet advanced or eye is needed in order to uncover the subtleties of the sophisticated enough to completely remove the need for real expenditure. This can also highlight the differences human involvement. Spend Analysis continues to be a in interpretation, in some organisations the category tool to enable us to buy better and importantly it is the Consultancy is used to identify any services provided by a input into the human generated process of sourcing, third party be it temporary labour, project management, procuring and negotiation. and advisory. In other industries and in different organisations ‘Consultancy’ may be restricted to Management Consultancy. The need at this point for the human eye to uncover these idiosyncrasies leads onto another key aspect of Spend Analysis which requires human intervention: that of Focus Interviews. All Spend Analysis should be supported by Focus interviews in order to put the data into context. As identified every organisation is different and so the application of data rules will vary. 25
  • 26. Supplier Relationship Management Research 2010-2011 Functionality Analysis 26
  • 27. F or organisations embarking on their Supplier Relation Management (SRM) journey, the most difficult challenge is being able to understand the spectrum of suppliers that could satisfy your requirements. • Top Acquisitions in 2010 Google acquired ITA Software • SAP acquired Sybase The key questions in support of this that are often considered are which applications are available on the • IBM acquired Sterling Commerce, Bigfix market and what functionalities do these applications • Oracle acquired PhaseForward provide? Do applications offer the same services across all aspects of the procurement function or are they • HP acquired Palm specific to one component of SRM? This chapter will • Capgemini acquiring IBX (now known as elaborate further on these questions. Capgemini Procurement Services) • Cisco acquired Optic networks Insights into the vendor market • Symantec acquired PGP, Versign Security Increasingly organizations and government agencies are Division demonstrating that supplier relationship management • Apple acquired Quattro has a key part to play in addressing immediate economic pressures. For those already on the journey, the • VMWare acquired Zimbra emphasis is on re-evaluating contracts to improve • Iron Mountain acquired Mimosa efficiency and savings. Supplier relationship management depends on collaboration amongst the enterprise’s • CA acquired Nimsoft internal and external suppliers for survival and progress. • Avnet acquired Bell Micro Collaboration across sourcing strategies, management and governance remains critical to the success of • Juniper Network acquired Akeena supplier relationship management. As we move into the first quarter of 2011, the abundance Today, as companies seek greater synergies and try to of mergers and acquisitions continues in earnest across jump-start growth coming out of the recession, the technology vendors. Market values have dropped, relationship between IT and Business Process creating bargains for value shoppers, and smaller Outsourcing (‘BPO’) is strengthening and becoming companies have experienced more difficulty obtaining increasingly vital. Although the IT Outsourcing market financing, and as such the market for technology (‘ITO’) is outpacing BPO the BPO market is fast catching mergers and acquisitions has accelerated. Technology up. In many instances ITO and BPO are merging into one vendors have put together several multi-billion dollar seamless enterprise wide solution. Market exit, deals so far this year as the economy comes out of what acquisitions and the ascent of new vendors will many believe is the worst recession since the 1920s. rearrange the BPO provider landscape in the coming Indeed, there have been more than a handful of deals years. worth hundreds of millions of dollars as the technology vendor marketplace has consolidated through these mergers and acquisitions . 27
  • 28. Setup of the SRM Survey Good or bad? A functionality analysis is conducted based on a list of When interpreting the data it is important to remember 221 questions, covering the entire spectrum of the that this analysis is based on a series of questions procurement process. These questions represent the designed to address whether the software covers a “most asked-for” and the “most-critical functionalities”, specific set of functions. We stress that it is important as we recognise them from our clients discussions and that all the questions have been scored without interactions. Vendors are given the opportunity to weighing. This means that a high or low score does not indicate whether the requested functionality is available indicate whether an application is good or bad; it merely or not. states the coverage of the SRM functionality within the application. Compared to our previous SRM surveys the setup of this year’s survey has been changed. We want to ensure that When selecting or evaluating an application, it is the survey evaluates the market to a level of depth and important to determine which functions are critical for completion required to accurately present the relative your company’s procurement processes. Therefore a strengths/weaknesses of the vendor landscape. weighted score addressing your preferred functionalities, Therefore, we build in a random check to ensure that the may result in a different outcome from those shown for solutions score as accurate as possible. The following this survey. In order to distinguish the functionalities of vendors were invited to give a demonstration of the the applications, it is necessary to understand which functionalities in their solution. functionality supports the procurement processes. Company Product Modules To assess the level of support, we divided the overall SRM Bupros Bupros Open Sourcing, process, into eight sub-categories: Source Spend Contract Management Management • Procurement Intelligence and • Project Management Procurement Intelligence • Sourcing Inc. ebidQL Operational o Electronic Tendering Procurement o eAuctioning and Contract Management • Contract Management SynerTrade SA SynerTrade 6 Operational • Supplier Management Procurement • Catalogue Management and Procurement • Operational Procurement Intelligence • External Resources Table 1 Participating vendors in demonstration Specific details on the participating vendors can be found in the ‘International Footprint and Supplier Profiles’ chapter. 28
  • 29. In addition to the 2008-2009 SRM survey, we assessed In each chapter we will indicate to which part of the the level of support in the area of Business Process procurement process the application is relevant in our Outsourcing (BPO) Procurement. BPO Procurement model as shown below. remains a strong area for growth that is driving current demand in organisations. Organisations are seeking the ability to migrate easily to such functionality so the need is great given the economic uncertainty that remains in Q4 2010. Figure 1: Capgemini Procurement Process Model Overall Functionality Analysis As in previous studies, this year’s vendor review shows reviewed SRM applications are very capable, there are that the differences between applications are most substantial differences between these applications and visible in coverage at a functional level. of course each of them will have a different fit within Some applications provide full coverage for all sub- your organisation. Although it might seem that certain processes, whilst others can be considered niche players applications have a low overall score, we cannot supporting only a selected functionality. Although the conclude these applications are of lesser quality. . 29
  • 30. Overall conclusions from this year’s survey immediate economic pressures. Compliance remains one of the number one aspirational areas of Considering the survey as a whole, the following reporting which is being identified in the market as a represent the major findings and conclusions: major driver. 1. Across the top 10 vendors there is little to choose 4. Surprisingly 25 percent of the responding vendors across the principle functionality, whilst rich and cited no form of Project Management functionality varied, remains common and meets the majority of being in place. Given the necessity to ensure tighter requirements in the market – this includes timelines for all procurement activity and the advent specifically ensuring visibility and transparency of benefits being clearly documented this remains across the entire Procurement suite of technology. surprising but in essence a differentiator. At a detailed level this common set of functionality accounts for over 60 percent functional coverage across the vendors interviewed, and represents a 5. Year on year the area of functionality that is marked improvement which witnessed below 50 improving at a pace is Contract Management. It is percent from previous functional reviews. This this area that is now becoming the pivotal demonstrates the maturity of the vendor market and component of SRM functionality given its link to both demand necessity organisations are striving for. operational sourcing through P2P and strategic sourcing. Only 3 vendors responded with a score of less than 70 percent coverage in this area, with the 2. In line with the observations in the 2008-2009 SRM average alone above 85 percent. Contract survey, the survey shows that an integration of Compliance is the next phase once P2P compliance functionalities is still evolving with respect to those has been achieved or is maturing so it is anticipated vendors that remain focused either on Sourcing or that this area will only further increase in Operational Procurement. functionality and richness of capability over the next In addition, the focus on Sourcing is still greater than year. on Operational Procurement demonstrated by the following observations: 6. External resources still proves to be a key • 90 percent of the vendors offers Sourcing differentiator. A major difference lies within the functionality, whereas only 75 percent offers dependency between Operational Procurement Operational Procurement functionality. functionality and External resource functionality. In • 50 percent of the vendors have a higher score on previous years there was a direct dependency Sourcing functionality compared to Operational between both functionalities, however this year’s Procurement; 30 percent of the vendors have a survey shows that the dependency is decreasing. higher score on Operational Procurement functionality compared to Sourcing; 20 percent of the vendors have an equal score for Sourcing 7. With an average of 62 percent and with more 100 and Operational Procurement functionality. percent functional coverage (other than project management) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) remains a strong area for growth that is driving 3. The survey indicates that there is little overall current demand in organisations. Organisations are increase of Procurement Intelligence functionality seeking the ability to migrate easily to such compared to the SRM survey of 2008-2009. This was functionality so the need is great given the economic a surprise as an increase was expected given the uncertainty that remains in Q4 2010. importance of tracking operational improvement benefits and assessing and ensuring compliance which have a key part to play in addressing 30
  • 31. Figure 2 gives an overview of the available functionality of each vendor. The Y axis represents the vendors and the X axis represents the categories within the SRM suite. In addition a line graph displays the average full suite functionality score of each vendor. Figure 2: Overview of the functionality analysis 31
  • 32. Analysis per category We do not aim to show the answers to every question in this report; rather, we provide the outcomes of the When selecting a tool, you might have certain analysis per functionality group. requirements that are more critical than others. If you are looking for a full suite application the overall Throughout the report the same structure is applied per functionality scores may be sufficient for your selection. sub-category. First we start each sub-category explaining However if you are looking for a particular functionality what this specific category means. Secondly the or a set of functionalities, you will require a more in- conclusions we have drawn for this category are detailed, depth review of the results. followed by the total scores per vendor, presented in a graph. This graph shows the scores for each application’s The in-depth application review is structured according functionality within the category. to the eight subcategories listed earlier. These sub- categories have been further divided into a number of functional categories as shown in Table 2. Procurement Project Sourcing Supplier Contract Catalogue Operational External Intelligence Management Management Management Management Procurement Resources General Project General General General General General Specify Management Spend Strategy Evaluation & Authoring User Requisitioning Approvals Analytics development Development Capabilities Compliance Request for Requisitioning Operational Demand Database Supplier quotation Repository Selection & reporting aggregation capabilities Approval Order Electronic Administration- Purchase Monitoring tendering content & Order review After Care eAuctioning transmission approval Negotiation Receiving Administration- and goods and creation services Contract Administration- signing Invoicing maintenance Table 2: Additional Functional Categories 32