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                                                                                                                                  THE NATION’S
                                                                                                                                  #1 SLAM-
                                                                                                                  SPECIAL         DUNK
                                                                                                                  REPORT:         PA G E    S E V E N

                                                                                                                   HELP FOR
                                                                                                                    THE U.S.

                                                                                                         THE SAFETY NET
                                                                                                    19 MILLION

                         PA G E S I X


                                        BREATHING EASIER                                                         FIRE        Flu
                                        PA G E T H R E E                                                     RESPONSE   Response
                                                                                                                           PA G E F I V E


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “There’s not a single
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             health center that

                                                             Direct CARE FOR 60 YEARS, TODAY, TOMORROW
                                                                        Relief USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             doesn’t tell me that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             they have more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             patients coming in
                                                             CHARITABLE                                                                                                                                                                      the door any given
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             day than they can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             possibly handle.”

                                                                                                                                                                                           DIRECT RELIEF ARCHIVES
                                                                  The                                  NEARLY 46 MILLION AMERICANS LACK HEALTH INSURANCE,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              – Dan Hawkins, National
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Association of Community
                                                                                                       and that number grows daily as financial pressures push many                                                                             Health Centers Policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Director, as told to the
                                                                                                       more people into a position of needing help . But quietly, every                                                                        Chronicle of Philanthropy
                                                                                                       day, more Americans are getting the care they need at their local
                                                                                                       nonprofit community clinics and health centers . Direct Relief
                                                                                                       USA is supporting more than 1,000 of these clinics in all 50 states.

                                                                                                           Since 2004, we’ve provided more than 10 million free
                                                                                                       prescriptions worth over $140 million for our neighbors who

                                                            SAFETY NET                                 cannot afford them . It’s a high-impact, low-cost program made
                                                                                                       increasingly important as the economy has faltered. The network

                                                               CRISIS IS                               and information systems built to run this program have aided
                                                                                                       fast and precise responses to emergencies that hit here at home,
                                                                 REAL.                                 from fires to hurricanes to the daily emergency of unmet need for
                                                                                                       medicines .
                                                                                                           While we’re likely better known as an international and emergency
                                                                                                       response organization, Direct Relief has assisted U.S. partners for
                                                                                                       over 60 years. In 1948, our founders William Zimdin and Dennis
                                                                                                       Karczag        organized shipments of food, clothing, and medical
                                                                                                       aid out of a pantry        in Zimdin’s Santa Barbara home. While
                                                                                                                                  most attention was focused on postwar
                                                                                             NEARLY                               recovery in Europe, they kept a close eye
                                                                                             2/3 OF ALL                           on local needs, too.
                                                                                                                                      Just as a worldwide emergency
                                                                                             BANKRUPTCIES was the impetus for our creation, local
                                                                                             STEM FROM                            emergencies prompted the beginning of
                                                                                                                                  our programs domestically, largely in our
                                                                                             INABILITY TO                         home state of California, like the Northern
                                                                                             PAY MEDICAL                          California floods of 1956 and the local
                                                                                             BILLS.                               Coyote Canyon Fire of 1964. Later, when

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MARGARET MOLLOY
                                                                                              – The American Journal of Medicine, devastated parts of the nation needed
                                                                                                                       June 2009  help—the Bay Area after the earthquake
                                                                                                                                  of 1989, the Midwest during the floods of
                                                               THERE                                   1993, the Gulf Coast during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005
                                                           ARE MORE                                       —Direct Relief drew rapid, efficient responses from a long history
                                                          UNINSURED                                    of providing emergency aid.
                                                              PEOPLE                                                                    Likewise, our everyday work with clinics and health centers was
                                                               IN LOS                                                               incubated over decades of support to the under-resourced medical safety
                                                            ANGELES                                                                 net. In 1970, Direct Relief was instrumental in the launch of the Isla Vista
                                                                THAN                                                                Neighborhood Clinic near the University of California at Santa Barbara.
                                                           THERE ARE
                                                                                                                                    Donated exam tables, surgical instruments, and pharmaceuticals helped
                                                                   OF                                                               outfit the fledgling clinic. Last year, the clinic and its two Santa Barbara
                                                          MONTANA.                                                                  affiliate clinics provided 48,000 low-income patient visits.
                                                                                                                                        As the national healthcare crisis grew, we grew as well—to hold licenses
                                                                                                                                    that enable us to be a wholesale pharmacy distributor in all 50 states and                                                                               DAMON TAUGHER

                                                                                                                                    the District of Columbia; to conduct massive responses to natural disasters
                                                                                                                                    and prepare the most vulnerable regions for future emergencies; to become

                                                                                                                                          the largest nonprofit program of its kind. In close partnership with
                                                                                                                                          these private nonprofit safety-net clinics that are the healthcare “homes” for 19 million Americans
                                                                                                                                          throughout the country, Direct Relief USA is positioned, right now, to help ensure that the most
                                                                                                                                          desperate individuals and families have access to healthy lives .
                                                                                                                                                                                        “We reject the notion that if you’re poor
                                                                                                                                                                                         and uninsured, it’s acceptable that you
                                                                                                                                                                                         don’t get the care and medicine you and
                                                                                                                                                                                         your child needs. We serve people who
                                                                                                                                                                                         aren’t served by markets and government.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    – Thomas Tighe, Direct Relief President and CEO

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 Search                   asthmatic, uninsured, now what?                                                                                                 GO

Direct Relief USA and Teva Pharmaceuticals
help 500,000 ASTHMA PATIENTS
                        ou just lost your low-income job and with it your health insurance, which was thin to begin with. You’re asthmatic—an often chronic
                        condition—and you’ve tried enrolling in an inhaler manufacturer’s Patient Assistance Program but that requires access to a doctor and now
                       you can’t afford to see one. So what do you do? The local emergency room is an option, but those are stretched to capacity by the throngs
                 of others also doing their best to access health care.
                    Where do you go to get help with your asthma?
                    You are not nearly as hypothetical as we all wish you were. You, along with millions of other Americans weathering similar circumstances, will
                 most likely leap for the safety net—thousands of community based nonprofit clinics and centers providing key points of access to health care. More
                 than 16 million patients receive care at these clinics and health centers, and on average 40 percent of these patients have no health insurance.
                    The national associations that bring these independent healthcare facilities under one umbrella are at
         the forefront of assisting clinic efforts to reach patients facing difficult economic straits. So when the largest generic
         pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world sought Direct Relief USA’s help in distributing 500,000 ProAir® HFA
                                                                                                                                          HEALTH CARE FOR THE HOMELESS, INC.
                                            inhalers among asthma patients in need nationwide, Direct Relief gauged clinic demand          Baltimore, MD
                                            through long-time partners the National Association of Community Health Centers               “We very much appreciate the
     ANGELS COMMUNITY CLINIC                and the National Association of Free Clinics.                                                 generosity of Teva
      Murray, KY
                                                   “On a daily basis, we work to get donated medicine in the hands of sick people,”       Pharmaceuticals in helping us
     “This is a prayer                      explained Direct Relief USA Director Damon Taugher. “Working through the national             serve our very vulnerable and
     answered. Thank you so                 health center and clinic associations, Teva Pharmaceutical’s extraordinary donation
     very much.”                                                                                                                          indigent clients.”
                                            was aimed at those most in need.”
       RENITA CARTER,                                                                                                                        JEFF SINGER, President & CEO
                                                   In the heart of one of the poorest districts in California (over 40 percent of the
       Executive Director
                                            15th Congressional District’s children are uninsured—the highest percentage in the
                                            country), Harbor Community Clinic in San Pedro sees 1,800 patients each month.
                                            Sixty-three percent of Harbor Community’s patients live on less than $500 per month—
                                            well below the federal poverty level. Executive Director Michele Ruple believes that
                                            Harbor Community’s patients deserve the respect of quality healthcare. “There’s a
                                            misconception that the uninsured are not working individuals…they are,” says Ruple.
         “They often perform some of the most dangerous jobs in the community or other essential services. We are a safety net so these hard working individuals
         can maintain their health and get needed medical care.”
              Harbor Community treats 600 asthmatic patients each month. The clinic received 200 of Teva’s donated inhalers. Ruple was thrilled with the
         company’s generosity and Direct Relief ’s distribution model. “On behalf of the patients in the Harbor Area as well as our medical staff,” she said, “we
         thank you for this most generous donation to those in need!”

                                                                                                           YORK COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION CLINIC
                                                                                                            Sanford, ME
                                                                                                           “Because we provide care at the homeless shelter,
                                                                                                           we were thrilled to get the inhalers. Many of these
                                                                                                           patients have no health insurance—not even
                                                                                                           Medicaid—and finding resources to buy medicine is a
                                                                                                           real challenge. Your contribution means a great deal
                                                                                                           to people who have very, very little. On their
                                                                                                           behalf, please accept our thanks!”
                                                                                                             BARBARA CRIDER, Director, Health Services


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                                                                  Direct Relief PREPARES CLINICS
                                                                          ALONG THE GULF COAST
                                                                                FOR THE

                                                                     2009 HURRICANE SEASON
                                                                                                                Hurricanes are an annual potential disaster for people living along the Gulf
                                                                                                                Coast, particularly those who are low income, have chronic medical conditions,
                                                                                                                or have limited access to transportation to evacuate.
                                                                                                                      Of the 12 storms predicted between June 1 and November 30 this year,
                                                                                                                forecasters say six will become hurricanes and two will reach Category 3 or
                                                                                                                more. Last year’s devastating hurricane season produced a record number of
                                                                                                                storms. Five of the 16 storms were Category 3 or higher, and for the first time on
                                                                                                                record, six consecutive storms made landfall in the U.S.

                                                                                                                      The low-income, uninsured people who are disproportionately affected
                                                                                                                by damaging hurricanes are the same patient population seen at Direct Relief ’s
                                                                                                                partner clinics and health centers.
                                                                                                                      To ready these clinics, Direct Relief USA and Abbott have engaged,
                                                                                                                expanded, and improved the three-year-old Hurricane Preparedness Program to
                                                                                                                healthcare providers in “hurricane alley.” In 2008, Direct Relief ’s HURRICANE
                                              PREP PACK                                             PUERTO
                                                                                                                PREP PACKS were indispensable to the physicians at the 18 U.S. clinics that
                                                                                                                received them, as well as to the evacuee patients these clinics treated. If an
                                    emergency strikes this year, medical supplies will be on hand or close by, enabling providers to respond quickly to the medical needs of those affected.

                                    FLORIDA, PUERTO RICO JOIN PROGRAM

                                    This year, Direct Relief deployed 25 HURRICANE PREP PACKS to partner clinics and health centers in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas,
                                    and expanded assistance to new partners in Florida and Puerto Rico. Five additional packs stand at the ready in Direct Relief ’s warehouse in case a
                                    hurricane strikes another area. Recipients were selected for their location, past experience with emergency response, patient population, and capacity
                                    to treat victims during an emergency.
                                        Each HURRICANE PREP PACK holds enough medical supplies to treat 100 patients for a variety of conditions, from injuries to chronic illnesses,
                                    for three to five days. At a wholesale value of almost $12,000 for each pack, contents were informed by responses to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in
                                    2005, work with the Texas Blue Ribbon Commission on Emergency Preparedness and Response, and constant feedback from recipients since the
                                    program began in 2007. Prep Pack contents can be easily absorbed into
                                                                                                                                                                        DIRECT RELIEF’S
                                    regular clinic inventory to avoid waste if not needed in an emergency.                                                              EMERGENCY RESPONSE
                                        The waterproof packs are designed for use in clinic settings or at                                                              COORDINATOR BRETT
                                                                                                                                                                        WILLIAMS REVIEWS
                                    alternate care sites, and are easily transported, as recipients demonstrated

                                                                                                                                                                        THE CONTENTS OF
                                    last year. Coastal Family Health Center in Gulfport, Mississippi, used the                                                          THE IMPROVED 2009
                                                                                                                                                                        HURRICANE PREP PACK
                                    HURRICANE PREP PACK it received in 2008 aboard its mobile medical                                                                   WITH JUDITH PEREZ,
                                    unit, which traveled to evacuation shelters in Texas and Louisiana during                                                           RN AT LAFAYETTE
                                                                                                                                                                        COMMUNITY HEALTH
                                    Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. Guadalupe Health Center in Texas received                                                                CARE CLINIC, LOUISIANA.
                                    last year’s Prep Pack just a few days before hurricane Dolly struck and                                                             THE PACK WILL HELP
                                                                                                                                                                        PREPARE THE CLINIC FOR
                                    flooding destroyed the clinic. They were able to flee the clinic with the                                                             WHAT IS PREDICTED TO
                                                                                                                                                                        BE AN ACTIVE HURRICANE
                                    Prep Pack and use it to treat evacuees while the clinic was closed.
                                                                                                                                                                             SEASON. FOLLOWING
                                                                                                                                                                             HURRICANES KATRINA
                                                                                                                                                                             AND RITA, LAFAYETTE
                            PREP PACKS provided to U.S. clinic                                                                                                               COMMUNITY HEALTH
                            partners CONTAINED MEDICAL                                                                                                                       CARE CLINIC TREATED
                            ITEMS TO TREAT 100 PATIENTS                                                                                                                      THOUSANDS OF
                                                                                                                                                                             DISPLACED EVACUEES.
                            FOR 3-5 DAYS:
                                     Anti-infectives Biaxin and
                                  Omnicef from Abbott; FreeStyle
                                  Test Strips, FreeStyle Freedom
                                  System Kits, Sure Dose Syringes
                                  and FreeStyle Lancets for
                                  diabetes care, also all from Abbott
                                     Atenolol, Metoprolol, to
                                  treat hypertension                         Gentamicin and Sulfacetamide
     TO LEARN MORE                   Advil tablets for pain management     Opthalmic Solution for eye infections
     about hurricane              from Wyeth                                  Silver Sulfadiazine Cream for burns
     preparedness in the U.S.       Albuterol for asthma                      Metformin for management of
     and vulnerable Caribbean       Povidine iodine for preventing         diabetes
     countries—and hear how       wound infections                           Stethoscope, blood pressure cuffs
     Direct Relief’s Prep Packs                                            and exam gloves
                                    Anti-inflammatory ibuprofen and
                                                                                                                                                                                              WILLIAM VAZQUEZ

     came in handy last year—     Children’s Tylenol tablets                 Gauze and elastic bandages for
                                    Epipens for emergency                  wound care
                                  epinephrine doses                           Clotrimazole and triple antibiotic
                                    Carbamazepine, Depakote from           ointment for skin infections
                                  Abbott, and Gabapentin for seizure

                                                        JESUSITA FIRE                                                                                                                   WAREHOUSE
                                                        RESPONSE                                                                                                                        CHATTER

                                                                                                                                                                          ALAN PENNER
                                                                                                  Jesusita by the NUMBERS
                                                                                                    30,500 PEOPLE EVACUATED
                                                                                                    8,733 ACRES BURNED
                                                                                                    24,000 N95 PARTICULATE RESPIRATORS
                                                                                                                                                                                        AWARDED HIGHEST GRADE FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                        SECURITY, COMPLIANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                        The National Association of Boards of
                                                                                                                                                                                        Pharmacy has approved Direct Relief as the
                                                                                                                                                                                        nation’s first nonprofit recipient of Verified-
                                                                                                                                                                                        Accredited Wholesale Distributor (VAWD)
                                                                                                                                                                                        certification. This achievement means that
                                                                                                                                                                                        we meet or exceed the highest security and
                                                                                                                                                                                        compliance standards for the distribution
                                                                                                                                                                                        and storage of medical goods, and have
                                                                                                                                                                                        the strongest controls on materials of any
                                                                                                                                                                                        nonprofit. Other organizations with this high
                                                                                                                                                                                        certification include leading businesses like
                                                                                                                                                                                        CVS, UPS, and Walmart, among others.

                                                                                                                                                                                        LICENSED TO HEAL

                                                        READ MORE AND WATCH A VIDEO OF THE MASK DISTRIBUTION at:
                                                                                                                                                                                        Direct Relief holds the licenses to distribute
                                                                                                                                                                                        prescription drugs in all 50 states and the
                                                                                                                                                                                        District of Columbia. This, on top of our
                                                                                                                                                                                        federal registrations and certifications, lets
                                                                                                                                                                                        us receive and deliver highly controlled
                                                                                                   H1N1 Flu                                                                             materials, and allows us to reach any clinic,

                                                                                                                                                                                        health center, and state or local government
                                                                                                                                                                                        who require assistance in an emergency. Like
                                                                                                                                                                                        our VAWD accreditation, Direct Relief is the

                                                                                                   D      irect Relief coordinated its response to the H1N1
                                                                                                          influenza outbreak in March with responding partners
                                                                                                   and associations in the U.S. and Mexico for the most
                                                                                                                                                                                        only nonprofit in the U.S. to hold this level
                                                                                                                                                                                        of licensing.

                                                                                                   effective and targeted provision of medical aid.
                                                                                                       With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
                                                                                                   recommending that clinicians use protective supplies
                                                                                                   to prevent transmission of the new viral strain, Direct
                                                                                                   Relief immediately sent requested materials to clinics and                           PREPARING OURSELVES FOR
                                                                                                   community health centers in California and Texas. This                               EMERGENCIES

                                                                                                   provision included Tylenol to treat patients’ fever symptoms,
                                                                                                   N95 particulate respirators, and hand sanitizer products.                            The best emergency preparedness begins
                                                                                                   N95 respirators, or protective masks, were specifically                               at home, and Direct Relief’s home in Santa
                                                                                                   indicated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and                                Barbara, California is no exception. We
                                                                                                   Prevention to help prevent transmission of the virus.
                                                                                                                                                                                        recently completed a 30-month project
                                                                                                       The National Institute of Pediatrics in Mexico City—a
                                                                                                   nonprofit children’s hospital that provides care at low or no                         of planning, permitting, and installing
                                                                                                   cost—received an emergency aid provision of 5,000 N95                                an electric generator to ensure that our
                                                                                                   particulate respirators, Tylenol, gloves, and hand sanitizer                         operations can continue to run in the event
                                                                                                   product.                                                                             of a power failure for six days without
                                                                                                       Direct Relief thanks BD, Cera Products, Inc., Henry                              refueling. This backup capacity is crucially
                                                                                                   Schein, and the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
                                                                                                                                                                                        important for medical materials in our
                                                                                                   for their generous contributions to the H1N1 flu emergency
                                                                                                   response.                                                                            warehouse that require strict temperature
                                                                                                                                                                                        controls, and for ensuring our ability
                                                        FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT THE WHO at:
                                                                                                                    to respond in the event of a regional

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We interrupt this report to bring you…                                                                                                      FIND

                                                                                                         THE REST OF THE                                                                                        IT

                                                                                                                                                                                                          CYCLONE AILA
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Asia Program Officer Matt MacCalla
                                                                                                                                                                                                          was in Bangladesh when Cyclone
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Aila struck the country’s and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          India’s southern coasts on May 25.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Matt was conducting a follow up
                                                                                                                                                                                                          assessment trip with partners who
                                                                                                                                                                                                          responded to 2007’s Cyclone Sidr,

                                                                                                                                                                                                          and was coordinating the placement
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of emergency cyclone and flood
                                                                                                                                                                                                          modules in anticipation of this
                                                                                                                                                                                                          upcoming cyclone season.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               In response to Cyclone Aila,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Direct Relief shipped the critically
                                                                                                                                                                                                          needed cyclone and flood relief
                                                                                                                                                                                                          modules along with a provision
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of essential pharmaceuticals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          supplies to partners who were already
                                                                                                                                                                                                          serving thousands of people injured
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and displaced by the storm. Four
                                                                                                                                                                                                          disaster preparedness and response
                                                                                                                                                        HEALTH INITIATIVES                                modules have been air-shipped to
                                                                                                                                                        SUPPORTING                                        partners in Bangladesh and India.
                                                                                                                                                        MOTHERS WORLDWIDE                                      Cyclone Aila affected more than
                                                                                                                                                The World Health Organization estimates that a
                                                                                                                                                                                                          3.6 million people, left more than
                                                                                                                                                woman dies each minute from complications during
                                                                                                                                                                                                          750,000 people homeless, and took
                                                                                                                                                pregnancy and childbirth—more than 500,000 each
                                                                                                                                                                                                          300 lives.
                                                                                                                                                year worldwide. In developing countries, pregnancy
                                                                                                                                                is a life-threatening condition, as pregnancy and
                                                                                                                                                childbirth are the second leading cause of death                       learn
                                                                                                                                                among women of reproductive age. Many of the risks
                                                                                                                                                for pregnant women and children in developing                    EmergencyResponse/
                                                                                                                                                countries are related to general conditions of poverty,          2009/CycloneAila.aspx
                                                                                                                                        KRISTIN BROWN

                                                                                                                                                nutrition, and severely limited health resources and
                                                                watch                                                                           access that affect everyone.
                                                           video from JFK Medical                                                                    Direct Relief focuses on maternal and child
                                                         Centre and meet the women
                                                            whose health has been                                      health—interventions that directly address the specific threats to women
                                                          restored through obstetric                                    during pregnancy through childbirth: expanding access to care by bolstering
                                                                 fistula repair.
                                                                                                                         in-country health systems; ensuring safe delivery through midwife                MILKEN INSTITUTE,
                                                                                                  learn                   training and kits; addressing complications with emergency obstetric            GLOBAL CONFERENCE
                                                            obstetricfistula.aspx                  more                     care; restoring health through obstetric fistula prevention and care; and       2009
                                                                                           about mothers and children
                                                                                             living healthier lives at     preventing mother to child transmission of HIV.                                Direct Relief President and CEO
                                                                                                                                                                                Thomas Tighe participated on a panel
                                                                                                                                                                                                          called “Global Aid Workers: Heroes
                                                                                                                                                                                                          on the Front Lines” at the Milken

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Institute’s Global Conference 2009.

                                                                                       ARE DEVOTED                                                                                                                    watch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  video of the panel at

                                                                                         TO OUR PROGRAMS.
    All overhead (non-program) expenses are covered by a generous bequest.

6                                            WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG                  PAID ADVERTISEMENT       SUMMER 2009          THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST
Who’s thinking of Direct Relief?
                               Named Direct Relief the nation’s            #1 Slam-dunk Charity         , and recognized Direct Relief as
                               “exceptional” for earning a Four-Star Charity rating five years in a row.

                                                                The Santa Barbara County Medical Reserve Corps
                                                                Direct Relief committed to equipping volunteer emergency health professionals with custom-
                                                                designed backpacks outfitted with supplies appropriate for emergency-response.

                                 Emergency Preparedness Sponsors
                                 Abbott provided vision and generous contributions to support Direct Relief’s Hurricane Preparedness Program
                                 in 2009, resulting in expanded prepositioned aid to more sites in the U.S. and Caribbean. With P&G’s generous
                                 financial support, Direct Relief was able to include PUR water purification packets in the hurricane modules and
                                 strengthen the ability of our partners in the Caribbean to assist patients with their drinking water needs.

                  The medical supply manufacturer and corporate supporter featured Direct Relief and its partner volunteer
                  project in Ghana in the May issue of National Geographic Magazine.

                                                            The Boehringer Ingelheim CARES Foundation’s donations of medications are delivered
                                                            nationwide to many low-income uninsured patients through Direct Relief USA’s work with U.S.
                                                            free clinics and community health centers.

                                      YOUTH FOR DIRECT RELIEF
                                      A dynamic group of students from five Santa Barbara high schools raised more than $25,000 for
                                      Direct Relief programs through their March flower sale. That’s an A+ to us.
                                               BRYAN WATT

                                                             Make a legacy gift to Direct Relief and extend your generosity beyond your lifetime.
                                                             Your commitment and dedication will help Direct Relief continue its efforts to help
                                                             people affected by poverty, emergencies, and civil unrest live better, healthier lives far
                                                             into the future.
                                LEAVE                        For more information, contact Jill Muchow Rode, CFRE, Director of Development
                                    A               or (805) 964-4767 x181

  3M                                         CVS Corporation                             Johnson & Johnson                            Pharma Medica
  Abbott                                     Cypress Medical Products                    Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc.   Progressive Medical International
  Aearo Company                              Cypress Pharmaceutical, Inc.                King Pharmaceuticals, Inc.                   Prometheus Laboratories
  Alcon Laboratories, Inc.                   DAVA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.                  Marlex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.                 Purdue Pharma, L.P.
  Alkermes, Inc.                             Den-Mat Corporation                         Matrixx Initiatives, Inc.                    Quidel Corporation Inc.
  Allergan, Inc.                             Dey Laboratories                            McKesson Medical-Surgical                    Redwood Bio Tech
  American CleanStat, LLC                    Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories LTD.               McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharms.          Reliant Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  American Health Products Corporation       E. Fougera & Company                        McNeil Nutritionals, LLC                     Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  Amgen Foundation, Inc.                     ETHICON                                     Meda Pharmaceuticals                         Rye Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd
  Amsino International                       Evo Medical Solutions                       Medical Action Industries                    Sage Products, Inc.
  Aramco Services Company                    Fenwal Inc.                                 Medline Industries Inc.                      Sandel Medical Industries, LLC
  AstraZeneca                                FNC Medical Corporation                     MedVantx Incorporated                        Sanofi Pasteur
  Baxter International Incorporated          Forest Laboratories, Inc.                   Merck & Company, Inc.                        sanofi-aventis
  Bayer Consumer Care                        Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc.                Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC                    Sappo Hill Soapworks
  BD                                         FSC Laboratories, Inc.                      Microflex                                     Schering-Plough Corporation
  Beaumont Products Inc.                     GlaxoSmithKline                             Midmark Corporation                          Sperian Protection
  Boehringer Ingelheim CARES Foundation      Graham-Field, Inc.                          Miltex, Inc.                                 Sunnight Solar
  Bristol-Myers Squibb Company               Henry Schein, Inc.                          Neutrogena Corporation                       Sunstar Americas, Inc.
  Carlsbad Technology, Inc.                  Herban Essentials                           Nexxus Beauty Products                       Tarascon Publishing
  Cera Products, Inc.                        Hi-Tech Pharmacal Company, Inc.             Nisim International                          Teva Pharmaceuticals USA
  Chattem Inc.                               Hogil Pharmaceutical                        North Safety Products                        The Harvard Drug Group
  Cobalt Laboratories                        Housechem                                   OHM Laboratories, Inc.                       Titan Corporation
  Colgate-Palmolive Company                  InstyMeds Corporation / RedPharm Drug       Omron Healthcare, Inc.                       Tri-anim
  ConMed Corporation                         Invacare                                    Ossur                                        Zee Medical, Inc.
  Covidien                                   Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc.                 Procter & Gamble                             Zooth, a Division of Gillette
  Cumberland Pharmaceuticals                 Jarrow Formulas, Inc.                       Pfizer Inc.
                                             WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG              PAID ADVERTISEMENT        SUMMER 2009         THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST   7
Get Connected with Direct Relief

                                                             LEARN MORE                   SPREAD THE WORD            INTERACT WITH             EVEN RAISE MONEY!
                                                                                                                    OTHER SUPPORTERS

Become a fan and join with other                                         Follow our tweets and learn about what’s    Watch our videos (there are already   Use your Facebook, MySpace and other social
supporters, get our updates, and share                                   happening daily in our world—photos from    27) and subscribe so you’re notified   network profiles to support us by getting it
with your friends. Our page also links to the                            the field, updates on outgoing medicines,    when new videos are live.             sponsored by your favorite brands and putting
Causes application, where you can set up                                 and more.                                                                         a badge on your page. SocialVibe supporters
your own fundraisers.                                                                                                                                      have already earned us more than $15,000.

                                                               > MORE AT DIRECTRELIEF.ORG/SUPPORTUS/GETCONNECTED.ASPX

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                  TEL: 805.964.4767 TOLL FREE: 800.676.1638
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                  BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                  CHAIR Dorothy F. Largay, Ph.D.
                  VICE CHAIR Thomas J. Cusack
                  SECRETARY James H. Selbert
                  TREASURER Kenneth J. Coates
                  Frederick Beckett • Jon E. Clark • Patty DeDominic • Ernest H. Drew, Ph.D.
                  Patrick Enthoven • Gary Finefrock • Paul Flynn • Richard Godfrey
                  Bert Green, M.D. • Raye Haskell • Stanley C. Hatch • W. Scott Hedrick
                  Priscilla Higgins, Ph.D. • Brett Hodges • Ellen K. Johnson • Donald J. Lewis
                  Robert A. McLalan • Rita Moya • Carmen Elena Palomo • John Romo
                  Ayesha Shaikh, M.D. • George Short • Ashley Parker Snider
                  Gary R. Tobey • Sherry Villanueva

                  CHAIRMAN Frank N. Magid
                  Lawrence R. Glenn • E. Carmack Holmes, M.D.
                  S. Roger Horchow • Stanley S. Hubbard • Jon B. Lovelace
                  Donald E. Petersen • Richard L. Schall • John W. Sweetland

                  PRESIDENT & CEO Thomas Tighe

                  HONORARY BOARD
                  PRESIDENT EMERITUS Sylvia Karczag
                  CHAIR EMERITUS Jean Hay
                  DIRECTOR EMERITUS Dorothy Adams


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2009 Summer Newsletter

  • 2. SPECIAL REPORT: Direct Relief USA “There’s not a single health center that Direct CARE FOR 60 YEARS, TODAY, TOMORROW Relief USA doesn’t tell me that they have more patients coming in CHARITABLE the door any given day than they can possibly handle.” DIRECT RELIEF ARCHIVES The NEARLY 46 MILLION AMERICANS LACK HEALTH INSURANCE, – Dan Hawkins, National Association of Community and that number grows daily as financial pressures push many Health Centers Policy Director, as told to the more people into a position of needing help . But quietly, every Chronicle of Philanthropy day, more Americans are getting the care they need at their local nonprofit community clinics and health centers . Direct Relief USA is supporting more than 1,000 of these clinics in all 50 states. HEALTH Since 2004, we’ve provided more than 10 million free prescriptions worth over $140 million for our neighbors who SAFETY NET cannot afford them . It’s a high-impact, low-cost program made increasingly important as the economy has faltered. The network CRISIS IS and information systems built to run this program have aided fast and precise responses to emergencies that hit here at home, REAL. from fires to hurricanes to the daily emergency of unmet need for medicines . While we’re likely better known as an international and emergency response organization, Direct Relief has assisted U.S. partners for over 60 years. In 1948, our founders William Zimdin and Dennis Karczag organized shipments of food, clothing, and medical aid out of a pantry in Zimdin’s Santa Barbara home. While most attention was focused on postwar NEARLY recovery in Europe, they kept a close eye 2/3 OF ALL on local needs, too. Just as a worldwide emergency BANKRUPTCIES was the impetus for our creation, local STEM FROM emergencies prompted the beginning of our programs domestically, largely in our INABILITY TO home state of California, like the Northern PAY MEDICAL California floods of 1956 and the local BILLS. Coyote Canyon Fire of 1964. Later, when MARGARET MOLLOY – The American Journal of Medicine, devastated parts of the nation needed June 2009 help—the Bay Area after the earthquake of 1989, the Midwest during the floods of THERE 1993, the Gulf Coast during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 ARE MORE —Direct Relief drew rapid, efficient responses from a long history UNINSURED of providing emergency aid. PEOPLE Likewise, our everyday work with clinics and health centers was IN LOS incubated over decades of support to the under-resourced medical safety ANGELES net. In 1970, Direct Relief was instrumental in the launch of the Isla Vista THAN Neighborhood Clinic near the University of California at Santa Barbara. THERE ARE Donated exam tables, surgical instruments, and pharmaceuticals helped RESIDENTS OF outfit the fledgling clinic. Last year, the clinic and its two Santa Barbara MONTANA. affiliate clinics provided 48,000 low-income patient visits. As the national healthcare crisis grew, we grew as well—to hold licenses that enable us to be a wholesale pharmacy distributor in all 50 states and DAMON TAUGHER the District of Columbia; to conduct massive responses to natural disasters and prepare the most vulnerable regions for future emergencies; to become COVER IMAGES: LOS ANGELES FREE CLINIC, MARGARET MOLLOY the largest nonprofit program of its kind. In close partnership with these private nonprofit safety-net clinics that are the healthcare “homes” for 19 million Americans throughout the country, Direct Relief USA is positioned, right now, to help ensure that the most desperate individuals and families have access to healthy lives . “We reject the notion that if you’re poor and uninsured, it’s acceptable that you don’t get the care and medicine you and your child needs. We serve people who aren’t served by markets and government.” – Thomas Tighe, Direct Relief President and CEO 2 WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG PAID ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER 2009 THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST
  • 3. SPECIAL REPORT: Direct Relief USA Search asthmatic, uninsured, now what? GO Direct Relief USA and Teva Pharmaceuticals help 500,000 ASTHMA PATIENTS ou just lost your low-income job and with it your health insurance, which was thin to begin with. You’re asthmatic—an often chronic condition—and you’ve tried enrolling in an inhaler manufacturer’s Patient Assistance Program but that requires access to a doctor and now you can’t afford to see one. So what do you do? The local emergency room is an option, but those are stretched to capacity by the throngs of others also doing their best to access health care. Where do you go to get help with your asthma? You are not nearly as hypothetical as we all wish you were. You, along with millions of other Americans weathering similar circumstances, will most likely leap for the safety net—thousands of community based nonprofit clinics and centers providing key points of access to health care. More than 16 million patients receive care at these clinics and health centers, and on average 40 percent of these patients have no health insurance. The national associations that bring these independent healthcare facilities under one umbrella are at the forefront of assisting clinic efforts to reach patients facing difficult economic straits. So when the largest generic pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world sought Direct Relief USA’s help in distributing 500,000 ProAir® HFA HEALTH CARE FOR THE HOMELESS, INC. inhalers among asthma patients in need nationwide, Direct Relief gauged clinic demand Baltimore, MD through long-time partners the National Association of Community Health Centers “We very much appreciate the ANGELS COMMUNITY CLINIC and the National Association of Free Clinics. generosity of Teva Murray, KY “On a daily basis, we work to get donated medicine in the hands of sick people,” Pharmaceuticals in helping us “This is a prayer explained Direct Relief USA Director Damon Taugher. “Working through the national serve our very vulnerable and answered. Thank you so health center and clinic associations, Teva Pharmaceutical’s extraordinary donation very much.” indigent clients.” was aimed at those most in need.” RENITA CARTER, JEFF SINGER, President & CEO In the heart of one of the poorest districts in California (over 40 percent of the Executive Director 15th Congressional District’s children are uninsured—the highest percentage in the country), Harbor Community Clinic in San Pedro sees 1,800 patients each month. Sixty-three percent of Harbor Community’s patients live on less than $500 per month— well below the federal poverty level. Executive Director Michele Ruple believes that Harbor Community’s patients deserve the respect of quality healthcare. “There’s a misconception that the uninsured are not working individuals…they are,” says Ruple. “They often perform some of the most dangerous jobs in the community or other essential services. We are a safety net so these hard working individuals can maintain their health and get needed medical care.” Harbor Community treats 600 asthmatic patients each month. The clinic received 200 of Teva’s donated inhalers. Ruple was thrilled with the company’s generosity and Direct Relief ’s distribution model. “On behalf of the patients in the Harbor Area as well as our medical staff,” she said, “we thank you for this most generous donation to those in need!” YORK COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION CLINIC Sanford, ME “Because we provide care at the homeless shelter, we were thrilled to get the inhalers. Many of these patients have no health insurance—not even Medicaid—and finding resources to buy medicine is a real challenge. Your contribution means a great deal to people who have very, very little. On their behalf, please accept our thanks!” BARBARA CRIDER, Director, Health Services SINCE FEBRUARY, DIRECT RELIEF USA HAS SUPPORTED MORE THAN 500 CLINICS IN ALL 50 STATES WITH TEVA’S PROAIR® INHALERS. WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG PAID ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER 2009 THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST 3
  • 4. R SPECIAL REPORT: Direct Relief USA Direct Relief PREPARES CLINICS ALONG THE GULF COAST FOR THE E 2009 HURRICANE SEASON Hurricanes are an annual potential disaster for people living along the Gulf Coast, particularly those who are low income, have chronic medical conditions, or have limited access to transportation to evacuate. Of the 12 storms predicted between June 1 and November 30 this year, forecasters say six will become hurricanes and two will reach Category 3 or more. Last year’s devastating hurricane season produced a record number of storms. Five of the 16 storms were Category 3 or higher, and for the first time on record, six consecutive storms made landfall in the U.S. A The low-income, uninsured people who are disproportionately affected by damaging hurricanes are the same patient population seen at Direct Relief ’s partner clinics and health centers. To ready these clinics, Direct Relief USA and Abbott have engaged, expanded, and improved the three-year-old Hurricane Preparedness Program to healthcare providers in “hurricane alley.” In 2008, Direct Relief ’s HURRICANE HURRICANE PREP PACK PUERTO RICO PREP PACKS were indispensable to the physicians at the 18 U.S. clinics that received them, as well as to the evacuee patients these clinics treated. If an emergency strikes this year, medical supplies will be on hand or close by, enabling providers to respond quickly to the medical needs of those affected. FLORIDA, PUERTO RICO JOIN PROGRAM D This year, Direct Relief deployed 25 HURRICANE PREP PACKS to partner clinics and health centers in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, and expanded assistance to new partners in Florida and Puerto Rico. Five additional packs stand at the ready in Direct Relief ’s warehouse in case a hurricane strikes another area. Recipients were selected for their location, past experience with emergency response, patient population, and capacity to treat victims during an emergency. Each HURRICANE PREP PACK holds enough medical supplies to treat 100 patients for a variety of conditions, from injuries to chronic illnesses, for three to five days. At a wholesale value of almost $12,000 for each pack, contents were informed by responses to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, work with the Texas Blue Ribbon Commission on Emergency Preparedness and Response, and constant feedback from recipients since the program began in 2007. Prep Pack contents can be easily absorbed into DIRECT RELIEF’S regular clinic inventory to avoid waste if not needed in an emergency. EMERGENCY RESPONSE The waterproof packs are designed for use in clinic settings or at COORDINATOR BRETT WILLIAMS REVIEWS alternate care sites, and are easily transported, as recipients demonstrated Y THE CONTENTS OF last year. Coastal Family Health Center in Gulfport, Mississippi, used the THE IMPROVED 2009 HURRICANE PREP PACK HURRICANE PREP PACK it received in 2008 aboard its mobile medical WITH JUDITH PEREZ, unit, which traveled to evacuation shelters in Texas and Louisiana during RN AT LAFAYETTE COMMUNITY HEALTH Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. Guadalupe Health Center in Texas received CARE CLINIC, LOUISIANA. last year’s Prep Pack just a few days before hurricane Dolly struck and THE PACK WILL HELP PREPARE THE CLINIC FOR flooding destroyed the clinic. They were able to flee the clinic with the WHAT IS PREDICTED TO BE AN ACTIVE HURRICANE Prep Pack and use it to treat evacuees while the clinic was closed. SEASON. FOLLOWING HURRICANES KATRINA AND RITA, LAFAYETTE PREP PACKS provided to U.S. clinic COMMUNITY HEALTH partners CONTAINED MEDICAL CARE CLINIC TREATED ITEMS TO TREAT 100 PATIENTS THOUSANDS OF DISPLACED EVACUEES. FOR 3-5 DAYS: Anti-infectives Biaxin and Omnicef from Abbott; FreeStyle Test Strips, FreeStyle Freedom System Kits, Sure Dose Syringes and FreeStyle Lancets for diabetes care, also all from Abbott Atenolol, Metoprolol, to treat hypertension Gentamicin and Sulfacetamide TO LEARN MORE Advil tablets for pain management Opthalmic Solution for eye infections about hurricane from Wyeth Silver Sulfadiazine Cream for burns preparedness in the U.S. Albuterol for asthma Metformin for management of and vulnerable Caribbean Povidine iodine for preventing diabetes countries—and hear how wound infections Stethoscope, blood pressure cuffs Direct Relief’s Prep Packs and exam gloves Anti-inflammatory ibuprofen and WILLIAM VAZQUEZ came in handy last year— Children’s Tylenol tablets Gauze and elastic bandages for visit: Epipens for emergency wound care epinephrine doses Clotrimazole and triple antibiotic EmergencyResponse/2009/ Carbamazepine, Depakote from ointment for skin infections HurricanePrepProgram.aspx Abbott, and Gabapentin for seizure control 4 WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG PAID ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER 2009 THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST
  • 5. SPECIAL REPORT: Direct Relief USA JESUSITA FIRE WAREHOUSE RESPONSE CHATTER ALAN PENNER Jesusita by the NUMBERS 30,500 PEOPLE EVACUATED 8,733 ACRES BURNED 24,000 N95 PARTICULATE RESPIRATORS DISTRIBUTED AWARDED HIGHEST GRADE FOR SECURITY, COMPLIANCE The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy has approved Direct Relief as the nation’s first nonprofit recipient of Verified- Accredited Wholesale Distributor (VAWD) certification. This achievement means that we meet or exceed the highest security and compliance standards for the distribution and storage of medical goods, and have the strongest controls on materials of any nonprofit. Other organizations with this high certification include leading businesses like CVS, UPS, and Walmart, among others. RSON ANDE LICENSED TO HEAL MATT READ MORE AND WATCH A VIDEO OF THE MASK DISTRIBUTION at: Direct Relief holds the licenses to distribute prescription drugs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This, on top of our federal registrations and certifications, lets us receive and deliver highly controlled H1N1 Flu materials, and allows us to reach any clinic, Response health center, and state or local government who require assistance in an emergency. Like our VAWD accreditation, Direct Relief is the D irect Relief coordinated its response to the H1N1 influenza outbreak in March with responding partners and associations in the U.S. and Mexico for the most only nonprofit in the U.S. to hold this level of licensing. effective and targeted provision of medical aid. With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommending that clinicians use protective supplies to prevent transmission of the new viral strain, Direct Relief immediately sent requested materials to clinics and PREPARING OURSELVES FOR community health centers in California and Texas. This EMERGENCIES PHOTO:REUTERS/JORGE DAN, COURTESY OF WWW.ALERTNET.ORG provision included Tylenol to treat patients’ fever symptoms, N95 particulate respirators, and hand sanitizer products. The best emergency preparedness begins N95 respirators, or protective masks, were specifically at home, and Direct Relief’s home in Santa indicated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Barbara, California is no exception. We Prevention to help prevent transmission of the virus. recently completed a 30-month project The National Institute of Pediatrics in Mexico City—a nonprofit children’s hospital that provides care at low or no of planning, permitting, and installing cost—received an emergency aid provision of 5,000 N95 an electric generator to ensure that our particulate respirators, Tylenol, gloves, and hand sanitizer operations can continue to run in the event product. of a power failure for six days without Direct Relief thanks BD, Cera Products, Inc., Henry refueling. This backup capacity is crucially Schein, and the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies important for medical materials in our for their generous contributions to the H1N1 flu emergency response. warehouse that require strict temperature controls, and for ensuring our ability FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT THE WHO at: to respond in the event of a regional emergency. WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG PAID ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER 2009 THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST 5
  • 6. We interrupt this report to bring you… FIND THE REST OF THE IT at DIRECTRELIEF.ORG WORLD CYCLONE AILA RESPONSE Asia Program Officer Matt MacCalla was in Bangladesh when Cyclone Aila struck the country’s and India’s southern coasts on May 25. Matt was conducting a follow up assessment trip with partners who responded to 2007’s Cyclone Sidr, REUTERS/JAYANTA SHAW, COURTESY OF WWW.ALERTNET.ORG and was coordinating the placement of emergency cyclone and flood modules in anticipation of this upcoming cyclone season. In response to Cyclone Aila, Direct Relief shipped the critically needed cyclone and flood relief modules along with a provision of essential pharmaceuticals and supplies to partners who were already serving thousands of people injured and displaced by the storm. Four disaster preparedness and response HEALTH INITIATIVES modules have been air-shipped to SUPPORTING partners in Bangladesh and India. MOTHERS WORLDWIDE Cyclone Aila affected more than The World Health Organization estimates that a 3.6 million people, left more than woman dies each minute from complications during 750,000 people homeless, and took pregnancy and childbirth—more than 500,000 each 300 lives. year worldwide. In developing countries, pregnancy is a life-threatening condition, as pregnancy and childbirth are the second leading cause of death learn among women of reproductive age. Many of the risks more for pregnant women and children in developing EmergencyResponse/ countries are related to general conditions of poverty, 2009/CycloneAila.aspx KRISTIN BROWN nutrition, and severely limited health resources and watch access that affect everyone. video from JFK Medical Direct Relief focuses on maternal and child Centre and meet the women whose health has been health—interventions that directly address the specific threats to women restored through obstetric during pregnancy through childbirth: expanding access to care by bolstering fistula repair. in-country health systems; ensuring safe delivery through midwife MILKEN INSTITUTE, learn training and kits; addressing complications with emergency obstetric GLOBAL CONFERENCE ourfocus/mch/ obstetricfistula.aspx more care; restoring health through obstetric fistula prevention and care; and 2009 about mothers and children living healthier lives at preventing mother to child transmission of HIV. Direct Relief President and CEO Thomas Tighe participated on a panel called “Global Aid Workers: Heroes on the Front Lines” at the Milken 100% OF CONTRIBUTIONS Institute’s Global Conference 2009. ARE DEVOTED watch video of the panel at TO OUR PROGRAMS. gcprogram.taf?function= etail&EvID=1637& eventid=GC09 All overhead (non-program) expenses are covered by a generous bequest. 6 WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG PAID ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER 2009 THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST
  • 7. Who’s thinking of Direct Relief? Named Direct Relief the nation’s #1 Slam-dunk Charity , and recognized Direct Relief as “exceptional” for earning a Four-Star Charity rating five years in a row. The Santa Barbara County Medical Reserve Corps Direct Relief committed to equipping volunteer emergency health professionals with custom- designed backpacks outfitted with supplies appropriate for emergency-response. Emergency Preparedness Sponsors Abbott provided vision and generous contributions to support Direct Relief’s Hurricane Preparedness Program in 2009, resulting in expanded prepositioned aid to more sites in the U.S. and Caribbean. With P&G’s generous financial support, Direct Relief was able to include PUR water purification packets in the hurricane modules and strengthen the ability of our partners in the Caribbean to assist patients with their drinking water needs. The medical supply manufacturer and corporate supporter featured Direct Relief and its partner volunteer project in Ghana in the May issue of National Geographic Magazine. The Boehringer Ingelheim CARES Foundation’s donations of medications are delivered nationwide to many low-income uninsured patients through Direct Relief USA’s work with U.S. free clinics and community health centers. YOUTH FOR DIRECT RELIEF A dynamic group of students from five Santa Barbara high schools raised more than $25,000 for Direct Relief programs through their March flower sale. That’s an A+ to us. BRYAN WATT Make a legacy gift to Direct Relief and extend your generosity beyond your lifetime. Your commitment and dedication will help Direct Relief continue its efforts to help people affected by poverty, emergencies, and civil unrest live better, healthier lives far into the future. LEAVE For more information, contact Jill Muchow Rode, CFRE, Director of Development A or (805) 964-4767 x181 LEGACY WE EXTEND OUR DEEPEST THANKS TO ALL OF THE COMPANIES WHO HAVE SUPPORTED DIRECT RELIEF USA OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS. 3M CVS Corporation Johnson & Johnson Pharma Medica Abbott Cypress Medical Products Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Progressive Medical International Aearo Company Cypress Pharmaceutical, Inc. King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Prometheus Laboratories Alcon Laboratories, Inc. DAVA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Marlex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Purdue Pharma, L.P. Alkermes, Inc. Den-Mat Corporation Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. Quidel Corporation Inc. Allergan, Inc. Dey Laboratories McKesson Medical-Surgical Redwood Bio Tech American CleanStat, LLC Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories LTD. McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharms. Reliant Pharmaceuticals, Inc. American Health Products Corporation E. Fougera & Company McNeil Nutritionals, LLC Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amgen Foundation, Inc. ETHICON Meda Pharmaceuticals Rye Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd Amsino International Evo Medical Solutions Medical Action Industries Sage Products, Inc. Aramco Services Company Fenwal Inc. Medline Industries Inc. Sandel Medical Industries, LLC AstraZeneca FNC Medical Corporation MedVantx Incorporated Sanofi Pasteur Baxter International Incorporated Forest Laboratories, Inc. Merck & Company, Inc. sanofi-aventis Bayer Consumer Care Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC Sappo Hill Soapworks BD FSC Laboratories, Inc. Microflex Schering-Plough Corporation Beaumont Products Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Midmark Corporation Sperian Protection Boehringer Ingelheim CARES Foundation Graham-Field, Inc. Miltex, Inc. Sunnight Solar Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Henry Schein, Inc. Neutrogena Corporation Sunstar Americas, Inc. Carlsbad Technology, Inc. Herban Essentials Nexxus Beauty Products Tarascon Publishing Cera Products, Inc. Hi-Tech Pharmacal Company, Inc. Nisim International Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Chattem Inc. Hogil Pharmaceutical North Safety Products The Harvard Drug Group Cobalt Laboratories Housechem OHM Laboratories, Inc. Titan Corporation Colgate-Palmolive Company InstyMeds Corporation / RedPharm Drug Omron Healthcare, Inc. Tri-anim ConMed Corporation Invacare Ossur Zee Medical, Inc. Covidien Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc. Procter & Gamble Zooth, a Division of Gillette Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Jarrow Formulas, Inc. Pfizer Inc. WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG PAID ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER 2009 THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST 7
  • 8. Get Connected with Direct Relief LEARN MORE SPREAD THE WORD INTERACT WITH EVEN RAISE MONEY! OTHER SUPPORTERS Become a fan and join with other Follow our tweets and learn about what’s Watch our videos (there are already Use your Facebook, MySpace and other social supporters, get our updates, and share happening daily in our world—photos from 27) and subscribe so you’re notified network profiles to support us by getting it with your friends. Our page also links to the the field, updates on outgoing medicines, when new videos are live. sponsored by your favorite brands and putting Causes application, where you can set up and more. a badge on your page. SocialVibe supporters your own fundraisers. have already earned us more than $15,000. > MORE AT DIRECTRELIEF.ORG/SUPPORTUS/GETCONNECTED.ASPX Follow the Leader. Bring your friends. —Win a tote. Help us meet our $100,000 challenge SARAH WILKINSON NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID SANTA BARBARA, CA PERMIT #756 27 S. LA PATERA LANE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 TEL: 805.964.4767 TOLL FREE: 800.676.1638 FAX: 805.681.4838 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Dorothy F. Largay, Ph.D. VICE CHAIR Thomas J. Cusack SECRETARY James H. Selbert TREASURER Kenneth J. Coates Frederick Beckett • Jon E. Clark • Patty DeDominic • Ernest H. Drew, Ph.D. Patrick Enthoven • Gary Finefrock • Paul Flynn • Richard Godfrey Bert Green, M.D. • Raye Haskell • Stanley C. Hatch • W. Scott Hedrick Priscilla Higgins, Ph.D. • Brett Hodges • Ellen K. Johnson • Donald J. Lewis Robert A. McLalan • Rita Moya • Carmen Elena Palomo • John Romo Ayesha Shaikh, M.D. • George Short • Ashley Parker Snider Gary R. Tobey • Sherry Villanueva INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD CHAIRMAN Frank N. Magid Lawrence R. Glenn • E. Carmack Holmes, M.D. S. Roger Horchow • Stanley S. Hubbard • Jon B. Lovelace Donald E. Petersen • Richard L. Schall • John W. Sweetland PRESIDENT & CEO Thomas Tighe HONORARY BOARD PRESIDENT EMERITUS Sylvia Karczag CHAIR EMERITUS Jean Hay DIRECTOR EMERITUS Dorothy Adams 8 WWW.DIRECTRELIEF.ORG PAID ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER 2009 THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST