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Substance Abuse among Native Americans
Reflecting on the many western movies of my youth, it can be clearly recalled that the Native Americans were either scalping Euro Americans or
getting sloppy drunks so they could not function physically and/or mentally. This abuse of alcohol and, in general, acceptance of drunken behavior
beyond recollection of actions or knowledge of one's environment, was widely accepted as the norm by Euro Americans outside of the Native
American world and far from the arid, treeless reservations. Although tribes vacillate with regard to the use of alcohol and drugs, substance
dependence is one of the principal sources of health problems facing Native Americans. As the graph below shows, there is a disparity in abuse. How
did this substance more content...
The newly acquired ideas were implemented in various Native American programs to improve the mental/physical health of all Native Americans.
Most programs, however, base their ongoing work on four key concepts. . (Beal et al 2005) They are analyzing how alcohol and drugs affect the
immediate family unit as well as how it affects relatives and friends physically, emotionally, and spiritually. What, if any of these affects are being
carried down from one generation to another. Does alcohol set off any of the other affects such as drug abuse, mental illness et al? Finally, coming to
the carefully scrutinized observation that alcoholism often co–exists in Indian communities with certain definite other problems like depression,
self–hate, cultural shame, and stress–related acting out or inappropriate misconduct. (NADC 2011)These four main ideas are still used today to further
identify and improve mental health conditions among the Native Americans. With regards to this, healthcare workers also identified a
number of emerging positive attitudes across Indian country. Tribes of Native American communities, for example, report that they are taking steps
themselves to eliminate abuse. The feeling is growing that the best––perhaps only way––to overcome Indian alcohol and substance abuse
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Native Americans had been able to do what they wanted until Christopher Columbus "founded" America in 1492 (stated by , which then,
everything changed for them. The native's lives have been affected in the past, present, and will be affected in the future. They have been treated
unfairly by the Americans, which has caused their culture to decrease over the years. Native American's culture, history, and daily life have been
affected by European migration into the Americas. Native Americans have had the most culture and individualism compared to some other place
heard of. They have had many dances, hunting techniques and practices to help them strive as a whole. For example, the Ghost Dance was used to
have the "gods" kill all the white people and bring back the buffalos since they relied so heavily on them for food, clothing, and material for whatever
else they needed(stated by Kathy Weiser) . They wouldn't waste anything and didn't take advantage of wildlife. The natives even helped the pilgrims
with food, shelter, and more content...
Today, there are about 330 Native American reservations and in 2014 there were 2% of the total population in the US was Native Americans (stated
by U.S. Census Bureau) . In 2060, it is believed that there will be 2.4% of Native Americans in the US population. The Native American culture and
people will hopefully continue to grow so they can share their culture and not be forgotten and mistreated again. Native American's culture, history, and
daily life have been affected by European migration into the Americas. The natives have been mistreated and have almost completely had their culture
taken away if they wouldn't have fought for themselves. Native Americans are strong people that deserve to live their lives however they want, as long
as it's not
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Essay On Europeans And Native Americans
The unexpected encounter between the Europeans and the Natives had the huge impact on the technology, economic, and population of the Natives. I
think that the encounter between the Europeans and the natives had a negative and positive impacts in different ways. Because of the encounter
between them Americans built a strong economy and it increased the population in the New World. This helped America because it helped the people
to farm and increase their trading between the other countries. I feel that the unexpected encounter between the Europeans and the Natives had an
extremely negative for having powerful weapons and spreading diseases such as smallpox, also for killing people. In documents 2, 3, 5, and 7 had a
huge impact on the natives in many ways. One example that was negative for the Natives was the Europeans spread smallpox to the natives which it
decreased the population in the New World. In Document 5 the illustration shows that the natives were dying because of the disease. Therefore, there
was no cure for that disease. The next example, the Europeans attacked the Natives by their advanced technology, which they were able to kill more
amount of natives. In document 2, it shows how the Europeans were killing, fighting and attacking the natives by their weapons. Another example,
even though the more content...
One example, Gosnold's found a Jamestown due to that he found different types of fruits and vegetables. In document 1, it shows that Gosnold found
huge types of fish like codfish, herring, and mackerel, also different types of small fish. Last example, the Europeans, the Africans, and the Americans
became together. In document 6, it talks about how the Europeans, Africans and the Americans came together to create a stronger economy, which it
increased the population in the New
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Native American Reflection Essay
History 1302 Native American Course In all honesty I have always disliked History classes. But, I can say that this one is by far one of the most
interesting History classes I have had. I liked the focused content from the Natives stories, struggles, and achievements. And how with ease the rest of
the topics were put together through the course. Making it by far the most relatable class I've had, from the modules, to the assignments, and
discussions. It made everything easy to understand. History is one of the classes that I've always put to the side. Because, between the names, dates
and different facts, and stories. It just has never been I think relatable to me. Therefore, I end up losing interest on the class. But, found myself relating
to the different topics. I think the main focus on the Native Americans, seeing their suffering, and struggles. Which I can relate to up to a certain point
as a minority, made me want to be a part of the discussions, I wanted to put my "two cents in" making it easy to understand the different topics, and
giving me a connection to the rest of the more content...
Like Myths and realities of the Native Americans, Native Americans rights, connected to the other topics like the other wars and populist movements,
and the chicano civil rights, or women's rights, and so on. Going with ease through big Topics i.e. Making of America, Causes and effects of WWI,
and WWII – The Industrialism and Urbanization – America between wars, Post war, and post modern America. Without noticing I found myself going
through many of the modules understanding and finding them very interesting. Finding the fact of how little by little I had gone through the different
points of the American history up to the recent ones with 9/11, post 9/11– without me saying I don't get it, or feeling
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Thesis Statement Of Native Americans
THESIS STATEMENT: The Native Americans were historically doomed because of the Europeans inability to accept elements of Native American
culture that they felt were savage, the natives inability to acknowledge the Europeans threat to their lifestyle and land, and the far superior European
army used to defeat Indian tribes. From the very moment that the Europeans stepped on American soil, they displayed their extraordinary military
power and savage outlook towards the native peoples. Their experience with civilized society with access to plenty of firepower gives them an
advantage when it comes to military attacks, and when they use this against the Native Americans, it is almost unfair. They attack the Native
Americans immediately when they step foot on US soil, and kill them as if they are trophy hunting. Barry Lopez, in The Rediscovery of North
America, states about the barbaric Spanish attacks on Native Americans, "The Spanish cut off the legs of children who ran from them. They poured
people full of boiling soap. They made bets as to who, with one sweep of his sword, could cut a person in half" (5). This quote shows how much
power the colonists held over the Native American and how their doom was essentially inevitable. Killing the Native Americans was practically a
hobby for the colonists at this point. The countless battles and land that they gained from the Native Americans also symbolized their power, such as
when the Spaniards invaded the town of Acoma. They
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The History of Native Americans Essay
The United States was a new nation in the 18th century when most of the world was divided among the European imperialist governments. Looking
right of religion, technology and military power, people from these nations began to claim the land and lock up new worlds of natural resources to
meet their needs, that is why some decided to immigrate to the United States seeking freedom and the opportunity for economical improvements; but
this search for improvement, among other things, only brought suffering and death to Native American tribes. In the United States, Indian groups were
willing to live with the newcomers until relations were strained by the continuing immigration to its territory, loss of resources, diseases and among more content...
The main purpose of the treaty, form the American perspective, was to remove the Indian threat to the peaceful westward expansion, and try to destroy
its cultures, spiritual, economic, and political traditions by assimilating Native American into American life. The signing of these treaties and the
adoption of policies and laws gradually declined sovereignty of indigenous nations. In the 1830's, Five Indians Nations lived in territories that many
Americans thought it might be more profitable for breeding, however, Americans could not do anything, because these tribes had signed treaties with
the federal government, which guaranteed them the right to live in their ancestral lands and maintain its sovereignty; and it is not surprising that these
notions were not willing to give up their land and to negotiate new treaties. That is why President Andrew Jackson decided that a new federal policy
would be necessary to remove the Indians from their lands. This policy was called Removal Act of 1830, and gave the president the right to remove
the five nations from their ancestral lands against their will. While Removal Act immediately helped alleviate the "Indian
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Essay On Native American Racism
Many Native Americans face racism on a daily basis from name–calling on the streets to offencive sports mascots mocking native heritage, as well as
the stereotypes in films and televisions. Furthermore, organizations that monitor racism say that incidents of racism against all people of color are on
the rise since US president Donald Trump's election. In 2017 a Montana radio host suggested Native American basketball players should host their
own tournament because the players are "unruly". Furthermore when a family traveled to watch their kid play at a basketball game they were told to
wait outside with another couple of their community and later informed by the sports director that they were only letting the white people in; not being
permitted into a place because of your race, it's hard to put it into words how it makes you feel when you are on the receiving end of racial
discrimination said the family that was denied entrance they added "Discrimination it more content...
Another incident of racism happened when Vern Traversie a 73 year old man who is blind and in a wheelchair was getting an open heart surgery in
2011 states that when he was under anesthesia his doctors branded him with three K's on his abdomen and attacked him when he was asking for
painkillers after the operation. They also made over 20 cuts on his abdomen for no medical reason. Although he did take it to the federal court, judges
dismissed it and ruled no prejudice was committed against him. Because of the lack of money he could not take the case further and had to drop the
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Essay about Native American
Native American
The story of the pilgrims and Native Americans was always taught in elementary school during the Thanksgiving holiday. The teachers frequently
called Native Americans "Indians". It never crossed my mind that the word "Indians" was the politically incorrect way of labeling Native Americans
until a student shouted it out to the teacher in 5th grade. It finally clicked in my mind that Indians are people from India not America.
Native Americans were always portrayed to be accepting culture when confronted with the Europeans during Thanksgiving. In elementary school,
everything is happy. I don't even remember learning American history. Columbus sailed the ocean blue, thought he was in India, and started the trend of more content...
To Europeans, they were considered "primitive"; Native Americans were not up to the standards of the settlers.
It's interesting to think of Native Americans to be the "founders" of America, but who are the founders of European nations? Australia hasIndigenous
people, America has Native Americans, what does Great Britain have? I can never think of a time when Britain had a "primitive" culture. There were
the cavemen, but the time of cavemen to the birth of Jesus seems to be lost.
Federal Indian Identification Policy – M. Annete Jaimes
From the reading, I have learned the oppression of American Indians by the Federal Government. I was surprised to read that Native Americans called
themselves American Indians. In my mind, the term American–Indian refers to a person born in India and has now become an American citizen. The
question of identity may be harder to answer with such a complication.
The blood quantum mechanism used to identify American Indians works as an opposite compared to how the government labeled Blacks. The federal
government identified those of at least half Indian blood to have the "benefits". Local governments prevented Blacks or half–blacks, or quarter–blacks,
or etc from civil right liberties. If you looked tan to the least, you were considered Black. It's interesting to notice such a paradox within the American
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The Environment and The Role of Native Americans
"What is man without the beast? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon
happens to man. All things are interconnected. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the sons of the earth...If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon
themselves...Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." (Perry, 1971)
Like many eager non native environmentalists, waiting to be engulfed by the green revolution, I saw the Indigenous culture as a link that could bring me
closer to the earth. I believed that the generation of biodiversity could more content...
Argument #1:
Their actions contradict their philosophies. Many of them are caught in capitalist games, paying retributions at the cost of the land and the environment
of which they own.
Reason for Argument:
With the federal government's support, many Native tribes have constructed Native Governments and Corporations where the rights to land and money
are placed to their own responsibility. What this actually means is that the rights of the people's land and monetary bonds are transferred from
governmental trust to
the hands of businessmen, laying everything out on the market. Unfamiliar with the ways of politics and economics, tribal communities would
initially be supportive of the idea that they finally have the land to themselves and may be able to uses it without governmental surveyance. In many
cases, mismanagement of business lead to dead ends and bankrupcies. Heavy in dept, the rights to the land goes to creditors ready to expoit. In a
particular case, the Navajo Forest Products Industry (NFPI), who occupied forest land that was almost depleted of old growth, conducted logging of
younger trees until the forest was devastated. Normally, such plans would have to go through Washington's Bureau of Indian Affairs via EIS, ESA, etc.
to meet several requirements prior to approval. According to BIA's reasoning, NFPI was exempted from having to conduct an audit or EIS.
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Native American And Native Americans
Native Americans have been forced out of their culture over time, forced into assimilation, lost their rights, and have lost their land due to policies
and laws by the whites that can't bear the Native American way of life. There used to be many Native American tribes all throughout North
America, and now these tribes are spread across the country and are blended into the rest of the population. The native ways have changed
drastically in the last two centuries due to relocation programs, Indian boarding schools, and the way to classify which tribe each person belongs
to. Native Americans have endured so much pain, which results from everything they have lost over time, and they have constantly paid the price
for their ethnicity. To begin with, whites were against the Native American ways of life. In the 1700 and 1800's, native tribes were given the
worst land for how the needed to survive with their lifestyle (Urban Relocation Program). Most were forced to live on reservations where most of
the people were at or below poverty levels. The urban relocation programs were set in place to move more natives off reservations to nearby cities
for better job opportunities, where they were supposed to receive stipends to live while they found work, which was not always given (Urban
Relocation Program). Many natives did not prosper in the city and resort to drugs and alcohol, in which some ended in death. The idea behind
relocation was to turn the natives into "urban Indians". By
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Native American Essay Thesis
Native American Essay Intro The cherokee indians were removed after gold was found in georgia, they left behind farms, homes and their land.The
government made The Treaty of New Echota which promised the indians land in indian territory,livestock, tools, and other benefits. They lost about
4,000 indians on the trail due to hunger,exposure and disease. They called it "The trail where they cried" and they mark the graves of the ones that did
not survive. Religious groups The numbers 4 and 7 repeatedly occur in myths,stories and ceremonies.The number 4 represents all the forces and also
represents the cardinal directions which are north,east,west and south. They can also be associated with colors. The number 7 represents the number of
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Native Americans And Native American Cultures
The initial clash between the European and Native American cultures is the start of our Mixed–American history. Like many other colonization stories,
concepts such as culture, religion, trade, and colonialism are tossed in a mix between virtues such as trust, acceptance, and fairness. Often times
neglecting the latter of the mixture. The oddity of such unions is that the native people are generally tolerant with the foreigners... until the foreigner
grows into the oppressor. Such is the case between the Native Americans and the European colonizers. Despite early collaboration, Native American
tribes responded with great despise and animosity towards the expanse of European colonization. The initial contact between Native Americans and
Europeans was rather easygoing. Both cultures didn't quite seem to understand each other and their ways. Nonetheless, both parties found methods to
be partially reliant (for the Native Americans lesser than the former) on the other in ways that helped settle the original inept feelings. An example of
such alliance was the start of Chesapeake colony, Virginia. Early settlements were dismantled by the inadequate environment and lack of food–only
until the collaboration with the Powhatan tribe were they able to then barely survive. With the exchange of survival, the Native Americans were given
goods such as metal tools, objects and other modern goods that helped ease day–to–day Indian lifestyle. Another example of positive collaboration in
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Native American And Native Americans
Native American Displacement Long ago on the great plains, the buffalo roamed and the Native Americans lived amongst each other. They were able
to move freely across the lands until the white men came and concentrated them into certain areas. Today there are more than five–hundred different
tribes with different beliefs and history. Native Americans still face problems about the horrific history they went through and today 's discrimination.
The removal of American Indian tribes is one of the most tragic events in American history. There are many treaties that have been signed by American
representatives and people of Indian tribes that guaranteed peace and the values of the Indian territories. The treaties were to assure that fur trade
would continue without interruption. The American people wanting Indian land has led to violent conflict between the two. Succeeding treaties
usually forced the tribes to give up their land to the United States government. There were laws made for Native American Displacement that didn't
benefit the Native Americans, these laws still have long lasting effects on them today, and there was a huge number of Native Americans killed for
many reasons. Cultural differences between the English and Native Americans took a toll of the Native American population. Throughout the
Northeast, making scalps out of the 'redskins' was very common during the war times. Colonists were paid for every Native they killed. for a scalp of a
male adult it was
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The Pros And Cons Of Native Americans
Since the first settlers came to America in 1607, the Native Americans have been treated poorly by the Europeans. The settlers came and stripped the
Natives of their land by wars that the Natives were not equipped to fight. Native Americans were forced to move towards the west into uncharted
territory and many died on the journey. The American government later made many promises to the Native Americans that were unkept, which had a
very troubling effect on their communities. The promises the United States government made to the Native Americans were for health care, education,
religious freedoms that are legally binding by the 6th amendment, which the United States have not always honored. One major issue within Native more content...
Of those who do pursue a higher education, only 39 percent will complete a college degree within six years." (Listverse) Which in comparison to other
American children is extremely low. For example, "In school year 2014–15, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school
students rose to 83 percent... In other words, more than 4 out of 5 students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting
9th grade." (NCES) That is a far leap from 20 percent of Native Americans to 83 percent of American kids. Native American children are not able to
become educated and receive more advanced level jobs. This is in part by far travel time that makes it harder and stacks more odds against Native
American children being able to graduate school.
Additionally, there is racism embedded within the schools and a stigma that comes from both students and teachers about Native Americans that affects
the children greatly, which leads to Native American children dropping out. Another example said by Senator John McCoy, "When the United States
signed its treaties with the Indian tribes, stripping them of their land, it promised to provide public services–including education–to tribal members in
perpetuity. "For too long, the federal leadership has failed to honor that sacred pledge, leaving generations of Native children behind," said Washington
State Senator John McCoy, a citizen of the Tulalip
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Native American History Essay
Popular culture has shaped our understanding and perception of Native American culture. From Disney to literature has given the picture of the "blood
thirsty savage" of the beginning colonialism in the new world to the "Noble Savage," a trait painted by non–native the West (Landsman and Lewis
184) and this has influenced many non native perceptions. What many outsiders do not see is the struggle Native American have on day to day bases.
Each generation of Native American is on a struggle to keep their traditions alive, but to function in school and ultimately graduate. The long history
between Native American and Europeans are a strained and bloody one. For the time of Columbus's subsequent visits to the new world, native culture more content...
A more pressing matter is that of the history in the classroom. With the one sided history being instructed to Native students bring a message that
"Their history does not matter," alienation begins to form and all motivation soon leaves the students (Laura). History class is not the only issue among
students; the nation's standardized test also leaves Native students behind their peers. Many questions are "Eurocentric and culturally bias" resulting in
many students who have grown in a traditional customs unable to answer the questions (Robertson). Many school curricula does not build on the
students strength of the student, it is only if the strength and skill is of the dominate culture that it will get attention (Landsman and Lewis 182). Many
native parents are reluctant for their children to be taught by non native teachers. The experiences through boarding schools has caused generation to
have negative thought of formal education has influence current attitudes to today's education system and teachers. Non native teachers are also at fault
for the reluctance of education. Teacher's who do not try to learn the culture of their native students never learn of many customs that do not appear in
European culture. Eye culture and participation in class are expected in schools by teachers. When teachers do not receive the jesters they believe the
student is being disrespectful or
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What if everyday in America there was not an action someone could take because someone of an opposite race sexually assaulted or domestically
abused that person? Often news outlets only focus on major even in cities or towns, but never the reservations. With the lack of awareness of the
number of rapes and domestic abuse victims on reservations, at large society is saying America doesn't care due to reservations having sovereignty.
Even with new laws signed into place by President Obama to deal with the rape and abuse problems to Native American women, that come from non
Native Americans, the problem with this is it's a pilot only on three tribes (Culp–Ressler,1).It is said it will expand soon, but how soon? America is not
known for more content...
(Horwitz,2). Now 547 tribes have to wait around to be able to protect those around them. "Can you imagine responding to call where there is clear
evidence of a crime committed by an individual and you cannot arrest them? I think the community felt cheated," Michael Valenzuela, the police chief
of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe (Culp–Ressler,1). The quote shows how hopeless those who would normally have power to help can not, and though
Native Americans are suppose to have sovereignty it seems to not be a true sovereign nation. If it is a claimed sovereign nation, then congress has
to let them deal with all issues on tribal land no matter what the race and right now that is not happening. Once it does, maybe they can be better
off and not have to worry as much. A Native American woman is two point five times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault(amnesty,1). If that
fact wasn't bad enough in only 2008,39% of Native American women said they were victims of domestic violence (Futures Without Violence,2).
Even though the numbers are that high, if someone were to ask everyday people in the mall "what racial community has the highest rape and abuse
rates?" most of them would draw a blank. The problem with society is the U.S. places importance by the color of skin, so the order the reports will
come out in will leave Native American women hanging because any reports made about the sexual assault and domestic violence are only cared about
by few, and often those
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Essay On Native American History
A significant amount of Native American history is inevitably extinct. Destroyed during the 1500's with no strength to recover it was never
recorded to be carried on. In this way the Natives were stripped to be molded into what was labeled as right by the European man. This men that
conquered the Native land were not only Europeans, but christians .They began their adventure by abusing their welcome and mistreating the
women and children of the tribes. While most fled to the mountains others were left to deal with the harsh task of the Europeans. The food provided
by the Natives was not enough, the christians needed to taste sweat and toil in order for their hunger to be satisfied. The natives needed to work
harder to be able to feed their families and provide an abundance to their tormentors to stay alive. The Chief's wife was often raped. After reach outs
of peace and questions of action the natives decided words were not a weapon in this battle. Arrows were shot and spears thrown but these merely
scratched the surface of what a gun could travel through quickly. The weapons of the more content...
They showed no threat to the Europeans providing these new dwellers with food, clothes, and shelter. Teaching them how to use the land they grew up
on and showing them the steps found in hunting. When the Christians arrived they were unsure of them but believed they could have been delivered
from heaven, after months of pain and agony they came to the conclusion that these men were no angels. Treated as less than because they did not
come from the same place or look similar to the Europeans, did not speak the same language , dress in the same manner or serve the same God. Native
American history was demolished when they were taken from the land they truthfully owned first , and enslaved without warning. The Age of
exploration was the death of a large amount of Native American culture that can never be
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Native American Art Essay
Art is a very realistic aspect among the Native Americans. In fact, what we call primitive art is actually symbolic objects from the process of a sacred
ceremony. This concept is one not easily understood. Furthermore, this concept by Sam Gill is explained in Native American Religions. Sam Gill
shows that Native American Art is different in meaning because of its contents then what modern societies consider art. Nonliterate people produce
objects of beauty through ceremonial performances and rituals that keeps the cosmos in order, while modern societies over look these factors. More in
depth, the entire concept of art and what is art differs in the world of the nonliterate societies. This is the first rule that needs to be analyzed.
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Once corn pollen is added, the holy people are present and then, the "repairing" begins with the relationship with the "life–giving forces." In the
cosmos, the destruction of the sand painting symbolizes the dissolution of the tensions and imbalances in that made the individual an ailing person. At
the end of this highly symbolic ritual, there is a healthy person or a "re–creation" of a well ordered world. Sand painting rituals is one example of
Native American beauty in art and cosmology as a whole. Though sand paintings are considered art, the real beauty lies in the whole of its contents
of healing and realigning the cosmos in an individual for order. Furthermore, Masks is another great example used by Sam Gill. He clearly reveals
that often times we misinterpret the meaning of mask: that they only hold a space on a shelf among others like itself, otherwise known as a
collection. However, masks hold a bigger significance than that. To the Natives, masks are living and when masked performances take place, the
deities are present. To view mask as art alone is to minimize the actual beauty and value behind the entire mask and its' function. There is a reason for
its existence and it's not just to be creative and productive. Typically, we consider masks as objects that hide or conceal something. In the Native
Americans' case, this is the furthest from the truth. Performing a mask in a ritual is
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Essay about Native American Conflicts and Wars
Native American Conflicts and Wars Native American conflicts and wars were the struggles between the native people and white people for the rich
lands that became the United States. The savage battles provide the background for many exciting stories and legends about frontier life and the
nation's development. English settlers established their small colonies along the Atlantic Coast in the early 1600's. As they moved into the Native
American's lands in greater and greater numbers, quarrels developed between the natives and whites. These disagreements often led to the death of a
native or a settler. Most of these wars resulted from such conflicts. These conflicts and wars continued until more content...
Native Americans killed or captured as many white men, women and children as possible, and often scalped the dead. A French missionary wrote of
them at war: "They approach like foxes, fight like lions, and disappear like birds." A basic cause for the fighting between white people and Native
Americans was the different way of life of each group. Some tribes raised corn and other vegetables, but they all hunted wild animals for food and
clothing. Most white settlers made a living by farming. In the East, they cut down forests to get farmland. Afton they destroyed trees and underbrush,
wild animals could no longer live there. In the West, white hunters killed thousands of buffalos just for their skins. The tribes usually had to choose
between moving to new hunting grounds, which were often occupied by hostile tribes, or fighting to keep their old ones. They know that the whites
threatened both their lives and their security. Both Native Americans and whites were to blame for the many frontier wars. The colonies refused to
recognize the tribes rights. They believed the Native American were savages without souls. The Native Americans, in turn, did not understand the
colonist's ways. For example, when the Native Americans signed a treaty, they thought they had sold only the right to use the land, not the land itself.
They did not realize that they could no
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Substance Abuse Among Native Americans

  • 1. Substance Abuse among Native Americans Reflecting on the many western movies of my youth, it can be clearly recalled that the Native Americans were either scalping Euro Americans or getting sloppy drunks so they could not function physically and/or mentally. This abuse of alcohol and, in general, acceptance of drunken behavior beyond recollection of actions or knowledge of one's environment, was widely accepted as the norm by Euro Americans outside of the Native American world and far from the arid, treeless reservations. Although tribes vacillate with regard to the use of alcohol and drugs, substance dependence is one of the principal sources of health problems facing Native Americans. As the graph below shows, there is a disparity in abuse. How did this substance more content... The newly acquired ideas were implemented in various Native American programs to improve the mental/physical health of all Native Americans. Most programs, however, base their ongoing work on four key concepts. . (Beal et al 2005) They are analyzing how alcohol and drugs affect the immediate family unit as well as how it affects relatives and friends physically, emotionally, and spiritually. What, if any of these affects are being carried down from one generation to another. Does alcohol set off any of the other affects such as drug abuse, mental illness et al? Finally, coming to the carefully scrutinized observation that alcoholism often co–exists in Indian communities with certain definite other problems like depression, self–hate, cultural shame, and stress–related acting out or inappropriate misconduct. (NADC 2011)These four main ideas are still used today to further identify and improve mental health conditions among the Native Americans. With regards to this, healthcare workers also identified a number of emerging positive attitudes across Indian country. Tribes of Native American communities, for example, report that they are taking steps themselves to eliminate abuse. The feeling is growing that the best––perhaps only way––to overcome Indian alcohol and substance abuse Get more content on
  • 2. Native Americans had been able to do what they wanted until Christopher Columbus "founded" America in 1492 (stated by , which then, everything changed for them. The native's lives have been affected in the past, present, and will be affected in the future. They have been treated unfairly by the Americans, which has caused their culture to decrease over the years. Native American's culture, history, and daily life have been affected by European migration into the Americas. Native Americans have had the most culture and individualism compared to some other place heard of. They have had many dances, hunting techniques and practices to help them strive as a whole. For example, the Ghost Dance was used to have the "gods" kill all the white people and bring back the buffalos since they relied so heavily on them for food, clothing, and material for whatever else they needed(stated by Kathy Weiser) . They wouldn't waste anything and didn't take advantage of wildlife. The natives even helped the pilgrims with food, shelter, and more content... Today, there are about 330 Native American reservations and in 2014 there were 2% of the total population in the US was Native Americans (stated by U.S. Census Bureau) . In 2060, it is believed that there will be 2.4% of Native Americans in the US population. The Native American culture and people will hopefully continue to grow so they can share their culture and not be forgotten and mistreated again. Native American's culture, history, and daily life have been affected by European migration into the Americas. The natives have been mistreated and have almost completely had their culture taken away if they wouldn't have fought for themselves. Native Americans are strong people that deserve to live their lives however they want, as long as it's not Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Europeans And Native Americans The unexpected encounter between the Europeans and the Natives had the huge impact on the technology, economic, and population of the Natives. I think that the encounter between the Europeans and the natives had a negative and positive impacts in different ways. Because of the encounter between them Americans built a strong economy and it increased the population in the New World. This helped America because it helped the people to farm and increase their trading between the other countries. I feel that the unexpected encounter between the Europeans and the Natives had an extremely negative for having powerful weapons and spreading diseases such as smallpox, also for killing people. In documents 2, 3, 5, and 7 had a huge impact on the natives in many ways. One example that was negative for the Natives was the Europeans spread smallpox to the natives which it decreased the population in the New World. In Document 5 the illustration shows that the natives were dying because of the disease. Therefore, there was no cure for that disease. The next example, the Europeans attacked the Natives by their advanced technology, which they were able to kill more amount of natives. In document 2, it shows how the Europeans were killing, fighting and attacking the natives by their weapons. Another example, even though the more content... One example, Gosnold's found a Jamestown due to that he found different types of fruits and vegetables. In document 1, it shows that Gosnold found huge types of fish like codfish, herring, and mackerel, also different types of small fish. Last example, the Europeans, the Africans, and the Americans became together. In document 6, it talks about how the Europeans, Africans and the Americans came together to create a stronger economy, which it increased the population in the New Get more content on
  • 4. Native American Reflection Essay History 1302 Native American Course In all honesty I have always disliked History classes. But, I can say that this one is by far one of the most interesting History classes I have had. I liked the focused content from the Natives stories, struggles, and achievements. And how with ease the rest of the topics were put together through the course. Making it by far the most relatable class I've had, from the modules, to the assignments, and discussions. It made everything easy to understand. History is one of the classes that I've always put to the side. Because, between the names, dates and different facts, and stories. It just has never been I think relatable to me. Therefore, I end up losing interest on the class. But, found myself relating to the different topics. I think the main focus on the Native Americans, seeing their suffering, and struggles. Which I can relate to up to a certain point as a minority, made me want to be a part of the discussions, I wanted to put my "two cents in" making it easy to understand the different topics, and giving me a connection to the rest of the more content... Like Myths and realities of the Native Americans, Native Americans rights, connected to the other topics like the other wars and populist movements, and the chicano civil rights, or women's rights, and so on. Going with ease through big Topics i.e. Making of America, Causes and effects of WWI, and WWII – The Industrialism and Urbanization – America between wars, Post war, and post modern America. Without noticing I found myself going through many of the modules understanding and finding them very interesting. Finding the fact of how little by little I had gone through the different points of the American history up to the recent ones with 9/11, post 9/11– without me saying I don't get it, or feeling Get more content on
  • 5. Thesis Statement Of Native Americans THESIS STATEMENT: The Native Americans were historically doomed because of the Europeans inability to accept elements of Native American culture that they felt were savage, the natives inability to acknowledge the Europeans threat to their lifestyle and land, and the far superior European army used to defeat Indian tribes. From the very moment that the Europeans stepped on American soil, they displayed their extraordinary military power and savage outlook towards the native peoples. Their experience with civilized society with access to plenty of firepower gives them an advantage when it comes to military attacks, and when they use this against the Native Americans, it is almost unfair. They attack the Native Americans immediately when they step foot on US soil, and kill them as if they are trophy hunting. Barry Lopez, in The Rediscovery of North America, states about the barbaric Spanish attacks on Native Americans, "The Spanish cut off the legs of children who ran from them. They poured people full of boiling soap. They made bets as to who, with one sweep of his sword, could cut a person in half" (5). This quote shows how much power the colonists held over the Native American and how their doom was essentially inevitable. Killing the Native Americans was practically a hobby for the colonists at this point. The countless battles and land that they gained from the Native Americans also symbolized their power, such as when the Spaniards invaded the town of Acoma. They Get more content on
  • 6. The History of Native Americans Essay The United States was a new nation in the 18th century when most of the world was divided among the European imperialist governments. Looking right of religion, technology and military power, people from these nations began to claim the land and lock up new worlds of natural resources to meet their needs, that is why some decided to immigrate to the United States seeking freedom and the opportunity for economical improvements; but this search for improvement, among other things, only brought suffering and death to Native American tribes. In the United States, Indian groups were willing to live with the newcomers until relations were strained by the continuing immigration to its territory, loss of resources, diseases and among more content... The main purpose of the treaty, form the American perspective, was to remove the Indian threat to the peaceful westward expansion, and try to destroy its cultures, spiritual, economic, and political traditions by assimilating Native American into American life. The signing of these treaties and the adoption of policies and laws gradually declined sovereignty of indigenous nations. In the 1830's, Five Indians Nations lived in territories that many Americans thought it might be more profitable for breeding, however, Americans could not do anything, because these tribes had signed treaties with the federal government, which guaranteed them the right to live in their ancestral lands and maintain its sovereignty; and it is not surprising that these notions were not willing to give up their land and to negotiate new treaties. That is why President Andrew Jackson decided that a new federal policy would be necessary to remove the Indians from their lands. This policy was called Removal Act of 1830, and gave the president the right to remove the five nations from their ancestral lands against their will. While Removal Act immediately helped alleviate the "Indian Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Native American Racism Many Native Americans face racism on a daily basis from name–calling on the streets to offencive sports mascots mocking native heritage, as well as the stereotypes in films and televisions. Furthermore, organizations that monitor racism say that incidents of racism against all people of color are on the rise since US president Donald Trump's election. In 2017 a Montana radio host suggested Native American basketball players should host their own tournament because the players are "unruly". Furthermore when a family traveled to watch their kid play at a basketball game they were told to wait outside with another couple of their community and later informed by the sports director that they were only letting the white people in; not being permitted into a place because of your race, it's hard to put it into words how it makes you feel when you are on the receiving end of racial discrimination said the family that was denied entrance they added "Discrimination it more content... Another incident of racism happened when Vern Traversie a 73 year old man who is blind and in a wheelchair was getting an open heart surgery in 2011 states that when he was under anesthesia his doctors branded him with three K's on his abdomen and attacked him when he was asking for painkillers after the operation. They also made over 20 cuts on his abdomen for no medical reason. Although he did take it to the federal court, judges dismissed it and ruled no prejudice was committed against him. Because of the lack of money he could not take the case further and had to drop the Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Native American Native American The story of the pilgrims and Native Americans was always taught in elementary school during the Thanksgiving holiday. The teachers frequently called Native Americans "Indians". It never crossed my mind that the word "Indians" was the politically incorrect way of labeling Native Americans until a student shouted it out to the teacher in 5th grade. It finally clicked in my mind that Indians are people from India not America. Native Americans were always portrayed to be accepting culture when confronted with the Europeans during Thanksgiving. In elementary school, everything is happy. I don't even remember learning American history. Columbus sailed the ocean blue, thought he was in India, and started the trend of more content... To Europeans, they were considered "primitive"; Native Americans were not up to the standards of the settlers. It's interesting to think of Native Americans to be the "founders" of America, but who are the founders of European nations? Australia hasIndigenous people, America has Native Americans, what does Great Britain have? I can never think of a time when Britain had a "primitive" culture. There were the cavemen, but the time of cavemen to the birth of Jesus seems to be lost. Federal Indian Identification Policy – M. Annete Jaimes From the reading, I have learned the oppression of American Indians by the Federal Government. I was surprised to read that Native Americans called themselves American Indians. In my mind, the term American–Indian refers to a person born in India and has now become an American citizen. The question of identity may be harder to answer with such a complication. The blood quantum mechanism used to identify American Indians works as an opposite compared to how the government labeled Blacks. The federal government identified those of at least half Indian blood to have the "benefits". Local governments prevented Blacks or half–blacks, or quarter–blacks, or etc from civil right liberties. If you looked tan to the least, you were considered Black. It's interesting to notice such a paradox within the American
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. The Environment and The Role of Native Americans "What is man without the beast? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are interconnected. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the sons of the earth...If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves...Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." (Perry, 1971) INTRODUCTION Like many eager non native environmentalists, waiting to be engulfed by the green revolution, I saw the Indigenous culture as a link that could bring me closer to the earth. I believed that the generation of biodiversity could more content... FRANKLY, WE DON'T NEED THEM Argument #1: Their actions contradict their philosophies. Many of them are caught in capitalist games, paying retributions at the cost of the land and the environment of which they own. Reason for Argument: With the federal government's support, many Native tribes have constructed Native Governments and Corporations where the rights to land and money are placed to their own responsibility. What this actually means is that the rights of the people's land and monetary bonds are transferred from governmental trust to the hands of businessmen, laying everything out on the market. Unfamiliar with the ways of politics and economics, tribal communities would initially be supportive of the idea that they finally have the land to themselves and may be able to uses it without governmental surveyance. In many cases, mismanagement of business lead to dead ends and bankrupcies. Heavy in dept, the rights to the land goes to creditors ready to expoit. In a particular case, the Navajo Forest Products Industry (NFPI), who occupied forest land that was almost depleted of old growth, conducted logging of
  • 11. younger trees until the forest was devastated. Normally, such plans would have to go through Washington's Bureau of Indian Affairs via EIS, ESA, etc. to meet several requirements prior to approval. According to BIA's reasoning, NFPI was exempted from having to conduct an audit or EIS. Get more content on
  • 12. Native American And Native Americans Native Americans have been forced out of their culture over time, forced into assimilation, lost their rights, and have lost their land due to policies and laws by the whites that can't bear the Native American way of life. There used to be many Native American tribes all throughout North America, and now these tribes are spread across the country and are blended into the rest of the population. The native ways have changed drastically in the last two centuries due to relocation programs, Indian boarding schools, and the way to classify which tribe each person belongs to. Native Americans have endured so much pain, which results from everything they have lost over time, and they have constantly paid the price for their ethnicity. To begin with, whites were against the Native American ways of life. In the 1700 and 1800's, native tribes were given the worst land for how the needed to survive with their lifestyle (Urban Relocation Program). Most were forced to live on reservations where most of the people were at or below poverty levels. The urban relocation programs were set in place to move more natives off reservations to nearby cities for better job opportunities, where they were supposed to receive stipends to live while they found work, which was not always given (Urban Relocation Program). Many natives did not prosper in the city and resort to drugs and alcohol, in which some ended in death. The idea behind relocation was to turn the natives into "urban Indians". By Get more content on
  • 13. Native American Essay Thesis Native American Essay Intro The cherokee indians were removed after gold was found in georgia, they left behind farms, homes and their land.The government made The Treaty of New Echota which promised the indians land in indian territory,livestock, tools, and other benefits. They lost about 4,000 indians on the trail due to hunger,exposure and disease. They called it "The trail where they cried" and they mark the graves of the ones that did not survive. Religious groups The numbers 4 and 7 repeatedly occur in myths,stories and ceremonies.The number 4 represents all the forces and also represents the cardinal directions which are north,east,west and south. They can also be associated with colors. The number 7 represents the number of Get more content on
  • 14. Native Americans And Native American Cultures The initial clash between the European and Native American cultures is the start of our Mixed–American history. Like many other colonization stories, concepts such as culture, religion, trade, and colonialism are tossed in a mix between virtues such as trust, acceptance, and fairness. Often times neglecting the latter of the mixture. The oddity of such unions is that the native people are generally tolerant with the foreigners... until the foreigner grows into the oppressor. Such is the case between the Native Americans and the European colonizers. Despite early collaboration, Native American tribes responded with great despise and animosity towards the expanse of European colonization. The initial contact between Native Americans and Europeans was rather easygoing. Both cultures didn't quite seem to understand each other and their ways. Nonetheless, both parties found methods to be partially reliant (for the Native Americans lesser than the former) on the other in ways that helped settle the original inept feelings. An example of such alliance was the start of Chesapeake colony, Virginia. Early settlements were dismantled by the inadequate environment and lack of food–only until the collaboration with the Powhatan tribe were they able to then barely survive. With the exchange of survival, the Native Americans were given goods such as metal tools, objects and other modern goods that helped ease day–to–day Indian lifestyle. Another example of positive collaboration in the Get more content on
  • 15. Native American And Native Americans Native American Displacement Long ago on the great plains, the buffalo roamed and the Native Americans lived amongst each other. They were able to move freely across the lands until the white men came and concentrated them into certain areas. Today there are more than five–hundred different tribes with different beliefs and history. Native Americans still face problems about the horrific history they went through and today 's discrimination. The removal of American Indian tribes is one of the most tragic events in American history. There are many treaties that have been signed by American representatives and people of Indian tribes that guaranteed peace and the values of the Indian territories. The treaties were to assure that fur trade would continue without interruption. The American people wanting Indian land has led to violent conflict between the two. Succeeding treaties usually forced the tribes to give up their land to the United States government. There were laws made for Native American Displacement that didn't benefit the Native Americans, these laws still have long lasting effects on them today, and there was a huge number of Native Americans killed for many reasons. Cultural differences between the English and Native Americans took a toll of the Native American population. Throughout the Northeast, making scalps out of the 'redskins' was very common during the war times. Colonists were paid for every Native they killed. for a scalp of a male adult it was Get more content on
  • 16. The Pros And Cons Of Native Americans Since the first settlers came to America in 1607, the Native Americans have been treated poorly by the Europeans. The settlers came and stripped the Natives of their land by wars that the Natives were not equipped to fight. Native Americans were forced to move towards the west into uncharted territory and many died on the journey. The American government later made many promises to the Native Americans that were unkept, which had a very troubling effect on their communities. The promises the United States government made to the Native Americans were for health care, education, religious freedoms that are legally binding by the 6th amendment, which the United States have not always honored. One major issue within Native more content... Of those who do pursue a higher education, only 39 percent will complete a college degree within six years." (Listverse) Which in comparison to other American children is extremely low. For example, "In school year 2014–15, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students rose to 83 percent... In other words, more than 4 out of 5 students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade." (NCES) That is a far leap from 20 percent of Native Americans to 83 percent of American kids. Native American children are not able to become educated and receive more advanced level jobs. This is in part by far travel time that makes it harder and stacks more odds against Native American children being able to graduate school. Additionally, there is racism embedded within the schools and a stigma that comes from both students and teachers about Native Americans that affects the children greatly, which leads to Native American children dropping out. Another example said by Senator John McCoy, "When the United States signed its treaties with the Indian tribes, stripping them of their land, it promised to provide public services–including education–to tribal members in perpetuity. "For too long, the federal leadership has failed to honor that sacred pledge, leaving generations of Native children behind," said Washington State Senator John McCoy, a citizen of the Tulalip Get more content on
  • 17. Native American History Essay Popular culture has shaped our understanding and perception of Native American culture. From Disney to literature has given the picture of the "blood thirsty savage" of the beginning colonialism in the new world to the "Noble Savage," a trait painted by non–native the West (Landsman and Lewis 184) and this has influenced many non native perceptions. What many outsiders do not see is the struggle Native American have on day to day bases. Each generation of Native American is on a struggle to keep their traditions alive, but to function in school and ultimately graduate. The long history between Native American and Europeans are a strained and bloody one. For the time of Columbus's subsequent visits to the new world, native culture more content... A more pressing matter is that of the history in the classroom. With the one sided history being instructed to Native students bring a message that "Their history does not matter," alienation begins to form and all motivation soon leaves the students (Laura). History class is not the only issue among students; the nation's standardized test also leaves Native students behind their peers. Many questions are "Eurocentric and culturally bias" resulting in many students who have grown in a traditional customs unable to answer the questions (Robertson). Many school curricula does not build on the students strength of the student, it is only if the strength and skill is of the dominate culture that it will get attention (Landsman and Lewis 182). Many native parents are reluctant for their children to be taught by non native teachers. The experiences through boarding schools has caused generation to have negative thought of formal education has influence current attitudes to today's education system and teachers. Non native teachers are also at fault for the reluctance of education. Teacher's who do not try to learn the culture of their native students never learn of many customs that do not appear in European culture. Eye culture and participation in class are expected in schools by teachers. When teachers do not receive the jesters they believe the student is being disrespectful or Get more content on
  • 18. What if everyday in America there was not an action someone could take because someone of an opposite race sexually assaulted or domestically abused that person? Often news outlets only focus on major even in cities or towns, but never the reservations. With the lack of awareness of the number of rapes and domestic abuse victims on reservations, at large society is saying America doesn't care due to reservations having sovereignty. Even with new laws signed into place by President Obama to deal with the rape and abuse problems to Native American women, that come from non Native Americans, the problem with this is it's a pilot only on three tribes (Culp–Ressler,1).It is said it will expand soon, but how soon? America is not known for more content... (Horwitz,2). Now 547 tribes have to wait around to be able to protect those around them. "Can you imagine responding to call where there is clear evidence of a crime committed by an individual and you cannot arrest them? I think the community felt cheated," Michael Valenzuela, the police chief of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe (Culp–Ressler,1). The quote shows how hopeless those who would normally have power to help can not, and though Native Americans are suppose to have sovereignty it seems to not be a true sovereign nation. If it is a claimed sovereign nation, then congress has to let them deal with all issues on tribal land no matter what the race and right now that is not happening. Once it does, maybe they can be better off and not have to worry as much. A Native American woman is two point five times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault(amnesty,1). If that fact wasn't bad enough in only 2008,39% of Native American women said they were victims of domestic violence (Futures Without Violence,2). Even though the numbers are that high, if someone were to ask everyday people in the mall "what racial community has the highest rape and abuse rates?" most of them would draw a blank. The problem with society is the U.S. places importance by the color of skin, so the order the reports will come out in will leave Native American women hanging because any reports made about the sexual assault and domestic violence are only cared about by few, and often those Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Native American History A significant amount of Native American history is inevitably extinct. Destroyed during the 1500's with no strength to recover it was never recorded to be carried on. In this way the Natives were stripped to be molded into what was labeled as right by the European man. This men that conquered the Native land were not only Europeans, but christians .They began their adventure by abusing their welcome and mistreating the women and children of the tribes. While most fled to the mountains others were left to deal with the harsh task of the Europeans. The food provided by the Natives was not enough, the christians needed to taste sweat and toil in order for their hunger to be satisfied. The natives needed to work harder to be able to feed their families and provide an abundance to their tormentors to stay alive. The Chief's wife was often raped. After reach outs of peace and questions of action the natives decided words were not a weapon in this battle. Arrows were shot and spears thrown but these merely scratched the surface of what a gun could travel through quickly. The weapons of the more content... They showed no threat to the Europeans providing these new dwellers with food, clothes, and shelter. Teaching them how to use the land they grew up on and showing them the steps found in hunting. When the Christians arrived they were unsure of them but believed they could have been delivered from heaven, after months of pain and agony they came to the conclusion that these men were no angels. Treated as less than because they did not come from the same place or look similar to the Europeans, did not speak the same language , dress in the same manner or serve the same God. Native American history was demolished when they were taken from the land they truthfully owned first , and enslaved without warning. The Age of exploration was the death of a large amount of Native American culture that can never be Get more content on
  • 20. Native American Art Essay Art is a very realistic aspect among the Native Americans. In fact, what we call primitive art is actually symbolic objects from the process of a sacred ceremony. This concept is one not easily understood. Furthermore, this concept by Sam Gill is explained in Native American Religions. Sam Gill shows that Native American Art is different in meaning because of its contents then what modern societies consider art. Nonliterate people produce objects of beauty through ceremonial performances and rituals that keeps the cosmos in order, while modern societies over look these factors. More in depth, the entire concept of art and what is art differs in the world of the nonliterate societies. This is the first rule that needs to be analyzed. more content... Once corn pollen is added, the holy people are present and then, the "repairing" begins with the relationship with the "life–giving forces." In the cosmos, the destruction of the sand painting symbolizes the dissolution of the tensions and imbalances in that made the individual an ailing person. At the end of this highly symbolic ritual, there is a healthy person or a "re–creation" of a well ordered world. Sand painting rituals is one example of Native American beauty in art and cosmology as a whole. Though sand paintings are considered art, the real beauty lies in the whole of its contents of healing and realigning the cosmos in an individual for order. Furthermore, Masks is another great example used by Sam Gill. He clearly reveals that often times we misinterpret the meaning of mask: that they only hold a space on a shelf among others like itself, otherwise known as a collection. However, masks hold a bigger significance than that. To the Natives, masks are living and when masked performances take place, the deities are present. To view mask as art alone is to minimize the actual beauty and value behind the entire mask and its' function. There is a reason for its existence and it's not just to be creative and productive. Typically, we consider masks as objects that hide or conceal something. In the Native Americans' case, this is the furthest from the truth. Performing a mask in a ritual is Get more content on
  • 21. Essay about Native American Conflicts and Wars Native American Conflicts and Wars Native American conflicts and wars were the struggles between the native people and white people for the rich lands that became the United States. The savage battles provide the background for many exciting stories and legends about frontier life and the nation's development. English settlers established their small colonies along the Atlantic Coast in the early 1600's. As they moved into the Native American's lands in greater and greater numbers, quarrels developed between the natives and whites. These disagreements often led to the death of a native or a settler. Most of these wars resulted from such conflicts. These conflicts and wars continued until more content... Native Americans killed or captured as many white men, women and children as possible, and often scalped the dead. A French missionary wrote of them at war: "They approach like foxes, fight like lions, and disappear like birds." A basic cause for the fighting between white people and Native Americans was the different way of life of each group. Some tribes raised corn and other vegetables, but they all hunted wild animals for food and clothing. Most white settlers made a living by farming. In the East, they cut down forests to get farmland. Afton they destroyed trees and underbrush, wild animals could no longer live there. In the West, white hunters killed thousands of buffalos just for their skins. The tribes usually had to choose between moving to new hunting grounds, which were often occupied by hostile tribes, or fighting to keep their old ones. They know that the whites threatened both their lives and their security. Both Native Americans and whites were to blame for the many frontier wars. The colonies refused to recognize the tribes rights. They believed the Native American were savages without souls. The Native Americans, in turn, did not understand the colonist's ways. For example, when the Native Americans signed a treaty, they thought they had sold only the right to use the land, not the land itself. They did not realize that they could no Get more content on